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not registeredpseudo-_TIFFVGetField%s: Invalid %stag "%s" (not supported by codec)DotRange../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_dir.ctv->count == 1Error fetching directory countError fetching directory linkSanity check on directory count failed%s: Error fetching directory count%s: Error fetching directory linkUnknownNonstandard tile width %d, convert fileNonstandard tile length %d, convert file%s: Sorry, cannot nest SubIFDsTIFFSetField%s: Invalid InkNames value; expecting %d names, found %d%s: Failed to allocate space for list of custom values%s: Bad field type %d for "%s"fip->field_writecount==TIFF_VARIABLE2%s: Null count for "%s" (type %d, writecount %d, passcount %d)custom tag binary object%s: Bad value %u for "%s" tag%s: Unknown %stag %u%s: Cannot modify tag "%s" while writingCan not unlink directory in read-only fileDirectory %d does not exist(uint64)nextdir32==nextdirError writing directory linkTRUEFALSE%s: field[%2d] %5lu, %2d, %2d, %d, %2d, %5s, %5s, %s Failed to allocate fields array_TIFFSetupFieldsSetting up field info failedTIFFFieldWithTagInternal error, unknown tag 0x%xTIFFFieldWithNameInternal error, unknown tag %sTag %dExposureTimeFNumberExposureProgramSpectralSensitivityISOSpeedRatingsOptoelectricConversionFactorExifVersionDateTimeOriginalDateTimeDigitizedComponentsConfigurationCompressedBitsPerPixelShutterSpeedValueApertureValueBrightnessValueExposureBiasValueMaxApertureValueSubjectDistanceMeteringModeLightSourceFlashFocalLengthSubjectAreaMakerNoteUserCommentSubSecTimeSubSecTimeOriginalSubSecTimeDigitizedFlashpixVersionColorSpacePixelXDimensionPixelYDimensionRelatedSoundFileFlashEnergySpatialFrequencyResponseFocalPlaneXResolutionFocalPlaneYResolutionFocalPlaneResolutionUnitSubjectLocationExposureIndexSensingMethodFileSourceSceneTypeCFAPatternCustomRenderedExposureModeWhiteBalanceDigitalZoomRatioFocalLengthIn35mmFilmSceneCaptureTypeGainControlContrastSaturationSharpnessDeviceSettingDescriptionSubjectDistanceRangeImageUniqueIDSubfileTypeOldSubfileTypeImageWidthImageLengthBitsPerSampleCompressionPhotometricInterpretationThreshholdingCellWidthCellLengthFillOrderDocumentNameImageDescriptionMakeModelStripOffsetsOrientationSamplesPerPixelRowsPerStripStripByteCountsMinSampleValueMaxSampleValueXResolutionYResolutionPlanarConfigurationPageNameXPositionYPositionFreeOffsetsFreeByteCountsGrayResponseUnitGrayResponseCurveResolutionUnitPageNumberColorResponseUnitTransferFunctionSoftwareDateTimeArtistHostComputerWhitePointPrimaryChromaticitiesColorMapHalftoneHintsTileWidthTileLengthTileOffsetsTileByteCountsSubIFDInkSetInkNamesNumberOfInksTargetPrinterExtraSamplesSampleFormatSMinSampleValueSMaxSampleValueClipPathXClipPathUnitsYClipPathUnitsYCbCrCoefficientsYCbCrSubsamplingYCbCrPositioningReferenceBlackWhiteXMLPacketMatteingDataTypeImageDepthTileDepthImageFullWidthImageFullLengthTextureFormatTextureWrapModesFieldOfViewCotangentMatrixWorldToScreenMatrixWorldToCameraCopyrightRichTIFFIPTCPhotoshopEXIFIFDOffsetICC ProfileGPSIFDOffsetFaxRecvParamsFaxSubAddressFaxRecvTimeFaxDcsStoNitsInteroperabilityIFDOffsetDNGVersionDNGBackwardVersionUniqueCameraModelLocalizedCameraModelCFAPlaneColorCFALayoutLinearizationTableBlackLevelRepeatDimBlackLevelBlackLevelDeltaHBlackLevelDeltaVWhiteLevelDefaultScaleBestQualityScaleDefaultCropOriginDefaultCropSizeColorMatrix1ColorMatrix2CameraCalibration1CameraCalibration2ReductionMatrix1ReductionMatrix2AnalogBalanceAsShotNeutralAsShotWhiteXYBaselineExposureBaselineNoiseBaselineSharpnessBayerGreenSplitLinearResponseLimitCameraSerialNumberLensInfoChromaBlurRadiusAntiAliasStrengthShadowScaleDNGPrivateDataMakerNoteSafetyCalibrationIlluminant1CalibrationIlluminant2RawDataUniqueIDOriginalRawFileNameOriginalRawFileDataActiveAreaMaskedAreasAsShotICCProfileAsShotPreProfileMatrixCurrentICCProfileCurrentPreProfileMatrixPerSampleIndexedGlobalParametersIFDProfileTypeFaxProfileCodingMethodsVersionYearModeNumberDecodeImageBaseColorT82OptionsStripRowCountsImageLayer../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_dirread.csize>0(tmsize_t)datasize>0ReadDirEntryArrayfor "StripByteCounts" arrayCannot determine size of unknown tag type %dInvalid TIFF directory; tags are not sorted in ascending orderIncorrect count for "%s"Incompatible type for "%s"IO error during reading of "%s"Incorrect value for "%s"Cannot handle different values per sample for "%s"Sanity check on size of "%s" value failedOut of memory reading of "%s"0Incorrect count for "%s"; tag ignoredIncompatible type for "%s"; tag ignoredIO error during reading of "%s"; tag ignoredIncorrect value for "%s"; tag ignoredCannot handle different values per sample for "%s"; tag ignoredSanity check on size of "%s" value failed; tag ignoredOut of memory reading of "%s"; tag ignoredunknown tagnamefor strip arraypdir%s: Seek error accessing TIFF directory%s: Can not read TIFF directory countSanity check on directory count failed, this is probably not a valid IFD offsetto read TIFF directory%.100s: Can not read TIFF directoryCan not read TIFF directory countSanity check on directory count failed, zero tag directories not supportedCan not read TIFF directoryTIFFFetchNormalTagNo definition found for tag %dfip->set_field_type!=TIFF_SETGET_OTHERfip->set_field_type!=TIFF_SETGET_INTfip->field_passcount==0ASCII value for tag "%s" contains null byte in value; value incorrectly truncated during reading due to implementation limitationsASCII value for tag "%s" does not end in null bytefip->field_readcount==1fip->field_readcount==2incorrect count for field "%s", expected 2, got %dfip->field_readcount>=1incorrect count for field "%s", expected %d, got %dfip->field_readcount==TIFF_VARIABLEfip->field_passcount==1fip->field_readcount==TIFF_VARIABLE2tilesstripsfor IFD listFailed to read directory at offset %lluUnknown field with tag %d (0x%x) encounteredRegistering anonymous field with tag %d (0x%x) failedfii != FAILED_FIIPlanarconfig tag value assumed incorrect, assuming data is contig instead of chunkyTIFF directory is missing required "%s" fieldCannot handle zero number of %sPhotometric tag is missing, assuming data is YCbCrPhotometric tag value assumed incorrect, assuming data is YCbCr instead of RGBBitsPerSample tag is missing, assuming 8 bits per sampleSamplesPerPixel tag is missing, assuming correct SamplesPerPixel value is 3SamplesPerPixel tag is missing, applying correct SamplesPerPixel value of 3ColormapTIFF directory is missing required "StripByteCounts" field, calculating from imagelengthBogus "StripByteCounts" field, ignoring and calculating from imagelengthWrong "StripByteCounts" field, ignoring and calculating from imagelengthfor chopped "StripByteCounts" arrayfor chopped "StripOffsets" arrayCannot handle zero scanline sizeCannot handle zero tile sizeCannot handle zero strip sizeFailed to read custom directory at offset %lluWrong data type %d for "%s"; tag ignoredincorrect count for field "%s" (%llu, expecting %u); tag ignoredincorrect count for field "%s" (%llu, expecting %u); tag trimmed../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_dirwrite.cdir[m].tdir_tag!=tagMaximum TIFF file size exceededIO error writing tag datadatalength<0x80000000ULvalue>=0.0count<0x20000000tif->tif_flags&TIFF_BIGTIFFcount<0x40000000Out of memorycount<0x80000000Attempt to write value larger than 0xFFFFFFFF in Classic TIFF file.Error post-encoding before directory writeError flushing data before directory writepa != 0*pa <= 0xFFFFFFFFULo->field_type==TIFF_ASCIIo->field_readcount==TIFF_VARIABLEo->field_passcount==0o->field_type==TIFF_SHORTo->field_readcount==1o->field_type==TIFF_LONGo->field_type==TIFF_UNDEFINEDo->field_readcount==TIFF_VARIABLE2o->field_passcount==1Error writing SubIFD directory linkError writing TIFF headerSanity check on tag count failed, likely corrupt TIFFna 0Not enough data for scanline %lu, expected a request for at most %lld bytes, got a request for %lld bytes../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_extension.clink != NULLlink->name != NULL../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_fax3.cx == lastxsp != 0Bad code word at line %u of %s %u (x %u)length < 9te->runlen == 64*(span>>6)Fractional scanlines cannot be writtentparm < 9sp != NULLPremature EOF at line %u of %s %u (x %u)Premature EOLLine length mismatch%s at line %u of %s %u (got %u, expected %u)Fractional scanlines cannot be readUncompressed data (not supported) at line %u of %s %u (x %u)Bits/sample must be 1 for Group 3/4 encoding/decodingRow pixels integer overflow (rowpixels %u)for Group 3/4 run arraysNo space for Group 3/4 reference line + Group 4 Options:%suncompressed data Group 3 Options:%s2-d encoding%sEOL padding (%lu = 0x%lx) Fax Data: clean receiver regenerated uncorrected errors (%u = 0x%x) Bad Fax Lines: %lu Consecutive Bad Fax Lines: %lu sp->vsetparent != 0InitCCITTFax3Merging common CCITT Fax codec-specific tags failedNo space for state blockTIFFInitCCITTFax3Merging CCITT Fax 3 codec-specific tags failedTIFFInitCCITTFax4Merging CCITT Fax 4 codec-specific tags failedGroup4OptionsGroup3OptionsFaxModeFaxFillFuncBadFaxLinesCleanFaxDataConsecutiveBadFaxLinesNo space for strip bufferNo space for tile buffergtStripSeparate%sgtTileSeparate../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_getimage.cimg->UaToAa==NULLNo space for YCbCr->RGB conversion stateimg->Bitdepth16To8==NULLNo space for photometric conversion tableNo space for B&W mapping tableNo space for Palette mapping tableAssuming 8-bit colormapSorry, requested compression method is not configuredSorry, can not handle images with %d-bit samplesMissing needed %s tagSorry, can not handle contiguous data with %s=%d, and %s=%d and Bits/Sample=%dSamples/pixelSorry, can not handle RGB image with %s=%dColor channelsSorry, can not handle separated image with %s=%dSorry, LogL data must have %s=%dSorry, LogLuv data must have %s=%d or %dSorry, can not handle LogLuv images with %s=%dPlanarconfigurationSorry, can not handle image with %s=%dMissing required "Colormap" tagOut of memory for colormap copyNo space for CIE L*a*b*->RGB conversion state.Failed to initialize CIE L*a*b*->RGB conversion state.Sorry, can not handle imageNo "get" routine setupNo "put" routine setupl; probably can not handle image formatCan't use TIFFReadRGBAStrip() with tiled file.Row passed to TIFFReadRGBAStrip() must be first in a strip.Can't use TIFFReadRGBATile() with stripped file.Row/col passed to TIFFReadRGBATile() must be topleft corner of a tile.../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_luv.cs == 0sp->tbuflen >= npixelsNot enough data at row %lu (short %llu pixels)td->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLUVSGILog compression cannot handle non-contiguous dataNo support for converting user data format to LogLuvNo space for SGILog translation buffertd->td_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLNo support for converting user data format to LogLY, LXYZ, LuvInappropriate photometric interpretation %d for SGILog compression; %smust be either LogLUV or LogLSGILog compression supported only for %s, or raw dataUnknown data format %d for LogLuv compressionUnknown encoding %d for LogLuv compressioncc%rowlen == 0scheme == COMPRESSION_SGILOG24 || scheme == COMPRESSION_SGILOGMerging SGILog codec-specific tags failed%s: No space for LogLuv state blockSGILogDataFmtSGILogEncode../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_lzw.ctif->tif_data != 0Old-style LZW codes, convert fileLZWDecode: Strip %d not terminated with EOI codeLZWDecode: Corrupted LZW table at scanline %dCorrupted LZW table at scanline %dWrong length of decoded string: data probably corrupted at scanline %docc >= codep->lengthNot enough data at scanline %d (short %llu bytes)No space for LZW state blockNo space for LZW code tablesp->enc_hashtab != NULLnbits <= BITS_MAXNo space for LZW hash tablesp->dec_codetab != NULLBogus encoding, loop in the code table; scanline %docc >= lenscheme == COMPRESSION_LZWNot enough data for scanline %ld"%s": Bad mode../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_open.cn.a16==1%s: Out of memory (TIFF structure)One of the client procedures is NULL pointer.Cannot read TIFF headerNot a TIFF or MDI file, bad magic number %d (0x%x)Not a TIFF file, bad version number %d (0x%x)Not a TIFF file, bad BigTIFF offsetsize %d (0x%x)Not a TIFF file, bad BigTIFF unused %d (0x%x)(toff_t)tif->tif_size==nDiscarding %lu bytes to avoid buffer overrunTerminating PackBitsDecode due to lack of data.Not enough data for scanline %luZLib error: %s../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_pixarlog.c%d bit input not supported in PixarLogZLib cannot deal with buffers this sizeEncoder error: %sDecoding error at scanline %lu, %sNot enough data at scanline %lu (short %llu bytes)stride %lu is not a multiple of sample count, %lu, data truncated.Unsupported bits/sample: %dPixarLog compression can't handle %d bit linear encodings1.2.3PixarLog compression can't handle bits depth/data format combination (depth: %d)scheme == COMPRESSION_PIXARLOGMerging PixarLog codec-specific tags failedNo space for PixarLog state block../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_predict.csp->encodepfunc != NULLsp->encoderow != NULL(cc%(4*stride))==0(cc%(2*stride))==0(cc%stride)==0sp->decodetile != NULLrowsize > 0(occ0%rowsize)==0sp->decodepfunc != NULLsp->decoderow != NULLsp->vsetparent != NULLsp->vgetparent != NULL(cc%(bps*stride))==0sp->encodetile != NULLOut of memory allocating %ld byte temp buffer.(cc0%rowsize)==0Horizontal differencing "Predictor" not supported with %d-bit samplesFloating point "Predictor" not supported with %d data format"Predictor" value %d not supported Predictor: none horizontal differencing floating point predictor %u (0x%x) TIFFPredictorInitMerging Predictor codec-specific tags failedPredictor tb r n v\%c\%03o/TilesStripsTIFF Directory at offset 0x%llx (%llu) Subfile Type:%sreduced-resolution image%smulti-page document%stransparency mask Image Width: %lu Image Length: %lu Image Depth: %lu Tile Width: %lu Tile Length: %lu Tile Depth: %lu Resolution: %g, %g (unitless) pixels/inch pixels/cm (unit %u = 0x%x) Position: %g, %g Bits/Sample: %u Sample Format: void signed integer unsigned integer IEEE floating point complex signed integer complex IEEE floating point Compression Scheme: %s Photometric Interpretation: CIE Log2(L) CIE Log2(L) (u',v') Extra Samples: %u<%sunspecified%sassoc-alpha%sunassoc-alpha%s%u (0x%x), > Ink Names: Thresholding: bilevel art scan halftone or dithered scan error diffused FillOrder: msb-to-lsb lsb-to-msb YCbCr Subsampling: %u, %u YCbCr Positioning: centered cosited Halftone Hints: light %u dark %u Orientation: Samples/Pixel: %u Rows/Strip: (infinite) %lu Min Sample Value: %u Max Sample Value: %u SMin Sample Value: %g SMax Sample Value: Planar Configuration: single image plane separate image planes Page Number: %u-%u Color Map: %5lu: %5u %5u %5u (present) Reference Black/White: %2d: %5g %5g Transfer Function: %2lu: %5u %5u SubIFD Offsets: %5llu../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_print.cfip->field_readcount == TIFF_VARIABLE || fip->field_readcount == TIFF_VARIABLE2 Ink Set: CMYK Dot Range: %u-%u White Point: %g-%g XMLPacket (XMP Metadata): RichTIFFIPTC Data: , %lu bytes Photoshop Data: , %lu bytes ICC Profile: , %lu bytes Sample to Nits conversion factor: %.4e %u0x%x%lu%ld0x%lx%f%llu%lld0x%llx %lu %s: %3lu: [%8llu, %8llu] %s: %s: "" 0 (0x0)row 0 top, col 0 lhsrow 0 top, col 0 rhsrow 0 bottom, col 0 rhsrow 0 bottom, col 0 lhsrow 0 lhs, col 0 toprow 0 rhs, col 0 toprow 0 rhs, col 0 bottomrow 0 lhs, col 0 bottommin-is-whitemin-is-blackRGB colorpalette color (RGB from colormap)transparency maskseparatedYCbCr7 (0x7)CIE L*a*b*ICC L*a*b*ITU L*a*b*../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_read.c(tif->tif_flags&TIFF_NOREADRAW)==0Seek error at scanline %lu, strip %luRead error at scanline %lu; got %llu bytes, expected %lluRead error at scanline %lu, strip %lu; got %llu bytes, expected %lluSeek error at row %lu, col %lu, tile %luRead error at row %lu, col %lu; got %llu bytes, expected %lluRead error at row %lu, col %lu, tile %lu; got %llu bytes, expected %lluCan not read tiles from a stripped imageCan not read scanlines from a tiled imageFile not open for reading%lu: Strip out of range, max %luCompression scheme does not support access to raw uncompressed data%llu: Invalid strip byte count, strip %luInteger overflow%lu: Tile out of range, max %luNo space for data buffer at scanline %luInvalid strip byte count %llu, strip %luRead error on strip %lu; got %llu bytes, expected %lluData buffer too small to hold strip %lu%llu: Invalid tile byte count, tile %luData buffer too small to hold tile %lu%lu: Row out of range, max %lu%lu: Sample out of range, max %luData buffer too small to hold part of strip %lu(tif->tif_flags&TIFF_BUFFERMMAP)==0(cc & 1) == 0(cc % 3) == 0(cc & 3) == 0(cc & 7) == 0TIFFNumberOfStripsInvalid YCbCr subsamplingInvalid td_samplesperpixel valueInvalid YCbCr subsampling (%dx%d)Integer arithmetic overflowWrong bitspersample value (%d), Thunder decoder only supports 4bits per sample.Not enoughToo much%s data at scanline %lu (%llu != %llu)%lu: Col out of range, max %lu%lu: Depth out of range, max %luTIFFNumberOfTilesTIFFTileRowSize../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_write.ctd->td_nstrips > 0Seek error at scanline %luWrite error at scanline %lutd->td_planarconfig == PLANARCONFIG_CONTIGNo space to expand strip arraysCan not write tiles to a stripped imageCan not write scanlines to a tiled imageFile not open for writingMust set "ImageWidth" before writing dataMust set "PlanarConfiguration" before writing dataNo space for %s arraysCan not grow image by strips when using separate planesTile %lu out of range, max %luNo space for output bufferCan not change "ImageLength" when using separate planes../../../3rdparty/libtiff/libtiff/tif_zip.csp->state == ZSTATE_INIT_ENCODEsp->state == ZSTATE_INIT_DECODE(scheme == COMPRESSION_DEFLATE) || (scheme == COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE)Merging Deflate codec-specific tags failedNo space for ZIP state block%s: Warning, . %s: %s%s: Cannot openII*MM*12QTiffHandler_TIFFVGetFieldTIFFAdvanceDirectory_TIFFVSetField_TIFFVSetFieldTIFFUnlinkDirectoryTIFFUnlinkDirectory    $!$$%&"#&('*,0)(+-0012./2for fields array_TIFFMergeFieldsfor fields arrayTIFFMergeFieldInfoTIFFReadDirEntryDataTIFFReadDirEntryArrayEstimateStripByteCountsTIFFReadDirectoryCheckOrderTIFFReadDirEntryOutputErrTIFFFetchStripThingTIFFFetchDirectoryTIFFFetchDirectoryTIFFFetchNormalTagTIFFFetchNormalTagTIFFReadDirectoryTIFFReadDirectoryMissingRequiredTIFFReadCustomDirectoryTIFFReadCustomDirectoryTIFFFetchSubjectDistanceTIFFWriteDirectoryTagDataTIFFWriteDirectoryTagDataTIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedRationalTIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLong8ArrayTIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedIfd8ArrayTIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLongArrayTIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedIfdArrayTIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedSlongArrayTIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedRationalArrayTIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedShortArrayTIFFWriteDirectoryTagShortPerSampleTIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedSshortArrayTIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedFloatArrayTIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedDoubleArrayTIFFWriteDirectoryTagLongLong8ArrayTIFFWriteDirectoryTagSampleformatArrayTIFFWriteDirectorySecTIFFWriteDirectoryTagColormapTIFFWriteDirectoryTagTransferfunctionTIFFWriteDirectoryTagSubifdTIFFWriteDirectoryTagSubifdTIFFWriteDirectorySecTIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedSlong8ArrayTIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedSrationalArrayTIFFWriteDirectoryTagIfdIfd8ArrayTIFFLinkDirectoryTIFFRewriteDirectoryTIFFResetFieldDumpModeEncodeDumpModeDecodeTIFFSetClientInfo_TIFFFax3fillrunsFax3VGetFieldFax3CleanupFax3PutBits?putspan5       45*+' (+$ !"#$%&(')(*)+*,+-,-. / 0R1S2T3U4$5%6X7Y8Z9[:J;K<2=3>4?@76@7deh@g   @    @    @    @   @    @    @        7          g h l 7 (       h i j k! " # $ % & ' l( m) * + T, U- V. 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