Fri Sep 23 20:16:58 PDT 1994
./slakware/d1/maketag: changed m4 version number.
./slakware/d7/m4.tgz: upgraded from version 1.2 to version 1.3.
./slakware/e1-e5: Upgraded from Emacs 19.26 to 19.27.
./slakware/t9/ntb-kpat.tgz: Moved include files out of /usr/include where they
   conflicted with some of the standard include files.


Fri Sep 23 00:10:45 PDT 1994
./rootdsks.12/tape12.gz: Changed /usr/adm/setup path for installation scripts
   to /var/adm/setup. I think all the rootdisks work now.


Thu Sep 22 23:30:34 PDT 1994
./rootdsks.12/tape12.gz: These disks needed /etc in the path, too.


Thu Sep 22 08:47:53 PDT 1994
tty144.gz and tty12.gz have been moved from bootdsks.* to rootdsks.* (oops :^)


Thu Sep 22 00:12:22 PDT 1994
./slakware/a1/hdsetup: Changed setup version number to 2.0.1.
./slakware/a1/etc.tgz: Removed rz alias from csh.login.
./slakware/t1-10: Upgraded to NTex 1.2 (Which was recompiled to use the shared


Wed Sep 21 11:57:47 PDT 1994
Fixed the default path on tty12.gz and tty144.gz. (Added /etc)


Mon Sep 19 21:48:13 PDT 1994
OK - the bootdisks have been replaced and UMSDOS installation should work now.


Mon Sep 19 13:13:08 PDT 1994
./slakware/a1/base.tgz: Edited initial setup instructions.
./slakware/a1/sysvinit.tgz: Apparently there are still problems with rc.serial
hanging some machines, so it's been commented out as the default again.
I've also heard the new bootdisks don't work with UMSDOS. I promise to have
this fixed by later this evening...


Sun Sep 18 20:24:05 CDT 1994

This is the release of Slackware 2.0.1. For now, I'm sticking with the same
kernel versions as last time since I haven't had much luck with the floppy
drivers in more recent kernels. I'm sure this will get worked out in the not
too distant future, though.

This ChangeLog isn't exactly complete at this point. There were so many little
changes made that, once again, it wasn't really practical for me to waste any
time trying to document all of them. Take a look around, and most of the changes
should be pretty apparent.

Some of the changes include:

- BSD sendmail 8.6.9 instead of Smail.
- New NTeX distribution.
- util-linux-1.10.
- term 2.1.0.
- upgraded networking utilities (like wu-ftpd).
- DOOM! :^)


-- Pat


Sun Aug 21 12:07:01 PDT 1994
slakware/makeflop: Added Michel Eyckmans' patch to support HP-UX. Then, fixed
                   it to work with Linux again. :^)


Fri Jul 15 18:01:57 CDT 1994
slakware/a1/base.tgz: Funny /var/adm/adm -> /var/adm link rm'ed,
                      /var/man/cat? directories chmod'ed 1777.
slakware/a1/devs.tgz: Changed busmouse names: ps2aux to psaux, bmouseatixl to
                     atibm, bmouselogitec to logibm, and bmousems to inportbm.
slakware/a1/etc.tgz: Changed the name of group 11 (in /etc/ngroup) from 
                     "shadow" to "floppy". Moved utmp to /var/adm.
slakware/a1/hdsetup.tgz: Changed /var/adm/setup/SeTconfig to use new busmouse
slakware/a1/sysvinit.tgz: It was pointed out that /etc/motd should say "POSIX"
                      rather than "Posix", so it's been changed.
                      /var/adm/utmp is now cleared out instead of /etc/utmp.
slakware/a2/bin.tgz: Static /bin/ln replaced with a shared version since a small
                     static version (/bin/sln) now comes with util-linux-1.9.
                     /bin/ed, /usr/bin/uuencode, /usr/bin/uudecode, /bin/pwd,
                     /bin/hostname -- all moved here from the util.tgz package.
slakware/a2/ps.tgz:  Upgraded to procps-0.96.
slakware/a2/util.tgz: Upgraded to util-linux-1.9. WARNING: Some of the binaries
                     like ed, uuencode, and a few others have moved into the
                     bin.tgz package since util-linux no longer includes them.
                     Be careful if you're upgrading an existing system -- 
                     if you install the new util.tgz package, you should install
                     the new bin.tgz too.
slakware/a3/comms.tgz: Upgraded '92 versions of sz/rz to lrzsz-0.11.
slakware/a3/lpr.tgz: Empty 'lock' files put in /var/spool/lp* with correct 
                     permissions to work with apsfilter.
slakware/ap4/manpgs.tgz: Upgraded from man-pages-1.2 to man-pages-1.3.
slakware/d2/diskd2: Edited.
slakware/d2/include.tgz: Moved /usr/include/shadow.h into /usr/include/unused.
slakware/d2/man2.tgz: Upgraded from man-pages-1.2 to man-pages-1.3.
slakware/d6/diskd6: Edited.
slakware/d6/binutils.tgz: Recompiled make-3.71 (I heard reports of problems
                      with the one that came in the Linux binutils binary
                      distribution. The newly compiled version *is* slightly
                      larger, and supposedly works now. Hmmmm... )
slakware/d6/libgxx.tgz: g++-include directory moved into /usr/lib, because
                      that's where gcc-2.6.0 wants to see it. A link has
                      been added in /usr to provide backwards compatibility.
slakware/d6/man3.tgz: Upgraded from man-pages-1.2 to man-pages-1.3. 
slakware/d6/perl.tgz: Recompiled with the new linux-perl kit, and now includes
slakware/n3/inn_pkg.tgz: /var/spool/news directory added.
slakware/n3/ppp.tgz: Changed lock directory in many of the scripts in
                     /usr/lib/ppp from /var/spool/lock to /var/spool/uucp.
slakware/u1/umsfix.tgz: Changed /var/adm/setup/SeTconfig to use new busmouse 


Thu Jul 14 22:36:02 CDT 1994
Upgraded CLISP to the 4-Jul-94 version. This finally forced me to add a 
seventh D disk. Believe me, I resist these changes as long as possible, but
had to do it. I guess I'll have space for librl soon after all. :^)

Deleted from disk D5: clisp.tgz (if you see this on mirror sites in the D5
directory, please bring it to the admin's attention. It should be removed.)
Edited on disk D5: diskd5 (index file)
Moved install.end from disk D6 to the new disk D7. (Again, help make sure
this happens correctly on the mirror sites)
On disk D7: Created new diskd7 index file, added the new clisp.tgz package.


Thu Jul 14 14:27:41 CDT 1994

contrib/samba-1.7.tgz: Samba package (SMB server for Windows for Workgroups,
                       Windows NT, etc.) Source also added in the directory

A brief description from the Samba version 1.7 announce:

> What can it do for me?
> If you have any PCs running SMB clients, such as a PC running Windows
> for Workgroups, then you can mount file space or printers from a unix
> host, so that directories, files and printers on the unix host are
> available on the PC.
> The client part of the package will also allow you to attach to other
> SMB-based servers (such as windows NT and windows for workgroups) so
> that you can copy files to and from your unix host. The client also
> allows you to access a SMB printer (such as one attached to an OS/2 or
> WfWg server) from Unix, using an entry in /etc/printcap, or by
> explicitly specifying the command used to print files.


Thu Jul 14 12:02:56 CDT 1994
slakware/a3/tcsh.tgz: upgraded from 6.04 to 6.05.
slakware/n2/smail.tgz: changed some paths in mkconfig and directors.orig to
                       refer to /var/lib/smail instead of /usr/lib/smail.
slakware/xap3/xfig.tgz: #include loop in app-defaults/Xfig fixed.


Fri Jul  8 23:23:43 CDT 1994
kernels/ncr/*: 1.1.19 kernel with NCR SCSI and UMSDOS drivers.
bootdsks.12/ncr.gz: New NCR53c810 PCI SCSI (release 3) bootkernel disk.
bootdsks.144/ncr.gz: New NCR53c810 PCI SCSI (release 3) bootkernel disk.
slakware/a1/idekern.tgz, scsikern.tgz: Updated PPP drivers.
slakware/a2/diska2: edited
slakware/a2/ldso.tgz: Upgraded from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4.
slakware/d4/kernel.tgz: Updated PPP drivers.
slakware/n1/tcpip.tgz: Recompiled dip-3.3.7-uri to look for ifconfig in /sbin.
slakware/n3/ppp.tgz: Added (an empty) /etc/ppp/options so pppd doesn't complain.
slakware/ncr1/*, slakware/ncr2/*: New disk series to support the ALPHA 
   NCR53c810 PCI SCSI (release 3) drivers.


Fri Jul  8 16:01:32 CDT 1994
slakware/a1/lilo.tgz: append="" option added. any_b.b bug fixed.
slakware/t1/tagfiles, maketag: dvi2xx was missing from these.
bootdsks.12/umsdos12.gz: added a link to mkfontdir.
bootdsks.144/umsds144.gz: added a link to mkfontdir.


Thu Jul  7 20:48:15 PDT 1994
Emacs 19.25 was patched and recompiled to fix 'standard-display-european' mode.
The patch is in /pub/linux/slackware_source/e.
The following Emacs packages were changed:

There should have been a space after the comma in the default /etc/host.conf.
This was corrected in slakware/n1/tcpip.tgz. (Most people will probably just
want to make the change themselves :^)

It was also pointed out that rxvt no longer accepts the -fb option, but the
default OpenLook menus still try to use it. This has now been corrected in
the slakware/xv2/xvmenus.tgz package.


Wed Jul  6 10:45:53 PDT 1994
Oops! 'bash' was left out of tagfile and in the ./slakware/a1
directory. This has been corrected.


Wed Jul  6 04:14:42 PDT 1994
Missing files in ./slakware/f1 were added back. These seem to have been lost
in a recent disk crash. If you notice any other problems/omissions please
let me know.


Fri Jul  1 21:08:58 PDT 1994

I hope you didn't think I was taking time off. :^)

This is the release of Slackware 2.0.0. Virtually every package is changed to
some extent, and so much stuff has been fixed/upgraded that it would be
pointless (and incredibly time-consuming) if I were to attempt to list all the
changes, so I'm not going to.

The source tree should now be completely up to date.


Tue Apr 26 20:19:16 PDT 1994
./a1/etc.tgz: Fixed environment variables in csh.login.


Sun Apr 24 22:58:59 CDT 1994
./a1/base.tgz: Fixed makewhatis to work with preprocessed and/or groff manpages.
./a2/bin.tgz: Removed old makeinfo, texindex, and info programs.
./a2/util.tgz: Compressed
./ap1/ispell.tgz: Compressed
./ap1/maketag: added selection for 'texinfo'
./ap1/tagfile: edited
./ap1/ edited
./ap1/tagfile.pat: edited
./ap4/diskap4: added texinfo entry.
./ap4/texinfo.tgz: New - GNU texinfo-3.1 with patches to allow the use of
        GNU zipped info pages with the standalone 'info' program. This cuts
        the drive space used by a full set of info pages from around 6 MB to 
        2.5 MB. And it was just last week that I uncompressed them all so that
        they'd work with the 'info' Slackware was using.
        Nothing causes progress like wasting drive space, I guess. :^)
./d2/flex.tgz: compressed
./d3/bison.tgz: compressed
./d3/gdb.tgz: compressed
./d6/m4.tgz: compressed
./e1/emacsbin.tgz: compressed,,,, etc.
./i1/info1.tgz: compressed, and edited 'dir' to include all the info pages
        that come with Slackware.
./i2/info2.tgz: compressed.
./n2/elm.tgz: Fixed a bad man page link. (wnewmail.1)
./oop1/diskoop1: edited
./oop1/smaltalk.tgz: compressed


Fri Apr 22 17:03:39 CDT 1994

./a1/hdsetup.tgz: Fixed a bug when adding X to an existing system.
./a2/ps.tgz: Made w show the hostnames of the machines users are logged in from
./n3/ppp.tgz: Added a patch to enable ppp to work with kernels >= 1.1.4
./q1/diskq1: edited
./q1/kernel.tgz: Upgraded to version 1.1.8. Fixed a bug in sbpcd.c (#include
                 <linux/string.h>, and added in the PPP patches.
./q1/maketag: edited
./q2/cdkern.log: "make config" log for cdkern.tgz.
./q2/cdkern.tgz: A 1.1.8 kernel with net, IDE, and non-SCSI CD-ROM support.
./q2/diskq2: edited
./q2/ftape.tgz: Recompiled to work with Linux 1.1.8.
./q2/idekern.log: "make config" log for idekern.tgz.
./q2/idekern.tgz: A 1.1.8 kernel with net and IDE support.
./q2/scsikern.log: "make config" log for scsikern.tgz.
./q2/scsikern.tgz: A 1.1.8 kernel with net, IDE, and SCSI drivers.


Thu Apr 21 17:17:27 CDT 1994
Release of Slackware
./a1/base.tgz: Upgraded to mtools 2.0.7.
./a1/diska1: edited.
./a1/etc.tgz: edited /etc/mtools.
./a1/sysvinit.tgz: made rc.* files derive hostname from /etc/HOSTNAME
./a2/diska2: edited
./a2/getty.tgz: Recompiled from new source + backspace patch.
./a2/ps.tgz: upgraded to procps-0.95 
./a2/util.tgz: Switched to bdflush version of the update daemon (This will be
    needed by some of the newer 1.1.x kernels)
./a3/diska3: edited
./a3/lpr.tgz: added /etc/services to allow lpr to work on machines without
              to TCP/IP package installed.
./a3/shlbsvga.tgz: Upgraded to (from SVGAlib 1.07)
./ap1/termbin.tgz: Upgraded with new patches for term 1.14 (adds tshutdown)
./ap1/termsrc.tgz: Upgraded with new patches for term 1.14 (adds tshutdown)
./ap2/diskap2: edited
./ap3/diskap3: edited
./d2/flex.tgz: added info pages
./d5/diskd5: edited
./d5/svgalib.tgz: Upgraded to SVGAlib 1.07
./i1/diski1: edited
./i1/info1.tgz: Pruned out the duplicates, and uncompressed the rest so they'll
                work with 'info'. Compress them again if you like.
./i1/maketag: edited
./i1/tagfile: edited
./i1/ edited
./i2/diski2: edited
./i2/info2.tgz: Pruned out the duplicates, and uncompressed the rest.
./i2/install.end: moved from i3 (which was removed)
On all of the rootdisks below, the following changes were made:
  -- Added InfoMagic's CD to the install menu.
  -- Made sure disks used the latest versions of route and bdflush.
./install/umsdos/boot12.gz: This hadn't contained a UMSDOS compatible kernel
    before. Sorry about that!
./n1/netcfg.tgz: This no longer touches /etc/rc.d/rc.M, since that extracts the
    hostname and domainname from /etc/HOSTNAME.
./n1/tcpip.tgz: Changed a couple config files to extract the hostname from
    /etc/HOSTNAME, and stripped 2 binaries that needed it.
./n2/diskn2: edited
./n2/pine.tgz: Stripped in.imapd and pine.
./n3/cnews.tgz: Fixed a bug in the inews script.
./n3/diskn3: edited
./n3/trn.tgz: Upgraded to version 3.4.1. This has been compiled to use read
  news from a remote server via NNTP (set the NNTPSERVER variable), to use
  Overviews (recommended) or mthreads (a resource hog), and to extract the
  hostname from /etc/HOSTNAME for posting.
./xap1/diskxap1: edited
./xap1/tagfile.pat: edited


Tue Apr 19 18:57:05 PDT 1994
./install/fdomain: added 1.1.5 bootkernels with scsi (including new Future
Domain) drivers.


Fri Apr 15 15:54:02 CDT 1994

Here's the latest round of updates to bring us up to Slackware release
A special tax-day present for those in the USA... ;^)
./a1/diska1: edited
./a1/etc.tgz: More verbose /etc/mtools.
./a1/idekern.log: New "make config" log
./a1/idekern.tgz: Upgraded to 1.0.8, added parallel support.
./a1/lilo.tgz: Fixes to the generated /etc/lilo.conf for OS/2 and DOS.
./a1/scsikern.log: New "make config" log
./a1/scsikern.tgz: Upgraded to 1.0.8.
./a1/sysvinit.tgz: Changed rc.S to not request a reboot after a successful fix.
./a1/tagfile: Edited many tagfiles... some to add new software, but mostly to
remove version numbers, since these really aren't a reliable source of the
current versions included. If you need to know that info, the disk?? are kept
./a1/ edited.
./a2/util.tgz: Added some e2fs 0.5a utilities.
./a3/diska3: edited
./a3/e2fsbn.tgz: Upgraded from 0.5 to 0.5a.
./ap1/maketag: edited
./ap1/tagfile: edited
./ap1/ edited 
./ap1/tagfile.pat: edited
./ap4/diskap4: edited
./ap4/ftape.tgz: Recompiled to use Linux 1.0.8
./ap4/vim.tgz: New!
./d1/maketag: edited
./d1/tagfile: edited
./d1/ edited
./d4/diskd4: edited
./d4/kernel.tgz: Linux 1.0.8 kernel source.
./d5/svgalib.tgz: Made convfont chmod'ed 755. (Security hole in older svgalibs)
./e1/tagfile: edited
./e1/ edited
./e1/tagfile.pat: edited
On all of the rootdisks below, the following changes were made: 
    1. New e2fsprogs 0.5a, and badblocks added.
    2. mkswap is now 'mkswap -c' by default.
./n1/tagfile: edited
./n1/ edited
./n1/tcpip.tgz: Fixed ypbind, added newly patched dip-337-uri.
Return of the Q series! This will contain Alpha kernel images and source.
./q1/diskq1: new
./q1/kernel.tgz: Linux 1.1.2 kernel source
./q1/maketag: new
./q1/tagfile: new
./q2/cdkern.log: "make config" log
./q2/cdkern.tgz: Linux 1.1.2 with net+IDE+SCSI+non-SCSI CD drivers.
./q2/diskq2: new
./q2/ftape.tgz: Ftape modules for Linux 1.1.2.
./q2/idekern.log: "make config" log
./q2/idekern.tgz: Linux 1.1.2 with net+IDE drivers
./q2/install.end: new
./q2/scsikern.log: "make config" log
./q2/scsikern.tgz: Linux 1.1.2 with net+IDE+SCSI drivers
./x1/tagfile: edited
./x1/ edited
./x1/tagfile.pat: edited


Sun Apr 10 18:02:30 PDT 1994
./downgrad: 3 disks comprising a "downgrade" package for people that want
to run libc-4.4.4 and GNU gcc 2.4.5. I don't plan to use this, but I've seen
interest in libc-4.4.4 on the net. 


Tue Apr  5 12:08:08 PDT 1994
./x1/x_mach32.tgz: I heard on the net that some of the people that had problems
with the Mach32 server had solved them by simply re-linking a new server. So,
here's a newly re-linked copy. If this doesn't do it, let me know.


Mon Apr  4 18:26:43 PDT 1994
./install/in2000/in2K_144.gz: changed the root device from /dev/fd0h1200 to
/dev/fd0H1440. Sorry about that! If you don't want to download the new copy,
this line allows the old in2K_144 to load the rootdisk (type at the bootkernel
ramdisk root=/dev/fd0H1440


Mon Apr  4 16:29:48 PDT 1994
./install/tape: new tape144 and README. This might work now :^)
Thanks to Harald Koenig, who sent fixes.


Sun Apr  3 18:09:15 PDT 1994
./ap4/ftape.tgz: Recompiled ftape-0.9.10 using a patch that was recently
posted. This seems to have cleared up the random I/O errors on write with
this version, and now /dev/nftape works, so you can put multiple tar volumes
on one tape.
./install/in2000: Contains some experimental new bootkernel disks for
systems using the IN2000 SCSI interface.


Fri Apr  1 03:50:37 CST 1994
All kinds of upgrades and bug fixes have been going on over the past
few days. I suppose I should have bumped the version numbers, but I
didn't. Let's call this ;^) Thanks for the extensive bug reports
everyone! (especially Andreas Klemm, who hit me with a *huge* list ;^)
/UPGRADE-HOWTO: A new piece of documentation that explains how to 
upgrade existing Linux installations using the new pkgtool.
./install/1_2meg/rootdisks/colrlite.gz: Switched over to new cpkgtool.
Fixed several other bugs, too. All of these new root-install disks can be
used to cleanly upgrade your system using the method detailed in the new
./install/1_2meg/rootdisks/tty12.gz: upgraded with new pkgtool, bug fixes.
./install/1_44meg/rootdisks/color144.gz: upgraded with new pkgtool, bug fixes.
./install/1_44meg/rootdisks/tty144.gz: upgraded with new pkgtool, bug fixes.
./install/tape/tape144.gz: upgraded with new pkgtool, bug fixes. This is
still experimental. Quick survey - is anyone using this successfully (besides
./install/umsdos/boot12.gz: New UMSDOS Linux 1.0 bootkernel for 1.2 meg.
./install/umsdos/boot144.gz: New UMSDOS Linux 1.0 bootkernel for 1.44 meg.
./install/umsdos/root144.gz: New UMSDOS Linux 1.0 root-install disk for 
./a1/base.tgz: chmod'ed 755 /bin/mtools. Removed some old duplicates.
./a1/devs.tgz: chmod'ed 666 /dev/fd* (some people may consider this a 
./a1/etc.tgz: changed $HOME for uucp to /var/spool/uucppublic, and the
$HOME for news to /usr/lib/news.
security risk, so chmod them back to 660 if you don't want to give your
users floppy drive access)
./a1/hdsetup.tgz: Upgraded to yet-another-version of pkgtool.tty and
cpkgtool. This time I made changes to allow pkgtool to be run from the
root-install disk. This will allow clean upgrades - first you use
'pkgtool' from the root-install disk to remove the old versions of any
packages you wish to upgrade, and then you install the new ones with 'setup'.
./a1/lilo.tgz: Changes to the 'liloconfig' script: now it checks to make sure
target devices exist, and warns the user that labels must be a single word.
./a2/bin.tgz: Removed some duplicated files.
./a2/ps.tgz: Removed duplicated X binaries.
./a2/util.tgz: Added some of the new e2fs debugging tools that wouldn't
fit on disk A3.
./a3/e2fsbn.tgz: New e2fs 0.5 utilities.
./a3/diska3: edited
./d5/clisp.tgz: Added #!/bin/sh to beginning of clisp script.
./d5/f2c.tgz: f77 script fixed to properly pass optimizing options.
./n1/uucp.tgz: Should support both Taylor and HDB config files now (in
any combination). Also includes a new patch from Ian Taylor. New sample
files from Andreas Klemm.
./n1/netcfg.tgz: adds HOSTNAME correctly now.
./n1/mailx.tgz: New pathnames compiled in (/var/spool/mail,
/usr/lib/sendmail) should work for either smail or sendmail.
./n1/diskn1: Notes that uucp works with both config types.
./n1/tcpip.tgz: Made another fix to /etc/ftpaccess, so that the server doesn't
exit immediately by default.
./n2/elm.tgz: Moved the elm configuration and alias files from /usr/lib (where
they overlapped with Smail files) to /var/lib/elm. This fixes the Elm bug
where it crashes saying it can't malloc some huge amount of memory.
./n3/inn_pkg.tgz: Added directory /var/log.
./u1: ALL NEW! New UMSDOS-Linux kernels and utilities. (UMSDOS is a filesystem
that lets you install Linux onto an existing DOS partition at a cost of slower
disk access than with native Linux filesystems.)
./u2: ALL NEW! New prepatched Linux 1.0 + UMSDOS filesystem source.
./x2/xf_cfg.tgz: Edited system.fvwmrc to use new rxvt syntax.
./x4/diskx4: edited.
./x4/xf_bin.tgz: Upgraded to rxvt version 1.85. (including 'rclock')


Thu Mar 31 18:27:55 CST 1994
./n1/tcpip.tgz: fixed pathnames in /etc/ftpaccess, added /var/yp


Thu Mar 31 18:03:42 CST 1994
./a1/hdsetup.tgz: Upgraded to a new version of 'pkgtool' that fixes the
reported bugs, and speeds up package removal greatly. Thanks to Mark
Wisdom, who suggested switching to the 'comm' utility (and sent diffs :^)
./a3/find.tgz: added /usr/local/lib/locate directory
./xap2/xxgdb.tgz: Recompiled to use the new multi window interface.


Mon Mar 28 23:22:00 PST 1994
./ap1/maketag: noted new version # for quota
./ap4/diskap4: noted new version # for quota
./ap4/quota.tgz: upgraded to quota-1.32. This should work with Linux 1.0.


Mon Mar 28 16:04:28 PST 1994
./ap1/maketag, tagfiles: added an entry for 'mt-st'
./ap4/diskap4: added an entry for 'mt-st'
./ap4/mt_st.tgz: A new version of mt that lets you set the blocksize of your
tape drive and some other features that GNU mt lacks. It does not seem to
work with a remote tape drive, however. Use the mt in cpio.tgz for that.
./install/tape/tape144.gz: Replaced the mt in /bin with the mt-st version.


Mon Mar 28 11:54:58 PST 1994
./n3/ppp.tgz: I recompiled the pppd binary. I think the package that was up
before (with the 1.0 patches) should have worked, too, but I'm just making
sure. If you had trouble getting it to work before, try this one.
Just for reference, here's how I connect to another machine with PPP:
pppd defroute 19200 /dev/ttyS2


Sat Mar 26 15:50:23 PST 1994
./a1/lilo.tgz: Switched to a new LILO installation script that allows you
to set up booting to other operating systems such as OS/2 or DOS. Let me know
if you run into any problems with it.
./xv2/xvmenus.tgz: Fixed a bad link to usr/openwin/lib/.text_extras_menu.


Fri Mar 25 20:18:54 PST 1994
./a1/lilo.tgz: fixed the "chroot -m : not found" bug when running liloconfig
on your installed system.


Fri Mar 25 15:58:58 PST 1994
./n3/ppp.tgz: Patched to work with the 1.0 kernel.
./install/tape: A root-install disk to install from floppy or SCSI tape.


Thu Mar 24 22:36:06 PST 1994
./n1/tcpip.tgz: Upgraded to net-032b utilities, added ytalk and yp stuff.
./n1/diskn1: Edited the description of tcpip.
There were a couple of recent fixes to the XFree86 2.1 release, and they're
now incorporated into the Slackware release. Here are the changes for that:
./x7/speedo.tgz: added new fonts.scale, fonts.dir.
./xd1/xf_kit.tgz: New contents.
./xd1/maketag: added 'xf_kit2' selection
./xd1/tagfile: added default for 'xf_kit2'
./xd1/ added default for 'xf_kit2'
./xd2/install.end: Moved to ./xd3
./xd3/install.end: moved here from ./xd2
./xd3/xf_kit2.tgz: new driver libraries
./xd3/diskxd3: new index file for the xd3 disk


Thu Mar 24 11:23:44 PST 1994
./a3/shellutl.tgz: So now I hear this is corrupt, check the checksum on it,
and sure enough it is. I don't know what happened to these two files - I used
the same upload method as usual with the exception that the files were
uploaded from a DOS partition (under Linux, of course ;^) Anyway, it's fixed
now, and I'll do a little more checking in the future.


Thu Mar 24 10:54:24 PST 1994
./a3/diska3: Looks like I got a ^M in there by mistake. Fixed.


Wed Mar 23 15:28:39 PST 1994
./a3/shellutl.tgz: Upgraded to 1.9.4. su fixed with a small patch.
./a3/diska3: Upgrade to shellutils-1.9.4 noted.


Tue Mar 22 03:18:06 PST 1994
./ap4/ftape.tgz: ftape-0.9.9d driver added in addition to the 0.9.10 driver.
I heard reports that the 0.9.10 driver didn't work as well in general, so
the 0.9.9d version is the new default. This is selectable via a link in /boot.
./ap4/diskap4: Noted the inclusion of the 0.9.9d driver in the ftape package.


Sun Mar 20 22:36:51 PST 1994
./a3/shellutl.tgz: GNU su wasn't working, so I replaced it with a version 
derived from FreeBSD source. This works better, but doesn't have all the nice
options of the GNU version included with shellutils-1.9.2. If anyone gets that
to work again, please let me know.


Sun Mar 20 20:53:40 PST 1994
./a1/hdsetup.tgz, colrlite.gz, color144.gz: Modified to use an 8-bit clean
version of 'dialog'.


Sun Mar 20 02:46:13 PST 1994
xap2: xgrabsc.tgz was archived relative to /usr instead of /. It's been fixed.


Sat Mar 19 22:19:31 PST 1994
Slackware 1.2.0 is released.
Sorry, I don't have a list of things which have changed since the last version.


Mon Feb 28 11:11:11 PST 1994
./a2/bin.tgz: I got more than one report that this file was corrupt. I don't
know if it was here, or a mirror site. If you had a previous copy and it did
not give you errors when you installed it, then you don't need the new copy.


Thu Feb 24 12:50:34 PST 1994
./a2/getty.tgz : Fixed the LOGIN bug (I hope).
./d1/maketag: Bumped flex version number.
./d2/diskd2: Bumped flex version number.
./d2/flex.tgz: Upgraded to version 2.4.6


Wed Feb 23 00:56:45 PST 1994

./a2/util.tgz: agetty was patched to (hopefully) cure the annoying backspace


Fri Feb 18 23:36:23 PST 1994

./a1/devs.tgz: I don't know if the net devices are needed for this new network
stuff, but I'm taking no chances.
./d1/maketag: kernel version # changed
./d4/kernel.tgz: Upgraded to 0.99.15f
./d4/diskd4: Kernel version # changed
./n1/diskn1: tcpip entry edited
./n1/tcpip.tgz: net-032 utilities added
./bootdisk/color144.gz: Bug when selecting format with check on a non-root
partition fixed.


Fri Feb 18 15:40:22 PST 1994

./n2/smail.tgz: replaced. The old copy was linked with the shadow library and
was causing problems on system using YP.


Wed Feb 16 19:29:08 PST 1994

I managed to put the wrong tty12.gz up... I hope you 5.25" users will be 
patient with me. I've replaced it with a copy I believe works. I'm doing some
tests on it right now to double check.

Wed Feb 16 14:09:36 PST 1994

I've replaced hdsetup.tgz, color144.gz, and root144.gz. This fixes a bug
where the gateway address for NFS install is not configured. If you do not
use NFS installation, these fixes won't affect you.

Tue Feb 15 12:12:53 PST 1994

This is the promised big upgrade that fixes most of the reported problems
with the new version of Slackware. Note that there is no longer a color12
disk - there wasn't enough room. I may eliminate some of the features and
bring it back in the future. For instance, it would be easy to make a color12
without international keyboard support. (I know that wouldn't make everyone
happy, but...) Another option is to make some more bootdisks that allow you
to boot a 3.5" disk in the second floppy drive. Again, not everyone has a 
1.44MB drive. But, rest assured that I'll do what I can.

Anyway, these are the files that comprise the latest upgrade. If you downloaded
soon after the initial 1.1.2 release, you should check the filesizes of your 
other disks as well and upgrade anything that needs it. (Including the disk??
maketag, and other seemingly insignificant files)

NEW FEATURE: Support for the UMSDOS filesystem. That's right - if you have 8
megabytes or more of RAM, you can try Linux out on your DOS partition with
*no repartitioning required*! You can install anything from a 12 megabyte
minimal system to the full 140+ megabyte release. You can also make swapfiles
on the UMSDOS partition once the system is running.

I hope this will be a stable release. I've given it about 2 days testing, and
it seems greatly improved, especially the new networking utilities. My thanks
to everyone involved, especially Florian  La Roche, Alan Cox, and (of course)

Enjoy -

Patrick Volkerding <>

-rw-rw-r--    1 volkerdi      232 Feb 15 12:10 u_README
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi    55475 Feb 15 12:04 etc.tgz (added a couple bins)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi    79197 Feb 15 12:04 hdsetup.tgz (bugfixes)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi    25457 Feb 14 16:38 sysvinit.tgz (slight change)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   554450 Feb 14 23:52 bin.tgz (removed dups)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   276670 Feb 14 16:39 util.tgz 
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     4932 Feb 15 12:04 diska3
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi    83064 Feb 15 12:04 keytbls.tgz (0.83 -> 0.84)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi    50030 Feb 14 16:40 lpr.tgz (from new net stuff)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi    82324 Feb 14 04:56 shellutl.tgz (+GNU su)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     1820 Feb 14 17:52 diskap1
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     1913 Feb 14 16:41 maketag
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi    44369 Feb 14 18:37 manpgs.tgz (1.0 -> 1.2)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     2773 Feb 14 18:16 tagfile
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     2773 Feb 14 18:16
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      208 Feb 14 18:16 tagfile.pat
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi    41175 Feb 14 16:41 termbin.tgz (1.11 -> 1.12)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi    96248 Feb 14 16:41 termsrc.tgz (1.11 -> 1.12)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   547130 Feb 15 12:04 color144.gz (bugfixes)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     1574 Feb 14 20:51 README.UMS
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   541472 Feb 13 19:53 umsboot.12.gz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   542624 Feb 13 19:23 umsboot.144.gz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   542529 Feb 15 12:05 umsroot.144.gz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      268 Feb 14 17:54 tagfile.pat
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     1883 Feb 14 17:55 diskd2
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   134286 Feb 14 17:55 man2.tgz (1.0 -> 1.2)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   196428 Feb 14 21:49 ncurses.tgz (new links)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     1346 Feb 14 17:56 diskd6
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   151740 Feb 14 17:56 man3.tgz (1.0 -> 1.2)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi    32003 Feb 14 18:13 dip.tgz (3.34a -> 3.3.7n2debug)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     2464 Feb 14 18:13 diskn1
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     1637 Feb 14 21:50 maketag
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     6335 Feb 14 23:16 netcfg.tgz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     2558 Feb 14 18:13 tagfile
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     2558 Feb 14 18:13
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      156 Feb 14 18:13 tagfile.pat
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   642276 Feb 14 18:13 tcpip.tgz (NEW! net2debugged)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      945 Feb 14 18:14 diskn3
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   114372 Feb 14 23:55 ppp.tgz (NEW)
./t1: (New LaTeX2e distribution from Sunsite)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      124 Feb 14 20:06 diskt1
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     1144 Feb 14 20:04 maketag
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     7153 Feb 12 10:05 manifest.gz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     2738 Feb 12 10:04 readme.tex
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      129 Feb 14 20:19 tagfile
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      129 Feb 14 20:19
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      129 Feb 14 20:19 tagfile.pat
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   954152 Feb 14 19:03 texbin.tgz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      154 Feb 14 20:07 diskt2
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi  1061354 Feb 14 19:34 texlibmc.tgz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      371 Feb 14 20:10 diskt3
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   692601 Feb 14 19:24 texcmpk.tgz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi    80611 Feb 14 19:26 texdoc.tgz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   432212 Feb 14 19:43 texnfss2.tgz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      395 Feb 14 20:12 diskt4
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   165314 Feb 14 19:22 texcm.tgz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   441104 Feb 14 19:31 texlibib.tgz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   519891 Feb 14 19:39 texlibms.tgz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      237 Feb 14 20:17 diskt5
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi        4 Feb 14 20:04 install.end
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   397715 Feb 14 19:00 texams.tgz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   795531 Feb 14 19:28 texfont.tgz
./u1: (New UMSDOS support - allows installation on DOS partitions)
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      557 Feb 14 15:45 disku1
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      279 Feb 14 18:32
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi       51 Feb 14 18:33 tagfile
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     2928 Feb 14 15:46 umsfix.tgz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi     5919 Feb 13 20:05 umskern.log
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   305617 Feb 13 19:58 umskern.tgz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi    81066 Feb 14 18:40 umsprogs.tgz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi      329 Feb 13 20:08 disku2
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi       16 Feb 13 20:08 install.end
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi  1297282 Feb 11 23:19 kernel.tgz


Sat Feb 12 16:49:00 PST 1994

slackware/a2/ldso.tgz (added /usr/openwin/lib to
slackware/d6/libgxx.tgz (Fixed release)

... more to come! :^)


Fri Feb 11 15:26:23 PST 1994

Added a new bootdisk with *only* scsi drivers.
Removed the Mitsumi driver from scsiboot (scsi+net).

Since this site can do gzip on-the-fly, I've removed the compressed versions
of the bootdisks. This is also to benefit mirror sites that are running low 
on disk space. I'm considering compressing them all and adding GZIP.EXE to
the bootdisk directory. If you think that's a bad plan, I'm open to 


Thu Feb 10 17:29:04 PST 1994

Replaced: slackware/a1/etc.tgz
Added a couple missing files, fixed problems with 'last' and 'finger'.


Wed Feb  9 23:20:45 PST 1994


Changed rc.M so that it no longer deletes /etc/ now that the bug has been fixed.

slackware/a2/ldso.tgz: Upgraded from 1.4 to 1.4.3.
slackware/a2/diska2: Bumped version number in the text description.

slackware/n1/netcfg.tgz: Fixed netconfig script to produce the changed
version of rc.M.


Wed Feb  9 11:42:49 PST 1994


Wrong version numbers given.


Tue Feb  8 16:10:13 PST 1994

Execution of ldconfig moved to rc.M, after mounting of remote filesystems.
Also, /etc/ is deleted after ldconfig is run. This is a temporary
fix for an problem that should be repaired correctly soon.


Tue Feb  8 01:50:03 PST 1994

Replaced (again):
slackware/bootdisk/1_44meg/color144.gz and color144
slackware/bootdisk/1_2meg/color12.gz and color12
The NFS install had bugs.

Same problem.

Fixed problem of no color-ls after su.

Fixed problem of no su.

I inadvertently left many of my own tagfiles in place as the default. 
tagfile and were replaced in these directories:

slackware/ap1, slackware/n1, slackware/xap1, slackware/xd1, slackware/xv1
slackware/y1, slackware/libc444/d1


Mon Feb  7 23:13:06 PST 1994

(added CD-ROM setup by default)

slackware/ap1/maketag (updated quota version #)

slackware/ap4/diskap4 (updated quota info)
slackware/ap4/quota.tgz (new version 1.3 for pl15)

slackware/xap1/workman.tgz (upgraded from version 1.1 to 1.2)


Mon Feb  7 17:34:56 PST 1994

slackware/bootdisk/1_44meg/color144.gz and color144
slackware/bootdisk/1_2meg/color12.gz and color12

There was a dialog box that was empty when installing to multiple Linux
partitions. It meant to say 'here's what went to your /etc/fstab, do you
want to add more Linux partition?' but it didn't quite work out that way. ;^)

Also, the setup program did not detect the absence of Linux native partitions.
This condition will now print an error screen.


Sun Feb  6 18:53:26 PST 1994

There have been a couple of last minute fixes to Slackware 1.1.2:

This upgrades bash to 1.13.5. It replaces slackware/a1/base.tgz.
-rwxr-xr-x    1 volkerdi   252852 Feb  6 17:11 base.tgz  (disk a1)

These next two files replace the ones under slackware/bootdisk/1_44meg and
slackware/bootdisk/1_2meg. They fix a bug which wrote /etc/rc.d/rc.local
improperly so that keymaps would not load properly.
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   465392 Feb  6 16:35 color12.gz
-rw-r--r--    1 volkerdi   539929 Feb  6 16:32 color144.gz

This package addresses the same bug, and replaces slackware/a1/hdsetup.tgz
and slackware/libc444/a1/hdsetup.tgz.
-rwxr-xr-x    1 volkerdi    71152 Feb  6 16:36 hdsetup.tgz

This replaces slackware/f1/maketag and rewords the message a little (as well
as fixing a typo) :
-rwxr-xr-x    1 volkerdi      291 Feb  6 17:45 maketag

This adds a few new man pages. It replaces slackware/ap1/man.tgz
-rwxr-xr-x    1 volkerdi   403715 Feb  6 17:08 man.tgz


Sat Feb  5 01:20:58 PST 1994

Slackware 1.1.2 is released, with a totally insufficient log of changes since
1.1.1 ;^)


Mon Jan 17 17:58:36 PST 1994
A1: devs.tgz edited. I removed the /dev/printer -> /tmp/.printer link
    which was confusing LILO. I don't even remember what it was supposed
    to fix, to be honest.


Sat Jan  1 19:03:16 PST 1994
On disk a2, in bootutls.tgz, 'mkfs' now works as expected.

Sat Jan  1 10:49:07 PST 1994

Happy new year, everyone!

Changed files:
-rw-r--r--  1 volkerdi     6351 Dec 31 16:33 devs.tgz
(added /dev/arp)
-rw-r--r--  1 volkerdi    22867 Dec 31 16:33 etc.tgz
(Some modifications to inittab)
-rw-r--r--  1 volkerdi    26525 Dec 31 16:34 sysvinit.tgz
(Better init scripts)

-rw-r--r--  1 volkerdi    43349 Jan  1 11:01 bootutls.tgz
(New mount/umount, fsck frontend)
-rw-r--r--  1 volkerdi     1818 Jan  1 12:48 diska2
-rw-r--r--  1 volkerdi   187066 Jan  1 11:17 util.tgz
(Upgraded to util-linux-1.1)

-rw-r--r--  1 volkerdi    16192 Jan  1 11:22 syslogd.tgz
(Added a comment to syslogd.conf, explaining that you have to use TABS
for your whitespace or the config file will not parse correctly)


Sat Dec 18 20:52:18 PST 1993

A1:  passwd.tgz: moved 'su' into bin so single-user could start properly.
/shadowpwd: shadwpwd.tgz: moved 'su' into /bin.


Sat Dec 18 11:38:02 PST 1993

D1:  Fixed 'make/gmake' typo in tagfile and


Thu Dec 16 22:59:15 PST 1993

D5:  ncurses.tgz replaced. The previous version worked, but always
     produced trace output (tons of it).


Thu Dec 16 18:00:09 PST 1993

A1:  lilo.tgz replaced to fix some bugs in the 'liloconfig' script.
N1:  netcfg.tgz replaced to add more error checking on input.


Thu Dec 16 01:29:18 PST 1993

XAP2: Obsolete '' template removed.
      (rm /usr/X11/lib/X11/config/


Mon Dec 13 23:20:42 PST 1993

XAP1: seyon replaced to get rid of the -O2 bug. Hint: If you recompile
      seyon yourself some day, don't use optimization. At least not with
X2:   xf_cfg replaced (made /dev/modem the default seyon device)
XV2:  xvmenus replaced (made /dev/modem the default seyon device)


Mon Dec 13 18:00:31 PST 1993
XAP2: xgames and x3270 replaced.


Sun Dec 12 23:42:56 CST 1993
Slackware Linux 1.1.1 released.


[ This part of the file lists the changes since the first 1.1.1 beta 
release until the official 1.1.1 release. ]

Sun Dec 12 23:40:18 CST 1993

Disk F1 brought up to date. Documentation rewritten to reflect changes.


Sun Dec 12 03:15:08 PST 1993

This should do it for changes prior to the real release (now, how many times 
have I said that? ;^)

The files below were added, and xrest.tgz (XAP2) was deleted.
The files listed below are also present in new.tar, found in this 
directory, so if you get that, delete xrest.tgz, and untar it in your
slackware directory you'll be up to date.

Also, two new pieces of source were added, and these are not 
in the new.tar file:


Sat Dec 11 04:20:51 PST 1993

a1/sysvinit.tgz : fixed getty format in inittab
a2/getty.tgz    : recompiled getty/uugetty, added docs.
n1/tcpip.tgz    : fixed 'dip'.
d3/extralib.tgz : libg.a -> libc.a link taken care of.
q1/diskq1       : 0.99pl14c added, 0.99pl14a removed.

Fri Dec 10 02:09:03 PST 1993
These files have changed in what may be the last round of updates prior
to the official release. (heh, heh, yeah, right! ;^)


Mon Dec  6 02:58:00 CST 1993
These bugs were reported (and fixed) in the beta so far:

1. The route works for dip, but not ethernet.
    [solution]: Use the old route. I replaced /sbin/route with the one I
    was using before and renamed the new one /sbin/route.dip.
    [affected package]: /n1/tcpip.tgz

2.  The install script in bin.tgz makes a bad link that wipes out
    /usr/bin/chsh. This has also been fixed.
    [affected package]: /a2/bin.tgz