-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Canary for Kicksecure / Whonix project - ---- Statements - ----------- The Kicksecure / Whonix lead developer who digitally signed this file states the following: 1. Canary issue date: see the gpg signature time. 2. Definition "artifact": Kicksecure / Whonix software, Kicksecure / Whonix downloads, Kicksecure / Whonix source code * The Kicksecure / Whonix Project has never added any backdoor to any artifact. * The Kicksecure / Whonix Project has never turned over any signing key. * The Kicksecure / Whonix Project has never knowingly signed any artifact containing any backdoor. * The Kicksecure / Whonix Project has never weakened, compromised, or subverted any of its cryptography. 3. We plan to publish the next canary statement within 4 weeks. This file should be signed with a detached OpenPGP signature by the Kicksecure / Whonix lead developer. Do not trust the contents of this file blindly - always verify digital signatures! Take special note if this message ceases to exist. Special announcements - --------------------- None. Disclaimers and notes - --------------------- Be mindful that Kicksecure / Whonix has been designed under the assumption that all relevant infrastructure is permanently compromised. This means NO trust is placed in any of the servers or services which host or provide any Whonix-related data, particularly software updates, source code repositories, and Kicksecure / Whonix downloads. This canary scheme is not infallible. Signing the declaration makes it very difficult for a third party to produce arbitrary declarations, but this does not prevent the use of coercion, blackmail, compromise of the signer's laptop or other measures to produce false declarations. The news feeds quoted below (see Proof of freshness) confirm this canary could not have been created earlier than the issue date. This demonstrates a series of canaries was not created in advance. This declaration is provided without any guarantee or warranty. It is not legally binding upon any parties in any form. The signer should never be held legally responsible for any statements made here. Proof of freshness - ------------------- $ date -R -u Sat, 13 Jul 2024 21:10:28 +0000 $ rsstail -1 -n5 -u https://www.spiegel.de/international/index.rss Title: The Supreme Court's Immunity Ruling: "No One Can Guarantee that Trump Is the Last Maniacal Sociopath Who Will Want Power in America" Title: Former Saudi Intelligence Chief: "We Have Nothing to Apologize For" Title: The Fight for the White House: Sliding Toward a Trump Dictatorship? Title: Gaza City: Possible War Crime - Why Did Israel Bomb This Residential Building? Title: A Holocaust Survivor Speaks of Her Anger: "It's Difficult to Put Up with These Old Germans" $ rsstail -1 -n5 -u http://rss.cnn.com/rss/edition_world.rss Title: Markets digest bank earnings after recent turmoil Title: Still haven't filed your taxes? Here's what you need to know Title: Retail spending fell in March as consumers pull back Title: Analysis: Fox News is about to enter the true No Spin Zone Title: Silicon Valley Bank collapse renews calls to address disparities impacting entrepreneurs of color $ rsstail -1 -n5 -u https://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml Title: Hamas-run health ministry says 90 killed in Israeli strike targeting military chief Title: Celebrity sex therapist Dr Ruth Westheimer dies at 96 Title: Alec Baldwin's Rust trial dismissed over hidden evidence Title: Celebrations continue for star-studded Ambani wedding Title: Five jailed for Ecuador presidential candidate's murder $ rsstail -1 -n5 -u https://www.theguardian.com/world/rss Title: Twenty-two students dead after school in Nigeria collapses during classes Title: Kenyan president sacks cabinet after weeks of deadly protests Title: ‘Africa’s most resilient lion’ and his brother filmed making 1.5km swim across dangerous African river Title: Armed men jump onboard small boat during rescue near Libya Title: Syrian asylum seeker in UK says he ‘lost everything’ after Rwanda roundup $ curl --silent --fail --proto =https --tlsv1.3 https://blockchain.info/q/getblockcount 852036 $ date -u +%s 1720905048 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQKwBAEBCgCaFiEEbpebKKbzfEO+MK+hy41Qu3e7PEgFAmaS7VgcFIAAAAAACQAK ZmlsZUBuYW1lY2FuYXJ5LnR4dF8UgAAAAAAuAChpc3N1ZXItZnByQG5vdGF0aW9u cy5vcGVucGdwLmZpZnRoaG9yc2VtYW4ubmV0NkU5NzlCMjhBNkYzN0M0M0JFMzBB RkExQ0I4RDUwQkI3N0JCM0M0OAAKCRDLjVC7d7s8SI/TD/0Xkn8Gx1Zuw5wutVnd UdDuzXlXi6WvnFFgerhfIRTqJoOresbE+sbSl+tLLuRbqyqEVpQN5mcVKXe3Tb1A ujPvmU4HBiD1gGA6fGQ4W0kOd2O4oDxluFgxhPsQ53Q8a1sVcle4ogS1RODKPmCA spb1KWuxyYUaBhDe1kfev5ojntFLdFYZpllxc21JYGwY+LR5MUHdaPnSgKaggrNx CHAXGuPPOcGDvWuKG1aZOkHKLCPh+Ejq+MzNbspsIso5eObfQQ1w8IS1SVeExgA7 DfJJXEeGBUmh+CNz7AUKONEv0q67zvEmcVbDursuK9l4AjpoD6sXk36Y65uSw+0m dUrXJyxVidm9RVQMSJQMZEq8+v6DavTm6uzq3mtzwEaI5QSUIJDeatxMHCGHb5eC bIpRmps9TCFsMGuBfolQsWo2rQ6HX1GBbQ3DOkIs0o2GzkAqZpiAxM31OJLIH9FK 0nhc0+Gc+BNLUDgZLt/pQo/PgX0XADZ7SRuau/UamH91kaMChdbUsTioQVYjrEBc rl6dvY2O7+w4TxzEQdcl66WvupbnOI07QQ0UC0jZ3cr5IB+iogX1Tr4BTvbjBZ7y N1ugH3gZroUtXgw4FsaQV0U83VgpgSihmQIWJPGmHsEP35v3KfLxY7mfLmXXFDO3 L68QGXfoMd8DDxAx0uAz0iPujw== =Jt8W -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----