libnetcdf18-openmpi3-4.7.4-150600.15.2.1<>,'fsp9|3co9X/womGrͺ7ԂCynؒOX&;hZ ?zXHZp^JQj ]ei?Z#(;bzFR(>di7˫#@b^ \u` #ͺ$ZɊ#dKM" M J*i`Mz ]yaJw%L qQ1#R} =R&cblN\ X>08Գ{=)~t/_aȁ>EM?Md + b$(Abi  @T ^ h |  0Ib  T 1( ]8 d;9 P;:M;>I@IBIFIGIHIIIXIYIZJ([J,\J4]JH^JbJcKdL$eL)fL,lL.uL@vLTwLxMyM$zM`MpMtMzMClibnetcdf18-openmpi34.7.4150600.15.2.1Shared libraries for the NetCDF scientific data formatNetCDF is a set of software libraries and self-describing, machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data. NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is an interface for array-oriented data access and a collection of software libraries for C, Fortran, C++, and Perl that provides an implementation of the interface. The NetCDF library also defines a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, library, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific data. NetCDF data is: - Self-Describing: A NetCDF file includes information about the data it contains. - Network-transparent: A NetCDF file is represented in a form that can be accessed by computers with different ways of storing integers, characters, and floating-point numbers. - Direct-access: A small subset of a large dataset may be accessed efficiently, without first reading through all the preceding data. - Appendable: Data can be appended to a NetCDF dataset along one dimension without copying the dataset or redefining its structure. The structure of a NetCDF dataset can be changed, though this sometimes causes the dataset to be copied. - Sharable: One writer and multiple readers may simultaneously access the same NetCDF file. This package contains the openmpi3 version of the NetCDF runtime libraries.fss390zl31SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC NetCDF -N /usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi3/lib64/sbin/ldconfig -N /usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi3/lib64AA큤    /bin/sh/bin/`_м@_:_:q@_{_@_@_@^<@^(9@]Y]@]߶]@]@]t@]rJ@]c\d\3?@[@Z@Z@Z@Z@Z@Z@Z@ZZľ@Z}@Z}@ZaZX@ZOhZYY@Yq@Yq@Y+@YYYY@XYW@W@Ws@W@W{@V@VJVP\U@U@U( Fix: * CVE-2019-20007 * CVE-2019-20006 * CVE-2019-20201 * CVE-2019-20202 * CVE-2019-20199 * CVE-2019-20200 * CVE-2019-20198 * CVE-2021-26221 * CVE-2021-26222 * CVE-2021-30485 * CVE-2021-31229 * CVE-2021-31347 & * CVE-2021-31348 * CVE-2021-31598 (bsc#1191856) Note: * CVE-2021-26220 not relevant for netcdf: code isn't used. * CVE-2019-20005 Issue cannot be reproduced and no patch is available upstream. Added: * Fix-CVE-2021-30485-bug-25.patch * Fix-CVE-2021-31229-bug-26-CVE-2019-20201-bug-16-CVE-2019-20198-bug-20.patch * Fix-CVE-2021-31347-bug-27.patch * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20006-CVE-2019-20202-CVE-2021-31598-ezxml-bug-15-17-28.patch * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20007-ezxml-bug-13.patch * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20199-ezxml-bug-18.patch * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20200-ezxml-bug-19.patch * Fix-for-CVE-2021-26221-ezxml-bug-21.patch * Fix-for-CVE-2021-26222-ezxml-bug-22.patch- Define-byteswap-functions-before-use.patch: Define byteswap() functions before use (bsc#1181523).- Change 'Requires:' to hdf5 to %requires_eq to match the exact version of hdf5 in the dependency. This should take care of HPC packages ignoring proper ABI versioning (boo#1179521).- Update to version 4.7.4. * Support has been added for HDF5-1.12.0. * Support has been added for multiple filters per variable. * Now nc_inq_var_szip retuns 0 for parameter values if szip is not in use for var. * Now allow parallel I/O with filters, for HDF5-1.10.3 and later. * Increased default size of cache buffer to 16 MB, from 4 MB. Increased number of slots to 4133. * Allow zlib compression to be used with parallel I/O writes, if HDF5 version is 1.10.3 or greater. * Restore use of szip compression when writing data (including writing in parallel if HDF5 version is 1.10.3 or greater). * Enable use of compact storage option for small vars in netCDF/HDF5 files. * Updated benchmarking program bm_file.c to better handle very large files. * Added version number to dispatch table, and now check version with nc_def_user_format(). * Increased size of maximum allowed name in HDF4 files to NC_MAX_NAME. * Bug Fixes: - Correct behavior for the command line utilities when directly accessing a directory using utf8 characters. - Attempts to set filters or chunked storage on scalar vars will now return NC_EINVAL. Scalar vars cannot be chunked, and only chunked vars can have filters. Previously the library ignored these attempts, and always storing scalars as contiguous storage. - Fixed problem of growing memory when netCDF-4 files were opened and closed. Further details can be found at: - Bump soname from 15 to 18. - Add Fix-logging-argument.patch: Fix argument to logging function. - get_filter_info-get-correct-number-of-filter-elements.patch Fix intermittend issue found by unit tests.- Ignore make check error for ppc64 & s390x (both failed on tracked upstream via email subject [netCDF #XWG-388823]- Add build support for gcc10 to HPC build (bsc#1174439). - Remove unused build option.- Add support for OpenMPI 4 (disabled on < 15.3)- Remove requirements for parallel-netcdf from non-HPC builds: without the '--enable-pnetcdf' configure option, this doesn't make sense.- Remove build restrictions for SLE builds: build all flavors for SLE. - Fix ldconfig args for HPC packages: no caching should be done as these libs are made available thru LD_LIBRARY_PATH tweaking. - Adhere to common conventions regarding NetCDF and PnetCDF: NetCDF modules should be called 'netcdf' - regardless whether they are 'serial' or use MPI (boo#1174291).- Build macro package netcdf-devel-data only for non-HPC builds (boo#1167947).- Update to version 4.7.3: * Library was modified so that rewriting the same attribute happens without deleting the attribute, to avoid a limit on how many times this may be done in HDF5. * Now testing that endianness can only be set on atomic ints and floats. * Fix for subtle error involving var and unlimited dim of the same name, but unrelated, in netCDF-4. See []. * Update for attribute documentation. See []. * Corrected assignment of anonymous (a.k.a. phony) dimensions in an HDF5 file. * Corrected an issue where protected memory was being written to with some pointer slight-of-hand.- Fix openmpi naming for Leap 15.x - Correct some conditionals, matching for "openmpi" instead of "openmpi1". - Add non-HPC openmpi3 build flavor - Some spec file cleanup (trailing whitespace).- Add support for gcc8 and gcc9 (jsc#SLE-7766 & jsc#SLE-8604).- Update to version 4.7.1: * Remove obsolete _CRAYMPP and LOCKNUMREC macros from code. Also brought documentation up to date in man page. * Remove obsolete and deprecated functions nc_set_base_pe() and nc_inq_base_pe() from the dispatch table. (Both functions are still supported in the library, this is an internal change only.) * Fix: Reverted nccopy behavior so that if no -c parameters are given, then any default chunking is left to the netcdf-c library to decide. - Disable openmpi1 builds for SLE/Leap > 15.1. - Enable openmpi3 builds for Leap and SLE > 15.1 (jsc#SLE-7773).- openmpi has been renamed to openmpi1- Fix package description: Use macro to generate the correct information.- Use FAT LTO objects in order to provide proper static library. - Readd optflags to CFLAGS again. The motivating issue has been solved (, and without optflags the lto flags were only applied to parts of the build, causing broken static libraries.- Bump soversion, use it in the files section (so it fails the next time the version update is omitted), and remove the rpmlintrc also hiding the problem.- Update to version 4.7.0 (jsc#SLE-8500), see changes from 4.6.1 at: * * * - Update Source to rename the tarball as netcdf instead of netcdf-c- Consolidate use of openmpi1, openmpi2, openmpi3.- Add support for openmpi2 flavor * own directories below _mandir for all MPI flavors * no support for parallel_netcdf yet, same as for HPC flavors - Enable valgrind support also for aarch64 - defattr, license spec file cleanup- Only create a single devel-data subpackage providing the identical macros.netcdf, and require it by both serial and openmpi devel packages.- go back to hdf5 1.10- Fix devel-data package conflicts by a Provides/Conflicts that doesn't collide with a package name.- Remove the 'ring magic' as this seems to create issues during verification.- (Temporarily) disable fpr S390* as a check test fails currently on BE.- Fix dependency issues with non-HPC devel packages and devel-data.- Add a dependency to the HPC master package of the correct flavor of libhdf5_hl (bsc#1091243).- Avoid file conflict between devel-data packages over rpm macros.- Disable non-HPC builds on non-openSUSE systems: a. currently only SUSE products/projects are supported/ b. non-HPC builds are not and have never been supported on SLE, on openSUSE they are provided for compatibility reasons.- update to version 4.6.1 (FATE#325561) * changes since are documented here: - Obsoletes all patches: netcdf-disable-szip-linking.patch netcdf-h5-test-fix-type-mismatch.patch netcdf-no_date_time.patch - drop hdf4 support - use version 1.8 of hdf5 in non-hpc mode to avoid incompatible on-disk data- Add support for openmpi2 for HPC (FATE#325089).- Fix summary in module files (bnc#1080259)- Change the name of the MPI version of the module file directory to pnetcdf to distinguish it from the 'serial' one (boo#1075933).- Disable the openmpi3 flavor in some products.- Switch from gcc6 to gcc7 as additional compiler flavor for HPC on SLES. - Add support for mpich and openmpi3 for HPC.- Add dependency on the hpdf5 library package to the netdf libary package.- Simplify Group: - do not destinguish between MPI and non-MPI: the IBS check scripts cannot handle this well.- Fix wrong Requires: in static package.- Add minimal mpi-selector support for non-HPC MPI build. This will avoid the MPI packages to conflict with the 'serial' ones as both provide the same files and libs.- Fix botched dependency for libpnetcdf-.- Added patch netcdf-h5-test-fix-type-mismatch.patch * Fixes type mismatch in test tst_h_dimscales (bsc#1064705).- Source to fix the non-HPC openmpi %check.- Add magic to limit the number of flavors built in the in the OBS ring.- Incorporated HPC-style builds using environment modules. - Converted to multibuild (FATE#321719). - renamed rpmlintrc to netcdf-rpmlintrc. - Generate baselib.conf dynamically and only for the non-HPC build: this avoids issues with the source validator.- Update to version - Fixed an issue where ncgen would potentially crash or write incorrect netCDF4 binary data under very specific circumstances [gh#Unidata/netcdf-c#323]. - Updated documentation related to netCDF variable names and DAP2 access to reflect the undefined behavior potentially observed when DAP2 reserved keywords are used as netCDF variable names. - Fixed an issue with nc_inq_type() not returning proper value in some circumstances [gh#Unidata/netcdf-c#317]. - Corrected an issue related to test failures when - -disable-utilities or -DENABLE_UTILITIES=OFF are specified when building with autotools or cmake, respectively [gh#Unidata/netcdf-c#313]. - Corrected a behavioral issue with the _NCProperties attribute taking up too much space [gh#Unidata/netcdf-c#300], [gh#Unidata/netcdf-c#301]. - Corrected behavior for nc-config so that, if nf-config is found in system, the proper fortran-related information will be conveyed [gh#Unidata/netcdf-c#296]. - Add netcdf-disable-szip-linking.patch: Disable building with szip support for now, since test nc_test4/tst_interops5.c fails otherwise; this is likely to be fixed with version 4.5.0 of netcdf, but requires big enough changes that we don't backport it here. Necessitates BuildRequires on libtool and running autoreconf before configure.- Explicitly BuildRequire m4- Remove %{optflags} from CFLAGS for now to fix build with hdf5-1.10 in Factory, see Add 32bit version to satisfy libavfilter6-32bit- Trim descriptions. (libnetcdf11 will be the prominently installed one and therefore retains it mostly.)- As far as I can find the settings file is only needed for development.- update to version 4.4.1 Details can be found in the RELEASE_NOTES file. - Note: The combination of netCDF-C library versions earlier than 4.4.1 and libhdf5 1.10.0+ should be avoided, as they will result in binary files not readable by systems using earlier libhdf5 versions.- Regenerate ncx.c from ncx.m4. Tarball doesn't have fresh copy of it. Update to version 4.4.0. Highlights: * Added CDM-5 support. * Added support for opening in-memory file content. * Modified CMakeLists.txt to work with the re-organized cmake configuration used by the latest HDF5, 1.8.16, on Windows. Before this fix, netCDF would fail to locate hdf5 1.8.16 when using cmake on Windows. * Modified ncgen to properly handle the L and UL suffixes for integer constants to keep backward compatibility. - Remove netcdf-correct_casting.patch, rendered irrelevant by upstream change. - Remov upstream-included netcdf-codecleanup.patch and netcdf-pkgconfig.patch - Rebase netcdf-no_date_time.patch- install netcdf_par.h which is skipped when mpicc in not detected- Currently the regular, openmpi, and mpivachi2 versions of the library packages all provide the exact same libraries. So any package built against the -devel package will end up with an "unresolvable" build error because there are multiple versions of the library it can use. To avoid this, I have added generic provides for the library package so packages can depend on the version they really need, avoiding these build issues. - Depend on the correct regular, openmpi, and mpivachi2 versions of hdf, hdf5, and parallel-netcdf.- Update subpackage groups - Make subpackage summaries and descriptions more consistent - Provide rpm macros for version identification - Spec file cleanups - Build parallel versions of the library.- Build with HDF4 support- Update to version * When the NC_MPIPOSIX flag is given for parallel I/O access and the HDF5 library does not have the MPI-POSIX VFD configured in, the NC_MPIPOSIX flag is transparently aliased to the NC_MPIIO flag within the netCDF-4 library. * DAP requests now always include a restraint. Due to a problem in version 4.3.2, no constraint was generated when all variables were requested. * Fixed the code for handling character constants in datalists in ncgen. Two of the problems were: - It failed on large constants - It did not handle e.g. - var = 'a', 'b', … in the same way that ncgen3 did. - Changes from version 4.3.3 * Fixed bug resulting in error closing a valid netCDF-4 file with a dimension and a non-coordinate variable with the same name. [NCF-324]( * Enabled previously-disabled shell-script-based tests for Visual Studio when `bash` is detected. - Update netcdf-no_date_time.patch/bin/sh/bin/shlibnetcdf-openmpi3s390zl31 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ae87e7ac8cb7c38f7f895b1703baca19836d3120, strippeddirectoryASCII textPRRRRRR RRR R R R RRumـ\쉌]Uutf-8bf427eb8cae56a5b27cfbc7247c0487898715e8debdefe082e7a0499d111aea1?7zXZ !t/>*]"k%AKqJ$,,Wr@C6w+Uδ)̅p,%8m"x;S/cSV3Gj$DÄù bˑa1Dg.u}I1A?ZZL߆-~EALCZPOǵ$D5Oo Fʧ"H{-؈ruJaQ g=Zz7c3dlRF;wx<ʗ: <;W䄫eLX [VX6.NOֽ~.#jeB HONV֐X:%Ǥ.ژ/~9C 鹥ͪ)ݶу@N%Sc(6U Ep\$_dWVyo*hr4`aӺ;Ad4D[Eא]x]w\oNVqNznYbOAS'>K(Oz.-0BYp1AdMɋ#5".&!$K.lG%^кTwo=xaR 研WP1Cʱ:"Ոdɘ>E.23U4ʜ~^cn0 ^NW޽6v}Yd>~:l^mY1Bz6jh5<{BޕϱƅDvwjU/}!9AM'^N$oR%BfrQ~ K~ͭމ~=5M-gqn|F_/R Eck5ZJ^+5_]f?uJ ]s4OZ_@7ryzgr&8y(M=֮_{0uv͵&2U^ktl=wlBKVrL&6<o-v1+729o!ݏg#5C=(-6uc[[alx̭A@Eꎌ{9F&T[k%[W*e{/c;9کooܪPb9`VGNG۬vdfMԞۄ$Sd.[8C>x+*&?^;XƧM$z9j9wq&woM̀u{M-*"Կ搑c.{kAc2EN^ѕ|Y\DSH5otգg=Har_b%+ngz9sRst\BəA=+9*l  Q|| 㤨/{BgUM3 wA1 67G$ˢtCGUK f!q&N7ԽAHeH_bo&QΫ%.NNy2}H`/fl[Kx6w*b][qlد>e$"U?Bf&wtDmCI9>Agv UKh>z(b`O\p2#;k]iv5r?mt"D 2POJKw_]FD)SDf*';Y d544D/+Ǵ { s]008~|rLL,<-ĞP\eq  'HyAYqm-ļގ^^OM ijСa,c@zv(SrQ\* KFceXv3SQUi+ìB~?]7iA\Km{=z'P!1Qᒔzv`-ȸ4gl֛]bLUsk2$(9in&]KSGיRg ;`Qh,c>ûrKlcwnč Q[`8szSџЭJiN1| f#3=P—!v1NfBK0mbuZYNMkPʉ9| rS# m/n hX,Փu{ ĿJ7jH(Dw3J@'X{\*0"dE1i$cOncĎ~F@(X VK]Vw2{|W}?9zN[ѝL"?N*%ˀ8]͎ViɜQebR8}֣SCĢ߲$2U XAajSzuWkG u;|_6zo\놗VeG|4NT"Կ³ _44`$m礴oi3>jNnY-dSb0b Ӫ^\΀$G(8P ` QW欍M3<}tcs/?7AKEg# M0WWwfH#MtV-YCԺoAAy )\^IWZ̻1dLc,Ѵp#<H% ܼX‘+{alKMrBƯK(%8ji=j8Sn.# iL[3 8ܛk0Yh<9Bڷ ?nD;[ъ卜MX&\EN6+&蘚)S{8]ob/@Rzz!{]H/ZRLy&C7 `"WBuLnwb:0|=7w`²iPFdG}qوV:ir:j"\=Ugg3[H4E`Y7Ab'%,"%6a<7adV> JQdR5 ~v<_͉Nn|8 InjlASAok8-._*8ZA*hz$++ }u׼oi  '7yQ3ܤ7)ԆWx-!dKJvp!aNÄ7d9xm K eIbؕᄠo8ke >> FiR,d5]GE&8]rVk6ޞsR`AzWnC"`oeu^u[(U eӑoO*w/}$1pDw_ڤ2_=!*vnLL&JO e2/a~JhH4]0/<O1#lN}w c@sثe[JCI?_H)t#[VE)GReF ڑyj|+V,<,ŠGpEn+.!'%w7IC3 #; X YbN_\5huP"r;58wVc%6W+Ht 0bqw6%EX%rt^8 ɯƶiP[R>[f9iٱ$꼺yJ&1g@t?IRlNJRC6SQWa{v"[׏ݽTf;.Ddc^q7&EX:1Et&%vb63\MC7z$g+[7xZ}/v~ł \jE%lX1uWQ;&-*w6չ\QW˚WÄۣz`p4R~jUq;l edvJ\^So߸)ve AV獒& Q?5 h/b8.{Ò6 YiŸG]i;SlWA;hUkU{U[-}s_YbM)-+y!nb:)**D@z}ܑd¶C&:6?8#SJmm;(^ N{1!v-URuö"U9iuO. ,npyl1QBL{rKwER=یv|)њǿґ0ޡ$P8JsZ#S8`pwqf#].7tBxıV䶫,q`taT-b|a/f1⻁3Lj&B2+jG3'Idw$!G9c2\Va@l])lb nTΐFd;@u+$eԉ]h]B rvޒQ^ qrӿr7$U{R \iCBFQ]|a'HQ(&(Wc?#a$8#ޖ}SDݭBe8Ʊf1p]I]}h/h;)D::yfp"IN/*S^$-ڑa= M}q(jYE npW(/X:e; ]uBI^%PLSF'JF9=̺3(1;}Wl F2Re\r::$S kWs^p.,~=<qT]\O;?>7PR&Us^Ө6!0|6)O{bnXNZ^bIxg}9q5.v-a\Ftu`,l:U?mDG)n[ƞhv;g)D 4aEw!}<Ѭ͙-h2C2tyHfOF5s3[!'*:a qHa"--;gM|)%ƛi՟XjoN'ܵtjڶ[@5dI- K]aԐaZC4c!8Kѫ<2F iXf=r'îCqdS: C"Vcf|[w4aTS0X֓dBpOWG"E&#rbKp rŤ4:N᏷N-qYIWR I˺X3;uqySnZV' Ks~c@tChl Ρy4ӸFmeP`]Xl5HOsFZ63ZnIqL1ZKwa\[F p{f8pާPe\7X-XmJ"FaJ$JԬ)mHWiMU( i/<(g2q͟,>V/Wme:bCNc#~C&V)SA|@1[\!x&xI+r?<@ɆayT+"\l[x-tךŘk"L7r /a#7UCxx͆ڏO3̝ןeM*З!;guM]rJn1(Hҋq&x}YV'Mnw~QOvMŋl@ڹ{³>{ V3;vI!e(ٰYI+guBs8}2o F{d_GI_K Н)5ٖ./AC=[WP~l>DBoFN5*5J^LBeDg:yZhn?MvX瑶22tff C7~6"[vvEF#"Z UßP7JG$X (P,M1&20ve&*=|~cZI74o!-c8KYI%H 6&p;gb6e‿}]|+.oY׻88G]xu9\KK :١k.H9ZH|y7<Ђv!v=Acs QqUq)δ:I`FJtG*FmS;9jYZְ[>S:[pjo?{^q(Hh Y}񸼪S3jM"S :e0M+pUbZ|(L+?"C U rozd'laWu͡zK|ao ZH|7$T!N@!hwבy(RU[5Ju&C &w.ufҖ{"]퓡L~Nݳj +2 D?sA"Q$^0$BN` ^/Jy`A)ō$㳄#8Y YE-; (#ޣ?,!nD1OԱa*E {^4HiLjh?*Z6)hB ZP/Lү@"*|pa]6gm>"6;V|Qe\vIT+Qh'Zt!8ys"6^9fu%(|> Έ!%oϫ=^9F󝏆o3ʑf 1!&vxo ~}{CC2}f(eokd]p^,$#$ s|U{]b2݁v( Bл&2v9P]AO3<s .&( w2prOW~KpJKљ)r7/InyvP6LB|}|Q`Cy&M+BeHwDg,εUasOc&BǨYl0νVkC-%YHA::5883>_TO"F)-+V|͏'НƦy?`%x UG~tD`{1'7>)ἸᲙ tk,D4#b[jOg2/|HoǗbu)QSِ f$)/ṟ5$SMt $@d4hk2*.*2Z Sm5#$ɏS(!2'\]v"Z-*z2z{DH|`}_nXyfB6EK=jSD}zIMTfE]_._rXIn6l5Fr85lhؔrHHaP&&mv n>vҊ  : _918=%ŕm_sC=Ϩ@_4^X1(햓R~+2҄r#!ކSx0wGfLIf'Ua \h-zԋzB; 4FBN(ʖjҟ`w4S 24%sF@r駪Bt" ,%O"IQw2vN0Q~QZa<Zg$&l̴2?'BMI5zwK&+'5 ;YCԋ^l~~r2H;!4.ot9̛:b~K}B48S#zN;~ŤYJJ掐R@(s—IZsDf"!y=)fHZ{?62{\GxG78Ь߻Y` eQBr9yfF`\u ae@}^N9زClYTgJyS:o *jAxE&"/p{К ͽ ){a_A-@=֣F1DS,xHq _%cmsds AitnAR5{ }vQ}a 4i_?! /%vMБ^C:-:@+4ȁ-{(&ާFو'PQNfOo ENmZX&G^%ӣ,/N8}l%Ǒc4IMtBsNCL7H>dD =Ct!r xw9 +鹩DM `J)5$ӹLoM)dr4y Yģ8a 0"gw؋{U#tϔЧ IEA0GGAd1LvׇQwQj1|5q7Gp^2V@"Њi|0-3 IX./F‰4/"tiKO`oCH`2> Fc@=H7/Ɂ\\mAaco!{H[OQ ͩ1Rlǭր$ h\sj'VQ`n %A7 da+s1I 魑TmcF4đcxʐqO0jU2eMμ[P:Ud4xܨR>E#˜׵'7L sqJ iӔ[2ҽ ~ٻv@ !=e#w'sXo֊7CAӭ%MwƑכ 0!Ԫ?gS\BR^i7U+գ3:yN"V{E Kp^)⤙ܘ `7vUHe^"I//R4i!|ֵp̰wf(xi’O*ЉZB6;gv(*wq:P($niF qw$@͏ك9d7 ŠL_anXL~MZG&,B =|Y▄dGl&s쪟X-A2%RDXқ 4v>xT<"3gr6R-0 $E5y)G<)w+t?? ׸斠ڶ6f{nTS\7a.! 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