\documentclass[svgnames,letterpaper]{l3doc} \hypersetup{urlcolor = teal, filecolor = violet} \hologoFontSetup{general = \sffamily} \usepackage[mono = false]{libertine} \usepackage{hologo,verbatim,geometry,framed,notebeamer,pdfpages} \hologoFontSetup{general = \sffamily} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{63pt}\setlength{\evensidemargin}{63pt} \FrameSep = 0pt \linespread{1.1} \usepackage{indentfirst} \setlength{\parindent}{2em} \usepackage[os = mac]{menukeys} \AddToHook{env/function/before}{\vspace{-.3\baselineskip}} \AddToHook{env/syntax/after}{\vspace{-.2\baselineskip}} \title { \bfseries The \cls{notebeamer} Package \thanks{\url{https://github.com/xiamyphys/notebeamer}} } \author { Mingyu Xia \texttt{<\href{mailto:xiamyphys@gmail.com}{xiamyphys@gmail.com}>} } \date{Version 4.0A, \today} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} The \pkg{notebeamer} package provides an easy way to input slides on notepages quickly for making annotations, based on \pkg{expl3} and \pkg{tikz}. It is compatible with \hologo{TeX} Live 2019 or later distributions, they all work fine for \hologo{pdfLaTeX} and \hologo{XeLaTeX} compilers. This is the English manual for the \pkg{notebeamer} package. \section{Loading \pkg{notebeamer} and input} Just like loading any class, write \begin{framed} \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{notebeamer} \end{verbatim} \end{framed} \begin{function}{\includebeamer} \begin{syntax} \cs{includebeamer} \oarg{keyvals} \marg{filename} \oarg{keyvals} \end{syntax} \end{function} The \cs{includebeamer} command can create pages with note lines, and import the specific pages of the \file{.pdf} file on the left side of the note pages. The optional argument accepts the following keys: \keys{\cmdmac~color} \keys{\cmdmac~ratio} \keys{\cmdmac~sep} \keys{\cmdmac~nup} \keys{\cmdmac~pages} \keys{\cmdmac~lefthead} \keys{\cmdmac~righthead}, and the mandatory argument can set the \file{.pdf} file that you want to insert. \begin{itemize} \item The key \keys{\cmdmac~color} can set the color of the note lines, its default value is \cmd{black}. \item The key \keys{\cmdmac~ratio} can set the ratio of the widths of imported beamer frames and empty area, its default value is \cmd{0.48}. \item The key \keys{\cmdmac~sep} can set the vertical space between beamer frames, its default value is \cmd{2ex}. \item The key \keys{\cmdmac~nup} can set the number of beamer frames on every physical page, its default value is \cmd{3}. \item The key \keys{\cmdmac~pages} can select pages to insert. The argument is a comma separated list, containing page numbers, ranges of page numbers or any combination. Its default value is \cmd{1}. \item The keys \keys{\cmdmac~lefthead} and \keys{\cmdmac~righthead} can set the left header and right header of the note pages. \end{itemize} \section{Working Examples} For 4 logical pages per physical page and 3 logical pages per physical page \begin{framed} \verbatiminput{notebeamer-demo1.tex} \end{framed} For one logical page per page, landscape is recommanded: \begin{framed} \verbatiminput{notebeamer-demo2.tex} \end{framed} \includepdfmerge[nup = 2x2] { notebeamer-demo1, -, notebeamer-demo2, -} \end{document}