Class orion.globalCommands
This class contains static utility methods for creating and managing global commands.
Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201404012230/bundles/org.eclipse.orion.client.ui/web/orion/globalCommands.js>.
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
This class contains static utility methods.
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
generateBanner(parentId, serviceRegistry, commandRegistry, prefsService, searcher, handler, editor, closeSplitter)
Generates the banner at the top of a page.
Adds the related links to the banner
Adds the user-related commands to the toolbar
Set the target of the page so that common infrastructure (breadcrumbs, related menu, etc.
Class Detail
This class contains static utility methods. It is not intended to be instantiated.
Method Detail
generateBanner(parentId, serviceRegistry, commandRegistry, prefsService, searcher, handler, editor, closeSplitter)
Generates the banner at the top of a page.
- Parameters:
- parentId
- serviceRegistry
- commandRegistry
- prefsService
- searcher
- handler
- editor
- - no longer used
- {Boolean} closeSplitter
- true to make the splitter's initial state "closed".
Adds the related links to the banner
Adds the user-related commands to the toolbar
Set the target of the page so that common infrastructure (breadcrumbs, related menu, etc.) can be added for the page.
- Parameters:
- {Object} options
- The target options object.
- {String} options.task
- the name of the user task that the page represents.
- {Object}
- the metadata describing the page resource target. Optional.
- {String|DomNode} options.breadCrumbContainer
- the dom node or id of the bread crumb container. Optional. If not defined, 'location' is used as the bread crumb container id, which is always in the page banner.
- {String}
- the name of the resource that is showing on the page. Optional. If a target parameter is supplied, the target metadata name will be used if a name is not specified in the options.
- {String} options.title
- the title to be used for the page. Optional. If not specified, a title will be constructed using the task and/or name.
- {String} options.breadcrumbRootName
- the name used for the breadcrumb root. Optional. If not specified, the breadcrumbTarget, fileService, task, and name will be consulted to form a root name.
- {Object} options.breadcrumbTarget
- the metadata used for the breadcrumb target. Optional. If not specified, is used as the breadcrumb target.
- {Function} options.makeAlternate
- a function that can supply alternate metadata for the related pages menu if the target does not validate against a contribution. Optional.
- {Function} options.makeBreadcrumbLink
- a function that will supply a breadcrumb link based on a location shown in a breadcrumb. Optional. If not specified, and if a target is specified, the breadcrumb link will refer to the Navigator.
- {orion.serviceregistry.ServiceRegistry} options.serviceRegistry
- the registry to use for obtaining any unspecified services. Optional. If not specified, then any banner elements requiring Orion services will not be provided.
- {orion.commandregistry.CommandRegistry} options.commandService
- the commandService used for accessing related page commands. Optional. If not specified, a related page menu will not be shown.
- {orion.searchClient.Searcher} options.searchService
- the searchService used for scoping the searchbox. Optional. If not specified, the searchbox will not be scoped.
- {orion.fileClient.FileClient} options.fileService
- the fileService used for retrieving additional metadata and managing the breadcrumb for multiple file services. If not specified, there may be reduced support for multiple file implementations.