\begindata{text,538945396} \textdsversion{12} \template{default} \define{global } \chapter{1 The CUI Library} \section{1.1 Introduction} This paper describes the CUI library interface of the Andrew Message System. It presumes a basic familiarity with the normal use and function of the system. For such information, please consult the overview document (AMS.ovr and MsgSrvr.ovr). You will also need to consult the documentation for the message server interface (MsgSrvr.pgr). If you are using EZ to read this document, you can open an interactive Table of Contents window by choosing \bold{Table of Contents} from the \italic{Page} menu card. Clicking on a heading in the Table of Contents window that appears scrolls this document to bring the heading into view. \section{1.2 Basic Concepts} The CUI library is a subroutine library to be shared by all programs that wish to talk to the message server and have access to the message database. It includes the procedural interface to SNAP which makes message server calls look like normal subroutine calls. It also includes a cache mechanism which makes many calls to the server unnecessary, and also provides a few "abstractions of context" which the message server, because of its connectionless nature, cannot provide. The primary abstraction provided by the library is the notion of "cuid". A cuid is simply an integer that the CUI library assigns to each message, which is guaranteed to be session-unique -- that is, the integer uniquely identifies the message for the duration of the current program run. Client routines can then use the cuid as a "handle" for operations on that message via CUI library calls. It should be noted that the CUI library is still conceptually incomplete. Unlike the message server interface, which has been more carefully planned and implemented, the CUI library, and indeed the definition of the line between CUI library and client program, is still not very well defined. Thus the set of procedures in the CUI library is likely to change dramatically in future releases. \section{1.3 The Programmer Interface of the CUI Library} The following variables and subroutines are provided as part of the CUI library. In general, routines from the CUI library should be given preference over message server routines whenever it seems possible to do something with either one, as the CUI library routines may be able to avoid message server calls through the use of information in the CUI library cache. \italic{A note on parameter conventions}: All parameter declarations below are commented as either /* IN */, /* OUT */, or /* INOUT */, depending on whether the parameters are passed in to the library, retrieved from the library, or passed to the library, modified, and passed back. \italic{A note on return values}: Unless otherwise noted, routines in the CUI library return zero on successful completion, and an error code otherwise. The error code is formatted as a message server error code, as documented in the message server interface documentation. \subsection{1.3.1 CUI variables visible to the client program} The cui maintains a few values which may be of interest to the interface program: \typewriter{#define \index{CUI_MAJORVERSION} ... #define \index{CUI_MINORVERSION} ...} \leftindent{These are int constants (defined in CUI.h) that indicate the CUI version number.} \typewriter{int \index{CUI_CuidsInUse}} \leftindent{This is the number of cuids the library has currently assigned. A cuid <=0 or > CUI_CuidsInUse is invalid. Although the CUI library always checks cuids you pass it to make sure they are valid, client programs may find it useful at times to perform this check themselves.} \typewriter{int \index{CUI_IsMagic}} \leftindent{This variable is always zero unless the current user is a member of the Andrew Message System group. It can be used for testing new features or for debugging purposes.} \typewriter{long \index{CUI_LastCallFinished}} \leftindent{This variable is the time (from a call to time(0)) that the last call to the message server finished. It can be used in determining whether or not a "keepalive" message to the server is in order.} \typewriter{int \index{CUI_OnSameHost}} \leftindent{This variable is non-zero if the server is running on the same machine as the client, zero otherwise.} \typewriter{char \index{CUI_VersionString}[]} \leftindent{This variable contains the text of the current CUI version string.} \typewriter{int \index{CUI_SnapIsRunning}} \leftindent{This variable is non-zero if the process is talking to the message server via SNAP, and zero if the message server is linked in, without SNAP.} \typewriter{int \index{CUIDebugging}} \leftindent{This variable is zero if debugging is turned off, and otherwise is the current debugging level for the cui & library. The debugging level is a bit mask, with each bit representing debugging of a certain kind. See the code for details.} \typewriter{long \index{mserrcode}} \leftindent{This is the result of the latest message server call. It should be zero if no error occurred, otherwise its meaning is explained in the message server documentation.} \subsection{1.3.2 Calls Related to Individual Messages} \typewriter{\index{CUI_AlterSnapshot}(cuid, NewSnapshot, Code, dir) int cuid, /* IN */ Code; /* IN */ char *NewSnapshot, /* IN */ **dir; /* OUT */} \leftindent{This routine alters the snapshot for the message identified by cuid. It is used, among other things, by the deletion and undeletion routines. It returns after setting the directory pointer to point at the name of the directory in which the altered message resides. See the documentation for MS_AlterSnapshot for information on the NewSnapshot and Code parameters.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_CloneMessage}(cuid, DestDirName, Code) int cuid, /* IN */ Code; /* IN */ char *DestDirName; /* OUT */} \leftindent{This routine makes a copy of the message identified by cuid. See the documentation for MS_CloneMessage for an explanation of the meaning of the DestDirName and Code parameters.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_DeleteMessage}(cuid) int cuid; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine deletes the message identified by cuid, using CUI_AlterSnapshot. It also makes a note in its cache that the directory has deleted messages and may need to be purged later.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_UndeleteMessage}(cuid) int cuid; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine undeletes the message identified by cuid, using CUI_AlterSnapshot. }\typewriter{\index{CUI_GetHeaderContents}(cuid, HeaderName, HeaderTypeNumber, HeaderBuf, lim) char *HeaderName, /* IN */ *HeaderBuf; /* OUT */ int cuid, /* IN */ HeaderTypeNumber, /* IN */ lim; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine extracts the contents of a specified header from the message identified by cuid. The meaning of the other parameters is the same as in the documentation for MS_GetHeaderContents.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_GetPartialBody}(Buf, BufLim, cuid, offset, remaining, ct) char *Buf; /* OUT */ int BufLim, /* IN */ cuid; /* IN */ long offset, /* IN */ *remaining; /* OUT */ int *ct; /* OUT */} \leftindent{This routine extracts part of the body of a message identified by cuid. The meaning of the other parameters is the same as in the documentation for MS_GetPartialBody.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_GetBodyToLocalFile}(cuid, FileName, ShouldDelete) int cuid; /* IN */ char *FileName; /* OUT */ int *ShouldDelete; /* OUT */ }\leftindent{This routine gets the entire body of the message identified by cuid into a locally-readable file. If the file is a temporary file created by the file system, the integer ShouldDelete will be set to a non-zero value, indicating that you should delete the file when you're through with it. If ShouldDelete is zero, you are being pointed to a real file in the database, which is apparently locally readable, and you should NOT delete the file when you're done.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_ReallyGetBodyToLocalFile}(cuid, FileName, ShouldDelete, MayFudge) int cuid; /* IN */ char *FileName; /* OUT */ int *ShouldDelete; /* OUT */ int MayFudge; /* IN */ }\leftindent{This is the same as the previous routine, except that it takes the additional parameter MayFudge. If MayFudge is true, it may just point you at the database copy of the file and set ShouldDelete to zero. If MayFudge is false, it will also make a new temporary copy and set ShouldDelete to a non-zero value.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_GetSnapshotFromCUID}(cuid, SnapshotBuf) int cuid; /* IN */ char *SnapshotBuf; /* OUT */} \leftindent{This routine retrieves the snapshot of the message identified by cuid. The snapshot is returned in SnapshotBuf, which should be big enough to hold one (AMS_SNAPSHOTSIZE, defined in AMS.h).} \typewriter{\index{CUI_MarkAsRead}(cuid) int cuid; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine marks the message identified by CUID as "seen". It only works if the user has write-access to the message directory in which the message resides.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_MarkAsUnseen}(cuid) int cuid; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine un-marks the message identified by CUID as "seen". It only works if the user has write-access to the message directory in which the message resides.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_PrintBodyFromCUID}(cuid) int cuid; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine tells the message server to queue the specified message for printing on paper.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_PrintBodyFromCUIDWithFlags}(cuid, flags, printer) int cuid, flags; /* BOTH IN */ char *printer; }\leftindent{This routine is just like the previous, in that it prints the message specified. However, it passes the flags and printer arguments on to MS_PrintMessage, to be used as documented in the MS documentation.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_MarkRepliedTo}(cuid) int cuid; /* IN */ }\leftindent{This routine marks the message identified by CUID has having been replied to.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_FlagUrgency}(cuid, urgency) int cuid, urgency; /* BOTH IN */ }\leftindent{This routine marks or unmarks a message as "urgent" -- that is, it turns on or off the "urgent" attribute for the message identified by cuid. If urgency is non-zero, it is marked as urgent, otherwise the urgent mark is turned off.} \subsection{1.3.3 Calls Related to User-Defined Attributes } \typewriter{\index{CUI_GetAttrName}(dir, which, buf) char *dir, /* IN */ *buf; /* OUT */ int which; /* IN */ }\leftindent{This call takes a message folder (dir) and an attribute number (which) and returns the name of that attribute, if defined. (If it is not defined, a non-zero return and an error message occur.) The buf should be big enough to hold any attribute name, i.e. AMS_ATTRNAMEMAX. Returns zero on success, non-zero on error.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_SetAttribute}(cuid, attrname) int cuid; /* IN */ char *attrname; /* IN */ }\leftindent{This call turns on the attribute named by attrname for the message identified by cuid. See CUI_FixAttribute, below. Returns zero on success, non-zero on error.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_UnsetAttribute}(cuid, attrname) int cuid; /* IN */ char *attrname; /* IN */ }\leftindent{This call turns off the attribute named by attrname for the message identified by cuid. See CUI_FixAttribute, below. Returns zero on success, non-zero on error.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_FixAttribute}(cuid, attrname, Set) int cuid, Set; /* BOTH IN */ char *attrname; /* IN */ }\leftindent{This call turns on or off (depending on whether Set is non-zero or zero, respectively) the attribute named by attrname for the message identified by cuid. If the named attribute does not exist, it will ask the user if he wants to create it. If you're setting an existing attribute and know its number, not just its name, the CUI_FixAttributeByNumber call will be faster. Returns zero on success, non-zero on error.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_FixAttributeByNumber}(cuid, attnum, Set) int cuid, attnum, Set; /* ALL IN */ }\leftindent{This routine sets or unsets (depending on whether Set is non-zero or zero, respectively) the attribute numbered attnum. It does not check the existence of that attribute, but it does check to see that it is in range for a valid user-defined attribute. Returns zero on success, non-zero on error.} \subsection{1.3.4 Calls Related to Mail Delivery} \typewriter{\index{CUI_NameReplyFile}(cuid, code, FileName) int cuid, /* IN */ code; /* IN */ char *FileName; /* OUT */} \leftindent{This routine prepares a mail reply template file for the message identified by cuid. The file name is returned in the FileName buffer, which should be big enough to hold any file name (MAXPATHLEN). The precise contents of the file are determined by the code value, which should be one of the following values defined in AMS.h: \leftindent{\bold{AMS_REPLY_FRESH}: The DirName and id are ignored, and a template for a fresh piece of mail is generated. This is typically not necessary, but is included for completeness to simplify some conceivable mail generation algorithms. \bold{AMS_REPLY_SENDER}: The mail is generated as a reply to the sender of the original message. \bold{AMS_REPLY_WIDE}: The mail is generated as a reply to the recipients of the original message. (This is typically the To, CC, and Resent-To lines, but may be overridden by the X-Andrew-WideReply header.) \bold{AMS_REPLY_WIDER}: The mail is generated as a reply to both the sender and recipients of the original message. \bold{AMS_REPLY_FORWARD}: The mail is generated as an attempt to forward the original message; all that is filled in initially is the subject header and the body. \bold{AMS_REPLY_FORWARD_FMT}: Same as AMS_REPLY_FORWARD, except that BE2 formatting is preserved; this should only be used by interfaces that understand the BE2 datastream. \bold{AMS_REPLY_REDRAFT}: The mail is considered to be a draft message which is now to be considered again for sending. Several headers and the body are filled in. }} \typewriter{\index{CUI_RewriteHeaderLine}(text, realname) char *text, /* IN */ **realname; /* OUT */} \leftindent{This call is the basic engine by which client interfaces should validate the "To" and "CC" headers before delivering mail. The old line is passed in the text parameter, and the rewritten line is passed out via the the realname parameter, which is allocated by the routine and must be freed by the client. The value returned by this routine is zero if everything went well, and otherwise is the number of addresses which were not valid. realname is ALWAYS rewritten, so that it is always better to use realname than text, as at least the valid addresses will have been rewritten in canonical format.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_RewriteHeaderLineInternal}(text, realname, maxdealiases, numfound, externalct, formatct, stripct, trustct) char *text, /* IN */ **newtext; /* OUT */ int maxdealiases, /* IN */ *numfound, *externalct, *formatct, *stripct, *trustct; /* ALL OUT */ }\leftindent{This call is just like RewriteHeaderLine, except that it provides a few extras. You get to specify maxdealiases, which is the maximum number of personal alias definitions that can invoke other personal alias definitions. (There has to be some maximum to prevent loops; when last we looked, the default was 25, and nobody had complained.) Five additional values are returned. The first, numfound, is the number of separate addresses that were found, while the second, externalct, is the number of those addresses that were clearly destined to non-local recipients. The last three are the number of the external recipients that have been designated (by the user's .AMS_aliases file) as having a set designation for the handling of formatted mail, e.g. to always strip out formatting, always send formatting, or always trust the delivery system for those users.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_ValidateFile}(InFile, OutFile) char *InFile; /* IN */ char *OutFile; /* OUT */ }\leftindent{This call takes a draft mail file (that is, a file containing headers and body in RFC822 format), validates all the addresses on the To and CC lines, and rewrites the result as a new file, the name of which is generated by this routine. The original file is not deleted; that is the responsiblity of the caller. Nonzero return value indicates success, as usual.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_SubmitMessage}(FileName, DeliveryOpts) char *FileName; /* IN */ int DeliveryOpts; /* IN */} \leftindent{This is the routine used to submit mail for delivery. The FileName,and DeliveryOpts parameters are the same as in the documentation for MS_SubmitMessage. The primary difference between the CUI_ and MS_ versions of this routine are that the CUI_ routines report and handle most errors themselves. } \typewriter{\index{CUI_ResendMessage}(cuid, Tolist) int cuid; /* IN */ char *Tolist; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine will resend a message to the list of recipients (comma-separated) in the Tolist parameter. This routine internally performs all necessary address validation.} \subsection{1.3.5 Calls Related to Message Directories} \typewriter{\index{CUI_BuildNickName}(FullName, NickName) char *FullName, /* IN */ *NickName; /* OUT */} \leftindent{This routine takes a full message directory path name (FullName) and produces from it the "nickname" that users want to see -- e.g. transforming /cmu/itc/bb/.MESSAGES/andrew/gripes into "andrew.gripes". The NickName buffer should be at least as big as FullName.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_CheckMailboxes}(DirName) char *Dirname; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine will check the mailbox associated with the named directory. It is used, for example, in the cui update command, so that if you type "update misc" it will first read in new files from your personal Mailbox (assuming that misc is your personal mail directory). If DirName is null, all mailboxes on your mspath to which you have appropriate access will be checked.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_CheckNewMessages}(arg) char *arg; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine takes one argument, a string, which is searched for a "space" character. Everything before the space character is the name of mailbox, and anything after that is the name of a .MS.spec file. If there is no mailbox, the file "~/Mailbox" is used. Messages are read from the appropriate mailbox using MS_ProcessNewMessages (see the documentation), and the results are reported to the user as appropriate.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_CreateNewMessageDirectory}(dir, bodydir) char *dir, /* IN */ *bodydir; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine is just like MS_CreateNewMessageDirectory, except that it will not overwrite a directory that already exists. It is preferred over the MS_ routine because it reports errors properly and because it may eventually make entries in the CUI directory cache, though it does not at present.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_SetSubscriptionEntry}(FullName, NickName, status) char *FullName; /* IN */ char *NickName; /* IN */ int status; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine alters the user's subscription status for the directory named as FullName. It sets the nickname (the name the user will see during subscription updating) and the subscription status (as defined in AMS.h). It should, in general, be used instead of MS_SetSubscriptionEntry.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_HandleMissingFolder}(DirName) char *DirName;} \leftindent{This routine should be called every time a folder is found on the subscription list which no longer exists (ENOENT is AMS_ERRNO). This will check to see if it has been moved or simply deleted, and will ask the user the appropriate questions to alter his subscription list. NOTE THAT THE PARAMETER MUST BE A FULL PATH NAME.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_RenameDir}(old, new) char *old, /* IN */ *new; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine renames a message directory. It should ALWAYS be used instead of MS_RenameDir in order to keep the cui cache consistent. As with MS_RenameDir, the new parameter must be a single level-name (no dots or slashes), and the directory can have no children.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_RemoveDirectory}(DirName) char *DirName; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine asks the user if he wants to delete the N messages in the directory and then, if the user says yes, deletes them with an appropriate call to MS_RemoveDirectory.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_MergeDirectories} (SourceDirName, DestDirName) char *SourceDirName, /* IN */ *DestDirName; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine will merge the directory SourceDirName into the directory DestDirName. SourceDirName will cease to exist, and DestDirName will contain the union of the two old directories. Clients should use CUI_MergeDirectories rather than MS_MergeDirectories.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_DirectoriesToPurge}() } \leftindent{This routine returns the number of directories that the CUI library knows have deleted messages and should be purged.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_DoesDirNeedPurging}(DirName) char *DirName; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine returns non-zero only if the named directory is cached as needing to be purged.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_PurgeDeletions}(DirName) char *DirName; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine purges all deleted messages in the named directory. If DirName is null, then all of the directories known to have deleted messages will be purged.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_PurgeMarkedDirectories}(Ask, OfferQuit) Boolean Ask, OfferQuit;} \leftindent{This routine purges all deleted messages in all directories known to have deleted messages. If Ask is true, it will ask for confirmation first; one of the choices offered will be "purge selectively", in which case the question will be asked again for each directory to be purged. If OfferQuit is also true, then "Do not quit" will be offered as an additional choice. This routine returns 0 on success, -1 on error, and 1 on a "Do not quit" choice.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_MarkDirectoryForPurging}(dirname) char *dirname; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine marks the named directory as needing to be purged, so that it will be known to the CUI_PurgeMarkedDirectories routine.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_UnmarkDirectoryForPurging}(dirname) char *dirname; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine marks the named directory as NOT needing to be purged, so that it will NOT be known to the CUI_PurgeMarkedDirectories routine.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_DisambiguateDir}(shortname, longname) char *shortname; /* IN */ char **longname; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine takes a (typically) user-specified directory name shortname (e.g. "andrew.gripes") and produces the appropriate full path name for the directory. The CUI library keeps a cache of directory names, so that most of the calls to CUI_DisambiguateDir do NOT result in any calls to the message server. The longname pointer is set to point to the appropriate full path name in the CUI library's cache. This storage is managed by the library and should NOT be freed by the client.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_CacheDirName}(shortname, longname) char *shortname, *longname; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine short-circuits CUI_DisambiguateDir; it tells the library that "shortname" is a nickname for "longname", so that the next time CUI_DisambiguateDir is called on shortname, the longname answer will be returned. This is primarily useful for saving the information the messageserver has provided in the form of a subscription map, which includes both forms of the name.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_GetAMSID}(cuid, id, dir) int cuid; char **id, **dir;} \leftindent{This routine takes a cuid and gives you a pointer to the associated message directory name and ID. The storage pointed to is managed by the CUI library and should NOT be freed by the client.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_GetCUID}(amsid, dirname, IsDup) char *amsid */ *dirname; /* IN */ int *IsDup; /* OUT */} \leftindent{This routine takes an id and dirname and assigns a CUID to the message referenced. If the message has already been assigned a CUID, it uses the old one. This function returns the cuid itself. It also sets IsDup to be non-zero if this message appears in multiple directories, and the directory named is NOT the first such directory referenced.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_ReconstructDirectory}(DirName, TrustTimeStamp) char *DirName; /* IN */ int TrustTimeStamp; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine reconstructs the specified message directory DirName. The TrustTimeStamp integer, if non-zero, indicates that the reconstruction should order the message based on the raw time stamp on the body files; otherwise, the ordering is based on a (slower) parsing of the "Date" headers. See the documentation for MS_ReconstructDirectory for further details.} \subsection{1.3.6 Calls Related to User Preferences} \typewriter{\index{CUI_GetProfileString}(prog, pref, valbuf, lim) char *prog, /* IN */ *pref, /* IN */ *valbuf; /* OUT */ int lim; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine gets a string from the user's preferences file. Preferences are formatted as "prog.pref: val". lim is the maximum size of the string to be written in valbuf. Returns zero on success, -1 on error.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_GetProfileSwitch}(prog, pref, def) char *prog, /* IN */ *pref; /* IN */ int def; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine gets a boolean value from the user's preferences file. If there is no such preference, the default def is returned.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_GetProfileInt}(prog, pref, int) char *prog, /* IN */ *pref; /* IN */ int def; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine gets an integer value from the user's preferences file. If there is no such preference, the default def is returned.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_SetProfileString}(prog, pref, val) char *prog, /* IN */ *pref, /* IN */ *val; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine sets the user's "prog.pref" preferences to the string value given in val. For switches or integers, a string conversion should be performed prior to calling this routine. It returns 0 on success, -1 on errors.} \subsection{1.3.7 Calls Related to Access of Server and Local Files} \typewriter{\index{CUI_GenTmpFileName}(nmbuf) char *nmbuf; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine generates a reasonably unique name for a file to be stored on the message server. It puts that name in nmbuf, which should be big enough to hold any path name (MAXPATHLEN).} \typewriter{\index{CUI_GetFileFromVice}(LocalFile, ViceFile) char *LocalFile, /* IN */ *ViceFile; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine copies ViceFile from the server and puts it in the locally accessible file LocalFile.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_StoreFileToVice}(LocalFile, ViceFile) char *LocalFile, /* IN */ *ViceFile; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine copies LocalFile from the local machine and puts it in the file ViceFile which is accessible to the message server.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_AppendFileToVice}(LocalFile, ViceFile, offset) char *LocalFile, /* IN */ *ViceFile; /* IN */ long offset; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine copies LocalFile from the local machine and puts it in the file ViceFile which is accessible to the message server. It starts the store at the byte specified by offset, and hence can be used to conveniently append something to a Vice file.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_CopyViceFile}(FromFile, ToFile) char *FromFile, *ToFile; /* BOTH IN */ }\leftindent{This routine copies the Vice file FromFile to the Vice file ToFile.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_CopyViceFileTails}(FromFile, FromSkip, ToFile, ToSkip) char *FromFile, *ToFile; /* BOTH IN */ long FromSkip, ToSkip; /* BOTH IN */ }\leftindent{This routine appends the last part of the Vice file FromFile (skipping FromSkip bytes) to the end of ToFile (skipping ToSkip bytes). It is used in the implementation of CUI_CopyViceFile, and has also proven useful in its own right on occasion.} \subsection{1.3.8 Calls that Handle Active Messages} There are a number of calls in the CUI library that handle the notion of an "active" message. The easiest way to handle active messages, and the recommended way, is to simply call the CUI_ProcessMessageAttributes routine every time a message is displayed. This routine will do all necessary interactions with the user, using the interface-provided routines such as ChooseFromList (see below). However, an interface may instead choose to handle each type of active message individually, using the routines listed after the first routine in this section. \typewriter{\index{CUI_ProcessMessageAttributes}(cuid, Snapshot) int cuid; /* IN */ char *Snapshot; /* IN */ }\leftindent{This routine checks each "active" attribute in a message and interacts with the user to process that attribute. If you call it once each time you display a message to the user, you never need to use the additional routines described in this section, with the possible exception of CUI_SetHeaderCustomizationProc.} \typewriter{int \index{CUI_HandleEnclosure}(cuid, Snapshot) int cuid; char *Snapshot;} \leftindent{When called with the cuid and snapshot of a message that contains an enclosure, this routine interacts with the user to allow him to write the enclosure to a file or pipe it through a process.} \typewriter{int \index{CUI_HandleAckRequest}(cuid,Snapshot) int cuid; char *Snapshot; }\leftindent{When called with the cuid and snapshot of a message that contains an acknowledgement request, this routine interacts with the user to allow him to choose whether or not to send an acknowledgement.} \typewriter{int \index{CUI_HandleVote}(cuid, Snapshot) int cuid; char *Snapshot;} \leftindent{When called with the cuid and snapshot of a message that contains a vote, this routine interacts with the user to allow him to choose whether or not to send a vote.} \typewriter{int \index{CUI_HandleFolderCreationNotice}(cuid, Snapshot) int cuid; char *Snapshot; }\leftindent{When called with the cuid and snapshot of a message that contains a folder creation announcement, this routine interacts with the user to allow him to choose whether or not to subscribe to the folder.} \typewriter{int \index{CUI_HandleRedistributionMessage}(cuid, Snapshot) int cuid; char *Snapshot; }\leftindent{When called with the cuid and snapshot of a message that contains a redistribution invitation, this routine interacts with the user to allow him to choose whether or not to redistribute the message as suggested.} \typewriter{int \index{CUI_HandleCustomizationMessage}(cuid, Snapshot) int cuid; char *Snapshot; }\leftindent{When called with the cuid and snapshot of a message, this routine checks to see if the user has specified any personal customized response to the message (in the file ~/.headmagic) and, if so, runs the filter program specified by the user.} \typewriter{int \index{CUI_SetHeaderCustomizationProc}(p, rock) int (*p)(); long rock; }\leftindent{This routine is intended to be called at initialization time to tell the CUI library that there is an interface-dependent routine that should be called on certain user-customization headers, as specified by the user's ~/.headmagic file. This can be used to allow an interface to gracefully extend the header-based customization facilities beyond those provided by the CUI library.} \subsection{1.3.9 Miscellaneous Calls} \typewriter{\index{CUI_SetPrinter}(printername) char *printername; /* IN */ }\leftindent{This routine sets the name of the printer to be used on all subsequent printing-related calls that do not explicitly specify a printer parameter. The routine will return zero if the printer name was valid.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_SetClientSignalHandler}(handler) int (*handler)() }\leftindent{This routine sets the procedure that will be called when the client process receives a signal. It is necessary for clients to use this rather than the raw UNIX signal mechanism, even if they are indeed UNIX clients, in order to make the signal handling work identically in the SNAP and no-SNAP version without interfering with the message server's signal handling.} \leftindent{The handler routine should be declared as taking two parameters: \typewriter{\indent{Handler(signum, ActNormal) int signum; /* IN */ int *ActNormal; /* OUT */ }} Signum is simply the signal received; ActNormal should be set to non-zero by this routine if the normal signal-handling behavior is to be carried out after the client's signal handling is done.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_PrefetchMessage}(cuid, GetNext) int cuid; /* IN */ int MailOnly; /* IN */} \leftindent{On a Vice system, this call will tell venus to prefetch a message body file. The message is identified by the cuid. If the GetNext field is non-zero, then the message fetched will be the one AFTER the one named. If the message is the last one in a folder and GetNext is non-zero, the error code returned will be EINVAL for AMS_ERRNO. On a non-Vice system, this call is a no-op. This corresponds almost exactly to the MS_PrefetchMessage call, except that it understands cuid's.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_EndConver\typewriter{s}ation}()} \leftindent{This routine cleans up the SNAP state relevant to the client-server connection, and should be called before exiting if possible.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_GetHeaders}(FullDirName, datefield, ReturnBuf, MaxReturn, startbyte, numbytes, bytesleft, RegisterCuids) char *FullDirName, /* IN */ *datefield, /* IN */ *ReturnBuf; /* OUT */ int MaxReturn, /* IN */ RegisterCuids; /* IN */ long startbyte, /* IN */ *numbytes, /* OUT */ *bytesleft; /* OUT */} \leftindent{This routine retrieves snapshots from the message server from a given directory since a given date. The FulLDirName, datefield, ReturnBuf, MaxReturn, startbyte, numbytes, and bytesleft parameters are the same as documented for the MS_HeadersSince call. However, this routine provides additional error reporting. It also looks at an extra parameter, RegisterCuids, which tells it whether or not to enter each of the snapshots in the CUID cache. It is ALWAYS safe to do this; the only time when you do not particularly want to do this is if you are going to register them yourself afterwards, which is not yet an exported CUI_ routine and hence is not yet documented. In general, unless you known what you are doing, RegisterCuids should be non-zero.} \typewriter{\typewriter{\index{CUI_Initialize}(TimerFunction, Rock) int (*TimerFunction)(); /* IN */ char *Rock; /* IN */ }}\leftindent{This is the function that is called when the program first starts, to initialize the connection to the message server and to initialize the CUI library's state. The TimerFunction is the name of a function which will periodically perform updates and keep the message server alive or, in the non-SNAP version, will periodically clean up the message server's state. One such function, CUI_InitializeKeepAlives, is provided with the machine-dependent module for the cui library, but some interfaces (notably the messages program) need to define their own mechanisms for sending the keepalives. The Rock is simply a pointer (to anything) which will be passed back to the interface when it needs a "hook" to find its own data.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_SetClientVersion}(Vers) char *Vers; /* IN */} \leftindent{This function should be called after CUI_Initialize to tell the CUI library the name and version number of the current interface. This will eventually be automatically placed in Received headers of outgoing mail, for debugging/tracing purposes.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_SetMachineName}(Name) char *Name; /* IN */} \leftindent{This function should be called from Machine_Init to tell the CUI library the name of the current machine. This will eventually be automatically placed in Received headers of outgoing mail, for debugging/tracing purposes. This routine should not be necessary for anyone except those porting a CUI library application to a new machine type. } \typewriter{\index{CUI_SetMachineName}(Name) char *Name; /* IN */} \leftindent{This function should be called from Machine_Init to tell the CUI library the machine type of the current machine. This will eventually be automatically placed in Received headers of outgoing mail, for debugging/tracing purposes. This routine should not be necessary for anyone except those porting a CUI library application to a new machine type.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_ReportAmbig}(name, atype) char *name, *atype; /* both in */} \leftindent{This is a stupid little function that does exactly this: \typewriter{\{ char ErrorText[1000]; sprintf(ErrorText, "There is no %s named '%s'.", atype, name); ReportError(ErrorText, ERR_WARNING, TRUE); \}}} \typewriter{\index{CUI_FreeCaches}()} \leftindent{This function frees up storage from the cui cache. All cuids and directory pointers previously handed out by the CUI will become invalid. It is intended for use only in a "refresh" situation, e.g. clearing out all the headers visible to the user. } \typewriter{\index{CUI_PrintUpdates}(dname, nickname) char *dname, /* IN */ *nickname; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine will cause the message server to print all new messages in the directory named as dname, and to then update the user's profile information for that directory. It is used for print-subscribed bulletin boards, which are all updated in the same manner regardless of interface. The nickname parameter is simply the name this routine will use in describing its actions to the user.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_PrintUpdatesWithFlags}(dname, nickname, flags, printer) char *dname, /* IN */ *nickname, /* IN */ *printer; /* IN */ int flags; /* IN */ }\leftindent{This routine is just like CUI_PrintUpdates, except that the flags and printer parameters are passed on to MS_PrintMessage, to be used as described in the MS documentation.} \subsection{1.3.10 Calls That Must Be Provided By the Client Program} \italic{A note on linkage bogosities}: In addition to the useful routines described below, you need to provide the following integer and two routines to satisfy the linker: \leftindent{\typewriter{int \index{Interactive} = 1; \index{GetTerminalParams}(); \index{SetTerminalParams}(); } These should not really be necessary, but the only way to get rid of them would involve having a machine-dependent module for each interface program; we prefer to have only one machine-dependent module in the system, and this is the price we've had to pay for it so far.} The following routines must be provided by each interface program:\smaller{ } \typewriter{\index{ReportSuccess}(text) char *text; /* IN */} \leftindent{Conveys a message (text) to the user which is NOT very bad news.} \typewriter{\index{ReportError}(text, level, Decode) char *text; /* IN */ int level; /* IN */ Boolean Decode; /* IN */} \leftindent{Conveys an error message (text) to the user. The level parameter indicates the severity of the error, and is one of the symbolic values defined in errprintf.h. The Decode Boolean (== short) is non-zero if the global error code mserrcode is believed to contain relevant information. In that case, mserrcode must be decoded. The meaning of message server error codes is explained in the message server documentation, but the best thing to do is to start with the CUI's ReportError routine and modify it for your own interface. In particular, it helps to check specially for temporary Vice failures and for authentication problems; the CUI code serves as a good generic example.} \typewriter{\index{GetBooleanFromUser}(prompt, defaultans) char *prompt; /* IN */ Boolean defaultans; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine asks the user a question, given in prompt, and returns a non-zero code if the answer was yes. The default answer is given in defaultans.} \typewriter{\index{ChooseFromList}(QVec, defaultans) char **QVec; /* IN */ int defaultans /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine asks the user a multiple choice question. QVec is a vector of character strings, the first of which is the question. The remaining strings are the choices, with the last choice folled by a null entry in QVec. defaultans specifies the default answer, or is zero if there is no default.} \typewriter{\index{GetStringFromUser}(prompt, buf, len, IsPassword) char *prompt, /* IN */ *buf; /* OUT */ int len, /* IN */ IsPassword; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine asks the user a question (prompt), and puts the text of the answer in buf, up to len characters. If IsPassword is non-zero, then echoing of the user's input should be suppressed.} \typewriter{\index{DirectoryChangeHook}(adddir, deldir, rock) char *adddir, *deldir, *rock; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine is called whenever a directory is created, deleted, or renamed, to allow the interface to update any relevant user-visible state. The rock is the rock that was last passed to the CUI library via the CUI_Initialize call.} \typewriter{\index{SubscriptionChangeHook}(name, nick, status, rock) char *name, *nick; int status; char *rock; /* any pointer you like */} \leftindent{This routine is called whenever the subscription status of a folder is changed by the CUI_SetSubscriptionEntry call. You can use it if you want to keep some representation of a folder list that includes subscription information.} \typewriter{\index{HandleTimeout}(name, retries, restarts) char *name; /* IN */ int retries, /* IN */ restarts; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine is called by the CUI library when the message server connection times out. name is the name of the message server call in progress, retries is the number of times the operation has been retried, and restarts is the number of times the library has tried to reconnect to the server. The routine should return CUI_RPC_RETRY to cause the operation to be retried again, CUI_RPC_RESTART to try to reconnect to the server, and CUI_RPC_BUGOUT to give up and cause an error message to be propogated up to the calling routine. These constants are defined in CUI.h.} \typewriter{\index{DidRestart}()} \leftindent{This routine is called when the CUI reconnects to the message server. The client may want to notify the user of this event.} \subsection{1.3.11 Calls That May Be Provided By the Interface Program, but Need Not Be } The following two routines are actually part of the messageserver process, and are used when the messageserver wants to send a diagnostic message to the user, beyond what it can convey via the RPC error codes. Unfortunately, when the messageserver is on another machine, the user never sees these messages. If the messageserver is linked in to the client process (i.e. SNAP is not used), then the client may override these routines and do a better job of showing the message to the user. \typewriter{\index{NonfatalBizarreError}(text) char *text;} \typewriter{\index{CriticalBizarreError}(text) char *text;} \leftindent{These routines should each take a single string message and present it to the user. The Critical ones are rarer more important errors.} \subsection{1.3.12 Calls That Must Be Provided In the Machine-Dependent Code} \typewriter{\index{Machine_HandleClientSignal}(signum, ActNormal) int signum, *ActNormal;} \leftindent{This routine must be provided in the machine-dependent code IF you are linking the message server in (no snap). Thus it will probably not be necessary on any machine other than UNIX machines, but is mentioned here for completeness. } \typewriter{\index{Machine_Init}(ThisHost, ThisUser, ThisPassword, len, type, IsRecon) char **ThisHost, /* OUT */ **ThisUser, /* OUT */ **ThisPassword; /* OUT */ int *len, /* OUT */ *type, /* OUT */ IsRecon; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine is called from CUI_Initialize or when trying to reconnect to the message server. It is used to configure the message server connection. It should return after setting ThisHost to point to the name of the host on which to talk to a message server, setting ThisUser to point to the name of the user on the server machine, ThisPassword to point to the user's password, type to encode how to interpret the password field, len to the len of the password field. len includes the terminating null for unencrypted passwords. The IsRecon field is non-zero if this is not the first time the routine has been called. The Machine_Init routine \italic{should} also call the CUI_SetMachineName and CUI_SetMachineType procedures, to ensure that the proper tracing information appears in the Received headers of outgoing mail. The password should be encoded according to the guardian protocol specified in the include file "gasp.h", and is typically either GASP_PWD_STRING or GASP_PWD_VTOKENS.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_GenLocalTmpFileName}(nmbuf) char *nmbuf; /* OUT */} \leftindent{This routine should generate a valid name for a new local temporary file, and write it into nmbuf.} \typewriter{\index{CUI_InitializeKeepalives}()} \leftindent{This routine should initiate the sequence of events that will cause the client to send periodic keepalive messages to the server. This routine may not be used, if a different parameter is supplied to the CUI_Initialize routine, but it must be provided in order to make the CUI program do keepalives on any given machine. If you make the CUI_InitializeKeepalives routine a no-op, then everything will still work, but your users will see MANY more "Reconnecting to message server, please wait..." messages.} \typewriter{\index{EditLocalFile}(LocalName, FinishedElsewhere) char *LocalName; /* IN */ int *FinishedElsewhere; /* OUT */} \leftindent{This routine is called by cui when it wants to edit a draft piece of mail. The draft is stored in the file named as LocalName. Generally, the file should be edited, FinishedElsewhere should be set to zero, and this routine should return zero. However, on Andrew, if the user is running under the window manager then editing the message causes a sendmessage window to be created, and cui gets out of the delivery process; in this case, the FinishedElsewhere variable must be set to be non-zero.} \typewriter{\index{RedirectOutput}()} \leftindent{This routine is called when the cui forks to act as a daemon, and redirects output to the console. Since this will not happen on most machine types, this routine may generally be defined as a no-op.} \typewriter{\index{GetNewPassword}(ptr, IsRecon, ThisUser, ThisHost) char **ptr, /* OUT */ *ThisUser, /* IN */ *ThisHost; /* IN */ int IsRecon; /* IN */} \leftindent{This routine is called when the attempt to authenticate the user fails because of a bad password. IsRecon tells whether this is a reconnection attempt or the first authentication attempt. ThisUser and ThisHost are useful in framing the question to ask the user. The new password should be returned by changing the ptr variable to point at an approriate location in static storage.} rcs information about this file: $Header: /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/itc/src/andrew/doc/itc/ams/prog/RCS/LibraryCalls.d,v 1.3 89/01/18 09:46:43 nsb Exp Locker: jr34 $ $Log: CuiLib.pgr,v $ Revision 1.5 1993/05/04 00:58:25 susan RCS Tree Split Revision 1993/02/01 23:02:15 rr2b new R6tape branch Revision 1.4 1992/12/17 21:57:12 rr2b disclaimerization Revision 1.3 1989/10/27 13:42:46 jr34 added blurb about EZ. Revision 1.2 89/10/27 12:06:04 jr34 reformatted to use interactive toc & index. Revision 1.1 89/09/13 16:43:26 jr34 Initial revision Revision 1.4 89/04/11 15:31:26 jr34 added TrustTimeStamp per nsb. Revision 1.3 89/01/18 09:46:43 nsb *** empty log message *** Revision 1.2 89/01/14 13:51:26 nsb Described four new subroutines. Revision 1.1 88/10/04 15:59:41 jr34 Initial revision Revision 1.2 88/10/04 14:21:09 nsb *** empty log message *** Revision 1.1 88/08/23 12:25:18 jr34 Initial revision Revision 1.1 88/08/19 17:31:23 jr34 Initial revision Revision 5.0 88/05/29 20:27:41 ghoti Up to date - tested as of 5/29/88 bumped version number to 5.0 named "june88" Revision 1.9 88/04/06 09:49:29 aw0g say CUI_MAJORVERSION and CUI_MINORVERSION are declared by #define instead of int. In Machint_Init say the the len argument includes the null Add a rcs header and rcs log at the end [1] ... [2] ... [3] ... \begindata{bp,537558784} \enddata{bp,537558784} \view{bpv,537558784,1580,0,0} Copyright 1992 Carnegie Mellon University and IBM. All rights reserved. \smaller{\smaller{$Disclaimer: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of IBM, Carnegie Mellon University, and other copyright holders, not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, AND THE OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, OR ANY OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $ }}\enddata{text,538945396}