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Update to version jdk8u422 (icedtea-3.32.0) * Security fixes + JDK-8314794, CVE-2024-21131, bsc#1228046: Improve UTF8 String supports + JDK-8319859, CVE-2024-21138, bsc#1228047: Better symbol storage + JDK-8320097: Improve Image transformations + JDK-8320548, CVE-2024-21140, bsc#1228048: Improved loop handling + JDK-8322106, CVE-2024-21144, bsc#1228050: Enhance Pack 200 loading + JDK-8323231, CVE-2024-21147, bsc#1228052: Improve array management + JDK-8323390: Enhance mask blit functionality + JDK-8324559, CVE-2024-21145, bsc#1228051, : Improve 2D image handling + JDK-8325600: Better symbol storage * Import of OpenJDK 8 u422 build 05 + JDK-8025439: [TEST BUG] [macosx] PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices doesn't work properly since jdk8b105 + JDK-8069389: CompilerOracle prefix wildcarding is broken for long strings + JDK-8159454: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/ToolTipManager/7123767/ / number of checked graphics configurations should be limited + JDK-8198321: javax/swing/JEditorPane/5076514/ fails + JDK-8203691: [TESTBUG] Test /runtime/containers/cgroup/ fails + JDK-8205407: [windows, vs<2017] C4800 after 8203197 + JDK-8235834: IBM-943 charset encoder needs updating + JDK-8239965: XMLEncoder/ fails due to "Error: Cp943 - can't read properly" + JDK-8240756: [macos] SwingSet2:TableDemo:Printed Japanese characters were garbled + JDK-8256152: tests fail because of ambiguous method resolution + JDK-8258855: Two tests sun/security/krb5/auto/ / and failed on OL8.3 + JDK-8262017: C2: assert(n != __null) failed: Bad immediate dominator info. + JDK-8268916: Tests for AffirmTrust roots + JDK-8278067: Make HttpURLConnection default keep alive timeout configurable + JDK-8291226: Create Test Cases to cover scenarios for JDK-8278067 + JDK-8291637: HttpClient default keep alive timeout not followed if server sends invalid value + JDK-8291638: Keep-Alive timeout of 0 should close connection immediately + JDK-8293562: KeepAliveCache Blocks Threads while Closing Connections + JDK-8303466: C2: failed: malformed control flow. Limit type made precise with MaxL/MinL + JDK-8304074: [JMX] Add an approximation of total bytes allocated on the Java heap by the JVM + JDK-8313081: MonitoringSupport_lock should be unconditionally initialized after 8304074 + JDK-8315020: The macro definition for LoongArch64 zero build is not accurate. + JDK-8316138: Add GlobalSign 2 TLS root certificates + JDK-8318410: jdk/java/lang/instrument/BootClassPath/ / fails on Japanese Windows + JDK-8320005: Allow loading of shared objects with .a extension on AIX + JDK-8324185: [8u] Accept Xcode 12+ builds on macOS + JDK-8325096: Test java/security/cert/CertPathBuilder/akiExt/ / is failing + JDK-8325927: [8u] Backport of JDK-8170552 missed part of the test + JDK-8326686: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u422 + JDK-8327440: Fix "bad source file" error during beaninfo generation + JDK-8328809: [8u] Problem list some CA tests + JDK-8328825: Google CAInterop test failures + JDK-8329544: [8u] sun/security/krb5/auto/ / cannot find the testlibrary + JDK-8331791: [8u] AIX build break from JDK-8320005 backport + JDK-8331980: [8u] Problem list test + JDK-8335552: [8u] JDK-8303466 backport to 8u requires 3 ::Identity signature fixes * Bug fixes + JDK-8331730: [8u] GHA: update sysroot for cross builds to Debian bullseye + JDK-8333669: [8u] GHA: Dead VS2010 download link + JDK-8318039: GHA: Bump macOS and Xcode versions- Fix condition enabling shenandoah GC only for Factory. It was by mistake enabled for SLE too (bsc#1226274) - Disable shenandoah for all distributions, since the shenandoah hotspot tarball is rather out of sync.- Added patch: * fix-build-with-gcc14.patch + fix build with gcc14 + pointer/integer type precision- Update to version jdk8u412 (icedtea-3.31.0) * Security fixes + JDK-8317507, JDK-8325348, CVE-2024-21094, bsc#1222986: C2 compilation fails with "Exceeded _node_regs array" + JDK-8318340: Improve RSA key implementations + JDK-8319851, CVE-2024-21011, bsc#1222979: Improve exception logging + JDK-8322114, CVE-2024-21085, bsc#1222984: Improve Pack 200 handling + JDK-8322122, CVE-2024-21068, bsc#1222983: Enhance generation of addresses * Import of OpenJDK 8 u412 build 08 + JDK-8011180: Delete obsolete scripts + JDK-8016451: Scary messages emitted by during build + JDK-8021961: setAlwaysOnTop doesn't behave correctly in Linux/Solaris under certain scenarios + JDK-8023735: [TESTBUG][macosx] runtime/XCheckJniJsig/ fails on MacOS X + JDK-8074860: Structured Exception Catcher missing around CreateJavaVM on Windows + JDK-8079441: Intermittent failures on Windows with "Unexpected exit from test [exit code: 1080890248]" (0x406d1388) + JDK-8155590: Dubious collection management in + JDK-8168518: rcache interop with krb5-1.15 + JDK-8183503: Update hotspot tests to allow for unique test classes directory + JDK-8186095: upgrade to jtreg 4.2 b08 + JDK-8186199: [windows] JNI_DestroyJavaVM not covered by SEH + JDK-8192931: Regression test java/awt/font/TextLayout/ fails + JDK-8208655: use JTreg skipped status in hotspot tests + JDK-8208701: Fix for JDK-8208655 causes test failures in CI tier1 + JDK-8208706: compiler/tiered/ / fails to compile + JDK-8213410: UseCompressedOops requirement check fails fails on 32-bit system + JDK-8222323: fails with "RuntimeException: Failed to unset alwaysOnTop" + JDK-8224768: Test fails + JDK-8251155: HostIdentifier fails to canonicalize hostnames starting with digits + JDK-8251551: Use .md filename extension for README + JDK-8268678: test fails as Let’s Encrypt Authority X3 is retired + JDK-8270280: security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ OCSP response error + JDK-8270517: Add Zero support for LoongArch + JDK-8272708: [Test]: Cleanup: test/jdk/security/infra/java/ /security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ no longer needs ocspEnabled + JDK-8276139: not reliable, better to expand test + JDK-8288132: Update test artifacts in QuoVadis CA interop tests + JDK-8297955: LDAP CertStore should use LdapName and not String for DNs + JDK-8301310: The SendRawSysexMessage test may cause a JVM crash + JDK-8308592: Framework for CA interoperability testing + JDK-8312126: NullPointerException in CertStore.getCRLs after 8297955 + JDK-8315042: NPE in PKCS7.parseOldSignedData + JDK-8315757: [8u] Add cacerts JTREG tests to GHA tier1 test set + JDK-8320713: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u412 + JDK-8321060: [8u] hotspot needs to recognise VS2022 + JDK-8321408: Add Certainly roots R1 and E1 + JDK-8322725: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2023d + JDK-8322750: Test "api/java_awt/interactive/ /SystemTrayTests.html" failed because A blue ball icon is added outside of the system tray + JDK-8323202: [8u] Remove and + JDK-8323640: [TESTBUG]testMemoryFailCount in jdk/internal/ /platform/docker/ always fail because OOM killed + JDK-8324530: Build error with gcc 10 + JDK-8325150: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2024a * Bug fixes + Support make 4.4- Do not recommend timezone-java8 (bsc#1213470)- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.- Update to version jdk8u402 (icedtea-3.30.0) * Security fixes + JDK-8308204: Enhanced certificate processing + JDK-8314284, CVE-2024-20926, bsc#1218906: Enhance Nashorn performance + JDK-8314295, CVE-2024-20919, bsc#1218903: Enhance verification of verifier + JDK-8314307, CVE-2024-20921, bsc#1218905: Improve loop handling + JDK-8314468, CVE-2024-20918, bsc#1218907: Improve Compiler loops + JDK-8316976, CVE-2024-20945, bsc#1218909: Improve signature handling + JDK-8317547, CVE-2024-20952, bsc#1218911: Enhance TLS connection support * Import of OpenJDK 8 u402 build 06 + JDK-6528710: sRGB-ColorSpace to sRGB-ColorSpace Conversion + JDK-8029995: accept yes/no for boolean krb5.conf settings + JDK-8159156: [TESTBUG] ReserveMemory test is not useful on Aix. + JDK-8176509: Use pandoc for converting build readme to html + JDK-8206179: com/sun/management/OperatingSystemMXBean/ / fails with Committed virtual memory size illegal value + JDK-8207404: MulticastSocket tests failing on AIX + JDK-8212677: X11 default visual support for IM status window on VNC + JDK-8239365: ProcessBuilder test modifications for AIX execution + JDK-8271838: interop test fails + JDK-8285398: Cache the results of constraint checks + JDK-8285696: AlgorithmConstraints:permits not throwing IllegalArgumentException when 'alg' is null + JDK-8302017: Allocate BadPaddingException only if it will be thrown + JDK-8305329: [8u] Unify test libraries into single test library - step 1 + JDK-8307837: [8u] Check step in GHA should also print errors + JDK-8309088: security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ fails + JDK-8311813: C1: Uninitialized PhiResolver::_loop field + JDK-8312489: Increase jdk.jar.maxSignatureFileSize default which is too low for JARs such as WhiteSource/Mend unified agent jar + JDK-8312535: MidiSystem.getSoundbank() throws unexpected SecurityException + JDK-8315280: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u402 + JDK-8315506: C99 compatibility issue in LinuxNativeDispatcher + JDK-8317291: Missing null check for nmethod::is_native_method() + JDK-8317373: Add Telia Root CA v2 + JDK-8317374: Add Let's Encrypt ISRG Root X2 + JDK-8318759: Add four DigiCert root certificates + JDK-8319187: Add three eMudhra emSign roots + JDK-8319405: [s390] [jdk8] Increase javac default stack size for s390x zero + JDK-8320597: RSA signature verification fails on signed data that does not encode params correctly * Bug fixes + JDK-8324184: Windows VS2010 build failed with "error C2275: 'int64_t'"- Update to version jdk8u392 (icedtea-3.29.0) * October 2023 CPU * CVEs + CVE-2023-22067, bsc#1216379 + CVE-2023-22081, bsc#1216374 * Security fixes + JDK-8286503, JDK-8312367: Enhance security classes + JDK-8297856: Improve handling of Bidi characters + JDK-8303384: Improved communication in CORBA + JDK-8305815, JDK-8307278: Update Libpng to 1.6.39 + JDK-8309966: Enhanced TLS connections * Import of OpenJDK 8 u392 build 08 + JDK-6722928: Provide a default native GSS-API library on Windows + JDK-8040887: [TESTBUG] Remove test/runtime/6925573/ + JDK-8042726: [TESTBUG] TEST.groups file was not updated after runtime/6925573/ removal + JDK-8139348: Deprecate 3DES and RC4 in Kerberos + JDK-8173072: zipfs fails to handle incorrect info-zip "extended timestamp extra field" + JDK-8200468: Port the native GSS-API bridge to Windows + JDK-8202952: C2: Unexpected dead nodes after matching + JDK-8205399: Set node color on pinned HashMap.TreeNode deletion + JDK-8209115: adjust libsplashscreen linux ppc64le builds for easier libpng update + JDK-8214046: [macosx] Undecorated Frame does not Iconify when set to + JDK-8219804: java/net/MulticastSocket/ fails intermittently due to NumberFormatException + JDK-8225687: Newly added sspi.cpp in JDK-6722928 still contains some small errors + JDK-8232225: Rework the fix for JDK-8071483 + JDK-8242330: Arrays should be cloned in several JAAS Callback classes + JDK-8253269: The CheckCommonColors test should provide more info on failure + JDK-8283441: C2: segmentation fault in ciMethodBlocks::make_block_at(int) + JDK-8284910: Buffer clean in PasswordCallback + JDK-8287073: NPE from CgroupV2Subsystem.getInstance() + JDK-8287663: Add a regression test for JDK-8287073 + JDK-8295685: Update Libpng to 1.6.38 + JDK-8295894: Remove SECOM certificate that is expiring in September 2023 + JDK-8308788: [8u] Remove duplicate test + JDK-8309122: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u392 + JDK-8309143: [8u] fix archiving inconsistencies in GHA + JDK-8310026: [8u] make java_lang_String::hash_code consistent across platforms + JDK-8314960: Add Certigna Root CA - 2 + JDK-8315135: Memory leak in the native implementation of Pack200.Unpacker.unpack() + JDK-8317040: Exclude cleaner test failing on older releases - Added patch: * bsc1211968.patch + fix bsc#1211968: SLES12SP5 vulnerable to CVE-2015-4000 (Logjam)?- Update to version jdk8u382 (icedtea-3.28.0) * July 2023 CPU * CVEs + CVE-2023-22045, bsc#1213481 + CVE-2023-22049, bsc#1213482 * Security fixes + JDK-8298676: Enhanced Look and Feel + JDK-8300596: Enhance Jar Signature validation + JDK-8304468: Better array usages + JDK-8305312: Enhanced path handling * Import of OpenJDK 8 u382 build 05 + JDK-8072678: Wrong exception messages in java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace + JDK-8151460: Metaspace counters can have inconsistent values + JDK-8152432: Implement setting jtreg @requires properties vm.flavor, vm.bits, vm.compMode + JDK-8185736: missing default exception handler in calls to rethrow_Stub + JDK-8186801: Add regression test to test mapping based charsets (generated at build time) + JDK-8215105: java/awt/Robot/HiDPIScreenCapture/ / Wrong Pixel Color + JDK-8241311: Move some charset mapping tests from closed to open + JDK-8263059: security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ fails due to revoked cert + JDK-8268558: [TESTBUG] Case 2 in TestP11KeyFactoryGetRSAKeySpec is skipped + JDK-8271199: Mutual TLS handshake fails signing client certificate with custom sensitive PKCS11 key + JDK-8276841: Add support for Visual Studio 2022 + JDK-8277881: Missing SessionID in TLS1.3 resumption in compatibility mode + JDK-8278851: Correct signer logic for jars signed with multiple digest algorithms + JDK-8282345: handle latest VS2022 in abstract_vm_version + JDK-8282600: SSLSocketImpl should not use user_canceled workaround when not necessary + JDK-8285515: (dc) DatagramChannel.disconnect fails with "Invalid argument" on macOS 12.4 + JDK-8289301: P11Cipher should not throw out of bounds exception during padding + JDK-8293232: Fix race condition in pkcs11 SessionManager + JDK-8293815: P11PSSSignature.engineUpdate should not print debug messages during normal operation + JDK-8295530: Update Zlib Data Compression Library to Version 1.2.13 + JDK-8298108: Add a regression test for JDK-8297684 + JDK-8298271: java/security/SignedJar/spi-calendar-provider/ / failing on Windows + JDK-8301119: Support for GB18030-2022 + JDK-8301400: Allow additional characters for GB18030-2022 support + JDK-8302791: Add specific ClassLoader object to Proxy IllegalArgumentException message + JDK-8303028: Update system property for Java SE specification maintenance version + JDK-8303462: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u382 + JDK-8304760: Add 2 Microsoft TLS roots + JDK-8305165: [8u] ServiceThread::nmethods_do is not called to keep nmethods from being zombied while in the queue + JDK-8305681: Allow additional characters for GB18030-2022 (Level 2) support + JDK-8305975: Add TWCA Global Root CA + JDK-8307134: Add GTS root CAs + JDK-8307310: Backport the tests for JDK-8058969 and JDK-8039271 to the OpenJDK8 + JDK-8307531: [aarch64] JDK8 single-step debugging is extremely slow + JDK-8310947: gb18030-2000 not selectable with LANG=zh_CN.GB18030 after JDK-8301119- Update to version jdk8u372 (icedtea-3.27.0) * April 2023 CPU * CVEs + CVE-2023-21930, bsc#1210628 + CVE-2023-21937, bsc#1210631 + CVE-2023-21938, bsc#1210632 + CVE-2023-21939, bsc#1210634 + CVE-2023-21954, bsc#1210635 + CVE-2023-21967, bsc#1210636 + CVE-2023-21968, bsc#1210637 * Security fixes + JDK-8287404: Improve ping times + JDK-8288436: Improve Xalan supports + JDK-8294474: Better AES support + JDK-8295304: Runtime support improvements + JDK-8296496, JDK-8292652: Overzealous check in sizecalc.h prevents large memory allocation + JDK-8296676, JDK-8296622: Improve String platform support + JDK-8296684: Improve String platform support + JDK-8296692: Improve String platform support + JDK-8296700: Improve String platform support + JDK-8296832: Improve Swing platform support + JDK-8297371: Improve UTF8 representation redux + JDK-8298191: Enhance object reclamation process + JDK-8298310: Enhance TLS session negotiation + JDK-8298667: Improved path handling + JDK-8299129: Enhance NameService lookups * Import of OpenJDK 8 u372 build 07 + JDK-6734341: REGTEST fails: SelectionAutoscrollTest.html + JDK-6829250: Reg test: java/awt/Toolkit/ScreenInsetsTest/ / fails in Windows + JDK-7001973: java/awt/Graphics2D/ fails + JDK-7124238: [macosx] Font in BasicHTML document is bigger than it should be + JDK-7124381: DragSourceListener.dragDropEnd() never been called on completion of dnd operation + JDK-8039888: [TEST_BUG] keyboard garbage after javax/swing/plaf/windows/WindowsRootPaneUI/WrongAltProcessing/ / + JDK-8042098: [TESTBUG] Test sun/java2d/ fails on Windows + JDK-8065422: Trailing dot in hostname causes TLS handshake to fail with SNI disabled + JDK-8072770: [TESTBUG] Some Introspector tests fail with a Java heap bigger than 4GB + JDK-8075964: Test java/awt/Mouse/TitleBarDoubleClick/ /TitleBarDoubleClick.html fails intermittently with timeout error + JDK-8137101: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/ /4251579/ failure due to timing + JDK-8142540: [TEST_BUG] Test sun/awt/dnd/8024061/ / fails on ubuntu + JDK-8156579: Two JavaBeans tests failed + JDK-8156581: Cleanup of ProblemList.txt + JDK-8159135: [PIT] javax/swing/JMenuItem/8152981/ / always fail + JDK-8177560: @headful key can be removed from the tests for JavaSound + JDK-8196196: Headful tests should not be run in headless mode + JDK-8196467: javax/swing/JInternalFrame/ fails + JDK-8197408: Bad pointer comparison and small cleanup in os_linux.cpp + JDK-8203485: [freetype] text rotated on 180 degrees is too narrow + JDK-8205959: Do not restart close if errno is EINTR + JDK-8216366: Add rationale to PER_CPU_SHARES define + JDK-8226236: win32: gc/metaspace/ fails + JDK-8228585: jdk/internal/platform/cgroup/ / - NumberFormatException because of large long values (memory limit_in_bytes) + JDK-8229182: [TESTBUG] runtime/containers/docker/ / test fails on SLES12 + JDK-8229202: Docker reporting causes secondary crashes in error handling + JDK-8230305: Cgroups v2: Container awareness + JDK-8231111: Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy + JDK-8232207: Linux os::available_memory re-reads cgroup configuration on every invocation + JDK-8233570: [TESTBUG] HTMLEditorKit test is failing on macos + JDK-8234484: Add ability to configure third port for remote JMX + JDK-8237479: 8230305 causes slowdebug build failure + JDK-8239559: Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on some systems + JDK-8239785: Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on old systems in hotspot + JDK-8239827: The test should be changed to be manual + JDK-8240189: [TESTBUG] Some cgroup tests are failing after JDK-8231111 + JDK-8241087: Build failure with VS 2019 (16.5.0) due to C2039 and C2873 + JDK-8242468: VS2019 build missing vcruntime140_1.dll + JDK-8243543: jtreg test security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ fails + JDK-8244500: jtreg test error in test/hotspot/jtreg/ /containers/docker/ + JDK-8245543: Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on some systems (still reproducible) + JDK-8245654: Add Certigna Root CA + JDK-8247676: vcruntime140_1.dll is not needed on 32-bit Windows + JDK-8248899: security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ fails, Certificate has been revoked + JDK-8252359: HotSpot Not Identifying it is Running in a Container + JDK-8252957: Wrong comment in CgroupV1Subsystem::cpu_quota + JDK-8253435: Cgroup: 'stomping of _mount_path' crash if manually mounted cpusets exist + JDK-8253714: [cgroups v2] Soft memory limit incorrectly using memory.high + JDK-8253727: [cgroups v2] Memory and swap limits reported incorrectly + JDK-8253797: [cgroups v2] Account for the fact that swap accounting is disabled on some systems + JDK-8253939: [TESTBUG] Increase coverage of the cgroups detection code + JDK-8254001: [Metrics] Enhance parsing of cgroup interface files for version detection + JDK-8254717: isAssignableFrom checks in KeyFactorySpi.engineGetKeySpec appear to be backwards + JDK-8254997: Remove unimplemented OSContainer::read_memory_limit_in_bytes + JDK-8257620: Do not use objc_msgSend_stret to get macOS version + JDK-8262379: Add regression test for JDK-8257746 + JDK-8263404: RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec + JDK-8266391: Replace use of reflection in jdk.internal.platform.Metrics + JDK-8270317: Large Allocation in CipherSuite + JDK-8275535: Retrying a failed authentication on multiple LDAP servers can lead to users blocked + JDK-8275650: Problemlist java/io/File/createTempFile/ / for Windows 11 + JDK-8275713: TestDockerMemoryMetrics test fails on recent runc + JDK-8278951: containers/cgroup/ fails on Ubuntu 21.10 + JDK-8280048: Missing comma in copyright header + JDK-8282398: test fails because SSL cert expired + JDK-8282511: Use fixed certificate validation date in SSLExampleCert template + JDK-8282947: JFR: Dump on shutdown live-locks in some conditions + JDK-8283606: Tests may fail with zh locale on MacOS + JDK-8284102: [TESTBUG] [11u] Retroactively add regression test for JDK-8272124 + JDK-8284690: [macos] VoiceOver : Getting java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid location on Editable JComboBox + JDK-8284756: [11u] Remove unused isUseContainerSupport in CgroupV1Subsystem + JDK-8284977: MetricsTesterCgroupV2.getLongValueEntryFromFile fails when named value doesn't exist + JDK-8286624: Regression Test fails on OL8.3 + JDK-8287107: CgroupSubsystemFactory.setCgroupV2Path asserts with freezer controller + JDK-8287109: failed with CertificateExpiredException + JDK-8287463: JFR: Disable on Windows + JDK-8287741: Fix of JDK-8287107 (unused cgv1 freezer controller) was incomplete + JDK-8289695: [TESTBUG] fails on cgroups v2 and crun + JDK-8291570: [TESTBUG] Part of JDK-8250984 absent from 11u + JDK-8292083: Detected container memory limit may exceed physical machine memory + JDK-8292541: [Metrics] Reported memory limit may exceed physical machine memory + JDK-8293472: Incorrect container resource limit detection if manual cgroup fs mounts present + JDK-8293540: [Metrics] Incorrectly detected resource limits with additional cgroup fs mounts + JDK-8293767: AWT test has old SCCS markings + JDK-8294767: 8u contains two copies of test/../, one uses JDK9+ features + JDK-8295322: Tests for JDK-8271459 were not backported to 11u + JDK-8295952: Problemlist existing compiler/rtm tests also on x86 + JDK-8295982: Failure in sun/security/tools/keytool/ / - ks: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process + JDK-8296480: java/security/cert/pkix/policyChanges/ / is failing + JDK-8296485: test fails with SunCertPathBuilderException + JDK-8296632: Write a test to verify the content change of TextArea sends TextEvent + JDK-8296957: One more cast in SAFE_SIZE_NEW_ARRAY2 + JDK-8297329: [8u] hotspot needs to recognise VS2019 + JDK-8297739: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u372 + JDK-8297996: [8u] generated images are broken due to renaming of MSVC runtime DLL's + JDK-8298027: Remove SCCS id's from awt jtreg tests + JDK-8298307: Enable hotspot/tier1 for 32-bit builds in GHA for 8u + JDK-8299445: fails because of compilation errors + JDK-8299548: Fix hotspot/test/runtime/Metaspace/ / in 8u + JDK-8299804: Fix non-portable code in hotspot shell tests in 8u + JDK-8300014: Some backports placed the tests in the wrong location + JDK-8300119: CgroupMetrics.getTotalMemorySize0() can report invalid results on 32 bit systems + JDK-8301122: [8u] Fix unreliable vs2010 download link + JDK-8301143: [TESTBUG] jfr/event/sampling/TestNative was backported to JDK8u without proper native wrapper + JDK-8301246: NPE in FcFontManager.getDefaultPlatformFont() on Linux without installed fontconfig + JDK-8301332: [8u] Fix writing of test files after the cgroups v2 backport + JDK-8301550: [8u] Enable additional linux build testing in GitHub + JDK-8301620: [8u] some shell tests are passed but have unexpected operator errors + JDK-8301760: Fix possible leak in SpNegoContext dispose + JDK-8303408: [AIX] Broken jdk8u build after JDK-8266391 + JDK-8303828: [Solaris] Broken jdk8u build after JDK-8266391 + JDK-8304053: Revert os specific stubs for SystemMetrics + JDK-8305113: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2023c- Update to version jdk8u362 (icedtea-3.26.0) * January 2023 CPU * CVEs + CVE-2023-21830, bsc#1207249 + CVE-2023-21843, bsc#1207248 * Security fixes + JDK-8285021: Improve CORBA communication + JDK-8286496: Improve Thread labels + JDK-8288516: Enhance font creation + JDK-8289350: Better media supports + JDK-8293554: Enhanced DH Key Exchanges + JDK-8293598: Enhance InetAddress address handling + JDK-8293717: Objective view of ObjectView + JDK-8293734: Improve BMP image handling + JDK-8293742: Better Banking of Sounds + JDK-8295687: Better BMP bounds * New features + Support for building with autoconf 2.71 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u362 build 09 + JDK-6885993: Named Thread: introduce print() and print_on(outputStream* st) methods + JDK-7124218: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Space should select cell in the JTable + JDK-8054066: com/sun/jdi/ fails with timeout + JDK-8067941: [TESTBUG] Fix tests for OS with 64K page size. + JDK-8071530: Update OS detection code to reflect Windows 10 version change + JDK-8073464: GC workers do not have thread names + JDK-8079255: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Test closed/java/awt/Robot/ /RobotWheelTest/RobotWheelTest fails for Mac only + JDK-8129827: [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/Robot/RobotWheelTest/ / fails + JDK-8148005: One byte may be corrupted by get_datetime_string() + JDK-8159599: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/Modal/ModalInternalFrameTest/ / + JDK-8159720: Failure of C2 compilation with tiered prevents some C1 compilations + JDK-8197859: VS2017 Complains about UINTPTR_MAX definition in globalDefinitions_VisCPP.hpp + JDK-8206456: [TESTBUG] docker jtreg tests fail on systems without cpuset.effective_cpus / cpuset.effective_mems + JDK-8221529: [TESTBUG] Docker tests use old/deprecated image on AArch64 + JDK-8224506: [TESTBUG] fails with exitValue = 137 + JDK-8233551: [TESTBUG] fails on MacOS + JDK-8241086: Test runtime/NMT/ is failing on 32bit Windows + JDK-8253702: BigSur version number reported as 10.16, should be 11.nn + JDK-8255559: Leak File Descriptors Because of ResolverLocalFilesystem#engineResolveURI() + JDK-8265527: tools/javac/diags/ fails after JDK-8078024 8u backport + JDK-8269039: Disable SHA-1 Signed JARs + JDK-8269850: Most JDK releases report macOS version 12 as 10.16 instead of 12.0 + JDK-8270344: Session resumption errors + JDK-8271459: C2: Missing NegativeArraySizeException when creating StringBuilder with negative capacity + JDK-8273176: handle latest VS2019 in abstract_vm_version + JDK-8274563: jfr/event/oldobject/ fails when GC cycles are not happening + JDK-8274840: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows 11 + JDK-8275887: jarsigner prints invalid digest/signature algorithm warnings if keysize is weak/disabled + JDK-8280890: Cannot use '-Djava.system.class.loader' with class loader in signed JAR + JDK-8283277: ISO 4217 Amendment 171 Update + JDK-8283903: GetContainerCpuLoad does not return the correct result in share mode + JDK-8284389: Improve stability of GHA Pre-submit testing by caching cygwin installer + JDK-8284622: Update versions of some Github Actions used in JDK workflow + JDK-8286582: Build fails on macos aarch64 when using - -with-zlib=bundled + JDK-8288928: Incorrect GPL header in pnglibconf.h (backport of JDK-8185041) + JDK-8289549: ISO 4217 Amendment 172 Update + JDK-8292762: Remove .jcheck directories from jdk8u subcomponents + JDK-8293181: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u362 + JDK-8293461: Add a test for JDK-8290832 + JDK-8293828: JFR: jfr/event/oldobject/ still fails when GC cycles are not happening + JDK-8294307: ISO 4217 Amendment 173 Update + JDK-8294357: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022d + JDK-8294863: Enable partial tier1 testing in GHA for JDK8 + JDK-8295164: JDK 8 jdi tests should not use tasklist command on Windows + JDK-8295173: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022e + JDK-8295288: Some vm_flags tests associate with a wrong BugID + JDK-8295714: GHA ::set-output is deprecated and will be removed + JDK-8295723: security/infra/wycheproof/ fails with Assertion Error + JDK-8295915: Problemlist compiler/rtm failures specific to 8u + JDK-8295950: Enable langtools/tier1 in GHA for 8u + JDK-8296108: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022f + JDK-8296239: ISO 4217 Amendment 174 Update + JDK-8296555: Enable hotspot/tier1 for 64-bit builds in GHA for 8u + JDK-8296715: CLDR v42 update for tzdata 2022f + JDK-8296959: Fix hotspot shell tests of 8u on multilib systems + JDK-8297141: Fix hotspot/test/runtime/SharedArchiveFile/ / for 8u + JDK-8297804: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022g + JDK-8299439: java/text/Format/NumberFormat/ fails for hr_HR + JDK-8299483: ProblemList java/text/Format/NumberFormat/ / + JDK-8300178: JDK-8286496 causes build failure on older GCC + JDK-8300225: JDK-8288516 causes build failure on Windows + VS2010 * Bug fixes + Don't run check-aes on Zero builds (pointless and slow) - Removed patch: * java-1_8_0-openjdk-autoconf27.patch + fixed upstream- Update to version jdk8u352 (icedtea-3.25.0) * October 2022 CPU * CVEs + CVE-2022-21619 (bsc#1204473) + CVE-2022-21626 (bsc#1204471) + CVE-2022-21624 (bsc#1204475) + CVE-2022-21628 (bsc#1204472) * Security fixes + JDK-8282252: Improve BigInteger/Decimal validation + JDK-8285662: Better permission resolution + JDK-8286511: Improve macro allocation + JDK-8286519: Better memory handling + JDK-8286526: Improve NTLM support + JDK-8286533: Key X509 usages + JDK-8286910: Improve JNDI lookups + JDK-8286918: Better HttpServer service + JDK-8288508: Enhance ECDSA usage * Import of OpenJDK 8 u352 + JDK-7131823: bug in GIFImageReader + JDK-7186258: InetAddress$Cache should replace currentTimeMillis with nanoTime for more precise and accurate + JDK-8028265: Add legacy tz tests to OpenJDK + JDK-8039955: [TESTBUG] jdk/lambda/LambdaTranslationTest1 - java.lang.AssertionError: expected [d:1234.000000] but found [d:1234,000000] + JDK-8049228: Improve multithreaded scalability of InetAddress cache + JDK-8071507: (ref) Clear phantom reference as soft and weak references do + JDK-8087283: Add support for the XML Signature here() function to the JDK XPath implementation + JDK-8130895: Test javax/swing/system/6799345/ fails on Solaris11 Sparcv9 + JDK-8136354: [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/image/RescaleOp/ with Bad action for script + JDK-8139668: Generate README-build.html from markdown + JDK-8143847: Remove REF_CLEANER reference category + JDK-8147862: Null check too late in + JDK-8150669: C1 intrinsic for Class.isPrimitive + JDK-8155742: [Windows] robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException in windows + JDK-8173339: AArch64: Fix minimum stack size computations + JDK-8173361: various crashes in JvmtiExport::post_compiled_method_load + JDK-8175797: (ref) Reference::enqueue method should clear the reference object before enqueuing + JDK-8178832: (ref) jdk.lang.ref.disableClearBeforeEnqueue property is ignored + JDK-8183107: PKCS11 regression regarding checkKeySize + JDK-8193780: (ref) Remove the undocumented "jdk.lang.ref.disableClearBeforeEnqueue" system property + JDK-8194873: right ALT key hotkeys no longer work in Swing components + JDK-8201793: (ref) Reference object should not support cloning + JDK-8214427: probable bug in logic of ConcurrentHashMap.addCount() + JDK-8232950: SUNPKCS11 Provider incorrectly check key length for PSS Signatures. + JDK-8233019: java.lang.Class.isPrimitive() (C1) returns wrong result if Klass* is aligned to 32bit + JDK-8235218: Minimal VM is broken after JDK-8173361 + JDK-8235385: Crash on aarch64 JDK due to long offset + JDK-8245263: Enable TLSv1.3 by default on JDK 8u for Client roles + JDK-8254178: Remove .hgignore + JDK-8254318: Remove .hgtags + JDK-8256722: handle VC++:1927 VS2019 in abstract_vm_version + JDK-8260589: Crash in JfrTraceIdLoadBarrier::load(_jclass*) + JDK-8280963: Incorrect PrintFlags formatting on Windows + JDK-8282538: PKCS11 tests fail on CentOS Stream 9 + JDK-8283849: AsyncGetCallTrace may crash JVM on guarantee + JDK-8285400: Add '@apiNote' to the APIs defined in Java SE 8 MR 3 + JDK-8285497: Add system property for Java SE specification maintenance version + JDK-8287132: Retire Runtime.runFinalizersOnExit so that it always throws UOE + JDK-8287508: The tests added to jdk-8 by 8235385 are to be ported to jdk-11 + JDK-8287521: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u352 + JDK-8288763: Pack200 extraction failure with invalid size + JDK-8288865: [aarch64] LDR instructions must use legitimized addresses + JDK-8290000: Bump macOS GitHub actions to macOS 11 + JDK-8292579: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022c + JDK-8292688: Support Security properties in security.testlibrary.Proc * AArch32 port + JDK-8292599: [aarch32] Crash due to missed CPU specific part of 8233019- make-jobserver-detection.patch: Fix detection of jobserver support- Update to version jdk8u345 (icedtea-3.24.0) * July 2022 CPU * Security fixes + JDK-8272243: Improve DER parsing + JDK-8272249: Better properties of loaded Properties + JDK-8277608: Address IP Addressing + JDK-8281859, CVE-2022-21540, bsc#1201694: Improve class compilation + JDK-8281866, CVE-2022-21541, bsc#1201692: Enhance MethodHandle invocations + JDK-8283190: Improve MIDI processing + JDK-8284370: Improve zlib usage + JDK-8285407, CVE-2022-34169, bsc#1201684: Improve Xalan supports * Import of OpenJDK 8 u342 + JDK-8076190, bsc#1195163: Customizing the generation of a PKCS12 keystore + JDK-8129572: Cleanup usage of getResourceAsStream in jaxp + JDK-8132256: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/ /bcel/internal/util/ + JDK-8168926: C2: Bytecode escape analyzer crashes due to stack overflow + JDK-8170530: bash configure output contains a typo in a suggested library name + JDK-8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream + JDK-8194154: System property user.dir should not be changed + JDK-8202142: jfr/event/io/TestInstrumentation is unstable + JDK-8209771: jdk.test.lib.Utils::runAndCheckException error + JDK-8221988: add possibility to build with Visual Studio 2019 + JDK-8223396: [TESTBUG] several jfr tests do not clean up files created in /tmp + JDK-8230865: [TESTBUG] jdk/jfr/event/io/ fails at-run shell target + JDK-8235211: serviceability/attach/ / fails with AttachNotSupportedException: Unable to open socket file + JDK-8244973: serviceability/attach/ / fails "stderr was not empty" + JDK-8248876: LoadObject with bad base address created for exec file on linux + JDK-8255239: The timezone of the hs_err_pid log file is corrupted in Japanese locale + JDK-8261107: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the ICC_Profile.getInstance(InputStream) + JDK-8266187: Memory leak in appendBootClassPath() + JDK-8274658: ISO 4217 Amendment 170 Update + JDK-8274751: Drag And Drop hangs on Windows + JDK-8278138: OpenJDK8 fails to start on Windows 8.1 after upgrading compiler to VS2017 + JDK-8279669: test/jdk/com/sun/jdi/ uses wrong condition + JDK-8281814: Debuginfo.diz contains redundant build path after backport JDK-8025936 + JDK-8282458: Update .jcheck/conf file for 8u move to git + JDK-8282552: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u342 + JDK-8283350: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022a + JDK-8284620: CodeBuffer may leak _overflow_arena + JDK-8285445: cannot open file "NUL:" + JDK-8285523: Improve test java/io/FileOutputStream/ / + JDK-8285591: [11] add signum checks in engineVerify + JDK-8285727: [11u, 17u] Unify fix for JDK-8284920 with version from head + JDK-8286989: Build failure on macOS after 8281814 + JDK-8287537: 8u JDK-8284620 backport broke AArch64 build * Import of OpenJDK 8 u345 + JDK-8290832: It is no longer possible to change "user.dir" in the JDK8 + JDK-8291568: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u345 - Removed patch: * JDK-8076190.patch + Included by upstream- Update to version jdk8u332 (icedtea-3.23.0) * April 2022 CPU * Security fixes + JDK-8269938: Enhance XML processing passes redux + JDK-8270504, bsc#1198672, CVE-2022-21426: Better XPath expression handling + JDK-8272255: Completely handle MIDI files + JDK-8272261: Improve JFR recording file processing + JDK-8272594: Better record of recordings + JDK-8274221: More definite BER encodings + JDK-8275151, bsc#1198675, CVE-2022-21443: Improved Object Identification + JDK-8277227: Better identification of OIDs + JDK-8277672, bsc#1198674, CVE-2022-21434: Better invocation handler handling + JDK-8278008, bsc#1198671, CVE-2022-21476: Improve Santuario processing + JDK-8278356: Improve file creation + JDK-8278449: Improve keychain support + JDK-8278805: Enhance BMP image loading + JDK-8278972, bsc#1198673, CVE-2022-21496: Improve URL supports + JDK-8281388: Change wrapping of EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo * Import of OpenJDK 8 u332 + JDK-8033980: Xerces Update: datatype XMLGregorianCalendarImpl and DurationImpl + JDK-8035437: Xerces Update: xml/serialize/DOMSerializerImpl + JDK-8035577: Xerces Update: impl/xpath/regex/ + JDK-8037259: xerces update: xpointer update + JDK-8041523: Xerces Update: Serializer improvements from Xalan + JDK-8141508: java.lang.invoke.LambdaConversionException: Invalid receiver type + JDK-8162572: Update License Header for all JAXP sources + JDK-8167014: jdeps: Missing message: warn.skipped.entry + JDK-8198411: [TEST_BUG] Two java2d tests are unstable in mach5 + JDK-8202822: Add .git to .hgignore + JDK-8205540: test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/trace/ /trace001/ fails with Debuggee did not exit after 15 commands + JDK-8209178: Proxied HttpsURLConnection doesn't send BODY when retrying POST request + JDK-8210283: Support git as an SCM alternative in the build + JDK-8218682: [TEST_BUG] DashOffset fails in mach5 + JDK-8225690: Multiple AttachListener threads can be created + JDK-8227738: jvmti/DataDumpRequest/datadumpreq001 failed due to "exit code is 134" + JDK-8227815: Minimal VM: set_state is not a member of AttachListener + JDK-8240633: Memory leaks in the implementations of FileChooserUI + JDK-8241768: git needs .gitattributes + JDK-8247766: [aarch64] guarantee(val < (1U << nbits)) failed: Field too big for insn + JDK-8253147: The javax/swing/JPopupMenu/7154841/ / fail on big screens + JDK-8253353: Crash in C2: guarantee(n != NULL) failed: No Node + JDK-8266749: AArch64: Backtracing broken on PAC enabled systems + JDK-8270290: NTLM authentication fails if HEAD request is used + JDK-8273229: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2022 + JDK-8273341: Update Siphash to version 1.0 + JDK-8273575: memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must be deallocated + JDK-8274524: SSLSocket.close() hangs if it is called during the ssl handshake + JDK-8277224: throws NPE + JDK-8277488: Add expiry exception for Digicert (geotrustglobalca) expiring in May 2022 + JDK-8279077: JFR crashes on Linux ppc due to missing crash protector in signal handler + JDK-8280060: The sun/rmi/server/ class use Thread.dumpStack() + JDK-8282300: Throws NamingException instead of InvalidNameException after JDK-8278972 + JDK-8282397: createTempFile method of is failing when called with suffix of spaces character + JDK-8284548: Invalid XPath expression causes StringIndexOutOfBoundsException + JDK-8284920: Incorrect Token type causes XPath expression to return empty result + JDK-8284936: Fix Java 7 bootstrap breakage due to use of * Backports + JDK-8031567: Better model for storing source revision information + JDK-8170385: JDK-8031567 broke source bundles + JDK-8170392: JDK-8031567 broke builds from source bundles + JDK-8253424: Add support for running pre-submit testing using GitHub Actions + JDK-8253865: Pre-submit testing using GitHub Actions does not detect failures reliably + JDK-8254054: Pre-submit testing using GitHub Actions should not use the deprecated set-env command + JDK-8254173: Add Zero, Minimal hotspot targets to submit workflow + JDK-8254175: Build no-pch configuration in debug mode for submit checks + JDK-8254282: Add Linux x86_32 builds to submit workflow + JDK-8255305: Add Linux x86_32 tier1 to submit workflow + JDK-8255352: Archive important test outputs in submit workflow + JDK-8255373: Submit workflow artifact name is always "" + JDK-8255895: Submit workflow artifacts miss hs_errs/replays due to ZIP include mismatch + JDK-8256127: Add cross-compiled foreign architectures builds to submit workflow + JDK-8256277: Github Action build on macOS should define OS and Xcode versions + JDK-8256354: Github Action build on Windows should define OS and MSVC versions + JDK-8256393: Github Actions build on Linux should define OS and GCC versions + JDK-8256414: add optimized build to submit workflow + JDK-8256747: GitHub Actions: decouple the hotspot build-only jobs from Linux x64 testing + JDK-8257056: Submit workflow should apt-get update to avoid package installation errors + JDK-8259924: GitHub actions fail on Linux x86_32 with "Could not configure libc6:i386" + JDK-8260460: GitHub actions still fail on Linux x86_32 with "Could not configure libc6:i386" + JDK-8263667: Avoid running GitHub actions on branches named pr/* + JDK-8282225: GHA: Allow one concurrent run per PR only + JDK-8284772: 8u GHA: Use GCC Major Version Dependencies Only * Bug fixes + GH002: Only add -Wno-unused-parameter on gcc and clang compilers. + GH004: Fix naming of sockaddr_in6 variable (sa6->him6) in SOCKETADDRESS union on Windows + GH007: Fix NetworkInterface_winXP.c variable declarations to compile on VS2010 + GH008: Reinstate POST_STRIP_CMD empty check in Images.gmk + GH012: Building from tarball broken by bad backport of JDK-8210283 * Shenandoah + JDK-8260632: Build failures after JDK-8253353- Add java-1_8_0-openjdk-autoconf27.patch to accept autoconf 2.71 as autoconf 2.59 or later- Update to version jdk8u322 (icedtea-3.22.0) * January 2022 CPU * Security fixes + JDK-8264934, CVE-2022-21248, bsc#1194926: Enhance cross VM serialization + JDK-8268488: More valuable DerValues + JDK-8268494: Better inlining of inlined interfaces + JDK-8268512: More content for ContentInfo + JDK-8268795: Enhance digests of Jar files + JDK-8268801: Improve PKCS attribute handling + JDK-8268813, CVE-2022-21283, bsc#1194937: Better String matching + JDK-8269151: Better construction of EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo + JDK-8269944: Better HTTP transport redux + JDK-8270392, CVE-2022-21293, bsc#1194935: Improve String constructions + JDK-8270416, CVE-2022-21294, bsc#1194934: Enhance construction of Identity maps + JDK-8270492, CVE-2022-21282, bsc#1194933: Better resolution of URIs + JDK-8270498, CVE-2022-21296, bsc#1194932: Improve SAX Parser configuration management + JDK-8270646, CVE-2022-21299, bsc#1194931: Improved scanning of XML entities + JDK-8271962: Better TrueType font loading + JDK-8271968: Better canonical naming + JDK-8271987: Manifest improved manifest entries + JDK-8272014, CVE-2022-21305, bsc#1194939: Better array indexing + JDK-8272026, CVE-2022-21340, bsc#1194940: Verify Jar Verification + JDK-8272236, CVE-2022-21341, bsc#1194941: Improve serial forms for transport + JDK-8272272: Enhance jcmd communication + JDK-8272462: Enhance image handling + JDK-8273290: Enhance sound handling + JDK-8273748, CVE-2022-21349: Improve Solaris font rendering + JDK-8273756, CVE-2022-21360, bsc#1194929: Enhance BMP image support + JDK-8273838, CVE-2022-21365, bsc#1194928: Enhanced BMP processing * Import of OpenJDK 8 u322 + JDK-6801613: Cross-platform pageDialog and printDialog top margin entry broken + JDK-8011541: [TEST_BUG] closed/javax/swing/plaf/metal/ /MetalUtils/ fails NPE since 7u25b03 + JDK-8025430: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JEditorPane/5076514/ / failed since jdk8b108 + JDK-8041928: MouseEvent.getModifiersEx gives wrong result + JDK-8042199: The build of J2DBench via makefile is broken after the JDK-8005402 + JDK-8044365: (dc) failing with ENOMEM when joining group (OS X 10.9) + JDK-8048021: Remove @version tag in jaxp repo + JDK-8049348: compiler/intrinsics/bmi/verifycode tests on lzcnt and tzcnt use incorrect assumption about REXB prefix usage + JDK-8060027: Tests java/beans/XMLEncoder/ and java/beans/XMLEncoder/ + JDK-8066588: javax/management/remote/mandatory/connectio / fails to compile + JDK-8066652: Default TimeZone is GMT not local if user.timezone is invalid on Mac OS + JDK-8069034: gc/g1/ nightly failure + JDK-8077590: windows_i586_6.2-product-c2-runThese8_Xcomp_vm failing after win compiler upgrade + JDK-8080287: The image of BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB and BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE is blank + JDK-8140329: [TEST_BUG] test failed because image was not generated + JDK-8140472: java/net/ipv6tests/ failed intermittently with Address already in use: NET_Bind + JDK-8147051: StaxEntityResolverWrapper should create StaxXMLInputSource with a resolver indicator + JDK-8148915: Intermittent failures of + JDK-8176837: SunPKCS11 provider needs to check more details on PKCS11 Mechanism + JDK-8177393: Result of RescaleOp for 4BYTE_ABGR images may be 25% black + JDK-8177536: Avoid Apple Peer-to-Peer interfaces in networking tests + JDK-8182036: Load from initializing arraycopy uses wrong memory state + JDK-8183369: RFC unconformity of HttpURLConnection with proxy + JDK-8183543: Aarch64: C2 compilation often fails with "failed spill-split-recycle sanity check" + JDK-8187450: JNI local refs exceeds capacity warning in NetworkInterface::getAll + JDK-8187649: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in java.util.JapaneseImperialCalendar + JDK-8190482: InnocuousThread creation should not require the caller to possess enableContextClassLoaderOverride + JDK-8190793: Httpserver does not detect truncated request body + JDK-8196572: Tests and fail + JDK-8202788: Explicitly reclaim cached thread-local direct buffers at thread exit + JDK-8210058: Algorithmic Italic font leans opposite angle in Printing + JDK-8220150: macos10.14 Mojave returns anti-aliased glyphs instead of aliased B&W glyphs + JDK-8225082: Remove IdenTrust certificate that is expiring in September 2021 + JDK-8225083: Remove Google certificate that is expiring in December 2021 + JDK-8226806: [macOS 10.14] Methods of Java Robot should be called from appropriate thread + JDK-8231254: (fs) Add test for macOS Catalina changes to protect system software + JDK-8231438: [macOS] Dark mode for the desktop is not supported + JDK-8232178: MacVolumesTest failed after upgrade to MacOS Catalina + JDK-8232226: [macos 10.15] test/jdk/java/awt/color/ /EqualityTest/ may fail + JDK-8235153: [TESTBUG] [macos 10.15] java/awt/Graphics/ /DrawImageBG/ fails + JDK-8236897: Fix the copyright header for pkcs11gcm2.h + JDK-8237499: JFR: Include stack trace in the ThreadStart event + JDK-8239886: Minimal VM build fails after JDK-8237499 + JDK-8261397: Try Catch Method Failing to Work When Dividing An Integer By 0 + JDK-8262731: [macOS] Exception from "Printable.print" is swallowed during "PrinterJob.print" + JDK-8272342: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ / catches all exceptions + JDK-8273308: fails on CI + JDK-8273342: Null pointer dereference in classFileParser.cpp:2817 + JDK-8273826: Correct Manifest file name and NPE checks + JDK-8273968: JCK javax_xml tests fail in CI + JDK-8274407: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021c + JDK-8274467: fails with tzdata2021b + JDK-8274468: fails with tzdata2021b + JDK-8274595: DisableRMIOverHTTPTest failed: connection refused + JDK-8274779: HttpURLConnection: HttpClient and HttpsClient incorrectly check request method when set to POST + JDK-8275766: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021e + JDK-8275849: fails with tzdata2021e + JDK-8276536: Update TimeZoneNames files to follow the changes made by JDK-8275766 - Added patch: * JDK-8076190.patch + backport reviewed fix for JDK-8076190 Customizing the generation of a PKCS12 keystore (bsc#1195163)- Removed patch: * comment-nss-security-provider.patch + there is a configure-time option to do exactly the same thing - Modified patch: * fips.patch + allow plain key import, unless disabled with - Dcom.suse.fips.plainKeySupport=false command-line option- Modified patch: * fips.patch + When system crypto policy files are not available, use the information from the file that we distribute with OpenJDK as a fallback. (bsc#1193314, bsc#1193444, bsc#1193491)- Modified patch: * fips.patch + return in native code after generating Update to version jdk8u312 (icedtea-3.21.0) * October 2021 CPU * Security fixes + JDK-8130183, CVE-2021-35588, bsc#1191905: InnerClasses: VM permits wrong Throw ClassFormatError if InnerClasses attribute's inner_class_info_index is 0 + JDK-8161016: Strange behavior of URLConnection with proxy + JDK-8163326, CVE-2021-35550, bsc#1191901: Update the default enabled cipher suites preference + JDK-8254967, CVE-2021-35565, bsc#1191909: spins on TLS session close + JDK-8263314: Enhance XML Dsig modes + JDK-8265167, CVE-2021-35556, bsc#1191910: Richer Text Editors + JDK-8265574: Improve handling of sheets + JDK-8265580, CVE-2021-35559, bsc#1191911: Enhanced style for RTF kit + JDK-8265776: Improve Stream handling for SSL + JDK-8266097, CVE-2021-35561, bsc#1191912: Better hashing support + JDK-8266103: Better specified spec values + JDK-8266109: More Resilient Classloading + JDK-8266115: More Manifest Jar Loading + JDK-8266137, CVE-2021-35564, bsc#1191913: Improve Keystore integrity + JDK-8266689, CVE-2021-35567, bsc#1191903: More Constrained Delegation + JDK-8267086: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in + JDK-8267712: Better LDAP reference processing + JDK-8267729, CVE-2021-35578, bsc#1191904: Improve TLS client handshaking + JDK-8267735, CVE-2021-35586, bsc#1191914: Better BMP support + JDK-8268193: Improve requests of certificates + JDK-8268199: Correct certificate requests + JDK-8268506: More Manifest Digests + JDK-8269618, CVE-2021-35603, bsc#1191906: Better session identification + JDK-8269624: Enhance method selection support + JDK-8270398: Enhance canonicalization + JDK-8270404: Better canonicalization * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 01 + JDK-7146776: deadlock between URLStreamHandler.getHostAddress and file.Handler.openconnection + JDK-8004148: NPE in sun.awt.SunToolkit.getWindowDeactivationTime + JDK-8027154: [TESTBUG] Test java/awt/Mouse/ /GetMousePositionTest/ fails + JDK-8035001: TEST_BUG: the retry logic in RMID.start() should check that the subprocess hasn't terminated + JDK-8035424: (reflect) Performance problem in sun.reflect.generics.parser.SignatureParser + JDK-8042557: compiler/uncommontrap/ / fails with: GC triggered before VM initialization completed + JDK-8054118: java/net/ipv6tests/ failed intermittently + JDK-8065215: Print warning summary at end of configure + JDK-8072767: DefaultCellEditor for comboBox creates ActionEvent with wrong source object + JDK-8079891: Store configure log in $BUILD/configure.log + JDK-8080082: configure fails if you create an empty directory and then run configure from it + JDK-8086003: Test fails on OSX with java.lang.RuntimeException 'Narrow klass base: 0x0000000000000000, Narrow klass shift: 3' missing + JDK-8134989: java/net/MulticastSocket/ failed due to unexpected IP address + JDK-8156584: Initialization race in + JDK-8166673: The new implementation of Robot.waitForIdle() may hang + JDK-8170467: (reflect) Optimize SignatureParser's use of StringBuilders + JDK-8196181: sun/java2d/GdiRendering/ fails + JDK-8202837: PBES2 AlgorithmId encoding error in PKCS12 KeyStore + JDK-8206189: sun/security/pkcs12/ fails with Sequence tag error + JDK-8214418: half-closed SSLEngine status may cause application dead loop + JDK-8214513: A PKCS12 keystore from Java 8 using custom PBE parameters cannot be read in Java 11 + JDK-8220786: Create new switch to redirect error reporting output to stdout or stderr + JDK-8229243: SunPKCS11-Solaris provider tests failing on Solaris 11.4 + JDK-8231222: fix pkcs11 P11_DEBUG guarded native traces + JDK-8238567: SoftMainMixer.processAudioBuffers(): Wrong handling of stoppedMixers + JDK-8240518: Incorrect JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars in Windows Print + JDK-8241248: NullPointerException in + JDK-8248901: Signed immediate support in .../share/assembler.hpp is broken. + JDK-8259338: Add expiry exception for identrustdstx3 alias to test + JDK-8262000: jdk/jfr/event/gc/detailed/ / failed with "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" + JDK-8262829: Native crash in Win32PrintServiceLookup.getAllPrinterNames() + JDK-8263311: Watch registry changes for remote printers update instead of polling + JDK-8265238: [8u] [macos] build failure in OpenJDK8u after JDK-8211301 in older xcode + JDK-8265978: make test should look for more locations when searching for exit code + JDK-8269810: [8u] Update after JDK-8250876 backport + JDK-8269953: config.log is not in build directory after 8u backport of JDK-8079891 + JDK-8271466: StackGap test fails on aarch64 due to "-m64" * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 02 + JDK-8247469: getSystemCpuLoad() returns -1 on linux when some offline cpus are present and cpusets.effective_cpus is not available + JDK-8265836: OperatingSystemImpl.getCpuLoad() returns incorrect CPU load inside a container * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 03 + JDK-8237495: Java MIDI fails with a dereferenced memory error when asked to send a raw 0xF7 + JDK-8264752: SIGFPE crash with option FlightRecorderOptions:threadbuffersize=30M + JDK-8266206: Build failure after JDK-8264752 with older GCCs + JDK-8270137: Kerberos Credential Retrieval from Cache not Working in Cross-Realm Setup + JDK-8272214: [8u] Build failure after backport of JDK-8248901 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 04 + JDK-6847157: java.lang.NullPointerException: HDC for component at sun.java2d.loops.Blit.Blit + JDK-8176837: SunPKCS11 provider needs to check more details on PKCS11 Mechanism + JDK-8194246: JVM crashes when calling getStackTrace if stack contains a method that is a member of a very large class + JDK-8244154: Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v3.0 header files + JDK-8263382: java/util/logging/ failed with "checkLoggers: getLoggerNames() returned unexpected loggers" + JDK-8268103: JNI functions incorrectly return a double after JDK-8265836 + JDK-8269594: assert(_handle_mark_nesting > 1) failed: memory leak: allocating handle outside HandleMark + JDK-8269859: BacktraceBuilder._cprefs needs to be accessed as unsigned short + JDK-8269882: stack-use-after-scope in NewObjectA * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 05 + JDK-7188942: Remove support of pbuffers in OGL Java2d pipeline + JDK-8022323: [JavaSecurityScanner] review package* Native methods should be private + JDK-8131062: aarch64: add support for GHASH acceleration + JDK-8134869: AARCH64: GHASH intrinsic is not optimal + JDK-8269851: OperatingSystemMXBean getProcessCpuLoad reports incorrect process cpu usage in containers + JDK-8272124: Cgroup v1 initialization causes NullPointerException when cgroup path contains colon + JDK-8272714: [8u] Build failure after backport of JDK-8248901 with MSVC 2013 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 06 + JDK-8268965: TCP Connection Reset when connecting simple socket to SSL server + JDK-8272643: Backout JDK-8176837 from 8u312 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 07 + JDK-8157404: Unable to read certain PKCS12 keystores from SequenceInputStream + JDK-8222751: closed/test/jdk/sun/security/util/ /DerIndefLenConverter/ fail + JDK-8269763: The JEditorPane is blank after JDK-8265167 * Shenandoah + [backport] 8269661: JNI_GetStringCritical does not lock char array + Re-cast JNI critical strings patch to be Shenandoah-specific- Remove the icedtea-sound backend, since all its functionality is in the default java sound backends- Added patches: * comment-nss-security-provider.patch + Comment this provider since it is not passing the compliance tests * fips.patch + Implement fips mode- riscv64-zero.patch: Add support for riscv64 (zero VM)- Update to version jdk8u302 (icedtea 3.20.0) * July 2021 CPU * Security fixes + JDK-8256157: Improve bytecode assembly + JDK-8256491: Better HTTP transport + JDK-8258432, CVE-2021-2341, bsc#1188564: Improve file transfers + JDK-8260453: Improve Font Bounding + JDK-8260960: Signs of jarsigner signing + JDK-8260967, CVE-2021-2369, bsc#1188565: Better jar file validation + JDK-8262380: Enhance XML processing passes + JDK-8262403: Enhanced data transfer + JDK-8262410: Enhanced rules for zones + JDK-8262477: Enhance String Conclusions + JDK-8262967: Improve Zip file support + JDK-8264066, CVE-2021-2388, bsc#1188566: Enhance compiler validation + JDK-8264079: Improve abstractions + JDK-8264460: Improve NTLM support * Import of OpenJDK 8 u302 build 01 + JDK-6878250: (so) IllegalBlockingModeException thrown when reading from a closed SocketChannel's InputStream + JDK-7059970: Test case: javax/imageio/plugins/png/ / is not closing a file + JDK-8030123: java/beans/Introspector/ fails + JDK-8033289: clang: clean up unused function warning + JDK-8036095: RMI tests using testlibrary.RMID and testlibrary.JavaVM do not pass through vmoptions + JDK-8042891: Format issues embedded in macros for two g1 source files + JDK-8055754: filemap.cpp does not compile with clang + JDK-8064909: got OutOfMemoryError + JDK-8066508: JTReg tests timeout on slow devices when run using JPRT + JDK-8066807: langtools/test/Makefile should use -agentvm not - samevm + JDK-8071374: -XX:+PrintAssembly -XX:+PrintSignatureHandlers crash fastdebug VM with assert(limit == __null || limit <= nm->code_end()) in RelocIterator::initialize + JDK-8073446: TimeZone getOffset API does not return a dst offset between years 2038-2137 + JDK-8075071: [TEST_BUG] OOME: Java heap space: MaxHeap shrinked by MaxRAMFraction + JDK-8077364: "if( !this )" construct prevents build on Xcode 6.3 + JDK-8130308: Too low memory usage in + JDK-8132148: G1 hs_err region dump legend out of sync with region values + JDK-8132709: [TESTBUG] gc/g1/ might fail on embedded + JDK-8134672: [TEST_BUG] Some tests should check isDisplayChangeSupported + JDK-8134883: C1 hard crash in range check elimination in Nashorn test262parallel + JDK-8136592: [TEST_BUG] Fix 2 platform-specific closed regtests for jigsaw + JDK-8151786: [TESTBUG] java/beans/XMLEncoder/ timed out intermittently + JDK-8159898: Negative array size in java/beans/Introspector/ + JDK-8166046: [TESTBUG] compiler/stringopts/ / fails with OOME + JDK-8166724: gc/g1/ fails with OOME + JDK-8177809: File.lastModified() is losing milliseconds (always ends in 000) + JDK-8178403: DirectAudio in JavaSound may hang and leak + JDK-8180478: tools/launcher/ fails on Windows because of extra-'' + JDK-8183910: gc/arguments/ fails intermittently + JDK-8190332: PngReader throws NegativeArraySizeException/OOM error when IHDR width is very large + JDK-8190679: java/util/Arrays/ fails with "Initial heap size set to a larger value than the maximum heap size" + JDK-8191955: AArch64: incorrect prefetch distance causes an internal error + JDK-8199265: java/util/Arrays/ fails with OOM + JDK-8200550: Xcode 9.3 produce warning -Wexpansion-to-defined + JDK-8203196: C1 emits incorrect code due to integer overflow in _tableswitch keys + JDK-8205014: com/sun/jndi/ldap/ failed with "Read timed out" + JDK-8209996: [PPC64] Fix JFR profiling + JDK-8214345: infinite recursion while checking super class + JDK-8217230: assert(t == t_no_spec) failure in NodeHash::check_no_speculative_types() + JDK-8217348: assert(thread->is_Java_thread()) failed: just checking + JDK-8225081: Remove Telia Company CA certificate expiring in April 2021 + JDK-8225116: Test intermittently fails + JDK-8230428: Cleanup dead CastIP node code in formssel.cpp + JDK-8231631: sun/net/ftp/ fails intermittently with NPE + JDK-8231841: AArch64: debug.cpp help() is missing an AArch64 line for pns + JDK-8231949: [PPC64, s390]: Make async profiling more reliable + JDK-8234011: (zipfs) Memory leak in ZipFileSystem.releaseDeflater() + JDK-8241649: Optimize Character.toString + JDK-8243559: Remove root certificates with 1024-bit keys + JDK-8247350: [aarch64] assert(false) failed: wrong size of mach node + JDK-8249278: Revert JDK-8226253 which breaks the spec of AccessibleState.SHOWING for JList + JDK-8255086: Update the root locale display names + JDK-8255734: VM should ignore SIGXFSZ on ppc64, s390 too + JDK-8257999: Parallel GC crash in gc/parallel/ / new region is not in covered_region + JDK-8258419: RSA cipher buffer cleanup + JDK-8258669: fastdebug jvm crashes when do event based tracing for monitor inflation + JDK-8258753: StartTlsResponse.close() hangs due to synchronization issues + JDK-8259271: gc/parallel/ still fails "assert(covered_region.contains(new_memregion)) failed: new region is not in covered_region" + JDK-8259619: C1: 3-arg StubAssembler::call_RT stack-use condition is incorrect + JDK-8259886: Improve SSL session cache performance and scalability + JDK-8260029: aarch64: fix typo in verify_oop_array + JDK-8260236: better init AnnotationCollector _contended_group + JDK-8260255: C1: LoopInvariantCodeMotion constructor can leave some fields uninitialized + JDK-8260484: / fail with jtreg 4.2 + JDK-8260704: ParallelGC: oldgen expansion needs release-store for _end + JDK-8261355: No data buffering in SunPKCS11 Cipher encryption when the underlying mechanism has no padding + JDK-8261867: Backport relevant test changes & additions from JDK-8130125 + JDK-8262110: DST starts from incorrect time in 2038 + JDK-8262726: AArch64: C1 StubAssembler::call_RT can corrupt stack + JDK-8262730: Enable jdk8u MacOS external debug symbols + JDK-8262864: No debug symbols in image for Windows - -with-native-debug-symbols=external + JDK-8263061: copy wrong unpack200 debuginfo to bin directory after 8252395 + JDK-8263504: Some OutputMachOpcodes fields are uninitialized + JDK-8263600: change rmidRunning to a simple lookup + JDK-8264509: jdk8u MacOS zipped debug symbols won't build + JDK-8264562: assert(verify_field_bit(1)) failed: Attempting to write an uninitialized event field: type + JDK-8264816: Weak handles leak causes GC to take longer + JDK-8265832: runtime/StackGap/ fails to compile in 8u + JDK-8265988: Fix sun/text/IntHashtable/Bug4170614 for JDK 8u + JDK-8266191: Missing aarch64 parts of JDK-8181872 (C1: possible overflow when strength reducing integer multiply by constant) * Import of OpenJDK 8 u302 build 02 + JDK-8129511: PlatformMidi.c:83 uses malloc without malloc header * Import of OpenJDK 8 u302 build 03 + JDK-8019470: Changes needed to compile JDK 8 on MacOS with clang compiler + JDK-8138820: JDK Hotspot build fails with Xcode 7.0.1 + JDK-8241829: Cleanup the code for PrinterJob on windows + JDK-8252883: AccessDeniedException caused by delayed file deletion on Windows + JDK-8256818: SSLSocket that is never bound or connected leaks socket resources + JDK-8257670: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ / reports leaks + JDK-8257884: Re-enable sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ / as automatic test + JDK-8257997: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ again reports leaks after JDK-8257884 + JDK-8264640: CMS ParScanClosure misses a barrier * Import of OpenJDK 8 u302 build 04 + JDK-8032050: Clean up for java/rmi/activation/Activatable/ /shutdownGracefully/ + JDK-8043264: hsdis library not picked up correctly on expected paths + JDK-8130430: [TEST_BUG] remove unnecessary internal calls from javax/swing/JRadioButton/8075609/ + JDK-8206243: java -XshowSettings fails if memory.limit_in_bytes overflows LONG.max + JDK-8206925: Support the certificate_authorities extension + JDK-8228757: Fail fast if the handshake type is unknown + JDK-8242565: Policy initialization issues when the denyAfter constraint is enabled + JDK-8253375: OSX build fails with Xcode 12.0 (12A7209) + JDK-8257039: [8u] GenericTaskQueue destructor is incorrect + JDK-8262446: DragAndDrop hangs on Windows + JDK-8265666: Enable AIX build platform to make external debug symbols * Import of OpenJDK 8 u302 build 05 + JDK-6990210: [TEST_BUG] EventDispatchThread/ /HandleExceptionOnEDT/ fails on gnome + JDK-7106851: Test should not use System.exit + JDK-8028618: [TEST BUG] javax/swing/JScrollBar/bug4202954/ / fails + JDK-8035000: clean up ActivationLibrary.DestroyThread + JDK-8037825: Fix warnings and enable "warnings as errors" in serviceability native libraries + JDK-8043646: libosxapp.dylib fails to build on Mac OS 10.9 with clang + JDK-8047939: [TESTBUG] Rewrite test/runtime/8001071/ + JDK-8074835: Resolve disabled warnings for libj2gss + JDK-8074836: Resolve disabled warnings for libosxkrb5 + JDK-8078855: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JComboBox/8032878/ / fails in WindowsClassicLookAndFeel + JDK-8081764: [TEST_BUG] Test javax/swing/plaf/aqua/ / fails on Windows, Solaris Sparcv9 and Linux but passes on MacOSX + JDK-8172188: JDI tests fail due to "permission denied" when creating temp file + JDK-8196092: javax/swing/JComboBox/8032878/ fails + JDK-8202299: Java Keystore fails to load PKCS12/PFX certificates created in WindowsServer2016 + JDK-8239053: [8u] clean up undefined-var-template warnings + JDK-8239400: [8u] clean up undefined-var-template warnings + JDK-8249142: java/awt/FontClass/CreateFont/ is unstable + JDK-8250876: Fix issues with cross-compile on macos + JDK-8254631: Better support ALPN byte wire values in SunJSSE + JDK-8265462: Handle multiple slots in the NSS Internal Module from SunPKCS11's Secmod + JDK-8266723: JFR periodic events are causing extra allocations + JDK-8266929: Unable to use algorithms from 3p providers + JDK-8267235: [macos_aarch64] InterpreterRuntime::throw_pending_exception messing up LR results in crash + JDK-8267426: MonitorVmStartTerminate test timed out on Embedded VM + JDK-8267689: [aarch64] Crash due to bad shift in indirect addressing mode * Import of OpenJDK 8 u302 build 06 + JDK-8267545: [8u] Enable Xcode 12 builds on macOS + JDK-8268444: keytool -v -list print is incorrect after backport JDK-8141457 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u302 build 07 + JDK-8269388: Default build of OpenJDK 8 fails on newer GCCs with warnings as errors on format-overflow + JDK-8269468: JDK-8269388 breaks the build on older GCCs * Import of OpenJDK 8 u302 build 08 + JDK-8270533: AArch64: size_fits_all_mem_uses should return false if its output is a CAS * Shenandoah + [backport] 8259580: Shenandoah: uninitialized label in VerifyThreadGCState + [backport] 8259954: gc/shenandoah/mxbeans tests fail with - Xcomp + [backport] 8261251: Shenandoah: Use object size for full GC humongous + [backport] 8261413: Shenandoah: Disable class-unloading in I-U mode + [backport] 8265239: Shenandoah: Shenandoah heap region count could be off by 1 + [backport] 8266802: Shenandoah: Round up region size to page size unconditionally + [backport] 8267561: Shenandoah: Reference processing not properly setup for outside of cycle degenerated GC + [backport] 8268127: Shenandoah: Heap size may be too small for region to align to large page size + [backport] 8268699: Shenandoah: Add test for JDK-8268127 + Shenandoah: Process weak roots during class unloading cycle- Added patch: * tls13extensions.patch + make tlsv1.2 client hello not emit the optional tlsv1.3 extensions (fixes bsc#1184639)- Update to version jdk8u292 (icedtea 3.19.0) * April 2021 CPU * Security fixes + JDK-8227467: Better class method invocations + JDK-8244473: Contextualize registration for JNDI + JDK-8244543: Enhanced handling of abstract classes + JDK-8249906, CVE-2021-2163, bsc#1185055: Enhance opening JARs + JDK-8250568, CVE-2021-2161, bsc#1185056: Less ambiguous processing + JDK-8253799: Make lists of normal filenames * New features + PR3835: Populate unique SystemTap suffix from configure * Import of OpenJDK 8 u292 build 01 + JDK-6949753: [TEST BUG]: java/awt/print/PageFormat/ / needs update by removing a infinite loop + JDK-8031126: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ / fails intermittently + JDK-8035166: Remove dependency on EC classes from pkcs11 provider + JDK-8035186: j2se_jdk/jdk/test/java/lang/invoke/lambda/ / - assertion error + JDK-8078450: Implement consistent process for quarantine of tests + JDK-8080953: [TEST_BUG]Test java/awt/FontClass/ fails due to wrongly typed bugid + JDK-8081547: Prepare client libs regression tests for running in a concurrent, headless jtreg environment + JDK-8141457: keytool default cert fingerprint algorithm should be SHA-256 + JDK-8150204: (fs) Enhance java/nio/file/Files/ /probeContentType/ debugging output + JDK-8160217: JavaSound should clean up resources better + JDK-8163363: AArch64: Stack size in tools/launcher/ / needs to be adjusted + JDK-8167281: IIOMetadataNode bugs in getElementsByTagName and NodeList.item methods + JDK-8168996: C2 crash at postaloc.cpp:140 : assert(false) failed: unexpected yanked node + JDK-8185934: keytool shows "Signature algorithm: SHA1withECDSA, -1-bit key" + JDK-8186090: java.nio.Bits.unaligned() doesn't handle aarch64 + JDK-8195685: AArch64 port of 8174962: Better interface invocations + JDK-8202343: Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 + JDK-8211339: NPE during SSL handshake caused by HostnameChecker + JDK-8216987: ciMethodData::load_data() unpacks MDOs with non-atomic copy + JDK-8217338: [Containers] Improve systemd slice memory limit support + JDK-8223186: HotSpot compile warnings from GCC 9 + JDK-8225805: Java Access Bridge does not close the logger + JDK-8226899: Problemlist compiler/rtm tests + JDK-8227642: [TESTBUG] Make docker tests podman compatible + JDK-8228434: jdk/net/Sockets/ fails after JDK-8227642 + JDK-8229284: jdk/internal/platform/cgroup/ / fails for - memory:getMemoryUsage + JDK-8230388: Problemlist additional compiler/rtm tests + JDK-8233228: Disable weak named curves by default in TLS, CertPath, and Signed JAR + JDK-8234727: sun/security/ssl/X509TrustManagerImpl tests support TLSv1.3 + JDK-8234728: Some security tests should support TLSv1.3 + JDK-8235874: The ordering of Cipher Suites is not maintained provided through jdk.tls.client.cipherSuites and jdk.tls.server.cipherSuites system property. + JDK-8238579: HttpsURLConnection drops the timeout and hangs forever in read + JDK-8242141: New System Properties to configure the TLS signature schemes + JDK-8244621: [macos10.15] Garbled FX printing plus CoreText warnings on Catalina when building with Xcode 11 + JDK-8249183: JVM crash in "AwtFrame::WmSize" method + JDK-8249588: libwindowsaccessbridge issues on 64bit Windows + JDK-8250984: Memory Docker tests fail on some Linux kernels w/o cgroupv1 swap limit capabilities + JDK-8251397: NPE on ClassValue.ClassValueMap.cacheArray + JDK-8252470: java/awt/dnd/DisposeFrameOnDragCrash/ / fails on Windows + JDK-8253368: TLS connection always receives close_notify exception + JDK-8253476: fails on some Linux kernels w/o swap limit capabilities + JDK-8253932: SSL debug log prints incorrect caller info + JDK-8254854: [cgroups v1] Metric limits not properly detected on some join controller combinations + JDK-8255908: ExceptionInInitializerError due to UncheckedIOException while initializing cgroupv1 subsystem + JDK-8255937: Better cleanup for test/jdk/javax/imageio/stream/ / + JDK-8256642: [TEST_BUG] jdk/test/javax/sound/midi/MidiSystem/ / failed + JDK-8257192: Integrate AArch64 JIT port into 8u + JDK-8258079: Eliminate ParNew's use of klass_or_null() + JDK-8258241: [8u] Missing doPrivileged() hunks from JDK-8226575 + JDK-8258396: SIGILL in jdk.jfr.internal.PlatformRecorder .rotateDisk() + JDK-8258430: 8u backport of JDK-8063107 missing test/javax/ /swing/JRadioButton/8041561/ changes + JDK-8258933: G1 needs klass_or_null_acquire + JDK-8259312: fails as soneraclass2ca cert will + JDK-8259384: CUP version wrong in THIRD_PARTY_README after JDK-8233548 + JDK-8259568: PPC64 builds broken after JDK-8221408 8u backport * Import of OpenJDK 8 u292 build 02 + JDK-8078614: WindowsClassicLookAndFeel MetalComboBoxUI .getbaseLine fails with IllegalArgumentException + JDK-8198334: java/awt/FileDialog/8003399/ fails in headless mode + JDK-8249251: [dark_mode ubuntu 20.04] The selected menu is not highlighted in GTKLookAndFeel + JDK-8250582: Revert Principal Name type to NT-UNKNOWN when requesting TGS Kerberos tickets + JDK-8258833: Cancel multi-part cipher operations in SunPKCS11 after failures * Import of OpenJDK 8 u292 build 03 + JDK-8145051: Wrong parameter name in synthetic lambda method leads to verifier error + JDK-8172404: Tools should warn if weak algorithms are used before restricting them + JDK-8209333: Socket reset issue for TLS 1.3 socket close + JDK-8219991: New fix of the deadlock in + JDK-8239091: Reversed arguments in call to strstr in freetype "debug" code. + JDK-8240827: Downport from "8221882: Use fiber-friendly java.util.concurrent.locks in JSSE" + JDK-8255880: UI of Swing components is not redrawn after their internal state changed + JDK-8256682: JDK-8202343 is incomplete + JDK-8260930: AARCH64: Invalid value passed to critical JNI function * Import of OpenJDK 8 u292 build 04 + JDK-8061777: (zipfs) IllegalArgumentException in ZipCoder .toString when using Shitft_JIS + JDK-8158525: Update a few java/net tests to use the loopback address instead of the host address + JDK-8171410: aarch64: long multiplyExact shifts by 31 instead of 63 + JDK-8225435: Upgrade IANA Language Subtag Registry to the latest for JDK14 + JDK-8235263: Revert TLS 1.3 change that wrapped IOExceptions + JDK-8235311: Tag mismatch may alert bad_record_mac + JDK-8236500: Windows ucrt.dll should be looked up in versioned WINSDK subdirectory + JDK-8260349: Cannot programmatically retrieve Metaspace max set via JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS + JDK-8261766: [8u] hotspot needs to recognise cl.exe 19.16 to build with VS2017 + JDK-8262075: sun/security/krb5/auto/ timed out intermittently * Import of OpenJDK 8 u292 build 05 + JDK-6345095: regression test EmptyClipRenderingTest fails + JDK-6896810: TEST_BUG: java/lang/ref/SoftReference/ fails with OOME during System.out.println + JDK-7107012: sun.jvm.hostspot.code.CompressedReadStream readDouble() conversion to long mishandled + JDK-7112454: TEST_BUG: java/awt/Choice/ /PopdownGeneratesMouseEvents/PopdownGeneratesMouseEvents.html failed + JDK-7131835: [TEST_BUG] Test does not consider that the rounded edges of the window in Mac OS 10.7 + JDK-7185221: [macosx] Regtest should not throw exception if a suitable display mode found + JDK-8041464: [TEST_BUG] CustomClassLoaderTransferTest does not support OS X + JDK-8078024: javac, several incorporation steps are silently failing when an error should be reported + JDK-8129626: G1: set_in_progress() and clear_started() needs a barrier on non-TSO platforms + JDK-8211301: [macos] support full window content options + JDK-8240353: AArch64: missing support for - XX:+ExtendedDTraceProbes in C1 + JDK-8248336: AArch64: C2: offset overflow in BoxLockNode::emit + JDK-8257746: Regression introduced with JDK-8250984 - memory might be null in some machines + JDK-8261231: Windows IME was disabled after DnD operation + JDK-8262073: assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory * Import of OpenJDK 8 u292 build 06 + JDK-8259048: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020f * Import of OpenJDK 8 u292 build 07 + JDK-8263008: AARCH64: Add debug info for * Import of OpenJDK 8 u292 build 08 + JDK-8191915: JCK tests produce incorrect results with C2 + JDK-8256421: Add 2 HARICA roots to cacerts truststore + JDK-8260356: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2021a * Import of OpenJDK 8 u292 build 09 + JDK-8264171: Missing aarch64 parts of JDK-8236179 (C1 register allocation failure with T_ADDRESS) * Import of OpenJDK 8 u292 build 10 + JDK-8258247: Couple of issues in fix for JDK-8249906 + JDK-8259428: AlgorithmId.getEncodedParams() should return copy + JDK-8261183: Follow on to Make lists of normal filenames * Backports + JDK-8250825, PR3837: C2 crashes with assert(field != __null) failed: missing field + JDK-8255466, PR3837: C2 crashes at ciObject::get_oop() const+0x0 * Bug fixes + PR3822: Update elliptic curve patch to handle jdk.disabled.namedCurves (JDK-8233228) & file movement (JDK-8035166) + PR3836: Extra compiler flags not passed to adlc build + PR3838: Bogus -Wnonnull warning on Zero builds + PR3839: Make -Wnonnull warnings on ppc64 non-fatal for now * Shenandoah + [backport] 8202976: Add C1 lea patching support for x86 + [backport] 8221507: Implement JFR Events for Shenandoah + [backport] 8224573: Fix windows build after JDK-8221507 + [backport] 8228369: Shenandoah: Refactor LRB C1 stubs + [backport] 8229474: Shenandoah: Cleanup CM::update_roots() + [backport] 8229709: x86_32 build and test failures after JDK-8228369 (Shenandoah: Refactor LRB C1 stubs) + [backport] 8231087: Shenandoah: Self-fixing load reference barriers for C1/C2 + [backport] 8232747: Shenandoah: Concurrent GC should deactivate SATB before processing weak roots + [backport] 8232992: Shenandoah: Implement self-fixing interpreter LRB + [backport] 8233021: Shenandoah: SBSC2::is_shenandoah_lrb_call should match all LRB shapes + [backport] 8233165: Shenandoah:SBSA::gen_load_reference_barrier_stub() should use pointer register for address on aarch64 + [backport] 8233574: Shenandoah: build is broken without jfr + [backport] 8237837: Shenandoah: assert(mem == __null) failed: only one safepoint + [backport] 8238153: CTW: C2 (Shenandoah) compilation fails with "Unknown node in get_load_addr: CreateEx" + [backport] 8238851: Shenandoah: C1: Resolve into registers of correct type + [backport] 8240315: Shenandoah: Rename ShLBN::get_barrier_strength() + [backport] 8240751: Shenandoah: fold ShenandoahTracer definition + [backport] 8241765: Shenandoah: AARCH64 need to save/restore call clobbered registers before calling keepalive barrier + [backport] 8244510: Shenandoah: invert SHC2Support::is_in_cset condition + [backport] 8244663: Shenandoah: C2 assertion fails in Matcher::collect_null_checks + [backport] 8244721: CTW: C2 (Shenandoah) compilation fails with "unexpected infinite loop graph shape" + [backport] 8251451: Shenandoah: Remark ObjectSynchronizer roots with I-U + [backport] 8252660: Shenandoah: support manageable SoftMaxHeapSize option + [backport] 8253224: Shenandoah: ShenandoahStrDedupQueue destructor calls virtual num_queues() + [backport] 8253778: ShenandoahSafepoint::is_at_shenandoah_safepoint should not access VMThread state from other threads + [backport] 8255457: Shenandoah: cleanup ShenandoahMarkTask + [backport] 8255760: Shenandoah: match constants style in ShenandoahMarkTask fallback + [backport] 8256806: Shenandoah: optimize shenandoah/jni/ / test + [backport] 8257641: Shenandoah: Query is_at_shenandoah_safepoint() from control thread should return false + Fix racy update of code roots + Fix register allocation for thread register is 32bit LRB + Fix Shenandoah bindings in ADLC formssel + Normalise whitespace in AArch64 sources prior to merge of upstreamed version in 8u292-b01. + Revert differences against upstream 8u + Shenandoah: Backed out weak roots cleaning during full gc * AArch64 port + Normalise AArch64 sources, prior to merge of upstream version.- Update to version jdk8u282 (icedtea 3.18.0) * January 2021 CPU (bsc#1181239) * Security fixes + JDK-8247619: Improve Direct Buffering of Characters * Import of OpenJDK 8 u282 build 01 + JDK-6962725: Regtest javax/swing/JFileChooser/6738668/ / fails under Linux + JDK-8025936: Windows .pdb and .map files does not have proper dependencies setup + JDK-8030350: Enable additional compiler warnings for GCC + JDK-8031423: Test java/awt/dnd/DisposeFrameOnDragCrash/ / fails by Timeout on Windows + JDK-8036122: Fix warning 'format not a string literal' + JDK-8051853: new URI("x/").resolve("..").getSchemeSpecificPart() returns null! + JDK-8132664: closed/javax/swing/DataTransfer/DefaultNoDrop/ / locks on Windows + JDK-8134632: Mark javax/sound/midi/Devices/ / as headful + JDK-8148854: Class names "SomeClass" and "LSomeClass;" treated by JVM as an equivalent + JDK-8148916: Mark as intermittently failing + JDK-8148983: Fix extra comma in changes for JDK-8148916 + JDK-8160438: javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/8057791/ fails + JDK-8165808: Add release barriers when allocating objects with concurrent collection + JDK-8185003: JMX: Add a version of ThreadMXBean.dumpAllThreads with a maxDepth argument + JDK-8202076: test/jdk/java/io/File/ on windows with VS2017 + JDK-8207766: [testbug] Adapt tests for Aix. + JDK-8212070: Introduce diagnostic flag to abort VM on failed JIT compilation + JDK-8213448: [TESTBUG] enhance jfr/jvm/TestDumpOnCrash + JDK-8215727: Restore JFR thread sampler loop to old / previous behavior + JDK-8220657: JFR.dump does not work when filename is set + JDK-8221342: [TESTBUG] Generate Dockerfile for docker testing + JDK-8224502: [TESTBUG] JDK docker test fails with access issues and OOM + JDK-8231209: [REDO] ThreadMXBean::getThreadAllocatedBytes() can be quicker for self thread + JDK-8231968: getCurrentThreadAllocatedBytes default implementation s/b getThreadAllocatedBytes + JDK-8232114: JVM crashed at imjpapi.dll in native code + JDK-8234270: [REDO] JDK-8204128 NMT might report incorrect numbers for Compiler area + JDK-8234339: replace JLI_StrTok in java_md_solinux.c + JDK-8238448: RSASSA-PSS signature verification fail when using certain odd key sizes + JDK-8242335: Additional Tests for RSASSA-PSS + JDK-8244225: stringop-overflow warning on strncpy call from compile_the_world_in + JDK-8245400: Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.11 + JDK-8248214: Add paddings for TaskQueueSuper to reduce false-sharing cache contention + JDK-8249176: Update GlobalSignR6CA test certificates + JDK-8250665: Wrong translation for the month name of May in ar_JO,LB,SY + JDK-8250928: JFR: Improve hash algorithm for stack traces + JDK-8251469: Better cleanup for test/jdk/javax/imageio/ + JDK-8251840: Java_sun_awt_X11_XToolkit_getDefaultScreenData should not be in make/mapfiles/libawt_xawt/mapfile-vers + JDK-8252384: [TESTBUG] Some tests refer to COMPAT provider rather than JRE + JDK-8252395: [8u] --with-native-debug-symbols=external doesn't include debuginfo files for binaries + JDK-8252497: Incorrect numeric currency code for ROL + JDK-8252754: Hash code calculation of JfrStackTrace is inconsistent + JDK-8252904: VM crashes when JFR is used and JFR event class is transformed + JDK-8252975: [8u] JDK-8252395 breaks the build for - -with-native-debug-symbols=internal + JDK-8253284: Zero OrderAccess barrier mappings are incorrect + JDK-8253550: [8u] JDK-8252395 breaks the build for make STRIP_POLICY=no_strip + JDK-8253752: test/sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ / fails randomly + JDK-8254081: java/security/cert/PolicyNode/ / fails due to an expired certificate + JDK-8254144: Non-x86 Zero builds fail with return-type warning in os_linux_zero.cpp + JDK-8254166: Zero: return-type warning in zeroInterpreter_zero.cpp + JDK-8254683: [TEST_BUG] jdk/test/sun/tools/jconsole/ / fails + JDK-8255003: Build failures on Solaris * Import of OpenJDK 8 u282 build 02 + JDK-8253837: JFR 8u fix symbol and cstring hashtable equals implementaion + JDK-8255269: Unsigned overflow in g1Policy.cpp * Import of OpenJDK 8 u282 build 03 + JDK-8163161: [PIT][TEST_BUG] increase timeout in javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/8057791/ + JDK-8168292: [TESTBUG] [macosx] Test java/awt/TrayIcon/DragEventSource/ fails on OS X + JDK-8168682: jdk/test/java/lang/ClassLoader/forNameLeak/ / fails with -Xcomp + JDK-8223108: Test java/awt/EventQueue/ / is unstable + JDK-8255603: Memory/Performance regression after JDK-8210985 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u282 build 04 + JDK-8022535: [TEST BUG] javax/swing/text/html/parser/ / fails + JDK-8043899: compiler/5091921/ fails if specified -Xmx is less than 1600m + JDK-8046221: [TEST_BUG] Cleanup datatransfer tests + JDK-8058805: [TEST_BUG]Test java/awt/TrayIcon/SecurityCheck/ /NoPermissionTest/ fails + JDK-8068275: Some tests failed after JDK-8063104 + JDK-8069211: (zipfs) ZipFileSystem creates corrupted zip if entry output stream gets closed more than once + JDK-8130772: Util.hitMnemonics does not work: getSystemMnemonicKeyCodes() returns ALT_MASK rather than VK_ALT + JDK-8156803: Turn StressLCM/StressGCM flags to diagnostic + JDK-8160761: [TESTBUG] Several compiler tests fail with product bits + JDK-8166015: [PIT][TEST_BUG] stray character in java/awt/ /Focus/ModalDialogActivationTest/ / + JDK-8166583: Add oopDesc::klass_or_null_acquire() + JDK-8166663: Simplify oops_on_card_seq_iterate_careful + JDK-8166862: CMS needs klass_or_null_acquire + JDK-8179083: Uninitialized notifier in Java Monitor Wait tracing event + JDK-8205507: jdk/javax/xml/crypto/dsig/ timed out + JDK-8217362: Emergency dump does not work when disk=false is set + JDK-8217766: Container Support doesn't work for some Join Controllers combinations + JDK-8219013: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.1.3 + JDK-8219562: Line of code in osContainer_linux.cpp L102 appears unreachable + JDK-8220579: [Containers] out of sync with osContainer_linux.cpp + JDK-8221340: [TESTBUG] fails after fix for JDK-8219562 + JDK-8221710: [TESTBUG] more configurable parameters for docker testing + JDK-8227006: [linux] Runtime.availableProcessors execution time increased by factor of 100 + JDK-8229868: Update Apache Santuario TPRM version + JDK-8233548: Update CUP to v0.11b + JDK-8242480: Negative value may be returned by getFreeSwapSpaceSize() in the docker + JDK-8246648: issue with OperatingSystemImpl getFreeSwapSpaceSize in docker after 8242480 + JDK-8249846: Change of behavior after JDK-8237117: Better ForkJoinPool behavior + JDK-8250636: iso8601_time returns incorrect offset part on MacOS + JDK-8251365: Build failure on AIX after 8250636 + JDK-8255717: Fix JFR crash in WriteObjectSampleStacktrace due to object not initialized + JDK-8256618: Zero: Linux x86_32 build still fails + JDK-8256671: Incorrect assignment operator used in guarantee() in genCollectedHeap + JDK-8256752: 8252395 incorrect copy rule for macos .dSYM folder + JDK-8257397: [TESTBUG] test/lib/containers/docker/ refers to -Xlog:os+container=trace * Import of OpenJDK 8 u282 build 05 + JDK-8254982: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020c * Import of OpenJDK 8 u282 build 06 + JDK-8255226: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020d * Import of OpenJDK 8 u282 build 07 + JDK-8225072: Add LuxTrust certificate that is expiring in March 2021 to list of allowed but expired certs + JDK-8239105: Add exception for expiring Digicert root certificates to VerifyCACerts test + JDK-8258630: Add expiry exception for QuoVadis root certificate * Bug fixes + PR3819: Installation can't handle existing tapset symlinks * Shenandoah + Shenandoah: Fix racy update of code roots * AArch32 port + JDK-8253036: Support building the Zero assembler port on AArch64- Update to version jdk8u275 (icedtea 3.17.1) * Import of OpenJDK 8 u275 build 01 + JDK-8214440, bsc#1179441: ldap over a TLS connection negotiate failed with " hostname of the server "does not match the hostname in the server's certificate" + JDK-8223940: Private key not supported by chosen signature algorithm + JDK-8236512: PKCS11 Connection closed after Cipher.doFinal and NoPadding + JDK-8250861: Crash in MinINode::Ideal(PhaseGVN*, bool) * Bug fixes + PR3815: Fix new s390 size_t issue in g1ConcurrentMarkObjArrayProcessor.cpp - Removed patches: * JDK-8250861.patch * s390.patch + integrated upstream- Modified patch: * java-atk-wrapper-security.patch + Fix errors introduced by manual rediffing of the patch- Add missing /etc/alternatives link for "jcmd" utility- Enable Shenandoah garbage collector on supported architectures and distributions- Added patch: * s390.patch + Fix build on s390 31bit- Added patch: * JDK-8250861.patch + Fix regression "8250861: Crash in MinINode::Ideal(PhaseGVN*, bool)" introduced in October 2020 CPU- Update to version jdk8u272 (icedtea 3.17.0) (July 2020 CPU, bsc#1174157, and October 2020 CPU, bsc#1177943) * New features + JDK-8245468: Add TLSv1.3 implementation classes from 11.0.7 + PR3796: Allow the number of curves supported to be specified * Security fixes + JDK-8028431, CVE-2020-14579: NullPointerException in DerValue.equals(DerValue) + JDK-8028591, CVE-2020-14578: NegativeArraySizeException in + JDK-8230613: Better ASCII conversions + JDK-8231800: Better listing of arrays + JDK-8232014: Expand DTD support + JDK-8233255: Better Swing Buttons + JDK-8233624: Enhance JNI linkage + JDK-8234032: Improve basic calendar services + JDK-8234042: Better factory production of certificates + JDK-8234418: Better parsing with CertificateFactory + JDK-8234836: Improve serialization handling + JDK-8236191: Enhance OID processing + JDK-8236196: Improve string pooling + JDK-8236862, CVE-2020-14779: Enhance support of Proxy class + JDK-8237117, CVE-2020-14556: Better ForkJoinPool behavior + JDK-8237592, CVE-2020-14577: Enhance certificate verification + JDK-8237990, CVE-2020-14781: Enhanced LDAP contexts + JDK-8237995, CVE-2020-14782: Enhance certificate processing + JDK-8238002, CVE-2020-14581: Better matrix operations + JDK-8238804: Enhance key handling process + JDK-8238842: AIOOBE in GIFImageReader.initializeStringTable + JDK-8238843: Enhanced font handing + JDK-8238920, CVE-2020-14583: Better Buffer support + JDK-8238925: Enhance WAV file playback + JDK-8240119, CVE-2020-14593: Less Affine Transformations + JDK-8240124: Better VM Interning + JDK-8240482: Improved WAV file playback + JDK-8241114, CVE-2020-14792: Better range handling + JDK-8241379: Update JCEKS support + JDK-8241522: Manifest improved jar headers redux + JDK-8242136, CVE-2020-14621: Better XML namespace handling + JDK-8242680, CVE-2020-14796: Improved URI Support + JDK-8242685, CVE-2020-14797: Better Path Validation + JDK-8242695, CVE-2020-14798: Enhanced buffer support + JDK-8243302: Advanced class supports + JDK-8244136, CVE-2020-14803: Improved Buffer supports + JDK-8244479: Further constrain certificates + JDK-8244955: Additional Fix for JDK-8240124 + JDK-8245407: Enhance zoning of times + JDK-8245412: Better class definitions + JDK-8245417: Improve certificate chain handling + JDK-8248574: Improve jpeg processing + JDK-8249927: Specify limits of jdk.serialProxyInterfaceLimit + JDK-8253019: Enhanced JPEG decoding * Import of OpenJDK 8 u262 build 01 + JDK-4949105: Access Bridge lacks html tags parsing + JDK-8003209: JFR events for network utilization + JDK-8030680: 292 cleanup from default method code assessment + JDK-8035633: TEST_BUG: java/net/NetworkInterface/ and some tests failed on windows intermittently + JDK-8041626: Shutdown tracing event + JDK-8141056: Erroneous assignment in HeapRegionSet.cpp + JDK-8149338: JVM Crash caused by Marlin renderer not handling NaN coordinates + JDK-8151582: (ch) test java/nio/channels/ / failing due to "Connection succeeded" + JDK-8165675: Trace event for thread park has incorrect unit for timeout + JDK-8176182: 4 security tests are not run + JDK-8178910: Problemlist sample tests + JDK-8183925: Decouple crash protection from watcher thread + JDK-8191393: Random crashes during cfree+0x1c + JDK-8195817: JFR.stop should require name of recording + JDK-8195818: JFR.start should increase autogenerated name by one + JDK-8195819: Remove recording=x from jcmd JFR.check output + JDK-8199712: Flight Recorder + JDK-8202578: Revisit location for class unload events + JDK-8202835: jfr/event/os/ fails on missing events + JDK-8203287: Zero fails to build after JDK-8199712 (Flight Recorder) + JDK-8203346: JFR: Inconsistent signature of jfr_add_string_constant + JDK-8203664: JFR start failure after AppCDS archive created with JFR StartFlightRecording + JDK-8203921: JFR thread sampling is missing fixes from JDK-8194552 + JDK-8203929: Limit amount of data for JFR.dump + JDK-8205516: JFR tool + JDK-8207392: [PPC64] Implement JFR profiling + JDK-8207829: FlightRecorderMXBeanImpl is leaking the first classloader which calls it + JDK-8209960: -Xlog:jfr* doesn't work with the JFR + JDK-8210024: JFR calls virtual is_Java_thread from ~Thread() + JDK-8210776: Upgrade X Window System 6.8.2 to the latest XWD 1.0.7 + JDK-8211239: Build fails without JFR: empty JFR events signatures mismatch + JDK-8212232: Wrong metadata for the configuration of the cutoff for old object sample events + JDK-8213015: Inconsistent settings between JFR.configure and - XX:FlightRecorderOptions + JDK-8213421: Line number information for execution samples always 0 + JDK-8213617: JFR should record the PID of the recorded process + JDK-8213734: SAXParser.parse(File, ..) does not close resources when Exception occurs. + JDK-8213914: [TESTBUG] Several JFR VM events are not covered by tests + JDK-8213917: [TESTBUG] Shutdown JFR event is not covered by test + JDK-8213966: The ZGC JFR events should be marked as experimental + JDK-8214542: JFR: Old Object Sample event slow on a deep heap in debug builds + JDK-8214750: Unnecessary

tags in jfr classes + JDK-8214896: JFR Tool left files behind + JDK-8214906: [TESTBUG] jfr/event/sampling/ fails with UnsatisfiedLinkError + JDK-8214925: JFR tool fails to execute + JDK-8215175: Inconsistencies in JFR event metadata + JDK-8215237: jdk.jfr.Recording javadoc does not compile + JDK-8215284: Reduce noise induced by periodic task getFileSize() + JDK-8215355: Object monitor deadlock with no threads holding the monitor (using jemalloc 5.1) + JDK-8215362: JFR GTest JfrTestNetworkUtilization fails + JDK-8215771: The jfr tool should pretty print reference chains + JDK-8216064: -XX:StartFlightRecording:settings= doesn't work properly + JDK-8216486: Possibility of integer overflow in JfrThreadSampler::run() + JDK-8216528: test/jdk/java/rmi/transport/ /runtimeThreadInheritanceLeak/ / failing with Xcomp + JDK-8216559: [JFR] Native libraries not correctly parsed from /proc/self/maps + JDK-8216578: Remove unused/obsolete method in JFR code + JDK-8216995: Clean up JFR command line processing + JDK-8217744: [TESTBUG] JFR TestShutdownEvent fails on some systems due to process surviving SIGINT + JDK-8217748: [TESTBUG] Exclude TestSig test case from JFR TestShutdownEvent + JDK-8218935: Make jfr strncpy uses GCC 8.x friendly + JDK-8223147: JFR Backport + JDK-8223689: Add JFR Thread Sampling Support + JDK-8223690: Add JFR BiasedLock Event Support + JDK-8223691: Add JFR G1 Region Type Change Event Support + JDK-8223692: Add JFR G1 Heap Summary Event Support + JDK-8224172: assert(jfr_is_event_enabled(id)) failed: invariant + JDK-8224475: JTextPane does not show images in HTML rendering + JDK-8226253: JAWS reports wrong number of radio buttons when buttons are hidden. + JDK-8226779: [TESTBUG] Test JFR API from Java agent + JDK-8226892: ActionListeners on JRadioButtons don't get notified when selection is changed with arrow keys + JDK-8227011: Starting a JFR recording in response to JVMTI VMInit and / or Java agent premain corrupts memory + JDK-8227605: Kitchensink fails "assert((((klass)->trace_id() & (JfrTraceIdEpoch::leakp_in_use_this_epoch_bit())) != 0)) failed: invariant" + JDK-8229366: JFR backport allows unchecked writing to memory + JDK-8229401: Fix JFR code cache test failures + JDK-8229708: JFR backport code does not initialize + JDK-8229873: 8229401 broke jdk8u-jfr-incubator + JDK-8230448: [test] is failing on Windows + JDK-8230707: JFR related tests are failing + JDK-8230782: Robot.createScreenCapture() fails if "awt.robot.gtk" is set to false + JDK-8230856: Java_java_net_NetworkInterface_getByName0 on unix misses ReleaseStringUTFChars in early return + JDK-8230947: is failing after JDK-8230707 + JDK-8231995: two jtreg tests failed after 8229366 is fixed + JDK-8233623: Add classpath exception to copyright in file + JDK-8236002: CSR for JFR backport suggests not leaving out the package-info + JDK-8236008: Some backup files were accidentally left in the hotspot tree + JDK-8236074: Missed package-info + JDK-8236174: Should update javadoc since tags + JDK-8238076: Fix OpenJDK 7 Bootstrap Broken by JFR Backport + JDK-8238452: Keytool generates wrong expiration date if validity is set to 2050/01/01 + JDK-8238555: Allow Initialization of SunPKCS11 with NSS when there are external FIPS modules in the NSSDB + JDK-8238589: Necessary code cleanup in JFR for JDK8u + JDK-8238590: Enable JFR by default during compilation in 8u + JDK-8239055: Wrong implementation of VMState.hasListener + JDK-8239476: JDK-8238589 broke windows build by moving OrderedPair + JDK-8239479: minimal1 and zero builds are failing + JDK-8239867: correct over use of INCLUDE_JFR macro + JDK-8240375: Disable JFR by default for July 2020 release + JDK-8241444: Metaspace::_class_vsm not initialized if compressed class pointers are disabled + JDK-8241902: AIX Build broken after integration of JDK-8223147 (JFR Backport) + JDK-8242788: Non-PCH build is broken after JDK-8191393 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u262 build 02 + JDK-8130737: AffineTransformOp can't handle child raster with non-zero x-offset + JDK-8172559: [PIT][TEST_BUG] Move @test to be 1st annotation in java/awt/image/Raster/ + JDK-8230926: [macosx] Two apostrophes are entered instead of one with "U.S. International - PC" layout + JDK-8240576: JVM crashes after transformation in C2 IdealLoopTree::merge_many_backedges + JDK-8242883: Incomplete backport of JDK-8078268: backport test part * Import of OpenJDK 8 u262 build 03 + JDK-8037866: Replace the Fun class in tests with lambdas + JDK-8146612: C2: Precedence edges specification violated + JDK-8150986: serviceability/sa/jmap-hprof/ / failing because expects HPROF JAVA PROFILE 1.0.1 file format + JDK-8229888: (zipfs) Updating an existing zip file does not preserve original permissions + JDK-8230597: Update GIFlib library to the 5.2.1 + JDK-8230769: BufImg_SetupICM add ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical call in early return + JDK-8233880, PR3798: Support compilers with multi-digit major version numbers + JDK-8239852: java/util/concurrent tests fail with - XX:+VerifyGraphEdges: assert(!VerifyGraphEdges) failed: verification should have failed + JDK-8241638: launcher time metrics always report 1 on Linux when _JAVA_LAUNCHER_DEBUG set + JDK-8243059: Build fails when --with-vendor-name contains a comma + JDK-8243474: [TESTBUG] removed three tests of 0 bytes + JDK-8244461: [JDK 8u] Build fails with glibc 2.32 + JDK-8244548: JDK 8u: sun.misc.Version.jdkUpdateVersion() returns wrong result * Import of OpenJDK 8 u262 build 04 + JDK-8067796: (process) Process.waitFor(timeout, unit) doesn't throw NPE if timeout is less than, or equal to zero when unit == null + JDK-8148886: SEGV in sun.java2d.marlin.Renderer._endRendering + JDK-8171934: ObjectSizeCalculator.getEffectiveMemoryLayoutSpecification() does not recognize OpenJDK's HotSpot VM + JDK-8196969: JTreg Failure: serviceability/sa/ causes NPE + JDK-8243539: Copyright info (Year) should be updated for fix of 8241638 + JDK-8244777: ClassLoaderStats VM Op uses constant hash value * Import of OpenJDK 8 u262 build 05 + JDK-7147060: com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/ /transforms/ doesn't run in agentvm mode + JDK-8178374: Problematic ByteBuffer handling in CipherSpi.bufferCrypt method + JDK-8181841: A TSA server returns timestamp with precision higher than milliseconds + JDK-8227269: Slow class loading when running with JDWP + JDK-8229899: Make less racy + JDK-8236996: Incorrect Roboto font rendering on Windows with subpixel antialiasing + JDK-8241750: x86_32 build failure after JDK-8227269 + JDK-8244407: JVM crashes after transformation in C2 IdealLoopTree::split_fall_in + JDK-8244843: JapanEraNameCompatTest fails * Import of OpenJDK 8 u262 build 06 + JDK-8246223: Windows build fails after JDK-8227269 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u262 build 07 + JDK-8233197: Invert JvmtiExport::post_vm_initialized() and Jfr:on_vm_start() start-up order for correct option parsing + JDK-8243541: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020a + JDK-8245167: Top package in method profiling shows null in JMC + JDK-8246703: [TESTBUG] Add test for JDK-8233197 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u262 build 08 + JDK-8220293: Deadlock in JFR string pool + JDK-8225068: Remove DocuSign root certificate that is expiring in May 2020 + JDK-8225069: Remove Comodo root certificate that is expiring in May 2020 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u262 build 09 + JDK-8248399: Build installs jfr binary when JFR is disabled * Import of OpenJDK 8 u262 build 10 + JDK-8248715: New JavaTimeSupplementary localisation for 'in' installed in wrong package * Import of OpenJDK 8 u265 build 01 + JDK-8249677: Regression in 8u after JDK-8237117: Better ForkJoinPool behavior + JDK-8250546: Expect changed behaviour reported in JDK-8249846 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u272 build 01 + JDK-8006205: [TESTBUG] NEED_TEST: please JTREGIFY test/compiler/7177917/ + JDK-8035493: JVMTI PopFrame capability must instruct compilers not to prune locals + JDK-8036088: Replace strtok() with its safe equivalent strtok_s() in DefaultProxySelector.c + JDK-8039082: [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/dnd/ /BadSerializationTest/ fails + JDK-8075774: Small readability and performance improvements for zipfs + JDK-8132206: move into OpenJDK + JDK-8132376: Add @requires to the client tests with access to internal OS-specific API + JDK-8132745: minor cleanup of java/util/Scanner/ + JDK-8137087: [TEST_BUG] Cygwin failure of java/awt/ /appletviewer/IOExceptionIfEncodedURLTest/ / + JDK-8145808: java/awt/Graphics2D/MTGraphicsAccessTest/ / hangs on Win. 8 + JDK-8151788: NullPointerException from ntlm.Client.type3 + JDK-8151834: Test times out intermittently + JDK-8153430: jdk regression test MletParserLocaleTest, ParserInfiniteLoopTest reduce default timeout + JDK-8153583: Make OutputAnalyzer.reportDiagnosticSummary public + JDK-8156169: Some sound tests rarely hangs because of incorrect synchronization + JDK-8165936: Potential Heap buffer overflow when seaching timezone info files + JDK-8166148: Fix for JDK-8165936 broke solaris builds + JDK-8167300: Scheduling failures during gcm should be fatal + JDK-8167615: Opensource unit/regression tests for JavaSound + JDK-8172012: [TEST_BUG] delays needed in javax/swing/JTree/4633594/ + JDK-8177628: Opensource unit/regression tests for ImageIO + JDK-8183341: Better cleanup for javax/imageio/ + JDK-8183351: Better cleanup for jdk/test/javax/imageio/spi/ /AppletContextTest/ + JDK-8193137: Nashorn crashes when given an empty script file + JDK-8194298: Add support for per Socket configuration of TCP keepalive + JDK-8198004: javax/swing/JFileChooser/6868611/ throws error + JDK-8200313: java/awt/Gtk/GtkVersionTest/ fails + JDK-8210147: adjust some WSAGetLastError usages in windows network coding + JDK-8211714: Need to update vm_version.cpp to recognise VS2017 minor versions + JDK-8214862: assert(proj != __null) at compile.cpp:3251 + JDK-8217606: LdapContext#reconnect always opens a new connection + JDK-8217647: JFR: recordings on 32-bit systems unreadable + JDK-8226697: Several tests which need the @key headful keyword are missing it. + JDK-8229378: jdwp library loader in linker_md.c quietly truncates on buffer overflow + JDK-8230303: JDB hangs when running monitor command + JDK-8230711: ConnectionGraph::unique_java_object(Node* N) return NULL if n is not in the CG + JDK-8234617: C1: Incorrect result of field load due to missing narrowing conversion + JDK-8235243: handle VS2017 15.9 and VS2019 in abstract_vm_version + JDK-8235325: build failure on Linux after 8235243 + JDK-8235687: Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib cannot be a symlink + JDK-8237951: CTW: C2 compilation fails with "malformed control flow" + JDK-8238225: Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary + JDK-8239385: KerberosTicket client name refers wrongly to sAMAccountName in AD + JDK-8239819: XToolkit: Misread of screen information memory + JDK-8240295: hs_err elapsed time in seconds is not accurate enough + JDK-8241888: Mirror system property with a security one + JDK-8242498: Invalid "sun.awt.TimedWindowEvent" object leads to JVM crash + JDK-8243489: Thread CPU Load event may contain wrong data for CPU time under certain conditions + JDK-8244818: Java2D Queue Flusher crash while moving application window to external monitor + JDK-8246310: Clean commented-out code about ModuleEntry and PackageEntry in JFR + JDK-8246384: Enable JFR by default on supported architectures for October 2020 release + JDK-8248643: Remove extra leading space in JDK-8240295 8u backport + JDK-8249610: Make keys) method public * Import of OpenJDK 8 u272 build 02 + JDK-8023697: failed class resolution reports different class name in detail message for the first and subsequent times + JDK-8025886: replace [[ and == bash extensions in regtest + JDK-8046274: Removing dependency on jakarta-regexp + JDK-8048933: -XX:+TraceExceptions output should include the message + JDK-8076151: [TESTBUG] Test java/awt/FontClass/CreateFont/ /fileaccess/ fails + JDK-8148854: Class names "SomeClass" and "LSomeClass;" treated by JVM as an equivalent + JDK-8154313: Generated javadoc scattered all over the place + JDK-8163251: Hard coded loop limit prevents reading of smart card data greater than 8k + JDK-8173300: [TESTBUG]compiler/tiered/ fails with compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper(int) must be compiled + JDK-8183349: Better cleanup for jdk/test/javax/imageio/ /plugins/shared/ and + JDK-8191678: [TESTBUG] Add keyword headful in java/awt FocusTransitionTest test. + JDK-8201633: Problems with AES-GCM native acceleration + JDK-8211049: Second parameter of "initialize" method is not used + JDK-8219566: JFR did not collect call stacks when MaxJavaStackTraceDepth is set to zero + JDK-8220165: Encryption using GCM results in RuntimeException- input length out of bound + JDK-8220555: JFR tool shows potentially misleading message when it cannot access a file + JDK-8224217: RecordingInfo should use textual representation of path + JDK-8231779: crash HeapWord*ParallelScavengeHeap::failed_mem_allocate + JDK-8238380, PR3798: java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10 + JDK-8238386, PR3798: (sctp) jdk.sctp/unix/native/libsctp/ /SctpNet.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10 + JDK-8238388, PR3798: libj2gss/NativeFunc.o "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10 + JDK-8242556: Cannot load RSASSA-PSS public key with non-null params from byte array + JDK-8250755: Better cleanup for jdk/test/javax/imageio/ /plugins/shared/ * Import of OpenJDK 8 u272 build 03 + JDK-6574989: TEST_BUG: javax/sound/sampled/Clip/ fails sometimes + JDK-8148754: C2 loop unrolling fails due to unexpected graph shape + JDK-8192953: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/*.sh tests fail with error : revokeall.exe: Permission denied + JDK-8203357: Container Metrics + JDK-8209113: Use WeakReference for lastFontStrike for created Fonts + JDK-8216283: Allow shorter method sampling interval than 10 ms + JDK-8221569: JFR tool produces incorrect output when both - -categories and --events are specified + JDK-8233097: Fontmetrics for large Fonts has zero width + JDK-8248851: CMS: Missing memory fences between free chunk check and klass read + JDK-8250875: Incorrect parameter type for update_number in JDK_Version::jdk_update * Import of OpenJDK 8 u272 build 04 + JDK-8061616: HotspotDiagnosticMXBean.getVMOption() throws IllegalArgumentException for flags of type double + JDK-8177334: Update xmldsig implementation to Apache Santuario 2.1.1 + JDK-8217878: ENVELOPING XML signature no longer works in JDK 11 + JDK-8218629: XML Digital Signature throws NAMESPACE_ERR exception on OpenJDK 11, works 8/9/10 + JDK-8243138: Enhance BaseLdapServer to support starttls extended request * Import of OpenJDK 8 u272 build 05 + JDK-8026236: Add PrimeTest for BigInteger + JDK-8057003: Large reference arrays cause extremely long synchronization times + JDK-8060721: Test runtime/SharedArchiveFile/ / fails in jdk 9 fcs new platforms/compiler + JDK-8152077: (cal) Calendar.roll does not always roll the hours during daylight savings + JDK-8168517: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ failed + JDK-8211163: UNIX version of Java_java_io_Console_echo does not return a clean boolean + JDK-8220674: [TESTBUG] MetricsMemoryTester failcount test in docker container only works with debug JVMs + JDK-8231213: Migrate SimpleDateFormatConstTest to JDK Repo + JDK-8236645: JDK 8u231 introduces a regression with incompatible handling of XML messages + JDK-8240676: Meet not symmetric failure when running lucene on jdk8 + JDK-8243321: Add Entrust root CA - G4 to Oracle Root CA program + JDK-8249158: THREAD_START and THREAD_END event posted in primordial phase + JDK-8250627: Use -XX:+/-UseContainerSupport for enabling/disabling Java container metrics + JDK-8251546: 8u backport of JDK-8194298 breaks AIX and Solaris builds + JDK-8252084: Minimal VM fails to bootcycle: undefined symbol: AgeTableTracer::is_tenuring_distribution_event_enabled * Import of OpenJDK 8 u272 build 06 + JDK-8064319: Need to enable -XX:+TraceExceptions in release builds + JDK-8080462, PR3801: Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v2.40 support + JDK-8160768: Add capability to custom resolve host/domain names within the default JNDI LDAP provider + JDK-8161973: PKIXRevocationChecker.getSoftFailExceptions() not working + JDK-8169925, PR3801: PKCS #11 Cryptographic Token Interface license + JDK-8184762: ZapStackSegments should use optimized memset + JDK-8193234: When using -Xcheck:jni an internally allocated buffer can leak + JDK-8219919: RuntimeStub name lost with PrintFrameConverterAssembly + JDK-8220313: [TESTBUG] Update base image for Docker testing to OL 7.6 + JDK-8222079: Don't use memset to initialize fields decode_env constructor in disassembler.cpp + JDK-8225695: 32-bit build failures after JDK-8080462 (Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v2.40 support) + JDK-8226575: OperatingSystemMXBean should be made container aware + JDK-8226809: Circular reference in printed stack trace is not correctly indented & ambiguous + JDK-8228835: Memory leak in PKCS11 provider when using AES GCM + JDK-8233621: Mismatch in jsse.enableMFLNExtension property name + JDK-8238898, PR3801: Missing hash characters for header on license file + JDK-8243320: Add SSL root certificates to Oracle Root CA program + JDK-8244151: Update MUSCLE PC/SC-Lite headers to the latest release 1.8.26 + JDK-8245467: Remove 8u TLSv1.2 implementation files + JDK-8245469: Remove DTLS protocol implementation + JDK-8245470: Fix JDK8 compatibility issues + JDK-8245471: Revert JDK-8148188 + JDK-8245472: Backport JDK-8038893 to JDK8 + JDK-8245473: OCSP stapling support + JDK-8245474: Add TLS_KRB5 cipher suites support according to RFC-2712 + JDK-8245476: Disable TLSv1.3 protocol in the ClientHello message by default + JDK-8245477: Adjust TLS tests location + JDK-8245653: Remove 8u TLS tests + JDK-8245681: Add TLSv1.3 regression test from 11.0.7 + JDK-8251117: Cannot check P11Key size in P11Cipher and P11AEADCipher + JDK-8251120, PR3793: [8u] HotSpot build assumes ENABLE_JFR is set to either true or false + JDK-8251341: Minimal Java specification change + JDK-8251478: Backport TLSv1.3 regression tests to JDK8u * Import of OpenJDK 8 u272 build 07 + JDK-8246193: Possible NPE in ENC-PA-REP search in AS-REQ * Import of OpenJDK 8 u272 build 08 + JDK-8062947: Fix exception message to correctly represent LDAP connection failure + JDK-8151678: com/sun/jndi/ldap/ failed due to timeout on DeadServerNoTimeoutTest is incorrect + JDK-8252573: 8u: Windows build failed after 8222079 backport * Import of OpenJDK 8 u272 build 09 + JDK-8252886: [TESTBUG] sun/security/ec/ : Compilation failed * Import of OpenJDK 8 u272 build 10 + JDK-8254673: Call to JvmtiExport::post_vm_start() was removed by the fix for JDK-8249158 + JDK-8254937: Revert JDK-8148854 for 8u272 * Backports + JDK-8038723, PR3806: Openup some PrinterJob tests + JDK-8041480, PR3806: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when JTable contains certain string + JDK-8058779, PR3805: Faster implementation of String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence) + JDK-8130125, PR3806: [TEST_BUG] add @modules to the several client tests unaffected by the automated bulk update + JDK-8144015, PR3806: [PIT] failures of text layout font tests + JDK-8144023, PR3806: [PIT] failure of text measurements in javax/swing/text/html/parser/Parser/6836089/ + JDK-8144240, PR3806: [macosx][PIT] AIOOB in closed/javax/swing/text/GlyphPainter2/6427244/ + JDK-8145542, PR3806: The case failed automatically and thrown java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception + JDK-8151725, PR3806: [macosx] ArrayIndexOOB exception when displaying Devanagari text in JEditorPane + JDK-8152358, PR3800: code and comment cleanups found during the hunt for 8077392 + JDK-8152545, PR3804: Use preprocessor instead of compiling a program to generate native nio constants + JDK-8152680, PR3806: Regression in GlyphVector.getGlyphCharIndex behaviour + JDK-8158924, PR3806: Incorrect i18n text document layout + JDK-8166003, PR3806: [PIT][TEST_BUG] missing helper for javax/swing/text/GlyphPainter2/6427244/ + JDK-8166068, PR3806: test/java/awt/font/GlyphVector/ / does not compile + JDK-8169879, PR3806: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/text/ /GlyphPainter2/6427244/ - compilation failed + JDK-8191512, PR3806: T2K font rasterizer code removal + JDK-8191522, PR3806: Remove Bigelow&Holmes Lucida fonts from JDK sources + JDK-8236512, PR3801: PKCS11 Connection closed after Cipher.doFinal and NoPadding + JDK-8254177, PR3809: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020b * Bug fixes + PR3798: Fix format-overflow error on GCC 10, caused by passing NULL to a '%s' directive + PR3795: ECDSAUtils for XML digital signatures should support the same curve set as the rest of the JDK + PR3799: Adapt elliptic curve patches to JDK-8245468: Add TLSv1.3 implementation classes from 11.0.7 + PR3808: IcedTea does not install the JFR *.jfc files + PR3810: Enable JFR on x86 (32-bit) now that JDK-8252096 has fixed its use with Shenandoah + PR3811: Don't attempt to install JFR files when JFR is disabled * Shenandoah + [backport] 8221435: Shenandoah should not mark through weak roots + [backport] 8221629: Shenandoah: Cleanup class unloading logic + [backport] 8222992: Shenandoah: Pre-evacuate all roots + [backport] 8223215: Shenandoah: Support verifying subset of roots + [backport] 8223774: Shenandoah: Refactor ShenandoahRootProcessor and family + [backport] 8224210: Shenandoah: Refactor ShenandoahRootScanner to support scanning CSet codecache roots + [backport] 8224508: Shenandoah: Need to update thread roots in final mark for piggyback ref update cycle + [backport] 8224579: ResourceMark not declared in shenandoahRootProcessor.inline.hpp with - -disable-precompiled-headers + [backport] 8224679: Shenandoah: Make ShenandoahParallelCodeCacheIterator noncopyable + [backport] 8224751: Shenandoah: Shenandoah Verifier should select proper roots according to current GC cycle + [backport] 8225014: Separate ShenandoahRootScanner method for object_iterate + [backport] 8225216: gc/logging/ doesn't work for Shenandoah + [backport] 8225573: Shenandoah: Enhance ShenandoahVerifier to ensure roots to-space invariant + [backport] 8225590: Shenandoah: Refactor ShenandoahClassLoaderDataRoots API + [backport] 8226413: Shenandoah: Separate root scanner for SH::object_iterate() + [backport] 8230853: Shenandoah: replace leftover assert(is_in(...)) with rich asserts + [backport] 8231198: Shenandoah: heap walking should visit all roots most of the time + [backport] 8231244: Shenandoah: all-roots heap walking misses some weak roots + [backport] 8237632: Shenandoah: accept NULL fwdptr to cooperate with JVMTI and JFR + [backport] 8239786: Shenandoah: print per-cycle statistics + [backport] 8239926: Shenandoah: Shenandoah needs to mark nmethod's metadata + [backport] 8240671: Shenandoah: refactor ShenandoahPhaseTimings + [backport] 8240749: Shenandoah: refactor ShenandoahUtils + [backport] 8240750: Shenandoah: remove leftover files and mentions of ShenandoahAllocTracker + [backport] 8240868: Shenandoah: remove CM-with-UR piggybacking cycles + [backport] 8240872: Shenandoah: Avoid updating new regions from start of evacuation + [backport] 8240873: Shenandoah: Short-cut arraycopy barriers + [backport] 8240915: Shenandoah: Remove unused fields in init mark tasks + [backport] 8240948: Shenandoah: cleanup not-forwarded-objects paths after JDK-8240868 + [backport] 8241007: Shenandoah: remove ShenandoahCriticalControlThreadPriority support + [backport] 8241062: Shenandoah: rich asserts trigger "empty statement" inspection + [backport] 8241081: Shenandoah: Do not modify update-watermark concurrently + [backport] 8241093: Shenandoah: editorial changes in flag descriptions + [backport] 8241139: Shenandoah: distribute mark-compact work exactly to minimize fragmentation + [backport] 8241142: Shenandoah: should not use parallel reference processing with single GC thread + [backport] 8241351: Shenandoah: fragmentation metrics overhaul + [backport] 8241435: Shenandoah: avoid disabling pacing with "aggressive" + [backport] 8241520: Shenandoah: simplify region sequence numbers handling + [backport] 8241534: Shenandoah: region status should include update watermark + [backport] 8241574: Shenandoah: remove ShenandoahAssertToSpaceClosure + [backport] 8241583: Shenandoah: turn heap lock asserts into macros + [backport] 8241668: Shenandoah: make ShenandoahHeapRegion not derive from ContiguousSpace + [backport] 8241673: Shenandoah: refactor anti-false-sharing padding + [backport] 8241675: Shenandoah: assert(n->outcnt() > 0) at shenandoahSupport.cpp:2858 with java/util/Collections/ + [backport] 8241692: Shenandoah: remove ShenandoahHeapRegion::_reserved + [backport] 8241700: Shenandoah: Fold ShenandoahKeepAliveBarrier flag into ShenandoahSATBBarrier + [backport] 8241740: Shenandoah: remove ShenandoahHeapRegion::_heap + [backport] 8241743: Shenandoah: refactor and inline ShenandoahHeap::heap() + [backport] 8241748: Shenandoah: inline MarkingContext TAMS methods + [backport] 8241838: Shenandoah: no need to trash cset during final mark + [backport] 8241841: Shenandoah: ditch one of allocation type counters in ShenandoahHeapRegion + [backport] 8241842: Shenandoah: inline ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_number + [backport] 8241844: Shenandoah: rename ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_number + [backport] 8241845: Shenandoah: align ShenandoahHeapRegions to cache lines + [backport] 8241926: Shenandoah: only print heap changes for operations that directly affect it + [backport] 8241983: Shenandoah: simplify FreeSet logging + [backport] 8241985: Shenandoah: simplify collectable garbage logging + [backport] 8242040: Shenandoah: print allocation failure type + [backport] 8242041: Shenandoah: adaptive heuristics should account evac reserve in free target + [backport] 8242042: Shenandoah: tune down ShenandoahGarbageThreshold + [backport] 8242054: Shenandoah: New incremental-update mode + [backport] 8242075: Shenandoah: rename ShenandoahHeapRegionSize flag + [backport] 8242082: Shenandoah: Purge Traversal mode + [backport] 8242083: Shenandoah: split "Prepare Evacuation" tracking into cset/freeset counters + [backport] 8242089: Shenandoah: per-worker stats should be summed up, not averaged + [backport] 8242101: Shenandoah: coalesce and parallelise heap region walks during the pauses + [backport] 8242114: Shenandoah: remove ShenandoahHeapRegion::reset_alloc_metadata_to_shared + [backport] 8242130: Shenandoah: Simplify arraycopy-barrier dispatching + [backport] 8242211: Shenandoah: remove ShenandoahHeuristics::RegionData::_seqnum_last_alloc + [backport] 8242212: Shenandoah: initialize ShenandoahHeuristics::_region_data eagerly + [backport] 8242213: Shenandoah: remove ShenandoahHeuristics::_bytes_in_cset + [backport] 8242217: Shenandoah: Enable GC mode to be diagnostic/experimental and have a name + [backport] 8242227: Shenandoah: transit regions to cset state when adding to collection set + [backport] 8242228: Shenandoah: remove unused ShenandoahCollectionSet methods + [backport] 8242229: Shenandoah: inline ShenandoahHeapRegion liveness-related methods + [backport] 8242267: Shenandoah: regions space needs to be aligned by os::vm_allocation_granularity() + [backport] 8242271: Shenandoah: add test to verify GC mode unlock + [backport] 8242273: Shenandoah: accept either SATB or IU barriers, but not both + [backport] 8242301: Shenandoah: Inline LRB runtime call + [backport] 8242316: Shenandoah: Turn NULL-check into assert in SATB slow-path entry + [backport] 8242353: Shenandoah: micro-optimize region liveness handling + [backport] 8242365: Shenandoah: use uint16_t instead of jushort for liveness cache + [backport] 8242375: Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahHeuristic::record_gc_start/end methods + [backport] 8242641: Shenandoah: clear live data and update TAMS optimistically + [backport] 8243238: Shenandoah: explicit GC request should wait for a complete GC cycle + [backport] 8243301: Shenandoah: ditch ShenandoahAllowMixedAllocs + [backport] 8243307: Shenandoah: remove ShCollectionSet::live_data + [backport] 8243395: Shenandoah: demote guarantee in ShenandoahPhaseTimings::record_workers_end + [backport] 8243463: Shenandoah: ditch total_pause counters + [backport] 8243464: Shenandoah: print statistic counters in time order + [backport] 8243465: Shenandoah: ditch unused pause_other, conc_other counters + [backport] 8243487: Shenandoah: make _num_phases illegal phase type + [backport] 8243494: Shenandoah: set counters once per cycle + [backport] 8243573: Shenandoah: rename GCParPhases and related code + [backport] 8243848: Shenandoah: Windows build fails after JDK-8239786 + [backport] 8244180: Shenandoah: carry Phase to ShWorkerTimingsTracker explicitly + [backport] 8244200: Shenandoah: build breakages after JDK-8241743 + [backport] 8244226: Shenandoah: per-cycle statistics contain worker data from previous cycles + [backport] 8244326: Shenandoah: global statistics should not accept bogus samples + [backport] 8244509: Shenandoah: refactor ShenandoahBarrierC2Support::test_* methods + [backport] 8244551: Shenandoah: Fix racy update of update_watermark + [backport] 8244667: Shenandoah: SBC2Support::test_gc_state takes loop for wrong control + [backport] 8244730: Shenandoah: gc/shenandoah/options/ / should only verify the heuristics + [backport] 8244732: Shenandoah: move heuristics code to gc/shenandoah/heuristics + [backport] 8244737: Shenandoah: move mode code to gc/shenandoah/mode + [backport] 8244739: Shenandoah: break superclass dependency on ShenandoahNormalMode + [backport] 8244740: Shenandoah: rename ShenandoahNormalMode to ShenandoahSATBMode + [backport] 8245461: Shenandoah: refine mode name()-s + [backport] 8245463: Shenandoah: refine ShenandoahPhaseTimings constructor arguments + [backport] 8245464: Shenandoah: allocate collection set bitmap at lower addresses + [backport] 8245465: Shenandoah: test_in_cset can use more efficient encoding + [backport] 8245726: Shenandoah: lift/cleanup ShenandoahHeuristics names and properties + [backport] 8245754: Shenandoah: ditch ShenandoahAlwaysPreTouch + [backport] 8245757: Shenandoah: AlwaysPreTouch should not disable heap resizing or uncommits + [backport] 8245773: Shenandoah: Windows assertion failure after JDK-8245464 + [backport] 8245812: Shenandoah: compute root phase parallelism + [backport] 8245814: Shenandoah: reconsider format specifiers for stats + [backport] 8245825: Shenandoah: Remove diagnostic flag ShenandoahConcurrentScanCodeRoots + [backport] 8246162: Shenandoah: full GC does not mark code roots when class unloading is off + [backport] 8247310: Shenandoah: pacer should not affect interrupt status + [backport] 8247358: Shenandoah: reconsider free budget slice for marking + [backport] 8247367: Shenandoah: pacer should wait on lock instead of exponential backoff + [backport] 8247474: Shenandoah: Windows build warning after JDK-8247310 + [backport] 8247560: Shenandoah: heap iteration holds root locks all the time + [backport] 8247593: Shenandoah: should not block pacing reporters + [backport] 8247751: Shenandoah: options tests should run with smaller heaps + [backport] 8247754: Shenandoah: mxbeans tests can be shorter + [backport] 8247757: Shenandoah: split heavy tests by heuristics to improve parallelism + [backport] 8247860: Shenandoah: add update watermark line in rich assert failure message + [backport] 8248041: Shenandoah: pre-Full GC root updates may miss some roots + [backport] 8248652: Shenandoah: SATB buffer handling may assume no forwarded objects + [backport] 8249560: Shenandoah: Fix racy GC request handling + [backport] 8249649: Shenandoah: provide per-cycle pacing stats + [backport] 8249801: Shenandoah: Clear soft-refs on requested GC cycle + [backport] 8249953: Shenandoah: gc/shenandoah/mxbeans tests should account for corner cases + Fix slowdebug build after JDK-8230853 backport + JDK-8252096: Shenandoah: adjust SerialPageShiftCount for x86_32 and JFR + JDK-8252366: Shenandoah: revert/cleanup changes in graphKit.cpp + Shenandoah: add JFR roots to root processor after JFR integration + Shenandoah: add root statistics for string dedup table/queues + Shenandoah: enable low-frequency STW class unloading + Shenandoah: fix build failures after JDK-8244737 backport + Shenandoah: Fix build failure with +JFR -PCH + Shenandoah: fix forceful pacer claim + Shenandoah: fix formats in ShenandoahStringSymbolTableUnlinkTask + Shenandoah: fix runtime linking failure due to non-compiled shenandoahBarrierSetC1 + Shenandoah: hook statistics printing to PrintGCDetails, not PrintGC + Shenandoah: JNI weak roots are always cleared before Full GC mark + Shenandoah: missing SystemDictionary roots in ShenandoahHeapIterationRootScanner + Shenandoah: move barrier sets to their proper locations + Shenandoah: move parallelCleaning.* to shenandoah/ + Shenandoah: pacer should use proper Atomics for intptr_t + Shenandoah: properly deallocates class loader metadata + Shenandoah: specialize String Table scans for better pause performance + Shenandoah: Zero build fails after recent Atomic cleanup in Pacer * AArch64 port + JDK-8161072, PR3797: AArch64: jtreg compiler/uncommontrap/TestDeoptOOM failure + JDK-8171537, PR3797: aarch64: compiler/c1/ generates guarantee failure in C1 + JDK-8183925, PR3797: [AArch64] Decouple crash protection from watcher thread + JDK-8199712, PR3797: [AArch64] Flight Recorder + JDK-8203481, PR3797: Incorrect constraint for unextended_sp in frame:safe_for_sender + JDK-8203699, PR3797: java/lang/invoke/SpecialInterfaceCall fails with SIGILL on aarch64 + JDK-8209413, PR3797: AArch64: NPE in clhsdb jstack command + JDK-8215961, PR3797: jdk/jfr/event/os/ fails on AArch64 + JDK-8216989, PR3797: CardTableBarrierSetAssembler::gen_write_ref_array_post_barrier() does not check for zero length on AARCH64 + JDK-8217368, PR3797: AArch64: C2 recursive stack locking optimisation not triggered + JDK-8221658, PR3797: aarch64: add necessary predicate for ubfx patterns + JDK-8237512, PR3797: AArch64: aarch64TestHook leaks a BufferBlob + JDK-8246482, PR3797: Build failures with +JFR -PCH + JDK-8247979, PR3797: aarch64: missing side effect of killing flags for clearArray_reg_reg + JDK-8248219, PR3797: aarch64: missing memory barrier in fast_storefield and fast_accessfield - Modified patch: * java-atk-wrapper-security.patch + rediff to changed context- Ignore whitespaces after the header or footer in PEM X.509 cert (bsc#1171352) + JDK_1_8_0-8208602.patch- Update to version jdk8u252 (icedtea 3.16.0) (April 2020 CPU, bsc#1169511) * Security fixes + JDK-8223898, CVE-2020-2754: Forward references to Nashorn + JDK-8223904, CVE-2020-2755: Improve Nashorn matching + JDK-8224541, CVE-2020-2756: Better mapping of serial ENUMs + JDK-8224549, CVE-2020-2757: Less Blocking Array Queues + JDK-8225603: Enhancement for big integers + JDK-8227542: Manifest improved jar headers + JDK-8231415, CVE-2020-2773: Better signatures in XML + JDK-8233250: Better X11 rendering + JDK-8233410: Better Build Scripting + JDK-8234027: Better JCEKS key support + JDK-8234408, CVE-2020-2781: Improve TLS session handling + JDK-8234825, CVE-2020-2800: Better Headings for HTTP Servers + JDK-8234841, CVE-2020-2803: Enhance buffering of byte buffers + JDK-8235274, CVE-2020-2805: Enhance typing of methods + JDK-8236201, CVE-2020-2830: Better Scanner conversions + JDK-8238960: linux-i586 builds are inconsistent as the newly build jdk is not able to reserve enough space for object heap * Import of OpenJDK 8 u252 build 01 + JDK-8028480: (zipfs) NoSuchFileException on creating a file in ZipFileSystem with CREATE and WRITE + JDK-8031191: Warning exception when XMLSignature logging is enabled + JDK-8034773: (zipfs) newOutputstream uses CREATE_NEW when no options specified + JDK-8038431: Close InputStream when finished retrieving XML Signature HTTP References + JDK-8041620: Solaris Studio 12.4 C++ 5.13 change in behavior for placing friend declarations within surrounding scope. + JDK-8046044: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in XML Signature Impl + JDK-8056313: TEST_BUG: java/util/Timer/ fails intermittently + JDK-8144732: VM_HeapDumper hits assert with bad dump_len + JDK-8150432: fails + JDK-8150460: (linux|bsd|aix)_close.c: file descriptor table may become large or may not work at all + JDK-8216354: Syntax error in toolchain_windows.m4 + JDK-8218553: Enhance keystore load debug output + JDK-8218580: endpoint identification algorithm should be case-insensitive + JDK-8227397: Add --with-extra-asflags configure option + JDK-8227662: freetype seeks to index at the end of the font data + JDK-8231201: hs_err should print coalesced safepoint operations in Events section + JDK-8231991: Mouse wheel change focus on awt/swing windows + JDK-8232003: (fs) Files.write can leak file descriptor in the exception case + JDK-8232154: Update Mesa 3-D Headers to version 19.2.1 + JDK-8232355: Two obsolete flags have the wrong obsolete version in 8u + JDK-8233023: assert(Opcode() == mem->Opcode() || phase->C->get_alias_index(adr_type()) == Compile::AliasIdxRaw) failed: no mismatched stores, except on raw memory + JDK-8233404: System property to set the number of PBE iterations in JCEKS keystores + JDK-8234107: Several AWT modal dialog tests failing on Linux after JDK-8231991 + JDK-8234264: Incorrect 8047434 JDK 8 backport in 8219677 + JDK-8234288: Turkey Time Zone returns incorrect time zone name + JDK-8235637: jhsdb jmap from OpenJDK 11.0.5 doesn't work if prelink is enabled + JDK-8236873: Worker has a deadlock bug + JDK-8237523: 8u backport of JDK-8216354 didn't include changes * Import of OpenJDK 8 u252 build 02 + JDK-7143743: Potential memory leak with zip provider + JDK-8033215: clang: node.cpp:284 IDX_INIT macro use uninitialized field _out + JDK-8143849: Integrate Marlin renderer per JEP 265 + JDK-8146792: Predicate moved after partial peel may lead to broken graph + JDK-8193255: Root Certificates should be stored in text format and assembled at build time + JDK-8233995: java.vm.vendor (and potentially other properties/fields) not correctly set in Windows/Hotspot build of OpenJDK8 + JDK-8235142: JDK-8193255 backport broke bootstrap with JDK 10 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u252 build 03 + JDK-8005819: Support cross-realm MSSFU + JDK-8046724: XML Signature ECKeyValue elements cannot be marshalled or unmarshalled + JDK-8079140: IgnoreAllErrorHandler should use doPrivileged when it reads system properties + JDK-8134579: [TESTBUG] Some bmi tests fail if can_access_local_variables is on. + JDK-8145055: Marlin renderer causes unaligned write accesses + JDK-8145849: ALPN: getHandshakeApplicationProtocol() always return null + JDK-8146293: Add support for RSASSA-PSS Signature algorithm + JDK-8158978: ALPN not working when values are set directly on a SSLServerSocket + JDK-8162723: Array index overflow in Base64 utility class + JDK-8170282: Enable ALPN parameters to be supplied during the TLS handshake + JDK-8171443: (spec) An ALPN callback function may also ignore ALPN + JDK-8175029: StackOverflowError in X509CRL and X509Certificate.verify(PublicKey, Provider) + JDK-8200400: Restrict Sasl mechanisms + JDK-8205445: Add RSASSA-PSS Signature support to SunMSCAPI + JDK-8205720: KeyFactory#getKeySpec and translateKey throws NullPointerException with Invalid key + JDK-8206171: Signature#getParameters for RSASSA-PSS throws ProviderException when not initialized + JDK-8213009: Refactoring existing SunMSCAPI classes + JDK-8213010: Supporting keys created with certmgr.exe + JDK-8214096: passes null parameter, so JCE validation fails + JDK-8215694: keytool cannot generate RSASSA-PSS certificates + JDK-8216039: TLS with BC and RSASSA-PSS breaks ECDHServerKeyExchange + JDK-8221407: Windows 32bit build error in libsunmscapi/security.cpp + JDK-8223003: SunMSCAPI keys are not cleaned up + JDK-8223063: Support CNG RSA keys + JDK-8223158: Docked MacBook cannot start any Java Swing applications + JDK-8225180: SignedObject with invalid Key not throwing the InvalidKeyException in Windows + JDK-8225392: Comparison builds are failing due to cacerts file + JDK-8225745: NoSuchAlgorithmException exception for SHA256withECDSA with RSASSA-PSS support + JDK-8229767: Typo in Sasl.createClient and Sasl.createServer + JDK-8230977: JEP 244/8051498 - TLS Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension (Java SE 8) + JDK-8230978: Add support for RSASSA-PSS Signature algorithm (Java SE 8) + JDK-8234245: sun/security/lib/cacerts/ fails due to wrong checksum + JDK-8236470: Deal with ECDSA using ecdsa-with-SHA2 plus hash algorithm as AlgorithmId + JDK-8238502: sunmscapi.dll causing EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION * Import of OpenJDK 8 u252 build 04 + JDK-8047212: runtime/ParallelClassLoading/bootstrap/random/inner-complex assert(ObjectSynchronizer::verify_objmon_isinpool(inf)) failed: monitor is invalid + JDK-8135318: CMS wrong max_eden_size for check_gc_overhead_limit + JDK-8144445: Maximum size checking in Marlin ArrayCache utility methods is not optimal + JDK-8144446: Automate the Marlin crash test + JDK-8144630: Use PrivilegedAction to create Thread in Marlin RendererStats + JDK-8215756: Memory leaks in the AWT on macOS + JDK-8219244: NMT: Change ThreadSafepointState's allocation type from mtInternal to mtThread + JDK-8225128: Add exception for expiring DocuSign root to VerifyCACerts test + JDK-8229345: Memory leak due to vtable stubs not being shared on SPARC + JDK-8229872: (fs) Increase buffer size used with getmntent + JDK-8236179: C1 register allocation error with T_ADDRESS + JDK-8237368: Problem with NullPointerException in RMI * Import of OpenJDK 8 u252 build 05 + JDK-8022263: use same Clang warnings on BSD as on Linux + JDK-8055283: Expand ResourceHashtable with C_HEAP allocation, removal and some unit tests + JDK-8068184: Fix for JDK-8032832 caused a deadlock + JDK-8079693: Add support for ECDSA P-384 and P-521 curves to XML Signature + JDK-8132130: some docs cleanup + JDK-8144526: Remove Marlin logging use of deleted internal API + JDK-8144654: Improve Marlin logging + JDK-8144718: Pisces / Marlin Strokers may generate invalid curves with huge coordinates and round joins + JDK-8166976: TestCipherPBECons has wrong @run line + JDK-8167409: Invalid value passed to critical JNI function + JDK-8181872: C1: possible overflow when strength reducing integer multiply by constant + JDK-8187078: -XX:+VerifyOops finds numerous problems when running JPRT + JDK-8191227: issues with unsafe handle resolution + JDK-8216472: (se) Stack overflow during selection operation leads to crash (win) + JDK-8229022: BufferedReader performance can be improved by using StringBuilder + JDK-8231430: C2: Memory stomp in max_array_length() for T_ILLEGAL type + JDK-8235904: Infinite loop when rendering huge lines * Import of OpenJDK 8 u252 build 06 + JDK-8225130: Add exception for expiring Comodo roots to VerifyCACerts test + JDK-8230235: Rendering HTML with empty img attribute and documentBaseKey cause Exception + JDK-8235744: PIT: test/jdk/javax/swing/text/html/ times out in linux-x64 + JDK-8240521: Revert backport of 8231584: Deadlock with ClassLoader.findLibrary and System.loadLibrary call * Import of OpenJDK 8 u252 build 07 + JDK-8197441: Signature#initSign/initVerify for an invalid private/public key fails with ClassCastException for SunPKCS11 provider * Import of OpenJDK 8 u252 build 08 + JDK-8241296: Segfault in JNIHandleBlock::oops_do() + JDK-8241307: Marlin renderer should not be the default in 8u252 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u252 build 09 + JDK-8204152: SignedObject throws NullPointerException for null keys with an initialized Signature object + JDK-8219597: (bf) Heap buffer state changes could provoke unexpected exceptions * Backports + JDK-8035949, PR3784: Remove unused macro USE_SELECT and clean up Unix version of net_util_md.{c,h} + JDK-8167481, PR3784: cleanup of headers and includes for native libnet + JDK-8195607, PR3776: sun/security/pkcs11/Secmod/ failed with "NSS initialization failed" on NSS 3.34.1 * Bug fixes + PR3786: Use 'JDK-' as prefix for bugs from the OpenJDK bug tracker * Shenandoah + AArch64: Fix LRB use in LIRGenerator::do_UnsafeGetAndSetObject + [backport] 8221751: Shenandoah: Improve SATB enqueueing + [backport] 8221848: Shenandoah: ArrayCopy post-barrier improvements + [backport] 8222766: Shenandoah: streamline post-LRB CAS barrier (x86) + [backport] 8223951: Shenandoah: Only need to update thread roots during final update refs + [backport] 8224179: Shenandoah: CTW test failures with traversal GC + [backport] 8224495: Shenandoah: Do not rescan code roots in final mark pause if it is not degenerated GC + [backport] 8224508: Shenandoah: Need to update thread roots in final mark for piggyback ref update cycle + [backport] 8224525: Shenandoah: Eliminate shenandoah verifier's side-effects + [backport] 8225171: Remove leftovers in shenandoahBarrierSetC1.cpp + [backport] 8225341: Shenandoah: CM::update_thread_roots() needs to handle derived pointers + [backport] 8226586: Shenandoah: No need to pre-evacuate roots for degenerated GC + [backport] 8227327: Shenandoah: Faster and more parallel tests + [backport] 8227676: Shenandoah: More consistent naming of LRB entry points + [backport] 8228364: Shenandoah: Remove unused code from ShenandoahBarrierSetC1 + [backport] 8229865: Use explicit #include debug.hpp for STATIC_ASSERT in gc/shenandoah/shenandoahUtils.cpp + [backport] 8229919: Support JNI Critical functions in object pinning API on x86_32 platforms + [backport] 8231086: Shenandoah: Stronger invariant for object-arraycopy + [backport] 8231293: Shenandoah: Traversal should not revive dead weak roots + [backport] 8231410: Shenandoah: clone barrier should use base pointer + [backport] 8231447: Shenandoah: Compilation-time regression after JDK-8231086 + [backport] 8231499: Shenandoah: compiler/arraycopy/TestDefaultMethodArrayCloneDeoptC2 fails + [backport] 8232205: Shenandoah: missing "Update References" - > "Update Roots" tracing + [backport] 8232778: Shenandoah: SBSA::arraycopy_prologue checks wrong register + [backport] 8232908: Shenandoah: compact heuristics has incorrect trigger "Free is lower than allocated recently" + [backport] 8233387: Shenandoah: passive mode should disable pacing ergonomically + [backport] 8233520: Shenandoah: do not sleep when thread is attaching + [backport] 8233850: Shenandoah: Shenandoah thread count ergonomics should be container aware + [backport] 8234232: [TESTBUG] gc/shenandoah/jvmti/ fails with -Xcomp + [backport] 8235636: gc/shenandoah/compiler/ fails after JDK-8226411 + [backport] 8235729: Shenandoah: Remove useless casting to non-constant + [backport] 8236106: [TESTBUG] Shenandoah: Make TestThreadFailure more resilient + [backport] 8236181: C2: Remove useless step_over_gc_barrier() in int->bool conversion + [backport] 8236732: Shenandoah: Stricter placement for oom-evac scopes + [backport] 8236851: Shenandoah: More details in Traversal GC event messages + [backport] 8237007: Shenandoah: assert(_base == Tuple) failure during C2 compilation + [backport] 8237038: Shenandoah: Reduce thread pool size in test + [backport] 8237570: Shenandoah: cleanup uses of allocation/free threshold in static heuristics + [backport] 8237586: Shenandoah: provide option to disable periodic GC + [backport] 8239868: Shenandoah: ditch C2 node limit adjustments + [backport] 8239904: Shenandoah: accumulated penalties should not be over 100% of capacity + [backport] 8240069: Shenandoah: turn more flags diagnostic + [backport] 8240070: Shenandoah: remove obsolete ShenandoahCommonGCStateLoads + [backport] 8240076: Shenandoah: pacer should cover reset and preclean phases + [backport] 8240215: Shenandoah: remove ShenandoahAllocationTrace + [backport] 8240216: Shenandoah: remove ShenandoahTerminationTrace + [backport] 8240217: Shenandoah: remove ShenandoahEvacAssist + [backport] 8240534: Shenandoah: ditch debug safepoint timeout adjustment + Fix LRB use in LIRGenerator::do_UnsafeGetAndSetObject + Fix tier2_gc_shenandoah group definition + Rectify JDK-8191227 workaround for Shenandoah + Revert leftover changes in type.{cpp|hpp} + JDK-8233500: Shenandoah: Shenandoah load barrier should save registers before calling keep alive barrier on x86 * AArch64 port + JDK-8224851, PR3785: AArch64: fix warnings and errors with Clang and GCC 8.3 * AArch32 port + JDK-8240219: CPU specific port of 8229345: Memory leak due to vtable stubs not being shared on SPARC- The pack200 and unpack200 alternatives should be slaves of java and not of javac, since they are part of JRE.- Add -fcommon to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS to allow building with new compilers (boo#1160398)- On platform where OpenJ9 exists, avoid building with it in order to prevent build cycles- Update to version jdk8u242 (icedtea 3.15.0) (January 2020 CPU, bsc#1160968) * Security fixes + S8225261: Better method resolutions + S8224909, CVE-2020-2583: Unlink Set of LinkedHashSets + S8225279: Better XRender interpolation + S8226352, CVE-2020-2590: Improve Kerberos interop capabilities + S8227758: More valid PKIX processing + S8227816: More Colorful ICC profiles + S8228548, CVE-2020-2593: Normalize normalization for all + S8229951, CVE-2020-2601: Better Ticket Granting Services + S8230279: Improve Pack200 file reading + S8230318: Better trust store usage + S8230967: Improve Registry support of clients + S8231129: More glyph images + S8231139: Improved keystore support + S8231422, CVE-2020-2604: Better serial filter handling + S8231795, CVE-2020-2659: Enhance datagram socket support + S8232419: Improve Registry registration + S8234037, CVE-2020-2654: Improve Object Identifier Processing * Import of OpenJDK 8 u242 build 01 + S8010500: [parfait] Possible null pointer dereference at hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/loopnode.hpp + S8067429: java.lang.VerifyError: Inconsistent stackmap frames at branch target + S8073154: NULL-pointer dereferencing in LIR_OpProfileType::print_instr + S8077707: jdk9 b58 cannot run any graphical application on Win 8 with JAWS running + S8132249: Clean up JAB debugging code + S8133951: Zero interpreter asserts in stubRoutines.cpp + S8134739: compiler/loopopts/superword/ /TestVectorizationWithInvariant crashes in loop opts + S8212071: Need to set the FreeType LCD Filter to reduce fringing. + S8230238: Add another regression test for JDK-8134739 + S8230813: Add JDK-8010500 to compiler/loopopts/superword/ / bug list + S8231398: Add time tracing for gc log rotation at safepoint cleanup + S8231988: Unexpected test result caused by C2 IdealLoopTree::do_remove_empty_loop * Import of OpenJDK 8 u242 build 02 + S8057986: freetype code to get glyph outline does not handle initial control point properly + S8068736: Avoid synchronization on Executable/Field.declaredAnnotations + S8073347: javadoc of Formattable messed up by JDK-8019857 + S8206173: MallocSiteTable::initialize() doesn't take function descriptors into account + S8213568: Typo in java/awt/GraphicsEnvironment/LoadLock/ + S8218558: NMT stack traces in output should show mt component for virtual memory allocations + S8225101: Crash at sun.awt.X11.XlibWrapper.XkbGetUpdatedMap when change keybord map + S8228888: C2 compilation fails with assert "m has strange control" + S8229020: Failure on CPUs allowing loads reordering: assert(_tasks[t] == 1) failed: What else? + S8229169: False failure of GenericTaskQueue::pop_local on architectures with weak memory model + S8230363: C2: Let ConnectionGraph::not_global_escape(Node* n) return false if n is not in the CG + S8231887: fails because certificate was revoked * Import of OpenJDK 8 u242 build 04 + S8048556: Unnecessary GCLocker-initiated young GCs + S8073108: Use x86 and SPARC CPU instructions for GHASH acceleration + S8130341: GHASH 32bit intrinsics has AEADBadTagException + S8139178: Wrong fontMetrics when printing in Landscape (OpenJDK) + S8146238: [macosx] Java2D Queue Flusher crash on OSX after switching between user accounts + S8196681: Java Access Bridge logging and debug flags dynamically controlled + S8204288: Matching the end of a string followed by an empty greedy regex and a word boundary fails + S8204290: Add check to limit number of capture groups + S8219914: Change the environment variable for Java Access Bridge logging to have a directory. + S8225505: ctrl-F1 does not show the tooltip of a menu item (JMenuItems) * Import of OpenJDK 8 u242 build 05 + S8029629: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ fails intermittently + S8055351: sun/security/provider/DSA/ / failed with interrupted! (timed out?) + S8131778: java disables UseAES flag when using VIS=2 on sparc + S8133489: Better messaging for PKIX path validation matching + S8134424: BlockDataInputStream.readUTFBody: size local StringBuffer with the given length + S8156028: G1YoungGenSizer _adaptive_size not correct when setting NewSize and MaxNewSize to the same value + S8170641: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsURLConnection/ / fails with timeout + S8173956: KeyStore regression due to default keystore being changed to PKCS12 + S8185898: setRequestProperty(key, null) results in HTTP header without colon in request + S8189762: [TESTBUG] Create tests for JDK-8146115 container awareness and resource configuration + S8194653: Deadlock involving FileSystems.getDefault and System.loadLibrary call + S8195088: [TEST_BUG] StartManagementAgent got unexpected exception + S8195667: ProblemList PKCS11 tests Secmod/ and tls/ due to JDK-8180837 + S8198649: Switch AWT/Swing's default GTK version to 3 + S8208715: Conversion of milliseconds to nanoseconds in UNIXProcess contains bug + S8213119: [macos] java/awt/GraphicsDevice/ fails + S8215210: [macos] Hangul text does not shape to the precomposed form on JDK8u + S8216401: Allow "file:" URLs in Class-Path of local JARs + S8221172: SunEC specific test is not limited to SunEC + S8221246: NullPointerException within Win32ShellFolder2 + S8222496: [8u] Switch on GTK3 as a default GTK L&F in client-libs + S8223490: Optimize search algorithm for determining default time zone + S8225141: Better handling of classes in error state in fast class initialization checks + S8229420: [Redo] jstat reports incorrect values for OU for CMS GC + S8231124: Missing closedir call with JDK-8223490 + S8231584: Deadlock with ClassLoader.findLibrary and System.loadLibrary call + S8232984: Upgrading Joni License version to 2.1.16 + S8233886: TEST_BUG jdk/java/net/CookieHandler/ hit hardcoded expiration date + S8234591: [11u] Build with old C compiler broken by 8223490 + S8236178: Debug build failed after 8236058 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u242 build 06 + S8227715: GPLv2 files missing Classpath Exception + S8232019: Add LuxTrust certificate updates to the existing root program + S8233223: Add Amazon Root CA certificates + S8235850: [TESTBUG] Remove test/runtime/RedefineTests/ * Import of OpenJDK 8 u242 build 07 + S8037550: Update RFC references in javadoc to RFC 5280 + S8039438: Some tests depend on internal API sun.misc.IOUtils + S8044500: Add kinit options and krb5.conf flags that allow users to obtain renewable tickets and specify ticket lifetimes + S8058290: JAAS Krb5LoginModule has suspect ticket-renewal logic, relies on clockskew grace + S8080835: Add blocking bulk read to sun.misc.IOUtils + S8138978: Examine usages of sun.misc.IOUtils + S8139206: Add InputStream readNBytes(int len) + S8183591: Incorrect behavior when reading DER value with Integer.MAX_VALUE length + S8186576: KerberosTicket does not properly handle renewable tickets at the end of their lifetime + S8186831: Kerberos ignores PA-DATA with a non-null s2kparams + S8186884: Test native KDC, Java krb5 lib, and native krb5 lib in one test + S8193832: Performance of InputStream.readAllBytes() could be improved + S8196956: (ch) More channels cleanup + S8201627: Kerberos sequence number issues + S8215032: Support Kerberos cross-realm referrals (RFC 6806) + S8226719: Kerberos login to Windows 2000 failed with "Inappropriate type of checksum in message" + S8227061: test behaves incorrectly when AS-REQ contains a PAData not PA-ENC-TS-ENC + S8227381: GSS login fails with PREAUTH_FAILED + S8227437: S4U2proxy cannot continue because server's TGT cannot be found + S8232381: add result NULL-checking to freetypeScaler.c + S8233944: Make KerberosPrincipal.KRB_NT_ENTERPRISE field package private + S8235909: File.exists throws AccessControlException for invalid paths when a SecurityManager is installed + S8236983: [TESTBUG] Remove pointless catch block in test/jdk/sun/security/util/DerValue/ + S8236984: Add compatibility wrapper for IOUtils.readFully * Import of OpenJDK 8 u242 build 08 + S8031111: fix krb5 caddr + S8132111: Do not request for addresses for forwarded TGT * Shenandoah + Add missing include in shenandoahOopClosures.cpp + Avoid initializing unused SharedHeap::_workers for Shenandoah + [backport] 8221435: Shenandoah should not mark through weak roots + [backport] 8221766: Load-reference barriers for Shenandoah + [backport] 8222129: Shenandoah: Missing CompareAndSwapP/N case in get_barrier_strength() + [backport] 8222738: Shenandoah: assert(is_Proj()) failed when running cometd benchmarks + [backport] 8223448: Shenandoah disabled barriers blocks omit LRB + [backport] 8223450: Disable Shenandoah C2 barriers verification for x86_32 + [backport] 8223567: Rename ShenandoahBrooksPointer to ShenandoahForwarding + [backport] 8224496: Shenandoah compilation fails with assert(is_CountedLoopEnd()) failed: invalid node class + [backport] 8224522: Shenandoah should apply barriers on deoptimization + [backport] 8224584: Shenandoah: Eliminate forwarding pointer word + [backport] 8224667: Shenandoah: Post-LRB cleanup + [backport] 8224881: Shenandoah: trashing "Collection Set, Pinned" region during Degenerated GC + [backport] 8224932: Shenandoah: Rename ShenandoahHeapLock, make it general purpose lock + [backport] 8225017: [TESTBUG] gc/shenandoah/oom/ takes too long + [backport] 8225046: Shenandoah metrics logs refactoring + [backport] 8225048: Shenandoah x86_32 support + [backport] 8225111: Make Shenandoah tests work with 32-bit VMs + [backport] 8225229: Shenandoah: trim down default number of GC threads + [backport] 8225357: Rewire ShenandoahHeap::maybe_update_with_forwarded for contending fixups + [backport] 8225441: Cleanup ShenandoahHeap::atomic_compare_exchange_oop + [backport] 8225514: Shenandoah: ShenandoahCodeRoots should inherit from AllStatic + [backport] 8226757: Shenandoah: Make traversal and passive modes explicit + [backport] 8226957: Shenandoah: Remove obsoleted ShenandoahStoreCheck option + [backport] 8228775: Shenandoah: Remove useless null-input-verification in Shenandoah/C2 verifier + [backport] 8229002: Shenandoah: Missing node types in ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrier::needs_barrier_impl() + [backport] 8229231: Shenandoah: Non-PCH builds failed after JDK-8224932 + [backport] 8229350: Shenandoah does not need barriers before CreateEx + [backport] 8229416: Shenandoah: Demote or remove ShenandoahOptimize*Final optimizations + [backport] 8229419: Shenandoah: Cleanup LRB strength selector code + [backport] 8229707: [TESTBUG] Some Shenandoah tests assume Server VM by default + [backport] 8231197: Shenandoah: JVMTI heap walking cleanup crashes with NULL forwardee + [backport] 8231405: [Shenandoah] guarantee(d != NULL) failed: Null dominator info + [backport] 8231583: Shenandoah: Fix register clash in SBSA::resolve_forwarding_pointer() borrowing + [backport] 8231667: Shenandoah: Full GC should take empty regions into slices for compaction + [backport] 8231932: Shenandoah: conc/par GC threads ergonomics overrides user settings + [backport] 8231946: Remove obsolete and unused ShenandoahVerifyObjectEquals flag + [backport] 8231947: Shenandoah: cleanup ShenandoahHumongousMoves flag treatment + [backport] 8232102: Shenandoah: print everything in proper units + [backport] 8232176: Shenandoah: new assert in ShenandoahEvacuationTask is too strong + [backport] 8232534: Shenandoah: guard against reentrant ShenandoahHeapLock locking + [backport] 8232573: Shenandoah: cleanup and add more logging for in-pause phases + [backport] 8232575: Shenandoah: asynchronous object/region pinning + [backport] 8232702: Shenandoah: gc/shenandoah/ uses non-existent - XX:+VerifyObjectEquals + [backport] 8232729: Shenandoah: assert ShenandoahHeap::cas_oop addresses are aligned + [backport] 8232802: Shenandoah: transition between "cset" and "pinned_cset" does not require cancelled gc + [backport] LRB right after call, use is Bool + Backport per-region seqnum tracking + [backport] Relax Shenandoah/C2 verifier against JDK11 shortcomings + [backport] Remove to wrong handlings of Shenandoah LRB in escape analysis + Backport Traversal GC + Cherry-pick JDK-8231201: hs_err should print coalesced safepoint operations in Events section + Cleanup weak JNI refs when not doing reference processing + Correct order between load, LRB and membar nodes + Disable JNI tests for 32-bit platforms, due to lack of jtreg support + Do not enable UseCountedLoopSafepoints in Shenandoah by default + Fix ifdef -> if INCLUDE_ALL_GCS in Shenandoah x86_32 code + Fix leftover commented out code in ShenandoahRuntime::load_reference_barrier_JRT + Fix lock ordering issue when calling JVMTI GetLoadedClasses during marking + Fix naked heap loads in HeapDumper + Fix ShenandoahLoadReferenceBarrierNode::{Value, Identity} signatures after LRB backport + Fix Windows build after LRB backports + Fix Zero build after LRB backport moves, remove other stubs + Remove some obsolete Shenandoah code from C2 + Remove StubRoutines::_shenandoah_wb_C and related code + Revert obsolete shared-code changes in runtime synchronizer code + Revert ShenandoahVerifyObjectEquals additions, not required after LRB + S8236829: JDK-8232102 backport breaks s390 + Save vector registers before LRB slowpath call + Shenandoah: JvmtiExport::weak_oops_do should not be entered by multiple threads + Shenandoah SA: support live region iteration + Use correct flag to guard implicit concurrent GC * AArch64 port + S8073108, PR3772: [AArch64] Use x86 and SPARC CPU instructions for GHASH acceleration + S8135018, PR3772: AARCH64: Missing memory barriers for CMS collector + S8209835, PR3772: Aarch64: elide barriers on all volatile operations + S8233839, PR3772: aarch64: missing memory barrier in NewObjectArrayStub and NewTypeArrayStub- Update to version jdk8u232 (icedtea 3.14.0) (October 2019 CPU, bsc#1154212) * Security fixes + S8167646: Better invalid FilePermission + S8213429, CVE-2019-2933: Windows file handling redux + S8218573, CVE-2019-2945: Better socket support + S8218877: Help transform transformers + S8220186: Improve use of font temporary files + S8220302, CVE-2019-2949: Better Kerberos ccache handling + S8221497: Optional Panes in Swing + S8221858, CVE-2019-2958: Build Better Processes + S8222684, CVE-2019-2964: Better support for patterns + S8222690, CVE-2019-2962: Better Glyph Images + S8223163: Better pattern recognition + S8223505, CVE-2019-2973: Better pattern compilation + S8223518, CVE-2019-2975: Unexpected exception in jjs + S8223892, CVE-2019-2978: Improved handling of jar files + S8224025: Fix for JDK-8220302 is not complete + S8224532, CVE-2019-2981: Better Path supports + S8224915, CVE-2019-2983: Better serial attributes + S8225286, CVE-2019-2987: Better rendering of native glyphs + S8225292, CVE-2019-2988: Better Graphics2D drawing + S8225298, CVE-2019-2989: Improve TLS connection support + S8225597, CVE-2019-2992: Enhance font glyph mapping + S8226765, CVE-2019-2999: Commentary on Javadoc comments + S8227129: Better ligature for subtables + S8227601: Better collection of references + S8228825, CVE-2019-2894, bsc#1152856: Enhance ECDSA operations * Import of OpenJDK 8 u232 build 01 + S6913047: Long term memory leak when using PKCS11 and JCE exceeds 32 bit process address space + S6946830: javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal behavior differs depending on platform + S6996807: FieldReflectorKey hash code computation can be improved + S8030993: Check jdk/src/share/native/common/jni_util.c for JNI pending exceptions + S8075136: Unnecessary sign extension for byte array access + S8075544: Add tiered testing definitions to the jdk repo + S8075573: Add jdk_other and jdk_svc to jdk tier 2 test definition + S8151486: Class.forName causes memory leak + S8152856: Xcode 7.3 -Wshift-negative-value compile failure on Mac OS X + S8168417: Pending exceptions in java.base/windows/native/libnio + S8170494: JNI exception pending in PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c + S8185900: hotspot build failed with gcc version Red Hat 4.4.7-3 + S8185979: PPC64: Implement SHA2 intrinsic + S8197930: JNI exception pending in initializeEncoding of jni_util.c + S8202353: os::readdir should use readdir instead of readdir_r + S8205587: Implicit function declaration in jni_util.c + S8210761: libjsig is being compiled without optimization + S8214002: Cannot use italic font style if the font has embedded bitmap + S8218721: C1's CEE optimization produces safepoint poll with invalid debug information + S8218854: FontMetrics.getMaxAdvance may be less than the maximum FontMetrics.charWidth + S8219807: C2 crash in IfNode::up_one_dom(Node*, bool) + S8221304: Problem list java/awt/FontMetrics/ + S8223219: Backport of JDK-8199552 to OpenJDK 8 leads to duplicate -fstack-protector flags, overriding - -with-extra-cflags + S8225636: SA can't handle prelinked libraries + S8226392: Launcher should not enable legacy stdio streams on GNU/Linux (glibc) + S8226870: OpenJDK 8u JRE contains clhsdb and hsdb launchers + S8226928: [TESTBUG] test/java/net/NetworkInterface/ fails intermittently on AIX + S8227018: CompletableFuture should not call Runtime.availableProcessors on fast path + S8228405: Incorrect format strings in PhaseIdealLoop::rc_predicate * Import of OpenJDK 8 u232 build 02 + S8075546: Add tiered testing definitions to the langtools repo + S8202252: (aio) Closed AsynchronousSocketChannel keeps completion handler alive + S8216597: SIGBUS in Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_getNativeKeyInfo after JDK-6913047 + S8220513: Wrapper Key may get deleted when closing sessions in SunPKCS11 crypto provider + S8222737: [TESTBUG] Allow for tier 1 like testing in OpenJDK 8u + S8224580: Matcher can cause oop field/array element to be reloaded + S8226543: Reduce GC pressure during message digest calculations in password-based encryption * Import of OpenJDK 8 u232 build 03 + S8213561: ZipFile/ timed out in tier1 + S8217785: Padding ParallelTaskTerminator::_offered_termination variable * Import of OpenJDK 8 u232 build 04 + S8188868: PPC64: Support AES intrinsics on Big Endian * Import of OpenJDK 8 u232 build 05 + S8080157: assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory + S8087128: C2: Disallow definition split on MachCopySpill nodes + S8139965: Hang seen when using + S8147502: Digest is incorrectly truncated for ECDSA signatures when the bit length of n is less than the field size + S8147611: G1 - Missing memory barrier in start_cset_region_for_worker + S8151066: assert(0 <= i && i < length()) failed: index out of bounds + S8155951: VM crash in nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine: assert failed: Corrupted constant pool + S8202948: C2: assert(init_offset >= 0) failed: positive offset from object start + S8203324: Use out of scope in getMacOSXLocale of java_props_macosx.c:120 + S8206879: Currency decimal marker incorrect for Peru + S8211232: GraphKit::make_runtime_call() sometimes attaches wrong memory state to call + S8214687: Optimize Collections.nCopies().hashCode() and equals() + S8214702: Wrong text position for whitespaced string in printing Swing text + S8215130: Fix errors in LittleCMS 2.9 reported by GCC 8 + S8215265: C2: range check elimination may allow illegal out of bound access + S8217359: C2 compiler triggers SIGSEGV after transformation in ConvI2LNode::Ideal + S8217731: Font rendering and glyph spacing changed from jdk-8 to jdk-11 + S8217896: Make better use of LCPUs when building on AIX + S8218201: Failures when vmIntrinsics::_getClass is not inlined + S8218280: LineNumberReader throws "Mark invalid" exception if CRLF straddles buffer. + S8218780: Update MUSCLE PCSC-Lite header files + S8219517: assert(false) failed: infinite loop in PhaseIterGVN::optimize + S8220072: GCC 8.3 reports errors in java.base + S8222980: Upgrade IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2019-04-03 + S8223177: Data race on JvmtiEnvBase::_tag_map in double-checked locking + S8223227: Rename acquire_tag_map() to tag_map_acquire() in jvmtiEnvBase + S8225423: GTK L&F: JSplitPane: There is no divider shown + S8226798: JVM crash in klassItable::initialize_itable_for_interface(int, InstanceKlass*, bool, Thread*) + S8226964: [Yaru] GTK L&F: There is no difference between menu selected and de-selected + S8228440: TestAESCiphers tests fail with "access denied" trying to access ArrayUtil * Import of OpenJDK 8 u232 build 06 + S8178870: instrumentation.retransformClasses cause coredump + S8216965: crash in freetypeScaler.c CopyBW2Grey8 + S8217676: Upgrade libpng to 1.6.37 + S8222108: Reduce minRefreshTime for updating remote printer list on Windows * Import of OpenJDK 8 u232 build 08 + S8225425: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: net.dll: Can't find dependent libraries + S8226607: Inconsistent info between and MUSCLE headers + S8228469: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2019b + S8230085: (fs) FileStore::isReadOnly is always true on macOS Catalina + S8231098: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2019c + S8231463: Fix runtime/RedefineTests/ test in 8u * Shenandoah + [backport] 8230425: Shenandoah forces +UseNUMAInterleaving even after explicitly disabled + Missing include precompiled.hpp in shenandoahSynchronizerIterator.cpp + Protect lir_shenandoah_wb with INCLUDE_ALL_GCS + Prune unneeded (jccb|jmpb)_if_possible + Revert parts of to 8u upstream state + Revert Shenandoah/JDK8-only changes relating to MonitorInUseLists + Revert Shenandoah-specific assert after JDK-8211926 landed + S8228746: Revert incorrect StubRoutines::contains change + S8231366: Shenandoah: Shenandoah String Dedup thread is not properly initialized * AArch64 port + S8151775, PR3750: aarch64: add support for 8.1 LSE atomic operations + S8179954, PR3762: AArch64: C1 and C2 volatile accesses are not sequentially consistent + S8205421, PR3762: AARCH64: StubCodeMark should be placed after alignment + S8206163, PR3762: AArch64: incorrect code generation for StoreCM + S8209420, PR3762: Track membars for volatile accesses so they can be properly optimized + S8211233, PR3762: MemBarNode::trailing_membar() and MemBarNode::leading_membar() need to handle dying subgraphs better + S8213134, PR3762: AArch64: vector shift failed with MaxVectorSize=8 + S8214857, PR3762: "bad trailing membar" assert failure at memnode.cpp:3220 + S8216350, PR3762: AArch64: monitor unlock fast path not called + S8219011, PR3762: Implement MacroAssembler::warn method on AArch64 + S8228400, PR3762: Remove built-in AArch64 simulator + S8228406, PR3762: Superfluous change in chaitin.hpp + S8228593, PR3762: Revert explicit JDK 7 support additions + S8228716, PR3762: Revert InstanceKlass::print_on debug additions + S8228718, PR3762: Revert incorrect backport of JDK-8129757 to 8-aarch64 + S8228725, PR3762: AArch64: Purge method call format support + S8228747, PR3762: Revert "unused" attribute from test_arraycopy_func + S8228767, PR3762: Revert ResourceMark additions + S8228770, PR3762: Revert development hsdis changes + S8229123, PR3762: Revert build fixes for aarch64/zero + S8229124, PR3762: Revert disassembler.cpp changes + S8229145, PR3762: Revert TemplateTable::bytecode() visibility change + PR3762: profile_has_unique_klass gives wrong result * AArch32 port + [aarch32] Fix debug build failure introduced at feec5f4cea8b + c1: misc bugfixes + [c1] [Spec98] _228_jack crash + CCC: align doubles on stack + CritcalJNI support + Fix ARMv6 target causes some asserts to fail + Fix ccc: float args should go to stack after first double allocated there + Fix for jtreg TestArrayCopy6769124 -Xcomp + Fix for single-core config crash + Fix JVMTI PopFrame: should skip runtime call if next bytecode is not invokestatic + Fix native_wrapper faste unlock register used for temp, avoid clobbering lock_obj register + Fix operand value corruption in arraycopy + Fix SIGSEGV in System.arraycopy + Fix wrong fault_pc in safefetch stubs + Follow-up the fix for 8161598 + JTReg test compiler/uncommontrap/ causes JVM assert + Raw long address should be converted to sizeof(ptr) one when it is required + S8207838: AArch32: Float registers incorrectly restored in JNI call + save_args/restore_args misses second part of VMRegPair - Removed patch: * hotspot-aarch64.patch + not needed any more with this version- Apply hotspot-aarch64.patch only for aarch64, as some other archs (armv6/7) use other hotspot sources- Add patch to fix boo#1138529: * hotspot-aarch64.patch- Update to version jdk8u222 (icedtea 3.13.0) * Security fixes + S8191073: JpegImageReader throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to read image data from tables-only image + S8208698, CVE-2019-2745, bsc#1141784: Improved ECC Implementation + S8212328, CVE-2019-2762, bsc#1141782: Exceptional throw cases + S8213431, CVE-2019-2766, bsc#1141789: Improve file protocol handling + S8213432, CVE-2019-2769, bsc#1141783: Better copies of CopiesList + S8216381, CVE-2019-2786, bsc#1141787: More limited privilege usage + S8217563: Improve realm maintenance + S8218863: Better endpoint checks + S8218873: Improve JSSE endpoint checking + S8218876, CVE-2019-7317, bsc#1141780: Improve PNG support options + S8219018: Adjust positions of glyphs + S8219020: Table alternate substitutions + S8219775: Certificate validation improvements + S8220192: Better outlook for SecureRandom + S8220517: Enhanced GIF support + S8221518, CVE-2019-2816, bsc#1141785: Normalize normalization + S8223511, CVE-2019-2842, bsc#1141786: Extended AES support * New features + PR3743: Support EA builds * Import of OpenJDK 8 u222 build 01 + S8022879: TEST_BUG: sun/nio/cs/ fails intermittently + S8025209: Intermittent test failure java/net/Socket/asyncClose/ + S8030690: TEST_BUG java/nio/Buffer/ fails intermittently + S8031563: TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/Selector/ failed once + S8031666: TEST_BUG: java/net/ipv6tests/ failed because of SocketTimeoutException + S8048782: OpenJDK: PiscesCache : xmax/ymax rounding up can cause RasterFormatException + S8055814: [TESTBUG] runtime/NMT/ fails with product builds due to missing UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions + S8073078: java/nio/file/FileStore/ sensitive to NFS configuration + S8129988: JSSE should create a single instance of the cacerts KeyStore + S8137231: sun/security/rsa/ timeout with Agent error: java.lang.Exception + S8150013: ParNew: Prune nmethods scavengable list. + S8151225: Mark as intermittently failing + S8154156: PPC64: improve array copy stubs by using vector instructions + S8156035: Remove intermittent key from sun/security/rsa/ + S8157287: java/nio/file/FileStore/ failed with "java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException : /zones/zoneone/root " + S8192854: FONTCONFIG_CFLAGS missing from + S8202768: [macos] Appkit thread slows when any Window Manager active + S8203627: Swing applications with JRadioButton and JCheckbox fail to render correctly when using GTK3 and the GTK L&F + S8205916: [test] Fix jdk/tools/launcher/RunpathTest to handle both, RPATH and RUNPATH + S8206955: MethodHandleProxies.asInterfaceInstance does not support default methods + S8207760: SAXException: Invalid UTF-16 surrogate detected: d83c ? + S8209951: Problematic sparc intrinsic: com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherBlockChaining + S8213825: assert(false) failed: Non-balanced monitor enter/exit! Likely JNI locking + S8214109: XToolkit is not correctly displayed color on 16-bit high color setting + S8214111: There is no icon in all JOptionPane target image + S8214112: The whole text in target JPasswordField image are not selected + S8214252: Expanded & Collapsed nodes of a JTree look the same on GTK3 + S8214253: Tooltip is transparent rather than having a black background + S8217263: Automate DashOffset test + S8217597: [TESTBUG] old version docker does not support - -cpus + S8218469: JSlider display issue with slider for GTKLookAndFeel + S8218470: JScrollBar display issue with GTKLookAndFeel + S8218472: JProgressBar display issue with GTKLookAndFeel + S8218473: JOptionPane display issue with GTKLookAndFeel + S8218479: JTextPane display issue with GTKLookAndFeel + S8220349: The fix done for JDK-8214253 have caused issues in JTree behaviour + S8220718: Missing ResourceMark in nmethod::metadata_do + S8221789: make reconfigure broken (jdk8u only) + S8222965: Backport of JDK-8129988 broke the build + S8222975: Fix 'release' file to reflect actual repo checkin used to compile JDK * Import of OpenJDK 8 u222 build 02 + S8134030: test/serviceability/dcmd/gc/HeapDumpTest fails to verify the dump + S8151539: Remove duplicate AlwaysTrueClosures + S8176100: [REDO][REDO] G1 Needs pre barrier on dereference of weak JNI handles + S8210416: [linux] Poor StrictMath performance due to non-optimized compilation + S8217315: Proper units should print more significant digits + S8218674: HTML Tooltip with "img=src" on component doesn't show * Import of OpenJDK 8 u222 build 03 + S7100957: SOCKS proxying does not work with IPv6 connections + S7102541: RFE: os::set_native_thread_name() cleanups + S8144332: HSDB could not terminate when close button is pushed. + S8151322: Implement os::set_native_thread_name() on Solaris + S8154387: Parallel unordered Stream.limit() tries to collect 128 elements even if limit is less + S8189131: Open-source the Oracle JDK Root Certificates + S8189949: Remove Baltimore Cybertrust Code Signing CA + S8191031: Remove several Symantec Root CAs + S8191844: Remove SECOM root (secomevrootca1) + S8195774: Add Entrust root certificates + S8195793: Remove GTE CyberTrust Global Root + S8196141: Add GoDaddy root certificates + S8199779: Add T-Systems, GlobalSign and Starfield services root certificates + S8204923: Restore Symantec root verisignclass2g2ca + S8209506: Add Google Trust Services GlobalSign root certificates + S8210425: [x86] sharedRuntimeTrig/sharedRuntimeTrans compiled without optimization + S8210432: Add additional TeliaSonera root certificate + S8213213: Remove src/java.desktop/unix/classes/sun/awt/X11/keysym2ucs.h + S8214770: java/time/test/java/time/format/ / failed in non-english locales. + S8216577: Add GlobalSign's R6 Root certificate + S8218152: [javac] fails and exits with no error if a bad annotation processor provided + S8222136: Remove two Comodo root CA certificates that are expiring + S8222137: Remove T-Systems root CA certificate + S8223555: Cleanups in cacerts tests + S8223664: Add jtreg tests for 8223528, backport to jdk8u of 8176100 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u222 build 04 + S8158232: PPC64: improve byte, int and long array copy stubs by using VSX instructions + S8190974: Parallel stream execution within a custom ForkJoinPool should obey the parallelism + S8203190: SessionId.hashCode generates too many collisions + S8223499: Remove two DocuSign root certificates that are expiring + S8223883: Fix jni.cpp copyright date after 8223528 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u222 build 05 + S8019816: [TEST_BUG][macosx] closed/java/awt/BasicStroke/ / not on EDT + S8044289: In ImageIO.write() and null stream is not handled properly. + S8055705: Rename UnixPrintServiceLookup and Win32PrintServiceLookup as a platform neutral class name + S8059575: JEP-JDK-8043304: Test task: Tiered Compilation level transition tests + S8075939: Stream.flatMap() causes breaking of short-circuiting of terminal operations + S8143097: java/net/ipv6tests/ fails intermittently with "checkTime failed: got 1998 expected 4000" + S8151226: Mark as intermittently failing + S8166684: PPC64: implement intrinsic code with vector instructions for Unsafe.copyMemory() + S8185969: PPC64: Improve VSR support to use up to 64 registers + S8193830: Xalan Update: Xalan Java 2.7.2 + S8196775: java/net/Socket/asyncClose/ failed intermittently on Windows with ConnectException: Connection refused + S8202414: Unsafe write after primitive array creation may result in array length change + S8202651: Test fails + S8204929: Fonts with embedded bitmaps are not always rotated + S8210886: Remove references in to non-existent files. + S8210985: Update the default SSL session cache size to 20480 + S8213183: InputMethod cannot be used after its restarting + S8214765: All TrayIcon MessageType icons does not show up with gtk3 option set + S8218020: Back out accidental changes that belong elsewhere + S8218020: Fix version number in 3rd party legal file + S8220495: Update GIFlib library to the 5.1.8 + S8222670: pathological case of JIT recompilation and code cache bloat + S8223537: testlibrary_tests/ctw/ fails with Agent timeout frequently + S8224727: Problem list test security/infra/java/security/ /cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ + S8225065: Revert 8221166 (8u backport of 8048782) * Import of OpenJDK 8 u222 build 06 + S8173910: (fs) java/nio/file/FileSystem/ should conditionally check FileStores + S8176237: (fs) java/nio/file/FileStore/ should conditionally check FileStores + S8202884: SA: Attach/detach might fail on Linux if debugee application create/destroy threads during attaching * Import of OpenJDK 8 u222 build 07 + S8153732: Windows remote printer changes do not reflect in lookupPrintServices() + S8212202: [Windows] Exception if no printers are installed. + S8221263: [TEST_BUG] RemotePrinterStatusRefresh test is hard to use + S8221412: lookupPrintServices() does not always update the list of Windows remote printers + S8225716: G1 GC: Undefined behaviour in G1BlockOffsetTablePart::block_at_or_preceding * Import of OpenJDK 8 u222 build 08 + S8040211: Update LSR datafile for BCP 47 + S8177472: Remove hard-coded IANA Subtag Registry map in + S8181594: Efficient and constant-time modular arithmetic + S8182999: SunEC throws ProviderException on invalid curves + S8187946: Support ISO 4217 Amendments 163 and 164 + S8191404: Upgrading JDK with latest available LSR data from IANA. + S8193552: ISO 4217 amendment 165 + S8195478: sun/text/resources/ fails with java.lang.Exception + S8201317: X25519/X448 code improvements + S8202026: ISO 4217 amendment 166 + S8203228: Branch-free output conversion for X25519 and X448 + S8203872: Upgrading JDK with latest available LSR data from IANA. + S8204269: ISO 4217 amendment 167 + S8208648: ECC Field Arithmetic Enhancements + S8208746: ISO 4217 Amendment #168 update + S8209775: ISO 4217 Amendment #169 update + S8210153: localized currency symbol of VES + S8213294: Upgrade IANA LSR data + S8214935: Upgrade IANA LSR data + S8219781: Localized names for Japanese era Reiwa in COMPAT provider * Import of OpenJDK 8 u222 build 09 + S8135248: Add utility methods to check indexes and ranges + S8142493: Utility methods to check indexes and ranges doesn't specify behavior when function produces null + S8146458: Improve exception reporting for Objects.checkIndex/checkFromToIndex/checkFromIndexSize + S8155794: Move Objects.checkIndex BiFunction accepting methods to an internal package + S8179098: Crypto AES/ECB encryption/decryption performance regression (introduced in jdk9b73) * Import of OpenJDK 8 u222 build 10 + S8157792: After Integrating tzdata2016d the test/sun/util/ /calendar/zi/ fails for "Asia/Oral" and "Asia/Qyzylorda" Timezones + S8215982: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2018i + S8224560: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2019a + S8225580: tzdata2018i integration causes test failures on jdk-13 * Shenandoah + [backport] 8210879: ClassLoaderStatsClosure does raw oop comparison + [backport] 8216973: Kick up cleanup phases in the right places + [backport] 8217016: Shenandoah: Streamline generation of CAS barriers + [backport] 8217043: Shenandoah: SIGSEGV in Type::meet_helper() at barrier expansion time + [backport] 8217213: shenandoahTaskQueue.hpp includes .inline.hpp file + [backport] 8217319: Cleanup Shenandoah includes + [backport] 8217343: Shenandoah control thread should be able to run at critical priority + [backport] 8217400: Optimized build is broken by Shenandoah changes + [backport] 8217874: Shenandoah: Clobbered register in ShenandoahBarrierSetAssembler::cmpxchg_oop() + [backport] 8219524: Shenandoah misreports "committed" size in MemoryMXBean + [backport] 8219857: Shenandoah GC may initialize thread's gclab twice + [backport] 8219976: GarbageCollectionNotificationInfo always says "No GC" when running Shenandoah + [backport] 8220153: Shenandoah does not work with TransparentHugePages properly + [backport] 8220162: Shenandoah should not commit HugeTLBFS memory + [backport] 8220228: Improve Shenandoah pacing histogram message + [backport] 8220350: Refactor ShenandoahHeap::initialize + [backport] 8220712: [TESTBUG] gc/shenandoah/compiler/ /TestMaybeNullUnsafeAccess should run with Shenandoah enabled + [backport] 8220714: C2 Compilation failure when accessing off-heap memory using Unsafe + [backport] 8221278: Shenandoah should not enqueue string dedup candidates during root scan + [backport] 8222130: Shenandoah should verify roots after pre-evacuation + [backport] 8222185: Shenandoah should report "committed" as capacity + [backport] 8222186: Shenandoah should not uncommit below minimum heap size + [backport] 8222403: Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahAlwaysTrueClosure, use AlwaysTrueClosure instead + [backport] 8222425: Shenandoah: Move commonly used closures to separate files + [backport] 8223446: Shenandoah breaks alignment with some HumongousThreshold values + [backport] 8223447: Stabilize gc/shenandoah/TestStringDedupStress test + [backport] 8223651: Build fails with - -with-jvm-features=-jfr and --disable-precompiled-headers + [backport] 8223759: Shenandoah should allow arbitrarily low initial heap size + [backport] 8223762: Shenandoah: overflows in calculations involving heap capacity + [backport] 8223767: Shenandoah fails to build on Solaris x86_64 + [backport] 8223980: Shenandoah: Refactor and fix ObjArrayChunkedTask verification + [backport] 8222838: Shenandoah: SEGV on accessing cset bitmap for NULL ptr + [backport] 8222843: Print Shenandoah cset map addresses in hs_err + [backport] Added a few missed worker sessions for worker tasks + [backport] Add JFR parallel and concurrent events (infrastructure) + [backport] Adjust metaspace size during each GC + [backport] A few more missing object equals barriers + [backport] Always copy forward for disjoint arrays (test) + [backport] Assert that Shenandoah does not trip JDK-8211926 + [backport] Avoid false sharing by padding the ShenandoahEvacOOMHandler field in ShenandoahHeap + [backport] Avoid write barrier during full GC + [backport] Beef up and parallelize EvilSyncBug test + [backport] c2 verification pass fixes for CAS + [backport] Cherry-pick bulk MarkBitMap clearing methods + [backport] Cherry-pick JDK-8212673, fix for Node::eqv_uncast + [backport] Cleanup .ad files includes + [backport] Clean up and regroup Shenandoah flags + [backport] Cleanup buffered queue handling + [backport] Cleanup C2 debugging leftovers + [backport] Clean up dead code + [backport] Clean up declarations and uses of marked_object_iterate + [backport] Cleanup header files and forward declarations + [backport] Clean up Shenandoah configurations in shared tests + [backport] Clean up ShHeap::heap_region_iterate uses + [backport] Cleanup unused bitmap methods + [backport] Cleanup up superfluous newlines + [backport] Coarsen Full GC use of heap lock + [backport] Code root iterators should not be instantiated in worker threads + [backport] Common liveness cache in ShHeap + [backport] Compact heuristics adjustments + [backport] Concurrent cycle by default on any external GC request + [backport] Disable heap iteration for Shenandoah in SA + [backport] Disable ShHeapUncommit on too-large large-pages + [backport] Drop Shenandoah from test names + [backport] Eliminating Shenandoah exposure to CLD + [backport] Enable NUMA by default + [backport] Enable string deduplication in all marking phases + [backport] Factor out implicit/explicit GC requests + [backport] Fail early when critical barriers are disabled + [backport] Filter out test for Shenandoah + [backport] Filter upstream tests for Shenandoah (part 1: tier1_gc) + [backport] Fix build failures when Shenandoah is disabled, after #include reshuffles + [backport] Fix call to is_g1_marking_load() with is_shenandoah_state_load() in ShenandoahSupport + [backport] Fix compilation errors due to missing spaces between string literal and macro + [backport] Fixed ShenandoahStrDedupStress test that causes negative index OOB exception + [backport] Fix inconsistent "process weakrefs" logging + [backport] Fix indentation of CriticalNative* tests + [backport] Fix indenting in ShMarkCompact::do_it + [backport] Fix up superfluous changes against upstream + [backport] Fix various formattings and namings in shared GC code + [backport] Fix Windows build failure + [backport] Force termination logic is inverted + [backport] Handle metadata induced GC + [backport] Handle ShHeap::time_since_last_millis for RMI users + [backport] Handle update_refs, class_unload, ref_proc in ShConcMark better + [backport] Homogenize unimplemented stubs handling + [backport] Improve liveness count during marking + [backport] Initial committed regions count can be more than max + [backport] Inline/rename confusingly named methods in ShConcurrentMark + [backport] Inline ShHeap::do_marked_object_complete + [backport] Inline ShHeap::monitoring_support into header + [backport] Inline ShHeap::prepare_concurrent_evacuation + [backport] Inline trivial ShHeap methods right in header + [backport] In update-refs, update all code-roots when in degen-gc + [backport] JVMTI lacks a few GC barriers/hooks + [backport] Make heuristics tell if we can process references or unload classes + [backport] Make ResourceMark use consistent in ShenandoahCodeRoots + [backport] Make Shenandoah to use ShenandoahOWST only + [backport] Make sure bitmap is marked incomplete before bitmap resets + [backport] Make sure debug builds fail predictably on safepoint timeout + [backport] Micro-optimize ShHeap::get_region by moving the most likely branch first + [backport] Minor cleanup of Shenandoah SA + [backport] Missed VerifyObjectEquals in VerifyJCStressTest + [backport] More AArch64 assembler cleanups + [backport] Move HdrSeq and BinaryMagnitudeSeq into Shenandoah utilities + [backport] Move ShenandoahAllocType and ShenandoahAllocRequest to separate file + [backport] Move ShenandoahGCTracer to gc/shenandoah + [backport] Move Shenandoah tests to proper locations + [backport] Need to step over GC barriers in Node::eqv_uncast() + [backport] Parallel heap region iteration + [backport] Parallelise "Clear Liveness" + [backport] Parallelise "Complete Liveness" + [backport] Partial infrastructure for suspendible workers + [backport] Precleaning should use GC workers to do actual work + [backport] Pre-evac JVMTI roots + fixes + [backport] Prefix Shenandoah tests with "Test" + [backport] Prepare tests for making UseShenandoahGC experimental + [backport] Print number of threads in Shenandoah SA heap summary + [backport] Print "process weakrefs" to disambiguate vs CM-with-UR + [backport] Protect more internal code from false sharing + [backport] Protect risky conversion in ShenandoahHeap::millis_since_last_gc + [backport] Purge some G1-related cruft in C2 + [backport] Purge unnecessary time conversion in ShenandoahPhaseTimings::record_phase_time + [backport] Readjust ShenandoahStrDedupStress test to avoid timeout + [backport] Record location when asserting the code root correctness + [backport] Refactor bitmap cleaning + [backport] Reformat Shenandoah tests + [backport] Rehash and cleanup usages of ShenandoahHeap::heap() + [backport] Re-label Shenandoah GC causes (SA&GC) + [backport] Remove dead-weight ShenandoahPrinter + [backport] Remove fix-roots pass in ShHeap + [backport] Remove obsolete and ignored TestHeapAlloc + [backport] Remove obsolete code snippet related to barriers on constants + [backport] Remove obsolete unused flags + [backport] Remove old code from escape analysis + [backport] Remove Parallel Cleanup counters + [backport] Remove ShenandoahCompileCheck + [backport] Remove ShenandoahWriteBarrierCsetTestInIR flag + [backport] Remove ShenandoahWriteBarrierRB flag + [backport] Remove ShHeap::_heap_expansion_count + [backport] Remove ShHeap::region_in_collection_set in favor of SHR::in_cset + [backport] Remove ShWB from formssel.cpp + [backport] Remove unused SA + [backport] Remove unused ShenandoahEvacuateRootsClosure + [backport] Remove useless change in loopnode.cpp + [backport] Remove useless ShHeap::heap_region_iterate + [backport] Rename BrooksPointer to ShenandoahBrooksPointer + [backport] Rename concurrentMark -> concurrent_mark + [backport] Rename fields in (SA) to omit 'Regions' and 'Field' suffix + [backport] Rename ShHeap::shenandoahPolicy -> ShHeap::shenandoah_policy + [backport] Rename UINT64_FORMAT_HEX_W to UINT64_FORMAT_X_W + [backport] Rename VerifyObjectEquals to ShenandoahVerifyObjectEquals + [backport] Rename vm_operations_shenandoah.* to shenandoahVMOperations.* + [backport] Renaming ShenandoahParallelEvacuationTask to ShenandoahConcurrentEvacuationTask + [backport] Separate "passive" heuristics from "adaptive" + [backport] Several AArch64 cleanups + [backport] ShenandoahMemoryPool should support usage threshold + [backport] Shenandoah should @require Shenandoah, @key gc, and have good @test + [backport] Shenandoah test groups should not include each other + [backport] Silence VSC++ about multiple assignment operators + [backport] Simplify Shenandoah task termination in aborted paths + [backport] Single marking bitmap + [backport] Skip pre-evac verification and pacing on shortcut cycle path + [backport] Some Shenandoah related additions to SA + [backport] Sort ShenandoahConcurrentMark methods/fields into logical groups + [backport] Sort ShenandoahHeap methods/fields into logical groups + [backport] StringDedupMode enum for closures/method templates + [backport] Support VerifyBeforeGC and VerifyAfterGC VM options + [backport] Suppressing VSC++ warning locally + [backport] Trim down oop-equals verification + [backport] Trim unused code from Shenandoah SA + [backport] Turn TestReferenceCAS into a standalone/no-testng test + [backport] Update copyrights + [backport] Use ShenandoahAllocationThreshold in ShenandoahStaticHeuristics constructor + [backport] Use s-macro to keep GC phase enum and names in sync + Enable heap inspection for Shenandoah + Excess barriers before JNI accesses, already covered by "Move barriers into typeArrayOop.hpp direct memory accessors" + Fix build failure due to unknown INCLUDE_SHENANDOAHGC + Fix dangling write-barrier in acmp + Fix force termination detection by spin master + Fix minimal VM build + Fix non-PCH builds + Fix shutdown deadlock due to blocking SATB flush periodic task + JDK8u-only: Use WB-based acmp barrier + Prettify Shenandoah JDK 8 logging + ShenandoahSATBBufferSize cannot be size_t in 8u + Adjust code stub sizes for Shenandoah and future backports + Enable weak JNI handling with Shenandoah after JDK-8176100 * AArch64 port + S8176100, PR3745: [AArch64] [REDO][REDO] G1 Needs pre barrier on dereference of weak JNI handles + S8186325, PR3745: AArch64: jtreg test hotspot/test/gc/g1/TestJNIWeakG1/ SEGV + S8210425, PR3745: [AArch64] sharedRuntimeTrig/sharedRuntimeTrans compiled without optimization + S8224671, PR3745: AArch64: mauve System.arraycopy test failure + S8224828, PR3745: aarch64: rflags is not correct after safepoint poll + S8224880, PR3745: AArch64: java/javac error with AllocatePrefetchDistance * AArch32 port + [aarch32] fix crash 'guarantee(sect->end() <= tend) failed: sanity' + Remove debug output + S8176100: [aarch32] [REDO][REDO] G1 Needs pre barrier on dereference of weak JNI handles - Removed patch: * aarch64.patch + not needed any more- Do not fail installation when the manpages are not present (bsc#1115375)- Update to version jdk8u212 (icedtea 3.12.0) * Security fixes + S8211936, CVE-2019-2602, bsc#1132728: Better String parsing + S8218453, CVE-2019-2684, bsc#1132732: More dynamic RMI interactions + S8219066, CVE-2019-2698, bsc#1132729: Fuzzing TrueType fonts: setCurrGlyphID() * New features + PR3734: Make use of branding options * Import of OpenJDK 8 u202 build 08 + S8064811: Use THREAD instead of CHECK_NULL in return statements + S8068440: times out + S8073139: PPC64: User-visible arch directory and os.arch value on ppc64le cause issues with Java tooling + S8073159: improve + S8129560: fails on Solaris because private exponent needs to comply with FIPS 186-4 + S8130655: OS X: keyboard input in textfield is not possible if the window contained textfield is owned by EmbeddedFrame + S8131051: KDC might issue a renewable ticket even if not requested + S8134124: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ fails when using Hindi locale + S8139507: WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs + S8141421: Various test fail with OOME on win x86 + S8145788: JVM crashes with -XX:+EnableTracing + S8155635: C2: Mixed unsafe accesses break alias analysis + S8156709: Cannot call setSeed on NativePRNG on Mac if EGD is /dev/urandom + S8160928: javac incorrectly copies over interior type annotations to bridge method + S8161732: [TEST_BUG] Test closed/java/awt/MenuBar/MenuBarPeer/ / fails in unix enviroments with NullPointerException + S8163083: SocketListeningConnector does not allow invocations with port 0 + S8164383: jhsdb dumps core on Solaris 12 when loading dumped core + S8170937: Swing apps are slow if displaying from a remote source to many local displays + S8174050: Compilation errors with clang-4.0 + S8182461: IndexOutOfBoundsException when reading indexed color BMP + S8183979: Remove Kodak CMS (KCMS) code from Oracle JDK + S8186098: sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/ failed due to libnss3 version cannot be parsed + S8187218: GSSCredential.getRemainingLifetime() returns negative value for TTL > 24 days. + S8191006: hsdis disassembler plugin does not compile with binutils 2.29+ + S8191178: [macos] Problem with input of yen symbol + S8191948: db error: InvalidTypeException: Can't assign double[][][] to double[][][] + S8193879: Java debugger hangs on method invocation + S8194864: Outputs more details for PKCS11 tests if the NSS lib version cannot be determined + S8196882: VS2017 Hotspot Defined vsnprintf Function Causes C2084 Already Defined Compilation Error + S8200719: Cannot connect to IPv6 host when exists any active network interface without IPv6 address + S8201801: RTL language (Hebrew) is presented from left to right + S8202264: Race condition in AudioClip.loop() + S8202557: OpenJDK fails to start in Windows 7 and 8.1 after upgrading compiler to VC 2017 + S8204966: [TESTBUG] hotspot/test/compiler/whitebox/ / test fails with - XX:CompileThreshold=1 + S8205479: OS X: requestFocus() does not work properly for embedded frame + S8205965: SIGSEGV on write to NativeCallStack::EMPTY_STACK + S8206392: [macosx] Cycling through windows (JFrames) does not work with keyboard shortcut + S8206911: javax/xml/crypto/dsig/ fails in 8u-dev + S8207060: Memory leak when malloc fails within WITH_UNICODE_STRING block + S8207145: (fs) Native memory leak in WindowsNativeDispatcher.LookupPrivilegeValue0 + S8207150: Clip.isRunning() may return true after Clip.stop() was called + S8207322: Backport GTK3 support on Linux to 8u + S8207750: Native handle leak in + S8208091: SA: jhsdb jstack --mixed throws UnmappedAddressException on i686 + S8208183: update HSDIS plugin license to UPL + S8208541: non-ASCII characters in hsdis UPL text + S8208638: Instead of circle rendered in appl window, but ellipse is produced JEditor Pane + S8209184: JCK Test Failure due to ResourceBundle + S8209359: [8u] hotspot needs to recognise cl.exe 19.13 to build with VS2017. + S8209863: Add a test to verify that -XX:+EnableTracing works + S8210350: -Wl,-z,defs JDK 8 build failure + S8210384: SunLayoutEngine.isAAT() font is expensive on MacOS + S8210736: jdk/javax/xml/crypto/dsig/ slow on linux + S8210891: Remove unused extutil.h from JDK8u sources + S8211124: HotSpot update for vm_version.cpp to recognise updated VS2017 + S8211150: G1 Full GC not purging code root memory and hence causing memory leak + S8211394: CHECK_ must be used in the rhs of an assignment statement within a block + S8211909: JDWP Transport Listener: dt_socket thread crash + S8211933: [8u] hotspot adlc needs to link statically with libstdc++ for gcc7.3 + S8212709: Backout backport of JDK-8211394 from jdk 8u-dev + S8212821: CHECK_ must be used in the rhs of an assignment statement within a block (round 2) * Import of OpenJDK 8 u212 build 04 + S7127191: SA JSDB does not display native symbols correctly for transported Linux cores + S8027434: "-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError" uses fork instead of vfork + S8028254: gc/arguments/ failed with unexpected initial heap size + S8042131: DateTimeFormatterBuilder Mapped-values do not work for JapaneseDate + S8043387: java/time/test/java/util/ failed. + S8044047: Missing null pointer checks for streams + S8059038: Create new launcher for SA tools + S8065749: [TESTBUG]: gc/arguments/ fails at nightly + S8068269: RTM tests that assert on non-zero lock statistics are too strict in RTMTotalCountIncrRate > 1 cases + S8076164: [JTextField] When input too long Thai character, cursor's behavior is odd + S8076274: [TESTBUG] Remove @ignore from runtime\NMT\ + S8076458: java/util/stream/test/org/openjdk/tests/java/util/ /stream/ timeout + S8077608: [TESTBUG] Enable Hotspot jtreg tests to run in agentvm mode + S8080932: [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/BasicStroke/ fails with Bad script error due to improper @run notation + S8132136: [PIT] RTL orientation in JEditorPane is broken + S8132985: Crash in freetypescaler.c due to double free + S8133108: [PIT] Container size is wrong in JEditorPane + S8133731: [TEST_BUG] Unmappable in ASCII character such as Thai should be escaped in the regtests targeted for a regular non-I18n runs + S8133802: replace some tags (obsolete in html5) in security-libs docs + S8133984: print_compressed_class_space() is only defined in 64-bit VM + S8139803: Fix for 8132985 breaks OpenJDK build on windows. + S8148928: java/util/stream/test/**/ timed out intermittently + S8164656: krb5 does not retry if TCP connection timeouts + S8170681: Remove fontconfig header files from JDK source tree + S8175120: Remove old tests on kdc timeout policy + S8180469: Wrong short form text for supplemental Japanese era + S8180904: Hotspot tests running with -agentvm failing due to classpath + S8185975: PPC64: Fix vsldoi interface according to the ISA + S8187364: Unable to enter zero width non-joiner (ZWNJ) symbol in Swing text component + S8189761: COMPANY_NAME, IMPLEMENTOR, BUNDLE_VENDOR, VENDOR, but no configure flag + S8193764: Cannot set COMPANY_NAME when configuring a build + S8195153: [test] runtime/6981737/ shouldn't check 'java.vendor' and 'java.vm.vendor' properties + S8200109: NMT: diff_malloc_site assert(early->flags() == current->flags(), "Must be the same memory type") + S8200115: System property java.vm.vendor value includes quotation marks + S8202088: Japanese new era implementation + S8204142: AWT hang occurs when sequenced events arrive out of sequence in multiple AppContexts + S8205432: Replace the placeholder Japanese era name + S8206075: On x86, assert on unbound assembler Labels used as branch targets + S8206120: Add test cases for lenient Japanese era parsing + S8207070: Webstart app popup on wrong screen in a one-screen setup changing to multi-monitor + S8207152: Placeholder for Japanese new era should be two characters + S8207258: Distrust TLS server certificates anchored by Symantec Root CAs + S8208480: Test failure: assert(is_bound() || is_unused()) after JDK-8206075 in C1 + S8208656: Move java/util/Calendar/CalendarTestScripts tests into OpenJDK + S8210633: Cannot parse JapaneseDate string with DateTimeFormatterBuilder Mapped-values + S8210647: libsaproc is being compiled without optimization + S8211106: [windows] Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2019 + S8211231: BarrierSetC1::generate_referent_check() confuses register allocator + S8211382: ISO2022JP and GB18030 NIO converter issues + S8211398: Square character support for the Japanese new era + S8211435: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-1" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null source + S8211926: Catastrophic size_t underflow in BitMap::*_large methods + S8212110: Build of saproc.dll broken on Windows 32 bit after JDK-8210647 + S8212178: Soft reference reclamation race in + S8212914: Test javax/imageio/plugins/bmp/ fails + S8212941: Support new Japanese era in java.time.chrono.JapaneseEra + S8213151: [AIX] Some class library files are missing the Classpath exception + S8213154: Update copyright headers of files in src tree that are missing Classpath exception + S8213419: C2 may hang in MulLNode::Ideal()/MulINode::Ideal() with gcc 8.2.1 + S8213583: Error while opening the JFileChooser when desktop contains shortcuts pointing to deleted files. + S8213952: Relax DNSName restriction as per RFC 1123 + S8213983: [macosx] Keyboard shortcut \u201ccmd +`\u201d stops working properly if popup window is displayed + S8213992: Rename and make DieOnSafepointTimeout the diagnostic option + S8214061: Buffer written into itself + S8214189: test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/intrinsics/mathexact/ / fails on Windows x64 when run with -XX:-TieredCompilation + S8214206: Fix for JDK-8213419 is broken on 32-bit + S8215364: JavaFX crashes on Ubuntu 18.04 with Wayland while using Swing-FX interop + S8215934: G1 Old Gen MemoryPool CollectionUsage.used values don't reflect mixed GC results + S8215976: Fix gmtime_r declaration conflicts in zip.cpp with linux header files + S8216037: Avoid calling vm_update with a NULL name + S8216058: [TESTBUG] tools/launcher/ fails after JDK-8215992 + S8216396: Support new Japanese era and new currency code points in java.lang.Character for Java SE 8 + S8217305: Missing 0 in java.dll file version cause issues with patch management software + S8217432: MetaspaceGC::_capacity_until_GC exceeds MaxMetaspaceSize + S8217520: Remove vm.opt.MaxGCPauseMillis == "null" from + S8217579: TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV is disabled after 8211883 + S8217609: New era placeholder not recognized by java.text.SimpleDateFormat + S8217710: Add 5 currency code points to Java SE 8uX + S8218613: [TESTBUG] runtime/ErrorHandling tests are building incorrect testlibrary classes + S8218915: Change isJavaIdentifierStart and isJavaIdentifierPart to handle new code points + S8219636: Windows build failure after JDK-8207070 8u backport + S8219890: Calendar.getDisplayName() returns empty string for new Japanese Era on some locales + S8219961: [ppc64] Increase code size for interpreter generation. + S8220397: REGRESSION: JDK-8036003 backport regresses no_strip builds + S8220641: [TESTBUG] New test introduced by JDK-8164656 needs same change as JDK-8190690 + S8221355: Performance regression after JDK-8155635 backport into 8u * Backports + S8222286, PR3727: Fix for JDK-8213419 is broken on s390 * Bug fixes + PR3718: Change category Development to Settings + PR3719: Use JRE bin directory in + PR3722: Use SDK bin directory in + PR3723: Use shortened Java version first in Name field of desktop files + PR3728: CVE-2018-3639 fix revision to prefer PR_SPEC_DISABLE_NOEXEC to PR_SPEC_DISABLE + PR3736: Use https URLs where possible. * AArch64 port + S8153172, PR3724: aarch64: hotspot crashes after the 8.1 LSE patch is merged + S8213419, PR3724: [AArch64] C2 may hang in MulLNode::Ideal()/MulINode::Ideal() with gcc 8.2.1 + S8221220, PR3724: AArch64: Add StoreStore membar explicitly for Volatile Writes in TemplateTable * AArch32 port + S8213419: [AArch32] C2 may hang in MulLNode::Ideal()/MulINode::Ideal() with gcc 8.2.1 + S8214189: [AArch32] test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/intrinsics/ /mathexact/ fails on Windows x64 when run with -XX:-TieredCompilation - Modified patch: * java-1_8_0-openjdk-suse-desktop-files.patch + rediff to changed context- Disable LTO (boo#1133135).- Update to version jdk8u201 (icedtea 3.11.0) * Security fixes + S8199156: Better route routing + S8199161: Better interface enumeration + S8199166: Better interface lists + S8199552: Update to build scripts + S8200659: Improve BigDecimal support + S8203955: Improve robot support + S8204895: Better icon support + S8205356: Choose printer defaults + S8205709: Proper allocation handling + S8205714: Initial class initialization + S8206290, CVE-2019-2422, bsc#1122293: Better FileChannel transfer performance + S8206295: More reliable p11 transactions + S8206301: Improve NIO stability + S8208585: Make crypto code more robust + S8209094, CVE-2019-2426: Improve web server connections + S8210094: Better loading of classloader classes + S8210598: Strengthen Windows Access Bridge Support + S8210606: Improved data set handling + S8210610: Improved LSA authentication + S8210866, CVE-2018-11212, bsc#1122299: Improve JPEG processing + S8210870: Libsunmscapi improved interactions * New features + PR3667: Use the internal copy of the SunEC library rather than statically linking against NSS * Import of OpenJDK 8 u192 build 12 + S6730115: Fastdebug VM crashes with "ExceptionMark destructor expects no pending exceptions" error + S8022177: Windows/MSYS builds broken + S8026331: hs_err improvement: Print if we have seen any OutOfMemoryErrors or StackOverflowErrors + S8026335: hs_err improvement: Print exact compressed oops mode and the heap base value. + S8027584: Disable ccache by default + S8031759: Improved tool overriding in configure + S8033292: only warn, not fail, on unknown variables in configure + S8034199: Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration + S8034788: Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform. + S8035074: hs_err improvement: Add time zone information in the hs_err file + S8035495: Improvements in autoconf integration + S8035725: Must keep microsoft VS_PATH on PATH after toolchain detection + S8035730: Configure fails in cygwin if current dir is in /home/user + S8035751: Clean up Visual Studio detection logic + S8035825: Warn instead of fail when calling the configure wrapper directly + S8036003: Add - -with-native-debug-symbols=[none|internal|external|zipped] + S8038340: Cleanup and fix sysroot and devkit handling on Linux and Solaris + S8039030: 9-dev windows-i586 build failed with mktemp: command not found + S8041623: Solaris Studio 12.4 C++ 5.13, CHECK_UNHANDLED_OOPS use of class oop's copy constructor definitions causing error level diagnostic. + S8042707: Source changes needed to build JDK 9 with Visual Studio 2013 (VS2013) + S8048128: Fix for Solaris Studio C++ 5.13, CHECK_UNHANDLED_OOPS breaks PPC build. + S8057538: Build the freetype library during configure on Windows + S8067239: [TESTBUG] javax/xml/bind/marshal/8036981/ failed + S8069124: runtime/NMT/ failing in nightlies + S8077420: Build failure with SS12u4 + S8078437: Enable use of devkits for Windows + S8079788: Fix broken CL version detection in configure for some Visual Studio configurations + S8081202: Hotspot compile warning: "Invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier" + S8081323: ConstantPool::_resolved_references is missing in heap dump + S8114823: G1 doesn't honor request to disable class unloading + S8134157: adlc fails to compile with SS12u4 + S8138692: libjsig compilation is missing EXTRA_CFLAGS on macosx + S8140470: javax/xml/crypto/dsig/SecurityManager/ / failed with AccessControlException + S8148175: C1: G1 barriers don't preserve FP registers + S8150426: Wrong cast in metadata_at_put + S8150688: Fix os_windows siglabel + S8153194: runs out of memory in the nightlies + S8156824: com.sun.jndi.ldap.pool.PoolCleaner should clear its context class loader + S8158012: Use SW prefetch instructions instead of BIS for allocation prefetches on SPARC Core C4 + S8160748: Inconsistent types for ideal_reg + S8162362: Introduce system property to control enabled ciphersuites + S8162540: Crash in C2 escape analysis with assert: "node should be registered" + S8165463: Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations + S8173013: JVMTI tagged object access needs G1 pre-barrier + S8176033: New cygwin grep does not match \r as newline + S8176192: Incorrect usage of Iterator in Java 8 In com.sun.jndi.ldap.EventSupport.removeNamingListener + S8178370: [TEST_BUG] java/security/Signature/ fails + S8179079: Incremental HotSpot builds broken on Windows + S8179675: Build with error on windows with new Cygwin grep + S8185855: Debug exception stacks should be clearer + S8186171: HashMap: Entry.setValue may not work after Iterator.remove() called for previous entries + S8186646: Nashorn: "duplicate code" assertion when binding a vararg function that just passes arguments along + S8188083: NullPointerExcpn-java.awt.image.FilteredImageSource .startProduction JDK-8079607 + S8189170: Add option to disable stack overflow checking in primordial thread for use with JNI_CreateJavaJVM + S8189760: sun/security/ssl/CertPathRestrictions/ / failed with unexpected Exception intermittently + S8193171: keytool -list displays "JKS" for a PKCS12 keystore + S8193758: Update copyright headers of files in src tree that are missing Classpath exception + S8194412: Adding 256 units of IsoFields.QUARTER_YEARS broken + S8194642: Improve OOM error reporting for JDK8 + S8195095: Images are not scaled correctly in JEditorPane + S8195738: scroll poistion in ScrollPane is reset after calling validate() + S8196108: Add build support for VS 2015/2017 + S8196880: VS2017 Addition of Global Delete Operator with Size Parameter Conflicts with Arena's Chunk Provided One + S8196884: VS2017 Multiple Type Cast Conversion Compilation Errors + S8197864: VS2017 (C4334) Result of 32-bit Shift Implicitly Converted to 64 bits + S8197868: VS2017 (C2065) 'timezone': Undeclared Identifier in share/runtime/os.cpp + S8198304: VS2017 (C4838, C4312) Various conversion issues with gtest tests + S8198898: Compilation errors in jdk.crypto.mscapi with VS 2017 + S8200353: Shift or Capslock not working in Textfield after accented keystrokes + S8201240: Improve releasing native resources of BufImgSurfaceData.ICMColorData + S8201369: Inet4AddressImpl_getLocalHostName reverse lookup on Solaris only + S8202600: [Zero] Undefined behaviour in src/os_cpu/linux_zero/vm/os_linux_zero.cpp + S8202696: Remove exclusion range for phonetic chars in windows + S8203349: 8u hotspot should recognise later Windows compilers + S8203368: ObjectInputStream filterCheck method throws NullPointerException + S8203499: Uninitialised memory in WinAccessBridge.cpp + S8203790: MSVCP dependency introduced in awt.dll + S8203845: backport of JDK-8034788 inadvertently rolled back JDK-8187045 changes to toolchain.m4 + S8204053: not linked with -z,noexecstack + S8204872: [8u] VS2017: more instances of "error C3680: cannot concatenate user-defined string literals with mismatched literal suffix identifiers" + S8205104: EXTRA_LDFLAGS not consistently being used + S8205440: [8u] DWORD64 required for later Windows compilers + S8205677: [8u] casts and type change for 8u to enable later Windows compilers + S8206425: .gnu_debuglink sections added unconditionally when no debuginfo is stripped + S8206454: [8u] os::current_stack_pointer() fails to compile on later Windows compilers (warning C4172: returning address of local variable) + S8206914: add jdk8u-dev test failures to ProblemList.txt + S8207402: Stray *.debuginfo files when not stripping debug info + S8207853: Need to regenerate configure in jdk8u-dev + S8209002: 8u192 installed exe and dll files have wrong file version + S8210423: Backport of 8034788 breaks GCC version detection + S8210658: Remove and retag jdk8u192-b10 tag in source repository + S8210951: Test sun/security/ssl/SSLContextImpl/ / fails * Import of OpenJDK 8 u201 build 8 + S8027781: New jarsigner timestamp warning is grammatically incorrect + S8159805: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/warnings/ / fails after JDK-8027781 + S8171049: Era.getDisplayName doesn't work with non-IsoChronology + S8191438: jarsigner should print when a timestamp will expire + S8201818: [macosx] Printing attributes break page size set via "java.awt.print.Book" object + S8205330: InitialDirContext ctor sometimes throws NPE if the server has sent a disconnection + S8207775: Better management of CipherCore buffers + S8208583: Better management of internal KeyStore buffers + S8209129: Further improvements to cipher buffer management + S8209862: CipherCore performance improvement + S8210695: Create test to cover JDK-8205330 InitialDirContext ctor sometimes throws NPE if the server has sent a disconnection + S8211883: Disable anon and NULL cipher suites + S8213085: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2018g + S8213368: JDK 8u201 l10n resource file update + S8213792: Update THIRD_PARTY_README for LCMS to 2.9 + S8213949: OpenJDK 8 CCharToGlyphMapper.m missing the Classpath exception license text + S8214357: JDK 8u201 l10n resource file update md20 + S8215257: OpenJDK 8 mozilla_compat.js, parser.js missing the Classpath exception license text + S8215377: JDK-8171049 Breaks JCK signature tests - Era.getDisplayName doesn't work with non-IsoChronology * Backports + S6424123, PR3696: JVM crashes on failed 'strdup' call + S8059847, PR3696: complement JDK-8055286 and JDK-8056964 changes + S8074859, PR1937: Re-apply warnings as error switch removed by 8034788 in 8u192 + S8076475, PR3696: Misuses of strncpy/strncat + S8145188, PR2945: Re-apply --with-java-debug-symbols option removed by 8034788 in 8u192 + S8214059, PR3693: Undefined behaviour in ADLC + S8217753, PR3685: Enable HotSpot builds on 5.x Linux kernels * Bug fixes + PR3667, PR1983: Backed out changeset 48c15869ecd5 + PR3667, PR1983: Backed out changeset f0635543beb3 + PR3667, PR2127: Backed out changeset 0ff7720931e8 + PR3667, PR2815: Backed out changeset 26e2e029ee25 + PR3667, PR2899: Backed out changeset 9dc0eca5fa89 + PR3667, PR2934: Backed out changeset 7513dae3426b + PR3667, PR3479, RH1486025: Backed out changeset 5dcb55da00c1 + PR3675: Update CVE URL + PR3683: Addition of 8189170 in 8u192 breaks 8197429 backport + PR3691: wget not detected by configure * SystemTap + PR3341: jstack.stp should support ppc64[le,be] * AArch64 port + S8160748, PR3682: [AArch64] Inconsistent types for ideal_reg + S8189170, PR3682: [AArch64] Add option to disable stack overflow checking in primordial thread for use with JNI_CreateJavaJVM + S8209414, PR3682: [AArch64] method handle invocation does not respect JVMTI interp_only mode + S8215951, PR3682: AArch64: jtreg test vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/PopFrame/popframe005 segfaults + S8218185, PR3682: aarch64: missing LoadStore barrier in TemplateTable::putfield_or_static + S8219635, PR3682: aarch64: missing LoadStore barrier in TemplateTable::fast_storefield - Removed patch: * icedtea-3.0.1-sunec.patch + not needed any more- Update to version jdk8u191 (icedtea 3.10.0) * Security fixes + S8194534, CVE-2018-3136, bsc#1112142: Manifest better support + S8194546: Choosier FileManagers + S8195868: Address Internet Addresses + S8195874: Improve jar specification adherence + S8196897: Improve PRNG support + S8196902, CVE-2018-3139, bsc#1112143: Better HTTP Redirection + S8199177, CVE-2018-3149, bsc#1112144: Enhance JNDI lookups + S8199226, CVE-2018-3169, bsc#1112146: Improve field accesses + S8201756: Improve cipher inputs + S8202613, CVE-2018-3180, bsc#1112147: Improve TLS connections stability + S8202936, CVE-2018-3183, bsc#1112148: Improve script engine support + S8203654: Improve cypher state updates + S8204497: Better formatting of decimals + S8205361, CVE-2018-3214, bsc#1112152: Better RIFF reading support + S8208353, CVE-2018-13785, bsc#1112153: Upgrade JDK 8u to libpng 1.6.35 + PR3639, CVE-2018-16435: lcms2: heap-based buffer overflow in SetData function in cmsIT8LoadFromFile * New features + PR3655: Allow use of system crypto policy to be disabled by the user * Import of OpenJDK 8 u191 build 12 + S8033251: Use DWARF debug symbols for Linux 32-bit as default + S8049834: Two security tools tests do not run with only JRE + S8074462: Handshake messages can be strictly ordered + S8130132: jarsigner should emit warning if weak algorithms or keysizes are used + S8142927: Feed some text to STDIN in ProcessTools.executeProcess() + S8146377: test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ / failing + S8152974: AWT hang occurrs when sequenced events arrive out of sequence + S8158887: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ timed out + S8164480: Crash with assert(handler_address == SharedRuntime::compute_compiled_exc_handler(..) failed: Must be the same + S8168628: (fc) SIGBUS when extending file size to map it + S8171452: (ch) linux io_util_md: Operation not supported exception after 8168628 + S8172529: Use PKIXValidator in jarsigner + S8180289: jarsigner treats timestamped signed jar invalid after the signer cert expires + S8189762: [TESTBUG] Create tests for JDK-8146115 container awareness and resource configuration + S8190674: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ failed with java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: ts2.cert + S8193892: Impact of noncloneable MessageDigest implementation + S8196663: [TESTBUG] test/compiler/loopopts/ / fails on 32 bit Java + S8197518: Kerberos krb5 authentication: AuthList's put method leads to performance issue + S8202478: Backout JDK-8152974 + S8204667: Resources not freed on exception + S8206916: Remove jdk8u181-b31 tag from jdk8u181/corba repo + S8206916: Remove jdk8u181-b31 tag from jdk8u181/hotspot repo + S8206916: Remove jdk8u181-b31 tag from jdk8u181/jaxp repo + S8206916: Remove jdk8u181-b31 tag from jdk8u181/jaxws repo + S8206916: Remove jdk8u181-b31 tag from jdk8u181/jdk repo + S8206916: Remove jdk8u181-b31 tag from jdk8u181/langtools repo + S8206916: Remove jdk8u181-b31 tag from jdk8u181/nashorn repo + S8206916: Remove jdk8u181-b31 tag from jdk8u181 repo + S8207336: Build failure in JDK8u on Windows after fix 8207260 + S8208350: Disable all DES cipher suites + S8208660: JDK 8u191 l10n resource file update + S8208754: The fix for JDK-8194534 needs updates + S8210431: Complete backport of libpng 1.6.35 TPRM + S8211107: LDAPS communication failure with jdk 1.8.0_181 + S8211731: Reconsider default option for ClassPathURLCheck change done in JDK-8195874 * Backports + PR3646: Backed out changeset 6e3f4784affc (S4890063/PR2304/RH1214835) + S8029661, PR3642, RH1477159: Support TLS v1.2 algorithm in SunPKCS11 provider + S8131048, PR3574, RH1498936: ppc implement CRC32 intrinsic + S8164920, PR3574, RH1498936: ppc: enhancement of CRC32 intrinsic + S8172850, PR3643, RH1640127: Anti-dependency on membar causes crash in register allocator due to invalid instruction scheduling + S8202261, PR3638: (fc) and RandomAccessFile.setLength should not preallocate space + S8209639, PR3643, RH1640127: assert failure in coalesce.cpp: attempted to spill a non-spillable item * Bug fixes + PR3653: Detect whether -Xprefer:source and -J-Xmx can be used, rather than assuming + PR3673: Alternate HotSpot builds need fix for PR3094 * SystemTap + PR3625: arc_priority representation creates an implicit limit on character sequence within regexp * Shenandoah + PR3634: Shenandoah still broken on s390 with aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u181-b16 + [backport] Adaptive CSet selection overshoots max-CSet + [backport] Adaptive CSet selection selects excessively when memory is tight + [backport] Adaptive/Traversal heuristics rewrite for allocation rate + [backport] Added logging for the number of workers used for GC cycles + [backport] Add task termination and enhanced task queue state tracking + weakrefs + [backport] Allocation path should not touch GC barriers for metadata + [backport] Allocation tracker should really report bytes + [backport] AlwaysPreTouch fails with non-default ConcGCThreads + [backport] Application pacing precision fixes + [backport] Apply ShenandoahEvacOOMScope only for evac-taking paths in ShenandoahBarrierSet + [backport] Assembler write barriers should consistently check for forwarded objects + [backport] Avoid indirection to next-mark-context + [backport] Avoid using uintx in ShenandoahHeapRegion + [backport] C1 shenandoah_wb expects obj in a register + [backport] Check and ensure that Shenandoah-enabled compilations succeed + [backport] Check heap stability in C1 WBs + [backport] ClassUnloadingWithConcurrentMark should be opt-in with Shenandoah + [backport] Clean up obsolete c2 code + [backport] Cleanup: remove unused root processor's sub tasks + [backport] Cleanup UseShenandoahOWST blocks + [backport] CollectedHeap::max_tlab_size is measured in words + [backport] Complete liveness for recently allocated regions outside the allocation path + [backport] Comprehensible GC trigger logging + [backport] Concurrent uncommit should be recorded as GC event + [backport] Constify ShHeapRegionSet and ShCollectionSet + [backport] Convert magic value to ShenandoahPacingSurcharge + [backport] Default to ShenandoahCodeRootsStyle = 2 + [backport] Degenerated evacuation + [backport] Disable UseFastJNIAccessors for Shenandoah + [backport] Elastic TLABs support for Shenandoah + [backport] Enable ShenandoahEvacReserveOverflow by default + [backport] Evac assist should touch marked objects only + [backport] Evac reserve: make sure GC has untouchable space to move the objects into + [backport] EvilSyncBug test is too slow + [backport] Explicit GC should actually uncommit the heap + [backport] Exponential backoff with pacing + [backport] Fix aarch64 CAS predicates + [backport] Fix CAS-obj predicates and add expected-null-versions for cmpxchg-narrow-oop + [backport] Fixed SA due to code refactoring and merging + [backport] Fix Minimal and Zero builds + [backport] Fix ShHeap::notify_alloc usages: it accepts words, not bytes + [backport] Fix TestCommonGCLoads test + [backport] Fix TestFullGCALot test failure + [backport] Fix TestGCThreadGroups test + [backport] Forceful SATB buffer flushes should be time-periodic, not traffic-dependent + [backport] Full GC always comes with liveness data + [backport] Full GC should not always update references + [backport] GCLAB slowpath allocations should fit the object into GCLAB + [backport] GC trace messages have to be immortal + [backport] Handle missing ShenandoahWriteBarrierRB case + [backport] Heap region count selection should only consider max heap size + [backport] Hook up GCLABs to Elastic LAB support + [backport] Improve scheduling and interleaving of SATB processing in mark loop + [backport] Including metaspace info when reporting heap info + [backport] Incorrect label for static heuristics + [backport] Make in-cset checks use signed bytes to match C2 better + [backport] Micro-optimize AArch64 assembly write-barriers + [backport] Missing Shenandoah entry in GCNameHelper::to_string + [backport] More detailed pacing histogram + [backport] More verbose profiling for phase 4 in mark-compact + [backport] Move heuristics from ShCollectorPolicy to ShHeap + [backport] Move (Java)Thread::_gc_state to lower offset to optimize barrier fast-path encoding + [backport] Move ParallelCodeIterator to ShenandoahCodeRoots + [backport] Move periodic GC decision making to GC heuristics base class + [backport] Move Shenandoah stress tests to tier3 + [backport] Non-cancellable mark loops should have sensible stride + [backport] Off-by-one error in degen progress calculation + [backport] Only Java and GC worker threads should get GCLABs + [backport] Out-of-cycle Degenerated GC should process references and unload classes + [backport] Pacer for evacuation should print "Avail" to capture discounting + [backport] Pacer should account actual size for elastic TLABs + [backport] Parallel +AlwaysPreTouch should run with max workers + [backport] Passive heuristics should enter degen GC, not full GC + [backport] Perform gc-state checks with LoadB to fit C2 matchers + [backport] Pre-filter oops before enqueing them in SBS slowpaths + [backport] Print task queue statistics at the end of GC cycle + [backport] Process remaining SATB buffers in final mark/traverse loop instead of separate phase + [backport] Proper units for allocation failure messages + [backport] Prune undefined and unused methods + [backport] Purge partial heuristics and connection matrix infrastructure + [backport] Purge support for ShenandoahConcurrentEvacCodeRoots and ShenandoahBarriersForConst + [backport] Rearrange Shenandoah tests into 3 tiers + [backport] Reclaim immediate garbage after mark-compact marking + [backport] Recycle the regions only once + [backport] Refactor alive-closures to deal better with new marking contexts + [backport] Refactor allocation path to accept ShenandoahAllocRequest tuple + [backport] Refactor and improve ShenandoahCodeRoots strategies + [backport] Refactor FreeSet logging: support evac-reserve, denser printouts + [backport] Refactor gc+init logging + [backport] Refactoring ShenandoahStrDedupStress test to reduce test time + [backport] Refactor to group marking bitmap and TAMS structure in one class ShenandoahMarkingContext + [backport] Remove C2 write-barrier from .ad files + [backport] Removed racy assertion + [backport] Remove NMethodSizeLimit adjustment for Shenandoah + [backport] Remove obsolete/unused logging usages + [backport] Remove safe_equals() + [backport] Remove ShHeuristics::print_threshold + [backport] Rename and move ShenandoahPrepareForMarkClosure + [backport] Rename "cancel_concgc" to "cancel_gc" + [backport] Replace custom asserts with shenandoah_assert_* + [backport] Replace risky SBS::need_update_refs_barrier with straightforward check + [backport] Replace ShBarrierSet* casts with accessor + [backport] Report actual free size in non-verbose FreeSet status + [backport] Report heap region stats in proper units + [backport] Resettable iterators to avoid dealing with copying/assignment compilation differences + [backport] Reshuffle tests: verify STW GC is working first, then verify under aggressive, then the rest + [backport] Rework ClassUnloading* flags handling + [backport] Rework GC degradation on allocation failure + [backport] SATB buffer filtering/compaction hides unmarked objects until final-mark + [backport] shenandoah_assert_correct should check object/forwardee klasses + [backport] shenandoah_assert_correct should verify classes before claiming _safe_oop + [backport] Shenandoah changes to allow enabling -Wreorder + [backport] Shenandoah/PPC barrier stubs + [backport] Shenandoah string deduplication + [backport] SH::make_(tlabs)_parsable() should work correctly with/without TLABs + [backport] Shortcut regions that are known not to be alive + [backport] Should cleanup previous/bad versions of redefined classes during full gc + [backport] Skip RESOLVE in SATBBufferClosure if no forwarded objects are in heap + [backport] Soft-refs policy needs reliable heap usage data after the GC cycle + [backport] Soft refs should be purged reliably on allocation failure, or with compact heuristics + [backport] Some trivial-ish cleanups + [backport] Split write barrier paths for mutator and GC workers + [backport] StringInternCleanup times out + [backport] TestHeapDump runs much faster with small heap + [backport] Tests should use -XX:+ShenandoahVerify in some OOM-evac configurations + [backport] TLAB sizing policy should converge faster with Shenandoah + [backport] Trace and report total allocation latency and sizes + [backport] Traversal should resize TLABs + [backport] Trivial enhancement to avoid costly deletion array element + [backport] Uncommit should relinquish the heap lock regularly + [backport] Unreachable assert in ShenandoahCodeRoots::acquire_lock + [backport] Verifier should dump raw memory around the problematic oops + [backport] Verify global and local gc-state status + [backport] VSC++ requires space(s) in between two string literals + [backport] WB slowpath should assist with evacuation of adjacent objects + [backport] Wiring GC events to JFR + Restore heap occupancy in GC logs after JFR changes + [backport] Wiring heap and metaspace info to JFR + [backport] Wrap worker id in thread local worker session + [backport] -XX:-UseTLAB should disable GCLABs too + Cleanup undeclared methods in barrier stubs + Disable evac assist by default until bugfixes arrive + Fix build failure: signedness mismatch in assert + Fix MacOS/Clang build failure + Fix x86_32 build + JDK8u: Silence compilation warnings on implicit type conversion + Move JNI Weak References workaround to Shenandoah-specific root processor + Fix code differences against shenandoah/jdk8u * AArch64 port + S8155627, PR3651: Enable SA on AArch64 + S8207838, PR3666: AArch64: Float registers incorrectly restored in JNI call + S8209415, PR3666: Fix JVMTI test failure HS202 + S8211064, PR3666: [AArch64] Interpreter and c1 don't correctly handle jboolean results in native calls- Update to version jdk8u181 (icedtea 3.9.0) * Security fixes + S8191239: Improve desktop file usage + S8193419: Better Internet address support + S8197871, CVE-2018-2938, bsc#1101644: Support Derby connections + S8197925, CVE-2018-2940, bsc#1101645: Better stack walking + S8199547, CVE-2018-2952, bsc#1101651: Exception to Pattern Syntax + S8200666, CVE-2018-2973, bsc#1101656: Improve LDAP support + PR3607, CVE-2018-3639: hw: cpu: speculative store bypass mitigation * New features + PR3623: Allow Shenandoah to be used on all architectures + PR3624: Sync desktop files with Fedora/RHEL versions again + PR3628: Install symlinks to tapsets in SystemTap directory * Import of OpenJDK 8 u172 build 11 + S8031304: Add dcmd to print all loaded dynamic libraries. + S8044107: Add Diagnostic Command to list all ClassLoaders + S8055755: Information about loaded dynamic libraries is wrong on MacOSX + S8059036: Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo + S8130400: Test java/awt/image/DrawImage/ / fails with ClassCastException + S8136356: Add time zone mappings on Windows + S8139673: NMT stack traces in output should show mtcomponent + S8147542: ClassCastException when repainting after display resolution change + S8154017: Shutdown hooks are racing against shutdown sequence, if System.exit()-calling thread is interrupted + S8165466: DecimalFormat percentage format can contain unexpected % + S8166772: Touch keyboard is not shown for text components on a screen touch + S8169424: src/share/sample/scripting/scriptpad/src/scripts/ / missing #! + S8170358: [REDO] 8k class metaspace chunks misallocated from 4k chunk Freelist + S8170395: Metaspace initialization queries the wrong chunk freelist + S8176072: READING attributes are not available on TSF + S8177721: Improve diagnostics in + S8177758: Regression in java.awt.FileDialog + S8183504: 8u131 Win 10, issue with wrong position of Sogou IME popup + S8184991: NMT detail diff should take memory type into account + S8187331: VirtualSpaceList tracks free space on wrong node + S8187629: NMT: Memory miscounting in compiler (C2) + S8187658: Bigger buffer for GetAdaptersAddresses + S8187685: NMT: Tracking compiler memory usage of thread's resource area + S8187803: JDK part of JavaFX-Swing dialogs appearing behind main stage + S8187985: Broken certificate number in debug output + S8188855: Fix VS10 build after "8187658: Bigger buffer for GetAdaptersAddresses" + S8189599: InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize and CompressedClassSpaceSize should be checked consistent from MaxMetaspaceSize + S8189646: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ / failed with " Read timed out" + S8190442: Backout changes for JDK-8087291 from 8u-dev as it didn't use main CR id + S8190690: Impact on krb5 test cases in the 8u-CPU nightly + S8191969: javac produces incorrect RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations length attribute + S8192987: keytool should remember real storetype if it is not provided + S8193156: Need to backout fixes for JDK-8058547, JDK-8055753, JDK-8085903 + S8193807: Avoid UnsatisfiedLinkError on AIX by providing empty basic implementations of getSystemCpuLoad and getProcessCpuLoad * Import of OpenJDK 8 u181 build 13 + S8038636: speculative traps break when classes are redefined + S8051972: sun/security/pkcs11/ec/ fails intermittently + S8055008: Clean up code that saves the previous versions of redefined classes + S8057570: RedefineClasses() tests fail assert(((Metadata*)obj)->is_valid()) failed: obj is valid + S8074373: NMT is not enabled if NMT option is specified after class path specifiers + S8076117: EndEntityChecker should not process custom extensions after PKIX validation + S8156137: SIGSEGV in ReceiverTypeData::clean_weak_klass_links + S8157898: failed with timeout + S8169201: Montgomery multiply intrinsic should use correct name + S8170035: When determining the ciphersuite lists, there is no debug output for disabled suites. + S8176183: sun/security/mscapi/ fails on Windows + S8187045: [linux] Not all libraries in the VM are linked with - z,noexecstack + S8187635: On Windows Swing changes keyboard layout on a window activation + S8188223: IfNode::range_check_trap_proj() should handler dying subgraph with single if proj + S8196224: Even better Internet address support + S8196491: Newlines in JAXB string values of SOAP-requests are escaped to " " + S8196854: TestFlushableGZIPOutputStream failing with IndexOutOfBoundsException + S8197943: Unable to use JDWP API in JDK 8 to debug JDK 9 VM + S8198605: Touch keyboard is shown for a non-focusable text component + S8198606: Touch keyboard does not hide, when a text component looses focus + S8198794: Hotspot crash on Cassandra 3.11.1 startup with libnuma 2.0.3 + S8199406: Performance drop with Java JDK 1.8.0_162-b32 + S8199748: Touch keyboard is not shown, if text component gets focus from other text component + S8200359: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2018d + S8201433: Fix potential crash in BufImg_SetupICM + S8202585: JDK 8u181 l10n resource file update + S8202996: Remove debug print statements from RMI fix + S8203233: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2018e + S8203368: ObjectInputStream filterCheck method throws NullPointerException + S8204874: Update THIRDPARTYREADME file + S8205491: adjust reflective access checks * Backports + S8008321, PR3599: compile.cpp verify_graph_edges uses bool as int + S8064786, PR3601: Fix debug build after 8062808: Turn on the - Wreturn-type warning + S8075942, PR3602, RH1582032: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in sun.java2d.pisces.Dasher.goTo + S8146115, PR3508, RH1463098: Improve docker container detection and resource configuration usage + S8184309, PR3596: Build warnings from GCC 7.1 on Fedora 26 + S8203182, PR3603: Release session if initialization of SunPKCS11 Signature fails + S8206406, PR3610, RH1597825: StubCodeDesc constructor publishes partially-constructed objects on StubCodeDesc::_list + S8207057, PR3613: No debug info for assembler files * Bug fixes + PR3597: Potential bogus -Wformat-overflow warning with - Wformat enabled + PR3600: jni_util.c does not import header file which declares getLastErrorString + PR3601: Fix additional -Wreturn-type issues introduced by 8061651 + PR3630: Use ${datadir} when specifying default location + PR3632: IcedTea installing symlinks to SystemTap directory rather than individual tapsets * AArch64 port + S8207345, PR3626: Trampoline generation code reads from uninitialized memory * Shenandoah + PR3619: Shenandoah broken on s390 + PR3620: Shenandoah broken on ppc64 + Allocation failure injection machinery + [backport] AArch64 shenandoah_store_check should read evacuation_in_progress as byte + [backport] Account trashed regions from coalesced CM-with-UR + [backport] Adaptive collection set selection in adaptive policy + [backport] Adaptive heuristics accounts trashed cset twice + [backport] Adapt upstream object pinning API + [backport] Add comments in shenandoah_store_check on direct heap field use + [backport] Added diagnostic flag ShenandoahOOMDuringEvacALot + [backport] Added missing header file for non-PCH build + [backport] Add missing barrier in C1 NIOCheckIndex intrinsic + [backport] Add new pinned/cset region state for evac-failure-path + [backport] Add ShenandoahRootProcessor API to report threads while scanning roots + [backport] Add test to verify Shenandoah is not enabled by default, and enabled with the flag + [backport] Add -XX:+ShenandoahVerify to more interesting tests + [backport] AESCrypt.implEncryptBlock/AESCrypt.implDecryptBlock intrinsics assume non null inputs + [backport] Allow use of fp spills around write barrier + [backport] Arraycopy fixes (tests and infrastructure) + [backport] Assert Shenandoah-specific safepoints instead of generic ones + [backport] Asynchronous region recycling + [backport] Avoid notifying about zero waste + [backport] barrier moved due to null checks needs to always fix memory edges + [backport] Basic support for x86_32: build and run in STW configuration + [backport] Bitmap based ShHeapRegionSet + [backport] Break heuristics out from ShCollectorPolicy into their own source files + [backport] C2 should use heapword-sized object math + [backport] Check BS type in immByteMapBase predicate + [backport] Cleanup allocation tracking in heuristics + [backport] Cleanup and refactor Full GC code + [backport] Cleanup and strengthen BrooksPointer verification + [backport] Clean up dead code + [backport] Cleanup: removed unused code + [backport] Cleanup reset_{next|complete}_mark_bitmap + [backport] Cleanup SHH::should_start_normal_gc + [backport] "Compact" heuristics for dense footprint scenarios + [backport] Compact heuristics should not shortcut on immediate garbage, but aggressively compact + [backport] Conditionalize PerfDataMemorySize on enabled heap sampling + [backport] Consistent liveness for humongous regions + [backport] Control loop should wait before starting another GC cycle + [backport] Critical native tests should only be ran on x86_64 platforms + [backport] Degenerated GC + [backport] Degenerated GC: rename enum, report degen reasons in stats + [backport] Demote ShenandoahAllocImplicitLive to diagnostic + [backport] Demote warning message about OOM-during-evac to informational + [backport] Denser ShHeapRegion status line + [backport] Disable verification from non-Shenandoah VMOps. + [backport] Disallow pinned_cset region moves and allocations during Full GC + [backport] Disambiguate "upgrade to Full GC" GCause + [backport] Do not add non-allocatable regions to the freeset + [backport] Don't treat allocation regions implicitely live during some GCs + [backport] Double check for UseShenandoahGC in WB expand + [backport] Drop distinction between immediate garbage and free in heuristics + [backport] Dynamic worker refactoring + [backport] Eagerly drop CSet state from regions during Full GC + [backport] Eliminate write-barrier assembly stub (part 1) + [backport] Enable biased locking for Shenandoah by default + [backport] Ensure tasks use correct number of workers + [backport] Excessive assert in ShHeap::mark_next + [backport] Excessive asserts in marked_object_iterate + [backport] FinalEvac pause to turn off evacuation + [backport] Fix || and && chaining warnings in memnode.cpp + [backport] Fix broken asserts in ShenandoahSharedEnumFlag + [backport] Fixed code roots scanning that might be bypassed during degenerated cycle + [backport] Fixed compilation error of libTestHeapDump.c on Windows with VS2010 + [backport] Fixed missing ResourceMark in ShenandoahAsserts::print_obj + [backport] Fixed pinned region handling in mark-compact + [backport] Fix (external) heap iteration + TestHeapDump should unlock aggressive heuristics + [backport] fix for alias analysis with ShenandoahBarriersForConst + [backport] Fix/improve CLD processing + [backport] Fixing Windows and ARM32 build + [backport] Fix Mac OS build warnings + [backport] Fix Minimal VM build + [backport] Fix ShFreeSet boundary case + [backport] fix TCK crash with shenandoah + [backport] Forcefully update counters when GC cycle is running + [backport] FreeSet and HeapRegion should have the reference to ShenandoahHeap + [backport] FreeSet refactor: bitmaps, cursors, biasing + [backport] FreeSet should accept responsibility over trashed regions + [backport] FreeSet should report its internal state before/after GC cycle + [backport] Full GC should compact humongous regions + [backport] Full GC should not trash empty regions + [backport] GC state testers (infra) + [backport] Generic verification is possible only at Shenandoah safepoints + [backport] Get easy on template instantiations in ShConcMark + [backport] Heap region sampling should publish region states + [backport] Humongous regions should support explicit pinning + [backport] Immediate garbage ratio should not go over 100% + [backport] Implement flag to generate write-barriers without membars + [backport] Implement protocol for safe OOM during evacuation handling + Use jint in oom-evac-handler to match older JDKs Atomic support better + Missing OOMScope in ShenandoahFixRootsTask + [backport] Improve assertion/verification messages a bit + [backport] Improve/more detailed timing stats for root queue work + [backport] Incorrect constant folding with final field and - ShenandoahOptimizeFinals + [backport] Increase test timeouts + [backport] Introduce assert_in_correct_region to verify object is in correct region + [backport] Isolate shenandoahVerifier from stray headers + [backport] keep read barriers for final instance/stable field accesses + [backport] Keep track of per-cycle mutator/collector allocs. Fix mutator/collector alloc region overlap in traversal. + [backport] Little cleanup + [backport] Log message on ref processing, class unload, update refs for mark events + [backport] LotsOfCycles test timeouts + [backport] Make concurrent precleaning log message optional again + [backport] Make control loop more responsive under allocation pressure + [backport] Make degenerated update-refs use region-set cursor to hand over work + [backport] Make heap counters update completely asynchronous + [backport] Make major GC phases exclusive from each other + [backport] Make sure selective barriers enabling/disabling works + [backport] Make sure -XX:+ShenandoahVerify comes first in the tests + [backport] Mark bitmap slices commit/uncommit + Aggregated bitmap slicing + [backport] Match barrier fastpath checks better + [backport] Minor cleanups + [backport] Minor cleanup, uses latest Atomic API + [backport] Move barriers into typeArrayOop.hpp direct memory accessors + [backport] Move ShHeap::used increment out of locked allocation path + [backport] No need for fence in control loop: flags are now ShSharedVariables + [backport] Only report GC pause time to GC MXBean + Re-fix memory managers and memory pools usage and pause reporting + [backport] Optimize fwdptr region handling in ShenandoahVerifyOopClosure::verify_oop + [backport] Optimize oop/fwdptr/hr_index verification a bit + [backport] overflow integer during size calculation + [backport] Pacer should account allocation waste and unsuccessful pacing in the budget + [backport] Pacer should poll FreeSet to figure out actually available space + [backport] Passive should opt-in the barriers, not opt-out + [backport] Pauses that do not affect heap occupancy should not report heap + [backport] Print message when heuristics changes the setting ergonomically + [backport] Protect C2 matchers with UseShenandoahGC + [backport] Provide non-taxable allocation slack at the beginning of the cycle + [backport] Record cycle start/end to avoid continuous periodic GC + [backport] Record Shenandoah events in hs_err events section + [backport] Refactor allocation failure and explicit GC handling + [backport] Refactor allocation metadata handling + [backport] Refactor FreeSet rebuilding into the single source + [backport] Refactoring GC phase and heap allocation tracking out of policy + [backport] Refactor uncommit handling: react on explicit GCs, feature kill flag, etc + [backport] Refactor worker timings into ShenandoahPhaseTimings + [backport] ReferenceProcessor is_alive setup is racy + [backport] Region sampling should lock while gathering region data + [backport] Rehash VMOperations and cycle driver mechanics for consistency + [backport] Relax assert in SBS::is_safe() + [backport] Remove BS:is_safe in favor of logged BS::verify_safe_oop + [backport] Remove CSetThreshold handling from heuristics + [backport] Remove FreeSet::add_region, inline into FreeSet::rebuild + [backport] Remove obsolete check in FreeSet::allocate + [backport] Remove ShenandoahGCWorkerPerJavaThread flag + [backport] Remove ShenandoahMarkCompactBarrierSet + [backport] Rename and cleanup _regions and _free_set uses + [backport] Rename dynamic heuristics to static + [backport] Rename *_oop_static/oop_ref to *_forwarded + [backport] Rename ShenandoahConcurrentThread to ShenandoahControlThread + [backport] Report all GC status flags in hs_err + [backport] Report fwdptr size in JNI GetObjectSize + [backport] Report how much we have failed to allocate during Allocation Failure + [backport] Report illegal transitions verbosely, and remove some no-op transitions + [backport] Rewire control loop to avoid double cleanup work + [backport] Rework shared bool/enum flags with proper types and synchronization + [backport] Rewrite and fix ShenandoahHeap::marked_object_iterate + [backport] Rich assertion failure logging + [backport] Roots verification should take the special roots first + [backport] RP closures should accept NULL referents + [backport] Set ShenandoahMinFreeThreshold default to 10% + [backport] Setup process references and class unloading once before the cycle + [backport] ShConcurrentThread races with set_gc_state_bit + [backport] Shenandoah critical native support + [backport] Shenandoah region/set iterators should not allow copying + [backport] Shenandoah SA implementation + [backport] Shenandoah/SPARC barrier stubs + [backport] ShenandoahVerifyOptoBarriers should not fail with disabled barriers + [backport] ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode::find_bottom_mem() fix + [backport] ShenandoahWriteBarrierRB flag to conditionally disable RB on WB fastpath + [backport] Shenandoah/Zero barrier stubs + [backport] SieveObjects test is too hostile to verification + [backport] Single GCTimer shared by all operations + [backport] Single thread-local GC state flag for all barriers + [backport] Some smallish ShHeapRegionSet changes + [backport] Speed up asserts and verification, improve fastdebug builds performance + [backport] Split live data management for allocations and GCs + [backport] Static heuristics should be really static and report decisions + [backport] Static heuristics should use non-zero allocation threshold + [backport] Store checks should run most of the time + [backport] Tax-and-Spend allocation pacing + [backport] Testbug: VerifyJCStressTest leaks memory + [backport] TestSelectiveBarrierFlags should accept multi-element flag selections + [backport] TestSelectiveBarrierFlags times out due to too aggressive compilation mode + [backport] Trim/expand test heap sizes to fit small heaps + [backport] Trim the TLAB sizes to avoid wasteful retirement under TLAB races + [backport] Use leftmost region in GC allocations + [backport] Use os::naked_short_sleep instead of naked Thread events for sleeping + [backport] Use/sort (cached) RegionData not ShenandoahHeapRegionSet (infrastructure) + [backport] UX: Cleanup (adaptive) CSet selection message + [backport] UX: Pacer reports incorrect free size + [backport] UX: Shorter gc+ergo messages from CSet selection + [backport] Verifier crashes when reporting multiple forwardings + [backport] Verifier should check klass pointers before attempting to reach for object size + [backport] Verifier should print verification label at liveness verification + [backport] Verify fwdptr accesses during Full GC moves + [backport] Verify regions status + [backport] When Shenandoah WB is moved out of loop, connect it to correct loop memory Phi (back out and revisit previous fix) + [backport] Wipe out ShenandoahStoreCheck implementation + [backport] Workaround C1 ConstantOopWriteValue bug + Bitmap size might not be page aligned when large page is used + Changed claim count to jint + Cherry-pick JDK-8173013: JVMTI tagged object access needs G1 pre-barrier + Defer cleaning of system dictionary and friends to parallel cleaning phase + Do not put down update-refs-in-progress flag concurrently + Fix AArch64 build failure: misplaced #endif + Fixed Shenandoah 8u build + Fixed Windows build + Fix non-PCH build + Fix non-PCH x86_32 build + Fix up SPARC and Zero headers for proper locations + missing barriers in String intrinsics with - ShenandoahOptimizeInstanceFinals - ShenandoahOptimizeStableFinals + Missing event log for canceled GC + StringInternCleanup times out + VerifyJCStressTest should test all heuristics + Workaround VM crash with JNI Weak Refs handling - Removed patches: * 8038636.patch, 8051972.patch, 8055008.patch, 8074373.patch, 8076117.patch, 8157898.patch, 8169201.patch, 8170035.patch, 8176183.patch, 8187635.patch, 8188223.patch, 8191239.patch, 8193419.patch, 8196224.patch, 8196491.patch, 8196854.patch, 8197871.patch, 8197925.patch, 8197943.patch, 8198794.patch, 8199406.patch, 8199547.patch, 8200359.patch, 8200666.patch, 8201433.patch, 8202585.patch, 8202996.patch, 8203233.patch, 8203368.patch, 8205491.patch + Not needed any more - Modified patch: * java-1_8_0-openjdk-suse-desktop-files.patch - Rediff to changed context - Do not run standalone TestECDSA, since it is already run during the build- Removed patch: * s390-java-opts.patch - Not needed any more- Added patch: * icedtea-3.8.0-s390.patch + Fix out-of-memory problem with bootstrap javac on s390 + Allows builds of OpenJDK 8 on s390 again (bsc#1106812)- Backport Oracle July 2018 CPU - Added security fixes: * 8197871.patch + S8197871: Support Derby connections (CVE-2018-2938, bsc#1101644) * 8197925.patch + S8197925: Better stack walking (CVE-2018-2940, bsc#1101645) * 8199547.patch + S8199547: Exception to Pattern Syntax (CVE-2018-2952, bsc#1101651) * 8200666.patch + S8200666: Improve LDAP support (CVE-2018-2973, bsc#1101656) - Added security-in-depth fixes: * 8191239.patch + S8191239: Improve desktop file usage * 8193419.patch + S8193419: Better Internet address support - Added patches: * 8038636.patch + S8038636: speculative traps break when classes are redefined * 8051972.patch + S8051972: sun/security/pkcs11/ec/ fails intermittently * 8055008.patch + S8055008: Clean up code that saves the previous versions of redefined classes + S8156137: SIGSEGV in ReceiverTypeData::clean_weak_klass_links + S8057570: RedefineClasses() tests fail assert(((Metadata*)obj)->is_valid()) failed: obj is valid * 8074373.patch + S8074373: NMT is not enabled if NMT option is specified after class path specifiers * 8076117.patch + S8076117: EndEntityChecker should not process custom extensions after PKIX validation * 8157898.patch + S8157898: failed with timeout * 8169201.patch + S8169201: Montgomery multiply intrinsic should use correct name * 8170035.patch + S8170035: When determining the ciphersuite lists, there is no debug output for disabled suites. * 8176183.patch + S8176183: sun/security/mscapi/ fails on Windows * 8187635.patch + S8187635: On Windows Swing changes keyboard layout on a window activation * 8188223.patch + S8188223: IfNode::range_check_trap_proj() should handler dying subgraph with single if proj * 8196224.patch + S8196224: Even better Internet address support * 8196491.patch + S8196491: Newlines in JAXB string values of SOAP-requests are escaped to " " * 8196854.patch + S8196854: TestFlushableGZIPOutputStream failing with IndexOutOfBoundsException * 8197943.patch + S8197943: Unable to use JDWP API in JDK 8 to debug JDK 9 VM * 8198794.patch + S8198794: Hotspot crash on Cassandra 3.11.1 startup with libnuma 2.0.3 * 8199406.patch + S8199406: Performance drop with Java JDK 1.8.0_162-b32 * 8200359.patch + S8200359: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2018d * 8201433.patch + S8201433: Fix potential crash in BufImg_SetupICM * 8202585.patch + S8202585: JDK 8u181 l10n resource file update * 8202996.patch + S8202996: Remove debug print statements from RMI fix * 8203233.patch + S8203233: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2018e * 8203368.patch + S8203368: ObjectInputStream filterCheck method throws NullPointerException * 8205491.patch + S8205491: adjust reflective access checks- Update to version jdk8u171 (icedtea 3.8.0) * Security fixes + S8180881: Better packaging of deserialization + S8182362: Update CipherOutputStream Usage + S8183032: Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.9 + S8189123: More consistent classloading + S8189969, CVE-2018-2790, bsc#1090023: Manifest better manifest entries + S8189977, CVE-2018-2795, bsc#1090025: Improve permission portability + S8189981, CVE-2018-2796, bsc#1090026: Improve queuing portability + S8189985, CVE-2018-2797, bsc#1090027: Improve tabular data portability + S8189989, CVE-2018-2798, bsc#1090028: Improve container portability + S8189993, CVE-2018-2799, bsc#1090029: Improve document portability + S8189997, CVE-2018-2794, bsc#1090024: Enhance keystore mechanisms + S8190478: Improved interface method selection + S8190877: Better handling of abstract classes + S8191696: Better mouse positioning + S8192025, CVE-2018-2814, bsc#1090032: Less referential references + S8192030: Better MTSchema support + S8192757, CVE-2018-2815, bsc#1090033: Improve stub classes implementation + S8193409: Improve AES supporting classes + S8193414: Improvements in MethodType lookups + S8193833, CVE-2018-2800, bsc#1090030: Better RMI connection support * New features + PR3493: Run AES test to test intrinsics * Import of OpenJDK 8 u162 build 12 + S4354680: Runtime.runFinalization() silently clears interrupted flag in the calling thread + S6618335: ThreadReference.stop(null) throws NPE instead of InvalidTypeException + S6651256: jstack: DeleteGlobalRef method call doesn't lead to descreasing of global refs count shown by jstack + S6656031: SA: jmap -permstat number of classes is off by 1 + S6977426: sun/tools tests can intermittently fail to find app's Java pid + S6988950: JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112) + S7124271: [macosx] RealSync test failure + S7162125: [macosx] A font has different behaviour for ligatures depending on its creation mod + S8023667: SA: ExceptionBlob and other C2 classes not available in client VM + S8031661: java/net/Authenticator/ failed intermittently + S8046778: Better error messages when starting JMX agent via attach or jcmd + S8066185: VM crashed with SIGSEGV VirtualMemoryTracker::add_reserved_region + S8072428: Enable UseLoopCounter ergonomically if on-stack-replacement is enabled + S8073670: TypeF::eq and TypeD::eq do not handle NaNs correctly + S8074812: More specific error message when the .java_pid well-known file is not secure + S8078269: JTabbedPane UI Property TabbedPane.tabAreaBackground no longer works + S8080504: [macosx] SunToolkit.realSync() may hang + S8087291: InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize and CompressedClassSpaceSize should be checked consistent from MaxMetaspaceSize + S8132374: AIX: fix value of os.version property + S8134103: JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112): on checking for an interface + S8139218: Dialog that opens and closes quickly changes focus in original focusowner + S8147002: [macosx] Arabic character cannot be rendered on MacOS X + S8148786: xml.tranform fails on x86-64 + S8155197: Focus transition issue + S8157896: test fails with timeout + S8158633: BASE64 encoded cert not correctly parsed with UTF-16 + S8159432: [PIT][macosx] StackOverflow in closed/java/awt/Dialog/DialogDeadlock/DialogDeadlockTest + S8162530: src/ /GcInfoBuilder.c doesn't handle JNI exceptions properly + S8164954: split_if creates empty phi and region nodes + S8166742: SIGFPE in C2 Loop IV elimination + S8169961: Memory leak after debugging session + S8172751: OSR compilation at unreachable bci causes C1 crash + S8175340: Possible invalid memory accesses due to ciMethodData::bci_to_data() returning NULL + S8177026: jvm.dll file version not updated since 8u72 + S8177414: Missing key events on Mac Os + S8177958: Possible uninitialized char* in vm_version_solaris_sparc.cpp + S8178047: Aliasing problem with raw memory accesses + S8179086: java.time.temporal.ValueRange has poor hashCode() + S8180370: Characters are skipped on input of Korean text on OS X + S8180855: Null pointer dereference in OopMapSet::all_do of oopMap.cpp:394 + S8181659: Create an alternative fix for JDK-8167102, whose fix was backed out + S8181786: Extra runLater causes impossible states to be possible using javafx.embed.singleThread=true + S8182402: Tooltip for Desktop button is in English when non-English locale is set + S8182996: Incorrect mapping Long type to JavaScript equivalent + S8184009: Missing null pointer check in InterpreterRuntime::update_mdp_for_ret() + S8184271: Time related C1 intrinsics produce inconsistent results when floating around + S8184328: JDK 8u131 socketRead0 hang at SSL read + S8184893: jdk8u152 b06 : issues with nashorn when running kraken benchmarks + S8185346: Relax RMI Registry Serial Filter to allow arrays of any type + S8187023: Cannot read pkcs11 config file in UTF-16 environment + S8189918: Remove Trailing whitespace from file while syncing 8u into 8u162-b03 + S8190280: [macos] Font2DTest demo started failing for Arabic range from JDK 8 u162 b01 on Mac + S8190542: 8u162 L10n resource file update + S8192794: 8u162 L10n resource file update md20 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u171 build 11 + S8054213: Class name repeated in output of Type.toString() + S8068778: [TESTBUG] fails if SA not available + S8150530: Improve javax.crypto.BadPaddingException messages + S8153955: increase java.util.logging.FileHandler MAX_LOCKS limit + S8169080: Improve documentation examples for crypto applications + S8175075: Add 3DES to the default disabled algorithm security property + S8179665: [Windows] java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location + S8186032: Disable XML Signatures signed with EC keys less than 224 bits + S8186441: Change of behavior in the getMessage () method of the SOAPMessageContextImpl class + S8187496: Possible memory leak in + S8189851: [TESTBUG] runtime/RedefineTests/ fails + S8191358: Restore TSA certificate expiration check + S8191909: Nightly failures in nashorn suite + S8192789: Avoid using AtomicReference in + S8194259: keytool error: Invalid secret key format + S8196952: Bad primeCertainty value setting in DSAParameterGenerator + S8197030: Perf regression on all platforms with 8u171-b03 - early lambda use + S8198494: 8u171 and 8u172 - Build failure on non-SE Linux Platforms + S8198662: Incompatible internal API change in JDK8u161: signature of method exportObject() + S8198963: Fix new rmi property name + S8199001: [TESTBUG] test fails in compilation + S8199141: Windows: new warning messaging for JRE installer UI in non-MOS cases + S8200314: JDK 8u171 l10n resource file update - msg drop 40 * Backports + S8062808, PR3548: Turn on the -Wreturn-type warning + S8141570, PR3548: Fix Zero interpreter build for - -disable-precompiled-headers + S8143245, PR3548: Zero build requires disabled warnings + S8165489, PR3589: Missing G1 barrier in Unsafe_GetObjectVolatile + S8171000, PR3542, RH1402819: Robot.createScreenCapture() crashes in wayland mode _ S8184309, PR3596: Build warnings from GCC 7.1 on Fedora 26 + S8185723, PR3553: Zero: segfaults on Power PC 32-bit + S8186461, PR3557: Zero's atomic_copy64() should use SPE instructions on linux-powerpcspe + S8187577, PR3578: JVM crash during gc doing concurrent marking + S8197429, PR3546, RH1536622: Increased stack guard causes segfaults on x86-32 + S8197546, PR3542: Fix for 8171000 breaks Solaris + Linux builds + S8197981, PR3548: Missing return statement in __sync_val_compare_and_swap_8 + S8200556, PR3566: AArch64: assertion failure in slowdebug builds + S8201509, PR3579: Zero: S390 31bit atomic_copy64 inline assembler is wrong * Bug fixes + S8199936, PR3533: HotSpot generates code with unaligned stack, crashes on SSE operations + S8199936, PR3591: Fix for bug 3533 doesn't add -mstackrealign to JDK code + PR3539, RH1548475: Pass EXTRA_LDFLAGS to HotSpot build + PR3549: Desktop file doesn't reference versioned icon + PR3550: Additional category used in is incorrect + PR3559: Use ldrexd for atomic reads on ARMv7. + PR3575, RH1567204: System cacerts database handling should not affect jssecacerts + PR3592: Skip AES test on AArch64 due to VM crash + PR3593: s390 needs to use '%z' format specifier for size_t arguments as size_t != int + PR3594: Patch for bug 3593 breaks Shenandoah build + PR3597: Potential bogus -Wformat-overflow warning with - Wformat enabled * Shenandoah + PR3573: Fix TCK crash with Shenandoah + Remove oop cast in oopMap.cpp again, as oopDesc::operator== has additional checking in Shenandoah. + Fix new code for Shenandoah after the 8u171 merge + Revert accidental OpSpinWait matching + UseBiasedLocking should be disabled only for Shenandoah * AArch32 port + PR3548: Add missing return values for AArch32 port - Removed patches: * no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch * zero-atomic_copy64.patch + fixed upstream * java-1_8_0-openjdk-gcc6.patch + not needed any more - Modified patch: * java-1_8_0-openjdk-suse-desktop-files.patch + rediff to changed context- Added patch: * no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch + fix broken build with gcc8 (bsc#1087066)- Update to vesion jdk8u161 (icedtea 3.7.0) - bsc#1076366 * Security fixes + S8160104: CORBA communication improvements + S8172525, CVE-2018-2579: Improve key keying case + S8174756: Extra validation for public keys + S8174962, CVE-2018-2582: Better interface invocations + S8175932: Improve host instance supports + S8176458: Revise default document styling + S8178449, CVE-2018-2588: Improve LDAP logins + S8178458: Better use of certificates in LDAP + S8178466: Better RSA parameters + S8179536: Cleaner print job handling + S8179990: Cleaner palette entry handling + S8180011: Cleaner native graphics device handling + S8180015: Cleaner AWT robot handling + S8180020: Improve SymbolHashMap entry handling + S8180433: Cleaner CLR invocation handling + S8180877: More deeply colored ICC spaces + S8181664: Improve JVM UTF String handling + S8181670: Improve implementation of keystores + S8182125, CVE-2018-2599: Improve reliability of DNS lookups + S8182387, CVE-2018-2603: Improve PKCS usage + S8182601, CVE-2018-2602: Improve usage messages + S8185292, CVE-2018-2618: Stricter key generation + S8185325, CVE-2018-2641: Improve GTK initialization + S8186080: Transform XML interfaces + S8186212, CVE-2018-2629: Improve GSS handling + S8186600, CVE-2018-2634: Improve property negotiations + S8186606, CVE-2018-2633: Improve LDAP lookup robustness + S8186699: Clean up extra Derby files + S8186867: Improve native glyph layouts + S8186998, CVE-2018-2637: Improve JMX supportive features + S8189284, CVE-2018-2663: More refactoring for deserialization cases + S8190289, CVE-2018-2677: More refactoring for client deserialization cases + S8191142, CVE-2018-2678: More refactoring for naming deserialization cases * Import of OpenJDK 8 u152 build 16 + S4953367: MAWT: Java should be more careful manipulating NLSPATH, XFILESEARCHPATH env variables + S6772009: java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/ test failed with 'Completed != 2' + S6947916: JarURLConnection does not handle useCaches correctly + S6980209: Make tracking SecondaryLoop.enter/exit methods easier + S7052625: com/sun/net/httpserver/bugs/6725892/ fails intermittently + S7102702: java/net/PortUnreachableException/ failing + S7131356: (props) "No Java runtime present, requesting install" when creating VM from JNI [macosx] + S7172652: With JDK 1.7 text field does not obtain focus when using mnemonic Alt/Key combin + S8022291: Mac OS: Unexpected JavaLaunchHelper message displaying + S8022580: path) handles "null" incorrectly + S8025306: Inet[4|6]Address class and fieldID initialization in networking native code + S8028363: XmlGregorianCalendarImpl.getTimeZone() bug when offset is less than 10 minutes + S8028725: [Parfait] warnings from b116 for JNI pending exceptions + S8028769: Check src/share/native/java/lang/*.c for cases when JNI calls are used with pending warnings + S8029018: (bf) Check src/share/native/java/nio/Bits.c for JNI pending exceptions + S8030116: (process) Check Parfait warnings in src/solaris/native/java/lang/* + S8031586: Check jdk/src/*/native/com/sun/security/auth/module for pending JNI exceptions + S8033371: jdk/src/solaris/native/java/lang/ProcessEnvironment.c environ doesn't check for JNI pending exceptions + S8033372: Check jdk/src/share/native/java/lang for JNI pending exception issues + S8034102: Check solaris/native/sun/nio/fs/MacOSXNativeDispatcher.c for JNI pending exceptions + S8034249: need more workarounds for suspend equivalent condition issue + S8035158: Remove dependency on sun.misc.RegexpPool and friends + S8035568: [macosx] Cursor management unification + S8035653: InetAddress.getLocalHost crash + S8037346: Need to terminate server process if client runs into problems + S8037909: JNI warnings in jdk/src/windows/native/java/nio/MappedByteBuffer.c + S8038075: JNI warnings in jdk/src/share/native/sun/misc/VMSupport.c + S8038348: Instance field load is replaced by wrong data Phi + S8039412: Stack overflow on Linux using DialogTypeSelection.NATIVE + S8040322: TextArea.replaceRange() and insert() are broken with setText(null) + S8040635: [macosx] Printing a shape filled with a texture doesn't work under Mac OS X + S8043913: remove legacy code in SPARC's VM_Version::platform_features + S8046768: com/sun/jndi/ldap/ fails intermittently + S8046893: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net: ExtendedOptionsImpl.c, PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c + S8046901: Check jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/nio for Parfait flagged uninitialized memory + S8049717: expose L1_data_cache_line_size for diagnostic/sanity checks + S8050478: [macosx] Cursor not updating correctly after closing a modal dialog + S8054214: JapaneseEra.getDisplayName doesn't return names if it's an additional era + S8055204: Memory leak in jdk/src/windows/native/java/lang/java_props_md.c + S8058316: lookupDefaultPrintService returns null on Solaris 11 + S8061258: [macosx] PrinterJob's native Print Dialog does not reflect specified Copies or Page Ranges + S8064470: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/java/base/unix/native/libjava/FileDescriptor_md.c + S8066250: compiler/dependencies/MonomorphicObjectCall/ / fails product + S8067059: PrinterJob.pageDialog() with DialogSelectionType.NATIVE returns a PageFormat when cancelled. + S8071424: JCK test api/java_net/Socket/descriptions.html#Bind crashes on Windows + S8075516: Deleting a file from either the open or save java.awt.FileDialog hangs. + S8076249: NPE in AccessBridge while editing JList model + S8076554: [macosx] Custom Swing text components need to allow standard accessibility + S8080486: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/java.base/windows/ /native/libnet/DualStackPlainSocketImpl.c + S8081219: hs_err improvement: Add event logging for class redefinition to the hs_err file + S8087144: sun/security/krb5/auto/ fails with Retry count is -1 less + S8087342: Crash in klassItable::initialize_itable_for_interface + S8089573: [macosx] Incorrect char to glyph mapping printing on OSX 10.10 + S8129361: ISO 4217 amendment 160 + S8130041: intermittently fails on Mac + S8132209: DiagnosticCommandImpl.getNotificationInfo() may expose internal representation + S8132455: com/sun/jndi/ldap/ fails at handleNamingException + S8134119: Use new API to get cache line sizes + S8134389: Crash in HotSpot with jvm.dll+0x42b48 ciObjectFactory::create_new_metadata + S8134918: C2: Type speculation produces mismatched unsafe accesses + S8135124: com/sun/jndi/ldap/ failed intermittently + S8136570: Stop changing user environment variables related to /usr/dt + S8139189: VK_OEM_102 dead key detected as VK_UNDEFINED + S8140309: [REDO] failed: no mismatched stores, except on raw memory: StoreB StoreI + S8140525: AwtFrame::WmShowWindow() may steal focus + S8141370: com/sun/jndi/ldap/ failed intermittently + S8143897: Weblogic12medrec assert(handler_address == SharedRuntime::compute_compiled_exc_handler(nm, pc, exception, force_unwind, true)) failed: Must be the same + S8145207: [macosx] JList, VO can't access non-visible list items + S8145732: Duplicate entry in http.nonProxyHosts will ignore subsequent entries + S8145952: ISO 4217 amendment 161 + S8145981: (fs) LinuxWatchService can reports events against wrong directory + S8146961: Fix PermGen memory leaks caused by static final Exceptions + S8147772: Update KerberosTicket to describe behavior if it has been destroyed and fix NullPointerExceptions + S8149521: automatic discovery of LDAP servers with Kerberos authentication + S8149714: [parfait] char array lengths don't match in awt_Font.cpp:1701 + S8152000: Java FlightRecorder does not run on Java 8 compact 3 profile since u65 + S8152172: PPC64: Support AES intrinsics + S8152730: File Leak in CompileBroker::init_compiler_thread_log of compileBroker.cpp:1665. + S8152981: Double icons with JMenuItem setHorizontalTextPosition on Win 10 + S8153134: Infinite loop in handle_wrong_method in jmod + S8153176: ParOldGC: Use correct TaskQueueSet for ParallelTaskTerminator in marking. + S8153267: nmethod's exception cache not multi-thread safe + S8153925: (fs) WatchService hangs on GetOverlappedResult and locks directory (win) + S8154945: Enable 8130150 and 8081778 intrinsics by default + S8155691: Update GIFlib library to the latest up-to-date + S8155781: C2: opaque unsafe access triggers an assert + S8156116: [macosx] two JNI locals to delete in AWTWindow.m, CGraphicsEnv.m + S8156723: JVM crash at + S8157035: Use stronger algorithms and keys for JSSE testing + S8157181: Compilers accept modification of final fields outside initializer methods + S8157184: java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/ failed with a fatal error + S8157548: JVM crashes sometimes while starting + S8157665: ProblemList.txt needs to be updated as 7041639 closed + S8158325: [macosx] Memory leak in + S8158356: SIGSEGV when attempting to rotate BufferedImage using AffineTransform by NaN degrees + S8158639: C2 compilation fails with SIGSEGV + S8159035: test crashed due to unhandled case of cipher length value as 0 + S8159696: java.beans.MethodRef#get throws NullPointerException + S8160024: jdb returns invalid argument count if first parameter to Arrays.asList is null + S8160119: Utils.tryFindJvmPid sometimes find incorrect pid + S8160174: - fixes and improvements for network interface listing + S8160370: System.getProperty("os.version") returns "Unknown" on Mac + S8160551: assert(c == Bytecodes::_putfield) failed: must be putfield + S8160570: [macosx] modal dialog can skip the activation/focus events + S8160623: [PIT] Exception running java/awt/event/KeyEvent/KeyChar/ + S8160664: JVM crashed with font manager on Solaris 12 + S8160696: IllegalArgumentException: adding a component to a container on a different GraphicsDevice + S8160893: [macosx] JMenuItems in JPopupMenu are not accessible + S8160913: [TEST_BUG] javax/management/security/ fails due to missing keyStore file + S8160941: "text/uri-list" dataflavor concats the first two strings + S8161039: System.getProperty("os.version") returns incorrect version number on Mac + S8161664: Memory leak in removed progress bar still referenced + S8161733: [parfait] Memory leak in imageioJPEG.c:2803 + S8161742: [parfait] Uninitialised memory in isXTestAvailable of awt_Robot.c:65 + S8161761: [parfait] 2 JNI exception pending defect groups in GraphicsPrimitiveMgr.c + S8162101: C2: Handle "wide" aliases for unsafe accesses + S8162488: JDK should be updated to use LittleCMS 2.8 + S8162496: missing precedence edge for anti_dependence + S8162598: XSLTC transformer swallows empty namespace declaration which is needed to undeclare default namespace + S8162603: Unrecognized VM option 'UseCountedLoopSafepoints' + S8162766: Unsafe_DefineClass0 accesses raw oops while in _thread_in_native + S8162795: [REDO] MemberNameTable doesn't purge stale entries + S8162796: [macosx] LinearGradientPaint and RadialGradientPaint are not printed on OS X. + S8163104: Unexpected NPE still possible on some Kerberos ticket calls + S8163181: Further improvements for Unix NetworkInterface native implementation + S8163518: Integer overflow in and + S8163877: Tests added in JDK-8163518 fail on some platforms + S8163896: Finalizing one key of a KeyPair invalidates the other key + S8163945: Honor Number type hint in toPrimitive on Numbers + S8163969: Cyclic interface initialization causes JVM crash + S8163979: [macosx] Chinese text shows as Latin w/ openVanilla input method + S8164002: Add a new CPU family (S_family) for SPARC S7 and above processors + S8164119: MoveToOtherScreenTest fails due wrong key attribute + S8164366: ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds() does not reject invalid input + S8164501: Uninitialised memory in byteArrayToPacket of SharedMemoryConnection.c + S8164508: unexpected profiling mismatch in c1 generated code + S8164784: ISO 4217 amendment 162 + S8164846: CertificateException missing cause of underlying exception + S8165153: Crash in rebuild_cpu_to_node_map + S8165243: Base64.Encoder.wrap(os).write(byte[],int,int) with incorrect arguments should not produce output + S8165320: Small flaw when integrating 8160174 to JDK8 + S8165428: Security Warning dialog should be always on the top when multiple applets with APPLICATION_MODAL dialog launched in a browser + S8165482: java in ldoms, with cpu-arch=generic has problems + S8165717: [macosx] Various memory leaks in jdk9 + S8165751: NPE hit with + S8165829: Android Studio 2.x crashes with NPE at sun.lwawt.macosx.CAccessibility.getAccessibleIndexInParent + S8165988: Test fails at windows: failed to clean up files after test + S8166248: tools/pack200/ fails on Win32: Could not reserve enough space + S8166507: ConcurrentSkipListSet.clear() can leave the Set in an invalid state + S8166747: Add invalid network / computer name cases to isReachable known failure switch + S8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name + S8166840: Synthetic bridge constructor in ArrayList$Itr blocks inlining + S8166872: GPL header in /hotspot/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1RemSetSummary.cpp + S8166902: Nested object literal property maps not reset in optimistic recompilation + S8167102: [macosx] PrintRequestAttributeSet breaks page size set using PageFormat + S8168115: Remove and retag jdk8u122-b03 in 8u repo + S8168364: [macosx] Delete unused class NSPrintinfo + S8168373: don't emit conversions for symbols outside their lexical scope + S8168405: Pending exceptions in java.base/windows/native + S8168751: Two "Direct Clip" threads are created to play the same "AudioClip" object, what makes clip sound corrupted + S8168914: Crash in ClassLoaderData/JNIHandleBlock::oops_do during concurrent marking + S8169056: StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in Pattern.compile with CANON_EQ flag + S8169112: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: GregorSamsa, method: template-bash signature: (LGregorSamsa8;)V) Register 10 contains wrong type + S8169229: RSAClientKeyExchange debug info is incorrect + S8169355: Diacritics input works incorrectly on Windows if Spanish (Latin American) keyboard layout is used + S8169481: StackOverflowError on start when parsing PAC file to autodetect Proxy settings + S8169556: Wrapping of FileInputStream's native skip and available methods + S8169865: Downport minor fixes in native code from JDK 9 to JDK 8 + S8170153: PPC64/s390x/aarch64: Poor StrictMath performance due to non-optimized compilation + S8170278: ticket renewal won't happen with debugging turned on + S8170409: CMS: Crash in CardTableModRefBSForCTRS::process_chunk_boundaries + S8170465: JNI exception pending in jni_util.c:190 + S8170466: JNI exception pending in jni_util.c:190 + S8170536: Uninitialised memory in set_uintx_flag of attachListener.cpp + S8170552: [macosx] Wrong rendering of diacritics on macOS + S8170565: JSObject call() is passed undefined for the argument 'thiz' + S8170578: CUPS Printing is broken with Ubuntu 16.10 (CUPS 2.2) + S8170594: >>>=0 generates invalid bytecode for BaseNode LHS + S8170913: Java "1.8.0_112" on Windows 10 displays different characters for EUDCs from ones created in eudcedit.exe. + S8170950: Text is displayed in bold when fonts are installed into symlinked folder + S8170977: SparseArrayData should not grow its underlying dense array data + S8171151: JDK8u ProblemList.txt Updates + S8171155: Scanning method file for initialized final field updates can fail for non-existent fields + S8171194: Exception "Duplicate field name&signature in class file" should report the name and signature of the field + S8171219: Missing checks in sparse array shift() implementation + S8171808: Performance problems in dialogs with large tables when JAB activated + S8171849: Collection and Queue conversions not prioritized for Arrays + S8171909: [PIT] on Windows, failure of java/awt/Dialog/DialogAboveFrame/ + S8171952: [macosx] AWT_Modality/Automated/ModalExclusion/ /NoExclusion/ModelessDialog test fails as DummyButton on Dialog did not gain focus when clicked. + S8172053: (ppc64) Downport of 8170153 breaks build on linux/ppc64 (big endian) + S8172145: C2: anti dependence missed because store hidden by membar + S8173373: C1: NPE is thrown instead of LinkageError when accessing inaccessible field on NULL receiver + S8173423: Wrong display name for supplemental Japanese era + S8173581: performance regression in com/sun/crypto/provider/ + S8173654: Regression since 8u60: System.getenv doesn't return env var set in JNI code + S8173664: Typo in + S8173853: IllegalArgumentException in java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter + S8173876: Fast precise scrolling and DeltaAccumulator fix for macOS Sierra 10.12.2 + S8174736: [JCP] [Mac]Cannot launch JCP on Mac os with language set to "Chinese, Simplified" while region is not China + S8174779: Locale issues with Mac 10.12 + S8175025: The copyright section in the test/java/awt/font/ /TextLayout/ should be updated + S8175131: sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.createConnection close connection on timeout + S8175345: Reported null pointer dereference defect groups + S8175915: NullPointerException from JComboBox and JList when Accessibility enabled + S8176287: [macosx] The print test crashed with Nimbus L&F + S8176490: [macosx] Sometimes NSWindow.isZoomed hangs + S8176511: JSObject property access is broken for numeric keys outside the int range + S8176530: JDK support for JavaFX modal print dialogs + S8177095: Range check dependent CastII/ConvI2L is prematurely eliminated + S8177450: javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser parseScript ignores a character after commend end + S8177678: Overstatement of universality of Era.getDisplayName() implementation + S8177776: Create an equivalent test case for JDK9's SupplementalJapaneseEraTest + S8177817: Remove assertions in 8u that were removed by 8056124 in 9. + S8179515: Class java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom fails to Initialize when using SecurityManager + S8180511: Null pointer dereference in Matcher::ReduceInst() + S8180565: Null pointer dereferences of ConstMethod::method() + S8180575: Null pointer dereference in LoadNode::Identity() + S8180576: Null pointer dereference in Matcher::xform() + S8180617: Null pointer dereference in InitializeNode::complete_stores + S8180660: missing LNT entry for finally block + S8180813: Null pointer dereference of CodeCache::find_blob() result + S8180934: PutfieldError failed with UnsupportedClassVersionError + S8180949: Correctly handle exception in TCPChannel.createConnection + S8181191: getUint32 returning Long + S8181192: [macos] javafx.print.PrinterJob.showPrintDialog() hangs on macOS + S8181205: JRE fails to load/register security providers when started from UNC pathname + S8181500: [TESTBUG] com/sun/jdi/ fails with jArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException + S8182672: Java 8u121 on Linux intermittently returns null for MAC address + S8185779: 8u152 L10n resource file update + S8186532: 8u152 L10n resource file update md20 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u161 build 12 + S8035105: DNS provider cleanups + S8137255: sun/security/provider/NSASuiteB/ / timeouts intermittently + S8140436: Negotiated Finite Field Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral Parameters for TLS + S8148108: Disable Diffie-Hellman keys less than 1024 bits + S8148421, PR3504: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Session Hash and Extended Master Secret Extension + S8154344: sun/security/pkcs11/KeyAgreement/ fails on solaris + S8156502: Use short name of + S8158116: com/sun/crypto/provider/KeyAgreement/ / failed with timeout + S8159240: XSOM parser incorrectly processes type names with whitespaces + S8159377: JMX Connections need white-list filters + S8161598: Kitchensink fails: assert(nm->insts_contains(original_pc)) failed: original PC must be in nmethod/CompiledMethod + S8163237: Restrict the use of EXPORT cipher suites + S8166362: [TEST_BUG] test sun/net/www/http/HttpClient/ failing with cert error in 8u121 b01 + S8169944: sun/security/tools tests fail with CompilationError + S8170157: Enable unlimited cryptographic policy by default in OracleJDK + S8170245: [TEST_BUG] Cipher tests fail when running with unlimited policy + S8170911: 8170823 changes in 8u131 causing signature-test failure in jck runtime8b suite + S8171262: Stability fixes for lcms + S8172297: In java 8, the marshalling with JAX-WS does not escape carriage return + S8173631: Backout three hotspot fixes from 8u121-bpr repo + S8176536: Improved algorithm constraints checking + S8177144: [TEST BUG] sun/net/www/http/HttpClient/ should run in ovm mode + S8177750: Forgot TestSocketFactory testcase in 8163958 changeset + S8178536: OOM ERRORS + SERVICE-THREAD TAKES A PROCESSOR TO 100% + S8178728: Check the AlgorithmParameters in algorithm constraints + S8179223: Integrate 8176490 into 8u131-bpr repo + S8181439: Test the jdk.tls.namedGroups System Property + S8181975: Run sun/security/pkcs11 tests on Mac + S8182614: Backout JDK-8140436 from 8u161 + S8183939: Import JDK-8182672 into 8u141-bpr repo + S8184016: Text in native popup is not always updated with Sogou IME + S8185572: Enable AssumeMP by default on SPARC machines + S8185628: Backport jdk/test/lib/testlibrary/ to jdk8u which is helpful in test development + S8185719: rmi TestSocketFactory does not flush + S8185909: Disable JARs signed with DSA keys less than 1024 bits + S8186539: [testlibrary] TestSocketFactory should allow triggers before match/replace + S8187482: Backout JDK-8159377 + S8187556: Backout of a fix reintroduced a dependency that had since been removed + S8188880: A JAXB JCK test failure found after 8186080 + S8190258, PR3499: (tz) Support tzdata2017c + S8190259, PR3499: test is broken by tzdata2017c + S8190266: closed/java/awt/ComponentOrientation/ throws java.util.MissingResourceException. + S8190449: sun/security/pkcs11/KeyPairGenerator/ fails on Solaris x64 5.10 + S8190497: DHParameterSpec.getL() returns zero after JDK-8072452 + S8190541: 8u161 L10n resource file update + S8190789: sun/security/provider/certpath/LDAPCertStore/ fails after JDK-8186606 + S8191137, PR3503: keytool fails to format resource strings for keys for some languages after JDK-8171319 + S8191340: 8ux linux builds failing - internal.xsltc.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl (unknown type) + S8191352: Remove 8u161-b07 and 8u162-b07 tag to include 8191340 for b07 + S8191907: PPC64 part of JDK-8174962: Better interface invocations + S8192793: 8u161 L10n resource file update md20 + S8193683: Increase the number of clones in the CloneableDigest * Backports + S8165996, PR3506: PKCS11 using NSS throws an error regarding secmod.db when NSS uses sqlite + S8170523, PR3506: Some PKCS11 test cases are ignored with security manager + S8187667, PR3517: Disable deprecation warning for readdir_r + S8189789, PR3530: tomcat gzip-compressed response bodies appear to be broken in update 151 + S8194739, PR3520: Zero port of 8174962: Better interface invocations + S8194828, PR3520: Fix for 8194739: Zero port of 8174962: Better interface invocations + S8195837, PR3522: (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2018c + S8196516, PR3523: [REDO] [linux] libfontmanager should be linked against headless awt library + S8196978, PR3517: JDK-8187667 fails on GCC 4.4.7 as found on RHEL 6 * Bug fixes + PR3489: Incomplete reading of directory containing tzdb.dat + PR3501: Revert 8165320 so as not to revert the work of 8034174 (PR2290) + PR3526: configure fails to parse GCC version * AArch64 port + S8164113, PR3519: AArch64: follow-up the fix for 8161598 + S8193133, PR3519: Assertion failure because 0xDEADDEAD can be in-heap + S8194686, PR3519: AArch64 port of 8174962: Better interface invocations + S8195859, PR3519: AArch64: vtableStubs gtest fails after 8174962 + S8196136, PR3519: AArch64: Correct register use in patch for JDK-8194686 + S8196221, PR3519: AArch64: Mistake in committed patch for JDK-8195859 + PR3519: Fix functions with missing return value. + PR3519: Fix further functions with a missing return value. * AArch32 port + S8140584: [aarch32] nmethod::oops_do_marking_epilogue always runs verification code + S8174962: [aarch32] Better interface invocations * Shenandoah + Fix post-CPU merge Shenandoah regressions - Removed patch: * tzdb_dat.patch + integrated upstream - Added patch: * aarch64.patch + fix aarch64 build- Fix build with gcc 7.3 * add -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fno-lifetime-dse and - std=gnu++98- Added patch: * tzdb_dat.patch + Patch also the other place in jdk that loads the tzdb.dat file- Update to version jdk8u151 (icedtea 3.6.0) * Security fixes + S8165543: Better window framing + S8169026, CVE-2017-10274: Handle smartcard clean up better (bsc#1064071) + S8169966: Larger AWT menus + S8170218: Improved Font Metrics + S8171252: Improve exception checking + S8171261: Stability fixes for lcms + S8174109, CVE-2017-10281: Better queuing priorities (bsc#1064072) + S8174966, CVE-2017-10285: Unreferenced references (bsc#1064073) + S8175940: More certificate subject checking + S8176751, CVE-2017-10295: Better URL connections (bsc#1064075) + S8178794, CVE-2017-10388: Correct Kerberos ticket grants (bsc#1064086) + S8180024: Improve construction of objects during deserialization + S8180711, CVE-2017-10346: Better invokespecial checks (bsc#1064078) + S8181100, CVE-2017-10350: Better Base Exceptions (bsc#1064082) + S8181323, CVE-2017-10347: Better timezone processing (bsc#1064079) + S8181327, CVE-2017-10349: Better X processing (bsc#1064081) + S8181370, CVE-2017-10345: Better keystore handling (bsc#1064077) + S8181432, CVE-2017-10348: Better processing of unresolved permissions (bsc#1064080) + S8181597, CVE-2017-10357: Process Proxy presentation (bsc#1064085) + S8181612, CVE-2017-10355: More stable connection processing (bsc#1064083) + S8181692, CVE-2017-10356: Update storage implementations (bsc#1064084) + S8183028, CVE-2016-10165: Improve CMS header processing (bsc#1064069) + S8184682, CVE-2016-9840, CVE-2016-9841, CVE-2016-9842, CVE-2016-9843: Upgrade compression library (bsc#1064070) * New features + PR3469: Alternative path to tzdb.dat + PR3483: Separate addition of nss.cfg and into separate targets + PR3484: Move SystemTap support to its own target + PR3485: Support additional targets for the bootstrap build * Import of OpenJDK 8 u151 build 12 + S8029659: Keytool, print key algorithm of certificate or key entry + S8057810: New defaults for DSA keys in jarsigner and keytool + S8075484, PR3473, RH1490713: SocketInputStream.socketRead0 can hang even with soTimeout set + S8077670: sun/security/krb5/auto/ may fail with BindException + S8087144: sun/security/krb5/auto/ fails with Retry count is -1 less + S8153146: sun/security/krb5/auto/ failed with timeout + S8157561: Ship the unlimited policy files in JDK Updates + S8158517: Minor optimizations to ISO10126PADDING + S8171319: keytool should print out warnings when reading or generating cert/cert req using weak algorithms + S8177569: keytool should not warn if signature algorithm used in cacerts is weak + S8177837: need to upgrade install tools + S8178714: PKIX validator nameConstraints check failing after change 8175940 + S8179423: 2 security tests started failing for JDK 1.6.0 u161 b05 + S8179564: Missing @bug for tests added with JDK-8165367 + S8181048: Refactor existing providers to refer to the same constants for default values for key length + S8182879: Add warnings to keytool when using JKS and JCEKS + S8184937: LCMS error 13: Couldn't link the profiles + S8185039: Incorrect GPL header causes RE script to miss swap to commercial header for licensee source bundle + S8185040: Incorrect GPL header causes RE script to miss swap to commercial header for licensee source bundle + S8185778: 8u151 L10n resource file update + S8185845: Add test library + S8186503: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ failed after backport to JDK 6/7/8 + S8186533: 8u151 L10n resource file update md20 + S8186674: Remove JDK-8174109 from CPU Aug 21 week builds * Backports + S8035496, PR3487: G1 ARM: missing remset entry noticed by VerifyAfterGC for vm/gc/concurrent/lp50yp10rp70mr30st0 + S8146086, PR3439, RH1478402: Publishing two webservices on same port fails with " Address already in use" + S8184673, PR3475, RH1487266: Fix compatibility issue in AlgorithmChecker for 3rd party JCE providers + S8185164, PR3438: GetOwnedMonitorInfo() returns incorrect owned monitor + S8187822, PR3478, RH1494230: C2 conditonal move optimization might create broken graph * Bug fixes + PR3479, RH1486025: ECC and NSS JVM crash + PR3486: Path to jvm.cfg is wrong in add-systemtap-boot + S8165852, PR3468: (fs) Mount point not found for a file which is present in overlayfs + S8188030, PR3459, RH1484079: AWT java apps fail to start when some minimal fonts are present * PPC port + S8145913, PR3466, RH1498309: PPC64: add Montgomery multiply intrinsic + S8168318, PR3466, RH1498320: PPC64: Use cmpldi instead of li/cmpld + S8170328, PR3466, RH1498321: PPC64: Use andis instead of lis/and + S8181810, PR3466, RH1498319: PPC64: Leverage extrdi for bitfield extract * AArch64 port + S8161190, PR3488: AArch64: Fix overflow in immediate cmp instruction + S8187224, PR3488: aarch64: some inconsistency between aarch64_ad.m4 and * SystemTap + PR3467, RH1492139: Hotspot object_alloc tapset uses HeapWordSize incorrectly * Shenandoah + Add missing UseShenandoahGC checks to C2 + [backport] Add JVMTI notifications to Shenandoah GC pauses. + [backport] After Evac verification should run consistently + [backport] All definitions should start with Shenandoah* + [backport] Allocation latency tracing + [backport] Allow allocations in pinned regions + [backport] Assorted monitoring support fixes + [backport] Avoid Full STW GC on System.gc() + related fixes + [backport] BrooksPointer tracing overwhelms -Xlog:gc=trace + [backport] Cannot do more than 1000 Full GCs + [backport] Cap heap size for TestRegionSizeArgs test + [backport] Cleanup "dirty" mentions + [backport] Cleanup unused methods and statements + Trivial cleanup: removed unused field, etc. + [backport] Common pause marker to capture everything before/after pause + [backport] Consistent print_on and tty handling + [backport] "continuous" heuristics + [backport] Disable biased locking by default + [backport] Fix build error: avoid loops with empty bodies + [backport] Fix build error: switches over enums should take all enums + [backport] Fix build error: verifier liveness should not be implicitly casted to size_t + [backport] Fixed assertion failures when printing heap region to trace output + [backport] Fixed C calling convention of shenandoah_wb() on Windows + [backport] LotsOfCycles test always degrades to Full GC + [backport] Made ShenandoahPrinter debug only + [backport] Make sure different Verifier levels work + [backport] Make sure we have at least one memory pool per memory manager (JMX) + JMX double-counts heap used size + [backport] Mark heuristics diagnostic/experimental + [backport] Move Verifier "start" message under (gc,start) + [backport] On-demand commit as heap resizing strategy + [backport] Periodic GC + [backport] PhiNode::has_only_data_users() needs to apply to shenandoah barrier only + [backport] Pinning humongous regions should be allowed + [backport] Reclaimed humongous regions should count towards immediate garbage + [backport] Refactor region flags into finite state machine + [backport] Refactor ShConcThread dispatch + [backport] Refactor ShenandoahFreeSet + Fast-forward over humongous regions to keep "current" non-humongous + [backport] Refactor ShenandoahHeapLock + [backport] Refactor ShenandoahHeapRegionSet + [backport] Region (byte|word) shifts as the replacement for divisions + [backport] Rehash -XX:-UseTLAB in tests + Rehash allocation tests + [backport] Rename inline guards + [backport] Selectable humongous threshold + Humongous top() should be correct for iteration + [backport] Shortcut concurrent cycle when enough immediate garbage is reclaimed + [backport] Templatize and improve inlining of arraycopy and clone barriers. + [backport] TestRegionSampling test + [backport] TestSmallHeap test for Shenandoah + [backport] Uncommit heap regions after given delay + [backport] Underflow in adaptive free_threshold calculation + [backport] Unlock more GC-specific tests for Shenandoah + [backport] Update counters on slow-path more rarely + [backport] Verifier should avoid pushing on stack when walking objects past TAMS + [backport] Verifier should walk cset and humongous regions + [backport] Verify humongous regions liveness + [backport] Verify liveness data + Correct way to fix Windows call convention issue + Fix build error in release config. + Fixed Fixed message logging + Handle Java heap initialization and expansion failures + Make sure -verbose:gc, PrintGC, PrintGCDetails work consistently + Missing barriers on constant oops + acmp rework + cas fix + write barrier on constant oop fix + Missing UseShenandoahGC check in LibraryCallKit::inline_multiplyToLen() + Missing UseShenandoahGC check to C2 + OOME in SurrogateLockerThread deadlocks the GC cycle + Properly unlock ShenandoahVerify + Remove unused memory_for, fixing the build + Remove useless code following acmp rework + Revert accidental G1 closure rename + Test bug: test library and flags in TestHeapAlloc + UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions flag is needed for ShenandoahVerify + Write barrier pin and expand cleanup - Removed patches: * alternative-tzdb_dat.patch * java-1_8_0-openjdk-linuxfilestore.patch + Integrated upstream- Enable improved font rendering on systems where it applies- Change the requirement of tzdata-java8 to Recommends, since it is not strictly needed.- Added patch: * alternative-tzdb_dat.patch + Allow specifying alternative path where to find the tzdb.dat file. With fallback to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/tzdb.dat - Don't symlink tzdb.dat in postinstall- Update the provided jdbc-stdext version to 4.2- Allow bootstrapping by itself (BuildConflicts: java-devel >= 1.9)- Make the requirements for mozilla-nss requires_ge instead of requires_eq- Don't require java-bootstrap-devel, build with the non-bootstrap java.- Added patch: * zero-atomic_copy64.patch - Fix wrong assembly for ppc and (maybe for) s390- Added patch: * java-1_8_0-openjdk-linuxfilestore.patch - Fix bsc#1032647, bsc#1052009 with btrfs subvolumes and overlayfs- Update to version jdk8u144 (icedtea 3.5.1) * Import of OpenJDK 8 u144 build 01 - S8184993: Jar file verification failing with SecurityException: digest missing xxx * Shenandoah - Amend "ArrayCopy verification code fix" with 8u-specific node hierarchy test - Amend "Refactor asm acmp" with a few missing changes - [backport] aarch64 store check fix - [backport] Account "shared" out-of-LAB allocations separately - [backport] Adaptive should not be scared of user-requested System.gc() - [backport] Added assertion for page alignment of heap's base address - [backport] Add "verify jcstress" acceptance test - [backport] "Allocation failure" cause should not be overwritten - [backport] ArrayCopy verification code fix - [backport] Assorted cleanups - [backport] "Before Full GC" verification is too strong for OOME-during-evac - [backport] C1 stores constants without read barriers - [backport] Cleanup AArch64 code - [backport] Cleanup class unloading and string intern code - [backport] Cleanup duplicated Shenandoah task queue declarations - [backport] Cleanups - [backport] Cleanup ShenandoahBarrierSet::write_barrier - [backport] Cleanup ShenandoahHeap::do_evacuation - [backport] Clean up unused fields and methods - [backport] Cleanup: update-refs check in_collection_set twice - [backport] Code cache roots styles - [backport] Concurrent code cache evacuation + bugfixes - [backport] Concurrent preclean + Fix weakref precleaning - [backport] Correct prefetch offset for marked object iteration - [backport] Deferred region cleanup. - [backport] Dense ShenandoahHeapRegion printout - [backport] Detailed ParallelCleanupTask statistics + Split out Full GC stats for parallel cleaning - [backport] Disable aggressive+verification test configs (jtreg eats up last configuration) - [backport] Do not abandon RP discovery on conc GC cancel, do that only before Full GC - [backport] Eliminating _num_regions variable in ShenandoahHeap - [backport] Ensure collection set and cset map are consistent - [backport] Fallback to shared allocation if GCLAB is not available - [backport] Fast synchronizer root scanning - [backport] "F: Code Cache Roots" is missing from gc+stats - [backport] Fix DerivedPointerTable handling when scanning roots twice in init-evac phase - [backport] Fixed a few of early returns that calling register_gc_end() - [backport] Fix live data accounting for humongous region - [backport] Fix memory Phis with only data uses - [backport] Fix recycled regions zapping - [backport] Fix up pointer volatility - [backport] Generic verification should not trust bitmaps - [backport] Heap/matrix verification for all reachable objects - [backport] Heap memory usage counting not longer needs to be atomic - [backport] Heap region recycling should call explicit clear() and request zapping - [backport] Heap region verification - [backport] Implementation of interpreter matrix barrier on aarch64 - [backport] Implement early update references phase. - [backport] implicit null checks broken on aarch64 - [backport] Increase timeout for EvilSyncBug test - [backport] Lazy parallel code cache iterator - [backport] Make statistics gathering span more operations - [backport] Make sure atomic operations are done on "volatile" fields - [backport] Make sure new_active_workers is used - [backport] Make {T,GC}LAB statistics unconditional - [backport] Mark-compact and heuristics should consistently process refs and unload classes - [backport] minor fix to optimization of java mirror comparison - [backport] more barrier on constant oop fixes + couple small unrelated fixes - [backport] More collection set and matrix cleanup - [backport] Nit: mark-compact phase 3 (Adjust Pointers) should announce itself as "Phase 3" - [backport] Optimize heap region size checks - [backport] Optimize heap verification - [backport] Out-of-TLAB evacuation should overwrite stale copies - [backport] Parallel code cache scanning - [backport] Parallel verification - [backport] Print correct message about gross times in stats - [backport] Print heap changes in phases that actually change heap occupancy - [backport] Print more detailed final UR stats - [backport] Print more details for weak ref and class unloading stats - [backport] Properly react on -ClassUnloading - [backport] Purge ealier version of redefined classes during class unloading - [backport] Purge ratio, global, connections heuristics. - [backport] Purge shenandoahHumongous.hpp - [backport] Purge ShenandoahVerify(Reads|Writes)ToFromSpace. - [backport] Reduce region retirement during tlab allocation - [backport] Refactor asm acmp (x86, aarch64, renames) - [backport] Refactor BrooksPointer asserts - [backport] Refactor heap verification - [backport] Reference processing deadlocks with - ParallelRefProcEnabled - [backport] Reference processors might use non-forwarded alive checks - [backport] Region sampling may not be enabled because last timetick is uninitialized - [backport] Rehash ShenandoahHeap section in hs_err - [backport] Reinstate "Purge" block in final-mark stats - [backport] Relax assert to not fire at safepoint - [backport] Remove heap printing routines from ShenandoahHeap - [backport] Remove obsolete compile_resolve_oop_runtime() methods - [backport] Rename final mark operations - [backport] Rename ShenandoahBarriersForConst - [backport] Replace ShHeapRegionSet::get with get_fast - [backport] Report correct total garbage data. Print out garbage and cset data with -Xlog:gc+ergo - [backport] Report oops and fwdptrs verification failures fully - [backport] Result of write barrier on constant not used - [backport] Separate Full GC root operations in GC stats - [backport] ShenandoahCollectionSet refactor - [backport] ShenandoahGCSession used wrong timer for full GC - [backport] ShenandoahHeap::evacuate_object() with boolean result flag. - [backport] Shenandoah options should be uintx - [backport] shenandoah_wb should fallback to slow path with - UseTLAB + Fix aarch64 compilation error due to shenandoah_wb change - [backport] ShenandoahWriteBarrierNode::memory_dominates_all_paths() assert failure when compiling methods using unsafe - [backport] Shortcut reference processing when no work is available - [backport] Simplify parallel synchronizer roots iterator - [backport] Skip RESOLVE when references update is not needed - [backport] Stats should attribute "Resize TLABs" properly, and mention "Pause" for init/final mark - [backport] Stats should not record past-shutdown events - [backport] "String/Symbol/CodeCache" -> "Str/Sym, Code Cache" - [backport] Tests should use all heuristics and pass heap verification + Disable aggressive+verification test configs - [backport] Total pauses should include final-mark pauses - [backport] Trim down native GC footprint - [backport] Update region sampling to include TLAB/GCLAB allocation data - [backport] Update roots should always handle derived pointers - [backport] Update ShenandoahHeapSampling to avoid double counting. - [backport] Update statistics to capture thread data accurately - [backport] Use CollectedHeap::base() instead of ShenandoahHeap::first_region_bottom() - [backport] Use lock version heap region memory allocator - [backport] Use scoped object for gc session/phases recording - [backport] Variable steps in adaptive heuristics - [backport] Verification error log is truncated - [backport] Verification levels - [backport] Verification should assert complete bitmaps in most phases + Disable complete bitmap verification in init mark - [backport] Verifier performance improvements: scan objects once, avoid double oop checks - [backport] Verifier should not assert cset in forwarded test block - [backport] Verifier should print extended info on referenced location - [backport] Verifier should use non-optimized root scans - [backport] Verify marked objects - [backport] Verify TAMS and object sizes - [backport] write barrier can get stuck below predicates resulting in unschedulable graph - S8140584: nmethod::oops_do_marking_epilogue always runs verification code - S8180175, S8180599: Cherry-pick/synchronize - Cleanup: Removed redundant ClassLoaderData::clear_claimed_marks() calls - Cleanup shared code. - Fixed memory leak in region garbage cache - Fix return type of ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_words_jint() - Improved comment about AArch64bit addressing in assembler. - Leak mutex in ShenandoahTaskTerminator - Make sure C2 arguments are not used when C2 is disabled. - Refactor parallel ClassLoaderData iterator - Revert G1 changes and bring shared BitMap - Add missing cmpoops() declaration to AArch64 macro assembler. Back out matrix related code from AArch64 interpreter. - Fix build without precompiled headers. - Fixed build issues on Windows- Use aarch32 instead of arm as a directory for JIT arm 32-bit virtual machine.- Upgrade to version jdk8u141 (icedtea 3.5.0) * Security fixes - S8163958, CVE-2017-10102, bsc#1049316: Improved garbage collection - S8167228: Update to libpng 1.6.28 - S8169209, CVE-2017-10053, bsc#1049305: Improved image post-processing steps - S8169392, CVE-2017-10067, bsc#1049306: Additional jar validation steps - S8170966, CVE-2017-10081, bsc#1049309: Right parenthesis issue - S8171539, CVE-2017-10078, bsc#1049308: Better script accessibility for JavaScript - S8172204, CVE-2017-10087, bsc#1049311: Better Thread Pool execution - S8172461, CVE-2017-10089, bsc#1049312: Service Registration Lifecycle - S8172465, CVE-2017-10090, bsc#1049313: Better handling of channel groups - S8172469, CVE-2017-10096, bsc#1049314: Transform Transformer Exceptions - S8173286, CVE-2017-10101, bsc#1049315: Better reading of text catalogs - S8173697, CVE-2017-10107, bsc#1049318: Less Active Activations - S8173770, CVE-2017-10074, bsc#1049307: Image conversion improvements - S8174098, CVE-2017-10110, bsc#1049321: Better image fetching - S8174105, CVE-2017-10108, bsc#1049319: Better naming attribution - S8174113, CVE-2017-10109, bsc#1049320: Better sourcing of code - S8174770: Check registry registration location - S8174873: Improved certificate processing - S8175106, CVE-2017-10115, bsc#1049324: Higher quality DSA operations - S8175110, CVE-2017-10118, bsc#1049326: Higher quality ECDSA operations - S8176055: JMX diagnostic improvements - S8176067, CVE-2017-10116, bsc#1049325: Proper directory lookup processing - S8176760, CVE-2017-10135, bsc#1049328: Better handling of PKCS8 material - S8178135, CVE-2017-10176, bsc#1049329: Additional elliptic curve support - S8179101, CVE-2017-10193, bsc#1049330: Improve algorithm constraints implementation - S8179998, CVE-2017-10198, bsc#1049331: Clear certificate chain connections - S8181420, CVE-2017-10074, bsc#1049307: PPC: Image conversion improvements - S8183551, CVE-2017-10074, PR3423, bsc#1049307: AArch64: Image conversion improvements - S8184185, CVE-2017-10111, bsc#1049322: Rearrange MethodHandle arrangements - bsc#1049332, CVE-2017-10243: Unspecified vulnerability in subcomponent JAX-WS - bsc#1049327, CVE-2017-10125: Unspecified vulnerability in subcomponent deployment - bsc#1049323, CVE-2017-10114: Unspecified vulnerability in subcomponent JavaFX - bsc#1049317, CVE-2017-10105: Unspecified vulnerability in subcomponent deployment - bsc#1049310, CVE-2017-10086: Unspecified vulnerability in subcomponent JavaFX * New features - PR3392, RH1273760: Support using RSAandMGF1 with the SHA hash algorithms in the PKCS11 provider * Import of OpenJDK 8 u141 build 15 (bsc#1049302) - S8139870: fails for composite types with items of ArrayType - S8155690: Update libPNG library to the latest up-to-date - S8159058: SAXParseException when sending soap message - S8162461: Hang due to JNI up-call made whilst holding JNI critical lock - S8163889: [macosx] Can't print from browser on Mac OS X - S8165231: java.nio.Bits.unaligned() doesn't return true on ppc - S8165367: Additional tests for JEP 288: Disable SHA-1 Certificates - S8173145: Menu is activated after using mnemonic Alt/Key combination - S8173207: Upgrade compression library - S8175251: Failed to load RSA private key from pkcs12 - S8176329: jdeps to detect MR jar file and output a warning - S8176536: Improved algorithm constraints checking - S8176731: JCK tests in api/javax_xml/transform/ spec conformance started failing after 8172469 - S8176769: Remove accidental spec change in jdk8u - S8177449: (tz) Support tzdata2017b - S8178996: [macos] JComboBox doesn't display popup in mixed JavaFX Swing Application on 8u131 and Mac OS 10.12 - S8179014: JFileChooser with Windows look and feel crashes on win 10 - S8180582: The bind to rmiregistry is rejected by registryFilter even though registryFilter is set - S8181591: 8u141 L10n resource file update - S8181698: Remove and retag 8u141-b12 tag from source repository - S8181946: JDK 8 THIRD_PARTY_README - Minor Cleanup - S8182054: Improve wsdl support - S8184235: Backout JDK-8173207 from 8u141, 7u151 and higher updates source base * Backports - S8164293, PR3412, RH1459641: HotSpot leaking memory in long-running requests - S8175813, PR3394, RH1448880: PPC64: "mbind: Invalid argument" when -XX:+UseNUMA is used - S8175887, PR3415: C1 value numbering handling of Unsafe.get*Volatile is incorrect - S8179084, PR3409, RH1455694: HotSpot VM fails to start when AggressiveHeap is set - S8180048, PR3411, RH1449870: Interned string and symbol table leak memory during parallel unlinking - S8181055, PR3394, RH1448880: PPC64: "mbind: Invalid argument" still seen after 8175813 - S8181419, PR3413, RH1463144: Race in jdwp invoker handling may lead to crashes or invalid results * AArch64 port - S7009641, PR3423: Don't fail VM when CodeCache is full - S8182581, PR3423: aarch64: fix for crash caused by earlyret of compiled method * AArch32 port - PR3391: Revert PR3385 as -Xshare:dump does appear to work on AArch32- Upgrade to version jdk8u131 (icedtea 3.4.0) - bsc#1034849 * Security fixes - S8163520, CVE-2017-3509: Reuse cache entries - S8163528, CVE-2017-3511: Better library loading - S8165626, CVE-2017-3512: Improved window framing - S8167110, CVE-2017-3514: Windows peering issue - S8168699: Validate special case invocations - S8169011, CVE-2017-3526: Resizing XML parse trees - S8170222, CVE-2017-3533: Better transfers of files - S8171121, CVE-2017-3539: Enhancing jar checking - S8171533, CVE-2017-3544: Better email transfer - S8172299: Improve class processing * New features - PR1969: Add AArch32 JIT port - PR3297: Allow Shenandoah to be used on AArch64 - PR3340: jstack.stp should support AArch64 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u131 build 11 - S6474807: (smartcardio) CardTerminal.connect() throws CardException instead of CardNotPresentException - S6515172, PR3346: Runtime.availableProcessors() ignores Linux taskset command - S7155957: closed/java/awt/MenuBar/MenuBarStress1/ hangs on win 64 bit with jdk8 - S7167293: FtpURLConnection connection leak on FileNotFoundException - S8035568: [macosx] Cursor management unification - S8079595: Resizing dialog which is JWindow parent makes JVM crash - S8130769: The new menu can't be shown on the menubar after clicking the "Add" button. - S8146602: jdk/test/sun/misc/URLClassPath/ test fails with NullPointerException - S8147842: IME Composition Window is displayed at incorrect location - S8147910, PR3346: Cache initial active_processor_count - S8150490: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2016 - S8160951: [TEST_BUG] javax/xml/bind/marshal/8134111/ should be added into :needs_jre group - S8160958: [TEST_BUG] java/net/SetFactoryPermission/ should be added into :needs_compact2 group - S8161147: jvm crashes when -XX:+UseCountedLoopSafepoints is enabled - S8161195: Regression: closed/javax/swing/text/FlowView/ - S8161993, PR3346: G1 crashes if active_processor_count changes during startup - S8162876: [TEST_BUG] sun/net/www/protocol/http/ fails intermittently - S8162916: Test sun/security/krb5/auto/ fails - S8164533: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ failed with "Error while cleaning up threads after test" - S8167179: Make XSL generated namespace prefixes local to transformation process - S8168774: Polymorhic signature method check crashes javac - S8169465: Deadlock in com.sun.jndi.ldap.pool.Connections - S8169589: [macosx] Activating a JDialog puts to back another dialog - S8170307: Stack size option -Xss is ignored - S8170316: (tz) Support tzdata2016j - S8170814: Reuse cache entries (part II) - S8170888, PR3314, RH1284948: [linux] Experimental support for cgroup memory limits in container (ie Docker) environments - S8171388: Update JNDI Thread contexts - S8171949: [macosx] AWT_ZoomFrame Automated tests fail with error: The bitwise mask Frame.ICONIFIED is not setwhen the frame is in ICONIFIED state - S8171952: [macosx] AWT_Modality/Automated/ModalExclusion/NoExclusion/ModelessDialog test fails as DummyButton on Dialog did not gain focus when clicked. - S8173030: Temporary backout fix #8035568 from 8u131-b03 - S8173031: Temporary backout fix #8171952 from 8u131-b03 - S8173783, PR3328: IllegalArgumentException: jdk.tls.namedGroups - S8173931: 8u131 L10n resource file update - S8174844: Incorrect GPL header causes RE script to miss swap to commercial header for licensee source bundle - S8174985: NTLM authentication doesn't work with IIS if NTLM cache is disabled - S8176044: (tz) Support tzdata2017a * Backports - S6457406, PR3335: javadoc doesn't handle properly in producing index pages - S8030245, PR3335: Update langtools to use try-with-resources and multi-catch - S8030253, PR3335: Update langtools to use strings-in-switch - S8030262, PR3335: Update langtools to use foreach loops - S8031113, PR3337: TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/ fails intermittently - S8031625, PR3335: javadoc problems referencing inner class constructors - S8031649, PR3335: Clean up javadoc tests - S8031670, PR3335: Remove unneeded -source options in javadoc tests - S8032066, PR3335: Serialized form has broken links to non private inner classes of package private - S8034174, PR2290: Remove use of JVM_* functions from code - S8034182, PR2290: Misc. warnings in code - S8035876, PR2290: AIX build issues after '8034174: Remove use of JVM_* functions from code' - S8038730, PR3335: Clean up the way JavadocTester is invoked, and checks for errors. - S8040903, PR3335: Clean up use of BUG_ID in javadoc tests - S8040904, PR3335: Ensure javadoc tests do not overwrite results within tests - S8040908, PR3335: javadoc test TestDocEncoding should use - notimestamp - S8041150, PR3335: Avoid silly use of static methods in JavadocTester - S8041253, PR3335: Avoid redundant synonyms of NO_TEST - S8043780, PR3368: Use open(O_CLOEXEC) instead of fcntl(FD_CLOEXEC) - S8061305, PR3335: Javadoc crashes when method name ends with "Property" - S8072452, PR3337: Support DHE sizes up to 8192-bits and DSA sizes up to 3072-bits - S8075565, PR3337: Define @intermittent jtreg keyword and mark intermittently failing jdk tests - S8075670, PR3337: Remove intermittent keyword from some tests - S8078334, PR3337: Mark regression tests using randomness - S8078880, PR3337: Mark a few more intermittently failuring security-libs - S8133318, PR3337: Exclude intermittent failing PKCS11 tests on Solaris SPARC 11.1 and earlier - S8144539, PR3337: Update PKCS11 tests to run with security manager - S8144566, PR3352: Custom HostnameVerifier disables SNI extension - S8153711, PR3313, RH1284948: [REDO] JDWP: Memory Leak: GlobalRefs never deleted when processing invokeMethod command - S8155049, PR3352: New tests from 8144566 fail with "No expected Server Name Indication" - S8173941, PR3326: SA does not work if executable is DSO - S8174164, PR3334, RH1417266: SafePointNode::_replaced_nodes breaks with irreducible loops - S8174729, PR3336, RH1420518: Race Condition in java.lang.reflect.WeakCache - S8175097, PR3334, RH1417266: [TESTBUG] 8174164 fix missed the test * Bug fixes - PR3348: Architectures unsupported by SystemTap tapsets throw a parse error - PR3378: Perl should be mandatory - PR3389: and should use @PERL@ rather than a hardcoded path * AArch64 port - S8168699, PR3372: Validate special case invocations [AArch64 support] - S8170100, PR3372: AArch64: Crash in C1-compiled code accessing References - S8172881, PR3372: AArch64: assertion failure: the int pressure is incorrect - S8173472, PR3372: AArch64: C1 comparisons with null only use 32-bit instructions - S8177661, PR3372: Correct ad rule output register types from iRegX to iRegXNoSp * AArch32 port - PR3380: Zero should not be enabled by default on arm with the AArch32 HotSpot build - PR3384, S8139303, S8167584: Add support for AArch32 architecture to configure and jdk makefiles - PR3385: aarch32 does not support -Xshare:dump - PR3386, S8164652: AArch32 jvm.cfg wrong for C1 build - PR3387: Installation fails on arm with AArch32 port as INSTALL_ARCH_DIR is arm, not aarch32 - PR3388: Wrong path for jvm.cfg being used on arm with AArch32 build * Shenandoah - Fix Shenandoah argument checking on 32bit builds. - Import from Shenandoah tag aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u101-b14-shenandoah-merge-2016-07-25 - Import from Shenandoah tag aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u121-b14-shenandoah-merge-2017-02-20 - Import from Shenandoah tag aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u121-b14-shenandoah-merge-2017-03-06 - Import from Shenandoah tag aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u121-b14-shenandoah-merge-2017-03-09 - Import from Shenandoah tag aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u121-b14-shenandoah-merge-2017-03-23- Fix build of Sun Elliptical Curves Crypto provider on Tumbleweed. Fixes bsc#1026102. - Clean the mozilla-nss requires and move them into the headless- Add a test to check that ECC is working * new file Don't run bootstrap build for s390, since it is broken, instead introduce a little cycle on this platform, in order to have working openjdk8- Upgrade to version jdk8u121 (icedtea 3.3.0) - bsc#1020905 * Security fixes - S8138725: Add options for Javadoc generation - S8140353: Improve signature checking - S8151934, CVE-2017-3231: Resolve class resolution - S8156804, CVE-2017-3241: Better constraint checking - S8158406: Limited Parameter Processing - S8158997: JNDI Protocols Switch - S8159507: RuntimeVisibleAnnotation validation - S8161218: Better bytecode loading - S8161743, CVE-2017-3252: Provide proper login context - S8162577: Standardize logging levels - S8162973: Better component components - S8164143, CVE-2017-3260: Improve components for menu items - S8164147, CVE-2017-3261: Improve streaming socket output - S8165071, CVE-2016-2183: Expand TLS support - S8165344, CVE-2017-3272: Update concurrency support - S8166988, CVE-2017-3253: Improve image processing performance - S8167104, CVE-2017-3289: Additional class construction refinements - S8167223, CVE-2016-5552: URL handling improvements - S8168705, CVE-2016-5547: Better ObjectIdentifier validation - S8168714, CVE-2016-5546: Tighten ECDSA validation - S8168728, CVE-2016-5548: DSA signing improvments - S8168724, CVE-2016-5549: ECDSA signing improvments * New features - PR3300: wget not required when downloading is disabled - PR3301: Support RHEL multilib installations which use the /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.x.0-openjdk.${arch} naming - PR3303: Allow Kerberos to be detected by old libs & headers method if pkg-config check fails * Import of OpenJDK 8 u112 build 16 - S6477756: GraphicsDevice.getConfigurations() is slow taking 3 or more seconds - S7172749: Xrender: Class cast exception in 2D code running an AWT regression test - S8017629: G1: UseSHM in combination with a G1HeapRegionSize > os::large_page_size() falls back to use small pages - S8022203: Intermittent test failures in demo/jvmti/hprof - S8022582: Relax response flags checking in - S8027575: b113 causing a lot of memory allocation and regression for wls_webapp_atomics - S8028486: java/awt/Window/WindowsLeak/ fails - S8030780: test/com/sun/corba/cachedSocket/ leaves HelloServer behind - S8036630: Null ProtectionDomain in JVM can cause NPE because principals field is not initialized to an empty array - S8042660: vm/mlvm/anonloader/stress/byteMutation failed with: assert(index >=0 && index < _length) failed: symbol index overflow - S8044193: Need to add known answer tests for AES cipher - S8044575: testlibrary_tests/whitebox/vm_flags/ failed: assert(!res || TypeEntriesAtCall::arguments_profiling_enabled()) failed: no profiling of arguments - S8048601: Tests for JCE crypto ciphers (part 1) - S8048621: Implement basic keystore tests - S8048622: Enhance tests for PKCS11 keystores with NSS - S8049021: Add smartcardio tests with APDU buffer - S8049312: AES/CICO test failed with on several modes - S8050402: Tests to check for use of policy files - S8050409: Test for JAAS getPrivateCredentials - S8054326: Confusing message in "Current rem set statistics" - S8055772: : version check assumes English localization - S8057791: Selection in JList is drawn with wrong colors in Nimbus L&F - S8058865: JMX Test Refactoring - S8067964: Native2ascii doesn't close one of the streams it opens - S8071487: javax/management/monitor/ timed out - S8071909: Port testlibrary improvments in jdk/test to hotspot/test as required for DCMD test port - S8073542: File Leak in jdk/src/java/base/unix/native/libnet/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c - S8074784: Additional tests for XML DSig API - S8075007: Additional tests for krb5-related cipher suites with unbound server - S8075297: Tests for RFEs 4515853 and 4745056 - S8075299: Additional tests for krb5 settings - S8075301: Tests for system property - S8077276: allocating heap with UseLargePages and HugeTLBFS may trash existing memory mappings (linux) - S8078268: javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser parseScript incorrectly optimized - S8078382: Wrong glyph is displayed for a derived font - S8080729: [macosx] java 7 and 8 JDialogs on multiscreen jump to parent frame on focus - S8085903: New fix for memory leak in ProtectionDomain cache - S8098581: SecureRandom.nextBytes() hurts performance with small size requests - S8129740: Incorrect class file created when passing lambda in inner class constructor - S8130127: streamline input parameter of Nashorn scripting $EXEC function - S8130309: Need to bailout cleanly if creation of stubs fails when codecache is out of space - S8130317: "ant test" fails to complete on Windows when run under cygwin shell - S8133070: Hot lock on BulkCipher.isAvailable - S8133309: Some unicode characters do not display any more after upgrading to Windows 10 - S8134232: KeyStore.load() throws an IOException with a wrong cause in case of wrong password - S8135322: ConstantPool::release_C_heap_structures not run in some circumstances - S8136998: JComboBox prevents wheel mouse scrolling of JScrollPane - S8137240: Negative lookahead in RegEx breaks backreference - S8138906: [TEST_BUG] Test test/script/trusted/JDK-8087292.js intermittently fails. - S8141148: LDAP "follow" throws ClassCastException with Java 8 - S8141541: Simplify Nashorn's Context class loader handling - S8143640: Showing incorrect result while passing specific argument in the Java launcher tools - S8143642: Nashorn shebang argument handling is broken - S8144160: Regression: two tests fail on Windows with "ant test" target - S8144221: fix Nashorn shebang argument handling on Mac/Linux - S8144703: ClassCastException: sun.font.CompositeFont cannot be cast to PhysicalFont - S8145305: fix Nashorn shebang handling on Cygwin - S8145984: [macosx] sun.lwawt.macosx.CAccessible leaks - S8146975: NullPointerException in IIOPInputStream.inputClassFields - S8147026: Convert an assert in ClassLoaderData to a guarantee - S8147451: Crash in Method::checked_resolve_jmethod_id(_jmethodID*) - S8147585: Annotations with lambda expressions has parameter result in wrong behavior. - S8147969: Print size of DH keysize when errors are encountered - S8148140: arguments are handled differently in apply for JS functions and AbstractJSObjects - S8148984: [macosx] Chinese Comma cannot be entered using Pinyin Input Method on OS X - S8150219: ReferenceError in 1.8.0_72 - S8150234: Windows 10 App Containers disallow access to ICMP calls - S8150814: correct package declaration in Nashorn test - S8151722: TESTBUG: New test compiler/native/ should be modified - S8153149: Uninitialised memory in WinAccessBridge.cpp:1128 - S8153192: (se) uses wrong timeout after EINTR (lnx) - S8153781: Issue in XMLScanner: EXPECTED_SQUARE_BRACKET_TO_CLOSE_INTERNAL_SUBSET when skipping large DOCTYPE section with CRLF at wrong place - S8153948: sun/security/mscapi/ fails with "Field length overflow" - S8154009: Some methods of require more permissions, than necessary - S8154069: Jaws reads wrong values from comboboxes when no element is selected - S8154144: Tests in com/sun/jdi fails intermittently with "jdb input stream closed prematurely" - S8154469: Update FSF address - S8154553: Incorrect GPL header in reported - S8154558: Incorrect GPL header in ProcessEnvironment_md.c reported - S8154816: Caps Lock doesn't work as expected when using Pinyin Simplified input method - S8154831: CastII/ConvI2L for a range check is prematurely eliminated - S8155001: SystemTray.remove() leaks GDI Objects in Windows - S8155106: MHs.Lookup.findConstructor returns handles for array classes - S8155214: java/lang/invoke/ fails due to exhausted code cache - S8156478: 3 Buffer overrun defect groups in jexec.c - S8156521: Minor fixes and cleanups in NetworkInterface.c - S8156714: Parsing issue with automatic semicolon insertion - S8156836: SIGSEGV: Test test/compiler/jsr292/ fails with JTREG 4.2 b02 - S8156896: Script stack trace should display function names - S8157160: JSON.stringify does not work on ScriptObjectMirror objects - S8157242: Some java/lang/invoke tests miss othervm - S8157444: exclude jjs shebang handling test from runs - S8157603: doesn't check one of the decrypted message as expected - S8157680: Callback parameter of any JS builtin implementation should accept any Callable - S8157819: TypeError when a java.util.Comparator object is invoked as a function - S8158059: The fix for 8050402 was partially committed - S8158072: Need a test for JDK-7172749 - S8158111: Make handling of 3rd party providers more stable - S8158178: java.awt.SplashScreen.getSize() returns incorrect size for high dpi splash screens - S8158338: Nashorn's ScriptLoader split delegation has to be adjusted - S8158373: SIGSEGV: Metadata::mark_on_stack - S8158467: AccessControlException is thrown on public Java class access if "script app loader" is set to null - S8158495: CCE: sun.java2d.NullSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.opengl.OGLSurfaceData - S8158802: com.sun.jndi.ldap.SimpleClientId produces wrong hash code - S8158871: Long response times with G1 and StringDeduplication - S8159822: Non-synchronized access to shared members of com.sun.jndi.ldap.pool.Pool - S8160122: Backport of JDK-8159244 used wrong version of the JDK 9 fix - S8160518: Semicolon is not recognized as comment starting character (Kerberos) - S8160693: uses bitwise AND instead of logical AND - S8161144: Fix for JDK-8147451 failed: Crash in Method::checked_resolve_jmethod_id(_jmethodID*) - S8162510: 8u112 L10n resource file updates - S8164453: 8u112 L10n resource file update - msgdrop 20 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u121 build 13 - S8037099: [macosx] Remove all references to GC from native OBJ-C code - S8059212: Modify sun/security/smartcardio manual regression tests so that they do not just fail if no cardreader found - S8139565: Restrict certificates with DSA keys less than 1024 bits - S8140422: Add mechanism to allow non default root CAs to be not subject to algorithm restrictions - S8148516: Improve the default strength of EC in JDK - S8151893: Add security property to configure XML Signature secure validation mode - S8152438: Threads may do significant work out of the non-shared overflow buffer - S8153438: Avoid repeated "Please insert a smart card" popup windows - S8154005: Add algorithm constraint that specifies the restriction date - S8154015: Apply algorithm constraints to timestamped code - S8159410: InetAddress.isReachable returns true for non existing IP adresses - S8160108: Implement Serialization Filtering - S8161228: URL objects with custom protocol handlers have port changed after deserializing - S8161571: Verifying ECDSA signatures permits trailing bytes - S8163304: jarsigner -verbose -verify should print the algorithms used to sign the jar - S8163583: [macosx] Press "To Back" button on the Dialog, the Dialog moves behind the Frame - S8164908: ReflectionFactory support for IIOP and custom serialization - S8165230: RMIConnection addNotificationListeners failing with specific inputs - S8166389: [TEST_BUG] closed/java/security/Security/ReadProp/ failing - S8166393: disabledAlgorithms property should not be strictly parsed - S8166432: Bad 8u112 merge of sun/security/tools/jarsigner/warnings/ - S8166591: [macos 10.12] Trackpad scrolling of text on OS X 10.12 Sierra is very fast (Trackpad, Retina only) - S8166739: Improve extensibility of ObjectInputFilter information passed to the filter - S8166875: (tz) Support tzdata2016g - S8166878: Connection reset during TLS handshake - S8167356: Follow up fix for jdk8 backport of 8164143. Changes for CMenuComponent.m were missed - S8167459: Add debug output for indicating if a chosen ciphersuite was legacy - S8167472: Chrome interop regression with JDK-8148516 - S8167591: Add MD5 to signed JAR restrictions - S8168861: AnchorCertificates uses hardcoded password for cacerts keystore - S8168963: Backout JDK-8154005 - S8168993: JDK8u121 L10n resource file update - S8169072: Backout JDK-8154015 - S8169191: (tz) Support tzdata2016i - S8169688: Backout (remove) MD5 from jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms for January CPU - S8169911: Enhanced tests for jarsigner -verbose -verify after JDK-8163304 - S8170131: Certificates not being blocked by jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms property - S8170268: 8u121 L10n resource file update - msgdrop 20 * Bug fixes - PR3271: Always round glyph advance in 26.6 space - PR3271: Fix compatibility with vanilla Fontconfig - PR3271: Fix glyph y advance - PR3271: Replace 'infinality' with 'improved font rendering' (--enable-improved-font-rendering) - PR3271: Simplify glyph advance handling - PR3286: -ffp-contract not available on older GCCs - PR3302: zip should be optional, as it's only used in the manually invoked dist-openjdk and dist-openjdk-fsg rules - PR3304: zip still a requirement of the underlying OpenJDK build * PPC port - S8170873, PR3280: PPC64/aarch64: Poor StrictMath performance due to non-optimized compilation * AArch64 port - S8130309, PR3280: Need to bailout cleanly if creation of stubs fails when codecache is out of space (AArch64 changes) - S8132875, PR3280: AArch64: Fix error introduced into AArch64 CodeCache by commit for 8130309 - S8165673, PR3280: AArch64: Fix JNI floating point argument handling - S8170188, PR3280: jtreg test compiler/types/ causes JVM crash - S8170873, PR3280: PPC64/aarch64: Poor StrictMath performance due to non-optimized compilation - Modified patch: * java-1_8_0-openjdk-gcc6.patch - rediff to changed context - Require the exact version of mozilla-nss that the package was built against (bsc#1022053)- Upgrade to version jdk8u111 (icedtea 3.2.0) * Security fixes + S8146490: Direct indirect CRL checks + S8151921: Improved page resolution + S8155968: Update command line options + S8155973, CVE-2016-5542: Tighten jar checks (bsc#1005522) + S8156794: Extend data sharing + S8157176: Improved classfile parsing + S8157739, CVE-2016-5554: Classloader Consistency Checking (bsc#1005523) + S8157749: Improve handling of DNS error replies + S8157753: Audio replay enhancement + S8157759: LCMS Transform Sampling Enhancement + S8157764: Better handling of interpolation plugins + S8158302: Handle contextual glyph substitutions + S8158993, CVE-2016-5568: Service Menu services (bsc#1005525) + S8159495: Fix index offsets + S8159503: Amend Annotation Actions + S8159511: Stack map validation + S8159515: Improve indy validation + S8159519, CVE-2016-5573: Reformat JDWP messages (bsc#1005526) + S8160090: Better signature handling in pack200 + S8160094: Improve pack200 layout + S8160098: Clean up color profiles + S8160591, CVE-2016-5582: Improve internal array handling (bsc#1005527) + S8160838, CVE-2016-5597: Better HTTP service (bsc#1005528) + PR3206, RH1367357: lcms2: Out-of-bounds read in Type_MLU_Read() + CVE-2016-5556 (bsc#1005524) * New features + PR1370: Provide option to build without debugging + PR1375: Provide option to strip and link debugging info after build + PR1537: Handle alternative Kerberos credential cache locations + PR1978: Allow use of system PCSC + PR2445: Support system libsctp + PR3182: Support building without pre-compiled headers + PR3183: Support Fedora/RHEL system crypto policy + PR3221: Use pkgconfig to detect Kerberos CFLAGS and libraries * Import of OpenJDK 8 u102 build 14 + S4515292: ReferenceType.isStatic() returns true for arrays + S4858370: JDWP: Memory Leak: GlobalRefs never deleted when processing invokeMethod command + S6976636: JVM/TI test ex03t001 fails assertion + S7185591: ERROR: could not find app's Java pid. + S8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads + S8034168: ThreadMXBean/ failed, blocked on wrong object + S8036006: [TESTBUG] sun/tools/native2ascii/ fails: Process exit code was 0, but error was expected. + S8041781: Need new regression tests for PBE keys + S8041787: Need new regressions tests for buffer handling for PBE algorithms + S8043836: Need new tests for AES cipher + S8044199: Tests for RSA keys and key specifications + S8044772: still times out with -Xcomp + S8046339: sun.rmi.transport.DGCAckHandler leaks memory + S8047031: Add SocketPermission tests for legacy socket types + S8048052: Permission tests for setFactory + S8048138: Tests for JAAS callbacks + S8048147: Privilege tests with JAAS Subject.doAs + S8048356: SecureRandom default provider tests + S8048357: PKCS basic tests + S8048360: Test signed jar files + S8048362: Tests for doPrivileged with accomplice + S8048596: Tests for AEAD ciphers + S8048599: Tests for key wrap and unwrap operations + S8048603: Additional tests for MAC algorithms + S8048604: Tests for strong crypto ciphers + S8048607: Test key generation of DES and DESEDE + S8048610: Implement regression test for bug fix of 4686632 in JCE + S8048617: Tests for PKCS12 read operations + S8048618: Tests for PKCS12 write operations. + S8048619: Implement tests for converting PKCS12 keystores + S8048624: Tests for SealedObject + S8048819: Implement reliability test for DH algorithm + S8048820: Implement tests for SecretKeyFactory + S8048830: Implement tests for new functionality provided in JEP 166 + S8049237: Need new tests for X509V3 certificates + S8049321: Support SHA256WithDSA in JSSE + S8049429: Tests for java client server communications with various TLS/SSL combinations. + S8049432: New tests for TLS property jdk.tls.client.protocols + S8049814: Additional SASL client-server tests + S8050281: New permission tests for JEP 140 + S8050370: Need new regressions tests for messageDigest with DigestIOStream + S8050371: More MessageDigest tests + S8050374: More Signature tests + S8050427: LoginContext tests to cover JDK-4703361 + S8050460: JAAS login/logout tests with LoginContext + S8050461: Tests for syntax checking of JAAS configuration file + S8054278: Refactor jps utility tests + S8055530: assert(_exits.control()->is_top() || !_gvn.type(ret_phi)->empty()) failed: return value must be well defined + S8055844: [TESTBUG] test/runtime/NMT/ fails on Solaris Sparc due to incorrect page size being used + S8059677: Thread.getName() instantiates Strings + S8061464: A typo in CipherTestUtils test + S8062536: [TESTBUG] Conflicting GC combinations in jdk tests + S8065076: java/net/SocketPermission/ fails intermittently + S8065078: NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces() triggers intermittent test failures + S8066871: java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type - local final String + S8068427: Hashtable deserialization reconstitutes table with wrong capacity + S8069038: javax/net/ssl/TLS/ needs to be updated for JDK-8061210 + S8069253: javax/net/ssl/TLS/ failed on Mac + S8071125: Improve exception messages in URLPermission + S8072081: Supplementary characters are rejected in comments + S8072463: Remove requirement that AKID and SKID have to match when building certificate chain + S8072725: Provide more granular levels for GC verification + S8073400: Some Monospaced logical fonts have a different width + S8073872: Schemagen fails with StackOverflowError if element references containing class + S8074931: Additional tests for CertPath API + S8075286: Additional tests for signature algorithm OIDs and transformation string + S8076486: [TESTBUG] javax/security/auth/Subject/doAs/ fails if extra VM options are given + S8076545: Text size is twice bigger under Windows L&F on Win 8.1 with HiDPI display + S8076995: gc/ergonomics/ failed with java.lang.RuntimeException: 'new_active_workers' missing from stdout/stderr + S8079138: Additional negative tests for XML signature processing + S8081512: Remove sun.invoke.anon classes, or move / co-locate them with tests + S8081771: ProcessTool.createJavaProcessBuilder() needs new addTestVmAndJavaOptions argument + S8129419: heapDumper.cpp: assert(length_in_bytes > 0) failed: nothing to copy + S8130150: Implement BigInteger.montgomeryMultiply intrinsic + S8130242: DataFlavorComparator transitivity exception + S8130304: Inference: NodeNotFoundException thrown with deep generic method call chain + S8130425: libjvm crash due to stack overflow in executables with 32k tbss/tdata + S8133023: ParallelGCThreads is not calculated correctly + S8134111: Unmarshaller unmarshalls XML element which doesn't have the expected namespace + S8135259: InetAddress.getAllByName only reports "unknown error" instead of actual cause + S8136506: Include as a property that can be queried by jtreg + S8137068: Tests added in JDK-8048604 fail to compile + S8139040: Fix initializations before ShouldNotReachHere() etc. and enable -Wuninitialized on linux. + S8139581: AWT components are not drawn after removal and addition to a container + S8141243: Unexpected timezone returned after parsing a date + S8141420: Compiler runtime entries don't hold Klass* from being GCed + S8141445: Use of Solaris/SPARC M7 can generate unknown signal in hs_err file + S8141551: C2 can not handle returns with inccompatible interface arrays + S8143377: Test fails + S8143647: Javac compiles method reference that allows results in an IllegalAccessError + S8144144: ORB destroy() leaks filedescriptors after unsuccessful connection + S8144593: Suppress not recognized property/feature warning messages from SAXParser + S8144957: Remove PICL warning message + S8145039: JAXB marshaller fails with ClassCastException on classes generated by xjc + S8145228: Java Access Bridge, getAccessibleStatesStringFromContext doesn't wrap the call to getAccessibleRole + S8145388: URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream returns image/jpg for some JPEG images + S8145974: XMLStreamWriter produces invalid XML for surrogate pairs on OutputStreamWriter + S8146035: Windows - With LCD antialiasing, some glyphs are not rendered correctly + S8146192: Add test for JDK-8049321 + S8146274: Thread spinning on WeakHashMap.getEntry() with concurrent use of nashorn + S8147468: Allow users to bound the size of buffers cached in the per-thread buffer caches + S8147645: get_ctrl_no_update() code is wrong + S8147807: crash in on linux-sparc + S8148379: jdk.nashorn.api.scripting spec. adjustments, clarifications + S8148627: to 64-bit platforms + S8148820: Missing @since Javadoc tag in Logger.log(Level, Supplier) + S8148926: Call site profiling fails on braces-wrapped anonymous function + S8149017: Delayed provider selection broken in RSA client key exchange + S8149029: Secure validation of XML based digital signature always enabled when checking wrapping attacks + S8149330: Capacity of StringBuilder should not get close to Integer.MAX_VALUE unless necessary + S8149334: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([])).push(10) creates an array containing two elements + S8149368: [hidpi] JLabel font is twice bigger than JTextArea font on Windows 7,HiDPI, Windows L&F + S8149411: PKCS12KeyStore cannot extract AES Secret Keys + S8149417: Use final restricted flag + S8149450: LdapCtx.processReturnCode() throwing Null Pointer Exception + S8149453: [hidpi] JFileChooser does not scale properly on Windows with HiDPI display and Windows L&F + S8149543: range check CastII nodes should not be split through Phi + S8149743: JVM crash after debugger hotswap with lambdas + S8149744: fix testng.jar delivery in Nashorn build.xml + S8149915: enabling validate-annotations feature for xsd schema with annotation causes NPE + S8150002: Check for the validity of oop before printing it in verify_remembered_set + S8150470: JCK: api/xsl/conf/copy/copy19 test failure + S8150518: G1 GC crashes at G1CollectedHeap::do_collection_pause_at_safepoint(double) + S8150533: Test java/util/logging/ times out intermittently. + S8150704: XALAN: ERROR: 'No more DTM IDs are available' when transforming with lots of temporary result trees + S8150780: Repeated offer and remove on ConcurrentLinkedQueue lead to an OutOfMemoryError + S8151064: com/sun/jdi/ fails intermittently + S8151197: [TEST_BUG] Need to backport fix for test/javax/net/ssl/TLS/ + S8151352: jdk/test/sample fails with "effective library path is outside the test suite" + S8151431: DateFormatSymbols triggers this.clone() in the constructor + S8151535: TESTBUG: java/lang/invoke/ should be modified to run with JTREG 4.1 b13 + S8151731: Add new jtreg keywords to jdk 8 + S8151998: VS2010 ThemeReader.cpp(758) : error C3861: 'round': identifier not found + S8152927: Incorrect GPL header in reported + S8153252: SA: Hotspot build on Windows fails if make/closed folder does not exist + S8153531: Improve exception messaging for RSAClientKeyExchange + S8153641: assert(thread_state == _thread_in_native) failed: Assumed thread_in_native while heap dump + S8153673: [BACKOUT] JDWP: Memory Leak: GlobalRefs never deleted when processing invokeMethod command + S8154304: NullpointerException at LdapReferralException.getReferralContext + S8154722: Test gc/ergonomics/ fails + S8157078: 8u102 L10n resource file updates + S8157838: Personalized Windows Font Size is not taken into account in Java8u102 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u111 build 14 + S6882559: new JEditorPane("text/plain","") fails for null context class loader + S8049171: Additional tests for jarsigner's warnings + S8063086: Math.pow yields different results upon repeated calls + S8140530: Creating a VolatileImage with size 0,0 results in no longer working g2d.drawString + S8142926: OutputAnalyzer's shouldXXX() calls return this + S8147077: IllegalArgumentException thrown by api/java_awt/Component/FlipBufferStrategy/indexTGF_General + S8148127: IllegalArgumentException thrown by JCK test api/java_awt/Component/FlipBufferStrategy/indexTGF_General in opengl pipeline + S8150611: Security problem on sun.misc.resources.Messages* + S8153399: Constrain AppCDS behavior (back port) + S8157653: [Parfait] Uninitialised variable in awt_Font.cpp + S8158734: JEditorPane.createEditorKitForContentType throws NPE after 6882559 + S8158994: Service Menu services + S8159684: (tz) Support tzdata2016f + S8160904: Typo in code from 8079718 fix : enableCustomValueHanlde + S8160934: isnan() is not available on older MSVC compilers + S8161141: correct bugId for JDK-8158994 fix push + S8162411: Service Menu services 2 + S8162419: closed/com/oracle/jfr/runtime/ failing after JDK-8155968 + S8162511: 8u111 L10n resource file updates + S8162792: Remove constraint DSA keySize < 1024 from jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms in jdk8 + S8164452: 8u111 L10n resource file update - msgdrop 20 + S8165816: jarsigner -verify shows jar unsigned if it was signed with a weak algorithm + S8166381: Back out changes to the file to not disable MD5 * Backports + S8078628, PR3208: Zero build fails with pre-compiled headers disabled + S8141491, PR3159, G592292: Unaligned memory access in Bits.c + S8157306, PR3121: Random infrequent null pointer exceptions in javac (enabled on AArch64 only) + S8162384, PR3122: Performance regression: bimorphic inlining may be bypassed by type speculation * Bug fixes + PR3123: Some object files built without -fPIC on x86 only + PR3126: pax-mark-vm script calls "exit -1" which is invalid in dash + PR3127, G590348: Only apply PaX markings by default on running PaX kernels + PR3199: Invalid nashorn URL + PR3201: Update infinality configure test + PR3218: PR3159 leads to build failure on clean tree * AArch64 port + S8131779, PR3220: AARCH64: add Montgomery multiply intrinsic + S8167200, PR3220: AArch64: Broken stack pointer adjustment in interpreter + S8167421, PR3220: AArch64: in one core system, fatal error: Illegal threadstate encountered + S8167595, PR3220: AArch64: SEGV in stub code cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt + S8168888, PR3220: Port 8160591: Improve internal array handling to AArch64. * Shenandoah + PR3224: Shenandoah broken when building without pre-compiled headers - Modified patch: * java-1_8_0-openjdk-gcc6.patch + rediff to a changed context - Build against system kerberos for openSUSE 13.1 and greater and SLE12 - Build against system pcsc and sctp for openSUSE 13.2 and greater and SLE12- Added patch: * s390-java-opts.patch - Solve memory issues when building s390 version- Upgrade to version jdk8u101 (icedtea 3.1.0) - New in release 3.1.0 (2016-07-25): * Security fixes - S8079718, CVE-2016-3458: IIOP Input Stream Hooking (bsc#989732) - S8145446, CVE-2016-3485: Perfect pipe placement (Windows only) (bsc#989734) - S8146514: Enforce GCM limits - S8147771: Construction of static protection domains under Javax custom policy - S8148872, CVE-2016-3500: Complete name checking (bsc#989730) - S8149070: Enforce update ordering - S8149962, CVE-2016-3508: Better delineation of XML processing (bsc#989731) - S8150752: Share Class Data - S8151925: Font reference improvements - S8152479, CVE-2016-3550: Coded byte streams (bsc#989733) - S8153312: Constrain AppCDS behavior - S8154475, CVE-2016-3587: Clean up lookup visibility (bsc#989721) - S8155981, CVE-2016-3606: Bolster bytecode verification (bsc#989722) - S8155985, CVE-2016-3598: Persistent Parameter Processing (bsc#989723) - S8158571, CVE-2016-3610: Additional method handle validation (bsc#989725) - CVE-2016-3552 (bsc#989726) - CVE-2016-3511 (bsc#989727) - CVE-2016-3503 (bsc#989728) - CVE-2016-3498 (bsc#989729) * New features - S8145547, PR1061: [AWT/Swing] Conditional support for GTK 3 on Linux - PR2821: Support building OpenJDK with --disable-headful - PR2931, G478960: Provide Infinality Support via fontconfig - PR3079: Provide option to build Shenandoah on x86_64 * Import of OpenJDK 8 u92 build 14 - S6869327: Add new C2 flag to keep safepoints in counted loops. - S8022865: [TESTBUG] Compressed Oops testing needs to be revised - S8029630: Thread id should be displayed as a hex number in error report - S8029726: On OS X some dtrace probe names are mismatched with Solaris - S8029727: On OS X dtrace probes CallMethodA/CallMethodV are not fired. - S8029728: On OS X dtrace probes SetStaticBooleanField are not fired - S8038184: XMLSignature throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if ID attribute value is empty String - S8038349: Signing XML with DSA throws Exception when key is larger than 1024 bits - S8041501: ImageIO reader is not capable of reading JPEGs without JFIF header - S8041900: [macosx] Java forces the use of discrete GPU - S8044363: Remove special build options for unpack200 executable - S8046471: Use OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_ARCH instead of legacy value for hotspot ARCH - S8046611: Build errors with gcc on sparc/fastdebug - S8047763: Recognize sparc64 as a sparc platform - S8048232: Fix for 8046471 breaks PPC64 build - S8052396: Catch exceptions resulting from missing font cmap - S8058563: InstanceKlass::_dependencies list isn't cleared from empty nmethodBucket entries - S8061624: [TESTBUG] Some tests cannot be ran under compact profiles and therefore shall be excluded - S8062901: Iterators is spelled incorrectly in the Javadoc for Spliterator - S8064330: Remove SHA224 from the default support list if SunMSCAPI enabled - S8065579: WB method to start G1 concurrent mark cycle should be introduced - S8065986: Compiler fails to NullPointerException when calling super with Object<>() - S8066974: Compiler doesn't infer method's generic type information in lambda body - S8067800: Clarify java.time.chrono.Chronology.isLeapYear for out of range years - S8068033: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/share/bin/java.c - S8068042: Check jdk/src/share/native/sun/misc/URLClassPath.c for JNI pending - S8068162: jvmtiRedefineClasses.cpp: guarantee(false) failed: OLD and/or OBSOLETE method(s) found - S8068254: Method reference uses wrong qualifying type - S8074696: Remote debugging session hangs for several minutes when calling findBootType - S8074935: jdk8 keytool doesn't validate pem files for RFC 1421 correctness, as jdk7 did - S8078423: [TESTBUG] javax/print/PrintSEUmlauts/ relies on system locale - S8080492: [Parfait] Uninitialised variable in jdk/src/java/desktop/windows/native/libawt/ - S8080650: Enable stubs to use frame pointers correctly - S8122944: perfdata used is seen as too high on sparc zone with jdk1.9 and causes a test failure - S8129348: Debugger hangs in trace mode with TRACE_SENDS - S8129847: Compiling methods generated by Nashorn triggers high memory usage in C2 - S8130506: javac AssertionError when invoking MethodHandle.invoke with lambda parameter - S8130910: hsperfdata file is created in wrong directory and not cleaned up if /tmp/hsperfdata_ has wrong permissions - S8131129: Attempt to define a duplicate BMH$Species class - S8131665: Bad exception message in HandshakeHash.getFinishedHash - S8131782: C1 Class.cast optimization breaks when Class is loaded from static final - S8132503: [macosx] Chinese full stop symbol cannot be entered with Pinyin IM on OS X - S8133207: test fails after changes for JDK-8080115 - S8133924: NPE may be thrown when xsltc select a non-existing node after JDK-8062518 - S8134007: Improve string folding - S8134759: jdb: Incorrect stepping inside finally block - S8134963: [Newtest] New stress test for changing the coarseness level of G1 remembered set - S8136442: Don't tie Certificate signature algorithms to ciphersuites - S8137106: EUDC (End User Defined Characters) are not displayed on Windows with Java 8u60+ - S8138745: Implement ExitOnOutOfMemory and CrashOnOutOfMemory in HotSpot - S8138764: In some cases the usage of TreeLock can be replaced by other synchronization - S8139373: [TEST_BUG] java/net/MulticastSocket/ failed with timeout - S8139424: SIGSEGV, Problematic frame: # V [] void InstanceKlass::oop_oop_iterate_oop_maps_specialized - S8139436: might load incomplete data - S8139751: Javac crash with -XDallowStringFolding=false - S8139863: [TESTBUG] Need to port tests for JDK-8134903 to 8u-dev - S8139985: JNI exception pending in jdk/src/jdk/hprof/agent/share/native/libhprof - S8140031: SA: Searching for a value in Threads does not work - S8140249: JVM Crashing During startUp If Flight Recording is enabled - S8140344: add support for 3 digit update release numbers - S8140587: Atomic*FieldUpdaters should use Class.isInstance instead of direct class check - S8141260: isReachable crash in windows xp - S8143297: Nashorn compilation time reported in nanoseconds - S8143397: It looks like InetAddress.isReachable(timeout) works incorrectly - S8143855: Bad printf formatting in frame_zero.cpp - S8143896: java.lang.Long is implicitly converted to double - S8143963: improve ClassLoader::trace_class_path to accept an additional outputStream* arg - S8144020: Remove long as an internal numeric type - S8144131: ArrayData.getInt implementations do not convert to int32 - S8144483: One long Safepoint pause directly after each GC log rotation - S8144487: PhaseIdealLoop::build_and_optimize() must restore major_progress flag if skip_loop_opts is true - S8144885: agent/src/os/linux/libproc.h needs to support Linux/SPARC builds - S8144935: C2: safepoint is pruned from a non-counted loop - S8144937: [TEST_BUG] testlibrary_tests should be excluded for compact1 and compact2 execution - S8145017: Add support for 3 digit hotspot minor version numbers - S8145099: Better error message when SA can't attach to a process - S8145442: Add the facility to verify remembered sets for G1 - S8145466: javac: No line numbers in compilation error - S8145539: (coll) AbstractMap.keySet and .values should not be volatile - S8145550: Megamorphic invoke should use CompiledFunction variants without any LinkLogic - S8145669: apply2call optimized callsite fails after becoming megamorphic - S8145722: NullPointerException in javadoc - S8145754: PhaseIdealLoop::is_scaled_iv_plus_offset() does not match AddI - S8146147: Java linker indexed property getter does not work for computed nashorn string - S8146566: OpenJDK build can't handle commas in LDFLAGS - S8146725: Issues with SignatureAndHashAlgorithm.getSupportedAlgorithms - S8146979: Backport of 8046471 breaks ppc64 build in jdk8u because 8072383 was badly backported before - S8147087: Race when reusing PerRegionTable bitmaps may result in dropped remembered set entries - S8147630: Wrong test result pushed to 8u-dev - S8147845: Varargs Array functions still leaking longs - S8147857: RMIConnector logs attribute names incorrectly - S8148353: [linux-sparc] Crash in on Linux SPARC - S8150791: 8u76 L10n resource file translation update * Import of OpenJDK 8 u101 build 13 - S6483657: MSCAPI provider does not create unique alias names - S6675699: need comprehensive fix for unconstrained ConvI2L with narrowed type - S8037557: test timeout - S8038837: Add support to jarsigner for specifying timestamp hash algorithm - S8081778: Use Intel x64 CPU instructions for RSA acceleration - S8130150: Implement BigInteger.montgomeryMultiply intrinsic - S8130735: javax.swing.TimerQueue: timer fires late when another timer starts - S8143913: MSCAPI keystore should accept Certificate[] in setEntry() - S8144313: Test SessionTimeOutTests can be timeout - S8146240: Three nashorn files contain "GNU General Public License" header - S8146387: Test SSLSession/SessionCacheSizeTests socket accept timed out - S8146669: Test SessionTimeOutTests fails intermittently - S8146993: Several javax/management/remote/mandatory regression tests fail after JDK-8138811 - S8147994: [macosx] JScrollPane jitters up/down during trackpad scrolling on MacOS/Aqua - S8151522: Disable 8130150 and 8081778 intrinsics by default - S8151876: (tz) Support tzdata2016d - S8152098: Fix 8151522 caused test compiler/intrinsics/squaretolen/ to fail - S8157077: 8u101 L10n resource file updates * Backports - S6260348, PR3066: GTK+ L&F JTextComponent not respecting desktop caret blink rate - S6778087, PR1061: getLocationOnScreen() always returns (0, 0) for mouse wheel events - S6961123, PR2972: setWMClass fails to null-terminate WM_CLASS string - S8008657, PR3077: JSpinner setComponentOrientation doesn't affect on text orientation - S8014212, PR2866: Robot captures black screen - S8029339, PR1061: Custom MultiResolution image support on HiDPI displays - S8031145, PR3077: Re-examine closed i18n tests to see it they can be moved to the jdk repository. - S8034856, PR3095: gcc warnings compiling src/solaris/native/sun/security/pkcs11 - S8034857, PR3095: gcc warnings compiling src/solaris/native/sun/management - S8035054, PR3095: JarFacade.c should not include ctype.h - S8035287, PR3095: gcc warnings compiling various libraries files - S8038631, PR3077: Create wrapper for awt.Robot with additional functionality - S8039279, PR3077: Move awt tests to openjdk repository - S8041561, PR3077: Inconsistent opacity behaviour between JCheckBox and JRadioButton - S8041592, PR3077: [TEST_BUG] Move 42 AWT hw/lw mixing tests to jdk - S8041915, PR3077: Move 8 awt tests to OpenJDK regression tests tree - S8043126, PR3077: move awt automated functional tests from AWT_Events/Lw and AWT_Events/AWT to OpenJDK repository - S8043131, PR3077: Move ShapedAndTranslucentWindows and GC functional AWT tests to regression tree - S8044157, PR3077: [TEST_BUG] Improve recently submitted AWT_Mixing tests - S8044172, PR3077: [TEST_BUG] Move regtests for 4523758 and AltPlusNumberKeyCombinationsTest to jdk - S8044429, PR3077: move awt automated tests for AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - S8044762, PR2960: com/sun/jdi/ test time out - S8044765, PR3077: Move functional tests AWT_SystemTray/Automated to openjdk repository - S8047180, PR3077: Move functional tests AWT_Headless/Automated to OpenJDK repository - S8047367, PR3077: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 2 - S8048246, PR3077: Move AWT_DnD/Clipboard/Automated functional tests to OpenJDK - S8049226, PR2960: com/sun/jdi/ test times out again - S8049617, PR3077: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 3 - S8049694, PR3077: Migrate functional AWT_DesktopProperties/Automated tests to OpenJDK - S8050885, PR3077: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 4 - S8051440, PR3077: move tests about maximizing undecorated to OpenJDK - S8052012, PR3077: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 5 - S8052408, PR3077: Move AWT_BAT functional tests to OpenJDK (3 of 3) - S8053657, PR3077: [TEST_BUG] move some 5 tests related to undecorated Frame/JFrame to JDK - S8054143, PR3077: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 6 - S8054358, PR3077: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 7 - S8054359, PR3077: move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 8 - S8055360, PR3077: Move the rest part of AWT ShapedAndTranslucent tests to OpenJDK - S8055664, PR3077: move 14 tests about setLocationRelativeTo to jdk - S8055836, PR3077: move awt tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 9 - S8056911, PR3077: Remove internal API usage from ExtendedRobot class - S8057694, PR3077: move awt tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 10 - S8058959, PR1061: closed/java/awt/event/ComponentEvent/MovedResizedTwiceTest/ failed automatically - S8062606, PR3077: Fix a typo in java.awt.Robot class - S8063102, PR3077: Change open awt regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 1 - S8063104, PR3077: Change open awt regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 2 - S8063106, PR3077: Change open swing regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 1 - S8063107, PR3077: Change open swing regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 2 - S8064573, PR3077: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/text/AbstractDocument/6968363/ is asocial pressing VK_LEFT and not releasing - S8064575, PR3077: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JEditorPane/6917744/ 100 times press keys and never releases - S8064809, PR3077: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JComboBox/4199622/ contains a lot of keyPress and not a single keyRelease - S8067441, PR3077: Some tests fails with error: cannot find symbol getSystemMnemonicKeyCodes() - S8068228, PR3077: Test closed/java/awt/Mouse/MaximizedFrameTest/MaximizedFrameTest fails with GTKLookAndFeel - S8069361, PR1061: SunGraphics2D.getDefaultTransform() does not include scale factor - S8073320, PR1061: Windows HiDPI Graphics support - S8074807, PR3077: Fix some tests unnecessary using internal API - S8076315, PR3077: move 4 manual functional swing tests to regression suite - S8078504, PR3094: Zero lacks declaration of VM_Version::initialize() - S8129822, PR3077: Define "headful" jtreg keyword - S8132123, PR1061: MultiResolutionCachedImage unnecessarily creates base image to get its size - S8133539, PR1061: [TEST_BUG] Split java/awt/image/ in two to allow restricted access - S8137571, PR1061: Linux HiDPI Graphics support - S8142406, PR1061: [TEST] MultiResolution image: need test to cover the case when @2x image is corrupted - S8145188, PR2945: No LocalVariableTable generated for the entire JDK - S8150258, PR1061: [TEST] HiDPI: create a test for multiresolution menu items icons - S8150724, PR1061: [TEST] HiDPI: create a test for multiresolution icons - S8150844, PR1061: [hidpi] [macosx] -Dsun.java2d.uiScale should be taken into account for OS X - S8151841, PR2882: Build needs additional flags to compile with GCC 6 [plus parts of 8149647 & 8032045] - S8155613, PR1061: [PIT] crash in AWT_Desktop/Automated/Exceptions/BasicTest - S8156020, PR1061: 8145547 breaks AIX and and uses RTLD_NOLOAD incorrectly - S8156128, PR1061: Tests for [AWT/Swing] Conditional support for GTK 3 on Linux - S8158260, PR2991, RH1341258: PPC64: unaligned Unsafe.getInt can lead to the generation of illegal instructions (bsc#988651) - S8159244, PR3074: Partially initialized string object created by C2's string concat optimization may escape - S8159690, PR3077: [TESTBUG] Mark headful tests with @key headful. - S8160294, PR2882, PR3095: Some client libraries cannot be built with GCC 6 * Bug fixes - PR1958: GTKLookAndFeel does not honor gtk-alternative-button-order - PR2822: Feed LIBS & CFLAGS into configure rather than make to avoid re-discovery by OpenJDK configure - PR2932: Support ccache in a non-automagic manner - PR2933: Support ccache 3.2 and later - PR2964: Set system defaults based on OS - PR2974, RH1337583: PKCS#10 certificate requests now use CRLF line endings rather than system line endings - PR3078: Remove duplicated line dating back to 6788347 and 6894807 - PR3083, RH1346460: Regression in SSL debug output without an ECC provider - PR3089: Remove old memory limits patch - PR3090, RH1204159: SystemTap is heavily confused by multiple JDKs - PR3095: Fix warnings in URLClassPath.c - PR3096: Remove dead --disable-optimizations option - PR3105: Use version from to create tarball filename - PR3106: Handle both correctly-spelt property "enableCustomValueHandler" introduced by S8079718 and typo version - PR3108: Shenandoah patches not included in release tarball - PR3110: Update documentation in INSTALL * AArch64 port - S8145320, PR3078: Create unsafe_arraycopy and generic_arraycopy for AArch64 - S8148328, PR3078: aarch64: redundant lsr instructions in stub code. - S8148783, PR3078: aarch64: SEGV running SpecJBB2013 - S8148948, PR3078: aarch64: generate_copy_longs calls align() incorrectly - S8149080, PR3078: AArch64: Recognise disjoint array copy in stub code - S8149365, PR3078: aarch64: memory copy does not prefetch on backwards copy - S8149907, PR3078: aarch64: use load/store pair instructions in call_stub - S8150038, PR3078: aarch64: make use of CBZ and CBNZ when comparing narrow pointer with zero - S8150045, PR3078: arraycopy causes segfaults in SATB during garbage collection - S8150082, PR3078: aarch64: optimise small array copy - S8150229, PR3078: aarch64: pipeline class for several instructions is not set correctly - S8150313, PR3078: aarch64: optimise array copy using SIMD instructions - S8150394, PR3078: aarch64: add support for 8.1 LSE CAS instructions - S8151340, PR3078: aarch64: prefetch the destination word for write prior to ldxr/stxr loops. - S8151502, PR3078: optimize pd_disjoint_words and pd_conjoint_words - S8151775, PR3078: aarch64: add support for 8.1 LSE atomic operations - S8152537, PR3078: aarch64: Make use of CBZ and CBNZ when comparing unsigned values with zero. - S8152840, PR3078: aarch64: improve _unsafe_arraycopy stub routine - S8153713, PR3078: aarch64: improve short array clearing using store pair - S8153797, PR3078: aarch64: Add Arrays.fill stub code - S8154537, PR3078: AArch64: some integer rotate instructions are never emitted - S8154739, PR3078: AArch64: TemplateTable::fast_xaccess loads in wrong mode - S8155015, PR3078: Aarch64: bad assert in spill generation code - S8155100, PR3078: AArch64: Relax alignment requirement for byte_map_base - S8155612, PR3078: Aarch64: vector nodes need to support misaligned offset - S8155617, PR3078: aarch64: ClearArray does not use DC ZVA - S8155653, PR3078: not pushed with 8155612 - S8156731, PR3078: aarch64: java/util/Arrays/ fails due to _generic_arraycopy stub routine - S8157841, PR3078: aarch64: prefetch ignores cache line size - S8157906, PR3078: aarch64: some more integer rotate instructions are never emitted - S8158913, PR3078: aarch64: SEGV running Spark terasort - S8159052, PR3078: aarch64: optimise unaligned copies in pd_disjoint_words and pd_conjoint_words - S8159063, PR3078: aarch64: optimise unaligned array copy long - PR3078: Cleanup remaining differences from aarch64/jdk8u tree - Removed patches: * compare-pointer-with-literal.patch * implicit-pointer-decl.patch * hotspot-aarch64-fix-48bit-va.patch - Fixed differently upsteam - Modified patch: * java-1_8_0-openjdk-gcc6.patch - Rediff to new context - Remove hacks to make build on ix86, since it seems they are not needed anymore - Remove special flags for gcc6, since they are handled upstream- Fix script linking /usr/share/javazi/tzdb.dat for platform where it applies (bsc#987895) - Enable SunEC for SLE12 and Leap- Fix aarch64 running with 48 bits va space (bsc#984684) * hotspot-aarch64-fix-48bit-va.patch- Added patch: * disable-doclint-by-default-patch - Disable Doclint while building javadoc by default. OpenJDK 8 adds and enables doclint by default. This catches issues in javadoc comments. It is too strict, breaks javadoc compilation and, in general, breaks the build for old code known to build with previous versions of OpenJDK. - Cycle make on i586 in order to prevent some random build errors that are not easily reproduceable and thus fixable.- Added patch: * java-1_8_0-openjdk-gcc6.patch + Fix build with gcc 6.1 - Add -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fno-lifetime-dse to try to avoid some crashes- Upgrade to version jdk8u91 (icedtea 3.0.1, bsc#976340) - Icedtea changes from 2.6.5 * Security fixes - S8129952, CVE-2016-0686: Ensure thread consistency - S8132051, CVE-2016-0687: Better byte behavior - S8138593, CVE-2016-0695: Make DSA more fair - S8139008: Better state table management - S8143167, CVE-2016-3425: Better buffering of XML strings - S8143945, CVE-2016-3426: Better GCM validation - S8144430, CVE-2016-3427: Improve JMX connections - S8146494: Better ligature substitution - S8146498: Better device table adjustments * Import of OpenJDK 8 u91 build 14 - S8002116: This gets an exit 1 - S8007890: [TESTBUG] fails when invoked with NMT explicitly turned on - S8036132: Tab characters in test/com/sun/jdi files - S8038963: com/sun/jdi tests fail because cygwin's ps sometimes misses processes - S8044419: TEST_BUG: com/sun/jdi/ fails when run under root - S8059661: Test SoftReference and OOM behavior - S8067422: Lambda method names are unnecessarily unstable - S8073735: [TEST_BUG] compiler/loopopts/ got OOME - S8074146: [TEST_BUG] jdb has succeded to read an unreadable file - S8130212: Thread::current() might access freed memory on Solaris - S8132890: Text Overlapping on Dot Matrix Printers - S8134297: NPE in GSSNameElement nameType check - S8134650: Xsl transformation gives different results in 8u66 - S8134828: Scrollbar thumb disappears with Nimbus L&F - S8138589: Correct limits on unlimited cryptography - S8138811: Construction of static protection domains - S8140268: Generate link to specification license for JavaDoc API documentation - S8141229: [Parfait] Null pointer dereference in cmsstrcasecmp of cmserr.c - S8143002: [Parfait] JNI exception pending in fontpath.c:1300 - S8143959: Certificates requiring blacklisting - S8146477: [TEST_BUG] failing again - S8146518: Zero interpreter broken with better byte behaviour - S8146967: [TEST_BUG] javax/security/auth/SubjectDomainCombiner/ should use 4-args ProtectionDomain constructor - S8147567: InterpreterRuntime::post_field_access not updated for boolean in JDK-8132051 - S8148446: (tz) Support tzdata2016a - S8148475: Missing SA Bytecode updates. - S8148487: PPC64: Better byte behavior - S8148522: Backout JDK-8138811 from 2016 Apr CPU repo - S8149170: Better byte behavior for native arguments - S8149367: PolicyQualifierInfo/index_Ctor JCk test fails with IOE: Invalid encoding for PolicyQualifierInfo - S8150012: Better byte behavior for reflection - S8150790: 8u75 L10n resource file translation update * Backports - S8148752, PR2943: Compiled StringBuilder code throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - S8154210: Zero: Better byte behaviour - S8154413: AArch64: Better byte behaviour - S4890063, PR2304, RH1214835: HPROF: default text truncated when using doe=n option - S6425769, PR2859: Allow specifying an address to bind JMX remote connector - S8000650, PR2462: unpack200.exe should check gzip crc - S8031668, PR2842: TOOLCHAIN_FIND_COMPILER unexpectedly resolves symbolic links - S8035341: Allow using a system installed libpng - S8038392: Generating prelink cache breaks JAVA 'jinfo' utility normal behavior - S8042159: Allow using a system-installed lcms2 - S8042806: Splashscreen uses libjpeg-internal macros - S8043805: Allow using a system-installed libjpeg - S8044235: should include all sources - S8074839, PR2462: Resolve disabled warnings for libunpack and the unpack200 binary - S8074859, PR1937: Turn on warnings as error - S8087218, PR2740: Constant fold loads from final instance fields in VM anonymous classes - S8139932, PR2739: Typo in makefile changes for 8043805 [Allow using a system-installed libjpeg] - S8140483, PR2740: Atomic*FieldUpdaters final fields should be trusted - S8140620, PR2769: Find and load default.sf2 as the default soundbank on Linux - S8145096, PR2854: Undefined behaviour in HotSpot - S8145982, PR2859: JMXInterfaceBindingTest is failing intermittently - S8146015, PR2859: JMXInterfaceBindingTest is failing intermittently for IPv6 addresses - S8148351, PR2842: Only display resolved symlink for compiler, do not change path - S8150954, PR2866, RH1176206: AWT Robot not compatible with GNOME Shell * Bug fixes - PR2933: Support ccache 3.2 and later - PR2934: SunEC provider throwing KeyException with current NSS - S8041658: Use of -fdevirtualize on macroAssembler_x86.o (via -O2) with gcc 4.9.0 creates broken VM - PR94: empty install target in - PR729: GTKLookAndFeel should be the system look&feel on all GNU/Linux desktops - PR1275: Provide option to turn off downloading of tarballs - PR1281, RH513605: Updating/Installing OpenJDK should recreate the shared class-data archive - PR1289: Allow JARs to be optionally compressed by setting COMPRESS_JARS - PR1291: Ensure unlimited crypto policy is in place. - PR1325: Only add classes to rt-source-files.txt if actually needed - PR1341: Remove Rhino support - PR1346: Filter out -j option to make - PR1347: Update list of checked JDKs - PR1348: java -version output is broken - PR1357: Make XRender mandatory - PR1359: Check for /usr/lib64 JVMs and generic JPackage alternative - PR1364: Replace hgforest support - PR1367: Support using the system installation of LCMS - PR1368: Ensure debug data is available for all libraries and binaries without redundant files - PR1369: Remove outdated bootstrap configure tests or make them fail on error - PR1377: Forwardport javac detection / usability test from IcedTea 2.x - PR1379: Add build support for Zero AArch64 - PR1413: Undefined reference to libz during link of unpack200 - PR1741: Break PulseAudio provider out into IcedTea-Sound - PR1766: Expand architecture support - PR1774: Support GIF lib v5 - PR1774: Correct #ifdef to #if - PR1796: make fails with "computed checksum did NOT match" - PR1806: Support Debian/Ubuntu 7 & 8 OpenJDK Installs as Boot JDK - PR1812: Unable to locate HotSpot checksum when downloading - PR1813: HotSpot URL should be used with --enable-hg - PR1815: Split download/extraction rules for OpenJDK so they can run in parallel - PR1829: Support AM_MAINTAINER_MODE - PR1834, RH1022017: Report elliptic curves supported by NSS, not the SunEC library - PR1845: jstack.stp in OpenJDK8 is broken - PR1869: Avoid x86 workaround when running Zero rather than a JIT - PR1889: Allow tarball checksumming to be disabled - PR1935: HotSpot extraction needs to depend on the tarball being downloaded - PR1937: Add configure option for -Werror - PR1938: Zero broken by enforced use of -Werror - PR1942: Bug reports lack IcedTea version & distribution packaging information - PR1950: Add build support for Zero SH - PR1965, G498288: Allow builds on PaX kernels - PR1968: Move to new OpenJDK bug URL format - PR1975: SystemTap probes for the garbage collector. - PR1977: Support using the system installation of Zlib - PR1979: Support using the system installation of libjpeg - PR1980: Support using the system installation of giflib - PR1981: Support using the system installation of libpng - PR1983: Support using the system installation of NSS with the SunEC provider - PR1994: make dist broken - PR2001: Synchronise HEAD tarball paths with release branch paths - PR2066: Unset OS before running OpenJDK build - PR2095, RH1163501: 2048-bit DH upper bound too small for Fedora infrastructure - PR2126: Synchronise elliptic curves in with those listed by NSS - PR2127: SunEC provider crashes when built using system NSS - PR2199: Support giflib 5.1.0 - PR2212: DGifCloseFile call should check the return value, not the error code, for failure - PR2227: giflib 5.1 conditional excludes 6.0, 7.0, etc. - PR2237, RH1194378: ppc64le should report its os.arch as ppc64le so tools can detect it - PR2248: HotSpot tarball fails verification after download - PR2256: Add SystemTap tests - PR2257: clean-extract-nashorn rule is never run - PR2321: Checksum of policy JAR files changes on every build - PR2329: jamvm parallel unpack failures - PR2339: Fail early if there is no native HotSpot JIT & all other options are disabled - PR2348: Avoid following symlinks for CACAO and JamVM patches - PR2351: Split CACAO rule into configure and make stages - PR2352: Split JamVM rule into configure, make and make install stages - PR2358: Add aliases for all stamp targets - PR2362: Update HACKING & - PR2363: Remove EC source code prior to build - PR2369: SunEC provider is partially installed - PR2377: PaX mark the installed JDK so it runs on hardened systems - PR2383: Location of docs directory in install-data-local is incorrect - PR2392: Make elliptic curve removal optional - PR2400, RH1206656: Zero JVM crashes on startup when built with GCC 5 - PR2407: Fix automatic enabling of the Zero build on non-JIT architectures which don't use CACAO or JamVM - PR2408: Enable Zero when Shark is enabled - PR2409: Update Zero macro to match one in IcedTea 2.x - PR2410: Support PPC64 JIT on ppc64le - PR2411: Fix references to following PR2001 - PR2413: OpenJDK doesn't auto-select Zero on architectures where no server JVM is available - PR2414: CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS should be passed to OpenJDK build - PR2415: JVM -Xmx requirement is too high on s390 - PR2428: OpenJDK build can't handle commas in LDFLAGS - PR2429: OpenJDK build does not copy a symlinked cacerts file - PR2432: ppc64 JIT doesn't support class data sharing - PR2433: ppc64le does not support -Xshare:dump - PR2434: SystemTap support is no longer optional - PR2439: NSS PKCS11 regression - due to automatic loading - PR2443: install stage fails where BUILD_ARCH_DIR != INSTALL_ARCH_DIR - PR2447: Allow greater control of Javadoc installation directory - PR2448: Install TRADEMARK, COPYING and ChangeLog as RPM spec file does - PR2454: install-data-local needs to check that classes.jsa actually exists - PR2456: Installation path for hotspot_gc.stp is wrong, due to changed j2sdk-image location - PR2459: Policy JAR files should be timestamped with the date of the policy file they hold - PR2511: Reset success following calls in LayoutManager.cpp - PR2541: Allow the user to specify the cacerts file to use - PR2544: Desktop files do not allow installation from multiple versions of IcedTea - PR2547: Extend tarball checksumming option to allow the checksum to be specified - PR2631: jvm.cfg missing for ppc64le - PR2633: s390 builds still fail as BUILD_NUM_BITS is never set - PR2675: Update ppc64le autotools infrastructure following PR2237 - PR2691, G564746: ./configure is unable to compile using distcc for icedtea-3.0.0_pre06 - PR2737: Allow multiple PKCS11 library initialisation to be a non-critical error. - PR2738: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no javalcms in java.library.path - PR2743: Remove bad AArch64 merge fragment - PR2759: LCMS library should be named javalcms, not lcms, to avoid potential conflicts with the system library - PR2766: Remove all references to GCJ - PR2767: Remove remaining rogue binaries from OpenJDK tree - PR2768: Move SystemTap GCC 4.5 patch to OpenJDK tree or discard if no longer needed - PR2777: Fix MAX/MIN template usage on s390 - PR2804: test/tapset/ should be executable - PR2815: Race condition in SunEC provider with system NSS - PR2825: Placement of -lfreebl matters when using bfd linker - PR2826: Provide option to disable SystemTap tests - PR2841: Parallelism issues resulting from PR2459 - PR2863: IcedTea doesn't pass through build and host triplets to OpenJDK's configure - PR2865: Handle uninstallation. - PR2869: Revert CRC fix (S8000650) backported as part of PR2462 - PR2873: Fix make distcheck. - PR2880: Add missing test directory in make check. - PR2885: Location of 'stap' executable is hard-coded - PR2888: OpenJDK should check for system cacerts database (e.g. /etc/pki/java/cacerts) - PR2899: Don't use WithSeed versions of NSS functions as they don't fully process the seed - PR2906: Support prefixed variants of GNU tools used on *BSD systems - PR2907: Replace --with-abs-install-dir with usual --prefix - PR2917: Don't pass --with-cacerts-file to build if USE_ALT_CACERTS_FILE is not set - PR2918: Makefile handles cacerts as a symlink, but the configure check doesn't - PR2920: PaX marking fails on filesystems which don't support extended attributes - PR2921: Uninstallation of docs deletes too much - Don't substitute 'j' for '-j' inside -I directives - Extend 8041658 to all files in the HotSpot build. - Remove jcheck * AArch64 port - PR1970: Imported from aarch64 jdk8 repository. - PR2853: Fix build for aarch64/zero - PR2853: Remaining miscellaneous synchronisation changes from aarch64/jdk8u - PR2853: Remove AArch64-specific code in generateOptoStub.cpp. - PR2853: Remove some AArch64-specific code in share/. - PR2853: Remove some unnecessary divergences from jdk8u. - PR2853: Revert AArch64 jvm.cfg divergence - PR2853: Revert changes to libpng source code now 8078245 is in place. - PR2922: Import latest AArch64 changes from aarch64-port/jdk8u (aarch64-jdk8u77-b03) - S8150652, PR2922: Remove unused code in AArch64 back end * JamVM - JSR 292: Invoke Dynamic - JSR 308: Type Annotations - JSR 335: Lambda Expressions - JSR 901: VM support for method parameter reflection - JEP 171: Implement fence methods in sun.misc.Unsafe - sun.misc.Unsafe: additional methods get/putAddress. - FreeClassData: adjust method count for Miranda methods - Fix invokesuper check in invokespecial opcode - Fix non-direct interpreter invokespecial super-class check - When GC'ing a native method don't try to free code - Do not free unprepared Miranda method code data - Set anonymous class protection domain - JVM_IsVMGeneratedMethodIx stub - Dummy implementation of sun.misc.Perf natives - JVM_NewMultiArray: element class may be an array - jtreg test java/lang/reflect/Array/ExceedMaxDim - OpenJDK: Fix Local/Anonymous class checks - classlibMarkThreadTerminated should return Object* - Fix race-condition in constant-pool resolution code - JSR 292: MethodHandle constant-pool refs may be resolved - JSR 292: bootstrap method args error handling - JSR 308: update to match OpenJDK changes - JSR 292: correct intrinsic cache COMPARE function - Race condition in setting up imethod table - GC: Minor performance improvement - PR2034: --enable-jamvm builds broken, missing JVM_GetTemporaryDirectory impl - PR2336: JamVM lacks JVM_FindClassFromCaller - PR2523: Add executable stack markings to callNative.S on JamVM - PR2775: JamVM lacks JVM_GetResourceLookupCacheURLs introduced by jdk8u40 * CACAO - PR1277: Synchronise CACAO rules between IcedTea6/7/8 where possible - PR1279: Synchronise CACAO versions between IcedTea6/7/8 where possible - PR2035: --enable-cacao builds broken, missing JVM_GetTemporaryDirectory impl. - PR2330, CA172, G453612: Add ARM hardfloat support to CACAO on Gentoo - PR2331: IcedTea8 fails to build with IcedTea7 CACAO due to low max heap size - PR2335: CACAO lacks JVM_FindClassFromCaller - PR2347: Fix CACAO patches to apply again - PR2349: 'struct jvm_version_info' has no member named 'is_kernel_jvm' - PR2350: Update to latest CACAO - PR2354: stamps/cacao.stamp tries to touch a file in a directory which doesn't exist - PR2355: CACAO build fails to use JRE layout - PR2776: CACAO lacks JVM_GetResourceLookupCacheURLs introduced by jdk8u40 - PR2832, CA195: typeinfo.cpp: typeinfo_merge_nonarrays: Assertion `dest && result && x.any && y.any' failed - PR2908: Add missing functions for CACAO OpenJDK JVM implementation - PR2909: Install CACAO in same way as JamVM - PR2910: Add rudimentary support for OpenJDK 8 class files to CACAO - PR2916: Update CACAO drop to use the latest from cacao-staging - Removed patches: * PStack-808293.patch * aarch64-misc.patch * disable-doclint-by-default.patch * include-all-srcs.patch * link-with-as-needed.patch * memory-limits.patch * multiple-pkcs11-library-init.patch * ppc64le-8036767.patch * s390-java-opts.patch * s390-size_t.patch * system-lcms.patch * system-libjpeg.patch * system-libpng.patch * zero-dummy.patch - Fixed upstream - Added patches: * icedtea-3.0.1-sunec.patch - Adapt the nss detection to SUSE packaging of mozilla-nss * java-1_8_0-openjdk-suse-desktop-files.patch - Adapt the desktop files for SUSE needs - Modified patches: * 1015432.patch * adlc-parser.patch * compare-pointer-with-literal.patch * implicit-pointer-decl.patch * java-atk-wrapper-security.patch * ppc-zero-hotspot.patch * zero-javadoc-verbose.patch - Adapt to new directory structure- Update to upstream tag jdk8u77-b03 (bsc#972468) * CVE-2016-0636: Improve MethodHandle consistency- Added patch: * ppc64le-8036767.patch + Change archinstall for ppc64le from ppc64 to ppc64le directory.- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u72-b15 * Oracle Critical Patch Update of January 2016 (bsc#962743) * Using aarch64 hotspot tag aarch64-jdk8u72-b15 - Security issues fixed: * CVE-2015-7575: Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) before 3.20.2, as used in Mozilla Firefox before 43.0.2 and Firefox ESR 38.x before 38.5.2, does not reject MD5 signatures in Server Key Exchange messages in TLS 1.2 Handshake Protocol traffic, which makes it easier for man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof servers by triggering a collision. * CVE-2015-8126: Multiple buffer overflows in the (1) png_set_PLTE and (2) png_get_PLTE functions in libpng before 1.0.64, 1.1.x and 1.2.x before 1.2.54, 1.3.x and 1.4.x before 1.4.17, 1.5.x before 1.5.24, and 1.6.x before 1.6.19 allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a small bit-depth value in an IHDR (aka image header) chunk in a PNG image. * CVE-2016-0402: Unspecified vulnerability in the Java SE and Java SE Embedded components in Oracle Java SE 6u105, 7u91, and 8u66 and Java SE Embedded 8u65 allows remote attackers to affect integrity via unknown vectors related to Networking. * CVE-2016-0448: Unspecified vulnerability in the Java SE and Java SE Embedded components in Oracle Java SE 6u105, 7u91, and 8u66, and Java SE Embedded 8u65 allows remote authenticated users to affect confidentiality via vectors related to JMX. * CVE-2016-0466: Unspecified vulnerability in the Java SE, Java SE Embedded, and JRockit components in Oracle Java SE 6u105, 7u91, and 8u66; Java SE Embedded 8u65; and JRockit R28.3.8 allows remote attackers to affect availability via vectors related to JAXP. * CVE-2016-0475: Unspecified vulnerability in the Java SE, Java SE Embedded, and JRockit components in Oracle Java SE 8u66; Java SE Embedded 8u65; and JRockit R28.3.8 allows remote attackers to affect confidentiality and integrity via unknown vectors related to Libraries. * CVE-2016-0483: Unspecified vulnerability in the Java SE, Java SE Embedded, and JRockit components in Oracle Java SE 6u105, 7u91, and 8u66; Java SE Embedded 8u65; and JRockit R28.3.8 allows remote attackers to affect confidentiality, integrity, and availability via vectors related to AWT. * CVE-2016-0494: Unspecified vulnerability in the Java SE and Java SE Embedded components in Oracle Java SE 6u105, 7u91, and 8u66 and Java SE Embedded 8u65 allows remote attackers to affect confidentiality, integrity, and availability via unknown vectors related to 2D. - Modified patch: * s390-java-opts.patch + rediff to the changed context- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u65-b17 * Security fix release of October 21, 2015 (bsc#951376) - Security issues fixed: * CVE-2015-4734: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Embedded JGSS component to partially access data * CVE-2015-4803: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the JRockit JAXP component to cause partial denial of service conditions * CVE-2015-4805: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Embedded Serialization component to gain elevated privileges * CVE-2015-4806: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Java SE Embedded Libraries component to partially access and partially modify data * CVE-2015-4835: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Embedded CORBA component to gain elevated privileges * CVE-2015-4842: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Embedded JAXP component to partially access data * CVE-2015-4843: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Java SE Embedded Libraries component to gain elevated privileges * CVE-2015-4844: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Embedded 2D component to gain elevated privileges * CVE-2015-4860: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Embedded RMI component to gain elevated privileges * CVE-2015-4872: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the JRockit Security component to partially modify data []. * CVE-2015-4881: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Embedded CORBA component to gain elevated privileges * CVE-2015-4882: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Embedded CORBA component to cause partial denial of service conditions * CVE-2015-4883: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Embedded RMI component to gain elevated privileges * CVE-2015-4893: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the JRockit JAXP component to cause partial denial of service conditions * CVE-2015-4902: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Java SE Deployment component to partially modify data * CVE-2015-4903: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Embedded RMI component to partially access data * CVE-2015-4911: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the JRockit JAXP component to cause partial denial of service conditions * CVE-2015-4810: A local user can exploit a flaw in the Java SE Deployment component to gain elevated privileges * CVE-2015-4840: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Embedded 2D component to partially access data * CVE-2015-4868: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the Java SE Embedded Libraries component to gain elevated privileges * CVE-2015-4901: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the JavaFX component to gain elevated privileges * CVE-2015-4906: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the JavaFX component to partially access data * CVE-2015-4908: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the JavaFX component to partially access data * CVE-2015-4916: A remote user can exploit a flaw in the JavaFX component to partially access data - Modified patch: * s390-size_t.patch - Account for an additional uintptr_t <-> size_t mismatch- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u60-b27 * Release of JDK 8u60 - Removed patches: * hotspot-support-kernel-4.patch * cplusplus-interpreter.patch * signed-overflow.patch - Integrated upstream * system-giflib5.patch - Fixed differently upstream * applet-hole.patch - Not needed any more with recent versions of icedtea-web - Modified patches * aarch64-misc.patch - Rediff to correspond to the new context - Added bits from aarch64-port/jdk8/jdk- Add constraints file- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u51-b16 * Security fix release of July 15, 2015 (bsc#938248, bsc#937828) - Security issues fixed: * CVE-2015-2590: Vulnerability in the Java SE, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: Libraries). * CVE-2015-2597: Vulnerability in the Java SE component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: Install). * CVE-2015-2601: Vulnerability in the Java SE, JRockit, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: JCE). * CVE-2015-2613: Vulnerability in the Java SE, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: JCE). * CVE-2015-2619: Vulnerability in the Java SE, JavaFX, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: 2D). * CVE-2015-2621: Vulnerability in the Java SE, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: JMX). * CVE-2015-2625: Vulnerability in the Java SE, JRockit, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: JSSE). * CVE-2015-2627: Vulnerability in the Java SE component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: Install). * CVE-2015-2628: Vulnerability in the Java SE, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: CORBA). * CVE-2015-2632; Vulnerability in the Java SE component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: 2D). * CVE-2015-2637: Vulnerability in the Java SE, JavaFX, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: 2D). * CVE-2015-2638: Vulnerability in the Java SE, JavaFX, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: 2D). * CVE-2015-2659: Vulnerability in the Java SE, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: Security). * CVE-2015-2664: Vulnerability in the Java SE component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: Deployment). * CVE-2015-2808: Vulnerability in the Java SE, JRockit, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: JSSE). * CVE-2015-4000: Vulnerability in the Java SE, JRockit, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: JSSE). * CVE-2015-4729: Vulnerability in the Java SE component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: Deployment). * CVE-2015-4731: Vulnerability in the Java SE, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: JMX). * CVE-2015-4732: Vulnerability in the Java SE, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: Libraries). * CVE-2015-4733: Vulnerability in the Java SE, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: RMI). * CVE-2015-4736: Vulnerability in the Java SE component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: Deployment). * CVE-2015-4748: Vulnerability in the Java SE, JRockit, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: Security). * CVE-2015-4749: Vulnerability in the Java SE, JRockit, Java SE Embedded component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: JNDI). * CVE-2015-4760: Vulnerability in the Java SE component of Oracle Java SE (subcomponent: 2D).- Use priority matching to ibm-java, always 5 bigger than it- Added patch: * zero-dummy.patch - Fix crash of ZERO VM built with gcc5- Added patch: * signed-overflow.patch - fix OOM due to signed overflow shown by gcc5 build- Use the tzdb.dat from tzdata-java8 package on distributions that have it.- Added patch: * hotspot-support-kernel-4.patch * fix build on systems having kernel 4.0- Update the aarch64 tarball to the recent tip * The revision has merged changes up to jdk8u45-b14 - Apply cplusplus-interpreter.patch to the default hotspot tarball only (aarch64 tarball has the patch integrated)- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u45-b14 * Security fix release of April 14, 2015- Build the accelerated aarch64 hotspot anew- Update the aarch64 tarball to a recent tip of the jdk8 repository- jdk8u40-b25 became officially jdk8u40 release * Modify the package version- Modified patch * system-libjpeg.patch - correct the case mismatch that prevented JPEG decoder from working correctly (bnc#905950)- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u40-b25- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u40-b24 - Upgrade the aarch64 hotspot to new tip * sync-ed with jdk8u40-b23 - Removed patch * aarch64-b12tob22.patch - Not needed since the aarch64 tarball is on a recent enough tag - Modified patch * s390-size_t.patch - Adapt to hotspot changes- Removed patch * aarch64-b12tob21.patch - replaced by one that forward-ports to b22 - Added patch * aarch64-b12tob22.patch - forward-port the aarch64 hotspot to b22.- Modify patch: system-giflib5.patch * Fix build with giflib 5.1.x- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u40-b22 * Security update from 2015-01-20- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u40-b21 - Removed patch: * aarch64-b12tob20.patch - replaced by new version - Added patch: * aarch64-b12tob21.patch - port the relevant changes between builds b12 and b21 to the aarch64 tarball that is on the upstream tag of jdk8u40-b12- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u40-b20 * Switch to the jdk8u40 stabilisation branch that will result in the jdk8u40 release - Removed patch: * hotspot-build-j-directive.patch - integrated in the jdk8u40-b20 version of hotspot - Added patches: * aarch64-b12tob20.patch - port the relevant changes between builds b12 and b20 to the aarch64 tarball that is on the upstream tag of jdk8u40-b12 * cplusplus-interpreter.patch - fix a build of C++ interpreter that is used with Zero virtual machine.- zero-javadoc-verbose.patch: Avoid triggering inactivity timeout while generating javadoc in zero VM- Require version of tzdata-java compatible with this version of Java.- Define bits to %__isa_bits if defined- Modified patches: * s390-size_t.patch - rediff and drop unnecessary chunks * s390-java-opts.patch - modify to correspond to the changed context- Put manpage alternative for policy-tool to the right package- Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u40-b12 * Unstable snapshot in view of jdk8u40 release * aarch64 hotspot merged to the level of jdk8u40-b12 - Remove unneeded aarch64-jdk8u40-b09_b10.patch: * the aarch64 hotspot merge contains all the changes- Update config.sub and config.guess to the recent master of Upgrade to upstream tag jdk8u40-b10 * Unstable snapshot in view of jdk8u40 release * Contains security fixes from 14 october 2014 - Add aarch64-jdk8u40-b09_b10.patch * Manually upgrade the aarch64 hotspot tarball with the changes between b09 and b10- Allow building for SLE11 * Conditionalize BuildRequires * Conditionalize cxxflags not understood by gcc 4.3 * Conditionalize javadoc noarch build for distributions that understand the per-package BuildArch - Try to make the jre-32 and jre-64 provides more automatic - Disable brp-check-bytecode-version during install * java8 will have bytecode version 8 in its jars/bin/sh/bin/shs390zp38 1722543162  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      jvmjvm-exportsjava-1.8.0-openjdk-1.8.0jaas- -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://          !"#$%&'()*+,-./012 3 444  5 67666666666directoryELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=256276e2e9c796a723c4d6964e8f67b118222e5d, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=b0e513133874ca1f193fe698d35f1713dee87cba, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=61c2bd17830c62387ca9f6c0798bf0fcc038aa8d, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=45705198a6a521ccd6fbb3d9d6e8cb61e95bb2a8, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=d7520e368ecd3804cbde8bb2e983aac58122da6d, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=3215fcfe527a574580cf689e90ad71a16ddb9bde, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=019f4069fd42d831314a7e7725e04d21fcd06d86, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=82df8708f230a78d194e101838152c9ae7ab8088, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=3e6f4cfc36506204e7e2f64310f254547022b6e2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=b1cd708dff211383c537f023b827786aaf114ab7, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=8924d221a15508292d3da2202badf2864d7590a8, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedASCII textgzip ERROR: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored (Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract Java archive data (JAR))GIF image data, version 89a, 32 x 32GIF image data, version 89a, 31 x 32ELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=ee2fec318449eb2e50695073c9713ea122d49658, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedAlgol 68 source, ASCII textELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3aa665e7bcb590e70b668cd9d15fcdd8faab1802, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=aac1aa4c4e94827c3690dd84fb9486527413bcb2, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=9aa69c47828ed87d193f8445fbd45d05466c0022, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=9537ad978f0912d5c095f49e701cac7e3c53b7d9, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=94e3b9bb0c1c379be30be50685c1cedd8574513e, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=4bca6c0e1cc0b32cdd865f0b3cf8ede8d3ef0011, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6ac6c6414807e3b5cf1d91d738eac55ef2aa9590, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ee7511052bb74eed81050e60168987b8e5d8ab0b, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=54ef7f99419e3b072a868a795a854f66656d32bd, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=01a217e7234624b0385db89fa0b30c92bc881551, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0cca9437fc84f791d0d81fce15a1d1c56ff15c2d, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a4faf795fc14a02f892c724d09068aec0466dadc, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=7e74a262cce006abb853cae9fb8ad40df05882f0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c6fa671b1b441888269f0bd1d64b21c5b84cba9e, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=159ed0405a55560447894587e84ef63482788e33, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a7cdddf281b02c1c0a41c3cd91e88831f4cdb170, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=38e714516b09b84a771e74744d988def4b519672, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6ee687779394582fc9ab2329bd53d7abf92f37ee, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=30c0e6ca7e5e1169d461b09f296150508e317ecf, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=06200407546e60254b4bd392ebf31fce76173121, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0bab88b206c717726d706b984d145a670d63a1fe, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=48d5a848e35e680d531b827c73bb8648e46023f8, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0f64aa4a41e886bfb89ff04e84f38f41ac270152, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=39fbe745e0ee62210d31a2c3f6729bd1d420f78d, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=e029eb1901ccb68a747dcaa2ec637eed30f08005, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=2283aef66faad141d2acc9f88d5007cdf7f470bf, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3a5b1654124dc23e66bc52497b64a211bab05229, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c36122d02710e4bd0f5127bda7a363df8ecc11d1, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=95313e1afd9272c27bf83dc15291333e5697fc28, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=c7a0914d2fc405417579fd561cb63434e4069522, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=4d0467d489759858defaaac3e05849c1bd20a00d, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6a77ac3bb5f4e1a9e9d2891f56f5527ed1840e3a, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=32f6d6bdb356bb3870e0d0e0aeadb17ab7c8b402, not strippedgzip ERROR: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored (Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract)UTF-8 Unicode texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)  $(.2>IS]ev%*38DMX        RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPMR R RRR6R R RRP6P5RR+R R RR R6RRR*PPRRR R R RRRRPRR$RR RR#RRRPPRRR RRRRRPPR+R R RR*RPPRRR RR$R2R3RRRR1RR#RRPPRR R RR RRP PRR R RRRP"P!RR RRRP#R!RR RR RP%P$R RR)RP'P&RR RRRP)P(RR0R(R+R&R R RR'R%R*R/RRP*R RRP,P+RR5R R R RRRR4RRP.P-R RRP0P/RRR RRRRRP2P1RR RRRR"RP4P3RR RR R RRRP8P7RR RRRP9RR R RRRP;P:RRP?P>RRR R RRRRPAP@R$R RR#RPCPBRRRR RR+RRR*RRPEPDRR+R&RR R R RRRR%R*RRPGPFR RRPIPHR RR R R3R1RPKPJR RRPMPLRRR3R R RRR1RRPOPNR 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