%%%%% % NOTE -- ONLY EDIT THE .Rnw FILE!!! The .tex file is % likely to be overwritten. % % \VignetteIndexEntry{Lab 7} %\VignetteDepends{Biobase,affy,ctest,multtest,bioclabs,annotate,hgu95av2} %\VignetteKeywords{Microarray} \documentclass[12pt]{article}
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\title{Lab 7: Analyzing Microarray Data: From Images to List of Candidate Genes}
In this lab, we demonstrate how to use R and Bioconductor to 1) read-in Affymetrix cel files, 2) do some quality control checks, 3) pre-process the cel level data to obtain expression measures, 4) obtain scores for differential expression and cut-offs to create list, and finally 5) create user-friendly web pages to report results.
\section{Read-In Cel Files} The function \verb+ReadAffy+ can be used to read in cel files and enter phenotypic data as well as MIAME information.
\begin{Sinput} R> spikein <- ReadAffy(phenoData="phenodata.txt",description="miame.txt", verbose=TRUE) R> phenodata <- read.phenoData("phenodata.txt",check.names=FALSE) R> phenoData(spikein) <- phenodata \end{Sinput}
The data one would obtain by doing this is available from the \verb+bioclabs+ package.
\section{Quality Control} Various functions exist in the \verb+affy+ package that can be used for quality control. Let's try a few...
The different colors represent the two different populations.
We can also use \verb+image+, \verb+boxplot+, among others...
\section{Pre-processing} Now we need to convert the probe-level data into expression measures. Various methods are available through the function \verb+expresso+ and one can easily create a new one using the function \verb+express+.
Now we will use the function \verb+rma+ which is implemented in C and
is therefore quite fast.
\section{Differential Expression} In this section we will compute the average log ratio for between the two populations and the t-test as well. We will then obtain adjusted p-values and create a list with genes that are statistically significant.
First, notice there are two populations and 12 replicates in each.
Let's get average intensities, average log ratios, t-tests, and
p-values using the \verb+t.test+ function.
Now let's make the genes be in the rows and give appropriate names to the columns:
Now let's make an M (average log ratio) vs A (average intensity plot). The horizontal line shows the typical two-fold-change cutoff.
Should we take the variability of the estimates into account? It's only 3 replicates but we can try a t-test. The following is a so-called volcano plot which plots the t-test versus the estimate.
How many genes have p-values less than 0.05? How about 0.01?
Maybe we should adjust the p-values. Let's use the \verb+multtest+ package to obtain adjusted p-values using Benjamini and Yekutieli's procedures for (strong) control of the false discovery rate (FDR).
The function \verb+mt.rawp2adjp+ gives adjusted p-values according to various methods using only the raw p-values.
This assumes that the t-test are actually t-distributed. If we had more time we could try a non-parametric method such as maxT using the function \verb+mt.maxT+.
At what FDR would we be happy? 0.01 is pretty conservative. Let's try it anyway. In the next section we will make a
\section{Creating Report}
First let's pick the AffyIDs corresponding to the genes with adjusted p-values of less than 0.01.
Now using the data available through the metadata package \verb+hgu95av2+ lets find the corresponding gene names and locus link IDs.
We can now make a nice web-page
How we faired with the known to be differentially expressed genes? Of
the genes we called how many where actually differential expressed?
Not bad... but not 0.01 FDR either.
Let's make an MVA plot with the gene names.
Was it worth using a t-tests over the more simple fold change estimates?
Let's see which one does better at ranking the truly differentially expressed genes: