avoid.el.gz ----------- Makes the mouse pointer stay out of the way of editing. Ported to XEmacs by Darrell Kindred <dkindred+@CMU.EDU>. backup.el --------- This package allows you to specify an alternate directory into which *all* backup files will be placed. To avoid naming conflicts, and to facilitate automated recovery, the parent file's full path name is included in the name of each backup file. calc-2.02d.tar.gz ----------------- A calculator for Emacs. compile2.tar.gz --------------- A drop-in replacement for compile.el which is supposed to have enhanced functionality. ispell.el.gz ------------ This version works with ispell-4.0 from FSF. Note that this version of ispell is no longer supported by FSF. You should seriously consider upgrading to ispell-3.1 which is actually newer than 4.0. It is available at ftp.cs.ucla.edu:/pub/ispell-3.1. sql-mode.tar.gz --------------- Modes for editing SQL code and interacting with SQL servers. Written by Peter D. Pezaris <pez@atlantic2.sbi.com>. Current version is 0.922.