MGCL V10  V10
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[表示階層 12345678]
 CMGAbstractGelsIs a container of MGAbstractGel, to specify what kind of gels are required
 CMGAutoGelRegister< T >ファクトリーレジストリーにエントリーする便利クラス
 CMGBezierMoveBezier curveをつまみ変形するためのclass
 CMGBisectionA virtual super class to solve non-linear equations by the bicection method
 CMGBoxDefines a Box of any space dimendion
 CMGBPointSeqDefines BPoint seq of a space dimension and of a capacity
 CMGCCisect_listDefines a list of MGCCisect(curve to curve intersection)
 CMGCFisect_vectorMGCFisect_vector defines a vector of MGCFisect
 CMGCoonsDefines Coons Patch surface
 CMGCParam_listMGParam_Vector provides a list to store parameters of a curve
 CMGCSisect_listMGCSisect_list defines linked list of MGCSisect
 CMGCurveContinuityCurve continuity measuring class
 CMGCurveParameterUtility class to compute a curve parameter defined by f(t)=0
 CMGDefaultDefines default values of each class
 CMGDrawParamDefines parameters to draw MGObject, maily to approximate by lines and facets
 CMGERealMGEReal is extended real number to define infinity
 CMGFPlineFace's (u,v) parameter value line
 CMGFPointMGFPoint is to represent a Face or Surface point
 CMGFSurfaceMGFSurface is an abstract class to provide the comman interfaces to MGFace and MGSurface
 CmgFuncTypeSwitcherUtility class to invoke glsl's setFuncType
 CMGGelMGGel is an abstract class which represents a group element
 CMGGelFactoryBaseFactory Method 用のインターフェイス(MGGelFactoryTのために定義)
 CMGGelPositionMGGelPosition is a class to locate where a gel is in a group hierarchy
 CMGGelPositionsMGGelPosition Container Class
 CmgGLSLProgramMgGLSLProgramはOpenGL Shader Programをcompile , linkしてそのuniform変数の管理を行います
 CMGglViewAttribMGglViewAttrib is a class to serialize MGOpenGLView
 CMGHHisectMGHHisect is to represent one continuous intersection line of shells
 CMGHHisect_vectorMGHHisect_vector defines a vector of MGHHisect
 CMGIfstreamMGIfstream is a class to read the serialized data generated by MGOfstream
 CMGIges504EdgeListMapIs the class to store MGEdge*(newed objects) generated for MGIges504 EDGE list
 CMGIgesDEStatusNumberMGIgesDEStatusNumber describes the Status Number of a directory entry section
 CMGIgesDirectoryEntryMGIgesDirectoryEntry describes a directory entry section of an IGES file
 CMGIgesFstreamMGIgesFstream is a super class for MGIfstream and MGOfstream
 CMGIgesGSecMGIgesGSec describes a Global Section of a IGES file
 CMGIgesParamLineMGIgesParamLine describes a line of Parameter Data of an IGES file
 CMGIgesPDMGIgesPD is the parent class of all the Parameter data section type
 CMGIgesVertexListMapIs the class to store MGBVertex*(newed objects) generated for MGIges502 Vertices list
 CMGImageMGImage defines bit map image data
 CMGIntervalInterval of 1 dimension, i.e. MGInterval is a real line
 CMGisectIs an abstract class to provide unified interfaces to handle an intersection of two objects
 CMGisectsMGisects defines a vector of MGisect
 CMGKnotDefines knot value and its multiplicity
 CMGKnotArrayDefines Array of Knots
 CMGLBRepEndCDefines End Condition of Line B-Representation
 CMGLCisectMGLCisect is to represent Loop and curve intersection point of a parent face parameter space
 CMGLCisect_vectorMGLCisect_vector defines linked list of MGLCisect
 CMGLEPointIs to represent a Loop's point
 CmgLightModeSwitcherUtility class to invoke mgVBO::setLightMode()
 CMGLLisectTo represent two loops intersection point
 CMGLLisect_vectorMGLLisect_vector defines a vector of MGLLisect
 CMGLPointMGLPoint is to represent Loop's point
 CMGLSPointMGLSPoint is to express a loop and a surface intersection point
 CMGLSPoint_vectorMGLSPoint_vector defines a vector of MGLSPoint
 CMGMaterialMGMaterial defines OpenGL's Material attributes
 CMGMatrixMGMatrix is a matix of m by m, where m is the space dimension
 CMGNDDArrayDefines non-decreasing double data array
 CMGOfstreamMGOfstream is a class to serialize all of the subclasses of MGGel
 CMGOpenGLViewDefines OpenGL display class for MGCL objects
 CMGOscuCircleDefines Array of OscuCircle data
 CMGOscuCircleDataThe class for MGLBRep constructor of osculating circles
 CMGPickObjectsContainer class for MGPickObject
 CMGPixelDefine MGPixel Class of (R,G,B,A) pixel data
 CMGPlist< T >Defines List of newed object pointers
 CMGPlist< MGGel >
 CMGPositionRepresent a positional data
 CMGPosition_listMGPosition_list provides a list of Positions
 CMGPPRepDefines PP-Represetation of a spline
 CMGPvector< T >Defines Vector of newed object pointers
 CMGPvector< MGCurve >
 CMGPvector< MGIges508Edge >
 CMGPvector< MGIgesDirectoryEntry >
 CMGPvector< MGIgesParamLine >
 CMGPvector< MGisect >
 CMGPvector< MGLBRep >
 CMGPvector< MGLight >
 CMGPvector< MGPickObject >
 CMGPvector< mgTL2Fan >
 CMGPvector< mgTL2Triangle >
 CMGPvector< mgVBOElement >
 CMGSBRepEndCDefines End Condition of Surface B-Representation
 CMGSBRepTPDefines Tangent Plane Line B-Representation Class
 CMGSBRepVecTPDefines Tangent Plane Line B-Representation Class
 CMGSnapAttribDefines Snap attributes
 CMGSPointSeqDefines Spoint seq of a space dimension and of a size
 CMGSSisect_listMGSSisect_list defines linked list of MGSSisect
 CmgStaticGLAttribMgStaticGLAttrib defines MGColor and line width data of OpenGL
 CMGStringWriterDefines String writer class using mgVBO(OpenGL infrastructure)
 CmgSysGLListDefines a list of mgSysGL
 CmgTextureTexture definition class
 CmgTL2FaceMgTL2Face is a proprietry class for Face tessellation
 CmgTL2FanMgTL2Fan is a point list to constitue a fan
 CmgTL2FansDefines a vector mgTL2Fan
 CmgTL2LPlineMgTL2LPline is limitted subinterval of mgTL2Polyline
 CmgTL2parameterHolds necessary parameter data for face tessellation
 CmgTL2PlBridgeExpress a splitting line for a face for tessellation
 CmgTL2TriangleMgTL2Triangle holds (multiple) triangles data, which are a fan or a strip
 CmgTL2TrianglesA vector of mgTL2Triangle's
 CmgTLInputParamA class that contains all the necessary input parameters to make tessellation
 CMGToleranceMGTolerance is a class to hold various tolerance data used in MGCL
 CMGTransfMGTransf represents a transformation of a space dimension
 CMGTrimLoopMGTrimLoop is a private and utility class to implement trimming of MGFSurface
 CmgVBOElementInterface class to include an element in mgVBO class's
 CMGVectorVector of a general n space dimension