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.\" Manual page created with latex2man on Fri Jul 21 22:36:08 2023
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.TH "NETCONFIG" "8" "21 July 2023" "System Manager\&'s Manual " "System Manager\&'s Manual "

presents dialog boxes that ask the system operator for facts 
about this node\&'s network configuration, such as host name, domain, IP address 
(or how to get it), router, and name server. It can optionally probe the node 
for its network card. 


The information requested from the operator includes: 
.B *
.B *
domain name, 
.B *
.B *
configuration type (static, dynamic, etc.), 
.B *
IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and router addresses, 
.B *
name server, and 
.B *
probe for network card (yes/no). 
It summarizes the responses given and confirms with the operator before 
configuring the node. 
The files modified or overwritten, when applicable, are: 
.B *
.B *
.B *
.B *
.B *
.B *
.B *
Plus, it enables /etc/rc.d/rc.networkmanager
to run during multiuser 
startup, again when applicable. 
The Slackware boot disk runs netconfig
as part of operating system setup, 
and the system operator can re\-run netconfig
any time later. 
Note that many of the changes made by netconfig
take effect only when 
the system is next rebooted. 

does not take arguments. 

Mostly written by Patrick Volkerding <volkerdi@slackware.com>. 
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