Installation and Release Notes for NET-3 Base Utilities Distribution Version: 0.32 NET-2 Db - D Mon, 14 Feb 18:21:13 1994 GMT Fred N. van Kempen, Altered for the Kernel NET-3 release by Alan Cox PREFACE This document describes the contents of the NET-3 "Base Distribution" of the NET-3 network package for the Linux operating system. Read it carefully, and, when you encounter problems, also read the "NET-2 HOWTO" that has been added to this distribution, see the file called "HOWTO". If you cannot find it there, send electronic mail to: Terry Dawson and ask for a copy of the "NET-2 HOWTO". NOTE These programs are not Fred's originals. Route is the official 'Torvalds' route for pl15, with extra facilities not in Fred's version. The other utilities have been tweaked for pl15 to include things like adding the username to netstat which FvK's networking code didn't have. Please direct reports/fixes TO: NOT: Fred. To compile and install: 1. Create the directory: # mkdir /usr/src/commands/ 2. Unpack the distribution: # cd /usr/src/commands/ # tar xfvz /tmp/net-base.tgz 3. Make the stuff. If you do not have the correct configuration files at hand (which is the case if you are installing this package for the first time!), type: # make install otherwise, type # make firsttime The "firsttime" installation takes the NET-3 sample config files, and put them in their corresponding places in the file system. It also sets up the necessary symbolic links where needed. Have a look at the sample config files in the net-base distribution, and pay close attention to the "NETCONF" and/or "" files, which set up your network. CONFIGURATION FILES A complete set of "sample" configuration files can be found in the "sample" subdirectory of this package. You can either install them into the /etc directory, put them in /etc/inet (if you run SLS). After installing the files, check all of them and see if you have to change them. Some of them are quite static (like the "services" and "rpc" file, for example), but others may change often (like the "hosts" and "networks" files...). Also, pay close attention to the "NETCONF" and/or "" files. These are the files that setup your network at boot time, and these are the files that cause the most trouble for people. The "" script is the one started by INIT, right after booting. Its only job is to scan a configuration file (called /conf/net/NETCONF or /etc/NETCONF), which in turn does basic things like setting up the interfaces (using the /sbin/ifconfig command), and then setting up routes to them (using the /sbin/route command). It also takes care of starting all kinds of daemon processes, like system servers. Note: you *WILL* have to check these files manually ! SOURCES The sources for all NET-2 related programs (including those of this package, which may have reached you as a binary-only package) can be obtained by anonymous FTP from: and by all machines that shadow this directory. Note that the source distributions often have somewhat more recent versions of the programs than the binary packages, because of obvious release delays. HISTORY The following things changed since the previous release: - Minor changes to the command sources to get them compile with C++. This is not finished yet, DIP and WdSetup still don't compile clean. - New DIP commands: "echo" and "init". - An even newer installation script, which was re-done (part A) by Johannes (John) Grosen ( This should fix a lot of problems. - Re-format of the "netstat" program while I was changing it for the new NET-2e release include files. - This archive also contains a dump of the new include files for the and directories. The makefile will check if you need these files (i.e. have a library older than the 4.4.2b release). [REMOVED ALAN: Only Fred's funny network code needs these] - Changed all /etc-based binaries to live in /sbin, as per the new Linux/PRO and FSSTND File System Standard drafts. [Linux/PRO is Fred and friends funny file layout (sigh)] - Improved /dev checking of the installation script, to cover even more "bug reports" about non-working "ifconfig" programs. Grin. [Removed. Net2Debugged doesn't need strange /dev configurations so this problem doesn't occur] - Added a simple "slattach" program, for local hardwired lines. - Used Johannes' idea of allowing the "broadcast" and "pointopoint" keywords of the ifconfig(8) program to be flags, too. - Cleaned up the netstat(1) program. - Improved the Install and Unpack scripts. - I started with generalizing the "base" tools to support more than just the standard INET (TCP/IP) protocol family, and more than the Ethernet hardware type (ARP !). This because I am implementing the AX.25 protocol family in the kernel :-) [The AX.25 part of this code has been altered to work with the kernel AX.25 kit (also on sunacm), instead of Fred's different AX.25 kit - got the idea yet] - SEE THE INSTALLATION NOTES BELOW ---- CONFIGURATION HAS BEEN CHANGED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - THIS IS THE "FIXED" VERSION! - Fixed the output of ifconfig (it didn't show the HW address because of a stupid memcpy() address bug.) - Updated manual pages. - Moved the "DIP" and "WdSetup" directories to packages of their own; the size of this base package is getting out of hand... [Dip3.3.7 for the real kernel set is also on] - Improved the "" script. - Updated the "netstat" program. - Added a "Configure" script to ease configuration of this package. I used the kernel "Configure" as a base - it works *very* well! - Changed this file's layout. - Improved the "" once again. - Changed the device driver major numbers *again* . This should be the last time, if all goes well. [This doesn't apply to NET2Debugged - we've had our device numbers right since about pl12] - Set "HWAX.25" defaulting to "YES", as KISS is now a standard driver. [2E only, NET2Debugged does this as part of the SLIP code making the driver about half the size] - Added Johannes' "timer" fixes for "netstat".