This page was generated on 2019-04-16 11:58:38 -0400 (Tue, 16 Apr 2019).
RnBeads 2.0.1 Fabian Mueller
Snapshot Date: 2019-04-15 17:01:12 -0400 (Mon, 15 Apr 2019) |
URL: |
Branch: RELEASE_3_8 |
Last Commit: 1e73169 |
Last Changed Date: 2019-01-04 13:17:35 -0400 (Fri, 04 Jan 2019) |
| malbec1 | Linux (Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS) / x86_64 | OK | OK | OK | |  |
merida1 | OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan / x86_64 | OK | OK | [ OK ] | OK |  |
R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11) -- "Great Truth"
Copyright (C) 2019 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.
> BiocGenerics:::testPackage("RnBeads")
Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, basename, cbind, colMeans, colSums, colnames,
dirname,, duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl,
intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply, match, mget,
order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank, rbind,
rowMeans, rowSums, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply,
union, unique, unsplit, which, which.max, which.min
Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
Attaching package bit
package:bit (c) 2008-2012 Jens Oehlschlaegel (GPL-2)
creators: bit bitwhich
coercion: as.logical as.integer as.bit as.bitwhich which
operator: ! & | xor != ==
querying: print length any all min max range sum summary
bit access: length<- [ [<- [[ [[<-
for more help type ?bit
Attaching package: 'bit'
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
Attaching package ff
- getOption("fftempdir")=="/tmp/Rtmp3mVEBt"
- getOption("ffextension")=="ff"
- getOption("ffdrop")==TRUE
- getOption("fffinonexit")==TRUE
- getOption("ffpagesize")==65536
- getOption("ffcaching")=="mmnoflush" -- consider "ffeachflush" if your system stalls on large writes
- getOption("ffbatchbytes")==16777216 -- consider a different value for tuning your system
- getOption("ffmaxbytes")==536870912 -- consider a different value for tuning your system
Attaching package: 'ff'
The following objects are masked from 'package:bit':
clone, clone.default, clone.list
The following objects are masked from 'package:utils':
write.csv, write.csv2
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
is.factor, is.ordered
Spam version 2.2-2 (2019-03-07) is loaded.
Type 'help( Spam)' or 'demo( spam)' for a short introduction
and overview of this package.
Help for individual functions is also obtained by adding the
suffix '.spam' to the function name, e.g. 'help( chol.spam)'.
Attaching package: 'spam'
The following object is masked from 'package:stats4':
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
backsolve, forwardsolve
Attaching package: 'maps'
The following object is masked from 'package:cluster':
See˜nychka/Fields for
a vignette and other supplements.
Attaching package: 'gplots'
The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
Attaching package: 'gridExtra'
The following object is masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':
Attaching package: 'limma'
The following object is masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':
Welcome to Bioconductor
Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
Attaching package: 'Biobase'
The following objects are masked from 'package:matrixStats':
anyMissing, rowMedians
Attaching package: 'AnnotationDbi'
The following object is masked from 'package:MASS':
Attaching package: 'DelayedArray'
The following objects are masked from 'package:matrixStats':
colMaxs, colMins, colRanges, rowMaxs, rowMins, rowRanges
The following object is masked from 'package:ff':
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
aperm, apply
Attaching package: 'Biostrings'
The following object is masked from 'package:DelayedArray':
The following objects are masked from 'package:ff':
mismatch, pattern
The following object is masked from 'package:base':
locfit 1.5-9.1 2013-03-22
Setting options('download.file.method.GEOquery'='auto')
Setting options('GEOquery.inmemory.gpl'=FALSE)
Attaching package: 'plyr'
The following object is masked from 'package:XVector':
The following object is masked from 'package:matrixStats':
The following object is masked from 'package:maps':
The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
2019-04-16 02:34:22 0.7 STATUS STARTED Unit testing: differential
2019-04-16 02:34:22 0.7 STATUS STARTED Testing function: rowWelchP
Loading required package: RnBeads.hg19
2019-04-16 02:34:23 0.7 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: rowWelchP
2019-04-16 02:34:23 0.7 STATUS STARTED Testing function: limmaP
2019-04-16 02:34:23 0.7 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: limmaP
2019-04-16 02:34:23 0.7 STATUS STARTED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:34:24 0.7 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:34:24 0.7 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:34:24 0.7 STATUS STARTED Testing function: computeDiffTab.default.region
2019-04-16 02:34:25 0.7 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:34:30 0.8 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: computeDiffTab.default.region
2019-04-16 02:34:31 0.8 STATUS STARTED Testing function: combineTestPvalsMeth
2019-04-16 02:34:31 0.8 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: combineTestPvalsMeth
2019-04-16 02:34:31 0.8 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.adjustment.variables
2019-04-16 02:34:32 0.8 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.adjustment.variables
2019-04-16 02:34:32 0.8 STATUS STARTED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:34:32 0.8 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:34:33 0.8 STATUS STARTED Testing function: rnb.execute.computeDiffMeth
2019-04-16 02:34:33 0.8 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:34:33 0.8 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:34:34 0.8 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:34:34 0.8 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:34:34 0.8 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:34:34 0.8 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:34:35 0.8 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:34:35 0.8 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:34:36 1.0 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:34:37 1.0 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:34:38 1.0 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:34:38 1.0 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:34:39 1.0 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:34:39 1.0 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:34:40 1.0 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:34:40 1.0 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:34:40 1.0 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:34:40 1.0 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:34:41 1.0 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:34:42 1.1 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:34:43 1.1 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:34:43 1.1 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:34:44 1.1 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:34:44 1.1 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:34:44 1.1 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:34:45 1.1 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:34:45 1.1 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: rnb.execute.computeDiffMeth
2019-04-16 02:34:45 1.1 STATUS STARTED Testing function: diffVar
2019-04-16 02:34:46 1.1 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:34:46 1.1 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:34:46 1.1 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
Coefficients not estimable: x2x2
2019-04-16 02:34:48 1.1 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:34:48 1.1 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: diffVar
2019-04-16 02:34:48 1.1 STATUS STARTED Testing function: apply.iEVORA
2019-04-16 02:34:49 1.1 STATUS STARTED iEVORA method
2019-04-16 02:34:51 1.2 INFO No DVCs detected. All p-values set to 1.
2019-04-16 02:34:51 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED iEVORA method
2019-04-16 02:34:51 1.2 STATUS STARTED Testing function: rnb.execute.diffVar
2019-04-16 02:34:52 1.2 STATUS STARTED Differential Variability
2019-04-16 02:34:52 1.2 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:34:52 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:34:53 1.2 INFO No imputation method selected, 'knn' method used.
2019-04-16 02:34:53 1.2 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:34:53 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:34:54 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:34:54 1.2 INFO Conducting differential variability using diffVar
2019-04-16 02:34:54 1.2 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:34:55 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:34:55 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Variability Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:34:56 1.2 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:34:57 1.2 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:34:57 1.2 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:34:58 1.2 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:34:58 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Variability Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:34:58 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:34:59 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:34:59 1.2 INFO Conducting differential variability using diffVar
2019-04-16 02:34:59 1.2 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:34:59 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:35:00 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Variability Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:01 1.2 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:35:01 1.2 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:35:02 1.2 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:35:02 1.2 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:35:03 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Variability Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:03 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:35:03 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Differential Variability
2019-04-16 02:35:04 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: rnb.execute.diffVar
2019-04-16 02:35:04 1.2 STATUS STARTED Testing function: rnb.execute.computeDiffMeth and Variability
2019-04-16 02:35:04 1.2 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:35:04 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:35:05 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:35:05 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:35:05 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:06 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:35:06 1.2 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:35:06 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:35:07 1.2 INFO Conducting differential variability using diffVar
2019-04-16 02:35:07 1.2 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:35:07 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:35:08 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:08 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:10 1.2 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:35:11 1.2 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:35:12 1.2 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:35:12 1.2 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:35:13 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:13 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:35:13 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:35:14 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:14 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:35:14 1.2 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:35:14 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:35:15 1.2 INFO Conducting differential variability using diffVar
2019-04-16 02:35:15 1.2 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:35:15 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:35:16 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:16 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:18 1.2 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:35:19 1.2 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:35:20 1.2 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:35:21 1.2 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:35:21 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:21 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:35:22 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:35:22 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: rnb.execute.computeDiffMeth and Variability
2019-04-16 02:35:22 1.2 STATUS STARTED Testing class: RnBDiffMeth
2019-04-16 02:35:22 1.2 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:35:23 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:35:23 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:35:23 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:35:24 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:24 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:35:24 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:24 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:25 1.2 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:35:26 1.2 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:35:27 1.2 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:35:27 1.2 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:35:27 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:28 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:35:28 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:35:28 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:29 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:35:29 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:29 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:30 1.2 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:35:31 1.2 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:35:31 1.2 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:35:32 1.2 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:35:32 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:33 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:35:33 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:35:33 1.2 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:35:34 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:35:34 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:35:34 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:35:34 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:35 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:35:35 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:35 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:36 1.2 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:35:37 1.2 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:35:37 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:38 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:35:38 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:35:38 1.2 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:35:38 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:35:39 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:35:39 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:35:39 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:40 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:35:40 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:40 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:41 1.2 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:35:42 1.2 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:35:42 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:42 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:35:43 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:35:43 1.2 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:35:43 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:35:44 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:35:44 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:35:44 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:44 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:35:45 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:45 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:46 1.2 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:35:46 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:46 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:35:47 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:35:47 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:47 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:35:47 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:48 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:48 1.2 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:35:49 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:49 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:35:49 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:35:50 1.2 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:35:50 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:35:50 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:35:50 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:35:51 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:51 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:35:51 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:35:52 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:52 1.2 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:35:53 1.2 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:35:54 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:35:54 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:35:54 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:35:54 1.2 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.region.types
2019-04-16 02:35:55 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.region.types
2019-04-16 02:35:55 1.2 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.comparisons
2019-04-16 02:35:55 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.comparisons
2019-04-16 02:35:56 1.2 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.comparison.grouplabels
2019-04-16 02:35:56 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.comparison.grouplabels
2019-04-16 02:35:56 1.2 STATUS STARTED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:35:56 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:35:57 1.2 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.table
2019-04-16 02:35:57 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.table
2019-04-16 02:35:57 1.2 STATUS STARTED Testing function: addDiffMethTable
2019-04-16 02:35:58 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:35:58 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: addDiffMethTable
2019-04-16 02:35:58 1.2 STATUS STARTED Testing functions: join.diffMeth, is.valid
2019-04-16 02:35:59 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Testing functions: join.diffMeth, is.valid
2019-04-16 02:35:59 1.2 STATUS STARTED Destructor
2019-04-16 02:35:59 1.2 STATUS STARTED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:00 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:00 1.2 STATUS STARTED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:00 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:01 1.2 STATUS STARTED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:01 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:01 1.2 STATUS STARTED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:01 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:02 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Destructor
2019-04-16 02:36:02 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Testing class: RnBDiffMeth
2019-04-16 02:36:02 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: apply.iEVORA
2019-04-16 02:36:03 1.2 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:36:03 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:36:03 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:36:04 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:36:04 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:04 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:04 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:05 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:06 1.2 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:36:06 1.2 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:36:07 1.2 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:36:08 1.2 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:36:08 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:08 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:36:09 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:36:09 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:09 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:10 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:10 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:11 1.2 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:36:12 1.2 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:36:13 1.2 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:36:13 1.2 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:36:13 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:14 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:36:14 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:36:14 1.2 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:36:15 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:36:15 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:36:15 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:36:15 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:16 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:16 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:16 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:17 1.2 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:36:18 1.2 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:36:18 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:19 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:36:19 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:36:19 1.2 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:36:20 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:36:20 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:36:20 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:36:20 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:21 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:21 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:21 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:22 1.2 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:36:23 1.2 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:36:23 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:24 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:36:24 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:36:24 1.2 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:36:24 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:36:25 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:36:25 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:36:25 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:25 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:26 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:26 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:26 1.2 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:36:27 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:27 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:36:27 1.2 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:36:27 1.2 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:28 1.2 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:28 1.2 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:28 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:29 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:36:29 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:29 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:36:29 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:36:30 1.3 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:36:30 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:36:30 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:36:30 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:36:31 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:31 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:31 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:31 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:32 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:36:33 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:36:33 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:33 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:36:34 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:36:34 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.region.types
2019-04-16 02:36:34 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.region.types
2019-04-16 02:36:34 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.comparisons
2019-04-16 02:36:35 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.comparisons
2019-04-16 02:36:35 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.comparison.grouplabels
2019-04-16 02:36:35 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.comparison.grouplabels
2019-04-16 02:36:35 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:36:35 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:36:36 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.table
2019-04-16 02:36:36 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.table
2019-04-16 02:36:36 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: addDiffMethTable
2019-04-16 02:36:37 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:37 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: addDiffMethTable
2019-04-16 02:36:37 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing functions: join.diffMeth, is.valid
2019-04-16 02:36:38 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing functions: join.diffMeth, is.valid
2019-04-16 02:36:38 1.3 STATUS STARTED Destructor
2019-04-16 02:36:38 1.3 STATUS STARTED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:39 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:39 1.3 STATUS STARTED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:39 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:39 1.3 STATUS STARTED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:40 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:40 1.3 STATUS STARTED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:40 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:36:41 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Destructor
2019-04-16 02:36:41 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:41 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:42 1.3 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:36:42 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:36:43 1.3 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
Coefficients not estimable: x2x2
2019-04-16 02:36:43 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:36:43 1.3 STATUS STARTED Unit testing: differential
2019-04-16 02:36:44 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: rowWelchP
2019-04-16 02:36:44 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: rowWelchP
2019-04-16 02:36:44 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: limmaP
2019-04-16 02:36:45 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: limmaP
2019-04-16 02:36:45 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:36:45 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:46 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:36:46 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: computeDiffTab.default.region
2019-04-16 02:36:46 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:47 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: computeDiffTab.default.region
2019-04-16 02:36:47 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: combineTestPvalsMeth
2019-04-16 02:36:48 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: combineTestPvalsMeth
2019-04-16 02:36:48 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.adjustment.variables
2019-04-16 02:36:48 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.adjustment.variables
2019-04-16 02:36:49 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:36:49 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:36:49 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: rnb.execute.computeDiffMeth
2019-04-16 02:36:50 1.3 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:36:50 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:36:50 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:36:50 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:36:51 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:51 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:51 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:51 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:52 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:36:53 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:36:54 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:36:54 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:36:55 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:55 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:36:55 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:36:55 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:56 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:36:56 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:36:56 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:36:57 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:36:58 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:36:59 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:36:59 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:36:59 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:00 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:37:00 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:37:00 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: rnb.execute.computeDiffMeth
2019-04-16 02:37:00 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: diffVar
2019-04-16 02:37:01 1.3 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:37:01 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:37:01 1.3 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
Coefficients not estimable: x2x2
2019-04-16 02:37:02 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:37:02 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: diffVar
2019-04-16 02:37:03 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: apply.iEVORA
2019-04-16 02:37:03 1.3 STATUS STARTED iEVORA method
2019-04-16 02:37:05 1.3 INFO No DVCs detected. All p-values set to 1.
2019-04-16 02:37:05 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED iEVORA method
2019-04-16 02:37:06 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: rnb.execute.diffVar
2019-04-16 02:37:06 1.3 STATUS STARTED Differential Variability
2019-04-16 02:37:06 1.3 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:37:07 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:37:07 1.3 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:37:07 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:37:08 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:37:08 1.3 INFO Conducting differential variability using diffVar
2019-04-16 02:37:08 1.3 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:37:09 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:37:09 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Variability Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:10 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:37:11 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:37:12 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:37:12 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:37:12 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Variability Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:13 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:37:13 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:37:13 1.3 INFO Conducting differential variability using diffVar
2019-04-16 02:37:14 1.3 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:37:14 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:37:15 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Variability Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:16 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:37:16 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:37:17 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:37:17 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:37:18 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Variability Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:18 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:37:18 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Differential Variability
2019-04-16 02:37:19 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: rnb.execute.diffVar
2019-04-16 02:37:19 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: rnb.execute.computeDiffMeth and Variability
2019-04-16 02:37:19 1.3 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:37:20 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:37:20 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:37:20 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:37:20 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:37:21 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:37:21 1.3 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:37:21 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:37:22 1.3 INFO Conducting differential variability using diffVar
2019-04-16 02:37:22 1.3 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:37:22 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:37:23 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:37:23 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:25 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:37:26 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:37:26 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:37:27 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:37:27 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:28 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:37:28 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:37:28 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:37:29 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:37:29 1.3 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:37:29 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:37:30 1.3 INFO Conducting differential variability using diffVar
2019-04-16 02:37:30 1.3 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:37:30 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:37:31 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:37:31 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:33 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:37:34 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:37:35 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:37:35 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:37:36 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:36 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:37:36 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:37:37 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: rnb.execute.computeDiffMeth and Variability
2019-04-16 02:37:37 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing class: RnBDiffMeth
2019-04-16 02:37:37 1.3 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:37:38 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:37:38 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:37:38 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:37:39 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:37:39 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:37:39 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:37:40 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:41 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:37:42 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:37:42 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:37:43 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:37:43 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:44 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:37:44 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:37:44 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:37:45 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:37:45 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:37:45 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:47 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:37:47 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:37:48 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:37:49 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:37:49 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:49 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:37:50 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:37:50 1.3 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:37:50 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:37:51 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:37:51 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:37:51 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:37:52 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:37:52 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:37:52 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:53 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:37:54 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:37:55 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:55 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:37:55 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:37:56 1.3 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:37:56 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:37:56 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:37:56 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:37:57 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:37:57 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:37:57 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:37:58 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:37:58 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:38:00 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:38:00 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:00 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:38:00 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:38:01 1.3 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:38:01 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:38:01 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:38:02 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:38:02 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:02 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:38:03 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:03 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:04 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:38:04 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:04 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:38:05 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:38:05 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:05 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:38:06 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:06 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:06 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:38:07 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:07 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:38:07 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:38:08 1.3 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:38:08 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:38:08 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:38:09 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:38:09 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:09 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:38:10 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:10 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:11 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:38:12 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:38:12 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:12 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:38:13 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:38:13 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.region.types
2019-04-16 02:38:13 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.region.types
2019-04-16 02:38:14 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.comparisons
2019-04-16 02:38:14 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.comparisons
2019-04-16 02:38:14 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.comparison.grouplabels
2019-04-16 02:38:15 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.comparison.grouplabels
2019-04-16 02:38:15 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:38:15 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function:
2019-04-16 02:38:15 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: get.table
2019-04-16 02:38:16 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: get.table
2019-04-16 02:38:16 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing function: addDiffMethTable
2019-04-16 02:38:16 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:38:17 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: addDiffMethTable
2019-04-16 02:38:17 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing functions: join.diffMeth, is.valid
2019-04-16 02:38:18 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing functions: join.diffMeth, is.valid
2019-04-16 02:38:18 1.3 STATUS STARTED Destructor
2019-04-16 02:38:18 1.3 STATUS STARTED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:38:19 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:38:19 1.3 STATUS STARTED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:38:19 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:38:19 1.3 STATUS STARTED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:38:20 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:38:20 1.3 STATUS STARTED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:38:20 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Deleting RnBDiffMeth disk dump files from disk
2019-04-16 02:38:21 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Destructor
2019-04-16 02:38:21 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing class: RnBDiffMeth
2019-04-16 02:38:21 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing function: apply.iEVORA
2019-04-16 02:38:22 1.3 STATUS STARTED iEVORA method
2019-04-16 02:38:24 1.3 INFO No DVCs detected. All p-values set to 1.
Coefficients not estimable: x2x2
2019-04-16 02:38:24 1.3 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:38:25 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:38:25 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:38:25 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:38:26 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:26 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:38:26 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:27 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:28 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:38:29 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:38:29 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:38:30 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:38:30 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:31 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:38:31 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:38:31 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:31 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:38:32 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:32 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:33 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:38:34 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:38:34 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:38:35 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:38:35 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:36 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:38:36 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:38:36 1.3 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:38:37 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:38:37 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:38:37 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:38:37 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:38 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:38:38 1.3 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:38:38 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:38:39 1.3 INFO Conducting differential variability using diffVar
2019-04-16 02:38:39 1.3 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:38:39 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:38:40 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:40 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:42 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:38:42 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:38:43 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:38:44 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:38:44 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:45 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:38:45 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:38:45 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:45 1.3 INFO Conducting differential analysis using limma
2019-04-16 02:38:46 1.3 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:38:46 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:38:46 1.3 INFO Conducting differential variability using diffVar
2019-04-16 02:38:47 1.3 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:38:47 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:38:48 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Table
2019-04-16 02:38:48 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:49 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:38:50 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:38:51 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:38:52 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:38:52 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Methylation Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:53 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing: KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:38:53 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing differential methylation tables
2019-04-16 02:38:53 1.3 STATUS STARTED Differential Variability
2019-04-16 02:38:53 1.3 STATUS STARTED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:38:54 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Retrieving comparison info
2019-04-16 02:38:54 1.3 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:38:54 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:38:55 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:38:55 1.3 INFO Conducting differential variability using diffVar
2019-04-16 02:38:55 1.3 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:38:56 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:38:56 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Variability Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:38:57 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:38:58 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:38:58 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:38:59 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:38:59 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Variability Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:39:00 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing hESC vs. hiPSC (based on Sample_Group)
2019-04-16 02:39:00 1.3 STATUS STARTED Comparing KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:39:00 1.3 INFO Conducting differential variability using diffVar
2019-04-16 02:39:00 1.3 STATUS STARTED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:39:01 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED diffVar method
2019-04-16 02:39:01 1.3 STATUS STARTED Computing Differential Variability Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:39:02 1.3 STATUS Computed table for tiling
2019-04-16 02:39:03 1.3 STATUS Computed table for genes
2019-04-16 02:39:03 1.3 STATUS Computed table for promoters
2019-04-16 02:39:04 1.3 STATUS Computed table for cpgislands
2019-04-16 02:39:04 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Computing Differential Variability Tables (Region Level)
2019-04-16 02:39:05 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Comparing KOSR vs. TeSR (based on Treatment)
2019-04-16 02:39:05 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Differential Variability
2019-04-16 02:39:05 1.3 STATUS STARTED Analysis
2019-04-16 02:39:06 1.3 INFO Loaded information from data.RData
2019-04-16 02:39:06 1.3 STATUS STARTED Processing Detection P-values
2019-04-16 02:39:06 1.3 INFO Removed 3979 probes that overlap with SNPs
2019-04-16 02:39:06 1.3 INFO Completed Greedycut on 510 samples
2019-04-16 02:39:07 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Processing Detection P-values
2019-04-16 02:39:07 1.3 WARNING File not found: data2.RData
2019-04-16 02:39:07 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Analysis
2019-04-16 02:39:08 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing imputation
2019-04-16 02:39:08 1.3 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:39:09 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:39:10 1.3 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure mean.samples
2019-04-16 02:39:11 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure mean.samples
2019-04-16 02:39:11 1.3 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure mean.cpgs
2019-04-16 02:39:12 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure mean.cpgs
2019-04-16 02:39:13 1.3 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure random
2019-04-16 02:39:14 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure random
2019-04-16 02:39:14 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing imputation
2019-04-16 02:39:14 1.3 STATUS STARTED Testing age prediction
2019-04-16 02:39:15 1.3 STATUS STARTED Performing Age Prediction
2019-04-16 02:39:17 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Performing Age Prediction
2019-04-16 02:39:17 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Testing age prediction
2019-04-16 02:39:18 1.4 STATUS STARTED Testing CNV computation
2019-04-16 02:39:18 1.4 STATUS STARTED Copy Number Variation
2019-04-16 02:40:46 1.3 STATUS STARTED Copy Number Variation Section
2019-04-16 02:41:07 1.3 STATUS Added CNV profile plots
2019-04-16 02:41:07 1.3 STATUS Added CpG counts
2019-04-16 02:41:07 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Copy Number Variation Section
2019-04-16 02:41:08 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Copy Number Variation
2019-04-16 02:41:08 1.3 STATUS COMPLETED Testing CNV computation
2019-04-16 02:41:09 1.3 STATUS STARTED Performing Age Prediction
2019-04-16 02:41:11 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Performing Age Prediction
2019-04-16 02:41:11 1.4 STATUS STARTED Copy Number Variation
2019-04-16 02:42:40 1.4 STATUS STARTED Copy Number Variation Section
2019-04-16 02:43:00 1.4 STATUS Added CNV profile plots
2019-04-16 02:43:00 1.4 STATUS Added CpG counts
2019-04-16 02:43:01 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Copy Number Variation Section
2019-04-16 02:43:01 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Copy Number Variation
2019-04-16 02:43:01 1.4 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:43:02 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:43:03 1.4 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure mean.samples
2019-04-16 02:43:04 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure mean.samples
2019-04-16 02:43:04 1.4 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure mean.cpgs
2019-04-16 02:43:05 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure mean.cpgs
2019-04-16 02:43:05 1.4 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure random
2019-04-16 02:43:06 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure random
2019-04-16 02:43:07 1.4 STATUS STARTED Testing imputation
2019-04-16 02:43:07 1.4 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:43:08 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure knn
2019-04-16 02:43:08 1.4 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure mean.samples
2019-04-16 02:43:09 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure mean.samples
2019-04-16 02:43:09 1.4 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure mean.cpgs
2019-04-16 02:43:10 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure mean.cpgs
2019-04-16 02:43:10 1.4 STATUS STARTED Imputation procedure random
2019-04-16 02:43:11 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Imputation procedure random
2019-04-16 02:43:11 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Testing imputation
2019-04-16 02:43:12 1.4 STATUS STARTED Testing age prediction
2019-04-16 02:43:12 1.4 STATUS STARTED Performing Age Prediction
2019-04-16 02:43:14 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Performing Age Prediction
2019-04-16 02:43:14 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Testing age prediction
2019-04-16 02:43:14 1.4 STATUS STARTED Testing CNV computation
2019-04-16 02:43:15 1.4 STATUS STARTED Copy Number Variation
2019-04-16 02:44:38 1.4 STATUS STARTED Copy Number Variation Section
2019-04-16 02:44:59 1.4 STATUS Added CNV profile plots
2019-04-16 02:44:59 1.4 STATUS Added CpG counts
2019-04-16 02:44:59 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Copy Number Variation Section
2019-04-16 02:45:00 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Copy Number Variation
2019-04-16 02:45:00 1.4 STATUS COMPLETED Testing CNV computation
RUNIT TEST PROTOCOL -- Tue Apr 16 02:45:12 2019
Number of test functions: 24
Number of errors: 0
Number of failures: 0
1 Test Suite :
RnBeads RUnit Tests - 24 test functions, 0 errors, 0 failures
Number of test functions: 24
Number of errors: 0
Number of failures: 0
There were 37 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
> proc.time()
user system elapsed
481.304 180.790 667.286