class | MGAppearance |
| A container class to hold MGGLAttrib objects. [詳解]
class | MGConstructionPlane |
| MGConstructionPlane defines a construction plane ton input 3D data. [詳解]
class | MGContext |
| MGContext defines the attributes of a document. [詳解]
class | mgFuncTypeSwitcher |
| Utility class to invoke glsl's setFuncType. [詳解]
class | mgGLSLProgram |
| mgGLSLProgramはOpenGL Shader Programをcompile , linkしてそのuniform変数の管理を行います. [詳解]
union | mgGLSLProgram::SELECT_NAME |
class | MGglViewAttrib |
| MGglViewAttrib is a class to serialize MGOpenGLView. [詳解]
class | MGImage |
| MGImage defines bit map image data. [詳解]
class | MGStringWriter |
| Defines String writer class using mgVBO(OpenGL infrastructure). [詳解]
class | MGOpenGLView |
| Defines OpenGL display class for MGCL objects. [詳解]
class | MGPixel |
| Define MGPixel Class of (R,G,B,A) pixel data. [詳解]
class | mgSys2GL |
| Defines two mgSysGL objects. [詳解]
class | mgSysGL |
| mgSysGL is a class to provide a facility to draw temporal pictures. [詳解]
class | mgSysGLList |
| Defines a list of mgSysGL. [詳解]
class | mgVBO |
| OpenGL 4 用描画のためのクラス, in other words, display list. [詳解]
class | mgLightModeSwitcher |
| Utility class to invoke mgVBO::setLightMode(). [詳解]
class | VBObyAnchorPt |
| 文字列描画のためのVBOクラス. [詳解]
class | mgVBOByScreen |
| mgVBOByScreen is a VBO to draw pictures in screen coordinates of a constant z value. [詳解]
class | mgVBOElement |
| Interface class to include an element in mgVBO class's. [詳解]
class | mgVBOLeaf |
| mgVBOに対して描画データ作成後の情報を保持するためのクラス. [詳解]
class | mgVBOPointer |
| MGGroupなどでmemberのMGGelの描画をmgVBOのelementとするためのクラス. [詳解]
class | mgVBOLeafPointer |
| すでに作成済みのmgVBOLeafをVBOのメンバー(element)として保持するためのクラス. [詳解]