Back to Multiple platform build/check report for BioC 3.21: simplified long |
This page was generated on 2025-03-28 11:55 -0400 (Fri, 28 Mar 2025).
Hostname | OS | Arch (*) | R version | Installed pkgs |
nebbiolo1 | Linux (Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS) | x86_64 | R Under development (unstable) (2025-03-13 r87965) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" | 4783 |
palomino7 | Windows Server 2022 Datacenter | x64 | R Under development (unstable) (2025-03-01 r87860 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" | 4552 |
lconway | macOS 12.7.1 Monterey | x86_64 | R Under development (unstable) (2025-03-02 r87868) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" | 4581 |
kunpeng2 | Linux (openEuler 24.03 LTS) | aarch64 | R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-19 r87757) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" | 4518 |
Click on any hostname to see more info about the system (e.g. compilers) (*) as reported by 'uname -p', except on Windows and Mac OS X |
Package 1368/2315 | Hostname | OS / Arch | INSTALL | BUILD | CHECK | BUILD BIN | ||||||||
MSstatsConvert 1.17.1 (landing page) Mateusz Staniak
| nebbiolo1 | Linux (Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS) / x86_64 | OK | OK | WARNINGS | ![]() | ||||||||
palomino7 | Windows Server 2022 Datacenter / x64 | OK | OK | WARNINGS | OK | ![]() | ||||||||
lconway | macOS 12.7.1 Monterey / x86_64 | OK | OK | WARNINGS | OK | ![]() | ||||||||
kunpeng2 | Linux (openEuler 24.03 LTS) / aarch64 | OK | OK | WARNINGS | ||||||||||
To the developers/maintainers of the MSstatsConvert package: - Allow up to 24 hours (and sometimes 48 hours) for your latest push to to reflect on this report. See Troubleshooting Build Report for more information. - Use the following Renviron settings to reproduce errors and warnings. - If 'R CMD check' started to fail recently on the Linux builder(s) over a missing dependency, add the missing dependency to 'Suggests:' in your DESCRIPTION file. See Renviron.bioc for more information. - See Martin Grigorov's blog post for how to debug Linux ARM64 related issues on a x86_64 host. |
Package: MSstatsConvert |
Version: 1.17.1 |
Command: /home/biocbuild/R/R/bin/R CMD check --install=check:MSstatsConvert.install-out.txt --library=/home/biocbuild/R/R/site-library --no-vignettes --timings MSstatsConvert_1.17.1.tar.gz |
StartedAt: 2025-03-28 09:02:26 -0000 (Fri, 28 Mar 2025) |
EndedAt: 2025-03-28 09:03:21 -0000 (Fri, 28 Mar 2025) |
EllapsedTime: 55.1 seconds |
RetCode: 0 |
Status: WARNINGS |
CheckDir: MSstatsConvert.Rcheck |
Warnings: 3 |
############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### ### Running command: ### ### /home/biocbuild/R/R/bin/R CMD check --install=check:MSstatsConvert.install-out.txt --library=/home/biocbuild/R/R/site-library --no-vignettes --timings MSstatsConvert_1.17.1.tar.gz ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## * using log directory ‘/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.21-bioc/meat/MSstatsConvert.Rcheck’ * using R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-19 r87757) * using platform: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu * R was compiled by aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc (GCC) 14.2.0 GNU Fortran (GCC) 14.2.0 * running under: openEuler 24.03 (LTS-SP1) * using session charset: UTF-8 * using option ‘--no-vignettes’ * checking for file ‘MSstatsConvert/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK * this is package ‘MSstatsConvert’ version ‘1.17.1’ * package encoding: UTF-8 * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK * checking whether package ‘MSstatsConvert’ can be installed ... WARNING Found the following significant warnings: Warning: MSstatsConvert.Rd:3: docType ‘_PACKAGE’ is unrecognized See ‘/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.21-bioc/meat/MSstatsConvert.Rcheck/00install.out’ for details. * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking ‘build’ directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK * checking whether startup messages can be suppressed ... OK * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE .cleanRawDIANN: no visible binding for global variable ‘PrecursorMz’ .cleanRawDIANN: no visible binding for global variable ‘FragmentInfo’ .cleanRawDIANN: no visible binding for global variable ‘FragmentIon’ .cleanRawDIANN: no visible binding for global variable ‘ProductCharge’ .cleanRawDIANN: no visible binding for global variable ‘PeptideSequence’ .cleanRawPhilosopher: no visible binding for global variable ‘Run’ .summarizeMultiplePSMs: no visible binding for global variable ‘Purity’ .summarizeMultiplePSMs: no visible binding for global variable ‘PeptideProphet.Probability’ DIANNtoMSstatsFormat: no visible binding for global variable ‘DetectionQValue’ DIANNtoMSstatsFormat: no visible binding for global variable ‘LibPGQValue’ DIANNtoMSstatsFormat: no visible binding for global variable ‘LibQValue’ DIANNtoMSstatsFormat: no visible binding for global variable ‘GlobalPGQValue’ DIANNtoMSstatsFormat: no visible binding for global variable ‘GlobalQValue’ SkylinetoMSstatsFormat: no visible binding for global variable ‘Intensity’ SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat: no visible binding for global variable ‘Intensity’ MSstatsClean,MSstatsDIANNFiles: no visible binding for global variable ‘PrecursorMz’ MSstatsClean,MSstatsDIANNFiles: no visible binding for global variable ‘FragmentInfo’ MSstatsClean,MSstatsDIANNFiles: no visible binding for global variable ‘FragmentIon’ MSstatsClean,MSstatsDIANNFiles: no visible binding for global variable ‘ProductCharge’ MSstatsClean,MSstatsDIANNFiles: no visible binding for global variable ‘PeptideSequence’ MSstatsClean,MSstatsPhilosopherFiles: no visible binding for global variable ‘Run’ Undefined global functions or variables: DetectionQValue FragmentInfo FragmentIon GlobalPGQValue GlobalQValue Intensity LibPGQValue LibQValue PeptideProphet.Probability PeptideSequence PrecursorMz ProductCharge Purity Run * checking Rd files ... WARNING prepare_Rd: MSstatsConvert.Rd:3: docType ‘_PACKAGE’ is unrecognized * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ...Warning: MSstatsConvert.Rd:3: docType ‘_PACKAGE’ is unrecognized OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... WARNING Codoc mismatches from Rd file 'dot-cleanRawPDMSstats.Rd': .cleanRawPDMSstats Code: function(msstats_object, quantification_column, protein_id_column, sequence_column, remove_shared, run_column = "SpectrumFile") Docs: function(msstats_object, quantification_column, protein_id_column, sequence_column, remove_shared) Argument names in code not in docs: run_column Codoc mismatches from Rd file 'dot-cleanRawPDTMT.Rd': .cleanRawPDTMT Code: function(msstats_object, remove_shared = TRUE, remove_protein_groups = TRUE, protein_id_column = "ProteinAccessions", intensity_columns_regexp = "Abundance", run_column = "SpectrumFile") Docs: function(msstats_object, remove_shared = TRUE, remove_protein_groups = TRUE, protein_id_column = "ProteinAccessions", intensity_columns_regexp = "Abundance") Argument names in code not in docs: run_column Codoc mismatches from Rd file 'dot-validatePDTMTInputColumns.Rd': .validatePDTMTInputColumns Code: function(pd_input, protein_id_column, num_proteins_column, run_column, channels) Docs: function(pd_input, protein_id_column, num_proteins_column, channels) Argument names in code not in docs: run_column Mismatches in argument names: Position: 4 Code: run_column Docs: channels * checking Rd \usage sections ... NOTE Documented arguments not in \usage in Rd file 'dot-filterByPattern.Rd': ‘pattern’ Documented arguments not in \usage in Rd file 'dot-filterFewMeasurements.Rd': ‘features_columns’ Documented arguments not in \usage in Rd file 'dot-getFullDesign.Rd': ‘`feature_column`’ ‘`measurement_col`’ Documented arguments not in \usage in Rd file 'dot-mergeAnnotation.Rd': ‘data.table’ Documented arguments not in \usage in Rd file 'dot-sharedParametersAmongConverters.Rd': ‘removeFewMeasurements’ ‘useUniquePeptide’ ‘summaryforMultipleRows’ ‘removeProtein_with1Feature’ ‘removeProtein_with1Peptide’ ‘removeOxidationMpeptides’ ‘removeMpeptides’ ‘use_log_file’ ‘append’ ‘verbose’ ‘log_file_path’ ‘...’ Functions with \usage entries need to have the appropriate \alias entries, and all their arguments documented. The \usage entries must correspond to syntactically valid R code. See chapter ‘Writing R documentation files’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’ manual. * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK * checking examples ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK * checking tests ... Running ‘tinytest.R’ OK * checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK * checking package vignettes ... OK * checking running R code from vignettes ... SKIPPED * checking re-building of vignette outputs ... SKIPPED * checking PDF version of manual ... OK * DONE Status: 3 WARNINGs, 2 NOTEs See ‘/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.21-bioc/meat/MSstatsConvert.Rcheck/00check.log’ for details.
############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### ### Running command: ### ### /home/biocbuild/R/R/bin/R CMD INSTALL MSstatsConvert ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## * installing to library ‘/home/biocbuild/R/R-devel_2025-02-19/site-library’ * installing *source* package ‘MSstatsConvert’ ... ** this is package ‘MSstatsConvert’ version ‘1.17.1’ ** using staged installation ** R ** inst ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading ** help Warning: MSstatsConvert.Rd:3: docType ‘_PACKAGE’ is unrecognized *** installing help indices ** building package indices ** installing vignettes ** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location ** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location ** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path * DONE (MSstatsConvert)
R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-19 r87757) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > > if (requireNamespace("tinytest", quietly = TRUE)) { + MSstatsConvert::MSstatsLogsSettings(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) + tinytest::test_package("MSstatsConvert") + } test_MSstatsConvert.R......... 0 tests test_MSstatsConvert.R......... 0 tests test_MSstatsConvert.R......... 0 tests test_MSstatsConvert.R......... 0 tests test_MSstatsConvert.R......... 0 tests test_MSstatsConvert.R......... 0 tests test_MSstatsConvert.R......... 0 tests test_MSstatsConvert.R......... 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_MSstatsConvert.R......... 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_MSstatsConvert.R......... 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_MSstatsConvert.R......... 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_MSstatsConvert.R......... 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_MSstatsConvert.R......... 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.1s[0m test_annotation.R............. 0 tests test_annotation.R............. 0 tests test_annotation.R............. 0 tests test_annotation.R............. 0 tests test_annotation.R............. 0 tests test_annotation.R............. 0 tests test_annotation.R............. 0 tests test_annotation.R............. 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:08] ** Using annotation extracted from quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. test_annotation.R............. 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. test_annotation.R............. 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_annotation.R............. 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. test_annotation.R............. 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. test_annotation.R............. 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_annotation.R............. 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_annotation.R............. 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_annotation.R............. 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. test_annotation.R............. 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Run and Channel labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. test_annotation.R............. 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. test_annotation.R............. 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. test_annotation.R............. 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_annotation.R............. 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Run and Channel labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. test_annotation.R............. 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_annotation.R............. 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_annotation.R............. 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Using provided annotation. test_annotation.R............. 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.4s[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 0 tests test_balanced_design.R........ 0 tests test_balanced_design.R........ 0 tests test_balanced_design.R........ 0 tests test_balanced_design.R........ 0 tests test_balanced_design.R........ 0 tests test_balanced_design.R........ 0 tests test_balanced_design.R........ 0 tests test_balanced_design.R........ 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_balanced_design.R........ 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.1s[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 0 tests test_cleanRaw.R............... 0 tests test_cleanRaw.R............... 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Raw data from DIAUmpire imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Raw data from DIAUmpire imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Raw data from DIAUmpire imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 0 tests test_cleanRaw.R............... 0 tests test_cleanRaw.R............... 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Raw data from DIAUmpire imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Using selected fragments and peptides. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Extracted the data from selected fragments and/or peptides. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Raw data from DIAUmpire cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Using selected fragments and peptides. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Extracted the data from selected fragments and/or peptides. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Raw data from DIAUmpire cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Using selected fragments. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Extracted the data from selected fragments and/or peptides. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Raw data from DIAUmpire cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 0 tests test_cleanRaw.R............... 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Raw data from MaxQuant imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Rows with values of Potentialcontaminant equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Rows with values of Reverse equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Rows with values of Potentialcontaminant equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Rows with values of Reverse equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** + Contaminant, + Reverse, + Potential.contaminant proteins are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:09] ** Raw data from MaxQuant cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Rows with values of Potentialcontaminant equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Rows with values of Reverse equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Rows with values of Potentialcontaminant equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Rows with values of Reverse equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Rows with values of Onlyidentifiedbysite equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** + Contaminant, + Reverse, + Potential.contaminant, + proteins are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from MaxQuant cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Rows with values of Potentialcontaminant equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Rows with values of Reverse equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Rows with values of Potentialcontaminant equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Rows with values of Reverse equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** + Contaminant, + Reverse, + Potential.contaminant proteins are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from MaxQuant cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from MaxQuant imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Rows with values of Potentialcontaminant equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Rows with values of Reverse equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Rows with values of Potentialcontaminant equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Rows with values of Reverse equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** + Contaminant, + Reverse, + Potential.contaminant proteins are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Features with all missing measurements across channels within each run are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from MaxQuant cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 14 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 15 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 15 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from OpenMS imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 15 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from OpenMS imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 15 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from OpenMS cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 15 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 16 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from OpenMS cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 17 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 18 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 18 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from OpenMS imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 18 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from OpenMS cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 18 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 19 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 20 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 20 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from OpenSWATH imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 20 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from OpenSWATH cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 20 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 21 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 22 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 22 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 22 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 22 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from ProteomeDiscoverer imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 22 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from ProteomeDiscoverer imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 22 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from ProteomeDiscoverer cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 22 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from ProteomeDiscoverer cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 22 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 23 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 24 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from ProteomeDiscoverer imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from ProteomeDiscoverer imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from ProteomeDiscoverer imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from ProteomeDiscoverer cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from ProteomeDiscoverer cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from ProteomeDiscoverer cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 26 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 27 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 28 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 29 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 30 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 30 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from Progenesis imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 30 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from Progenesis imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 30 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 30 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from Progenesis cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 30 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from Progenesis cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 30 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 31 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 32 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 33 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 33 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 33 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 33 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 33 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 33 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 33 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from Skyline imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 33 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from Skyline imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 33 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from Skyline imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 33 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from Skyline cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 33 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from Skyline cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 33 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 34 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 35 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 36 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from Skyline cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 37 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 37 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from SpectroMine imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 37 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from SpectroMine imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 37 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:10] ** Raw data from SpectroMine cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 37 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 38 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 39 tests [0;32mOK[0m ERROR [2025-03-28 09:03:11] There is no channel intensity column in the input data, which should start with 'PSM' and end with 'Raw'. test_cleanRaw.R............... 40 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 40 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 40 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 40 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from Spectronaut imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 40 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from Spectronaut imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 40 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from Spectronaut cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 40 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from Spectronaut cleaned successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 40 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 41 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 42 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 43 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 43 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from Metamorpheus imported successfully. test_cleanRaw.R............... 43 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_cleanRaw.R............... 44 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m1.6s[0m test_clean_DIANN.R............ 0 tests test_clean_DIANN.R............ 0 tests test_clean_DIANN.R............ 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from DIANN cleaned successfully. test_clean_DIANN.R............ 0 tests test_clean_DIANN.R............ 15 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from DIANN cleaned successfully. test_clean_DIANN.R............ 15 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_clean_DIANN.R............ 30 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.1s[0m test_clean_Metamorpheus.R..... 0 tests test_clean_Metamorpheus.R..... 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from Metamorpheus cleaned successfully. test_clean_Metamorpheus.R..... 0 tests test_clean_Metamorpheus.R..... 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_clean_Metamorpheus.R..... 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_clean_Metamorpheus.R..... 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_clean_Metamorpheus.R..... 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_clean_Metamorpheus.R..... 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_clean_Metamorpheus.R..... 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_clean_Metamorpheus.R..... 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;36m27ms[0m test_clean_ProteinProspector.R 0 tests test_clean_ProteinProspector.R 0 tests test_clean_ProteinProspector.R 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from ProteinProspector cleaned successfully. test_clean_ProteinProspector.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;36m21ms[0m test_clean_ProteomeDiscoverer.R 0 tests test_clean_ProteomeDiscoverer.R 0 tests test_clean_ProteomeDiscoverer.R 0 tests test_clean_ProteomeDiscoverer.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_clean_ProteomeDiscoverer.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_clean_ProteomeDiscoverer.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_clean_ProteomeDiscoverer.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_clean_ProteomeDiscoverer.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_clean_ProteomeDiscoverer.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_clean_ProteomeDiscoverer.R 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.4s[0m test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from DIANN imported successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from DIANN cleaned successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Filtering on Global Q Value < 0.01 INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** MBR was not used to analyze the data. Now setting names and filtering INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] -- Filtering on GlobalPGQValue < 0.01 INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] -- Filtering on GlobalQValue < 0.01 INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** The following options are used: - Features will be defined by the columns: PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge, FragmentIon, ProductCharge - Shared peptides will be removed. - Proteins with a single feature will be removed. - Features with less than 3 measurements across runs will be removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Sequences containing DECOY, Decoys are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Sequences containing \(UniMod\:35\) are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Features with all missing measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Shared peptides are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows: max INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] Proteins with a single feature are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. WARN [2025-03-28 09:03:11] The following features have missing values in at least one run. AESTDDVDYIMR_2_Frag1_1, AESTDDVDYIMR_2_Frag2_1, AGWEAYLR_2_Frag1_1, AGWEAYLR_2_Frag2_1, AGWEAYLR_2_Frag3_1, AGWEAYLR_2_Frag4_1, AIDEQFGSLDELIK_2_Frag1_1, AIDEQFGSLDELIK_2_Frag2_1, AIDEQFGSLDELIK_2_Frag3_1, AIDEQFGSLDELIK_2_Frag4_1, AIDEQFGSLDELIK_2_Frag6_1, AIGVLPQLIIDR_3_Frag1_1, AIGVLPQLIIDR_3_Frag2_1, AIGVLPQLIIDR_3_Frag3_1, AIGVLPQLIIDR_3_Frag4_1, AIGVLPQLIIDR_3_Frag5_1, AIGVLPQLIIDR_3_Frag6_1, ALSADLAAR_2_Frag1_1, ALSADLAAR_2_Frag2_1, ANELLINVK_1_Frag1_1, ANELLINVK_1_Frag2_1, ASEEGNWSK_2_Frag1_1, ASEEGNWSK_2_Frag2_1, ASEEGNWSK_2_Frag3_1, ASEEGNWSK_2_Frag4_1, ASEEGNWSK_2_Frag5_1, ASEEGNWSK_2_Frag6_1, ATLTDLPER_2_Frag1_1, ATLTDLPER_2_Frag2_1, ATLTDLPER_2_Frag4_1, AVFNLASK_2_Frag1_1, AVFNLASK_2_Frag2_1, AVFNLASK_2_Frag3_1, AVFNLASK_2_Frag4_1, AVFNLASK_2_Frag5_1, AVFNLASK_2_Frag6_1, AVMC(UniMod:4)VAK_1_Frag1_1, AVMC(UniMod:4)VAK_1_Frag2_1, AVMC(UniMod:4)VAK_1_Frag3_1, AVMC(UniMod:4)VAK_1_Frag4_1, AVMC(UniMod:4)VAK_1_Frag5_1, AVMC(UniMod:4)VAK_1_Frag6_1, AYLDELK_2_Frag1_1, AYLDELK_2_Frag2_1, AYLDELK_2_Frag3_1, AYLDELK_2_Frag4_1, AYLDELK_2_Frag5_1, AYLDELK_2_Frag6_1, C(UniMod:4)DLGITGVDQVR_2_Frag1_1, C(UniMod:4)DLGITGVDQVR_2_Frag2_1, C(UniMod:4)DLGITGVDQVR_2_Frag3_1, C(UniMod:4)GALLDPFELINPR_2_Frag1_1, C(UniMod:4)GALLDPFELINPR_2_Frag3_1, C(UniMod:4)GALLDPFELINPR_2_Frag4_1, C(UniMod:4)GALLDPFELINPR_2_Frag5_1, DLQENLLVLR_2_Frag2_1, DLQENLLVLR_2_Frag3_1, DLQENLLVLR_2_Frag6_1 INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Updated quantification data to make balanced design. Missing values are marked by NA INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Finished preprocessing. The dataset is ready to be processed by the dataProcess function. test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIANNtoMSstatsFormat.R 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;36m83ms[0m test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from DIAUmpire imported successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Using selected fragments and peptides. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Extracted the data from selected fragments and/or peptides. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from DIAUmpire cleaned successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** The following options are used: - Features will be defined by the columns: PeptideSequence, FragmentIon - Shared peptides will be removed. - Proteins with single feature will not be removed. - Features with less than 3 measurements across runs will be removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Features with all missing measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Shared peptides are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows: max INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Fractionation handled. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Updated quantification data to make balanced design. Missing values are marked by NA INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Finished preprocessing. The dataset is ready to be processed by the dataProcess function. test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat.R 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.1s[0m test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Raw data from FragPipe imported successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Using annotation extracted from quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** The following options are used: - Features will be defined by the columns: PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge, FragmentIon, ProductCharge - Shared peptides will be removed. - Proteins with single feature will not be removed. - Features with less than 3 measurements across runs will be removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:11] ** Features with all missing measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Shared peptides are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows: max INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Fractionation handled. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Updated quantification data to make balanced design. Missing values are marked by NA INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Finished preprocessing. The dataset is ready to be processed by the dataProcess function. test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_FragPipetoMSstatsFormat.R 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.2s[0m test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Raw data from MaxQuant imported successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Rows with values of Potentialcontaminant equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Rows with values of Reverse equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Rows with values of Potentialcontaminant equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Rows with values of Reverse equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Rows with values of Onlyidentifiedbysite equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** + Contaminant, + Reverse, + Potential.contaminant, + proteins are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Raw data from MaxQuant cleaned successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** The following options are used: - Features will be defined by the columns: PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge - Shared peptides will be removed. - Proteins with single feature will not be removed. - Features with less than 3 measurements across runs will be removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with all missing measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Shared peptides are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows: max INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Fractionation handled. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Updated quantification data to make balanced design. Missing values are marked by NA INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Finished preprocessing. The dataset is ready to be processed by the dataProcess function. test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MaxQtoMSstatsFormat.R 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.4s[0m test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Raw data from Metamorpheus imported successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Raw data from Metamorpheus cleaned successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** The following options are used: - Features will be defined by the columns: PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge - Shared peptides will be removed. - Proteins with single feature will not be removed. - Features with less than 3 measurements across runs will be removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with all missing measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Shared peptides are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows: max INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Fractionation handled. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Updated quantification data to make balanced design. Missing values are marked by NA INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Finished preprocessing. The dataset is ready to be processed by the dataProcess function. test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat.R 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.2s[0m test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Raw data from OpenMS imported successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Raw data from OpenMS cleaned successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Using annotation extracted from quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** The following options are used: - Features will be defined by the columns: PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge, FragmentIon, ProductCharge - Shared peptides will be removed. - Proteins with single feature will not be removed. - Features with less than 3 measurements across runs will be removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with all missing measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Shared peptides are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows: max INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Fractionation handled. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Updated quantification data to make balanced design. Missing values are marked by NA INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Finished preprocessing. The dataset is ready to be processed by the dataProcess function. test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenMStoMSstatsFormat.R 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.1s[0m test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Raw data from OpenSWATH imported successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Raw data from OpenSWATH cleaned successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** The following options are used: - Features will be defined by the columns: PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge, FragmentIon - Shared peptides will be removed. - Proteins with single feature will not be removed. - Features with less than 3 measurements across runs will be removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Rows with values of decoy equal to 1 are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Rows with values not smaller than 0.01 in m_score are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with all missing measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Shared peptides are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows: max INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Fractionation handled. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Updated quantification data to make balanced design. Missing values are marked by NA INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:12] ** Finished preprocessing. The dataset is ready to be processed by the dataProcess function. test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat.R 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.2s[0m test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Raw data from ProteomeDiscoverer imported successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Raw data from ProteomeDiscoverer cleaned successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** The following options are used: - Features will be defined by the columns: PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge - Shared peptides will be removed. - Proteins with single feature will not be removed. - Features with less than 3 measurements across runs will be removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with all missing measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Shared peptides are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows: max INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Fractionation handled. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Updated quantification data to make balanced design. Missing values are marked by NA INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Finished preprocessing. The dataset is ready to be processed by the dataProcess function. test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_PDtoMSstatsFormat.R 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.1s[0m test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Raw data from Progenesis imported successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Raw data from Progenesis cleaned successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** The following options are used: - Features will be defined by the columns: PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge - Shared peptides will be removed. - Proteins with single feature will not be removed. - Features with less than 3 measurements across runs will be removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with all missing measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Shared peptides are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows: max INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Fractionation handled. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Updated quantification data to make balanced design. Missing values are marked by NA INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Finished preprocessing. The dataset is ready to be processed by the dataProcess function. test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat.R 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.2s[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Raw data from ProteinProspector imported successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Raw data from ProteinProspector cleaned successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Using provided annotation. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Run and Channel labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** The following options are used: - Features will be defined by the columns: PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge - Shared peptides will be removed. - Proteins with single feature will not be removed. - Features with less than 3 measurements within each run will be removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with all missing measurements across channels within each run are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Shared peptides are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across channels within each run are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** PSMs have been aggregated to peptide ions. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** For peptides overlapped between fractions of Mixture1_1 use the fraction with maximal average abundance. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Fractions belonging to same mixture have been combined. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across channels within each run are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Fractionation handled. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Updated quantification data to make balanced design. Missing values are marked by NA INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Finished preprocessing. The dataset is ready to be processed by the proteinSummarization function. test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat.R 14 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.3s[0m test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Raw data from Skyline imported successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Raw data from Skyline cleaned successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Using annotation extracted from quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** The following options are used: - Features will be defined by the columns: IsotopeLabelType, PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge, FragmentIon, ProductCharge - Shared peptides will be removed. - Proteins with single feature will not be removed. - Features with less than 3 measurements across runs will be removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Rows with values of StandardType equal to iRT are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Intensities with values of Truncated equal to TRUE are replaced with NA WARN [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** DetectionQValue not found in input columns. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Sequences containing DECOY, Decoys are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Three isotopic preaks per feature and run are summed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with all missing measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Shared peptides are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows: sum INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Fractionation handled. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Updated quantification data to make balanced design. Missing values are marked by NA INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Finished preprocessing. The dataset is ready to be processed by the dataProcess function. test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SkylinetoMSstatsFormat.R 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.1s[0m test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Raw data from Spectronaut imported successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Raw data from Spectronaut cleaned successfully. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Using annotation extracted from quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** The following options are used: - Features will be defined by the columns: PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge, FragmentIon, ProductCharge - Shared peptides will be removed. - Proteins with single feature will not be removed. - Features with less than 3 measurements across runs will be removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with all missing measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Shared peptides are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows: max INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Fractionation handled. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Updated quantification data to make balanced design. Missing values are marked by NA INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Finished preprocessing. The dataset is ready to be processed by the dataProcess function. test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 0 tests test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_converters_SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat.R 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;36m75ms[0m test_dt.R..................... 0 tests test_dt.R..................... 0 tests test_dt.R..................... 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_dt.R..................... 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_dt.R..................... 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_dt.R..................... 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_dt.R..................... 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_dt.R..................... 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_dt.R..................... 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_dt.R..................... 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_dt.R..................... 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_dt.R..................... 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_dt.R..................... 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_dt.R..................... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_dt.R..................... 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_dt.R..................... 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;36m26ms[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 0 tests test_feature_cleaning.R....... 0 tests test_feature_cleaning.R....... 0 tests test_feature_cleaning.R....... 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across channels within each run are removed. test_feature_cleaning.R....... 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. test_feature_cleaning.R....... 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. test_feature_cleaning.R....... 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with all missing measurements across runs are removed. test_feature_cleaning.R....... 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. test_feature_cleaning.R....... 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:13] ** Three isotopic preaks per feature and run are summed test_feature_cleaning.R....... 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 14 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 14 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 14 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 14 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 14 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 14 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 15 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 15 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** PSMs have been aggregated to peptide ions. test_feature_cleaning.R....... 16 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** PSMs have been aggregated to peptide ions. test_feature_cleaning.R....... 16 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 17 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 17 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 17 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 18 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] Proteins with a single feature are removed. test_feature_cleaning.R....... 19 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 20 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows: max INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. test_feature_cleaning.R....... 20 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Features with one or two measurements across channels within each run are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** PSMs have been aggregated to peptide ions. test_feature_cleaning.R....... 20 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 21 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_feature_cleaning.R....... 22 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.5s[0m test_filtering.R.............. 0 tests test_filtering.R.............. 0 tests test_filtering.R.............. 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Sequences containing \+ are removed. test_filtering.R.............. 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Sequences containing \+ are removed. test_filtering.R.............. 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values of Symbol_1 equal to - are removed test_filtering.R.............. 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values of Symbol_1 equal to +, - are removed test_filtering.R.............. 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values of Symbol_1 equal to + are removed test_filtering.R.............. 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 10 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 11 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values of Symbol_1 equal to R are removed test_filtering.R.............. 12 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 13 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values of Symbol_1 equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values of Symbol_2 equal to + are removed test_filtering.R.............. 14 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values of Symbol_1 equal to X are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values of Symbol_2 equal to X are removed test_filtering.R.............. 15 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 16 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 17 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 18 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values not greater than 0.3 in Score are removed test_filtering.R.............. 19 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values not greater than 0.3 in Score are removed test_filtering.R.............. 20 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values not greater than 0.3 in Score are removed test_filtering.R.............. 21 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values not greater than 0.3 in Score are removed test_filtering.R.............. 22 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values not smaller than 0.3 in Score are removed test_filtering.R.............. 23 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values not smaller than 0.3 in Score are removed test_filtering.R.............. 24 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values not smaller than 0.3 in Score are removed test_filtering.R.............. 25 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values not smaller than 0.3 in Score are removed test_filtering.R.............. 26 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Intensities with values not greater than 0.3 in Score are replaced with NA test_filtering.R.............. 26 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 27 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 28 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Intensities with values not greater than 0.3 in Score are replaced with NA test_filtering.R.............. 28 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 29 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 30 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Intensities with values not smaller than 0.3 in Score are replaced with NA test_filtering.R.............. 30 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 31 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 32 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Intensities with values not smaller than 0.3 in Score are replaced with NA test_filtering.R.............. 32 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 33 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 34 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_filtering.R.............. 35 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values of Symbol_1 equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Sequences containing \+ are removed. test_filtering.R.............. 36 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Rows with values of Symbol_1 equal to + are removed INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Sequences containing \+ are removed. test_filtering.R.............. 37 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;36m94ms[0m test_fractions.R.............. 0 tests test_fractions.R.............. 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** For peptides overlapped between fractions of 1_1 use the fraction with maximal average abundance. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** For peptides overlapped between fractions of 1_1 use the fraction with maximal summation abundance. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** For peptides overlapped between fractions of 2_1 use the fraction with maximal average abundance. test_fractions.R.............. 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_fractions.R.............. 9 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;34m0.1s[0m test_logging.R................ 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_logging.R................ 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_logging.R................ 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;36m5ms[0m test_shared_peptides.R........ 0 tests test_shared_peptides.R........ 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Shared peptides are removed. test_shared_peptides.R........ 0 tests test_shared_peptides.R........ 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Shared peptides are removed. test_shared_peptides.R........ 0 tests test_shared_peptides.R........ 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_shared_peptides.R........ 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_shared_peptides.R........ 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_shared_peptides.R........ 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_shared_peptides.R........ 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;36m36ms[0m test_workflow.R............... 0 tests test_workflow.R............... 0 tests INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Raw data from OpenMS imported successfully. test_workflow.R............... 0 tests test_workflow.R............... 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Raw data from OpenMS cleaned successfully. test_workflow.R............... 1 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_workflow.R............... 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Using annotation extracted from quantification data. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Run labels were standardized to remove symbols such as '.' or '%'. test_workflow.R............... 2 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_workflow.R............... 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** The following options are used: - Features will be defined by the columns: PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge, FragmentIon, ProductCharge - Shared peptides will be removed. - Proteins with a single feature will be removed. - Features with less than 3 measurements across runs will be removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Features with all missing measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Shared peptides are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows: max INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] Proteins with a single feature are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Run annotation merged with quantification data. test_workflow.R............... 3 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_workflow.R............... 4 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_workflow.R............... 5 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_workflow.R............... 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Features with one or two measurements across runs are removed. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Fractionation handled. INFO [2025-03-28 09:03:14] ** Updated quantification data to make balanced design. Missing values are marked by NA test_workflow.R............... 6 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_workflow.R............... 7 tests [0;32mOK[0m test_workflow.R............... 8 tests [0;32mOK[0m [0;36m87ms[0m All ok, 371 results (5.8s) There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 4.143 0.155 6.774
name | user | system | elapsed | |
DIANNtoMSstatsFormat | 0.168 | 0.004 | 0.349 | |
DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat | 0.123 | 0.000 | 0.261 | |
FragPipetoMSstatsFormat | 0.116 | 0.005 | 0.244 | |
MSstatsBalancedDesign | 0.028 | 0.000 | 0.058 | |
MSstatsClean | 0.132 | 0.021 | 0.311 | |
MSstatsImport | 0.136 | 0.005 | 0.282 | |
MSstatsLogsSettings | 0.084 | 0.000 | 0.168 | |
MSstatsMakeAnnotation | 0.191 | 0.004 | 0.310 | |
MSstatsPreprocess | 0.174 | 0.008 | 0.369 | |
MSstatsSaveSessionInfo | 0.006 | 0.017 | 0.413 | |
MaxQtoMSstatsFormat | 0.157 | 0.009 | 0.387 | |
MetamorpheusToMSstatsFormat | 0.069 | 0.000 | 0.147 | |
OpenMStoMSstatsFormat | 0.084 | 0.008 | 0.182 | |
OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat | 0.084 | 0.005 | 0.168 | |
PDtoMSstatsFormat | 0.079 | 0.000 | 0.167 | |
ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat | 0.088 | 0.000 | 0.182 | |
ProteinProspectortoMSstatsTMTFormat | 0.278 | 0.000 | 0.450 | |
SkylinetoMSstatsFormat | 0.137 | 0.003 | 0.183 | |
SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat | 0.074 | 0.000 | 0.153 | |
getDataType | 0.104 | 0.006 | 0.183 | |
getInputFile | 0.118 | 0.007 | 0.125 | |