turnkey-gitea-15.2 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Rebuild to resolve inadvertant removal of mariadb during sec-updates - part of #1246. -- Jeremy Davis <jeremy@turnkeylinux.org> Wed, 21 Nov 2018 18:16:25 +1100 turnkey-gitea-15.1 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Update Gitea to latest upstream (1.5.1). -- Jeremy Davis <jeremy@turnkeylinux.org> Mon, 17 Sep 2018 14:46:00 +1000 turnkey-gitea-15.0 (1) turnkey; urgency=low * Initial public release of TurnKey Gitea. * Gitea installed from latest upstream (1.5.0) * Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance. -- Anton Pyrogovskyi <anton@turnkeylinux.org> Thu, 23 Aug 2018 22:54:16 +0200