turnkey-drupal5-2009.03 (1) hardy; urgency=low

  * upgraded to Drupal 5.16

  * regenerate drupal5 database password during installation (security)

  * updated useful/popular drupal5 modules:

    - fckeditor
    - webform
    - admin_menu
    - captcha
    - imagefield
    - logintoboggon
    - globalredirect

  * major component versions

    drupal5         5.16-1
    mysql-server    5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4
    apache2         2.2.8-1ubuntu0.5
    php5            5.2.4-2ubuntu5.5

 -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org>  Tue, 24 Mar 2009 19:55:12 +0200

turnkey-drupal5-2009.02 (1) hardy; urgency=low

  * added SSL support

  * enable clean urls out of the box (SEO)

  * includes many useful/popular drupal5 modules:
    - fckeditor: enables FCKeditor (a WYSIWYG editor) instead of plain text

    - captcha: adds image or text based CAPTCHAs to arbitrary forms
    - fivestar: simple five-star voting widget for nodes

    - pathauto: allow modules to automatically generate descriptive aliases for
      the content they manage (SEO)

    - xmlsitemap: generates an XML site map which can be submitted
      automatically to search engines (SEO)

    - tagadelic: makes weighted tag clouds from your taxonomy terms

    - taxonomy_context: provides breadcrumbs, hierarchical menu trees and
      descriptions on list pages for taxonomy terms

    - webform: enables the creation of forms and questionnaires

    - admin_menu: adds a dropdown administration menu to the top of the screen
      (administrators only)

    - google_analytics: adds Google Analytics javascript tracking code to all
      your site's pages

    - cck: Content Creation Kit - a powerful toolkit for creating custom content

    - views: creates customized views of node lists

    - logintoboggan: improves Drupal's login system

    - token: provides a shared API for replacement of textual placeholders with
      actual data

  * mysql-related improvements

    - include PhpMyAdmin (listening on port 12322 - uses SSL)
    - set empty mysql root password in live/demo mode (for convenience)
    - support configuring mysql root password during installation

  * bind postfix MTA to localhost (security)
  * added webmin postfix module (convenience)

  * prevent drupal5 upgrades from recreating apache config symlink (bugfix)
  * symlink /etc/drupal5 -> /etc/drupal/5 (workaround for silly packaging)

  * major component versions

    drupal5         5.15-1
    mysql-server    5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4
    apache2         2.2.8-1ubuntu0.3
    php5            5.2.4-2ubuntu5.4

  * note: please refer to turnkey-core's changelog for changes common to all
    appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance.

 -- Alon Swartz <alon@turnkeylinux.org>  Thu, 29 Jan 2009 14:31:46 +0200