Registration and Abstract Submission Open for
GBCC2025: Joint Galaxy/Bioconductor Conference
Early registration discount pricing ends March 31!

Course Materials for 2010

Introduction to R and Bioconductor

December, Seattle, USA

This workshop is designed to introduce new users to essential R / Bioconductor tools useful in high throughput analysis. Topics are covered at a very high level to provide participants with an overview of available tools; individual topics are not covered in detail.

Bioconductor Developer Meeting Europe

November, Heidelberg, Germany

This meeting was aimed at Bioconductor contributors and at users who want to become package developers. The goal of the meeting was exchange of technical experiences and new developments, and the coordination of related efforts.

BioC 2010

July, Seattle, WA

This conference highlights current developments within and beyond Bioconductor, an international open source and open development software project for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data.

Computational Statistics for Genome Biology 2010

June, Bressanone-Brixen, Italy

This one week intensive course is intended to give insights into recent advances in statistical and computational aspects of the design and interpretation of microarray experiments. The topics will include all aspects of the data analysis of microarray experiments for transcript profiling and ChIP-chip. The course is intended mainly for researchers with a basic understanding of microarray technology and its statistical and computational challenges. The four practical sessions of the course will be most beneficial for participants that are able to converse in a programming language such as R.

Advanced RNA-Seq and ChiP-Seq data analysis

June, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany

The course covers data analysis of ChIP-Seq and RNA-Seq experiments including Alignment, data handling and visualisation, region identification, differential expression, data quality assessment, integrative bioinformatic and statistical analysis, using R/Bioconductor as well as other open source software tools.

Advanced R Programming for Bioinformatics

May, Seattle, USA

This workshop is suited for experienced R / Bioconductor users interested in developing or honing advance R programming skills. The course emphasizes programming "best practices", and encourages participants to contribute their experience in a group learning environment.

Advances in Bioinformatics and Genomics Symposium

February, Stanford, USA

The 2nd Advances in Bioinformatics and Genomics Symposium will highlight cutting-edge advances in bioinformatics/genomics research and software development.

Introduction to R and Bioconductor

January, Seattle, USA

This course introduces R and Bioconductor tools for analysis of high-throughput microarray and short read sequence data. It is designed for beginning or intermediate users of R and Bioconductor. A major theme for this workshop is reproducible research. To that end, participants will develop their own R package containing work developed during the course.