{{Header}} {{hide_all_banners}} {{Title|title= {{q_project_name_long}} Overview }} {{#seo: |description={{q_project_name_short}} -- Advanced Security and Anonymity |image=Qubes-logo-icon.png }} {{qubes_mininav}} {{ThumbGallery| [[File:Qubes-logo-icon.png|Qubes Logo|150px|thumb]] [[File:{{project_name_short}}-logo-text.svg|Whonix Logo|150px|thumb]] }} {{intro |thumb=Qubes-logo-icon.png |{{q_project_name_short}} is the seamless combination of [https://www.qubes-os.org Qubes OS] and [https://www.whonix.org {{project_name_long}}] for advanced security and anonymity. }} = Overview = {{#widget:Download_Button |text=Download Qubes-Whonix (FREE!) |url=Qubes/Install |os=qubes }} In this configuration {{project_name_short}} runs on top of Qubes inside virtual machines (VMs), just like any other OS on the same platform (Fedora, Debian, Arch Linux and so on). The Qubes bare-metal hypervisor is based on [https://www.xenproject.org Xen] and [https://getfedora.org Fedora]. Via hardware support like [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_virtualization#Intel_virtualization_(VT-x) VT-x] and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_virtualization#I/O_MMU_virtualization_(AMD-Vi_and_Intel_VT-d) VT-d] Qubes has successfully implemented a comprehensive yet strict security-by-isolation architecture. Hardware controllers and multiple user domains (qubes) are isolated using separate VMs that are explicitly assigned different levels of trust, yet the desktop experience is user-friendly and well-integrated. {{project_name_short}} is based on [https://www.debian.org Debian] and [https://www.torproject.org Tor]. The design provides a two-VM, split security architecture: an isolated [[{{project_name_gateway_short}}|{{project_name_gateway_long}}]] (ProxyVM; {{project_name_gateway_vm}}) for complete routing of traffic over Tor; and [[{{project_name_workstation_short}}|{{project_name_workstation_long}}]] (App Qube; {{project_name_workstation_vm}}) for all desktop applications, which serves as a tailored OS environment for Tor-based privacy/anonymity. To use [[Qubes|{{q_project_name_short}}]], Qubes must first be installed as a hypervisor on the physical host computer, followed by installation of the two separate {{project_name_short}} Templates -- {{project_name_gateway_template}} and {{project_name_workstation_template}} -- on top of Qubes. From this point, the {{project_name_short}} Templates can be used for customization and creation of multiple {{project_name_gateway_short}} ProxyVMs and {{project_name_workstation_short}} AppVMs, enabling enhanced compartmentalization of user activities for better privacy. The only limitation on the number of possible VMs is available disk space. For a more in-depth consideration of {{q_project_name_short}} advantages, see: [[Qubes/Why_use_Qubes_over_other_Virtualizers|Why use Qubes over other Virtualizers?]] [https://forums.whonix.org/t/qubes-whonix-security-disadvantages-help-wanted/8581 Qubes-Whonix Security Disadvantages - Help Wanted!] '''Figure:''' ''Qubes OS Design'' https://www.qubes-os.org/intro/ [[File:Qubesosoverviewv2.png|border]] = Guides = == Common Tasks == For major Template and AppVM operations, refer to the following guides:
* [[Qubes/Install|Install {{q_project_name_short}}]] * [[Qubes/Update|Update {{q_project_name_short}}]] * [[Qubes/Tor_Browser|Update Tor Browser]] * [[Qubes/Reinstall|Reinstall {{q_project_name_short}} Templates]] * [[Qubes/Uninstall|Uninstall {{q_project_name_short}} Templates]]
* [https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/how-to-install-software-in-dom0/ Install and update software in dom0] * [https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/how-to-back-up-restore-and-migrate/ Backup, restore and migrate VMs] ** [https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/4167 Qubes backups do not yet include qvm-tags] which will result in [https://forums.whonix.org/t/qubes-os-4-1-denied-whonix-newstatus-dom0-permission/12954 Denied: whonix.NewStatus dom0 notifications]
* [[Qubes/Troubleshooting|{{q_project_name_short}} Tor Connectivity and sdwdate Troubleshooting]]
== Security and Anonymity == For improved security and anonymity after installing {{q_project_name_short}}, refer to the following guides:
* [[Post_Install_Advice|Post-installation security advice]] * [[Bridges#How_to_Use_Bridges_in_{{project_name_short}}|How to use Tor Bridges]] * [[Multiple Whonix-Workstation|Multiple {{project_name_workstation_short}}]] * [[Qubes/Disposables|Disposables]] * {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Kicksecure-Qubes_Security |text=Qubes Security Guide }} ** ({{q_project_name_short}} is based on Kicksecure)
== Advanced ==
* [[Multiple Whonix-Gateway|Multiple {{project_name_gateway_short}}]] * [[Multiple Qubes-Whonix Templates|Multiple {{q_project_name_short}} Templates]] * [[Qubes/UpdatesProxy|dom0 / Template updates over Tor]] * [[Qubes/Firewall]]
= Qubes Persistence = {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Qubes#Qubes_Persistence |text=Qubes Persistence }} = Qubes Template Modifications = {{kicksecure_wiki |wikipage=Qubes#Qubes_Template_Modifications |text=Qubes Template Modification }} = Support = Before seeking personal support, please first search for the issue and a possible, documented solution. In many cases the issue can be solved by inspecting the phabricator issues tracker, reading {{project_name_short}} guides/documentation, conducting web searches, and examining past support requests. If a search yields no results, support requests should be directed to the most appropriate forum: * Qubes: ** [https://www.qubes-os.org/support/ Qubes Support] ** [https://forum.qubes-os.org Qubes OS forum] The former [https://web.archive.org/web/20210608222223/https://qubes-os.discourse.group/ discourse forum] was discontinued on 1 July, 2021. ** [https://www.mail-archive.com/qubes-users@googlegroups.com/ The Mail Archive qubes-users forum]. * {{q_project_name_short}}-specific: [https://forums.whonix.org/c/qubes-whonix {{project_name_short}} Qubes Forum] * {{project_name_short}}, Debian and Tor: [[Support|{{project_name_short}} Support]] = Footnotes = {{reflist|close=1}} {{Footer}} [[Category:Documentation]]