% $Id: tex4ht-fonts-noncjk.tex 1551 2024-09-03 22:26:09Z karl $ % tex tex4ht-fonts-noncjk % or ht tex tex4ht-fonts-noncjk % % Copyright 2009-2024 TeX Users Group % Copyright 1997-2009 Eitan M. Gurari % Released under LPPL 1.3c+. % See tex4ht-cpright.tex for license text. \def\accentGrave{18} \def\accentHat{94} \def\Uendash{2013} \def\Uemdash{2014} \def\Uupa{00AA} \def\Ultdel{2039} \def\Ugtdel{203A} \def\Usection{00A7} \def\UflatinB{0192} \def\Ucurren{00A4} \def\ULstrok{0141} \def\Ulstrok{0142} \def\Uyen{00A5} % =Y \def\Ubackslash{005C} \def\Upound{00A3} \def\Uparagraph{00B6} \def\Udag{2020} \def\Uddag{2021} \def\Ubullet{2022} \def\Uldots{2206} \def\Ucedilla{00B8} % \c accent \def\UCcedilla{00C7} \def\Uccedilla{00E7} \def\Uscedilla{015F} \def\UScedilla{015E} \def\Uring{005E} % o accent \def\UAring{00C2} \def\Uaring{00E5} \def\UUring{016E} \def\Uuring{016F} \def\UAacute{00C1} \def\UCacute{0106} \def\UDacute{010E} \def\UEacute{00C9} \def\UGacute{01F4} \def\UIacute{00CD} \def\ULacute{0139} \def\UNacute{0147} \def\UOacute{00D3} \def\URacute{0154} \def\USacute{015A} \def\UUacute{00DA} \def\UYacute{00DD} \def\UZacute{0179} \def\Uacute{00B4} \def\Uaacute{00E1} \def\Ucacute{0107} \def\Udacute{010F} \def\Ueacute{00E9} \def\Ugacute{01F5} \def\Uiacute{00ED} \def\Ulacute{013A} \def\Unacute{0144} \def\Uoacute{00F3} \def\Uracute{0155} \def\Usacute{015B} \def\Uuacute{00FA} \def\Uyacute{00FD} \def\Uzacute{017A} \def\Ujacute{FFFD} \def\UJacute{FFDD} \def\UAbar{0100} \def\UCbar{FFFD} \def\UDbar{FFFD} \def\UEbar{0112} \def\UIbar{012A} \def\ULbar{FFFD} \def\UNbar{FFFD} \def\UObar{014C} \def\URbar{FFFD} \def\USbar{FFFD} \def\UTbar{FFFD} \def\UUbar{016A} \def\UYbar{FFFD} \def\UZbar{FFFD} \def\Uabar{0101} \def\Ubar{00AF} \def\Ucbar{FFFD} \def\Uebar{0113} \def\Uibar{012B} \def\Unbar{FFFD} \def\Uobar{014D} \def\Urbar{FFFD} \def\Uubar{016B} \def\Uybar{FFFD} \def\Ubreve{02D8} \def\UCcheck{010C} \def\Ugcheck{011F} \def\UGcheck{011E} \def\UNcheck{0147} \def\UEcheck{011A} \def\URcheck{0158} \def\Urcheck{0159} \def\UScheck{0160} \def\UTcheck{0164} \def\UZcheck{017D} \def\Uccheck{010D} \def\Ucheck{02C7} \def\Uecheck{011B} \def\Uncheck{0148} \def\Uocheck{00F4} \def\Uscheck{0161} \def\Uucheck{0159} \def\Uzcheck{017E} \def\UDcheck{010E} \def\ULcaron{013D} \def\Ulcaron{013E} \def\Utcaron{0165} \def\Udcaron{010F} \def\UTcaron{0164} \def\UDcaron{010E} \def\Udot{002E} \def\Ucdot{22C5} \def\UAddot{00C4} \def\UEddot{00CB} \def\Ueddot{00EB} \def\UIddot{00CF} \def\UOddot{00D6} \def\UUddot{00DC} \def\UYddot{0178} \def\Uyddot{00FF} \def\Uaddot{00E4} \def\Uddot{00A8} \def\Uiddot{00EF} \def\Uoddot{00F6} \def\Uuddot{00FC} \def\UUodot{016E} \def\UAgrave{00C0} \def\UEgrave{00C8} \def\Uegrave{00E8} \def\UIgrave{00CC} \def\Uigrave{00EC} \def\UUgrave{00D9} \def\Uugrave{00F9} \def\UOgrave{00D2} \def\Uograve{00F2} \def\Uagrave{00E0} \def\Ugrave{0060} % \def\Uhataccent{0088} % circumflex accent \def\UAhat{00C2} \def\Uahat{00E2} \def\UIhat{00CE} \def\Uihat{00EE} \def\UEhat{00CA} \def\Uehat{00EA} \def\UOhat{00D4} \def\Uohat{00F4} \def\UUhat{00DB} \def\Uuhat{00FB} \def\Ujhat{FFFD} \def\Utilde{007E} \def\UAtilde{00C3} \def\Uatilde{00E3} \def\UNtilde{00D1} \def\Untilde{00F1} \def\UOtilde{00D5} \def\Uotilde{00F5} \def\Uarrowup{2191} \def\Uarrowdown{2193} \def\Ult{003C} \def\Ugt{003E} \def\Uequal{003D} \def\Ulbrace{007B} \def\Urbrace{007D} \def\Uunderscore{005F} \def\Uvert{007D} \def\Upercent{0025} \def\Upermil{2030} \def\Ucent{00A2} \def\UGamma{0393} \def\UDelta{0394} \def\UTheta{0398} \def\ULambda{039B} \def\UXi{039E} \def\UPi{03A0} \def\USigma{03A3} \def\UUpsilon{03D2} \def\UPhi{03A6} \def\UPsi{03A8} \def\UOmega{03A9} \def\Uff{FB00} \def\Ufi{FB01} \def\Ufl{FB02} \def\Uffi{FB03} \def\Uffl{FB04} \def\Uss{00DF} \def\USS{FFFD} \def\Uae{00E6} % \def\Uddash{0097} % \def\Uoe{009C} \def\Uempty{00F8} \def\UAE{00C6} % \def\UOE{008C} \def\UEmpty{00D8} \def\Uttlquotes{FFFD} \def\Uttrquotes{FFFD} \def\Udquote{0022} \def\Uquote{0027} \def\Ulbotupdquotes{201E} \def\Urbotupdquotes{201F} \def\Ulupupdquotes{201C} \def\Urupupdquotes{201D} \def\Ulbotupquote{201A} \def\Urbotupquote{201B} \def\Ulupupquote{2018} \def\Urupupquote{2019} \def\Unumsign{0023} \def\Udollar{0024} \def\Upercent{0025} \def\Uampersand{0026} \def\Ulpar{0028} \def\Urpar{0029} \def\Umult{002A} \def\Uplau{002B} \def\Ucomma{002C} \def\Uhyphen{002D} \def\Uslash{002F} \def\Uzero{0030} \def\Uone{0031} \def\Utwo{0032} \def\Uthree{0033} \def\Ufour{0034} \def\Ufive{0035} \def\Usix{0036} \def\Useven{0037} \def\Ueight{0038} \def\Unine{0039} \def\Ucolon{003A} \def\Usemicolon{003B} \def\Uinvexlam{00A1} \def\Uexlamation{0021} \def\Uequal{003D} \def\Uinvquestion{00BF} \def\Uttspace{033A} \def\Uquestion{003F} \def\Uat{0040} \def\UletA{0041} \def\UletB{0042} \def\UletC{0043} \def\UletD{0044} \def\UletE{0045} \def\UletF{0046} \def\UletG{0047} \def\UletH{0048} \def\UletI{0049} \def\UletJ{004A} \def\UletK{004B} \def\UletL{004C} \def\UletM{004D} \def\UletN{004E} \def\UletO{004F} \def\UletP{0050} \def\UletQ{0051} \def\UletR{0052} \def\UletS{0053} \def\UletT{0054} \def\UletU{0055} \def\UletV{0056} \def\UletW{0057} \def\UletX{0058} \def\UletY{0059} \def\UletZ{005A} \def\Ulbrack{005B} \def\Urbrack{005D} \def\Udotaccent{02D9} \def\Uleta{0061} \def\Uletb{0062} \def\Uletc{0063} \def\Uletd{0064} \def\Ulete{0065} \def\Uletf{0066} \def\Uletg{0067} \def\Uleth{0068} \def\Uleti{0069} \def\Uletj{006A} \def\Uletk{006B} \def\Uletl{006C} \def\Uletm{006D} \def\Uletn{006E} \def\Uleto{006F} \def\Uletp{0070} \def\Uletq{0071} \def\Uletr{0072} \def\Ulets{0073} \def\Ulett{0074} \def\Uletu{0075} \def\Uletv{0076} \def\Uletw{0077} \def\Uletx{0078} \def\Ulety{0079} \def\Uletz{007A} \def\Uldquts{02DD} % \def\Upromile{0089} \def\Umoreminus{002D} \def\Udontknow{FFFD} \def\Ulangqt{00AB} \def\Urangqt{00BB} \def\Uuodot{016F} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \input tex4ht.sty \Preamble{xhtml,th4,sections+} \EndPreamble \input ProTex.sty \AlProTex{c,<<<>>>,`,title,list,ClearCode,_^} \input tex4ht-dir.tex \def\MYdir{\HOME texmf/tex4ht/ht-fonts} \newwrite\dbcs \newwrite\unicode \let\coDE=\< \def\<{\vfil\par\coDE} \let\'=\Verb \def\`{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\qts\Verb} \def\qts#1{`#1\aftergroup'} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\AddFont{\futurelet\ext\AddFontA} \def\AddFontA{% \if [\ext \def\ext[##1]{\def\ext{##1}\AddFontB}% \else \def\ext{\def\ext{htf}\AddFontB}\fi \ext} \def\AddFontB#1#2{% \Comment{}{}\OutputCode[\ext]\<#1\>% \let\StartDir=\empty \def\EndDir{#2}\MakeDir \ifx \WWWdir\Undef \else \Needs{"cp #1.\ext\space \WWWdir /#2.\ext"}% \Needs{"chmod 644 \WWWdir /#2.\ext"}% \fi \Needs{"mv #1.\ext\space \MYdir /#2.\ext"}% } \def\MakeDir{\relax \expandafter \ifx \csname !\StartDir\endcsname\relax \expandafter\let\csname !\StartDir\endcsname=\empty \Needs{"mkdir -p \MYdir/\StartDir"}% \ifx \WWWdir\Undef \else \Needs{"mkdir -p \MYdir/\StartDir"}% \Needs{"chmod 711 \WWWdir /StartDir"}% \fi \fi \ifx \EndDir\empty \else \expandafter\AppendDir \EndDir////*% \expandafter\MakeDir \fi } \def\AppendDir#1/#2/#3/*{% \def\temp{#2}\ifx \temp\empty \let\EndDir=\empty \else \edef\StartDir{\ifx \StartDir\empty\else \StartDir/\fi #1}\def\EndDir{#2/#3}% \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Needs{"mkdir -p \MYdir"}% % this run needs capacity increases to succeed. %\Needs{"xhlatex tex4ht-fonts-4hf 'html,3' '' '-d./'"}% % do these separately. %\Needs{"tex tex4ht-fonts-cjk ; tex4ht tex4ht-fonts-cjk ; t4ht tex4ht-fonts-cjk"} %\Needs{"tex tex4ht-fonts-cjk-utf8 ; tex4ht tex4ht-fonts-cjk-utf8 ; t4ht tex4ht-fonts-cjk-utf8"} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \input common \CutAt{Chapter} \CutAt{Section,Chapter} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \TableOfContents[Chapter,Section,SubSection] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Chapter{Preamble} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Version Parts} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< %>>> \<<< % Eitan M. Gurari>>> \<<< %>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< % of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< % license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< % of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< % version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< % 2003/12/01 or later.>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< % Current Maintainer of this work is the TeX4ht Project.>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< %>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< % If you modify this file, changing the>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< % version identification would be appreciated.>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< %>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< % tex4ht@tug.org>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< % https://tug.org/tex4ht>>> \<<< ` >>> \<<< %>>> \<<< ` >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{EmacSpeak Properties} Named values don't seem to be supported. See \Link[http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/aural.html]{Emacspeak}{}Section A.12\EndLink{} at the CSS specifications. \<<< 5 >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Search Fonts} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \input tex4ht-cpright \<<< /* SearchFonts.java (`version), generated from `jobname.tex Copyright 2009-2020 TeX Users Group Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari ` */ /* It seems that this tool prints the character table for an HTF font from tex4ht-fonts-modern.tex, invoked something like this: java SearchFonts -xrpxb tex4ht-fonts-modern.tex Although presumably Eitan found it useful, those of us left behind haven't found a need for it, and it is not used anywhere. We'll leave it in the sources as usual but we don't try to compile it or do anything with it. */ import java.io.*; import java.util.*; class SearchFonts{ public static void main(String [] args){ try{ if( args.length != 2 ){ System.err.println( " java SearchFonts pattern.file tex4ht-fonts-modern.tex" + "\n java SearchFonts -xname tex4ht-fonts-modern.tex" + "\n java SearchFonts -Xname tex4ht-fonts-modern.tex" + "\n pattern.file: " + "\n 00A1 189 " + "\n 00BF 190 " + "\n 00A3 191 " + "\n 00DF 255 " ); System.exit(0); } if( args[0].startsWith("-x") || args[0].startsWith("-X") ){ ` } else { ` } } catch(java.io.IOException e){ System.err.println("--- Error ---"); } } } class Pattern{ String [] p; Pattern( String p ){ p = p.trim().replaceAll("\\s+"," "); this.p = p.split(" "); } boolean isWithin( String s ){ int from = 0; for(int i=0; i>> \<<< String name = args[0].substring(2); FileReader fr = new FileReader( args[1] ); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( fr ); boolean inFont = false; String s; while( (s=in.readLine()) != null ){ s += " "; s = s.trim().replaceAll("\\s+"," "); if( !s.equals("") ){ if( s.equals("\\<" + name + "\\><<<") ){ inFont = true; } else if( inFont && s.equals(">>`empty>") ){ System.exit(0); } else if( inFont ){ s += " "; int i = args[0].startsWith("-X")? s.indexOf(" ") : 0; System.out.println( s.substring(0,s.indexOf(" ",i)) ); } } } >>> \<<< ArrayList p = new ArrayList(); String records = null; String s, name = null; FileReader fr = new FileReader( args[0] ); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( fr ); while( (s=in.readLine()) != null ){ s = s.trim().replaceAll("\\s+"," "); if( !s.equals("") ){ p.add( new Pattern( s ) ); } } fr = new FileReader( args[1] ); in = new BufferedReader( fr ); boolean inFont = false; int cnt = 0; while( (s=in.readLine()) != null ){ s = s.trim().replaceAll("\\s+"," "); if( !s.equals("") ){ if( s.startsWith("\\<") && s.endsWith("\\><<<") ){ inFont = true; cnt = 0; name = s.substring(2, s.length()-5); records = ""; } else if( s.equals(">>`empty>") ){ inFont = false; } else if( inFont ){ if( p.get(cnt).isWithin(s) ){ cnt++; records += "\n" + s; } if( cnt == p.size() ){ System.out.println( "-----------------------\n" + name + "\n-----------------------" + records ); inFont = false; } } } } >>> \OutputCodE\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Chapter{Aliases} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{Substitute Fonts} \<<< .cmtt >>> \AddFont{cmtex}{alias/cm/cmtex}{} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: cmbx font-weight: bold; htfcss: cmbxsl font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{cmbx-Q}{alias/cm/cmbx}{} \<<< htfcss: cmbx @media speech pitch:6; pitch-range: 1; richness: 9; volume: `; speak-numeral: digits; >>> \AddFont[4es]{cmbx-emspk}{css/emacspeak/cm/cmbx}{} \<<< .cmti htfcss: cmbxti font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{cmbxti-Q}{alias/cm/cmbxti}{} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: cmsl font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{cmsl-Q}{alias/cm/cmsl}{} \<<< .cmtt htfcss: cmsltt font-style: oblique; font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{cmsltt}{alias/cm/cmsltt} \<<< .cmtt htfcss: cmitt font-family: monospace,monospace; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{cmitt}{alias/cm/cmitt}{} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: cmss font-family: sans-serif; htfcss: cmssbx font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; htfcss: cmssbxo font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; font-weight: bold; htfcss: cmssdc font-family: sans-serif; htfcss: cmssi font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{cmss-Q}{alias/cm/cmss}{} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: cmssq font-family: sans-serif; htfcss: cmssqi font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{cmssq-Q}{alias/cm/cmssq}{} \<<< .cmti htfcss: cmu font-style: oblique; font-style:italic; >>> \AddFont{cmu-Q}{alias/cm/cmu}{} \<<< .cmsy htfcss: cmbsy font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{cmbsy}{alias/cm/cmbsy} \<<< .wncyr >>> \AddFont{wncyi}{alias/cm/wncyi}{} \<<< .pcrbo7t htfcss: pcrb7t font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrb7t}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrb7t}{} \<<< .pplri9t htfcss: ptmro7t font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{ptmro7t}{alias/adobe/times/ptmro7t}{} \<<< .pplri9t htfcss: ptmbi7t font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{ptmbi7t}{alias/adobe/times/ptmbi7t}{} % \<<< .lm-ec >>> \AddFont{ptmr8t}{alias/adobe/times/ptmr8t}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ptmro8t font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{ptmro8t}{alias/adobe/times/ptmro8t}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ptmri8t font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{ptmri8t}{alias/adobe/times/ptmri8t}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ptmb8t font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{ptmb8t}{alias/adobe/times/ptmb8t}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: dcbx font-weight: bold; htfcss: dcbxti font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; htfcss: dcit font-style: italic; htfcss: dcitt font-family: monospace,monospace; font-style: italic; htfcss: dcss font-family: sans-serif; htfcss: dcssi font-style: italic; font-family: sans-serif; htfcss: dcti font-style: italic; htfcss: dctt font-family: monospace,monospace; htfcss: dcff font-family: fantasy; >>> \AddFont{dc}{alias/ec/dc}{} \<<< .ec-iwonacap >>> \AddFont{dccc}{alias/ec/dccc}{} \<<< .cmcbx htfcss: cmcsl font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{cmcs}{alias/cm/cmcs}{} \<<< .cmcbx htfcss: cmcss font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{cmcss}{alias/cm/cmcss} \<<< .cmcbx >>> \AddFont{cmcyr}{alias/cm/cmcyr}{} \<<< .wnr htfcss: wnsl font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{wnsl}{alias/cm/sauter/wnsl}{} \<<< .wnr htfcss: wnbx font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{wnbx}{alias/cm/sauter/wnbx}{} \<<< .wnti htfcss: wnbxti font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{wnbxti}{alias/cm/sauter/wnbxti}{} \<<< .wsuipa >>> \AddFont{wbxipa}{alias/cyrillic/wbxipa}{} \<<< .wsuipa >>> \AddFont{wslipa}{alias/cyrillic/wslipa}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Chapter{Converted T1-encoded fonts} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From \Link[http://tug.org/pipermail/tex4ht/2015q2/001180.html]{}{}mail\EndLink. For fonts which follows standard font encoding, it suffices for their .htf file to point to another .htf file with full character table (such as lm-ec.htf for the T1 font encoding). Such a ``light'' .htf file can also provide information which is then inserted to the css file. t1fontmake.lua is a small Lua script to parse information from font tfm names (like LibreCaslonText-Italic-osf-t1) and creates these light .htf files with css information (such as font.weight, font-style, font-variant and font-name), resp.\ it creates file in format of tex4ht-fonts-noncjk.tex. Usage is as follows. First make file with list of .tfm files: find path/to/texmf-dir/fonts/tfm -name *-t1.tfm > tfmlist.txt (with this command we find only files in suitable file name format). then run maket1fonts.lua < tfmlist.txt > output.tex file output.tex can then be inserted at the suitable place in the tex4ht-font-noncjk.tex It should be easy to modify the script to support also other font encodings, we only need to find suitable .htf file with font table for these encodings. The generated files needs some testing, in general font styles should be recognized, and also text might be displayed in correct font, if it is available for your browser. In every case, characters should be converted correctly. A sample \TeX\ input file is t1fontsample.tex. \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ClearSans-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Clear Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{ClearSans-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ClearSans-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ClearSans-Light-lf-t1 font-name: 'Clear Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{ClearSans-Light-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ClearSans-Light-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ClearSans-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Clear Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{ClearSans-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ClearSans-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ClearSans-Thin-lf-t1 font-name: 'Clear Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{ClearSans-Thin-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ClearSans-Thin-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ClearSans-lf-t1 font-name: 'Clear Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{ClearSans-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ClearSans-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ClearSans-Medium-lf-t1 font-name: 'Clear Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{ClearSans-Medium-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ClearSans-Medium-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ClearSans-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Clear Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{ClearSans-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ClearSans-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ClearSans-MediumItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Clear Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{ClearSans-MediumItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ClearSans-MediumItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AccanthisADFStdNo3-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Accanthis ADFStd No', serif >>> \AddFont{AccanthisADFStdNo3-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AccanthisADFStdNo3-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AccanthisADFStdNo3-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Accanthis ADFStd No', serif >>> \AddFont{AccanthisADFStdNo3-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AccanthisADFStdNo3-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AccanthisADFStdNo3-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Accanthis ADFStd No', serif >>> \AddFont{AccanthisADFStdNo3-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AccanthisADFStdNo3-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AccanthisADFStdNo3-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Accanthis ADFStd No', serif >>> \AddFont{AccanthisADFStdNo3-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AccanthisADFStdNo3-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: UniversalisADFStd-Cond-lf-t1 font-name: 'Universalis ADFStd', serif >>> \AddFont{UniversalisADFStd-Cond-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/UniversalisADFStd-Cond-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: UniversalisADFStd-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Universalis ADFStd', serif >>> \AddFont{UniversalisADFStd-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/UniversalisADFStd-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: UniversalisADFStd-BoldCond-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Universalis ADFStd', serif >>> \AddFont{UniversalisADFStd-BoldCond-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/UniversalisADFStd-BoldCond-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: UniversalisADFStd-CondItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Universalis ADFStd', serif >>> \AddFont{UniversalisADFStd-CondItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/UniversalisADFStd-CondItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: UniversalisADFStd-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Universalis ADFStd', serif >>> \AddFont{UniversalisADFStd-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/UniversalisADFStd-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: UniversalisADFStd-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Universalis ADFStd', serif >>> \AddFont{UniversalisADFStd-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/UniversalisADFStd-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: UniversalisADFStd-BoldCondIt-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Universalis ADFStd', serif >>> \AddFont{UniversalisADFStd-BoldCondIt-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/UniversalisADFStd-BoldCondIt-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: UniversalisADFStd-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Universalis ADFStd', serif >>> \AddFont{UniversalisADFStd-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/UniversalisADFStd-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADFCond-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Gillius ADFCond', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADFCond-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADFCond-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADFNo2-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Gillius ADFNo', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADFNo2-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADFNo2-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADFCond-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Gillius ADFCond', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADFCond-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADFCond-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADFCond-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Gillius ADFCond', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADFCond-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADFCond-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADFNo2Cond-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Gillius ADFNo Cond', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADFNo2Cond-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADFNo2Cond-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADFNo2Cond-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Gillius ADFNo Cond', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADFNo2Cond-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADFNo2Cond-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADF-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Gillius', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADF-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADF-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADF-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Gillius', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADF-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADF-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADFNo2-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Gillius ADFNo', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADFNo2-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADFNo2-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADFNo2-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Gillius ADFNo', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADFNo2-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADFNo2-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADF-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Gillius', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADF-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADF-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADFNo2-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Gillius ADFNo', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADFNo2-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADFNo2-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADFCond-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Gillius ADFCond', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADFCond-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADFCond-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADFNo2Cond-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Gillius ADFNo Cond', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADFNo2Cond-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADFNo2Cond-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADFNo2Cond-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Gillius ADFNo Cond', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADFNo2Cond-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADFNo2Cond-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: GilliusADF-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Gillius', serif >>> \AddFont{GilliusADF-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/GilliusADF-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Regular-osf-t1 font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Italic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Italic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Italic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Regular-osf-t1 font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Regular-inf-t1 font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Regular-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Regular-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-BoldItalic-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Bold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Bold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Bold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Regular-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Regular-sup-t1 font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Regular-inf-t1 font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Regular-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Regular-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Regular-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Bold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Bold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Bold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Regular-sup-t1 font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpirit-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Mint Spirit', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpirit-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpirit-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MintSpiritNo2-Italic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Mint Spirit No', serif >>> \AddFont{MintSpiritNo2-Italic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MintSpiritNo2-Italic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ylyri-t1 font-name: 'ylyri', serif >>> \AddFont{ylyri-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ylyri-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ylybi-t1 font-name: 'ylybi', serif >>> \AddFont{ylybi-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ylybi-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ylyr-t1 font-name: 'ylyr', serif >>> \AddFont{ylyr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ylyr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ylyb-t1 font-name: 'ylyb', serif >>> \AddFont{ylyb-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ylyb-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-It-osf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-It-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-It-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-LightIt-sup-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-LightIt-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-LightIt-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-sup-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Black-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Black-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Black-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BlackIt-numr-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BlackIt-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BlackIt-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-It-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-It-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-It-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BoldIt-numr-t1 font-weight: bold; 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font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Bold-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Bold-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Regular-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Regular-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Light-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Light-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Light-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Bold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Bold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Bold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-It-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-It-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-It-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BlackIt-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BlackIt-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BlackIt-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-LightIt-numr-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-LightIt-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-LightIt-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BoldIt-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BoldIt-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BoldIt-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-LightIt-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-LightIt-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-LightIt-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BlackIt-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BlackIt-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BlackIt-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-numr-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-osf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BoldIt-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BoldIt-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BoldIt-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Light-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Light-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Light-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Semibold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Semibold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Semibold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Semibold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Semibold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Semibold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Light-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Light-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Light-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Light-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Light-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Light-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Semibold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Semibold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Semibold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Light-lf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Light-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Light-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Semibold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Semibold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Semibold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-It-inf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-It-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-It-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Regular-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Regular-osf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-inf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Light-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Light-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Light-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BlackIt-sup-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BlackIt-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BlackIt-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Semibold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Semibold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Semibold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Regular-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Bold-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Black-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Black-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Black-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Black-numr-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Black-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Black-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Black-inf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Black-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Black-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BlackIt-lf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BlackIt-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BlackIt-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Regular-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-LightIt-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-LightIt-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-LightIt-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-osf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BoldIt-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BoldIt-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BoldIt-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-It-sup-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-It-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-It-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-numr-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BlackIt-inf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BlackIt-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BlackIt-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BlackIt-osf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BlackIt-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BlackIt-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Semibold-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Semibold-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Semibold-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Regular-inf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Regular-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Regular-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BlackIt-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BlackIt-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BlackIt-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Bold-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Light-osf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Light-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Light-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-sup-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Bold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Semibold-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Semibold-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Semibold-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Regular-sup-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Semibold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Semibold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Semibold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Black-lf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Black-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Black-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Black-sup-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Black-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Black-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-lf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Semibold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Semibold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Semibold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BoldIt-dnom-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BoldIt-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BoldIt-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-dnom-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Black-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Black-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Black-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Light-sup-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Light-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Light-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Light-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Light-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Light-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-LightIt-inf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-LightIt-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-LightIt-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Semibold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Semibold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Semibold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-LightIt-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-LightIt-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-LightIt-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BoldIt-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BoldIt-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BoldIt-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Bold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Regular-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Semibold-dnom-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Semibold-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Semibold-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-numr-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Black-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Black-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Black-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-LightIt-osf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-LightIt-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-LightIt-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Black-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Black-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Black-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Regular-numr-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Regular-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Light-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Light-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Light-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Light-numr-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Light-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Light-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-It-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-It-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-It-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-BoldIt-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-BoldIt-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-BoldIt-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-It-lf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-It-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-It-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-inf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-ExtraLight-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Bold-numr-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Bold-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Bold-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Semibold-numr-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Semibold-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Semibold-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Black-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Black-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Black-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Black-osf-t1 font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Black-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Black-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceSansPro-Black-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{SourceSansPro-Black-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceSansPro-Black-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Bold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Bold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Bold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Semibold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Semibold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Semibold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Medium-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Medium-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Medium-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Medium-inf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Medium-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Medium-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Regular-inf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Regular-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Light-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Light-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Light-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Medium-sup-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Medium-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Medium-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Semibold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Semibold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Semibold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Black-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Black-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Black-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Semibold-numr-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Semibold-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Semibold-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Black-sup-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Black-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Black-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Regular-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Regular-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Bold-numr-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Bold-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Bold-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Bold-dnom-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Bold-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Bold-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Medium-numr-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Medium-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Medium-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Black-numr-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Black-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Black-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Light-sup-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Light-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Light-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-numr-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-inf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Black-inf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Black-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Black-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Semibold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Semibold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Semibold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Light-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Light-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Light-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Medium-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Medium-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Medium-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Light-numr-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Light-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Light-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Regular-numr-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Regular-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Semibold-dnom-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Semibold-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Semibold-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Black-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Black-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Black-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Medium-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Medium-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Medium-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Black-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Black-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Black-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-sup-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Regular-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Regular-sup-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Light-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Light-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Light-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Semibold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Semibold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Semibold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-Light-inf-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-Light-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-Light-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Source Code Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/SourceCodePro-ExtraLight-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-osf-t1 font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-lf-t1 font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-sup-t1 font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-BoldItalic-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-inf-t1 font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-Bold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-Bold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-Bold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Carlito-Italic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Carlito', serif >>> \AddFont{Carlito-Italic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Carlito-Italic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Overlock-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Overlock', serif >>> \AddFont{Overlock-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Overlock-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OverlockSC-Regular-lf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Overlock', serif >>> \AddFont{OverlockSC-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OverlockSC-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Overlock-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Overlock', serif >>> \AddFont{Overlock-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Overlock-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Overlock-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Overlock', serif >>> \AddFont{Overlock-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Overlock-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Overlock-BlackItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Overlock', serif >>> \AddFont{Overlock-BlackItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Overlock-BlackItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Overlock-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Overlock', serif >>> \AddFont{Overlock-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Overlock-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Overlock-Black-lf-t1 font-name: 'Overlock', serif >>> \AddFont{Overlock-Black-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Overlock-Black-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-SemiBold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-SemiBold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-SemiBold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-Medium-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-Medium-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-Medium-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-MediumItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-MediumItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-MediumItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-Bold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-Medium-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-Medium-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-Medium-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-RegularItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-RegularItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-RegularItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-MediumItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-MediumItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-MediumItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-SemiBold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-SemiBold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-SemiBold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-Italic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-SemiBold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-SemiBold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-SemiBold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-Medium-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-Medium-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-Medium-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-Medium-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-Medium-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-Medium-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-MediumItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-MediumItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-MediumItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-Bold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-Regular-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-SemiBold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-SemiBold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-SemiBold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-MediumItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-MediumItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-MediumItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-RegularItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-RegularItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-RegularItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cabin-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Cabin', serif >>> \AddFont{Cabin-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cabin-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CabinCondensed-Regular-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cabin Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{CabinCondensed-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CabinCondensed-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraLight-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraLight-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraLight-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Bold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraLightItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraLightItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraLightItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-BlackItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-BlackItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-BlackItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Thin-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Thin-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Thin-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-SemiBoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-SemiBoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-SemiBoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Black-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Black-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Black-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-SemiBoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-SemiBoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-SemiBoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-MediumItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-MediumItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-MediumItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraLight-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraLight-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraLight-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraLightItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraLightItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraLightItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-SemiBold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-SemiBold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-SemiBold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-SemiBold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-SemiBold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-SemiBold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Thin-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Thin-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Thin-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraLightItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraLightItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraLightItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraLight-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraLight-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraLight-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Black-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Black-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Black-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Light-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Light-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Light-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Medium-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Medium-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Medium-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Italic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-BlackItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-BlackItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-BlackItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-LightItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-LightItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-LightItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraBold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraBold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraBold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Medium-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Medium-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Medium-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ThinItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ThinItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ThinItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-LightItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-LightItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-LightItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-MediumItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-MediumItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-MediumItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Black-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Black-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Black-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Medium-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Medium-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Medium-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraBold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraBold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraBold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-SemiBold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-SemiBold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-SemiBold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Regular-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Thin-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Thin-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Thin-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Light-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Light-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Light-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-SemiBold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-SemiBold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-SemiBold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-MediumItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-MediumItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-MediumItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Medium-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Medium-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Medium-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ThinItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ThinItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ThinItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Light-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Light-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Light-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ThinItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ThinItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ThinItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ThinItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ThinItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ThinItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraLightItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraLightItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraLightItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-MediumItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-MediumItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-MediumItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Thin-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Thin-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Thin-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraBold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraBold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraBold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-BlackItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-BlackItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-BlackItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Light-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Light-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Light-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Bold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Regular-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Regular-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraLight-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraLight-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraLight-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-LightItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-LightItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-LightItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Black-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Black-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Black-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-BlackItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-BlackItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-BlackItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-LightItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-LightItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-LightItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-Italic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Raleway-ExtraBold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Raleway', serif >>> \AddFont{Raleway-ExtraBold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Raleway-ExtraBold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: QuattrocentoSans-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Quattrocento Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{QuattrocentoSans-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/QuattrocentoSans-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Quattrocento-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Quattrocento', serif >>> \AddFont{Quattrocento-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Quattrocento-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: QuattrocentoSans-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Quattrocento Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{QuattrocentoSans-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/QuattrocentoSans-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Quattrocento-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Quattrocento', serif >>> \AddFont{Quattrocento-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Quattrocento-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: QuattrocentoRegular-sup-t1 font-name: 'Quattrocento Regular', serif >>> \AddFont{QuattrocentoRegular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/QuattrocentoRegular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: QuattrocentoRegular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Quattrocento Regular', serif >>> \AddFont{QuattrocentoRegular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/QuattrocentoRegular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Quattrocento-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Quattrocento', serif >>> \AddFont{Quattrocento-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Quattrocento-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: QuattrocentoSans-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Quattrocento Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{QuattrocentoSans-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/QuattrocentoSans-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: QuattrocentoItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Quattrocento Italic', serif >>> \AddFont{QuattrocentoItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/QuattrocentoItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: QuattrocentoSans-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Quattrocento Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{QuattrocentoSans-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/QuattrocentoSans-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: QuattrocentoSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Quattrocento Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{QuattrocentoSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/QuattrocentoSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: QuattrocentoSans-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Quattrocento Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{QuattrocentoSans-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/QuattrocentoSans-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: QuattrocentoSans-sup-t1 font-name: 'Quattrocento Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{QuattrocentoSans-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/QuattrocentoSans-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Quattrocento-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Quattrocento', serif >>> \AddFont{Quattrocento-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Quattrocento-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: QuattrocentoSans-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Quattrocento Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{QuattrocentoSans-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/QuattrocentoSans-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: QuattrocentoItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Quattrocento Italic', serif >>> \AddFont{QuattrocentoItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/QuattrocentoItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LobsterTwo-lf-t1 font-name: 'Lobster Two', serif >>> \AddFont{LobsterTwo-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LobsterTwo-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LobsterTwo-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Lobster Two', serif >>> \AddFont{LobsterTwo-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LobsterTwo-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LobsterTwo-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Lobster Two', serif >>> \AddFont{LobsterTwo-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LobsterTwo-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LobsterTwo-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Lobster Two', serif >>> \AddFont{LobsterTwo-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LobsterTwo-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreBaskerville-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Libre Baskerville', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreBaskerville-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreBaskerville-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreBaskerville-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Libre Baskerville', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreBaskerville-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreBaskerville-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreBaskerville-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Libre Baskerville', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreBaskerville-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreBaskerville-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreBaskerville-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Libre Baskerville', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreBaskerville-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreBaskerville-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreBaskerville-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Libre Baskerville', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreBaskerville-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreBaskerville-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreBaskerville-Regular-sup-t1 font-name: 'Libre Baskerville', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreBaskerville-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreBaskerville-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreBaskerville-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Libre Baskerville', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreBaskerville-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreBaskerville-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreBaskerville-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Libre Baskerville', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreBaskerville-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreBaskerville-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreCaslonText-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Libre Caslon Text', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreCaslonText-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreCaslonText-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreCaslonText-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Libre Caslon Text', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreCaslonText-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreCaslonText-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreCaslonText-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Libre Caslon Text', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreCaslonText-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreCaslonText-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreCaslonText-Regular-sup-t1 font-name: 'Libre Caslon Text', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreCaslonText-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreCaslonText-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreCaslonText-Regular-osf-t1 font-name: 'Libre Caslon Text', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreCaslonText-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreCaslonText-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreCaslonText-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Libre Caslon Text', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreCaslonText-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreCaslonText-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreCaslonText-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Libre Caslon Text', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreCaslonText-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreCaslonText-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreCaslonText-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Libre Caslon Text', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreCaslonText-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreCaslonText-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreCaslonText-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Libre Caslon Text', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreCaslonText-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreCaslonText-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreCaslonText-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Libre Caslon Text', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreCaslonText-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreCaslonText-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreCaslonText-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Libre Caslon Text', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreCaslonText-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreCaslonText-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LibreCaslonText-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Libre Caslon Text', serif >>> \AddFont{LibreCaslonText-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/LibreCaslonText-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Merriweather-Light-osf-t1 font-name: 'Merriweather', serif >>> \AddFont{Merriweather-Light-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Merriweather-Light-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Merriweather-Regular-osf-t1 font-name: 'Merriweather', serif >>> \AddFont{Merriweather-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Merriweather-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MerriweatherSans-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Merriweather Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{MerriweatherSans-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MerriweatherSans-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MerriweatherSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Merriweather Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{MerriweatherSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MerriweatherSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MerriweatherSans-LightItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Merriweather Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{MerriweatherSans-LightItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MerriweatherSans-LightItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MerriweatherSans-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Merriweather Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{MerriweatherSans-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MerriweatherSans-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Merriweather-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Merriweather', serif >>> \AddFont{Merriweather-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Merriweather-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Merriweather-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Merriweather', serif >>> \AddFont{Merriweather-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Merriweather-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Merriweather-LightIt-osf-t1 font-name: 'Merriweather', serif >>> \AddFont{Merriweather-LightIt-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Merriweather-LightIt-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MerriweatherSans-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Merriweather Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{MerriweatherSans-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MerriweatherSans-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MerriweatherSans-Light-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Merriweather Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{MerriweatherSans-Light-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MerriweatherSans-Light-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Merriweather-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Merriweather', serif >>> \AddFont{Merriweather-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Merriweather-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MerriweatherSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Merriweather Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{MerriweatherSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MerriweatherSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Merriweather-UltraBold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Merriweather', serif >>> \AddFont{Merriweather-UltraBold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Merriweather-UltraBold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Merriweather-UltraBdIt-osf-t1 font-name: 'Merriweather', serif >>> \AddFont{Merriweather-UltraBdIt-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Merriweather-UltraBdIt-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MerriweatherSans-ExtraBold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Merriweather Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{MerriweatherSans-ExtraBold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MerriweatherSans-ExtraBold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: RobotoCondensed-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Roboto Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{RobotoCondensed-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/RobotoCondensed-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: RobotoSlab-Thin-lf-t1 font-name: 'Roboto Slab', serif >>> \AddFont{RobotoSlab-Thin-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/RobotoSlab-Thin-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: RobotoSlab-Light-lf-t1 font-name: 'Roboto Slab', serif >>> \AddFont{RobotoSlab-Light-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/RobotoSlab-Light-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Roboto-ThinItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Roboto', serif >>> \AddFont{Roboto-ThinItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Roboto-ThinItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Roboto-Light-lf-t1 font-name: 'Roboto', serif >>> \AddFont{Roboto-Light-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Roboto-Light-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Roboto-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Roboto', serif >>> \AddFont{Roboto-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Roboto-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: RobotoSlab-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Roboto Slab', serif >>> \AddFont{RobotoSlab-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/RobotoSlab-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Roboto-Black-lf-t1 font-name: 'Roboto', serif >>> \AddFont{Roboto-Black-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Roboto-Black-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Roboto-LightItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Roboto', serif >>> \AddFont{Roboto-LightItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Roboto-LightItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: RobotoCondensed-Light-lf-t1 font-name: 'Roboto Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{RobotoCondensed-Light-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/RobotoCondensed-Light-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: RobotoCondensed-LightItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Roboto Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{RobotoCondensed-LightItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/RobotoCondensed-LightItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Roboto-Thin-lf-t1 font-name: 'Roboto', serif >>> \AddFont{Roboto-Thin-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Roboto-Thin-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Roboto-Medium-lf-t1 font-name: 'Roboto', serif >>> \AddFont{Roboto-Medium-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Roboto-Medium-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Roboto-MediumItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Roboto', serif >>> \AddFont{Roboto-MediumItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Roboto-MediumItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: RobotoSlab-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Roboto Slab', serif >>> \AddFont{RobotoSlab-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/RobotoSlab-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: RobotoCondensed-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Roboto Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{RobotoCondensed-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/RobotoCondensed-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: RobotoCondensed-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Roboto Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{RobotoCondensed-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/RobotoCondensed-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Roboto-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Roboto', serif >>> \AddFont{Roboto-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Roboto-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Roboto-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Roboto', serif >>> \AddFont{Roboto-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Roboto-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Roboto-BlackItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Roboto', serif >>> \AddFont{Roboto-BlackItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Roboto-BlackItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Roboto-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Roboto', serif >>> \AddFont{Roboto-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Roboto-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: RobotoCondensed-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Roboto Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{RobotoCondensed-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/RobotoCondensed-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cinzel-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Cinzel', serif >>> \AddFont{Cinzel-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cinzel-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cinzel-Black-lf-t1 font-name: 'Cinzel', serif >>> \AddFont{Cinzel-Black-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cinzel-Black-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CinzelDecorative-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Cinzel Decorative', serif >>> \AddFont{CinzelDecorative-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CinzelDecorative-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CinzelDecorative-Black-lf-t1 font-name: 'Cinzel Decorative', serif >>> \AddFont{CinzelDecorative-Black-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CinzelDecorative-Black-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: CinzelDecorative-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Cinzel Decorative', serif >>> \AddFont{CinzelDecorative-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/CinzelDecorative-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cinzel-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Cinzel', serif >>> \AddFont{Cinzel-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cinzel-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-tosf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Black-lf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Black-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Black-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Black-lf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Black-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Black-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSC-Black-tlf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSC-Black-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSC-Black-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-tlf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Black-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Black-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Black-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Black-sup-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Black-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Black-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Regular-inf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Regular-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Regular-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Thin-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Thin-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Thin-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-lf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Thin-lf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Thin-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Thin-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Black-inf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Black-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Black-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-BoldItalic-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Black-tlf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Black-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Black-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSC-Regular-tlf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSC-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSC-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Light-osf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Light-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Light-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Light-osf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Light-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Light-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Black-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Black-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Black-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Light-tosf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Light-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Light-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Light-sup-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Light-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Light-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSC-BlackItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSC-BlackItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSC-BlackItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Black-inf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Black-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Black-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Thin-sup-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Thin-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Thin-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Regular-osf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-sup-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Medium-inf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Medium-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Medium-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Black-osf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Black-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Black-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Bold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Bold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Bold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-BlackItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-BlackItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-BlackItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-osf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Thin-inf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Thin-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Thin-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Light-inf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Light-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Light-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Light-lf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Light-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Light-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Light-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Light-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Light-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Regular-sup-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-BlackItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-BlackItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-BlackItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Bold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Bold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Bold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-BlackItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-BlackItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-BlackItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-tlf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Regular-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Light-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Light-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Light-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Regular-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Black-sup-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Black-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Black-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-BlackItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-BlackItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-BlackItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Medium-sup-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Medium-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Medium-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Thin-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Thin-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Thin-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Black-inf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Black-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Black-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Light-tlf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Light-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Light-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Medium-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Medium-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Medium-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Black-sup-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Black-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Black-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Black-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Black-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Black-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-osf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Light-lf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Light-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Light-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-lf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-tlf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Black-osf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Black-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Black-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Italic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Italic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Italic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-inf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-inf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Thin-osf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Thin-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Thin-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-sup-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-BlackItalic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-BlackItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-BlackItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Medium-osf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Medium-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Medium-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ThinItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-BlackItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSC-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSC-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSC-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Light-inf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Light-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Light-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Black-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Black-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Black-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-sup-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Regular-inf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Regular-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Regular-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Italic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Italic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Italic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Medium-lf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Medium-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Medium-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Black-osf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Black-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Black-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ExtraBold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSC-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSC-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSC-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-tosf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Thin-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-MediumItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-BlackItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Light-sup-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Light-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Light-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-lf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-osf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ThinItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-LightItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-LightItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-BlackItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-BlackItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-BlackItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Black-tosf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Black-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Black-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-inf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Regular-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-ExtraBoldItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Regular-osf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSC-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSC-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSC-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-MediumItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Alegreya-Black-lf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya', serif >>> \AddFont{Alegreya-Black-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Alegreya-Black-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Regular-sup-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-tosf-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-Medium-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSans-Medium-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSans-Medium-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSans-Medium-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Alegreya Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AlegreyaSansSC-ExtraBold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Caladea-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Caladea', serif >>> \AddFont{Caladea-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Caladea-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Caladea-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Caladea', serif >>> \AddFont{Caladea-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Caladea-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Caladea-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Caladea', serif >>> \AddFont{Caladea-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Caladea-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Caladea-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Caladea', serif >>> \AddFont{Caladea-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Caladea-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSerif-CaptionUprightItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'PTSerif', serif >>> \AddFont{PTSerif-CaptionUprightItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSerif-CaptionUprightItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSerif-BoldUprightItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'PTSerif', serif >>> \AddFont{PTSerif-BoldUprightItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSerif-BoldUprightItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSerif-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'PTSerif', serif >>> \AddFont{PTSerif-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSerif-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSerif-CaptionItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'PTSerif', serif >>> \AddFont{PTSerif-CaptionItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSerif-CaptionItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSerif-Caption-tlf-t1 font-name: 'PTSerif', serif >>> \AddFont{PTSerif-Caption-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSerif-Caption-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSerif-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'PTSerif', serif >>> \AddFont{PTSerif-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSerif-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSerif-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'PTSerif', serif >>> \AddFont{PTSerif-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSerif-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSerif-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'PTSerif', serif >>> \AddFont{PTSerif-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSerif-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSerif-BoldSlanted-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'PTSerif', serif >>> \AddFont{PTSerif-BoldSlanted-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSerif-BoldSlanted-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSerif-Slanted-tlf-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'PTSerif', serif >>> \AddFont{PTSerif-Slanted-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSerif-Slanted-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSerif-UprightItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'PTSerif', serif >>> \AddFont{PTSerif-UprightItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSerif-UprightItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSerif-CaptionSlanted-tlf-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'PTSerif', serif >>> \AddFont{PTSerif-CaptionSlanted-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSerif-CaptionSlanted-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSans-CaptionBoldSlanted-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'PTSans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{PTSans-CaptionBoldSlanted-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSans-CaptionBoldSlanted-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSans-NarrowBold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'PTSans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{PTSans-NarrowBold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSans-NarrowBold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSans-CaptionSlanted-tlf-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'PTSans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{PTSans-CaptionSlanted-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSans-CaptionSlanted-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSans-CaptionBold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'PTSans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{PTSans-CaptionBold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSans-CaptionBold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSans-NarrowSlanted-tlf-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'PTSans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{PTSans-NarrowSlanted-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSans-NarrowSlanted-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'PTSans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{PTSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSans-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'PTSans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{PTSans-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSans-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSans-Narrow-tlf-t1 font-name: 'PTSans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{PTSans-Narrow-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSans-Narrow-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSans-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'PTSans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{PTSans-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSans-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSans-Caption-tlf-t1 font-name: 'PTSans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{PTSans-Caption-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSans-Caption-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSans-NarrowBoldSlanted-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'PTSans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{PTSans-NarrowBoldSlanted-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSans-NarrowBoldSlanted-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTSans-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'PTSans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{PTSans-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTSans-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTMono-BoldSlanted-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'PTMono', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{PTMono-BoldSlanted-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTMono-BoldSlanted-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTMono-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'PTMono', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{PTMono-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTMono-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTMono-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'PTMono', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{PTMono-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTMono-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PTMono-Slanted-tlf-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'PTMono', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{PTMono-Slanted-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PTMono-Slanted-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter1-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter1-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter1-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter1-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter1-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter1-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter1-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter1-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter1-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter1-Roman-tosf-t1 font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter1-Roman-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter1-Roman-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter1-Bold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter1-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter1-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Bold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter1-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter1-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter1-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Italic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Roman-tosf-t1 font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Roman-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Roman-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Roman-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Roman-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Roman-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Italic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter1-Roman-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter1-Roman-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter1-Roman-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Roman-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Roman-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Roman-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter1-Italic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter1-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter1-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Bold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Roman-tlf-t1 font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Roman-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Roman-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Roman-sup-t1 font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Roman-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Roman-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'XCharter', serif >>> \AddFont{XCharter-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: LinBiolinumT-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Linux Biolinum O', sans-serif >>> \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Bold-tlf-t1--base font-weight:bold; font-family: Charter, serif; >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Bold-tlf-t1--base}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Bold-tlf-t1--base}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Italic-tlf-t1--base font-style: italic; font-family: Charter, serif; >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Italic-tlf-t1--base}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Italic-tlf-t1--base}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: XCharter-Roman-tlf-t1--base font-style:normal; font-family: Charter, serif; >>> \AddFont{XCharter-Roman-tlf-t1--base}{alias/t1fonts/XCharter-Roman-tlf-t1--base}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSans-BoldOblique-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Deja Vu Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSans-BoldOblique-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSans-BoldOblique-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSerif-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Deja Vu Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSerif-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSerif-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSans-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Deja Vu Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSans-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSans-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Deja Vu Sans Mono', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique-tlf-t1 font-style:oblique;font-name: 'Deja Vu Sans Condensed', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSansCondensed-Oblique-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSerif-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Deja Vu Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSerif-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSerif-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSerifCondensed-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Deja Vu Serif Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSerifCondensed-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSerifCondensed-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSansMono-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Deja Vu Sans Mono', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSansMono-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSansMono-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSerifCondensed-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Deja Vu Serif Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSerifCondensed-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSerifCondensed-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Deja Vu Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSerif-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSans-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Deja Vu Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSans-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSans-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSans-Oblique-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Deja Vu Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSans-Oblique-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSans-Oblique-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Deja Vu Sans Condensed', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSansMono-Oblique-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Deja Vu Sans Mono', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSansMono-Oblique-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSansMono-Oblique-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSans-ExtraLight-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Deja Vu Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSans-ExtraLight-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSans-ExtraLight-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSansMono-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Deja Vu Sans Mono', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSansMono-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSansMono-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSansCondensed-BoldOblique-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Deja Vu Sans Condensed', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSansCondensed-BoldOblique-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSansCondensed-BoldOblique-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSerifCondensed-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Deja Vu Serif Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSerifCondensed-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSerifCondensed-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSerifCondensed-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Deja Vu Serif Condensed', serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSerifCondensed-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSerifCondensed-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSerif-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Deja Vu Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSerif-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSerif-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DejaVuSansCondensed-tlf-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Deja Vu Sans Condensed', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DejaVuSansCondensed-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DejaVuSansCondensed-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Reg-lf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Reg-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Reg-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-BolIta-osf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-BolIta-osf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-BolIta-osf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Ita-sup-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Ita-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Ita-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Reg-osf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Reg-osf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Reg-osf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Reg-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Reg-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Reg-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Ita-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Ita-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Ita-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Ita-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Ita-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Ita-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-BolIta-tlf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-BolIta-tlf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-BolIta-tlf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-BolIta-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-BolIta-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-BolIta-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Bol-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Bol-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Bol-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Ita-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Ita-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Ita-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Reg-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Reg-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Reg-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Ita-lf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Ita-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Ita-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Reg-tosf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Reg-tosf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Reg-tosf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Bol-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Bol-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Bol-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Ita-lf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Ita-lf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Ita-lf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-BolIta-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-BolIta-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-BolIta-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-BolIta-osf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-BolIta-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-BolIta-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-BolIta-lf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-BolIta-lf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-BolIta-lf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Ita-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Ita-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Ita-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Bol-osf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Bol-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Bol-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-BolIta-sup-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-BolIta-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-BolIta-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-BolIta-tosf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-BolIta-tosf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-BolIta-tosf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Ita-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Ita-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Ita-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Ita-tosf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Ita-tosf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Ita-tosf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Reg-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Reg-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Reg-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Bol-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Bol-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Bol-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Ita-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Ita-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Ita-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Reg-osf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Reg-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Reg-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Bol-osf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Bol-osf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Bol-osf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Bol-sup-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Bol-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Bol-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Bol-lf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Bol-lf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Bol-lf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Bol-tosf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Bol-tosf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Bol-tosf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-BolIta-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-BolIta-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-BolIta-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Reg-lf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Reg-lf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Reg-lf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Ita-osf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Ita-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Ita-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-BolIta-lf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-BolIta-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-BolIta-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Bol-lf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Bol-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Bol-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Bol-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Bol-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Bol-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Ita-osf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Ita-osf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Ita-osf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Bol-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Bol-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Bol-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Bol-tlf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Bol-tlf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Bol-tlf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Reg-sup-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Reg-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Reg-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Reg-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Reg-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Reg-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Reg-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Reg-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Reg-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-BolIta-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-BolIta-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-BolIta-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Bol-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Bol-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Bol-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-BolIta-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-BolIta-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-BolIta-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Ita-tlf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Ita-tlf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Ita-tlf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Reg-tlf-swash-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Reg-tlf-swash-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Reg-tlf-swash-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-Reg-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-Reg-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-Reg-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Baskervaldx-BolIta-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Baskervaldx', serif >>> \AddFont{Baskervaldx-BolIta-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Baskervaldx-BolIta-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AnonymousPro-BoldItalic-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Anonymous Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{AnonymousPro-BoldItalic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AnonymousPro-BoldItalic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AnonymousPro-Bold-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Anonymous Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{AnonymousPro-Bold-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AnonymousPro-Bold-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AnonymousPro-Regular-t1 font-name: 'Anonymous Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{AnonymousPro-Regular-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AnonymousPro-Regular-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AnonymousPro-BoldSC-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Anonymous Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{AnonymousPro-BoldSC-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AnonymousPro-BoldSC-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AnonymousPro-Italic-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Anonymous Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{AnonymousPro-Italic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AnonymousPro-Italic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: AnonymousPro-RegularSC-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Anonymous Pro', serif >>> \AddFont{AnonymousPro-RegularSC-t1}{alias/t1fonts/AnonymousPro-RegularSC-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Comfortaa-Bold-Slanted-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Comfortaa', serif >>> \AddFont{Comfortaa-Bold-Slanted-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Comfortaa-Bold-Slanted-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Comfortaa-Regular-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Comfortaa', serif >>> \AddFont{Comfortaa-Regular-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Comfortaa-Regular-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Comfortaa-Light-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1 font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Comfortaa', serif >>> \AddFont{Comfortaa-Light-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Comfortaa-Light-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Comfortaa-Light-Slanted-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Comfortaa', serif >>> \AddFont{Comfortaa-Light-Slanted-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Comfortaa-Light-Slanted-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Comfortaa-Light-t1 font-name: 'Comfortaa', serif >>> \AddFont{Comfortaa-Light-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Comfortaa-Light-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Comfortaa-Bold-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Comfortaa', serif >>> \AddFont{Comfortaa-Bold-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Comfortaa-Bold-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Comfortaa-Regular-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1 font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Comfortaa', serif >>> \AddFont{Comfortaa-Regular-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Comfortaa-Regular-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Comfortaa-Regular-Slanted-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Comfortaa', serif >>> \AddFont{Comfortaa-Regular-Slanted-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Comfortaa-Regular-Slanted-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Comfortaa-Regular-t1 font-name: 'Comfortaa', serif >>> \AddFont{Comfortaa-Regular-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Comfortaa-Regular-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Comfortaa-Bold-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Comfortaa', serif >>> \AddFont{Comfortaa-Bold-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Comfortaa-Bold-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Comfortaa-Light-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Comfortaa', serif >>> \AddFont{Comfortaa-Light-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Comfortaa-Light-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Comfortaa-Bold-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Comfortaa', serif >>> \AddFont{Comfortaa-Bold-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Comfortaa-Bold-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Bold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Bold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Bold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Regular-sup-t1 font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Regular-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Regular-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Regular-inf-t1 font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Regular-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Regular-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-BoldItalic-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Italic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Italic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Italic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Heuristica-Regular-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Heuristica', serif >>> \AddFont{Heuristica-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Heuristica-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Bold-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-RegularSlanted-inf-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-RegularSlanted-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-RegularSlanted-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldSlanted-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldSlanted-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldSlanted-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Regular-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-RegularSlanted-osf-sc-t1 font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-RegularSlanted-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-RegularSlanted-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldSlanted-numr-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldSlanted-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldSlanted-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldItalic-dnom-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldItalic-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldItalic-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldSlanted-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldSlanted-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldSlanted-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldSlanted-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldSlanted-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldSlanted-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Italic-inf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Italic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Italic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldSlanted-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldSlanted-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldSlanted-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldSlanted-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldSlanted-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldSlanted-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldSlanted-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldSlanted-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldSlanted-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Bold-dnom-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Bold-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Bold-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Bold-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Regular-inf-t1 font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Regular-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Regular-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-RegularSlanted-tosf-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-RegularSlanted-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-RegularSlanted-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-RegularSlanted-lf-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-RegularSlanted-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-RegularSlanted-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Regular-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Regular-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-RegularSlanted-sup-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-RegularSlanted-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-RegularSlanted-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldSlanted-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldSlanted-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldSlanted-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldSlanted-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldSlanted-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldSlanted-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-RegularSlanted-lf-sc-t1 font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-RegularSlanted-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-RegularSlanted-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-RegularSlanted-numr-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-RegularSlanted-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-RegularSlanted-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-RegularSlanted-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-RegularSlanted-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-RegularSlanted-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Regular-osf-t1 font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Bold-numr-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Bold-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Bold-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Regular-sup-t1 font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-RegularSlanted-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-RegularSlanted-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-RegularSlanted-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldSlanted-dnom-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldSlanted-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldSlanted-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-RegularSlanted-osf-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-RegularSlanted-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-RegularSlanted-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Bold-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Bold-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Bold-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Regular-numr-t1 font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Regular-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Regular-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Italic-numr-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Italic-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Italic-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldSlanted-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldSlanted-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldSlanted-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldItalic-inf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldItalic-inf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldItalic-numr-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldItalic-numr-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldItalic-numr-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldSlanted-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldSlanted-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldSlanted-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-RegularSlanted-tlf-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-RegularSlanted-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-RegularSlanted-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Bold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Regular-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Regular-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Bold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Regular-dnom-t1 font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Regular-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Regular-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Italic-dnom-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Italic-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Italic-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-RegularSlanted-dnom-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-RegularSlanted-dnom-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-RegularSlanted-dnom-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Erewhon-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Erewhon', serif >>> \AddFont{Erewhon-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Erewhon-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-BoldItalic-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-BoldItalic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-BoldItalic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-Bold-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-Bold-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-Bold-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-Regular-t1 font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-Regular-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-Regular-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSans-Bold-Slanted-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Droid Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSans-Bold-Slanted-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSans-Bold-Slanted-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSans-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1 font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSans-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSans-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-Italic-Upright-SmallCaps-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-Italic-Upright-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-Italic-Upright-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-BoldItalic-Upright-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-BoldItalic-Upright-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-BoldItalic-Upright-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSans-Bold-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSans-Bold-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSans-Bold-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-Regular-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1 font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-Regular-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-Regular-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-Italic-SmallCaps-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-Italic-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-Italic-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-Bold-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-Bold-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-Bold-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSans-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSans-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSans-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSansMono-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Sans Mono', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{DroidSansMono-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSansMono-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSans-Bold-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Droid Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSans-Bold-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSans-Bold-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-Italic-Upright-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-Italic-Upright-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-Italic-Upright-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-Regular-Slanted-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-Regular-Slanted-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-Regular-Slanted-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSans-Bold-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSans-Bold-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSans-Bold-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSansMono-t1 font-name: 'Droid Sans Mono', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{DroidSansMono-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSansMono-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-BoldItalic-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-BoldItalic-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-BoldItalic-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSans-t1 font-name: 'Droid Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSans-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSans-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-Bold-Slanted-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-Bold-Slanted-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-Bold-Slanted-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-Bold-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-Bold-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-Bold-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-Regular-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-Regular-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-Regular-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSans-Slanted-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Droid Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSans-Slanted-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSans-Slanted-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-BoldItalic-Upright-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-BoldItalic-Upright-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-BoldItalic-Upright-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSansMono-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1 font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Droid Sans Mono', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{DroidSansMono-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSansMono-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSansMono-Slanted-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Droid Sans Mono', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{DroidSansMono-Slanted-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSansMono-Slanted-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: DroidSerif-Italic-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Droid Serif', serif >>> \AddFont{DroidSerif-Italic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/DroidSerif-Italic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Black-osf-t1 font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Black-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Black-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Regular-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Bold-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Regular-osf-t1 font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Italic-lf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Italic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Italic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Black-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Black-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Black-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Italic-osf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Italic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Italic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Black-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Black-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Black-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-BlackItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Regular-sup-t1 font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Regular-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Black-lf-t1 font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Black-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Black-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Black-sup-t1 font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Black-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Black-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: PlayfairDisplay-Bold-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Playfair Display', serif >>> \AddFont{PlayfairDisplay-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/PlayfairDisplay-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cantarell-Bold-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Cantarell', serif >>> \AddFont{Cantarell-Bold-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cantarell-Bold-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cantarell-Regular-t1 font-name: 'Cantarell', serif >>> \AddFont{Cantarell-Regular-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cantarell-Regular-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cantarell-Bold-Slanted-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Cantarell', serif >>> \AddFont{Cantarell-Bold-Slanted-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cantarell-Bold-Slanted-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cantarell-Regular-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cantarell', serif >>> \AddFont{Cantarell-Regular-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cantarell-Regular-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cantarell-Regular-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1 font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cantarell', serif >>> \AddFont{Cantarell-Regular-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cantarell-Regular-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cantarell-Regular-Slanted-t1 font-style: oblique; font-name: 'Cantarell', serif >>> \AddFont{Cantarell-Regular-Slanted-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cantarell-Regular-Slanted-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cantarell-Bold-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cantarell', serif >>> \AddFont{Cantarell-Bold-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cantarell-Bold-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Cantarell-Bold-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Cantarell', serif >>> \AddFont{Cantarell-Bold-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Cantarell-Bold-Slanted-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Italic-SmallCaps-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Italic-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Italic-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-LightItalic-SmallCaps-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-LightItalic-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-LightItalic-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-CondLight-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-CondLight-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-CondLight-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Italic-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Italic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Italic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-BoldItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-BoldItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Italic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Italic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Italic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-ExtraBold-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-ExtraBold-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-ExtraBold-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-CondLight-t1 font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-CondLight-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-CondLight-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-LightItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-LightItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-LightItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-CondLightItalic-OSFigures-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-CondLightItalic-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-CondLightItalic-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-ExtraBold-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-ExtraBold-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-ExtraBold-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-LightItalic-OSFigures-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-LightItalic-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-LightItalic-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Semibold-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Semibold-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Semibold-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Light-OSFigures-t1 font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Light-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Light-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Regular-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Regular-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Regular-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Regular-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Regular-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Regular-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Bold-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Bold-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Bold-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Bold-OSFigures-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Bold-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Bold-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-SemiboldItalic-OSFigures-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-SemiboldItalic-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-SemiboldItalic-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Regular-OSFigures-t1 font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Regular-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Regular-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-SemiboldItalic-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-SemiboldItalic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-SemiboldItalic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-CondLightItalic-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-CondLightItalic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-CondLightItalic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-BoldItalic-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-BoldItalic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Semibold-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Semibold-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Semibold-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-CondLight-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-CondLight-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-CondLight-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-SemiboldItalic-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-SemiboldItalic-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-SemiboldItalic-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-CondLight-OSFigures-t1 font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-CondLight-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-CondLight-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-CondLightItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-CondLightItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-CondLightItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-LightItalic-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-LightItalic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-LightItalic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-ExtraBold-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-ExtraBold-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-ExtraBold-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-BoldItalic-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-BoldItalic-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Semibold-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Semibold-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Semibold-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Semibold-OSFigures-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Semibold-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Semibold-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-BoldItalic-OSFigures-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-BoldItalic-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Bold-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Bold-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Bold-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Italic-OSFigures-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Italic-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Italic-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Regular-t1 font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Regular-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Regular-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Light-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Light-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Light-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-ExtraBold-OSFigures-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-ExtraBold-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-ExtraBold-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Light-t1 font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Light-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Light-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-SemiboldItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-SemiboldItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-SemiboldItalic-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic-OSFigures-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-ExtraBoldItalic-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-CondLightItalic-SmallCaps-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-CondLightItalic-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-CondLightItalic-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Bold-SmallCaps-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Bold-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Bold-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: OpenSans-Light-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Open Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{OpenSans-Light-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{alias/t1fonts/OpenSans-Light-SmallCaps-OSFigures-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-tosf-scl-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-tosf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-tosf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-BoldItalic-tosf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-BoldItalic-tosf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-BoldItalic-tosf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-osf-th-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-osf-th-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-osf-th-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-BoldItalic-osf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-BoldItalic-osf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-BoldItalic-osf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-lf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MinLibBolIta-t1 font-name: 'Min Lib Bol Ita', serif >>> \AddFont{MinLibBolIta-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MinLibBolIta-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-BoldItalic-lf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-BoldItalic-lf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-BoldItalic-lf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Regular-tlf-scl-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Regular-tlf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Regular-tlf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Regular-tosf-t1 font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Bold-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Bold-tlf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Bold-tlf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Bold-tlf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MinLibBol-t1 font-name: 'Min Lib Bol', serif >>> \AddFont{MinLibBol-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MinLibBol-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Regular-lf-scl-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Regular-lf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Regular-lf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-BoldItalic-tlf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-BoldItalic-tlf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-BoldItalic-tlf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Regular-tosf-scl-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Regular-tosf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Regular-tosf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Bold-tosf-scla-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Bold-tosf-scla-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Bold-tosf-scla-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Bold-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Bold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-lf-scl-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-lf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-lf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Regular-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-osf-scl-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-osf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-osf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Bold-osf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Bold-osf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Bold-osf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntxsups-Bold-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'ntxsups', serif >>> \AddFont{ntxsups-Bold-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntxsups-Bold-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Regular-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Regular-osf-t1 font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntxsups-BoldItalic-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'ntxsups', serif >>> \AddFont{ntxsups-BoldItalic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntxsups-BoldItalic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-tlf-scl-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-tlf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-tlf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Bold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntxsups-Italic-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'ntxsups', serif >>> \AddFont{ntxsups-Italic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntxsups-Italic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Regular-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Regular-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Regular-osf-scl-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Regular-osf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Regular-osf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MinLibIta-t1 font-name: 'Min Lib Ita', serif >>> \AddFont{MinLibIta-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MinLibIta-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Bold-lf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Bold-lf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Bold-lf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Regular-tosf-scla-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Regular-tosf-scla-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Regular-tosf-scla-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-tlf-th-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-tlf-th-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-tlf-th-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: MinLibReg-t1 font-name: 'Min Lib Reg', serif >>> \AddFont{MinLibReg-t1}{alias/t1fonts/MinLibReg-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntxsups-Regular-t1 font-name: 'ntxsups', serif >>> \AddFont{ntxsups-Regular-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntxsups-Regular-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-osf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Bold-tosf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Bold-tosf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Bold-tosf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ntx-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'ntx', serif >>> \AddFont{ntx-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ntx-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Regular-osf-t1 font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Regular-tosf-t1 font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Regular-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Bold-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Bold-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Italic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Regular-sup-t1 font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Italic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Bold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Italic-lf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Italic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Italic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Regular-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Bold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Regular-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Italic-osf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Italic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Italic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-Regular-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fbb-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'fbb', serif >>> \AddFont{fbb-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/fbb-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zplsups-Regular-t1 font-name: 'zplsups', serif >>> \AddFont{zplsups-Regular-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zplsups-Regular-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Bold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Regular-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-tlf-th-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-tlf-th-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-tlf-th-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Bold-lf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Bold-lf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Bold-lf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-tlf-scl-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-tlf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-tlf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zplsups-Bold-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'zplsups', serif >>> \AddFont{zplsups-Bold-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zplsups-Bold-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Bold-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Regular-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Bold-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-osf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-BoldItalic-lf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-BoldItalic-lf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-BoldItalic-lf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Regular-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Regular-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-tosf-scl-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-tosf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-tosf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Regular-tlf-scl-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Regular-tlf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Regular-tlf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-osf-scl-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-osf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-osf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zplsups-BoldItalic-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'zplsups', serif >>> \AddFont{zplsups-BoldItalic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zplsups-BoldItalic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Regular-lf-scl-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Regular-lf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Regular-lf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-BoldItalic-tosf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-BoldItalic-tosf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-BoldItalic-tosf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Regular-tosf-scl-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Regular-tosf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Regular-tosf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-osf-th-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-osf-th-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-osf-th-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-lf-scl-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-lf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-lf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zplsups-Italic-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'zplsups', serif >>> \AddFont{zplsups-Italic-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zplsups-Italic-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Bold-tosf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Bold-tosf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Bold-tosf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Regular-tosf-t1 font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Bold-tlf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Bold-tlf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Bold-tlf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Regular-osf-t1 font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-BoldItalic-osf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-BoldItalic-osf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-BoldItalic-osf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Bold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Regular-osf-scl-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Regular-osf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Regular-osf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Bold-osf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Bold-osf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Bold-osf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-Italic-lf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-Italic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-Italic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: zpl-BoldItalic-tlf-scl-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'zpl', serif >>> \AddFont{zpl-BoldItalic-tlf-scl-t1}{alias/t1fonts/zpl-BoldItalic-tlf-scl-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Thin-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Thin-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Thin-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLight-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLight-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLight-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Thin-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Thin-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Thin-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Medium-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Medium-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Medium-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Regular-sup-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Regular-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Regular-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Italic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Italic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Italic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-MediumItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-MediumItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-MediumItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Book-lf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Book-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Book-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Italic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Italic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Italic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-LightItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-LightItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-LightItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Medium-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Medium-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Medium-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-HeavyItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-HeavyItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-HeavyItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-LightItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-LightItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-LightItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Medium-osf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Medium-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Medium-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Bold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Bold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Medium-lf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Medium-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Medium-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-MediumItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-MediumItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-MediumItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Bold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Bold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Bold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLight-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLight-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLight-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Medium-sup-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Medium-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Medium-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLight-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLight-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLight-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Italic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Italic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Italic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-LightItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-LightItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-LightItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Bold-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Bold-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLight-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLight-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLight-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ThinItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ThinItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ThinItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Light-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Light-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Light-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Thin-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Thin-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Thin-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Bold-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Bold-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Light-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Light-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Light-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Thin-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Thin-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Thin-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BookItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BookItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BookItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBold-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBold-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBold-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Italic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Italic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Italic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Heavy-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Heavy-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Heavy-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBold-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBold-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBold-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BookItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BookItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BookItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BookItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BookItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BookItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ThinItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ThinItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ThinItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLight-sup-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLight-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLight-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Italic-osf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Italic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Italic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Light-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Light-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Light-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLight-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLight-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLight-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Thin-sup-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Thin-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Thin-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BookItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BookItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BookItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ThinItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ThinItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ThinItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Heavy-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Heavy-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Heavy-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Light-osf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Light-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Light-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Regular-lf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Regular-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Regular-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Light-sup-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Light-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Light-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ThinItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ThinItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ThinItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Light-lf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Light-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Light-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Book-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Book-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Book-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Bold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Bold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Bold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-HeavyItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-HeavyItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-HeavyItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-HeavyItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-HeavyItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-HeavyItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-HeavyItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-HeavyItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-HeavyItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Heavy-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Heavy-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Heavy-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BoldItalic-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BoldItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-HeavyItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-HeavyItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-HeavyItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-HeavyItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-HeavyItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-HeavyItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ThinItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ThinItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ThinItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ThinItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ThinItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ThinItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BookItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BookItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BookItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Bold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Bold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Bold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Heavy-osf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Heavy-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Heavy-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-LightItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-LightItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-LightItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-LightItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-LightItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-LightItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Light-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Light-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Light-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BookItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BookItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BookItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Thin-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Thin-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Thin-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-MediumItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-MediumItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-MediumItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ThinItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ThinItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ThinItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-HeavyItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-HeavyItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-HeavyItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLight-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLight-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLight-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Bold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Bold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Bold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLight-lf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLight-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLight-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLight-sup-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLight-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLight-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBold-lf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBold-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBold-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-MediumItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-MediumItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-MediumItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Light-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Light-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Light-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLight-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLight-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLight-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLight-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLight-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLight-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Heavy-sup-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Heavy-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Heavy-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-LightItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-LightItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-LightItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Book-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Book-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Book-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBold-tosf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBold-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBold-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Heavy-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Heavy-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Heavy-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Medium-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Medium-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Medium-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLight-osf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLight-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLight-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-HeavyItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-HeavyItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-HeavyItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Regular-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Regular-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLight-lf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLight-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLight-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-HeavyItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-HeavyItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-HeavyItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Light-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Light-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Light-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Regular-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Regular-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Regular-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Medium-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Medium-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Medium-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-LightItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-LightItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-LightItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-MediumItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-MediumItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-MediumItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLight-osf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLight-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLight-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ThinItalic-osf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ThinItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ThinItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-LightItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-LightItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-LightItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLight-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLight-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLight-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Book-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Book-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Book-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Regular-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Regular-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Regular-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBold-sup-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBold-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBold-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Bold-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Bold-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ThinItalic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ThinItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ThinItalic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Thin-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Thin-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Thin-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Book-sup-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Book-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Book-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Book-osf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Book-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Book-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Book-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Book-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Book-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Heavy-tlf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Heavy-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Heavy-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BookItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BookItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BookItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Regular-osf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Regular-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Regular-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Italic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Italic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-MediumItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-MediumItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-MediumItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Thin-osf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Thin-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Thin-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Medium-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Medium-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Medium-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Regular-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Regular-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BookItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BookItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BookItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-MediumItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-MediumItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-MediumItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-MediumItalic-tlf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-MediumItalic-tlf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-MediumItalic-tlf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Book-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Book-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Book-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-MediumItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-MediumItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-MediumItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBold-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBold-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBold-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BoldItalic-osf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BoldItalic-osf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Bold-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Bold-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Bold-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Italic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Italic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Italic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BoldItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-osf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLightItalic-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBold-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBold-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBold-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-lf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Regular-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Regular-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Thin-lf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Thin-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Thin-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Heavy-tlf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Heavy-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Heavy-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-BookItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-BookItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-BookItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-UltraLight-tosf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-UltraLight-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-UltraLight-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Book-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Book-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Book-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-SemiBold-lf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-SemiBold-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-SemiBold-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBoldItalic-tlf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLight-tosf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLight-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLight-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Italic-tosf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Italic-tosf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Medium-osf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Medium-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Medium-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-lf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-tosf-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-tosf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLightItalic-tosf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Italic-lf-sc-t1 font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Italic-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Italic-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Heavy-lf-t1 font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Heavy-lf-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Heavy-lf-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraLight-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraLight-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraLight-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-Regular-lf-sc-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-Regular-lf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-ExtraBold-osf-sc-t1 font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-ExtraBold-osf-sc-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-ExtraBold-osf-sc-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: FiraSans-LightItalic-sup-t1 font-style: italic; font-name: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif >>> \AddFont{FiraSans-LightItalic-sup-t1}{alias/t1fonts/FiraSans-LightItalic-sup-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-BlaIta-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-BlaIta-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-BlaIta-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-Lig-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-Lig-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-Lig-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-LigIta-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-LigIta-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-LigIta-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-RegIta-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-RegIta-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-RegIta-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-BolIta-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-BolIta-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-BolIta-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-Bol-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-Bol-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-Bol-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-Hai-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-Hai-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-Hai-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-HaiIta-t1 font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-HaiIta-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-HaiIta-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-RegIta-t1 font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-RegIta-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-RegIta-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-Reg-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-Reg-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-Reg-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-Bla-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-Bla-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-Bla-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-BolIta-t1 font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-BolIta-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-BolIta-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-Bla-t1 font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-Bla-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-Bla-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-HaiIta-SmallCaps-t1 font-variant: small-caps; font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-HaiIta-SmallCaps-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-HaiIta-SmallCaps-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-Hai-t1 font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-Hai-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-Hai-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-LigIta-t1 font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-LigIta-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-LigIta-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-Bol-t1 font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-Bol-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-Bol-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-BlaIta-t1 font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-BlaIta-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-BlaIta-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-Lig-t1 font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-Lig-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-Lig-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: Lato-Reg-t1 font-name: 'Lato', serif >>> \AddFont{Lato-Reg-t1}{alias/t1fonts/Lato-Reg-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ipxm-ro-t1 font-name: 'ipxm', serif >>> \AddFont{ipxm-ro-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ipxm-ro-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ipxg-ro-t1 font-name: 'ipxg', serif >>> \AddFont{ipxg-ro-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ipxg-ro-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ipxm-r-t1 font-name: 'ipxm', serif >>> \AddFont{ipxm-r-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ipxm-r-t1}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ipxg-r-t1 font-name: 'ipxg', serif >>> \AddFont{ipxg-r-t1}{alias/t1fonts/ipxg-r-t1}{} \Section{Bera} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: fveb8r font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{fveb8r}{alias/bera/fveb8r}{} \<<< .pcrro8r >>> \AddFont{fver8r}{alias/bera/fver8r}{} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: fvero8r font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{fvero8r}{alias/bera/fvero8r}{} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: fvmr8r font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{fvmr8r}{alias/bera/fvmr8r}{} \<<< .lm-ec >>> \AddFont{fver8t}{alias/bera/fver8t}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fveb8t font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{fveb8t}{alias/bera/fveb8t}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fvero8t font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{fvero8t}{alias/bera/fvero8t}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: fvmr8t font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{fvmr8t}{alias/bera/fvmr8t}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Chapter{Default Htf Fonts} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{cmr (rm); also cmsl (sl), (bf)} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \<<< % .lm-rep-cmrm % >>> % % \AddFont{cmr-uni}{alias/cm/cmr} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: cmb font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{cmb-Q}{alias/cm/cmb} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm >>> \AddFont{cmdunh}{alias/cm/cmdunh} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm >>> \AddFont{cmff}{alias/cm/cmff} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: cmfi font-style: oblique; htfcss: cmfib font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{cmfi}{alias/cm/cmfi} \<<< cminch 48 90 '0' '' 48 % '1' '' 49 % cminch.htf (`version), generated from `jobname.tex '2' '' 50 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. Eitan M. Gurari '3' '' 51 ` '4' '' 52 ` '5' '' 53 ` '6' '' 54 ` '7' '' 55 ` '8' '' 56 ` '9' '' 57 ` '' '' 58 ` '' '' 59 ` '' '' 60 ` '' '' 61 ` '' '' 62 ` '' '' 63 ` '' '' 64 ` 'A' '' 65 ` 'B' '' 66 ` 'C' '' 67 ` 'D' '' 68 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 cminch 48 90 htfcss: cminch font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{cminch-Q}{iso8859/1/cm/cminch} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: cmvtt font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{cmvtt-Q}{alias/cm/cmvtt} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{cmtt} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .lm-rep-cmtt htfcss: cmtt font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{cmtt-uni}{alias/cm/cmtt} \<<< htfcss: cmtt @media speech pitch:`; pitch-range:0; stress:0; richness:8; >>> \AddFont[4es]{cmtt-emspk}{css/emacspeak/cm/cmtt} Arkady Benediktov reported that this font table contains some wrong characters, most notable some accents and right quote. It would be better to just link to the cmtt font, which should have the same encoding. \<<< cmtcsc 0 127 'Γ' '' Gamma 0 ` 'Δ' '' Delta 1 % cmtcsc.htf (unicode) (`version), generated from `jobname.tex 'Θ' '' Theta 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Michel Goossens 'Λ' '' Lambda 3 ` 'Ξ' '' Xi 4 ` 'Π' '' Pi 5 ` 'Σ' '' Sigma 6 ` 'Υ' '' Upsilon 7 ` 'Φ' '' Phi 8 ` 'Ψ' '' Psi 9 ` 'Ω' '' Omega 10 ` '↑' '' uparrow 11 ` '↓' '' downarrow 12 ` ='= == quote 13 ` '¡' '' inverted 14 ` '¿' '' inverted 15 ` 'ı' '' dotless i 16 ` 'ȷ' '' dotless j 17 ` 'ˋ' '' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '' acute 19 ` 'ˇ' '' caron 20 '˘' '' breve 21 'ˉ' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring baove 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'ß' '' sharp \ss 25 'æ' '' aelig 26 'œ' '' oelig 27 'ø' '' o with stroke 28 'Æ' '' AElig 29 'Œ' '' OElig 30 'Ø' '' O with stroke 31 '␣' '' visible space 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' less than 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' greater than 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' 65 'B' '' 66 'C' '' 67 'D' '' 68 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '\' '' backslash 92 ']' '' 93 'ˆ' '' ring 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '‘' '' left singlequote 96 'a' '4' 97 'b' '4' 98 'c' '4' 99 'd' '4' 100 'e' '4' 101 'f' '4' 102 'g' '4' 103 'h' '4' 104 'i' '4' 105 'j' '4' 106 'k' '4' 107 'l' '4' 108 'm' '4' 109 'n' '4' 110 'o' '4' 111 'p' '4' 112 'q' '4' 113 'r' '4' 114 's' '4' 115 't' '4' 116 'u' '4' 117 'v' '4' 118 'w' '4' 119 'x' '4' 120 'y' '4' 121 'z' '4' 122 '{' '' 123 '|' '' 124 '}' '' 125 '~' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' diaresis 127 cmtcsc 0 127 htfcss: cmtcsc font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> We will just link to cmtt font instead of using custom font table, as it contains errors. \<<< .cmtt htfcss: cmtcsc font-family: monospace,monospace; font-variant: small-caps; >>> \AddFont{cmtcsc-uni}{unicode/cm/cmtcsc} \SubSection{cmti (it)} \<<< cmti 0 127 'Γ' '' Gamma 0 ` 'Δ' '' Delta 1 % cmti.htf (unicode) `version % 'Θ' '' Theta 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Michel Goossens % 'Λ' '' Lambda 3 ` 'Ξ' '' Xi 4 ` 'Π' '' Pi 5 ` 'Σ' '' Sigma 6 ` 'Υ' '' Upsilon 7 ` 'Φ' '' Phi 8 ` 'Ψ' '' Psi 9 ` 'Ω' '' Omega 10 ` 'ff' '' ff 11 ` 'fi' '' fi 12 ` 'fl' '' fl 13 ` 'ffi' '' ffi 14 ` 'ffl' '' ffl 15 ` 'ı' '' ı 16 ` 'j' '' \j 17 ` 'ˋ' '' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '' acute 19 ` 'ˇ' '' caron 20 '˘' '' breve 21 'ˉ' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring baove 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'ß' '' sharp \ss 25 'æ' '' aelig 26 'œ' '' oelig 27 'ø' '' o with stroke 28 'Æ' '' AElig 29 'Œ' '' OElig 30 'Ø' '' O with stroke 31 'ˏ' '' lowacute 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right d 34 '#' '' 35 '£' '' sterling Pound 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '¡' '' inverted ! 60 '=' '' 61 '¿' '' inverted ? 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' 65 'B' '' 66 'C' '' 67 'D' '' 68 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '“' '' left doublequote 92 ']' '' 93 'ˆ' '' ring 94 '˙' '' dot above 95 '‘' '' left s 96 'a' '' 97 'b' '' 98 'c' '' 99 'd' '' 100 'e' '' 101 'f' '' 102 'g' '' 103 'h' '' 104 'i' '' 105 'j' '' 106 'k' '' 107 'l' '' 108 'm' '' 109 'n' '' 110 'o' '' 111 'p' '' 112 'q' '' 113 'r' '' 114 's' '' 115 't' '' 116 'u' '' 117 'v' '' 118 'w' '' 119 'x' '' 120 'y' '' 121 'z' '' 122 '–' '' endash 123 '—' '' emdash 124 'ʺ' '' double prime 125 '~' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' diaresis 127 cmti 0 127 htfcss: cmti font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{cmti-uni}{unicode/cm/cmti} \<<< htfcss: cmti @media speech pitch: `; pitch-range: 6; stress: 6; richness: 5; >>> \AddFont[4es]{cmti-emspk}{css/emacspeak/cm/cmti}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{cmmi: Math italic fonts / (teni)} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< cmmi 0 127 'Γ' '' `% Gamma `% 0 ` 'Δ' '' `% Delta `% 1 % cmmi.htf (unicode) `version % 'Θ' '' `% Theta `% 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Michel Goossens % 'Λ' '' `% Lambda `% 3 ` 'Ξ' '' `% Xi `% 4 ` 'Π' '' `% Pi `% 5 ` 'Σ' '' `% Sigma `% 6 ` 'Υ' '' `% Upsilon `% 7 ` 'Φ' '' `% Phi `% 8 ` 'Ψ' '' `% Psi `% 9 ` 'Ω' '' `% Omega `% 10 ` 'α' '' `% alpha `% 11 ` 'β' '' `% beta `% 12 ` 'γ' '' `% gamma `% 13 ` 'δ' '' `% delta `% 14 ` '𝜖' '' `%epsilon`% 15 ` 'ζ' '' `% zeta `% 16 ` 'η' '' `% eta `% 17 ` '𝜃' '' `% theta `% 18 ` 'ι' '' `% iota `% 19 ` 'κ' '' `% kappa `% 20 'λ' '' `% lambda `% 21 'μ' '' `% mu `% 22 'ν' '' `% nu `% 23 'ξ' '' `% xi `% 24 'π' '' `% pi `% 25 'ρ' '' `% rho `% 26 'σ' '' `% sigma `% 27 'τ' '' `% tau `% 28 'υ' '' `% upsilon `% 29 'ϕ' '' `% phi `% 30 'χ' '' `% chi `% 31 'ψ' '' `% psi `% 32 'ω' '' `% omega `% 33 '𝜀' '' `%varepsilon`% 34 '𝜗' '' `%vartheta`% 35 'ϖ' '' `% varpi `% 36 'ϱ' '' `% varrho `% 37 'ς' '' `% varsigma `% 38 'φ' '' `% varphi `% 39 '↼' '' `% leftharpoonup `% 40 '↽' '' `% leftharpoondown `% 41 '⇀' '' `% righttharpoonup `% 42 '⇁' '' `% rightharpoondown `% 43 '``' '' left quote 44 *'* ** right quota 45 '⊳' '' triangleright 46 '⊲' '' triangleleft 47 '0' '' number 0 48 '1' '' number 1 49 '2' '' number 2 50 '3' '' number 3 51 '4' '' number 4 52 '5' '' number 5 53 '6' '' number 6 54 '7' '' number 7 55 '8' '' number 8 56 '9' '' number 9 57 '.' '' full stop 58 ',' '' comma 59 '<' '' less than 60 '∕' '' division slash 61 '>' '' greater than 62 '⋆' '' star 63 '∂' '' partial 64 'A' '' letter A 65 'B' '' letter B 66 'C' '' letter C 67 'D' '' letter D 68 'E' '' letter E 69 'F' '' letter F 70 'G' '' letter G 71 'H' '' letter H 72 'I' '' letter I 73 'J' '' letter J 74 'K' '' letter K 75 'L' '' letter L 76 'M' '' letter M 77 'N' '' letter N 78 'O' '' letter O 79 'P' '' letter P 80 'Q' '' letter Q 81 'R' '' letter R 82 'S' '' letter S 83 'T' '' letter T 84 'U' '' letter U 85 'V' '' letter V 86 'W' '' letter W 87 'X' '' letter X 88 'Y' '' letter Y 89 'Z' '' letter Z 90 '♭' '' flat 91 '♮' '' natural 92 '♯' '' sharp 93 '⌣' '' smile 94 '⌢' '' frown 95 'ℓ' '' script small l 96 'a' '' letter a 97 'b' '' letter b 98 'c' '' letter c 99 'd' '' letter d 100 'e' '' letter e 101 'f' '' letter f 102 'g' '' letter g 103 'h' '' letter h 104 'i' '' letter i 105 'j' '' letter j 106 'k' '' letter k 107 'l' '' letter l 108 'm' '' letter m 109 'n' '' letter n 110 'o' '' letter o 111 'p' '' letter p 112 'q' '' letter q 113 'r' '' letter r 114 's' '' letter s 115 't' '' letter t 116 'u' '' letter u 117 'v' '' letter v 118 'w' '' letter w 119 'x' '' letter x 120 'y' '' letter y 121 'z' '' letter z 122 'ı' '' dotless i 123 'ȷ' '' dotless j 124 '℘' '' weierstass p 125 '⃗' '' small arrow above 126 '͡' '' ligature tie 127 cmmi 0 127 htfcss: cmmi font-style: italic; htfcss: cmmib font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{cmmi}{unicode/cm/cmmi} \<<< htfcss: cmmi @media speech pitch: `; pitch-range: 6; stress: 6; richness: 5; >>> \AddFont[4es]{cmmi-emspk}{css/emacspeak/cm/cmmi}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{cmsy: Symbol fonts} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< cmsy 0 127 '−' '' `%minus`% 0 ` '⋅' '' `%periodcentered`% 1 % cmsy.htf (unicode) `version % '×' '' `%multiply`% 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. 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Eitan M. Gurari % '/' '' 3 ` '|' '' 4 ` '|' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '/' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '/' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '/' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '/' '' 16 ` '/' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '/' '' 19 ` '/' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '/' '' 24 '' '' 25 '/' '' 26 '' '' 27 '/' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 '/' '' 32 '/' '' 33 '/' '' 34 '/' '' 35 '' '' 36 '/' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '-' '' 40 '' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '/' '' 44 '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '' '' 60 '' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '\\' '' 64 '\\' '' 65 '|' '' 66 '|' '' 67 '|' '' 68 '|' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '\\' '' 72 '' '' 73 '\\' '' 74 '' '' 75 '\\' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '\\' '' 80 '\\' '' 81 '' '' 82 '\\' '' 83 '\\' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '\\' '' 88 '' '' 89 '\\' '' 90 '' '' 91 '\\' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '-' '' 96 '\\' '' 97 '\\' '' 98 '\\' '' 99 '' '' 100 '\\' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '-' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '\\' '' 108 '' '' 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '' '' 120 '' '' 121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '|' '' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 line 0 126 >>> \AddFont{line-uni}{unicode/latex/line} \SubSection{lcircle} \<<< lcircle 0 126 '' '' 0 ` '' '' 1 % lcircle.htf `version% '' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 3 ` '' '' 4 ` '' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 '' '' 32 '' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '' '' 40 '' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '' '' 44 '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '' '' 60 '' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 'o' '' 96 'o' '' 97 'o' '' 98 'o' '' 99 'o' '' 100 'o' '' 101 'o' '' 102 'o' '' 103 'O' '' 104 'O' '' 105 'O' '' 106 'O' '' 107 'O' '' 108 'O' '' 109 'O' '' 110 '' '' 111 'o' '' 112 'o' '' 113 'o' '' 114 'o' '' 115 'o' '' 116 'o' '' 117 'o' '' 118 'o' '' 119 'O' '' 120 'O' '' 121 'O' '' 122 'O' '' 123 'O' '' 124 'O' '' 125 '0' '' 126 lcircle 0 126 >>> \AddFont{lcircle-uni}{unicode/latex/lcircle} \SubSection{lasy} \<<< lasy 1 61 '⊲' '' trianlleft 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '⊴' '' trianlleft 2 % lasy.htf `version % '⊳' '' trianglright =3 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '⊵' '' trianglright 4 ` '' '' =5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 ` '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 '' '' 32 '' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '˂' '' 40 % These are arrowheads (there are no special curved arrowheads in Unicode, so using these); see lasy.mf for details '˃' '' 41 '˄' '' 42 '˅' '' 43 '' '' 44 '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '℧' '' invtd Ohm 48 '⋈' '' bowtie 49 '□' '' sqaure 50 '◇' '' diamond 51 % Changed from 25CA (which was, in fact, the Lozenge symbol); see lasy.mf for details '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '∼' '' 58 % This is an extension of the \leadsto (is end-to-end inside its glyph box; see lasy.mf), but there is no special Unicode point for this '↝' '' leadsto 59 % tutorialspoint.com/tex_commands/ defines it as 21DD, which is a squiggle arrow, but there are dedicated squiggle arrows in TeX, so keep it as 219D '⊏' '' 60 '⊐' '' 61 lasy 1 61 >>> \AddFont{lasy-uni}{unicode/latex/lasy} \SubSection{lcmss} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm >>> \AddFont{lcmss}{alias/latex/lcmss}{latex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Hebrew} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< jerus 32 163 '' '' 32 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '!' '' 33 % jerus.htf `version % '"' '' 34 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. Eitan M. Gurari % '#' '' 35 ` '$' '' 36 ` '%' '' 37 ` '&' '' 38 ` ''' '' 39 ` '(' '' 40 ` ')' '' 41 ` '*' '' 42 ` '+' '' 43 ` ',' '' 44 ` '-' '' 45 ` '.' '' 46 ` '/' '' 47 ` '0' '' 48 ` '1' '' 49 ` '2' '' 50 ` '3' '' 51 ` '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '\\' '' 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' 94 '_' '' 95 '\224\' '' 96 '\225\' '' 97 '\226\' '' 98 '\227\' '' 99 '\228\' '' 100 '\229\' '' 101 '\230\' '' 102 '\231\' '' 103 '\232\' '' 104 '\233\' '' 105 '\234\' '' 106 '\235\' '' 107 '\236\' '' 108 '\237\' '' 109 '\238\' '' 110 '\239\' '' 111 '\240\' '' 112 '\241\' '' 113 '\242\' '' 114 '\243\' '' 115 '\244\' '' 116 '\245\' '' 117 '\246\' '' 118 '\247\' '' 119 '\248\' '' 120 '\249\' '' 121 '\250\' '' 122 '{' '' 123 '|' '' 124 '}' '' 125 '-' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '' '' 153 '' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '' '' 162 '£' '' sterling Pound 163 jerus 32 163 >>> \AddFont{jerus}{iso8859/8/hebrew/jerus} \<<< jerus 32 163 '' '' 32 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '!' '' 33 % jerus.htf (unicode) `version % '"' '' 34 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. Eitan M. Gurari % '#' '' 35 ` '$' '' 36 ` '%' '' 37 ` '&' '' 38 ` ''' '' 39 ` '(' '' 40 ` ')' '' 41 ` '*' '' 42 ` '+' '' 43 ` ',' '' 44 ` '-' '' 45 ` '.' '' 46 ` '/' '' 47 ` '0' '' 48 ` '1' '' 49 ` '2' '' 50 ` '3' '' 51 ` '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '\\' '' 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' 94 '_' '' 95 'א' '' 96 'ב' '' 97 'ג' '' 98 'ד' '' 99 'ה' '' 100 'ו' '' 101 'ז' '' 102 'ח' '' 103 'ט' '' 104 'י' '' 105 'ך' '' 106 'כ' '' 107 'ל' '' 108 'ם' '' 109 'מ' '' 110 'ן' '' 111 'נ' '' 112 'ס' '' 113 'ע' '' 114 'ף' '' 115 'פ' '' 116 'ץ' '' 117 'צ' '' 118 'ק' '' 119 'ר' '' 120 'ש' '' 121 'ת' '' 122 '{' '' 123 '|' '' 124 '}' '' 125 '-' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '' '' 153 '' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '' '' 162 '£' '' sterling Pound 163 jerus 32 163 >>> \AddFont{jerus-uni}{unicode/hebrew/jerus} \<<< .jerus htfcss: deads font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{deads}{alias/hebrew/deads} \<<< .hclassic htfcss: hcaption font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{hcaption}{alias/hebrew/hcaption} \<<< hclassic 0 154 '.' '' 0 ` '' '' 1 % hclassic.htf (iso 8859-8) `version % '' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 3 ` '' '' 4 ` '' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` ' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 ' ' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '' '' 40 '' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '\34\' '' 44 '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 ':' '' 58 '' '' 59 '' '' 60 '' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '' '' 120 '' '' 121 '' '' 122 '\240\' '' 123 '\224\' '1' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 '' '' 127 '\224\' '' 128 '\225\' '' 129 '\226\' '' 130 '\227\' '' 131 '\228\' '' 132 '\229\' '' 133 '\230\' '' 134 '\231\' '' 135 '\232\' '' 136 '\233\' '' 137 '\234\' '' 138 '\235\' '' 139 '\236\' '' 140 '\237\' '' 141 '\238\' '' 142 '\239\' '' 143 '\240\' '' 144 '\241\' '' 145 '\242\' '' 146 '\243\' '' 147 '\244\' '' 148 '\245\' '' 149 '\246\' '' 150 '\247\' '' 151 '\248\' '' 152 '\249\' '' 153 '\250\' '' 154 hclassic 0 154 >>> \AddFont{hclassic}{iso8859/8/hebrew/hclassic} \<<< hclassic 0 154 '.' '' 0 ` '\199\' '' 1 % hclassic.htf (ms) `version % '\200\' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '\198\' '' 3 ` '\203\' '' 4 ` '\196\' '' 5 ` '\200\' '' 6 ` '\192\' '' 7 ` '\205\' '' 8 ` '\207\' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` ' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 ' ' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '' '' 40 '' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '֥' '' 44 '\206\' '' 45 '\200\' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 ':' '' 58 '' '' 59 '' '' 60 '' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '' '' 120 '' '' 121 '' '' 122 '\240\' '' 123 'א' '1' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 '' '' 127 '\224\' '' 128 '\225\' '' 129 '\226\' '' 130 '\227\' '' 131 '\228\' '' 132 '\229\' '' 133 '\230\' '' 134 '\231\' '' 135 '\232\' '' 136 '\233\' '' 137 '\234\' '' 138 '\235\' '' 139 '\236\' '' 140 '\237\' '' 141 '\238\' '' 142 '\239\' '' 143 '\240\' '' 144 '\241\' '' 145 '\242\' '' 146 '\243\' '' 147 '\244\' '' 148 '\245\' '' 149 '\246\' '' 150 '\247\' '' 151 '\248\' '' 152 '\249\' '' 153 '\250\' '' 154 hclassic 0 154 >>> \AddFont{hclassic-ms}{symbol/hebrew/hclassic} \Link[http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0590.pdf]{}{}unicode hebrew\EndLink, \Link[http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/UFB00.pdf]{}{}unicode alphabetic presentation forms\EndLink \<<< hclassic 0 154 '.' '' 0 ` 'ַ' '' PATAH 1 % hclassic.htf (unicode) `version % 'ָ' '' QAMATS 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % 'ֶ' '' SEGOL 3 ` 'ֻ' '' QUBUTS 4 ` 'ִ' '' HIRIQ 5 ` 'ָ' '' 6 ` 'ְ' '' SHEVA 7 ` 'ֽ' '' METEG 8 ` 'ֵ' '' TSERE 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 ' ' '' 32 '!' 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'' 33 % crml.htf `version % '”' '' right doublequote 34 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '#' '' 35 ` '$' '' 36 ` '%' '' 37 ` '&' '' ampersand 38 ` '’' '' right singlequote 39 ` '(' '' 40 ` ')' '' 41 ` '*' '' 42 ` '+' '' 43 ` ',' '' 44 ` '-' '' 45 ` '.' '' 46 ` '/' '' 47 ` '0' '' 48 ` '1' '' 49 ` '2' '' 50 ` '3' '' 51 ` '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' 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'' 33 % fr.htf `version % '”' '' right doublequote 34 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 ` '%' '' 37 ` '' '' ampersand 38 ` '’' '' right singlequote 39 ` '(' '' 40 ` ')' '' 41 ` '' '' 42 ` '+' '' 43 ` ',' '' 44 ` '-' '' 45 ` '.' '' 46 ` '/' '' 47 ` '0' '' 48 ` '1' '' 49 ` '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '' '' 62 '?' 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'' 33 ` '”' '' right doublequote 34 % redis.htf `version % '#' '' 35 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '$' '' 36 ` '%' '' 37 ` '&' '' ampersand 38 ` '’' '' right singlequote 39 ` '(' '' 40 ` ')' '' 41 ` '*' '' 42 ` '+' '' 43 ` ',' '' 44 ` '-' '' 45 ` '.' '' 46 ` '/' '' 47 ` '0' '' 48 ` '1' '' 49 ` '2' '' 50 ` '3' '' 51 ` '4' '' 52 ` '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % 'ױ' '' YIDDISH VAV YOD 19 ` 'יִ' '' YOD WITH HIRIQ 20 ` 'ײ' '' DOUBLE YOD 21 ` 'ײַ' '' YOD YOD PATAH 22 ` 'ׁ' '' POINT SHIN DOT 23 ` 'ׂ' '' POINT SIN DOT 24 ` '' '' 25 ` '' '' 26 ` '' '' 27 ` '' '' 28 ` '' '' 29 ` '' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 ` '' '' 32 ` '!' '' 33 ` '”' '' right doublequote 34 ` '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 'ִ' '' hiriq 48 'ֵ' '' tsere 49 'ֶ' '' segol 50 'ְ' '' sheva 51 'ֻ' '' qubuts 52 'ַ' '' patah 53 'ָ' '' qamats 54 'ֱ' '' hataf segol 55 'ֲ' '' hataf patah 56 'ֳ' '' hataf qamats 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 'וּ' '' vav with dagesh 60 '=' '' 61 'וֹ' '' vav with holam 62 '?' '' 63 '∆' '' ldots 64 'ִ' '' hiriq 65 'ֵ' '' tsere 66 'ֶ' '' segol 67 'ְ' '' sheva 68 'ֻ' '' qubuts 69 'ַ' '' patah 70 'ָ' '' qamats 71 'ֱ' '' hataf segol 72 'ֲ' '' hataf patah 73 'ֳ' '' hataf qamats 74 'ִ' '' hiriq 75 'ֵ' '' tsere 76 'ֶ' '' segol 77 'ְ' '' sheva 78 'ֻ' '' qubuts 79 'ַ' '' patah 80 'ָ' '' qamats 81 'ֱ' '' hataf segol 82 'ֲ' '' hataf patah 83 'ֳ' '' hataf qamats 84 '' '' 85 'ָ' '' qamats 86 'ִ' '' hiriq 87 'ִ' '' hiriq 88 'ִ' '' hiriq 89 '”' '' right doublequote 90 '’' '' right singlequote 91 '∖' '' backslash 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 'א' '' aleph 96 'ב' '' beit 97 'ג' '' gimel 98 'ד' '' dalet 99 'ה' '' hei 100 'ו' '' vav 101 'ז' '' zain 102 'ח' '' chet 103 'ט' '' tet 104 'י' '' yud 105 'ך' '' final caf 106 'כ' '' caf 107 'ל' '' lamed 108 'ם' '' final mem 109 'מ' '' mem 110 'ן' '' final nun 111 'נ' '' nun 112 'ס' '' samech 113 'ע' '' hain 114 'ף' '' final pei 115 'פ' '' pei 116 'ץ' '' final tzadik 117 'צ' '' tzadik 118 'ק' '' cuf 119 'ר' '' reish 120 'ש' '' shin 121 'ת' '' taf 122 shold 16 122 >>> \AddFont{shold-uni}{unicode/hebrew/shold} \<<< shscr 16 122 'אַ' '' ALEF WITH PATAH 16 ` 'אָ' '' ALEF WITH QAMATS 17 % shscr.htf `version % 'װ' '' YIDDISH DOUBLE VAV 18 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % 'ױ' '' YIDDISH VAV YOD 19 ` 'יִ' '' YOD WITH HIRIQ 20 ` 'ײ' '' DOUBLE YOD 21 ` 'ײַ' '' YOD YOD PATAH 22 ` 'ׁ' '' POINT SHIN DOT 23 ` 'ׂ' '' POINT SIN DOT 24 ` '' '' 25 ` '' '' 26 ` '' '' 27 ` '' '' 28 ` '' '' 29 ` '' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 ` '' '' 32 ` '!' '' 33 ` '”' '' right doublequote 34 ` '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 'ִ' '' hiriq 48 'ֵ' '' tsere 49 'ֶ' '' segol 50 'ְ' '' sheva 51 'ֻ' '' qubuts 52 'ַ' '' patah 53 'ָ' '' qamats 54 'ֱ' '' hataf segol 55 'ֲ' '' hataf patah 56 'ֳ' '' hataf qamats 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 'וּ' '' vav with dagesh 60 '=' '' 61 'וֹ' '' vav with holam 62 '?' '' 63 '∆' '' ldots 64 'ִ' '' hiriq 65 'ֵ' '' tsere 66 'ֶ' '' segol 67 'ְ' '' sheva 68 'ֻ' '' qubuts 69 'ַ' '' patah 70 'ָ' '' qamats 71 'ֱ' '' hataf segol 72 'ֲ' '' hataf patah 73 'ֳ' '' hataf qamats 74 'ִ' '' hiriq 75 'ֵ' '' tsere 76 'ֶ' '' segol 77 'ְ' '' sheva 78 'ֻ' '' qubuts 79 'ַ' '' patah 80 'ָ' '' qamats 81 'ֱ' '' hataf segol 82 'ֲ' '' hataf patah 83 'ֳ' '' hataf qamats 84 '' '' 85 'ָ' '' qamats 86 'ִ' '' hiriq 87 'ִ' '' hiriq 88 'ִ' '' hiriq 89 '”' '' right doublequote 90 '’' '' right singlequote 91 '∖' '' backslash 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 'א' '' aleph 96 'ב' '' beit 97 'ג' '' gimel 98 'ד' '' dalet 99 'ה' '' hei 100 'ו' '' vav 101 'ז' '' zain 102 'ח' '' chet 103 'ט' '' tet 104 'י' '' yud 105 'ך' '' final caf 106 'כ' '' caf 107 'ל' '' lamed 108 'ם' '' final mem 109 'מ' '' mem 110 'ן' '' final nun 111 'נ' '' nun 112 'ס' '' samech 113 'ע' '' hain 114 'ף' '' final pei 115 'פ' '' pei 116 'ץ' '' final tzadik 117 'צ' '' tzadik 118 'ק' '' cuf 119 'ר' '' reish 120 'ש' '' shin 121 'ת' '' taf 122 shscr 16 122 >>> \AddFont{shscr-uni}{unicode/hebrew/shscr} \<<< shstk 16 122 'אַ' '' ALEF WITH PATAH 16 ` 'אָ' '' ALEF WITH QAMATS 17 % shstk.htf `version % 'װ' '' YIDDISH DOUBLE VAV 18 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % 'ױ' '' YIDDISH VAV YOD 19 ` 'יִ' '' YOD WITH HIRIQ 20 ` 'ײ' '' DOUBLE YOD 21 ` 'ײַ' '' YOD YOD PATAH 22 ` 'ׁ' '' POINT SHIN DOT 23 ` 'ׂ' '' POINT SIN DOT 24 ` '' '' 25 ` '' '' 26 ` '' '' 27 ` '' '' 28 ` '' '' 29 ` '' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 ` '' '' 32 ` '!' '' 33 ` '”' '' right doublequote 34 ` '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '[' '' 40 ']' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 'ִ' '' hiriq 48 'ֵ' '' tsere 49 'ֶ' '' segol 50 'ְ' '' sheva 51 'ֻ' '' qubuts 52 'ַ' '' patah 53 'ָ' '' qamats 54 'ֱ' '' hataf segol 55 'ֲ' '' hataf patah 56 'ֳ' '' hataf qamats 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 'וּ' '' vav with dagesh 60 '=' '' 61 'וֹ' '' vav with holam 62 '?' '' 63 '∆' '' ldots 64 'ִ' '' hiriq 65 'ֵ' '' tsere 66 'ֶ' '' segol 67 'ְ' '' sheva 68 'ֻ' '' qubuts 69 'ַ' '' patah 70 'ָ' '' qamats 71 'ֱ' '' hataf segol 72 'ֲ' '' hataf patah 73 'ֳ' '' hataf qamats 74 'ִ' '' hiriq 75 'ֵ' '' tsere 76 'ֶ' '' segol 77 'ְ' '' sheva 78 'ֻ' '' qubuts 79 'ַ' '' patah 80 'ָ' '' qamats 81 'ֱ' '' hataf segol 82 'ֲ' '' hataf patah 83 'ֳ' '' hataf qamats 84 '' '' 85 'ָ' '' qamats 86 'ִ' '' hiriq 87 'ִ' '' hiriq 88 'ִ' '' hiriq 89 '”' '' right doublequote 90 '’' '' right singlequote 91 '∖' '' backslash 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 'א' '' aleph 96 'ב' '' beit 97 'ג' '' gimel 98 'ד' '' dalet 99 'ה' '' hei 100 'ו' '' vav 101 'ז' '' zain 102 'ח' '' chet 103 'ט' '' tet 104 'י' '' yud 105 'ך' '' final caf 106 'כ' '' caf 107 'ל' '' lamed 108 'ם' '' final mem 109 'מ' '' mem 110 'ן' '' final nun 111 'נ' '' nun 112 'ס' '' samech 113 'ע' '' hain 114 'ף' '' final pei 115 'פ' '' pei 116 'ץ' '' final tzadik 117 'צ' '' tzadik 118 'ק' '' cuf 119 'ר' '' reish 120 'ש' '' shin 121 'ת' '' taf 122 shstk 16 122 >>> \AddFont{shstk-uni}{unicode/hebrew/shstk} \<<< .crml >>> \AddFont{telav}{alias/hebrew/telav} \<<< .crml >>> \AddFont{oldjaf}{alias/hebrew/oldjaf} \<<< cjhebltx 0 255 '' '' 0 ` 'ְ' '' `% sheva`% 1 % cjhebltx.htf `version % 'ֱ' '' `%hatafsegol`% 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % 'ֲ' '' `%hatafpatah`% 3 ` 'ֳ' '' `%hatafqamats`% 4 ` 'ִ' '' `%hiriq`% 5 ` 'ֵ' '' `%tsere`% 6 ` 'ֶ' '' `%segol`% 7 ` 'ַ' '' `%patah`% 8 ` 'ַ' '' `%patahfurtivum`% 9 ` 'ָ' '' `%qamats`% 10 ` 'ֹ' '' `%holam`% 11 ` 'ֻ' '' `%qibuts`% 12 ` 'ּ' '' `%dagesh`% 13 ` '־' '' `%maqaf`% 14 ` 'שׁ' '' `%shindot`% 15 ` 'שׂ' '' `%sindot`% 16 ` '׃' '' `%sofpasuq`% 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '׀' '' `%endofword`% 30 '0' '' `%zeronojoin`% 31 ' ' '' `%space`% 32 'א' '' `%alef`% 33 'ב' '' `%bet`% 34 'ג' '' `%gimel`% 35 'ד' '' `%dalet`% 36 'ה' '' `%he`% 37 'ו' '' `%vav`% 38 'ז' '' `%zayin`% 39 'ח' '' `%het`% 40 'ט' '' `%tet`% 41 'י' '' `%yod`% 42 'ך' '' `%kaffinal`% 43 'כ' '' `%kaf`% 44 'ל' '' `%lamed`% 45 'ם' '' `%memfinal`% 46 'מ' '' `%mem`% 47 'ן' '' `%nunfinal`% 48 'נ' '' `%nun`% 49 'ס' '' `%samekh`% 50 'ע' '' `%ayin`% 51 'ף' '' `%pefinal`% 52 'פ' '' `%pe`% 53 'ץ' '' `%tsadifinal`% 54 'צ' '' `%tsadi`% 55 'ק' '' `%qof`% 56 'ר' '' `%resh`% 57 'ש' '' `%shin`% 58 'ת' '' `%tav`% 59 'אּ' '' `%alefmapiq`% 60 'בּ' '' `%betdagesh`% 61 'גּ' '' `%gimeldagesh`% 62 'דּ' '' `%daletdagesh`% 63 'הּ' '' `%hedagesh`% 64 'וּ' '' `%vavdagesh`% 65 'זּ' '' `%zayindagesh`% 66 '' '' 67 'טּ' '' `%tetdagesh`% 68 'יּ' '' `%yoddagesh`% 69 'ךּ' '' `%kaffinaldagesh`% 70 'כּ' '' `%kafdagesh`% 71 'לּ' '' `%lameddagesh`% 72 '' '' 73 'מּ' '' `%memdagesh`% 74 '' '' 75 'נּ' '' `%nundagesh`% 76 'סּ' '' `%samekhdagesh`% 77 '' '' 78 'ףּ' '' `%pefinaldagesh`% 79 'פּ' '' `%pedagesh`% 80 '' '' 81 'צּ' '' `%tsadidagesh`% 82 'קּ' '' `%qofdagesh`% 83 'רּ' '' `%reshdagesh`% 84 'שּ' '' `%shindagesh`% 85 'תּ' '' `%tavdagesh`% 86 'וֹ' '' `%vavholam`% 87 'שׁ' '' `%shinshindot`% 88 'שׂ' '' `%shinsindot`% 89 'שּׁ' '' `%shinshindotdagesh`% 90 'שּׂ' '' `%shinsindotdagesh`% 91 'ך' '' `%kaffinalsheva`% 92 'ך' '' `%kaffinalqamats`% 93 'ך' '' `%nunfinalqamats`% 94 '?' '' `%circledash`% 95 '?' '' `%circledashdagesh`% 96 'נ' '' `%nunqamats`% 97 'כ' '' `%kafqamats`% 98 'כ' '' `%kafsheva`% 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '' '' 120 '' '' 121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '/' '' `%slash`% 130 ',' '' `%comma`% 131 '.' '' `%period`% 132 '+' '' `%plus`% 133 '*' '' `%asterisk`% 134 '-' '' `%hyphen`% 135 'ְ' '' `%sheva1`% 136 'ְ' '' `%sheva2`% 137 'ְ' '' `%sheva3`% 138 'ֱ' '' `%hatafsegol1`% 139 'ֱ' '' `%hatafsegol2`% 140 'ֲ' '' `%hatafpatah1`% 141 'ֲ' '' `%hatafpatah2`% 142 'ֳ' '' `%hatafqamats1`% 143 'ֳ' '' `%hatafqamats2`% 144 'ִ' '' `%hiriq1`% 145 'ִ' '' `%hiriq2`% 146 'ִ' '' `%hiriq3`% 147 'ֵ' '' `%tsere1`% 148 'ֵ' '' `%tsere2`% 149 'ֵ' '' `%tsere3`% 150 'ֶ' '' `%segol1`% 151 'ֶ' '' `%segol2`% 152 'ֶ' '' `%segol3`% 153 'ַ' '' `%patah1`% 154 'ַ' '' `%patah2`% 155 'ַ' '' `%patah3`% 156 'ָ' '' `%qamats1`% 157 'ָ' '' `%qamats2`% 158 'ָ' '' `%qamats3`% 159 'ֹ' '' `%holam1`% 160 'ֹ' '' `%holam2`% 161 'ֻ' '' `%qibuts1`% 162 'ֻ' '' `%qibuts2`% 163 'ֻ' '' `%qibuts3`% 164 '' '' 165 '' '' 166 '' '' 167 '' '' 168 '' '' 169 '' '' 170 '' '' 171 '' '' 172 '' '' 173 '' '' 174 '' '' 175 '' '' 176 '' '' 177 '' '' 178 '' '' 179 '' '' 180 '' '' 181 '' '' 182 '' '' 183 '' '' 184 '' '' 185 '' '' 186 '' '' 187 '' '' 188 '' '' 189 '' '' 190 '' '' 191 '' '' 192 '' '' 193 '' '' 194 '' '' 195 '' '' 196 '' '' 197 '' '' 198 '' '' 199 '' '' 200 '' '' 201 '' '' 202 '' '' 203 '' '' 204 '' '' 205 '' '' 206 '' '' 207 '' '' 208 '' '' 209 '' '' 210 '' '' 211 '' '' 212 '' '' 213 '' '' 214 '' '' 215 '' '' 216 '' '' 217 '' '' 218 '' '' 219 '' '' 220 '' '' 221 '' '' 222 '' '' 223 '' '' 224 '' '' 225 '' '' 226 '' '' 227 '' '' 228 '' '' 229 '' '' 230 '' '' 231 '' '' 232 '' '' 233 '' '' 234 '' '' 235 '' '' 236 '' '' 237 '' '' 238 '' '' 239 '' '' 240 '' '' 241 '' '' 242 '' '' 243 '' '' 244 '' '' 245 '' '' 246 '' '' 247 '' '' 248 '' '' 249 '' '' 250 '' '' 251 '' '' 252 '' '' 253 '' '' 254 '' '' 255 cjhebltx 0 255 >>> \AddFont{cjhebltx-uni}{unicode/hebrew/cjhebltx} \<<< .cjhebltx >>> \AddFont{cjheblsm}{alias/hebrew/cjheblsm} \<<< .cjhebltx >>> \AddFont{rcjheblsm}{alias/hebrew/rcjheblsm} \<<< .cjhebltx >>> \AddFont{rcjhebltx}{alias/hebrew/rcjhebltx} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Arabic} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .aehor >>> \AddFont{aealbattar}{alias/arabi/aealbattar} \<<< .aehor >>> \AddFont{aegranada}{alias/arabi/aegranada} \<<< .aehor >>> \AddFont{aenagham}{alias/arabi/aenagham} \<<< .aehor >>> \AddFont{aesindibad}{alias/arabi/aesindibad} \<<< .aehor >>> \AddFont{aealmateen}{alias/arabi/aealmateen} \<<< .aehor >>> \AddFont{aegraph}{alias/arabi/aegraph} \<<< .aehor >>> \AddFont{aenice}{alias/arabi/aenice} \<<< .aehor >>> \AddFont{aetarablus}{alias/arabi/aetarablus} \<<< .aehor >>> \AddFont{aealmohanadb}{alias/arabi/aealmohanadb} \<<< .aehor >>> \AddFont{aehani}{alias/arabi/aehani} \<<< .aehor >>> \AddFont{aeostorah}{alias/arabi/aeostorah} \<<< .aehor >>> \AddFont{aetholoth}{alias/arabi/aetholoth} \<<< .aehor >>> \AddFont{aealmothnna}{alias/arabi/aealmothnna} \<<< aehor 0 255 'ا' '' 0 ` 'أ' '' 1 % aehor.htf `version % 'ﺄ' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2006. Youssef Jabri % 'إ' '' 3 ` 'ﺈ' '' 4 ` 'آ' '' 5 ` 'ﺂ' '' 6 ` 'ﺑ' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` 'ﺐ' '' 9 ` 'ب' '' 10 ` 'ﺗ' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` 'ﺖ' '' 13 ` 'ت' '' 14 ` 'ﺛ' '' 15 ` 'ﺜ' '' 16 ` 'ﺚ' '' 17 ` 'ث' '' 18 ` 'ﺟ' '' 19 ` 'ﺠ' '' 20 'ﺞ' '' 21 'ج' '' 22 'ﺣ' '' 23 'ﺤ' '' 24 'ﺢ' '' 25 'ح' '' 26 'ﺧ' '' 27 'ﺨ' '' 28 'ﺦ' '' 29 'خ' '' 30 '' '' 31 'د' '' 32 '!' '' 33 'ْ' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '٪' '' 37 '&' '' 38 ''' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '٭' '' 42 '"' '' 43 '،' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' 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Youssef Jabri % 'إ' '' 3 ` 'ﺈ' '' 4 ` 'آ' '' 5 ` 'ﺂ' '' 6 ` 'ﺑ' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` 'ﺐ' '' 9 ` 'ب' '' 10 ` 'ﺗ' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` 'ﺖ' '' 13 ` 'ت' '' 14 ` 'ﺛ' '' 15 ` 'ﺜ' '' 16 ` 'ﺚ' '' 17 ` 'ث' '' 18 ` 'ﺟ' '' 19 ` 'ﺠ' '' 20 'ﺞ' '' 21 'ج' '' 22 'ﺣ' '' 23 'ﺤ' '' 24 'ﺢ' '' 25 'ح' '' 26 'ﺧ' '' 27 'ﺨ' '' 28 'ﺦ' '' 29 'خ' '' 30 '' '' 31 'د' '' 32 '!' '' 33 'ْ' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '٪' '' 37 '&' '' 38 ''' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '٭' '' 42 '"' '' 43 '،' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '۰' '' 48 '۱' '' 49 '۲' '' 50 '۳' '' 51 '۴' '' 52 '۵' '' 53 '۶' '' 54 '۷' '' 55 '۸' '' 56 '۹' '' 57 ':' '' 58 '؛' '' 59 '»' '' 60 '' '' 61 '«' '' 62 '؟' '' 63 'ﺬ' '' 64 'ﺎ' '' 65 '' '' 66 'ر' '' 67 '' '' 68 'ز' '' 69 'ﺳ' '' 70 '' '' 71 'ﺲ' '' 72 '' '' 73 'ﺷ' '' 74 'ﺸ' '' 75 'ﺶ' '' 76 'ش' '' 77 '' '' 78 'ﺼ' '' 79 'ﺺ' '' 80 'ص' '' 81 'ﺿ' '' 82 'ﻀ' '' 83 'ﺔ' '' 84 'ﻮ' '' 85 'ﻃ' '' 86 'ﻄ' '' 87 'ﻂ' '' 88 'ﻰ' '' 89 'ﻇ' '' 90 ']' '' 91 'ﻈ' '' 92 '[' '' 93 'ﻆ' '' 94 'ظ' '' 95 'ﻌ' '' 96 'َ' '' 97 'ﺒ' '' 98 'ﭽ' '' 99 'ﺪ' '' 100 '' '' 101 'ﻔ' '' 102 'ﮕ' '' 103 'ﻬ' '' 104 'ِ' '' 105 '' '' 106 'ﻜ' '' 107 'ﻠ' '' 108 'ﻤ' '' 109 'ﻨ' '' 110 '' '' 111 'ﭙ' '' 112 'ﻘ' '' 113 'ﺮ' '' 114 'ﺴ' '' 115 'ﺘ' '' 116 'ُ' '' 117 '' '' 118 'ﻮ' '' 119 'س' '' 120 'ﯿ' '' 121 'ﺰ' '' 122 'ﺾ' '' 123 'ض' '' 124 'ﺻ' '' 125 '' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 'ﻋ' '' 136 'ﻊ' '' 137 'ع' '' 138 'ﻏ' '' 139 'ﻐ' '' 140 'ﻎ' '' 141 'غ' '' 142 'ﻓ' '' 143 'ﻒ' '' 144 'ف' '' 145 'ﻗ' '' 146 'ﻖ' '' 147 'ق' '' 148 'ﻛ' '' 149 'ﻚ' '' 150 'ك' '' 151 'ﻟ' '' 152 'ﻞ' '' 153 'ل' '' 154 'ﻣ' '' 155 'ﻢ' '' 156 'م' '' 157 'ﻧ' '' 158 'ﻦ' '' 159 'ن' '' 160 'ﻫ' '' 161 'ﻪ' '' 162 'ه' '' 163 'و' '' 164 'ﺆ' '' 165 'ؤ' '' 166 'ﯾ' '' 167 'ﯽ' '' 168 'ی' '' 169 'ط' '' 170 '' '' 171 '' '' 172 'ة' '' 173 'ﻼ' '' 174 'ﻻ' '' 175 'ﻸ' '' 176 'ﻷ' '' 177 'ﻺ' '' 178 'ﻹ' '' 179 'ﻶ' '' 180 'ﻵ' '' 181 'ﺋ' '' 182 'ﺌ' '' 183 'ﺊ' '' 184 'ئ' '' 185 'ء' '' 186 '' '' 187 '' '' 188 '' '' 189 'ً' '' 190 'ٌ' '' 191 'ٍ' '' 192 'َ' '' 193 'ُ' '' 194 'ِ' '' 195 'ّ' '' 196 'ْ' '' 197 '' '' `%shadda fathatan`% 198 'ﱞ' '' 199 'ﱟ' '' 200 'ﱠ' '' 201 'ﱡ' '' 202 'ﱢ' '' 203 'ّ' '' 204 'ﱠ' '' 205 'ﱡ' '' 206 'ﱢ' '' 207 'ذ' '' 208 'ﮋ' '' 209 'ژ' '' 210 'ﭘ' '' 211 'ﭗ' '' 212 'پ' '' 213 'ﮔ' '' 214 'ﮓ' '' 215 'گ' '' 216 'ﭼ' '' 217 'ﭻ' '' 218 'چ' '' 219 '' '' 220 '' '' 221 '' '' 222 '' '' 223 '' '' 224 '' '' 225 '' '' 226 '' '' 227 '' '' 228 '' '' 229 '' '' 230 '' '' 231 '' '' 232 '' '' 233 '' '' 234 '' '' 235 '' '' 236 '' '' 237 '' '' 238 '' '' 239 '' '' 240 '' '' 241 '' '' 242 '' '' 243 '' '' 244 '' '' 245 '' '' 246 '' '' 247 '' '' 248 '' '' 249 '٬' '' 250 '٫' '' 251 'ﷲ' '' 252 '﷼' '' 253 'ـ' '' 254 '' '' 255 nazli 0 255 >>> \AddFont{nazli}{unicode/arabi/nazli} \<<< .nazli >>> \AddFont{homa}{alias/arabi/homa} \<<< .nazli >>> \AddFont{nazlib}{alias/arabi/nazlib} \<<< .nazli >>> \AddFont{titr}{alias/arabi/titr} %%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{grmn} %%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< grmn 0 255 '–' '' `%endash`% 0 ` ' ̯' '' `%space + combining inverted breve under`% 1 % grmn.htf (unicode) `version % '𐅄' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '𐅅' '' 3 ` '𐅆' '' 4 ` '𐅇' '' 5 ` 'ϛ' '' 6 ` 'ͺϚ' '' 7 ` 'ι' '' 8 ` 'ᾼ' '' 9 ` 'ῌ' '' 10 ` 'ῼ' '' 11 ` 'Α' '' 12 ` 'ϔ' '' 13 ` 'α' '' 14 ` 'ϋ' '' 15 ` 'ˏ' '' 16 ` 'ˎ' '' 17 ` 'ϟ' '' 18 ` 'ϙ' '' 19 ` ' ̮' '' `%space + combining breve under`% 20 'Ϙ' '' 21 'СГ' '' ???? 22 'Ϡ' '' 23 '€' '' `%euro`% 24 '‰' '' `%permile`% 25 'ə' '' `%latin letter schwa`% 26 'ϡ' '' 27 '‘' '' 28 '’' '' 29 '˘' '' 30 '¯' '' 31 '῁' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '᾽' '' 34 '΅' '' 35 '῭' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '·' '' 38 '΄' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 '·' '' 59 '῾' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '᾿' '' 62 ';' '' 63 '῟' '' 64 'Α' '' 65 'Β' '' 66 '῝' '' 67 'Δ' '' 68 'Ε' '' 69 'Φ' '' 70 'Γ' '' 71 'Η' '' 72 'Ι' '' 73 'Θ' '' 74 'Κ' '' 75 'Λ' '' 76 'Μ' '' 77 'Ν' '' 78 'Ο' '' 79 'Π' '' 80 'Χ' '' 81 'Ρ' '' 82 'Σ' '' 83 'Τ' '' 84 'ϒ' '' 85 '῞' '' 86 'Ω' '' 87 'Ξ' '' 88 'Ψ' '' 89 'Ζ' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '῏' '' 92 ']' '' 93 '῎' '' 94 '῍' '' 95 '`' '' 96 'α' '' 97 'β' '' 98 'ς' '' 99 'δ' '' 100 'ε' '' 101 'φ' '' 102 'γ' '' 103 'η' '' 104 'ι' '' 105 'θ' '' 106 'κ' '' 107 'λ' '' 108 'μ' '' 109 'ν' '' 110 'ο' '' 111 'π' '' 112 'χ' '' 113 'ρ' '' 114 'σ' '' 115 'τ' '' 116 'υ' '' 117 '' '' 118 'ω' '' 119 'ξ' '' 120 'ψ' '' 121 'ζ' '' 122 '«' '' 123 'ͺ' '' 124 '»' '' 125 '῀' '' 126 '—' '' 127 'ὰ' '' 128 'ἁ' '' 129 'ἀ' '' 130 'ἃ' '' 131 'ᾲ' '' 132 'ᾁ' '' 133 'ᾀ' '' 134 'ᾃ' '' 135 'ά' '' 136 'ἅ' '' 137 'ἄ' '' 138 'ἂ' '' 139 'ᾴ' '' 140 'ᾅ' '' 141 'ᾄ' '' 142 'ᾂ' '' 143 'ᾶ' '' 144 'ἇ' '' 145 'ἆ' '' 146 'ϝ' '' 147 'ᾷ' '' 148 'ᾇ' '' 149 'ᾆ' '' 150 ' ͝' '' 151 'ὴ' '' 152 'ἡ' '' 153 'ἠ' '' 154 '' '' 155 'ῂ' '' 156 'ᾑ' '' 157 'ᾐ' '' 158 '' '' 159 'ή' '' 160 'ἥ' '' 161 'ἤ' '' 162 'ἣ' '' 163 'ῄ' '' 164 'ᾕ' '' 165 'ᾔ' '' 166 'ᾓ' '' 167 'ῆ' '' 168 'ἧ' '' 169 'ἦ' '' 170 'ἢ' '' 171 'ῇ' '' 172 'ᾗ' '' 173 'ᾖ' '' 174 'ᾒ' '' 175 'ὼ' '' 176 'ὡ' '' 177 'ὠ' '' 178 'ὣ' '' 179 'ῲ' '' 180 'ᾡ' '' 181 'ᾠ' '' 182 'ᾣ' '' 183 'ώ' '' 184 'ὥ' '' 185 'ὤ' '' 186 'ὢ' '' 187 'ῴ' '' 188 'ᾥ' '' 189 'ᾤ' '' 190 'ᾢ' '' 191 'ῶ' '' 192 'ὧ' '' 193 'ὦ' '' 194 'Ϝ' '' 195 'ῷ' '' 196 'ᾧ' '' 197 'ᾦ' '' 198 '' '' 199 'ὶ' '' 200 'ἱ' '' 201 'ἰ' '' 202 'ἳ' '' 203 'ὺ' '' 204 'ὑ' '' 205 'ὐ' '' 206 'ὓ' '' 207 'ί' '' 208 'ἵ' '' 209 'ἴ' '' 210 'ἲ' '' 211 'ύ' '' 212 'ὕ' '' 213 'ὔ' '' 214 'ὒ' '' 215 'ῖ' '' 216 'ἷ' '' 217 'ἶ' '' 218 'Ϊ' '' 219 'ῦ' '' 220 'ὗ' '' 221 'ὖ' '' 222 'Ϋ' '' 223 'ὲ' '' 224 'ἑ' '' 225 'ἐ' '' 226 'ἓ' '' 227 'ὸ' '' 228 'ὁ' '' 229 'ὀ' '' 230 'ὃ' '' 231 'έ' '' 232 'ἕ' '' 233 'ἔ' '' 234 'ἒ' '' 235 'ό' '' 236 'ὅ' '' 237 'ὄ' '' 238 'ὂ' '' 239 'ϊ' '' 240 'ῒ' '' 241 'ΐ' '' 242 'ῗ' '' 243 'ϋ' '' 244 'ῢ' '' 245 'ΰ' '' 246 'ῧ' '' 247 'ᾳ' '' 248 'ῃ' '' 249 'ῳ' '' 250 'ῥ' '' 251 'ῤ' '' 252 '' '' 253 'ʹ' '' 254 '͵' '' 255 grmn 0 255 >>> \AddFont{grmn-uni}{unicode/cbgreek/grmn} \<<< grmc 0 255 '―' '' 0 ` '' '' 1 % grmc.htf (unicode) `version % '⃞Ν' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. Eitan M. Gurari % '⃞Η' '' 3 ` '⃞Κ' '' 4 ` '⃞Μ' '' 5 ` 'ς' '' 6 ` 'ͺϚ' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` 'ϟ' '' 18 ` 'p' '1' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '€' '' 24 '‰' '' 25 '' '' 26 'Ϡ' '' 27 '‘' '' 28 '᾽' '' 29 '̆' '' 30 '̄' '' 31 '῁' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '᾽' '' 34 '΅' '' 35 '῭' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '·' '' 38 '´' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' 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'' `%exclam`% 33 % fibr.htf (unicode) `version % '¨' '' `%dieresis`% 34 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '΅' '' `%dieresisacute`% 35 ` '῭' '' `%dieresisgrave`% 36 ` '%' '' `%percent`% 37 ` '–' '' `%endash`% 38 ` '’' '' `%quotesnglright`% 39 ` '(' '' `%parenleft`% 40 ` ')' '' `%parenright`% 41 ` '*' '' `%asterisk`% 42 ` '+' '' `%plus`% 43 ` ',' '' `%comma`% 44 ` '-' '' `%hyphen`% 45 ` '.' 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Eitan M. Gurari % 'Lambda' '1' 3 ` 'Xi' '1' 4 ` 'Pi' '1' 5 ` 'Sigma' '1' 6 ` 'Upsilon' '1' 7 ` 'Phi' '1' 8 ` 'Psi' '1' 9 ` 'Omega' '1' 10 ` 'ff' '' 11 ` 'fi' '' 12 ` 'fl' '' 13 ` 'ffi' '' 14 ` 'ffl' '' 15 ` 'i' '1' 16 ` 'j' '1' 17 ` '‘' '' 18 ` '’' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 'b' '1' 25 'ae' '1' 26 'oe' '1' 27 'empty' '1' 28 'AE' '1' 29 'OE' '1' 30 'Emptyset' '1' 31 '' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '"' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' 38 -'- -- 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '\171\' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '\187\' '' 62 '?' 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Gurari % 'Λ' '' `%Lambda`% 3 ` 'Ξ' '' `%Xi`% 4 ` 'Π' '' `%Pi`% 5 ` 'Σ' '' `%Sigma`% 6 ` 'Υ' '' `%Upsilon`% 7 ` 'Φ' '' `%Phi`% 8 ` 'Ψ' '' `%Psi`% 9 ` 'Ω' '' `%Omega`% 10 ` 'α' '' `%alpha`% 11 ` 'β' '' `%beta`% 12 ` 'γ' '' `%gamma`% 13 ` 'δ' '' `%delta`% 14 ` '𝜖' '' `%epsilon`% 15 ` 'ζ' '' `%zeta`% 16 ` 'η' '' `%eta`% 17 ` '𝜃' '' `%theta`% 18 ` 'ι' '' `%iota`% 19 ` 'κ' '' `%kappa`% 20 'λ' '' `%lambda`% 21 'μ' '' `%mu`% 22 'ν' '' `%nu`% 23 'ξ' '' `%xi`% 24 'π' '' `%pi`% 25 'ρ' '' `%rho`% 26 'σ' '' `%sigma`% 27 'τ' '' `%tau`% 28 'υ' '' `%upsilon`% 29 'ϕ' '' `%phi`% 30 'χ' '' `%chi`% 31 'ψ' '' `%psi`% 32 'ω' '' `%omega`% 33 '𝜀' '' `%varepsilon`% 34 '𝜗' '' `%vartheta`% 35 'ϖ' '' `%varpi`% 36 'ϱ' '' `%varrho`% 37 'ς' '' `%varsigma`% 38 'φ' '' `%varphi`% 39 '↼' '' `%leftharpoonup`% 40 '↽' '' `%leftharpoondown`% 41 '⇀' '' `%righttharpoonup`% 42 '⇁' '' `%rightharpoondown`% 43 '‘' '' `%quote left`% 44 '’' '' `%quote right`% 45 '⊳' '' `%triangleright`% 46 '⊲' '' `%triangleleft`% 47 '0' '' `%number 0`% 48 '1' '' `%number 1`% 49 '2' '' `%number 2`% 50 '3' '' `%number 3`% 51 '4' '' `%number 4`% 52 '5' '' `%number 5`% 53 '6' '' `%number 6`% 54 '7' '' `%number 7`% 55 '8' '' `%number 8`% 56 '9' '' `%number 9`% 57 '.' '' `%full stop`% 58 ',' '' `%comma`% 59 '<' '' `%less than`% 60 '∕' '' `%division slash`% 61 '>' '' `%greater than`% 62 '⋆' '' `%star`% 63 '∂' '' `%partial`% 64 'A' '' `%letter A`% 65 'B' '' `%letter B`% 66 'C' '' `%letter C`% 67 'D' '' `%letter D`% 68 'E' '' `%letter E`% 69 'F' '' `%letter F`% 70 'G' '' `%letter G`% 71 'H' '' `%letter H`% 72 'I' '' `%letter I`% 73 'J' '' `%letter J`% 74 'K' '' `%letter K`% 75 'L' '' `%letter L`% 76 'M' '' `%letter M`% 77 'N' '' `%letter N`% 78 'O' '' `%letter O`% 79 'P' '' `%letter P`% 80 'Q' '' `%letter Q`% 81 'R' '' `%letter R`% 82 'S' '' `%letter S`% 83 'T' '' `%letter T`% 84 'U' '' `%letter U`% 85 'V' '' `%letter V`% 86 'W' '' `%letter W`% 87 'X' '' `%letter X`% 88 'Y' '' `%letter Y`% 89 'Z' '' `%letter Z`% 90 '♭' '' `%flat`% 91 '♮' '' `%natural`% 92 '♯' '' `%sharp`% 93 '⌣' '' `%smile`% 94 '⌢' '' `%frown`% 95 'ℓ' '' `%script small l`% 96 'a' '' `%letter a`% 97 'b' '' `%letter b`% 98 'c' '' `%letter c`% 99 'd' '' `%letter d`% 100 'e' '' `%letter e`% 101 'f' '' `%letter f`% 102 'g' '' `%letter g`% 103 'h' '' `%letter h`% 104 'i' '' `%letter i`% 105 'j' '' `%letter j`% 106 'k' '' `%letter k`% 107 'l' '' `%letter l`% 108 'm' '' `%letter m`% 109 'n' '' `%letter n`% 110 'o' '' `%letter o`% 111 'p' '' `%letter p`% 112 'q' '' `%letter q`% 113 'r' '' `%letter r`% 114 's' '' `%letter s`% 115 't' '' `%letter t`% 116 'u' '' `%letter u`% 117 'v' '' `%letter v`% 118 'w' '' `%letter w`% 119 'x' '' `%letter x`% 120 'y' '' `%letter y`% 121 'z' '' `%letter z`% 122 'ı' '' `%dotless i`% 123 'ȷ' '' `%dotless j`% 124 '℘' '' `%weierstass p`% 125 '⃗' '' `%small arrow above`% 126 '͡' '' `%ligature tie`% 127 'ħ' '' `%hbar`% 128 '-' '' `%hyphen`% 129 '=' '' 130 zeur 0 130 htfcss: zeusb font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{zeur}{alias/eulervm/zeur} \<<< zeus 0 222 '−' '' `%minus `% 0 ` '⋅' '' `%periodcentered`% 1 % zeus.htf `version % '×' '' `%multiply `% 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2008. Eitan M. Gurari % '∗' '' `%asterisk `% 3 ` '÷' '' `%divide `% 4 ` '◇' '' `%lozenge `% 5 ` '±' '' `%plusminus `% 6 ` '∓' '' `%minusplus `% 7 ` '⊕' '' `%circleplus `% 8 ` '⊖' '' `%circleminus `% 9 ` '⊗' '' `%circlemultiply`%10 ` '⊘' '' `%circleslash `%11 ` '⊙' '' `%circledot `%12 ` '○' '' `%circlebig `%13 ` '∘' '' `%circlesmall `%14 ` '∙' '' `%bullet `%15 ` '≍' '' `%asymptote `%16 ` '≡' '' `%equivalence `%17 ` '⊆' '' `%reflexsubset `%18 ` '⊇' '' `%reflexsuperset`%19 ` '≤' '' `%lessequal`% 20 '≥' '' `%greaterequal`% 21 '≼' '' `%precedeorequal`% 22 '≽' '' `%succeedorequal`% 23 '∼' '' `%similar`% 24 '≈' '' `%approxequal`% 25 '⊂' '' `%propersubset`% 26 '⊃' '' `%propersuperset`% 27 '≪' '' `%lessless`% 28 '≫' '' `%greatergreater`% 29 '≺' '' `%precedes`% 30 '≻' '' `%succeeds`% 31 '←' '' `%arrowleft`% 32 '→' '' `%arrowright`% 33 '↑' '' `%arrowup`% 34 '↓' '' `%arrowdown`% 35 '↔' '' `%arrowboth`% 36 '↗' '' `%arrowNE`% 37 '↘' '' `%arrowSE`% 38 '≃' '' `%similarorequal`% 39 '⇐' '' `%arrowdblleft`% 40 '⇒' '' `%arrowdblright`% 41 '⇑' '' `%arrowdblup`% 42 '⇓' '' `%arrowdbldown`% 43 '⇔' '' `%arrowdblboth`% 44 '↖' '' `%arrowNW`% 45 '↙' '' `%arrowSW`% 46 '∝' '' `%proportional`% 47 '′' '' `%minute`% 48 '∞' '' `%infinity`% 49 '∈' '' `%element`% 50 '∋' '' `%ownership`% 51 '△' '' `%triangleup`% 52 '▽' '' `%triangledown`% 53 '⁄' '' `%slashoverstrike`% 54 '↦' '' `%mapstochar`% 55 '∀' '' `%universal forall`% 56 '∃' '' `%existential`%57 '¬' '' `%logicalnot`% 58 '∅' '' `%emptyset`% 59 'ℜ' '' `%Real part`% 60 'ℑ' '' `%Imaginary part`% 61 '⊤' '' `%perpendiculardown`% 62 '⊥' '' `%perpendicular`% 63 'ℵ' '' `%aleph`% 64 '𝒜' '' `%script A`% 65 'ℬ' '' `%script B`% 66 '𝒞' '' `%script C`% 67 '𝒟' '' `%script D`% 68 'ℰ' '' `%script E`% 69 'ℱ' '' `%script F`% 70 '𝒢' '' `%script G`% 71 'ℋ' '' `%script H`% 72 'ℐ' '' `%script I`% 73 '𝒥' '' `%script J`% 74 '𝒦' '' `%script K`% 75 'ℒ' '' `%script L`% 76 'ℳ' '' `%script M`% 77 '𝒩' '' `%script N`% 78 '𝒪' '' `%script O`% 79 '𝒫' '' `%script P`% 80 '𝒬' '' `%script Q`% 81 'ℛ' '' `%script R`% 82 '𝒮' '' `%script S`% 83 '𝒯' '' `%script T`% 84 '𝒰' '' `%script U`% 85 '𝒱' '' `%script V`% 86 '𝒲' '' `%script W`% 87 '𝒳' '' `%script X`% 88 '𝒴' '' `%script Y`% 89 '𝒵' '' `%script Z`% 90 '∪' '' `%union`% 91 '∩' '' `%intersection`% 92 '⊎' '' `%unionplus`% 93 '∧' '' `%logicaland`% 94 '∨' '' `%logicalor`% 95 '⊢' '' `%verticaldash`% 96 '⊣' '' `%dashvertical`% 97 '⌊' '' `%bracketleftbt`% 98 '⌋' '' `%bracketrightbt`% 99 '⌈' '' `%bracketlefttp`% 100 '⌉' '' `%bracketrighttp`% 101 '{' '' `%braceleft`% 102 '}' '' `%braceright`% 103 '⟨' '' `%angleleft`% 104 '⟩' '' `%angleright`% 105 '|' '' `%barsingle`% 106 '∥' '' `%bardouble`% 107 '↕' '' `%arrowupdown`% 108 '⇕' '' `%arrowdblupdown`% 109 '∖' '' `%backslash`% 110 '≀' '' `%wreathproduct`% 111 '√' '' `%radical`% 112 '∐' '' `%coproduct`% 113 '∇' '' `%gradient`% 114 '∫' '' `%integral`% 115 '⊔' '' `%cupsquare`% 116 '⊓' '' `%capsquare`% 117 '⊑' '' `%subseteqsquare`% 118 '⊒' '' `%superseteqsquare`% 119 '§' '' `%section`% 120 '†' '' `%dagger`% 121 '‡' '' `%daggerdbl`% 122 '¶' '' `%paragraph`% 123 '♣' '' `%club`% 124 '♢' '' `%diamondoutline`% 125 '♡' '' `%heartoutline`% 126 '♠' '' `%spade`% 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '' '' 153 '' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '!' 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Gurari % ']' '' `%bracketrightbig `% 3 ` '⌊' '' `%floorleftbig `% 4 ` '⌋' '' `%floorrightbig `% 5 ` '⌈' '' `%ceilingleftbig `% 6 ` '⌉' '' `%ceilingrightbig `% 7 ` '{' '' `%braceleftbig `% 8 ` '}' '' `%bracerightbig `% 9 ` '⟨' '' `%angbracketleftbig `% 10 ` '⟩' '' `%angbracketrightbig `% 11 ` '|' '' `%vextendsingle `% 12 ` '∥' '' `%vextenddouble `% 13 ` '∕' '' `%slashbig `% 14 ` '\' '' `%backslashbig `% 15 ` '(' '' `%parenleftBig `% 16 ` ')' '' `%parenrightBig `% 17 ` '(' '' `%parenleftbigg `% 18 ` ')' '' `%parenrightbigg `% 19 ` '[' '' `%bracketleftbigg `% 20 ']' '' `%bracketrightbigg `% 21 '⌊' '' `%floorleftbigg `% 22 '⌋' '' `%floorrightbigg `% 23 '⌈' '' `%ceilingleftbigg `% 24 '⌉' '' `%ceilingrightbigg `% 25 '{' '' `%braceleftbigg `% 26 '}' '' `%bracerightbigg `% 27 '⟨' '' `%angbracketleftbigg `% 28 '⟩' '' `%angbracketrightbigg `% 29 '∕' '' `%slashbigg `% 30 '\' '' `%backslashbigg `% 31 '(' '' `%parenleftBigg `% 32 ')' '' `%parenrightBigg `% 33 '[' '' `%bracketleftBigg `% 34 ']' '' `%bracketrightBigg `% 35 '⌊' '' `%floorleftBigg `% 36 '⌋' '' `%floorrightBigg `% 37 '⌈' '' `%ceilingleftBigg `% 38 '⌉' '' `%ceilingrightBigg `% 39 '{' '' `%braceleftBigg `% 40 '}' '' `%bracerightBigg `% 41 '⟨' '' `%angbracketleftBigg `% 42 '⟩' '' `%angbracketrightBigg `% 43 '∕' '' `%slashBigg `% 44 '\' '' `%backslashBigg `% 45 '∕' '' `%slashBig `% 46 '\' '' `%backslashBig `% 47 '(' '' `%parenlefttp `% 48 ')' '' `%parenrighttp `% 49 '⌊' '' `%bracketlefttp `% 50 '⌋' '' `%bracketrighttp `% 51 '⌈' '' `%bracketleftbt `% 52 '⌉' '' `%bracketrightbt `% 53 '|' '' `%bracketleftex `% 54 '|' '' `%bracketrightex `% 55 '(' '' `%bracelefttp `% 56 ')' '' `%bracerighttp `% 57 '(' '' `%braceleftbt `% 58 ')' '' `%bracerightbt `% 59 '{' '' `%braceleftmid `% 60 '}' '' `%bracerightmid `% 61 '|' '' `%braceex `% 62 '|' '' `%arrowvertex `% 63 '(' '' `%parenleftbt `% 64 ')' '' `%parenrightbt `% 65 '|' '' `%parenleftex `% 66 '|' '' `%parenrightex `% 67 '⟨' '' `%angbracketleftBig `% 68 '⟩' '' `%angbracketrightBig `% 69 '⊔' '' `%unionsqtext `% 70 '⊔' '' `%unionsqdisplay `% 71 '∮' '' `%contintegraltext `% 72 '∮' '' `%contintegraldisplay `% 73 '⊙' '' `%circledottext `% 74 '⊙' '' `%circledotdisplay `% 75 '⊕' '' `%circleplustext `% 76 '⊕' '' `%circleplusdisplay `% 77 '⊗' '' `%circlemultiplytext `% 78 '⊗' '' `%circlemultiplydisplay `% 79 '∑' '' `%summationtext `% 80 '∏' '' `%producttext `% 81 '∫' '' `%integraltext `% 82 '⋃' '' `%uniontext `% 83 '⋂' '' `%intersectiontext `% 84 '⊎' '' `%unionmultitext `% 85 '∧' '' `%logicalandtext `% 86 '∨' '' `%logicalortext `% 87 '∑' '' `%summationdisplay `% 88 '∏' '' `%productdisplay `% 89 '∫' '' `%integraldisplay `% 90 '⋃' '' `%uniondisplay `% 91 '⋂' '' `%intersectiondisplay `% 92 '⊎' '' `%unionmultidisplay `% 93 '∧' '' `%logicalanddisplay `% 94 '∨' '' `%logicalordisplay `% 95 '∐' '' `%coproducttext `% 96 '∐' '' `%coproductdisplay `% 97 '^' '' `%hatwide `% 98 '^' '' `%hatwider `% 99 '^' '' `%hatwidest `% 100 '^' '' `%tildewide `% 101 '^' '' `%tildewider `% 102 '^' '' `%tildewidest `% 103 '[' '' `%bracketleftBig `% 104 ']' '' `%bracketrightBig `% 105 '⌊' '' `%floorleftBig `% 106 '⌋' '' `%floorrightBig `% 107 '⌈' '' `%ceilingleftBig `% 108 '⌉' '' `%ceilingrightBig `% 109 '{' '' `%braceleftBig `% 110 '}' '' `%bracerightBig `% 111 '∘' '' `%radicalbig `% 112 '∘' '' `%radicalBig `% 113 '∘' '' `%radicalbigg `% 114 '∘' '' `%radicalBigg `% 115 '∘' '' `%radicalbt `% 116 '│' '' `%radicalvertex `% 117 '┌' '' `%radicaltp `% 118 '║' '' `%arrowvertexdbl `% 119 '↑' '' `%arrowtp `% 120 '↓' '' `%arrowbt `% 121 '◜' '' `%bracehtipdownleft `% 122 '◝' '' `%bracehtipdownright `% 123 '◟' '' `%bracehtipupleft `% 124 '◞' '' `%bracehtipupright `% 125 '⇑' '' `%arrowdbltp `% 126 '⇓' '' `%arrowdblbt `% 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '∞' '' `% infinity `% 153 zeuex 0 153 >>> \AddFont{zeuex}{alias/eulervm/zeuex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Chapter{Adobe} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{times} \SubSection{ptmrc7t (ptmbc7t)} \<<< .ptmrc7t htfcss: ptmbc7t font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{ptmbc7t}{alias/adobe/times/ptmbc7t} \<<< ptmrc7t 0 170 '' '' 0 ` '' '' 1 % ptmrc7t.htf `version % '' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 3 ` '' '' 4 ` '' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` 'ff' '4' 11 ` 'fi' '4' 12 ` 'fl' '4' 13 ` 'ffi' '4' 14 ` 'ffl' '4' 15 ` 'ı' '4' dotless i 16 ` 'ȷ' '4' dotless j 17 ` '`' '' 18 ` '´' '' r-quote 19 ` 'ˇ' '' '' 20 '˘' '' '' 21 '¯' '' '' 22 '^' '' ^o 23 '¸' '' 24 'ss' '4' 25 'æ' '4' AE 26 'œ' '4' OE 27 'è' '4' Empty 28 'Æ' '' AE 29 'Œ' '' OE 30 'Ø' '' Empty 31 '' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '"' '' ” 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' ''LAnd 38 '’' '' ’ 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '¡' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '¿' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % 'Λ' '' 3 ` 'Ξ' '' 4 ` 'Π' '' 5 ` 'Σ' '' 6 ` 'ϒ' '' 7 ` 'Φ' '' 8 ` 'Ψ' '' 9 ` 'Ω' '' 10 ` 'ff' '' 11 ` 'fi' '' 12 ` 'fl' '' 13 ` 'ffi' '' 14 ` 'ffl' '' 15 ` 'ı' '' 16 ` 'j︀' '' jmath 17 ` '`' '' 18 ` '´' '' 19 'ˇ' '' 20 '˘' '' 21 '¯' '' 22 '^' '' 23 '¸' '' 24 'ß' '' 25 'æ' '' 26 'œ' '' 27 'ø' '' 28 'Æ' '' 29 'Œ' '' 30 'Ø' '' 31 '´' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '”' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '£' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' 38 '’' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '¡' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '¿' '' 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' 65 'B' '' 66 'C' '' 67 'D' '' 68 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '“' '' 92 ']' '' 93 '̂' '' 94 '˙' '' 95 '‘' '' 96 'a' '' 97 'b' '' 98 'c' '' 99 'd' '' 100 'e' '' 101 'f' '' 102 'g' '' 103 'h' '' 104 'i' '' 105 'j' '' 106 'k' '' 107 'l' '' 108 'm' '' 109 'n' '' 110 'o' '' 111 'p' '' 112 'q' '' 113 'r' '' 114 's' '' 115 't' '' 116 'u' '' 117 'v' '' 118 'w' '' 119 'x' '' 120 'y' '' 121 'z' '' 122 '–' '' 123 '—' '' 124 '˝' '' 125 '~' '' 126 '¨' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 'Ł' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '' '' 153 '' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '' '' 162 '' '' 163 '' '' 164 '' '' 165 '' '' 166 '' '' 167 '' '' 168 '' '' 169 'ł' '' 170 ptmri7t 0 170 htfcss: ptmri7t font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{ptmri7t-uni}{unicode/adobe/times/ptmri7t} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{ptmr8c (ptmb8c, ptmbi8c, ptmbo8c, ptmri8c, ptmro8c)} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: ptmro8c font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{ptmro8c}{alias/adobe/times/ptmro8c}{} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: ptmri8c font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{ptmri8c}{alias/adobe/times/ptmri8c}{} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: ptmbo8c font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{ptmbo8c}{alias/adobe/times/ptmbo8c}{} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: ptmbi8c font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{ptmbi8c}{alias/adobe/times/ptmbi8c}{} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: ptmb8c font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{ptmb8c}{alias/adobe/times/ptmb8c}{} \<<< ptmr8c 0 246 '`' '' 0 ` 'ˋ' '' 1 % ptmr8c.htf `version % 'ˊ' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % 'ˊ' '' 3 ` '^' '' 4 ` '̈' '' 5 ` '˚' '' 6 ` '̌' '' 7 ` '̆' '' 8 ` '¯' '' 9 ` '°' '' 10 ` '¸' '' 11 ` '̨' '' 12 ` '‚' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '„' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '–' '' 21 '—' '' 22 '' '' 23 '◾' '' 24 '◾' '' 25 '◾' '' 26 '◾' '' 27 '◾' '' 28 '◾' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 'ffl' '' 32 '' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '' '' 40 '' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '◾' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '◾' '' 48 '◾' '' 49 '◾' '' 50 '◾' '' 51 '◾' '' 52 '◾' '' 53 '◾' '' 54 '◾' '' 55 '◾' '' 56 '◾' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '◾' '' 60 '-' '' 61 '◾' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '◾' '' 77 '' '' 78 '◾' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '◾' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '' '' 92 ']' '' 93 '◾' '' 94 '◾' '' 95 '‘' '' ‘ 96 '' '' 97 '◾' '' 98 '◾' '' 99 '◾' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '◾' '' 108 '◾' '' 109 '◾' '' 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '' '' 120 '' '' 121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 '~' '' 126 '◾' '' 127 '˘' '' 128 'ˇ' '' 129 '”' '' 130 '“' '' 131 '†' '' dag 132 '‡' '' ddag 133 'ǁ' '' 134 '‰' '' 135 '•' '' bullet 136 '℃' '' 137 '◾' '' 138 '◾' '' 139 'f' '' 140 '◾' '' 141 '◾' '' 142 '◾' '' 143 '◾' '' 144 '◾' '' 145 '◾' '' 146 '◾' '' 147 '◾' '' 148 '◾' '' 149 '◾' '' 150 '™' '' 151 '◾' '' 152 '◾' '' 153 '◾' '' 154 '◾' '' 155 '◾' '' 156 '◾' '' 157 '◾' '' 158 '◾' '' 159 '◾' '' 160 '◾' '' 161 '¢' '' 162 '£' '' 163 '¤' '' 164 '¥' '' 165 '¦' '' 166 '§' '' 167 '¨' '' 168 '©' '' 169 'ª' '' 170 '◾' '' 171 '¬' '' 172 '◾' '' 173 '®' '' 174 '¯' '' 175 '°' '' 176 '±' '' 177 '²' '' 178 '³' '' 179 '´' '' 180 'µ' '' 181 '¶' '' 182 '·' '' 183 '◾' '' 184 '¹' '' 185 'º' '' 186 '◾' '' 187 '¼' '' 188 '½' '' 189 '¾' '' 190 '€' '' 191 '' '' 192 '' '' 193 '' '' 194 '' '' 195 '' '' 196 '' '' 197 '' '' 198 '' '' 199 '' '' 200 '' '' 201 '' '' 202 '' '' 203 '' '' 204 '' '' 205 '' '' 206 '' '' 207 '' '' 208 '' '' 209 '' '' 210 '' '' 211 '' '' 212 '' '' 213 'Õ' '' 214 '' '' 215 '' '' 216 '' '' 217 '' '' 218 '' '' 219 '' '' 220 '' '' 221 '' '' 222 '' '' 223 '' '' 224 '' '' 225 '' '' 226 '' '' 227 '' '' 228 '' '' 229 '' '' 230 '' '' 231 '' '' 232 '' '' 233 '' '' 234 '' '' 235 '' '' 236 '' '' 237 '' '' 238 '' '' 239 '' '' 240 '' '' 241 '' '' 242 '' '' 243 '' '' 244 '' '' 245 '' '' 246 ptmr8c 0 246 >>> \AddFont{ptmr8c}{unicode/adobe/times/ptmr8c} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{ptmrc8t (ptmbc8t)} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .ec-iwonacap htfcss: ptmbc8t font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{ptmbc8t}{alias/adobe/times/ptmbc8t} \<<< .ec-iwonacap >>> \AddFont{ptmrc8t}{alias/adobe/times/ptmrc8t} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ptmbi8t font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{ptmbi8t}{alias/adobe/times/ptmbi8t}{} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ptmbo8t font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{ptmbo8t}{alias/adobe/times/ptmbo8t} \SubSection{ptmro (ptmr)} \<<< .ptmro >>> \AddFont{ptmr}{alias/adobe/times/ptmr} \<<< ptmro 0 255 'Γ' '' Gamma 0 ` 'Δ' '' Delta 1 % ptmro.htf `version % 'Θ' '' Theta 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % 'Λ' '' Lambda 3 ` 'Ξ' '' Xi 4 ` 'Π' '' Pi 5 ` 'Σ' '' Sigma 6 ` 'Υ' '' Upsilon 7 ` 'Φ' '' Phi 8 ` 'Ψ' '' Psi 9 ` 'Ω' '' Omega 10 ` '↑' '' uparrow 11 ` '↓' '' downarrow 12 ` ''' '' quote 13 ` '¡' '' inverted 14 ` '¿' '' inverted 15 ` 'ı' '' dotless i 16 ` 'ȷ' '' dotless j 17 ` 'ˋ' '' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '' acute 19 ` 'ˇ' '' caron 20 '˘' '' breve 21 'ˉ' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring baove 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'ß' '' sharp \ss 25 'æ' '' aelig 26 'œ' '' oelig 27 'ø' '' o with stroke 28 'Æ' '' AElig 29 'Œ' '' OElig 30 'Ø' '' O with stroke 31 ' ' '' space 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' less than 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' greater than 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' 65 'B' '' 66 'C' '' 67 'D' '' 68 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '\' '' backslash 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' asciicircum 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '‘' '' left singlequote 96 'a' '' 97 'b' '' 98 'c' '' 99 'd' '' 100 'e' '' 101 'f' '' 102 'g' '' 103 'h' '' 104 'i' '' 105 'j' '' 106 'k' '' 107 'l' '' 108 'm' '' 109 'n' '' 110 'o' '' 111 'p' '' 112 'q' '' 113 'r' '' 114 's' '' 115 't' '' 116 'u' '' 117 'v' '' 118 'w' '' 119 'x' '' 120 'y' '' 121 'z' '' 122 '{' '' 123 '|' '' 124 '}' '' 125 '~' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' diaresis 127 '^' '' 128 '~' '' 129 'Ç' '' Ccedilla 130 'Í' '' Iacute 131 'Î' '' Icircumflex 132 'ã' '' atilde 133 'ë' '' edieresis 134 'è' '' egrave 135 'š' '' 136 'ž' '' 137 'Ð' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 'Š' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 'Ÿ' '' 152 '' '' 153 'Ž' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '¢' '' 162 '£' '' 163 '/' '' 164 '¥' '' 165 'f' '' 166 '§' '' 167 '¤' '' 168 '©' '' 169 '“' '' left dbl quotes 170 '«' '' << 171 '‹' '' < 172 '›' '' > 173 'fi' '' 174 'fl' '' 175 '°' '' 176 '-' '' 177 '†' '' dag 178 '‡' '' ddag 179 '⋅' '' 180 '' '' 181 '¶' '' 182 '·' '' 183 '‚' '' ’ 184 '„' '' 185 '”' '' “ 186 '»' '' 187 '∆' '' 188 '‰' '' 189 '' '' 190 '' '' 191 'À' '' Agrave 192 'Á' '' Aacute 193 'Â' '' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '' Atilde 195 'Ä' '' Adieresis 196 'å' '' Aring 197 '' '' 198 '' '' 199 'È' '' 200 'É' '' 201 'Ê' '' 202 'Ë' '' 203 'Ì' '' 204 '~' '' 205 '' '' 206 'Ï' '' 207 '—' '' emdash 208 'Ñ' '' 209 'Ò' '' 210 'Ó' '' 211 'Ô' '' 212 'Õ' '' 213 'Ö' '' 214 '' '' 215 '' '' 216 'Ú' '' 217 'Û' '' 218 'Ü' '' 219 'Ý' '' 220 'Þ' '' 221 'þ' '' 222 '' '' 223 'à' '' 224 'á' '' 225 'â' '' 226 'ã' '' 227 'ä' '' 228 'å' '' 229 '' '' 230 'ç' '' 231 'Ł' '' 232 'é' '' 233 'ê' '' 234 '°' '' 235 'ì' '' 236 'í' '' 237 'î' '' 238 'ï' '' 239 '' '' 240 'ñ' '' 241 'ò' '' 242 'ó' '' 243 'ô' '' 244 'õ' '' 245 '÷' '' 246 '' '' 247 'ł' '' 248 'ù' '' 249 'ú' '' 250 'û' '' 251 'ü' '' 252 'ý' '' 253 'þ' '' 254 'ÿ' '' 255 ptmro 0 255 htfcss: ptmro font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{ptmro-uni}{unicode/adobe/times/ptmro} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{ptmr8r (ptmb8r, ptmbi8r, ptmbo8r, ptmr8rn, ptmri8r, ptmro8r, ptmrr8re)} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: ptmb8r font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{ptmb8r}{alias/adobe/times/ptmb8r}{} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: ptmbo8r font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{ptmbo8r}{alias/adobe/times/ptmbo8r}{} \<<< .pcrro8r >>> \AddFont{ptmr8rn}{alias/adobe/times/ptmr8rn}{} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: ptmri8r font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{ptmri8r}{alias/adobe/times/ptmri8r}{} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: ptmro8r font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{ptmro8r}{alias/adobe/times/ptmro8r}{} \<<< .pcrro8r >>> \AddFont{ptmrr8re}{alias/adobe/times/ptmrr8re}{} \<<< .pcrro8r >>> \AddFont{ptmr8r}{alias/adobe/times/ptmr8r} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{ptmrre (ptmrrn, ptmri, ptmbo, ptmbi, ptmb)} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: ptmb font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{ptmb}{alias/adobe/times/ptmb}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: ptmbi font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{ptmbi}{alias/adobe/times/ptmbi}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: ptmbo font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{ptmbo}{alias/adobe/times/ptmbo}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: ptmbi8r font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{ptmbi8r}{alias/adobe/times/ptmbi8r}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: ptmri font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{ptmri}{alias/adobe/times/ptmri} \<<< .ptmrre >>> \AddFont{ptmrrn}{alias/adobe/times/ptmrrn} \<<< ptmrre 13 255 ''' '' quote 13 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '¡' '' 14 % ptmrre.htf `version % '¿' '' 15 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % 'ı' '' dotless i 16 ` 'ȷ' '' dotless j 17 ` 'ˋ' '' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '' acute 19 ` 'ˇ' '' caron 20 ` '˘' '' breve 21 ` 'ˉ' '' macron 22 ` '˚' '' ring baove 23 ` '¸' '' cedilla 24 ` 'ß' '' sharp \ss 25 ` 'æ' '' aelig 26 ` 'œ' '' oelig 27 ` 'ø' '' o with stroke 28 ` 'Æ' '' AElig 29 ` 'Œ' '' OElig 30 ` 'Ø' '' O with stroke 31 ` ' ' '' space 32 ` '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' less than 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' greater than 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' 65 'B' '' 66 'C' '' 67 'D' '' 68 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '\' '' backslash 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' asciicircum 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '‘' '' left singlequote 96; 96 'a' '' 97 'b' '' 98 'c' '' 99 'd' '' 100 'e' '' 101 'f' '' 102 'g' '' 103 'h' '' 104 'i' '' 105 'j' '' 106 'k' '' 107 'l' '' 108 'm' '' 109 'n' '' 110 'o' '' 111 'p' '' 112 'q' '' 113 'r' '' 114 's' '' 115 't' '' 116 'u' '' 117 'v' '' 118 'w' '' 119 'x' '' 120 'y' '' 121 'z' '' 122 '{' '' 123 '|' '' 124 '}' '' 125 '~' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' diaresis 127 '^' '' 128 '~' '' 129 'Ç' '' Ccedilla 130 'Í' '' Iacute 131 'Î' '' Icircumflex 132 'ã' '' atilde 133 'ë' '' edieresis 134 'è' '' egrave 135 'š' '' 136 'ž' '' 137 'Ð' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 'Š' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 'Ÿ' '' 152 '' '' 153 'Ž' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '¢' '' 162 '£' '' 163 '/' '' 164 '¥' '' 165 'f' '' 166 '§' '' 167 '¤' '' 168 '©' '' 169 '“' '' left dbl quotes 170 '«' '' << 171 '‹' '' < 172 '›' '' > 173 'fi' '' 174 'fl' '' 175 '°' '' 176 '-' '' 177 '†' '' dag 178 '‡' '' ddag 179 '⋅' '' 180 '' '' 181 '¶' '' 182 '·' '' 183 '‚' '' ’ 184 '„' '' 185 '”' '' “ 186 '»' '' 187 '∆' '' 188 '‰' '' 189 '' '' 190 '' '' 191 'À' '' Agrave 192 'Á' '' Aacute 193 'Â' '' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '' Atilde 195 'Ä' '' Adieresis 196 'å' '' Aring 197 '' '' 198 '' '' 199 'È' '' 200 'É' '' 201 'Ê' '' 202 'Ë' '' 203 'Ì' '' 204 '~' '' 205 '' '' 206 'Ï' '' 207 '—' '' emdash 208 'Ñ' '' 209 'Ò' '' 210 'Ó' '' 211 'Ô' '' 212 'Õ' '' 213 'Ö' '' 214 '' '' 215 '' '' 216 'Ú' '' 217 'Û' '' 218 'Ü' '' 219 'Ý' '' 220 'Þ' '' 221 'þ' '' 222 '' '' 223 'à' '' 224 'á' '' 225 'â' '' 226 'ã' '' 227 'ä' '' 228 'å' '' 229 '' '' 230 'ç' '' 231 'Ł' '' 232 'é' '' 233 'ê' '' 234 '°' '' 235 'ì' '' 236 'í' '' 237 'î' '' 238 'ï' '' 239 '' '' 240 'ñ' '' 241 'ò' '' 242 'ó' '' 243 'ô' '' 244 'õ' '' 245 '÷' '' 246 '' '' 247 'ł' '' 248 'ù' '' 249 'ú' '' 250 'û' '' 251 'ü' '' 252 'ý' '' 253 'þ' '' 254 'ÿ' '' 255 ptmrre 13 255 >>> \AddFont{ptmrre}{unicode/adobe/times/ptmrre} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{ptmrc (ptmbc)} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< ptmrc 13 255 ''' '' quote 13 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '¡' '' 14 % ptmrc.htf `version % '¿' '' 15 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % 'ı' '' dotless i 16 ` 'ȷ' '' dotless j 17 ` 'ˋ' '' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '' acute 19 ` 'ˇ' '' caron 20 ` '˘' '' breve 21 ` 'ˉ' '' macron 22 ` '˚' '' ring baove 23 ` '¸' '' cedilla 24 ` 'SS' '' sharp \ss 25 ` 'æ' '4' aelig 26 ` 'œ' '4' oelig 27 ` 'ø' '4' o with stroke 28 ` 'Æ' '4' AElig 29 ` 'Œ' '4' OElig 30 ` 'Ø' '4' O with stroke 31 ` ' ' '' space 32 ` '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' less than 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' greater than 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 15 ` 'ı' '' dotless i 16 ` 'ȷ' '' dotless j 17 ` '&#x`Ugrave;' '' 18 ` '&#x`Uacute;' '' 19 ` '&#x`Ucheck;' '' 20 ` '&#x`Ubreve;' '' 21 ` '&#x`Ubar;' '' 22 ` '&#x`Uring;' '' 23 ` '&#x`Ucedilla;' '' 24 ` '&#x`Uss;' '' 25 ` '&#x`Uae;' '' 26 ` 'œ' '' 27 ` '&#x`Uempty;' '' 28 '&#x`UAE;' '' 29 'Œ' '' 30 '&#x`UEmpty;' '' 31 '' '' 32 '&#x`Uexlamation;' '' 33 '”' '' 34 '&#x`Unumsign;' '' 35 '&#x`Udollar;' '' 36 '&#x`Upercent;' '' 37 '&#x`Uampersand;' '' 38 '’' '' 39 '&#x`Ulpar;' '' 40 '&#x`Urpar;' '' 41 '&#x`Umult;' '' 42 '&#x`Uplau;' '' 43 '&#x`Ucomma;' '' 44 '&#x`Uhyphen;' '' 45 '&#x`Udot;' '' 46 '&#x`Uslash;' '' 47 '&#x`Uzero;' '' 48 '&#x`Uone;' '' 49 '&#x`Utwo;' '' 50 '&#x`Uthree;' '' 51 '&#x`Ufour;' '' 52 '&#x`Ufive;' '' 53 '&#x`Usix;' '' 54 '&#x`Useven;' '' 55 '&#x`Ueight;' '' 56 '&#x`Unine;' '' 57 '&#x`Ucolon;' '' 58 '&#x`Usemicolon;' '' 59 '&#x`Uinvexlam;' '' 60 '&#x`Uequal;' '' 61 '&#x`Uinvquestion;' '' 62 '&#x`Uquestion;' '' 63 '&#x`Uat;' '' 64 '&#x`UletA;' '' 65 '&#x`UletB;' '' 66 '&#x`UletC;' '' 67 '&#x`UletD;' '' 68 '&#x`UletE;' '' 69 '&#x`UletF;' '' 70 '&#x`UletG;' '' 71 '&#x`UletH;' '' 72 '&#x`UletI;' '' 73 '&#x`UletJ;' '' 74 '&#x`UletK;' '' 75 '&#x`UletL;' '' 76 '&#x`UletM;' '' 77 '&#x`UletN;' '' 78 '&#x`UletO;' '' 79 '&#x`UletP;' '' 80 '&#x`UletQ;' '' 81 '&#x`UletR;' '' 82 '&#x`UletS;' '' 83 '&#x`UletT;' '' 84 '&#x`UletU;' '' 85 '&#x`UletV;' '' 86 '&#x`UletW;' '' 87 '&#x`UletX;' '' 88 '&#x`UletY;' '' 89 '&#x`UletZ;' '' 90 '&#x`Ulbrack;' '' 91 '“' '' 92 '&#x`Urbrack;' '' 93 '̂' '' 94 '&#x`Udotaccent;' '' 95 '‘' '' 96 '&#x`Uleta;' '' 97 '&#x`Uletb;' '' 98 '&#x`Uletc;' '' 99 '&#x`Uletd;' '' 100 '&#x`Ulete;' '' 101 '&#x`Uletf;' '' 102 '&#x`Uletg;' '' 103 '&#x`Uleth;' '' 104 '&#x`Uleti;' '' 105 '&#x`Uletj;' '' 106 '&#x`Uletk;' '' 107 '&#x`Uletl;' '' 108 '&#x`Uletm;' '' 109 '&#x`Uletn;' '' 110 '&#x`Uleto;' '' 111 '&#x`Uletp;' '' 112 '&#x`Uletq;' '' 113 '&#x`Uletr;' '' 114 '&#x`Ulets;' '' 115 '&#x`Ulett;' '' 116 '&#x`Uletu;' '' 117 '&#x`Uletv;' '' 118 '&#x`Uletw;' '' 119 '&#x`Uletx;' '' 120 '&#x`Ulety;' '' 121 '&#x`Uletz;' '' 122 '–' '' 123 '—' '' 124 '&#x`Uldquts;' '' 125 '&#x`Utilde;' '' 126 '&#x`Uddot;' '' 127 '&#x`Uldots;' '' 128 '&#x`Udag;' '' 129 '&#x`Uddag;' '' 130 '&#x`Ubullet;' '' 131 '&#x`Upound;' '' 132 '&#x`Uparagraph;' '' 133 '&#x`Udquote;' '' 134 '&#x`Ult;' '' 135 '&#x`Ugt;' '' 136 '&#x`Ubackslash;' '' 137 '̂' '' 138 '&#x`Uunderscore;' '' 139 '&#x`Ulbrace;' '' 140 '&#x`Upermil;' '' 141 '&#x`Uvert;' '' 142 '&#x`Urbrace;' '' 143 '&#x`Utilde;' '' 144 '&#x`Ucent;' '' 145 '&#x`Uslash;' '' 146 '&#x`Uyen;' '' 147 '&#x`Uquote;' '' 148 '&#x`Ucdot;' '' 149 '&#x`Ucomma;' '' 150 '&#x`Uring;' '' 151 '&#x`UAgrave;' '' 152 '&#x`UAring;' '' 153 '&#x`UAtilde;' '' 154 '&#x`UEhat;' '' 155 '&#x`Uhyphen;' '' 156 '&#x`Ucedilla;' '' 157 '&#x`Ulangqt;' '' 158 '&#x`Urangqt;' '' 159 '&#x`UEgrave;' '' 160 '&#x`UIddot;' '' 161 '&#x`Ubreve;' '' 162 '&#x`ULstrok;' '' 163 '&#x`Ucurren;' '' 164 '&#x`ULcaron;' '' 165 '&#x`UflatinB;' '' 166 '&#x`Usection;' '' 167 '&#x`Uddot;' '' 168 '&#x`UScheck;' '' 169 '&#x`UIgrave;' '' 170 '&#x`UTcheck;' '' 171 '&#x`Ultdel;' '' 172 '&#x`Ugtdel;' '' 173 '&#x`UZcheck;' '' 174 '&#x`UNtilde;' '' 175 '&#x`Uring;' '' 176 '&#x`UOgrave;' '' 177 '&#x`Ucedilla;' '' 178 '&#x`Ulstrok;' '' 179 '&#x`Uacute;' '' 180 '&#x`Ulcaron;' '' 181 '&#x`UOtilde;' '' 182 '&#x`Ucheck;' '' 183 '&#x`Uagrave;' '' 184 '&#x`Uscheck;' '' 185 '&#x`UUhat;' '' 186 '&#x`Utcaron;' '' 187 '&#x`UUgrave;' '' 188 '&#x`Utilde;' '' 189 '&#x`Uzcheck;' '' 190 '&#x`UUddot;' '' 191 '&#x`URacute;' '' 192 '&#x`UAacute;' '' 193 '&#x`UAhat;' '' 194 '&#x`Uaring;' '' 195 '&#x`UAddot;' '' 196 '&#x`ULacute;' '' 197 '&#x`Uatilde;' '' 198 '&#x`UCcedilla;' '' 199 '&#x`UCcheck;' '' 200 '&#x`UEacute;' '' 201 '&#x`Uecheck;' '' 202 '&#x`UEddot;' '' 203 '&#x`UEcheck;' '' 204 '&#x`UIacute;' '' 205 '&#x`UIhat;' '' 206 '&#x`UDcheck;' '' 207 '&#x`Uegrave;' '' 208 '&#x`Uiddot;' '' 209 '&#x`UNcheck;' '' 210 '&#x`UOacute;' '' 211 '&#x`UOhat;' '' 212 '&#x`Uigrave;' '' 213 '&#x`UOddot;' '' 214 '&#x`Untilde;' '' 215 '&#x`URcheck;' '' 216 '&#x`UUring;' '' 217 '&#x`UUacute;' '' 218 '&#x`Uograve;' '' 219 '&#x`UUddot;' '' 220 '&#x`UYacute;' '' 221 '&#x`Uotilde;' '' 222 '&#x`Uss;' '' 223 '&#x`Uracute;' '' 224 '&#x`Uaacute;' '' 225 '&#x`Uahat;' '' 226 '&#x`Uupa;' '' 227 '&#x`Uaddot;' '' 228 '&#x`Ujacute;' '' 229 '&#x`Uuhat;' '' 230 '&#x`Uccedilla;' '' 231 '&#x`Uccheck;' '' 232 '&#x`Ueacute;' '' 233 '&#x`Uugrave;' '' 234 '&#x`Ueddot;' '' 235 '&#x`Uohat;' '' 236 '&#x`Uiacute;' '' 237 '&#x`Uihat;' '' 238 '&#x`Udcaron;' '' 239 '&#x`Uyddot;' '' 240 '' '' 241 '&#x`Uncheck;' '' 242 '&#x`Uoacute;' '' 243 '&#x`Uohat;' '' 244 '' '' 245 '&#x`Uoddot;' '' 246 '' '' 247 '&#x`Urcheck;;' '' 248 '&#x`Uuring;' '' 249 '&#x`Uuacute;' '' 250 '' '' 251 '&#x`Uuddot;' '' 252 '&#x`Uyacute;' '' 253 '&#x`Ulbotupdquotes;' '' 254 '&#x`Urbotupdquotes;' '' 255 ptmb8z 12 255 htfcss: ptmb8z font-weight: bold; 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Eitan M. Gurari % 'ȷ' '' dotless j 17 ` '&#x`Ugrave;' '' 18 ` '&#x`Uacute;' '' 19 ` '&#x`Ucheck;' '' 20 ` '&#x`Ubreve;' '' 21 ` '&#x`Ubar;' '' 22 ` '&#x`Uring;' '' 23 ` '&#x`Ucedilla;' '' 24 ` '&#x`Uss;' '' 25 ` '&#x`Uae;' '' 26 ` 'œ' '' 27 ` '&#x`Uempty;' '' 28 ` '&#x`UAE;' '' 29 ` 'Œ' '' 30 '&#x`UEmpty;' '' 31 '' '' 32 '&#x`Uexlamation;' '' 33 '”' '' 34 '&#x`Unumsign;' '' 35 '&#x`Udollar;' '' 36 '&#x`Upercent;' '' 37 '&#x`Uampersand;' '' 38 '’' '' 39 '&#x`Ulpar;' '' 40 '&#x`Urpar;' '' 41 '&#x`Umult;' '' 42 '&#x`Uplau;' '' 43 '&#x`Ucomma;' '' 44 '&#x`Uhyphen;' '' 45 '&#x`Udot;' '' 46 '&#x`Uslash;' '' 47 '&#x`Uzero;' '' 48 '&#x`Uone;' '' 49 '&#x`Utwo;' '' 50 '&#x`Uthree;' '' 51 '&#x`Ufour;' '' 52 '&#x`Ufive;' '' 53 '&#x`Usix;' '' 54 '&#x`Useven;' '' 55 '&#x`Ueight;' '' 56 '&#x`Unine;' '' 57 '&#x`Ucolon;' '' 58 '&#x`Usemicolon;' '' 59 '&#x`Ult;' '' 60 '&#x`Uequal;' '' 61 '&#x`Ugt;' '' 62 '&#x`Uquestion;' '' 63 '&#x`Uat;' '' 64 '&#x`UletA;' '' 65 '&#x`UletB;' '' 66 '&#x`UletC;' '' 67 '&#x`UletD;' '' 68 '&#x`UletE;' '' 69 '&#x`UletF;' '' 70 '&#x`UletG;' '' 71 '&#x`UletH;' '' 72 '&#x`UletI;' '' 73 '&#x`UletJ;' '' 74 '&#x`UletK;' '' 75 '&#x`UletL;' '' 76 '&#x`UletM;' '' 77 '&#x`UletN;' '' 78 '&#x`UletO;' '' 79 '&#x`UletP;' '' 80 '&#x`UletQ;' '' 81 '&#x`UletR;' '' 82 '&#x`UletS;' '' 83 '&#x`UletT;' '' 84 '&#x`UletU;' '' 85 '&#x`UletV;' '' 86 '&#x`UletW;' '' 87 '&#x`UletX;' '' 88 '&#x`UletY;' '' 89 '&#x`UletZ;' '' 90 '&#x`Ulbrack;' '' 91 '“' '' 92 '&#x`Urbrack;' '' 93 '̂' '' 94 '&#x`Uunderscore;' '' 95 '‘' '' 96 '&#x`Uleta;' '' 97 '&#x`Uletb;' '' 98 '&#x`Uletc;' '' 99 '&#x`Uletd;' '' 100 '&#x`Ulete;' '' 101 '&#x`Uletf;' '' 102 '&#x`Uletg;' '' 103 '&#x`Uleth;' '' 104 '&#x`Uleti;' '' 105 '&#x`Uletj;' '' 106 '&#x`Uletk;' '' 107 '&#x`Uletl;' '' 108 '&#x`Uletm;' '' 109 '&#x`Uletn;' '' 110 '&#x`Uleto;' '' 111 '&#x`Uletp;' '' 112 '&#x`Uletq;' '' 113 '&#x`Uletr;' '' 114 '&#x`Ulets;' '' 115 '&#x`Ulett;' '' 116 '&#x`Uletu;' '' 117 '&#x`Uletv;' '' 118 '&#x`Uletw;' '' 119 '&#x`Uletx;' '' 120 '&#x`Ulety;' '' 121 '&#x`Uletz;' '' 122 '&#x`Ulbrace;' '' 123 '&#x`Uvert;' '' 124 '&#x`Urbrace;' '' 125 '&#x`Utilde;' '' 126 '&#x`Uddot;' '' 127 '&#x`Uldots;' '' 128 '&#x`Udag;' '' 129 '&#x`Uddag;' '' 130 '&#x`Ubullet;' '' 131 '&#x`Upound;' '' 132 '&#x`Uparagraph;' '' 133 '&#x`Udquote;' '' 134 '̂' '' 135 '&#x`Utilde;' '' 136 '&#x`Ucent;' '' 137 '&#x`Uslash;' '' 138 '&#x`Uyen;' '' 139 '&#x`Uquote;' '' 140 '&#x`Upermil;' '' 141 '&#x`Ufi;' '' 142 '&#x`Ucdot;' '' 143 '&#x`Ucomma;' '' 144 '&#x`Udot;' '' 145 '&#x`Uring;' '' 146 '&#x`Uobar;' '' 147 '&#x`UYddot;' '' 148 '&#x`UObar;' '' 149 '&#x`UUgrave;' '' 150 '&#x`UEhat;' '' 151 '&#x`UAgrave;' '' 152 '&#x`UOgrave;' '' 153 '&#x`Uabar;' '' 154 '&#x`UAring;' '' 155 '&#x`Uhyphen;' '' 156 '&#x`Ucedilla;' '' 157 '&#x`Ulangqt;' '' 158 '&#x`Urangqt;' '' 159 '&#x`UUhat;' '' 160 '&#x`Uograve;' '' 161 '&#x`Ubreve;' '' 162 '&#x`ULstrok;' '' 163 '&#x`Ucurren;' '' 164 '&#x`ULcaron;' '' 165 '&#x`UflatinB;' '' 166 '&#x`Usection;' '' 167 '&#x`Uddot;' '' 168 '&#x`UScheck;' '' 169 '&#x`UScedilla;' '' 170 '&#x`UTcheck;' '' 171 '&#x`Ultdel;' '' 172 '&#x`Ugtdel;' '' 173 '&#x`UZcheck;' '' 174 '&#x`Ufl;' '' 175 '&#x`Uring;' '' 176 '&#x`Uhyphen;' '' 177 '&#x`Ucedilla;' '' 178 '&#x`Ulstrok;' '' 179 '&#x`Uacute;' '' 180 '&#x`Ulcaron;' '' 181 '&#x`Untilde;' '' 182 '&#x`Ucheck;' '' 183 '&#x`Uagrave;' '' 184 '&#x`Uscheck;' '' 185 '&#x`Uscedilla;' '' 186 '&#x`Utcaron;' '' 187 '&#x`Uyddot;' '' 188 '&#x`Utilde;' '' 189 '&#x`Uzcheck;' '' 190 '&#x`UEgrave;' '' 191 '&#x`URacute;' '' 192 '&#x`UAacute;' '' 193 '&#x`UAhat;' '' 194 '&#x`Uehat;' '' 195 '&#x`UAddot;' '' 196 '&#x`ULacute;' '' 197 '&#x`UAbar;' '' 198 '&#x`UCcedilla;' '' 199 '&#x`UCcheck;' '' 200 '&#x`UEacute;' '' 201 '&#x`UIgrave;' '' 202 '&#x`UEddot;' '' 203 '&#x`UEcheck;' '' 204 '&#x`UIacute;' '' 205 '&#x`UIhat;' '' 206 '&#x`UDcheck;' '' 207 '&#x`Uemdash;' '' 208 '&#x`UGcheck;' '' 209 '&#x`UNcheck;' '' 210 '&#x`UOacute;' '' 211 '&#x`UOhat;' '' 212 '&#x`Uaring;' '' 213 '&#x`UOddot;' '' 214 '&#x`Uigrave;' '' 215 '&#x`URcheck;' '' 216 '&#x`UUring;' '' 217 '&#x`UUacute;' '' 218 '&#x`Ugcheck;' '' 219 '&#x`UUddot;' '' 220 '&#x`UYacute;' '' 221 '&#x`UNbar;' '' 222 '&#x`Uss;' '' 223 '&#x`Uracute;' '' 224 '&#x`Uaacute;' '' 225 '&#x`Uahat;' '' 226 '&#x`Uupa;' '' 227 '&#x`Uaddot;' '' 228 '&#x`Ujacute;' '' 229 '&#x`Uuhat;' '' 230 '&#x`Uccedilla;' '' 231 '&#x`Uccheck;' '' 232 '&#x`Ueacute;' '' 233 '&#x`Uugrave;' '' 234 '&#x`Ueddot;' '' 235 '&#x`Uohat;' '' 236 '&#x`Uiacute;' '' 237 '&#x`Uihat;' '' 238 '&#x`Udcaron;' '' 239 '&#x`Uyddot;' '' 240 '&#x`Uegrave;' '' 241 '&#x`Uncheck;' '' 242 '&#x`Uoacute;' '' 243 '&#x`Uohat;' '' 244 '&#x`Uugrave;' '' 245 '&#x`Uoddot;' '' 246 '' '' 247 '&#x`Urcheck;;' '' 248 '&#x`Uuring;' '' 249 '&#x`Uuacute;' '' 250 '' '' 251 '&#x`Uuddot;' '' 252 '&#x`Uyacute;' '' 253 '&#x`Ulbotupdquotes;' '' 254 '&#x`Urbotupdquotes;' '' 255 pcrro8u 14 255 htfcss: pcrro8u font-style: italic; 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Eitan M. Gurari % '☐' '' 3 ` '☐' '' 4 ` '☐' '' 5 ` '☐' '' 6 ` '☐' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '☐' '' 10 ` '☐' '' 11 ` '☐' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '☐' '' 14 ` '☐' '' 15 ` '☐' '' 16 ` '☐' '' 17 ` '☐' '' 18 ` '☐' '' r-quote 19 '☐' '' 20 '☐' '' 21 '☐' '' 22 '☐' '' 23 '☐' '' 24 '☐' '' 25 '☐' '' 26 '☐' '' 27 '☐' '' 28 '' '' 29 '☐' '' 30 '☐' '' 31 '' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '”' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' 38 '’' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' less than 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' greater than 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '☐' '' 3 ` '☐' '' 4 ` '☐' '' 5 ` '⊓' '' 6 ` '⊓' '' 7 ` '∯' '' 8 ` '∯' '' 9 ` '∳' '' 10 ` '∳' '' 11 ` '∲' '' 12 ` '∲' '' 13 ` '⨖' '' 14 ` '⨖' '' 15 ` '⨉' '' 16 ` '⨉' '' 17 ` '⟦' '' 18 ` '⟧' '' 19 '⟦' '' 20 '⟧' '' 21 '⟦' '' 22 '⟧' '' 23 '⟦' '' 24 '⟧' '' 25 '⟦' '' 26 '⟧' '' 27 '⟦' '' 28 '⟧' '' 29 '"' '' 30 '"' '' 31 '-' '' 32 '∬' '' 33 '∬' '' 34 '∭' '' 35 '∭' '' 36 '␌' '' 37 '␌' '' 38 '’' '' 39 '(' '' 40 '∰' '' 41 '∰' '' 42 '∳' '' 43 '∳' '' 44 '∲' '' 45 '∲' '' 46 '' '' 47 '⟅' '' 48 '⟆' '' 49 '⟅' '' 50 '⟆' '' 51 '⟅' '' 52 '⟆' '' 53 '⟅' '' 54 '⟆' '' 55 '⟅' '' 56 '⟆' '' 57 '⟅' '' 58 '⟆' '' 59 '⟅' '' less than 60 '⟆' '' 61 '⫝' '' 62 '⫝' '' 63 '∳' '' 64 '∳' '' 65 '∲' '' 66 '∲' '' 67 '∳' '' 68 '∳' '' 69 '∲' '' 70 '∲' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 txbexa 0 83 htfcss: txbexa font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{txbexa}{unicode/txfonts/txbexa} \<<< .txbexa >>> \AddFont{txexa}{alias/txfonts/txexa} \<<< .txbsy >>> \AddFont{txbex}{alias/txfonts/txbex} \<<< .txbmia >>> \AddFont{txmia}{alias/txfonts/txmia} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: t1xi font-style: italic; htfcss: t1xss font-family: sans-serif; htfcss: t1xtt font-family: monospace,monospace; htfcss: t1xb font-weight: bold; htfcss: t1xbi font-weight: bold; htfcss: t1xbss font-weight: bold; font-family: sans-serif; htfcss: t1xbtt font-weight: bold; font-family: monospace,monospace; htfcss: t1xbsl font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; htfcss: t1xbsssl font-weight: bold; font-family: sans-serif; font-style: italic; htfcss: t1xbttsl font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; htfcss: t1xsl font-style: italic; htfcss: t1xsssl font-family: sans-serif; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{t1x}{alias/txfonts/t1x} % \AddFont{t1x}{unicode/txfonts/t1x} % % t1x 0 255 % '`' '' `%grave`% 0 ` % '´' '' `%acute`% 1 % t1x.htf `version % % 'ˆ' '' `%circumflex`% 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2005. Eitan M. Gurari % % '˜' '' `%tilde`% 3 ` % '¨' '' `%dieresis`% 4 ` % '˝' '' `%hungarumlaut`% 5 ` % '˚' '' `%ring`% 6 ` % 'ˇ' '' `%caron`% 7 ` % '˘' '' `%breve`% 8 ` % '¯' '' `%macron`% 9 ` % '˙' '' `%dotaccent`% 10 ` % '¸' '' `%cedilla`% 11 ` % '˛' '' `%ogonek`% 12 ` % '‚' '' `%quotesinglbase`% 13 ` % '‹' '' `%guilsinglleft`% 14 ` % '›' '' `%guilsinglright`% 15 ` % '“' '' `%quotedblleft`% 16 ` % '”' '' `%quotedblright`% 17 ` % '„' '' `%quotedblbase`% 18 ` % '«' '' `%guillemotleft`% 19 ` % '»' '' `%guillemotright`% 20 % '–' '' `%rangedash`% 21 % '—' '' `%punctdash`% 22 % '' '' 23 % '₀' '' 24 % 'ı' '' `%dotlessi`% 25 % 'ȷ' '' `%dotlessj`% 26 % 'ff' '' `%ff`% 27 % 'fi' '' `%fi`% 28 % 'fl' '' `%fl`% 29 % 'ffi' '' `%ffi`% 30 % 'ffl' '' `%ffl`% 31 % '␣' '' `%visiblespace`% 32 % '!' 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Gurari % '' '' 52 ` '' '' 53 ` '' '' 54 ` '' '' 55 ` '' '' 56 ` '' '' 57 ` '' '' 58 ` '' '' 59 ` '' '' 60 ` '' '' 61 ` '' '' 62 ` '' '' 63 ` '' '' 64 ` 'A' '' 65 ` 'B' '' 66 ` 'C' '' 67 ` 'D' '' 68 ` 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 fplmbb 49 90 >>> \AddFont{fplmbb}{alias/pazo/fplmbb} \Section{Esvect} Font file for the Esvect package. % writing vect10.htf hash: d9018d0b41b7639bd8c3bf0419c3b8a5 \<<< vect10 0 47 '→' '' 0000 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '→' '' 0001 1 %% vect.htf (unicode) % '→' '' 0002 2 %% generated from vect10.tfm, 2024-07-31-11:51 % '→' '' 0003 3 %% Copyright 2024 TeX Users Group, Arkady Benediktov % '→' '' 0004 4 %% % '→' '' 0005 5 %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % '→' '' 0006 6 %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % '→' '' 0007 7 %% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any % '→' '' 0008 8 %% later version. The latest version of this license is in % ' ' '' 0009 9 %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % ' ' '' 000A 10 %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions % ' ' '' 000B 11 %% of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. % ' ' '' 000C 12 %% % ' ' '' 000D 13 %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". % '' '' 000E 14 %% % '' '' 000F 15 %% The Current Maintainer of this work % '→' '' 0010 16 %% is the TeX4ht Project . % '→' '' 0011 17 %% % '→' '' 0012 18 %% If you modify this program, changing the % '→' '' 0013 19 % % version identification would be appreciated. % '→' '' 0014 20 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '→' '' 0015 21 '→' '' 0016 22 '→' '' 0017 23 '→' '' 0018 24 '' '' 0019 25 '' '' 001A 26 '' '' 001B 27 '' '' 001C 28 '' '' 001D 29 '' '' 001E 30 '' '' 001F 31 '⎯' '' 0020 32 '⎯' '' 0021 33 '⎯' '' 0022 34 '⎯' '' 0023 35 '⎯' '' 0024 36 '⎯' '' 0025 37 '⎯' '' 0026 38 '⎯' '' 0027 39 '⎯' '' 0028 40 '⎯' '' 0029 41 '⎯' '' 002A 42 '⎯' '' 002B 43 '⎯' '' 002C 44 '⎯' '' 002D 45 '⎯' '' 002E 46 '⎯' '' 002F 47 vect10 0 47 >>> \AddFont{vect10}{unicode/TeXvect10/vect10}{} \<<< .vect10 htfcss: vect10 font-family: 'TeXvect10', serif; htfcss: vect5 font-family: 'TeXvect10', serif; >>> \AddFont{vect}{unicode/TeXvect10/vect}{} \Section{BBM} \<<< bbm 8 90 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '⦅' '' 8 %% bbm.htf (unicode) % '⦆' '' 9 %% generated from bbm.tfm, 2024-09-03 % '' '1' 10 %% Copyright 2024 TeX Users Group, Arkady Benediktov % '' '1' 11 %% % '' '1' 12 %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % '' '1' 13 %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % '' '1' 14 %% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any % '' '1' 15 %% later version. The latest version of this license is in % '' '1' 16 %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % '𝟙' '' 17 %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions % '𝟚' '' 18 %% of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. % '' '1' 19 %% % '' '1' 20 %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". % '' '1' 21 %% % '' '1' 22 %% The Current Maintainer of this work % '' '1' 23 %% is the TeX4ht Project . % '' '1' 24 %% % '' '1' 25 %% If you modify this program, changing the % '' '1' 26 % % version identification would be appreciated. % '' '1' 27 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '' '1' 28 '' '1' 29 '' '1' 30 '' '1' 31 '' '1' 32 '𝔸' '' 33 '𝔹' '' 34 'ℂ' '' 35 '𝔻' '' 36 '𝔼' '' 37 '𝔽' '' 38 '𝔾' '' 39 'ℍ' '' 40 '𝕀' '' 41 '𝕁' '' 42 '𝕂' '' 43 '𝕃' '' 44 '𝕄' '' 45 'ℕ' '' 46 '𝕆' '' 47 'ℙ' '' 48 'ℚ' '' 49 'ℝ' '' 50 '𝕊' '' 51 '𝕋' '' 52 '𝕌' '' 53 '𝕍' '' 54 '𝕎' '' 55 '𝕏' '' 56 '𝕐' '' 57 'ℤ' '' 58 '⟦' '' 59 '' '1' 60 '⟧' '' 61 '' '1' 62 '' '1' 63 '' '1' 64 '𝕒' '' 65 '𝕓' '' 66 '𝕔' '' 67 '𝕕' '' 68 '𝕖' '' 69 '𝕗' '' 70 '𝕘' '' 71 '𝕙' '' 72 '𝕚' '' 73 '𝕛' '' 74 '𝕜' '' 75 '𝕝' '' 76 '𝕞' '' 77 '𝕟' '' 78 '𝕠' '' 79 '𝕡' '' 80 '𝕢' '' 81 '𝕣' '' 82 '𝕤' '' 83 '𝕥' '' 84 '𝕦' '' 85 '𝕧' '' 86 '𝕨' '' 87 '𝕩' '' 88 '𝕪' '' 89 '𝕫' '' 90 bbm 8 90 >>> \AddFont{bbm}{unicode/bbm/bbm}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Courier} \SubSection{pcrr7t (pcrro7t, pcrb7t, pcrbc7t, pcrbo7t)} \List{*} \item pcrro7t has different file than pcrr; it is /sl. \item pcrr7t is for \''\tt'. \item pcrro7t is like pcrr7t with it-slant. \item pcrb7t is like pcrr7t with bf-touch. \EndList \<<< .pcrbo7t htfcss: pcrro7t font-style: oblique; font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrro7t}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrro7t}{} \<<< pcrbo7t 0 170 '' '' .notdef 0 '˙' '' dotaccent 1 'fi' '' fi 2 'fl' '' fl 3 '⁄' '' fraction 4 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 5 'Ł' '' Lslash 6 'ł' '' lslash 7 '˛' '' ogonek 8 '˚' '' ring 9 '' '' .notdef 10 '' '' '' '' ''' '' quotesingle 13 '¡' '' exclamdown 14 '¿' '' questiondown 15 'ı' '' dotlessi 16 'ı' '' dotlessi 17 '`' '' grave 18 '´' '' acute 19 'ˇ' '' caron 20 '˘' '' breve 21 '¯' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'ß' '' germandbls 25 'æ' '' ae 26 'œ' '' oe 27 'ø' '' oslash 28 'Æ' '' AE 29 'Œ' '' OE 30 'Ø' '' Oslash 31 ' ' '' space 32 '!' 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'' question 63 '@' '' at 64 'A' '' A 65 'B' '' B 66 'C' '' C 67 'D' '' D 68 'E' '' E 69 'F' '' F 70 'G' '' G 71 'H' '' H 72 'I' '' I 73 'J' '' J 74 'K' '' K 75 'L' '' L 76 'M' '' M 77 'N' '' N 78 'O' '' O 79 'P' '' P 80 'Q' '' Q 81 'R' '' R 82 'S' '' S 83 'T' '' T 84 'U' '' U 85 'V' '' V 86 'W' '' W 87 'X' '' X 88 'Y' '' Y 89 'Z' '' Z 90 '[' '' bracketleft 91 '\' '' backslash 92 ']' '' bracketright 93 'ˆ' '' circumflex 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '‘' '' quoteleft 96 'a' '' a 97 'b' '' b 98 'c' '' c 99 'd' '' d 100 'e' '' e 101 'f' '' f 102 'g' '' g 103 'h' '' h 104 'i' '' i 105 'j' '' j 106 'k' '' k 107 'l' '' l 108 'm' '' m 109 'n' '' n 110 'o' '' o 111 'p' '' p 112 'q' '' q 113 'r' '' r 114 's' '' s 115 't' '' t 116 'u' '' u 117 'v' '' v 118 'w' '' w 119 'x' '' x 120 'y' '' y 121 'z' '' z 122 '{' '' braceleft 123 '|' '' bar 124 '}' '' braceright 125 '˜' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' dieresis 127 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'Ł' '' Lslash 138 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'ł' '' lslash 170 pcrbo7t 0 170 htfcss: pcrbo7t font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrbo7t}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrbo7t}{} \<<< pcrbc7t 0 170 '' '' .notdef 0 '˙' '' dotaccent 1 'fi' '' fi 2 'fl' '' fl 3 '⁄' '' fraction 4 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 5 'Ł' '' Lslash 6 'ł' '' lslash 7 '˛' '' ogonek 8 '˚' '' ring 9 '' '' .notdef 10 '' '' '' '' ''' '' quotesingle 13 '¡' '' exclamdown 14 '¿' '' questiondown 15 'I' '' I 16 'J' '' J 17 '`' '' grave 18 '´' '' acute 19 'ˇ' '' caron 20 '˘' '' breve 21 '¯' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'SS' '' S S 25 'Æ' '' AE 26 'Œ' '' OE 27 'Ø' '' Oslash 28 'Æ' '' AE 29 'Œ' '' OE 30 'Ø' '' Oslash 31 ' ' '' space 32 '!' '' exclam 33 '"' '' quotedbl 34 '#' '' numbersign 35 '$' '' dollar 36 '%' '' percent 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' quoteright 39 '(' '' parenleft 40 ')' '' parenright 41 '*' '' asterisk 42 '+' '' plus 43 ',' '' comma 44 '-' '' hyphen 45 '.' '' period 46 '/' '' slash 47 '0' '' zero 48 '1' '' one 49 '2' '' two 50 '3' '' three 51 '4' '' four 52 '5' '' five 53 '6' '' six 54 '7' '' seven 55 '8' '' eight 56 '9' '' nine 57 ':' '' colon 58 ';' '' semicolon 59 '<' '' less 60 '=' '' equal 61 '>' '' greater 62 '?' 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'' period 46 '⁄' '' fraction 47 '0' '' zero 48 '1' '' one 49 '2' '' two 50 '3' '' three 51 '4' '' four 52 '5' '' five 53 '6' '' six 54 '7' '' seven 55 '8' '' eight 56 '9' '' nine 57 '' '' '' '' '<' '' less 60 '−' '' minus 61 '>' '' greater 62 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'M' '' M 77 '' '' 'O' '' O 79 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'W' '' W 87 '' '' '' '' '' '' '[[' '' bracketleft bracketleft 91 '' '' ']]' '' bracketright bracketright 93 '^' '' asciicircum 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '`' '' grave 96 '' '' 'b' '' b 98 'c' '' c 99 'd' '' d 100 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'l' '' l 108 'm' '' m 109 'n' '' n 110 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '~' '' asciitilde 126 '' '' .notdef 127 '˘' '' breve 128 'ˇ' '' caron 129 '´´' '' acute acute 130 '``' '' grave grave 131 '†' '' dagger 132 '‡' '' daggerdbl 133 '||' '' bar bar 134 '‰' '' perthousand 135 '•' '' bullet 136 '°C' '' degree C 137 'Š' '' Scaron 138 '‹' '' guilsinglleft 139 'ƒ' '' florin 140 'Ω' '' Omega 141 '√' '' radical 142 '≈' '' approxequal 143 '' '' .notdef 144 '' '' .notdef 145 '' '' .notdef 146 '“' '' quotedblleft 147 '”' '' quotedblright 148 '•' '' bullet 149 '–' '' endash 150 '™' '' trademark 151 '˜' '' tilde 152 '™' '' trademark 153 'š' '' scaron 154 '›' '' guilsinglright 155 'œ' '' oe 156 '∆' '' Delta 157 '◊' '' lozenge 158 'Ÿ' '' Ydieresis 159 '' '' .notdef 160 '¡' '' exclamdown 161 '¢' '' cent 162 '£' '' sterling 163 '¤' '' currency 164 '¥' '' yen 165 '¦' '' brokenbar 166 '§' '' section 167 '¨' '' dieresis 168 '©' '' copyright 169 'ª' '' ordfeminine 170 '«' '' guillemotleft 171 '¬' '' logicalnot 172 '-' '' hyphen 173 '®' '' registered 174 '¯' '' macron 175 '°' '' degree 176 '±' '' plusminus 177 '²' '' twosuperior 178 '³' '' threesuperior 179 '´' '' acute 180 'µ' '' mu 181 '¶' '' paragraph 182 '·' '' periodcentered 183 '¸' '' cedilla 184 '¹' '' onesuperior 185 'º' '' ordmasculine 186 '»' '' guillemotright 187 '¼' '' onequarter 188 '½' '' onehalf 189 '¾' '' threequarters 190 'C' '' C 191 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '×' '' multiply 214 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '÷' '' divide 246 pcrbo8c 0 246 htfcss: pcrbo8c font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrbo8c}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrbo8c}{} \<<< .pcrbo8c htfcss: pcrb8c font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrb8c}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrb8c}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{pcrb8t, pcrbc8t, pcrbo8t, pcrr8t, pcrrc8t, pcrro8t} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .pcrbo8t htfcss: pcrro8t font-style: oblique; font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrro8t}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrro8t}{} \<<< .pcrbc8t htfcss: pcrrc8t font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrrc8t}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrrc8t}{} \<<< .pcrbo8t htfcss: pcrr8t font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrr8t}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrr8t}{} %%=> .ptmr8r \<<< pcrbo8t 0 255 '`' '' grave 0 '´' '' acute 1 'ˆ' '' circumflex 2 '˜' '' tilde 3 '¨' '' dieresis 4 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 5 '˚' '' ring 6 'ˇ' '' caron 7 '˘' '' breve 8 '¯' '' macron 9 '˙' '' dotaccent 10 '¸' '' cedilla 11 '˛' '' ogonek 12 '‚' '' quotesinglbase 13 '‹' '' guilsinglleft 14 '›' '' guilsinglright 15 '“' '' quotedblleft 16 '”' '' quotedblright 17 '„' '' quotedblbase 18 '«' '' guillemotleft 19 '»' '' guillemotright 20 '-' '' hyphen 21 '--' '' hyphen hyphen 22 '∞' '' infinity 23 '≤' '' lessequal 24 'ı' '' dotlessi 25 '∂' '' partialdiff 26 'ff' '' f f 27 'fi' '' fi 28 'fl' '' fl 29 'ffi' '' f fi 30 'ffl' '' f fl 31 ' ' '' space 32 '!' '' exclam 33 '"' '' quotedbl 34 '#' '' numbersign 35 '$' '' dollar 36 '%' '' percent 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' quoteright 39 '(' '' parenleft 40 ')' '' parenright 41 '*' '' asterisk 42 '+' '' plus 43 ',' '' comma 44 '-' '' hyphen 45 '.' '' period 46 '/' '' slash 47 '0' '' zero 48 '1' '' one 49 '2' '' two 50 '3' '' three 51 '4' '' four 52 '5' '' five 53 '6' '' six 54 '7' '' seven 55 '8' '' eight 56 '9' '' nine 57 ':' '' colon 58 ';' '' semicolon 59 '<' '' less 60 '=' '' equal 61 '>' '' greater 62 '?' '' question 63 '@' '' at 64 'A' '' A 65 'B' '' B 66 'C' '' C 67 'D' '' D 68 'E' '' E 69 'F' '' F 70 'G' '' G 71 'H' '' H 72 'I' '' I 73 'J' '' J 74 'K' '' K 75 'L' '' L 76 'M' '' M 77 'N' '' N 78 'O' '' O 79 'P' '' P 80 'Q' '' Q 81 'R' '' R 82 'S' '' S 83 'T' '' T 84 'U' '' U 85 'V' '' V 86 'W' '' W 87 'X' '' X 88 'Y' '' Y 89 'Z' '' Z 90 '[' '' bracketleft 91 '\' '' backslash 92 ']' '' bracketright 93 '^' '' asciicircum 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '‘' '' quoteleft 96 'a' '' a 97 'b' '' b 98 'c' '' c 99 'd' '' d 100 'e' '' e 101 'f' '' f 102 'g' '' g 103 'h' '' h 104 'i' '' i 105 'j' '' j 106 'k' '' k 107 'l' '' l 108 'm' '' m 109 'n' '' n 110 'o' '' o 111 'p' '' p 112 'q' '' q 113 'r' '' r 114 's' '' s 115 't' '' t 116 'u' '' u 117 'v' '' v 118 'w' '' w 119 'x' '' x 120 'y' '' y 121 'z' '' z 122 '{' '' braceleft 123 '|' '' bar 124 '}' '' braceright 125 '~' '' asciitilde 126 '-' '' hyphen 127 'Ă' '' breve A 128 'Ą' '' ogonek A 129 'Ć' '' acute C 130 'Č' '' caron C 131 'Ď' '' caron D 132 'Ě' '' caron E 133 'Ę' '' ogonek E 134 'Ğ' '' breve G 135 'Ĺ' '' acute L 136 'Ľ' '' L quoteright 137 'Ł' '' Lslash 138 'Ń' '' acute N 139 'Ň' '' caron N 140 'Ω' '' Omega 141 'Ő' '' hungarumlaut O 142 'Ŕ' '' acute R 143 'Ř' '' caron R 144 'Ś' '' acute S 145 'Š' '' Scaron 146 'Ş' '' cedilla S 147 'Ť' '' caron T 148 'Ţ' '' cedilla T 149 'Ű' '' hungarumlaut U 150 'Ů' '' ring U 151 'Ÿ' '' Ydieresis 152 'Ź' '' acute Z 153 'Ž' '' Zcaron 154 'Ż' '' dotaccent Z 155 'IJ' '' I J 156 'İ' '' dotaccent I 157 'đ' '' macron d 158 '§' '' section 159 'ă' '' breve a 160 'ą' '' ogonek a 161 'ć' '' acute c 162 'č' '' caron c 163 'ď' '' d quoteright 164 'ě' '' caron e 165 'ę' '' ogonek e 166 'ğ' '' breve g 167 'ĺ' '' acute l 168 'ľ' '' l quoteright 169 'ł' '' lslash 170 'ń' '' acute n 171 'ň' '' caron n 172 '-' '' hyphen 173 'ő' '' hungarumlaut o 174 'ŕ' '' acute r 175 'ř' '' caron r 176 'ś' '' acute s 177 'š' '' scaron 178 'ş' '' cedilla s 179 'ť' '' t quoteright 180 'ţ' '' cedilla t 181 'ű' '' hungarumlaut u 182 'ů' '' ring u 183 'ÿ' '' ydieresis 184 'ź' '' acute z 185 'ž' '' zcaron 186 'ż' '' dotaccent z 187 'ij' '' i j 188 '¡' '' exclamdown 189 '¿' '' questiondown 190 '£' '' sterling 191 'À' '' Agrave 192 'Á' '' Aacute 193 'Â' '' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '' Atilde 195 'Ä' '' Adieresis 196 'Å' '' Aring 197 'Æ' '' AE 198 'Ç' '' Ccedilla 199 'È' '' Egrave 200 'É' '' Eacute 201 'Ê' '' Ecircumflex 202 'Ë' '' Edieresis 203 'Ì' '' Igrave 204 'Í' '' Iacute 205 'Î' '' Icircumflex 206 'Ï' '' Idieresis 207 'Ð' '' Eth 208 'Ñ' '' Ntilde 209 'Ò' '' Ograve 210 'Ó' '' Oacute 211 'Ô' '' Ocircumflex 212 'Õ' '' Otilde 213 'Ö' '' Odieresis 214 'Œ' '' OE 215 'Ø' '' Oslash 216 'Ù' '' Ugrave 217 'Ú' '' Uacute 218 'Û' '' Ucircumflex 219 'Ü' '' Udieresis 220 'Ý' '' Yacute 221 'Þ' '' Thorn 222 'SS' '' S S 223 'à' '' agrave 224 'á' '' aacute 225 'â' '' acircumflex 226 'ã' '' atilde 227 'ä' '' adieresis 228 'å' '' aring 229 'æ' '' ae 230 'ç' '' ccedilla 231 'è' '' egrave 232 'é' '' eacute 233 'ê' '' ecircumflex 234 'ë' '' edieresis 235 'ì' '' igrave 236 'í' '' iacute 237 'î' '' icircumflex 238 'ï' '' idieresis 239 'ð' '' eth 240 'ñ' '' ntilde 241 'ò' '' ograve 242 'ó' '' oacute 243 'ô' '' ocircumflex 244 'õ' '' otilde 245 'ö' '' odieresis 246 'œ' '' oe 247 'ø' '' oslash 248 'ù' '' ugrave 249 'ú' '' uacute 250 'û' '' ucircumflex 251 'ü' '' udieresis 252 'ý' '' yacute 253 'þ' '' thorn 254 'ß' '' germandbls 255 pcrbo8t 0 255 htfcss: pcrbo8t font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrbo8t}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrbo8t}{} % pcrr8t \<<< pcrbc8t 0 255 '`' '' grave 0 '´' '' acute 1 'ˆ' '' circumflex 2 '˜' '' tilde 3 '¨' '' dieresis 4 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 5 '˚' '' ring 6 'ˇ' '' caron 7 '˘' '' breve 8 '¯' '' macron 9 '˙' '' dotaccent 10 '¸' '' cedilla 11 '˛' '' ogonek 12 '‚' '' quotesinglbase 13 '‹' '' guilsinglleft 14 '›' '' guilsinglright 15 '“' '' quotedblleft 16 '”' '' quotedblright 17 '„' '' quotedblbase 18 '«' '' guillemotleft 19 '»' '' guillemotright 20 '-' '' hyphen 21 '--' '' hyphen hyphen 22 '∞' '' infinity 23 '≤' '' lessequal 24 'I' '' I 25 'J' '' J 26 'FF' '' F F 27 'FI' '' F I 28 'FL' '' F L 29 'FFI' '' F F I 30 'FFL' '' F F L 31 ' ' '' space 32 '!' '' exclam 33 '"' '' quotedbl 34 '#' '' numbersign 35 '$' '' dollar 36 '%' '' percent 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' quoteright 39 '(' '' parenleft 40 ')' '' parenright 41 '*' '' asterisk 42 '+' '' plus 43 ',' '' comma 44 '-' '' hyphen 45 '.' '' period 46 '/' '' slash 47 '0' '' zero 48 '1' '' one 49 '2' '' two 50 '3' '' three 51 '4' '' four 52 '5' '' five 53 '6' '' six 54 '7' '' seven 55 '8' '' eight 56 '9' '' nine 57 ':' '' colon 58 ';' '' semicolon 59 '<' '' less 60 '=' '' equal 61 '>' '' greater 62 '?' '' question 63 '@' '' at 64 'A' '' A 65 'B' '' B 66 'C' '' C 67 'D' '' D 68 'E' '' E 69 'F' '' F 70 'G' '' G 71 'H' '' H 72 'I' '' I 73 'J' '' J 74 'K' '' K 75 'L' '' L 76 'M' '' M 77 'N' '' N 78 'O' '' O 79 'P' '' P 80 'Q' '' Q 81 'R' '' R 82 'S' '' S 83 'T' '' T 84 'U' '' U 85 'V' '' V 86 'W' '' W 87 'X' '' X 88 'Y' '' Y 89 'Z' '' Z 90 '[' '' bracketleft 91 '\' '' backslash 92 ']' '' bracketright 93 '^' '' asciicircum 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '‘' '' quoteleft 96 'A' '' A 97 'B' '' B 98 'C' '' C 99 'D' '' D 100 'E' '' E 101 'F' '' F 102 'G' '' G 103 'H' '' H 104 'I' '' I 105 'J' '' J 106 'K' '' K 107 'L' '' L 108 'M' '' M 109 'N' '' N 110 'O' '' O 111 'P' '' P 112 'Q' '' Q 113 'R' '' R 114 'S' '' S 115 'T' '' T 116 'U' '' U 117 'V' '' V 118 'W' '' W 119 'X' '' X 120 'Y' '' Y 121 'Z' '' Z 122 '{' '' braceleft 123 '|' '' bar 124 '}' '' braceright 125 '~' '' asciitilde 126 '-' '' hyphen 127 'Ă' '' breve A 128 'Ą' '' ogonek A 129 'Ć' '' acute C 130 'Č' '' caron C 131 'Ď' '' caron D 132 'Ě' '' caron E 133 'Ę' '' ogonek E 134 'Ğ' '' breve G 135 'Ĺ' '' acute L 136 'Ľ' '' L quoteright 137 'Ł' '' Lslash 138 'Ń' '' acute N 139 'Ň' '' caron N 140 'Ω' '' Omega 141 'Ő' '' hungarumlaut O 142 'Ŕ' '' acute R 143 'Ř' '' caron R 144 'Ś' '' acute S 145 'Š' '' Scaron 146 'Ş' '' cedilla S 147 'Ť' '' caron T 148 'Ţ' '' cedilla T 149 'Ű' '' hungarumlaut U 150 'Ů' '' ring U 151 'Ÿ' '' Ydieresis 152 'Ź' '' acute Z 153 'Ž' '' Zcaron 154 'Ż' '' dotaccent Z 155 'IJ' '' I J 156 'İ' '' dotaccent I 157 'Ð' '' Eth 158 '§' '' section 159 'Ă' '' breve A 160 'Ą' '' ogonek A 161 'Ć' '' acute C 162 'Č' '' caron C 163 'Ď' '' caron D 164 'Ě' '' caron E 165 'Ę' '' ogonek E 166 'Ğ' '' breve G 167 'Ĺ' '' acute L 168 'Ľ' '' L quoteright 169 'Ł' '' Lslash 170 'Ń' '' acute N 171 'Ň' '' caron N 172 '-' '' hyphen 173 'Ő' '' hungarumlaut O 174 'Ŕ' '' acute R 175 'Ř' '' caron R 176 'Ś' '' acute S 177 'Š' '' Scaron 178 'Ş' '' cedilla S 179 'Ť' '' caron T 180 'Ţ' '' cedilla T 181 'Ű' '' hungarumlaut U 182 'Ů' '' ring U 183 'Ÿ' '' Ydieresis 184 'Ź' '' acute Z 185 'Ž' '' Zcaron 186 'Ż' '' dotaccent Z 187 'IJ' '' I J 188 '¡' '' exclamdown 189 '¿' '' questiondown 190 '£' '' sterling 191 'À' '' Agrave 192 'Á' '' Aacute 193 'Â' '' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '' Atilde 195 'Ä' '' Adieresis 196 'Å' '' Aring 197 'Æ' '' AE 198 'Ç' '' Ccedilla 199 'È' '' Egrave 200 'É' '' Eacute 201 'Ê' '' Ecircumflex 202 'Ë' '' Edieresis 203 'Ì' '' Igrave 204 'Í' '' Iacute 205 'Î' '' Icircumflex 206 'Ï' '' Idieresis 207 'Ð' '' Eth 208 'Ñ' '' Ntilde 209 'Ò' '' Ograve 210 'Ó' '' Oacute 211 'Ô' '' Ocircumflex 212 'Õ' '' Otilde 213 'Ö' '' Odieresis 214 'Œ' '' OE 215 'Ø' '' Oslash 216 'Ù' '' Ugrave 217 'Ú' '' Uacute 218 'Û' '' Ucircumflex 219 'Ü' '' Udieresis 220 'Ý' '' Yacute 221 'Þ' '' Thorn 222 'SS' '' S S 223 'À' '' Agrave 224 'Á' '' Aacute 225 'Â' '' Acircumflex 226 'Ã' '' Atilde 227 'Ä' '' Adieresis 228 'Å' '' Aring 229 'Æ' '' AE 230 'Ç' '' Ccedilla 231 'È' '' Egrave 232 'É' '' Eacute 233 'Ê' '' Ecircumflex 234 'Ë' '' Edieresis 235 'Ì' '' Igrave 236 'Í' '' Iacute 237 'Î' '' Icircumflex 238 'Ï' '' Idieresis 239 'Ð' '' Eth 240 'Ñ' '' Ntilde 241 'Ò' '' Ograve 242 'Ó' '' Oacute 243 'Ô' '' Ocircumflex 244 'Õ' '' Otilde 245 'Ö' '' Odieresis 246 'Œ' '' OE 247 'Ø' '' Oslash 248 'Ù' '' Ugrave 249 'Ú' '' Uacute 250 'Û' '' Ucircumflex 251 'Ü' '' Udieresis 252 'Ý' '' Yacute 253 'Þ' '' Thorn 254 'SS' '' S S 255 pcrbc8t 0 255 htfcss: pcrbc8t font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> % pcrrc8t \AddFont{pcrbc8t}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrbc8t}{} \<<< .pcrbo8t htfcss: pcrb8t font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrb8t}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrb8t}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{pcrb8r, pcrbo8r, pcrr8r, pcrro8r} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .pagdo8r htfcss: pcrbo8r font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrbo8r}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrbo8r}{} \<<< .pagdo8r htfcss: pcrb8r font-weight: bold; font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> %-% pcrb8r font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; \AddFont{pcrb8r}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrb8r} \<<< .pagdo8r htfcss: pcrr8r font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrr8r}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrr8r}{} \<<< .pagdo8r htfcss: pcrro8r font-style: oblique; font-family: 'Nimbus Mono L', monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrro8r}{unicode/adobe/courier/pcrro8r}{} \<<< pplrc8r 1 255 '' '' 1 ` 'fi' '4' 2 % pplrc8r.htf `version % 'fl' '4' 3 % Copyright `CopyYear.2006. Eitan M. Gurari % '/' '' 4 ` '¯' '' 5 ` 'L' '1' 6 ` 'l' '1' 7 ` '¸' '' 8 ` '°' '' 9 ` '''' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '-' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` 'Ž' '' 14 ` 'ž' '4' 15 ` 'ˇ' '' 16 ` 'ı' '4' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 ` '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 ' ' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '"' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' 38 -'- -- 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' 65 'B' '' 66 'C' '' 6 'D' '' 68 'E' '' 9 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '\' '' 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' 94 '_' '' 95 '' '' ‘ 96 'A' '4' 97 'B' '4' 98 'C' '4' 99 'D' '4' 100 'E' '4' 101 'F' '4' 102 'G' '4' 103 'H' '4' 104 'I' '4' 105 'J' '4' 106 'K' '4' 107 'L' '4' 108 'M' '4' 109 'N' '4' 110 'O' '4' 111 'P' '4' 112 'Q' '4' 113 'R' '4' 114 'S' '4' 115 'T' '4' 116 'U' '4' 117 'V' '4' 118 'W' '4' 119 'X' '4' 120 'Y' '4' 121 'Z' '4' 122 '{' '' 123 '|' '' 124 '}' '' 125 '~' '' 126 '¨' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 ',' '' 130 '„' '' 131 '…' '' 132 '∆' '' 133 '․' '' 134 '‡' '' 135 'Ȉ' '' 136 '‰' '' 137 'Š' '' 138 '‹' '' 139 'Œ' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '“' '' 147 '”' '' 148 '·' '' 149 '–' '' 150 '—' '' 151 '˜' '' 152 '™' '' 153 'š' '' 154 '›' '' 155 'Œ' '4' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 'ÿ' '4' 159 '' '' 160 '¡' '' 161 '¢' '' 162 '£' '' 163 '¤' '' 164 '¥' '' 165 '¦' '' 166 '§' '' 167 '¨' '' 168 '©' '' 169 'ª' '' 170 '«' '' 171 '¬' '' 172 '­' '' 173 '®' '' 174 '¯' '' 175 '°' '' 176 '±' '' 177 '²' '' 178 '³' '' 179 '´' '' 180 'µ' '' 181 '¶' '' 182 '·' '' 183 '¸' '' 184 '¹' '' 185 'º' '' 186 '»' '' 187 '¼' '' 188 '½' '' 189 '¾' '' 190 '¿' '' 191 'À' '' 192 'Á' '' 193 'Â' '' 194 'Ã' '' 195 'Ä' '' 196 'Å' '' 197 'Æ' '' 198 'Ç' '' 199 'È' '' 200 'É' '' 201 'Ê' '' 202 'Ë' '' 203 'Ì' '' 204 'Í' '' 205 'Î' '' 206 'Ï' '' 207 'Ð' '' 208 'Ñ' '' 209 'Ò' '' 210 'Ó' '' 211 'Ô' '' 212 'Õ' '' 213 'Ö' '' 214 'Œ' '' 215 'Ø' '' 216 'Ù' '' 217 'Ú' '' 218 'Û' '' 219 'Ü' '' 220 'Ÿ' '' 221 'Þ' '' `%Thorn`% 222 'SS' '' `%SS`% 223 'à' '4' `%agrave.cap`% 224 'á' '4' `%aacute.cap`% 225 'â' '4' `%acircumflex.cap`% 226 'ã' '4' `%atilde.cap`% 227 'ä' '4' `%adieresis.cap`% 228 'å' '4' `%aring.cap`% 229 'æ' '4' `%ae.cap`% 230 'ç' '4' `%ccedilla.cap`% 231 'è' '4' `%egrave.cap`% 232 'é' '4' `%eacute.cap`% 233 'ê' '4' `%ecircumflex.cap`% 234 'ë' '4' `%edieresis.cap`% 235 'ì' '4' `%igrave.cap`% 236 'í' '4' `%iacute.cap`% 237 'î' '4' `%icircumflex.cap`% 238 'ï' '4' `%idieresis.cap`% 239 'ð' '4' `%eth.cap`% 240 'ñ' '4' `%ntilde.cap`% 241 'ò' '4' `%ograve.cap`% 242 'ó' '4' `%oacute.cap`% 243 'ô' '4' `%ocircumflex.cap`% 244 'õ' '4' `%otilde.cap`% 245 'ö' '4' `%odieresis.cap`% 246 'œ' '' 247 'ø' '4' `%oslash.cap`% 248 'ù' '4' `%ugrave.cap`% 249 'ú' '4' `%uacute.cap`% 250 'û' '4' `%ucircumflex.cap`% 251 'ü' '4' `%udieresis.cap`% 252 'ý' '4' `%yacute.cap`% 253 'þ' '4' `%thorn.cap`% 254 'SS' '4' 255 pplrc8r 1 255 htfcss: pplrc8r font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{pplrc8r}{unicode/adobe/courier/pplrc8r} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{pcrb, pcrbo, pcrr, pcrro} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: pcrb font-family: monospace,monospace; font-weight: bold; >>> %-% htfcss: pcrb font-family: monospace,monospace; font-weight: bold; \AddFont{pcrb}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrb}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: pcrbo font-weight: bold; font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrbo}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrbo}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: pcrr font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> %-% font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; \AddFont{pcrr}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrr}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: pcrro font-family: monospace,monospace; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{pcrro}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrro}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{pcrbc, pcrrc } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .ptmrc htfcss: pcrbc font-weight: bold; font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrbc}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrbc}{} \<<< .ptmrc htfcss: pcrrc font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pcrrc}{alias/adobe/courier/pcrrc}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{rpcrb, rpcrbo, rpcrr, rpcrro} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rpcrb font-family: monospace,monospace; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{rpcrb}{alias/adobe/courier/rpcrb}{} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rpcrbo font-family: monospace,monospace; font-weight:bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{rpcrbo}{alias/adobe/courier/rpcrbo}{} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rpcrr font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{rpcrr}{alias/adobe/courier/rpcrr}{} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rpcrro font-family: monospace,monospace; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{rpcrro}{alias/adobe/courier/rpcrro}{} \Section{helvetic} \SubSection{phvb7t phvbo7t phvbo7tn phvro7t phvro7tn} \<<< .pplri9t htfcss: phvr7t font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvr7t}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvr7t}{} \<<< .pplri9t htfcss: phvb7t font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{phvb7t}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvb7t}{} \<<< .pplri9t htfcss: phvbo7t font-family:sans-serif; font-weight:bold; font-style:oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvbo7t}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbo7t}{} \<<< .pplri9t htfcss: phvbo7tn font-family:sans-serif; font-weight:bold; font-style:oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvbo7tn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbo7tn}{} The 7tn fonts are variants of the tn fonts, with reduced width of characters. \<<< .pplri9t htfcss: phvro7t font-family:sans-serif; font-style:oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvro7t}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvro7t}{} \<<< .pplri9t htfcss: phvro7tn font-family:sans-serif; font-style:oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvro7tn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvro7tn}{} \SubSection{phvbc7t phvbc7tn phvrc7t phvrc7tn} \<<< .ptmrc7t htfcss: phvbc7t font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{phvbc7t}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbc7t} \<<< .ptmrc7t htfcss: phvbc7tn font-family:sans-serif; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{phvbc7tn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbc7tn} \<<< .ptmrc7t htfcss: phvrc7t font-family:sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvrc7t}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvrc7t} \<<< .ptmrc7t htfcss: phvrc7tn font-family:sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvrc7tn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvrc7tn} \SubSection{phvb8c phvb8cn phvbo8c phvbo8cn phvr8c phvr8cn phvro8c phvro8cn} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: phvb8c font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{phvb8c}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvb8c}{} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: phvb8cn font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{phvb8cn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvb8cn}{} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: phvbo8c font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvbo8c}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbo8c}{} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: phvbo8cn font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvbo8cn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbo8cn}{} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: phvr8c font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvr8c}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvr8c}{} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: phvr8cn font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvr8cn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvr8cn}{} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: phvro8c font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvro8c}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvro8c}{} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: phvro8cn font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvro8cn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvro8cn}{} \SubSection{phvb8t phvb8tn phvbo8t phvbo8tn phvr8t phvr8tn phvro8t phvro8tn} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: phvb8t font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{phvb8t}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvb8t} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: phvb8tn font-weight: bold; font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvb8tn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvb8tn} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: phvbo8t font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvbo8t}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbo8t} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: phvbo8tn font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvbo8tn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbo8tn} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: phvr8t font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvr8t}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvr8t} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: phvr8tn font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvr8tn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvr8tn} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: phvro8t font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvro8t}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvro8t} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: phvro8tn font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvro8tn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvro8tn} \SubSection{phvrc8tn phvrc8t phvbc8tn phvbc8t} \<<< .ec-iwonacap htfcss: phvrc8tn font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvrc8tn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvrc8tn} \<<< .ec-iwonacap htfcss: phvrc8t font-family:sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvrc8t}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvrc8t} \<<< .ec-iwonacap htfcss: phvbc8tn font-weight: bold; font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvbc8tn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbc8tn} \<<< .ec-iwonacap htfcss: phvbc8t font-weight: bold; font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvbc8t}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbc8t} \SubSection{phvb8r phvb8rn phvbo8r phvbo8rn phvr8r phvr8rn phvro8r phvro8rn} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: phvb8r font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{phvb8r}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvb8r}{} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: phvb8rn font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{phvb8rn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvb8rn}{} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: phvbo8r font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvbo8r}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbo8r}{} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: phvbo8rn font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvbo8rn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbo8rn}{} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: phvr8r font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvr8r}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvr8r}{} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: phvr8rn font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvr8rn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvr8rn}{} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: phvro8r font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvro8r}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvro8r}{} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: phvro8rn font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvro8rn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvro8rn}{} \SubSection{phvb phvb phvbo phvbon phvbrn phvr phvro phvron phvrrn} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: phvb font-weight: bold; font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvb}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvb}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: phvbo font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvbo}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbo}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: phvbon font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvbon}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbon}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: phvbrn font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; htfcss: phvbrn7t font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; htfcss: phvbrn8t font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{phvbrn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbrn}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: phvr font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvr}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvr}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: phvro font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvro}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvro}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: phvron font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; htfcss: phvron7t font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{phvron}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvron}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: phvrrn font-family: sans-serif; htfcss: phvrrn7t font-family: sans-serif; htfcss: phvrrn8t font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvrrn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvrrn}{} \SubSection{phvbc phvrc} \<<< .ptmrc htfcss: phvbc font-weight: bold; font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvbc}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvbc}{} \<<< .ptmrc htfcss: phvrc font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{phvrc}{alias/adobe/helvetic/phvrc}{} \SubSection{rphvb rphvbo rphvbon rphvbrn rphvr rphvro rphvron rphvrrn} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rphvb font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{rphvb}{alias/adobe/helvetic/rphvb}{} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rphvbo font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{rphvbo}{alias/adobe/helvetic/rphvbo}{} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rphvbon font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{rphvbon}{alias/adobe/helvetic/rphvbon}{} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rphvbrn font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{rphvbrn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/rphvbrn}{} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rphvr font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{rphvr}{alias/adobe/helvetic/rphvr}{} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rphvro font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{rphvro}{alias/adobe/helvetic/rphvro}{} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rphvron font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{rphvron}{alias/adobe/helvetic/rphvron}{} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rphvrrn font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{rphvrrn}{alias/adobe/helvetic/rphvrrn}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Latin} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< tipa 0 255 '`' '' 0 ` '´' '' 1 % tipa.htf `version % '̂' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2005. Eitan M. Gurari % '~' '' 3 ` '̈' '' 4 ` '~' '' 5 ` '̊' '' 6 ` '̌' '' 7 ` '̆' '' 8 ` '¯' '' 9 ` '̇' '' 10 ` '¸' '' 11 ` '̲' '' 12 ` '̦' '' 13 ` '`' '' 14 ` '´' '' 15 ` '̑' '' 16 ` '̪' '' 17 ` '̺' '' 18 ` '̻' '' 19 ` '̹' '' 20 '̜' '' 21 '̫' '' 22 '̼' '' 23 '̽' '' 24 'ı' '' `%dotless i`% 25 'ȷ' '' `%dotless j`% 26 '̟' '' 27 '̝' '' 28 '̞' '' 29 '̘' '' 30 '̙' '' 31 '́' '' 32 '!' '' 33 'ˈ' '' 34 '̔' '' 35 '̔' '' 36 '̦' '' 37 '&' '' 38 '’' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 'ʉ' '' 48 'ɨ' '' 49 'ʌ' '' 50 'ɜ' '' 51 'ɥ' '' 52 'ɐ' '' 53 'ɒ' '' 54 'ɤ' '' 55 'ɵ' '' 56 'ɘ' '' 57 ':' '' 58 '˙' '' 59 '̆' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '̑' '' 62 '?' '' 63 'ə' '' 64 'ɑ' '' 65 'β' '' 66 'ɕ' '' 67 'ð' '' 68 'ɛ' '' 69 'ɸ' '' 70 'ɣ' '' 71 'ɦ' '' 72 'ɪ' '' 73 'ʝ' '' 74 'ʁ' '' 75 'ʎ' '' 76 'ɱ' '' 77 'ŋ' '' 78 'ɔ' '' 79 'ʔ' '' 80 'ʕ' '' 81 'ɾ' '' 82 'ʃ' '' 83 'θ' '' 84 'ʊ' '' 85 'ʋ' '' 86 'ɯ' '' 87 'χ' '' 88 'ʏ' '' 89 'ʒ' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '\\' '' 92 ']' '' 93 '˺' '' 94 '˹' '' 95 '̒' '' 96 'a' '' 97 'b' '' 98 'c' '' 99 'd' '' 100 'e' '' 101 'f' '' 102 'ɡ' '' 103 'h' '' 104 'i' '' 105 'j' '' 106 'k' '' 107 'l' '' 108 'm' '' 109 'n' '' 110 'o' '' 111 'p' '' 112 'q' '' 113 'r' '' 114 's' '' 115 't' '' 116 'u' '' 117 'v' '' 118 'w' '' 119 'x' '' 120 'y' '' 121 'z' '' 122 'ǁ' '' 123 'ǀ' '' 124 'ǂ' '' 125 '˞' '' 126 'ˌ' '' 127 'ˍ' '' 128 'ˎ' '' 129 '\\' '' 130 '\\' '' 131 '\\' '' 132 'ˏ' '' 133 '/' '' 134 '/' '' 135 '/' '' 136 '_' '' 137 '\\' '' 138 '\\' '' 139 '\\' '' 140 '\\' '' 141 '/' '' 142 '/' '' 143 '/' '' 144 '/' '' 145 'ǀ' '' 146 'ǁ' '' 147 '↑' '' 148 '↓' '' 149 '↗' '' 150 '↘' '' 151 '???' '' 152 '???' '' 153 '???' '' 154 '???' 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'' 159 'ƀ' '' 160 'đ' '' 161 'ȡ' '' 162 'ᶑ' '' 163 'E' '' 164 'g' '' 165 'ɿ' '' 166 'ʅ' '' 167 'ȷ' '' 168 'ʞ' '' 169 'ƚ' '' 170 'λ' '' 171 'ƛ' '' 172 'ɮ' '' 173 'ȵ' '' 174 'œ' '' 175 'ω' '' 176 'Ω' '' 177 'ʆ' '' 178 'ƫ' '' 179 'ȶ' '' 180 'ʦ' '' 181 'ʮ' '' 182 'ʯ' '' 183 'ʓ' '' 184 'ƹ' '' 185 'ь' '' 186 'Ъ' '' 187 'ˀ' '' 188 '˂' '' 189 '˃' '' 190 'ǀ' '' 191 'А' '' 192 'ƈ' '' 193 'ʗ' '' 194 'ʤ' '' 195 'ɚ' '' 196 'ʚ' '' 197 'ɞ' '' 198 'ɝ' '' 199 'ɤ' '' 200 'ʛ' '' 201 'ɧ' '' 202 'ʜ' '' 203 'ɩ' '' 204 'ɟ' '' 205 'ƙ' '' 206 'ʟ' '' 207 'ɮ' '' 208 'ɷ' '' 209 'ƥ' '' 210 'ʠ' '' 211 'ɼ' '' 212 'ɺ' '' 213 'ƭ' '' 214 'ɶ' '' 215 'ʇ' '' 216 'ʧ' '' 217 'U' '' 218 'ʖ' '' 219 'ʡ' '' 220 'ʢ' '' 221 'ʑ' '' 222 'p' '' 223 'ʙ' '' 224 'ɓ' '' 225 'ɗ' '' 226 'ɖ' '' 227 'ɠ' '' 228 'ɢ' '' 229 'æ' '' 230 'ç' '' 231 'ħ' '' 232 'ɟ' '' 233 'ƒ' '' 234 'ɫ' '' 235 'ɬ' '' 236 'ɭ' '' 237 'ɰ' '' 238 'ɳ' '' 239 'ɴ' '' 240 'ɲ' '' 241 'ʘ' '' 242 'ɽ' '' 243 'ɹ' '' 244 'ɻ' '' 245 'ʀ' '' 246 'œ' '' 247 'ø' '' 248 'ʂ' '' 249 'ʈ' '' 250 'ʍ' '' 251 'ʐ' '' 252 'ʑ' '' 253 'þ' '' 254 'ƕ' '' 255 tipa 0 255 htfcss: tipab font-weight: bold; htfcss: tipabs font-weight: bold;font-family: sans-serif; htfcss: tipabx font-weight: bold; htfcss: tipas font-family: sans-serif; htfcss: tipasb font-weight: bold; htfcss: tipasi font-style: italic; htfcss: tipasl font-family: sans-serif; htfcss: tipass font-family: sans-serif; htfcss: tipats font-style: italic;font-family: monospace,monospace; htfcss: tipatt font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{tipa}{unicode/tipa/tipa}{} \<<< xipx 0 123 '¸' '' 0 ` '̔' '' 1 % xipx.htf `version % '̔' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2005. Eitan M. Gurari % '̔' '' 3 ` '̻' '' 4 ` '←' '' 5 ` '̺' '' 6 ` '↑' '' 7 ` '↓' '' 8 ` '→' '' 9 ` '↔' '' 10 ` '¸' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 'ą' '' 32 'ɑ' '' 33 'ao' '' 34 '4' '' 35 'ʗ' '' 36 'ʆ' '' 37 'ɕ' '' 38 'd' '' 39 'd' '' 40 'db' '' 41 'e' '' 42 'e' '' 43 'ɤ' '' 44 'ɤ' '' 45 'ɤ' '' 46 'ɦ' '' 47 'ɧ' '' 48 'ɿ' '' 49 'ʝ' '' 50 'ʄ' '' 51 'lm' '' 52 'n' '' 53 'ɳ' '' 54 '♀' '' 55 '???' '' 56 'ʘ' '' 57 '???' '' 58 'ო' '' 59 'P' '' 60 'OP' '' 61 'ƪ' '' 62 't' '' 63 'ʆ' '' 64 '???' '' 65 'ƺ' '' 66 'Ɛ' '' 67 'ʖ' '' 68 '???' '' 69 'ǀ' '' 70 'ǁ' '' 71 'ǂ' '' 72 'ɼ' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 'Þ' '' 80 'Þ' '' 81 'Þ' '' 82 'Þ' '' 83 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % 'Λ' '' 3 ` 'Ξ' '' 4 ` 'Π' '' 5 ` 'Σ' '' 6 ` 'ϒ' '' 7 ` 'Φ' '' 8 ` 'Ψ' '' 9 ` 'Ω' '' 10 ` 'ff' '' 11 ` 'fi' '' 12 ` 'fl' '' 13 ` 'ffi' '' 14 ` 'ffl' '' 15 ` 'ı' '' 16 ` '/' '' 17 ` '`' '' 18 ` '´' '' r-quote 19 'ˇ' '' 20 '˘' '' 21 '¯' '' 22 '^' '' 23 '¸' '' 24 'ß' '' 25 'æ' '' 26 'œ' '' 27 'ø' '' 28 'Æ' '' 29 'Œ' '' 30 'Ø' '' 31 '' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '”' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' 38 '’' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '¡' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '¿' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % 'Λ' '' 3 ` 'Ξ' '' 4 ` 'Π' '' 5 ` 'Σ' '' 6 ` 'ϒ' '' 7 ` 'Φ' '' 8 ` 'Ψ' '' 9 ` 'Ω' '' 10 ` 'ff' '' 11 ` 'fi' '' 12 ` 'fl' '' 13 ` 'ffi' '' 14 ` 'ffl' '' 15 ` 'ı' '' 16 ` 'ȷ' '' 17 ` '`' '' 18 ` '´' '' r-quote 19 'ˇ' '' 20 '˘' '' 21 '¯' '' 22 '^' '' 23 '¸' '' 24 'ß' '' 25 'æ' '' 26 'œ' '' 27 'ø' '' 28 'Æ' '' 29 'Œ' '' 30 'Ø' '' 31 '' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '”' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' 38 '’' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '¡' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '¿' '' 62 '?' 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>>> \AddFont{pplxc7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplxc7t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: pplxi7t font-style: italic; font-weight: 900; >>> \AddFont{pplxi7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplxi7t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: pplxo7t font-weight: 900; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{pplxo7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplxo7t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: pplrij7t font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplrij7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplrij7t} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: pplrij8r font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplrij8r}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplrij8r} \<<< .pcrr7t >>> \AddFont{pplrj7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplrj7t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: pplrjo7t font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{pplrjo7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplrjo7t} \<<< .ec-iwonacap >>> \AddFont{pplrcj8t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplrcj8t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: ppll7t font-weight: 200; >>> \AddFont{ppll7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/ppll7t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: ppllc7t font-weight: 200; >>> \AddFont{ppllc7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/ppllc7t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: pplli7t font-weight: 200; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplli7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplli7t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: ppllo7t font-weight: 200; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{ppllo7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/ppllo7t} \<<< .pcrr7t >>> \AddFont{pplm7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplm7t} \<<< .pcrr7t >>> \AddFont{pplmc7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplmc7t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: pplmi7t font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplmi7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplmi7t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: pplmo7t font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{pplmo7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplmo7t} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ppll8t font-weight: 200; >>> \AddFont{ppll8t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/ppll8t} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ppllc8t font-weight: 200; >>> \AddFont{ppllc8t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/ppllc8t} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: pplli8t font-weight: 200; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplli8t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplli8t} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: ppllo8t font-weight: 200; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{ppllo8t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/ppllo8t} \<<< .lm-ec >>> \AddFont{pplm8t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplm8t} \<<< .lm-ec >>> \AddFont{pplmc8t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplmc8t} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: pplmi8t font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplmi8t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplmi8t} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: pplmo8t font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{pplmo8t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplmo8t} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: ppll8r font-weight: 200; >>> \AddFont{ppll8r}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/ppll8r} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: pplli8r font-weight: 200; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplli8r}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplli8r} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: ppllo8r font-weight: 200; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{ppllo8r}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/ppllo8r} \<<< .pcrro8r >>> \AddFont{pplm8r}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplm8r} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: pplmi8r font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplmi8r}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplmi8r} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: pplmo8r font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{pplmo8r}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplmo8r} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: ppll8a font-weight: 200; >>> \AddFont{ppll8a}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/ppll8a} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: pplli8a font-weight: 200; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplli8a}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplli8a} \<<< .rptmrrn >>> \AddFont{pplm8a}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplm8a} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: pplmi8a font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplmi8a}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplmi8a} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: ppll8c font-weight: 200; >>> \AddFont{ppll8c}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/ppll8c} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: pplli8c font-weight: 200; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplli8c}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplli8c} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: ppllo8c font-weight: 200; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{ppllo8c}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/ppllo8c} \<<< .ptmr8c >>> \AddFont{pplm8c}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplm8c} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: pplmi8c font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplmi8c}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplmi8c} \<<< .ptmr8c htfcss: pplmo8c font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{pplmo8c}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplmo8c} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: pplbjo8r font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{pplbjo8r}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplbjo8r} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: pplbj8t font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{pplbj8t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplbj8t} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: pplbij8t font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplbij8t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplbij8t} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: pplbj8r font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{pplbj8r}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplbj8r} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: pplbij8r font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplbij8r}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplbij8r} \<<< .lm-ec htfcss: pplbcj8t font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{pplbcj8t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplbcj8t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: pplbcj7t font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{pplbcj7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplbcj7t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: pplbij7t font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplbij7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplbij7t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: pplbj7t font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{pplbj7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplbj7t} \<<< .pcrr7t htfcss: pplbjo7t font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{pplbjo7t}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplbjo7t} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: pplb7d font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{pplb7d}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplb7d} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: pplb8a font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{pplb8a}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplb8a} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: pplbi7d font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplbi7d}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplbi7d} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: pplbi8a font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pplbi8a}{alias/adobe/ppalatino/pplbi8a} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{avantgar} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{pagd7t pagdo7t pagk7t pagko7t} \<<< .pagdo7t htfcss: pagd7t font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagd7t}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagd7t}{} \<<< pagdo7t 0 170 '' '' .notdef 0 '˙' '' dotaccent 1 'fi' '' fi 2 'fl' '' fl 3 '⁄' '' fraction 4 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 5 'Ł' '' Lslash 6 'ł' '' lslash 7 '˛' '' ogonek 8 '˚' '' ring 9 '' '' .notdef 10 'ff' '' f f 11 'fi' '' fi 12 'fl' '' fl 13 'ffi' '' f fi 14 'ffl' '' f fl 15 'ı' '' dotlessi 16 'ı' '' dotlessi 17 '`' '' grave 18 '´' '' acute 19 'ˇ' '' caron 20 '˘' '' breve 21 '¯' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'ß' '' germandbls 25 'æ' '' ae 26 'œ' '' oe 27 'ø' '' oslash 28 'Æ' '' AE 29 'Œ' '' OE 30 'Ø' '' Oslash 31 ' ' '' space 32 '!' '' exclam 33 '”' '' quotedblright 34 '#' '' numbersign 35 '$' '' dollar 36 '%' '' percent 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' quoteright 39 '(' '' parenleft 40 ')' '' parenright 41 '*' '' asterisk 42 '+' '' plus 43 ',' '' comma 44 '-' '' hyphen 45 '.' '' period 46 '/' '' slash 47 '0' '' zero 48 '1' '' one 49 '2' '' two 50 '3' '' three 51 '4' '' four 52 '5' '' five 53 '6' '' six 54 '7' '' seven 55 '8' '' eight 56 '9' '' nine 57 ':' '' colon 58 ';' '' semicolon 59 '¡' '' exclamdown 60 '=' '' equal 61 '¿' '' questiondown 62 '?' '' question 63 '@' '' at 64 'A' '' A 65 'B' '' B 66 'C' '' C 67 'D' '' D 68 'E' '' E 69 'F' '' F 70 'G' '' G 71 'H' '' H 72 'I' '' I 73 'J' '' J 74 'K' '' K 75 'L' '' L 76 'M' '' M 77 'N' '' N 78 'O' '' O 79 'P' '' P 80 'Q' '' Q 81 'R' '' R 82 'S' '' S 83 'T' '' T 84 'U' '' U 85 'V' '' V 86 'W' '' W 87 'X' '' X 88 'Y' '' Y 89 'Z' '' Z 90 '[' '' bracketleft 91 '“' '' quotedblleft 92 ']' '' bracketright 93 'ˆ' '' circumflex 94 '˙' '' dotaccent 95 '‘' '' quoteleft 96 'a' '' a 97 'b' '' b 98 'c' '' c 99 'd' '' d 100 'e' '' e 101 'f' '' f 102 'g' '' g 103 'h' '' h 104 'i' '' i 105 'j' '' j 106 'k' '' k 107 'l' '' l 108 'm' '' m 109 'n' '' n 110 'o' '' o 111 'p' '' p 112 'q' '' q 113 'r' '' r 114 's' '' s 115 't' '' t 116 'u' '' u 117 'v' '' v 118 'w' '' w 119 'x' '' x 120 'y' '' y 121 'z' '' z 122 '–' '' endash 123 '—' '' emdash 124 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 125 '˜' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' dieresis 127 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'Ł' '' Lslash 138 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'ł' '' lslash 170 pagdo7t 0 170 htfcss: pagdo7t font-style: oblique; font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagdo7t}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagdo7t}{} \<<< .pagdo7t htfcss: pagk7t font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagk7t}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagk7t}{} \<<< .pagdo7t htfcss: pagko7t font-style: oblique; font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagko7t}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagko7t}{} \SubSection{pagdc7t pagkc7t} \<<< pagdc7t 0 170 '' '' .notdef 0 '˙' '' dotaccent 1 'fi' '' fi 2 'fl' '' fl 3 '⁄' '' fraction 4 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 5 'Ł' '' Lslash 6 'ł' '' lslash 7 '˛' '' ogonek 8 '˚' '' ring 9 '' '' .notdef 10 'FF' '' F F 11 'FI' '' F I 12 'FL' '' F L 13 'FFI' '' F F I 14 'FFL' '' F F L 15 'I' '' I 16 'J' '' J 17 '`' '' grave 18 '´' '' acute 19 'ˇ' '' caron 20 '˘' '' breve 21 '¯' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'SS' '' S S 25 'Æ' '' AE 26 'Œ' '' OE 27 'Ø' '' Oslash 28 'Æ' '' AE 29 'Œ' '' OE 30 'Ø' '' Oslash 31 ' ' '' space 32 '!' '' exclam 33 '”' '' quotedblright 34 '#' '' numbersign 35 '$' '' dollar 36 '%' '' percent 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' quoteright 39 '(' '' parenleft 40 ')' '' parenright 41 '*' '' asterisk 42 '+' '' plus 43 ',' '' comma 44 '-' '' hyphen 45 '.' '' period 46 '/' '' slash 47 '0' '' zero 48 '1' '' one 49 '2' '' two 50 '3' '' three 51 '4' '' four 52 '5' '' five 53 '6' '' six 54 '7' '' seven 55 '8' '' eight 56 '9' '' nine 57 ':' '' colon 58 ';' '' semicolon 59 '¡' '' exclamdown 60 '=' '' equal 61 '¿' '' questiondown 62 '?' '' question 63 '@' '' at 64 'A' '' A 65 'B' '' B 66 'C' '' C 67 'D' '' D 68 'E' '' E 69 'F' '' F 70 'G' '' G 71 'H' '' H 72 'I' '' I 73 'J' '' J 74 'K' '' K 75 'L' '' L 76 'M' '' M 77 'N' '' N 78 'O' '' O 79 'P' '' P 80 'Q' '' Q 81 'R' '' R 82 'S' '' S 83 'T' '' T 84 'U' '' U 85 'V' '' V 86 'W' '' W 87 'X' '' X 88 'Y' '' Y 89 'Z' '' Z 90 '[' '' bracketleft 91 '“' '' quotedblleft 92 ']' '' bracketright 93 'ˆ' '' circumflex 94 '˙' '' dotaccent 95 '‘' '' quoteleft 96 'A' '' A 97 'B' '' B 98 'C' '' C 99 'D' '' D 100 'E' '' E 101 'F' '' F 102 'G' '' G 103 'H' '' H 104 'I' '' I 105 'J' '' J 106 'K' '' K 107 'L' '' L 108 'M' '' M 109 'N' '' N 110 'O' '' O 111 'P' '' P 112 'Q' '' Q 113 'R' '' R 114 'S' '' S 115 'T' '' T 116 'U' '' U 117 'V' '' V 118 'W' '' W 119 'X' '' X 120 'Y' '' Y 121 'Z' '' Z 122 '–' '' endash 123 '—' '' emdash 124 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 125 '˜' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' dieresis 127 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'Ł' '' Lslash 138 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'Ł' '' Lslash 170 pagdc7t 0 170 htfcss: pagdc7t font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagdc7t}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagdc7t} \<<< .pagdc7t htfcss: pagkc7t font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagkc7t}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagkc7t} \SubSection{pagd8c pagdo8c pagk8c pagko8c } \<<< .pagdo8c htfcss: pagd8c font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagd8c}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagd8c}{} \<<< .pagdo8c htfcss: pagko8c font-style: oblique; font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagko8c}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagko8c}{} \<<< .pagdo8c htfcss: pagk8c font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagk8c}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagk8c}{} \<<< pagdo8c 0 246 '`' '' grave 0 '´' '' acute 1 'ˆ' '' circumflex 2 '˜' '' tilde 3 '¨' '' dieresis 4 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 5 '˚' '' ring 6 'ˇ' '' caron 7 '˘' '' breve 8 '¯' '' macron 9 '˙' '' dotaccent 10 '¸' '' cedilla 11 '˛' '' ogonek 12 '‚' '' quotesinglbase 13 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '„' '' quotedblbase 18 '' '' '' '' '––' '' endash endash 21 '––' '' endash endash 22 '∞' '' infinity 23 '≤' '' lessequal 24 '≥' '' greaterequal 25 '∂' '' partialdiff 26 '∑' '' summation 27 '∏' '' product 28 'π' '' pi 29 '' '' ''' '' quotesingle 31 ' ' '' space 32 '' '' '' '' '' '' '$' '' dollar 36 '' '' '' '' ''' '' quotesingle 39 '' '' '' '' '*' '' asterisk 42 '' '' ',' '' comma 44 '-' '' hyphen 45 '.' '' period 46 '⁄' '' fraction 47 '0' '' zero 48 '1' '' one 49 '2' '' two 50 '3' '' three 51 '4' '' four 52 '5' '' five 53 '6' '' six 54 '7' '' seven 55 '8' '' eight 56 '9' '' nine 57 '' '' '' '' '<' '' less 60 '−' '' minus 61 '>' '' greater 62 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'M' '' M 77 '' '' 'O' '' O 79 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'W' '' W 87 '' '' '' '' '' '' '[[' '' bracketleft bracketleft 91 '' '' ']]' '' bracketright bracketright 93 '^' '' asciicircum 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '`' '' grave 96 '' '' 'b' '' b 98 'c' '' c 99 'd' '' d 100 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'l' '' l 108 'm' '' m 109 'n' '' n 110 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '~' '' asciitilde 126 '' '' .notdef 127 '˘' '' breve 128 'ˇ' '' caron 129 '´´' '' acute acute 130 '``' '' grave grave 131 '†' '' dagger 132 '‡' '' daggerdbl 133 '||' '' bar bar 134 '‰' '' perthousand 135 '•' '' bullet 136 '°C' '' degree C 137 'Š' '' Scaron 138 '‹' '' guilsinglleft 139 'ƒ' '' florin 140 'Ω' '' Omega 141 '√' '' radical 142 '≈' '' approxequal 143 '' '' .notdef 144 '' '' .notdef 145 '' '' .notdef 146 '“' '' quotedblleft 147 '”' '' quotedblright 148 '•' '' bullet 149 '–' '' endash 150 '™' '' trademark 151 '˜' '' tilde 152 '™' '' trademark 153 'š' '' scaron 154 '›' '' guilsinglright 155 'œ' '' oe 156 '∆' '' Delta 157 '◊' '' lozenge 158 'Ÿ' '' Ydieresis 159 '' '' .notdef 160 '¡' '' exclamdown 161 '¢' '' cent 162 '£' '' sterling 163 '¤' '' currency 164 '¥' '' yen 165 '¦' '' brokenbar 166 '§' '' section 167 '¨' '' dieresis 168 '©' '' copyright 169 'ª' '' ordfeminine 170 '«' '' guillemotleft 171 '¬' '' logicalnot 172 '-' '' hyphen 173 '®' '' registered 174 '¯' '' macron 175 '°' '' degree 176 '±' '' plusminus 177 '²' '' twosuperior 178 '³' '' threesuperior 179 '´' '' acute 180 'µ' '' mu 181 '¶' '' paragraph 182 '·' '' periodcentered 183 '¸' '' cedilla 184 '¹' '' onesuperior 185 'º' '' ordmasculine 186 '»' '' guillemotright 187 '¼' '' onequarter 188 '½' '' onehalf 189 '¾' '' threequarters 190 'C' '' C 191 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '×' '' multiply 214 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '÷' '' divide 246 pagdo8c 0 246 htfcss: pagdo8c font-style: oblique; font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagdo8c}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagdo8c}{} \SubSection{pagd8t pagdo8t pagk8t pagko8t} \<<< .pagdo8t htfcss: pagd8t font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagd8t}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagd8t} \<<< pagdo8t 0 255 '`' '' grave 0 '´' '' acute 1 'ˆ' '' circumflex 2 '˜' '' tilde 3 '¨' '' dieresis 4 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 5 '˚' '' ring 6 'ˇ' '' caron 7 '˘' '' breve 8 '¯' '' macron 9 '˙' '' dotaccent 10 '¸' '' cedilla 11 '˛' '' ogonek 12 '‚' '' quotesinglbase 13 '‹' '' guilsinglleft 14 '›' '' guilsinglright 15 '“' '' quotedblleft 16 '”' '' quotedblright 17 '„' '' quotedblbase 18 '«' '' guillemotleft 19 '»' '' guillemotright 20 '–' '' endash 21 '—' '' emdash 22 '∞' '' infinity 23 '≤' '' lessequal 24 'ı' '' dotlessi 25 '∂' '' partialdiff 26 'ff' '' f f 27 'fi' '' fi 28 'fl' '' fl 29 'ffi' '' f fi 30 'ffl' '' f fl 31 ' ' '' space 32 '!' '' exclam 33 '"' '' quotedbl 34 '#' '' numbersign 35 '$' '' dollar 36 '%' '' percent 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' quoteright 39 '(' '' parenleft 40 ')' '' parenright 41 '*' '' asterisk 42 '+' '' plus 43 ',' '' comma 44 '-' '' hyphen 45 '.' '' period 46 '/' '' slash 47 '0' '' zero 48 '1' '' one 49 '2' '' two 50 '3' '' three 51 '4' '' four 52 '5' '' five 53 '6' '' six 54 '7' '' seven 55 '8' '' eight 56 '9' '' nine 57 ':' '' colon 58 ';' '' semicolon 59 '<' '' less 60 '=' '' equal 61 '>' '' greater 62 '?' '' question 63 '@' '' at 64 'A' '' A 65 'B' '' B 66 'C' '' C 67 'D' '' D 68 'E' '' E 69 'F' '' F 70 'G' '' G 71 'H' '' H 72 'I' '' I 73 'J' '' J 74 'K' '' K 75 'L' '' L 76 'M' '' M 77 'N' '' N 78 'O' '' O 79 'P' '' P 80 'Q' '' Q 81 'R' '' R 82 'S' '' S 83 'T' '' T 84 'U' '' U 85 'V' '' V 86 'W' '' W 87 'X' '' X 88 'Y' '' Y 89 'Z' '' Z 90 '[' '' bracketleft 91 '\' '' backslash 92 ']' '' bracketright 93 '^' '' asciicircum 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '‘' '' quoteleft 96 'a' '' a 97 'b' '' b 98 'c' '' c 99 'd' '' d 100 'e' '' e 101 'f' '' f 102 'g' '' g 103 'h' '' h 104 'i' '' i 105 'j' '' j 106 'k' '' k 107 'l' '' l 108 'm' '' m 109 'n' '' n 110 'o' '' o 111 'p' '' p 112 'q' '' q 113 'r' '' r 114 's' '' s 115 't' '' t 116 'u' '' u 117 'v' '' v 118 'w' '' w 119 'x' '' x 120 'y' '' y 121 'z' '' z 122 '{' '' braceleft 123 '|' '' bar 124 '}' '' braceright 125 '~' '' asciitilde 126 '-' '' hyphen 127 'Ă' '' breve A 128 'Ą' '' ogonek A 129 'Ć' '' acute C 130 'Č' '' caron C 131 'Ď' '' caron D 132 'Ě' '' caron E 133 'Ę' '' ogonek E 134 'Ğ' '' breve G 135 'Ĺ' '' acute L 136 'Ľ' '' L quoteright 137 'Ł' '' Lslash 138 'Ń' '' acute N 139 'Ň' '' caron N 140 'Ω' '' Omega 141 'Ő' '' hungarumlaut O 142 'Ŕ' '' acute R 143 'Ř' '' caron R 144 'Ś' '' acute S 145 'Š' '' Scaron 146 'Ş' '' cedilla S 147 'Ť' '' caron T 148 'Ţ' '' cedilla T 149 'Ű' '' hungarumlaut U 150 'Ů' '' ring U 151 'Ÿ' '' Ydieresis 152 'Ź' '' acute Z 153 'Ž' '' Zcaron 154 'Ż' '' dotaccent Z 155 'IJ' '' I J 156 'İ' '' dotaccent I 157 'đ' '' macron d 158 '§' '' section 159 'ă' '' breve a 160 'ą' '' ogonek a 161 'ć' '' acute c 162 'č' '' caron c 163 'ď' '' d quoteright 164 'ě' '' caron e 165 'ę' '' ogonek e 166 'ğ' '' breve g 167 'ĺ' '' acute l 168 'ľ' '' l quoteright 169 'ł' '' lslash 170 'ń' '' acute n 171 'ň' '' caron n 172 '-' '' hyphen 173 'ő' '' hungarumlaut o 174 'ŕ' '' acute r 175 'ř' '' caron r 176 'ś' '' acute s 177 'š' '' scaron 178 'ş' '' cedilla s 179 'ť' '' t quoteright 180 'ţ' '' cedilla t 181 'ű' '' hungarumlaut u 182 'ů' '' ring u 183 'ÿ' '' ydieresis 184 'ź' '' acute z 185 'ž' '' zcaron 186 'ż' '' dotaccent z 187 'ij' '' i j 188 '¡' '' exclamdown 189 '¿' '' questiondown 190 '£' '' sterling 191 'À' '' Agrave 192 'Á' '' Aacute 193 'Â' '' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '' Atilde 195 'Ä' '' Adieresis 196 'Å' '' Aring 197 'Æ' '' AE 198 'Ç' '' Ccedilla 199 'È' '' Egrave 200 'É' '' Eacute 201 'Ê' '' Ecircumflex 202 'Ë' '' Edieresis 203 'Ì' '' Igrave 204 'Í' '' Iacute 205 'Î' '' Icircumflex 206 'Ï' '' Idieresis 207 'Ð' '' Eth 208 'Ñ' '' Ntilde 209 'Ò' '' Ograve 210 'Ó' '' Oacute 211 'Ô' '' Ocircumflex 212 'Õ' '' Otilde 213 'Ö' '' Odieresis 214 'Œ' '' OE 215 'Ø' '' Oslash 216 'Ù' '' Ugrave 217 'Ú' '' Uacute 218 'Û' '' Ucircumflex 219 'Ü' '' Udieresis 220 'Ý' '' Yacute 221 'Þ' '' Thorn 222 'SS' '' S S 223 'à' '' agrave 224 'á' '' aacute 225 'â' '' acircumflex 226 'ã' '' atilde 227 'ä' '' adieresis 228 'å' '' aring 229 'æ' '' ae 230 'ç' '' ccedilla 231 'è' '' egrave 232 'é' '' eacute 233 'ê' '' ecircumflex 234 'ë' '' edieresis 235 'ì' '' igrave 236 'í' '' iacute 237 'î' '' icircumflex 238 'ï' '' idieresis 239 'ð' '' eth 240 'ñ' '' ntilde 241 'ò' '' ograve 242 'ó' '' oacute 243 'ô' '' ocircumflex 244 'õ' '' otilde 245 'ö' '' odieresis 246 'œ' '' oe 247 'ø' '' oslash 248 'ù' '' ugrave 249 'ú' '' uacute 250 'û' '' ucircumflex 251 'ü' '' udieresis 252 'ý' '' yacute 253 'þ' '' thorn 254 'ß' '' germandbls 255 pagdo8t 0 255 htfcss: pagdo8t font-style: oblique; font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagdo8t}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagdo8t} \<<< .pagdo8t htfcss: pagk8t font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagk8t}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagk8t} \<<< .pagdo8t htfcss: pagko8t font-style: oblique; font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagko8t}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagko8t} \SubSection{pagkc8t pagdc8t} \<<< .pagdc8t htfcss: pagkc8t font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagkc8t}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagkc8t} \<<< pagdc8t 0 255 '`' '' grave 0 '´' '' acute 1 'ˆ' '' circumflex 2 '˜' '' tilde 3 '¨' '' dieresis 4 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 5 '˚' '' ring 6 'ˇ' '' caron 7 '˘' '' breve 8 '¯' '' macron 9 '˙' '' dotaccent 10 '¸' '' cedilla 11 '˛' '' ogonek 12 '‚' '' quotesinglbase 13 '‹' '' guilsinglleft 14 '›' '' guilsinglright 15 '“' '' quotedblleft 16 '”' '' quotedblright 17 '„' '' quotedblbase 18 '«' '' guillemotleft 19 '»' '' guillemotright 20 '–' '' endash 21 '—' '' emdash 22 '∞' '' infinity 23 '≤' '' lessequal 24 'I' '' I 25 'J' '' J 26 'FF' '' F F 27 'FI' '' F I 28 'FL' '' F L 29 'FFI' '' F F I 30 'FFL' '' F F L 31 ' ' '' space 32 '!' '' exclam 33 '"' '' quotedbl 34 '#' '' numbersign 35 '$' '' dollar 36 '%' '' percent 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' quoteright 39 '(' '' parenleft 40 ')' '' parenright 41 '*' '' asterisk 42 '+' '' plus 43 ',' '' comma 44 '-' '' hyphen 45 '.' '' period 46 '/' '' slash 47 '0' '' zero 48 '1' '' one 49 '2' '' two 50 '3' '' three 51 '4' '' four 52 '5' '' five 53 '6' '' six 54 '7' '' seven 55 '8' '' eight 56 '9' '' nine 57 ':' '' colon 58 ';' '' semicolon 59 '<' '' less 60 '=' '' equal 61 '>' '' greater 62 '?' '' question 63 '@' '' at 64 'A' '' A 65 'B' '' B 66 'C' '' C 67 'D' '' D 68 'E' '' E 69 'F' '' F 70 'G' '' G 71 'H' '' H 72 'I' '' I 73 'J' '' J 74 'K' '' K 75 'L' '' L 76 'M' '' M 77 'N' '' N 78 'O' '' O 79 'P' '' P 80 'Q' '' Q 81 'R' '' R 82 'S' '' S 83 'T' '' T 84 'U' '' U 85 'V' '' V 86 'W' '' W 87 'X' '' X 88 'Y' '' Y 89 'Z' '' Z 90 '[' '' bracketleft 91 '\' '' backslash 92 ']' '' bracketright 93 '^' '' asciicircum 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '‘' '' quoteleft 96 'A' '' A 97 'B' '' B 98 'C' '' C 99 'D' '' D 100 'E' '' E 101 'F' '' F 102 'G' '' G 103 'H' '' H 104 'I' '' I 105 'J' '' J 106 'K' '' K 107 'L' '' L 108 'M' '' M 109 'N' '' N 110 'O' '' O 111 'P' '' P 112 'Q' '' Q 113 'R' '' R 114 'S' '' S 115 'T' '' T 116 'U' '' U 117 'V' '' V 118 'W' '' W 119 'X' '' X 120 'Y' '' Y 121 'Z' '' Z 122 '{' '' braceleft 123 '|' '' bar 124 '}' '' braceright 125 '~' '' asciitilde 126 '-' '' hyphen 127 'Ă' '' breve A 128 'Ą' '' ogonek A 129 'Ć' '' acute C 130 'Č' '' caron C 131 'Ď' '' caron D 132 'Ě' '' caron E 133 'Ę' '' ogonek E 134 'Ğ' '' breve G 135 'Ĺ' '' acute L 136 'Ľ' '' L quoteright 137 'Ł' '' Lslash 138 'Ń' '' acute N 139 'Ň' '' caron N 140 'Ω' '' Omega 141 'Ő' '' hungarumlaut O 142 'Ŕ' '' acute R 143 'Ř' '' caron R 144 'Ś' '' acute S 145 'Š' '' Scaron 146 'Ş' '' cedilla S 147 'Ť' '' caron T 148 'Ţ' '' cedilla T 149 'Ű' '' hungarumlaut U 150 'Ů' '' ring U 151 'Ÿ' '' Ydieresis 152 'Ź' '' acute Z 153 'Ž' '' Zcaron 154 'Ż' '' dotaccent Z 155 'IJ' '' I J 156 'İ' '' dotaccent I 157 'Ð' '' Eth 158 '§' '' section 159 'Ă' '' breve A 160 'Ą' '' ogonek A 161 'Ć' '' acute C 162 'Č' '' caron C 163 'Ď' '' caron D 164 'Ě' '' caron E 165 'Ę' '' ogonek E 166 'Ğ' '' breve G 167 'Ĺ' '' acute L 168 'Ľ' '' L quoteright 169 'Ł' '' Lslash 170 'Ń' '' acute N 171 'Ň' '' caron N 172 '-' '' hyphen 173 'Ő' '' hungarumlaut O 174 'Ŕ' '' acute R 175 'Ř' '' caron R 176 'Ś' '' acute S 177 'Š' '' Scaron 178 'Ş' '' cedilla S 179 'Ť' '' caron T 180 'Ţ' '' cedilla T 181 'Ű' '' hungarumlaut U 182 'Ů' '' ring U 183 'Ÿ' '' Ydieresis 184 'Ź' '' acute Z 185 'Ž' '' Zcaron 186 'Ż' '' dotaccent Z 187 'IJ' '' I J 188 '¡' '' exclamdown 189 '¿' '' questiondown 190 '£' '' sterling 191 'À' '' Agrave 192 'Á' '' Aacute 193 'Â' '' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '' Atilde 195 'Ä' '' Adieresis 196 'Å' '' Aring 197 'Æ' '' AE 198 'Ç' '' Ccedilla 199 'È' '' Egrave 200 'É' '' Eacute 201 'Ê' '' Ecircumflex 202 'Ë' '' Edieresis 203 'Ì' '' Igrave 204 'Í' '' Iacute 205 'Î' '' Icircumflex 206 'Ï' '' Idieresis 207 'Ð' '' Eth 208 'Ñ' '' Ntilde 209 'Ò' '' Ograve 210 'Ó' '' Oacute 211 'Ô' '' Ocircumflex 212 'Õ' '' Otilde 213 'Ö' '' Odieresis 214 'Œ' '' OE 215 'Ø' '' Oslash 216 'Ù' '' Ugrave 217 'Ú' '' Uacute 218 'Û' '' Ucircumflex 219 'Ü' '' Udieresis 220 'Ý' '' Yacute 221 'Þ' '' Thorn 222 'SS' '' S S 223 'À' '' Agrave 224 'Á' '' Aacute 225 'Â' '' Acircumflex 226 'Ã' '' Atilde 227 'Ä' '' Adieresis 228 'Å' '' Aring 229 'Æ' '' AE 230 'Ç' '' Ccedilla 231 'È' '' Egrave 232 'É' '' Eacute 233 'Ê' '' Ecircumflex 234 'Ë' '' Edieresis 235 'Ì' '' Igrave 236 'Í' '' Iacute 237 'Î' '' Icircumflex 238 'Ï' '' Idieresis 239 'Ð' '' Eth 240 'Ñ' '' Ntilde 241 'Ò' '' Ograve 242 'Ó' '' Oacute 243 'Ô' '' Ocircumflex 244 'Õ' '' Otilde 245 'Ö' '' Odieresis 246 'Œ' '' OE 247 'Ø' '' Oslash 248 'Ù' '' Ugrave 249 'Ú' '' Uacute 250 'Û' '' Ucircumflex 251 'Ü' '' Udieresis 252 'Ý' '' Yacute 253 'Þ' '' Thorn 254 'SS' '' S S 255 pagdc8t 0 255 htfcss: pagdc8t font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagdc8t}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagdc8t} \SubSection{pagd8r pagdo8r pagk8r pagko8r} \<<< .pagdo8r htfcss: pagd8r font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagd8r}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagd8r}{} \<<< pagdo8r 1 255 '˙' '' dotaccent 1 'fi' '' fi 2 'fl' '' fl 3 '⁄' '' fraction 4 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 5 'Ł' '' Lslash 6 'ł' '' lslash 7 '˛' '' ogonek 8 '˚' '' ring 9 '' '' '˘' '' breve 11 '−' '' minus 12 '' '' 'Ž' '' Zcaron 14 'ž' '' zcaron 15 'ˇ' '' caron 16 'ı' '' dotlessi 17 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '`' '' grave 30 ''' '' quotesingle 31 ' ' '' space 32 '!' '' exclam 33 '"' '' quotedbl 34 '#' '' numbersign 35 '$' '' dollar 36 '%' '' percent 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' quoteright 39 '(' '' parenleft 40 ')' '' parenright 41 '*' '' asterisk 42 '+' '' plus 43 ',' '' comma 44 '-' '' hyphen 45 '.' '' period 46 '/' '' slash 47 '0' '' zero 48 '1' '' one 49 '2' '' two 50 '3' '' three 51 '4' '' four 52 '5' '' five 53 '6' '' six 54 '7' '' seven 55 '8' '' eight 56 '9' '' nine 57 ':' '' colon 58 ';' '' semicolon 59 '<' '' less 60 '=' '' equal 61 '>' '' greater 62 '?' '' question 63 '@' '' at 64 'A' '' A 65 'B' '' B 66 'C' '' C 67 'D' '' D 68 'E' '' E 69 'F' '' F 70 'G' '' G 71 'H' '' H 72 'I' '' I 73 'J' '' J 74 'K' '' K 75 'L' '' L 76 'M' '' M 77 'N' '' N 78 'O' '' O 79 'P' '' P 80 'Q' '' Q 81 'R' '' R 82 'S' '' S 83 'T' '' T 84 'U' '' U 85 'V' '' V 86 'W' '' W 87 'X' '' X 88 'Y' '' Y 89 'Z' '' Z 90 '[' '' bracketleft 91 '\' '' backslash 92 ']' '' bracketright 93 '^' '' asciicircum 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '‘' '' quoteleft 96 'a' '' a 97 'b' '' b 98 'c' '' c 99 'd' '' d 100 'e' '' e 101 'f' '' f 102 'g' '' g 103 'h' '' h 104 'i' '' i 105 'j' '' j 106 'k' '' k 107 'l' '' l 108 'm' '' m 109 'n' '' n 110 'o' '' o 111 'p' '' p 112 'q' '' q 113 'r' '' r 114 's' '' s 115 't' '' t 116 'u' '' u 117 'v' '' v 118 'w' '' w 119 'x' '' x 120 'y' '' y 121 'z' '' z 122 '{' '' braceleft 123 '|' '' bar 124 '}' '' braceright 125 '~' '' asciitilde 126 '' '' '' '' '' '' '‚' '' quotesinglbase 130 'ƒ' '' florin 131 '„' '' quotedblbase 132 '…' '' ellipsis 133 '†' '' dagger 134 '‡' '' daggerdbl 135 'ˆ' '' circumflex 136 '‰' '' perthousand 137 'Š' '' Scaron 138 '‹' '' guilsinglleft 139 'Œ' '' OE 140 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '“' '' quotedblleft 147 '”' '' quotedblright 148 '•' '' bullet 149 '–' '' endash 150 '—' '' emdash 151 '˜' '' tilde 152 '™' '' trademark 153 'š' '' scaron 154 '›' '' guilsinglright 155 'œ' '' oe 156 '' '' '' '' 'Ÿ' '' Ydieresis 159 '' '' '¡' '' exclamdown 161 '¢' '' cent 162 '£' '' sterling 163 '¤' '' currency 164 '¥' '' yen 165 '¦' '' brokenbar 166 '§' '' section 167 '¨' '' dieresis 168 '©' '' copyright 169 'ª' '' ordfeminine 170 '«' '' guillemotleft 171 '¬' '' logicalnot 172 '-' '' hyphen 173 '®' '' registered 174 '¯' '' macron 175 '°' '' degree 176 '±' '' plusminus 177 '²' '' twosuperior 178 '³' '' threesuperior 179 '´' '' acute 180 'µ' '' mu 181 '¶' '' paragraph 182 '·' '' periodcentered 183 '¸' '' cedilla 184 '¹' '' onesuperior 185 'º' '' ordmasculine 186 '»' '' guillemotright 187 '¼' '' onequarter 188 '½' '' onehalf 189 '¾' '' threequarters 190 '¿' '' questiondown 191 'À' '' Agrave 192 'Á' '' Aacute 193 'Â' '' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '' Atilde 195 'Ä' '' Adieresis 196 'Å' '' Aring 197 'Æ' '' AE 198 'Ç' '' Ccedilla 199 'È' '' Egrave 200 'É' '' Eacute 201 'Ê' '' Ecircumflex 202 'Ë' '' Edieresis 203 'Ì' '' Igrave 204 'Í' '' Iacute 205 'Î' '' Icircumflex 206 'Ï' '' Idieresis 207 'Ð' '' Eth 208 'Ñ' '' Ntilde 209 'Ò' '' Ograve 210 'Ó' '' Oacute 211 'Ô' '' Ocircumflex 212 'Õ' '' Otilde 213 'Ö' '' Odieresis 214 '×' '' multiply 215 'Ø' '' Oslash 216 'Ù' '' Ugrave 217 'Ú' '' Uacute 218 'Û' '' Ucircumflex 219 'Ü' '' Udieresis 220 'Ý' '' Yacute 221 'Þ' '' Thorn 222 'ß' '' germandbls 223 'à' '' agrave 224 'á' '' aacute 225 'â' '' acircumflex 226 'ã' '' atilde 227 'ä' '' adieresis 228 'å' '' aring 229 'æ' '' ae 230 'ç' '' ccedilla 231 'è' '' egrave 232 'é' '' eacute 233 'ê' '' ecircumflex 234 'ë' '' edieresis 235 'ì' '' igrave 236 'í' '' iacute 237 'î' '' icircumflex 238 'ï' '' idieresis 239 'ð' '' eth 240 'ñ' '' ntilde 241 'ò' '' ograve 242 'ó' '' oacute 243 'ô' '' ocircumflex 244 'õ' '' otilde 245 'ö' '' odieresis 246 '÷' '' divide 247 'ø' '' oslash 248 'ù' '' ugrave 249 'ú' '' uacute 250 'û' '' ucircumflex 251 'ü' '' udieresis 252 'ý' '' yacute 253 'þ' '' thorn 254 'ÿ' '' ydieresis 255 pagdo8r 1 255 htfcss: pagdo8r font-style: oblique; font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagdo8r}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagdo8r}{} \<<< .pagdo8r htfcss: pagk8r font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagk8r}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagk8r}{} \<<< .pagdo8r htfcss: pagko8r font-style: oblique; font-family: 'URW Gothic L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pagko8r}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagko8r}{} \SubSection{pagd pagdo pagk pagko} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: pagd font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: 500; >>> \AddFont{pagd}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagd}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: pagdo font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{pagdo}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagdo}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: pagk font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: 300; >>> \AddFont{pagk}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagk}{} \<<< .ptmrre htfcss: pagko font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: 300; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{pagko}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagko}{} \SubSection{pagdc pagkc} \<<< .ptmrc htfcss: pagdc font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: 500; >>> \AddFont{pagdc}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagdc}{} \<<< .ptmrc htfcss: pagkc font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: 300; >>> \AddFont{pagkc}{alias/adobe/avantgar/pagkc}{} \SubSection{rpagd rpagdo rpagk rpagko} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rpagd font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: 500; >>> \AddFont{rpagd}{alias/adobe/avantgar/rpagd}{} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rpagdo font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{rpagdo}{alias/adobe/avantgar/rpagdo}{} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rpagk font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: 300; >>> \AddFont{rpagk}{alias/adobe/avantgar/rpagk}{} \<<< .rptmrrn htfcss: rpagko font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: 300; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{rpagko}{alias/adobe/avantgar/rpagko}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{bookman} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .pagdo7t htfcss: pbkd7t font-weight: bold; font-family: 'URW Bookman L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pbkd7t}{alias/adobe/bookman/pbkd7t}{} \<<< pbkdi7t 0 170 '' '' .notdef 0 '˙' '' dotaccent 1 'fi' '' fi 2 'fl' '' fl 3 '⁄' '' fraction 4 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 5 'Ł' '' Lslash 6 'ł' '' lslash 7 '˛' '' ogonek 8 '˚' '' ring 9 '' '' .notdef 10 'ff' '' f f 11 'fi' '' fi 12 'fl' '' fl 13 'ffi' '' f fi 14 'ffl' '' f fl 15 'ı' '' dotlessi 16 'ı' '' dotlessi 17 '`' '' grave 18 '´' '' acute 19 'ˇ' '' caron 20 '˘' '' breve 21 '¯' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'ß' '' germandbls 25 'æ' '' ae 26 'œ' '' oe 27 'ø' '' oslash 28 'Æ' '' AE 29 'Œ' '' OE 30 'Ø' '' Oslash 31 ' ' '' space 32 '!' '' exclam 33 '”' '' quotedblright 34 '#' '' numbersign 35 '£' '' sterling 36 '%' '' percent 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' quoteright 39 '(' '' parenleft 40 ')' '' parenright 41 '*' '' asterisk 42 '+' '' plus 43 ',' '' comma 44 '-' '' hyphen 45 '.' '' period 46 '/' '' slash 47 '0' '' zero 48 '1' '' one 49 '2' '' two 50 '3' '' three 51 '4' '' four 52 '5' '' five 53 '6' '' six 54 '7' '' seven 55 '8' '' eight 56 '9' '' nine 57 ':' '' colon 58 ';' '' semicolon 59 '¡' '' exclamdown 60 '=' '' equal 61 '¿' '' questiondown 62 '?' '' question 63 '@' '' at 64 'A' '' A 65 'B' '' B 66 'C' '' C 67 'D' '' D 68 'E' '' E 69 'F' '' F 70 'G' '' G 71 'H' '' H 72 'I' '' I 73 'J' '' J 74 'K' '' K 75 'L' '' L 76 'M' '' M 77 'N' '' N 78 'O' '' O 79 'P' '' P 80 'Q' '' Q 81 'R' '' R 82 'S' '' S 83 'T' '' T 84 'U' '' U 85 'V' '' V 86 'W' '' W 87 'X' '' X 88 'Y' '' Y 89 'Z' '' Z 90 '[' '' bracketleft 91 '“' '' quotedblleft 92 ']' '' bracketright 93 'ˆ' '' circumflex 94 '˙' '' dotaccent 95 '‘' '' quoteleft 96 'a' '' a 97 'b' '' b 98 'c' '' c 99 'd' '' d 100 'e' '' e 101 'f' '' f 102 'g' '' g 103 'h' '' h 104 'i' '' i 105 'j' '' j 106 'k' '' k 107 'l' '' l 108 'm' '' m 109 'n' '' n 110 'o' '' o 111 'p' '' p 112 'q' '' q 113 'r' '' r 114 's' '' s 115 't' '' t 116 'u' '' u 117 'v' '' v 118 'w' '' w 119 'x' '' x 120 'y' '' y 121 'z' '' z 122 '–' '' endash 123 '—' '' emdash 124 '˝' '' hungarumlaut 125 '˜' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' dieresis 127 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'Ł' '' Lslash 138 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'ł' '' lslash 170 pbkdi7t 0 170 htfcss: pbkdi7t font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-family: 'URW Bookman L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pbkdi7t}{alias/adobe/bookman/pbkdi7t}{} \<<< .pagdo7t htfcss: pbkdo7t font-weight: bold; font-family: 'URW Bookman L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pbkdo7t}{alias/adobe/bookman/pbkdo7t}{} \<<< .pagdo7t htfcss: pbkl7t font-family: 'URW Bookman L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pbkl7t}{alias/adobe/bookman/pbkl7t}{} \<<< .pbkdi7t htfcss: pbkli7t font-style: italic; font-family: 'URW Bookman L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pbkli7t}{alias/adobe/bookman/pbkli7t}{} \<<< .pagdo7t htfcss: pbklo7t font-family: 'URW Bookman L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pbklo7t}{alias/adobe/bookman/pbklo7t}{} \SubSection{pbkdc7t pbklc7t} \<<< .pagdc7t htfcss: pbkdc7t font-weight: bold; font-family: 'URW Bookman L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pbkdc7t}{alias/adobe/bookman/pbkdc7t} \<<< .pagdc7t htfcss: pbklc7t font-family: 'URW Bookman L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pbklc7t}{alias/adobe/bookman/pbklc7t} \<<< .pagdo8c htfcss: pbkd8c font-weight: bold; font-family: 'URW Bookman L', serif; >>> \AddFont{pbkd8c}{alias/adobe/bookman/pbkd8c}{} \<<< .pagdo8c htfcss: pbkdi8c font-weight: bold; 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Eitan M. Gurari % '' '1' 35 ` '' '1' 36 ` '' '1' 37 ` '' '1' 38 ` '' '1' 39 ` '' '1' 40 ` '' '1' 41 ` '' '1' 42 ` '' '1' 43 ` '' '1' 44 ` '' '1' 45 ` '' '1' 46 ` '' '1' 47 ` '' '1' 48 ` '' '1' 49 ` '' '1' 50 ` '' '1' 51 ` '' '1' 52 '' '1' 53 '' '1' 54 '' '1' 55 '' '1' 56 '' '1' 57 '' '1' 58 '' '1' 59 '' '1' 60 '' '1' 61 '' '1' 62 '' '1' 63 '' '1' 64 '' '1' 65 '' '1' 66 '' '1' 67 '' '1' 68 '' '1' 69 '' '1' 70 '' '1' 71 '' '1' 72 '' '1' 73 '' '1' 74 '' '1' 75 '' '1' 76 '' '1' 77 '' '1' 78 '' '1' 79 '' '1' 80 '' '1' 81 '' '1' 82 '' '1' 83 '' '1' 84 '' '1' 85 '' '1' 86 '' '1' 87 '' '1' 88 '' '1' 89 '' '1' 90 '' '1' 91 '' '1' 92 '' '1' 93 '' '1' 94 '' '1' 95 '' '1' 96 '' '1' 97 '' '1' 98 '' '1' 99 '' '1' 100 '' '1' 101 '' '1' 102 '' '1' 103 '' '1' 104 '' '1' 105 '' '1' 106 '' '1' 107 '' '1' 108 '' '1' 109 '' '1' 110 '' '1' 111 '' '1' 112 '' '1' 113 '' '1' 114 '' '1' 115 '' '1' 116 '' '1' 117 '' '1' 118 '' '1' 119 '' '1' 120 '' '1' 121 '' '1' 122 '‘' '' 123 '’' '' 124 '“' '' 125 '”' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '' '' 153 '' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '1' 161 '' '1' 162 '' '1' 163 '' '1' 164 '' '1' 165 '' '1' 166 '' '1' 167 '' '1' 168 '' '1' 169 '' '1' 170 '' '1' 171 '1' '1' 172 '2' '1' 173 '3' '1' 174 '4' '1' 175 '5' '1' 176 '6' '1' 177 '7' '1' 178 '8' '1' 179 '9' '1' 180 '10' '1' 181 '1' '1' 182 '2' '1' 183 '3' '1' 184 '4' '1' 185 '5' '1' 186 '6' '1' 187 '7' '1' 188 '8' '1' 189 '9' '1' 190 '10' '1' 191 '1' '1' 192 '2' '1' 193 '3' '1' 194 '4' '1' 195 '5' '1' 196 '6' '1' 197 '7' '1' 198 '8' '1' 199 '9' '1' 200 '10' '1' 201 '1' '1' 202 '2' '1' 203 '3' '1' 204 '4' '1' 205 '5' '1' 206 '6' '1' 207 '7' '1' 208 '8' '1' 209 '9' '1' 210 '10' '1' 211 '' '1' 212 '' '1' 213 '' '1' 214 '' '1' 215 '' '1' 216 '' '1' 217 '' '1' 218 '' '1' 219 '' '1' 220 '' '1' 221 '' '1' 222 '' '1' 223 '' '1' 224 '' '1' 225 '' '1' 226 '' '1' 227 '' '1' 228 '' '1' 229 '' '1' 230 '' '1' 231 '' '1' 232 '' '1' 233 '' '1' 234 '' '1' 235 '' '1' 236 '' '1' 237 '' '1' 238 '' '1' 239 '' '' 240 '' '1' 241 '' '1' 242 '' '1' 243 '' '1' 244 '' '1' 245 '' '1' 246 '' '1' 247 '' '1' 248 '' '1' 249 '' '1' 250 '' '1' 251 '' '1' 252 '' '1' 253 '' '1' 254 pzdr 32 254 >>> % \AddFont{pzdr}{iso8859/1/adobe/zapfding/pzdr} \<<< pzdr 32 254 '' '' 32 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '✁' '' 33 % pzdr.htf (unicode) `version % '✂' '' 34 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '✃' '' 35 ` '✄' '' 36 ` '☎' '' 37 ` '✆' '' 38 ` '✇' '' 39 ` '✈' '' 40 ` '✉' '' 41 ` '☛' '' 42 ` '☞' '' 43 ` '✌' '' 44 ` '✍' '' 45 ` '✎' '' 46 ` '✏' '' 47 ` '✐' '' 48 ` '✑' '' 49 ` '✒' '' 50 ` '✓' '' 51 ` '✔' '' 52 '✕' '' 53 '✖' '' 54 '✗' '' 55 '✘' '' 56 '✙' '' 57 '✚' '' 58 '✛' '' 59 '✜' '' 60 '✝' '' 61 '✞' '' 62 '✟' '' 63 '✠' '' 64 '✡' '' 65 '✢' '' 66 '✣' '' 67 '✤' '' 68 '✥' '' 69 '✦' '' 70 '✧' '' 71 '★' '' 72 '✩' '' 73 '✪' '' 74 '✫' '' 75 '✬' '' 76 '✭' '' 77 '✮' '' 78 '✯' '' 79 '✰' '' 80 '✱' '' 81 '✲' '' 82 '✳' '' 83 '✴' '' 84 '✵' '' 85 '✶' '' 86 '✷' '' 87 '✸' '' 88 '✹' '' 89 '✺' '' 90 '✻' '' 91 '✼' '' 92 '✽' '' 93 '✾' '' 94 '✿' '' 95 '❀' '' 96 '❁' '' 97 '❂' '' 98 '❃' '' 99 '❄' '' 100 '❅' '' 101 '❆' '' 102 '❇' '' 103 '❈' '' 104 '❉' '' 105 '❊' '' 106 '❋' '' 107 '●' '' 108 '❍' '' 109 '■' '' 110 '❏' '' 111 '❐' '' 112 '❑' '' 113 '❒' '' 114 '▲' '' 115 '▼' '' 116 '◆' '' 117 '❖' '' 118 '◗' '' 119 '❘' '' 120 '❙' '' 121 '❚' '' 122 '❛' '' 123 '❜' '' 124 '❝' '' 125 '❞' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '' '' 153 '' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '❡' '' 161 '❢' '' 162 '❣' '' 163 '❤' '' 164 '❥' '' 165 '❦' '' 166 '❧' '' 167 '♣' '' 168 '♦' '' 169 '♥' '' 170 '♠' '' 171 '①' '' 172 '②' '' 173 '③' '' 174 '④' '' 175 '⑤' '' 176 '⑥' '' 177 '⑦' '' 178 '⑧' '' 179 '⑨' '' 180 '⑩' '' 181 '❶' '' 182 '❷' '' 183 '❸' '' 184 '❹' '' 185 '❺' '' 186 '❻' '' 187 '❼' '' 188 '❽' '' 189 '❾' '' 190 '❿' '' 191 '➀' '' 192 '➁' '' 193 '➂' '' 194 '➃' '' 195 '➄' '' 196 '➅' '' 197 '➆' '' 198 '➇' '' 199 '➈' '' 200 '➉' '' 201 '➊' '' 202 '➋' '' 203 '➌' '' 204 '➍' '' 205 '➎' '' 206 '➏' '' 207 '➐' '' 208 '➑' '' 209 '➒' '' 210 '➓' '' 211 '➔' '' 212 '→' '' 213 '↔' '' 214 '↕' '' 215 '➘' '' 216 '➙' '' 217 '➚' '' 218 '➛' '' 219 '➜' '' 220 '➝' '' 221 '➞' '' 222 '➟' '' 223 '➠' '' 224 '➡' '' 225 '➢' '' 226 '➣' '' 227 '➤' '' 228 '➥' '' 229 '➦' '' 230 '➧' '' 231 '➨' '' 232 '➩' '' 233 '➪' '' 234 '➫' '' 235 '➬' '' 236 '➭' '' 237 '➮' '' 238 '➯' '' 239 '' '' 240 '➱' '' 241 '➲' '' 242 '➳' '' 243 '➴' '' 244 '➵' '' 245 '➶' '' 246 '➷' '' 247 '➸' '' 248 '➹' '' 249 '➺' '' 250 '➻' '' 251 '➼' '' 252 '➽' '' 253 '➾' '' 254 pzdr 32 254 >>> \AddFont{pzdr-uni}{unicode/adobe/zapfding/pzdr} \<<< bbding 0 123 '✁' '' 0 ` '✂' '' 1 % bbding.htf (unicode) `version % '✃' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2004. Eitan M. Gurari % '✁' '20' 3 ` '✂' '20' 4 ` '✃' '20' 5 ` '✄' '' 6 ` '✄' '20' 7 ` '☎' '' 8 ` '✆' '' 9 ` '✇' '' 10 ` '✈' '' 11 ` '✉' '' 12 ` '☛' '' 13 ` '☚' '' 14 ` '☝' '' 15 ` '☟' '' 16 ` '☞' '' 17 ` '☜' '' 18 ` '☝' '' 19 ` '☟' '' 20 '✌' '' 21 '✍' '' 22 '✏' '' 23 '✏' '20' 24 '✐' '' 25 '✐' '20' 26 '✎' '' 27 '✎' '20' 28 '✑' '' 29 '✑' '20' 30 '✒' '' 31 '✒' '20' 32 '✓' '' 33 '✔' '' 34 '✕' '' 35 '✖' '' 36 '✗' '' 37 '✙' '' 38 '✚' '' 39 '✜' '' 40 '✛' '' 41 '✝' '' 42 '✞' '' 43 '✟' '' 44 '✟' '' 45 '✠' '' 46 '✡' '' 47 '✡' '' 48 '✢' '' 49 '✣' '' 50 '✤' '' 51 '✥' '' 52 '✦' '' 53 '✧' '' 54 '✩' '' 55 '★' '' 56 '✩' '' 57 '✪' '' 58 '✫' '' 59 '✬' '' 60 '✭' '' 61 '✮' '' 62 '✯' '' 63 '✰' '' 64 '✱' '' 65 '✲' '' 66 '✻' '' 67 '✼' '' 68 '✳' '' 69 '✵' '' 70 '✶' '' 71 '✷' '' 72 '✸' '' 73 '✹' '' 74 '✺' '' 75 '✻' '' 76 '✼' '' 77 '✽' '' 78 '✾' '' 79 '✿' '' 80 '❀' '' 81 '❀' '' 82 '❁' '' 83 '❂' '' 84 '❃' '' 85 '✿' '' 86 '✿' '' 87 '❉' '' 88 '❊' '' 89 '❋' '' 90 '❀' '' 91 '❈' '' 92 '❇' '' 93 '❄' '' 94 '❆' '' 95 '❄' '' 96 '●' '' 97 '❍' '' 98 '●' '' 99 '❍' '' 100 '❍' '' 101 '□' '' 102 '■' '' 103 '❑' '' 104 '❒' '' 105 '❒' '20' 106 '❑' '' 107 '❒' '' 108 '❒' '20' 109 '▲' '' 110 '▼' '' 111 '◆' '' 112 '❖' '' 113 '◗' '' 114 '◖' '' 115 '❘' '' 116 '❙' '' 117 '❚' '' 118 '➠' '' 119 '➦' '' 120 '➥' '' 121 '➧' '' 122 '➲' '' 123 bbding 0 123 >>> \AddFont{bbding-uni}{unicode/public/bbding} \Section{CFR-initials} Support for Clea F. 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'1' question 63 '' '1' 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 130 '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 132 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 147 '' '1' .notdef 148 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '¡' '1' exclamdown 161 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '¿' '1' questiondown 191 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '˜' '1' tilde 196 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '¸' '1' cedilla 203 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'ˇ' '1' caron 207 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 214 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 220 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 228 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'º' '1' ordmasculine 235 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 239 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 246 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 252 ArtNouvc 32 252 htfcss: ArtNouvc font-family: 'Art Nouveau Caps', serif; >>> \AddFont{ArtNouvc}{unicode/cfrinitials/ArtNouvc}{} % writing ArtNouv.htf hash: 5117483f72c8d332c450aa97a661b2e1 \<<< ArtNouv 32 90 ' ' '1' space 32 % generated from ArtNouv.tfm, 2023-07-06-13:12 '' '1' % Copyright 2023 TeX Users Group '' '1' % '' '1' % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '' '1' % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '' '1' % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '' '1' % later version. 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'' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 ArtNouv 32 90 htfcss: ArtNouv font-family: 'Art Nouveau Initialen', serif; >>> \AddFont{ArtNouv}{unicode/cfrinitials/ArtNouv}{} % writing Carrickc.htf hash: d1c8623f3c50a810002375960e6be482 \<<< .AnnSton htfcss: Carrickc font-family: 'Carrick Caps', serif; >>> \AddFont{Carrickc}{alias/cfrinitials/Carrickc}{} % writing Eichenla.htf hash: d1c8623f3c50a810002375960e6be482 \<<< .AnnSton htfcss: Eichenla font-family: 'Eichenlaub Initialen', serif; >>> \AddFont{Eichenla}{alias/cfrinitials/Eichenla}{} % writing EileenBl.htf hash: d1c8623f3c50a810002375960e6be482 \<<< .AnnSton htfcss: EileenBl font-family: 'Eileen Caps Black', serif; >>> \AddFont{EileenBl}{alias/cfrinitials/EileenBl}{} % writing Eileen.htf hash: d1c8623f3c50a810002375960e6be482 \<<< .AnnSton htfcss: Eileen font-family: 'Eileen Caps', serif; >>> \AddFont{Eileen}{alias/cfrinitials/Eileen}{} % writing Elzevier.htf hash: d1c8623f3c50a810002375960e6be482 \<<< .AnnSton htfcss: Elzevier font-family: 'Elzevier Caps', serif; >>> \AddFont{Elzevier}{alias/cfrinitials/Elzevier}{} % writing GotIn.htf hash: 569ea3507e2686c400bfa1716fc510da \<<< GotIn 0 160 '' '1' .notdef 0 % generated from GotIn.tfm, 2023-07-06-13:12 '' '1' % Copyright 2023 TeX Users Group '' '1' % '' '1' % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '' '1' % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '' '1' % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '' '1' % later version. The latest version of this license is in '' '1' % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '' '1' % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '' '1' % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '' '1' % '' '1' % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '' '1' % '' '1' % The Current Maintainer of this work '' '1' % is the TeX4ht Project . '' '1' % '' '1' % If you modify this program, changing the '' '1' % version identification would be appreciated. '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' ' ' '1' space 32 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' ' ' '1' space 160 GotIn 0 160 htfcss: GotIn font-family: 'Gotische Initialen', serif; >>> \AddFont{GotIn}{unicode/cfrinitials/GotIn}{} % writing GoudyIn.htf hash: 5117483f72c8d332c450aa97a661b2e1 \<<< .ArtNouv htfcss: GoudyIn font-family: 'Goudy Initialen', serif; >>> \AddFont{GoudyIn}{alias/cfrinitials/GoudyIn}{} % writing Kinigcap.htf hash: c401198489cfcafe8c7a13c494fd1905 \<<< Kinigcap 32 122 ' ' '1' space 32 % generated from Kinigcap.tfm, 2023-07-06-13:12 '' '1' % Copyright 2023 TeX Users Group '' '1' % '' '1' % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '' '1' % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '' '1' % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '' '1' % later version. The latest version of this license is in '' '1' % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '' '1' % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '' '1' % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '' '1' % '' '1' % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '' '1' % '' '1' % The Current Maintainer of this work '' '1' % is the TeX4ht Project . '' '1' % '0' '1' zero 48 % If you modify this program, changing the '1' '1' one 49 % version identification would be appreciated. '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 '' '1' 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 '' '1' '' '1' 'Z' '1' Z 90 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 '' '1' 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 '' '1' '' '1' 'z' '1' z 122 Kinigcap 32 122 htfcss: Kinigcap font-family: 'Kinigstein Caps', serif; >>> \AddFont{Kinigcap}{unicode/cfrinitials/Kinigcap}{} % writing Konanur.htf hash: b710b7367a5a1d54b85577d1abd0cc99 \<<< Konanur 32 122 ' ' '1' space 32 % generated from Konanur.tfm, 2023-07-06-13:12 '' '1' % Copyright 2023 TeX Users Group '' '1' % '' '1' % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '' '1' % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '' '1' % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '' '1' % later version. The latest version of this license is in '' '1' % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '' '1' % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '' '1' % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '' '1' % '' '1' % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '' '1' % '' '1' % The Current Maintainer of this work '' '1' % is the TeX4ht Project . '' '1' % '0' '1' zero 48 % If you modify this program, changing the '1' '1' one 49 % version identification would be appreciated. '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 Konanur 32 122 htfcss: Konanur font-family: 'Konanur Kaps', serif; >>> \AddFont{Konanur}{unicode/cfrinitials/Konanur}{} % writing Kramer.htf hash: 09b7e8408e5582428c8ffc9844fd4121 \<<< Kramer 32 252 ' ' '1' space 32 % generated from Kramer.tfm, 2023-07-06-13:12 '!' '1' exclam 33 % Copyright 2023 TeX Users Group '"' '1' quotedbl 34 % '' '1' % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '' '1' % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '' '1' % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '' '1' % later version. The latest version of this license is in '’' '1' quoteright 39 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '' '1' % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '' '1' % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '' '1' % '' '1' % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". ',' '1' comma 44 % '' '1' % The Current Maintainer of this work '.' '1' period 46 % is the TeX4ht Project . '' '1' % '' '1' % If you modify this program, changing the '' '1' % version identification would be appreciated. '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' ':' '1' colon 58 ';' '1' semicolon 59 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '?' '1' question 63 '' '1' 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 130 '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 132 '' '1' .notdef 133 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 145 '' '1' .notdef 146 '' '1' .notdef 147 '' '1' .notdef 148 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '¤' '1' currency 168 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 223 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 228 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 246 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 252 Kramer 32 252 htfcss: Kramer font-family: 'Kramer', serif; >>> \AddFont{Kramer}{unicode/cfrinitials/Kramer}{} % writing MorrisIn.htf hash: 99ebe380d1182fec61c746caa901bf50 \<<< MorrisIn 32 122 ' ' '1' space 32 % generated from MorrisIn.tfm, 2023-07-06-13:12 '' '1' % Copyright 2023 TeX Users Group '' '1' % '' '1' % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '' '1' % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '' '1' % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '' '1' % later version. The latest version of this license is in '' '1' % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '' '1' % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '' '1' % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '' '1' % '' '1' % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". ',' '1' comma 44 % '' '1' % The Current Maintainer of this work '.' '1' period 46 % is the TeX4ht Project . '' '1' % '0' '1' zero 48 % If you modify this program, changing the '1' '1' one 49 % version identification would be appreciated. '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '5' '1' five 53 '6' '1' six 54 '7' '1' seven 55 '8' '1' eight 56 '9' '1' nine 57 ':' '1' colon 58 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 MorrisIn 32 122 htfcss: MorrisIn font-family: 'Morris Initialen', serif; >>> \AddFont{MorrisIn}{unicode/cfrinitials/MorrisIn}{} % writing Nouveaud.htf hash: d1c8623f3c50a810002375960e6be482 \<<< .AnnSton htfcss: Nouveaud font-family: 'Nouveau Drop Caps', serif; >>> \AddFont{Nouveaud}{alias/cfrinitials/Nouveaud}{} % writing Romantik.htf hash: d1c8623f3c50a810002375960e6be482 \<<< .AnnSton htfcss: Romantik font-family: 'Romantik', serif; >>> \AddFont{Romantik}{alias/cfrinitials/Romantik}{} % writing Rothdn.htf hash: 538d3c3f6501cf4cc2e8a67e3033ebfc \<<< Rothdn 32 251 ' ' '1' space 32 % generated from Rothdn.tfm, 2023-07-06-13:12 '!' '1' exclam 33 % Copyright 2023 TeX Users Group '"' '1' quotedbl 34 % '#' '1' numbersign 35 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '$' '1' dollar 36 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '%' '1' percent 37 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '&' '1' ampersand 38 % later version. The latest version of this license is in '’' '1' quoteright 39 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '(' '1' parenleft 40 % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions ')' '1' parenright 41 % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '*' '1' asterisk 42 % '+' '1' plus 43 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". ',' '1' comma 44 % '-' '1' hyphen 45 % The Current Maintainer of this work '.' '1' period 46 % is the TeX4ht Project . '/' '1' slash 47 % '0' '1' zero 48 % If you modify this program, changing the '1' '1' one 49 % version identification would be appreciated. '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '5' '1' five 53 '6' '1' six 54 '7' '1' seven 55 '8' '1' eight 56 '9' '1' nine 57 ':' '1' colon 58 ';' '1' semicolon 59 '<' '1' less 60 '=' '1' equal 61 '>' '1' greater 62 '?' '1' question 63 '@' '1' at 64 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '[' '1' bracketleft 91 '\' '1' backslash 92 ']' '1' bracketright 93 '^' '1' asciicircum 94 '_' '1' underscore 95 '‘' '1' quoteleft 96 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 '{' '1' braceleft 123 '|' '1' bar 124 '}' '1' braceright 125 '~' '1' asciitilde 126 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '¡' '1' exclamdown 161 '¢' '1' cent 162 '£' '1' sterling 163 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '§' '1' section 167 '¤' '1' currency 168 ''' '1' quotesingle 169 '“' '1' quotedblleft 170 '«' '1' guillemotleft 171 '‹' '1' guilsinglleft 172 '›' '1' guilsinglright 173 'fi' '1' fi 174 'fl' '1' fl 175 '' '1' '–' '1' endash 177 '†' '1' dagger 178 '‡' '1' daggerdbl 179 '·' '1' periodcentered 180 '' '1' '¶' '1' paragraph 182 '•' '1' bullet 183 '‚' '1' quotesinglbase 184 '„' '1' quotedblbase 185 '”' '1' quotedblright 186 '»' '1' guillemotright 187 '…' '1' ellipsis 188 '‰' '1' perthousand 189 '' '1' '¿' '1' questiondown 191 '' '1' '`' '1' grave 193 '´' '1' acute 194 'ˆ' '1' circumflex 195 '˜' '1' tilde 196 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '¨' '1' dieresis 200 '' '1' '' '1' '¸' '1' cedilla 203 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '—' '1' emdash 208 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'ª' '1' ordfeminine 227 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'º' '1' ordmasculine 235 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'æ' '1' ae 241 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'ß' '1' germandbls 251 Rothdn 32 251 htfcss: Rothdn font-family: 'Rothenburg Decorative', serif; >>> \AddFont{Rothdn}{unicode/cfrinitials/Rothdn}{} % writing RoyalIn.htf hash: 5117483f72c8d332c450aa97a661b2e1 \<<< .ArtNouv htfcss: RoyalIn font-family: 'Royal Initialen', serif; >>> \AddFont{RoyalIn}{alias/cfrinitials/RoyalIn}{} % writing Sanremo.htf hash: 81b6b42c994d90b480c4a487cf37e243 \<<< Sanremo 28 255 '' '1' .notdef 28 % generated from Sanremo.tfm, 2023-07-06-13:12 '' '1' .notdef 29 % Copyright 2023 TeX Users Group '' '1' .notdef 30 % '' '1' .notdef 31 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the ' ' '1' space 32 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '!' 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'1' period 46 '/' '1' slash 47 '0' '1' zero 48 '1' '1' one 49 '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '5' '1' five 53 '6' '1' six 54 '7' '1' seven 55 '8' '1' eight 56 '9' '1' nine 57 ':' '1' colon 58 ';' '1' semicolon 59 '<' '1' less 60 '=' '1' equal 61 '>' '1' greater 62 '?' '1' question 63 '@' '1' at 64 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '[' '1' bracketleft 91 '\' '1' backslash 92 ']' '1' bracketright 93 '^' '1' asciicircum 94 '_' '1' underscore 95 '‘' '1' quoteleft 96 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 '{' '1' braceleft 123 '|' '1' bar 124 '}' '1' braceright 125 '~' '1' asciitilde 126 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 130 '' '1' .notdef 131 '' '1' .notdef 132 '' '1' .notdef 133 '' '1' .notdef 134 '' '1' .notdef 135 '' '1' .notdef 136 '' '1' .notdef 137 '' '1' .notdef 138 '' '1' .notdef 139 '' '1' .notdef 140 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 145 '' '1' .notdef 146 '' '1' .notdef 147 '' '1' .notdef 148 '' '1' .notdef 149 '' '1' .notdef 150 '' '1' .notdef 151 '' '1' .notdef 152 '' '1' .notdef 153 '' '1' .notdef 154 '' '1' .notdef 155 '' '1' .notdef 156 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 159 '' '1' '¡' '1' exclamdown 161 '¢' '1' cent 162 '£' '1' sterling 163 '⁄' '1' fraction 164 '¥' '1' yen 165 'ƒ' '1' florin 166 '§' '1' section 167 '¤' '1' currency 168 ''' '1' quotesingle 169 '' '1' '«' '1' guillemotleft 171 '‹' '1' guilsinglleft 172 '' '1' 'fi' '1' fi 174 '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 176 '–' '1' endash 177 '' '1' '' '1' '·' '1' periodcentered 180 '' '1' '¶' '1' paragraph 182 '•' '1' bullet 183 '‚' '1' quotesinglbase 184 '' '1' '' '1' '»' '1' guillemotright 187 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '¿' '1' questiondown 191 '' '1' .notdef 192 '`' '1' grave 193 '´' '1' acute 194 'ˆ' '1' circumflex 195 '˜' '1' tilde 196 '¯' '1' macron 197 '˘' '1' breve 198 '˙' '1' dotaccent 199 '¨' '1' dieresis 200 '' '1' .notdef 201 '˚' '1' ring 202 '¸' '1' cedilla 203 '' '1' .notdef 204 '˝' '1' hungarumlaut 205 '˛' '1' ogonek 206 'ˇ' '1' caron 207 '—' '1' emdash 208 '' '1' .notdef 209 '' '1' .notdef 210 '' '1' .notdef 211 '' '1' .notdef 212 '' '1' .notdef 213 '' '1' .notdef 214 '' '1' .notdef 215 '' '1' .notdef 216 '' '1' .notdef 217 '' '1' .notdef 218 '' '1' .notdef 219 '' '1' .notdef 220 '' '1' .notdef 221 '' '1' .notdef 222 '' '1' .notdef 223 '' '1' .notdef 224 'Æ' '1' AE 225 '' '1' .notdef 226 'ª' '1' ordfeminine 227 '' '1' .notdef 228 '' '1' .notdef 229 '' '1' .notdef 230 '' '1' .notdef 231 'Ł' '1' Lslash 232 'Ø' '1' Oslash 233 'Œ' '1' OE 234 'º' '1' ordmasculine 235 '' '1' .notdef 236 '' '1' .notdef 237 '' '1' .notdef 238 '' '1' .notdef 239 '' '1' .notdef 240 'æ' '1' ae 241 '' '1' .notdef 242 '' '1' .notdef 243 '' '1' .notdef 244 'ı' '1' dotlessi 245 '' '1' .notdef 246 '' '1' .notdef 247 'ł' '1' lslash 248 'ø' '1' oslash 249 'œ' '1' oe 250 'ß' '1' germandbls 251 '' '1' .notdef 252 '' '1' .notdef 253 '' '1' .notdef 254 '' '1' .notdef 255 Sanremo 28 255 htfcss: Sanremo font-family: 'San Remo', serif; >>> \AddFont{Sanremo}{unicode/cfrinitials/Sanremo}{} % writing Starburst.htf hash: 8a416c661cb4c5c815b72668ebe98147 \<<< Starburst 32 255 ' ' '1' space 32 % generated from Starburst.tfm, 2023-07-06-13:12 '!' '1' exclam 33 % Copyright 2023 TeX Users Group '"' '1' quotedbl 34 % '#' '1' numbersign 35 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '$' '1' dollar 36 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '' '1' % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '&' '1' ampersand 38 % later version. The latest version of this license is in '’' '1' quoteright 39 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '' '1' % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '' '1' % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '' '1' % '' '1' % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". ',' '1' comma 44 % '-' '1' hyphen 45 % The Current Maintainer of this work '.' '1' period 46 % is the TeX4ht Project . '' '1' % '0' '1' zero 48 % If you modify this program, changing the '1' '1' one 49 % version identification would be appreciated. '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '5' '1' five 53 '6' '1' six 54 '7' '1' seven 55 '8' '1' eight 56 '9' '1' nine 57 ':' '1' colon 58 ';' '1' semicolon 59 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '?' '1' question 63 '' '1' 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '' '1' '\' '1' backslash 92 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 130 '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 132 '' '1' .notdef 133 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 145 '' '1' .notdef 146 '' '1' .notdef 147 '' '1' .notdef 148 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 159 '' '1' '¡' '1' exclamdown 161 '¢' '1' cent 162 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '¤' '1' currency 168 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '¿' '1' questiondown 191 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '˜' '1' tilde 196 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '˚' '1' ring 202 '¸' '1' cedilla 203 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'ˇ' '1' caron 207 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 214 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 220 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 223 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 228 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'º' '1' ordmasculine 235 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 239 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 246 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 252 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' .notdef 255 Starburst 32 255 htfcss: Starburst font-family: 'Starburst', serif; >>> \AddFont{Starburst}{unicode/cfrinitials/Starburst}{} % writing Typocaps.htf hash: d1c8623f3c50a810002375960e6be482 \<<< .AnnSton htfcss: Typocaps font-family: 'Typographer Caps', serif; >>> \AddFont{Typocaps}{alias/cfrinitials/Typocaps}{} % writing Zallman.htf hash: d1c8623f3c50a810002375960e6be482 \<<< .AnnSton htfcss: Zallman font-family: 'Zallman Caps', serif; >>> \AddFont{Zallman}{alias/cfrinitials/Zallman}{} \Section{Mathtime} \<<< blmi-bs 0 127 'G' '1'Gamma 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'D' '1'Delta 1 % blmi-bs.htf 2001-03-14 % 'Q' '1'Theta 2 % Copyright 2001 Phil Viton % '/\\' '1'Lambda 3 % % 'E' '1'Xi 4 % This file can redistributed and/or % 'TT' '1'Pi 5 % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % 'S' '1'Sigma 6 % Project Public License Distributed from % 'U' '1'Upsilon 7 % CTAN archives in directory % 'P' '1'Phi 8 % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % 'Y' '1'Psi 9 % version 1 of the License, or (at your % '_O_' '1'Omega 10 % option) any later version. % 'a' '1'alpha 11 % However, you are allowed to modify % 'b' '1'beta 12 % this file without changing its name, if % 'g' '1'gamma 13 % you add a note of your own after this % 'd' '1'delta 14 % copyright note. % 'e' '1'epsilon 15 % % 'z' '1'zeta 16 % I would appreciate being told if you % 'j' '1'eta 17 % find bugs. % 'i' '1'theta 18 % % 'i' '1'iota 19 % viton.1@osu.edu % 'k' '1'kappa 20 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'c' '1'lambda 21 'm' '1'mu 22 'n' '1'nu 23 'q' '1'xi 24 'p' '1'pi 25 'r' '1'rho 26 's' '1'sigma 27 't' '1'tau 28 'v' '1'upsilon 29 'f' '1'phi 30 'x' '1'chi 31 'y' '1'psi 32 'w' '1'omega 33 'e' '1'varepsilon 34 'h' '1'vartheta 35 'p' '1'varpi 36 'r' '1'varrho 37 'z' '1'varsigma 38 'f' '1'varphi 39 *'_* *1*leftharpoonup 40 ',_' '1'leftharpoondown 41 *_'* *1*righttharpoonup 42 '-,' '1'rightharpoondown 43 '' '1' 44 '' '1' 45 '|\\' '1'triangleright 6 '/|' '1'triangleleft 47 'Gamma' '1'uprightGamma 48 'Delta' '1'uprightDelta 49 'Theta' '1'uprightTheta 50 'Lambda' '1'uprightLambda 51 'Xi' '1'uprightXi 52 'Pi' '1'uprightPi 53 'Sigma' '1'uprightSigma 54 'Upsilon' '1'uprightUpsilon 55 'Phi' '1'uprightPhi 56 'Psi' '1'uprightPsi 57 '.' '' 58 ',' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '/' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '*' '' 63 '@' '1'partial 64 'A' '' 65 'B' '' 66 'C' '' 67 'D' '' 68 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 'b' '1'flat 91 'H' '3'natural 92 '#' '1'sharp 93 '~' '1'smile 94 '^' '1'frown 95 'l' '1'el 96 'a' '' 97 'b' '' 98 'c' '' 99 'd' '' 100 'e' '' 101 'f' '' 102 'g' '' 103 'h' '' 104 'i' '' 105 'j' '' 106 'k' '' 107 'l' '' 108 'm' '' 109 'n' '' 110 'o' '' 111 'p' '' 112 'q' '' 113 'r' '' 114 's' '' 115 't' '' 116 'u' '' 117 'v' '' 118 'w' '' 119 'x' '' 120 'y' '' 121 'z' '' 122 'i' '' 123 'j' '' 124 'p' '1'wp 125 'k' '1'varkappa 126 '_O_' '1'Omega 127 blmi-bs 0 127 >>> \AddFont{blmi-bs}{iso8859/1/mathtime/blmi-bs} \<<< blmi-bs 0 127 'Γ' '' Gamma 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'Δ' '' Delta 1 % mtmi-bs.htf (unicode) 2001-05-31 % 'Θ' '' Theta 2 % Copyright 2001 Phil Viton % 'Λ' '' Lambda 3 % % 'Ξ' '' Xi 4 % This file can redistributed and/or % 'Π' '' Pi 5 % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % 'Σ' '' Sigma 6 % Project Public License Distributed from % 'Υ' '' Upsilon 7 % CTAN archives in directory % 'Φ' '' Phi 8 % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % 'Ψ' '' Psi 9 % version 1 of the License, or (at your % 'Ω' '' Omega 10 % option) any later version. % 'α' '' alpha 11 % However, you are allowed to modify % 'β' '' beta 12 % this file without changing its name, if % 'γ' '' gamma 13 % you add a note of your own after this % 'δ' '' delta 14 % copyright note. % '𝜖' '' `%epsilon`% 15 % % 'ζ' '' zeta 16 % I would appreciate being told if you % 'η' '' eta 17 % find errors % '𝜃' '' theta 18 % viton.1@osu.edu % 'ι' '' iota 19 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'κ' '' kappa 20 'λ' '' lambda 21 'μ' '' mu 22 'ν' '' nu 23 'ξ' '' xi 24 'π' '' pi 25 'ρ' '' rho 26 'σ' '' sigma 27 'τ' '' tau 28 'υ' '' upsilon 29 'ϕ' '' phi 30 'χ' '' chi 31 'ψ' '' psi 32 'ω' '' omega 33 '𝜀' '' `%varepsilon`% 34 '𝜗' '' `%vartheta`% 35 'ϖ' '' varpi 36 'ϱ' '' varrho 37 'ς' '' varsigma 38 'φ' '' varphi 39 '↼' '' leftharpoonup 40 '↽' '' leftharpoondown 41 '⇀' '' righttharpoonup 42 '⇁' '' rightharpoondown 43 '``' '' left quote 44 *'* ** right quote 45 '(' '' parenleft 46 ')' '' parenright 47 'Γ' '' UprightGamma 48 'Δ' '' UprightDelta 49 'Λ' '' UprightLambda 50 'Θ' '' UprightTheta 51 'Ξ' '' UprightXi 52 'Π' '' UprightPi 53 'Σ' '' UprightSigma 54 'Υ' '' UprightUpsilon 55 'Φ' '' UprightPhi 56 'Ψ' '' UprightPsi 57 '.' '' full stop 58 ',' '' comma 59 '<' '' less than 60 '/' '' slash 61 '>' '' greater than 62 '⋆' '' star 63 '∂' '' partial 64 'A' '' letter A 65 'B' '' letter B 66 'C' '' letter C 67 'D' '' letter D 68 'E' '' letter E 69 'F' '' letter F 70 'G' '' letter G 71 'H' '' letter H 72 'I' '' letter I 73 'J' '' letter J 74 'K' '' letter K 75 'L' '' letter L 76 'M' '' letter M 77 'N' '' letter N 78 'O' '' letter O 79 'P' '' letter P 80 'Q' '' letter Q 81 'R' '' letter R 82 'S' '' letter S 83 'T' '' letter T 84 'U' '' letter U 85 'V' '' letter V 86 'W' '' letter W 87 'X' '' letter X 88 'Y' '' letter Y 89 'Z' '' letter Z 90 '♭' '' flat 91 '♮' '' natural 92 '♯' '' sharp 93 '⌣' '' smile 94 '⌢' '' frown 95 'ℓ' '' script small l 96 'a' '' letter a 97 'b' '' letter b 98 'c' '' letter c 99 'd' '' letter d 100 'e' '' letter e 101 'f' '' letter f 102 'g' '' letter g 103 'h' '' letter h 104 'i' '' letter i 105 'j' '' letter j 106 'k' '' letter k 107 'l' '' letter l 108 'm' '' letter m 109 'n' '' letter n 110 'o' '' letter o 111 'p' '' letter p 112 'q' '' letter q 113 'r' '' letter r 114 's' '' letter s 115 't' '' letter t 116 'u' '' letter u 117 'v' '' letter v 118 'w' '' letter w 119 'x' '' letter x 120 'y' '' letter y 121 'z' '' letter z 122 'ı' '' dotless i 123 'ȷ' '' dotless j 124 '℘' '' weierstrass p 125 'ϰ' '' `%varkappa`% 126 'Ω' '' upright Omenga 127 blmi-bs 0 127 >>> \AddFont{blmi-uni}{unicode/mathtime/blmi-bs} \<<< blmi-bs 0 127 'G' '14' Gamma 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'D' '14' Delta 1 % blmi-bs.htf (symbol) 2001-03-14 % 'Q' '14' Theta 2 % Copyright 2001 Phil Viton % 'L' '14' Lambda 3 % % 'X' '14' Xi 4 % This file can redistributed and/or % 'P' '14' Pi 5 % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % 'S' '14' Sigma 6 % Project Public License Distributed from % '\161\' '14' Ups7 % CTAN archives in directory % 'F' '14' Phi 8 % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % 'Y' '14' Psi 9 % version 1 of the License, or (at your % 'W' '14' Omega 10 % option) any later version. % 'a' '14'alpha 11 % However, you are allowed to modify % 'b' '14'beta 12 % this file without changing its name, if % 'g' '14'gamma 13 % you add a note of your own after this % 'd' '14'delta 14 % copyright note. % 'e' '14'epsilon 15 % % 'z' '14'-zeta 16 % I would appreciate being told if you % 'h' '14'-eta 17 % find bugs % 'q' '14'theta 18 % viton.1@osu.edu % 'i' '14'iota 19 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'k' '14'kappa 20 'l' '14'lambda 21 'm' '14'-mu 22 'n' '14'nu 23 'q' '14'xi 24 'p' '14'pi 25 'r' '14'rho 26 's' '14'sigma 27 't' '14'tau 28 'u' '14'upsilon 29 'f' '14'phi 30 'c' '14'chi 31 'y' '14'psi 32 'w' '14'omega 33 'e' '14'varepsilon34 'J' '14'vartheta 35 'v' '14'varpi 36 'r' '3'varrho 37 'V' '14'-varsigma 38 'j' '14'-varphi 39 *'_* *1* leftharpoonup 40 ',_' '1' leftharpoondown 41 *_'* *1* righttharpoonup 42 '-,' '1' rightharpoondown43 '' '' 44 '' '' 45 '|\\' '1'triangleright 46 '/|' '1'triangleleft 47 'G' '' UprightGamma 48 'D' '' UprightDelta 49 'Q' '' UprightTheta 50 'L>' '' UprightLambda 51 'X' '' UprightXi 52 'P' '' UprightPi 53 'S' '' UprightSigma 54 '\161\' '' UprightUpsilon 55 'F' '' UprightPhi 56 'Y' '' UprightPsi 57 '.' 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'8'cdot 1 % blsy-bs.htf 2001-03-14 % '\215\' ''times 2 % Copyright 2001 Phil Viton % '*' '' 3 % % '\247\' '' div 4 % This file can redistributed and/or % '<>' '1'diamond 5 % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % '\177\' ''pm 6 % Project Public License Distributed from % '\177\' '1'mp 7 % CTAN archives in directory % ' o+ ' '1'oplus 8 % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % ' o- ' '1'ominus 9 % version 1 of the License, or (at your % ' ox ' '1'otimes 10 % option) any later version. % ' o/ ' '1'oslash 11 % However, you are allowed to modify % ' o. 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' '1' odot 12 % this file without changing its name, if % 'O' '1' bigcirc 13 % you add a note of your own after this % 'o' '1' circ 14 % copyright note. % '•' '' 15 % % ' )( ' '1' asymp 16 % I would appreciate being told if you % '\186\' ''equiv 17 % find bugs % '\205\' '1' subsete18 % % '\203\' '1' supsete19 % viton.1@osu.edu % '\163\' ''<= 20 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '\179\' ''- 21 '<=' '1' -preceq 22 '>=' '1' -succeq 23 '\126\' '1' si 24 '»' ''approx 25 '\201\' ''subset 26 '\204\' ''supset 27 '\171\' '' << 28 '\187\' '' >> 29 '<' '1'prec 30 '>' '1'succ 31 '\172\' ''leftarrow 32 '\174\' ''rightarrow 33 '\173\' ''uparrow 34 '\175\' ''downarrow 35 '«' ''leftrightarrow36 ' /^ ' '1'nearrow 37 ' \\, ' '1'searrow 38 ' -~ ' '1'simeq 39 '\220\' ''Leftarrow 40 '\222\' ''Rightarrow 41 '\221\' ''Uparrow 42 '\223\' ''Downarrow 43 '\219\' ''Leftrightarrow44 ' ^\\ ' '1'nwarrow 45 ' ,/ ' '1'swarrow 46 '\181\' ''propto 47 -'- -- 48 '\165\' ''infty 49 '\206\' ''in 50 '\39\' ''ni 51 ' /_\\ ' '1'triangle 52 ' \\~/ ' '1'triangleup 53 '/' '' 54 *'* ** 55 '\34\' ''forall 56 '\36\' ''exists 57 '\172\' '1' ne 58 '\216\' '1' emptyse 59 '\194\' ''Re 60 '\193\' ''Im 61 ' T ' '1'top 62 '\94\' ''bot 63 -\192\- --aleph 64 'A' '' 65 'B' '' 66 'C' '' 67 'D' '' 68 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 '\200\' ''cup 91 '\199\' ''cap 92 ' U+ ' '1'upplus 93 '\217\' ''land 94 '\218\' ''lor 95 ' |- ' '1'vdash 96 ' -| ' '1'dashv 97 '\235\' ''lfloor 98 '\251\' ''rfloor 99 '\233\' ''lceil 100 '\249\' ''rceil 101 '{' '' 102 '}' '' 103 '\225\' ''< 104 '\241\' ''> 105 '|' '' 106 '||' '' 107 ' ,|^ ' '1'updownarrow 108 ' ,||^ ' '1'Updownarrow 109 '\\' '' 110 '|' '' 111 '\114\' ''surd 112 ' |_| ' '1'coprod 113 '\209\' ''nabla 114 '\242\' ''int 115 ' |~| ' '1'sqcap 116 ' [_] ' '1'sqcup 117 ' [_ ' '3'sqsubseteq 118 ' ]_ ' '3'sqsupseteq 119 '\167\' ''\S 120 '†' ''dag 121 '‡' ''ddag 122 '\182\' ''\P 123 '\167\' ''clubsuit 124 '\168\' ''diamondsuit 125 '\169\' ''heartsuit 126 '\170\' ''spadsuit 127 blsy-bs 0 127 >>> \AddFont{blsy-sym}{symbol/mathtime/blsy-bs} \<<< .blsy-bs >>> \AddFont{blsy}{alias/mathtime/blsy} The above are factious fonts, providing bases for the following ones. On MS soft the file names may use lowercase letters, but their real names are provided in capital letters and so it is shown in the dvi files. \<<< blex-bs 0 160 '(' '' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ')' '' 1 % blex-bs.htf 2001-03-14 % '[' '' 2 % Copyright 2001 Phil Viton % ']' '' 3 % % ' |_ ' '3'lfloor 4 % This file can redistributed and/or % ' _| ' '3'rfloor 5 % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % ' |~ ' '3'lceil 6 % Project Public License Distributed from % ' ~| ' '3'rceil 7 % CTAN archives in directory % '{' '' 8 % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % '}' '' 9 % version 1 of the License, or (at your % '<' '' 10 % option) any later version. % '>' '' 11 % However, you are allowed to modify % '|' '' 12 % this file without changing its name, if % '||' '' 13 % you add a note of your own after this % '/' '' 14 % copyright note. % '\\' '' 15 % % '(' '' 16 % I would appreciate being told if you % ')' '' 17 % find bugs % '(' '' 18 % viton.1@osu.edu % ')' '' 19 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '[' '' 20 ']' '' 21 ' |_ ' '3'lfloor 22 ' _| ' '3'rfloor 23 ' |~ ' '3'lceil 24 ' ~| ' '3'rceil 25 '{' '' 26 '}' '' 27 '<' '' 28 '>' '' 29 '/' '' 30 '\\' '' 31 '(' '' 32 ')' '' 33 '[' '' 34 ']' '' 35 ' |_ ' '3'lfloor 36 ' _| ' '3'rfloor 37 ' |~ ' '3'lceil 38 ' ~| ' '3'rceil 39 '{' '' 40 '}' '' 41 '<' '' 42 '>' '' 43 '/' '' 44 '\\' '' 45 '/' '' 46 '\\' '' 47 '(' '' 48 ')' '' 49 ' |_ ' '3'lfloor 50 ' _| ' '3'rfloor 51 ' |_ ' '3'lfloor 52 ' _| ' '3'rfloor 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '{' '' 60 '}' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '<' '' 68 '>' '' 69 ' |_| ' '1'sqcup 70 '|_|' '1'sqcup 71 ' gf ' '3'oint 72 ' gf ' '3'oint 73 ' o. ' '1'odot 74 ' o. ' '1'odot 75 ' o+ ' '1'oplus 76 ' o+ ' '1'oplus 77 ' ox ' '1'otimes 78 ' ox ' '1'otimes 79 ' sum ' '1'sum 80 ' prod ' '1'prod 81 ' integral ' '3'int 82 ' U ' '1'cup 83 ' /~\\ ' '1'cap 84 ' U+ ' '1'upplus 85 ' /\\ ' '1'land 86 ' \\/ ' '1'lor 87 ' sum ' '1'sum 88 ' prod ' '1'prod 89 ' integral ' '3'int 90 ' U ' '1'cup 91 ' /~\\ ' '1'cap 92 ' U+ ' '1'upplus 93 ' /\\ ' '1'land 94 ' \\/ ' '1'lor 95 ' |_| ' '1'coprod 96 ' |_| ' '1'coprod 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '[' '' 104 ']' '' 105 ' |_ ' '3'lfloor 106 ' _| ' '3'rfloor 107 ' |~ ' '3'lceil 108 ' ~| ' '3'rceil 109 '{' '' 110 '}' '' 111 ' V~ ' '3'surd 112 ' V~ ' '3'surd 113 ' V~ ' '3'surd 114 ' V~ ' '3'surd 115 ' V~ ' '3'surd 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 ' |^ ' '1'uparrow 120 ' |, ' '1'downarrow121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 ' ||^ ' '1'Uparrow 126 ' ||, ' '1'Downarrow127 'Blex-A' '' 128 the rest of this is fillin, since blex seems to have 160 chrs 'Blex-B' '' 129 Ths3e characters should never be used directory, but to help 'Blex-C' '' 130 diagnose problems we will just print some text for each of them 'Blex-D' '' 131 'Blex-E' '' 132 'Blex-F' '' 133 'Blex-G' '' 134 'Blex-H' '' 135 'Blex-I' '' 136 'Blex-J' '' 137 'Blex-K' '' 138 'Blex-L' '' 139 'Blex-M' '' 140 'Blex-N' '' 141 'Blex-O' '' 142 'Blex-P' '' 143 'Blex-Q' '' 144 'Blex-R' '' 145 'Blex-S' '' 146 'Blex-T' '' 147 'Blex-U' '' 148 'Blex-V' '' 149 'Blex-W' '' 150 'Blex-X' '' 151 'Blex-Y' '' 152 'Blex-Z' '' 153 'Blex-AA' '' 154 'Blex-AB' '' 155 'Blex-AC' '' 156 'Blex-AD' '' 157 'Blex-AE' '' 158 'Blex-AF' '' 159 'Blex-AG' '' 160 blex-bs 0 160 >>> \AddFont{blex-bs}{iso8859/1/mathtime/blex-bs} \<<< blex-bs 0 160 '(' '' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ')' '' 1 % Blex-bs (unicode) 2001-03-14 % '[' '' 2 % Copyright 2001 % ']' '' 3 % % '⌊' '' lfloor 4 % This file can redistributed and/or % '⌋' '' rfloor 5 % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % '⌈' '' lceil 6 % Project Public License Distributed from % '⌉' '' rceil 7 % CTAN archives in directory % '{' '' 8 % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % '}' '' 9 % version 1 of the License, or (at your % '⟨' '' lab 10 % option) any later version. % '⟩' '' rab 11 % However, you are allowed to modify % '|' '' divides 12 % this file without changing its name, if % '∥' '' parallel 13 % you add a note of your own after this % '/' '' 14 % copyright note. % '\' '' backslash 15 % % '(' '' 16 % I would appreciate being told of % ')' '' 17 % any bugs % '(' '' 18 % viton.1@osu.edu % ')' '' 19 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '[' '' 20 ']' '' 21 '⌊' '' lfloor 22 '⌋' '' rfloor 23 '⌈' '' lceil 24 '⌉' '' rceil 25 '{' '' 26 '}' '' 27 '⟨' '' lab 28 '⟩' '' rab 29 '/' '' 30 '\' '' backslash 31 '(' '' 32 ')' '' 33 '[' '' 34 ']' '' 35 '⌊' '' lfloor 36 '⌋' '' rfloor 37 '⌈' '' lceil 38 '⌉' '' rceil 39 '{' '' 40 '}' '' 41 '⟨' '' lab 42 '⟩' '' rab 43 '/' '' 44 '\' '' backslash 45 '/' '' 46 '\' '' backslash 47 '(' '' 48 ')' '' 49 '⌊' '' lfloor 50 '⌋' '' rfloor 51 '⌈' '' lceil 52 '⌉' '' rceil 53 '|' '' 54 '|' '' 55 '(' '' 56 ')' '' 57 '(' '' 58 ')' '' 59 '{' '' 60 '}' '' 61 '|' '' 62 '|' '' 63 '(' '' 64 ')' '' 65 '|' '' 66 '|' '' 67 '⟨' '' lab 68 '⟩' '' rab 69 '⊓' '' sqcup 70 '⊓' '' sqcup 71 '∮' '' conint 72 '∮' '' conint 73 '⊙' '' odot 74 '⊙' '' odot 75 '⊕' '' oplus 76 '⊕' '' oplus 77 '⊗' '' otimes 78 '⊗' '' otimes 79 '∑' '' sum 80 '∏' '' product 81 '∫' '' integral 82 '⋃' '' cup 83 '⋂' '' cap 84 '⊎' '' uplus 85 '∧' '' land 86 '∨' '' lor 87 '∑' '' sum 88 '∏' '' product 89 '∫' '' integral 90 '⋃' '' cup 91 '⋂' '' cap 92 '⊎' '' uplus 93 '∧' '' land 94 '∨' '' lor 95 '∐' '' coprod 96 '∐' '' coprod 97 '^' '' check 98 '^' '' check 99 '^' '' check 100 '^' '' tilde 101 '^' '' tilde 102 '^' '' tilde 103 '[' '' 104 ']' '' 105 '⌊' '' lfloor 106 '⌋' '' rfloor 107 '⌈' '' lceil 108 '⌉' '' rceil 109 '{' '' 110 '}' '' 111 '∘' '' radic 112 '∘' '' radic 113 '∘' '' radic 114 '∘' '' radic 115 '∘' '' radic 116 '│' '' box vertical 117 '┌' '' box up left 118 '║' '' box double vert 119 '↑' '' uparrow 120 '↓' '' downarrow 121 '◜' '' up left arc 122 '◝' '' up right arc 123 '◟' '' low left arc 124 '◞' '' low right arc 125 '⇑' '' Uparrow 126 '⇓' '' Downarrow 127 'Blex-A' '' 128 the rest of this is fillin, since Blex seems to have 160 chrs 'Blex-B' '' 129 Ths3e characters should never be used directory, but to help 'Blex-C' '' 130 diagnose problems we will just print some text for each of them 'Blex-D' '' 131 'Blex-E' '' 132 'Blex-F' '' 133 'Blex-G' '' 134 'Blex-H' '' 135 'Blex-I' '' 136 'Blex-J' '' 137 'Blex-K' '' 138 'Blex-L' '' 139 'Blex-M' '' 140 'Blex-N' '' 141 'Blex-O' '' 142 'Blex-P' '' 143 'Blex-Q' '' 144 'Blex-R' '' 145 'Blex-S' '' 146 'Blex-T' '' 147 'Blex-U' '' 148 'Blex-V' '' 149 'Blex-W' '' 150 'Blex-X' '' 151 'Blex-Y' '' 152 'Blex-Z' '' 153 'Blex-AA' '' 154 'Blex-AB' '' 155 'Blex-AC' '' 156 'Blex-AD' '' 157 'Blex-AE' '' 158 'Blex-AF' '' 159 'Blex-AG' '' 160 blex-bs 0 160 >>> \AddFont{blex-uni}{unicode/mathtime/blex-bs} \<<< blex-bs 0 160 '(' '' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ')' '' 1 % blex-bs.htf (symbol) 2001-03-14 % '[' '' 2 % Copyright 2001 Phil Viton % ']' '' 3 % % '\235\' ''-lfloor 4 % This file can redistributed and/or % '\251\' ''-rfloor 5 % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % '\233\' ''-lceil 6 % Project Public License Distributed from % '\249\' ''-rceil 7 % CTAN archives in directory % '{' '' 8 % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % '}' '' 9 % version 1 of the License, or (at your % '\224\' ''< 10 % option) any later version. % '\241\' ''> 11 % However, you are allowed to modify % '|' '' 12 % this file without changing its name, if % '||' '' 13 % you add a note of your own after this % '/' '' 14 % copyright note. % '\\' '' 15 % % '(' '' 16 % I would appreciate being told about % ')' '' 17 % any bugs % '(' '' 18 % % ')' '' 19 % viton.1@osu.edu % '[' '' 20 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ']' '' 21 '\235\' ''-lfloor 22 '\251\' ''-rfloor 23 '\233\' ''-lceil 24 '\249\' ''-rceil 25 '{' '' 26 '}' '' 27 '\224\' ''< 28 '\241\' ''> 29 '/' '' 30 '\\' '' 31 '(' '' 32 ')' '' 33 '[' '' 34 ']' '' 35 '\235\' ''-lfloor 36 '\251\' ''-rfloor 37 '\233\' ''-lceil 38 '\249\' ''-rceil 39 '{' '' 40 '}' '' 41 '\224\' ''< 42 '\241\' ''> 43 '/' '' 44 '\\' '' 45 '/' '' 46 '\\' '' 47 '(' '' 48 ')' '' 49 '\235\' ''-lfloor 50 '\251\' ''-rfloor 51 '\233\' ''-lceil 52 '\249\' ''-rceil 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '{' '' 60 '}' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '\224\' ''< 68 '\241\' ''> 69 ' |_| ' '1'sqcup 70 '|_|' '1'sqcup 71 ' gf ' '3'oint 72 ' gf ' '3'oint 73 ' o. ' '1'odot 74 ' o. ' '1'odot 75 '\197\' ''oplus 76 '\197\' ''oplus 77 '\196\' ''otimes 78 '\196\' ''otimes 79 '\229\' ''sum 80 '\213\' ''prod 81 '\242\' ''-int 82 '\200\' ''cup 83 '\199\' ''cap 84 ' U+ ' '1'upplus 85 '\217\' ''land 86 '\218\' ''lor 87 '\229\' ''sum 88 '\213\' ''prod 89 '\242\' ''-int 90 '\200\' ''cup 91 '\199\' ''cap 92 ' U+ ' '1'upplus 93 '\217\' ''land 94 '\218\' ''lor 95 ' |_| ' '1'coprod 96 ' |_| ' '1'coprod 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '[' '' 104 ']' '' 105 '\235\' ''-lfloor 106 '\251\' ''-rfloor 107 '\233\' ''-lceil 108 '\249\' ''-rceil 109 '{' '' 110 '}' '' 111 '\114\' ''surd 112 '\114\' ''surd 113 '\114\' ''surd 114 '\114\' ''surd 115 '\114\' ''surd 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '\173\' ''uparrow 120 '\175\' ''downarrow 121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 '\221\' ''Uparrow 126 '\223\' ''Downarrow 127 'Blex-A' '' 128 the rest of this is fillin, since blex seems to have 160 chrs 'Blex-B' '' 129 Ths3e characters should never be used directory, but to help 'Blex-C' '' 130 diagnose problems we will just print some text for each of them 'Blex-D' '' 131 'Blex-E' '' 132 'Blex-F' '' 133 'Blex-G' '' 134 'Blex-H' '' 135 'Blex-I' '' 136 'Blex-J' '' 137 'Blex-K' '' 138 'Blex-L' '' 139 'Blex-M' '' 140 'Blex-N' '' 141 'Blex-O' '' 142 'Blex-P' '' 143 'Blex-Q' '' 144 'Blex-R' '' 145 'Blex-S' '' 146 'Blex-T' '' 147 'Blex-U' '' 148 'Blex-V' '' 149 'Blex-W' '' 150 'Blex-X' '' 151 'Blex-Y' '' 152 'Blex-Z' '' 153 'Blex-AA' '' 154 'Blex-AB' '' 155 'Blex-AC' '' 156 'Blex-AD' '' 157 'Blex-AE' '' 158 'Blex-AF' '' 159 'Blex-AG' '' 160 blex-bs 0 160 >>> \AddFont{blex-sym}{symbol/mathtime/blex-bs} \<<< .blex-bs >>> \AddFont{blex}{alias/mathtime/blex} \<<< mtsy-bs 0 127 '-' '' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '.' '8'cdot 1 % mtsy-bs.htf 2001-03-14 % '\215\' ''times 2 % Copyright 2001 Phil Viton % '*' '' 3 % % '\247\' '' div 4 % This file can redistributed and/or % '<>' '1'diamond 5 % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % '\177\' ''pm 6 % Project Public License Distributed from % '\177\' '1'mp 7 % CTAN archives in directory % ' o+ ' '1'oplus 8 % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % ' o- ' '1'ominus 9 % version 1 of the License, or (at your % ' ox ' '1'otimes 10 % option) any later version. % ' o/ ' '1'oslash 11 % However, you are allowed to modify % ' o. 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'8'cdot 1 % mtsyn-bs.htf 2001-03-14 % '\215\' ''times 2 % Copyright 2001 Phil Viton % '*' '' 3 % % '\247\' '' div 4 % This file can redistributed and/or % '<>' '1'diamond 5 % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % '\177\' ''pm 6 % Project Public License Distributed from % '\177\' '1'mp 7 % CTAN archives in directory % ' o+ ' '1'oplus 8 % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % ' o- ' '1'ominus 9 % version 1 of the License, or (at your % ' ox ' '1'otimes 10 % option) any later version. % ' o/ ' '1'oslash 11 % However, you are allowed to modify % ' o. 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'' 58 ',' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '/' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '*' '' 63 '@' '1'partial 64 'A' '' 65 'B' '' 66 'C' '' 67 'D' '' 68 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 'b' '1'flat 91 'H' '3'natural 92 '#' '1'sharp 93 '~' '1'smile 94 '^' '1'frown 95 'l' '1'el 96 'a' '' 97 'b' '' 98 'c' '' 99 'd' '' 100 'e' '' 101 'f' '' 102 'g' '' 103 'h' '' 104 'i' '' 105 'j' '' 106 'k' '' 107 'l' '' 108 'm' '' 109 'n' '' 110 'o' '' 111 'p' '' 112 'q' '' 113 'r' '' 114 's' '' 115 't' '' 116 'u' '' 117 'v' '' 118 'w' '' 119 'x' '' 120 'y' '' 121 'z' '' 122 'i' '' 123 'j' '' 124 'p' '1'wp 125 'k' '1'varkappa 126 '_O_' '1'Omega 127 mtmi-bs 0 127 >>> \AddFont{mtmi-bs}{iso8859/1/mathtime/mtmi-bs} \<<< mtmi-bs 0 127 'Γ' '' Gamma 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'Δ' '' Delta 1 % mtmi-bs.htf (unicode) 2001-05-31 % 'Θ' '' Theta 2 % Copyright 2001 Phil Viton % 'Λ' '' Lambda 3 % % 'Ξ' '' Xi 4 % This file can redistributed and/or % 'Π' '' Pi 5 % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % 'Σ' '' Sigma 6 % Project Public License Distributed from % 'Υ' '' Upsilon 7 % CTAN archives in directory % 'Φ' '' Phi 8 % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % 'Ψ' '' Psi 9 % version 1 of the License, or (at your % 'Ω' '' Omega 10 % option) any later version. % 'α' '' alpha 11 % However, you are allowed to modify % 'β' '' beta 12 % this file without changing its name, if % 'γ' '' gamma 13 % you add a note of your own after this % 'δ' '' delta 14 % copyright note. % '𝜖' '' `%epsilon`% 15 % % 'ζ' '' zeta 16 % I would appreciate being told if you % 'η' '' eta 17 % find errors % '𝜃' '' theta 18 % viton.1@osu.edu % 'ι' '' iota 19 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'κ' '' kappa 20 'λ' '' lambda 21 'μ' '' mu 22 'ν' '' nu 23 'ξ' '' xi 24 'π' '' pi 25 'ρ' '' rho 26 'σ' '' sigma 27 'τ' '' tau 28 'υ' '' upsilon 29 'ϕ' '' phi 30 'χ' '' chi 31 'ψ' '' psi 32 'ω' '' omega 33 '𝜀' '' `%varepsilon`% 34 '𝜗' '' `%vartheta`% 35 'ϖ' '' varpi 36 'ϱ' '' varrho 37 'ς' '' varsigma 38 'φ' '' varphi 39 '↼' '' leftharpoonup 40 '↽' '' leftharpoondown 41 '⇀' '' righttharpoonup 42 '⇁' '' rightharpoondown 43 '``' '' left quote 44 *'* ** right quote 45 '(' '' parenleft 46 ')' '' parenright 47 'Γ' '' UprightGamma 48 'Δ' '' UprightDelta 49 'Λ' '' UprightLambda 50 'Θ' '' UprightTheta 51 'Ξ' '' UprightXi 52 'Π' '' UprightPi 53 'Σ' '' UprightSigma 54 'Υ' '' UprightUpsilon 55 'Φ' '' UprightPhi 56 'Ψ' '' UprightPsi 57 '.' '' full stop 58 ',' '' comma 59 '<' '' less than 60 '/' '' slash 61 '>' '' greater than 62 '⋆' '' star 63 '∂' '' partial 64 'A' '' letter A 65 'B' '' letter B 66 'C' '' letter C 67 'D' '' letter D 68 'E' '' letter E 69 'F' '' letter F 70 'G' '' letter G 71 'H' '' letter H 72 'I' '' letter I 73 'J' '' letter J 74 'K' '' letter K 75 'L' '' letter L 76 'M' '' letter M 77 'N' '' letter N 78 'O' '' letter O 79 'P' '' letter P 80 'Q' '' letter Q 81 'R' '' letter R 82 'S' '' letter S 83 'T' '' letter T 84 'U' '' letter U 85 'V' '' letter V 86 'W' '' letter W 87 'X' '' letter X 88 'Y' '' letter Y 89 'Z' '' letter Z 90 '♭' '' flat 91 '♮' '' natural 92 '♯' '' sharp 93 '⌣' '' smile 94 '⌢' '' frown 95 'ℓ' '' script small l 96 'a' '' letter a 97 'b' '' letter b 98 'c' '' letter c 99 'd' '' letter d 100 'e' '' letter e 101 'f' '' letter f 102 'g' '' letter g 103 'h' '' letter h 104 'i' '' letter i 105 'j' '' letter j 106 'k' '' letter k 107 'l' '' letter l 108 'm' '' letter m 109 'n' '' letter n 110 'o' '' letter o 111 'p' '' letter p 112 'q' '' letter q 113 'r' '' letter r 114 's' '' letter s 115 't' '' letter t 116 'u' '' letter u 117 'v' '' letter v 118 'w' '' letter w 119 'x' '' letter x 120 'y' '' letter y 121 'z' '' letter z 122 'ı' '' dotless i 123 'ȷ' '' dotless j 124 '℘' '' weierstrass p 125 'ϰ' '' `%varkappa`% 126 'Ω' '' upright Omenga 127 mtmi-bs 0 127 >>> \AddFont{mtmi-uni}{unicode/mathtime/mtmi-bs} \<<< mtmi-bs 0 127 'G' '14' Gamma 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'D' '14' Delta 1 % mtmi-bs.htf (symbol) 2001-03-14 % 'Q' '14' Theta 2 % Copyright 2001 Phil Viton % 'L' '14' Lambda 3 % % 'X' '14' Xi 4 % This file can redistributed and/or % 'P' '14' Pi 5 % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % 'S' '14' Sigma 6 % Project Public License Distributed from % '\161\' '14' Ups7 % CTAN archives in directory % 'F' '14' Phi 8 % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % 'Y' '14' Psi 9 % version 1 of the License, or (at your % 'W' '14' Omega 10 % option) any later version. % 'a' '14'alpha 11 % However, you are allowed to modify % 'b' '14'beta 12 % this file without changing its name, if % 'g' '14'gamma 13 % you add a note of your own after this % 'd' '14'delta 14 % copyright note. % 'e' '14'epsilon 15 % % 'z' '14'-zeta 16 % I would appreciate being told if you % 'h' '14'-eta 17 % find bugs % 'q' '14'theta 18 % viton.1@osu.edu % 'i' '14'iota 19 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'k' '14'kappa 20 'l' '14'lambda 21 'm' '14'-mu 22 'n' '14'nu 23 'q' '14'xi 24 'p' '14'pi 25 'r' '14'rho 26 's' '14'sigma 27 't' '14'tau 28 'u' '14'upsilon 29 'f' '14'phi 30 'c' '14'chi 31 'y' '14'psi 32 'w' '14'omega 33 'e' '14'varepsilon34 'J' '14'vartheta 35 'v' '14'varpi 36 'r' '3'varrho 37 'V' '14'-varsigma 38 'j' '14'-varphi 39 *'_* *1* leftharpoonup 40 ',_' '1' leftharpoondown 41 *_'* *1* righttharpoonup 42 '-,' '1' rightharpoondown43 '' '' 44 '' '' 45 '|\\' '1'triangleright 46 '/|' '1'triangleleft 47 'G' '' UprightGamma 48 'D' '' UprightDelta 49 'Q' '' UprightTheta 50 'L>' '' UprightLambda 51 'X' '' UprightXi 52 'P' '' UprightPi 53 'S' '' UprightSigma 54 '\161\' '' UprightUpsilon 55 'F' '' UprightPhi 56 'Y' '' UprightPsi 57 '.' 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' '1'odot 74 ' o. ' '1'odot 75 ' o+ ' '1'oplus 76 ' o+ ' '1'oplus 77 ' ox ' '1'otimes 78 ' ox ' '1'otimes 79 ' sum ' '1'sum 80 ' prod ' '1'prod 81 ' integral ' '3'int 82 ' U ' '1'cup 83 ' /~\\ ' '1'cap 84 ' U+ ' '1'upplus 85 ' /\\ ' '1'land 86 ' \\/ ' '1'lor 87 ' sum ' '1'sum 88 ' prod ' '1'prod 89 ' integral ' '3'int 90 ' U ' '1'cup 91 ' /~\\ ' '1'cap 92 ' U+ ' '1'upplus 93 ' /\\ ' '1'land 94 ' \\/ ' '1'lor 95 ' |_| ' '1'coprod 96 ' |_| ' '1'coprod 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '[' '' 104 ']' '' 105 ' |_ ' '3'lfloor 106 ' _| ' '3'rfloor 107 ' |~ ' '3'lceil 108 ' ~| ' '3'rceil 109 '{' '' 110 '}' '' 111 ' V~ ' '3'surd 112 ' V~ ' '3'surd 113 ' V~ ' '3'surd 114 ' V~ ' '3'surd 115 ' V~ ' '3'surd 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 ' |^ ' '1'uparrow 120 ' |, ' '1'downarrow121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 ' ||^ ' '1'Uparrow 126 ' ||, ' '1'Downarrow127 'Mtex-A' '' 128 the rest of this is fillin, since mtex seems to have 160 chrs 'Mtex-B' '' 129 Ths3e characters should never be used directory, but to help 'Mtex-C' '' 130 diagnose problems we will just print some text for each of them 'Mtex-D' '' 131 'Mtex-E' '' 132 'Mtex-F' '' 133 'Mtex-G' '' 134 'Mtex-H' '' 135 'Mtex-I' '' 136 'Mtex-J' '' 137 'Mtex-K' '' 138 'Mtex-L' '' 139 'Mtex-M' '' 140 'Mtex-N' '' 141 'Mtex-O' '' 142 'Mtex-P' '' 143 'Mtex-Q' '' 144 'Mtex-R' '' 145 'Mtex-S' '' 146 'Mtex-T' '' 147 'Mtex-U' '' 148 'Mtex-V' '' 149 'Mtex-W' '' 150 'Mtex-X' '' 151 'Mtex-Y' '' 152 'Mtex-Z' '' 153 'Mtex-AA' '' 154 'Mtex-AB' '' 155 'Mtex-AC' '' 156 'Mtex-AD' '' 157 'Mtex-AE' '' 158 'Mtex-AF' '' 159 'Mtex-AG' '' 160 mtex-bs 0 160 >>> \AddFont{mtex-bs}{iso8859/1/mathtime/mtex-bs} \<<< mtex-bs 0 160 '(' '' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ')' '' 1 % Blex-bs (unicode) 2001-03-14 % '[' '' 2 % Copyright 2001 Phil Viton % ']' '' 3 % Eitan M. Gurari % '⌊' '' lfloor 4 % This file can redistributed and/or % '⌋' '' rfloor 5 % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % '⌈' '' lceil 6 % Project Public License Distributed from % '⌉' '' rceil 7 % CTAN archives in directory % '{' '' 8 % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % '}' '' 9 % version 1 of the License, or (at your % '⟨' '' lab 10 % option) any later version. % '⟩' '' rab 11 % However, you are allowed to modify % '|' '' divides 12 % this file without changing its name, if % '∥' '' parallel 13 % you add a note of your own after this % '/' '' 14 % copyright note. % '\' '' backslash 15 % % '(' '' 16 % I would appreciate being told of % ')' '' 17 % any bugs % '(' '' 18 % viton.1@osu.edu % ')' '' 19 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '[' '' 20 ']' '' 21 '⌊' '' lfloor 22 '⌋' '' rfloor 23 '⌈' '' lceil 24 '⌉' '' rceil 25 '{' '' 26 '}' '' 27 '⟨' '' lab 28 '⟩' '' rab 29 '/' '' 30 '\' '' backslash 31 '(' '' 32 ')' '' 33 '[' '' 34 ']' '' 35 '⌊' '' lfloor 36 '⌋' '' rfloor 37 '⌈' '' lceil 38 '⌉' '' rceil 39 '{' '' 40 '}' '' 41 '⟨' '' lab 42 '⟩' '' rab 43 '/' '' 44 '\' '' backslash 45 '/' '' 46 '\' '' backslash 47 '(' '' 48 ')' '' 49 '⌊' '' lfloor 50 '⌋' '' rfloor 51 '⌈' '' lceil 52 '⌉' '' rceil 53 '|' '' 54 '|' '' 55 '(' '' 56 ')' '' 57 '(' '' 58 ')' '' 59 '{' '' 60 '}' '' 61 '|' '' 62 '|' '' 63 '(' '' 64 ')' '' 65 '|' '' 66 '|' '' 67 '⟨' '' lab 68 '⟩' '' rab 69 '⊓' '' sqcup 70 '⊓' '' sqcup 71 '∮' '' conint 72 '∮' '' conint 73 '⊙' '' odot 74 '⊙' '' odot 75 '⊕' '' oplus 76 '⊕' '' oplus 77 '⊗' '' otimes 78 '⊗' '' otimes 79 '∑' '' sum 80 '∏' '' product 81 '∫' '' integral 82 '⋃' '' cup 83 '⋂' '' cap 84 '⊎' '' uplus 85 '∧' '' land 86 '∨' '' lor 87 '∑' '' sum 88 '∏' '' product 89 '∫' '' integral 90 '⋃' '' cup 91 '⋂' '' cap 92 '⊎' '' uplus 93 '∧' '' land 94 '∨' '' lor 95 '∐' '' coprod 96 '∐' '' coprod 97 '^' '' check 98 '^' '' check 99 '^' '' check 100 '^' '' tilde 101 '^' '' tilde 102 '^' '' tilde 103 '[' '' 104 ']' '' 105 '⌊' '' lfloor 106 '⌋' '' rfloor 107 '⌈' '' lceil 108 '⌉' '' rceil 109 '{' '' 110 '}' '' 111 '∘' '' radic 112 '∘' '' radic 113 '∘' '' radic 114 '∘' '' radic 115 '∘' '' radic 116 '│' '' box vertical 117 '┌' '' box up left 118 '║' '' box double vert 119 '↑' '' uparrow 120 '↓' '' downarrow 121 '◜' '' up left arc 122 '◝' '' up right arc 123 '◟' '' low left arc 124 '◞' '' low right arc 125 '⇑' '' Uparrow 126 '⇓' '' Downarrow 127 'Blex-A' '' 128 the rest of this is fillin, since Blex seems to have 160 chrs 'Blex-B' '' 129 Ths3e characters should never be used directory, but to help 'Blex-C' '' 130 diagnose problems we will just print some text for each of them 'Blex-D' '' 131 'Blex-E' '' 132 'Blex-F' '' 133 'Blex-G' '' 134 'Blex-H' '' 135 'Blex-I' '' 136 'Blex-J' '' 137 'Blex-K' '' 138 'Blex-L' '' 139 'Blex-M' '' 140 'Blex-N' '' 141 'Blex-O' '' 142 'Blex-P' '' 143 'Blex-Q' '' 144 'Blex-R' '' 145 'Blex-S' '' 146 'Blex-T' '' 147 'Blex-U' '' 148 'Blex-V' '' 149 'Blex-W' '' 150 'Blex-X' '' 151 'Blex-Y' '' 152 'Blex-Z' '' 153 'Blex-AA' '' 154 'Blex-AB' '' 155 'Blex-AC' '' 156 'Blex-AD' '' 157 'Blex-AE' '' 158 'Blex-AF' '' 159 'Blex-AG' '' 160 mtex-bs 0 160 >>> \AddFont{mtex-uni}{unicode/mathtime/mtex-bs} \<<< mtex-bs 0 160 '(' '' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ')' '' 1 % mtex-bs.htf (symbol) 2001-03-14 % '[' '' 2 % Copyright 2001 Phil Viton % ']' '' 3 % % '\235\' ''-lfloor 4 % This file can redistributed and/or % '\251\' ''-rfloor 5 % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % '\233\' ''-lceil 6 % Project Public License Distributed from % '\249\' ''-rceil 7 % CTAN archives in directory % '{' '' 8 % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % '}' '' 9 % version 1 of the License, or (at your % '\224\' ''< 10 % option) any later version. % '\241\' ''> 11 % However, you are allowed to modify % '|' '' 12 % this file without changing its name, if % '||' '' 13 % you add a note of your own after this % '/' '' 14 % copyright note. % '\\' '' 15 % % '(' '' 16 % I would appreciate being told about % ')' '' 17 % any bugs % '(' '' 18 % % ')' '' 19 % viton.1@osu.edu % '[' '' 20 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ']' '' 21 '\235\' ''-lfloor 22 '\251\' ''-rfloor 23 '\233\' ''-lceil 24 '\249\' ''-rceil 25 '{' '' 26 '}' '' 27 '\224\' ''< 28 '\241\' ''> 29 '/' '' 30 '\\' '' 31 '(' '' 32 ')' '' 33 '[' '' 34 ']' '' 35 '\235\' ''-lfloor 36 '\251\' ''-rfloor 37 '\233\' ''-lceil 38 '\249\' ''-rceil 39 '{' '' 40 '}' '' 41 '\224\' ''< 42 '\241\' ''> 43 '/' '' 44 '\\' '' 45 '/' '' 46 '\\' '' 47 '(' '' 48 ')' '' 49 '\235\' ''-lfloor 50 '\251\' ''-rfloor 51 '\233\' ''-lceil 52 '\249\' ''-rceil 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '{' '' 60 '}' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '\224\' ''< 68 '\241\' ''> 69 ' |_| ' '1'sqcup 70 '|_|' '1'sqcup 71 ' gf ' '3'oint 72 ' gf ' '3'oint 73 ' o. ' '1'odot 74 ' o. ' '1'odot 75 '\197\' ''oplus 76 '\197\' ''oplus 77 '\196\' ''otimes 78 '\196\' ''otimes 79 '\229\' ''sum 80 '\213\' ''prod 81 '\242\' ''-int 82 '\200\' ''cup 83 '\199\' ''cap 84 ' U+ ' '1'upplus 85 '\217\' ''land 86 '\218\' ''lor 87 '\229\' ''sum 88 '\213\' ''prod 89 '\242\' ''-int 90 '\200\' ''cup 91 '\199\' ''cap 92 ' U+ ' '1'upplus 93 '\217\' ''land 94 '\218\' ''lor 95 ' |_| ' '1'coprod 96 ' |_| ' '1'coprod 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '[' '' 104 ']' '' 105 '\235\' ''-lfloor 106 '\251\' ''-rfloor 107 '\233\' ''-lceil 108 '\249\' ''-rceil 109 '{' '' 110 '}' '' 111 '\114\' ''surd 112 '\114\' ''surd 113 '\114\' ''surd 114 '\114\' ''surd 115 '\114\' ''surd 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '\173\' ''uparrow 120 '\175\' ''downarrow 121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 '\221\' ''Uparrow 126 '\223\' ''Downarrow 127 'Mtex-A' '' 128 the rest of this is fillin, since mtex seems to have 160 chrs 'Mtex-B' '' 129 Ths3e characters should never be used directory, but to help 'Mtex-C' '' 130 diagnose problems we will just print some text for each of them 'Mtex-D' '' 131 'Mtex-E' '' 132 'Mtex-F' '' 133 'Mtex-G' '' 134 'Mtex-H' '' 135 'Mtex-I' '' 136 'Mtex-J' '' 137 'Mtex-K' '' 138 'Mtex-L' '' 139 'Mtex-M' '' 140 'Mtex-N' '' 141 'Mtex-O' '' 142 'Mtex-P' '' 143 'Mtex-Q' '' 144 'Mtex-R' '' 145 'Mtex-S' '' 146 'Mtex-T' '' 147 'Mtex-U' '' 148 'Mtex-V' '' 149 'Mtex-W' '' 150 'Mtex-X' '' 151 'Mtex-Y' '' 152 'Mtex-Z' '' 153 'Mtex-AA' '' 154 'Mtex-AB' '' 155 'Mtex-AC' '' 156 'Mtex-AD' '' 157 'Mtex-AE' '' 158 'Mtex-AF' '' 159 'Mtex-AG' '' 160 mtex-bs 0 160 >>> \AddFont{mtex-sym}{symbol/mathtime/mtex-bs} \<<< .mtex-bs >>> \AddFont{mtex}{alias/mathtime/mtex} \Section{Scientific Word} The first one is not a SW font. It carries the same name, but with lower case letters. \Link[http://www.ctan.org/ctan/fonts/utilities/ps2mf/]{}{}times.mf, hints.mf\EndLink As of version 3.0+, sw ships with no times (etc) fonts: we use only the truetype fonts shipped with the operating system. \<<< times-ps 0 255 '' '' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '' '' 1 % times-ps.htf `version % '' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 3 ` '' '' 4 ` '' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '1' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '\180\' '' 19 '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '\162\' '' 23 '\184\' '' 24 '\223\' '' 25 '\230\' '' 26 '̹' '' 27 '\248\' '' 28 '\198\' '' 29 '̸' '' 30 '\216\' '' 31 '' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '”' '' " 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' ’ 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' 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'' 33 % times-sw.htf `version % '”' '' 34 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. Eitan M. Gurari % '#' '' 35 ` '$' '' 36 ` '%' '' 37 ` '&' '' ampersand 38 ` '’' '' ’ 39 ` '(' '' 40 ` ')' '' 41 ` '*' '' 42 ` '+' '' 43 ` ',' '' 44 ` '-' '' 45 ` '.' '' 46 ` '/' '' 47 ` '0' '' 48 ` '1' '' 49 ` '2' '' 50 ` '3' '' 51 ` '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '\161\' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '\191\' '' 62 '?' 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Viton % '₣' '' 163 franc % % '₤' '' 164 lira % This file can redistributed and/or % '₥' '' 165 mill % modified under the terms of the LaTeX % '₦' '' 166 naira % Project Public License Distributed from % '₧' '' 167 pesetas % CTAN archives in directory % '₨' '' 168 won % macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % '₩' '' 169 rupee % version 1 of the License, or (at your % '₪' '' 170 new sheqel % option) any later version. % '' '' 171 unused % However, you are allowed to modify % '€' '' 172 euro % this file without changing its name, if % '' '' 173 unused % you add a note of your own after this % '' '' 174 unused % copyright note. % '' '' 175 unused % % 'ℒ' '' 176 L-script % This font provides support for currency % 'ℱ' '' 177 F-script % symbols (and a few others) in % '′' '' 178 text-prime % Scientific Word/Workplace 3.0+ % '✓' '' 179 checkmark % viton.1@osu.edu % '✠' '' 180 Maltese Cross %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% curr 160 180 htfcss: currr ; htfcss: curri font-style: italic; htfcss: currb font-wight: bold; htfcss: currbi font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; htfcss: currs font-family: sans-serif ; htfcss: currsi font-family: sans-serif; font-style: italic; htfcss: currsb font-family: sans-serif; font-wight: bold; htfcss: currsbi font-family: sans-serif; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; htfcss: currt font-family: monospace,monospace; htfcss: currti font-family: monospace,monospace; font-style: italic; htfcss: currtb font-family: monospace,monospace; font-wight: bold; htfcss: currtbi font-family: monospace,monospace; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{curr}{iso8859/1/sw/curr} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{go} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< go 0 18 '' '1' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '' '1' 1 % go.htf `version % '' '1' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '1' 3 ` '' '1' 4 ` '' '1' 5 ` '' '1' 6 ` '' '1' 7 ` '' '1' 8 ` '' '1' 9 ` '' '1' 10 ` '' '1' 11 ` '' '1' 12 ` '' '1' 13 ` '' '1' 14 ` '' '1' 15 ` '' '1' 16 ` '' '1' 17 ` '' '1' 18 ` go 0 18 >>> \AddFont{go}{iso8859/1/go/go} \<<< go1whi 0 127 '0' '1' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '1' '1' 1 % go1whi.htf `version % '2' '1' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. Eitan M. Gurari % '3' '1' 3 ` '4' '1' 4 ` '5' '1' 5 ` '6' '1' 6 ` '7' '1' 7 ` '8' '1' 8 ` '9' '1' 9 ` '10' '1' 10 ` '11' '1' 11 ` '12' '1' 12 ` '13' '1' 13 ` '14' '1' 14 ` '15' '1' 15 ` '16' '1' 16 ` '17' '1' 17 ` '18' '1' 18 ` '19' '1' 19 ` '20' '1' 20 '21' '1' 21 '22' '1' 22 '23' '1' 23 '24' '1' 24 '25' '1' 25 '26' '1' 26 '27' '1' 27 '28' '1' 28 '29' '1' 29 '30' '1' 30 '31' '1' 31 '32' '1' 32 '33' '1' 33 '34' '1' 34 '35' '1' 35 '36' '1' 36 '37' '1' 37 '38' '1' 38 '39' '1' 39 '40' '1' 40 '41' '1' 41 '42' '1' 42 '43' '1' 43 '44' '1' 44 '45' '1' 45 '46' '1' 46 '47' '1' 47 '48' '1' 48 '49' '1' 49 '50' '1' 50 '51' '1' 51 '52' '1' 52 '53' '1' 53 '54' '1' 54 '55' '1' 55 '56' '1' 56 '57' '1' 57 '58' '1' 58 '59' '1' 59 '60' '1' 60 '61' '1' 61 '62' '1' 62 '63' '1' 63 '64' '1' 64 '65' '1' 65 '66' '1' 66 '67' '1' 67 '68' '1' 68 '69' '1' 69 '70' '1' 70 '71' '1' 71 '72' '1' 72 '73' '1' 73 '74' '1' 74 '75' '1' 75 '76' '1' 76 '77' '1' 77 '78' '1' 78 '79' '1' 79 '80' '1' 80 '81' '1' 81 '82' '1' 82 '83' '1' 83 '84' '1' 84 '85' '1' 85 '86' '1' 86 '87' '1' 87 '88' '1' 88 '89' '1' 89 '90' '1' 90 '91' '1' 91 '92' '1' 92 '93' '1' 93 '94' '1' 94 '95' '1' 95 '96' '1' 96 '97' '1' 97 '98' '1' 98 '99' '1' 99 '100' '1' 100 '101' '1' 101 '102' '1' 102 '103' '1' 103 '104' '1' 104 '105' '1' 105 '106' '1' 106 '107' '1' 107 '108' '1' 108 '109' '1' 109 '110' '1' 110 '111' '1' 111 '112' '1' 112 '113' '1' 113 '114' '1' 114 '115' '1' 115 '116' '1' 116 '117' '1' 117 '118' '1' 118 '119' '1' 119 '120' '1' 120 '121' '1' 121 '122' '1' 122 '123' '1' 123 '124' '1' 124 '125' '1' 125 '126' '1' 126 '127' '1' 127 go1whi 0 127 >>> \AddFont{go1whi}{iso8859/1/go/go1whi} \<<< go2whi 0 127 '128' '1' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '129' '1' 1 % go2whi.htf `version % '130' '1' 2 % '131' '1' 3 ` '132' '1' 4 ` '133' '1' 5 ` '134' '1' 6 ` '135' '1' 7 ` '136' '1' 8 ` '137' '1' 9 ` '138' '1' 10 ` '139' '1' 11 ` '140' '1' 12 ` '141' '1' 13 ` '142' '1' 14 ` '143' '1' 15 ` '144' '1' 16 ` '145' '1' 17 ` '146' '1' 18 ` '147' '1' 19 ` '148' '1' 20 '149' '1' 21 '150' '1' 22 '151' '1' 23 '152' '1' 24 '153' '1' 25 '154' '1' 26 '155' '1' 27 '156' '1' 28 '157' '1' 29 '158' '1' 30 '159' '1' 31 '160' '1' 32 '161' '1' 33 '162' '1' 34 '163' '1' 35 '164' '1' 36 '165' '1' 37 '166' '1' 38 '167' '1' 39 '168' '1' 40 '169' '1' 41 '170' '1' 42 '171' '1' 43 '172' '1' 44 '173' '1' 45 '174' '1' 46 '175' '1' 47 '176' '1' 48 '177' '1' 49 '178' '1' 50 '179' '1' 51 '180' '1' 52 '181' '1' 53 '182' '1' 54 '183' '1' 55 '184' '1' 56 '185' '1' 57 '186' '1' 58 '187' '1' 59 '188' '1' 60 '189' '1' 61 '190' '1' 62 '191' '1' 63 '192' '1' 64 '193' '1' 65 '194' '1' 66 '195' '1' 67 '196' '1' 68 '197' '1' 69 '198' '1' 70 '199' '1' 71 '200' '1' 72 '201' '1' 73 '202' '1' 74 '203' '1' 75 '204' '1' 76 '205' '1' 77 '206' '1' 78 '207' '1' 79 '208' '1' 80 '209' '1' 81 '210' '1' 82 '211' '1' 83 '212' '1' 84 '213' '1' 85 '214' '1' 86 '215' '1' 87 '216' '1' 88 '217' '1' 89 '218' '1' 90 '219' '1' 91 '220' '1' 92 '221' '1' 93 '222' '1' 94 '223' '1' 95 '224' '1' 96 '225' '1' 97 '226' '1' 98 '227' '1' 99 '228' '1' 100 '229' '1' 101 '230' '1' 102 '231' '1' 103 '232' '1' 104 '233' '1' 105 '234' '1' 106 '235' '1' 107 '236' '1' 108 '237' '1' 109 '238' '1' 110 '239' '1' 111 '240' '1' 112 '241' '1' 113 '242' '1' 114 '243' '1' 115 '244' '1' 116 '245' '1' 117 '246' '1' 118 '247' '1' 119 '248' '1' 120 '249' '1' 121 '250' '1' 122 '251' '1' 123 '252' '1' 124 '253' '1' 125 '254' '1' 126 '255' '1' 127 go2whi 0 127 >>> \AddFont{go2whi}{iso8859/1/go/go2whi} \<<< go1bla 0 127 '0' '1' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '1' '1' 1 % go1bla.htf `version % '2' '1' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. Eitan M. Gurari % '3' '1' 3 ` '4' '1' 4 ` '5' '1' 5 ` '6' '1' 6 ` '7' '1' 7 ` '8' '1' 8 ` '9' '1' 9 ` '10' '1' 10 ` '11' '1' 11 ` '12' '1' 12 ` '13' '1' 13 ` '14' '1' 14 ` '15' '1' 15 ` '16' '1' 16 ` '17' '1' 17 ` '18' '1' 18 ` '19' '1' 19 ` '20' '1' 20 '21' '1' 21 '22' '1' 22 '23' '1' 23 '24' '1' 24 '25' '1' 25 '26' '1' 26 '27' '1' 27 '28' '1' 28 '29' '1' 29 '30' '1' 30 '31' '1' 31 '32' '1' 32 '33' '1' 33 '34' '1' 34 '35' '1' 35 '36' '1' 36 '37' '1' 37 '38' '1' 38 '39' '1' 39 '40' '1' 40 '41' '1' 41 '42' '1' 42 '43' '1' 43 '44' '1' 44 '45' '1' 45 '46' '1' 46 '47' '1' 47 '48' '1' 48 '49' '1' 49 '50' '1' 50 '51' '1' 51 '52' '1' 52 '53' '1' 53 '54' '1' 54 '55' '1' 55 '56' '1' 56 '57' '1' 57 '58' '1' 58 '59' '1' 59 '60' '1' 60 '61' '1' 61 '62' '1' 62 '63' '1' 63 '64' '1' 64 '65' '1' 65 '66' '1' 66 '67' '1' 67 '68' '1' 68 '69' '1' 69 '70' '1' 70 '71' '1' 71 '72' '1' 72 '73' '1' 73 '74' '1' 74 '75' '1' 75 '76' '1' 76 '77' '1' 77 '78' '1' 78 '79' '1' 79 '80' '1' 80 '81' '1' 81 '82' '1' 82 '83' '1' 83 '84' '1' 84 '85' '1' 85 '86' '1' 86 '87' '1' 87 '88' '1' 88 '89' '1' 89 '90' '1' 90 '91' '1' 91 '92' '1' 92 '93' '1' 93 '94' '1' 94 '95' '1' 95 '96' '1' 96 '97' '1' 97 '98' '1' 98 '99' '1' 99 '100' '1' 100 '101' '1' 101 '102' '1' 102 '103' '1' 103 '104' '1' 104 '105' '1' 105 '106' '1' 106 '107' '1' 107 '108' '1' 108 '109' '1' 109 '110' '1' 110 '111' '1' 111 '112' '1' 112 '113' '1' 113 '114' '1' 114 '115' '1' 115 '116' '1' 116 '117' '1' 117 '118' '1' 118 '119' '1' 119 '120' '1' 120 '121' '1' 121 '122' '1' 122 '123' '1' 123 '124' '1' 124 '125' '1' 125 '126' '1' 126 '127' '1' 127 go1bla 0 127 >>> \AddFont{go1bla}{iso8859/1/go/go1bla} \<<< go2bla 0 127 '128' '1' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '129' '1' 1 % go2bla.htf `version % '130' '1' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. Eitan M. Gurari % '131' '1' 3 ` '132' '1' 4 ` '133' '1' 5 ` '134' '1' 6 ` '135' '1' 7 ` '136' '1' 8 ` '137' '1' 9 ` '138' '1' 10 ` '139' '1' 11 ` '140' '1' 12 ` '141' '1' 13 ` '142' '1' 14 ` '143' '1' 15 ` '144' '1' 16 ` '145' '1' 17 ` '146' '1' 18 ` '147' '1' 19 ` '148' '1' 20 '149' '1' 21 '150' '1' 22 '151' '1' 23 '152' '1' 24 '153' '1' 25 '154' '1' 26 '155' '1' 27 '156' '1' 28 '157' '1' 29 '158' '1' 30 '159' '1' 31 '160' '1' 32 '161' '1' 33 '162' '1' 34 '163' '1' 35 '164' '1' 36 '165' '1' 37 '166' '1' 38 '167' '1' 39 '168' '1' 40 '169' '1' 41 '170' '1' 42 '171' '1' 43 '172' '1' 44 '173' '1' 45 '174' '1' 46 '175' '1' 47 '176' '1' 48 '177' '1' 49 '178' '1' 50 '179' '1' 51 '180' '1' 52 '181' '1' 53 '182' '1' 54 '183' '1' 55 '184' '1' 56 '185' '1' 57 '186' '1' 58 '187' '1' 59 '188' '1' 60 '189' '1' 61 '190' '1' 62 '191' '1' 63 '192' '1' 64 '193' '1' 65 '194' '1' 66 '195' '1' 67 '196' '1' 68 '197' '1' 69 '198' '1' 70 '199' '1' 71 '200' '1' 72 '201' '1' 73 '202' '1' 74 '203' '1' 75 '204' '1' 76 '205' '1' 77 '206' '1' 78 '207' '1' 79 '208' '1' 80 '209' '1' 81 '210' '1' 82 '211' '1' 83 '212' '1' 84 '213' '1' 85 '214' '1' 86 '215' '1' 87 '216' '1' 88 '217' '1' 89 '218' '1' 90 '219' '1' 91 '220' '1' 92 '221' '1' 93 '222' '1' 94 '223' '1' 95 '224' '1' 96 '225' '1' 97 '226' '1' 98 '227' '1' 99 '228' '1' 100 '229' '1' 101 '230' '1' 102 '231' '1' 103 '232' '1' 104 '233' '1' 105 '234' '1' 106 '235' '1' 107 '236' '1' 108 '237' '1' 109 '238' '1' 110 '239' '1' 111 '240' '1' 112 '241' '1' 113 '242' '1' 114 '243' '1' 115 '244' '1' 116 '245' '1' 117 '246' '1' 118 '247' '1' 119 '248' '1' 120 '249' '1' 121 '250' '1' 122 '251' '1' 123 '252' '1' 124 '253' '1' 125 '254' '1' 126 '255' '1' 127 go2bla 0 127 >>> \AddFont{go2bla}{iso8859/1/go/go2bla} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{mathptm, symbol, pslatex, mathptmx} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: zpplcmbm font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{zpplcmbm}{alias/adobe/mathppl/zpplcmbm}{} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: zpplcmby font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{zpplcmby}{alias/adobe/mathppl/zpplcmby}{} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: zpplcmrm font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{zpplcmrm}{alias/adobe/mathppl/zpplcmrm}{} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: zpplcmrv font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{zpplcmrv}{alias/adobe/mathppl/zpplcmrv}{} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: zpplcmry font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{zpplcmry}{alias/adobe/mathppl/zpplcmry}{} \<<< .zptmcmrm htfcss: zptmcm7m font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{zptmcm7m}{alias/adobe/mathptmx/zptmcm7m}{} \<<< zptmcmrm 0 127 'Γ' '' Gamma 0 ` 'Δ' '' Delta 1 % zptmcmrm.htf (unicode) `version % 'Θ' '' Theta 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % 'Λ' '' Lambda 3 ` 'Ξ' '' Xi 4 ` 'Π' '' Pi 5 ` 'Σ' '' Sigma 6 ` 'Υ' '' Upsilon 7 ` 'Φ' '' Phi 8 ` 'Ψ' '' Psi 9 ` 'Ω' '' Omega 10 ` 'α' '' alpha 11 ` 'β' '' beta 12 ` 'γ' '' gamma 13 ` 'δ' '' delta 14 ` '𝜖' '' `%epsilon`% 15 ` 'ζ' '' zeta 16 ` 'η' '' eta 17 ` '𝜃' '' theta 18 ` 'ι' '' iota 19 ` 'κ' '' kappa 20 'λ' '' lambda 21 'μ' '' mu 22 'ν' '' nu 23 'ξ' '' xi 24 'π' '' pi 25 'ρ' '' rho 26 'σ' '' sigma 27 'τ' '' tau 28 'υ' '' upsilon 29 'ϕ' '' phi 30 'χ' '' chi 31 'ψ' '' psi 32 'ω' '' omega 33 '𝜀' '' `%varepsilon`% 34 '𝜗' '' `%vartheta`% 35 'ϖ' '' varpi 36 'ϱ' '' varrho 37 'ς' '' varsigma 38 'φ' '' varphi 39 '↼' '' leftharpoonup 40 '↽' '' leftharpoondown 41 '⇀' '' righttharpoonup 42 '⇁' '' rightharpoondown 43 '``' '' left quote 44 *'* ** right quota 45 '⊳' '' triangleright 46 '⊲' '' triangleleft 47 '0' '' number 0 48 '1' '' number 1 49 '2' '' number 2 50 '3' '' number 3 51 '4' '' number 4 52 '5' '' number 5 53 '6' '' number 6 54 '7' '' number 7 55 '8' '' number 8 56 '9' '' number 9 57 '.' '' full stop 58 ',' '' comma 59 '<' '' less than 60 '∕' '' division slash 61 '>' '' greater than 62 '⋆' '' star 63 '∂' '' partial 64 'A' '' letter A 65 'B' '' letter B 66 'C' '' letter C 67 'D' '' letter D 68 'E' '' letter E 69 'F' '' letter F 70 'G' '' letter G 71 'H' '' letter H 72 'I' '' letter I 73 'J' '' letter J 74 'K' '' letter K 75 'L' '' letter L 76 'M' '' letter M 77 'N' '' letter N 78 'O' '' letter O 79 'P' '' letter P 80 'Q' '' letter Q 81 'R' '' letter R 82 'S' '' letter S 83 'T' '' letter T 84 'U' '' letter U 85 'V' '' letter V 86 'W' '' letter W 87 'X' '' letter X 88 'Y' '' letter Y 89 'Z' '' letter Z 90 '♭' '' flat 91 '♮' '' natural 92 '♯' '' sharp 93 '⌣' '' smile 94 '⌢' '' frown 95 'ℓ' '' script small l 96 'a' '' letter a 97 'b' '' letter b 98 'c' '' letter c 99 'd' '' letter d 100 'e' '' letter e 101 'f' '' letter f 102 'g' '' letter g 103 'h' '' letter h 104 'i' '' letter i 105 'j' '' letter j 106 'k' '' letter k 107 'l' '' letter l 108 'm' '' letter m 109 'n' '' letter n 110 'o' '' letter o 111 'p' '' letter p 112 'q' '' letter q 113 'r' '' letter r 114 's' '' letter s 115 't' '' letter t 116 'u' '' letter u 117 'v' '' letter v 118 'w' '' letter w 119 'x' '' letter x 120 'y' '' letter y 121 'z' '' letter z 122 'ı' '' dotless i 123 '∎' '' `%end of proof`% 124 '℘' '' weierstass p 125 '⃗' '' small arrow above 126 '͡' '' ligature tie 127 zptmcmrm 0 127 >>> \AddFont{zptmcmrm}{unicode/adobe/mathptm/zptmcmrm}{} \<<< zpsycmrv 0 127 '(' '' `%parenleftbig `% 0 ` ')' '' `%parenrightbig `% 1 % zpsycmrv.htf (unicode) `version % '[' '' `%bracketleftbig `% 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % ']' '' `%bracketrightbig `% 3 ` '⌊' '' `%floorleftbig `% 4 ` '⌋' '' `%floorrightbig `% 5 ` '⌈' '' `%ceilingleftbig `% 6 ` '⌉' '' `%ceilingrightbig `% 7 ` '{' '' `%braceleftbig `% 8 ` '}' '' `%bracerightbig `% 9 ` '⟨' '' `%angbracketleftbig `% 10 ` '⟩' '' `%angbracketrightbig `% 11 ` '|' '' `%vextendsingle `% 12 ` '∥' '' `%vextenddouble `% 13 ` '∕' '' `%slashbig `% 14 ` '\' '' `%backslashbig `% 15 ` '(' '' `%parenleftBig `% 16 ` ')' '' `%parenrightBig `% 17 ` '(' '' `%parenleftbigg `% 18 ` ')' '' `%parenrightbigg `% 19 ` '[' '' `%bracketleftbigg `% 20 ']' '' `%bracketrightbigg `% 21 '⌊' '' `%floorleftbigg `% 22 '⌋' '' `%floorrightbigg `% 23 '⌈' '' `%ceilingleftbigg `% 24 '⌉' '' `%ceilingrightbigg `% 25 '{' '' `%braceleftbigg `% 26 '}' '' `%bracerightbigg `% 27 '⟨' '' `%angbracketleftbigg `% 28 '⟩' '' `%angbracketrightbigg `% 29 '∕' '' `%slashbigg `% 30 '\' '' `%backslashbigg `% 31 '(' '' `%parenleftBigg `% 32 ')' '' `%parenrightBigg `% 33 '[' '' `%bracketleftBigg `% 34 ']' '' `%bracketrightBigg `% 35 '⌊' '' `%floorleftBigg `% 36 '⌋' '' `%floorrightBigg `% 37 '⌈' '' `%ceilingleftBigg `% 38 '⌉' '' `%ceilingrightBigg `% 39 '{' '' `%braceleftBigg `% 40 '}' '' `%bracerightBigg `% 41 '⟨' '' `%angbracketleftBigg `% 42 '⟩' '' `%angbracketrightBigg `% 43 '∕' '' `%slashBigg `% 44 '\' '' `%backslashBigg `% 45 '∕' '' `%slashBig `% 46 '\' '' `%backslashBig `% 47 '(' '' `%parenlefttp `% 48 ')' '' `%parenrighttp `% 49 '⌊' '' `%bracketlefttp `% 50 '⌋' '' `%bracketrighttp `% 51 '⌈' '' `%bracketleftbt `% 52 '⌉' '' `%bracketrightbt `% 53 '|' '' `%bracketleftex `% 54 '|' '' `%bracketrightex `% 55 '(' '' `%bracelefttp `% 56 ')' '' `%bracerighttp `% 57 '(' '' `%braceleftbt `% 58 ')' '' `%bracerightbt `% 59 '{' '' `%braceleftmid `% 60 '}' '' `%bracerightmid `% 61 '|' '' `%braceex `% 62 '|' '' `%arrowvertex `% 63 '(' '' `%parenleftbt `% 64 ')' '' `%parenrightbt `% 65 '|' '' `%parenleftex `% 66 '|' '' `%parenrightex `% 67 '⟨' '' `%angbracketleftBig `% 68 '⟩' '' `%angbracketrightBig `% 69 '⊔' '' `%unionsqtext `% 70 '⊔' '' `%unionsqdisplay `% 71 '∮' '' `%contintegraltext `% 72 '∮' '' `%contintegraldisplay `% 73 '⊙' '' `%circledottext `% 74 '⊙' '' `%circledotdisplay `% 75 '⊕' '' `%circleplustext `% 76 '⊕' '' `%circleplusdisplay `% 77 '⊗' '' `%circlemultiplytext `% 78 '⊗' '' `%circlemultiplydisplay `% 79 '∑' '' `%summationtext `% 80 '∏' '' `%producttext `% 81 '∫' '' `%integraltext `% 82 '⋃' '' `%uniontext `% 83 '⋂' '' `%intersectiontext `% 84 '⊎' '' `%unionmultitext `% 85 '∧' '' `%logicalandtext `% 86 '∨' '' `%logicalortext `% 87 '∑' '' `%summationdisplay `% 88 '∏' '' `%productdisplay `% 89 '∫' '' `%integraldisplay `% 90 '⋃' '' `%uniondisplay `% 91 '⋂' '' `%intersectiondisplay `% 92 '⊎' '' `%unionmultidisplay `% 93 '∧' '' `%logicalanddisplay `% 94 '∨' '' `%logicalordisplay `% 95 '◼' '' `%square `% 96 '■' '' `%square `% 97 '^' '' `%hatwide `% 98 '^' '' `%hatwider `% 99 '^' '' `%hatwidest `% 100 '^' '' `%tildewide `% 101 '^' '' `%tildewider `% 102 '^' '' `%tildewidest `% 103 '[' '' `%bracketleftBig `% 104 ']' '' `%bracketrightBig `% 105 '⌊' '' `%floorleftBig `% 106 '⌋' '' `%floorrightBig `% 107 '⌈' '' `%ceilingleftBig `% 108 '⌉' '' `%ceilingrightBig `% 109 '{' '' `%braceleftBig `% 110 '}' '' `%bracerightBig `% 111 '∘' '' `%radicalbig `% 112 '∘' '' `%radicalBig `% 113 '∘' '' `%radicalbigg `% 114 '∘' '' `%radicalBigg `% 115 '∘' '' `%radicalbt `% 116 '│' '' `%radicalvertex `% 117 '┌' '' `%radicaltp `% 118 '║' '' `%arrowvertexdbl `% 119 '↑' '' `%arrowtp `% 120 '↓' '' `%arrowbt `% 121 '◜' '' `%bracehtipdownleft `% 122 '◝' '' `%bracehtipdownright `% 123 '◟' '' `%bracehtipupleft `% 124 '◞' '' `%bracehtipupright `% 125 '⇑' '' `%arrowdbltp `% 126 '⇓' '' `%arrowdblbt `% 127 zpsycmrv 0 127 >>> \AddFont{zpsycmrv}{unicode/adobe/mathptm/zpsycmrv}{} \<<< .zpsycmrv htfcss: zptmcm7v font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{zptmcm7v}{alias/adobe/mathptmx/zptmcm7v}{} \<<< zpzccmry 0 127 '−' '' `%minus`% 0 ` '⋅' '' `%periodcentered`% 1 % zpzccmry.htf (unicode) `version % '×' '' `%multiply`% 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '∗' '' `%asterisk`% 3 ` '÷' '' `%divide`% 4 ` '◇' '' `%lozenge`% 5 ` '±' '' `%plusminus`% 6 ` '∓' '' `%minusplus`% 7 ` '⊕' '' `%circleplus`% 8 ` '⊖' '' `%circleminus`% 9 ` '⊗' '' `%circlemultiply`%10 ` '⊘' '' `%circleslash`%11 ` '⊙' '' `%circledot`%12 ` '○' '' `%circlebig`%13 ` '∘' '' `%circlesmall`%14 ` '∙' '' `%bullet`%15 ` '≍' '' `%asymptote`%16 ` '≡' '' `%equivalence`%17 ` '⊆' '' `%reflexsubset`%18 ` '⊇' '' `%reflexsuperset`%19 ` '≤' '' `%lessequal`% 20 '≥' '' `%greaterequal`% 21 '≼' '' `%precedeorequal`% 22 '≽' '' `%succeedorequal`% 23 '∼' '' `%similar`% 24 '≈' '' `%approxequal`% 25 '⊂' '' `%propersubset`% 26 '⊃' '' `%propersuperset`% 27 '≪' '' `%lessless`% 28 '≫' '' `%greatergreater`% 29 '≺' '' `%precedes`% 30 '≻' '' `%succeeds`% 31 '←' '' `%arrowleft`% 32 '→' '' `%arrowright`% 33 '↑' '' `%arrowup`% 34 '↓' '' `%arrowdown`% 35 '↔' '' `%arrowboth`% 36 '↗' '' `%arrowNE`% 37 '↘' '' `%arrowSE`% 38 '≃' '' `%similarorequal`% 39 '⇐' '' `%arrowdblleft`% 40 '⇒' '' `%arrowdblright`% 41 '⇑' '' `%arrowdblup`% 42 '⇓' '' `%arrowdbldown`% 43 '⇔' '' `%arrowdblboth`% 44 '↖' '' `%arrowNW`% 45 '↙' '' `%arrowSW`% 46 '∝' '' `%proportional`% 47 '′' '' `%minute`% 48 '∞' '' `%infinity`% 49 '∈' '' `%element`% 50 '∋' '' `%ownership`% 51 '△' '' `%triangleup`% 52 '▽' '' `%triangledown`% 53 '⁄' '' `%slashoverstrike`% 54 '↦' '' `%mapstochar`% 55 '∀' '' `%universal`% forall 56 '∃' '' `%existential`%57 '¬' '' `%logicalnot`% 58 '∅' '' `%emptyset`% 59 'ℜ' '' `%Real part`% 60 'ℑ' '' `%Imaginary part`% 61 '⊤' '' `%perpendiculardown`% 62 '⊥' '' `%perpendicular`% 63 'ℵ' '' `%aleph`% 64 '𝒜' '' script A 65 'ℬ' '' script B 66 '𝒞' '' script C 67 '𝒟' '' script D 68 'ℰ' '' script E 69 'ℱ' '' script F 70 '𝒢' '' script G 71 'ℋ' '' script H 72 'ℐ' '' script I 73 '𝒥' '' script J 74 '𝒦' '' script K 75 'ℒ' '' script L 76 'ℳ' '' script M 77 '𝒩' '' script N 78 '𝒪' '' script O 79 '𝒫' '' script P 80 '𝒬' '' script Q 81 'ℛ' '' script R 82 '𝒮' '' script S 83 '𝒯' '' script T 84 '𝒰' '' script U 85 '𝒱' '' script V 86 '𝒲' '' script W 87 '𝒳' '' script X 88 '𝒴' '' script Y 89 '𝒵' '' script Z 90 '∪' '' `%union`% 91 '∩' '' `%intersection`% 92 '⊎' '' `%unionplus`% 93 '∧' '' `%logicaland`% 94 '∨' '' `%logicalor`% 95 '⊢' '' `%verticaldash`% 96 '⊣' '' `%dashvertical`% 97 '⌊' '' `%bracketleftbt`% 98 '⌋' '' `%bracketrightbt`% 99 '⌈' '' `%bracketlefttp`% 100 '⌉' '' `%bracketrighttp`% 101 '{' '' `%braceleft`% 102 '}' '' `%braceright`% 103 '⟨' '' `%angleleft`% 104 '⟩' '' `%angleright`% 105 '|' '' `%barsingle`% 106 '∥' '' `%bardouble`% 107 '↕' '' `%arrowupdown`% 108 '⇕' '' `%arrowdblupdown`% 109 '∖' '' `%backslash`% 110 '≀' '' `%wreathproduct`% 111 '√' '' `%radical`% 112 '∎' '' `%end of proof`% 113 '∇' '' `%gradient`% 114 '∫' '' `%integral`% 115 '⊔' '' `%cupsquare`% 116 '⊓' '' `%capsquare`% 117 '⊑' '' `%subseteqsquare`% 118 '⊒' '' `%superseteqsquare`% 119 '§' '' `%section`% 120 '†' '' `%dagger`% 121 '‡' '' `%daggerdbl`% 122 '¶' '' `%paragraph`% 123 '♣' '' `%club`% 124 '♢' '' `%diamondoutline`% 125 '♡' '' `%heartoutline`% 126 '♠' '' `%spade`% 127 zpzccmry 0 127 htfcss: zpzccmry font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{zpzccmry}{unicode/adobe/mathptm/zpzccmry}{} \<<< .zpzccmry htfcss: zptmcm7y font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{zptmcm7y}{alias/adobe/mathptmx/zptmcm7y}{} \<<< .pplri9t htfcss: zpplcmb font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{zpplcmb}{alias/adobe/mathppl/zpplcmb}{} \<<< .pplri9t htfcss: zpplcmr font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{zpplcmr}{alias/adobe/mathppl/zpplcmr}{} \<<< .zptmcmr htfcss: zptmcm7t font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{zptmcm7t}{alias/adobe/mathptmx/zptmcm7t}{} \<<< zptmcmr 0 170 'Γ' '' Gamma 0 ` 'Δ' '' Delta 1 % zptmcmr.htf `version % 'Θ' '' Theta 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % 'Λ' '' Lambda 3 ` 'Ξ' '' Xi 4 ` 'Π' '' Pi 5 ` 'Σ' '' Sigma 6 ` 'Υ' '' Upsilon 7 ` 'Φ' '' Phi 8 ` 'Ψ' '' Psi 9 ` 'Ω' '' Omega 10 ` 'ff' '' ff 11 ` 'fi' '' fi 12 ` 'fl' '' fl 13 ` 'ffi' '' ffi 14 ` 'ffl' '' ffl 15 ` 'ı' '' dotless i 16 ` '∎' '' `%end of proof`% 17 ` 'ˋ' '' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '' acute 19 ` 'ˇ' '' caron 20 '˘' '' breve 21 'ˉ' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring baove 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'ß' '' sharp \ss 25 'æ' '' aelig 26 'œ' '' oelig 27 'ø' '' o with stroke 28 'Æ' '' AElig 29 'Œ' '' OElig 30 'Ø' '' O with stroke 31 '∎' '' `%end of proof`% 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '¡' '' inverted ! 60 '=' '' 61 '¿' '' inverted ? 62 '?' 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'' 33 exclam % psyr.htf (unicode) `version % '∀' '' 34 universal % Copyright `CopyYear.2004. Eitan M. Gurari % '#' '' 35 numbersign ` '∃' '' 36 existential ` '%' '' 37 percent ` '&' '' 38 ampersand ` '∈' '' 39 suchthat ` '(' '' 40 parenleft ` ')' '' 41 parenright ` '*' '' 42 asteriskmath ` '+' '' 43 plus ` ',' '' 44 comma ` '−' '' 45 minus ` '.46' '' period ` '/' '' 47 slash ` '0' '' 48 zero ` '1' '' 49 one ` '2' '' 50 two ` '3' '' 51 three ` '4' '' 52 four '5' '' 53 five '6' '' 54 six '7' '' 55 seven '8' '' 56 eight '9' '' 57 nine ':' '' 58 colon ';' '' 59 semicolon '<' '' 60 less '=' '' 61 equal '>' '' 62 greater '?' '' 63 question '≅' '' 64 congruent 'Α' '' 65 Alpha 'Β' '' 66 Beta 'Χ' '' 67 Chi 'Δ' '' 68 Delta 'Ε' '' 69 Epsilon 'Φ' '' 70 Phi 'Γ' '' 71 Gamma 'Η' '' 72 Eta 'Ι' '' 73 Iota '𝜃' '' 74 theta1 'Κ' '' 75 Kappa 'Λ' '' 76 Lambda 'Μ' '' 77 Mu 'Ν' '' 78 Nu 'Ο' '' 79 Omicron 'Π' '' 80 Pi 'Θ' '' 81 Theta 'Ρ' '' 82 Rho 'Σ' '' 83 Sigma 'Τ' '' 84 Tau 'ϒ' '' 85 Upsilon 'ς' '' 86 sigma1 'Ω' '' 87 Omega 'Ξ' '' 88 Xi 'Ψ' '' 89 Psi 'Ζ' '' 90 Zeta '[' '' 91 bracketleft '∴' '' 92 therefore ']' '' 93 bracketright '⊥' '' 94 perpendicular '_' '' 95 underscore '‾' '' 96 radicalex 'α' '' 97 alpha 'β' '' 98 beta 'χ' '' 99 chi 'δ' '' 100 delta '𝜖' '' `%epsilon`% 101 'ϕ' '' 102 phi 'γ' '' 103 gamma 'η' '' 104 eta 'ι' '' 105 iota 'φ' '' 106 phi1 'κ' '' 107 kappa 'λ' '' 108 lambda 'μ' '' 109 mu 'ν' '' 110 nu 'ο' '' 111 omicron 'π' '' 112 pi '𝜃' '' 113 theta 'ρ' '' 114 rho 'σ' '' 115 sigma 'τ' '' 116 tau 'υ' '' 117 upsilon 'ϖ' '' 118 omega1 'ω' '' 119 omega 'ξ' '' 120 xi 'ψ' '' 121 psi 'ζ' '' 122 zeta '{' '' 123 braceleft '|' '' 124 bar '}' '' 125 braceright '~' '' 126 similar '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '' '' 153 '' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 'ϒ' '' 161 Upsilon1 '′' '' 162 minute '≤' '' 163 lessequal '⁄' '' 164 fraction '∞' '' 165 infinity 'ƒ' '' 166 florin '♣' '' 167 club '♢' '' 168 diamond '♡' '' 169 heart '♠' '' 170 spade '↔' '' 171 arrowboth '←' '' 172 arrowleft '↑' '' 173 arrowup '→' '' 174 arrowright '↓' '' 175 arrowdown '℃' '' 176 degree '±' '' 177 plusminus '″' '' 178 second '≥' '' 179 greaterequal '×' '' 180 multiply '∝' '' 181 proportional '∂' '' 182 partialdiff '•' '' 183 bullet '÷' '' 184 divide '≠' '' 185 notequal '≡' '' 186 equivalence '' '' 187 approxequal '…' '' 188 ellipsis '|' '' 189 arrowvertex '-' '' 190 arrowhorizex '&x#21B2;' '' 191 carriagereturn 'ℵ' '' 192 aleph 'ℑ' '' 193 Ifraktur 'ℜ' '' 194 Rfraktur '℘' '' 195 weierstrass '⊗' '' 196 circlemultiply '⊕' '' 197 circleplus '∅' '' 198 emptyset '∩' '' 199 intersection '∪' '' 200 union '⊃' '' 201 propersuperset '⊇' '' 202 reflexsuperset '⊄' '' 203 notsubset '⊂' '' 204 propersubset '⊆' '' 205 reflexsubset '∈' '' 206 element '∉' '' 207 notelement '∠' '' 208 angle '∇' '' 209 gradient '®' '' 210 registerserif '©' '' 211 copyrightserif '™' '' 212 trademarkserif '∏' '' 213 product '·' '' 214 radical '⋅' '' 215 dotmath '¬' '' 216 logicalnot '∧' '' 217 logicaland '∨' '' 218 logicalor '⇔' '' 219 arrowdblboth '⇐' '' 220 arrowdblleft '⇑' '' 221 arrowdblup '⇒' '' 222 arrowdblright '⇓' '' 223 arrowdbldown '◇' '' 224 lozenge '⟨' '' 225 angleleft '®' '' 226 registersans '©' '' 227 copyrightsans '™' '' 228 trademarksans '∑' '' 229 summation '⎛' '' 230 parenlefttp '⎜' '' 231 parenleftex '⎝' '' 232 parenleftbt '⎡' '' 233 bracketlefttp '⎢' '' 234 bracketleftex '⎣' '' 235 bracketleftbt '⎧' '' 236 bracelefttp '⎨' '' 237 braceleftmid '⎩' '' 238 braceleftbt '⎪' '' 239 braceex '' '' 240 '⟩' '' 241 angleright '∫' '' 242 integral '⌠' '' 243 integraltp '⎪' '' 244 integralex '⌡' '' 245 integralbt '⎞' '' 246 parenrighttp '⎟' '' 247 parenrightex '⎠' '' 248 parenrightbt '⎤' '' 249 bracketrighttp '⎥' '' 250 bracketrightex '⎦' '' 251 bracketrightbt '⎫' '' 252 bracerighttp '⎬' '' 253 bracerightmid '⎭' '' 254 bracerightbt psyr 32 254 >>> \AddFont{psyr-uni}{unicode/adobe/symbol/psyr}{} \<<< .psyr htfcss: psyro font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{psyro}{alias/adobe/symbol/psyro}{} \<<< .psyr >>> \AddFont{rpsyr}{alias/adobe/symbol/rpsyr}{} \<<< .psyr htfcss: rpsyro font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{rpsyro}{alias/adobe/symbol/rpsyro}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Chapter{Ams Fonts} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .cmmi >>> \AddFont{eurm}{alias/ams/euler/eurm} \<<< .cmmi htfcss: eurb font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{eurb}{alias/ams/euler/eurb} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{euex} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< euex 8 125 '{' '' 8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '}' '' 9 % euex.htf `version % '{' '' 10 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '}' '' 11 ` '{' '' 12 ` '}' '' 13 ` '{' '' 14 ` '}' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 ` '' '' 21 ` '' '' 22 ` '' '' 23 ` '↼' '' leftharpoonup 24 ` '↽' '' leftharpoondown 25 ` '⇀' '' righttharpoonup 26 ` '⇁' '' rightharpoondown 27 ` '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 '←' '' leftarrow 32 '→' '' rightarrow 33 '↑' '' uparrow 34 '↓' '' downarrow 35 '↔' '' leftrightarrow 36 '↗' '' nearrow 37 '↘' '' searrow 38 '≃' '' symeq 39 '⇐' '' Leftarrow 40 '⇒' '' Rightarrow 41 '⇑' '' Uparrow 42 '⇓' '' Downarrow 43 '⇔' '' Leftrightarrow 44 '↖' '' nwarrow 45 '↙' '' swarrow 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '∞' '' infinity 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '{' '' 60 '}' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '∮' '' 72 '∮' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '∑' '' sum 80 '∏' '' product 81 '∫' '' integral 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '∑' '' sum 80 '∏' '' product 81 '∫' '' integral 82 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '∐' '' coprod 96 '∐' '' coprod 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '↕' '' updownarrow 108 '⇕' '' Updownarrow 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '' '' 120 '' '' 121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 euex 8 125 >>> \AddFont{euex-uni}{unicode/ams/euler/euex} \SubSection{msbm: AMS symbol-b fonts} \<<< msbm 0 127 '≨' '' lessornotequal 0 % generated from msbm7.tfm, 2024-04-19-22:45 '≩' '' greaterornotequal 1 % Copyright 2000 Eitan M. Gurar '≰' '' notlessequal 2 % Copyright 2024 TeX Users Group '≱' '' notgreaterequal 3 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '≮' '' notless 4 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '≯' '' notgreater 5 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '⊀' '' notprecedes 6 % later version. The latest version of this license is in '⊁' '' notfollows 7 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '≨' '' lessornotdbleql 8 % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '≩' '' greaterornotdbleql 9 % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '⪊' '' notlessorslnteql 10 % '⪉' '' notgreaterorslnteql 11 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '⪇' '' lessnotequal 12 % '⪈' '' greaternotequal 13 % The Current Maintainer of this work '⪯̸' '' notprecedesoreql 14 % is the TeX4ht Project . '⪰̸' '' notfollowsoreql 15 % '⋨' '' precedeornoteqvlnt 16 % If you modify this program, changing the '⋩' '' followornoteqvlnt 17 % version identification would be appreciated. '⋦' '' lessornotsimilar 18 '⋧' '' greaterornotsimilar 19 '≦̸' '' notlessdblequal 20 '≧̸' '' notgreaterdblequal 21 '⪵' '' precedenotslnteql 22 '⪶' '' follownotslnteql 23 '⪹' '' precedenotdbleqv 24 '⪺' '' follownotdbleqv 25 '⪉' '' lessnotdblequal 26 '⪊' '' greaternotdblequal 27 '≁' '' notsimilar 28 '≇' '' notapproxequal 29 '⧸' '' upslope 30 '⧹' '' downslope 31 '⊊' '' notsubsetoreql 32 '⊋' '' notsupersetoreql 33 '⫅̸' '' notsubsetordbleql 34 '⫆̸' '' notsupersetordbleql 35 '⫋' '' subsetornotdbleql 36 '⫌' '' supersetornotdbleql 37 '⫋' '' subsetornoteql 38 '⫌' '' supersetornoteql 39 '⊊' '' subsetnoteql 40 '⊋' '' supersetnoteql 41 '⊈' '' notsubseteql 42 '⊉' '' notsuperseteql 43 '∦' '' notparallel 44 '∤' '' notbar 45 '∤' '' notshortbar 46 '∦' '' notshortparallel 47 '⊬' '' notturnstile 48 '⊮' '' notforces 49 '⊭' '' notsatisfies 50 '⊯' '' notforcesextra 51 '⋭' '' nottriangeqlright 52 '⋬' '' nottriangeqlleft 53 '⋪' '' nottriangleleft 54 '⋫' '' nottriangleright 55 '↚' '' notarrowleft 56 '↛' '' notarrowright 57 '⇍' '' notdblarrowleft 58 '⇏' '' notdblarrowright 59 '⇎' '' notdblarrowboth 60 '↮' '' notarrowboth 61 '⋇' '' dividemultiply 62 '∅' '' emptyset 63 '∄' '' notexistential 64 '𝔸' '' A 65 '𝔹' '' B 66 'ℂ' '' C 67 '𝔻' '' D 68 '𝔼' '' E 69 '𝔽' '' F 70 '𝔾' '' G 71 'ℍ' '' H 72 '𝕀' '' I 73 '𝕁' '' J 74 '𝕂' '' K 75 '𝕃' '' L 76 '𝕄' '' M 77 'ℕ' '' N 78 '𝕆' '' O 79 'ℙ' '' P 80 'ℚ' '' Q 81 'ℝ' '' R 82 '𝕊' '' S 83 '𝕋' '' T 84 '𝕌' '' U 85 '𝕍' '' V 86 '𝕎' '' W 87 '𝕏' '' X 88 '𝕐' '' Y 89 'ℤ' '' Z 90 '̂' '' hatwide 91 '̂' '' hatwider 92 '̃' '' tildewide 93 '̃' '' tildewider 94 '' '' 'Ⅎ' '' Finv 96 '⅁' '' Gmir 97 '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '℧' '' Omegainv 102 'ð' '' eth 103 '≂' '' equalorsimilar 104 'ℶ' '' beth 105 'ℷ' '' gimel 106 'ℸ' '' daleth 107 '⋖' '' lessdot 108 '⋗' '' greaterdot 109 '⋉' '' multicloseleft 110 '⋊' '' multicloseright 111 '❘' '' barshort 112 '‖' '' parallelshort 113 '∖' '' integerdivide 114 '∼' '' similar 115 '≈' '' approxequal 116 '≊' '' approxorequal 117 '⪷' '' followsorequal 118 '⪸' '' precedesorequal 119 '↶' '' archleftdown 120 '↷' '' archrightdown 121 'Ϝ' '' Digamma 122 '𝜘' '' kappa 123 '𝕜' '' k 124 'ℏ' '' planckover2pi 125 'ℏ' '' planckover2pi1 126 '϶' '' epsiloninv 127 msbm 0 127 >>> \AddFont{msbm-uni}{unicode/ams/symbols/msbm} \SubSection{wncyr} \<<< wncyr 0 127 'Њ' '' 0 ` 'Љ' '' 1 % wncyr.htf `version % 'Џ' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan Gurari % 'Э' '' 3 % Copyright 2010-2021 TeX Users Group % 'І' '' 4 ` 'Є' '' 5 ` 'Ђ' '' 6 ` 'Ћ' '' 7 ` 'њ' '' 8 ` 'љ' '' 9 ` 'џ' '' 10 ` 'э' '' 11 ` 'і' '' 12 ` 'є' '' 13 ` 'ђ' '' 14 ` 'ћ' '' 15 ` 'Ю' '' 16 ` 'Ж' '' 17 ` 'Й' '' 18 ` 'Ё' '' 19 ` 'Ѵ' '' 20 ` 'Ѳ' '' 21 'Ѕ' '' 22 'Я' '' 23 'ю' '' 24 'ж' '' 25 'й' '' 26 'ё' '' 27 'ѵ' '' 28 'ѳ' '' 29 'ѕ' '' 30 'я' '' 31 '¨' '' 32 ADDED: Diaeresis '!' '' 33 '”' '' 34 # CHANGED: Right double quotation mark 'Ѣ' '' 35 Yat: CHANGED: Capital Yat '˘' '' 36 ADDED: Breve '%' '' 37 '´' '' 38 ADDED: Acute accent '’' '' 39 # ADDED: Right single quotation mark '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 'ѣ' ''b 43 miniscule Yat; CHANGED: Small yat ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '«' '' 60 'ı' '' 61 CORRECTED '»' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '□' '' square 3 ` '■' '' squaresolid 4 ` '▪' '' squaresmallsolid 5 ` '♢' '' diamond 6 ` '♦' '' diamondsolid 7 ` '↻' '' clockwise 8 ` '↺' '' anticlockwise 9 ` '⇌' '' harpoonleftright 10 ` '⇋' '' harpoonrightleft 11 ` '⊟' '' squareminus 12 ` '⊩' '' forces 13 ` '⊪' '' forcesbar 14 ` '⊨' '' satisfies 15 ` '↠' '' dblarrowheadright 16 ` '↞' '' dblarrowheadleft 17 ` '⇇' '' dblarrowleft 18 ` '⇉' '' dblarrowright 19 ` '⇈' '' dblarrowup 20 '⇊' '' dblarrowdwn 21 '↾' '' harpoonupright 22 upwards harpoon with barb rightwards '⇂' '' harpoondownright 23 '↿' '' harpoonupleft 24 '⇃' '' harpoondownleft 25 '↣' '' arrowtailright 26 '↢' '' arrowtailleft 27 '⇆' '' arrowparrleftright 28 '⇄' '' arrowparrrightleft 29 '↰' '' shiftleft 30 '↱' '' shiftright 31 '⇝' '' squiggleright 32 '↭' '' squiggleleftright 33 '↫' '' curlyleft 34 '↬' '' curlyright 35 '≗' '' circleequal 36 '≿' '' followsorequal 37 '≳' '' greaterorsimilar 38 '≿' '' greaterorapproxeql 39 '⊸' '' multimap 40 '∴' '' therefore 41 '∵' '' because 42 '≑' '' equalsdots 43 '≜' '' defines 44 '≾' '' precedesorequal 45 '≲' '' lessorsimilar 46 '≾' '' lessorapproxeql 47 '⋜' '' equalorless 48 '⋝' '' equalorgreater 49 '⋞' '' equalorprecedes 50 '⋟' '' equalorfollows 51 '≼' '' precedesorcurly 52 '≦' '' lessdblequal 53 '≤' '' lessorequalslant 54 '≶' '' lessorgreater 55 '‵' '' primereverse 56 '−' '' axisshort 57 '≓' '' equaldotrightleft 58 '≒' '' equaldotleftright 59 '≽' '' followsorcurly 60 '≧' '' greaterdblequal 61 '≥' '' greaterorequalslant 62 '≷' '' greaterorless 63 '⊏' '' squareimage 64 '⊐' '' squareoriginal 65 '▹' '' triangleright 66 '◃' '' triangleleft 67 '⊵' '' trianglerightequal 68 '⊴' '' triangleleftequal 69 '⋆' '' star 70 '≬' '' between 71 '▾' '' triangledownsld 72 '▸' '' trianglerightsld 73 '◂' '' triangleleftsld 74 '→' '' arrowaxisright 75 '←' '' arrowaxisleft 76 '▵' '' triangle 77 '▴' '' trianglesolid 78 '▿' '' triangleinv 79 '≖' '' ringinequal 80 '⋛' '' lessequalgreater 81 '⋚' '' greaterlessequal 82 '⋛' '' lessdbleqlgreater 83 '⋚' '' greaterdbleqlless 84 '¥' '' Yen 85 '⇛' '' arrowtripleright 86 '⇚' '' arrowtripleleft 87 '✓' '' check 88 '⊻' '' orunderscore 89 '⊼' '' nand 90 '≙' '' perpcorrespond 91 '∠' '' angle 92 '∡' '' measuredangle 93 '∢' '' sphericalangle 94 '∝' '' proportional 95 '⌣' '' smile 96 '⌢' '' frown 97 '⋐' '' subsetdbl 98 '⋑' '' supersetdbl 99 '⋓' '' uniondbl 100 '⋒' '' intersectiondbl 101 '⋏' '' uprise 102 '⋎' '' downfall 103 '⋋' '' multiopenleft 104 '⋌' '' multiopenright 105 '⊆' '' subsetdblequal 106 '⊇' '' supersetdblequal 107 '≏' '' difference 108 '≎' '' geomequivalent 109 '⋘' '' muchless 110 '⋙' '' muchgreater 111 '⌜' '' rightanglenw 112 '⌝' '' rightanglene 113 'Ⓡ' '' circleR 114 'Ⓢ' '' circleS 115 '⋔' '' fork 116 '∔' '' dotplus 117 '∽' '' revsimilar 118 '≃' '' revasymptequal 119 '⌞' '' rightanglesw 120 '⌟' '' rightanglese 121 '�' '' maltesecross 122 '∁' '' complement 123 '⊺' '' intercal 124 '⊚' '' circlering 125 '⊛' '' circleasterisk 126 '⊝' '' circleminus 127 msam 0 127 >>> \AddFont{msam-uni}{unicode/ams/symbols/msam} \SubSection{eusm} \<<< .eusm htfcss: eusb font-weight: bold; >>> % \AddFont{eusb}{iso8859/1/ams/euler/eusb} \<<< eusb 0 120 '−' '' `%minus`% 0 ` '' '' 1 % eusb.htf `version % '' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 3 ` '' '' 4 ` '' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '∼' '' `%similar`% 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 '' '' 32 '' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '' '' 40 '' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '' '' 44 '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' `%ghost`% 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '¬' '' `%logicalnot`% 58 '' '' 59 'ℜ' '' `%real part`% 60 'ℑ' '' `%imaginary part`% 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 'ℵ' '' `%aleph`% 64 '𝓐' '' `%script A`% 65 '𝓑' '' `%B`% 66 '𝓒' '' `%C`% 67 '𝓓' '' `%D`% 68 '𝓔' '' `%E`% 69 '𝓕' '' `%F`% 70 '𝓖' '' `%G`% 71 '𝓗' '' `%H`% 72 '𝓘' '' `%I`% 73 '𝓙' '' `%J`% 74 '𝓚' '' `%K`% 75 '𝓛' '' `%L`% 76 '𝓜' '' `%M`% 77 '𝓝' '' `%N`% 78 '𝓟' '' `%O`% 79 '𝑐' '' `%P`% 80 '𝑑' '' `%Q`% 81 '𝑒' '' `%R`% 82 '𝑓' '' `%S`% 83 '𝑔' '' `%T`% 84 '𝑕' '' `%U`% 85 '𝑖' '' `%V`% 86 '𝑗' '' `%W`% 87 '𝑘' '' `%X`% 88 '𝑙' '' `%Y`% 89 '𝑚' '' `%Z`% 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '∧' '' `%logicaland`% 94 '∨' '' `%logicalor`% 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '{' '' `%braceleft`% 102 '}' '' `%braceright`% 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '|' '' `%bar`% 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '∖' '' `%backslash`% 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '§' '' `%section`% 120 eusb 0 120 htfcss: eusb font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{eusb-uni}{unicode/ams/euler/eusb} \<<< eusm 0 120 '−' '' `%minus`% 0 ` '' '' 1 % eusm.htf `version % '' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 3 ` '' '' 4 ` '' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '∼' '' `%similar`% 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 '' '' 32 '' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '' '' 40 '' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '' '' 44 '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' `%ghost`% 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '¬' '' `%logicalnot`% 58 '' '' 59 'ℜ' '' `%real part`% 60 'ℑ' '' `%imaginary part`% 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 'ℵ' '' `%aleph`% 64 '𝒜' '' `%script A`% 65 'ℬ' '' `%B`% 66 '𝒞' '' `%C`% 67 '𝒟' '' `%D`% 68 'ℰ' '' `%E`% 69 'ℱ' '' `%F`% 70 '𝒢' '' `%G`% 71 'ℋ' '' `%H`% 72 'ℐ' '' `%I`% 73 '𝒥' '' `%J`% 74 '𝒦' '' `%K`% 75 'ℒ' '' `%L`% 76 'ℳ' '' `%M`% 77 '𝒩' '' `%N`% 78 '𝒪' '' `%O`% 79 '𝒫' '' `%P`% 80 '𝒬' '' `%Q`% 81 'ℛ' '' `%R`% 82 '𝒮' '' `%S`% 83 '𝒯' '' `%T`% 84 '𝒰' '' `%U`% 85 '𝒱' '' `%V`% 86 '𝒲' '' `%W`% 87 '𝒳' '' `%X`% 88 '𝒴' '' `%Y`% 89 '𝒵' '' `%Z`% 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '∧' '' `%logicaland`% 94 '∨' '' `%logicalor`% 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '{' '' `%braceleft`% 102 '}' '' `%braceright`% 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '|' '' `%bar`% 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '∖' '' `%backslash`% 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '§' '' `%section`% 120 eusm 0 120 >>> \AddFont{eusm-uni}{unicode/ams/euler/eusm} \<<< eusm 0 120 '−' '' `%minus`% 0 ` '' '' 1 % eusm.htf `version % '' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 3 ` '' '' 4 ` '' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '∼' '' `%similar`% 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 '' '' 32 '' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '' '' 40 '' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '' '' 44 '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' `%ghost`% 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '¬' '' `%logicalnot`% 58 '' '' 59 'ℜ' '' `%real part`% 60 'ℑ' '' `%imaginary part`% 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 'ℵ' '' `%aleph`% 64 'A' '' `%script A`% 65 'ℬ' '' `%B`% 66 'C' '' `%C`% 67 'D' '' `%D`% 68 'ℰ' '' `%E`% 69 'ℱ' '' `%F`% 70 'G' '' `%G`% 71 'ℋ' '' `%H`% 72 'ℐ' '' `%I`% 73 'J' '' `%J`% 74 'K' '' `%K`% 75 'ℒ' '' `%L`% 76 'ℳ' '' `%M`% 77 'N' '' `%N`% 78 'O' '' `%O`% 79 'P' '' `%P`% 80 'Q' '' `%Q`% 81 'ℛ' '' `%R`% 82 'S' '' `%S`% 83 'T' '' `%T`% 84 'U' '' `%U`% 85 'V' '' `%V`% 86 'W' '' `%W`% 87 'X' '' `%X`% 88 'Y' '' `%Y`% 89 'Z' '' `%Z`% 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '∧' '' `%logicaland`% 94 '∨' '' `%logicalor`% 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '{' '' `%braceleft`% 102 '}' '' `%braceright`% 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '|' '' `%bar`% 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '∖' '' `%backslash`% 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '§' '' `%section`% 120 eusm 0 120 >>> %nomoz \AddFont{eusm-moz}{mozilla/ams/euler/eusm} \SubSection{eufm: Euler-Fraktal fonts} \<<< eufm 0 127 '𝔟' '' 0 ` '𝔡' '' 1 % eufm.htf `version % '𝔣' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '𝔣' '' 3 ` '𝔤' '' 4 ` '𝔨' '' 5 ` '𝔱' '' 6 ` '𝔲' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` 'ʻ' '' 18 ` 'ʼ' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 '' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '−' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '12' 48 '1' '12' 49 '2' '12' 50 '3' '12' 51 '4' '12' 52 '5' '12' 53 '6' '12' 54 '7' '12' 55 '8' '12' 56 '9' '12' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '' '' 62 '?' 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Gurari % '𝔤' '' 4 ` '𝔨' '' 5 ` '𝔱' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '𝔜' '' 8 ` 'З ' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` 'ʻ' '' 18 ` 'ʼ' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 ` '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 '' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '−' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '16' 48 '1' '16' 49 '2' '16' 50 '3' '16' 51 '4' '16' 52 '5' '16' 53 '6' '16' 54 '7' '16' 55 '8' '16' 56 '9' '16' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '' '' 62 '?' '' 63 '' '' 64 '𝕬' '' 65 '𝕭' '' 66 '𝕮' '' 67 '𝕯' '' 68 '𝕰' '' 69 '𝕱' '' 70 '𝕲' '' 71 '𝕳' '' 72 '𝕴' '' 73 '𝕵' '' 74 '𝕶' '' 75 '𝕷' '' 76 '𝕸' '' 77 '𝕹' '' 78 '𝕺' '' 79 '𝕻' '' 80 '𝕼' '' 81 '𝕽' '' 82 '𝕾' '' 83 '𝕿' '' 84 '𝖀' '' 85 '𝖁' '' 86 '𝖂' '' 87 '𝖃' '' 88 '𝖄' '' 89 '𝖅' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '' '' 92 ']' '' 93 '\94\' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '𝖆' '' 97 '𝖇' '' 98 '𝖈' '' 99 '𝖉' '' 100 '𝖊' '' 101 '𝖋' '' 102 '𝖌' '' 103 '𝖍' '' 104 '𝖎' '' 105 '𝖏' '' 106 '𝖐' '' 107 '𝖑' '' 108 '𝖒' '' 109 '𝖓' '' 110 '𝖔' '' 111 '𝖕' '' 112 '𝖖' '' 113 '𝖗' '' 114 '𝖘' '' 115 '𝖙' '' 116 '𝖚' '' 117 '𝖛' '' 118 '𝖜' '' 119 '𝖝' '' 120 '𝖞' '' 121 '𝖟' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '"' '' 125 '' '' 126 '𝔩' '' 127 eufb 1 127 >>> \AddFont{eufb-uni}{unicode/ams/euler/eufb} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Formal Script Math Symbols (rs0fs)} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< rsfs 65 127 '𝒜' '' script A 65 ` 'ℬ' '' script B 66 % rsfs.htf `version % '𝒞' '' script C 67 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '𝒟' '' script D 68 ` 'ℰ' '' script E 69 ` 'ℱ' '' script F 70 ` '𝒢' '' script G 71 ` 'ℋ' '' script H 72 ` 'ℐ' '' script I 73 ` '𝒥' '' script J 74 ` '𝒦' '' script K 75 ` 'ℒ' '' script L 76 ` 'ℳ' '' script M 77 ` '𝒩' '' script N 78 ` '𝒪' '' script O 79 ` '𝒫' '' script P 80 ` '𝒬' '' script Q 81 ` 'ℛ' '' script R 82 ` '𝒮' '' script S 83 ` '𝒯' '' script T 84 ` '𝒰' '' script U 85 '𝒱' '' script V 86 '𝒲' '' script W 87 '𝒳' '' script X 88 '𝒴' '' script Y 89 '𝒵' '' script Z 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '' '' 120 '' '' 121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 '͡' '' 127 rsfs 65 127 >>> \AddFont{rsfs}{unicode/math/rsfs} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{bbold} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< bbold 0 127 'ℾ' '' `% Gamma `% 0 ` 'Δ' '' `% Delta `% 1 % bbold.htf `version 'Θ' '' `% Theta `% 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2009. Eitan M. Gurari 'Λ' '' `% Lambda `% 3 % Copyright 2009-2021 TeX Users Group 'Ξ' '' `% Xi `% 4 ` 'ℿ' '' `% Pi `% 5 ` '⅀' '' `% Pi `% 6 ` 'Υ' '' `% n-array summation `% 7 ` 'Φ' '' `% Phi `% 8 ` 'Ψ' '' `% Psi `% 9 ` 'Ω' '' `% Omega `% 10` 'α' '' `% alpha `% 11 ` 'β' '' `% beta `% 12 ` 'ℽ' '' `% gamma `% 13 ` 'δ' '' `% delta `% 14 ` '𝜖' '' `%epsilon`% 15 ` 'ζ' '' `% zeta `% 16 ` 'η' '' `% eta `% 17 ` 'θ' '' `% theta `% 18 ` 'ι' '' `% iota `% 19 ` 'κ' '' `% kappa `% 20 'λ' '' `% lambda `% 21 'μ' '' `% mu `% 22 'ν' '' `% nu `% 23 'ξ' '' `% xi `% 24 'ℼ' '' `% pi `% 25 'ρ' '' `% rho `% 26 'σ' '' `% sigma `% 27 'τ' '' `% tau `% 28 'υ' '' `% upsilon `% 29 'ϕ' '' `% phi `% 30 'χ' '' `% chi `% 31 'ψ' '' `% psi `% 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '⦅' '' 40 '⦆' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '𝟘' '' `% 0 `% 48 '𝟙' '' `% 1 `% 49 '𝟚' '' `% 2 `% 50 '𝟛' '' `% 3 `% 51 '𝟜' '' `% 4 `% 52 '𝟝' '' `% 5 `% 53 '𝟞' '' `% 6 `% 54 '𝟟' '' `% 7 `% 55 '𝟠' '' `% 8 `% 56 '𝟡' '' `% 9 `% 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' less than 60 '⸰' '' 61 '>' '' greater than 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 '𝔸' '' `% /A.out `% 65 '𝔹' '' `% /B.out `% 66 'ℂ' '' `% /C.out `% 67 '𝔻' '' `% /D.out `% 68 '𝔼' '' `% /E.out `% 69 '𝔽' '' `% /F.out `% 70 '𝔾' '' `% /G.out `% 71 'ℍ' '' `% /H.out `% 72 '𝕀' '' `% /I.out `% 73 '𝕁' '' `% /J.out `% 74 '𝕂' '' `% /K.out `% 75 '𝕃' '' `% /L.out `% 76 '𝕄' '' `% /M.out `% 77 'ℕ' '' `% /N.out `% 78 '𝕆' '' `% /O.out `% 79 'ℙ' '' `% /P.out `% 80 'ℚ' '' `% /Q.out `% 81 'ℝ' '' `% /R.out `% 82 '𝕊' '' `% /S.out `% 83 '𝕋' '' `% /T.out `% 84 '𝕌' '' `% /U.out `% 85 '𝕍' '' `% /V.out `% 86 '𝕎' '' `% /W.out `% 87 '𝕏' '' `% /X.out `% 88 '𝕐' '' `% /Y.out `% 89 'ℤ' '' `% /Z.out `% 90 '⟦' '' `% [ `% 91 '\' '' backslash 92 '⟧' '' `% ] `% 93 '⟪' '' left double bracket 94 '⟫' '' right double bracket 95 '‘' '' left singlequote 96 '𝕒' '' `% /a.out `% 97 '𝕓' '' `% /b.out `% 98 '𝕔' '' `% /c.out `% 99 '𝕕' '' `% /d.out `% 100 '𝕖' '' `% /e.out `% 101 '𝕗' '' `% /f.out `% 102 '𝕘' '' `% /g.out `% 103 '𝕙' '' `% /h.out `% 104 '𝕚' '' `% /i.out `% 105 '𝕛' '' `% /j.out `% 106 '𝕜' '' `% /k.out `% 107 '𝕝' '' `% /l.out `% 108 '𝕞' '' `% /m.out `% 109 '𝕟' '' `% /n.out `% 110 '𝕠' '' `% /o.out `% 111 '𝕡' '' `% /p.out `% 112 '𝕢' '' `% /q.out `% 113 '𝕣' '' `% /r.out `% 114 '𝕤' '' `% /s.out `% 115 '𝕥' '' `% /t.out `% 116 '𝕦' '' `% /u.out `% 117 '𝕧' '' `% /v.out `% 118 '𝕨' '' `% /w.out `% 119 '𝕩' '' `% /x.out `% 120 '𝕪' '' `% /y.out `% 121 '𝕫' '' `% /z.out `% 122 'ߝ' '' en dash 123 '⫾' '' vertical bar 124 '—' '' em dash 125 '“' '' `% left doublequote `% 126 'ω' '' `% omega `% 127 bbold 0 127 >>> \AddFont{bbold}{unicode/bbold/bbold} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Chapter{Cyrillic (Russian)} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< cmcbx 25 127 '№' '' 25 ` '' '' 26 % cmcbx.htf (unicode) `version % '' '' 27 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 28 ` '«' '' 29 ` '»' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 ` '' '' 32 ` '' '' 33 ` '' '' 34 ` '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 ` '' '' 37 ` '' '' 38 ` '' '' 39 ` '' '' 40 ` '' '' 41 ` '' '' 42 ` '' '' 43 ` '' '' 44 ` '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 'ё' '' 60 '' '' 61 'Ё' '' 62 '' '' 63 'ю' '' 64 'а' '' 65 'б' '' 66 'ц' '' 67 'д' '' 68 'е' '' 69 'ф' '' 70 'г' '' 71 'х' '' 72 'и' '' 73 'й' '' 74 'к' '' 75 'л' '' 76 'м' '' 77 'н' '' 78 'о' '' 79 'п' '' 80 'я' '' 81 'р' '' 82 'с' '' 83 'т' '' 84 'у' '' 85 'ж' '' 86 'в' '' 87 'ь' '' 88 'ы' '' 89 'з' '' 90 'ш' '' 91 'э' '' 92 'щ' '' 93 'ч' '' 94 'ъ' '' 95 'Ю' '' 96 'А' '' 97 'Б' '' 98 'Ц' '' 99 'Д' '' 100 'Е' '' 101 'Ф' '' 102 'Г' '' 103 'Х' '' 104 'И' '' 105 'Й' '' 106 'К' '' 107 'Л' '' 108 'М' '' 109 'Н' '' 110 'О' '' 111 'П' '' 112 'Я' '' 113 'Р' '' 114 'С' '' 115 'Т' '' 116 'У' '' 117 'Ж' '' 118 'В' '' 119 'Ь' '' 120 'Ы' '' 121 'З' '' 122 'Ш' '' 123 'Э' '' 124 'Щ' '' 125 'Ч' '' 126 'Ъ' '' 127 cmcbx 25 127 htfcss: cmcbx font-weight: bold; htfcss: cmcbxsl font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{cmcbx-uni}{unicode/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmcbx} \<<< cmccsc 30 127 '' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 % cmccsc.htf (unicode) `version % '' '' 32 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 33 ` '' '' 34 ` '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 ` '' '' 37 ` '' '' 38 ` '' '' 39 ` '' '' 40 ` '' '' 41 ` '' '' 42 ` '' '' 43 ` '' '' 44 ` '' '' 45 ` '' '' 46 ` '' '' 47 ` '' '' 48 ` '' '' 49 ` '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 'ё' '' 60 '' '' 61 'Ё' '' 62 '' '' 63 'Ю' '4' 64 'А' '4' 65 'Б' '4' 66 'Ц' '4' 67 'Д' '4' 68 'Е' '4' 69 'Ф' '4' 70 'Г' '4' 71 'Х' '4' 72 'И' '4' 73 'Й' '4' 74 'К' '4' 75 'Л' '4' 76 'М' '4' 77 'Н' '4' 78 'О' '4' 79 'П' '4' 80 'Я' '4' 81 'Р' '4' 82 'С' '4' 83 'Т' '4' 84 'У' '4' 85 'Ж' '4' 86 'В' '4' 87 'Ь' '4' 88 'Ы' '4' 89 'З' '4' 90 'Ш' '4' 91 'Э' '4' 92 'Щ' '4' 93 'Ч' '4' 94 'Ъ' '4' 95 'Ю' '' 96 'А' '' 97 'Б' '' 98 'Ц' '' 99 'Д' '' 100 'Е' '' 101 'Ф' '' 102 'Г' '' 103 'Х' '' 104 'И' '' 105 'Й' '' 106 'К' '' 107 'Л' '' 108 'М' '' 109 'Н' '' 110 'О' '' 111 'П' '' 112 'Я' '' 113 'Р' '' 114 'С' '' 115 'Т' '' 116 'У' '' 117 'Ж' '' 118 'В' '' 119 'Ь' '' 120 'Ы' '' 121 'З' '' 122 'Ш' '' 123 'Э' '' 124 'Щ' '' 125 'Ч' '' 126 'Ъ' '' 127 cmccsc 30 127 >>> \AddFont{cmccsc-uni}{unicode/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmccsc} \<<< .cmcbx htfcss: cmctt font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{cmctt}{alias/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmctt} \<<< .cmcbx htfcss: cmcsltt font-family: monospace,monospace; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{cmcsltt}{alias/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmcsltt} \<<< .cmcbxti htfcss: cmcti font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{cmcti}{alias/cm/cmcti}{} \<<< .cmcbxti >>> \AddFont{cmcu}{alias/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmcu} \<<< .cmcbxti htfcss: cmcitt font-family: monospace,monospace; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{cmcitt}{alias/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmcitt} \<<< cmcbxti 25 127 '№' '' 25 ` '' '' 26 % cmcbxti.htf (unicode) `version % '' '' 27 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 28 ` '«' '' 29 ` '»' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 ` '' '' 32 ` '' '' 33 ` '' '' 34 ` '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 ` '' '' 37 ` '' '' 38 ` '' '' 39 ` '' '' 40 ` '' '' 41 ` '' '' 42 ` '' '' 43 ` '' '' 44 ` '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 'ё' '' 60 '' '' 61 'Ё' '' 62 '' '' 63 'ю' '' 64 'а' '' 65 'б' '' 66 'ц' '' 67 '∂' '' 68 'е' '' 69 'ф' '' 70 'ƨ' '' 71 'х' '' 72 'u' '' 73 'ŭ' '' 74 'к' '' 75 'л' '' 76 'м' '' 77 'н' '' 78 'о' '' 79 'n' '' 80 'я' '' 81 'р' '' 82 'с' '' 83 'm' '' 84 'у' '' 85 'ж' '' 86 'в' '' 87 'ь' '' 88 'ы' '' 89 'з' '' 90 'ш' '' 91 'э' '' 92 'щ' '' 93 'ч' '' 94 'ъ' '' 95 'Ю' '' 96 'А' '' 97 'Б' '' 98 'Ц' '' 99 'Д' '' 100 'Е' '' 101 'Ф' '' 102 'Г' '' 103 'Х' '' 104 'И' '' 105 'Й' '' 106 'К' '' 107 'Л' '' 108 'М' '' 109 'Н' '' 110 'О' '' 111 'П' '' 112 'Я' '' 113 'Р' '' 114 'С' '' 115 'Т' '' 116 'У' '' 117 'Ж' '' 118 'В' '' 119 'Ь' '' 120 'Ы' '' 121 'З' '' 122 'Ш' '' 123 'Э' '' 124 'Щ' '' 125 'Ч' '' 126 'Ъ' '' 127 cmcbxti 25 127 htfcss: cmcbxti font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{cmcbxti-uni}{unicode/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmcbxti} \<<< cmcbxti 25 127 '№' '1'25 ` '' '' 26 % cmcbxti.htf (win 2151) `version % '' '' 27 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 28 ` '\171\' '' 29 ` '\187\' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 ` '' '' 32 ` '' '' 33 ` '' '' 34 ` '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 ` '' '' 37 ` '' '' 38 ` '' '' 39 ` '' '' 40 ` '' '' 41 ` '' '' 42 ` '' '' 43 ` '' '' 44 ` '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '\184\' '' 60 '' '' 61 '\168\' '' 62 '' '' 63 '\254\' '' 64 '\224\' '' 65 '\225\' '' 66 '\246\' '' 67 '∂' '1'68 '\229\' '' 69 '\244\' '' 70 'ƨ' '1'71 '\245\' '' 72 'u' '' 73 'ŭ' '1'74 '\234\' '' 75 '\235\' '' 76 '\236\' '' 77 '\237\' '' 78 '\238\' '' 79 'n' '' 80 '\255\' '' 81 '\240\' '' 82 '\241\' '' 83 'm' '' 84 '\243\' '' 85 '\230\' '' 86 '\226\' '' 87 '\252\' '' 88 '\251\' '' 89 '\231\' '' 90 '\248\' '' 91 '\253\' '' 92 '\249\' '' 93 '\247\' '' 94 '\250\' '' 95 '\222\' '' 96 '\192\' '' 97 '\193\' '' 98 '\214\' '' 99 '\196\' '' 100 '\197\' '' 101 '\212\' '' 102 '\195\' '' 103 '\213\' '' 104 '\200\' '' 105 '\201\' '' 106 '\202\' '' 107 '\203\' '' 108 '\204\' '' 109 '\205\' '' 110 '\206\' '' 111 '\207\' '' 112 '\223\' '' 113 '\208\' '' 114 '\209\' '' 115 '\210\' '' 116 '\211\' '' 117 '\198\' '' 118 '\194\' '' 119 '\220\' '' 120 '\219\' '' 121 '\199\' '' 122 '\216\' '' 123 '\221\' '' 124 '\217\' '' 125 '\215\' '' 126 '\218\' '' 127 cmcbxti 25 127 htfcss: cmcbxti font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{cmcbxti-1251}{win/1251/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmcbxti} \<<< cmcbxti 25 127 '№' '1'25 ` '' '' 26 % cmcbxti.htf (iso-8859-2) `version % '' '' 27 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 28 ` '«' '' 29 ` '»' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 ` '' '' 32 ` '' '' 33 ` '' '' 34 ` '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 ` '' '' 37 ` '' '' 38 ` '' '' 39 ` '' '' 40 ` '' '' 41 ` '' '' 42 ` '' '' 43 ` '' '' 44 ` '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '\241\' '' 60 '' '' 61 '\161\' '' 62 '' '' 63 '\238\' '' 64 '\208\' '' 65 '\209\' '' 66 '\230\' '' 67 '∂' '1'68 '\213\' '' 69 '\228\' '' 70 'ƨ' '1'71 '\229\' '' 72 'u' '' 73 'ŭ' '1'74 '\218\' '' 75 '\219\' '' 76 '\220\' '' 77 '\221\' '' 78 '\222\' '' 79 'n' '' 80 '\239\' '' 81 '\224\' '' 82 '\225\' '' 83 'm' '' 84 '\227\' '' 85 '\214\' '' 86 '\210\' '' 87 '\236\' '' 88 '\235\' '' 89 '\215\' '' 90 '\232\' '' 91 '\237\' '' 92 '\233\' '' 93 '\231\' '' 94 '\234\' '' 95 '\206\' '' 96 '\176\' '' 97 '\177\' '' 98 '\198\' '' 99 '\180\' '' 100 '\181\' '' 101 '\196\' '' 102 '\179\' '' 103 '\197\' '' 104 '\184\' '' 105 '\185\' '' 106 '\186\' '' 107 '\187\' '' 108 '\188\' '' 109 '\189\' '' 110 '\190\' '' 111 '\191\' '' 112 '\207\' '' 113 '\192\' '' 114 '\193\' '' 115 '\194\' '' 116 '\195\' '' 117 '\182\' '' 118 '\178\' '' 119 '\204\' '' 120 '\203\' '' 121 '\183\' '' 122 '\200\' '' 123 '\205\' '' 124 '\201\' '' 125 '\199\' '' 126 '\202\' '' 127 cmcbxti 25 127 htfcss: cmcbxti font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{cmcbxti-5}{iso8859/5/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmcbxti} \<<< .cmcbx htfcss: cmcssbx font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{cmcssbx}{alias/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmcssbx} \<<< .cmcbx htfcss: cmcssi font-family: sans-serif; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{cmcssi}{alias/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmcssi} \<<< .cmcbx htfcss: cmcb font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{cmcb}{alias/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmcb} \<<< cmcbx 25 127 '№' '' 25 ` '' '' 26 % cmcbx.htf (unicode) `version % '' '' 27 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. 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Gurari % '' '' 28 ` '«' '' 29 ` '»' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 ` '' '' 32 ` '' '' 33 ` '' '' 34 ` '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 ` '' '' 37 ` '' '' 38 ` '' '' 39 ` '' '' 40 ` '' '' 41 ` '' '' 42 ` '' '' 43 ` '' '' 44 ` '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '\241\' '' 60 '' '' 61 '\161\' '' 62 '' '' 63 '\238\' '' 64 '\208\' '' 65 '\209\' '' 66 '\230\' '' 67 '\212\' '' 68 '\213\' '' 69 '\228\' '' 70 '\211\' '' 71 '\229\' '' 72 '\216\' '' 73 '\217\' '' 74 '\218\' '' 75 '\219\' '' 76 '\220\' '' 77 '\221\' '' 78 '\222\' '' 79 '\223\' '' 80 '\239\' '' 81 '\224\' '' 82 '\225\' '' 83 '\226\' '' 84 '\227\' '' 85 '\214\' '' 86 '\210\' '' 87 '\236\' '' 88 '\235\' '' 89 '\215\' '' 90 '\232\' '' 91 '\237\' '' 92 '\233\' '' 93 '\231\' '' 94 '\234\' '' 95 '\206\' '' 96 '\176\' '' 97 '\177\' '' 98 '\198\' '' 99 '\180\' '' 100 '\181\' '' 101 '\196\' '' 102 '\179\' '' 103 '\197\' '' 104 '\184\' '' 105 '\185\' '' 106 '\186\' '' 107 '\187\' '' 108 '\188\' '' 109 '\189\' '' 110 '\190\' '' 111 '\191\' '' 112 '\207\' '' 113 '\192\' '' 114 '\193\' '' 115 '\194\' '' 116 '\195\' '' 117 '\182\' '' 118 '\178\' '' 119 '\204\' '' 120 '\203\' '' 121 '\183\' '' 122 '\200\' '' 123 '\205\' '' 124 '\201\' '' 125 '\199\' '' 126 '\202\' '' 127 cmcbx 25 127 htfcss: cmcbx font-weight: bold; htfcss: cmcbxsl font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{cmcbx-5}{iso8859/5/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmcbx} \<<< cmccsc 30 127 '' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 % cmcbx.htf (unicode) `version % '' '' 32 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 33 ` '' '' 34 ` '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 ` '' '' 37 ` '' '' 38 ` '' '' 39 ` '' '' 40 ` '' '' 41 ` '' '' 42 ` '' '' 43 ` '' '' 44 ` '' '' 45 ` '' '' 46 ` '' '' 47 ` '' '' 48 ` '' '' 49 ` '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '\241\' '' 60 '' '' 61 '\161\' '' 62 '' '' 63 '\206\' '4' 64 '\176\' '4' 65 '\177\' '4' 66 '\198\' '4' 67 '\180\' '4' 68 '\181\' '4' 69 '\196\' '4' 70 '\179\' '4' 71 '\197\' '4' 72 '\184\' '4' 73 '\185\' '4' 74 '\186\' '4' 75 '\187\' '4' 76 '\188\' '4' 77 '\189\' '4' 78 '\190\' '4' 79 '\191\' '4' 80 '\207\' '4' 81 '\192\' '4' 82 '\193\' '4' 83 '\194\' '4' 84 '\195\' '4' 85 '\182\' '4' 86 '\178\' '4' 87 '\204\' '4' 88 '\203\' '4' 89 '\183\' '4' 90 '\200\' '4' 91 '\205\' '4' 92 '\201\' '4' 93 '\199\' '4' 94 '\202\' '4' 95 '\206\' '' 96 '\176\' '' 97 '\177\' '' 98 '\198\' '' 99 '\180\' '' 100 '\181\' '' 101 '\196\' '' 102 '\179\' '' 103 '\197\' '' 104 '\184\' '' 105 '\185\' '' 106 '\186\' '' 107 '\187\' '' 108 '\188\' '' 109 '\189\' '' 110 '\190\' '' 111 '\191\' '' 112 '\207\' '' 113 '\192\' '' 114 '\193\' '' 115 '\194\' '' 116 '\195\' '' 117 '\182\' '' 118 '\178\' '' 119 '\204\' '' 120 '\203\' '' 121 '\183\' '' 122 '\200\' '' 123 '\205\' '' 124 '\201\' '' 125 '\199\' '' 126 '\202\' '' 127 cmccsc 30 127 >>> \AddFont{cmccsc-5}{iso8859/5/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmccsc} \<<< cmcbx 25 127 '№' '' 25 ` '' '' 26 % cmcbx.htf (unicode) `version % '' '' 27 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 28 ` '\171\' '' 29 ` '\187\' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 ` '' '' 32 ` '' '' 33 ` '' '' 34 ` '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 ` '' '' 37 ` '' '' 38 ` '' '' 39 ` '' '' 40 ` '' '' 41 ` '' '' 42 ` '' '' 43 ` '' '' 44 ` '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '\184\' '' 60 '' '' 61 '\168\' '' 62 '' '' 63 '\254\' '' 64 '\224\' '' 65 '\225\' '' 66 '\246\' '' 67 '\228\' '' 68 '\229\' '' 69 '\244\' '' 70 '\227\' '' 71 '\245\' '' 72 '\232\' '' 73 '\233\' '' 74 '\234\' '' 75 '\235\' '' 76 '\236\' '' 77 '\237\' '' 78 '\238\' '' 79 '\239\' '' 80 '\255\' '' 81 '\240\' '' 82 '\241\' '' 83 '\242\' '' 84 '\243\' '' 85 '\230\' '' 86 '\226\' '' 87 '\252\' '' 88 '\251\' '' 89 '\231\' '' 90 '\248\' '' 91 '\253\' '' 92 '\249\' '' 93 '\247\' '' 94 '\250\' '' 95 '\222\' '' 96 '\192\' '' 97 '\193\' '' 98 '\214\' '' 99 '\196\' '' 100 '\197\' '' 101 '\212\' '' 102 '\195\' '' 103 '\213\' '' 104 '\200\' '' 105 '\201\' '' 106 '\202\' '' 107 '\203\' '' 108 '\204\' '' 109 '\205\' '' 110 '\206\' '' 111 '\207\' '' 112 '\223\' '' 113 '\208\' '' 114 '\209\' '' 115 '\210\' '' 116 '\211\' '' 117 '\198\' '' 118 '\194\' '' 119 '\220\' '' 120 '\219\' '' 121 '\199\' '' 122 '\216\' '' 123 '\221\' '' 124 '\217\' '' 125 '\215\' '' 126 '\218\' '' 127 cmcbx 25 127 htfcss: cmcbx font-weight: bold; htfcss: cmcbxsl font-weight: bold; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{cmcbx-1251}{win/1251/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmcbx} \<<< cmccsc 30 127 '' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 % cmcbx.htf (unicode) `version % '' '' 32 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 33 ` '' '' 34 ` '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 ` '' '' 37 ` '' '' 38 ` '' '' 39 ` '' '' 40 ` '' '' 41 ` '' '' 42 ` '' '' 43 ` '' '' 44 ` '' '' 45 ` '' '' 46 ` '' '' 47 ` '' '' 48 ` '' '' 49 ` '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '\184\' '' 60 '' '' 61 '\168\' '' 62 '' '' 63 '\222\' '4' 64 '\192\' '4' 65 '\193\' '4' 66 '\214\' '4' 67 '\196\' '4' 68 '\197\' '4' 69 '\212\' '4' 70 '\195\' '4' 71 '\213\' '4' 72 '\200\' '4' 73 '\201\' '4' 74 '\202\' '4' 75 '\203\' '4' 76 '\204\' '4' 77 '\205\' '4' 78 '\206\' '4' 79 '\207\' '4' 80 '\223\' '4' 81 '\208\' '4' 82 '\209\' '4' 83 '\210\' '4' 84 '\211\' '4' 85 '\198\' '4' 86 '\194\' '4' 87 '\220\' '4' 88 '\219\' '4' 89 '\199\' '4' 90 '\216\' '4' 91 '\221\' '4' 92 '\217\' '4' 93 '\215\' '4' 94 '\218\' '4' 95 '\222\' '' 96 '\192\' '' 97 '\193\' '' 98 '\214\' '' 99 '\196\' '' 100 '\197\' '' 101 '\212\' '' 102 '\195\' '' 103 '\213\' '' 104 '\200\' '' 105 '\201\' '' 106 '\202\' '' 107 '\203\' '' 108 '\204\' '' 109 '\205\' '' 110 '\206\' '' 111 '\207\' '' 112 '\223\' '' 113 '\208\' '' 114 '\209\' '' 115 '\210\' '' 116 '\211\' '' 117 '\198\' '' 118 '\194\' '' 119 '\220\' '' 120 '\219\' '' 121 '\199\' '' 122 '\216\' '' 123 '\221\' '' 124 '\217\' '' 125 '\215\' '' 126 '\218\' '' 127 cmccsc 30 127 >>> \AddFont{cmccsc-1251}{win/1251/cyrillic/cmcyr/cmccsc} ``wn'' stands for ``Washington'', i.e., these fonts are intended for the Washington encoding of Russian letters. A page of \Link[http://www.cemi.rssi.ru/cyrtug/BaKoMa.TeX/doc/eng/index.html]{}{}BaKoMa TeX\EndLink{} from Basil K. Malyshev with free stuff about Russian. \Link[http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/cyrillic/cmcyr/]{}{}cmcyr on ctan\EndLink \SubSection{wnti: MS-Windows} The following two font tables originally used 256 bit encoding, and it produced wrong text in UTF-8. As Wnti uses the same characters as Wncyr, we can just reference this HTF file. \<<< .wncyr htfcss: wnti font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{wnti}{win/1251/cm/sauter/wnti} \SubSection{iso-8859-5: wnti} \<<< .wncyr htfcss: wnti font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{wnti-iso}{iso8859/5/cm/sauter/wnti} \SubSection{wnr: MS-Windows} \<<< .wncyr >>> \AddFont{wnr}{alias/cm/sauter/wnr} \SubSection{iso-8859-5: wnr} \<<< wnr 0 127 '\170\' '' 0 ` '\169\' '' 1 % wnr.htf iso-8859-5 `version % '\175\' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '\205\' '' 3 ` '\166\' '' 4 ` '\164\' '' 5 ` '«' '' 6 ` '\162\' '' 7 ` '\250\' '' 8 ` '\249\' '' 9 ` '\227\' '' 10 ` '\237\' '' 11 ` '\246\' '' 12 ` '\244\' '' 13 ` '\251\' '' 14 ` '\242\' '' 15 ` '\206\' '' 16 ` '\182\' '' 17 ` '\185\' '' 18 ` '\161\' '' 19 ` 'V' '1' 20 'Q' '1' 21 'S' '' 22 '\207\' '' 23 '\238\' '' 24 '\214\' '' 25 '\217\' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '«' '' 29 '»' '' 30 '\239\' '' 31 '' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '"' '' 34 'b' '1' 35 '' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '\39\' '' 38 '\39\' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 'D' '1' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<<' '1' 60 'i' '1' 61 '>>' '1' 62 '?' '' 63 '' '' 64 '\176\' '' 65 '\177\' '' 66 '\198\' '' 67 '\180\' '' 68 '\181\' '' 69 '\196\' '' 70 '\179\' '' 71 '\197\' '' 72 '\184\' '' 73 '\168\' '' 74 '\186\' '' 75 '»' '' 76 '\188\' '' 77 '\189\' '' 78 'ž' '' 79 '\198\' '' 80 '\199\' '' 81 '\192\' '' 82 '\193\' '' 83 '\194\' '' 84 '\195\' '' 85 '\178\' '' 86 '\201\' '' 87 '\200\' '' 88 '\203\' '' 89 '\205\' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '"' '' 92 ']' '' 93 '\204\' '' 94 '\202\' '' 95 '\96\' '' 96 '\208\' '' 97 '\209\' '' 98 '\230\' '' 99 '6' '1' 100 '\213\' '' 101 '\228\' '' 102 's' '1' 103 '\229\' '' 104 '\104\' '' 105 '\248\' '' 106 '\218\' '' 107 '\212\' '' 108 '\220\' '' 109 '\221\' '' 110 '\222\' '' 111 '\223\' '' 112 '\231\' '' 113 '\224\' '' 114 '\225\' '' 115 '\226\' '' 116 '\227\' '' 117 '\210\' '' 118 '\233\' '' 119 '\232\' '' 120 '\235\' '' 121 '\237\' '' 122 '-' '' 123 '-' '' 124 '\240\' '' 125 '\236\' '' 126 '\234\' '' 127 wnr 0 127 >>> \AddFont{wnr-iso}{iso8859/5/cm/sauter/wnr} \SubSection{wncsc: MS-Windows} \<<< wncsc 0 127 'Œ' '' 0 ` 'Š' '' 1 % wncsc.htf windows `version % '\143\' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '\221\' '' 3 ` '\178\' '' 4 ` '\170\' '' 5 ` '\142\' '' 6 ` '\128\' '' 7 ` 'œ' '' 8 ` 'š' '' 9 ` 'Ÿ''' 10 ` '\253\' '' 11 ` '\178\' '4' 12 ` '\186\' '' 13 ` '\142\' '4' 14 ` '\128\' '4' 15 ` '\222\' '' 16 ` '\198\' '' 17 ` '\201\' '' 18 ` '\168\' '' 19 ` 'V' '1' 20 'O' '1' 21 'S' '' 22 '\223\' '' 23 '\254\' '' 24 '\230\' '' 25 '\233\' '' 26 '\168\' '4' 27 'v' '1' 28 'o' '1' 29 's' '' 30 '\255\' '' 31 '-' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '”' '' 34 'b' '1' 35 '' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '\39\' '' 38 '’' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 'b' '1' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '«' '' 60 'i' '1' 61 '»' '' 62 '?' '' 63 '' '' 64 '\192\' '' 65 '\193\' '' 66 '\214\' '' 67 '\196\' '' 68 '\197\' '' 69 '\212\' '' 70 '\195\' '' 71 '\213\' '' 72 '\200\' '' 73 '\163\' '' 74 '\202\' '' 75 '\203\' '' 76 '\204\' '' 77 '\205\' '' 78 '\206\' '' 79 '\214\' '' 80 '\215\' '' 81 '\208\' '' 82 '\209\' '' 83 '\210\' '' 84 '\211\' '' 85 '\194\' '' 86 '\217\' '' 87 '\216\' '' 88 '\219\' '' 89 '\199\' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '"' '' 92 ']' '' 93 '\220\' '' 94 '\218\' '' 95 '‘' '' 96 '\192\' '4' 97 '\194\' '4' 98 '\246\' '' 99 '6' '1' 100 '\197\' '4' 101 '\244\' '' 102 's' '1' 103 '\245\' '' 104 '\246\' '' 105 '\163\' '4' 106 '\234\' '' 107 '\235\' '' 108 '\236\' '' 109 '\237\' '' 110 '\238\' '' 111 '\239\' '' 112 '\247\' '' 113 '\240\' '' 114 '\241\' '' 115 '\242\' '' 116 '\243\' '' 117 '\226\' '' 118 '\249\' '' 119 '\248\' '' 120 '\251\' '' 121 '\253\' '' 122 '–' '' 123 '—' '' 124 '\185\' '' 125 '\252\' '' 126 '\250\' '' 127 wncsc 0 127 >>> \AddFont{wncsc}{win/1251/cyrillic/wncsc} \SubSection{iso-8859-5: wncsc} \<<< wncsc 0 127 '\170\' '' 0 ` '\169\' '' 1 % wncsc.htf iso-8859-5 `version % '\175\' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '\205\' '' 3 ` '\166\' '' 4 ` '\164\' '' 5 ` '«' '' 6 ` '\162\' '' 7 ` '\250\' '' 8 ` '\249\' '' 9 ` '\227\' '' 10 ` '\237\' '' 11 ` '\166\' '4' 12 ` '\244\' '' 13 ` '«' '4' 14 ` '\162\' '4' 15 ` '\206\' '' 16 ` '\182\' '' 17 ` '\185\' '' 18 ` '\161\' '' 19 ` 'V' '1' 20 'Q' '1' 21 'S' '' 22 '\207\' '' 23 '\238\' '' 24 '\214\' '' 25 '\217\' '' 26 '\161\' '4' 27 '' '' 28 '«' '' 29 '»' '' 30 '\239\' '' 31 '' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '"' '' 34 'b' '1' 35 '' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '\39\' '' 38 '\39\' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 'b' '1' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<<' '1' 60 'i' '1' 61 '>>' '1' 62 '?' '' 63 '' '' 64 '\176\' '' 65 '\177\' '' 66 '\198\' '' 67 '\180\' '' 68 '\181\' '' 69 '\196\' '' 70 '\179\' '' 71 '\197\' '' 72 '\184\' '' 73 '\168\' '' 74 '\186\' '' 75 '»' '' 76 '\188\' '' 77 '\189\' '' 78 'ž' '' 79 '\198\' '' 80 '\199\' '' 81 '\192\' '' 82 '\193\' '' 83 '\194\' '' 84 '\195\' '' 85 '\178\' '' 86 '\201\' '' 87 '\200\' '' 88 '\203\' '' 89 '\205\' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '"' '' 92 ']' '' 93 '\204\' '' 94 '\202\' '' 95 '\96\' '' 96 '\176\' '4' 97 '\178\' '4' 98 '\230\' '' 99 '6' '1' 100 '\181\' '4' 101 '\228\' '' 102 's' '1' 103 '\229\' '' 104 '\104\' '' 105 '\168\' '4' 106 '\218\' '' 107 '\212\' '' 108 '\220\' '' 109 '\221\' '' 110 '\222\' '' 111 '\223\' '' 112 '\231\' '' 113 '\224\' '' 114 '\225\' '' 115 '\226\' '' 116 '\227\' '' 117 '\210\' '' 118 '\233\' '' 119 '\232\' '' 120 '\235\' '' 121 '\237\' '' 122 '-' '' 123 '-' '' 124 '\240\' '' 125 '\236\' '' 126 '\234\' '' 127 wncsc 0 127 >>> \AddFont{wncsc-iso}{iso8859/5/cyrillic/wncsc} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Chapter{other} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Stmary} %%%%%%%%%%%%% Update 2024: use HTF file sent to Michal by Arkady Bedediktov \<<< stmary 0 127 '←' '' 0 `%shortleftarrow`% ` '→' '' 1 `%shortrightarrow`% % stmary.htf `version % '↑' '' 2 `%shortuparrow`% % Copyright `CopyYear.2006. Eitan M. Gurari % '↓' '' 3 `%shortdownarrow`% ` '⅄' '' 4 `%Yup`% ` 'Y' '' 5 `%Ydown`% ` '' '1' 6 `%Yleft`% ` '' '1' 7 `%Yright`% ` '⋎' '' 8 `%varcurlyvee`% ` '⋏' '' 9 `%varcurlywedge`% ` '⦵' '' 10 `%minuso`% ` '⏀' '' 11 `%baro`% ` '⫽' '' 12 `%sslash`% ` '⑊' '' 13 `%bbslash`% ` '' '1' 14 `%moo`% ` '⊗' '' 15 `%varotimes`% ` '⊛' '' 16 `%varoast`% ` '⦶' '' 17 `%varobar`% ` '⊙' '' 18 `%varodot`% ` '⊘' '' 19 `%varoslash`% ` '⍉' '' 20 `%varobslash`% '⊚' '' 21 `%varocircle`% '⊕' '' 22 `%varoplus`% '⊖' '' 23 `%varominus`% '⧆' '' 24 `%boxast`% '◫' '' 25 `%boxbar`% '⊡' '' 26 `%boxdot`% '⧄' '' 27 `%boxslash`% '⧅' '' 28 `%boxbslash`% '⧇' '' 29 `%boxcircle`% '⧈' '' 30 `%boxbox`% '□' '' 31 `%boxempty`% '⚡' '' 32 `%lightning`% '⩕' '' 33 `%merge`% '⨉' '' 34 `%vartimes`% '⨟' '' 35 `%fatsemi`% '↙' '' 36 `%sswarrow`% '↘' '' 37 `%ssearrow`% '' '1' 38 `%curlywedgeuparrow`% '' '1' 39 `%curlywedgedownarrow`% '' '1' 40 `%fatslash`% '' '1' 41 `%fatbslash`% '⟅' '' 42 `%lbag`% '⟆' '' 43 `%rbag`% '◯' '' 44 `%varbigcirc`% '' '1' 45 `%leftrightarroweq`% '' '1' 46 `%curlyveedownarrow`% '' '1' 47 `%curlyveeuparrow`% '↖' '' 48 `%nnwarrow`% '↗' '' 49 `%nnearrow`% '⪦' '' 50 `%leftslice`% '⪧' '' 51 `%rightslice`% '⧀' '' 52 `%varolessthan`% '⧁' '' 53 `%varogreaterthan`% '' '1' 54 `%varovee`% '' '1' 55 `%varowedge`% '⫿' '' 56 `%talloblong`% '⫴' '' 57 `%interleave`% '⦶' '' 58 `%obar`% '⍉' '' 59 `%obslash`% '⧀' '' 60 `%olessthan`% '⧁' '' 61 `%ogreaterthan`% '' '1' 62 `%ovee`% '' '1' 63 `%owedge`% '□' '' 64 `%oblong`% '' '1' 65 `%inplus`% '' '1' 66 `%niplus`% '' '1' 67 `%nplus`% '⨭' '' 68 `%subsetplus`% '⨮' '' 69 `%supsetplus`% '' '1' 70 `%subsetpluseq`% '' '1' 71 `%supsetpluseq`% '⟅' '' 72 `%Lbag`% '⟆' '' 73 `%Rbag`% '⟦' '' 74 `%llbracket`% '⟧' '' 75 `%rrbracket`% '⦇' '' 76 `%llparenthesis`% '⦈' '' 77 `%rrparenthesis`% '&' '' 78 `%binampersand`% '⅋' '' 79 `%bindnasrepma`% '⊴' '' 80 `%trianglelefteqslant`% '⊵' '' 81 `%trianglerighteqslant`% '⋬' '' 82 `%ntrianglelefteqslant`% '⋭' '' 83 `%ntrianglerighteqslant`% '' '1' 84 `%llfloor`% '' '1' 85 `%rrfloor`% '' '1' 86 `%llceil`% '' '1' 87 `%rrceil`% '/' '' 88 `%arrownot`% '/' '' 89 `%Arrownot`% '⤇' '' 90 `%Mapstochar`% '↤' '' 91 `%mapsfromchar`% '⤆' '' 92 `%Mapsfromchar`% '⇿' '' 93 `%leftrightarrowtriangle`% '⇽' '' 94 `%leftarrowtriangle`% '⇾' '' 95 `%rightarrowtriangle`% '▽' '' 96 '△' '' 97 '⋎' '' 98 '⋏' '' 99 '⊓' '' 100 '□' '' 101 '∥' '' 102 '⫴' '' 103 '▽' '' 104 '△' '' 105 '⋎' '' 106 '⋏' '' 107 '⊓' '' 108 '□' '' 109 '‖' '' 110 '⦀' '' 111 '' '1' 112 '⟦' '' 113 '⟦' '' 114 '⟦' '' 115 '⟦' '' 116 '' '1' 117 '' '1' 118 '∥' '' 119 '' '1' 120 '⟧' '' 121 '⟧' '' 122 '⟧' '' 123 '⟧' '' 124 '' '1' 125 '' '1' 126 '∥' '' 127 stmary 0 127 >>> \AddFont{stmary}{unicode/stmaryrd/stmary} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{ipa} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Link[http://www.mit.edu/afs/athena.mit.edu/dept/ling-phil/ling-tex/ipafont/]{}{}ipafont at mit\EndLink \<<< wsuipa 0 127 '' '1' 0 ` '' '1' 1 % wsuipa.htf `version % '' '1' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '1' 3 ` '' '1' 4 ` '' '1' 5 ` '' '1' 6 ` '' '1' 7 ` '' '1' 8 ` '' '1' 9 ` '' '1' 10 ` '' '1' 11 ` '' '1' 12 ` '' '1' 13 ` '' '1' 14 ` '' '1' 15 ` '' '1' 16 ` '' '1' 17 ` '' '1' 18 ` '' '1' 19 ` '' '1' 20 '' '1' 21 '' '1' 22 '' '1' 23 '' '1' 24 '' '1' 25 '' '1' 26 '' '1' 27 '' '1' 28 '' '1' 29 '' '1' 30 '' '1' 31 '' '1' 32 '' '1' 33 '' '1' 34 '' '1' 35 '' '1' 36 '' '1' 37 '' '1' 38 '' '1' 39 '' '1' 40 '' '1' 41 '' '1' 42 '' '1' 43 '' '1' 44 '' '1' 45 '' '1' 46 '' '1' 47 '' '1' 48 '' '1' 49 '' '1' 50 '' '1' 51 '' '1' 52 '' '1' 53 '' '1' 54 '' '1' 55 '' '1' 56 '' '1' 57 '' '1' 58 '' '1' 59 '' '1' 60 '' '1' 61 '' '1' 62 '' '1' 63 '' '1' 64 '' '1' 65 '' '1' 66 '' '1' 67 '' '1' 68 '' '1' 69 '' '1' 70 '' '1' 71 '' '1' 72 '' '1' 73 '' '1' 74 '' '1' 75 '' '1' 76 '' '1' 77 '' '1' 78 '' '1' 79 '' '1' 80 '' '1' 81 '' '1' 82 '' '1' 83 '' '1' 84 '' '1' 85 '' '1' 86 '' '1' 87 '' '1' 88 '' '1' 89 '' '1' 90 '' '1' 91 '' '1' 92 '' '1' 93 '' '1' 94 '' '1' 95 '' '1' 96 '' '1' 97 '' '1' 98 '' '1' 99 '' '1' 100 '' '1' 101 '' '1' 102 '' '1' 103 '' '1' 104 '' '1' 105 '' '1' 106 '' '1' 107 '' '1' 108 '' '1' 109 '' '1' 110 '' '1' 111 '' '1' 112 '' '1' 113 '' '1' 114 '' '1' 115 '' '1' 116 '' '1' 117 '' '1' 118 '' '1' 119 '' '1' 120 '' '1' 121 '' '1' 122 '' '1' 123 '' '1' 124 '' '1' 125 '' '1' 126 '' '1' 127 wsuipa 0 127 >>> \AddFont{wsuipa}{iso8859/1/ipa/wsuipa} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Euro} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< feymr 0 101 '€' '' 0 ` '' '' 1 % feymr.htf `version % '' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 3 ` '' '' 4 ` '' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 '' '' 32 '' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '' '' 40 '' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '' '' 44 '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '' '' 60 '' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '€' '' 101 feymr 0 101 >>> \AddFont{feymr}{unicode/currency/feymr} \<<< .feymr >>> \AddFont{feybl}{alias/currency/feybl} \<<< .feymr htfcss: feybo font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{feybo}{alias/currency/feybo} \<<< .feymr htfcss: feybr font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{feybr}{alias/currency/feybr} \<<< .feymr >>> \AddFont{feyml}{alias/currency/feyml} \<<< .feymr htfcss: feymo font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{feymo}{alias/currency/feymo} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Chapter{Devanagari} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Link[http://ilm.mech.unsw.edu.au/tex-archive/language/devanagari/distrib/]{}{}distribution\EndLink \<<< dvng 0 255 '' '1' 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '' '1' 1 % dvng.htf `version % '' '1' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '1' 3 ` '' '1' 4 ` '' '1' 5 ` '' '1' 6 ` '' '1' 7 ` '' '1' 8 ` '' '1' 9 ` '' '1' 10 ` '' '1' 11 ` '' '1' 12 ` '' '1' 13 ` '' '1' 14 ` '' '1' 15 ` '' '1' 16 ` '' '1' 17 ` '' '1' 18 ` '' '1' 19 ` '' '1' 20 '' '1' 21 '' '1' 22 '' '1' 23 '' '1' 24 '' '1' 25 '' '1' 26 '' '1' 27 '' '1' 28 '' '1' 29 '' '1' 30 '' '1' 31 '' '1' 32 '' '1' 33 '' '1' 34 '' '1' 35 '' '1' 36 '' '1' 37 '' '1' 38 '' '1' 39 '' '1' 40 '' '1' 41 '' '1' 42 '' '1' 43 '' '1' 44 '' '1' 45 '' '1' 46 '' '1' 47 '' '1' 48 '' '1' 49 '' '1' 50 '' '1' 51 '' '1' 52 '' '1' 53 '' '1' 54 '' '1' 55 '' '1' 56 '' '1' 57 '' '1' 58 '' '1' 59 '' '1' 60 '' '1' 61 '' '1' 62 '' '1' 63 '' '1' 64 '' '1' 65 '' '1' 66 '' '1' 67 '' '1' 68 '' '1' 69 '' '1' 70 '' '1' 71 '' '1' 72 '' '1' 73 '' '1' 74 '' '1' 75 '' '1' 76 '' '1' 77 '' '1' 78 '' '1' 79 '' '1' 80 '' '1' 81 '' '1' 82 '' '1' 83 '' '1' 84 '' '1' 85 '' '1' 86 '' '1' 87 '' '1' 88 '' '1' 89 '' '1' 90 '' '1' 91 '' '1' 92 '' '1' 93 '' '1' 94 '' '1' 95 '' '1' 96 '' '1' 97 '' '1' 98 '' '1' 99 '' '1' 100 '' '1' 101 '' '1' 102 '' '1' 103 '' '1' 104 '' '1' 105 '' '1' 106 '' '1' 107 '' '1' 108 '' '1' 109 '' '1' 110 '' '1' 111 '' '1' 112 '' '1' 113 '' '1' 114 '' '1' 115 '' '1' 116 '' '1' 117 '' '1' 118 '' '1' 119 '' '1' 120 '' '1' 121 '' '1' 122 '' '1' 123 '' '1' 124 '' '1' 125 '' '1' 126 '' '1' 127 '' '1' 128 '' '1' 129 '' '1' 130 '' '1' 131 '' '1' 132 '' '1' 133 '' '1' 134 '' '1' 135 '' '1' 136 '' '1' 137 '' '1' 138 '' '1' 139 '' '1' 140 '' '1' 141 '' '1' 142 '' '1' 143 '' '1' 144 '' '1' 145 '' '1' 146 '' '1' 147 '' '1' 148 '' '1' 149 '' '1' 150 '' '1' 151 '' '1' 152 '' '1' 153 '' '1' 154 '' '1' 155 '' '1' 156 '' '1' 157 '' '1' 158 '' '1' 159 '' '1' 160 '' '1' 161 '' '1' 162 '' '1' 163 '' '1' 164 '' '1' 165 '' '1' 166 '' '1' 167 '' '1' 168 '' '1' 169 '' '1' 170 '' '1' 171 '' '1' 172 '' '1' 173 '' '1' 174 '' '1' 175 '' '1' 176 '' '1' 177 '' '1' 178 '' '1' 179 '' '1' 180 '' '1' 181 '' '1' 182 '' '1' 183 '' '1' 184 '' '1' 185 '' '1' 186 '' '1' 187 '' '1' 188 '' '1' 189 '' '1' 190 '' '1' 191 '' '1' 192 '' '1' 193 '' '1' 194 '' '1' 195 '' '1' 196 '' '1' 197 '' '1' 198 '' '1' 199 '' '1' 200 '' '1' 201 '' '1' 202 '' '1' 203 '' '1' 204 '' '1' 205 '' '1' 206 '' '1' 207 '' '1' 208 '' '1' 209 '' '1' 210 '' '1' 211 '' '1' 212 '' '1' 213 '' '1' 214 '' '1' 215 '' '1' 216 '' '1' 217 '' '1' 218 '' '1' 219 '' '1' 220 '' '1' 221 '' '1' 222 '' '1' 223 '' '1' 224 '' '1' 225 '' '1' 226 '' '1' 227 '' '1' 228 '' '1' 229 '' '1' 230 '' '1' 231 '' '1' 232 '' '1' 233 '' '1' 234 '' '1' 235 '' '1' 236 '' '1' 237 '' '1' 238 '' '1' 239 '' '1' 240 '' '1' 241 '' '1' 242 '' '1' 243 '' '1' 244 '' '1' 245 '' '1' 246 '' '1' 247 '' '1' 248 '' '1' 249 '' '1' 250 '' '1' 251 '' '1' 252 '' '1' 253 '' '1' 254 '' '1' 255 dvng 0 255 >>> \AddFont{dvng}{iso8859/1/devanagari/dvng} \Chapter{XYpic Fonts} \SubSection{xyebut} \<<< xyebut 0 127 '' '1' 0 ` '' '1' 1 % xyebut.htf `version % '' '1' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '1' 3 ` '' '1' 4 ` '' '1' 5 ` '' '1' 6 ` '' '1' 7 ` '' '1' 8 ` '' '1' 9 ` '' '1' 10 ` '' '1' 11 ` '' '1' 12 ` '' '1' 13 ` '' '1' 14 ` '' '1' 15 ` '' '1' 16 ` '' '1' 17 ` '' '1' 18 ` '' '1' 19 ` '' '1' 20 '' '1' 21 '' '1' 22 '' '1' 23 '' '1' 24 '' '1' 25 '' '1' 26 '' '1' 27 '' '1' 28 '' '1' 29 '' '1' 30 '' '1' 31 '' '1' 32 '' '1' 33 '' '1' 34 '' '1' 35 '' '1' 36 '' '1' 37 '' '1' 38 '' '1' 39 '' '1' 40 '' '1' 41 '' '1' 42 '' '1' 43 '' '1' 44 '' '1' 45 '' '1' 46 '' '1' 47 '' '1' 48 '' '1' 49 '' '1' 50 '' '1' 51 '' '1' 52 '' '1' 53 '' '1' 54 '' '1' 55 '' '1' 56 '' '1' 57 '' '1' 58 '' '1' 59 '' '1' 60 '' '1' 61 '' '1' 62 '' '1' 63 '' '1' 64 '' '1' 65 '' '1' 66 '' '1' 67 '' '1' 68 '' '1' 69 '' '1' 70 '' '1' 71 '' '1' 72 '' '1' 73 '' '1' 74 '' '1' 75 '' '1' 76 '' '1' 77 '' '1' 78 '' '1' 79 '' '1' 80 '' '1' 81 '' '1' 82 '' '1' 83 '' '1' 84 '' '1' 85 '' '1' 86 '' '1' 87 '' '1' 88 '' '1' 89 '' '1' 90 '' '1' 91 '' '1' 92 '' '1' 93 '' '1' 94 '' '1' 95 '' '1' 96 '' '1' 97 '' '1' 98 '' '1' 99 '' '1' 100 '' '1' 101 '' '1' 102 '' '1' 103 '' '1' 104 '' '1' 105 '' '1' 106 '' '1' 107 '' '1' 108 '' '1' 109 '' '1' 110 '' '1' 111 '' '1' 112 '' '1' 113 '' '1' 114 '' '1' 115 '' '1' 116 '' '1' 117 '' '1' 118 '' '1' 119 '' '1' 120 '' '1' 121 '' '1' 122 '' '1' 123 '' '1' 124 '' '1' 125 '' '1' 126 '' '1' 127 xyebut 0 127 >>> \AddFont{xyebut}{iso8859/1/xypic/xyebut} \SubSection{xyatip} \<<< xyatip 0 127 '' '1' 0 ` '' '1' 1 % xyatip.htf `version % '' '1' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '1' 3 ` '' '1' 4 ` '' '1' 5 ` '' '1' 6 ` '' '1' 7 ` '' '1' 8 ` '' '1' 9 ` '' '1' 10 ` '' '1' 11 ` '' '1' 12 ` '' '1' 13 ` '' '1' 14 ` '' '1' 15 ` '' '1' 16 ` '' '1' 17 ` '' '1' 18 ` '' '1' 19 ` '' '1' 20 '' '1' 21 '' '1' 22 '' '1' 23 '' '1' 24 '' '1' 25 '' '1' 26 '' '1' 27 '' '1' 28 '' '1' 29 '' '1' 30 '' '1' 31 '' '1' 32 '' '1' 33 '' '1' 34 '' '1' 35 '' '1' 36 '' '1' 37 '' '1' 38 '' '1' 39 '' '1' 40 '' '1' 41 '' '1' 42 '' '1' 43 '' '1' 44 '' '1' 45 '' '1' 46 '' '1' 47 '' '1' 48 '' '1' 49 '' '1' 50 '' '1' 51 '' '1' 52 '' '1' 53 '' '1' 54 '' '1' 55 '' '1' 56 '' '1' 57 '' '1' 58 '' '1' 59 '' '1' 60 '' '1' 61 '' '1' 62 '' '1' 63 '' '1' 64 '' '1' 65 '' '1' 66 '' '1' 67 '' '1' 68 '' '1' 69 '' '1' 70 '' '1' 71 '' '1' 72 '' '1' 73 '' '1' 74 '' '1' 75 '' '1' 76 '' '1' 77 '' '1' 78 '' '1' 79 '' '1' 80 '' '1' 81 '' '1' 82 '' '1' 83 '' '1' 84 '' '1' 85 '' '1' 86 '' '1' 87 '' '1' 88 '' '1' 89 '' '1' 90 '' '1' 91 '' '1' 92 '' '1' 93 '' '1' 94 '' '1' 95 '' '1' 96 '' '1' 97 '' '1' 98 '' '1' 99 '' '1' 100 '' '1' 101 '' '1' 102 '' '1' 103 '' '1' 104 '' '1' 105 '' '1' 106 '' '1' 107 '' '1' 108 '' '1' 109 '' '1' 110 '' '1' 111 '' '1' 112 '' '1' 113 '' '1' 114 '' '1' 115 '' '1' 116 '' '1' 117 '' '1' 118 '' '1' 119 '' '1' 120 '' '1' 121 '' '1' 122 '' '1' 123 '' '1' 124 '' '1' 125 '' '1' 126 '' '1' 127 xyatip 0 127 >>> \AddFont{xyatip}{iso8859/1/xypic/xyatip} \SubSection{xybtip} \<<< xybtip 0 127 '' '1' 0 ` '' '1' 1 % xybtip.htf `version % '' '1' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '1' 3 ` '' '1' 4 ` '' '1' 5 ` '' '1' 6 ` '' '1' 7 ` '' '1' 8 ` '' '1' 9 ` '' '1' 10 ` '' '1' 11 ` '' '1' 12 ` '' '1' 13 ` '' '1' 14 ` '' '1' 15 ` '' '1' 16 ` '' '1' 17 ` '' '1' 18 ` '' '1' 19 ` '' '1' 20 '' '1' 21 '' '1' 22 '' '1' 23 '' '1' 24 '' '1' 25 '' '1' 26 '' '1' 27 '' '1' 28 '' '1' 29 '' '1' 30 '' '1' 31 '' '1' 32 '' '1' 33 '' '1' 34 '' '1' 35 '' '1' 36 '' '1' 37 '' '1' 38 '' '1' 39 '' '1' 40 '' '1' 41 '' '1' 42 '' '1' 43 '' '1' 44 '' '1' 45 '' '1' 46 '' '1' 47 '' '1' 48 '' '1' 49 '' '1' 50 '' '1' 51 '' '1' 52 '' '1' 53 '' '1' 54 '' '1' 55 '' '1' 56 '' '1' 57 '' '1' 58 '' '1' 59 '' '1' 60 '' '1' 61 '' '1' 62 '' '1' 63 '' '1' 64 '' '1' 65 '' '1' 66 '' '1' 67 '' '1' 68 '' '1' 69 '' '1' 70 '' '1' 71 '' '1' 72 '' '1' 73 '' '1' 74 '' '1' 75 '' '1' 76 '' '1' 77 '' '1' 78 '' '1' 79 '' '1' 80 '' '1' 81 '' '1' 82 '' '1' 83 '' '1' 84 '' '1' 85 '' '1' 86 '' '1' 87 '' '1' 88 '' '1' 89 '' '1' 90 '' '1' 91 '' '1' 92 '' '1' 93 '' '1' 94 '' '1' 95 '' '1' 96 '' '1' 97 '' '1' 98 '' '1' 99 '' '1' 100 '' '1' 101 '' '1' 102 '' '1' 103 '' '1' 104 '' '1' 105 '' '1' 106 '' '1' 107 '' '1' 108 '' '1' 109 '' '1' 110 '' '1' 111 '' '1' 112 '' '1' 113 '' '1' 114 '' '1' 115 '' '1' 116 '' '1' 117 '' '1' 118 '' '1' 119 '' '1' 120 '' '1' 121 '' '1' 122 '' '1' 123 '' '1' 124 '' '1' 125 '' '1' 126 '' '1' 127 xybtip 0 127 >>> \AddFont{xybtip}{iso8859/1/xypic/xybtip} \SubSection{xybsql} \<<< xybsql 0 127 '' '1' 0 ` '' '1' 1 % xybsql.htf `version % '' '1' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '1' 3 ` '' '1' 4 ` '' '1' 5 ` '' '1' 6 ` '' '1' 7 ` '' '1' 8 ` '' '1' 9 ` '' '1' 10 ` '' '1' 11 ` '' '1' 12 ` '' '1' 13 ` '' '1' 14 ` '' '1' 15 ` '' '1' 16 ` '' '1' 17 ` '' '1' 18 ` '' '1' 19 ` '' '1' 20 '' '1' 21 '' '1' 22 '' '1' 23 '' '1' 24 '' '1' 25 '' '1' 26 '' '1' 27 '' '1' 28 '' '1' 29 '' '1' 30 '' '1' 31 '' '1' 32 '' '1' 33 '' '1' 34 '' '1' 35 '' '1' 36 '' '1' 37 '' '1' 38 '' '1' 39 '' '1' 40 '' '1' 41 '' '1' 42 '' '1' 43 '' '1' 44 '' '1' 45 '' '1' 46 '' '1' 47 '' '1' 48 '' '1' 49 '' '1' 50 '' '1' 51 '' '1' 52 '' '1' 53 '' '1' 54 '' '1' 55 '' '1' 56 '' '1' 57 '' '1' 58 '' '1' 59 '' '1' 60 '' '1' 61 '' '1' 62 '' '1' 63 '' '1' 64 '' '1' 65 '' '1' 66 '' '1' 67 '' '1' 68 '' '1' 69 '' '1' 70 '' '1' 71 '' '1' 72 '' '1' 73 '' '1' 74 '' '1' 75 '' '1' 76 '' '1' 77 '' '1' 78 '' '1' 79 '' '1' 80 '' '1' 81 '' '1' 82 '' '1' 83 '' '1' 84 '' '1' 85 '' '1' 86 '' '1' 87 '' '1' 88 '' '1' 89 '' '1' 90 '' '1' 91 '' '1' 92 '' '1' 93 '' '1' 94 '' '1' 95 '' '1' 96 '' '1' 97 '' '1' 98 '' '1' 99 '' '1' 100 '' '1' 101 '' '1' 102 '' '1' 103 '' '1' 104 '' '1' 105 '' '1' 106 '' '1' 107 '' '1' 108 '' '1' 109 '' '1' 110 '' '1' 111 '' '1' 112 '' '1' 113 '' '1' 114 '' '1' 115 '' '1' 116 '' '1' 117 '' '1' 118 '' '1' 119 '' '1' 120 '' '1' 121 '' '1' 122 '' '1' 123 '' '1' 124 '' '1' 125 '' '1' 126 '' '1' 127 xybsql 0 127 >>> \AddFont{xybsql}{iso8859/1/xypic/xybsql} \SubSection{xydash} \<<< xydash 0 127 '' '1' 0 ` '' '1' 1 % xydash.htf `version % '' '1' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '1' 3 ` '' '1' 4 ` '' '1' 5 ` '' '1' 6 ` '' '1' 7 ` '' '1' 8 ` '' '1' 9 ` '' '1' 10 ` '' '1' 11 ` '' '1' 12 ` '' '1' 13 ` '' '1' 14 ` '' '1' 15 ` '' '1' 16 ` '' '1' 17 ` '' '1' 18 ` '' '1' 19 ` '' '1' 20 '' '1' 21 '' '1' 22 '' '1' 23 '' '1' 24 '' '1' 25 '' '1' 26 '' '1' 27 '' '1' 28 '' '1' 29 '' '1' 30 '' '1' 31 '' '1' 32 '' '1' 33 '' '1' 34 '' '1' 35 '' '1' 36 '' '1' 37 '' '1' 38 '' '1' 39 '' '1' 40 '' '1' 41 '' '1' 42 '' '1' 43 '' '1' 44 '' '1' 45 '' '1' 46 '' '1' 47 '' '1' 48 '' '1' 49 '' '1' 50 '' '1' 51 '' '1' 52 '' '1' 53 '' '1' 54 '' '1' 55 '' '1' 56 '' '1' 57 '' '1' 58 '' '1' 59 '' '1' 60 '' '1' 61 '' '1' 62 '' '1' 63 '' '1' 64 '' '1' 65 '' '1' 66 '' '1' 67 '' '1' 68 '' '1' 69 '' '1' 70 '' '1' 71 '' '1' 72 '' '1' 73 '' '1' 74 '' '1' 75 '' '1' 76 '' '1' 77 '' '1' 78 '' '1' 79 '' '1' 80 '' '1' 81 '' '1' 82 '' '1' 83 '' '1' 84 '' '1' 85 '' '1' 86 '' '1' 87 '' '1' 88 '' '1' 89 '' '1' 90 '' '1' 91 '' '1' 92 '' '1' 93 '' '1' 94 '' '1' 95 '' '1' 96 '' '1' 97 '' '1' 98 '' '1' 99 '' '1' 100 '' '1' 101 '' '1' 102 '' '1' 103 '' '1' 104 '' '1' 105 '' '1' 106 '' '1' 107 '' '1' 108 '' '1' 109 '' '1' 110 '' '1' 111 '' '1' 112 '' '1' 113 '' '1' 114 '' '1' 115 '' '1' 116 '' '1' 117 '' '1' 118 '' '1' 119 '' '1' 120 '' '1' 121 '' '1' 122 '' '1' 123 '' '1' 124 '' '1' 125 '' '1' 126 '' '1' 127 xydash 0 127 >>> \AddFont{xydash}{iso8859/1/xypic/xydash} \SubSection{xymisc} \<<< xymisc 0 103 '' '1' 0 ` '' '1' 1 % xymisc.htf `version % '' '1' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '1' 3 ` '' '1' 4 ` '' '1' 5 ` '' '1' 6 ` '' '1' 7 ` '' '1' 8 ` '' '1' 9 ` '' '1' 10 ` '' '1' 11 ` '' '1' 12 ` '' '1' 13 ` '' '1' 14 ` '' '1' 15 ` '' '1' 16 ` '' '1' 17 ` '' '1' 18 ` '' '1' 19 ` '' '1' 20 '' '1' 21 '' '1' 22 '' '1' 23 '' '1' 24 '' '1' 25 '' '1' 26 '' '1' 27 '' '1' 28 '' '1' 29 '' '1' 30 '' '1' 31 '' '1' 32 '' '1' 33 '' '1' 34 '' '1' 35 '' '1' 36 '' '1' 37 '' '1' 38 '' '1' 39 '' '1' 40 '' '1' 41 '' '1' 42 '' '1' 43 '' '1' 44 '' '1' 45 '' '1' 46 '' '1' 47 '' '1' 48 '' '1' 49 '' '1' 50 '' '1' 51 '' '1' 52 '' '1' 53 '' '1' 54 '' '1' 55 '' '1' 56 '' '1' 57 '' '1' 58 '' '1' 59 '' '1' 60 '' '1' 61 '' '1' 62 '' '1' 63 '' '1' 64 '' '1' 65 '' '1' 66 '' '1' 67 '' '1' 68 '' '1' 69 '' '1' 70 '' '1' 71 '' '1' 72 '' '1' 73 '' '1' 74 '' '1' 75 '' '1' 76 '' '1' 77 '' '1' 78 '' '1' 79 '' '1' 80 '' '1' 81 '' '1' 82 '' '1' 83 '' '1' 84 '' '1' 85 '' '1' 86 '' '1' 87 '' '1' 88 '' '1' 89 '' '1' 90 '' '1' 91 '' '1' 92 '' '1' 93 '' '1' 94 '' '1' 95 '' '1' 96 '' '1' 97 '' '1' 98 '' '1' 99 '' '1' 100 '' '1' 101 '' '1' 102 '' '1' 103 xymisc 0 103 >>> \AddFont{xymisc}{iso8859/1/xypic/xymisc} \SubSection{xycirc} \<<< xycirc 0 127 '' '1' 0 ` '' '1' 1 % xycirc.htf `version % '' '1' 2 % Copyright 2024 TeX Users Group % '' '1' 3 ` '' '1' 4 ` '' '1' 5 ` '' '1' 6 ` '' '1' 7 ` '' '1' 8 ` '' '1' 9 ` '' '1' 10 ` '' '1' 11 ` '' '1' 12 ` '' '1' 13 ` '' '1' 14 ` '' '1' 15 ` '' '1' 16 ` '' '1' 17 ` '' '1' 18 ` '' '1' 19 ` '' '1' 20 '' '1' 21 '' '1' 22 '' '1' 23 '' '1' 24 '' '1' 25 '' '1' 26 '' '1' 27 '' '1' 28 '' '1' 29 '' '1' 30 '' '1' 31 '' '1' 32 '' '1' 33 '' '1' 34 '' '1' 35 '' '1' 36 '' '1' 37 '' '1' 38 '' '1' 39 '' '1' 40 '' '1' 41 '' '1' 42 '' '1' 43 '' '1' 44 '' '1' 45 '' '1' 46 '' '1' 47 '' '1' 48 '' '1' 49 '' '1' 50 '' '1' 51 '' '1' 52 '' '1' 53 '' '1' 54 '' '1' 55 '' '1' 56 '' '1' 57 '' '1' 58 '' '1' 59 '' '1' 60 '' '1' 61 '' '1' 62 '' '1' 63 '' '1' 64 '' '1' 65 '' '1' 66 '' '1' 67 '' '1' 68 '' '1' 69 '' '1' 70 '' '1' 71 '' '1' 72 '' '1' 73 '' '1' 74 '' '1' 75 '' '1' 76 '' '1' 77 '' '1' 78 '' '1' 79 '' '1' 80 '' '1' 81 '' '1' 82 '' '1' 83 '' '1' 84 '' '1' 85 '' '1' 86 '' '1' 87 '' '1' 88 '' '1' 89 '' '1' 90 '' '1' 91 '' '1' 92 '' '1' 93 '' '1' 94 '' '1' 95 '' '1' 96 '' '1' 97 '' '1' 98 '' '1' 99 '' '1' 100 '' '1' 101 '' '1' 102 '' '1' 103 '' '1' 104 '' '1' 105 '' '1' 106 '' '1' 107 '' '1' 108 '' '1' 109 '' '1' 110 '' '1' 111 '' '1' 112 '' '1' 113 '' '1' 114 '' '1' 115 '' '1' 116 '' '1' 117 '' '1' 118 '' '1' 119 '' '1' 120 '' '1' 121 '' '1' 122 '' '1' 123 '' '1' 124 '' '1' 125 '' '1' 126 '' '1' 127 xycirc 0 127 >>> \AddFont{xycirc}{iso8859/1/xypic/xycirc} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Chapter{Bch...} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .pcrro8r >>> \AddFont{bchr8r}{alias/bitstrea/charter/bchr8r} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: bchb8r font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{bchb8r}{alias/bitstrea/charter/bchb8r} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: bchbi8r font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{bchbi8r}{alias/bitstrea/charter/bchbi8r} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: bchbo8r font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{bchbo8r}{alias/bitstrea/charter/bchbo8r} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: bchri8r font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{bchri8r}{alias/bitstrea/charter/bchri8r} \<<< .pcrro8r htfcss: bchro8r font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{bchro8r}{alias/bitstrea/charter/bchro8r} \<<< bchr8t 0 255 '̀' '' grave 0 ` '́' '' acute 1 % bchr8t.htf `version % '̂' '' circumflex 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2004. Eitan M. Gurari % '̃' '' breve 3 ` '̈' '' diaeresis 4 ` '̋' '' double acute 5 ` '̊' '' ring above 6 ` '̌' '' tilde 7 ` '̆' '' dieresis 8 ` '̄' '' overbar 9 ` '̇' '' 10 ` '̧' '' 11 ` '̨' '' 12 ` '̦' '' 13 ` '‹' '' < guillement 14 ` '›' '' 15 ` '“' '' 16 ` '”' '' 17 ` '„' '' 18 ` '«' '' 19 ` '»' '' 20 '–' '' 21 '—' '' 22 '' '' 23 '◾' '' 24 'ı' '' dotlessi 25 '▮' '' 26 'ff' '' ff 27 'fi' '' fi 28 'fl' '' fl 29 'ffi' '' ffi 30 'ffl' '' ffl 31 '␣' '' visible space 32 '!' '' 33 '~' ''hungarumlaut 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 3 ` '' '' 4 ` '' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 ' ' '' 32 '???' '1' `%stop sign`% 33 '⚎' '' 34 '???' '1' `%`% 35 '???' '1' `%`% 36 '???' '1' `%`% 37 '⤹' '' 38 '⤸' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '×' '' `%times`% 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '−' '' `%minu`% 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 '→' '' 58 '⇒' '' 59 '≤' '' 60 '≙' '' 61 '≥' '' 62 '⇔' '' 63 '@' '' 64 '☌' '' `%wrong`% 65 '✉' '' 66 '???' '1' 67 '€' '' 68 '⌁' '' 69 '???' '1' 70 '???' '1' 71 '???' '1' 72 '???' '1' 73 '???' '1' 74 '☕' '' 75 '???' '1' 76 '???' '1' 77 '□' '' 78 '☐' '' 79 '???' '1' 80 '✂' '' 81 '???' 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'1' 255 fmvr8x 0 255 >>> \AddFont{fmvr8x}{unicode/marvosym/fmvr8x} \<<< .fmvr8x htfcss: fmvri8x font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{fmvri8x}{alias/marvosym/fmvri8x} \Section{Font Awesome} This is just dummy mapping that should turn all icons defined by Fontawesome5 to pictures, as they are custom designs that don't have a mapping to Unicode. \<<< fa5 0 255 'x' '1' ad 0 'x' '1' address 1 'x' '1' address 2 'x' '1' adjust 3 'x' '1' air 4 'x' '1' align 5 'x' '1' align 6 'x' '1' align 7 'x' '1' align 8 'x' '1' allergies 9 'x' '1' ambulance 10 'x' '1' american 11 'x' '1' anchor 12 'x' '1' angle 13 'x' '1' angle 14 'x' '1' angle 15 'x' '1' angle 16 'x' '1' angle 17 'x' '1' angle 18 'x' '1' angle 19 'x' '1' angle 20 'x' '1' angry 21 'x' '1' ankh 22 'x' '1' apple 23 'x' '1' archive 24 'x' '1' archway 25 'x' '1' arrow 26 'x' '1' arrow 27 'x' '1' arrow 28 'x' '1' arrow 29 'x' '1' arrow 30 'x' '1' arrow 31 'x' '1' arrow 32 'x' '1' arrow 33 'x' '1' arrow 34 'x' '1' arrow 35 'x' '1' arrow 36 'x' '1' arrows 37 'x' '1' arrows 38 'x' '1' arrows 39 'x' '1' arrow 40 'x' '1' assistive 41 'x' '1' asterisk 42 'x' '1' at 43 'x' '1' atlas 44 'x' '1' atom 45 'x' '1' audio 46 'x' '1' award 47 'x' '1' baby 48 'x' '1' baby 49 'x' '1' backspace 50 'x' '1' backward 51 'x' '1' bacon 52 'x' '1' bahai 53 'x' '1' balance 54 'x' '1' balance 55 'x' '1' balance 56 'x' '1' ban 57 'x' '1' band 58 'x' '1' barcode 59 'x' '1' bars 60 'x' '1' baseball 61 'x' '1' basketball 62 'x' '1' bath 63 'x' '1' battery 64 'x' '1' battery 65 'x' '1' battery 66 'x' '1' battery 67 'x' '1' battery 68 'x' '1' bed 69 'x' '1' beer 70 'x' '1' bell 71 'x' '1' bell 72 'x' '1' bezier 73 'x' '1' bible 74 'x' '1' bicycle 75 'x' '1' biking 76 'x' '1' binoculars 77 'x' '1' biohazard 78 'x' '1' birthday 79 'x' '1' blender 80 'x' '1' blender 81 'x' '1' blind 82 'x' '1' blog 83 'x' '1' bold 84 'x' '1' bolt 85 'x' '1' bomb 86 'x' '1' bone 87 'x' '1' bong 88 'x' '1' book 89 'x' '1' book 90 'x' '1' bookmark 91 'x' '1' book 92 'x' '1' book 93 'x' '1' book 94 'x' '1' border 95 'x' '1' border 96 'x' '1' border 97 'x' '1' bowling 98 'x' '1' box 99 'x' '1' boxes 100 'x' '1' box 101 'x' '1' box 102 'x' '1' braille 103 'x' '1' brain 104 'x' '1' bread 105 'x' '1' briefcase 106 'x' '1' briefcase 107 'x' '1' broadcast 108 'x' '1' broom 109 'x' '1' brush 110 'x' '1' bug 111 'x' '1' building 112 'x' '1' bullhorn 113 'x' '1' bullseye 114 'x' '1' burn 115 'x' '1' bus 116 'x' '1' bus 117 'x' '1' business 118 'x' '1' calculator 119 'x' '1' calendar 120 'x' '1' calendar 121 'x' '1' calendar 122 'x' '1' calendar 123 'x' '1' calendar 124 'x' '1' calendar 125 'x' '1' calendar 126 'x' '1' calendar 127 'x' '1' camera 128 'x' '1' camera 129 'x' '1' campground 130 'x' '1' candy 131 'x' '1' cannabis 132 'x' '1' capsules 133 'x' '1' car 134 'x' '1' car 135 'x' '1' caravan 136 'x' '1' car 137 'x' '1' car 138 'x' '1' caret 139 'x' '1' caret 140 'x' '1' caret 141 'x' '1' caret 142 'x' '1' caret 143 'x' '1' caret 144 'x' '1' caret 145 'x' '1' caret 146 'x' '1' carrot 147 'x' '1' car 148 'x' '1' cart 149 'x' '1' cart 150 'x' '1' cash 151 'x' '1' cat 152 'x' '1' certificate 153 'x' '1' chair 154 'x' '1' chalkboard 155 'x' '1' chalkboard 156 'x' '1' charging 157 'x' '1' chart 158 'x' '1' chart 159 'x' '1' chart 160 'x' '1' chart 161 'x' '1' check 162 'x' '1' check 163 'x' '1' check 164 'x' '1' check 165 'x' '1' cheese 166 'x' '1' chess 167 'x' '1' chess 168 'x' '1' chess 169 'x' '1' chess 170 'x' '1' chess 171 'x' '1' chess 172 'x' '1' chess 173 'x' '1' chess 174 'x' '1' chevron 175 'x' '1' chevron 176 'x' '1' chevron 177 'x' '1' chevron 178 'x' '1' chevron 179 'x' '1' chevron 180 'x' '1' chevron 181 'x' '1' chevron 182 'x' '1' child 183 'x' '1' church 184 'x' '1' circle 185 'x' '1' circle 186 'x' '1' city 187 'x' '1' clinic 188 'x' '1' clipboard 189 'x' '1' clipboard 190 'x' '1' clipboard 191 'x' '1' clock 192 'x' '1' clone 193 'x' '1' closed 194 'x' '1' cloud 195 'x' '1' cloud 196 'x' '1' cloud 197 'x' '1' cloud 198 'x' '1' cloud 199 'x' '1' cloud 200 'x' '1' cloud 201 'x' '1' cloud 202 'x' '1' cloud 203 'x' '1' cloud 204 'x' '1' cocktail 205 'x' '1' code 206 'x' '1' code 207 'x' '1' coffee 208 'x' '1' cog 209 'x' '1' cogs 210 'x' '1' coins 211 'x' '1' columns 212 'x' '1' comment 213 'x' '1' comment 214 'x' '1' comment 215 'x' '1' comment 216 'x' '1' comment 217 'x' '1' comments 218 'x' '1' comments 219 'x' '1' comment 220 'x' '1' compact 221 'x' '1' compass 222 'x' '1' compress 223 'x' '1' compress 224 'x' '1' compress 225 'x' '1' concierge 226 'x' '1' cookie 227 'x' '1' cookie 228 'x' '1' copy 229 'x' '1' copyright 230 'x' '1' couch 231 'x' '1' credit 232 'x' '1' crop 233 'x' '1' crop 234 'x' '1' cross 235 'x' '1' crosshairs 236 'x' '1' crow 237 'x' '1' crown 238 'x' '1' crutch 239 'x' '1' cube 240 'x' '1' cubes 241 'x' '1' cut 242 'x' '1' database 243 'x' '1' deaf 244 'x' '1' democrat 245 'x' '1' desktop 246 'x' '1' dharmachakra 247 'x' '1' diagnoses 248 'x' '1' dice 249 'x' '1' dice 250 'x' '1' dice 251 'x' '1' dice 252 'x' '1' dice 253 'x' '1' dice 254 'x' '1' dice 255 fa5 0 255 htfcss: fa5free0solid font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free Solid', serif; htfcss: fa5free0solid font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free Solid', serif; htfcss: fa5brands0 font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Brands Regular', serif; htfcss: fa5brands1 font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Brands Regular', serif; htfcss: fa5free0regular font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free Regular', serif; htfcss: fa5free1regular font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free Regular', serif; htfcss: fa5free1solid font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free Solid', serif; htfcss: fa5free2regular font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free Regular', serif; htfcss: fa5free2solid font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free Solid', serif; htfcss: fa5free3regular font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free Regular', serif; htfcss: fa5free3solid font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free Solid', serif; >>> \AddFont{fa5}{unicode/fontawesome/fa5} \Section{Musixtex} We convert most of Musixtex characters to pictures, only few of them are available in Unicode. These fonts should be mostly used inside of Pictures anyway, we just want to suppress the missing font warnings. % writing frenchtab.htf hash: 105e7b8eb09a45b870751ede95fc95fa \<<< frenchtab 0 255 '' '1' .notdef 0 % generated from frenchtab.tfm, 2022-11-24-12:10 '' '1' .notdef 1 % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group '' '1' .notdef 2 % '' '1' .notdef 3 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '' '1' .notdef 4 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '' '1' .notdef 5 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '' '1' .notdef 6 % later version. The latest version of this license is in '' '1' .notdef 7 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '' '1' .notdef 8 % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '' '1' .notdef 9 % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '' '1' .notdef 10 % '' '1' .notdef 11 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '' '1' .notdef 12 % '' '1' .notdef 13 % The Current Maintainer of this work '' '1' .notdef 14 % is the TeX4ht Project . '' '1' .notdef 15 % '' '1' .notdef 16 % If you modify this program, changing the '' '1' .notdef 17 % version identification would be appreciated. '' '1' .notdef 18 '' '1' .notdef 19 '' '1' .notdef 20 '' '1' .notdef 21 '' '1' .notdef 22 '' '1' .notdef 23 '' '1' .notdef 24 '' '1' .notdef 25 '' '1' .notdef 26 '' '1' .notdef 27 '' '1' .notdef 28 '' '1' .notdef 29 '' '1' .notdef 30 '' '1' .notdef 31 ' ' '1' space 32 '!' '1' exclam 33 '"' '1' quotedbl 34 '#' '1' numbersign 35 '$' '1' dollar 36 '%' '1' percent 37 '&' '1' ampersand 38 '’' '1' quoteright 39 '(' '1' parenleft 40 ')' '1' parenright 41 '*' '1' asterisk 42 '+' '1' plus 43 ',' '1' comma 44 '-' '1' hyphen 45 '.' '1' period 46 '/' '1' slash 47 '0' '1' zero 48 '1' '1' one 49 '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '5' '1' five 53 '6' '1' six 54 '7' '1' seven 55 '8' '1' eight 56 '9' '1' nine 57 ':' '1' colon 58 ';' '1' semicolon 59 '<' '1' less 60 '=' '1' equal 61 '>' '1' greater 62 '?' '1' question 63 '@' '1' at 64 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '[' '1' bracketleft 91 '\' '1' backslash 92 ']' '1' bracketright 93 '^' '1' asciicircum 94 '_' '1' underscore 95 '‘' '1' quoteleft 96 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 '{' '1' braceleft 123 '|' '1' bar 124 '}' '1' braceright 125 '~' '1' asciitilde 126 '' '1' .notdef 127 '' '1' .notdef 128 '' '1' .notdef 129 '' '1' .notdef 130 '' '1' .notdef 131 '' '1' .notdef 132 '' '1' .notdef 133 '' '1' .notdef 134 '' '1' .notdef 135 '' '1' .notdef 136 '' '1' .notdef 137 '' '1' .notdef 138 '' '1' .notdef 139 '' '1' .notdef 140 '' '1' .notdef 141 '' '1' .notdef 142 '' '1' .notdef 143 '' '1' .notdef 144 '' '1' .notdef 145 '' '1' .notdef 146 '' '1' .notdef 147 '' '1' .notdef 148 '' '1' .notdef 149 '' '1' .notdef 150 '' '1' .notdef 151 '' '1' .notdef 152 '' '1' .notdef 153 '' '1' .notdef 154 '' '1' .notdef 155 '' '1' .notdef 156 '' '1' .notdef 157 '' '1' .notdef 158 '' '1' .notdef 159 '' '1' .notdef 160 '¡' '1' exclamdown 161 '¢' '1' cent 162 '£' '1' sterling 163 '⁄' '1' fraction 164 '¥' '1' yen 165 'ƒ' '1' florin 166 '§' '1' section 167 '¤' '1' currency 168 ''' '1' quotesingle 169 '“' '1' quotedblleft 170 '«' '1' guillemotleft 171 '‹' '1' guilsinglleft 172 '›' '1' guilsinglright 173 'fi' '1' fi 174 'fl' '1' fl 175 '' '1' .notdef 176 '–' '1' endash 177 '†' '1' dagger 178 '‡' '1' daggerdbl 179 '·' '1' periodcentered 180 '' '1' .notdef 181 '¶' '1' paragraph 182 '•' '1' bullet 183 '‚' '1' quotesinglbase 184 '„' '1' quotedblbase 185 '”' '1' quotedblright 186 '»' '1' guillemotright 187 '…' '1' ellipsis 188 '‰' '1' perthousand 189 '' '1' .notdef 190 '¿' '1' questiondown 191 '' '1' .notdef 192 '`' '1' grave 193 '´' '1' acute 194 'ˆ' '1' circumflex 195 '˜' '1' tilde 196 '¯' '1' macron 197 '˘' '1' breve 198 '˙' '1' dotaccent 199 '¨' '1' dieresis 200 '' '1' .notdef 201 '˚' '1' ring 202 '¸' '1' cedilla 203 '' '1' .notdef 204 '˝' '1' hungarumlaut 205 '˛' '1' ogonek 206 'ˇ' '1' caron 207 '—' '1' emdash 208 '' '1' .notdef 209 '' '1' .notdef 210 '' '1' .notdef 211 '' '1' .notdef 212 '' '1' .notdef 213 '' '1' .notdef 214 '' '1' .notdef 215 '' '1' .notdef 216 '' '1' .notdef 217 '' '1' .notdef 218 '' '1' .notdef 219 '' '1' .notdef 220 '' '1' .notdef 221 '' '1' .notdef 222 '' '1' .notdef 223 '' '1' .notdef 224 'Æ' '1' AE 225 '' '1' .notdef 226 'ª' '1' ordfeminine 227 '' '1' .notdef 228 '' '1' .notdef 229 '' '1' .notdef 230 '' '1' .notdef 231 'Ł' '1' Lslash 232 'Ø' '1' Oslash 233 'Œ' '1' OE 234 'º' '1' ordmasculine 235 '' '1' .notdef 236 '' '1' .notdef 237 '' '1' .notdef 238 '' '1' .notdef 239 '' '1' .notdef 240 'æ' '1' ae 241 '' '1' .notdef 242 '' '1' .notdef 243 '' '1' .notdef 244 'ı' '1' dotlessi 245 '' '1' .notdef 246 '' '1' .notdef 247 'ł' '1' lslash 248 'ø' '1' oslash 249 'œ' '1' oe 250 'ß' '1' germandbls 251 '' '1' .notdef 252 '' '1' .notdef 253 '' '1' .notdef 254 '' '1' .notdef 255 frenchtab 0 255 htfcss: frenchtab font-family: 'frenchtab', serif; >>> \AddFont{frenchtab}{unicode/musix/frenchtab}{} % writing MuseJazzText.htf hash: d210cb9613e1eb6b6b8bf8e944698a0c \<<< MuseJazzText 32 255 ' ' '1' space 32 % generated from MuseJazzText.tfm, 2022-11-24-12:10 '!' '1' exclam 33 % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group '"' '1' quotedbl 34 % '#' '1' numbersign 35 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '$' '1' dollar 36 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '%' '1' percent 37 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '&' '1' ampersand 38 % later version. The latest version of this license is in ''' '1' quotesingle 39 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '(' '1' parenleft 40 % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions ')' '1' parenright 41 % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '*' '1' asterisk 42 % '+' '1' plus 43 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". ',' '1' comma 44 % '-' '1' hyphen 45 % The Current Maintainer of this work '.' '1' period 46 % is the TeX4ht Project . '/' '1' slash 47 % '0' '1' zero 48 % If you modify this program, changing the '1' '1' one 49 % version identification would be appreciated. '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '5' '1' five 53 '6' '1' six 54 '7' '1' seven 55 '8' '1' eight 56 '9' '1' nine 57 ':' '1' colon 58 ';' '1' semicolon 59 '<' '1' less 60 '=' '1' equal 61 '>' '1' greater 62 '?' '1' question 63 '@' '1' at 64 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '[' '1' bracketleft 91 '\' '1' backslash 92 ']' '1' bracketright 93 '^' '1' asciicircum 94 '_' '1' underscore 95 '`' '1' grave 96 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 '{' '1' braceleft 123 '|' '1' bar 124 '}' '1' braceright 125 '~' '1' asciitilde 126 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '¡' '1' exclamdown 161 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '©' '1' copyright 169 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '°' '1' degree 176 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '¿' '1' questiondown 191 'À' '1' Agrave 192 'Á' '1' Aacute 193 'Â' '1' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '1' Atilde 195 'Ä' '1' Adieresis 196 'Å' '1' Aring 197 'Æ' '1' AE 198 'Ç' '1' Ccedilla 199 'È' '1' Egrave 200 'É' '1' Eacute 201 'Ê' '1' Ecircumflex 202 'Ë' '1' Edieresis 203 'Ì' '1' Igrave 204 'Í' '1' Iacute 205 'Î' '1' Icircumflex 206 'Ï' '1' Idieresis 207 'Ð' '1' Eth 208 'Ñ' '1' Ntilde 209 'Ò' '1' Ograve 210 'Ó' '1' Oacute 211 'Ô' '1' Ocircumflex 212 'Õ' '1' Otilde 213 'Ö' '1' Odieresis 214 '×' '1' multiply 215 'Ø' '1' Oslash 216 'Ù' '1' Ugrave 217 'Ú' '1' Uacute 218 'Û' '1' Ucircumflex 219 'Ü' '1' Udieresis 220 'Ý' '1' Yacute 221 'Þ' '1' Thorn 222 'ß' '1' germandbls 223 'à' '1' agrave 224 'á' '1' aacute 225 'â' '1' acircumflex 226 'ã' '1' atilde 227 'ä' '1' adieresis 228 'å' '1' aring 229 'æ' '1' ae 230 'ç' '1' ccedilla 231 'è' '1' egrave 232 'é' '1' eacute 233 'ê' '1' ecircumflex 234 'ë' '1' edieresis 235 'ì' '1' igrave 236 'í' '1' iacute 237 'î' '1' icircumflex 238 'ï' '1' idieresis 239 'ð' '1' eth 240 'ñ' '1' ntilde 241 'ò' '1' ograve 242 'ó' '1' oacute 243 'ô' '1' ocircumflex 244 'õ' '1' otilde 245 'ö' '1' odieresis 246 '÷' '1' divide 247 'ø' '1' oslash 248 'ù' '1' ugrave 249 'ú' '1' uacute 250 'û' '1' ucircumflex 251 'ü' '1' udieresis 252 'ý' '1' yacute 253 'þ' '1' thorn 254 'ÿ' '1' ydieresis 255 MuseJazzText 32 255 htfcss: MuseJazzText font-family: 'MuseJazz Text', serif; >>> \AddFont{MuseJazzText}{unicode/musix/MuseJazzText}{} % writing musixsps.htf hash: d9c1adbe8d5cb12c442b433371908893 \<<< musixsps 0 195 '`' '1' grave 0 % generated from musixsps.tfm, 2022-11-24-12:10 '´' '1' acute 1 % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group 'ˆ' '1' circumflex 2 % '˜' '1' tilde 3 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '¨' '1' dieresis 4 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '˝' '1' hungarumlaut 5 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '˚' '1' ring 6 % later version. The latest version of this license is in 'ˇ' '1' caron 7 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '˘' '1' breve 8 % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '¯' '1' macron 9 % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '˙' '1' dotaccent 10 % '¸' '1' cedilla 11 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '˛' '1' ogonek 12 % '‚' '1' quotesinglbase 13 % The Current Maintainer of this work '‹' '1' guilsinglleft 14 % is the TeX4ht Project . '›' '1' guilsinglright 15 % '“' '1' quotedblleft 16 % If you modify this program, changing the '”' '1' quotedblright 17 % version identification would be appreciated. '„' '1' quotedblbase 18 '«' '1' guillemotleft 19 '»' '1' guillemotright 20 '–' '1' endash 21 '—' '1' emdash 22 '‌' '1' cwm 23 '‰' '1' perthousand 24 'ı' '1' dotlessi 25 'ȷ' '1' dotlessj 26 'ff' '1' ff 27 '' '1' .notdef 28 'fl' '1' fl 29 'ffi' '1' ffi 30 'ffl' '1' ffl 31 ' ' '1' space 32 '!' '1' exclam 33 '"' '1' quotedbl 34 '#' '1' numbersign 35 '$' '1' dollar 36 '%' '1' percent 37 '&' '1' ampersand 38 '’' '1' quoteright 39 '(' '1' parenleft 40 ')' '1' parenright 41 '*' '1' asterisk 42 '+' '1' plus 43 ',' '1' comma 44 '-' '1' hyphen 45 '.' '1' period 46 '/' '1' slash 47 '0' '1' zero 48 '1' '1' one 49 '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '5' '1' five 53 '6' '1' six 54 '7' '1' seven 55 '8' '1' eight 56 '9' '1' nine 57 ':' '1' colon 58 ';' '1' semicolon 59 '<' '1' less 60 '=' '1' equal 61 '>' '1' greater 62 '?' '1' question 63 '@' '1' at 64 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '[' '1' bracketleft 91 '\' '1' backslash 92 ']' '1' bracketright 93 '^' '1' asciicircum 94 '_' '1' underscore 95 '‘' '1' quoteleft 96 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 '{' '1' braceleft 123 '|' '1' bar 124 '}' '1' braceright 125 '~' '1' asciitilde 126 '­' '1' sfthyphen 127 'Ă' '1' Abreve 128 'Ą' '1' Aogonek 129 'Ć' '1' Cacute 130 'Č' '1' Ccaron 131 'Ď' '1' Dcaron 132 'Ě' '1' Ecaron 133 'Ę' '1' Eogonek 134 'Ğ' '1' Gbreve 135 'Ĺ' '1' Lacute 136 'Ľ' '1' Lcaron 137 'Ł' '1' Lslash 138 'Ń' '1' Nacute 139 'Ň' '1' Ncaron 140 'Ŋ' '1' Eng 141 'Ő' '1' Ohungarumlaut 142 'Ŕ' '1' Racute 143 'Ř' '1' Rcaron 144 'Ś' '1' Sacute 145 'Š' '1' Scaron 146 'Ş' '1' Scedilla 147 'Ť' '1' Tcaron 148 'Ţ' '1' Tcedilla 149 'Ű' '1' Uhungarumlaut 150 'Ů' '1' Uring 151 'Ÿ' '1' Ydieresis 152 'Ź' '1' Zacute 153 'Ž' '1' Zcaron 154 'Ż' '1' Zdotaccent 155 'IJ' '1' IJ 156 'İ' '1' Idotaccent 157 'đ' '1' dcroat 158 '§' '1' section 159 'ă' '1' abreve 160 'ą' '1' aogonek 161 'ć' '1' cacute 162 'č' '1' ccaron 163 'ď' '1' dcaron 164 'ě' '1' ecaron 165 'ę' '1' eogonek 166 'ğ' '1' gbreve 167 'ĺ' '1' lacute 168 'ľ' '1' lcaron 169 'ł' '1' lslash 170 'ń' '1' nacute 171 'ň' '1' ncaron 172 'ŋ' '1' eng 173 'ő' '1' ohungarumlaut 174 'ŕ' '1' racute 175 'ř' '1' rcaron 176 'ś' '1' sacute 177 'š' '1' scaron 178 'ş' '1' scedilla 179 'ť' '1' tcaron 180 'ţ' '1' tcedilla 181 'ű' '1' uhungarumlaut 182 'ů' '1' uring 183 'ÿ' '1' ydieresis 184 'ź' '1' zacute 185 'ž' '1' zcaron 186 'ż' '1' zdotaccent 187 'ij' '1' ij 188 '¡' '1' exclamdown 189 '¿' '1' questiondown 190 '£' '1' sterling 191 'À' '1' Agrave 192 'Á' '1' Aacute 193 'Â' '1' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '1' Atilde 195 musixsps 0 195 htfcss: musixsps font-family: 'musixsps', serif; >>> \AddFont{musixsps}{unicode/musix/musixsps}{} % writing musixspx.htf hash: f3ad2beba706eff594742dacc13d4eba \<<< musixspx 0 243 '`' '1' grave 0 % generated from musixspx.tfm, 2022-11-24-12:10 '´' '1' acute 1 % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group 'ˆ' '1' circumflex 2 % '˜' '1' tilde 3 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '¨' '1' dieresis 4 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '˝' '1' hungarumlaut 5 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '˚' '1' ring 6 % later version. The latest version of this license is in 'ˇ' '1' caron 7 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '˘' '1' breve 8 % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '¯' '1' macron 9 % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '˙' '1' dotaccent 10 % '¸' '1' cedilla 11 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '˛' '1' ogonek 12 % '‚' '1' quotesinglbase 13 % The Current Maintainer of this work '‹' '1' guilsinglleft 14 % is the TeX4ht Project . '›' '1' guilsinglright 15 % '“' '1' quotedblleft 16 % If you modify this program, changing the '”' '1' quotedblright 17 % version identification would be appreciated. '„' '1' quotedblbase 18 '«' '1' guillemotleft 19 '»' '1' guillemotright 20 '–' '1' endash 21 '—' '1' emdash 22 '‌' '1' cwm 23 '‰' '1' perthousand 24 'ı' '1' dotlessi 25 'ȷ' '1' dotlessj 26 'ff' '1' ff 27 '' '1' .notdef 28 'fl' '1' fl 29 'ffi' '1' ffi 30 'ffl' '1' ffl 31 ' ' '1' space 32 '!' '1' exclam 33 '"' '1' quotedbl 34 '#' '1' numbersign 35 '$' '1' dollar 36 '%' '1' percent 37 '&' '1' ampersand 38 '’' '1' quoteright 39 '(' '1' parenleft 40 ')' '1' parenright 41 '*' '1' asterisk 42 '+' '1' plus 43 ',' '1' comma 44 '-' '1' hyphen 45 '.' '1' period 46 '/' '1' slash 47 '0' '1' zero 48 '1' '1' one 49 '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '5' '1' five 53 '6' '1' six 54 '7' '1' seven 55 '8' '1' eight 56 '9' '1' nine 57 ':' '1' colon 58 ';' '1' semicolon 59 '<' '1' less 60 '=' '1' equal 61 '>' '1' greater 62 '?' '1' question 63 '@' '1' at 64 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '[' '1' bracketleft 91 '\' '1' backslash 92 ']' '1' bracketright 93 '^' '1' asciicircum 94 '_' '1' underscore 95 '‘' '1' quoteleft 96 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 '{' '1' braceleft 123 '|' '1' bar 124 '}' '1' braceright 125 '~' '1' asciitilde 126 '­' '1' sfthyphen 127 'Ă' '1' Abreve 128 'Ą' '1' Aogonek 129 'Ć' '1' Cacute 130 'Č' '1' Ccaron 131 'Ď' '1' Dcaron 132 'Ě' '1' Ecaron 133 'Ę' '1' Eogonek 134 'Ğ' '1' Gbreve 135 'Ĺ' '1' Lacute 136 'Ľ' '1' Lcaron 137 'Ł' '1' Lslash 138 'Ń' '1' Nacute 139 'Ň' '1' Ncaron 140 'Ŋ' '1' Eng 141 'Ő' '1' Ohungarumlaut 142 'Ŕ' '1' Racute 143 'Ř' '1' Rcaron 144 'Ś' '1' Sacute 145 'Š' '1' Scaron 146 'Ş' '1' Scedilla 147 'Ť' '1' Tcaron 148 'Ţ' '1' Tcedilla 149 'Ű' '1' Uhungarumlaut 150 'Ů' '1' Uring 151 'Ÿ' '1' Ydieresis 152 'Ź' '1' Zacute 153 'Ž' '1' Zcaron 154 'Ż' '1' Zdotaccent 155 'IJ' '1' IJ 156 'İ' '1' Idotaccent 157 'đ' '1' dcroat 158 '§' '1' section 159 'ă' '1' abreve 160 'ą' '1' aogonek 161 'ć' '1' cacute 162 'č' '1' ccaron 163 'ď' '1' dcaron 164 'ě' '1' ecaron 165 'ę' '1' eogonek 166 'ğ' '1' gbreve 167 'ĺ' '1' lacute 168 'ľ' '1' lcaron 169 'ł' '1' lslash 170 'ń' '1' nacute 171 'ň' '1' ncaron 172 'ŋ' '1' eng 173 'ő' '1' ohungarumlaut 174 'ŕ' '1' racute 175 'ř' '1' rcaron 176 'ś' '1' sacute 177 'š' '1' scaron 178 'ş' '1' scedilla 179 'ť' '1' tcaron 180 'ţ' '1' tcedilla 181 'ű' '1' uhungarumlaut 182 'ů' '1' uring 183 'ÿ' '1' ydieresis 184 'ź' '1' zacute 185 'ž' '1' zcaron 186 'ż' '1' zdotaccent 187 'ij' '1' ij 188 '¡' '1' exclamdown 189 '¿' '1' questiondown 190 '£' '1' sterling 191 'À' '1' Agrave 192 'Á' '1' Aacute 193 'Â' '1' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '1' Atilde 195 'Ä' '1' Adieresis 196 'Å' '1' Aring 197 'Æ' '1' AE 198 'Ç' '1' Ccedilla 199 'È' '1' Egrave 200 'É' '1' Eacute 201 'Ê' '1' Ecircumflex 202 'Ë' '1' Edieresis 203 'Ì' '1' Igrave 204 'Í' '1' Iacute 205 'Î' '1' Icircumflex 206 'Ï' '1' Idieresis 207 'Ð' '1' Eth 208 'Ñ' '1' Ntilde 209 'Ò' '1' Ograve 210 'Ó' '1' Oacute 211 'Ô' '1' Ocircumflex 212 'Õ' '1' Otilde 213 'Ö' '1' Odieresis 214 'Œ' '1' OE 215 'Ø' '1' Oslash 216 'Ù' '1' Ugrave 217 'Ú' '1' Uacute 218 'Û' '1' Ucircumflex 219 'Ü' '1' Udieresis 220 'Ý' '1' Yacute 221 'Þ' '1' Thorn 222 'SS' '1' SS 223 'à' '1' agrave 224 'á' '1' aacute 225 'â' '1' acircumflex 226 'ã' '1' atilde 227 'ä' '1' adieresis 228 'å' '1' aring 229 'æ' '1' ae 230 'ç' '1' ccedilla 231 'è' '1' egrave 232 'é' '1' eacute 233 'ê' '1' ecircumflex 234 'ë' '1' edieresis 235 'ì' '1' igrave 236 'í' '1' iacute 237 'î' '1' icircumflex 238 'ï' '1' idieresis 239 'ð' '1' eth 240 'ñ' '1' ntilde 241 'ò' '1' ograve 242 'ó' '1' oacute 243 musixspx 0 243 htfcss: musixspx font-family: 'musixspx', serif; >>> \AddFont{musixspx}{unicode/musix/musixspx}{} % writing musix11.htf hash: 883f037dcce2239f39ee3fb153067dc9 \<<< musix11 0 251 '`' '1' grave 0 % generated from musix11.tfm, 2022-11-24-12:10 '´' '1' acute 1 % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group 'ˆ' '1' circumflex 2 % '˜' '1' tilde 3 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '¨' '1' dieresis 4 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '˝' '1' hungarumlaut 5 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '˚' '1' ring 6 % later version. The latest version of this license is in 'ˇ' '1' caron 7 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '˘' '1' breve 8 % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '¯' '1' macron 9 % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '˙' '1' dotaccent 10 % '¸' '1' cedilla 11 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '˛' '1' ogonek 12 % '‚' '1' quotesinglbase 13 % The Current Maintainer of this work '‹' '1' guilsinglleft 14 % is the TeX4ht Project . '›' '1' guilsinglright 15 % '“' '1' quotedblleft 16 % If you modify this program, changing the '”' '1' quotedblright 17 % version identification would be appreciated. '„' '1' quotedblbase 18 '«' '1' guillemotleft 19 '»' '1' guillemotright 20 '–' '1' endash 21 '—' '1' emdash 22 '‌' '1' cwm 23 '‰' '1' perthousand 24 'ı' '1' dotlessi 25 'ȷ' '1' dotlessj 26 'ff' '1' ff 27 'fi' '1' fi 28 'fl' '1' fl 29 'ffi' '1' ffi 30 'ffl' '1' ffl 31 ' ' '1' space 32 '!' '1' exclam 33 '"' '1' quotedbl 34 '#' '1' numbersign 35 '$' '1' dollar 36 '%' '1' percent 37 '&' '1' ampersand 38 '’' '1' quoteright 39 '(' '1' parenleft 40 ')' '1' parenright 41 '*' '1' asterisk 42 '+' '1' plus 43 ',' '1' comma 44 '-' '1' hyphen 45 '.' '1' period 46 '/' '1' slash 47 '0' '1' zero 48 '1' '1' one 49 '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '5' '1' five 53 '6' '1' six 54 '7' '1' seven 55 '8' '1' eight 56 '9' '1' nine 57 ':' '1' colon 58 ';' '1' semicolon 59 '<' '1' less 60 '=' '1' equal 61 '>' '1' greater 62 '?' '1' question 63 '@' '1' at 64 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 '♭' '' Z 90 '𝄫' '' bracketleft 91 '♯' '' backslash 92 '𝄪' '' bracketright 93 '♮' '' asciicircum 94 '_' '1' underscore 95 '‘' '1' quoteleft 96 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 '{' '1' braceleft 123 '|' '1' bar 124 '}' '1' braceright 125 '~' '1' asciitilde 126 '­' '1' sfthyphen 127 'Ă' '1' Abreve 128 'Ą' '1' Aogonek 129 'Ć' '1' Cacute 130 'Č' '1' Ccaron 131 'Ď' '1' Dcaron 132 'Ě' '1' Ecaron 133 'Ę' '1' Eogonek 134 'Ğ' '1' Gbreve 135 'Ĺ' '1' Lacute 136 'Ľ' '1' Lcaron 137 'Ł' '1' Lslash 138 'Ń' '1' Nacute 139 'Ň' '1' Ncaron 140 'Ŋ' '1' Eng 141 'Ő' '1' Ohungarumlaut 142 'Ŕ' '1' Racute 143 'Ř' '1' Rcaron 144 'Ś' '1' Sacute 145 'Š' '1' Scaron 146 'Ş' '1' Scedilla 147 'Ť' '1' Tcaron 148 'Ţ' '1' Tcedilla 149 'Ű' '1' Uhungarumlaut 150 'Ů' '1' Uring 151 'Ÿ' '1' Ydieresis 152 'Ź' '1' Zacute 153 'Ž' '1' Zcaron 154 'Ż' '1' Zdotaccent 155 'IJ' '1' IJ 156 'İ' '1' Idotaccent 157 'đ' '1' dcroat 158 '§' '1' section 159 'ă' '1' abreve 160 'ą' '1' aogonek 161 'ć' '1' cacute 162 'č' '1' ccaron 163 'ď' '1' dcaron 164 'ě' '1' ecaron 165 'ę' '1' eogonek 166 'ğ' '1' gbreve 167 'ĺ' '1' lacute 168 'ľ' '1' lcaron 169 'ł' '1' lslash 170 'ń' '1' nacute 171 'ň' '1' ncaron 172 'ŋ' '1' eng 173 'ő' '1' ohungarumlaut 174 'ŕ' '1' racute 175 'ř' '1' rcaron 176 'ś' '1' sacute 177 'š' '1' scaron 178 'ş' '1' scedilla 179 'ť' '1' tcaron 180 'ţ' '1' tcedilla 181 'ű' '1' uhungarumlaut 182 'ů' '1' uring 183 'ÿ' '1' ydieresis 184 'ź' '1' zacute 185 'ž' '1' zcaron 186 'ż' '1' zdotaccent 187 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'À' '1' Agrave 192 'Á' '1' Aacute 193 'Â' '1' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '1' Atilde 195 'Ä' '1' Adieresis 196 'Å' '1' Aring 197 'Æ' '1' AE 198 'Ç' '1' Ccedilla 199 'È' '1' Egrave 200 'É' '1' Eacute 201 'Ê' '1' Ecircumflex 202 'Ë' '1' Edieresis 203 'Ì' '1' Igrave 204 'Í' '1' Iacute 205 'Î' '1' Icircumflex 206 'Ï' '1' Idieresis 207 'Ð' '1' Eth 208 'Ñ' '1' Ntilde 209 'Ò' '1' Ograve 210 'Ó' '1' Oacute 211 'Ô' '1' Ocircumflex 212 'Õ' '1' Otilde 213 'Ö' '1' Odieresis 214 'Œ' '1' OE 215 'Ø' '1' Oslash 216 'Ù' '1' Ugrave 217 'Ú' '1' Uacute 218 'Û' '1' Ucircumflex 219 'Ü' '1' Udieresis 220 'Ý' '1' Yacute 221 'Þ' '1' Thorn 222 'SS' '1' SS 223 'à' '1' agrave 224 'á' '1' aacute 225 'â' '1' acircumflex 226 'ã' '1' atilde 227 'ä' '1' adieresis 228 'å' '1' aring 229 'æ' '1' ae 230 'ç' '1' ccedilla 231 'è' '1' egrave 232 'é' '1' eacute 233 'ê' '1' ecircumflex 234 'ë' '1' edieresis 235 'ì' '1' igrave 236 'í' '1' iacute 237 'î' '1' icircumflex 238 'ï' '1' idieresis 239 'ð' '1' eth 240 'ñ' '1' ntilde 241 'ò' '1' ograve 242 'ó' '1' oacute 243 'ô' '1' ocircumflex 244 'õ' '1' otilde 245 'ö' '1' odieresis 246 'œ' '1' oe 247 'ø' '1' oslash 248 'ù' '1' ugrave 249 'ú' '1' uacute 250 'û' '1' ucircumflex 251 musix11 0 251 htfcss: musix11 font-family: 'musix11', serif; >>> \AddFont{musix11}{unicode/musix/musix11}{} % writing musix13.htf hash: 883f037dcce2239f39ee3fb153067dc9 \<<< .musix11 htfcss: musix13 font-family: 'musix13', serif; >>> \AddFont{musix13}{alias/musix/musix13}{} % writing musix16.htf hash: 883f037dcce2239f39ee3fb153067dc9 \<<< .musix11 htfcss: musix16 font-family: 'musix16', serif; >>> \AddFont{musix16}{alias/musix/musix16}{} % writing musix20.htf hash: 883f037dcce2239f39ee3fb153067dc9 \<<< .musix11 htfcss: musix20 font-family: 'musix20', serif; >>> \AddFont{musix20}{alias/musix/musix20}{} % writing musix24.htf hash: e5bfe40a4a0b489c5cb695ba1d0cfd50 \<<< musix24 0 251 '`' '1' grave 0 % generated from musix24.tfm, 2022-11-24-12:10 '´' '1' acute 1 % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group 'ˆ' '1' circumflex 2 % '˜' '1' tilde 3 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '¨' '1' dieresis 4 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '˝' '1' hungarumlaut 5 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '˚' '1' ring 6 % later version. The latest version of this license is in 'ˇ' '1' caron 7 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '˘' '1' breve 8 % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '¯' '1' macron 9 % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '˙' '1' dotaccent 10 % '¸' '1' cedilla 11 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '˛' '1' ogonek 12 % '‚' '1' quotesinglbase 13 % The Current Maintainer of this work '‹' '1' guilsinglleft 14 % is the TeX4ht Project . '›' '1' guilsinglright 15 % '“' '1' quotedblleft 16 % If you modify this program, changing the '”' '1' quotedblright 17 % version identification would be appreciated. '„' '1' quotedblbase 18 '«' '1' guillemotleft 19 '»' '1' guillemotright 20 '–' '1' endash 21 '—' '1' emdash 22 '‌' '1' cwm 23 '‰' '1' perthousand 24 'ı' '1' dotlessi 25 'ȷ' '1' dotlessj 26 'ff' '1' ff 27 'fi' '1' fi 28 'fl' '1' fl 29 'ffi' '1' ffi 30 'ffl' '1' ffl 31 ' ' '1' space 32 '!' '1' exclam 33 '"' '1' quotedbl 34 '#' '1' numbersign 35 '$' '1' dollar 36 '%' '1' percent 37 '&' '1' ampersand 38 '’' '1' quoteright 39 '(' '1' parenleft 40 ')' '1' parenright 41 '*' '1' asterisk 42 '+' '1' plus 43 ',' '1' comma 44 '-' '1' hyphen 45 '.' '1' period 46 '/' '1' slash 47 '0' '1' zero 48 '1' '1' one 49 '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '5' '1' five 53 '6' '1' six 54 '7' '1' seven 55 '8' '1' eight 56 '9' '1' nine 57 ':' '1' colon 58 ';' '1' semicolon 59 '<' '1' less 60 '=' '1' equal 61 '>' '1' greater 62 '?' '1' question 63 '@' '1' at 64 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '[' '1' bracketleft 91 '\' '1' backslash 92 ']' '1' bracketright 93 '^' '1' asciicircum 94 '_' '1' underscore 95 '‘' '1' quoteleft 96 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 '{' '1' braceleft 123 '|' '1' bar 124 '}' '1' braceright 125 '~' '1' asciitilde 126 '' '1' 'Ă' '1' Abreve 128 'Ą' '1' Aogonek 129 'Ć' '1' Cacute 130 'Č' '1' Ccaron 131 'Ď' '1' Dcaron 132 'Ě' '1' Ecaron 133 'Ę' '1' Eogonek 134 'Ğ' '1' Gbreve 135 'Ĺ' '1' Lacute 136 'Ľ' '1' Lcaron 137 'Ł' '1' Lslash 138 'Ń' '1' Nacute 139 'Ň' '1' Ncaron 140 'Ŋ' '1' Eng 141 'Ő' '1' Ohungarumlaut 142 'Ŕ' '1' Racute 143 'Ř' '1' Rcaron 144 'Ś' '1' Sacute 145 'Š' '1' Scaron 146 'Ş' '1' Scedilla 147 'Ť' '1' Tcaron 148 'Ţ' '1' Tcedilla 149 'Ű' '1' Uhungarumlaut 150 'Ů' '1' Uring 151 'Ÿ' '1' Ydieresis 152 'Ź' '1' Zacute 153 'Ž' '1' Zcaron 154 'Ż' '1' Zdotaccent 155 'IJ' '1' IJ 156 'İ' '1' Idotaccent 157 'đ' '1' dcroat 158 '§' '1' section 159 'ă' '1' abreve 160 'ą' '1' aogonek 161 'ć' '1' cacute 162 'č' '1' ccaron 163 'ď' '1' dcaron 164 'ě' '1' ecaron 165 'ę' '1' eogonek 166 'ğ' '1' gbreve 167 'ĺ' '1' lacute 168 'ľ' '1' lcaron 169 'ł' '1' lslash 170 'ń' '1' nacute 171 'ň' '1' ncaron 172 'ŋ' '1' eng 173 'ő' '1' ohungarumlaut 174 'ŕ' '1' racute 175 'ř' '1' rcaron 176 'ś' '1' sacute 177 'š' '1' scaron 178 'ş' '1' scedilla 179 'ť' '1' tcaron 180 'ţ' '1' tcedilla 181 'ű' '1' uhungarumlaut 182 'ů' '1' uring 183 'ÿ' '1' ydieresis 184 'ź' '1' zacute 185 'ž' '1' zcaron 186 'ż' '1' zdotaccent 187 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'À' '1' Agrave 192 'Á' '1' Aacute 193 'Â' '1' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '1' Atilde 195 'Ä' '1' Adieresis 196 'Å' '1' Aring 197 'Æ' '1' AE 198 'Ç' '1' Ccedilla 199 'È' '1' Egrave 200 'É' '1' Eacute 201 'Ê' '1' Ecircumflex 202 'Ë' '1' Edieresis 203 'Ì' '1' Igrave 204 'Í' '1' Iacute 205 'Î' '1' Icircumflex 206 'Ï' '1' Idieresis 207 'Ð' '1' Eth 208 'Ñ' '1' Ntilde 209 'Ò' '1' Ograve 210 'Ó' '1' Oacute 211 'Ô' '1' Ocircumflex 212 'Õ' '1' Otilde 213 'Ö' '1' Odieresis 214 'Œ' '1' OE 215 'Ø' '1' Oslash 216 'Ù' '1' Ugrave 217 'Ú' '1' Uacute 218 'Û' '1' Ucircumflex 219 'Ü' '1' Udieresis 220 'Ý' '1' Yacute 221 'Þ' '1' Thorn 222 'SS' '1' SS 223 'à' '1' agrave 224 'á' '1' aacute 225 'â' '1' acircumflex 226 'ã' '1' atilde 227 'ä' '1' adieresis 228 'å' '1' aring 229 'æ' '1' ae 230 'ç' '1' ccedilla 231 'è' '1' egrave 232 'é' '1' eacute 233 'ê' '1' ecircumflex 234 'ë' '1' edieresis 235 'ì' '1' igrave 236 'í' '1' iacute 237 'î' '1' icircumflex 238 'ï' '1' idieresis 239 'ð' '1' eth 240 'ñ' '1' ntilde 241 'ò' '1' ograve 242 'ó' '1' oacute 243 'ô' '1' ocircumflex 244 'õ' '1' otilde 245 'ö' '1' odieresis 246 'œ' '1' oe 247 'ø' '1' oslash 248 'ù' '1' ugrave 249 'ú' '1' uacute 250 'û' '1' ucircumflex 251 musix24 0 251 htfcss: musix24 font-family: 'musix24', serif; >>> \AddFont{musix24}{unicode/musix/musix24}{} % font parser error: Cannot load font musix25 % writing musix29.htf hash: e5bfe40a4a0b489c5cb695ba1d0cfd50 \<<< .musix24 htfcss: musix29 font-family: 'musix29', serif; >>> \AddFont{musix29}{alias/musix/musix29}{} % writing mxsk.htf hash: 6fae9704f260e594455015034533d543 \<<< mxsk 0 193 '`' '1' grave 0 % generated from mxsk.tfm, 2022-11-24-12:10 '´' '1' acute 1 % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group '' '1' % '' '1' % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '' '1' % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '' '1' % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '' '1' % later version. The latest version of this license is in '' '1' % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '' '1' % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '' '1' % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '' '1' % '' '1' % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '' '1' % '' '1' % The Current Maintainer of this work '' '1' % is the TeX4ht Project . '' '1' % '' '1' % If you modify this program, changing the '' '1' % version identification would be appreciated. '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '@' '1' at 64 'A' '1' A 65 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'Ă' '1' Abreve 128 'Ą' '1' Aogonek 129 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'À' '1' Agrave 192 'Á' '1' Aacute 193 mxsk 0 193 htfcss: mxsk font-family: 'mxsk', serif; >>> \AddFont{mxsk}{unicode/musix/mxsk}{} % writing xadf11.htf hash: 8b85d7aad247d2bc0be417baa3d5396f \<<< xadf11 7 86 'ˇ' '1' caron 7 % generated from xadf11.tfm, 2022-11-24-12:10 '˘' '1' breve 8 % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group '¯' '1' macron 9 % '' '1' % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '' '1' % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '' '1' % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '' '1' % later version. The latest version of this license is in '' '1' % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '' '1' % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '' '1' % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '' '1' % '' '1' % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '' '1' % '»' '1' guillemotright 20 % The Current Maintainer of this work '–' '1' endash 21 % is the TeX4ht Project . '' '1' % '' '1' % If you modify this program, changing the '' '1' % version identification would be appreciated. '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'ffi' '1' ffi 30 'ffl' '1' ffl 31 '' '1' '!' '1' exclam 33 '"' '1' quotedbl 34 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 xadf11 7 86 htfcss: xadf11 font-family: 'xadf11', serif; >>> \AddFont{xadf11}{unicode/musix/xadf11}{} % writing xadf13.htf hash: 8b85d7aad247d2bc0be417baa3d5396f \<<< .xadf11 htfcss: xadf13 font-family: 'xadf13', serif; >>> \AddFont{xadf13}{alias/musix/xadf13}{} % writing xadf16.htf hash: 8b85d7aad247d2bc0be417baa3d5396f \<<< .xadf11 htfcss: xadf16 font-family: 'xadf16', serif; >>> \AddFont{xadf16}{alias/musix/xadf16}{} % writing xadf20.htf hash: 8b85d7aad247d2bc0be417baa3d5396f \<<< .xadf11 htfcss: xadf20 font-family: 'xadf20', serif; >>> \AddFont{xadf20}{alias/musix/xadf20}{} % writing xadf24.htf hash: 8b85d7aad247d2bc0be417baa3d5396f \<<< .xadf11 htfcss: xadf24 font-family: 'xadf24', serif; >>> \AddFont{xadf24}{alias/musix/xadf24}{} % writing xadf29.htf hash: 8b85d7aad247d2bc0be417baa3d5396f \<<< .xadf11 htfcss: xadf29 font-family: 'xadf29', serif; >>> \AddFont{xadf29}{alias/musix/xadf29}{} % writing xgreg11.htf hash: e2a60c686c8d50172b7dd8f122161e2e \<<< xgreg11 0 126 '' '1' .notdef 0 % generated from xgreg11.tfm, 2022-11-24-12:10 '´' '1' acute 1 % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group 'ˆ' '1' circumflex 2 % '˜' '1' tilde 3 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '¨' '1' dieresis 4 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '˝' '1' hungarumlaut 5 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '˚' '1' ring 6 % later version. The latest version of this license is in 'ˇ' '1' caron 7 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '˘' '1' breve 8 % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '¯' '1' macron 9 % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '˙' '1' dotaccent 10 % '¸' '1' cedilla 11 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '˛' '1' ogonek 12 % '‚' '1' quotesinglbase 13 % The Current Maintainer of this work '‹' '1' guilsinglleft 14 % is the TeX4ht Project . '›' '1' guilsinglright 15 % '“' '1' quotedblleft 16 % If you modify this program, changing the '”' '1' quotedblright 17 % version identification would be appreciated. '' '1' .notdef 18 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'b' '1' b 98 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 '' '1' '' '1' '}' '1' braceright 125 '~' '1' asciitilde 126 xgreg11 0 126 htfcss: xgreg11 font-family: 'xgreg11', serif; >>> \AddFont{xgreg11}{unicode/musix/xgreg11}{} % writing xgreg13.htf hash: e2a60c686c8d50172b7dd8f122161e2e \<<< .xgreg11 htfcss: xgreg13 font-family: 'xgreg13', serif; >>> \AddFont{xgreg13}{alias/musix/xgreg13}{} % writing xgreg16.htf hash: e2a60c686c8d50172b7dd8f122161e2e \<<< .xgreg11 htfcss: xgreg16 font-family: 'xgreg16', serif; >>> \AddFont{xgreg16}{alias/musix/xgreg16}{} % writing xgreg20.htf hash: e2a60c686c8d50172b7dd8f122161e2e \<<< .xgreg11 htfcss: xgreg20 font-family: 'xgreg20', serif; >>> \AddFont{xgreg20}{alias/musix/xgreg20}{} % writing xgreg24.htf hash: e2a60c686c8d50172b7dd8f122161e2e \<<< .xgreg11 htfcss: xgreg24 font-family: 'xgreg24', serif; >>> \AddFont{xgreg24}{alias/musix/xgreg24}{} % writing xgreg29.htf hash: e2a60c686c8d50172b7dd8f122161e2e \<<< .xgreg11 htfcss: xgreg29 font-family: 'xgreg29', serif; >>> \AddFont{xgreg29}{alias/musix/xgreg29}{} % writing xppff10.htf hash: b32da37085aa4d7a3c115c7414fad635 \<<< xppff10 102 122 'f' '1' f 102 % generated from xppff10.tfm, 2022-11-24-12:10 '' '1' % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group '' '1' % '' '1' % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '' '1' % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '' '1' % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '' '1' % later version. The latest version of this license is in 'm' '1' m 109 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '' '1' % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '' '1' % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. 'p' '1' p 112 % '' '1' % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '' '1' % 's' '1' s 115 % The Current Maintainer of this work '' '1' % is the TeX4ht Project . '' '1' % '' '1' % If you modify this program, changing the '' '1' % version identification would be appreciated. '' '1' '' '1' 'z' '1' z 122 xppff10 102 122 htfcss: xppff10 font-family: 'xppff10', serif; >>> \AddFont{xppff10}{unicode/musix/xppff10}{} % writing xsldd20.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< xsldd20 0 255 '`' '1' grave 0 % generated from xsldd20.tfm, 2022-11-24-12:10 '´' '1' acute 1 % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group 'ˆ' '1' circumflex 2 % '˜' '1' tilde 3 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '¨' '1' dieresis 4 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '˝' '1' hungarumlaut 5 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '˚' '1' ring 6 % later version. The latest version of this license is in 'ˇ' '1' caron 7 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '˘' '1' breve 8 % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '¯' '1' macron 9 % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '˙' '1' dotaccent 10 % '¸' '1' cedilla 11 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '˛' '1' ogonek 12 % '‚' '1' quotesinglbase 13 % The Current Maintainer of this work '‹' '1' guilsinglleft 14 % is the TeX4ht Project . '›' '1' guilsinglright 15 % '“' '1' quotedblleft 16 % If you modify this program, changing the '”' '1' quotedblright 17 % version identification would be appreciated. '„' '1' quotedblbase 18 '«' '1' guillemotleft 19 '»' '1' guillemotright 20 '–' '1' endash 21 '—' '1' emdash 22 '‌' '1' cwm 23 '‰' '1' perthousand 24 'ı' '1' dotlessi 25 'ȷ' '1' dotlessj 26 'ff' '1' ff 27 'fi' '1' fi 28 'fl' '1' fl 29 'ffi' '1' ffi 30 'ffl' '1' ffl 31 ' ' '1' space 32 '!' '1' exclam 33 '"' '1' quotedbl 34 '#' '1' numbersign 35 '$' '1' dollar 36 '%' '1' percent 37 '&' '1' ampersand 38 '’' '1' quoteright 39 '(' '1' parenleft 40 ')' '1' parenright 41 '*' '1' asterisk 42 '+' '1' plus 43 ',' '1' comma 44 '-' '1' hyphen 45 '.' '1' period 46 '/' '1' slash 47 '0' '1' zero 48 '1' '1' one 49 '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '5' '1' five 53 '6' '1' six 54 '7' '1' seven 55 '8' '1' eight 56 '9' '1' nine 57 ':' '1' colon 58 ';' '1' semicolon 59 '<' '1' less 60 '=' '1' equal 61 '>' '1' greater 62 '?' '1' question 63 '@' '1' at 64 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '[' '1' bracketleft 91 '\' '1' backslash 92 ']' '1' bracketright 93 '^' '1' asciicircum 94 '_' '1' underscore 95 '‘' '1' quoteleft 96 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 'l' '1' l 108 'm' '1' m 109 'n' '1' n 110 'o' '1' o 111 'p' '1' p 112 'q' '1' q 113 'r' '1' r 114 's' '1' s 115 't' '1' t 116 'u' '1' u 117 'v' '1' v 118 'w' '1' w 119 'x' '1' x 120 'y' '1' y 121 'z' '1' z 122 '{' '1' braceleft 123 '|' '1' bar 124 '}' '1' braceright 125 '~' '1' asciitilde 126 '­' '1' sfthyphen 127 'Ă' '1' Abreve 128 'Ą' '1' Aogonek 129 'Ć' '1' Cacute 130 'Č' '1' Ccaron 131 'Ď' '1' Dcaron 132 'Ě' '1' Ecaron 133 'Ę' '1' Eogonek 134 'Ğ' '1' Gbreve 135 'Ĺ' '1' Lacute 136 'Ľ' '1' Lcaron 137 'Ł' '1' Lslash 138 'Ń' '1' Nacute 139 'Ň' '1' Ncaron 140 'Ŋ' '1' Eng 141 'Ő' '1' Ohungarumlaut 142 'Ŕ' '1' Racute 143 'Ř' '1' Rcaron 144 'Ś' '1' Sacute 145 'Š' '1' Scaron 146 'Ş' '1' Scedilla 147 'Ť' '1' Tcaron 148 'Ţ' '1' Tcedilla 149 'Ű' '1' Uhungarumlaut 150 'Ů' '1' Uring 151 'Ÿ' '1' Ydieresis 152 'Ź' '1' Zacute 153 'Ž' '1' Zcaron 154 'Ż' '1' Zdotaccent 155 'IJ' '1' IJ 156 'İ' '1' Idotaccent 157 'đ' '1' dcroat 158 '§' '1' section 159 'ă' '1' abreve 160 'ą' '1' aogonek 161 'ć' '1' cacute 162 'č' '1' ccaron 163 'ď' '1' dcaron 164 'ě' '1' ecaron 165 'ę' '1' eogonek 166 'ğ' '1' gbreve 167 'ĺ' '1' lacute 168 'ľ' '1' lcaron 169 'ł' '1' lslash 170 'ń' '1' nacute 171 'ň' '1' ncaron 172 'ŋ' '1' eng 173 'ő' '1' ohungarumlaut 174 'ŕ' '1' racute 175 'ř' '1' rcaron 176 'ś' '1' sacute 177 'š' '1' scaron 178 'ş' '1' scedilla 179 'ť' '1' tcaron 180 'ţ' '1' tcedilla 181 'ű' '1' uhungarumlaut 182 'ů' '1' uring 183 'ÿ' '1' ydieresis 184 'ź' '1' zacute 185 'ž' '1' zcaron 186 'ż' '1' zdotaccent 187 'ij' '1' ij 188 '¡' '1' exclamdown 189 '¿' '1' questiondown 190 '£' '1' sterling 191 'À' '1' Agrave 192 'Á' '1' Aacute 193 'Â' '1' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '1' Atilde 195 'Ä' '1' Adieresis 196 'Å' '1' Aring 197 'Æ' '1' AE 198 'Ç' '1' Ccedilla 199 'È' '1' Egrave 200 'É' '1' Eacute 201 'Ê' '1' Ecircumflex 202 'Ë' '1' Edieresis 203 'Ì' '1' Igrave 204 'Í' '1' Iacute 205 'Î' '1' Icircumflex 206 'Ï' '1' Idieresis 207 'Ð' '1' Eth 208 'Ñ' '1' Ntilde 209 'Ò' '1' Ograve 210 'Ó' '1' Oacute 211 'Ô' '1' Ocircumflex 212 'Õ' '1' Otilde 213 'Ö' '1' Odieresis 214 'Œ' '1' OE 215 'Ø' '1' Oslash 216 'Ù' '1' Ugrave 217 'Ú' '1' Uacute 218 'Û' '1' Ucircumflex 219 'Ü' '1' Udieresis 220 'Ý' '1' Yacute 221 'Þ' '1' Thorn 222 'SS' '1' SS 223 'à' '1' agrave 224 'á' '1' aacute 225 'â' '1' acircumflex 226 'ã' '1' atilde 227 'ä' '1' adieresis 228 'å' '1' aring 229 'æ' '1' ae 230 'ç' '1' ccedilla 231 'è' '1' egrave 232 'é' '1' eacute 233 'ê' '1' ecircumflex 234 'ë' '1' edieresis 235 'ì' '1' igrave 236 'í' '1' iacute 237 'î' '1' icircumflex 238 'ï' '1' idieresis 239 'ð' '1' eth 240 'ñ' '1' ntilde 241 'ò' '1' ograve 242 'ó' '1' oacute 243 'ô' '1' ocircumflex 244 'õ' '1' otilde 245 'ö' '1' odieresis 246 'œ' '1' oe 247 'ø' '1' oslash 248 'ù' '1' ugrave 249 'ú' '1' uacute 250 'û' '1' ucircumflex 251 'ü' '1' udieresis 252 'ý' '1' yacute 253 'þ' '1' thorn 254 'ß' '1' germandbls 255 xsldd20 0 255 htfcss: xsldd20 font-family: 'xsldd20', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsldd20}{unicode/musix/xsldd20}{} % writing xsldu20.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xsldu20 font-family: 'xsldu20', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsldu20}{alias/musix/xsldu20}{} % writing xsld11d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xsld11d font-family: 'xsld11d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsld11d}{alias/musix/xsld11d}{} % writing xsld11.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xsld11 font-family: 'xsld11', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsld11}{alias/musix/xsld11}{} % writing xsld13d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xsld13d font-family: 'xsld13d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsld13d}{alias/musix/xsld13d}{} % writing xsld13.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xsld13 font-family: 'xsld13', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsld13}{alias/musix/xsld13}{} % writing xsld16d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xsld16d font-family: 'xsld16d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsld16d}{alias/musix/xsld16d}{} % writing xsld16.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xsld16 font-family: 'xsld16', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsld16}{alias/musix/xsld16}{} % writing xsld20d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xsld20d font-family: 'xsld20d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsld20d}{alias/musix/xsld20d}{} % writing xsld20.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xsld20 font-family: 'xsld20', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsld20}{alias/musix/xsld20}{} % writing xsld24d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xsld24d font-family: 'xsld24d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsld24d}{alias/musix/xsld24d}{} % writing xsld24.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xsld24 font-family: 'xsld24', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsld24}{alias/musix/xsld24}{} % writing xsld29d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xsld29d font-family: 'xsld29d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsld29d}{alias/musix/xsld29d}{} % writing xsld29.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xsld29 font-family: 'xsld29', serif; >>> \AddFont{xsld29}{alias/musix/xsld29}{} % writing xslhd11d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhd11d font-family: 'xslhd11d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhd11d}{alias/musix/xslhd11d}{} % writing xslhd11.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhd11 font-family: 'xslhd11', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhd11}{alias/musix/xslhd11}{} % writing xslhd13d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhd13d font-family: 'xslhd13d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhd13d}{alias/musix/xslhd13d}{} % writing xslhd13.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhd13 font-family: 'xslhd13', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhd13}{alias/musix/xslhd13}{} % writing xslhd16d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhd16d font-family: 'xslhd16d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhd16d}{alias/musix/xslhd16d}{} % writing xslhd16.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhd16 font-family: 'xslhd16', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhd16}{alias/musix/xslhd16}{} % writing xslhd20d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhd20d font-family: 'xslhd20d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhd20d}{alias/musix/xslhd20d}{} % writing xslhd20.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhd20 font-family: 'xslhd20', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhd20}{alias/musix/xslhd20}{} % writing xslhd24d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhd24d font-family: 'xslhd24d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhd24d}{alias/musix/xslhd24d}{} % writing xslhd24.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhd24 font-family: 'xslhd24', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhd24}{alias/musix/xslhd24}{} % writing xslhd29d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhd29d font-family: 'xslhd29d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhd29d}{alias/musix/xslhd29d}{} % writing xslhd29.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhd29 font-family: 'xslhd29', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhd29}{alias/musix/xslhd29}{} % writing xslhu11d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhu11d font-family: 'xslhu11d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhu11d}{alias/musix/xslhu11d}{} % writing xslhu11.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhu11 font-family: 'xslhu11', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhu11}{alias/musix/xslhu11}{} % writing xslhu13d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhu13d font-family: 'xslhu13d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhu13d}{alias/musix/xslhu13d}{} % writing xslhu13.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhu13 font-family: 'xslhu13', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhu13}{alias/musix/xslhu13}{} % writing xslhu16d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhu16d font-family: 'xslhu16d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhu16d}{alias/musix/xslhu16d}{} % writing xslhu16.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhu16 font-family: 'xslhu16', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhu16}{alias/musix/xslhu16}{} % writing xslhu20d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhu20d font-family: 'xslhu20d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhu20d}{alias/musix/xslhu20d}{} % font parser error: Cannot load font xslhu20m % writing xslhu20.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhu20 font-family: 'xslhu20', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhu20}{alias/musix/xslhu20}{} % writing xslhu24d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhu24d font-family: 'xslhu24d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhu24d}{alias/musix/xslhu24d}{} % writing xslhu24.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhu24 font-family: 'xslhu24', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhu24}{alias/musix/xslhu24}{} % writing xslhu29d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhu29d font-family: 'xslhu29d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhu29d}{alias/musix/xslhu29d}{} % writing xslhu29.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslhu29 font-family: 'xslhu29', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhu29}{alias/musix/xslhu29}{} % writing xslhz20d.htf hash: 3e8709b07705b20ec076945e923e443f \<<< xslhz20d 0 227 '`' '1' grave 0 % generated from xslhz20d.tfm, 2022-11-24-12:10 '´' '1' acute 1 % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group 'ˆ' '1' circumflex 2 % '˜' '1' tilde 3 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '¨' '1' dieresis 4 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '˝' '1' hungarumlaut 5 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '˚' '1' ring 6 % later version. The latest version of this license is in 'ˇ' '1' caron 7 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '˘' '1' breve 8 % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '¯' '1' macron 9 % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '˙' '1' dotaccent 10 % '¸' '1' cedilla 11 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '˛' '1' ogonek 12 % '‚' '1' quotesinglbase 13 % The Current Maintainer of this work '‹' '1' guilsinglleft 14 % is the TeX4ht Project . '›' '1' guilsinglright 15 % '“' '1' quotedblleft 16 % If you modify this program, changing the '”' '1' quotedblright 17 % version identification would be appreciated. '„' '1' quotedblbase 18 '«' '1' guillemotleft 19 '»' '1' guillemotright 20 '–' '1' endash 21 '—' '1' emdash 22 '‌' '1' cwm 23 '‰' '1' perthousand 24 'ı' '1' dotlessi 25 'ȷ' '1' dotlessj 26 'ff' '1' ff 27 'fi' '1' fi 28 'fl' '1' fl 29 'ffi' '1' ffi 30 'ffl' '1' ffl 31 ' ' '1' space 32 '!' '1' exclam 33 '"' '1' quotedbl 34 '#' '1' numbersign 35 '$' '1' dollar 36 '%' '1' percent 37 '&' '1' ampersand 38 '’' '1' quoteright 39 '(' '1' parenleft 40 ')' '1' parenright 41 '*' '1' asterisk 42 '+' '1' plus 43 ',' '1' comma 44 '-' '1' hyphen 45 '.' '1' period 46 '/' '1' slash 47 '0' '1' zero 48 '1' '1' one 49 '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '5' '1' five 53 '6' '1' six 54 '7' '1' seven 55 '8' '1' eight 56 '9' '1' nine 57 ':' '1' colon 58 ';' '1' semicolon 59 '<' '1' less 60 '=' '1' equal 61 '>' '1' greater 62 '?' '1' question 63 '@' '1' at 64 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '[' '1' bracketleft 91 '\' '1' backslash 92 ']' '1' bracketright 93 '^' '1' asciicircum 94 '_' '1' underscore 95 '‘' '1' quoteleft 96 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' '' '1' 'Ă' '1' Abreve 128 'Ą' '1' Aogonek 129 'Ć' '1' Cacute 130 'Č' '1' Ccaron 131 'Ď' '1' Dcaron 132 'Ě' '1' Ecaron 133 'Ę' '1' Eogonek 134 'Ğ' '1' Gbreve 135 'Ĺ' '1' Lacute 136 'Ľ' '1' Lcaron 137 'Ł' '1' Lslash 138 'Ń' '1' Nacute 139 'Ň' '1' Ncaron 140 'Ŋ' '1' Eng 141 'Ő' '1' Ohungarumlaut 142 'Ŕ' '1' Racute 143 'Ř' '1' Rcaron 144 'Ś' '1' Sacute 145 'Š' '1' Scaron 146 'Ş' '1' Scedilla 147 'Ť' '1' Tcaron 148 'Ţ' '1' Tcedilla 149 'Ű' '1' Uhungarumlaut 150 'Ů' '1' Uring 151 'Ÿ' '1' Ydieresis 152 'Ź' '1' Zacute 153 'Ž' '1' Zcaron 154 'Ż' '1' Zdotaccent 155 'IJ' '1' IJ 156 'İ' '1' Idotaccent 157 'đ' '1' dcroat 158 '§' '1' section 159 'ă' '1' abreve 160 'ą' '1' aogonek 161 'ć' '1' cacute 162 'č' '1' ccaron 163 'ď' '1' dcaron 164 'ě' '1' ecaron 165 'ę' '1' eogonek 166 'ğ' '1' gbreve 167 'ĺ' '1' lacute 168 'ľ' '1' lcaron 169 'ł' '1' lslash 170 'ń' '1' nacute 171 'ň' '1' ncaron 172 'ŋ' '1' eng 173 'ő' '1' ohungarumlaut 174 'ŕ' '1' racute 175 'ř' '1' rcaron 176 'ś' '1' sacute 177 'š' '1' scaron 178 'ş' '1' scedilla 179 'ť' '1' tcaron 180 'ţ' '1' tcedilla 181 'ű' '1' uhungarumlaut 182 'ů' '1' uring 183 'ÿ' '1' ydieresis 184 'ź' '1' zacute 185 'ž' '1' zcaron 186 'ż' '1' zdotaccent 187 'ij' '1' ij 188 '¡' '1' exclamdown 189 '¿' '1' questiondown 190 '£' '1' sterling 191 'À' '1' Agrave 192 'Á' '1' Aacute 193 'Â' '1' Acircumflex 194 'Ã' '1' Atilde 195 'Ä' '1' Adieresis 196 'Å' '1' Aring 197 'Æ' '1' AE 198 'Ç' '1' Ccedilla 199 'È' '1' Egrave 200 'É' '1' Eacute 201 'Ê' '1' Ecircumflex 202 'Ë' '1' Edieresis 203 'Ì' '1' Igrave 204 'Í' '1' Iacute 205 'Î' '1' Icircumflex 206 'Ï' '1' Idieresis 207 'Ð' '1' Eth 208 'Ñ' '1' Ntilde 209 'Ò' '1' Ograve 210 'Ó' '1' Oacute 211 'Ô' '1' Ocircumflex 212 'Õ' '1' Otilde 213 'Ö' '1' Odieresis 214 'Œ' '1' OE 215 'Ø' '1' Oslash 216 'Ù' '1' Ugrave 217 'Ú' '1' Uacute 218 'Û' '1' Ucircumflex 219 'Ü' '1' Udieresis 220 'Ý' '1' Yacute 221 'Þ' '1' Thorn 222 'SS' '1' SS 223 'à' '1' agrave 224 'á' '1' aacute 225 'â' '1' acircumflex 226 'ã' '1' atilde 227 xslhz20d 0 227 htfcss: xslhz20d font-family: 'xslhz20d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhz20d}{unicode/musix/xslhz20d}{} % writing xslhz20.htf hash: 3e8709b07705b20ec076945e923e443f \<<< .xslhz20d htfcss: xslhz20 font-family: 'xslhz20', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslhz20}{alias/musix/xslhz20}{} % writing xslud20.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslud20 font-family: 'xslud20', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslud20}{alias/musix/xslud20}{} % writing xslup20.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslup20 font-family: 'xslup20', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslup20}{alias/musix/xslup20}{} % writing xslu11d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslu11d font-family: 'xslu11d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslu11d}{alias/musix/xslu11d}{} % writing xslu11.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslu11 font-family: 'xslu11', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslu11}{alias/musix/xslu11}{} % writing xslu13d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslu13d font-family: 'xslu13d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslu13d}{alias/musix/xslu13d}{} % writing xslu13.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslu13 font-family: 'xslu13', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslu13}{alias/musix/xslu13}{} % writing xslu16d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslu16d font-family: 'xslu16d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslu16d}{alias/musix/xslu16d}{} % writing xslu16.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslu16 font-family: 'xslu16', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslu16}{alias/musix/xslu16}{} % writing xslu20d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslu20d font-family: 'xslu20d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslu20d}{alias/musix/xslu20d}{} % writing xslu20.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslu20 font-family: 'xslu20', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslu20}{alias/musix/xslu20}{} % writing xslu24d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslu24d font-family: 'xslu24d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslu24d}{alias/musix/xslu24d}{} % writing xslu24.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslu24 font-family: 'xslu24', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslu24}{alias/musix/xslu24}{} % writing xslu29d.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslu29d font-family: 'xslu29d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslu29d}{alias/musix/xslu29d}{} % writing xslu29.htf hash: 1c12547183de8e42b01e5dafba3e67c3 \<<< .xsldd20 htfcss: xslu29 font-family: 'xslu29', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslu29}{alias/musix/xslu29}{} % writing xslz20d.htf hash: 056d01798d62d3035c72766c124fb47c \<<< xslz20d 0 107 '`' '1' grave 0 % generated from xslz20d.tfm, 2022-11-24-12:10 '´' '1' acute 1 % Copyright 2022 TeX Users Group 'ˆ' '1' circumflex 2 % '˜' '1' tilde 3 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '¨' '1' dieresis 4 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '˝' '1' hungarumlaut 5 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '˚' '1' ring 6 % later version. The latest version of this license is in 'ˇ' '1' caron 7 % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt '˘' '1' breve 8 % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions '¯' '1' macron 9 % of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. '˙' '1' dotaccent 10 % '¸' '1' cedilla 11 % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". '˛' '1' ogonek 12 % '‚' '1' quotesinglbase 13 % The Current Maintainer of this work '‹' '1' guilsinglleft 14 % is the TeX4ht Project . '›' '1' guilsinglright 15 % '“' '1' quotedblleft 16 % If you modify this program, changing the '”' '1' quotedblright 17 % version identification would be appreciated. '„' '1' quotedblbase 18 '«' '1' guillemotleft 19 '»' '1' guillemotright 20 '–' '1' endash 21 '—' '1' emdash 22 '‌' '1' cwm 23 '‰' '1' perthousand 24 'ı' '1' dotlessi 25 'ȷ' '1' dotlessj 26 'ff' '1' ff 27 'fi' '1' fi 28 'fl' '1' fl 29 'ffi' '1' ffi 30 'ffl' '1' ffl 31 ' ' '1' space 32 '!' '1' exclam 33 '"' '1' quotedbl 34 '#' '1' numbersign 35 '$' '1' dollar 36 '%' '1' percent 37 '&' '1' ampersand 38 '’' '1' quoteright 39 '(' '1' parenleft 40 ')' '1' parenright 41 '*' '1' asterisk 42 '+' '1' plus 43 ',' '1' comma 44 '-' '1' hyphen 45 '.' '1' period 46 '/' '1' slash 47 '0' '1' zero 48 '1' '1' one 49 '2' '1' two 50 '3' '1' three 51 '4' '1' four 52 '5' '1' five 53 '6' '1' six 54 '7' '1' seven 55 '8' '1' eight 56 '9' '1' nine 57 ':' '1' colon 58 ';' '1' semicolon 59 '<' '1' less 60 '=' '1' equal 61 '>' '1' greater 62 '?' '1' question 63 '@' '1' at 64 'A' '1' A 65 'B' '1' B 66 'C' '1' C 67 'D' '1' D 68 'E' '1' E 69 'F' '1' F 70 'G' '1' G 71 'H' '1' H 72 'I' '1' I 73 'J' '1' J 74 'K' '1' K 75 'L' '1' L 76 'M' '1' M 77 'N' '1' N 78 'O' '1' O 79 'P' '1' P 80 'Q' '1' Q 81 'R' '1' R 82 'S' '1' S 83 'T' '1' T 84 'U' '1' U 85 'V' '1' V 86 'W' '1' W 87 'X' '1' X 88 'Y' '1' Y 89 'Z' '1' Z 90 '[' '1' bracketleft 91 '\' '1' backslash 92 ']' '1' bracketright 93 '^' '1' asciicircum 94 '_' '1' underscore 95 '‘' '1' quoteleft 96 'a' '1' a 97 'b' '1' b 98 'c' '1' c 99 'd' '1' d 100 'e' '1' e 101 'f' '1' f 102 'g' '1' g 103 'h' '1' h 104 'i' '1' i 105 'j' '1' j 106 'k' '1' k 107 xslz20d 0 107 htfcss: xslz20d font-family: 'xslz20d', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslz20d}{unicode/musix/xslz20d}{} % writing xslz20.htf hash: 056d01798d62d3035c72766c124fb47c \<<< .xslz20d htfcss: xslz20 font-family: 'xslz20', serif; >>> \AddFont{xslz20}{alias/musix/xslz20}{} % writing xtie20.htf hash: 3e8709b07705b20ec076945e923e443f \<<< .xslhz20d htfcss: xtie20 font-family: 'xtie20', serif; >>> \AddFont{xtie20}{alias/musix/xtie20}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Chapter{Polish} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{PL fonts} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .plr >>> \AddFont{pcr}{alias/cc-pl/pcr} \<<< .pltcsc >>> \AddFont{pccsc}{alias/cc-pl/pccsc} \<<< .cmmi htfcss: pcmi font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pcmi}{alias/cc-pl/pcmi} \<<< .plr htfcss: pcsl font-style: oblique; htfcss: pcslc font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{pcsl}{alias/cc-pl/pcsl} \<<< .plr htfcss: plr font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{pcti}{alias/cc-pl/pcti} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm >>> \AddFont{ccr}{alias/concrete/ccr} \<<< .cmmi htfcss: ccmi font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{ccmi}{alias/concrete/ccmi} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: ccsl font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{ccsl}{alias/concrete/ccsl} \<<< .lm-rep-cmrm htfcss: ccti font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{ccti}{alias/concrete/ccti} \<<< cccsc 0 127 'Γ' '' Gamma 0 ` 'Δ' '' Delta 1 % cccsc.htf `version % 'Θ' '' Theta 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2004. Eitan M. Gurari % 'Λ' '' Lambda 3 ` 'Ξ' '' Xi 4 ` 'Π' '' Pi 5 ` 'Σ' '' Sigma 6 ` 'Υ' '' Upsilon 7 ` 'Φ' '' Phi 8 ` 'Ψ' '' Psi 9 ` 'Ω' '' Omega 10 ` '↑' '' uparrow 11 ` '↓' '' downarrow 12 ` ='= == quote 13 ` '¡' '' inverted 14 ` '¿' '' inverted 15 ` 'ı' '4' dotless i 16 ` 'ȷ' '4' dotless j 17 ` 'ˋ' '' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '' acute 19 ` 'ˇ' '' caron 20 '˘' '' breve 21 'ˉ' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring baove 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'ss' '4' ss 25 'æ' '4' AElig 26 'œ' '4' OElig 27 'è' '4' O with stroke 28 'Æ' '' AElig 29 'Œ' '' OElig 30 'Ø' '' O with stroke 31 '␣' '' visible space 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' less than 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' greater than 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' 65 'B' '' 66 'C' '' 67 'D' '' 68 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '\' '' backslash 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' asciicircum 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '‘' '' left singlequote 96 'a' '4' 97 'b' '4' 98 'c' '4' 99 'd' '4' 100 'e' '4' 101 'f' '4' 102 'g' '4' 103 'h' '4' 104 'i' '4' 105 'j' '4' 106 'k' '4' 107 'l' '4' 108 'm' '4' 109 'n' '4' 110 'o' '4' 111 'p' '4' 112 'q' '4' 113 'r' '4' 114 's' '4' 115 't' '4' 116 'u' '4' 117 'v' '4' 118 'w' '4' 119 'x' '4' 120 'y' '4' 121 'z' '4' 122 '–' '' endash 123 '—' '' emdash 124 'ʺ' '' double prime 125 '~' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' diaresis 127 cccsc 0 127 >>> \AddFont{cccsc-uni}{unicode/concrete/cccsc} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{PL fonts} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PL fonts are superset of CM with Polish diacritics added at Cork conforming positions \<<< .plr htfcss: plb font-weight: bold; htfcss: plbx font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{plb}{alias/pl/plb}{} \<<< plbsy 0 173 '−' '' minus-sign 0 ` '⋅' '' middle dot 1 % plbsy.htf `version % '×' '' times 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '∗' '' asterisk 3 ` '÷' '' divides 4 ` '◇' '' diamond 5 ` '±' '' plus-minus 6 ` '∓' '' minus-plus 7 ` '⊕' '' oplus 8 ` '⊖' '' ominus 9 ` '⊗' '' otimes 10 ` '⊘' '' oslash 11 ` '⊙' '' odot 12 ` '○' '' bigcirc 13 ` '∘' '' circ 14 ` '∙' '' bullet 15 ` '≍' '' asymb 16 ` '≡' '' equiv 17 ` '⊆' '' subsete 18 ` '⊇' '' supsete 19 ` '≤' '' lte 20 '≥' '' gte 21 '≼' '' preceq 22 '≽' '' succeq 23 '∼' '' sim 24 '≈' '' approx 25 '⊂' '' subset 26 '⊃' '' supset 27 '«' '' guillemot << 28 '»' '' guillemot >> 29 '≺' '' preceeds 30 '≻' '' succeeds 31 '←' '' leftarrow 32 '→' '' rightarrow 33 '↑' '' uparrow 34 '↓' '' downarrow 35 '↔' '' leftrightarrow 36 '↗' '' nearrow 37 '↘' '' searrow 38 '≃' '' symeq 39 '⇐' '' Leftarrow 40 '⇒' '' Rightarrow 41 '⇑' '' Uparrow 42 '⇓' '' Downarrow 43 '⇔' '' Leftrightarrow 44 '↖' '' nwarrow 45 '↙' '' swarrow 46 '∝' '' propto 47 '′' '' prime 48 '∞' '' infinity 49 '∈' '' in 50 '∋' '' ni 51 '△' '' triangle 52 '▽' '' triangleup 53 '⁄' '' fraction slash 54 '↦' '' `%mapstochar`% 55 '∀' '' forall 56 '∃' '' exists 57 '¬' '' not sign 58 '∅' '' empty set 59 'ℜ' '' real part 60 'ℑ' '' imaginary than 61 '⊤' '' top 62 '⊥' '' bottom 63 'ℵ' '' aleph 64 'A' '12' script A 65 'B' '12' script B 66 'C' '12' script C 67 'D' '12' script D 68 'E' '12' script E 69 'F' '12' script F 70 'G' '12' script G 71 'H' '12' script H 72 'I' '12' script I 73 'J' '12' script J 74 'K' '12' script K 75 'L' '12' script L 76 'M' '12' script M 77 'N' '12' script N 78 'O' '12' script O 79 'P' '12' script P 80 'Q' '12' script Q 81 'R' '12' script R 82 'S' '12' script S 83 'T' '12' script T 84 'U' '12' script U 85 'V' '12' script V 86 'W' '12' script W 87 'X' '12' script X 88 'Y' '12' script Y 89 'Z' '12' script Z 90 '∪' '' cup 91 '∩' '' cap 92 '⊎' '' upplus 93 '∧' '' land 94 '∨' '' lor 95 '⊢' '' vdash 96 '⊣' '' dashv 97 '⌊' '' lfloor 98 '⌋' '' rfloor 99 '⌈' '' lceil 100 '⌉' '' rceil 101 '{' '' lcb 102 '}' '' rcb 103 '⟨' '' lab 104 '⟩' '' rab 105 '|' '' divides 106 '∥' '' parallel 107 '↕' '' updownarrow 108 '⇕' '' Updownarrow 109 '∖' '' backslash 110 '≀' '' wreath product 111 '√' '' surd 112 '∐' '' coprod 113 '∇' '' nabla 114 '∫' '' int 115 '⊔' '' sqcap 116 '⊓' '' sqcup 117 '⊑' '' sqsubseteq 118 '⊒' '' sqsupseteq 119 '§' '' section sign 120 '†' '' dag 121 '‡' '' ddag 122 '¶' '' paragraph symbol 123 '♣' '' clubsuit 124 '♢' '' diamondsuit 125 '♡' '' heartsuit 126 '♠' '' spadsuit 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '' '' 153 '' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '' '' 162 '' '' 163 '' '' 164 '' '' 165 '' '' 166 '' '' 167 '' '' 168 '' '' 169 '' '' 170 '' '' 171 '≤' '' 172 '≥' '' 173 plbsy 0 173 >>> \AddFont{plbsy}{unicode/pl/plbsy} \<<< .plr htfcss: plbxsl font-style: oblique; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{plbxsl-Q}{alias/pl/plbxsl}{} \<<< .plr htfcss: plbxti font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{plbxti}{alias/pl/plbxti}{} \<<< .lm-rep-plrm>>> \AddFont{plr-uni}{alias/pl/plr} \<<< .plr htfcss: plti font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{plti}{alias/pl/plti}{} \<<< .pltt htfcss: plitt font-style: italic; font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{plitt}{alias/pl/plitt}{} \<<< .lm-rep-pltt htfcss: pltt font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pltt-uni}{alias/pl/pltt} \<<< pltcsc 0 255 'Γ' '' Gamma 0 ` 'Δ' '' Delta 1 % pltcsc.htf (unicode) `version % 'Θ' '' Theta 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2004. Eitan M. Gurari % 'Λ' '' Lambda 3 ` 'Ξ' '' Xi 4 ` 'Π' '' Pi 5 ` 'Σ' '' Sigma 6 ` 'Υ' '' Upsilon 7 ` 'Φ' '' Phi 8 ` 'Ψ' '' Psi 9 ` 'Ω' '' Omega 10 ` '↑' '' uparrow 11 ` '↓' '' downarrow 12 ` ='= == quote 13 ` '¡' '' inverted 14 ` '¿' '' inverted 15 ` 'ı' '4' dotless i 16 ` 'ȷ' '4' dotless j 17 ` 'ˋ' '' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '' acute 19 ` 'ˇ' '' caron 20 '˘' '' breve 21 'ˉ' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring baove 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'ss' '4' ss 25 'æ' '4' AElig 26 'œ' '4' OElig 27 'è' '4' O with stroke 28 'Æ' '' AElig 29 'Œ' '' OElig 30 'Ø' '' O with stroke 31 '␣' '' visible space 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' less than 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' greater than 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' 65 'B' '' 66 'C' '' 67 'D' '' 68 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 '[' '' 91 '\' '' backslash 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' asciicircum 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '‘' '' left singlequote 96 'a' '4' 97 'b' '4' 98 'c' '4' 99 'd' '4' 100 'e' '4' 101 'f' '4' 102 'g' '4' 103 'h' '4' 104 'i' '4' 105 'j' '4' 106 'k' '4' 107 'l' '4' 108 'm' '4' 109 'n' '4' 110 'o' '4' 111 'p' '4' 112 'q' '4' 113 'r' '4' 114 's' '4' 115 't' '4' 116 'u' '4' 117 'v' '4' 118 'w' '4' 119 'x' '4' 120 'y' '4' 121 'z' '4' 122 '{' '' 123 '|' '' 124 '}' '' 125 '~' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' diaresis 127 '' '' 128 'Ą' '' 129 'Ć' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 'Ę' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 'Ł' '' 138 'Ń' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 'Ś' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 'Ź' '' 153 '' '' 154 'Ż' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 'ą' '4' 161 'ć' '4' 162 '' '' 163 '' '' 164 '' '' 165 'ę' '4' 166 '' '' 167 '' '' 168 '' '' 169 'ł' '4' 170 'ń' '4' 171 '' '' 172 '' '' 173 '«' '' 174 '»' '' 175 '' '' 176 'ś' '4' 177 '' '' 178 '' '' 179 '' '' 180 '' '' 181 '' '' 182 '' '' 183 '' '' 184 'ź' '4' 185 '' '' 186 'ż' '4' 187 '' '' 188 '' '' 189 '' '' 190 '' '' 191 '' '' 192 '' '' 193 '' '' 194 '' '' 195 '' '' 196 '' '' 197 '' '' 198 '' '' 199 '' '' 200 '' '' 201 '' '' 202 '' '' 203 '' '' 204 '' '' 205 '' '' 206 '' '' 207 '' '' 208 '' '' 209 '' '' 210 'Ó' '' 211 '' '' 212 '' '' 213 '' '' 214 '' '' 215 '' '' 216 '' '' 217 '' '' 218 '' '' 219 '' '' 220 '' '' 221 '' '' 222 '' '' 223 '' '' 224 '' '' 225 '' '' 226 '' '' 227 '' '' 228 '' '' 229 '' '' 230 '' '' 231 '' '' 232 '' '' 233 '' '' 234 '' '' 235 '' '' 236 '' '' 237 '' '' 238 '' '' 239 '' '' 240 '' '' 241 '' '' 242 'ó' '4' 243 '' '' 244 '' '' 245 '' '' 246 '' '' 247 '' '' 248 '' '' 249 '' '' 250 '' '' 251 '' '' 252 '' '' 253 '' '' 254 '„' '' right doublequotes, left low 255 pltcsc 0 255 htfcss: pltcsc font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{pltcsc-uni}{unicode/pl/pltcsc} \<<< pltex 0 127 '⋅' '' `%periodcentered`% 0 ` '↓' '' downarrow 1 % pltex.htf (unicode) `version % 'α' '' alpha 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2004. Eitan M. Gurari % 'β' '' beta 3 ` '∧' '' `%logicaland`% 4 ` '¬' '' `%logicalnot`% 5 ` '𝜖' '' `%epsilon`% 6 ` 'π' '' `%pi`% 7 ` 'λ' '' `%lambda`% 8 ` 'γ' '' `%gamma`% 9 ` 'δ' '' `%delta`% 10 ` '↑' '' uparrow 11 ` '±' '' plusminus 12 ` '⊕' '' oplus 13 ` '∞' '' infinity 14 ` '∂' '' partial 15 ` '⊂' '' subset 16 ` '⊃' '' supset 17 ` '∩' '' `%intersection`% 18 ` '∪' '' `%union`% 19 ` '∀' '' forall 20 '∃' '' exists 21 '⊗' '' otimes 22 '↔' '' leftrightarrow 23 '←' '' leftarrow 24 '→' '' rightarrow 25 '≠' '' notequal 26 '◇' '' diamond 27 '≤' '' lessorequalslant 28 '≶' '' lessorgreater 29 '≡' '' equiv 30 '∨' '' `%logicalor`% 31 ' ' '' space 32 '!' '' exclam 33 '"' '' quotedbl 34 '#' '' numbersign 35 '$' '' dollar 36 '%' '' percent 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' quoteright 39 '(' '' parenleft 40 ')' '' parenright 41 '*' '' asterisk 42 '+' '' plus 43 ',' '' comma 44 '-' '' hyphen 45 '.' '' period 46 '/' '' slash 47 '0' '' zero 48 '1' '' one 49 '2' '' two 50 '3' '' three 51 '4' '' four 52 '5' '' five 53 '6' '' six 54 '7' '' seven 55 '8' '' eight 56 '9' '' nine 57 ':' '' colon 58 ';' '' semicolon 59 '<' '' less 60 '=' '' equal 61 '>' '' greater 62 '?' '' question 63 '@' '' at 64 'A' '' A 65 'B' '' B 66 'C' '' C 67 'D' '' D 68 'E' '' E 69 'F' '' F 70 'G' '' G 71 'H' '' H 72 'I' '' I 73 'J' '' J 74 'K' '' K 75 'L' '' L 76 'M' '' M 77 'N' '' N 78 'O' '' O 79 'P' '' P 80 'Q' '' Q 81 'R' '' R 82 'S' '' S 83 'T' '' T 84 'U' '' U 85 'V' '' V 86 'W' '' W 87 'X' '' X 88 'Y' '' Y 89 'Z' '' Z 90 '[' '' bracketleft 91 '\' '' backslash 92 ']' '' bracketright 93 '^' '' circumflex 94 '_' '' underscore 95 '‘' '' quoteleft 96 'a' '' a 97 'b' '' b 98 'c' '' c 99 'd' '' d 100 'e' '' e 101 'f' '' f 102 'g' '' g 103 'h' '' h 104 'i' '' i 105 'j' '' j 106 'k' '' k 107 'l' '' l 108 'm' '' m 109 'n' '' n 110 'o' '' o 111 'p' '' p 112 'q' '' q 113 'r' '' r 114 's' '' s 115 't' '' t 116 'u' '' u 117 'v' '' v 118 'w' '' w 119 'x' '' x 120 'y' '' y 121 'z' '' z 122 '{' '' braceleft 123 '|' '' bar 124 '}' '' braceright 125 '~' '' asciitilde 126 '∫' '' integral 127 pltex 0 127 >>> \AddFont{pltex-uni}{unicode/pl/pltex} \<<< plinch 48 211 '0' '' 48 ` '1' '' 49 % plinch.htf (unicode) `version % '2' '' 50 % Copyright `CopyYear.2004. Eitan M. Gurari % '3' '' 51 ` '4' '' 52 ` '5' '' 53 ` '6' '' 54 ` '7' '' 55 ` '8' '' 56 ` '9' '' 57 ` ':' '' 58 ` ';' '' 59 ` '' '' 60 ` '' '' 61 ` '' '' 62 ` '' '' 63 ` '' '' 64 ` 'A' '' 65 ` 'B' '' 66 ` 'C' '' 67 ` 'D' '' 68 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'G' '' 71 'H' '' 72 'I' '' 73 'J' '' 74 'K' '' 75 'L' '' 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 'P' '' 80 'Q' '' 81 'R' '' 82 'S' '' 83 'T' '' 84 'U' '' 85 'V' '' 86 'W' '' 87 'X' '' 88 'Y' '' 89 'Z' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '' '' 120 '' '' 121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 'Ą ' '' Aogonek 129 'Ć' '' Cacute 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 'Ę' '' Eogonek 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 'Ł' '' Lslash 138 '«' '' Nacute 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 'Ś' '' Sacute 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 'Ź' '' Zacute 153 '' '' 154 'Ż' '' Zdotaccent 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '' '' 162 '' '' 163 '' '' 164 '' '' 165 '' '' 166 '' '' 167 '' '' 168 '' '' 169 '' '' 170 '' '' 171 '' '' 172 '' '' 173 '' '' 174 '' '' 175 '' '' 176 '' '' 177 '' '' 178 '' '' 179 '' '' 180 '' '' 181 '' '' 182 '' '' 183 '' '' 184 '' '' 185 '' '' 186 '' '' 187 '' '' 188 '' '' 189 '' '' 190 '' '' 191 '' '' 192 '' '' 193 '' '' 194 '' '' 195 '' '' 196 '' '' 197 '' '' 198 '' '' 199 '' '' 200 '' '' 201 '' '' 202 '' '' 203 '' '' 204 '' '' 205 '' '' 206 '' '' 207 '' '' 208 '' '' 209 '' '' 210 'Ó' '' Oacute 211 plinch 48 211 htfcss: plinch font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{plinch-uni}{unicode/pl/plinch} \<<< .pltcsc >>> \AddFont{plcsc}{alias/pl/plcsc} \<<< .plr >>> \AddFont{pldunh}{alias/pl/pldunh} \<<< .cmex >>> \AddFont{plex}{alias/pl/plex} \<<< .plr htfcss: plff font-family:cursive >>> \AddFont{plff}{alias/pl/plff} \<<< .plr htfcss: plfi font-family:cursive htfcss: plfib font-weight: bold; font-family:cursive >>> \AddFont{plfi}{alias/pl/plfi} \<<< .cmmi htfcss: plmi font-style: italic; htfcss: plmib font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{plmi}{alias/pl/plmi} \<<< .plr htfcss: plsl font-style: oblique >>> \AddFont{plsl}{alias/pl/plsl} \<<< .pltt htfcss: plsltt font-family: monospace,monospace; font-style: oblique; >>> \AddFont{plsltt}{alias/pl/plsltt} \<<< .plbsy >>> \AddFont{plsy}{alias/pl/plsy} \<<< .plr htfcss: plu font-style: oblique; font-style:italic; >>> \AddFont{plu}{alias/pl/plu} \<<< .plr htfcss: plvtt font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{plvtt}{alias/pl/plvtt} \<<< anttr 7 255 'µ' '' mu 7 ` '∆' '' ldots 8 % anttr.htf (unicode) `version % 'fk' '' ? 9 % Copyright 2004 Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 10 ` 'ff' '' ff 11 ` 'fi' '' fi 12 ` 'fl' '' fl 13 ` 'ffi' '' ffi 14 ` 'ffl' '' ffl 15 ` 'ı' '' \i 16 ` 'j' '' wrong \j 17 ` 'ˋ' '' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '' acute 19 ` 'ˇ' '' caron 20 ` '˘' '' breve 21 ` 'ˉ' '' macron 22 ` '˚' '' ring baove 23 ` '¸' '' cedilla 24 ` 'ß' '' \ss 25 ` 'æ' '' aelig 26 ` 'œ' '' oelig 27 'ø' '' o with stroke 28 'Æ' '' AElig 29 'Œ' '' OElig 30 'Ø' '' O with stroke 31 'ˏ' '' lowacute 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' number 0 48 '1' '' number 1 49 '2' '' number 2 50 '3' '' number 3 51 '4' '' number 4 52 '5' '' number 5 53 '6' '' number 6 54 '7' '' number 7 55 '8' '' number 8 56 '9' '' number 9 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '¡' '' inverted ! 60 '=' '' 61 '¿' '' inverted ? 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' letter A 65 'B' '' letter B 66 'C' '' letter C 67 'D' '' letter D 68 'E' '' letter E 69 'F' '' letter F 70 'G' '' letter G 71 'H' '' letter H 72 'I' '' letter I 73 'J' '' letter J 74 'K' '' letter K 75 'L' '' letter L 76 'M' '' letter M 77 'N' '' letter N 78 'O' '' letter O 79 'P' '' letter P 80 'Q' '' letter Q 81 'R' '' letter R 82 'S' '' letter S 83 'T' '' letter T 84 'U' '' letter U 85 'V' '' letter V 86 'W' '' letter W 87 'X' '' letter X 88 'Y' '' letter Y 89 'Z' '' letter Z 90 '[' '' 91 '“' ''“ 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' 94 '' '' 95 '‘' '' ‘ 96 'a' '' letter a 97 'b' '' letter b 98 'c' '' letter c 99 'd' '' letter d 100 'e' '' letter e 101 'f' '' letter f 102 'g' '' letter g 103 'h' '' letter h 104 'i' '' letter i 105 'j' '' letter j 106 'k' '' letter k 107 'l' '' letter l 108 'm' '' letter m 109 'n' '' letter n 110 'o' '' letter o 111 'p' '' letter p 112 'q' '' letter q 113 'r' '' letter r 114 's' '' letter s 115 't' '' letter t 116 'u' '' letter u 117 'v' '' letter v 118 'w' '' letter w 119 'x' '' letter x 120 'y' '' letter y 121 'z' '' letter z 122 '–' '' ndash 123 '—' '' mdash 124 'ʺ' '' double prime 125 '~' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' diaresis 127 '€' '' euro 128 'Ą' '' 129 'Ć' '' 130 '>' '' 131 '≥' '' gte 132 '≈' '' approx 133 'Ę' '' Eogonek 134 'Į' '' Iogonek 135 '<' '' lt 136 '≤' '' lte 137 'Ł' '' 138 'Ń' '' 139 '~' '' ~ 140 '^' '' ^ 141 'ℓ' '' \el 142 '†' '' dag 143 '‡' '' ddag 144 'Ś' '' 145 'Š' '' 146 'Ş' '' 147 '°' '' 148 'Ţ' '' 149 'ͅ' '' ? 150 'U' '' ? 151 'Ÿ' '' 152 'Ź' '' 153 'Ž' '' 154 'Ż' '' 155 '' '' 156 '{' '' 157 '}' '' 158 '§' '' 159 '' '' 160 'ą' '' 161 'ć' '' 162 '®' '' 163 '©' '' copyright 164 '÷' '' divides 165 'ę' '' 166 'į' '' 167 '-' '' 168 '×' '' times 169 'ł' '' 170 'ń' '' 171 '±' '' plus-minus 172 '∞' '' infinity 173 '«' '' guillemot << 174 '»' '' guillemot >> 175 '¶' '' paragraph symbol 176 'ś' '' 177 'š' '' 178 'ş' '' 179 '•' '' bullet 180 'ţ' '' 181 '' '' 182 'ų' '' 183 'ÿ' '' 184 'ź' '' 185 'ž' '' 186 'ż' '' 187 '' '' 188 '·' '' 189 '″' '' 190 '′' '' 191 'À' '' 192 'Á' '' 193 'Â' '' 194 'Ã' '' 195 'Ä' '' 196 'Å' '' 197 '\' '' backslash 198 'Ç' '' 199 'È' '' 200 'É' '' 201 'Ê' '' 202 'Ë' '' 203 'Ì' '' 204 'Í' '' 205 'Î' '' 206 'Ï' '' 207 'Ð' '' 208 'Ñ' '' 209 'Ò' '' 210 'Ó' '' 211 'Ô' '' 212 'Õ' '' 213 'Ö' '' 214 '¤' '' currency sign 215 '‰' '' perthousand 216 'Ù' '' 217 'Ú' '' 218 'Û' '' 219 'Ü' '' 220 'Ý' '' 221 'Þ' '' 222 '|' '' 223 'à' '' 224 'á' '' 225 'â' '' 226 'ã' '' 227 'ä' '' 228 'å' '' 229 '_' '' 230 'ç' '' 231 'è' '' 232 'é' '' 233 'ê' '' 234 'ë' '' 235 'ì' '' 236 'í' '' 237 'î' '' 238 'ï' '' 239 'ð' '' 240 'ñ' '' 241 'ò' '' 242 'ó' '' 243 'ô' '' 244 'õ' '' 245 'ö' '' 246 '' '' 247 '' '' 248 'ù' '' 249 'ú' '' 250 'û' '' 251 'ü' '' 252 'ý' '' 253 'þ' '' 254 '„' '' right doublequote, left low 255 anttr 7 255 >>> \AddFont{anttr-uni}{unicode/antt/anttr} \<<< antpr 8 255 '∆' '' ldots 8 ` 'fk' '' ? 9 % antpr.htf (unicode) `version % '' '' 10 % Copyright 2004 Eitan M. Gurari % 'ff' '' ff 11 ` 'fi' '' fi 12 ` 'fl' '' fl 13 ` 'ffi' '' ffi 14 ` 'ffl' '' ffl 15 ` 'ı' '' \i 16 ` 'j' '' wrong \j 17 ` 'ˋ' '' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '' acute 19 ` 'ˇ' '' caron 20 ` '˘' '' breve 21 ` 'ˉ' '' macron 22 ` '˚' '' ring baove 23 ` '¸' '' cedilla 24 ` 'ß' '' \ss 25 ` 'æ' '' aelig 26 ` 'œ' '' oelig 27 ` 'ø' '' o with stroke 28 'Æ' '' AElig 29 'Œ' '' OElig 30 'Ø' '' O with stroke 31 'ˏ' '' lowacute 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' number 0 48 '1' '' number 1 49 '2' '' number 2 50 '3' '' number 3 51 '4' '' number 4 52 '5' '' number 5 53 '6' '' number 6 54 '7' '' number 7 55 '8' '' number 8 56 '9' '' number 9 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '¡' '' inverted ! 60 '=' '' 61 '¿' '' inverted ? 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' letter A 65 'B' '' letter B 66 'C' '' letter C 67 'D' '' letter D 68 'E' '' letter E 69 'F' '' letter F 70 'G' '' letter G 71 'H' '' letter H 72 'I' '' letter I 73 'J' '' letter J 74 'K' '' letter K 75 'L' '' letter L 76 'M' '' letter M 77 'N' '' letter N 78 'O' '' letter O 79 'P' '' letter P 80 'Q' '' letter Q 81 'R' '' letter R 82 'S' '' letter S 83 'T' '' letter T 84 'U' '' letter U 85 'V' '' letter V 86 'W' '' letter W 87 'X' '' letter X 88 'Y' '' letter Y 89 'Z' '' letter Z 90 '[' '' 91 '“' ''“ 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' 94 '' '' 95 '‘' '' ‘ 96 'a' '' letter a 97 'b' '' letter b 98 'c' '' letter c 99 'd' '' letter d 100 'e' '' letter e 101 'f' '' letter f 102 'g' '' letter g 103 'h' '' letter h 104 'i' '' letter i 105 'j' '' letter j 106 'k' '' letter k 107 'l' '' letter l 108 'm' '' letter m 109 'n' '' letter n 110 'o' '' letter o 111 'p' '' letter p 112 'q' '' letter q 113 'r' '' letter r 114 's' '' letter s 115 't' '' letter t 116 'u' '' letter u 117 'v' '' letter v 118 'w' '' letter w 119 'x' '' letter x 120 'y' '' letter y 121 'z' '' letter z 122 '–' '' ndash 123 '—' '' mdash 124 'ʺ' '' double prime 125 '~' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' diaresis 127 '€' '' euro 128 'Ą' '' 129 'Ć' '' 130 '>' '' 131 '≥' '' gte 132 '≈' '' approx 133 'Ę' '' Eogonek 134 'Į' '' Iogonek 135 '<' '' lt 136 '≤' '' lte 137 'Ł' '' 138 'Ń' '' 139 '~' '' ~ 140 '^' '' ^ 141 'ℓ' '' \el 142 '†' '' dag 143 '‡' '' ddag 144 'Ś' '' 145 'Š' '' 146 'Ş' '' 147 '°' '' 148 'Ţ' '' 149 'ͅ' '' ? 150 'U' '' ? 151 'Ÿ' '' 152 'Ź' '' 153 'Ž' '' 154 'Ż' '' 155 '' '' 156 '{' '' 157 '}' '' 158 '§' '' 159 '' '' 160 'ą' '' 161 'ć' '' 162 '®' '' 163 '©' '' copyright 164 '÷' '' divides 165 'ę' '' 166 'į' '' 167 '-' '' 168 '×' '' times 169 'ł' '' 170 'ń' '' 171 '±' '' plus-minus 172 '∞' '' infinity 173 '«' '' guillemot << 174 '»' '' guillemot >> 175 '¶' '' paragraph symbol 176 'ś' '' 177 'š' '' 178 'ş' '' 179 '•' '' bullet 180 'ţ' '' 181 '' '' 182 'ų' '' 183 'ÿ' '' 184 'ź' '' 185 'ž' '' 186 'ż' '' 187 '' '' 188 '·' '' 189 '″' '' 190 '′' '' 191 'À' '' 192 'Á' '' 193 'Â' '' 194 'Ã' '' 195 'Ä' '' 196 'Å' '' 197 '\' '' backslash 198 'Ç' '' 199 'È' '' 200 'É' '' 201 'Ê' '' 202 'Ë' '' 203 'Ì' '' 204 'Í' '' 205 'Î' '' 206 'Ï' '' 207 'Ð' '' 208 'Ñ' '' 209 'Ò' '' 210 'Ó' '' 211 'Ô' '' 212 'Õ' '' 213 'Ö' '' 214 '¤' '' currency sign 215 '‰' '' perthousand 216 'Ù' '' 217 'Ú' '' 218 'Û' '' 219 'Ü' '' 220 'Ý' '' 221 'Þ' '' 222 '|' '' 223 'à' '' 224 'á' '' 225 'â' '' 226 'ã' '' 227 'ä' '' 228 'å' '' 229 '_' '' 230 'ç' '' 231 'è' '' 232 'é' '' 233 'ê' '' 234 'ë' '' 235 'ì' '' 236 'í' '' 237 'î' '' 238 'ï' '' 239 'ð' '' 240 'ñ' '' 241 'ò' '' 242 'ó' '' 243 'ô' '' 244 'õ' '' 245 'ö' '' 246 '' '' 247 '' '' 248 'ù' '' 249 'ú' '' 250 'û' '' 251 'ü' '' 252 'ý' '' 253 'þ' '' 254 '„' '' right doublequote, left low 255 antpr 8 255 >>> \AddFont{antpr-uni}{unicode/antt/antpr} \<<< .anttr htfcss: anttb font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{anttb}{alias/antt/anttb} \<<< .anttr htfcss: anttri font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{anttri}{alias/antt/anttri} \<<< .antpr htfcss: antpb font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{antpb}{alias/antt/antpb} \<<< .antpr htfcss: antpbi font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{antpbi}{alias/antt/antpbi} \<<< .antpr htfcss: antpri font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{antpri}{alias/antt/antpri} \Section{ifsym} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< ifsym 0 124 '✉' '' envelop 0 ` '￿' '' section diamond 1 % ifsym.htf (unicode) `version % '￿' '' filled sec diam 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '￿' '' landscape paper 3 ` '￿' '' portrait paper 4 ` '⚀' '' dice 1 5 ` '⚁' '' dice 2 6 ` '⚂' '' dice 3 7 ` '⚃' '' dice 4 8 ` '⚄' '' dice 5 9 ` '⚅' '' dice 6 10 ` '✕' '' irritant 11 ` '￿' '' fire 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '☢' '' radiation 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '￿' '' ??? 16 ` '￿' '' ??? 17 ` '￿' '' ??? 18 ` '￿' '' ??? 19 ` '￿' '' ??? 20 '￿' '' ??? 21 '￿' '' ??? 22 '￿' '' ??? 23 '￿' '' ??? 24 '￿' '' ??? 25 '￿' '' ??? 26 '￿' '' ??? 27 '￿' '' ??? 28 '￿' '' ??? 29 '￿' '' ??? 30 '￿' '' ??? 31 '￿' '' ??? 32 '￿' '' ??? 33 '￿' '' ??? 34 '￿' '' ??? 35 '￿' '' ??? 36 '￿' '' ??? 37 '￿' '' ??? 38 '￿' '' ??? 39 '☎' '' phone 40 '￿' '' ??? 41 '￿' '' ??? 42 '' '' 43 '' '' 44 '￿' '' ??? 45 '￿' '' ??? 46 '' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 '￿' '' ??? 58 '￿' '' ??? 59 '￿' '' ??? 60 '￿' '' ??? 61 '￿' '' ??? 62 '￿' '' ??? 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '￿' '' ??? 67 '￿' '' ??? 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '￿' '' ??? 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '￿' '' ??? 76 '￿' '' ??? 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '￿' '' ??? 99 '￿' '' ??? 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '￿' '' ??? 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '￿' '' ??? 108 '￿' '' ??? 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '' '' 120 '' '' 121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '￿' '' ??? 124 ifsym 0 124 >>> \AddFont{ifsym-uni}{unicode/misc/ifsym} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{wasy} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< wasy 0 127 '△' '' 0 ` '⊲' '' 1 % wasy.htf `version % '⊴' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '⊳' '' 3 ` '⊵' '' 4 ` '∴' '' 5 ` '⌕' '' 6 ` '☎' '' 7 ` '✓' '' 8 ` '⇨' '' 9 ` '🔔' '' 10 ` '♪' '' 11 ` '♩' '' 12 ` '𝅗𝅥' '' 13 ` '𝅝' '' 14 ` '♫' '' 15 ` '◄' '' 16 ` '►' '' 17 ` '↯' '' 18 ` '☊' '' 19 ` '☋' '' 20 '⍉' '' 21 '⍟' '' 22 '♈' '' 23 '⌐' '' 24 '♀' '' 25 '♂' '' 26 '¤' '' 27 '🕒' '' 28 '∝' '' 29 '∢' '' 30 '⌀' '' 31 '●' '' 32 '↻' '' 33 '↺' '' 34 '◯' '' 35 '☾' '' 36 '☽' '' 37 '♁' '' 38 '☿' '' 39 '⧼' '' 40 '⧽' '' 41 '⋏' '' 42 '⋎' '' 43 '☺' '' 44 '☻' '' 45 '☼' '' 46 '☹' '' 47 '℧' '' 48 '⋈' '' 49 '□' '' 50 '◇' '' 51 '⊠' '' 52 '⌑' '' 53 '✠' '' 54 '⎔' '' 55 '' '1' 56 '⬡' '' 57 '∼' '' 58 '↝' '' 59 '⊏' '' 60 '⊐' '' 61 '≲' '' 62 '≳' '' 63 '≋' '' 64 '✶' '' 65 '✶' '' 66 '✡' '' 67 '⬠' '' 68 '★' '' 69 '▽' '' 70 '◖' '' 71 '◗' '' 72 '' '1' 73 '' '1' 74 '▲' '' 75 '▼' '' 76 '§' '' 77 '€' '' 78 'ʒ' '' 79 'ɣ' '' 80 '' '1' 81 '' '1' 82 '⌘' '' 83 'ſ' '' 84 'ə' '' 85 '☌' '' 86 '☍' '' 87 '♃' '' 88 '♄' '' 89 '⛢' '' 90 '♆' '' 91 '♇' '' 92 '♉' '' 93 '♊' '' 94 '♋' '' 95 '♍' '' 96 '♎' '' 97 '♏' '' 98 '♐' '' 99 '♑' '' 100 '♒' '' 101 '♓' '' 102 '¢' '' 103 '‰' '' 104 'þ' '' 105 'Þ' '' 106 'ð' '' 107 'ɔ' '' 108 '' '1' 109 '⍐' '' 110 '⍗' '' 111 '⍇' '' 112 '⍈' '' 113 '∫' '' 114 '∬' '' 115 '∭' '' 116 '∮' '' 117 '∯' '' 118 '∫' '' 119 '∬' '' 120 '∭' '' 121 '∮' '' 122 '∯' '' 123 '¦' '' 124 '⍞' '' 125 '⎕' '' 126 '⍝' '' 127 wasy 0 127 htfcss: wasyb font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{wasy}{unicode/misc/wasy} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{qfonts} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qbkb font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{qbkb}{alias/qfonts/qbkb} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qbkbi font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{qbkbi}{alias/qfonts/qbkbi} \<<< qbkr 0 255 'Γ' '' Gamma 0 ` 'Δ' '' Delta 1 % qbkr.htf (unicode) `version % 'Θ' '' Theta 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % 'Λ' '' Lambda 3 ` 'Ξ' '' Xi 4 ` 'Π' '' Pi 5 ` 'Σ' '' Sigma 6 ` 'Υ' '' Upsilon 7 ` '∆' '' ldots 8 ` 'fk' '' ? 9 ` 'Ω' '' Omega 10 ` 'ff' '' ff 11 ` 'fi' '' fi 12 ` 'fl' '' fl 13 ` 'ffi' '' ffi 14 ` 'ffl' '' ffl 15 ` 'ı' '' ı \i 16 ` 'j' '' wrong \j 17 ` 'ˋ' '' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '' acute 19 ` 'ˇ' '' caron 20 '˘' '' breve 21 'ˉ' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring baove 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'ß' '' sharp \ss 25 'æ' '' aelig 26 'œ' '' oelig 27 'ø' '' o with stroke 28 'Æ' '' AElig 29 'Œ' '' OElig 30 'Ø' '' O with stroke 31 'ˏ' '' lowacute 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' number 0 48 '1' '' number 1 49 '2' '' number 2 50 '3' '' number 3 51 '4' '' number 4 52 '5' '' number 5 53 '6' '' number 6 54 '7' '' number 7 55 '8' '' number 8 56 '9' '' number 9 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '¡' '' inverted ! 60 '=' '' 61 '¿' '' inverted ? 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' letter A 65 'B' '' letter B 66 'C' '' letter C 67 'D' '' letter D 68 'E' '' letter E 69 'F' '' letter F 70 'G' '' letter G 71 'H' '' letter H 72 'I' '' letter I 73 'J' '' letter J 74 'K' '' letter K 75 'L' '' letter L 76 'M' '' letter M 77 'N' '' letter N 78 'O' '' letter O 79 'P' '' letter P 80 'Q' '' letter Q 81 'R' '' letter R 82 'S' '' letter S 83 'T' '' letter T 84 'U' '' letter U 85 'V' '' letter V 86 'W' '' letter W 87 'X' '' letter X 88 'Y' '' letter Y 89 'Z' '' letter Z 90 '[' '' 91 '“' ''“ 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' 94 '' '' 95 '‘' '' ‘ 96 'a' '' letter a 97 'b' '' letter b 98 'c' '' letter c 99 'd' '' letter d 100 'e' '' letter e 101 'f' '' letter f 102 'g' '' letter g 103 'h' '' letter h 104 'i' '' letter i 105 'j' '' letter j 106 'k' '' letter k 107 'l' '' letter l 108 'm' '' letter m 109 'n' '' letter n 110 'o' '' letter o 111 'p' '' letter p 112 'q' '' letter q 113 'r' '' letter r 114 's' '' letter s 115 't' '' letter t 116 'u' '' letter u 117 'v' '' letter v 118 'w' '' letter w 119 'x' '' letter x 120 'y' '' letter y 121 'z' '' letter z 122 '–' '' ndash 123 '—' '' mdash 124 'ʺ' '' double prime 125 '~' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' diaresis 127 '€' '' euro 128 'Ą' '' 129 'Ć' '' 130 '>' '' 131 '≥' '' gte 132 '≈' '' approx 133 'Ę' '' Eogonek 134 'Į' '' Iogonek 135 '<' '' lt 136 '≤' '' lte 137 'Ł' '' 138 'Ń' '' 139 '~' '' ~ 140 '^' '' ^ 141 'ℓ' '' \el 142 '†' '' dag 143 '‡' '' ddag 144 'Ś' '' 145 'Š' '' 146 'Ş' '' 147 '°' '' 148 'Ţ' '' 149 'ͅ' '' ? 150 'U' '' ? 151 'Ÿ' '' 152 'Ź' '' 153 'Ž' '' 154 'Ż' '' 155 '' '' 156 '{' '' 157 '}' '' 158 '§' '' 159 '' '' 160 'ą' '' 161 'ć' '' 162 '®' '' 163 '©' '' copyright 164 '÷' '' divides 165 'ę' '' 166 'į' '' 167 '-' '' 168 '×' '' times 169 'ł' '' 170 'ń' '' 171 '±' '' plus-minus 172 '∞' '' infinity 173 '«' '' guillemot << 174 '»' '' guillemot >> 175 '¶' '' paragraph symbol 176 'ś' '' 177 'š' '' 178 'ş' '' 179 '•' '' bullet 180 'ţ' '' 181 '' '' 182 'ų' '' 183 'ÿ' '' 184 'ź' '' 185 'ž' '' 186 'ż' '' 187 '' '' 188 '·' '' 189 '″' '' 190 '′' '' 191 'À' '' 192 'Á' '' 193 'Â' '' 194 'Ã' '' 195 'Ä' '' 196 'Å' '' 197 '\' '' backslash 198 'Ç' '' 199 'È' '' 200 'É' '' 201 'Ê' '' 202 'Ë' '' 203 'Ì' '' 204 'Í' '' 205 'Î' '' 206 'Ï' '' 207 'Ð' '' 208 'Ñ' '' 209 'Ò' '' 210 'Ó' '' 211 'Ô' '' 212 'Õ' '' 213 'Ö' '' 214 '¤' '' currency sign 215 '‰' '' perthousand 216 'Ù' '' 217 'Ú' '' 218 'Û' '' 219 'Ü' '' 220 'Ý' '' 221 'Þ' '' 222 '|' '' 223 'à' '' 224 'á' '' 225 'â' '' 226 'ã' '' 227 'ä' '' 228 'å' '' 229 '_' '' 230 'ç' '' 231 'è' '' 232 'é' '' 233 'ê' '' 234 'ë' '' 235 'ì' '' 236 'í' '' 237 'î' '' 238 'ï' '' 239 'ð' '' 240 'ñ' '' 241 'ò' '' 242 'ó' '' 243 'ô' '' 244 'õ' '' 245 'ö' '' 246 '∢' '' 247 'ø' '' 248 'ù' '' 249 'ú' '' 250 'û' '' 251 'ü' '' 252 'ý' '' 253 'þ' '' 254 '„' '' right doublequote, left low 255 qbkr 0 255 >>> %\AddFont{qbkr-uni}{unicode/qfonts/qbkr} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qbkri font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{qbkri}{alias/qfonts/qbkri} \<<< .qcrr htfcss: qcrb font-weight: bold; font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{qcrb}{alias/qfonts/qcrb} \<<< .qcrr htfcss: qcrbi font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; font-family:monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{qcrbi}{alias/qfonts/qcrbi} \<<< qcrr 0 255 'Γ' '' Gamma 0 ` 'Δ' '' Delta 1 % qcrr.htf (unicode) `version % 'Θ' '' Theta 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % 'Λ' '' Lambda 3 ` 'Ξ' '' Xi 4 ` 'Π' '' Pi 5 ` 'Σ' '' Sigma 6 ` 'Υ' '' Upsilon 7 ` '∆' '' ldots 8 ` '' '' 9 ` 'Ω' '' Omega 10 ` 'ff' '' ff 11 ` 'fi' '' fi 12 ` 'fl' '' fl 13 ` '¡' '' inverted ! 14 ` '¿' '' inverted ? 15 ` 'ı' '' ı \i 16 ` 'j' '' wrong \j 17 ` 'ˋ' '' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '' acute 19 ` 'ˇ' '' caron 20 '˘' '' breve 21 'ˉ' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring baove 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'ß' '' sharp \ss 25 'æ' '' aelig 26 'œ' '' oelig 27 'ø' '' o with stroke 28 'Æ' '' AElig 29 'Œ' '' OElig 30 'Ø' '' O with stroke 31 'ˏ' '' lowacute 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' number 0 48 '1' '' number 1 49 '2' '' number 2 50 '3' '' number 3 51 '4' '' number 4 52 '5' '' number 5 53 '6' '' number 6 54 '7' '' number 7 55 '8' '' number 8 56 '9' '' number 9 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' lt 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' gt 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' letter A 65 'B' '' letter B 66 'C' '' letter C 67 'D' '' letter D 68 'E' '' letter E 69 'F' '' letter F 70 'G' '' letter G 71 'H' '' letter H 72 'I' '' letter I 73 'J' '' letter J 74 'K' '' letter K 75 'L' '' letter L 76 'M' '' letter M 77 'N' '' letter N 78 'O' '' letter O 79 'P' '' letter P 80 'Q' '' letter Q 81 'R' '' letter R 82 'S' '' letter S 83 'T' '' letter T 84 'U' '' letter U 85 'V' '' letter V 86 'W' '' letter W 87 'X' '' letter X 88 'Y' '' letter Y 89 'Z' '' letter Z 90 '[' '' 91 '“' ''“ 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' 94 '' '' 95 '‘' '' ‘ 96 'a' '' letter a 97 'b' '' letter b 98 'c' '' letter c 99 'd' '' letter d 100 'e' '' letter e 101 'f' '' letter f 102 'g' '' letter g 103 'h' '' letter h 104 'i' '' letter i 105 'j' '' letter j 106 'k' '' letter k 107 'l' '' letter l 108 'm' '' letter m 109 'n' '' letter n 110 'o' '' letter o 111 'p' '' letter p 112 'q' '' letter q 113 'r' '' letter r 114 's' '' letter s 115 't' '' letter t 116 'u' '' letter u 117 'v' '' letter v 118 'w' '' letter w 119 'x' '' letter x 120 'y' '' letter y 121 'z' '' letter z 122 '{' '' 123 '|' '' 124 '}' '' 125 '~' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' diaresis 127 '€' '' euro 128 'Ą' '' 129 'Ć' '' 130 '>' '' 131 '≥' '' gte 132 '≈' '' approx 133 'Ę' '' Eogonek 134 'Į' '' Iogonek 135 '<' '' lt 136 '≤' '' lte 137 'Ł' '' 138 'Ń' '' 139 '~' '' ~ 140 '^' '' ^ 141 'ℓ' '' \el 142 '†' '' dag 143 '‡' '' ddag 144 'Ś' '' 145 'Š' '' 146 'Ş' '' 147 '°' '' 148 'Ţ' '' 149 'ͅ' '' ? 150 'U' '' ? 151 'Ÿ' '' 152 'Ź' '' 153 'Ž' '' 154 'Ż' '' 155 '' '' 156 '–' '' ndash 157 'ʺ' '' double prime 158 '§' '' 159 '' '' 160 'ą' '' 161 'ć' '' 162 '®' '' 163 '©' '' copyright 164 '÷' '' divides 165 'ę' '' 166 'į' '' 167 '-' '' 168 '×' '' times 169 'ł' '' 170 'ń' '' 171 '±' '' plus-minus 172 '∞' '' infinity 173 '«' '' guillemot << 174 '»' '' guillemot >> 175 '¶' '' paragraph symbol 176 'ś' '' 177 'š' '' 178 'ş' '' 179 '•' '' bullet 180 'ţ' '' 181 '' '' 182 'ų' '' 183 'ÿ' '' 184 'ź' '' 185 'ž' '' 186 'ż' '' 187 '' '' 188 '·' '' 189 '″' '' 190 '′' '' 191 'À' '' 192 'Á' '' 193 'Â' '' 194 'Ã' '' 195 'Ä' '' 196 'Å' '' 197 '\' '' backslash 198 'Ç' '' 199 'È' '' 200 'É' '' 201 'Ê' '' 202 'Ë' '' 203 'Ì' '' 204 'Í' '' 205 'Î' '' 206 'Ï' '' 207 'Ð' '' 208 'Ñ' '' 209 'Ò' '' 210 'Ó' '' 211 'Ô' '' 212 'Õ' '' 213 'Ö' '' 214 '¤' '' currency sign 215 '‰' '' perthousand 216 'Ù' '' 217 'Ú' '' 218 'Û' '' 219 'Ü' '' 220 'Ý' '' 221 'Þ' '' 222 '—' '' mdash 223 'à' '' 224 'á' '' 225 'â' '' 226 'ã' '' 227 'ä' '' 228 'å' '' 229 '˙' '' 230 'ç' '' 231 'è' '' 232 'é' '' 233 'ê' '' 234 'ë' '' 235 'ì' '' 236 'í' '' 237 'î' '' 238 'ï' '' 239 'ð' '' 240 'ñ' '' 241 'ò' '' 242 'ó' '' 243 'ô' '' 244 'õ' '' 245 'ö' '' 246 '∢' '' 247 'ø' '' 248 'ù' '' 249 'ú' '' 250 'û' '' 251 'ü' '' 252 'ý' '' 253 'þ' '' 254 '„' '' right doublequote, left low 255 qcrr 0 255 htfcss: qcrr font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> %\AddFont{qcrr-uni}{unicode/qfonts/qcrr} \<<< qcrr 0 255 'Γ' '1' Gamma 0 ` 'Δ' '1' Delta 1 % qcrr.htf (iso-8859-1) `version % 'Θ' '1' Theta 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % 'Λ' '1' Lambda 3 ` 'Ξ' '1' Xi 4 ` 'Π' '1' Pi 5 ` 'Σ' '1' Sigma 6 ` 'Υ' '1' Upsilon 7 ` '∆' '1' ldots 8 ` '' '' 9 ` 'Ω' '1' Omega 10 ` 'ff' '' ff 11 ` 'fi' '' fi 12 ` 'fl' '' fl 13 ` '\161\' '' inverted ! 14 ` '\191\' '' inverted ? 15 ` 'i' '1' ı \i 16 ` 'j' '' wrong \j 17 ` 'ˋ' '1' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '1' acute 19 ` '\183\' '' caron 20 '\162\' '' breve 21 'ˉ' '1' macron 22 '˚' '1' ring baove 23 '\184\' '' cedilla 24 '\223\' '' sharp \ss 25 '\230\' '' aelig 26 '\247\' '' oelig 27 '\248\' '' o with stroke 28 '\198\' '' AElig 29 '\215\' '' OElig 30 '\216\' '' O with stroke 31 'ˏ' '1' lowacute 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' ’ right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' number 0 48 '1' '' number 1 49 '2' '' number 2 50 '3' '' number 3 51 '4' '' number 4 52 '5' '' number 5 53 '6' '' number 6 54 '7' '' number 7 55 '8' '' number 8 56 '9' '' number 9 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' lt 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' gt 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' letter A 65 'B' '' letter B 66 'C' '' letter C 67 'D' '' letter D 68 'E' '' letter E 69 'F' '' letter F 70 'G' '' letter G 71 'H' '' letter H 72 'I' '' letter I 73 'J' '' letter J 74 'K' '' letter K 75 'L' '' letter L 76 'M' '' letter M 77 'N' '' letter N 78 'O' '' letter O 79 'P' '' letter P 80 'Q' '' letter Q 81 'R' '' letter R 82 'S' '' letter S 83 'T' '' letter T 84 'U' '' letter U 85 'V' '' letter V 86 'W' '' letter W 87 'X' '' letter X 88 'Y' '' letter Y 89 'Z' '' letter Z 90 '[' '' 91 '“' ''“ 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' 94 '' '' 95 '‘' '' ‘ 96 'a' '' letter a 97 'b' '' letter b 98 'c' '' letter c 99 'd' '' letter d 100 'e' '' letter e 101 'f' '' letter f 102 'g' '' letter g 103 'h' '' letter h 104 'i' '' letter i 105 'j' '' letter j 106 'k' '' letter k 107 'l' '' letter l 108 'm' '' letter m 109 'n' '' letter n 110 'o' '' letter o 111 'p' '' letter p 112 'q' '' letter q 113 'r' '' letter r 114 's' '' letter s 115 't' '' letter t 116 'u' '' letter u 117 'v' '' letter v 118 'w' '' letter w 119 'x' '' letter x 120 'y' '' letter y 121 'z' '' letter z 122 '{' '' 123 '|' '' 124 '}' '' 125 '~' '' tilde 126 '\168\' '' diaresis 127 '€' '1' euro 128 '\161\' '' 129 '\198\' '' 130 '>' '' 131 '≥' '1' gte 132 '≈' '1' approx 133 '\202\' '' Eogonek 134 'Į' '1' Iogonek 135 '<' '' lt 136 '≤' '1' lte 137 '\163\' '' 138 '\209\' '' 139 '~' '' ~ 140 '^' '' ^ 141 'ℓ' '1' \el 142 '†' '' dag 143 '‡' '' ddag 144 '\166\' '' 145 'Š' '' 146 '\170\' '' 147 '\176\' '' 148 '\222\' '' 149 'ͅ' '1' ? 150 'U' '' ? 151 '\221\' '' 152 '\172\' '' 153 'Ž' '' 154 '\175\' '' 155 '' '' 156 '–' '' ndash 157 'ʺ' '1' double prime 158 '\167\' '' 159 '' '' 160 '\177\' '' 161 '\230\' '' 162 '\174\' '' 163 '\169\' '' copyright 164 '\247\' '' divides 165 '\234\' '' 166 'į' '1' 167 '-' '' 168 '\215\' '' times 169 '\179\' '' 170 '\241\' '' 171 '\177\' '' plus-minus 172 '∞' '1' infinity 173 '\171\' '' << 174 '\187\' '' >> 175 '\182\' '' paragraph symbol 176 '\182\' '' 177 'š' '' 178 '\186\' '' 179 '•' '' bullet 180 '\254\' '' 181 '' '' 182 'ų' '1' 183 '\253\' '' 184 '\188\' '' 185 'ž' '' 186 '\191\' '' 187 '' '' 188 '\183\' '' 189 '″' '1' 190 '′' '1' 191 '\192\' '' 192 '\193\' '' 193 '\194\' '' 194 '\195\' '' 195 '\196\' '' 196 '\197\' '' 197 '\' '' backslash 198 '\199\' '' 199 '\200\' '' 200 '\201\' '' 201 '\202\' '' 202 '\203\' '' 203 '\204\' '' 204 '\205\' '' 205 '\206\' '' 206 '\207\' '' 207 '\208\' '' 208 '\209\' '' 209 '\210\' '' 210 '\211\' '' 211 '\212\' '' 212 '\213\' '' 213 '\214\' '' 214 '\164\' '' currency sign 215 'o' '' perthousand 216 '\217\' '' 217 '\218\' '' 218 '\219\' '' 219 '\220\' '' 220 '\221\' '' 221 '\222\' '' 222 '—' '' mdash 223 '\224\' '' 224 '\225\' '' 225 '\226\' '' 226 '\227\' '' 227 '\228\' '' 228 '\229\' '' 229 '\255\' '' 230 '\231\' '' 231 '\232\' '' 232 '\233\' '' 233 '\234\' '' 234 '\235\' '' 235 '\236\' '' 236 '\237\' '' 237 '\238\' '' 238 '\239\' '' 239 '\240\' '' 240 '\241\' '' 241 '\242\' '' 242 '\243\' '' 243 '\244\' '' 244 '\245\' '' 245 '\246\' '' 246 '∢' '1' 247 '\249\' '' 248 '\249\' '' 249 '\250\' '' 250 '\251\' '' 251 '\252\' '' 252 '\253\' '' 253 '\254\' '' 254 '„' '' right doublequote, left low 255 qcrr 0 255 htfcss: qcrr font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> %\AddFont{qcrr-1}{iso8859/1/qfonts/qcrr} \<<< qcrr 0 255 'Γ' '1' Gamma 0 ` 'Δ' '1' Delta 1 % qcrr.htf (iso-8859-2) `version % 'Θ' '1' Theta 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % 'Λ' '1' Lambda 3 ` 'Ξ' '1' Xi 4 ` 'Π' '1' Pi 5 ` 'Σ' '1' Sigma 6 ` 'Υ' '1' Upsilon 7 ` '∆' '1' ldots 8 ` '' '' 9 ` 'Ω' '1' Omega 10 ` 'ff' '' ff 11 ` 'fi' '' fi 12 ` 'fl' '' fl 13 ` '¡' '1' inverted ! 14 ` '¿' '1' inverted ? 15 ` 'i' '1' ı \i 16 ` 'j' '' wrong \j 17 ` 'ˋ' '1' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '1' acute 19 ` '\183\' '' caron 20 '\162\' '' breve 21 'ˉ' '1' macron 22 '˚' '1' ring baove 23 '\184\' '' cedilla 24 '\223\' '' sharp \ss 25 'æ' '1' aelig 26 'œ' '' oelig 27 'ø' '1' o with stroke 28 'Æ' '1' AElig 29 'Œ' '' OElig 30 'Ø' '1' O with stroke 31 'ˏ' '1' lowacute 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' number 0 48 '1' '' number 1 49 '2' '' number 2 50 '3' '' number 3 51 '4' '' number 4 52 '5' '' number 5 53 '6' '' number 6 54 '7' '' number 7 55 '8' '' number 8 56 '9' '' number 9 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' lt 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' gt 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' letter A 65 'B' '' letter B 66 'C' '' letter C 67 'D' '' letter D 68 'E' '' letter E 69 'F' '' letter F 70 'G' '' letter G 71 'H' '' letter H 72 'I' '' letter I 73 'J' '' letter J 74 'K' '' letter K 75 'L' '' letter L 76 'M' '' letter M 77 'N' '' letter N 78 'O' '' letter O 79 'P' '' letter P 80 'Q' '' letter Q 81 'R' '' letter R 82 'S' '' letter S 83 'T' '' letter T 84 'U' '' letter U 85 'V' '' letter V 86 'W' '' letter W 87 'X' '' letter X 88 'Y' '' letter Y 89 'Z' '' letter Z 90 '[' '' 91 '“' ''“ 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' 94 '' '' 95 '‘' '' ‘ 96 'a' '' letter a 97 'b' '' letter b 98 'c' '' letter c 99 'd' '' letter d 100 'e' '' letter e 101 'f' '' letter f 102 'g' '' letter g 103 'h' '' letter h 104 'i' '' letter i 105 'j' '' letter j 106 'k' '' letter k 107 'l' '' letter l 108 'm' '' letter m 109 'n' '' letter n 110 'o' '' letter o 111 'p' '' letter p 112 'q' '' letter q 113 'r' '' letter r 114 's' '' letter s 115 't' '' letter t 116 'u' '' letter u 117 'v' '' letter v 118 'w' '' letter w 119 'x' '' letter x 120 'y' '' letter y 121 'z' '' letter z 122 '{' '' 123 '|' '' 124 '}' '' 125 '~' '' tilde 126 '\168\' '' diaresis 127 '€' '1' euro 128 '\161\' '' 129 '\198\' '' 130 '>' '' 131 '≥' '1' gte 132 '≈' '1' approx 133 '\202\' '' Eogonek 134 'Į' '1' Iogonek 135 '<' '' lt 136 '≤' '1' lte 137 '\163\' '' 138 '\209\' '' 139 '~' '' ~ 140 '^' '' ^ 141 'ℓ' '1' \el 142 '†' '' dag 143 '‡' '' ddag 144 '\166\' '' 145 '\169\' '' 146 '\170\' '' 147 '\176\' '' 148 '\222\' '' 149 'ͅ' '1' ? 150 'U' '' ? 151 'Ÿ' '' 152 '\172\' '' 153 '\174\' '' 154 '\175\' '' 155 '' '' 156 '–' '' ndash 157 'ʺ' '1' double prime 158 '\167\' '' 159 '' '' 160 '\177\' '' 161 '\230\' '' 162 '®' '1' 163 '©' '1'copyright 164 '\247\' '' divides 165 '\234\' '' 166 'į' '1' 167 '-' '' 168 '\215\' '' times 169 '\179\' '' 170 '\241\' '' 171 '±' '1' plus-minus 172 '∞' '1' infinity 173 '«' '' << 174 '»' '' >> 175 '¶' '1' paragraph symbol 176 '\182\' '' 177 '\185\' '' 178 '\186\' '' 179 '•' '' bullet 180 '\254\' '' 181 '' '' 182 'ų' '1' 183 'ÿ' '1' 184 '\188\' '' 185 '\190\' '' 186 '\191\' '' 187 '' '' 188 '·' '1' 189 '″' '1' 190 '′' '1' 191 'À' '1' 192 '\193\' '' 193 '\194\' '' 194 'Ã' '1' 195 '\196\' '' 196 'Å' '1' 197 '\' '' backslash 198 '\199\' '' 199 'È' '1' 200 '\201\' '' 201 'Ê' '1' 202 '\203\' '' 203 'Ì' '1' 204 '\205\' '' 205 '\206\' '' 206 'Ï' '1' 207 'Ð' '1' 208 'Ñ' '1' 209 'Ò' '1' 210 '\211\' '' 211 '\212\' '' 212 'Õ' '1' 213 '\214\' '' 214 '\164\' '' currency sign 215 '‰' '' perthousand 216 'Ù' '1' 217 '\218\' '' 218 'Û' '1' 219 '\220\' '' 220 '\221\' '' 221 'Þ' '1' 222 '—' '' mdash 223 'à' '1' 224 '\225\' '' 225 '\226\' '' 226 'ã' '1' 227 '\228\' '' 228 'å' '1' 229 '\255\' '' 230 '\231\' '' 231 'è' '1' 232 '\233\' '' 233 'ê' '1' 234 '\235\' '' 235 'ì' '1' 236 '\237\' '' 237 '\238\' '' 238 'ï' '1' 239 'ð' '1' 240 'ñ' '1' 241 'ò' '1' 242 '\243\' '' 243 '\244\' '' 244 'õ' '1' 245 '\246\' '' 246 '∢' '1' 247 'ø' '1' 248 'ù' '1' 249 '\250\' '' 250 'û' '1' 251 '\252\' '' 252 '\253\' '' 253 'þ' '1' 254 '„' '' right doublequote, left low 255 qcrr 0 255 htfcss: qcrr font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> %\AddFont{qcrr-2}{iso8859/2/qfonts/qcrr} \<<< .qcrr htfcss: qcrri font-style: italic; font-family: monospace,monospace; >>> \AddFont{qcrri}{alias/qfonts/qcrri} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qhvb font-weight: bold; font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{qhvb}{alias/qfonts/qhvb} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qhvbi font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; font-family:sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{qhvbi}{alias/qfonts/qhvbi} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qhvcb font-weight: bold; font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{qhvcb}{alias/qfonts/qhvcb} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qhvcbi font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; font-family:sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{qhvcbi}{alias/qfonts/qhvcbi} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qhvcr font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{qhvcr}{alias/qfonts/qhvcr} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qhvcri font-style: italic; font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{qhvcri}{alias/qfonts/qhvcri} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qhvr font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{qhvr}{alias/qfonts/qhvr} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qhvri font-style: italic; font-family: sans-serif; >>> \AddFont{qhvri}{alias/qfonts/qhvri} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qplb font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{qplb}{alias/qfonts/qplb} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qplbi font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{qplbi}{alias/qfonts/qplbi} \<<< .qbkr >>> \AddFont{qplr}{alias/qfonts/qplr} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qplri font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{qplri}{alias/qfonts/qplri} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qtmb font-weight: bold; >>> \AddFont{qtmb}{alias/qfonts/qtmb} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qtmbi font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{qtmbi}{alias/qfonts/qtmbi} \<<< .qbkr >>> \AddFont{qtmr}{alias/qfonts/qtmr} \<<< .qbkr htfcss: qtmri font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{qtmri}{alias/qfonts/qtmri} \<<< qzcmi 1 255 'Δ' '' Delta 1 ` '' '' 2 % qzcmi.htf (unicode) `version % '' '' 3 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 4 ` '' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` 'Υ' '' Upsilon 7 ` '∆' '' ldots 8 ` 'fk' '' ? 9 ` '' '' 10 ` 'ff' '' ff 11 ` 'fi' '' fi 12 ` 'fl' '' fl 13 ` 'ffi' '' ffi 14 ` 'ffl' '' ffl 15 ` 'ı' '' ı \i 16 ` 'j' '' wrong \j 17 ` 'ˋ' '' grave 18 ` 'ˊ' '' acute 19 ` 'ˇ' '' caron 20 ` '˘' '' breve 21 'ˉ' '' macron 22 '˚' '' ring baove 23 '¸' '' cedilla 24 'ß' '' sharp \ss 25 'æ' '' aelig 26 'œ' '' oelig 27 'ø' '' o with stroke 28 'Æ' '' AElig 29 'Œ' '' OElig 30 'Ø' '' O with stroke 31 'ˏ' '' lowacute 32 '!' '' exclamation mark 33 '”' '' right doublequote 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' right singlequote 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' number 0 48 '1' '' number 1 49 '2' '' number 2 50 '3' '' number 3 51 '4' '' number 4 52 '5' '' number 5 53 '6' '' number 6 54 '7' '' number 7 55 '8' '' number 8 56 '9' '' number 9 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '¡' '' inverted ! 60 '=' '' 61 '¿' '' inverted ? 62 '?' '' 63 '@' '' 64 'A' '' letter A 65 'B' '' letter B 66 'C' '' letter C 67 'D' '' letter D 68 'E' '' letter E 69 'F' '' letter F 70 'G' '' letter G 71 'H' '' letter H 72 'I' '' letter I 73 'J' '' letter J 74 'K' '' letter K 75 'L' '' letter L 76 'M' '' letter M 77 'N' '' letter N 78 'O' '' letter O 79 'P' '' letter P 80 'Q' '' letter Q 81 'R' '' letter R 82 'S' '' letter S 83 'T' '' letter T 84 'U' '' letter U 85 'V' '' letter V 86 'W' '' letter W 87 'X' '' letter X 88 'Y' '' letter Y 89 'Z' '' letter Z 90 '[' '' 91 '“' ''“ 92 ']' '' 93 '^' '' 94 '' '' 95 '‘' '' ‘ 96 'a' '' letter a 97 'b' '' letter b 98 'c' '' letter c 99 'd' '' letter d 100 'e' '' letter e 101 'f' '' letter f 102 'g' '' letter g 103 'h' '' letter h 104 'i' '' letter i 105 'j' '' letter j 106 'k' '' letter k 107 'l' '' letter l 108 'm' '' letter m 109 'n' '' letter n 110 'o' '' letter o 111 'p' '' letter p 112 'q' '' letter q 113 'r' '' letter r 114 's' '' letter s 115 't' '' letter t 116 'u' '' letter u 117 'v' '' letter v 118 'w' '' letter w 119 'x' '' letter x 120 'y' '' letter y 121 'z' '' letter z 122 '–' '' ndash 123 '—' '' mdash 124 'ʺ' '' double prime 125 '~' '' tilde 126 '¨' '' diaresis 127 '€' '' euro 128 'Ą' '' 129 'Ć' '' 130 '>' '' 131 '≥' '' gte 132 '≈' '' approx 133 'Ę' '' Eogonek 134 'Į' '' Iogonek 135 '<' '' lt 136 '≤' '' lte 137 'Ł' '' 138 'Ń' '' 139 '~' '' ~ 140 '^' '' ^ 141 'ℓ' '' \el 142 '†' '' dag 143 '‡' '' ddag 144 'Ś' '' 145 'Š' '' 146 'Ş' '' 147 '°' '' 148 'Ţ' '' 149 'ͅ' '' ? 150 'U' '' ? 151 'Ÿ' '' 152 'Ź' '' 153 'Ž' '' 154 'Ż' '' 155 '' '' 156 '{' '' 157 '}' '' 158 '§' '' 159 '' '' 160 'ą' '' 161 'ć' '' 162 '®' '' 163 '©' '' copyright 164 '÷' '' divides 165 'ę' '' 166 'į' '' 167 '-' '' 168 '×' '' times 169 'ł' '' 170 'ń' '' 171 '±' '' plus-minus 172 '∞' '' infinity 173 '«' '' guillemot << 174 '»' '' guillemot >> 175 '¶' '' paragraph symbol 176 'ś' '' 177 'š' '' 178 'ş' '' 179 '•' '' bullet 180 'ţ' '' 181 '' '' 182 'ų' '' 183 'ÿ' '' 184 'ź' '' 185 'ž' '' 186 'ż' '' 187 '' '' 188 '·' '' 189 '″' '' 190 '′' '' 191 'À' '' 192 'Á' '' 193 'Â' '' 194 'Ã' '' 195 'Ä' '' 196 'Å' '' 197 '\' '' backslash 198 'Ç' '' 199 'È' '' 200 'É' '' 201 'Ê' '' 202 'Ë' '' 203 'Ì' '' 204 'Í' '' 205 'Î' '' 206 'Ï' '' 207 'Ð' '' 208 'Ñ' '' 209 'Ò' '' 210 'Ó' '' 211 'Ô' '' 212 'Õ' '' 213 'Ö' '' 214 '¤' '' currency sign 215 '‰' '' perthousand 216 'Ù' '' 217 'Ú' '' 218 'Û' '' 219 'Ü' '' 220 'Ý' '' 221 'Þ' '' 222 '|' '' 223 'à' '' 224 'á' '' 225 'â' '' 226 'ã' '' 227 'ä' '' 228 'å' '' 229 '_' '' 230 'ç' '' 231 'è' '' 232 'é' '' 233 'ê' '' 234 'ë' '' 235 'ì' '' 236 'í' '' 237 'î' '' 238 'ï' '' 239 'ð' '' 240 'ñ' '' 241 'ò' '' 242 'ó' '' 243 'ô' '' 244 'õ' '' 245 'ö' '' 246 '' '' 247 '' '' 248 'ù' '' 249 'ú' '' 250 'û' '' 251 'ü' '' 252 'ý' '' 253 'þ' '' 254 '„' '' right doublequote, left low 255 qzcmi 1 255 htfcss: qzcmi font-family: fantasy; >>> %\AddFont{qzcmi-uni}{unicode/qfonts/qzcmi} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Integrals} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< esint 1 38 '∫' '' \int % 1 ` '∫' '' % 2 % esint.htf (unicode) `version % '∬' '' \iint % 3 % Copyright `CopyYear.2004. Eitan M. Gurari '∬' '' % 4 ` '∭' '' \iiint % 5 ` '∭' '' % 6 ` '⨌' '' \iiiint % 7 ` '⨌' '' % 8 ` '∫⋯∫' '' \dotsint % 9 ` '∫⋯∫' '' %10 ` '∮' '' \oint %11 ` '∮' '' %12 ` '∯' '' \oiint %13 ` '∯' '' %14 ` '⨖' '' \sqint %15 ` '⨖' '' %16 ` '⨖⨖' '' \sqiint %17 ` '⨖⨖' '' %18 ` '' '' %19 ` '' '' %20 ` '' '' % 21 '' '' % 22 '∳' '' \ointctrclockwise % 23 '∳' '' % 24 '∲' '' \ointclockwise % 25 '∲' '' % 26 '⨍' '' \varointclockwise % 27 '⨍' '' % 28 '∯' '' \varointctrclockwise % 29 '∯' '' % 30 '⨏' '' \fint % 31 '⨏' '' % 32 '∯' '' \varoiint % 33 '∯' '' % 34 '⨙' '' \landupint % 35 '⨙' '' % 36 '⨚' '' \landdownint % 37 '⨚' '' % 38 esint 1 38 >>> \AddFont{esint-uni}{unicode/dstroke/esint} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Double Stroke Math} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< dsrom 49 107 '𝟙' '' 1 49 ` '' '' 50 % dsrom.htf (unicode) `version % '' '' 51 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 52 ` '' '' 53 ` '' '' 54 ` '' '' 55 ` '' '' 56 ` '' '' 57 ` '' '' 58 ` '' '' 59 ` '' '' 60 ` '' '' 61 ` '' '' 62 ` '' '' 63 ` '' '' 64 ` '𝔸' '' A ?65 ` '𝔹' '' 66 ` 'ℂ' '' C 67 ` '𝔻' '' D 68 ` '𝔼' '' E 69 '𝔽' '' F 70 '𝔾' '' G 71 'ℍ' '' H 72 '𝕀' '' I 73 '𝕁' '' J 74 '𝕂' '' K 75 '𝕃' '' L 76 '𝕄' '' M 77 'ℕ' '' N 78 '𝕆' '' O 79 'ℙ' '' P 80 'ℚ' '' Q 81 'ℝ' '' R 82 '𝕊' '' S 83 '𝕋' '' T 84 '𝕌' '' U 85 '𝕍' '' V 86 '𝕎' '' W 87 '𝕏' '' X 88 '𝕐' '' Y 89 'ℤ' '' Z 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '𝔸' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '𝕙' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '𝕜' '' 107 dsrom 49 107 >>> \AddFont{dsrom-uni}{unicode/dstroke/dsrom} \Section{SkakNew} \<<< SkakNew 32 121 ` '' '' 32 % SkakNew.htf `version '!' '' 33 % Copyright 2021 TeX Users Group '”' '' 34 % Released under LPPL 1.3c+. '#' '' 35 % See tex4ht-cpright.tex for license text. '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' 38 '’' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '¡' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '¿' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M Gurari % '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 ` '' '' 21 ` '' '' 22 ` '' '' 23 ` '' '' 24 ` '' '' 25 ` '' '' 26 ` '' '' 27 ` '' '' 28 ` '' '' 29 ` '' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 ` '' '' 32 '' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '' '' 40 '' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '' '' 44 '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '(' '' 49 ')' '' 50 '(' '' 51 ')' '' 52 '(' '' 53 ')' '' 54 '(' '' 55 ')' '' 56 '(' '' 57 ')' '' 58 '' '' 59 '' '' 60 '' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 'E' '' 69 '' '' 70 'G' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 'T' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 'X' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 'b' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 'e' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 'h' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 'k' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '' '' 110 'O' '' 111 cmman 12 111 >>> \AddFont{cmman-uni}{unicode/misc/cmman} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{manfnt} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< manfnt 0 127 '[dangerous l bend]' '1'0 ` '*' '1'* 1 % manfnt.htf `version % '*' '1'* 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '*' '1'* 3 ` '*' '1'* 4 ` '*' '1'* 5 ` 'A' '' 6 ` 'A' '' 7 ` 'A' '' 8 ` 'A' '' 9 ` 'A' '' 10 ` 'A' '' 11 ` 'A' '' 12 ` 'A' '' 13 ` 'A' '' 14 ` 'A' '' 15 ` 'A' '' 16 ` 'O' '1'O 17 ` 'O' '1'O 18 ` 'O' '1'O 19 ` 'O' '1'O 20 'O' '1'O 21 'O' '1'O 22 'O' '1'O 23 '' '' 24 'S' '' 25 'O' '1'| 26 '|' '1'| 27 '[cube]' '1'cube 28 '[cube]' '1'cube 29 '[atom]' '1'atom 30 'u' '1'u 31 '[arc 0-90]' '1' 32 '[filled slice 0-90]' '1' 33 '[arc 90-180]' '1' 34 '[slice 45-90]' '1' 35 'O' '1'dot oh 36 '[nested diamonds]' '1' 37 '[flower]' '1' 38 '[flower]' '1' 39 'M' '1'M 40 'E' '1'E 41 'T' '1'T 42 'A' '1'A 43 'F' '1'F 44 'O' '1'O 45 'N' '1'N 46 'M' '' 47 'E' '' 48 'T' '' 49 'A' '' 50 'F' '' 51 'O' '' 52 'N' '' 53 '[triangle up]' '1' 54 '[triangle down]' '1' 55 'M' '14' 56 'E' '14' 57 'T' '14' 58 'A' '14' 59 'F' '14' 60 'O' '14' 61 'N' '14' 62 'd' '1' 63 '' '' 64 'A' '' 65 'M' '1'M 66 'E' '1'E 67 'T' '1'T 68 'E' '' 69 'F' '' 70 'A' '1'A 71 'F' '1'F 72 'O' '1'O 73 'N' '1'N 74 'M' '1'M 75 'E' '1'E 76 'M' '' 77 'N' '' 78 'O' '' 79 '.' 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Gurari % '' '' 51 ` '' '' 52 ` '' '' 53 ` '' '' 54 ` '' '' 55 ` '' '' 56 ` '' '' 57 ` '' '' 58 ` '' '' 59 ` '' '' 60 ` '' '' 61 ` '' '' 62 ` '' '' 63 ` '' '' 64 ` '' '' 65 ` '' '' 66 ` '' '' 67 ` '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '♔' '' 74 '♔' '' 75 '♕' '' 76 '♘' '' 77 '♘' '' 78 '♙' '' 79 '♙' '' 80 '♕' '' 81 '♖' '' 82 '♖' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 ' ' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '♝' '' 97 '♝' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '♚' '' 106 '♚' '' 107 '♛' '' 108 '♞' '' 109 '♞' '' 110 '♟' '' 111 '♟' '' 112 '♛' '' 113 '♜' '' 114 '♜' '' 115 chess 48 115 >>> \AddFont{chess-uni}{unicode/chess/chess} \<<< chess 48 115 '' '' 48 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '' '' 49 % chess.htf (iso-8859-1) `version % '' '' 50 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 51 ` '' '' 52 ` '' '' 53 ` '' '' 54 ` '' '' 55 ` '' '' 56 ` '' '' 57 ` '' '' 58 ` '' '' 59 ` '' '' 60 ` '' '' 61 ` '' '' 62 ` '' '' 63 ` '' '' 64 ` '' '' 65 ` '' '' 66 ` '' '' 67 ` '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '♔' '1' 74 '♔' '1' 75 '♕' '1' 76 '♘' '1' 77 '♘' '1' 78 '♙' '1' 79 '♙' '1' 80 '♕' '1' 81 '♖' '1' 82 '♖' '1' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 ' ' '1' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '♝' '1' 97 '♝' '1' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '♚' '1' 106 '♚' '1' 107 '♛' '1' 108 '♞' '1' 109 '♞' '1' 110 '♟' '1' 111 '♟' '1' 112 '♛' '1' 113 '♜' '1' 114 '♜' '1' 115 chess 48 115 >>> \AddFont{chess}{iso8859/1/chess/chess} \<<< chessf 66 112 '♗' '' 66 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '' '' 67 % chessf.htf `version % '' '' 68 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 69 ` '' '' 70 ` '' '' 71 ` '' '' 72 ` '' '' 73 ` '' '' 74 ` '♔' '' 75 ` '' '' 76 ` '' '' 77 ` '♘' '' 78 ` '' '' 79 ` '' '' 80 ` '♕' '' 81 ` '♖' '' 82 ` '' '' 83 ` '' '' 84 ` '' '' 85 ` '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '♙' '' 112 chessf 66 112 >>> \AddFont{chessf-uni}{unicode/chess/chessf} \<<< .chessf >>> \AddFont{chess10f}{alias/chess/chess10f} \<<< chessf 66 112 '♗' '1' 66 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '' '' 67 % chessf.htf `version % '' '' 68 % Copyright `CopyYear.2002. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 69 ` '' '' 70 ` '' '' 71 ` '' '' 72 ` '' '' 73 ` '' '' 74 ` '♔' '1' 75 ` '' '' 76 ` '' '' 77 ` '♘' '1' 78 ` '' '' 79 ` '' '' 80 ` '♕' '1' 81 ` '♖' '1' 82 ` '' '' 83 ` '' '' 84 ` '' '' 85 ` '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '♙' '1' 112 chessf 66 112 >>> \AddFont{chessf}{iso8859/1/chess/chessf} \<<< fselch 0 175 '♙' '' white pawn 0 ` '♘' '' white knight 1 % fselch.htf `version % '♗' '' white bishop 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2008. Eitan M. Gurari % '♖' '' white rook 3 ` '♕' '' white queen 4 ` '♔' '' white king 5 ` '♙' '' white/black pawn 6 ` '♘' '' white/black knight 7 ` '♗' '' white/black bishop 8 ` '♖' '' white/black rook 9 ` '♕' '' white/black queen 10 ` '♔' '' white/black king 11 ` '♟' '' black pawn 12 ` '♞' '' black knight 13 ` '♝' '' black bishop 14 ` '♜' '' black rook 15 ` '♛' '' black queen 16 ` '♚' '' black king 17 ` '♙' '' white pawn gray background 18 ` '♘' '' white knight gray background 19 ` '♗' '' white bishop gray background '' 20 '♖' '' white rook gray background '' 21 '♕' '' white queen gray background '' 22 '♔' '' white king gray background 23 '♙' '' white/black pawn gray background 24 '♘' '' white/black knight gray background 25 '♗' '' white/black bishop gray background 26 '♖' '' white/black rook gray background OE 27 '♕' '' white/black queen gray background Empty 28 '♔' '' white/black king gray background 29 '♟' '' black pawn gray background 30 '♞' '' black knight gray background Empty 31 '♝' '' black bishop gray background 32 '♜' '' black rook gray background 33 '♛' '' black queen gray background 34 '♚' '' black king gray background 35 '♙' '' white pawn rotated left 36 '♘' '' white knight rotated left 37 '♗' '' Lwhite bishop rotated left 38 '♖' '' white rook rotated left 39 '♕' '' white queen rotated left 40 '♔' '' white king rotated left 41 '♙' '' white/black pawn rotated left 42 '♘' '' white/black knight rotated left 43 '♗' '' white/black bishop rotated left 44 '♖' '' white/black rook rotated left 45 '♕' '' white/black queen rotated left 46 '♔' '' white/black king rotated left 47 '♟' '' black pawn rotated left 48 '♞' '' black knight rotated left 49 '♝' '' black bishop rotated left 50 '♜' '' black rook rotated left 51 '♛' '' black queen rotated left 52 '♚' '' black king rotated left 53 '♙' '' white pawn gray background rotated left 54 '♘' '' white knight gray background rotated left 55 '♗' '' white bishop gray background rotated left 56 '♖' '' white rook gray background rotated left 57 '♕' '' white queen gray background rotated left 58 '♔' '' white king gray background rotated left 59 '♙' '' white/black pawn gray background rotated left 60 '♘' '' white/black knight gray background rotated left 61 '♗' '' white/black bishop gray background rotated left 62 '♖' '' white/black rook gray background rotated left 63 '♕' '' white/black queen gray background rotated left 64 '♔' '' white/black king gray background rotated left 65 '♟' '' black pawn gray background rotated left 66 '♞' '' black knight gray background rotated left 67 '♝' '' black bishop gray background rotated left 68 '♜' '' black rook gray background rotated left 69 '♛' '' black queen gray background rotated left 70 '♚' '' black king gray background rotated left 71 '♙' '' white pawn rotated right 72 '♘' '' white knight rotated right 73 '♗' '' white bishopAnd rotated right 74 '♖' '' white rook rotated right 75 '♕' '' white queen rotated right 76 '♔' '' white king rotated right 77 '♙' '' white/black pawn rotated right 78 '♘' '' white/black knight rotated right 79 '♗' '' white/black bishop rotated right 80 '♖' '' white/black rook rotated right 81 '♕' '' white/black queen rotated right 82 '♔' '' white/black king rotated right 83 '♟' '' black pawn rotated right 84 '♞' '' black knight rotated right 85 '♝' '' black bishop rotated right 86 '♜' '' black rook rotated right 87 '♛' '' black queen rotated right 88 '♚' '' black king rotated right 89 '♙' '' white pawn gray background rotated right 90 '♘' '' white knight gray background rotated right 91 '♗' '' white bishop gray background rotated right 92 '♖' '' white rook gray background rotated right 93 '♕' '' white queen gray background rotated right 94 '♔' '' white king gray background rotated right 95 '♙' '' white/black pawn gray background‘ rotated right 96 '♘' '' white/black knight gray background rotated right 97 '♗' '' white/black bishop gray background rotated right 98 '♖' '' white/black rook gray background rotated right 99 '♕' '' white/black queen gray background rotated right 100 '♔' '' white/black king gray background rotated right 101 '♟' '' black pawn gray background rotated right 102 '♞' '' black knight gray background rotated right 103 '♝' '' black bishop gray background rotated right 104 '♜' '' black rook gray background rotated right 105 '♛' '' black queen gray background rotated right 106 '♚' '' black king gray background rotated right 107 '♙' '' white pawn rotated down 108 '♘' '' white knight rotated down 109 '♗' '' white bishopAndldquo rotated down 110 '♖' '' white rook rotated down 111 '♕' '' white queen rotated down 112 '♔' '' white king rotated down 113 '♙' '' white/black pawn rotated down 114 '♘' '' white/black knight rotated down 115 '♗' '' white/black bishop rotated down 116 '♖' '' white/black rook rotated down 117 '♕' '' white/black queen rotated down 118 '♔' '' white/black king rotated down 119 '♟' '' black pawn rotated down 120 '♞' '' black knight rotated down 121 '♝' '' black bishop rotated down 122 '♜' '' black rook en dash rotated down 123 '♛' '' black queenem dash rotated down 124 '♚' '' black king rotated down 125 '♙' '' white pawn gray background rotated down 126 '♘' '' white knight gray background rotated down 127 '♗' '' white bishopAndldquo gray background rotated down 128 '♖' '' white rook gray background rotated down 129 '♕' '' white queen gray background rotated down 130 '♔' '' white king gray background rotated down 131 '♙' '' white/black pawn gray background rotated down 132 '♘' '' white/black knight gray background rotated down 133 '♗' '' white/black bishop gray background rotated down 134 '♖' '' white/black rook gray background rotated down 135 '♕' '' white/black queen gray background rotated down 136 '♔' '' white/black king rotated gray background rotated down 137 '♟' '' black pawn gray background rotated down 138 '♞' '' black knight gray background rotated down 139 '♝' '' black bishop gray background rotated down 140 '♜' '' black rook gray background 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Eitan M. Gurari % 'Λ' '' 3 ` 'Ξ' '' 4 ` 'Π' '' 5 ` 'Σ' '' 6 ` 'ϒ' '' 7 ` 'Φ' '' 8 ` 'Ψ' '' 9 ` 'Ω' '' 10 ` 'ff' '' 11 ` 'fi' '' 12 ` 'fl' '' 13 ` 'ffi' '' 14 ` 'ffl' '' 15 ` 'ı' '' 16 ` 'j︀' '' 17 ` '`' '' 18 ` '´' '' 19 'ˇ' '' 20 '˘' '' 21 '¯' '' 22 '^' '' 23 '¸' '' 24 'ß' '' 25 'æ' '' 26 'œ' '' 27 'ø' '' 28 'Æ' '' 29 'Œ' '' 30 'Ø' '' 31 '´' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '”' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' 38 '’' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '¡' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '¿' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 ` '' '' 37 ` '' '' 38 ` '' '1' 39 ` '' '' 40 ` '' '' 41 ` '' '' 42 ` '' '' 43 ` '' '1' 44 ` '' '' 45 ` '' '1' 46 ` '' '' 47 ` '' '1' 48 ` '' '1' 49 ` '' '1' 50 ` '' '1' 51 ` '' '1' 52 '' '1' 53 '' '1' 54 '' '1' 55 '' '1' 56 '' '1' 57 '' '1' 58 '' '' 59 '' '1' 60 '' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '1' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '1' 72 '' '1' 73 '' '1' 74 '' '1' 75 '' '1' 76 '' '1' 77 '' '1' 78 '' '1' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '1' 83 '' '1' 84 '' '1' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '1' 96 '' '1' 97 '' '1' 98 '' '1' 99 '' '1' 100 '' '1' 101 '' '' 102 '' '1' 103 '' '1' 104 '' '1' 105 '' '1' 106 '' '1' 107 '' '1' 108 '' '1' 109 '' '1' 110 '' '1' 111 '' '1' 112 '' '' 113 '' '1' 114 '' '1' 115 '' '1' 116 '' '1' 117 '' '' 118 '' '1' 119 '' '' 120 '' '1' 121 '' '1' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '1' 128 '' '1' 129 '' '1' 130 '' '1' 131 '' '1' 132 '' '1' 133 '' '1' 134 '' '1' 135 '' '1' 136 '' '1' 137 '' '1' 138 '' '1' 139 '' '1' 140 '' '1' 141 '' '1' 142 '' '1' 143 '' '1' 144 '' '1' 145 '' '1' 146 '' '1' 147 '' '1' 148 '' '1' 149 '' '1' 150 '' '1' 151 '' '1' 152 '' '1' 153 '' '1' 154 '' '1' 155 '' '1' 156 '' '1' 157 '' '1' 158 '' '1' 159 '' '1' 160 '' '1' 161 '' '1' 162 '' '1' 163 '' '1' 164 '' '1' 165 '' '1' 166 '' '1' 167 '' '1' 168 '' '1' 169 '' '1' 170 '' '1' 171 '' '1' 172 '' '1' 173 '' '1' 174 '' '1' 175 '' '1' 176 '' '1' 177 '' '1' 178 '' '1' 179 '' '1' 180 '' '1' 181 '' '1' 182 '' '1' 183 '' '1' 184 '' '1' 185 '' '1' 186 '' '1' 187 '' '1' 188 '' '1' 189 '' '1' 190 '' '1' 191 '' '1' 192 '' '1' 193 '' '1' 194 '' '1' 195 '' '1' 196 '' '1' 197 '' '1' 198 '' '1' 199 '' '1' 200 '' '1' 201 '' '1' 202 '' '1' 203 '' '1' 204 '' '1' 205 '' '1' 206 '' '1' 207 '' '1' 208 '' '1' 209 '' '1' 210 '' '1' 211 '' '1' 212 '' '1' 213 '' '1' 214 '' '1' 215 '' '1' 216 '' '1' 217 '' '1' 218 '' '1' 219 '' '1' 220 '' '1' 221 '' '1' 222 '' '1' 223 '' '1' 224 '' '1' 225 '' '1' 226 '' '1' 227 '' '1' 228 '' '1' 229 '' '1' 230 '' '1' 231 '' '1' 232 '' '1' 233 '' '1' 234 '' '1' 235 '' '1' 236 '' '1' 237 '' '1' 238 '' '1' 239 '' '1' 240 '' '1' 241 '' '1' 242 '' '1' 243 '' '1' 244 ctib 32 244 >>> \AddFont{ctib}{iso8859/1/tibetan/ctib} \<<< ctib 32 244 'r' '' 32 % ctib.htf (`version), generated from `jobname.tex '༐' '' 33 % Copyright 2009-2017 TeX Users Group '' '' 34 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. Eitan M. Gurari '' '' 35 ` '' '' 36 ` '' '' 37 ` '' '' 38 ` '༢་' '' 39 ` '' '' 40 ` '' '' 41 ` '' '' 42 ` '' '' 43 ` '' '' 44 ` '' '' 45 ` '།' '' 46 ` '' '' 47 ` '༠' '' 48 ` '༡' '' 49 ` '༢' '' 50 ` '༣' '' 51 ` '༤' '' 52 '༥' '' 53 '༦' '' 54 '༧' '' 55 '༨' '' 56 '༩' '' 57 '༔' '' 58 '' '' 59 'ༀ' '' 60 '' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '༄༅' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '༇' '' 72 '༇' '' 73 '༇' '' 74 '༇' '' 75 '༇' '' 76 '༇' '' 77 '༇' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 'འ' '' 96 'ཨ�xF0B;' '' 97 'བ' '' 98 'ཅ' '' 99 'ང' '' 100 'ྸེ' '' 101 '' '' 102 'ག' '' 103 'ཧ' '' 104 'ྸྀ' '' 105 'ཇ' '' 106 '' '' 107 'ལ' '' 108 'མ' '' 109 'ན' '' 110 'ྸོ' '' 111 'པ' '' 112 '' '' 113 'ཪ' '' 114 'ས' '' 115 'ཧ' '' 116 'ཨུ' '' 117 '' '' 118 'ཝ' '' 119 '' '' 120 'ཡ' '' 121 'ཟ' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 '' '' 127 'བྷ' '' 128 'བྷ' '' 129 'ཐ' '' 130 'ཐྱ' '' 131 'ཆ' '' 132 'ཅ' '' 133 'ཅྭ' '' 134 'ཀ' '' 135 'ཌ' '' 136 'ཏྭ' '' 137 'ཌ' '' 138 'ཌྷ' '' 139 'ཛ' '' 140 'ཛྷ' '' 141 'གཱ' '' 142 'གཱ' '' 143 'གྲ' '' 144 'གཱ' '' 145 'གྭ' '' 146 'ག' '' 147 'ཧû' '' 148 'ཧྭ' '' 149 'ཁ' '' 150 'ཁྲ' '' 151 'ཁྭ' '' 152 'ཁྱ' '' 153 'ཀཱ' '' 154 'ཀྲ' '' 155 'ཀྵ' '' 156 'ཀྭ' '' 157 'ཀྱ' '' 158 'ལྦ' '' 159 'ལྕ' '' 160 'ལྔ' '' 161 'ལྒ' '' 162 'ལླ' '' 163 'ལྗ' '' 164 'ལྐ' '' 165 'ལྔ' '' 166 'ལྤ' '' 167 'ལྟ' '' 168 'ལྭ' '' 169 'མྲ' '' 170 'མྱ' '' 171 'ང' '' 172 'ཎྲ' '' 173 'ཎ' '' 174 'ཉ' '' 175 'ཉྭ' '' 176 'ཕ' '' 177 'ཕྭ' '' 178 'ཕ' '' 179 'ཕྲ' '' 180 'པྲ' '' 181 'པྱ' '' 182 'བ༹' '' 183 'ང༹' '' 184 'ཛ༹' '' 185 'ག༹' '' 186 'གྭ༹' '' 187 'ག༹ྱ' '' 188 'ཛ' '' 189 'ཀ༹' '' 190 'ཀ༹ྱ' '' 191 'རླ' '' 192 'བ༹' '' 193 'མྱ༹' '' 194 'ན༹' '' 195 'ང༹' '' 196 'རྙ' '' 197 'ཇ༹' '' 198 'ཙ' '' 199 'ཙྭ' '' 200 'རྭ' '' 201 'སྦ' '' 202 'སྡྲ' '' 203 'སྡྱ' '' 204 'སྡ' '' 205 'སྒ' '' 206 'སྒྲ' '' 207 'སྒྱ' '' 208 'ཤ' '' 209 'ཤྲ' '' 210 'ཤྭ' '' 211 'ཥ' '' 212 'སྐ' '' 213 'སྐ' '' 214 'ས' '' 215 'སླ' '' 216 'སྨ' '' 217 'སྺ' '' 218 'སྣ' '' 219 'སྞ' '' 220 'སྔ' '' 221 'སྙ' '' 222 'སྤ' '' 223 'སྺ' '' 224 'སྷ' '' 225 'སྲ' '' 226 'སྟ' '' 227 'སྩ' '' 228 'སྭ' '' 229 'ཐ' '' 230 'ཐྲ' '' 231 'ཋ' '' 232 'དྲ' '' 233 'ཙ' '' 234 'ཚ' '' 235 'ཚྭ' '' 236 'ཙུ' '' 237 'ཙྭ' '' 238 'དྭ' '' 239 'ཊ' '' 240 'ཞ' '' 241 'ཞྭ' '' 242 'ཟླ' '' 243 '՟ྭ' '' 244 ctib 32 244 >>> \AddFont{ctib-uni}{unicode/tibetan/ctib} \<<< bthh 32 255 '' '1' 32 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '' '1' 33 % bthh.htf `version % '' '1' 34 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '1' 35 ` '' '1' 36 ` '' '' 37 ` '' '' 38 ` '' '1' 39 ` '' '1' 40 ` '' '1' 41 ` '' '1' 42 ` '' '1' 43 ` '' '1' 44 ` '' '1' 45 ` '' '1' 46 ` '' '1' 47 ` '' '1' 48 ` '' '1' 49 ` '' '1' 50 '' '1' 51 '' '1' 52 '' '1' 53 '' '1' 54 '' '1' 55 '' '1' 56 '' '1' 57 '' '1' 58 '' '1' 59 '' '1' 60 '' '1' 61 '' '1' 62 '' '1' 63 '' '1' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '1' 68 '' '1' 69 '' '1' 70 '' '1' 71 '' '1' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '1' 75 '' '1' 76 '' '1' 77 '' '1' 78 '' '' 79 '' '1' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '1' 83 '' '1' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '1' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '1' 97 '' '1' 98 '' '1' 99 '' '1' 100 '' '1' 101 '' '1' 102 '' '1' 103 '' '1' 104 '' '1' 105 '' '1' 106 '' '1' 107 '' '1' 108 '' '1' 109 '' '1' 110 '' '1' 111 '' '1' 112 '' '' 113 '' '1' 114 '' '1' 115 '' '1' 116 '' '1' 117 '' '1' 118 '' '1' 119 '' '' 120 '' '1' 121 '' '1' 122 '' '' 123 '' '1' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '1' 128 '' '1' 129 '' '1' 130 '' '1' 131 '' '1' 132 '' '1' 133 '' '1' 134 '' '1' 135 '' '1' 136 '' '1' 137 '' '1' 138 '' '1' 139 '' '1' 140 '' '1' 141 '' '1' 142 '' '1' 143 '' '1' 144 '' '1' 145 '' '1' 146 '' '1' 147 '' '1' 148 '' '1' 149 '' '1' 150 '' '1' 151 '' '1' 152 '' '1' 153 '' '1' 154 '' '1' 155 '' '1' 156 '' '1' 157 '' '1' 158 '' '1' 159 '' '1' 160 '' '1' 161 '' '1' 162 '' '1' 163 '' '1' 164 '' '1' 165 '' '1' 166 '' '1' 167 '' '1' 168 '' '1' 169 '' '1' 170 '' '1' 171 '' '1' 172 '' '1' 173 '' '1' 174 '' '1' 175 '' '1' 176 '' '1' 177 '' '1' 178 '' '1' 179 '' '1' 180 '' '1' 181 '' '1' 182 '' '1' 183 '' '1' 184 '' '1' 185 '' '1' 186 '' '1' 187 '' '1' 188 '' '1' 189 '' '1' 190 '' '1' 191 '' '' 192 '' '' 193 '' '' 194 '' '' 195 '' '' 196 '' '' 197 '' '' 198 '' '' 199 '' '1' 200 '' '1' 201 '' '1' 202 '' '1' 203 '' '1' 204 '' '1' 205 '' '1' 206 '' '1' 207 '' '1' 208 '' '1' 209 '' '1' 210 '' '1' 211 '' '1' 212 '' '' 213 '' '' 214 '' '' 215 '' '1' 216 '' '1' 217 '' '1' 218 '' '1' 219 '' '1' 220 '' '' 221 '' '' 222 '' '' 223 '' '1' 224 '' '1' 225 '' '1' 226 '' '1' 227 '' '1' 228 '' '' 229 '' '' 230 '' '' 231 '' '1' 232 '' '1' 233 '' '1' 234 '' '1' 235 '' '1' 236 '' '' 237 '' '' 238 '' '' 239 '' '1' 240 '' '1' 241 '' '1' 242 '' '1' 243 '' '1' 244 '' '1' 245 '' '1' 246 '' '1' 247 '' '1' 248 '' '1' 249 '' '1' 250 '' '1' 251 '' '1' 252 '' '1' 253 '' '1' 254 '' '1' 255 bthh 32 255 >>> \AddFont{bthh}{iso8859/1/mongolian/bthh} \<<< bthv 32 255 '' '1' 32 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% '' '1' 33 % bthv.htf `version % '' '1' 34 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. 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Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 21 ` '' '' 22 ` '' '' 23 ` '' '' 24 ` '' '1'i 25 ` '' '1'j 26 ` '' '' 27 ` '' '' 28 ` '' '' 29 ` '' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 ` '' '' 32 ` '!' '' 33 ` '”' '' " 34 ` '#' '' 35 ` '$' '' 36 ` '%' '' 37 ` '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' ’ 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 22 ` '' '' 23 ` '' '' 24 ` '' '1'i 25 ` '' '1'j 26 ` '' '' 27 ` '' '' 28 ` '' '' 29 ` '' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 ` '' '' 32 ` '!' '' 33 ` '”' '' " 34 ` '#' '' 35 ` '$' '' 36 ` '%' '' 37 ` '&' '' ampersand 38` '’' '' ’ 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '3' '' 51 ` '4' '' 52 ` '5' '' 53 ` '6' '' 54 ` '7' '' 55 ` '8' '' 56 ` '9' '' 57 ` '' '' 58 ` '' '' 59 ` '' '' 60 ` '' '' 61 ` '' '' 62 ` '' '' 63 ` '' '' 64 ` '\176\' '' 65 ` '\177\' '' 66 ` '\198\' '' 67 ` '\180\' '' 68 '\181\' '' 69 '\196\' '' 70 '\179\' '' 71 '\171\' '' 72 '\184\' '' 73 '\182\' '' 74 '\186\' '' 75 '\187\' '' 76 '\188\' '' 77 '\189\' '' 78 '\190\' '' 79 '\191\' '' 80 '\199\' '' 81 '\192\' '' 82 '\193\' '' 83 '\194\' '' 84 '\195\' '' 85 '' '' 86 '\178\' '' 87 '\197\' '' 88 '\203\' '' 89 '\183\' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '' '' 120 '' '' 121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '\201\' '' 144 '' '' 145 '\200\' '' 146 '\202\' '' 147 '\204\' '' 148 '\206\' '' 149 '\207\' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '' '' 153 '' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '' '' 162 '' '' 163 '' '' 164 '' '' 165 '' '' 166 '' '' 167 '' '' 168 '' '' 169 '' '' 170 '' '' 171 '' '' 172 '' '' 173 '' '' 174 '' '' 175 '' '' 176 '' '' 177 '' '' 178 '' '' 179 '' '' 180 '' '' 181 '' '' 182 '' '' 183 '' '' 184 '' '' 185 '' '' 186 '' '' 187 '' '' 188 '' '' 189 '' '' 190 '' '' 191 '' '' 192 '' '' 193 '' '' 194 '' '' 195 '\205\' '' 196 '' '' 197 '' '' 198 '' '' 199 '' '' 200 '' '' 201 '' '' 202 '\161\' '' 203 '' '' 204 '' '' 205 '' '' 206 '\185\' '' 207 '' '' 208 '' '' 209 '' '' 210 '' '' 211 '' '' 212 '' '' 213 '\190\' '' 214 '' '' 215 '' '' 216 '' '' 217 '' '' 218 '' '' 219 '\195\' '' 220 kminch 48 220 >>> \AddFont{kminch}{iso8859/5/cyrillic/kminch} \<<< kmitt 11 252 '' '1' 11 ` '' '1' 12 % kmitt.htf `version % '"' '' 13 % Copyright `CopyYear.2001. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '4' 16 ` '' '4' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '«' '' 19 ` '»' '' 20 ` '' '' 21 ` '' '' 22 ` '' '' 23 ` '' '' 26 ` '' '1'i 25 ` '' '1'j 26 ` '' '' 27 ` '' '' 28 ` '' '' 29 ` '' '' 30 ` '' '' 31 '' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '”' '' " 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' ’ 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '~' '' ~ 3 ` '̈' '' 4 ` '~' '' hungarumlaut 5 ` '̊' '' 6 ` '̌' '' 7 ` '̆' '' 8 ` '¯' '' macron 9 ` '̇' '' 10 ` '¸' '' cedil 11 ` '̲' '' 12 ` 'І' '' 13 ` '‹' '' 14 ` '›' '' rsaquo 15 ` '“' '' 16 ` '”' '' 17 ` '̑' '' 18 ` '̏' '' 19 ` '̆' '' 20 '–' '' ndash 21 '—' '' mdash 22 ' ' '' 23 '‰' '' perthousand 24 'ı' '' i 25 'ȷ' '' dotless j 26 'ff' '' ff 27 'fi' '' fi 28 'fl' '' fl 29 'ffi' '' ffi 30 'ffl' '' ffl 31 '␣' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '"' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '~' '' ~ 3 ` '\168\' '' 4 ` '~' '' hungarumlaut 5 ` '\176\' '' 6 ` '^' '' 7 ` '»' '' 8 ` '¯' '' 9 ` '\176\' '' 10 ` '¸' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '\166\' '' 13 ` '‹' '' 14 ` '›' '' 15 ` '“' '' 16 ` '”' '' 17 ` '„' '' 18 ` '«' '' 19 ` '»' '' 20 '–' '' 21 '—' '' 22 ' ' '' 23 'o' '' perthousand 24 'ı' '1' 25 'j' '1' dotless j 26 'ff' '' ff 27 'fi' '' fi 28 'fl' '' fl 29 'ffi' '' ffi 30 'ffl' '' ffl 31 '_' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '"' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' ’ 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '~' '' ~ 3 ` '̈' '' 4 ` '~' '' hungarumlaut 5 ` '̊' '' 6 ` '̌' '' 7 ` '̆' '' 8 ` '¯' '' macron 9 ` '̇' '' 10 ` '¸' '' cedil 11 ` '̲' '' 12 ` 'І' '' 13 ` '‹' '' 14 ` '›' '' rsaquo 15 ` '“' '' 16 ` '”' '' 17 ` '̑' '' 18 ` '̏' '' 19 ` '̆' '' 20 '–' '' ndash 21 '—' '' mdash 22 ' ' '' 23 '‰' '' perthousand 24 'ı' '' i 25 'ȷ' '' dotless j 26 'ff' '' ff 27 'fi' '' fi 28 'fl' '' fl 29 'ffi' '' ffi 30 'ffl' '' ffl 31 '␣' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '"' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '~' '' ~ 3 ` '̈' '' 4 ` '~' '' hungarumlaut 5 ` '̊' '' 6 ` '̌' '' 7 ` '̆' '' 8 ` '¯' '' macron 9 ` '̇' '' 10 ` '¸' '' cedil 11 ` '̲' '' 12 ` '\178\' '' 13 ` '\140\' '' 14 ` '\155\' '' rsaquo 15 ` '\148\' '' 16 ` '\149\' '' 17 ` '̑' '' 18 ` '̏' '' 19 ` '̆' '' 20 '\151\' '' ndash 21 '\152\' '' mdash 22 ' ' '' 23 '\138\' '' perthousand 24 'ı' '' i 25 'ȷ' '' dotless j 26 'ff' '' ff 27 'fi' '' fi 28 'fl' '' fl 29 'ffi' '' ffi 30 'ffl' '' ffl 31 '␣' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '"' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '\147\' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari '~' '' ~ 3 ` '̈' '' 4 ` '~' '' hungarumlaut 5 ` '̊' '' 6 ` '̌' '' 7 ` '̆' '' 8 ` '¯' '' macron 9 ` '̇' '' 10 ` '¸' '' cedil 11 ` '̲' '' 12 ` 'І' '' 13 ` '‹' '' 14 ` '›' '' rsaquo 15 ` '“' '' 16 ` '”' '' 17 ` '̑' '' 18 ` '̏' '' 19 ` '̆' '' 20 '–' '' ndash 21 '—' '' mdash 22 ' ' '' 23 '‰' '' perthousand 24 'ı' '4' i 25 'ȷ' '4' dotless j 26 'ff' '4' ff 27 'fi' '4' fi 28 'fl' '4' fl 29 'ffi' '4' ffi 30 'ffl' '4' ffl 31 '⌴' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '"' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' ampersand 38 '’' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '/' '' 4 ` '¯' '' 5 ` 'L' '1' 6 ` 'l' '1' 7 ` '¸' '' 8 ` '°' '' 9 ` '''' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '-' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` 'Ž' '' 14 ` 'ž' '' 15 ` 'ˇ' '' 16 ` 'ı' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '∞' '' infinity 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '∂' '' partial 26 '∑' '' sum 27 '∏' '' product 28 'π' '' `%pi`% 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 ' ' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '"' '' 34 '#' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '&' '' 38 -'- -- 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' '' 46 '/' '' 47 '0' '' 48 '1' '' 49 '2' '' 50 '3' '' 51 '4' '' 52 '5' '' 53 '6' '' 54 '7' '' 55 '8' '' 56 '9' '' 57 ':' '' 58 ';' '' 59 '<' '' 60 '=' '' 61 '>' '' 62 '?' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '∅' '' 5 ` '∆' '' 6 ` '∇' '' 7 ` '∈' '' 8 ` '∉' '' 9 ` '∊' '' 1 ` 0 '∋' '' 11 ` '∌' '' 12 ` '∍' '' 13 ` '∎' '' 14 ` '∏' '' 15 ` '∐' '' 16 ` '∑' '' 17 ` '−' '' 18 ` '∓' '' 19 ` '∔' '' 20 ` '∕' '' 21 ` '∖' '' 22 '∗' '' 23 '∘' '' 24 '∙' '' 25 '√' '' 26 '∛' '' 27 '∜' '' 28 '∝' '' 29 '∞' '' 30 '∟' '' 31 '∠' '' 32 '∡' '' 33 '∢' '' 34 '∣' '' 35 '∤' '' 36 '∥' '' 37 '∦' '' 38 '∧' '' 39 '∨' '' 40 '∩' '' 41 '∪' '' 42 '∫' '' 43 '∬' '' 44 '∭' '' 45 '∮' '' 46 '∯' '' 47 '∰' '' 48 '∱' '' 49 '∲' '' 50 '∳' '' 51 '∴' '' 52 '∵' '' 53 '∶' '' 54 '∷' '' 55 '∸' '' 56 '∹' '' 57 '∺' '' 58 '∻' '' 59 '∼' '' 60 '∽' '' 61 '∾' '' 62 '∿' '' 63 '≀' '' 64 '≁' '' 65 '≂' '' 66 '≃' '' 67 '≄' '' 68 '≅' '' 69 '≆' '' 70 '≇' '' 71 '≈' '' 72 '≉' '' 73 '≊' '' 74 '≋' '' 75 '≌' '' 76 '≍' '' 77 '≎' '' 78 '≏' '' 79 '≐' '' 80 '≑' '' 81 '≒' '' 82 '≓' '' 83 '≔' '' 84 '≕' '' 85 '≖' '' 86 '≗' '' 87 '≘' '' 88 '≙' '' 89 '≚' '' 90 '≛' '' 91 '≜' '' 92 '≝' '' 93 '≞' '' 94 '≟' '' 95 '≠' '' 96 '≡' '' 97 '≢' '' 98 '≣' '' 99 '≤' '' 100 '≥' '' 101 '≦' '' 102 '≧' '' 103 '≨' '' 104 '≩' '' 105 '≪' '' 106 '≫' '' 107 '≬' '' 108 '≭' '' 109 '≮' '' 110 '≯' '' 111 '≰' '' 112 '≱' '' 113 '≲' '' 114 '≳' '' 115 '≴' '' 116 '≵' '' 117 '≶' '' 118 '≷' '' 119 '≸' '' 120 '≹' '' 121 '≺' '' 122 '≻' '' 123 '≼' '' 124 '≽' '' 125 '≾' '' 126 '≿' '' 127 '⊀' '' 128 '⊁' '' 129 '⊂' '' 130 '⊃' '' 131 '⊄' '' 132 '⊅' '' 133 '⊆' '' 134 '⊇' '' 135 '⊈' '' 136 '⊉' '' 137 '⊊' '' 138 '⊋' '' 139 '⊌' '' 140 '⊍' '' 141 '⊎' '' 142 '⊏' '' 143 '⊐' '' 144 '⊑' '' 145 '⊒' '' 146 '⊓' '' 147 '⊔' '' 148 '⊕' '' 149 '⊖' '' 150 '⊗' '' 151 '⊘' '' 152 '⊙' '' 153 '⊚' '' 154 '⊛' '' 155 '⊜' '' 156 '⊝' '' 157 '⊞' '' 158 '⊟' '' 159 '⊠' '' 160 '⊡' '' 161 '⊢' '' 162 '⊣' '' 163 '⊤' '' 164 '⊥' '' 165 '⊦' '' 166 '⊧' '' 167 '⊨' '' 168 '⊩' '' 169 '⊪' '' 170 '⊫' '' 171 '⊬' '' 172 '⊭' '' 173 '⊮' '' 174 '⊯' '' 175 '⊰' '' 176 '⊱' '' 177 '⊲' '' 178 '⊳' '' 179 '⊴' '' 180 '⊵' '' 181 '⊶' '' 182 '⊷' '' 183 '⊸' '' 184 '⊹' '' 185 '⊺' '' 186 '⊻' '' 187 '⊼' '' 188 '⊽' '' 189 '⊾' '' 190 '⊿' '' 191 '⋀' '' 192 '⋁' '' 193 '⋂' '' 194 '⋃' '' 195 '⋄' '' 196 '⋅' '' 197 '⋆' '' 198 '⋇' '' 199 '⋈' '' 200 '⋉' '' 201 '⋊' '' 202 '⋋' '' 203 '⋌' '' 204 '⋍' '' 205 '⋎' '' 206 '⋏' '' 207 '⋐' '' 208 '⋑' '' 209 '⋒' '' 210 '⋓' '' 211 '⋔' '' 212 '⋕' '' 213 '⋖' '' 214 '⋗' '' 215 '⋘' '' 216 '⋙' '' 217 '⋚' '' 218 '⋛' '' 219 '⋜' '' 220 '⋝' '' 221 '⋞' '' 222 '⋟' '' 223 '⋠' '' 224 '⋡' '' 225 '⋢' '' 226 '⋣' '' 227 '⋤' '' 228 '⋥' '' 229 '⋦' '' 230 '⋧' '' 231 '⋨' '' 232 '⋩' '' 233 '⋪' '' 234 '⋫' '' 235 '⋬' '' 236 '⋭' '' 237 '⋮' '' 238 '⋯' '' 239 fxlbi-xl-22 2 239 htfcss: fxlbi-xl-22 font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-22}{unicode/libertine/fxlbi-xl-22} \<<< .fxlr-xl-23 htfcss: fxlbi-xl-23 font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-23}{alias/libertine/fxlbi-xl-23} \<<< fxlbi-xl-24 96 255 '①' '' `%circled 1`% 96 ` '②' '' `%circled 2`% 97 % fxlbi-xl-24.htf (unicode) `version % '③' '' `%circled 3`% 98 % Copyright 2003 Eitan M. Gurari % '④' '' `%circled 4`% 99 ` '⑤' '' `%circled 5`% 100 ` '⑥' '' `%circled 6`% 101 ` '⑦' '' `%circled 7`% 102 ` '⑧' '' `%circled 8`% 103 ` '⑨' '' `%circled 9`% 104 ` '⑩' '' `%circled 10`% 105 ` '⑪' '' `%circled 11`% 106 ` '⑫' '' `%circled 12`% 107 ` '⑬' '' `%circled 13`% 108 ` '⑭' '' `%circled 14`% 109 ` '⑮' '' `%circled 15`% 110 ` '⑯' '' `%circled 16`% 111 ` '⑰' '' `%circled 17`% 112 ` '⑱' '' `%circled 18`% 113 ` '⑲' '' `%circled 19`% 114 ` '⑳' '' `%circled 20`% 115 ` '⑴' '' `%(1)`% 116 '⑵' '' `%(2)`% 117 '⑶' '' `%(3)`% 118 '⑷' '' `%(4)`% 119 '⑸' '' `%(5)`% 120 '⑹' '' `%(6)`% 121 '⑺' '' `%(7)`% 122 '⑻' '' `%(8)`% 123 '⑼' '' `%(9)`% 124 '⑽' '' `%(10)`% 125 '⑾' '' `%(11)`% 126 '⑿' '' `%(12)`% 127 '⒀' '' `%(13)`% 128 '⒁' '' `%(14)`% 129 '⒂' '' `%(15)`% 130 '⒃' '' `%(16)`% 131 '⒄' '' `%(17)`% 132 '⒅' '' `%(18)`% 133 '⒆' '' `%(19)`% 134 '⒇' '' `%(20)`% 135 '⒈' '' `%1.`% 136 '⒉' '' `%2.`% 137 '⒊' '' `%3.`% 138 '⒋' '' `%4.`% 139 '⒌' '' `%5.`% 140 '⒍' '' `%6.`% 141 '⒎' '' `%7.`% 142 '⒏' '' `%8.`% 143 '⒐' '' `%9.`% 144 '⒑' '' `%10.`% 145 '⒒' '' `%11.`% 146 '⒓' '' `%12.`% 147 '⒔' '' `%13.`% 148 '⒕' '' `%14.`% 149 '⒖' '' `%15.`% 150 '⒗' '' `%16.`% 151 '⒘' '' `%17.`% 152 '⒙' '' `%18.`% 153 '⒚' '' `%19.`% 154 '⒛' '' `%19.`% 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '' '' 162 '' '' 163 '' '' 164 '' '' 165 '' '' 166 '' '' 167 '' '' 168 '' '' 169 '' '' 170 '' '' 171 '' '' 172 '' '' 173 '' '' 174 '' '' 175 '' '' 176 '' '' 177 '' '' 178 '' '' 179 '' '' 180 '' '' 181 '' '' 182 '' '' 183 '' '' 184 '' '' 185 '' '' 186 '' '' 187 '' '' 188 '' '' 189 '' '' 190 '' '' 191 '' '' 192 '' '' 193 '' '' 194 '' '' 195 '' '' 196 '' '' 197 '' '' 198 '' '' 199 '' '' 200 '' '' 201 '' '' 202 '' '' 203 '' '' 204 '' '' 205 '' '' 206 '' '' 207 '' '' 208 '' '' 209 '' '' 210 '' '' 211 '' '' 212 '' '' 213 '' '' 214 '' '' 215 '' '' 216 '' '' 217 '' '' 218 '' '' 219 '' '' 220 '' '' 221 '' '' 222 '' '' 223 '' '' 224 '' '' 225 '' '' 226 '' '' 227 '' '' 228 '' '' 229 '' '' 230 '' '' 231 '' '' 232 '' '' 233 '⓪' '' `%circled 0`% 234 '⓫' '' `%solid circled 11`% 235 '⓬' '' `%solid circled 12`% 236 '⓭' '' `%solid circled 13`% 237 '⓮' '' `%solid circled 14`% 238 '⓯' '' `%solid circled 15`% 239 '⓰' '' `%solid circled 16`% 240 '⓱' '' `%solid circled 17`% 241 '⓲' '' `%solid circled 18`% 242 '⓳' '' `%solid circled 19`% 243 '⓴' '' `%solid circled 20`% 244 '⓵' '' `%double circled 1`% 245 '⓶' '' `%double circled 2`% 246 '⓷' '' `%double circled 3`% 247 '⓸' '' `%double circled 4`% 248 '⓹' '' `%double circled 5`% 249 '⓺' '' `%double circled 6`% 250 '⓻' '' `%double circled 7`% 251 '⓼' '' `%double circled 8`% 252 '⓽' '' `%double circled 9`% 253 '⓾' '' `%double circled 10`% 254 '⓿' '' `%solid circled 0`% 255 fxlbi-xl-24 96 255 htfcss: fxlbi-xl-24 font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-24}{unicode/libertine/fxlbi-xl-24} \<<< .fxlr-xl-25 htfcss: fxlbi-xl-25 font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-25}{alias/libertine/fxlbi-xl-25} \<<< .fxlri-xl-26 htfcss: fxlbi-xl-26 font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-26}{alias/libertine/fxlbi-xl-26} \<<< fxlbi-xl-27 103 127 '❧' '' 103 ` '❨' '' 104 % fxlbi-xl-27.htf `version % '❩' '' 105 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. 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Gurari% 'C' '' 2 ` 'D' '' 3 ` 'E' '' 4 ` 'F' '' 5 ` 'G' '' 6 ` 'H' '' 7 ` 'I' '' 8 ` 'J' '' 9 ` 'K' '' 10 ` 'L' '' 11 ` 'M' '' 12 ` 'N' '' 13 ` 'O' '' 14 'P' '' 15 'Q' '' 16 'R' '' 17 'S' '' 18 'T' '' 19 'U' '' 20 'V' '' 21 'W' '' 22 'X' '' 23 'Y' '' 24 'Z' '' 25 '-' '' `% /hyphen `% 26 'À' '' `% /Agrave `% 27 'Á' '' `% /Aacute `% 28 'Â' '' `% /Acircumflex `% 29 'Ã' '' `% /Atilde `% 30 'Ä' '' `% /Adieresis `% 31 'Å' '' `% /Aring `% 32 'Æ' '' `% AE `% 33 'Ç' '' `% /Ccedilla `% 34 'È' '' `% /Egrave `% 35 'É' '' `% /Eacute `% 36 'Ê' '' `% /Ecircumflex `% 37 'Ë' '' `% /Edieresis `% 38 'Ì' '' `% /Igrave `% 39 'Í' '' `% /Iacute `% 40 'Î' '' `% /Icircumflex `% 41 '¯' '' `% /Idieresis `% 42 'Ð' '' `% /Eth `% 43 'Ń' '' `% /Ntilde `% 44 'Ò' '' `% /Ograve `% 45 'Ó' '' `% /Oacute `% 46 'Ô' '' `% /Ocircumflex `% 47 'Õ' '' `% /Otilde `% 48 'Ö' '' `% /Odieresis `% 49 'Œ' '' `% OE `% 50 'Ø' '' `% `% 51 'Ù' '' `% /Ugrave `% 52 'Ú' '' `% /Uacute `% 53 'Û' '' `% /Ucircumflex `% 54 'Ü' '' `% /Udieresis `% 55 'Ý' '' `% /Yacute `% 56 'Þ' '' `% `% 57 'Ÿ' '' 58 'IJ' '' `% /IJ `% 59 'ß' '' `% /germandbls `% 60 '0' '' 61 '1' '' 62 '2' '' 63 '3' '' 64 '4' '' 65 '5' '' 66 '6' '' 67 '7' '' 68 '8' '' 69 '9' '' 70 '0' '' 71 '1' '' 72 '2' '' 73 '3' '' 74 '4' '' 75 '5' '' 76 '6' '' 77 '7' '' 78 '8' '' 79 '9' '' 80 '₠' '' `% euro currency `% 81 '¥' '' `% /yen `% 82 'Ŋ' '' `% /Eng `% 83 'ŋ' '' `% /eng `% 84 'ff' '' ff 85 'fi' '' fi 86 'fl' '' fl 87 'ffi' '' ffi 88 'ffl' '' ffl 89 'st' '' st 90 'đ' '' `% /dcroat `% 91 'Đ' '' `% Dstroke `% 92 'Ă' '' `% /Abreve `% 93 'Ą' '' `% /Aogonek `% 94 'Ć' '' `% /Cacute `% 95 'Č' '' `% /Ccaron `% 96 'Ď' '' `% /Dcaron `% 97 'Ę' '' `% /Eogonek `% 98 'Ě' '' `% /Ecaron `% 99 'Ğ' '' `% /Gbreve `% 100 'Ĺ' '' `% /Lacute `% 101 'Ł' '' `% /Lslash `% 102 'Ń' '' `% /Nacute `% 103 'Ň' '' `% /Ncaron `% 104 'Ŋ' '' `% /Eng `% 105 'Ő' '' `% /Ohungarumlaut `% 106 'Ŕ' '' `% /Racute `% 107 'Ř' '' `% /Rcaron `% 108 'Ś' '' `% /Sacute `% 109 'Ş' '' `% /Scedilla `% 110 'Š' '' `% /Scaron `% 111 'Ţ' '' `% /Tcedilla `% 112 'Ŧ' '' 113 'Ů' '' `% /Uring `% 114 'Ű' '' `% /Uhungarumlaut `% 115 'Ź' '' `% /Zacute `% 116 'Ż' '' `% /Zdotaccent `% 117 'Ž' '' `% /Zcaron `% 118 'Ĺ' '' `% /Lacute `% 119 'Ť' '' `% /Tcaron `% 120 '(' '' 121 ')' '' 122 '[' '' 123 ']' '' 124 '{' '' 125 '}' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '' '' 153 '' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '' '' 162 '' '' 163 '' '' 164 '' '' 165 '' '' 166 '' '' 167 '' '' 168 '' '' 169 '' '' 170 '' '' 171 '' '' 172 '' '' 173 '' '' 174 '' '' 175 '' '' 176 '' '' 177 '' '' 178 '' '' 179 '' '' 180 '' '' 181 '' '' 182 '' '' 183 '' '' 184 '' '' 185 '' '' 186 '' '' 187 '' '' 188 '' '' 189 '' '' 190 '' '' 191 '' '' 192 '' '' 193 '' '' 194 '' '' 195 '' '' 196 '' '' 197 '' '' 198 '' '' 199 '' '' 200 '' '' 201 '' '' 202 '' '' 203 '' '' 204 '' '' 205 '' '' 206 '' '' 207 '' '' 208 '' '' 209 '' '' 210 '' '' 211 '' '' 212 '' '' 213 '' '' 214 '' '' 215 '' '' 216 '' '' 217 '' '' 218 '' '' 219 '' '' 220 '' '' 221 '' '' 222 '' '' 223 '' '' 224 '' '' 225 '' '' 226 '' '' 227 '' '' 228 '' '' 229 '' '' 230 '' '' 231 '' '' 232 '' '' 233 '' '' 234 '' '' 235 '' '' 236 '' '' 237 '' '' 238 '' '' 239 '' '' 240 '' '' 241 '' '' 242 '' '' 243 '' '' 244 '' '' 245 '' '' 246 '' '' 247 '' '' 248 '' '' 249 '' '' 250 '' '' 251 '' '' 252 '' '' 253 '' '' 254 '' '' 255 fxlbi-xl-8x 0 255.fxlr-xl-8x htfcss: fxlbi-xl-8x font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-8x}{unicode/libertine/fxlbi-xl-8x} \<<< .fxlr-xl-a7 htfcss: fxlbi-xl-a7 font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-a7}{alias/libertine/fxlbi-xl-a7} \<<< .fxlr-xl-circle htfcss: fxlbi-xl-circle font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-circle}{alias/libertine/fxlbi-xl-circle} \<<< fxlbi-xl-e0 0 236 '' '' 0 ` '' '' 1 % fxlbi-xl-e0.htf `version % '' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. 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Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 177 ` '' '' 178 ` '' '' 179 ` '' '' 180 ` '' '' 181 ` '' '' 182 ` '' '' 183 ` '' '' 184 ` '' '' 185 ` '' '' 186 ` '' '' 187 ` '' '' 188 ` '' '' 189 ` '' '' 190 ` fxlbi-xl-f6 174 190 htfcss: fxlbi-xl-f6 font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-f6}{unicode/libertine/fxlbi-xl-f6} \<<< .fxlr-xl-fb htfcss: fxlbi-xl-fb font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-fb}{alias/libertine/fxlbi-xl-fb} \<<< .fxlr-xl-ff htfcss: fxlbi-xl-ff font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-ff}{alias/libertine/fxlbi-xl-ff} \<<< .fxlri-xl-infsup htfcss: fxlbi-xl-infsup font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-infsup}{alias/libertine/fxlbi-xl-infsup} \<<< .fxlr-xl-lgi htfcss: fxlbi-xl-lgi font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-lgi}{alias/libertine/fxlbi-xl-lgi} \<<< .fxlr-xl-lgr htfcss: fxlbi-xl-lgrs font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-lgr}{alias/libertine/fxlbi-xl-lgr} \<<< .fxlr-xl-ts1 htfcss: fxlbi-xl-ts1 font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbi-xl-ts1}{alias/libertine/fxlbi-xl-ts1} \<<< .fxlrc-t1 htfcss: fxlbic-t1 font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; htfcss: fxlbic-t1c font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; htfcss: fxlbic-t1os font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; htfcss: fxlbic-t1fitted font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbic-t1}{alias/libertine/fxlbic-t1} \<<< .ec-iwonacap htfcss: fxlbic-t1o font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbic-t1o}{alias/libertine/fxlbic-t1o} \<<< .lm-ts1 htfcss: fxlbic-ts1 font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; htfcss: fxlbic-ts1o font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; htfcss: fxlbic-ts1os font-style:italic; font-weight:bold;w htfcss: fxlbic-ts1fitted font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; >>> \AddFont{fxlbic-ts1}{alias/libertine/fxlbic-ts1} \<<< fxlr-8r 0 255 '' '' 0 % fxlr-8r.htf `version % '' '' 1 % Copyright `CopyYear.2009. 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Eitan M. Gurari % 'Ѓ' '' 3 ` 'Є' '' 4 ` 'Ѕ' '' 5 ` 'І' '' 6 ` 'Ї' '' 7 ` 'Ј' '' 8 ` 'Љ' '' 9 ` 'Њ' '' 10 ` 'Ћ' '' 11 ` 'Ќ' '' 12 ` 'Ѝ' '' 13 ` 'Ў' '' 14 ` 'Џ' '' 15 ` 'А' '' 16 ` 'Б' '' 17 ` 'В' '' 18 ` 'Г' '' 19 ` 'Д' '' 20 'Е' '' 21 'Ж' '' 22 'З' '' 23 'И' '' 24 'Й' '' 25 'К' '' 26 'Л' '' 27 'М' '' 28 'Н' '' 29 'О' '' 30 'П' '' 31 'Р' '' 32 'С' '' 33 'Т' '' 34 'У' '' 35 'Ф' '' 36 'Х' '' 37 'Ц' '' 38 'Ч' '' 39 'Ш' '' 40 'Щ' '' 41 'Ъ' '' 42 'Ы' '' 43 'Ь' '' 44 'Э' '' 45 'Ю' '' 46 'Я' '' 47 'а' '' 48 'б' '' 49 'в' '' 50 'г' '' 51 'д' '' 52 'е' '' 53 'ж' '' 54 'з' '' 55 'и' '' 56 'й' '' 57 'к' '' 58 'л' '' 59 'м' '' 60 'н' '' 61 'о' '' 62 'п' '' 63 'р' '' 64 'с' '' 65 'т' '' 66 'у' '' 67 'ф' '' 68 'х' '' 69 'ц' '' 70 'ч' '' 71 'ш' '' 72 'щ' '' 73 'ъ' '' 74 'ы' '' 75 'ь' '' 76 'э' '' 77 'ю' '' 78 'я' '' 79 'ѐ' '' 80 'ё' '' 81 'ђ' '' 82 'ѓ' '' 83 'є' '' 84 'ѕ' '' 85 'і' '' 86 'ї' '' 87 'ј' '' 88 'љ' '' 89 'њ' '' 90 'ћ' '' 91 'ќ' '' 92 'ѝ' '' 93 'ў' '' 94 'џ' '' 95 'Ѡ' '' 96 'ѡ' '' 97 'Ѣ' '' 98 'ѣ' '' 99 'Ѥ' '' 100 'ѥ' '' 101 'Ѧ' '' 102 'ѧ' '' 103 'Ѩ' '' 104 'ѩ' '' 105 'Ѫ' '' 106 'ѫ' '' 107 'Ѭ' '' 108 'ѭ' '' 109 'Ѯ' '' 110 'ѯ' '' 111 'Ѱ' '' 112 'ѱ' '' 113 'Ѳ' '' 114 'ѳ' '' 115 'Ѵ' '' 116 'ѵ' '' 117 'Ѷ' '' 118 'ѷ' '' 119 'Ѹ' '' 120 'ѹ' '' 121 'Ѻ' '' 122 'ѻ' '' 123 'Ѽ' '' 124 'ѽ' '' 125 'Ѿ' '' 126 'ѿ' '' 127 'Ҁ' '' 128 'ҁ' '' 129 '҂' '' 130 '҃' '' 131 '҄' '' 132 '҅' '' 133 '҆' '' 134 '҇' '' 135 '҈' '' 136 '҉' '' 137 'Ҋ' '' 138 'ҋ' '' 139 'Ҍ' '' 140 'ҍ' '' 141 'Ҏ' '' 142 'ҏ' '' 143 'Ґ' '' 144 'ґ' '' 145 'Ғ' '' 146 'ғ' '' 147 'Ҕ' '' 148 'ҕ' '' 149 'Җ' '' 150 'җ' '' 151 'Ҙ' '' 152 'ҙ' '' 153 'Қ' '' 154 'қ' '' 155 'Ҝ' '' 156 'ҝ' '' 157 'Ҟ' '' 158 'ҟ' '' 159 'Ҡ' '' 160 'ҡ' '' 161 'Ң' '' 162 'ң' '' 163 'Ҥ' '' 164 'ҥ' '' 165 'Ҧ' '' 166 'ҧ' '' 167 'Ҩ' '' 168 'ҩ' '' 169 'Ҫ' '' 170 'ҫ' '' 171 'Ҭ' '' 172 'ҭ' '' 173 'Ү' '' 174 'ү' '' 175 'Ұ' '' 176 'ұ' '' 177 'Ҳ' '' 178 'ҳ' '' 179 'Ҵ' '' 180 'ҵ' '' 181 'Ҷ' '' 182 'ҷ' '' 183 'Ҹ' '' 184 'ҹ' '' 185 'Һ' '' 186 'һ' '' 187 'Ҽ' '' 188 'ҽ' '' 189 'Ҿ' '' 190 'ҿ' '' 191 'Ӏ' '' 192 'Ӂ' '' 193 'ӂ' '' 194 'Ӄ' '' 195 'ӄ' '' 196 'Ӆ' '' 197 'ӆ' '' 198 'Ӈ' '' 199 'ӈ' '' 200 'Ӊ' '' 201 'ӊ' '' 202 'Ӌ' '' 203 'ӌ' '' 204 'Ӎ' '' 205 'ӎ' '' 206 'ӏ' '' 207 'Ӑ' '' 208 'ӑ' '' 209 'Ӓ' '' 210 'ӓ' '' 211 'Ӕ' '' 212 'ӕ' '' 213 'Ӗ' '' 214 'ӗ' '' 215 'Ә' '' 216 'ә' '' 217 'Ӛ' '' 218 'ӛ' '' 219 'Ӝ' '' 220 'ӝ' '' 221 'Ӟ' '' 222 'ӟ' '' 223 'Ӡ' '' 224 'ӡ' '' 225 'Ӣ' '' 226 'ӣ' '' 227 'Ӥ' '' 228 'ӥ' '' 229 'Ӧ' '' 230 'ӧ' '' 231 'Ө' '' 232 'ө' '' 233 'Ӫ' '' 234 'ӫ' '' 235 'Ӭ' '' 236 'ӭ' '' 237 'Ӯ' '' 238 'ӯ' '' 239 'Ӱ' '' 240 'ӱ' '' 241 'Ӳ' '' 242 'ӳ' '' 243 'Ӵ' '' 244 'ӵ' '' 245 'Ӷ' '' 246 'ӷ' '' 247 'Ӹ' '' 248 'ӹ' '' 249 fxlr-xl-04 0 249 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-04}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-04} \<<< fxlr-xl-05 176 244 'ְ' '' 176 ` 'ֱ' '' 177 % fxlr-xl-05.htf `version % 'ֲ' '' 178 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % 'ֳ' '' 179 ` 'ִ' '' 180 ` 'ֵ' '' 181 ` 'ֶ' '' 182 ` 'ַ' '' 183 ` 'ָ' '' 184 ` 'ֹ' '' 185 ` 'ֺ' '' 186 ` 'ֻ' '' 187 ` 'ּ' '' 188 ` 'ֽ' '' 189 ` '־' '' 190 ` 'ֿ' '' 191 ` '׀' '' 192 ` 'ׁ' '' 193 ` 'ׂ' '' 194 ` '׃' '' 195 ` 'ׄ' '' 196 'ׅ' '' 197 '׆' '' 198 'ׇ' '' 199 '׈' '' 200 '׉' '' 201 '׊' '' 202 '׋' '' 203 '׌' '' 204 '׍' '' 205 '׎' '' 206 '׏' '' 207 'א' '' 208 'ב' '' 209 'ג' '' 210 'ד' '' 211 'ה' '' 212 'ו' '' 213 'ז' '' 214 'ח' '' 215 'ט' '' 216 'י' '' 217 'ך' '' 218 'כ' '' 219 'ל' '' 220 'ם' '' 221 'מ' '' 222 'ן' '' 223 'נ' '' 224 'ס' '' 225 'ע' '' 226 'ף' '' 227 'פ' '' 228 'ץ' '' 229 'צ' '' 230 'ק' '' 231 'ר' '' 232 'ש' '' 233 'ת' '' 234 '׫' '' 235 '׬' '' 236 '׭' '' 237 '׮' '' 238 'ׯ' '' 239 'װ' '' 240 'ױ' '' 241 'ײ' '' 242 '׳' '' 243 '״' '' 244 fxlr-xl-05 176 244 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-05}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-05} \<<< fxlr-xl-1e 0 249 'Ḁ' '' 0 ` 'ḁ' '' 1 % fxlr-xl-1e.htf `version % 'Ḃ' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % 'ḃ' '' 3 ` 'Ḅ' '' 4 ` 'ḅ' '' 5 ` 'Ḇ' '' 6 ` 'ḇ' '' 7 ` 'Ḉ' '' 8 ` 'ḉ' '' 9 ` 'Ḋ' '' 10 ` 'ḋ' '' 11 ` 'Ḍ' '' 12 ` 'ḍ' '' 13 ` 'Ḏ' '' 14 ` 'ḏ' '' 15 ` 'Ḑ' '' 16 ` 'ḑ' '' 17 ` 'Ḓ' '' 18 ` 'ḓ' '' 19 ` 'Ḕ' '' 20 'ḕ' '' 21 'Ḗ' '' 22 'ḗ' '' 23 'Ḙ' '' 24 'ḙ' '' 25 'Ḛ' '' 26 'ḛ' '' 27 'Ḝ' '' 28 'ḝ' '' 29 'Ḟ' '' 30 'ḟ' '' 31 'Ḡ' '' 32 'ḡ' '' 33 'Ḣ' '' 34 'ḣ' '' 35 'Ḥ' '' 36 'ḥ' '' 37 'Ḧ' '' 38 'ḧ' '' 39 'Ḩ' '' 40 'ḩ' '' 41 'Ḫ' '' 42 'ḫ' '' 43 'Ḭ' '' 44 'ḭ' '' 45 'Ḯ' '' 46 'ḯ' '' 47 'Ḱ' '' 48 'ḱ' '' 49 'Ḳ' '' 50 'ḳ' '' 51 'Ḵ' '' 52 'ḵ' '' 53 'Ḷ' '' 54 'ḷ' '' 55 'Ḹ' '' 56 'ḹ' '' 57 'Ḻ' '' 58 'ḻ' '' 59 'Ḽ' '' 60 'ḽ' '' 61 'Ḿ' '' 62 'ḿ' '' 63 'Ṁ' '' 64 'ṁ' '' 65 'Ṃ' '' 66 'ṃ' '' 67 'Ṅ' '' 68 'ṅ' '' 69 'Ṇ' '' 70 'ṇ' '' 71 'Ṉ' '' 72 'ṉ' '' 73 'Ṋ' '' 74 'ṋ' '' 75 'Ṍ' '' 76 'ṍ' '' 77 'Ṏ' '' 78 'ṏ' '' 79 'Ṑ' '' 80 'ṑ' '' 81 'Ṓ' '' 82 'ṓ' '' 83 'Ṕ' '' 84 'ṕ' '' 85 'Ṗ' '' 86 'ṗ' '' 87 'Ṙ' '' 88 'ṙ' '' 89 'Ṛ' '' 90 'ṛ' '' 91 'Ṝ' '' 92 'ṝ' '' 93 'Ṟ' '' 94 'ṟ' '' 95 'Ṡ' '' 96 'ṡ' '' 97 'Ṣ' '' 98 'ṣ' '' 99 'Ṥ' '' 100 'ṥ' '' 101 'Ṧ' '' 102 'ṧ' '' 103 'Ṩ' '' 104 'ṩ' '' 105 'Ṫ' '' 106 'ṫ' '' 107 'Ṭ' '' 108 'ṭ' '' 109 'Ṯ' '' 110 'ṯ' '' 111 'Ṱ' '' 112 'ṱ' '' 113 'Ṳ' '' 114 'ṳ' '' 115 'Ṵ' '' 116 'ṵ' '' 117 'Ṷ' '' 118 'ṷ' '' 119 'Ṹ' '' 120 'ṹ' '' 121 'Ṻ' '' 122 'ṻ' '' 123 'Ṽ' '' 124 'ṽ' '' 125 'Ṿ' '' 126 'ṿ' '' 127 'Ẁ' '' 128 'ẁ' '' 129 'Ẃ' '' 130 'ẃ' '' 131 'Ẅ' '' 132 'ẅ' '' 133 'Ẇ' '' 134 'ẇ' '' 135 'Ẉ' '' 136 'ẉ' '' 137 'Ẋ' '' 138 'ẋ' '' 139 'Ẍ' '' 140 'ẍ' '' 141 'Ẏ' '' 142 'ẏ' '' 143 'Ẑ' '' 144 'ẑ' '' 145 'Ẓ' '' 146 'ẓ' '' 147 'Ẕ' '' 148 'ẕ' '' 149 'ẖ' '' 150 'ẗ' '' 151 'ẘ' '' 152 'ẙ' '' 153 'ẚ' '' 154 'ẛ' '' 155 'ẜ' '' 156 'ẝ' '' 157 'ẞ' '' 158 'ẟ' '' 159 'Ạ' '' 160 'ạ' '' 161 'Ả' '' 162 'ả' '' 163 'Ấ' '' 164 'ấ' '' 165 'Ầ' '' 166 'ầ' '' 167 'Ẩ' '' 168 'ẩ' '' 169 'Ẫ' '' 170 'ẫ' '' 171 'Ậ' '' 172 'ậ' '' 173 'Ắ' '' 174 'ắ' '' 175 'Ằ' '' 176 'ằ' '' 177 'Ẳ' '' 178 'ẳ' '' 179 'Ẵ' '' 180 'ẵ' '' 181 'Ặ' '' 182 'ặ' '' 183 'Ẹ' '' 184 'ẹ' '' 185 'Ẻ' '' 186 'ẻ' '' 187 'Ẽ' '' 188 'ẽ' '' 189 'Ế' '' 190 'ế' '' 191 'Ề' '' 192 'ề' '' 193 'Ể' '' 194 'ể' '' 195 'Ễ' '' 196 'ễ' '' 197 'Ệ' '' 198 'ệ' '' 199 'Ỉ' '' 200 'ỉ' '' 201 'Ị' '' 202 'ị' '' 203 'Ọ' '' 204 'ọ' '' 205 'Ỏ' '' 206 'ỏ' '' 207 'Ố' '' 208 'ố' '' 209 'Ồ' '' 210 'ồ' '' 211 'Ổ' '' 212 'ổ' '' 213 'Ỗ' '' 214 'ỗ' '' 215 'Ộ' '' 216 'ộ' '' 217 'Ớ' '' 218 'ớ' '' 219 'Ờ' '' 220 'ờ' '' 221 'Ở' '' 222 'ở' '' 223 'Ỡ' '' 224 'ỡ' '' 225 'Ợ' '' 226 'ợ' '' 227 'Ụ' '' 228 'ụ' '' 229 'Ủ' '' 230 'ủ' '' 231 'Ứ' '' 232 'ứ' '' 233 'Ừ' '' 234 'ừ' '' 235 'Ử' '' 236 'ử' '' 237 'Ữ' '' 238 'ữ' '' 239 'Ự' '' 240 'ự' '' 241 'Ỳ' '' 242 'ỳ' '' 243 'Ỵ' '' 244 'ỵ' '' 245 'Ỷ' '' 246 'ỷ' '' 247 'Ỹ' '' 248 'ỹ' '' 249 fxlr-xl-1e 0 249 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-1e}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-1e} \<<< fxlr-xl-1f 0 254 'ἀ' '' 0 ` 'ἁ' '' 1 % fxlr-xl-1f.htf `version % 'ἂ' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % 'ἃ' '' 3 ` 'ἄ' '' 4 ` 'ἅ' '' 5 ` 'ἆ' '' 6 ` 'ἇ' '' 7 ` 'Ἀ' '' 8 ` 'Ἁ' '' 9 ` 'Ἂ' '' 10 ` 'Ἃ' '' 11 ` 'Ἄ' '' 12 ` 'Ἅ' '' 13 ` 'Ἆ' '' 14 ` 'Ἇ' '' 15 ` 'ἐ' '' 16 ` 'ἑ' '' 17 ` 'ἒ' '' 18 ` 'ἓ' '' 19 ` 'ἔ' '' 20 'ἕ' '' 21 '἖' '' 22 '἗' '' 23 'Ἐ' '' 24 'Ἑ' '' 25 'Ἒ' '' 26 'Ἓ' '' 27 'Ἔ' '' 28 'Ἕ' '' 29 '἞' '' 30 '἟' '' 31 'ἠ' '' 32 'ἡ' '' 33 'ἢ' '' 34 'ἣ' '' 35 'ἤ' '' 36 'ἥ' '' 37 'ἦ' '' 38 'ἧ' '' 39 'Ἠ' '' 40 'Ἡ' '' 41 'Ἢ' '' 42 'Ἣ' '' 43 'Ἤ' '' 44 'Ἥ' '' 45 'Ἦ' '' 46 'Ἧ' '' 47 'ἰ' '' 48 'ἱ' '' 49 'ἲ' '' 50 'ἳ' '' 51 'ἴ' '' 52 'ἵ' '' 53 'ἶ' '' 54 'ἷ' '' 55 'Ἰ' '' 56 'Ἱ' '' 57 'Ἲ' '' 58 'Ἳ' '' 59 'Ἴ' '' 60 'Ἵ' '' 61 'Ἶ' '' 62 'Ἷ' '' 63 'ὀ' '' 64 'ὁ' '' 65 'ὂ' '' 66 'ὃ' '' 67 'ὄ' '' 68 'ὅ' '' 69 '὆' '' 70 '὇' '' 71 'Ὀ' '' 72 'Ὁ' '' 73 'Ὂ' '' 74 'Ὃ' '' 75 'Ὄ' '' 76 'Ὅ' '' 77 '὎' '' 78 '὏' '' 79 'ὐ' '' 80 'ὑ' '' 81 'ὒ' '' 82 'ὓ' '' 83 'ὔ' '' 84 'ὕ' '' 85 'ὖ' '' 86 'ὗ' '' 87 '὘' '' 88 'Ὑ' '' 89 '὚' '' 90 'Ὓ' '' 91 '὜' '' 92 'Ὕ' '' 93 '὞' '' 94 'Ὗ' '' 95 'ὠ' '' 96 'ὡ' '' 97 'ὢ' '' 98 'ὣ' '' 99 'ὤ' '' 100 'ὥ' '' 101 'ὦ' '' 102 'ὧ' '' 103 'Ὠ' '' 104 'Ὡ' '' 105 'Ὢ' '' 106 'Ὣ' '' 107 'Ὤ' '' 108 'Ὥ' '' 109 'Ὦ' '' 110 'Ὧ' '' 111 'ὰ' '' 112 'ά' '' 113 'ὲ' '' 114 'έ' '' 115 'ὴ' '' 116 'ή' '' 117 'ὶ' '' 118 'ί' '' 119 'ὸ' '' 120 'ό' '' 121 'ὺ' '' 122 'ύ' '' 123 'ὼ' '' 124 'ώ' '' 125 '὾' '' 126 '὿' '' 127 'ᾀ' '' 128 'ᾁ' '' 129 'ᾂ' '' 130 'ᾃ' '' 131 'ᾄ' '' 132 'ᾅ' '' 133 'ᾆ' '' 134 'ᾇ' '' 135 'ᾈ' '' 136 'ᾉ' '' 137 'ᾊ' '' 138 'ᾋ' '' 139 'ᾌ' '' 140 'ᾍ' '' 141 'ᾎ' '' 142 'ᾏ' '' 143 'ᾐ' '' 144 'ᾑ' '' 145 'ᾒ' '' 146 'ᾓ' '' 147 'ᾔ' '' 148 'ᾕ' '' 149 'ᾖ' '' 150 'ᾗ' '' 151 'ᾘ' '' 152 'ᾙ' '' 153 'ᾚ' '' 154 'ᾛ' '' 155 'ᾜ' '' 156 'ᾝ' '' 157 'ᾞ' '' 158 'ᾟ' '' 159 'ᾠ' '' 160 'ᾡ' '' 161 'ᾢ' '' 162 'ᾣ' '' 163 'ᾤ' '' 164 'ᾥ' '' 165 'ᾦ' '' 166 'ᾧ' '' 167 'ᾨ' '' 168 'ᾩ' '' 169 'ᾪ' '' 170 'ᾫ' '' 171 'ᾬ' '' 172 'ᾭ' '' 173 'ᾮ' '' 174 'ᾯ' '' 175 'ᾰ' '' 176 'ᾱ' '' 177 'ᾲ' '' 178 'ᾳ' '' 179 'ᾴ' '' 180 '᾵' '' 181 'ᾶ' '' 182 'ᾷ' '' 183 'Ᾰ' '' 184 'Ᾱ' '' 185 'Ὰ' '' 186 'Ά' '' 187 'ᾼ' '' 188 '᾽' '' 189 'ι' '' 190 '᾿' '' 191 '῀' '' 192 '῁' '' 193 'ῂ' '' 194 'ῃ' '' 195 'ῄ' '' 196 '῅' '' 197 'ῆ' '' 198 'ῇ' '' 199 'Ὲ' '' 200 'Έ' '' 201 'Ὴ' '' 202 'Ή' '' 203 'ῌ' '' 204 '῍' '' 205 '῎' '' 206 '῏' '' 207 'ῐ' '' 208 'ῑ' '' 209 'ῒ' '' 210 'ΐ' '' 211 '῔' '' 212 '῕' '' 213 'ῖ' '' 214 'ῗ' '' 215 'Ῐ' '' 216 'Ῑ' '' 217 'Ὶ' '' 218 'Ί' '' 219 '῜' '' 220 '῝' '' 221 '῞' '' 222 '῟' '' 223 'ῠ' '' 224 'ῡ' '' 225 'ῢ' '' 226 'ΰ' '' 227 'ῤ' '' 228 'ῥ' '' 229 'ῦ' '' 230 'ῧ' '' 231 'Ῠ' '' 232 'Ῡ' '' 233 'Ὺ' '' 234 'Ύ' '' 235 'Ῥ' '' 236 '῭' '' 237 '΅' '' 238 '`' '' 239 '῰' '' 240 '῱' '' 241 'ῲ' '' 242 'ῳ' '' 243 'ῴ' '' 244 '῵' '' 245 'ῶ' '' 246 'ῷ' '' 247 'Ὸ' '' 248 'Ό' '' 249 'Ὼ' '' 250 'Ώ' '' 251 'ῼ' '' 252 '´' '' 253 '῾' '' 254 fxlr-xl-1f 0 254 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-1f}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-1f} \<<< fxlr-xl-20 0 177 ' ' '' 0 ` ' ' '' 1 % fxlr-xl-20.htf `version % ' ' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % ' ' '' 3 ` ' ' '' 4 ` ' ' '' 5 ` ' ' '' 6 ` ' ' '' 7 ` ' ' '' 8 ` ' ' '' 9 ` ' ' '' 10 ` '​' '' 11 ` '‌' '' 12 ` '‍' '' 13 ` '‎' '' 14 ` '‏' '' 15 ` '‐' '' 16 ` '‑' '' 17 ` '‒' '' 18 ` '–' '' 19 ` '—' '' 20 '―' '' 21 '‖' '' 22 '‗' '' 23 '‘' '' 24 '’' '' 25 '‚' '' 26 '‛' '' 27 '“' '' 28 '”' '' 29 '„' '' 30 '‟' '' 31 '†' '' 32 '‡' '' 33 '•' '' 34 '‣' '' 35 '․' '' 36 '‥' '' 37 '…' '' 38 '‧' '' 39 '
' '' 40 '
' '' 41 '‪' '' 42 '‫' '' 43 '‬' '' 44 '‭' '' 45 '‮' '' 46 ' ' '' 47 '‰' '' 48 '‱' '' 49 '′' '' 50 '″' '' 51 '‴' '' 52 '‵' '' 53 '‶' '' 54 '‷' '' 55 '‸' '' 56 '‹' '' 57 '›' '' 58 '※' '' 59 '‼' '' 60 '‽' '' 61 '‾' '' 62 '‿' '' 63 '⁀' '' 64 '⁁' '' 65 '⁂' '' 66 '⁃' '' 67 '⁄' '' 68 '⁅' '' 69 '⁆' '' 70 '⁇' '' 71 '⁈' '' 72 '⁉' '' 73 '⁊' '' 74 '⁋' '' 75 '⁌' '' 76 '⁍' '' 77 '⁎' '' 78 '⁏' '' 79 '⁐' '' 80 '⁑' '' 81 '⁒' '' 82 '⁓' '' 83 '⁔' '' 84 '⁕' '' 85 '⁖' '' 86 '⁗' '' 87 '⁘' '' 88 '⁙' '' 89 '⁚' '' 90 '⁛' '' 91 '⁜' '' 92 '⁝' '' 93 '⁞' '' 94 ' ' '' 95 '⁠' '' 96 '⁡' '' 97 '⁢' '' 98 '⁣' '' 99 '⁤' '' 100 '⁥' '' 101 '⁦' '' 102 '⁧' '' 103 '⁨' '' 104 '⁩' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '⁰' '' 112 'ⁱ' '' 113 '⁲' '' 114 '⁳' '' 115 '⁴' '' 116 '⁵' '' 117 '⁶' '' 118 '⁷' '' 119 '⁸' '' 120 '⁹' '' 121 '⁺' '' 122 '⁻' '' 123 '⁼' '' 124 '⁽' '' 125 '⁾' '' 126 'ⁿ' '' 127 '₀' '' 128 '₁' '' 129 '₂' '' 130 '₃' '' 131 '₄' '' 132 '₅' '' 133 '₆' '' 134 '₇' '' 135 '₈' '' 136 '₉' '' 137 '₊' '' 138 '₋' '' 139 '₌' '' 140 '₍' '' 141 '₎' '' 142 '₏' '' 143 'ₐ' '' 144 'ₑ' '' 145 'ₒ' '' 146 'ₓ' '' 147 'ₔ' '' 148 'ₕ' '' 149 'ₖ' '' 150 'ₗ' '' 151 'ₘ' '' 152 'ₙ' '' 153 'ₚ' '' 154 'ₛ' '' 155 'ₜ' '' 156 '₝' '' 157 '₞' '' 158 '₟' '' 159 '₠' '' 160 '₡' '' 161 '₢' '' 162 '₣' '' 163 '₤' '' 164 '₥' '' 165 '₦' '' 166 '₧' '' 167 '₨' '' 168 '₩' '' 169 '₪' '' 170 '₫' '' 171 '€' '' 172 '₭' '' 173 '₮' '' 174 '₯' '' 175 '₰' '' 176 '₱' '' 177 fxlr-xl-20 0 177 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-20}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-20} \<<< fxlr-xl-21 0 217 '℀' '' 0 ` '℁' '' 1 % fxlr-xl-21.htf `version % 'ℂ' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % '℃' '' 3 ` '℄' '' 4 ` '℅' '' 5 ` '℆' '' 6 ` 'ℇ' '' 7 ` '℈' '' 8 ` '℉' '' 9 ` 'ℊ' '' 10 ` 'ℋ' '' 11 ` 'ℌ' '' 12 ` 'ℍ' '' 13 ` 'ℎ' '' 14 ` 'ℏ' '' 15 ` 'ℐ' '' 16 ` 'ℑ' '' 17 ` 'ℒ' '' 18 ` 'ℓ' '' 19 ` '℔' '' 20 'ℕ' '' 21 '№' '' 22 '℗' '' 23 '℘' '' 24 'ℙ' '' 25 'ℚ' '' 26 'ℛ' '' 27 'ℜ' '' 28 'ℝ' '' 29 '℞' '' 30 '℟' '' 31 '℠' '' 32 '℡' '' 33 '™' '' 34 '℣' '' 35 'ℤ' '' 36 '℥' '' 37 'Ω' '' 38 '℧' '' 39 'ℨ' '' 40 '℩' '' 41 'K' '' 42 'Å' '' 43 'ℬ' '' 44 'ℭ' '' 45 '℮' '' 46 'ℯ' '' 47 'ℰ' '' 48 'ℱ' '' 49 'Ⅎ' '' 50 'ℳ' '' 51 'ℴ' '' 52 'ℵ' '' 53 'ℶ' '' 54 'ℷ' '' 55 'ℸ' '' 56 'ℹ' '' 57 '℺' '' 58 '℻' '' 59 'ℼ' '' 60 'ℽ' '' 61 'ℾ' '' 62 'ℿ' '' 63 '⅀' '' 64 '⅁' '' 65 '⅂' '' 66 '⅃' '' 67 '⅄' '' 68 'ⅅ' '' 69 'ⅆ' '' 70 'ⅇ' '' 71 'ⅈ' '' 72 'ⅉ' '' 73 '⅊' '' 74 '⅋' '' 75 '⅌' '' 76 '⅍' '' 77 'ⅎ' '' 78 '⅏' '' 79 '⅐' '' 80 '⅑' '' 81 '⅒' '' 82 '⅓' '' 83 '⅔' '' 84 '⅕' '' 85 '⅖' '' 86 '⅗' '' 87 '⅘' '' 88 '⅙' '' 89 '⅚' '' 90 '⅛' '' 91 '⅜' '' 92 '⅝' '' 93 '⅞' '' 94 '⅟' '' 95 'Ⅰ' '' 96 'Ⅱ' '' 97 'Ⅲ' '' 98 'Ⅳ' '' 99 'Ⅴ' '' 100 'Ⅵ' '' 101 'Ⅶ' '' 102 'Ⅷ' '' 103 'Ⅸ' '' 104 'Ⅹ' '' 105 'Ⅺ' '' 106 'Ⅻ' '' 107 'Ⅼ' '' 108 'Ⅽ' '' 109 'Ⅾ' '' 110 'Ⅿ' '' 111 'ⅰ' '' 112 'ⅱ' '' 113 'ⅲ' '' 114 'ⅳ' '' 115 'ⅴ' '' 116 'ⅵ' '' 117 'ⅶ' '' 118 'ⅷ' '' 119 'ⅸ' '' 120 'ⅹ' '' 121 'ⅺ' '' 122 'ⅻ' '' 123 'ⅼ' '' 124 'ⅽ' '' 125 'ⅾ' '' 126 'ⅿ' '' 127 'ↀ' '' 128 'ↁ' '' 129 'ↂ' '' 130 'Ↄ' '' 131 'ↄ' '' 132 'ↅ' '' 133 'ↆ' '' 134 'ↇ' '' 135 'ↈ' '' 136 '↉' '' 137 '↊' '' 138 '↋' '' 139 '↌' '' 140 '↍' '' 141 '↎' '' 142 '↏' '' 143 '←' '' 144 '↑' '' 145 '→' '' 146 '↓' '' 147 '↔' '' 148 '↕' '' 149 '↖' '' 150 '↗' '' 151 '↘' '' 152 '↙' '' 153 '↚' '' 154 '↛' '' 155 '↜' '' 156 '↝' '' 157 '↞' '' 158 '↟' '' 159 '↠' '' 160 '↡' '' 161 '↢' '' 162 '↣' '' 163 '↤' '' 164 '↥' '' 165 '↦' '' 166 '↧' '' 167 '↨' '' 168 '↩' '' 169 '↪' '' 170 '↫' '' 171 '↬' '' 172 '↭' '' 173 '↮' '' 174 '↯' '' 175 '↰' '' 176 '↱' '' 177 '↲' '' 178 '↳' '' 179 '↴' '' 180 '↵' '' 181 '↶' '' 182 '↷' '' 183 '↸' '' 184 '↹' '' 185 '↺' '' 186 '↻' '' 187 '↼' '' 188 '↽' '' 189 '↾' '' 190 '↿' '' 191 '⇀' '' 192 '⇁' '' 193 '⇂' '' 194 '⇃' '' 195 '⇄' '' 196 '⇅' '' 197 '⇆' '' 198 '⇇' '' 199 '⇈' '' 200 '⇉' '' 201 '⇊' '' 202 '⇋' '' 203 '⇌' '' 204 '⇍' '' 205 '⇎' '' 206 '⇏' '' 207 '⇐' '' 208 '⇑' '' 209 '⇒' '' 210 '⇓' '' 211 '⇔' '' 212 '⇕' '' 213 '⇖' '' 214 '⇗' '' 215 '⇘' '' 216 '⇙' '' 217 fxlr-xl-21 0 217 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-21}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-21} \<<< fxlr-xl-22 0 239 '∀' '' 0 ` '∁' '' 1 % fxlr-xl-22.htf `version % '∂' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % '∃' '' 3 ` '∄' '' 4 ` '∅' '' 5 ` '∆' '' 6 ` '∇' '' 7 ` '∈' '' 8 ` '∉' '' 9 ` '∊' '' 10 ` '∋' '' 11 ` '∌' '' 12 ` '∍' '' 13 ` '∎' '' 14 ` '∏' '' 15 ` '∐' '' 16 ` '∑' '' 17 ` '−' '' 18 ` '∓' '' 19 ` '∔' '' 20 '∕' '' 21 '∖' '' 22 '∗' '' 23 '∘' '' 24 '∙' '' 25 '√' '' 26 '∛' '' 27 '∜' '' 28 '∝' '' 29 '∞' '' 30 '∟' '' 31 '∠' '' 32 '∡' '' 33 '∢' '' 34 '∣' '' 35 '∤' '' 36 '∥' '' 37 '∦' '' 38 '∧' '' 39 '∨' '' 40 '∩' '' 41 '∪' '' 42 '∫' '' 43 '∬' '' 44 '∭' '' 45 '∮' '' 46 '∯' '' 47 '∰' '' 48 '∱' '' 49 '∲' '' 50 '∳' '' 51 '∴' '' 52 '∵' '' 53 '∶' '' 54 '∷' '' 55 '∸' '' 56 '∹' '' 57 '∺' '' 58 '∻' '' 59 '∼' '' 60 '∽' '' 61 '∾' '' 62 '∿' '' 63 '≀' '' 64 '≁' '' 65 '≂' '' 66 '≃' '' 67 '≄' '' 68 '≅' '' 69 '≆' '' 70 '≇' '' 71 '≈' '' 72 '≉' '' 73 '≊' '' 74 '≋' '' 75 '≌' '' 76 '≍' '' 77 '≎' '' 78 '≏' '' 79 '≐' '' 80 '≑' '' 81 '≒' '' 82 '≓' '' 83 '≔' '' 84 '≕' '' 85 '≖' '' 86 '≗' '' 87 '≘' '' 88 '≙' '' 89 '≚' '' 90 '≛' '' 91 '≜' '' 92 '≝' '' 93 '≞' '' 94 '≟' '' 95 '≠' '' 96 '≡' '' 97 '≢' '' 98 '≣' '' 99 '≤' '' 100 '≥' '' 101 '≦' '' 102 '≧' '' 103 '≨' '' 104 '≩' '' 105 '≪' '' 106 '≫' '' 107 '≬' '' 108 '≭' '' 109 '≮' '' 110 '≯' '' 111 '≰' '' 112 '≱' '' 113 '≲' '' 114 '≳' '' 115 '≴' '' 116 '≵' '' 117 '≶' '' 118 '≷' '' 119 '≸' '' 120 '≹' '' 121 '≺' '' 122 '≻' '' 123 '≼' '' 124 '≽' '' 125 '≾' '' 126 '≿' '' 127 '⊀' '' 128 '⊁' '' 129 '⊂' '' 130 '⊃' '' 131 '⊄' '' 132 '⊅' '' 133 '⊆' '' 134 '⊇' '' 135 '⊈' '' 136 '⊉' '' 137 '⊊' '' 138 '⊋' '' 139 '⊌' '' 140 '⊍' '' 141 '⊎' '' 142 '⊏' '' 143 '⊐' '' 144 '⊑' '' 145 '⊒' '' 146 '⊓' '' 147 '⊔' '' 148 '⊕' '' 149 '⊖' '' 150 '⊗' '' 151 '⊘' '' 152 '⊙' '' 153 '⊚' '' 154 '⊛' '' 155 '⊜' '' 156 '⊝' '' 157 '⊞' '' 158 '⊟' '' 159 '⊠' '' 160 '⊡' '' 161 '⊢' '' 162 '⊣' '' 163 '⊤' '' 164 '⊥' '' 165 '⊦' '' 166 '⊧' '' 167 '⊨' '' 168 '⊩' '' 169 '⊪' '' 170 '⊫' '' 171 '⊬' '' 172 '⊭' '' 173 '⊮' '' 174 '⊯' '' 175 '⊰' '' 176 '⊱' '' 177 '⊲' '' 178 '⊳' '' 179 '⊴' '' 180 '⊵' '' 181 '⊶' '' 182 '⊷' '' 183 '⊸' '' 184 '⊹' '' 185 '⊺' '' 186 '⊻' '' 187 '⊼' '' 188 '⊽' '' 189 '⊾' '' 190 '⊿' '' 191 '⋀' '' 192 '⋁' '' 193 '⋂' '' 194 '⋃' '' 195 '⋄' '' 196 '⋅' '' 197 '⋆' '' 198 '⋇' '' 199 '⋈' '' 200 '⋉' '' 201 '⋊' '' 202 '⋋' '' 203 '⋌' '' 204 '⋍' '' 205 '⋎' '' 206 '⋏' '' 207 '⋐' '' 208 '⋑' '' 209 '⋒' '' 210 '⋓' '' 211 '⋔' '' 212 '⋕' '' 213 '⋖' '' 214 '⋗' '' 215 '⋘' '' 216 '⋙' '' 217 '⋚' '' 218 '⋛' '' 219 '⋜' '' 220 '⋝' '' 221 '⋞' '' 222 '⋟' '' 223 '⋠' '' 224 '⋡' '' 225 '⋢' '' 226 '⋣' '' 227 '⋤' '' 228 '⋥' '' 229 '⋦' '' 230 '⋧' '' 231 '⋨' '' 232 '⋩' '' 233 '⋪' '' 234 '⋫' '' 235 '⋬' '' 236 '⋭' '' 237 '⋮' '' 238 '⋯' '' 239 fxlr-xl-22 0 239 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-22}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-22} \<<< fxlr-xl-23 2 211 '⌂' '' 2 ` '⌃' '' 3 % fxlr-xl-23.htf `version % '⌄' '' 4 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % '⌅' '' 5 ` '⌆' '' 6 ` '⌇' '' 7 ` '⌈' '' 8 ` '⌉' '' 9 ` '⌊' '' 1 ` 0 '⌋' '' 11 ` '⌌' '' 12 ` '⌍' '' 13 ` '⌎' '' 14 ` '⌏' '' 15 ` '⌐' '' 16 ` '⌑' '' 17 ` '⌒' '' 18 ` '⌓' '' 19 ` '⌔' '' 20 ` '⌕' '' 21 ` '⌖' '' 22 '⌗' '' 23 '⌘' '' 24 '⌙' '' 25 '⌚' '' 26 '⌛' '' 27 '⌜' '' 28 '⌝' '' 29 '⌞' '' 30 '⌟' '' 31 '⌠' '' 32 '⌡' '' 33 '⌢' '' 34 '⌣' '' 35 '⌤' '' 36 '⌥' '' 37 '⌦' '' 38 '⌧' '' 39 '⌨' '' 40 '〈' '' 41 '〉' '' 42 '⌫' '' 43 '⌬' '' 44 '⌭' '' 45 '⌮' '' 46 '⌯' '' 47 '⌰' '' 48 '⌱' '' 49 '⌲' '' 50 '⌳' '' 51 '⌴' '' 52 '⌵' '' 53 '⌶' '' 54 '⌷' '' 55 '⌸' '' 56 '⌹' '' 57 '⌺' '' 58 '⌻' '' 59 '⌼' '' 60 '⌽' '' 61 '⌾' '' 62 '⌿' '' 63 '⍀' '' 64 '⍁' '' 65 '⍂' '' 66 '⍃' '' 67 '⍄' '' 68 '⍅' '' 69 '⍆' '' 70 '⍇' '' 71 '⍈' '' 72 '⍉' '' 73 '⍊' '' 74 '⍋' '' 75 '⍌' '' 76 '⍍' '' 77 '⍎' '' 78 '⍏' '' 79 '⍐' '' 80 '⍑' '' 81 '⍒' '' 82 '⍓' '' 83 '⍔' '' 84 '⍕' '' 85 '⍖' '' 86 '⍗' '' 87 '⍘' '' 88 '⍙' '' 89 '⍚' '' 90 '⍛' '' 91 '⍜' '' 92 '⍝' '' 93 '⍞' '' 94 '⍟' '' 95 '⍠' '' 96 '⍡' '' 97 '⍢' '' 98 '⍣' '' 99 '⍤' '' 100 '⍥' '' 101 '⍦' '' 102 '⍧' '' 103 '⍨' '' 104 '⍩' '' 105 '⍪' '' 106 '⍫' '' 107 '⍬' '' 108 '⍭' '' 109 '⍮' '' 110 '⍯' '' 111 '⍰' '' 112 '⍱' '' 113 '⍲' '' 114 '⍳' '' 115 '⍴' '' 116 '⍵' '' 117 '⍶' '' 118 '⍷' '' 119 '⍸' '' 120 '⍹' '' 121 '⍺' '' 122 '⍻' '' 123 '⍼' '' 124 '⍽' '' 125 '⍾' '' 126 '⍿' '' 127 '⎀' '' 128 '⎁' '' 129 '⎂' '' 130 '⎃' '' 131 '⎄' '' 132 '⎅' '' 133 '⎆' '' 134 '⎇' '' 135 '⎈' '' 136 '⎉' '' 137 '⎊' '' 138 '⎋' '' 139 '⎌' '' 140 '⎍' '' 141 '⎎' '' 142 '⎏' '' 143 '⎐' '' 144 '⎑' '' 145 '⎒' '' 146 '⎓' '' 147 '⎔' '' 148 '⎕' '' 149 '⎖' '' 150 '⎗' '' 151 '⎘' '' 152 '⎙' '' 153 '⎚' '' 154 '⎛' '' 155 '⎜' '' 156 '⎝' '' 157 '⎞' '' 158 '⎟' '' 159 '⎠' '' 160 '⎡' '' 161 '⎢' '' 162 '⎣' '' 163 '⎤' '' 164 '⎥' '' 165 '⎦' '' 166 '⎧' '' 167 '⎨' '' 168 '⎩' '' 169 '⎪' '' 170 '⎫' '' 171 '⎬' '' 172 '⎭' '' 173 '⎮' '' 174 '⎯' '' 175 '⎰' '' 176 '⎱' '' 177 '⎲' '' 178 '⎳' '' 179 '⎴' '' 180 '⎵' '' 181 '⎶' '' 182 '⎷' '' 183 '⎸' '' 184 '⎹' '' 185 '⎺' '' 186 '⎻' '' 187 '⎼' '' 188 '⎽' '' 189 '⎾' '' 190 '⎿' '' 191 '⏀' '' 192 '⏁' '' 193 '⏂' '' 194 '⏃' '' 195 '⏄' '' 196 '⏅' '' 197 '⏆' '' 198 '⏇' '' 199 '⏈' '' 200 '⏉' '' 201 '⏊' '' 202 '⏋' '' 203 '⏌' '' 204 '⏍' '' 205 '⏎' '' 206 '⏏' '' 207 '⏐' '' 208 '⏑' '' 209 '⏒' '' 210 '⏓' '' 211 fxlr-xl-23 2 211 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-23}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-23} \<<< fxlr-xl-24 35 255 '␣' '' 35 ` '␤' '' 36 % fxlr-xl-24.htf `version % '␥' '' 37 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % '␦' '' 38 ` '␧' '' 39 ` '␨' '' 40 ` '␩' '' 41 ` '␪' '' 42 ` '␫' '' 43 ` '␬' '' 44 ` '␭' '' 45 ` '␮' '' 46 ` '␯' '' 47 ` '␰' '' 48 ` '␱' '' 49 ` '␲' '' 50 ` '␳' '' 51 ` '␴' '' 52 ` '␵' '' 53 ` '␶' '' 54 ` '␷' '' 55 '␸' '' 56 '␹' '' 57 '␺' '' 58 '␻' '' 59 '␼' '' 60 '␽' '' 61 '␾' '' 62 '␿' '' 63 '⑀' '' 64 '⑁' '' 65 '⑂' '' 66 '⑃' '' 67 '⑄' '' 68 '⑅' '' 69 '⑆' '' 70 '⑇' '' 71 '⑈' '' 72 '⑉' '' 73 '⑊' '' 74 '⑋' '' 75 '⑌' '' 76 '⑍' '' 77 '⑎' '' 78 '⑏' '' 79 '⑐' '' 80 '⑑' '' 81 '⑒' '' 82 '⑓' '' 83 '⑔' '' 84 '⑕' '' 85 '⑖' '' 86 '⑗' '' 87 '⑘' '' 88 '⑙' '' 89 '⑚' '' 90 '⑛' '' 91 '⑜' '' 92 '⑝' '' 93 '⑞' '' 94 '⑟' '' 95 '①' '' 96 '②' '' 97 '③' '' 98 '④' '' 99 '⑤' '' 100 '⑥' '' 101 '⑦' '' 102 '⑧' '' 103 '⑨' '' 104 '⑩' '' 105 '⑪' '' 106 '⑫' '' 107 '⑬' '' 108 '⑭' '' 109 '⑮' '' 110 '⑯' '' 111 '⑰' '' 112 '⑱' '' 113 '⑲' '' 114 '⑳' '' 115 '⑴' '' 116 '⑵' '' 117 '⑶' '' 118 '⑷' '' 119 '⑸' '' 120 '⑹' '' 121 '⑺' '' 122 '⑻' '' 123 '⑼' '' 124 '⑽' '' 125 '⑾' '' 126 '⑿' '' 127 '⒀' '' 128 '⒁' '' 129 '⒂' '' 130 '⒃' '' 131 '⒄' '' 132 '⒅' '' 133 '⒆' '' 134 '⒇' '' 135 '⒈' '' 136 '⒉' '' 137 '⒊' '' 138 '⒋' '' 139 '⒌' '' 140 '⒍' '' 141 '⒎' '' 142 '⒏' '' 143 '⒐' '' 144 '⒑' '' 145 '⒒' '' 146 '⒓' '' 147 '⒔' '' 148 '⒕' '' 149 '⒖' '' 150 '⒗' '' 151 '⒘' '' 152 '⒙' '' 153 '⒚' '' 154 '⒛' '' 155 '⒜' '' 156 '⒝' '' 157 '⒞' '' 158 '⒟' '' 159 '⒠' '' 160 '⒡' '' 161 '⒢' '' 162 '⒣' '' 163 '⒤' '' 164 '⒥' '' 165 '⒦' '' 166 '⒧' '' 167 '⒨' '' 168 '⒩' '' 169 '⒪' '' 170 '⒫' '' 171 '⒬' '' 172 '⒭' '' 173 '⒮' '' 174 '⒯' '' 175 '⒰' '' 176 '⒱' '' 177 '⒲' '' 178 '⒳' '' 179 '⒴' '' 180 '⒵' '' 181 'Ⓐ' '' 182 'Ⓑ' '' 183 'Ⓒ' '' 184 'Ⓓ' '' 185 'Ⓔ' '' 186 'Ⓕ' '' 187 'Ⓖ' '' 188 'Ⓗ' '' 189 'Ⓘ' '' 190 'Ⓙ' '' 191 'Ⓚ' '' 192 'Ⓛ' '' 193 'Ⓜ' '' 194 'Ⓝ' '' 195 'Ⓞ' '' 196 'Ⓟ' '' 197 'Ⓠ' '' 198 'Ⓡ' '' 199 'Ⓢ' '' 200 'Ⓣ' '' 201 'Ⓤ' '' 202 'Ⓥ' '' 203 'Ⓦ' '' 204 'Ⓧ' '' 205 'Ⓨ' '' 206 'Ⓩ' '' 207 'ⓐ' '' 208 'ⓑ' '' 209 'ⓒ' '' 210 'ⓓ' '' 211 'ⓔ' '' 212 'ⓕ' '' 213 'ⓖ' '' 214 'ⓗ' '' 215 'ⓘ' '' 216 'ⓙ' '' 217 'ⓚ' '' 218 'ⓛ' '' 219 'ⓜ' '' 220 'ⓝ' '' 221 'ⓞ' '' 222 'ⓟ' '' 223 'ⓠ' '' 224 'ⓡ' '' 225 'ⓢ' '' 226 'ⓣ' '' 227 'ⓤ' '' 228 'ⓥ' '' 229 'ⓦ' '' 230 'ⓧ' '' 231 'ⓨ' '' 232 'ⓩ' '' 233 '⓪' '' 234 '⓫' '' 235 '⓬' '' 236 '⓭' '' 237 '⓮' '' 238 '⓯' '' 239 '⓰' '' 240 '⓱' '' 241 '⓲' '' 242 '⓳' '' 243 '⓴' '' 244 '⓵' '' 245 '⓶' '' 246 '⓷' '' 247 '⓸' '' 248 '⓹' '' 249 '⓺' '' 250 '⓻' '' 251 '⓼' '' 252 '⓽' '' 253 '⓾' '' 254 '⓿' '' 255 fxlr-xl-24 35 255 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-24}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-24} \<<< fxlr-xl-25 160 215 '■' '' 160 ` '□' '' 161 % fxlr-xl-25.htf `version % '▢' '' 162 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % '▣' '' 163 ` '▤' '' 164 ` '▥' '' 165 ` '▦' '' 166 ` '▧' '' 167 ` '▨' '' 168 ` '▩' '' 169 ` '▪' '' 170 ` '▫' '' 171 ` '▬' '' 172 ` '▭' '' 173 ` '▮' '' 174 ` '▯' '' 175 ` '▰' '' 176 ` '▱' '' 177 ` '▲' '' 178 ` '△' '' 179 ` '▴' '' 180 '▵' '' 181 '▶' '' 182 '▷' '' 183 '▸' '' 184 '▹' '' 185 '►' '' 186 '▻' '' 187 '▼' '' 188 '▽' '' 189 '▾' '' 190 '▿' '' 191 '◀' '' 192 '◁' '' 193 '◂' '' 194 '◃' '' 195 '◄' '' 196 '◅' '' 197 '◆' '' 198 '◇' '' 199 '◈' '' 200 '◉' '' 201 '◊' '' 202 '○' '' 203 '◌' '' 204 '◍' '' 205 '◎' '' 206 '●' '' 207 '◐' '' 208 '◑' '' 209 '◒' '' 210 '◓' '' 211 '◔' '' 212 '◕' '' 213 '◖' '' 214 '◗' '' 215 fxlr-xl-25 160 215 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-25}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-25} \<<< fxlr-xl-26 5 165 '★' '' 5 ` '☆' '' 6 % fxlr-xl-26.htf `version % '☇' '' 7 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % '☈' '' 8 ` '☉' '' 9 ` '☊' '' 10 ` '☋' '' 11 ` '☌' '' 12 ` '☍' '' 13 ` '☎' '' 14 ` '☏' '' 15 ` '☐' '' 16 ` '☑' '' 17 ` '☒' '' 18 ` '☓' '' 19 ` '☔' '' 20 ` '☕' '' 21 ` '☖' '' 22 ` '☗' '' 23 ` '☘' '' 24 ` '☙' '' 25 '☚' '' 26 '☛' '' 27 '☜' '' 28 '☝' '' 29 '☞' '' 30 '☟' '' 31 '☠' '' 32 '☡' '' 33 '☢' '' 34 '☣' '' 35 '☤' '' 36 '☥' '' 37 '☦' '' 38 '☧' '' 39 '☨' '' 40 '☩' '' 41 '☪' '' 42 '☫' '' 43 '☬' '' 44 '☭' '' 45 '☮' '' 46 '☯' '' 47 '☰' '' 48 '☱' '' 49 '☲' '' 50 '☳' '' 51 '☴' '' 52 '☵' '' 53 '☶' '' 54 '☷' '' 55 '☸' '' 56 '☹' '' 57 '☺' '' 58 '☻' '' 59 '☼' '' 60 '☽' '' 61 '☾' '' 62 '☿' '' 63 '♀' '' 64 '♁' '' 65 '♂' '' 66 '♃' '' 67 '♄' '' 68 '♅' '' 69 '♆' '' 70 '♇' '' 71 '♈' '' 72 '♉' '' 73 '♊' '' 74 '♋' '' 75 '♌' '' 76 '♍' '' 77 '♎' '' 78 '♏' '' 79 '♐' '' 80 '♑' '' 81 '♒' '' 82 '♓' '' 83 '♔' '' 84 '♕' '' 85 '♖' '' 86 '♗' '' 87 '♘' '' 88 '♙' '' 89 '♚' '' 90 '♛' '' 91 '♜' '' 92 '♝' '' 93 '♞' '' 94 '♟' '' 95 '♠' '' 96 '♡' '' 97 '♢' '' 98 '♣' '' 99 '♤' '' 100 '♥' '' 101 '♦' '' 102 '♧' '' 103 '♨' '' 104 '♩' '' 105 '♪' '' 106 '♫' '' 107 '♬' '' 108 '♭' '' 109 '♮' '' 110 '♯' '' 111 '♰' '' 112 '♱' '' 113 '♲' '' 114 '♳' '' 115 '♴' '' 116 '♵' '' 117 '♶' '' 118 '♷' '' 119 '♸' '' 120 '♹' '' 121 '♺' '' 122 '♻' '' 123 '♼' '' 124 '♽' '' 125 '♾' '' 126 '♿' '' 127 '⚀' '' 128 '⚁' '' 129 '⚂' '' 130 '⚃' '' 131 '⚄' '' 132 '⚅' '' 133 '⚆' '' 134 '⚇' '' 135 '⚈' '' 136 '⚉' '' 137 '⚊' '' 138 '⚋' '' 139 '⚌' '' 140 '⚍' '' 141 '⚎' '' 142 '⚏' '' 143 '⚐' '' 144 '⚑' '' 145 '⚒' '' 146 '⚓' '' 147 '⚔' '' 148 '⚕' '' 149 '⚖' '' 150 '⚗' '' 151 '⚘' '' 152 '⚙' '' 153 '⚚' '' 154 '⚛' '' 155 '⚜' '' 156 '⚝' '' 157 '⚞' '' 158 '⚟' '' 159 '⚠' '' 160 '⚡' '' 161 '⚢' '' 162 '⚣' '' 163 '⚤' '' 164 '⚥' '' 165 fxlr-xl-26 5 165 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-26}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-26} \<<< fxlr-xl-27 103 231 '❧' '' 103 ` '❨' '' 104 % fxlr-xl-27.htf `version % '❩' '' 105 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % '❪' '' 106 ` '❫' '' 107 ` '❬' '' 108 ` '❭' '' 109 ` '❮' '' 110 ` '❯' '' 111 ` '❰' '' 112 ` '❱' '' 113 ` '❲' '' 114 ` '❳' '' 115 ` '❴' '' 116 ` '❵' '' 117 ` '❶' '' 118 ` '❷' '' 119 ` '❸' '' 120 ` '❹' '' 121 ` '❺' '' 122 ` '❻' '' 123 '❼' '' 124 '❽' '' 125 '❾' '' 126 '❿' '' 127 '➀' '' 128 '➁' '' 129 '➂' '' 130 '➃' '' 131 '➄' '' 132 '➅' '' 133 '➆' '' 134 '➇' '' 135 '➈' '' 136 '➉' '' 137 '➊' '' 138 '➋' '' 139 '➌' '' 140 '➍' '' 141 '➎' '' 142 '➏' '' 143 '➐' '' 144 '➑' '' 145 '➒' '' 146 '➓' '' 147 '➔' '' 148 '➕' '' 149 '➖' '' 150 '➗' '' 151 '➘' '' 152 '➙' '' 153 '➚' '' 154 '➛' '' 155 '➜' '' 156 '➝' '' 157 '➞' '' 158 '➟' '' 159 '➠' '' 160 '➡' '' 161 '➢' '' 162 '➣' '' 163 '➤' '' 164 '➥' '' 165 '➦' '' 166 '➧' '' 167 '➨' '' 168 '➩' '' 169 '➪' '' 170 '➫' '' 171 '➬' '' 172 '➭' '' 173 '➮' '' 174 '➯' '' 175 '➰' '' 176 '➱' '' 177 '➲' '' 178 '➳' '' 179 '➴' '' 180 '➵' '' 181 '➶' '' 182 '➷' '' 183 '➸' '' 184 '➹' '' 185 '➺' '' 186 '➻' '' 187 '➼' '' 188 '➽' '' 189 '➾' '' 190 '➿' '' 191 '⟀' '' 192 '⟁' '' 193 '⟂' '' 194 '⟃' '' 195 '⟄' '' 196 '⟅' '' 197 '⟆' '' 198 '⟇' '' 199 '⟈' '' 200 '⟉' '' 201 '⟊' '' 202 '⟋' '' 203 '⟌' '' 204 '⟍' '' 205 '⟎' '' 206 '⟏' '' 207 '⟐' '' 208 '⟑' '' 209 '⟒' '' 210 '⟓' '' 211 '⟔' '' 212 '⟕' '' 213 '⟖' '' 214 '⟗' '' 215 '⟘' '' 216 '⟙' '' 217 '⟚' '' 218 '⟛' '' 219 '⟜' '' 220 '⟝' '' 221 '⟞' '' 222 '⟟' '' 223 '⟠' '' 224 '⟡' '' 225 '⟢' '' 226 '⟣' '' 227 '⟤' '' 228 '⟥' '' 229 '⟦' '' 230 '⟧' '' 231 fxlr-xl-27 103 231 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-27}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-27} \<<< fxlr-xl-2c 96 119 'Ⱡ' '' 96 ` 'ⱡ' '' 97 % fxlr-xl-2c.htf `version % 'Ɫ' '' 98 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % 'Ᵽ' '' 99 ` 'Ɽ' '' 100 ` 'ⱥ' '' 101 ` 'ⱦ' '' 102 ` 'Ⱨ' '' 103 ` 'ⱨ' '' 104 ` 'Ⱪ' '' 105 ` 'ⱪ' '' 106 ` 'Ⱬ' '' 107 ` 'ⱬ' '' 108 ` 'Ɑ' '' 109 ` 'Ɱ' '' 110 ` 'Ɐ' '' 111 ` 'Ɒ' '' 112 ` 'ⱱ' '' 113 ` 'Ⱳ' '' 114 ` 'ⱳ' '' 115 ` 'ⱴ' '' 116 'Ⱶ' '' 117 'ⱶ' '' 118 'ⱷ' '' 119 fxlr-xl-2c 96 119 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-2c}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-2c} \<<< fxlr-xl-8x 0 255 'A' '' 0 % fxlr-xl-8x.htf `version % 'B' '' 1 % Copyright `CopyYear.2009. Eitan M. Gurari% 'C' '' 2 ` 'D' '' 3 ` 'E' '' 4 ` 'F' '' 5 ` 'G' '' 6 ` 'H' '' 7 ` 'I' '' 8 ` 'J' '' 9 ` 'K' '' 10 ` 'L' '' 11 ` 'M' '' 12 ` 'N' '' 13 ` 'O' '' 14 'P' '' 15 'Q' '' 16 'R' '' 17 'S' '' 18 'T' '' 19 'U' '' 20 'V' '' 21 'W' '' 22 'X' '' 23 'Y' '' 24 'Z' '' 25 '-' '' `% /hyphen `% 26 'À' '' `% /Agrave `% 27 'Á' '' `% /Aacute `% 28 'Â' '' `% /Acircumflex `% 29 'Ã' '' `% /Atilde `% 30 'Ä' '' `% /Adieresis `% 31 'Å' '' `% /Aring `% 32 'Æ' '' `% AE `% 33 'Ç' '' `% /Ccedilla `% 34 'È' '' `% /Egrave `% 35 'É' '' `% /Eacute `% 36 'Ê' '' `% /Ecircumflex `% 37 'Ë' '' `% /Edieresis `% 38 'Ì' '' `% /Igrave `% 39 'Í' '' `% /Iacute `% 40 'Î' '' `% /Icircumflex `% 41 '¯' '' `% /Idieresis `% 42 'Ð' '' `% /Eth `% 43 'Ń' '' `% /Ntilde `% 44 'Ò' '' `% /Ograve `% 45 'Ó' '' `% /Oacute `% 46 'Ô' '' `% /Ocircumflex `% 47 'Õ' '' `% /Otilde `% 48 'Ö' '' `% /Odieresis `% 49 'Œ' '' `% OE `% 50 'Ø' '' `% `% 51 'Ù' '' `% /Ugrave `% 52 'Ú' '' `% /Uacute `% 53 'Û' '' `% /Ucircumflex `% 54 'Ü' '' `% /Udieresis `% 55 'Ý' '' `% /Yacute `% 56 'Þ' '' `% `% 57 'Ÿ' '' 58 'IJ' '' `% /IJ `% 59 'ß' '' `% /germandbls `% 60 '0' '' 61 '1' '' 62 '2' '' 63 '3' '' 64 '4' '' 65 '5' '' 66 '6' '' 67 '7' '' 68 '8' '' 69 '9' '' 70 '0' '' 71 '1' '' 72 '2' '' 73 '3' '' 74 '4' '' 75 '5' '' 76 '6' '' 77 '7' '' 78 '8' '' 79 '9' '' 80 '₠' '' `% euro currency `% 81 '¥' '' `% /yen `% 82 'Ŋ' '' `% /Eng `% 83 'ŋ' '' `% /eng `% 84 'ff' '' ff 85 'fi' '' fi 86 'fl' '' fl 87 'ffi' '' ffi 88 'ffl' '' ffl 89 'st' '' st 90 'đ' '' `% /dcroat `% 91 'Đ' '' `% Dstroke `% 92 'Ă' '' `% /Abreve `% 93 'Ą' '' `% /Aogonek `% 94 'Ć' '' `% /Cacute `% 95 'Č' '' `% /Ccaron `% 96 'Ď' '' `% /Dcaron `% 97 'Ę' '' `% /Eogonek `% 98 'Ě' '' `% /Ecaron `% 99 'Ğ' '' `% /Gbreve `% 100 'Ĺ' '' `% /Lacute `% 101 'Ł' '' `% /Lslash `% 102 'Ń' '' `% /Nacute `% 103 'Ň' '' `% /Ncaron `% 104 'Ŋ' '' `% /Eng `% 105 'Ő' '' `% /Ohungarumlaut `% 106 'Ŕ' '' `% /Racute `% 107 'Ř' '' `% /Rcaron `% 108 'Ś' '' `% /Sacute `% 109 'Ş' '' `% /Scedilla `% 110 'Š' '' `% /Scaron `% 111 'Ţ' '' `% /Tcedilla `% 112 'Ŧ' '' 113 'Ů' '' `% /Uring `% 114 'Ű' '' `% /Uhungarumlaut `% 115 'Ź' '' `% /Zacute `% 116 'Ż' '' `% /Zdotaccent `% 117 'Ž' '' `% /Zcaron `% 118 'Ĺ' '' `% /Lacute `% 119 'Ť' '' `% /Tcaron `% 120 '(' '' 121 ')' '' 122 '[' '' 123 ']' '' 124 '{' '' 125 '}' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '' '' 153 '' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '' '' 162 '' '' 163 '' '' 164 '' '' 165 '' '' 166 '' '' 167 '' '' 168 '' '' 169 '' '' 170 '' '' 171 '' '' 172 '' '' 173 '' '' 174 '' '' 175 '' '' 176 '' '' 177 '' '' 178 '' '' 179 '' '' 180 '' '' 181 '' '' 182 '' '' 183 '' '' 184 '' '' 185 '' '' 186 '' '' 187 '' '' 188 '' '' 189 '' '' 190 '' '' 191 '' '' 192 '' '' 193 '' '' 194 '' '' 195 '' '' 196 '' '' 197 '' '' 198 '' '' 199 '' '' 200 '' '' 201 '' '' 202 '' '' 203 '' '' 204 '' '' 205 '' '' 206 '' '' 207 '' '' 208 '' '' 209 '' '' 210 '' '' 211 '' '' 212 '' '' 213 '' '' 214 '' '' 215 '' '' 216 '' '' 217 '' '' 218 '' '' 219 '' '' 220 '' '' 221 '' '' 222 '' '' 223 '' '' 224 '' '' 225 '' '' 226 '' '' 227 '' '' 228 '' '' 229 '' '' 230 '' '' 231 '' '' 232 '' '' 233 '' '' 234 '' '' 235 '' '' 236 '' '' 237 '' '' 238 '' '' 239 '' '' 240 '' '' 241 '' '' 242 '' '' 243 '' '' 244 '' '' 245 '' '' 246 '' '' 247 '' '' 248 '' '' 249 '' '' 250 '' '' 251 '' '' 252 '' '' 253 '' '' 254 '' '' 255 fxlr-xl-8x 0 255 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-8x}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-8x} \<<< fxlr-xl-a7 32 33 '꜠' '' 32 % fxlr-xl-a7.htf `version % '꜡' '' 33 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % fxlr-xl-a7 32 33 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-a7}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-a7} \<<< fxlr-xl-circle 0 133 '⓪' '' `%circled 0`% 0 '①' '' `%circled 1`% 1 '②' '' `%circled 2`% 2 '③' '' `%circled 3`% 3 '④' '' `%circled 4`% 4 '⑤' '' `%circled 5`% 5 '⑥' '' `%circled 6`% 6 '⑦' '' `%circled 7`% 7 '⑧' '' `%circled 8`% 8 '⑨' '' `%circled 9`% 9 '⑩' '' `%circled 10`% 10 '⑪' '' `%circled 11`% 11 '⑫' '' `%circled 12`% 12 '⑬' '' `%circled 13`% 13 '⑭' '' `%circled 14`% 14 '⑮' '' `%circled 15`% 15 '⑯' '' `%circled 16`% 16 '⑰' '' `%circled 17`% 17 '⑱' '' `%circled 18`% 18 '⑲' '' `%circled 19`% 19 '⑳' '' `%circled 20`% 20 '⓿' '' `%solid circled 0`% 21 '❶' '' `%solid circled 1`% 22 '❷' '' `%solid circled 2`% 23 '❸' '' `%solid circled 3`% 24 '❹' '' `%solid circled 4`% 25 '❺' '' `%solid circled 5`% 26 '❻' '' `%solid circled 6`% 27 '❼' '' `%solid circled 7`% 28 '❽' '' `%solid circled 8`% 29 '❾' '' `%solid circled 9`% 30 '❿' '' `%solid circled 10`% 31 '⓫' '' `%solid circled 11`% 32 '⓬' '' `%solid circled 12`% 33 '⓭' '' `%solid circled 13`% 34 '⓮' '' `%solid circled 14`% 35 '⓯' '' `%solid circled 15`% 36 '⓰' '' `%solid circled 16`% 37 '⓱' '' `%solid circled 17`% 38 '⓲' '' `%solid circled 18`% 39 '⓳' '' `%solid circled 19`% 40 '⓴' '' `%solid circled 20`% 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '' '' 44 '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '' '' 60 '' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '' 64 'Ⓐ' '' `%circled A`% 65 'Ⓑ' '' `%circled B`% 66 'Ⓒ' '' `%circled C`% 67 'Ⓓ' '' `%circled D`% 68 'Ⓔ' '' `%circled E`% 69 'Ⓕ' '' `%circled F`% 70 'Ⓖ' '' `%circled G`% 71 'Ⓗ' '' `%circled H`% 72 'Ⓘ' '' `%circled I`% 73 'Ⓙ' '' `%circled J`% 74 'Ⓚ' '' `%circled K`% 75 'Ⓛ' '' `%circled L`% 76 'Ⓜ' '' `%circled M`% 77 'Ⓝ' '' `%circled N`% 78 'Ⓞ' '' `%circled O`% 79 'Ⓟ' '' `%circled P`% 80 'Ⓠ' '' `%circled Q`% 81 'Ⓡ' '' `%circled R`% 82 'Ⓢ' '' `%circled S`% 83 'Ⓣ' '' `%circled T`% 84 'Ⓤ' '' `%circled U`% 85 'Ⓥ' '' `%circled V`% 86 'Ⓦ' '' `%circled W`% 87 'Ⓧ' '' `%circled X`% 88 'Ⓨ' '' `%circled Y`% 89 'Ⓩ' '' `%circled Z`% 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 'ⓐ' '' `%circled a`% 97 'ⓑ' '' `%circled b`% 98 'ⓒ' '' `%circled c`% 99 'ⓓ' '' `%circled d`% 100 'ⓔ' '' `%circled e`% 101 'ⓕ' '' `%circled f`% 102 'ⓖ' '' `%circled g`% 103 'ⓗ' '' `%circled h`% 104 'ⓘ' '' `%circled i`% 105 'ⓙ' '' `%circled j`% 106 'ⓚ' '' `%circled k`% 107 'ⓛ' '' `%circled l`% 108 'ⓜ' '' `%circled m`% 109 'ⓝ' '' `%circled n`% 110 'ⓞ' '' `%circled o`% 111 'ⓟ' '' `%circled p`% 112 'ⓠ' '' `%circled q`% 113 'ⓡ' '' `%circled r`% 114 'ⓢ' '' `%circled s`% 115 'ⓣ' '' `%circled t`% 116 'ⓤ' '' `%circled u`% 117 'ⓥ' '' `%circled v`% 118 'ⓦ' '' `%circled w`% 119 'ⓧ' '' `%circled x`% 120 'ⓨ' '' `%circled y`% 121 'ⓩ' '' `%circled z`% 122 '' '' 123 '⓵' '' `%circled 1`% 124 '⓶' '' `%circled 2`% 125 '⓷' '' `%circled 3`% 126 '⓸' '' `%circled 4`% 127 '⓹' '' `%circled 5`% 128 '⓺' '' `%circled 6`% 129 '⓻' '' `%circled 7`% 130 '⓼' '' `%circled 8`% 131 '⓽' '' `%circled 9`% 132 '⓾' '' `%circled 10`% 133 fxlr-xl-circle 0 133 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-circle}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-circle} \<<< fxlr-xl-e0 0 251 '' '' 0 ` '' '' 1 % fxlr-xl-e0.htf `version % '' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 3 ` '' '' 4 ` '' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 '' '' 32 '' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '' '' 40 '' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '' '' 44 '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '' '' 60 '' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '' '' 120 '' '' 121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '' '' 153 '' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '' '' 162 '' '' 163 '' '' 164 '' '' 165 '' '' 166 '' '' 167 '' '' 168 '' '' 169 '' '' 170 '' '' 171 '' '' 172 '' '' 173 '' '' 174 '' '' 175 '' '' 176 '' '' 177 '' '' 178 '' '' 179 '' '' 180 '' '' 181 '' '' 182 '' '' 183 '' '' 184 '' '' 185 '' '' 186 '' '' 187 '' '' 188 '' '' 189 '' '' 190 '' '' 191 '' '' 192 '' '' 193 '' '' 194 '' '' 195 '' '' 196 '' '' 197 '' '' 198 '' '' 199 '' '' 200 '' '' 201 '' '' 202 '' '' 203 '' '' 204 '' '' 205 '' '' 206 '' '' 207 '' '' 208 '' '' 209 '' '' 210 '' '' 211 '' '' 212 '' '' 213 '' '' 214 '' '' 215 '' '' 216 '' '' 217 '' '' 218 '' '' 219 '' '' 220 '' '' 221 '' '' 222 '' '' 223 '' '' 224 '' '' 225 '' '' 226 '' '' 227 '' '' 228 '' '' 229 '' '' 230 '' '' 231 '' '' 232 '' '' 233 '' '' 234 '' '' 235 '' '' 236 '' '' 237 '' '' 238 '' '' 239 '' '' 240 '' '' 241 '' '' 242 '' '' 243 '' '' 244 '' '' 245 '' '' 246 '' '' 247 '' '' 248 '' '' 249 '' '' 250 '' '' 251 fxlr-xl-e0 0 251 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-e0}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-e0} \<<< fxlr-xl-e1 0 97 '' '' 0 ` '' '' 1 % fxlr-xl-e1.htf `version % '' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 3 ` '' '' 4 ` '' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 '' '' 32 '' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '' '' 39 '' '' 40 '' '' 41 '' '' 42 '' '' 43 '' '' 44 '' '' 45 '' '' 46 '' '' 47 '' '' 48 '' '' 49 '' '' 50 '' '' 51 '' '' 52 '' '' 53 '' '' 54 '' '' 55 '' '' 56 '' '' 57 '' '' 58 '' '' 59 '' '' 60 '' '' 61 '' '' 62 '' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 fxlr-xl-e1 0 97 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-e1}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-e1} \<<< fxlr-xl-f6 56 190 '' '' 56 ` '' '' 57 % fxlr-xl-f6.htf `version % '' '' 58 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 59 ` '' '' 60 ` '' '' 61 ` '' '' 62 ` '' '' 63 ` '' '' 64 ` '' '' 65 ` '' '' 66 ` '' '' 67 ` '' '' 68 ` '' '' 69 ` '' '' 70 ` '' '' 71 ` '' '' 72 ` '' '' 73 ` '' '' 74 ` '' '' 75 ` '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 '' '' 97 '' '' 98 '' '' 99 '' '' 100 '' '' 101 '' '' 102 '' '' 103 '' '' 104 '' '' 105 '' '' 106 '' '' 107 '' '' 108 '' '' 109 '' '' 110 '' '' 111 '' '' 112 '' '' 113 '' '' 114 '' '' 115 '' '' 116 '' '' 117 '' '' 118 '' '' 119 '' '' 120 '' '' 121 '' '' 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '' '' 143 '' '' 144 '' '' 145 '' '' 146 '' '' 147 '' '' 148 '' '' 149 '' '' 150 '' '' 151 '' '' 152 '' '' 153 '' '' 154 '' '' 155 '' '' 156 '' '' 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '' '' 162 '' '' 163 '' '' 164 '' '' 165 '' '' 166 '' '' 167 '' '' 168 '' '' 169 '' '' 170 '' '' 171 '' '' 172 '' '' 173 '' '' 174 '' '' 175 '' '' 176 '' '' 177 '' '' 178 '' '' 179 '' '' 180 '' '' 181 '' '' 182 '' '' 183 '' '' 184 '' '' 185 '' '' 186 '' '' 187 '' '' 188 '' '' 189 '' '' 190 fxlr-xl-f6 56 190 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-f6}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-f6} \<<< fxlr-xl-fb 0 6 'ff' '' 0 ` 'fi' '' 1 % fxlr-xl-fb.htf `version % 'fl' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. Eitan M. Gurari % 'ffi' '' 3 ` 'ffl' '' 4 ` 'ſt' '' 5 ` 'st' '' 6 ` fxlr-xl-fb 0 6 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-fb}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-fb} \<<< fxlr-xl-ff 253 253 '´' '' 253 % fxlr-xl-ff.htf `version % fxlr-xl-ff 253 253 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-ff}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-ff} \<<< fxlr-xl-infsup 43 222 '+' '' `% /plus `% 43 ` '' '' 44 % fxlr-xl-infsup.htf (unicode) `version % '-' '' `% /hyphen `% 45 % Copyright `CopyYear.2003. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 46 ` '/' '' `% /slash `% 47 ` '0' '' `% /zero `% 48 ` '1' '' `% /one `% 49 ` '2' '' `% /two `% 50 ` '3' '' `% /three `% 51 ` '4' '' `% /four `% 52 ` '5' '' `% /five `% 53 ` '6' '' `% /six `% 54 ` '7' '' `% /seven `% 55 ` '8' '' `% /eight `% 56 ` '9' '' `% /nine `% 57 ` '' '' 58 ` '' '' 59 17 ` '' '' 60 ` '' '' 61 ` '' '' 62 ` '' '' 63 '' '' 64 '' '' 65 '' '' 66 '' '' 67 '' '' 68 '' '' 69 '' '' 70 '' '' 71 '' '' 72 '' '' 73 '' '' 74 '' '' 75 '' '' 76 '' '' 77 '' '' 78 '' '' 79 '' '' 80 '' '' 81 '' '' 82 '' '' 83 '' '' 84 '' '' 85 '' '' 86 '' '' 87 '' '' 88 '' '' 89 '' '' 90 '' '' 91 '' '' 92 '' '' 93 '' '' 94 '' '' 95 '' '' 96 'a' '' `% /a `% 97 'b' '' `% /b `% 98 'c' '' `% /c `% 99 'd' '' `% /d `% 100 'e' '' `% /e `% 101 'f' '' `% /f `% 102 'g' '' `% /g `% 103 'h' '' `% /h `% 104 'i' '' `% /i `% 105 'j' '' `% /j `% 106 'k' '' `% /k `% 107 'l' '' `% /l `% 108 'm' '' `% /m `% 109 'n' '' `% /n `% 110 'o' '' `% /o `% 111 'p' '' `% /p `% 112 'q' '' `% /q `% 113 'r' '' `% /r `% 114 's' '' `% /s `% 115 't' '' `% /t `% 116 'u' '' `% /u `% 117 'v' '' `% /v `% 118 'w' '' `% /w `% 119 'x' '' `% /x `% 120 'y' '' `% /y `% 121 'z' '' `% /z `% 122 '' '' 123 '' '' 124 '' '' 125 '' '' 126 '' '' 127 '' '' 128 '' '' 129 '' '' 130 '' '' 131 '' '' 132 '' '' 133 '' '' 134 '' '' 135 '' '' 136 '' '' 137 '' '' 138 '' '' 139 '' '' 140 '' '' 141 '' '' 142 '+' '' `% /plus `% 143 '' '' 144 '-' '' `% /hyphen `% 145 '' '' 146 '/' '' `% /slash `% 147 '0' '' `% /zero `% 148 '1' '' `% /one `% 149 '2' '' `% /two `% 150 '3' '' `% /three `% 151 '4' '' `% /four `% 152 '5' '' `% /five `% 153 '6' '' `% /six `% 154 '7' '' `% /seven `% 155 '8' '' `% /eight `% 156 '9' '' `% /nine `% 157 '' '' 158 '' '' 159 '' '' 160 '' '' 161 '' '' 162 '' '' 163 '' '' 164 '' '' 165 '' '' 166 '' '' 167 '' '' 168 '' '' 169 '' '' 170 '' '' 171 '' '' 172 '' '' 173 '' '' 174 '' '' 175 '' '' 176 '' '' 177 '' '' 178 '' '' 179 '' '' 180 '' '' 181 '' '' 182 '' '' 183 '' '' 184 '' '' 185 '' '' 186 '' '' 187 '' '' 188 '' '' 189 '' '' 190 '' '' 191 '' '' 192 '' '' 193 '' '' 194 '' '' 195 '' '' 196 'a' '' /a.inferior 197 'b' '' /b.inferior 198 'c' '' /c.inferior 199 'd' '' /d.inferior 200 'e' '' /e.inferior 201 'f' '' /f.inferior 202 'g' '' /g.inferior 203 'h' '' /h.inferior 204 'i' '' /i.inferior 205 'j' '' /j.inferior 206 'k' '' /k.inferior 207 'l' '' /l.inferior 208 'm' '' /m.inferior 209 'n' '' /n.inferior 210 'o' '' /o.inferior 211 'p' '' /p.inferior 212 'q' '' /q.inferior 213 'r' '' /r.inferior 214 's' '' /s.inferior 215 't' '' /t.inferior 216 'u' '' /u.inferior 217 'v' '' /v.inferior 218 'w' '' /w.inferior 219 'x' '' /x.inferior 220 'y' '' /y.inferior 221 'z' '' /z.inferior 222 fxlr-xl-infsup 43 222 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-infsup}{alias/libertine/fxlr-xl-infsup} \<<< fxlr-xl-lgi 0 255 '' '' 0 ` '' '' 1 % fxlr-xl-lgi.htf `version % '' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 3 ` '' '' 4 ` '' '' 5 ` '' '' 6 ` '' '' 7 ` '' '' 8 ` '' '' 9 ` '' '' 10 ` '' '' 11 ` '' '' 12 ` '' '' 13 ` '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '' '' 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 '' '' 21 '' '' 22 '' '' 23 '' '' 24 '' '' 25 '' '' 26 '' '' 27 '' '' 28 '' '' 29 '' '' 30 '' '' 31 ' ' '' `%space`% 32 '!' '' `%exclam`% 33 '¨' '' `%dieresis`% 34 % '΅' '' `%dieresisacute`% 35 '῭' '' `%dieresisgrave`% 36 '%' '' `%percent`% 37 '–' '' `%endash`% 38 '’' '' `%quotesnglright`% 39 '(' '' `%parenleft`% 40 ')' '' `%parenright`% 41 '*' '' `%asterisk`% 42 '+' '' `%plus`% 43 ',' '' `%comma`% 44 '-' '' `%hyphen`% 45 '.' 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'' `%dotM`% 196 '˘' '' `%breve`% 197 'ˉ' '' `%macron`% 198 '᾿' '' `%lenis`% 199 'ὶ' '' `%iotagrave`% 200 'ἱ' '' `%iotaasper`% 201 'ἰ' '' `%iotalenis`% 202 'ἳ' '' `%iotaaspergrave`% 203 'ὺ' '' `%upsilongrave`% 204 'ὑ' '' `%upsilonasper`% 205 'ὐ' '' `%upsilonlenis`% 206 'ὓ' '' `%upsilonaspergrave`% 207 'ί' '' `%iotaacute`% 208 'ἵ' '' `%iotaasperacute`% 209 'ἴ' '' `%iotalenisacute`% 210 'ἲ' '' `%iotalenisgrave`% 211 'ύ' '' `%upsilonacute`% 212 'ὕ' '' `%upsilonasperacute`% 213 'ὔ' '' `%upsilonlenisacute`% 214 'ὒ' '' `%upsilonlenisgrave`% 215 'ῖ' '' `%iotaperispomene`% 216 'ἷ' '' `%iotaasperperispomene`% 217 'ἶ' '' `%iotalenisperispomene`% 218 '{' '' `%braceleft`% 219 'ῦ' '' `%upsilonperispomene`% 220 'ὗ' '' `%upsilonasperperispomene`% 221 'ὖ' '' `%upsilonlenisperispomene`% 222 '}' '' `%braceright`% 223 'ὲ' '' `%epsilongrave`% 224 'ἑ' '' `%epsilonasper`% 225 'ἐ' '' `%epsilonlenis`% 226 'ἂ' '' `%epsilonlenisgrave`% 227 'ὸ' '' `%omicrongrave`% 228 'ὁ' '' `%omicronasper`% 229 'ὀ' '' `%omicronlenis`% 230 'ὃ' '' `%omicronaspergrave`% 231 'έ' '' `%epsilonacute`% 232 'ἕ' '' `%epsilonasperacute`% 233 'ἔ' '' `%epsilonlenisacute`% 234 'ἓ' '' `%epsilonaspergrave`% 235 'ό' '' `%omicronacute`% 236 'ὅ' '' `%omicronasperacute`% 237 'ὄ' '' `%omicronlenisacute`% 238 'ὂ' '' `%omicronlenisgrave`% 239 'ϊ' '' `%iotadieresis`% 240 'ῒ' '' `%iotadieresisacute`% 241 'ΐ' '' `%iotadieresisgrave`% 242 '⌊' '' `%bracketleftbt`% 243 'ϋ' '' `%upsilondieresis`% 244 'ῢ' '' `%upsilondieresisacute`% 245 'ΰ' '' `%upsilondieresisgrave`% 246 '⌋' '' `%bracketrightbt`% 247 'ι' '' `%iotasubalpha`% 248 'ι' '' `%iotasubeta`% 249 'ι' '' `%iotasubomega`% 250 'ῥ' '' `%rhoasper`% 251 'ῤ' '' `%rholenis`% 252 '†' '' `%dagger`% 253 '‡' '' `%daggerdbl`% 254 'h' '' `%aspirate`% 255 fxlr-xl-lgi 0 255 >>> \AddFont{fxlr-xl-lgi}{unicode/libertine/fxlr-xl-lgi} \<<< fxlr-xl-lgr 1 253 ' ̯' '' `%space + combining inverted breve under`% 1 % ` '𐅄' '' 2 % fxlr-xl-lgr.htf (unicode) `version % '𐅅' '' 3 % Copyright `CopyYear.2000. Eitan M. Gurari % '𐅆' '' 4 ` '𐅇' '' 5 ` 'ϛ' '' 6 ` 'ͺϚ' '' 7 ` 'ι' '' 8 ` 'ᾼ' '' 9 ` 'ῌ' '' 10 ` 'ῼ' '' 11 ` 'Α' '' 12 ` 'ϔ' '' 13 ` 'α' '' 14 ` 'ϋ' '' 15 ` 'ˏ' '' 16 ` 'ˎ' '' 17 ` 'ϟ' '' 18 ` 'ϙ' '' 19 ` ' ̮' '' `%space + combining breve under`% 20 ` 'Ϙ' '' 21 'СГ' '' ???? 22 'Ϡ' '' 23 '€' '' `%euro`% 24 '‰' '' `%permile`% 25 'ə' '' `%latin letter schwa`% 26 'ϡ' '' 27 '‘' '' 28 '’' '' 29 '˘' '' 30 '¯' '' 31 '῁' '' 32 '!' '' 33 '᾽' '' 34 '΅' '' 35 '῭' '' 36 '%' '' 37 '·' '' 38 '΄' '' 39 '(' '' 40 ')' '' 41 '*' '' 42 '+' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' 45 '.' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '' '' 14 ` '' '' 15 ` '' '' 16 ` '' '' 17 ` '„' '' `% /quotedblbase.ts1 `% 18 ` '' '' 19 ` '' '' 20 ` '–' '' `% /twelveudash `% 21 ` '-' '' `% /threequartersemdash `% 22 ` '' '' `% cwm capital compound word mark`% 23 ` '←' '' `% /arrowleft `% 24 ` '→' '' `% /arrowright `% 25 ` '⁀' '' `% /tieaccentlowercase `% 26 ` '⁀' '' `% /tieaccentcapital `% 27 ` '⁀' '' `% /tieaccentlowercase.new `% 28 ` '⁀' '' `% /tieaccentcapital.new `% 29 ` '' '' 30 ` '' '' `% zero-width x-height strut rule `% 31 ' ' '' `% /blanksymbol `% 32 '' '' 33 '' '' 34 '' '' 35 '$' '' 36 '' '' 37 '' '' 38 '’' '' `% /quotesingle.ts1 `% *39 '' '' 40 '' '' 41 '∗' '' `% /asteriskmath `% 42 '' '' 43 ',' '' 44 '-' '' `% /hyphendbl `% 45 '.' 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Eitan M. Gurari % '☈' '' 8 ` '☉' '' 9 ` '☊' '' 10 ` '☋' '' 11 ` '☌' '' 12 ` '☍' '' 13 ` '☎' '' 14 ` '☏' '' 15 ` '☐' '' 16 ` '☑' '' 17 ` '☒' '' 18 ` '☓' '' 19 ` '☔' '' 20 ` '☕' '' 21 ` '☖' '' 22 ` '☗' '' 23 ` '☘' '' 24 ` '☙' '' 25 '☚' '' 26 '☛' '' 27 '☜' '' 28 '☝' '' 29 '☞' '' 30 '☟' '' 31 '☠' '' 32 '☡' '' 33 '☢' '' 34 '☣' '' 35 '☤' '' 36 '☥' '' 37 '☦' '' 38 '☧' '' 39 '☨' '' 40 '☩' '' 41 '☪' '' 42 '☫' '' 43 '☬' '' 44 '☭' '' 45 '☮' '' 46 '☯' '' 47 '☰' '' 48 '☱' '' 49 '☲' '' 50 '☳' '' 51 '☴' '' 52 '☵' '' 53 '☶' '' 54 '☷' '' 55 '☸' '' 56 '☹' '' 57 '☺' '' 58 '☻' '' 59 '☼' '' 60 '☽' '' 61 '☾' '' 62 '☿' '' 63 '♀' '' 64 '♁' '' 65 '♂' '' 66 '♃' '' 67 '♄' '' 68 '♅' '' 69 '♆' '' 70 '♇' '' 71 '♈' '' 72 '♉' '' 73 '♊' '' 74 '♋' '' 75 '♌' '' 76 '♍' '' 77 '♎' '' 78 '♏' '' 79 '♐' '' 80 '♑' '' 81 '♒' '' 82 '♓' '' 83 '♔' '' 84 '♕' '' 85 '♖' '' 86 '♗' '' 87 '♘' '' 88 '♙' '' 89 '♚' '' 90 '♛' '' 91 '♜' '' 92 '♝' '' 93 '♞' '' 94 '♟' '' 95 '♠' '' 96 '♡' '' 97 '♢' '' 98 '♣' '' 99 '♤' '' 100 '♥' '' 101 '♦' '' 102 '♧' '' 103 '♨' '' 104 '♩' '' 105 '♪' '' 106 '♫' '' 107 '♬' '' 108 '♭' '' 109 '♮' '' 110 '♯' '' 111 '♰' '' 112 '♱' '' 113 '♲' '' 114 '♳' '' 115 '♴' '' 116 '♵' '' 117 '♶' '' 118 '♷' '' 119 '♸' '' 120 '♹' '' 121 '♺' '' 122 '♻' '' 123 '♼' '' 124 '♽' '' 125 '♾' '' 126 '♿' '' 127 '⚀' '' 128 '⚁' '' 129 '⚂' '' 130 '⚃' '' 131 '⚄' '' 132 '⚅' '' 133 '⚆' '' 134 '⚇' '' 135 '⚈' '' 136 '⚉' '' 137 '⚊' '' 138 '⚋' '' 139 '⚌' '' 140 '⚍' '' 141 '⚎' '' 142 '⚏' '' 143 '⚐' '' 144 '⚑' '' 145 '⚒' '' 146 '⚓' '' 147 '⚔' '' 148 '⚕' '' 149 '⚖' '' 150 '⚗' '' 151 '⚘' '' 152 '⚙' '' 153 '⚚' '' 154 '⚛' '' 155 '⚜' '' 156 '⚝' '' 157 '⚞' '' 158 '⚟' '' 159 '⚠' '' 160 '⚡' '' 161 '⚢' '' 162 '⚣' '' 163 '⚤' '' 164 fxlri-xl-26 5 164 htfcss: fxlri-xl-26 font-style:italic; >>> \AddFont{fxlri-xl-26}{unicode/libertine/fxlri-xl-26} \<<< .fxlr-xl-27 htfcss: fxlri-xl-27 font-style:italic; >>> \AddFont{fxlri-xl-27}{alias/libertine/fxlri-xl-27} \<<< .fxlr-xl-2c htfcss: fxlri-xl-2c font-style:italic; >>> \AddFont{fxlri-xl-2c}{alias/libertine/fxlri-xl-2c} \<<< .fxlr-xl-a7 htfcss: fxlri-xl-a7 font-style:italic; >>> \AddFont{fxlri-xl-a7}{alias/libertine/fxlri-xl-a7} \<<< .fxlr-xl-e0 htfcss: fxlri-xl-e0 font-style:italic; >>> \AddFont{fxlri-xl-e0}{alias/libertine/fxlri-xl-e0} \<<< fxlri-xl-e1 0 33 '' '' 0 ` '' '' 1 % fxlb-xl-e1.htf `version % '' '' 2 % Copyright `CopyYear.2007. 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Eitan M. Gurari % ']' '' 3 ` '⌊' '' 4 ` '⌋' '' 5 ` '⌈' '' 6 ` '⌉' '' 7 ` '{' '' 8 ` '}' '' 9 ` '⟨' '' 10 ` '⟩' '' 11 ` '|' '' 12 ` '∥' '' 13 ` '∕' '' 14 ` '\' '' 15 ` '(' '' 16 ` ')' '' 17 ` '(' '' 18 ` ')' '' 19 ` '[' '' 20 ']' '' 21 '⌊' '' 22 '⌋' '' 23 '⌈' '' 24 '⌉' '' 25 '{' '' 26 '}' '' 27 '⟨' '' 28 '⟩' '' 29 '∕' '' 30 '\' '' 31 '(' '' 32 ')' '' 33 '[' '' 34 ']' '' 35 '⌊' '' 36 '⌋' '' 37 '⌈' '' 38 '⌉' '' 39 '{' '' 40 '}' '' 41 '⟨' '' 42 '⟩' '' 43 '∕' '' 44 '\' '' 45 '∕' '' 46 '\' '' 47 '(' '' 48 ')' '' 49 '⌊' '' 50 '⌋' '' 51 '⌈' '' 52 '⌉' '' 53 '|' '' 54 '|' '' 55 '(' '' 56 ')' '' 57 '(' '' 58 ')' '' 59 '{' '' 60 '}' '' 61 '|' '' 62 '|' '' 63 '(' '' 64 ')' '' 65 '|' '' 66 '|' '' 67 '⟨' '' 68 '⟩' '' 69 '⊔' '' 70 '⊔' '' 71 '∮' '' 72 '∮' '' 73 '⊙' '' 74 '⊙' '' 75 '⊕' '' 76 '⊕' '' 77 '⊗' '' 78 '⊗' '' 79 '∑' '' 80 '∏' '' 81 '∫' '' 82 '⋃' '' 83 '⋂' '' 84 '⊎' '' 85 '∧' '' 86 '∨' '' 87 '∑' '' 88 '∏' '' 89 '∫' '' 90 '⋃' '' 91 '⋂' '' 92 '⊎' '' 93 '∧' '' 94 '∨' '' 95 '∐' '' 96 '∐' '' 97 '^' '' 98 '^' '' 99 '^' '' 100 '^' '' 101 '^' '' 102 '^' '' 103 '[' '' 104 ']' '' 105 '⌊' '' 106 '⌋' '' 107 '⌈' '' 108 '⌉' '' 109 '{' '' 110 '}' '' 111 '∘' '' 112 '∘' '' 113 '∘' '' 114 '∘' '' 115 '∘' '' 116 '│' '' 117 '┌' '' 118 '║' '' 119 '↑' '' 120 '↓' '' 121 '◜' '' 122 '◝' '' 123 '◟' '' 124 '◞' '' 125 '⇑' '' 126 '⇓' '' 127 ')' '' '[' '' ']' '' '⌊' '' 4 % '⌋' '' 5 % '⌈' '' 6 % '⌉' '' 7 % '{' '' '}' '' '⟨' '' 10 % '⟩' '' 11 % '|' '' 12 % '∥' '' 13 % '∕' '' 14 % '\' '' 15 % '(' '' ')' '' '(' '' ')' '' '[' '' 20 ']' '' 21 '⌊' '' 22 '⌋' '' 23 '⌈' '' 24 '⌉' '' 25 '{' '' 26 '}' '' 27 '⟨' '' 28 '⟩' '' 29 '∕' '' 30 '\' '' 31 '(' '' 32 ')' '' 33 '[' '' 34 ']' '' 35 '⌊' '' 36 '⌋' '' 37 '⌈' '' 38 '⌉' '' 39 '{' '' 40 '}' '' 41 '⟨' '' 42 '⟩' '' 43 '∕' '' 44 '\' '' 45 '∕' '' 46 '\' '' 47 '(' '' 48 ')' '' 49 '⌊' '' 50 '⌋' '' 51 '⌈' '' 52 '⌉' '' 53 '|' '' 54 '|' '' 55 '(' '' 56 ')' '' 57 '(' '' 58 ')' '' 59 '{' '' 60 '}' '' 61 '|' '' 62 '|' '' 63 '(' '' 64 ')' '' 65 '|' '' 66 '|' '' 67 '⟨' '' 68 '⟩' '' 69 '⊔' '' 70 '⊔' '' 71 '∮' '' 72 '∮' '' 73 '⊙' '' 74 '⊙' '' 75 '⊕' '' 76 '⊕' '' 77 '⊗' '' 78 '⊗' '' 79 '∑' '' 80 '∏' '' 81 '∫' '' 82 '⋃' '' 83 '⋂' '' 84 '⊎' '' 85 '∧' '' 86 '∨' '' 87 '∑' '' 88 '∏' '' 89 '∫' '' 90 '⋃' '' 91 '⋂' '' 92 '⊎' '' 93 '∧' '' 94 '∨' '' 95 '∐' '' 96 '∐' '' 97 '^' '' 98 '^' '' 99 '^' '' 100 '^' '' 101 '^' '' 102 '^' '' 103 '[' '' 104 ']' '' 105 '⌊' '' 106 '⌋' '' 107 '⌈' '' 108 '⌉' '' 109 '{' '' 110 '}' '' 111 '∘' '' 112 '∘' '' 113 '∘' '' 114 '∘' '' 115 '∘' '' 116 '│' '' 117 '┌' '' 118 '║' '' 119 '↑' '' 120 '↓' '' 121 '◜' '' 122 '◝' '' 123 '◟' '' 124 '◞' '' 125 '⇑' '' 126 '⇓' '' 127 '⇓' '' 127 mdbchr7v 0 255 >>> \AddFont{mdbchr7v}{unicode/mathdesign/mdbchr7v} \<<< .cmsy >>> \AddFont{mdbchr7y}{alias/mathdesign/mdbchr7y} \<<< .cmmi htfcss: mdbchri7m font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{mdbchri7m}{alias/mathdesign/mdbchri7m} \<<< .pplb9o htfcss: mdbchri7t font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{mdbchri7t}{alias/mathdesign/mdbchri7t} \<<< .ptmri7t htfcss: mdbchro7t font-style: italic; >>> \AddFont{mdbchro7t}{alias/mathdesign/mdbchro7t} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Mathabx} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Math fonts by Anthony Phan \<<< matha 0 251 % matha.htf '+' '' 0 % Copyright 2023 TeX Users Group '−' '' 1 % '×' '' 2 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '÷' '' 3 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '·' '' 4 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '◦' '' 5 % later version. 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'≡' '' 17 '∼' '' 18 '≈' '' 19 '≃' '' 20 '≅' '' 21 '≍' '' 22 '∣' '' 23 '≠' '' 24 '≢' '' 25 '≁' '' 26 '≉' '' 27 '≄' '' 28 '≇' '' 29 '≭' '' 30 '∤' '' 31 '¬' '' 32 '≪' '' 33 '≫' '' 34 '⋕' '' 35 '⊢' '' 36 '⊣' '' 37 '⊬' '' 38 '' '1' 39 '⊨' '' 40 '⫤' '' 41 '⊭' '' 42 '' '1' 43 '⊩' '' 44 '⫣' '' 45 '⊮' '' 46 '' '1' 47 '°' '' 48 '′' '' 49 '″' '' 50 '‴' '' 51 '⁗' '' 52 '♭' '' 53 '♮' '' 54 '♯' '' 55 '∞' '' 56 '∝' '' 57 '†' '' 58 '‡' '' 59 '∑' '' 60 '∏' '' 61 '∐' '' 62 '√' '' 63 '∀' '' 64 '∁' '' 65 '∂' '' 66 '' '1' 67 '∃' '' 68 '∄' '' 69 'Ⅎ' '' 70 '⅁' '' 71 '∅' '' 72 '⌀' '' 73 '⊤' '' 74 '⊥' '' 75 '' '1' 76 '' '1' 77 '⋏' '' 78 '⋎' '' 79 '∈' '' 80 '∋' '' 81 '∉' '' 82 '∌' '' 83 '∉' '' 84 '∌' '' 85 '⋶' '' 86 '⋸' '' 87 '⋂' '' 88 '⋃' '' 89 '⨄' '' 90 '⨅' '' 91 '⨆' '' 92 '' '1' 93 '∧' '' 94 '∨' '' 95 '⊕' '' 96 '⊖' '' 97 '⊗' '' 98 '⨸' '' 99 '⊙' '' 100 '⊚' '' 101 '⊛' '' 102 '⊛' '' 103 '' '1' 104 '' '1' 105 '' '1' 106 '⦺' '' 107 '○' '' 108 '⊘' '' 109 '⍉' '' 110 '🟕' '' 111 '(' '' 112 ')' '' 113 '[' '' 114 ']' '' 115 '{' '' 116 '}' '' 117 '⟦' '' 118 '⟧' '' 119 '⟨' '' 120 '⟩' '' 121 '\' '' 122 '/' '' 123 '|' '' 124 '‖' '' 125 '⫴' '' 126 '|' '' 127 '⊂' '' 128 '⊃' '' 129 '⊄' '' 130 '⊅' '' 131 '⊆' '' 132 '⊇' '' 133 '⊈' '' 134 '⊉' '' 135 '⊊' '' 136 '⊋' '' 137 '' '1' 138 '' '1' 139 '⫅' '' 140 '⫆' '' 141 '' '1' 142 '' '1' 143 '⫋' '' 144 '⫌' '' 145 '' '1' 146 '' '1' 147 '⋐' '' 148 '⋑' '' 149 '' '1' 150 '' '1' 151 '⊲' '' 152 '⊳' '' 153 '⋪' '' 154 '⋫' '' 155 '⊴' '' 156 '⊵' '' 157 '⋬' '' 158 '⋭' '' 159 '<' '' 160 '>' '' 161 '≮' '' 162 '≯' '' 163 '⩽' '' 164 '⩾' '' 165 '≰' '' 166 '≱' '' 167 '≤' '' 168 '≥' '' 169 '≰' '' 170 '≱' '' 171 '⪇' '' 172 '⪈' '' 173 '≦' '' 174 '≧' '' 175 '' '1' 176 '' '1' 177 '≨' '' 178 '≩' '' 179 '≨' '' 180 '≩' '' 181 '⋜' '' 182 '⋝' '' 183 '' '1' 184 '' '1' 185 '≶' '' 186 '≷' '' 187 '⋚' '' 188 '⋛' '' 189 '⪋' '' 190 '⪌' '' 191 '≲' '' 192 '≳' '' 193 '≴' '' 194 '≵' '' 195 '⋦' '' 196 '⋧' '' 197 '⪅' '' 198 '⪆' '' 199 '' '1' 200 '' '1' 201 '⪉' '' 202 '⪊' '' 203 '⋖' '' 204 '⋗' '' 205 '⪡' '' 206 '⪢' '' 207 '←' '' 208 '→' '' 209 '↑' '' 210 '↓' '' 211 '↖' '' 212 '↗' '' 213 '↙' '' 214 '↘' '' 215 '↔' '' 216 '↕' '' 217 '↚' '' 218 '↛' '' 219 '↮' '' 220 '⎯' '' 221 '⊦' '' 222 '⫞' '' 223 '↼' '' 224 '⇀' '' 225 '↽' '' 226 '⇁' '' 227 '↿' '' 228 '⇃' '' 229 '↾' '' 230 '⇂' '' 231 '⇋' '' 232 '⇌' '' 233 '⥮' '' 234 '⥯' '' 235 '' '1' 236 '' '1' 237 '' '1' 238 '' '1' 239 '⇐' '' 240 '⇒' '' 241 '⇑' '' 242 '⇓' '' 243 '⇔' '' 244 '⇕' '' 245 '⇍' '' 246 '⇏' '' 247 '⇎' '' 248 '═' '' 249 '' '1' '' '1' matha 0 251 >>> \AddFont{matha}{unicode/mathabx/matha} \<<< mathb 0 255 % mathb.htf '∔' '' 0 % Copyright 2023 TeX Users Group '∸' '' 1 % '⨰' '' 2 % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the '⨪' '' 3 % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either '·' '' 4 % version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any '▫' '' 5 % later version. 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'[' '' 17 '[' '' 18 '[' '' 19 '⌈' '' 20 '⌊' '' 21 '|' '' 22 '⫴' '' 23 ']' '' 24 ']' '' 25 ']' '' 26 ']' '' 27 '⌉' '' 28 '⌋' '' 29 '|' '' 30 '|' '' 31 '{' '' 32 '{' '' 33 '{' '' 34 '{' '' 35 '⎧' '' 36 '⎩' '' 37 '⎨' '' 38 '|' '' 39 '}' '' 40 '}' '' 41 '}' '' 42 '}' '' 43 '⎫' '' 44 '⎭' '' 45 '⎬' '' 46 '|' '' 47 '⟦' '' 48 '⟦' '' 49 '⟦' '' 50 '⟦' '' 51 '' '1' 52 '' '1' 53 '‖' '' 54 '' '1' 55 '⟧' '' 56 '⟧' '' 57 '⟧' '' 58 '⟧' '' 59 '' '1' 60 '' '1' 61 '‖' '' 62 '' '1' 63 '⟨' '' 64 '⟨' '' 65 '⟨' '' 66 '⟨' '' 67 '⟩' '' 68 '⟩' '' 69 '⟩' '' 70 '⟩' '' 71 '\' '' 72 '\' '' 73 '\' '' 74 '\' '' 75 '/' '' 76 '/' '' 77 '/' '' 78 '/' '' 79 '⎡' '' 80 '⎡' '' 81 '⎡' '' 82 '⎡' '' 83 '⎤' '' 84 '⎤' '' 85 '⎤' '' 86 '⎤' '' 87 '⎣' '' 88 '⎣' '' 89 '⎣' '' 90 '⎣' '' 91 '⎦' '' 92 '⎦' '' 93 '⎦' '' 94 '⎦' '' 95 '√' '' 96 '√' '' 97 '√' '' 98 '√' '' 99 '' '1' 100 '⎷' '' 101 '⎹' '' 102 '┌' '' 103 '◜' '' 104 '⏞' '' 105 '◝' '' 106 '⎯' '' 107 '◟' '' 108 '⏟' '' 109 '◞' '' 110 '⎯' '' 111 'ˆ' '' 112 'ˇ' '' 113 '˜' '' 114 '¯' '' 115 '→' '' 116 '⁀' '' 117 '(' '' 118 ')' '' 119 'ˆ' '' 120 'ˆ' '' 121 'ˆ' '' 122 'ˆ' '' 123 'ˇ' '' 124 'ˇ' '' 125 'ˇ' '' 126 'ˇ' '' 127 '˜' '' 128 '˜' '' 129 '˜' '' 130 '˜' '' 131 '¯' '' 132 '¯' '' 133 '¯' '' 134 '¯' '' 135 '→' '' 136 '→' '' 137 '→' '' 138 '→' '' 139 '⁀' '' 140 '⁀' '' 141 '⁀' '' 142 '⁀' '' 143 '+' '' 144 '×' '' 145 '∁' '' 146 '⋃' '' 147 '⋂' '' 148 '⨄' '' 149 '⨅' '' 150 '⨆' '' 151 '' '1' 152 '⋀' '' 153 '⋁' '' 154 '⋏' '' 155 '⋎' '' 156 '↑' '' 157 '↓' '' 158 '|' '' 159 '+' '' 160 '×' '' 161 '∁' '' 162 '⋃' '' 163 '⋂' '' 164 '⨄' '' 165 '⨅' '' 166 '⨆' '' 167 '' '1' 168 '⋀' '' 169 '⋁' '' 170 '⋏' '' 171 '⋎' '' 172 '⇑' '' 173 '⇓' '' 174 '‖' '' 175 'Σ' '' 176 'Π' '' 177 '∐' '' 178 '∫' '' 179 '∬' '' 180 '∭' '' 181 '∮' '' 182 '∯' '' 183 'Σ' '' 184 'Π' '' 185 '∐' '' 186 '∫' '' 187 '∬' '' 188 '∭' '' 189 '∮' '' 190 '∯' '' 191 '⊕' '' 192 '⊖' '' 193 '⊗' '' 194 '⨸' '' 195 '⊙' '' 196 '⊚' '' 197 '⊛' '' 198 '⊛' '' 199 '' '1' 200 '' '1' 201 '' '1' 202 '⦺' '' 203 '○' '' 204 '⊘' '' 205 '⍉' '' 206 '🟕' '' 207 '⊞' '' 208 '⊟' '' 209 '⊠' '' 210 '' '' 211 '⊡' '' 212 '⧇' '' 213 '⧆' '' 214 '⧆' '' 215 '' '1' 216 '' '1' 217 '' '1' 218 '' '1' 219 '□' '' 220 '⧄' '' 221 '⧅' '' 222 '' '1' 223 '⊕' '' 224 '⊖' '' 225 '⊗' '' 226 '⨸' '' 227 '⊙' '' 228 '⊚' '' 229 '⊛' '' 230 '⊛' '' 231 '' '1' 232 '' '1' 233 '' '1' 234 '⦺' '' 235 '○' '' 236 '⊘' '' 237 '⍉' '' 238 '🟕' '' 239 '⊞' '' 240 '⊟' '' 241 '⊠' '' 242 '' '1' 243 '⊡' '' 244 '⧇' '' 245 '⧆' '' 246 '⧆' '' 247 '' '1' 248 '' '1' 249 '' '1' 250 '' '1' 251 '□' '' 252 '⧄' '' 253 '⧅' '' 254 '' '' 255 mathx 0 255 >>> \AddFont{mathx}{unicode/mathabx/mathx} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \Section{Modern} %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% %\SubSection{lm} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \input tex4ht-fonts-modern % \<<< % .ec % htfcss: ec-lmb font-style: oblique; % htfcss: ec-lmbo font-style:italic; % htfcss: ec-lmbx font-weight: bold; % htfcss: ec-lmbxi font-weight: bold; font-style:italic; % htfcss: ec-lmbxo font-weight: bold; font-style:italic; % htfcss: ec-lmri font-style:italic; % htfcss: ec-lmro font-style:italic; % htfcss: ec-lmss font-family: sans-serif; % htfcss: ec-lmssbo font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-style:italic; % htfcss: ec-lmssbx font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; % htfcss: ec-lmssdc font-family: sans-serif; font-style: oblique; % htfcss: ec-lmssdo font-family: sans-serif; font-style:italic; % htfcss: ec-lmsso font-family: sans-serif; font-style:italic; % htfcss: ec-lmtt font-family: monospace,monospace; % htfcss: ec-lmtti font-family: monospace,monospace; font-style:italic; % htfcss: ec-lmtto font-family: monospace,monospace; font-style:italic; % htfcss: ec-lmvtto font-style:italic; font-style: oblique; % >>> % % \AddFont{ec-lm}{alias/lm/ec-lm} % % \<<< % .eccc % htfcss: ec-lmssco font-family: sans-serif; font-style:italic; % >>> % % \AddFont{ec-lmssco}{alias/lm/ec-lmssco} % % % \<<< % .eccc % htfcss: ec-lmtcsc font-family: monospace,monospace; % >>> % % \AddFont{ec-lmtcsc}{alias/lm/ec-lmtcsc} % % % \<<< % .eccc % >>> % % \AddFont{ec-lmcsc}{alias/lm/ec-lmcsc} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \SubSection{iwona} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\input tex4ht-fonts-iwona %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\SubSection{kurier} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\input tex4ht-fonts-kurier \bye \endinput