| MGBoundary () |
| Void constructor. [詳解]
| MGBoundary (MGCellNB *pcell) |
| Constructor of one parameter cell. [詳解]
| MGBoundary (std::list< MGCellNB * > &pcells) |
| Constructor from list of member pcells. [詳解]
| MGBoundary (const MGBoundary &boundary) |
| Boundary data pcells that constitute complex. [詳解]
virtual | ~MGBoundary () |
| original boundary. [詳解]
virtual MGBoundary & | operator= (const MGBoundary &gel2) |
virtual MGBoundary & | operator+= (const MGVector &v) |
| Object transformation. [詳解]
virtual MGBoundary & | operator-= (const MGVector &v) |
virtual MGBoundary & | operator*= (double scale) |
virtual MGBoundary & | operator*= (const MGMatrix &mat) |
virtual MGBoundary & | operator*= (const MGTransf &tr) |
virtual bool | active () const =0 |
| Test if this is an active boundary. [詳解]
virtual MGBoundary * | clone (MGCell &parent) const =0 |
| Return the box of this boundary. [詳解]
virtual MGBoundary * | clone () const =0 |
virtual MGBoundary * | clone_without_binders (MGCell &parent) const =0 |
| Make a clone that has not binders. [詳解]
virtual MGBoundary * | clone_without_binders () const =0 |
virtual bool | closed () const =0 |
| Test if this is closed boundary. [詳解]
MGUnit_vector | direction_star (int i) const |
bool | empty () |
bool | equal_direction (int i, const MGBoundary &bound2, int j) const |
virtual long | identify_type () const =0 |
| Return Object's type ID (TID) [詳解]
virtual int | manifold_dimension () const =0 |
| Get manifold dimension. [詳解]
virtual void | negate () |
virtual void | negate_as_boundary (const MGCellNB *parent=0) |
int | number_of_pcells () const |
| Obtain how many parameter cells are included in the boundary. [詳解]
virtual std::ostream & | out (std::ostream &) const |
| Output virtual function. [詳解]
void | set_binder (int i, MGCellNB &binder) const |
MGCell * | set_parent (MGCell &new_parent) const |
const MGCellNB * | star () const |
| Get the star cell. [詳解]
MGCellNB * | star () |
virtual std::string | whoami () const |
| MGComplex () |
| Void constructor. [詳解]
| MGComplex (const MGComplex &complex) |
| MGComplex (const MGCellNB &cell) |
| MGComplex (MGCellNB *cell) |
virtual | ~MGComplex () |
virtual MGComplex & | operator= (const MGGel &gel2) |
virtual MGComplex & | operator= (const MGComplex &gel2) |
MGComplex | operator+ (const MGVector &v) const |
MGComplex | operator- (const MGVector &v) const |
MGComplex | operator* (double s) const |
MGComplex | operator* (const MGMatrix &mat) const |
MGComplex | operator* (const MGTransf &tr) const |
MGComplex | operator/ (double s) const |
virtual bool | operator< (const MGComplex &gel2) const |
| comparison [詳解]
virtual bool | operator< (const MGGel &gel2) const |
const_bcellItr | bcell_begin () const |
| Obtain first bcell iterator. [詳解]
bcellItr | bcell_begin () |
const_bcellItr | bcell_end () const |
| Obtain end bcell iterator(next of the last bcell). [詳解]
bcellItr | bcell_end () |
const MGCellNB * | bcelli (int i) const |
| Obtain i-the pcell in the m_bcells sequence. MGCellNB version. [詳解]
MGCellNB * | bcelli (int i) |
const_bcellItr | bcellIterator (int i) const |
| Obtain i-the pcell in the m_bcells sequence. MGCellNB version. [詳解]
bcellItr | bcellIterator (int i) |
bool | bcell_exist () const |
| Cehck if bcell exist. [詳解]
MGCellNB * | binder (int i) const |
| Obtain the binder of i-the pcell, may be null. [詳解]
std::vector< MGCellNB * > | binders () const |
const MGBox & | box () const |
| Return the box of this complex. [詳解]
MGPosition | center () const |
void | drawWire (mgVBO &vbo, double span_length, int line_density=1) const |
virtual void | drawWire_in_star (mgVBO &vbo, double span_length, int line_density=1) const |
virtual void | draw3DVertex (mgVBO &vbo) const |
virtual void | draw3DVertex_in_star (mgVBO &vbo) const |
void | erase_first_pcell () |
void | erase_last_pcell () |
| erase first pcell. [詳解]
void | erase_pcell (MGCellNB *pcell) |
| erase last pcell. [詳解]
const MGCellNB * | first_pcell () const |
| Get fisrt pcell pointer. [詳解]
MGCellNB * | first_pcell () |
bool | includes (const MGCellNB *cell) const |
const MGCellNB * | last_pcell () const |
| Get last pcell pointer. [詳解]
MGCellNB * | last_pcell () |
int | number_of_bcells () const |
| count number of bcells of the complex [詳解]
int | number_of_pcells () const |
| count number of pcells of the complex [詳解]
const_pcellItr | pcell_begin () const |
| Obtain first pcell iterator. [詳解]
pcellItr | pcell_begin () |
const_pcellItr | pcell_end () const |
| Obtain end pcell iterator(next of the last pcell). [詳解]
pcellItr | pcell_end () |
const MGCellNB * | pcelli (int i) const |
| Obtain i-the pcell. MGCellNB version. [詳解]
MGCellNB * | pcelli (int i) |
const_pcellItr | pcellIterator (int i) const |
| Obtain i-th pcell iterator. [詳解]
pcellItr | pcellIterator (int i) |
bool | pcell_exist () const |
| Cehck if pcell exist. [詳解]
std::vector< MGCellNB * > | pcells () |
std::vector< const MGCellNB * > | pcells () const |
MGPosition | pick_closest (const MGStraight &sl) const |
const MGCellNB * | star () const |
MGCellNB * | star () |
| MGTopology () |
| Void constructor(初期化なしでオブジェクトを作成する。) [詳解]
| MGTopology (const MGTopology &topo) |
| Copy constructor. [詳解]
virtual | ~MGTopology () |
virtual MGTopology & | operator= (const MGTopology &gel2) |
virtual MGisects | intersection (const MGObject &obj2) const |
virtual MGisects | intersection (const MGCurve &obj2) const |
virtual MGisects | intersection (const MGFSurface &obj2) const |
virtual MGisects | intersection (const MGSurface &obj2) const |
virtual MGisects | intersection (const MGFace &obj2) const |
virtual MGisects | intersection (const MGShell &obj2) const |
MGTopology * | topology () |
| Return MGTopology pointer if this MGGel is an MGTopology, else return null. [詳解]
const MGTopology * | topology () const |
| MGObject () |
| Void constructor(初期化なしでオブジェクトを作成する。) [詳解]
| MGObject (const MGObject &obj2) |
| Copy constructor. [詳解]
virtual | ~MGObject () |
| Virtual Destructor. [詳解]
virtual MGObject & | operator= (const MGObject &obj2) |
MGAppearance * | appearance () |
const MGAppearance * | appearance () const |
virtual void | shade (mgVBO &vbo, const MGDrawParam ¶, mgVBO::ELEMENT_TARGET target=mgVBO::SHADING) const |
| Shade the object in world coordinates. [詳解]
MGAppearance * | ensure_appearance () |
virtual void | make_display_list (MGCL::VIEWMODE vmode=MGCL::DONTCARE) const |
| Make a display list of this gel. [詳解]
bool | has_common (const MGObject &obj2) const |
const MGObject * | includes_object () const |
| Test if this gel includes an object. [詳解]
MGObject * | includes_object () |
| Test if this gel includes an object. [詳解]
virtual MGisects | intersection (const MGPoint &obj2) const |
void | remove_appearance () |
| Remove the MGAppearance of this MGAttribedGel. [詳解]
virtual MGObject * | object () |
| Return MGObject pointer if this MGGel is an MGObject, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGObject * | object () const |
virtual const MGFSurface * | fsurface () const |
| Get the MGFSurface pointer if this is MGSurface or MGFace. [詳解]
virtual MGFSurface * | fsurface () |
void | set_appearance (const MGAppearance &appr2) |
virtual void | transform (const MGVector &v) |
| Transform the gel by the argument. [詳解]
virtual void | transform (double scale) |
| translation [詳解]
virtual void | transform (const MGMatrix &mat) |
| scaling. [詳解]
virtual void | transform (const MGTransf &tr) |
| matrix transformation. [詳解]
| MGAttribedGel () |
| void constructor. [詳解]
| MGAttribedGel (const MGAttribedGel &gel2) |
| copy constructor. [詳解]
virtual MGAttribedGel & | operator= (const MGAttribedGel &gel2) |
virtual | ~MGAttribedGel () |
void | copy_appearance (const MGAttribedGel &gel2) |
mgVBO * | dlist_name () const |
virtual bool | displayList_is_made (MGCL::VIEWMODE vmode) const |
| Judge if the display list for vmode is made or not. [詳解]
void | deleteDlistName () const |
virtual void | drawAttrib (mgVBO &vbo, bool no_color=false) const |
| Process of draw or render attributes. [詳解]
virtual void | render_attribute () const |
virtual int | get_draw_attrib_mask () const |
| Obtain attribute mask for glPushAttrib(). [詳解]
virtual int | get_render_attrib_mask () const |
int | getVBOElementsNumber () const |
| Get the number of elements of m_dlistName. [詳解]
int | getVBOShaderElementsNumber () const |
| Get the number of shading elements of m_dlistName. [詳解]
virtual bool | no_display () const |
void | remove_GLattrib (long tid) |
| Removed the attribute of specified type. [詳解]
virtual void | set_GLattrib (MGGLAttrib *attr) |
virtual void | set_display () |
| Set this group as display or no display group. [詳解]
virtual void | set_no_display () |
bool | visible () const |
void | set_name (const MGName &newName) |
const MGName * | get_name () const |
void | set_color (const MGColor &newColor) |
const MGColor * | get_color () const |
void | setDlistName (mgVBO *vbo=0) const |
void | setDirty (bool is_dirty) const |
| Set dirty flag(s) of this VBO(m_dlistName). [詳解]
virtual | ~MGGel () |
| Virtual Destructor. [詳解]
virtual bool | operator== (const MGGel &gel2) const |
| Comparison. [詳解]
virtual bool | operator!= (const MGGel &gel2) const |
virtual bool | operator> (const MGGel &gel2) const |
virtual int | out_to_IGES (MGIgesOfstream &igesfile, int SubordinateEntitySwitch=0) const |
virtual MGAttrib * | attrib () |
| Return MGAttrib pointer if this MGGel is an MGAttrib, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGAttrib * | attrib () const |
virtual MGGroup * | group () |
| Return MGGroup pointer if this MGGel is an MGGroup, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGGroup * | group () const |
virtual MGGeometry * | geometry () |
| Return MGGeometry pointer if this MGGel is an MGGeometry, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGGeometry * | geometry () const |
virtual MGPoint * | point () |
| Return point pointer if this MGGel is an MGPoint, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGPoint * | point () const |
virtual MGCurve * | curve () |
| Return curve pointer if this MGGel is an MGCurve, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGCurve * | curve () const |
virtual MGSurface * | surf () |
| Return MGSurface pointer if this MGGel is an MGSurface, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGSurface * | surf () const |
virtual MGFace * | face () |
| Return MGFace pointer if this MGGel is an MGFace, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGFace * | face () const |
virtual MGShell * | shell () |
| Return MGShell pointer if this MGGel is an MGShell, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGShell * | shell () const |
std::string | string_content () const |
bool | type_is (const MGAbstractGels &types) const |
virtual void | display_arrows (mgSysGL &sgl) const |
virtual void | display_break_points (mgSysGL &sgl) const |
virtual void | display_control_polygon (mgSysGL &sgl) const |
virtual void | display_curvatures (mgSysGL &sgl, double scale, int density, bool use_radius) const |