The LDP is always looking for people to assist in the
quest for developing and
providing free, high quality documentation for the
GNU/Linux operating system.
Potential volunteers should become familiar with the information
contained in the
LDP Author Guide
(formerly known as the "HOWTO-HOWTO").
They should also consider joining the general LDP discussion
list (
Let us know what your skill set is, what you would like to
help the LDP with, etc. We are always in need of
If you wish to volunteer to assist in the document authoring process,
here are some tasks that require attention:
First and foremost, consult the
LDP Authoring Guide
(formerly known as the "HOWTO-HOWTO").
For additional guidelines on style, examine the
Documentation Style Guide.
Documents related to DocBook can be
accessed below.
Flowcharts (in PDF) that outline various
TLDP processes:
License / manifesto and
mailing list(s).
The LDP accepts documents marked-up in:
Linuxdoc SGML; DocBook SGML v4.2, v4.1 or v3.x; and DocBook XML v4.2 or v4.1.2
Copies of these DTDs are available here (local LDP copies in zip format):
They can also be found on official
DocBook Homepage (
Authoring Templates:
DSSSL (stylesheets):
The standard
Stylesheets and
the LDP customized stylesheet (ldp.dsl).
Updated 2005-05-10.
XSL (stylesheets):
The standard
XSL Stylesheets, and a set of
LDP customized XSL stylesheets.
Contact David Horton if you
have questions or comments on the customized stylesheets.
Updated 2004-09-10.
Entity files:
Local LDP copy (gzipped tar file).
DocBook Reference Material:
- DocBook: The
Definitive Guide, by Norman Walsh and Leonard Muellner.
Another copy (PDF) is available here (courtesy of Chris Karakas,
- DocBook
Quick Reference (4.1.2, 3.1, etc.)
- DocBook
Demystification HOWTO, by Eric Raymond.
- DocBook
XML/SGML Processing Using OpenJade, by Saqib Ali.
- DocBook
Install mini-HOWTO, by Robert B. Easter.
- Setup your
own docbook processing, chronicled by
Hugo van der Kooij.
- Godoy's
DocBook SGML/XML reference page, (Jorge Godoy).
- DocBook
Character Entity Reference.
- mailing lists.
Introducing DocBook, a slide show by Norman Walsh.
- ArsDigita
DocBook Primer
- A tutorial on
Lyx & DocBook.
- From the IBM developerWorks library:
"A gentle guide to DocBook".
- DocBook XML
v4.1.2 Quick Start Guide by Jim Weller.
- Single-Source Publishing with DocBook XML
by Dan York.
- Docbook + Emacs
an article by Alejandro Imass.
- DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide
by Robert Stayton.
- Emacs/PSGML Quick Reference by Bob DuCharme (also see
SGML CD: Free SGML Software and How to Use It).
- Writing DocBook XML With A GUI Editor
by David Horton.
DocBook Environment & Processing:
LinuxDoc Information:
- Howtos-with-LinuxDoc
mini-HOWTO, written by David S. Lawyer,
describes how to write HOWTOs using the simple LinuxDoc markup.
- Linuxdoc Reference,
written by Uwe Böhme,
is intended to be a reference for the SGML document type definition LinuxDoc.
- ld2db,
developed by Reuben Thomas, is used to convert LinuxDoc SGML
to DocBook SGML. Be advised that the resultant filtered output should
be checked for accuracy.
LinuxDoc Processing:
PDF/Postscript Output (ldp_print: v0.90, 2002-08-09):
Toolset (ldp_print) that the LDP uses to produce PDF and PostScript
variants. Works on the single-HTML-file representation of
a DocBook SGML/XML instance - ONLY! See the README in the
package for details.
ldp_print relies on the
Easy Software Products.
CVS information: