ansible-playbook [core 2.12.6] config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible ansible collection location = /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g executable location = /usr/bin/ansible-playbook python version = 3.9.13 (main, May 18 2022, 00:00:00) [GCC 11.3.1 20220421 (Red Hat 11.3.1-2)] jinja version = 2.11.3 libyaml = True Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file Skipping callback 'debug', as we already have a stdout callback. Skipping callback 'default', as we already have a stdout callback. Skipping callback 'minimal', as we already have a stdout callback. Skipping callback 'oneline', as we already have a stdout callback. PLAYBOOK: rhel-8_setup.yml ***************************************************** 1 plays in /cache/rhel-8_setup.yml PLAY [Setup repos] ************************************************************* META: ran handlers TASK [set up internal repositories] ******************************************** task path: /cache/rhel-8_setup.yml:5 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:08 +0000 (0:00:00.017) 0:00:00.017 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=None) => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=None) => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=None) => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } META: ran handlers META: ran handlers PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:09 +0000 (0:00:01.276) 0:00:01.294 ****** =============================================================================== set up internal repositories -------------------------------------------- 1.28s /cache/rhel-8_setup.yml:5 ----------------------------------------------------- PLAYBOOK: _backup.yml ********************************************************** 1 plays in /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/_backup.yml PLAY [all] ********************************************************************* META: ran handlers TASK [Get stats of system files] *********************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/_backup.yml:6 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:09 +0000 (0:00:00.014) 0:00:01.308 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=/etc/resolv.conf) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "/etc/resolv.conf", "stat": { "atime": 1659540967.3957784, "attr_flags": "", "attributes": [], "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 8, "charset": "us-ascii", "checksum": "fba82b5b78ea37322e584bf452f6f8e163f0869b", "ctime": 1659540966.3927784, "dev": 64515, "device_type": 0, "executable": false, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 752168, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": false, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": false, "isreg": true, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "mimetype": "text/plain", "mode": "0644", "mtime": 1659539931.0, "nlink": 1, "path": "/etc/resolv.conf", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 90, "uid": 0, "version": "98781511", "wgrp": false, "woth": false, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": false, "xoth": false, "xusr": false } } TASK [Check if system files exist] ********************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/_backup.yml:13 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:09 +0000 (0:00:00.487) 0:00:01.796 ****** [WARNING]: conditional statements should not include jinja2 templating delimiters such as {{ }} or {% %}. Found: {{ item.stat.exists }} ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item={'changed': False, 'stat': {'exists': True, 'path': '/etc/resolv.conf', 'mode': '0644', 'isdir': False, 'ischr': False, 'isblk': False, 'isreg': True, 'isfifo': False, 'islnk': False, 'issock': False, 'uid': 0, 'gid': 0, 'size': 90, 'inode': 752168, 'dev': 64515, 'nlink': 1, 'atime': 1659540967.3957784, 'mtime': 1659539931.0, 'ctime': 1659540966.3927784, 'wusr': True, 'rusr': True, 'xusr': False, 'wgrp': False, 'rgrp': True, 'xgrp': False, 'woth': False, 'roth': True, 'xoth': False, 'isuid': False, 'isgid': False, 'blocks': 8, 'block_size': 4096, 'device_type': 0, 'readable': True, 'writeable': True, 'executable': False, 'pw_name': 'root', 'gr_name': 'root', 'checksum': 'fba82b5b78ea37322e584bf452f6f8e163f0869b', 'mimetype': 'text/plain', 'charset': 'us-ascii', 'version': '98781511', 'attributes': [], 'attr_flags': ''}, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'path': '/etc/resolv.conf', 'follow': False, 'get_md5': False, 'get_checksum': True, 'get_mime': True, 'get_attributes': True, 'checksum_algorithm': 'sha1'}}, 'failed': False, 'item': '/etc/resolv.conf', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item'}) => { "ansible_facts": { "_existing_files": " /etc/resolv.conf" }, "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "failed": false, "invocation": { "module_args": { "checksum_algorithm": "sha1", "follow": false, "get_attributes": true, "get_checksum": true, "get_md5": false, "get_mime": true, "path": "/etc/resolv.conf" } }, "item": "/etc/resolv.conf", "stat": { "atime": 1659540967.3957784, "attr_flags": "", "attributes": [], "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 8, "charset": "us-ascii", "checksum": "fba82b5b78ea37322e584bf452f6f8e163f0869b", "ctime": 1659540966.3927784, "dev": 64515, "device_type": 0, "executable": false, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 752168, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": false, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": false, "isreg": true, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "mimetype": "text/plain", "mode": "0644", "mtime": 1659539931.0, "nlink": 1, "path": "/etc/resolv.conf", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 90, "uid": 0, "version": "98781511", "wgrp": false, "woth": false, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": false, "xoth": false, "xusr": false } } } TASK [Back up system files] **************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/_backup.yml:19 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:09 +0000 (0:00:00.035) 0:00:01.832 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "tar", "-cf", "/tmp/network.backup.tar", "--same-owner", "--same-permissions", "/etc/resolv.conf" ], "delta": "0:00:00.004689", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:09.313383", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:09.308694" } STDERR: tar: Removing leading `/' from member names META: ran handlers META: ran handlers PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 : ok=4 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:10 +0000 (0:00:00.473) 0:00:02.306 ****** =============================================================================== set up internal repositories -------------------------------------------- 1.28s /cache/rhel-8_setup.yml:5 ----------------------------------------------------- Get stats of system files ----------------------------------------------- 0.49s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/_backup.yml:6 ------------------------------------------ Back up system files ---------------------------------------------------- 0.47s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/_backup.yml:19 ----------------------------------------- Check if system files exist --------------------------------------------- 0.04s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/_backup.yml:13 ----------------------------------------- PLAYBOOK: tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml **************************************** 2 plays in /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml PLAY [Run playbook 'playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml' with nm as provider] *** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:5 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:10 +0000 (0:00:00.052) 0:00:02.358 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] META: ran handlers TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:8 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:11 +0000 (0:00:01.012) 0:00:03.370 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tasks/el_repo_setup.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Fix CentOS6 Base repo] *************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tasks/el_repo_setup.yml:2 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:11 +0000 (0:00:00.026) 0:00:03.397 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tasks/el_repo_setup.yml:27 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:11 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:03.416 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tasks/enable_epel.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Create EPEL 8] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tasks/enable_epel.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:11 +0000 (0:00:00.026) 0:00:03.443 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "yum", "install", "-y", "" ], "delta": null, "end": null, "rc": 0, "start": null } STDOUT: skipped, since /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo exists MSG: Did not run command since '/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo' exists TASK [Enable EPEL 7] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tasks/enable_epel.yml:11 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:11 +0000 (0:00:00.365) 0:00:03.809 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Enable EPEL 8] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tasks/enable_epel.yml:17 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:11 +0000 (0:00:00.022) 0:00:03.832 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "dnf", "config-manager", "--set-enabled", "epel" ], "delta": "0:00:00.396493", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:11.614382", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:11.217889" } TASK [Enable EPEL 6] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tasks/enable_epel.yml:26 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:12 +0000 (0:00:00.771) 0:00:04.603 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Set network provider to 'nm'] ******************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:9 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:12 +0000 (0:00:00.021) 0:00:04.625 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "ansible_facts": { "network_provider": "nm" }, "changed": false } TASK [Install NetworkManager] ************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:16 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:12 +0000 (0:00:00.052) 0:00:04.678 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [] } MSG: Nothing to do TASK [Get NetworkManager version] ********************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:20 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:14 +0000 (0:00:01.696) 0:00:06.374 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "rpm", "-q", "--qf", "%{version}", "NetworkManager" ], "delta": "0:00:00.009989", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:13.749282", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:13.739293" } STDOUT: 1.36.0 META: ran handlers META: ran handlers PLAY [all] ********************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:14 +0000 (0:00:00.387) 0:00:06.762 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] META: ran handlers TASK [Show playbook name] ****************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:8 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:15 +0000 (0:00:00.839) 0:00:07.601 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: this is: playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml TASK [INIT: Ethtool coalesce tests] ******************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:14 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:15 +0000 (0:00:00.060) 0:00:07.662 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: ################################################## TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:17 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:15 +0000 (0:00:00.069) 0:00:07.732 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:15 +0000 (0:00:00.034) 0:00:07.766 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Gather current interface info] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:15 +0000 (0:00:00.031) 0:00:07.798 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ls", "-1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.003125", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:15.224267", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:15.221142" } STDOUT: bonding_masters eth0 lo TASK [Set current_interfaces] ************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:9 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:16 +0000 (0:00:00.412) 0:00:08.210 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "ansible_facts": { "current_interfaces": [ "bonding_masters", "eth0", "lo" ] }, "changed": false } TASK [Show current_interfaces] ************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:16 +0000 (0:00:00.037) 0:00:08.247 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: current_interfaces: ['bonding_masters', 'eth0', 'lo'] TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:18 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:16 +0000 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:08.286 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Ensure state in ["present", "absent"]] *********************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:16 +0000 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:08.326 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Ensure type in ["dummy", "tap", "veth"]] ********************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:8 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:16 +0000 (0:00:00.026) 0:00:08.352 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:13 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:16 +0000 (0:00:00.025) 0:00:08.378 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:16 +0000 (0:00:00.035) 0:00:08.414 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Gather current interface info] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:16 +0000 (0:00:00.033) 0:00:08.447 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ls", "-1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.003096", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:15.844383", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:15.841287" } STDOUT: bonding_masters eth0 lo TASK [Set current_interfaces] ************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:9 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:16 +0000 (0:00:00.385) 0:00:08.833 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "ansible_facts": { "current_interfaces": [ "bonding_masters", "eth0", "lo" ] }, "changed": false } TASK [Show current_interfaces] ************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:16 +0000 (0:00:00.036) 0:00:08.870 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: current_interfaces: ['bonding_masters', 'eth0', 'lo'] TASK [Install iproute] ********************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:15 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:16 +0000 (0:00:00.035) 0:00:08.905 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [] } MSG: Nothing to do TASK [Create veth interface testnic1] ****************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:21 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:18 +0000 (0:00:01.452) 0:00:10.358 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=ip link add testnic1 type veth peer name peertestnic1) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "cmd": [ "ip", "link", "add", "testnic1", "type", "veth", "peer", "name", "peertestnic1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.004701", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:17.760165", "item": "ip link add testnic1 type veth peer name peertestnic1", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:17.755464" } changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=ip link set peertestnic1 up) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "cmd": [ "ip", "link", "set", "peertestnic1", "up" ], "delta": "0:00:00.014409", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:18.124530", "item": "ip link set peertestnic1 up", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:18.110121" } changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=ip link set testnic1 up) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "cmd": [ "ip", "link", "set", "testnic1", "up" ], "delta": "0:00:00.005226", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:18.483627", "item": "ip link set testnic1 up", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:18.478401" } TASK [Set up veth as managed by NetworkManager] ******************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:29 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:19 +0000 (0:00:01.112) 0:00:11.470 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "nmcli", "d", "set", "testnic1", "managed", "true" ], "delta": "0:00:00.020174", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:18.881053", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:18.860879" } TASK [Delete veth interface testnic1] ****************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:36 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:19 +0000 (0:00:00.398) 0:00:11.869 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Create dummy interface testnic1] ***************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:42 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:19 +0000 (0:00:00.028) 0:00:11.897 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Delete dummy interface testnic1] ***************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:47 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:19 +0000 (0:00:00.027) 0:00:11.924 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Create tap interface testnic1] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:53 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:19 +0000 (0:00:00.027) 0:00:11.952 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Delete tap interface testnic1] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:58 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:20 +0000 (0:00:00.026) 0:00:11.979 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:21 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:20 +0000 (0:00:00.025) 0:00:12.005 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/assert_device_present.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/assert_device_present.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:20 +0000 (0:00:00.036) 0:00:12.041 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_interface_stat.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Get stat for interface testnic1] ***************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_interface_stat.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:20 +0000 (0:00:00.034) 0:00:12.076 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "atime": 1659540977.7587466, "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 0, "ctime": 1659540977.7587466, "dev": 21, "device_type": 0, "executable": true, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 32759, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": false, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": true, "isreg": false, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "lnk_source": "/sys/devices/virtual/net/testnic1", "lnk_target": "../../devices/virtual/net/testnic1", "mode": "0777", "mtime": 1659540977.7587466, "nlink": 1, "path": "/sys/class/net/testnic1", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 0, "uid": 0, "wgrp": true, "woth": true, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": true, "xoth": true, "xusr": true } } TASK [assert that interface testnic1 is present] ******************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/assert_device_present.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:20 +0000 (0:00:00.369) 0:00:12.445 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Install ethtool (test dependency)] *************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:22 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:20 +0000 (0:00:00.035) 0:00:12.480 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [] } MSG: Nothing to do TASK [TEST: I can create a profile without any coalescing option.] ************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:28 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:22 +0000 (0:00:01.474) 0:00:13.955 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: ################################################## TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] ********** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:22 +0000 (0:00:00.034) 0:00:13.990 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role are present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:22 +0000 (0:00:00.048) 0:00:14.038 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which services are running] *********** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:22 +0000 (0:00:00.507) 0:00:14.545 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which packages are installed] ********* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:24 +0000 (0:00:01.706) 0:00:16.252 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Print network provider] ********************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:25 +0000 (0:00:01.417) 0:00:17.669 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: Using network provider: nm TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if using the `network_state` variable with the initscripts provider] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:25 +0000 (0:00:00.062) 0:00:17.731 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if the system version of the managed host is below 8] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:25 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:17.781 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install packages] *************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:25 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:17.830 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install NetworkManager and nmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:25 +0000 (0:00:00.083) 0:00:17.914 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install python3-libnmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:26 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:17.963 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:26 +0000 (0:00:00.050) 0:00:18.013 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable and start NetworkManager] ************ task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:26 +0000 (0:00:00.061) 0:00:18.075 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Enable and start wpa_supplicant] ************ task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:26 +0000 (0:00:00.783) 0:00:18.859 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable network service] ********************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:26 +0000 (0:00:00.063) 0:00:18.922 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Ensure initscripts network file dependency is present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:27 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:18.971 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Configure networking connection profiles] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:27 +0000 (0:00:00.050) 0:00:19.021 ****** redirecting (type: action) to changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "ip": { "auto6": false, "dhcp4": false }, "name": "testnic1", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true } STDERR: [003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': add connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 [004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 (not-active) TASK [ : Configure networking state] ***************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:27 +0000 (0:00:00.812) 0:00:19.833 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Show stderr messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:27 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:19.883 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result.stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': add connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 (not-active)" ] } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:27 +0000 (0:00:00.059) 0:00:19.942 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result": { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "ip": { "auto6": false, "dhcp4": false }, "name": "testnic1", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true, "failed": false, "stderr": "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': add connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5\n[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 (not-active)\n", "stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': add connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 (not-active)" ] } } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_state] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:28 +0000 (0:00:00.060) 0:00:20.003 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} TASK [ : Re-test connectivity] *********************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:28 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:20.053 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } META: role_complete for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Get profile's coalescing options] **************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:44 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:28 +0000 (0:00:00.550) 0:00:20.603 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "nmcli", "-g", "ethtool.coalesce-rx-frames", "c", "show", "testnic1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.017847", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:28.009088", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:27.991241" } TASK [ASSERT: The profile does not contain coalescing options] ***************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:49 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:29 +0000 (0:00:00.407) 0:00:21.010 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Get profile's coalescing options] **************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:54 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:29 +0000 (0:00:00.065) 0:00:21.075 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ASSERT: The profile does not contain coalescing options] ***************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:61 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:29 +0000 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:21.115 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [TEST: I can set rx-frames.] ********************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:67 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:29 +0000 (0:00:00.072) 0:00:21.188 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: ################################################## TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] ********** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:29 +0000 (0:00:00.050) 0:00:21.239 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role are present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:29 +0000 (0:00:00.069) 0:00:21.309 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which services are running] *********** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:29 +0000 (0:00:00.554) 0:00:21.864 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which packages are installed] ********* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:31 +0000 (0:00:01.644) 0:00:23.508 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Print network provider] ********************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:32 +0000 (0:00:01.168) 0:00:24.677 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: Using network provider: nm TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if using the `network_state` variable with the initscripts provider] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:32 +0000 (0:00:00.057) 0:00:24.734 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if the system version of the managed host is below 8] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:32 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:24.784 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install packages] *************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:32 +0000 (0:00:00.050) 0:00:24.834 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install NetworkManager and nmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:32 +0000 (0:00:00.083) 0:00:24.918 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install python3-libnmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:33 +0000 (0:00:00.043) 0:00:24.961 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:33 +0000 (0:00:00.041) 0:00:25.003 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable and start NetworkManager] ************ task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:33 +0000 (0:00:00.063) 0:00:25.066 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Enable and start wpa_supplicant] ************ task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:33 +0000 (0:00:00.562) 0:00:25.629 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable network service] ********************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:33 +0000 (0:00:00.062) 0:00:25.691 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Ensure initscripts network file dependency is present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:33 +0000 (0:00:00.046) 0:00:25.738 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Configure networking connection profiles] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:33 +0000 (0:00:00.045) 0:00:25.783 ****** redirecting (type: action) to changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "ethtool": { "coalesce": { "rx_frames": 128 } }, "ip": { "auto6": false, "dhcp4": false }, "name": "testnic1", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true } STDERR: [003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 [004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 (is-modified) [005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': "nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)", 'success': None} TASK [ : Configure networking state] ***************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:34 +0000 (0:00:00.629) 0:00:26.413 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Show stderr messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:34 +0000 (0:00:00.046) 0:00:26.459 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result.stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 (is-modified)", "[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': \"nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)\", 'success': None}" ] } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:34 +0000 (0:00:00.058) 0:00:26.518 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result": { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "ethtool": { "coalesce": { "rx_frames": 128 } }, "ip": { "auto6": false, "dhcp4": false }, "name": "testnic1", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true, "failed": false, "stderr": "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5\n[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 (is-modified)\n[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': \"nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)\", 'success': None}\n", "stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 (is-modified)", "[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': \"nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)\", 'success': None}" ] } } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_state] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:34 +0000 (0:00:00.057) 0:00:26.576 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} TASK [ : Re-test connectivity] *********************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:34 +0000 (0:00:00.045) 0:00:26.621 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } META: role_complete for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Get profile's coalescing options] **************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:85 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:35 +0000 (0:00:00.411) 0:00:27.032 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "nmcli", "-g", "ethtool.coalesce-rx-frames", "c", "show", "testnic1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.016078", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:34.438826", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:34.422748" } STDOUT: 128 TASK [Assert coalesce options set in profile] ********************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:90 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:35 +0000 (0:00:00.407) 0:00:27.440 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Get profile's coalescing options] **************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:96 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:35 +0000 (0:00:00.052) 0:00:27.493 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Assert coalesce options set in profile] ********************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:103 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:35 +0000 (0:00:00.042) 0:00:27.535 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [TEST: I can clear coalescing options] ************************************ task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:109 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:35 +0000 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:27.574 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: ################################################## TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] ********** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:35 +0000 (0:00:00.051) 0:00:27.626 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role are present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:35 +0000 (0:00:00.107) 0:00:27.733 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which services are running] *********** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:36 +0000 (0:00:00.553) 0:00:28.287 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which packages are installed] ********* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:37 +0000 (0:00:01.638) 0:00:29.925 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Print network provider] ********************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:39 +0000 (0:00:01.279) 0:00:31.205 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: Using network provider: nm TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if using the `network_state` variable with the initscripts provider] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:39 +0000 (0:00:00.061) 0:00:31.267 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if the system version of the managed host is below 8] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:39 +0000 (0:00:00.056) 0:00:31.324 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install packages] *************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:39 +0000 (0:00:00.052) 0:00:31.376 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install NetworkManager and nmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:39 +0000 (0:00:00.089) 0:00:31.465 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install python3-libnmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:39 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:31.514 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:39 +0000 (0:00:00.047) 0:00:31.562 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable and start NetworkManager] ************ task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:39 +0000 (0:00:00.064) 0:00:31.627 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Enable and start wpa_supplicant] ************ task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:40 +0000 (0:00:00.570) 0:00:32.198 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable network service] ********************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:40 +0000 (0:00:00.065) 0:00:32.263 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Ensure initscripts network file dependency is present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:40 +0000 (0:00:00.047) 0:00:32.311 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Configure networking connection profiles] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:40 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:32.360 ****** redirecting (type: action) to changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "ip": { "auto6": false, "dhcp4": false }, "name": "testnic1", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true } STDERR: [003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 [004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 (is-modified) [005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': "nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)", 'success': None} TASK [ : Configure networking state] ***************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:41 +0000 (0:00:00.618) 0:00:32.979 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Show stderr messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:41 +0000 (0:00:00.050) 0:00:33.029 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result.stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 (is-modified)", "[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': \"nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)\", 'success': None}" ] } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:41 +0000 (0:00:00.062) 0:00:33.092 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result": { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "ip": { "auto6": false, "dhcp4": false }, "name": "testnic1", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true, "failed": false, "stderr": "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5\n[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 (is-modified)\n[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': \"nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)\", 'success': None}\n", "stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 2441c2e9-4efe-4f1e-bc5b-d40159e468c5 (is-modified)", "[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': \"nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)\", 'success': None}" ] } } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_state] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:41 +0000 (0:00:00.062) 0:00:33.155 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} TASK [ : Re-test connectivity] *********************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:41 +0000 (0:00:00.047) 0:00:33.202 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } META: role_complete for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Get profile's coalescing options] **************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:124 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:41 +0000 (0:00:00.404) 0:00:33.606 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "nmcli", "-g", "ethtool.coalesce-rx-frames", "c", "show", "testnic1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.015035", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:41.004525", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:40.989490" } TASK [ASSERT: The profile does reset coalescing options] *********************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:129 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:42 +0000 (0:00:00.397) 0:00:34.004 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Get profile's coalescing options] **************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:134 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:42 +0000 (0:00:00.060) 0:00:34.064 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ASSERT: The profile does reset coalescing options] *********************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:141 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:42 +0000 (0:00:00.041) 0:00:34.105 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] ********** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:42 +0000 (0:00:00.037) 0:00:34.142 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role are present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:42 +0000 (0:00:00.067) 0:00:34.209 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which services are running] *********** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:42 +0000 (0:00:00.558) 0:00:34.768 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which packages are installed] ********* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:44 +0000 (0:00:01.601) 0:00:36.369 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Print network provider] ********************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:45 +0000 (0:00:01.148) 0:00:37.517 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: Using network provider: nm TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if using the `network_state` variable with the initscripts provider] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:45 +0000 (0:00:00.119) 0:00:37.637 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if the system version of the managed host is below 8] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:45 +0000 (0:00:00.047) 0:00:37.685 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install packages] *************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:45 +0000 (0:00:00.052) 0:00:37.738 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install NetworkManager and nmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:45 +0000 (0:00:00.081) 0:00:37.819 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install python3-libnmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:45 +0000 (0:00:00.046) 0:00:37.866 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:45 +0000 (0:00:00.045) 0:00:37.911 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable and start NetworkManager] ************ task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:46 +0000 (0:00:00.067) 0:00:37.978 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Enable and start wpa_supplicant] ************ task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:46 +0000 (0:00:00.568) 0:00:38.546 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable network service] ********************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:46 +0000 (0:00:00.062) 0:00:38.609 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Ensure initscripts network file dependency is present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:46 +0000 (0:00:00.044) 0:00:38.653 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Configure networking connection profiles] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:46 +0000 (0:00:00.043) 0:00:38.696 ****** redirecting (type: action) to changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "name": "testnic1", "persistent_state": "absent" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true } STDERR: TASK [ : Configure networking state] ***************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:47 +0000 (0:00:00.638) 0:00:39.335 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Show stderr messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:47 +0000 (0:00:00.047) 0:00:39.382 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result.stderr_lines": [ "" ] } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:47 +0000 (0:00:00.060) 0:00:39.443 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result": { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "name": "testnic1", "persistent_state": "absent" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true, "failed": false, "stderr": "\n", "stderr_lines": [ "" ] } } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_state] *** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:47 +0000 (0:00:00.057) 0:00:39.500 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} TASK [ : Re-test connectivity] *********************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:47 +0000 (0:00:00.044) 0:00:39.545 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } META: role_complete for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:157 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:47 +0000 (0:00:00.407) 0:00:39.952 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Ensure state in ["present", "absent"]] *********************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:48 +0000 (0:00:00.069) 0:00:40.021 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Ensure type in ["dummy", "tap", "veth"]] ********************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:8 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:48 +0000 (0:00:00.040) 0:00:40.062 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:13 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:48 +0000 (0:00:00.041) 0:00:40.104 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:48 +0000 (0:00:00.065) 0:00:40.169 ****** included: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Gather current interface info] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:48 +0000 (0:00:00.065) 0:00:40.235 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ls", "-1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.003262", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:47.627388", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:47.624126" } STDOUT: bonding_masters eth0 lo peertestnic1 testnic1 TASK [Set current_interfaces] ************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:9 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:48 +0000 (0:00:00.434) 0:00:40.669 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "ansible_facts": { "current_interfaces": [ "bonding_masters", "eth0", "lo", "peertestnic1", "testnic1" ] }, "changed": false } TASK [Show current_interfaces] ************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:48 +0000 (0:00:00.054) 0:00:40.724 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: current_interfaces: ['bonding_masters', 'eth0', 'lo', 'peertestnic1', 'testnic1'] TASK [Install iproute] ********************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:15 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:48 +0000 (0:00:00.050) 0:00:40.775 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [] } MSG: Nothing to do TASK [Create veth interface testnic1] ****************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:21 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:50 +0000 (0:00:01.474) 0:00:42.250 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=ip link add testnic1 type veth peer name peertestnic1) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "ip link add testnic1 type veth peer name peertestnic1", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=ip link set peertestnic1 up) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "ip link set peertestnic1 up", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=ip link set testnic1 up) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "ip link set testnic1 up", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Set up veth as managed by NetworkManager] ******************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:29 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:50 +0000 (0:00:00.061) 0:00:42.312 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Delete veth interface testnic1] ****************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:36 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:50 +0000 (0:00:00.042) 0:00:42.354 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "ip", "link", "del", "testnic1", "type", "veth" ], "delta": "0:00:00.015362", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:49.764215", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:49.748853" } TASK [Create dummy interface testnic1] ***************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:42 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:50 +0000 (0:00:00.415) 0:00:42.769 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Delete dummy interface testnic1] ***************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:47 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:50 +0000 (0:00:00.042) 0:00:42.812 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Create tap interface testnic1] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:53 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:50 +0000 (0:00:00.074) 0:00:42.887 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Delete tap interface testnic1] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:58 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:50 +0000 (0:00:00.043) 0:00:42.930 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } META: ran handlers META: ran handlers PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 : ok=91 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=68 rescued=0 ignored=0 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:51 +0000 (0:00:00.063) 0:00:42.994 ****** =============================================================================== : Check which services are running ----------- 1.71s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Install NetworkManager -------------------------------------------------- 1.70s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:16 ----------------------- : Check which services are running ----------- 1.64s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ : Check which services are running ----------- 1.64s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ : Check which services are running ----------- 1.60s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Install iproute --------------------------------------------------------- 1.47s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:15 ----------- Install ethtool (test dependency) --------------------------------------- 1.47s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:22 ---------------- Install iproute --------------------------------------------------------- 1.45s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:15 ----------- : Configure networking connection profiles --- 1.43s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ ---- : Check which packages are installed --------- 1.42s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ : Enable and start NetworkManager ------------ 1.35s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ ----- : Check which packages are installed --------- 1.28s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ set up internal repositories -------------------------------------------- 1.28s /cache/rhel-8_setup.yml:5 ----------------------------------------------------- : Check which packages are installed --------- 1.17s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ : Check which packages are installed --------- 1.15s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Create veth interface testnic1 ------------------------------------------ 1.11s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:21 ----------- Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 1.01s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:5 ------------------------ : Re-test connectivity ----------------------- 0.95s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ ---- Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 0.84s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:3 ----------------- Enable EPEL 8 ----------------------------------------------------------- 0.77s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tasks/enable_epel.yml:17 ------------------------------- PLAYBOOK: _restore.yml ********************************************************* 1 plays in /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/_restore.yml PLAY [all] ********************************************************************* META: ran handlers TASK [Restore system files] **************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/_restore.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:51 +0000 (0:00:00.045) 0:00:43.040 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": "(cd /; tar -xf /tmp/network.backup.tar)", "delta": "0:00:00.006558", "end": "2022-08-03 11:36:50.411266", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 11:36:50.404708" } META: ran handlers META: ran handlers PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 : ok=92 changed=14 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=68 rescued=0 ignored=0 Wednesday 03 August 2022 15:36:51 +0000 (0:00:00.395) 0:00:43.435 ****** =============================================================================== : Check which services are running ----------- 1.71s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Install NetworkManager -------------------------------------------------- 1.70s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:16 ----------------------- : Check which services are running ----------- 1.64s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ : Check which services are running ----------- 1.64s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ : Check which services are running ----------- 1.60s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Install iproute --------------------------------------------------------- 1.47s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:15 ----------- Install ethtool (test dependency) --------------------------------------- 1.47s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:22 ---------------- Install iproute --------------------------------------------------------- 1.45s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:15 ----------- : Configure networking connection profiles --- 1.43s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ ---- : Check which packages are installed --------- 1.42s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ : Enable and start NetworkManager ------------ 1.35s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ ----- : Check which packages are installed --------- 1.28s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ set up internal repositories -------------------------------------------- 1.28s /cache/rhel-8_setup.yml:5 ----------------------------------------------------- : Check which packages are installed --------- 1.17s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ : Check which packages are installed --------- 1.15s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ Create veth interface testnic1 ------------------------------------------ 1.11s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:21 ----------- Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 1.01s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:5 ------------------------ : Re-test connectivity ----------------------- 0.95s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/roles/ ---- Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 0.84s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:3 ----------------- Enable EPEL 8 ----------------------------------------------------------- 0.77s /tmp/tmpd6fsfezc/tests/tasks/enable_epel.yml:17 ------------------------------- ansible-playbook [core 2.12.6] config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible ansible collection location = /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g executable location = /usr/bin/ansible-playbook python version = 3.9.13 (main, May 18 2022, 00:00:00) [GCC 11.3.1 20220421 (Red Hat 11.3.1-2)] jinja version = 2.11.3 libyaml = True Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file Skipping callback 'debug', as we already have a stdout callback. Skipping callback 'default', as we already have a stdout callback. Skipping callback 'minimal', as we already have a stdout callback. Skipping callback 'oneline', as we already have a stdout callback. PLAYBOOK: rhel-8_setup.yml ***************************************************** 1 plays in /cache/rhel-8_setup.yml PLAY [Setup repos] ************************************************************* META: ran handlers TASK [set up internal repositories] ******************************************** task path: /cache/rhel-8_setup.yml:5 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:49 +0000 (0:00:00.017) 0:00:00.017 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=None) => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=None) => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=None) => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } META: ran handlers META: ran handlers PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:51 +0000 (0:00:01.293) 0:00:01.310 ****** =============================================================================== set up internal repositories -------------------------------------------- 1.29s /cache/rhel-8_setup.yml:5 ----------------------------------------------------- PLAYBOOK: _backup.yml ********************************************************** 1 plays in /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/_backup.yml PLAY [all] ********************************************************************* META: ran handlers TASK [Get stats of system files] *********************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/_backup.yml:6 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:51 +0000 (0:00:00.014) 0:00:01.325 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=/etc/resolv.conf) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "/etc/resolv.conf", "stat": { "atime": 1659543169.2995844, "attr_flags": "", "attributes": [], "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 8, "charset": "us-ascii", "checksum": "fba82b5b78ea37322e584bf452f6f8e163f0869b", "ctime": 1659543168.2985845, "dev": 64515, "device_type": 0, "executable": false, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 752168, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": false, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": false, "isreg": true, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "mimetype": "text/plain", "mode": "0644", "mtime": 1659542132.0, "nlink": 1, "path": "/etc/resolv.conf", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 90, "uid": 0, "version": "3731249155", "wgrp": false, "woth": false, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": false, "xoth": false, "xusr": false } } TASK [Check if system files exist] ********************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/_backup.yml:13 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:51 +0000 (0:00:00.504) 0:00:01.829 ****** [WARNING]: conditional statements should not include jinja2 templating delimiters such as {{ }} or {% %}. Found: {{ item.stat.exists }} ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item={'changed': False, 'stat': {'exists': True, 'path': '/etc/resolv.conf', 'mode': '0644', 'isdir': False, 'ischr': False, 'isblk': False, 'isreg': True, 'isfifo': False, 'islnk': False, 'issock': False, 'uid': 0, 'gid': 0, 'size': 90, 'inode': 752168, 'dev': 64515, 'nlink': 1, 'atime': 1659543169.2995844, 'mtime': 1659542132.0, 'ctime': 1659543168.2985845, 'wusr': True, 'rusr': True, 'xusr': False, 'wgrp': False, 'rgrp': True, 'xgrp': False, 'woth': False, 'roth': True, 'xoth': False, 'isuid': False, 'isgid': False, 'blocks': 8, 'block_size': 4096, 'device_type': 0, 'readable': True, 'writeable': True, 'executable': False, 'pw_name': 'root', 'gr_name': 'root', 'checksum': 'fba82b5b78ea37322e584bf452f6f8e163f0869b', 'mimetype': 'text/plain', 'charset': 'us-ascii', 'version': '3731249155', 'attributes': [], 'attr_flags': ''}, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'path': '/etc/resolv.conf', 'follow': False, 'get_md5': False, 'get_checksum': True, 'get_mime': True, 'get_attributes': True, 'checksum_algorithm': 'sha1'}}, 'failed': False, 'item': '/etc/resolv.conf', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item'}) => { "ansible_facts": { "_existing_files": " /etc/resolv.conf" }, "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "failed": false, "invocation": { "module_args": { "checksum_algorithm": "sha1", "follow": false, "get_attributes": true, "get_checksum": true, "get_md5": false, "get_mime": true, "path": "/etc/resolv.conf" } }, "item": "/etc/resolv.conf", "stat": { "atime": 1659543169.2995844, "attr_flags": "", "attributes": [], "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 8, "charset": "us-ascii", "checksum": "fba82b5b78ea37322e584bf452f6f8e163f0869b", "ctime": 1659543168.2985845, "dev": 64515, "device_type": 0, "executable": false, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 752168, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": false, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": false, "isreg": true, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "mimetype": "text/plain", "mode": "0644", "mtime": 1659542132.0, "nlink": 1, "path": "/etc/resolv.conf", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 90, "uid": 0, "version": "3731249155", "wgrp": false, "woth": false, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": false, "xoth": false, "xusr": false } } } TASK [Back up system files] **************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/_backup.yml:19 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:51 +0000 (0:00:00.036) 0:00:01.866 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "tar", "-cf", "/tmp/network.backup.tar", "--same-owner", "--same-permissions", "/etc/resolv.conf" ], "delta": "0:00:00.005362", "end": "2022-08-03 12:12:51.346810", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:12:51.341448" } STDERR: tar: Removing leading `/' from member names META: ran handlers META: ran handlers PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 : ok=4 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:52 +0000 (0:00:00.471) 0:00:02.338 ****** =============================================================================== set up internal repositories -------------------------------------------- 1.29s /cache/rhel-8_setup.yml:5 ----------------------------------------------------- Get stats of system files ----------------------------------------------- 0.50s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/_backup.yml:6 ---------------------------------- Back up system files ---------------------------------------------------- 0.47s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/_backup.yml:19 --------------------------------- Check if system files exist --------------------------------------------- 0.04s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/_backup.yml:13 --------------------------------- PLAYBOOK: tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml **************************************** 2 plays in /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml PLAY [Run playbook 'playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml' with nm as provider] *** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:5 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:52 +0000 (0:00:00.071) 0:00:02.409 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] META: ran handlers TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:8 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:53 +0000 (0:00:01.046) 0:00:03.455 ****** included: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tasks/el_repo_setup.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Fix CentOS6 Base repo] *************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tasks/el_repo_setup.yml:2 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:53 +0000 (0:00:00.026) 0:00:03.482 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tasks/el_repo_setup.yml:27 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:53 +0000 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:03.502 ****** included: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tasks/enable_epel.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Create EPEL 8] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tasks/enable_epel.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:53 +0000 (0:00:00.028) 0:00:03.531 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "yum", "install", "-y", "" ], "delta": null, "end": null, "rc": 0, "start": null } STDOUT: skipped, since /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo exists MSG: Did not run command since '/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo' exists TASK [Enable EPEL 7] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tasks/enable_epel.yml:11 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:53 +0000 (0:00:00.363) 0:00:03.894 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Enable EPEL 8] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tasks/enable_epel.yml:17 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:53 +0000 (0:00:00.023) 0:00:03.918 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "dnf", "config-manager", "--set-enabled", "epel" ], "delta": "0:00:00.423404", "end": "2022-08-03 12:12:53.719499", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:12:53.296095" } TASK [Enable EPEL 6] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tasks/enable_epel.yml:26 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:54 +0000 (0:00:00.794) 0:00:04.712 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Set network provider to 'nm'] ******************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:9 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:54 +0000 (0:00:00.024) 0:00:04.737 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "ansible_facts": { "network_provider": "nm" }, "changed": false } TASK [Install NetworkManager] ************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:16 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:54 +0000 (0:00:00.027) 0:00:04.764 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [] } MSG: Nothing to do TASK [Get NetworkManager version] ********************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:20 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:56 +0000 (0:00:01.691) 0:00:06.456 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "rpm", "-q", "--qf", "%{version}", "NetworkManager" ], "delta": "0:00:00.010030", "end": "2022-08-03 12:12:55.827666", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:12:55.817636" } STDOUT: 1.36.0 META: ran handlers META: ran handlers PLAY [all] ********************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:56 +0000 (0:00:00.374) 0:00:06.831 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] META: ran handlers TASK [Show playbook name] ****************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:8 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:57 +0000 (0:00:00.780) 0:00:07.612 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: this is: playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml TASK [INIT: Ethtool coalesce tests] ******************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:14 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:57 +0000 (0:00:00.077) 0:00:07.689 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: ################################################## TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:17 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:57 +0000 (0:00:00.063) 0:00:07.752 ****** included: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:57 +0000 (0:00:00.035) 0:00:07.788 ****** included: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Gather current interface info] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:57 +0000 (0:00:00.032) 0:00:07.820 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ls", "-1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.003506", "end": "2022-08-03 12:12:57.250477", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:12:57.246971" } STDOUT: bonding_masters eth0 lo TASK [Set current_interfaces] ************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:9 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:58 +0000 (0:00:00.415) 0:00:08.236 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "ansible_facts": { "current_interfaces": [ "bonding_masters", "eth0", "lo" ] }, "changed": false } TASK [Show current_interfaces] ************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:58 +0000 (0:00:00.066) 0:00:08.302 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: current_interfaces: ['bonding_masters', 'eth0', 'lo'] TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:18 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:58 +0000 (0:00:00.060) 0:00:08.363 ****** included: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Ensure state in ["present", "absent"]] *********************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:58 +0000 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:08.402 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Ensure type in ["dummy", "tap", "veth"]] ********************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:8 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:58 +0000 (0:00:00.027) 0:00:08.429 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:13 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:58 +0000 (0:00:00.025) 0:00:08.455 ****** included: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:58 +0000 (0:00:00.033) 0:00:08.489 ****** included: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Gather current interface info] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:58 +0000 (0:00:00.033) 0:00:08.522 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ls", "-1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.003142", "end": "2022-08-03 12:12:57.946040", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:12:57.942898" } STDOUT: bonding_masters eth0 lo TASK [Set current_interfaces] ************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:9 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:58 +0000 (0:00:00.408) 0:00:08.931 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "ansible_facts": { "current_interfaces": [ "bonding_masters", "eth0", "lo" ] }, "changed": false } TASK [Show current_interfaces] ************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:58 +0000 (0:00:00.034) 0:00:08.965 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: current_interfaces: ['bonding_masters', 'eth0', 'lo'] TASK [Install iproute] ********************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:15 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:12:58 +0000 (0:00:00.033) 0:00:08.998 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [] } MSG: Nothing to do TASK [Create veth interface testnic1] ****************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:21 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:00 +0000 (0:00:01.369) 0:00:10.368 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=ip link add testnic1 type veth peer name peertestnic1) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "cmd": [ "ip", "link", "add", "testnic1", "type", "veth", "peer", "name", "peertestnic1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.005512", "end": "2022-08-03 12:12:59.789417", "item": "ip link add testnic1 type veth peer name peertestnic1", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:12:59.783905" } changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=ip link set peertestnic1 up) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "cmd": [ "ip", "link", "set", "peertestnic1", "up" ], "delta": "0:00:00.011587", "end": "2022-08-03 12:13:00.147729", "item": "ip link set peertestnic1 up", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:13:00.136142" } changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=ip link set testnic1 up) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "cmd": [ "ip", "link", "set", "testnic1", "up" ], "delta": "0:00:00.004968", "end": "2022-08-03 12:13:00.490923", "item": "ip link set testnic1 up", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:13:00.485955" } TASK [Set up veth as managed by NetworkManager] ******************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:28 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:01 +0000 (0:00:01.106) 0:00:11.475 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "nmcli", "d", "set", "testnic1", "managed", "true" ], "delta": "0:00:00.018176", "end": "2022-08-03 12:13:00.871076", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:13:00.852900" } TASK [Delete veth interface testnic1] ****************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:35 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:01 +0000 (0:00:00.381) 0:00:11.856 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Create dummy interface testnic1] ***************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:40 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:01 +0000 (0:00:00.027) 0:00:11.883 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Delete dummy interface testnic1] ***************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:44 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:01 +0000 (0:00:00.027) 0:00:11.911 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Create tap interface testnic1] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:49 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:01 +0000 (0:00:00.027) 0:00:11.938 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Delete tap interface testnic1] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:53 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:01 +0000 (0:00:00.027) 0:00:11.966 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:21 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:01 +0000 (0:00:00.025) 0:00:11.991 ****** included: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/assert_device_present.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/assert_device_present.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:01 +0000 (0:00:00.052) 0:00:12.044 ****** included: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/get_interface_stat.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Get stat for interface testnic1] ***************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/get_interface_stat.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:01 +0000 (0:00:00.034) 0:00:12.078 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "atime": 1659543179.7880738, "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 0, "ctime": 1659543179.7880738, "dev": 21, "device_type": 0, "executable": true, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 32753, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": false, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": true, "isreg": false, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "lnk_source": "/sys/devices/virtual/net/testnic1", "lnk_target": "../../devices/virtual/net/testnic1", "mode": "0777", "mtime": 1659543179.7880738, "nlink": 1, "path": "/sys/class/net/testnic1", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 0, "uid": 0, "wgrp": true, "woth": true, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": true, "xoth": true, "xusr": true } } TASK [assert that interface testnic1 is present] ******************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/assert_device_present.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:02 +0000 (0:00:00.351) 0:00:12.430 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Install ethtool (test dependency)] *************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:22 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:02 +0000 (0:00:00.038) 0:00:12.468 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [] } MSG: Nothing to do TASK [TEST: I can create a profile without any coalescing option.] ************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:28 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:03 +0000 (0:00:01.338) 0:00:13.807 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: ################################################## TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:03 +0000 (0:00:00.036) 0:00:13.844 ****** included: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role are present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:03 +0000 (0:00:00.050) 0:00:13.894 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which services are running] **** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:9 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:04 +0000 (0:00:00.514) 0:00:14.408 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which packages are installed] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:14 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:06 +0000 (0:00:01.714) 0:00:16.123 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Print network provider] ************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:7 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:07 +0000 (0:00:01.403) 0:00:17.526 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: Using network provider: nm TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if using the `network_state` variable with the initscripts provider] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:11 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:07 +0000 (0:00:00.078) 0:00:17.605 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if the system version of the managed host is below 8] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:18 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:07 +0000 (0:00:00.052) 0:00:17.657 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install packages] ******************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:27 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:07 +0000 (0:00:00.047) 0:00:17.705 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install NetworkManager and nmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:35 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:07 +0000 (0:00:00.080) 0:00:17.786 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install python3-libnmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:45 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:07 +0000 (0:00:00.046) 0:00:17.832 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:56 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:07 +0000 (0:00:00.046) 0:00:17.878 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable and start NetworkManager] ***** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:69 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:07 +0000 (0:00:00.059) 0:00:17.938 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Enable and start wpa_supplicant] ***** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:80 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:08 +0000 (0:00:00.779) 0:00:18.718 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable network service] ************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:89 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:08 +0000 (0:00:00.063) 0:00:18.781 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Ensure initscripts network file dependency is present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:97 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:08 +0000 (0:00:00.046) 0:00:18.828 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Configure networking connection profiles] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:106 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:08 +0000 (0:00:00.046) 0:00:18.875 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "ip": { "auto6": false, "dhcp4": false }, "name": "testnic1", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true } STDERR: [003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': add connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a [004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a (not-active) TASK [ : Configure networking state] ********** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:118 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:09 +0000 (0:00:00.785) 0:00:19.660 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Show stderr messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:124 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:09 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:19.710 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result.stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': add connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a (not-active)" ] } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:128 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:09 +0000 (0:00:00.056) 0:00:19.766 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result": { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "ip": { "auto6": false, "dhcp4": false }, "name": "testnic1", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true, "failed": false, "stderr": "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': add connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a\n[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a (not-active)\n", "stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': add connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a (not-active)" ] } } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_state] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:133 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:09 +0000 (0:00:00.059) 0:00:19.826 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} TASK [ : Re-test connectivity] **************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:139 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:09 +0000 (0:00:00.047) 0:00:19.873 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } META: role_complete for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Get profile's coalescing options] **************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:44 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:10 +0000 (0:00:00.531) 0:00:20.405 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "nmcli", "-g", "ethtool.coalesce-rx-frames", "c", "show", "testnic1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.017008", "end": "2022-08-03 12:13:09.802607", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:13:09.785599" } TASK [ASSERT: The profile does not contain coalescing options] ***************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:49 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:10 +0000 (0:00:00.393) 0:00:20.799 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Get profile's coalescing options] **************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:54 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:10 +0000 (0:00:00.061) 0:00:20.860 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ASSERT: The profile does not contain coalescing options] ***************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:60 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:10 +0000 (0:00:00.036) 0:00:20.897 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [TEST: I can set rx-frames.] ********************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:66 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:10 +0000 (0:00:00.066) 0:00:20.963 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: ################################################## TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:10 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:21.012 ****** included: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role are present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:10 +0000 (0:00:00.083) 0:00:21.096 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which services are running] **** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:9 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:11 +0000 (0:00:00.527) 0:00:21.624 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which packages are installed] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:14 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:13 +0000 (0:00:01.588) 0:00:23.212 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Print network provider] ************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:7 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:14 +0000 (0:00:01.274) 0:00:24.487 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: Using network provider: nm TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if using the `network_state` variable with the initscripts provider] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:11 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:14 +0000 (0:00:00.054) 0:00:24.541 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if the system version of the managed host is below 8] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:18 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:14 +0000 (0:00:00.043) 0:00:24.585 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install packages] ******************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:27 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:14 +0000 (0:00:00.042) 0:00:24.628 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install NetworkManager and nmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:35 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:14 +0000 (0:00:00.076) 0:00:24.704 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install python3-libnmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:45 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:14 +0000 (0:00:00.042) 0:00:24.747 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:56 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:14 +0000 (0:00:00.042) 0:00:24.789 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable and start NetworkManager] ***** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:69 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:14 +0000 (0:00:00.060) 0:00:24.850 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Enable and start wpa_supplicant] ***** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:80 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:15 +0000 (0:00:00.541) 0:00:25.392 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable network service] ************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:89 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:15 +0000 (0:00:00.064) 0:00:25.456 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Ensure initscripts network file dependency is present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:97 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:15 +0000 (0:00:00.046) 0:00:25.503 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Configure networking connection profiles] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:106 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:15 +0000 (0:00:00.045) 0:00:25.548 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "ethtool": { "coalesce": { "rx_frames": 128 } }, "ip": { "auto6": false, "dhcp4": false }, "name": "testnic1", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true } STDERR: [003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a [004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a (is-modified) [005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': "nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)", 'success': None} TASK [ : Configure networking state] ********** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:118 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:16 +0000 (0:00:00.597) 0:00:26.146 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Show stderr messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:124 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:16 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:26.195 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result.stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a (is-modified)", "[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': \"nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)\", 'success': None}" ] } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:128 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:16 +0000 (0:00:00.058) 0:00:26.253 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result": { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "ethtool": { "coalesce": { "rx_frames": 128 } }, "ip": { "auto6": false, "dhcp4": false }, "name": "testnic1", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true, "failed": false, "stderr": "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a\n[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a (is-modified)\n[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': \"nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)\", 'success': None}\n", "stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a (is-modified)", "[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': \"nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)\", 'success': None}" ] } } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_state] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:133 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:16 +0000 (0:00:00.058) 0:00:26.312 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} TASK [ : Re-test connectivity] **************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:139 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:16 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:26.361 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } META: role_complete for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Get profile's coalescing options] **************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:84 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:16 +0000 (0:00:00.398) 0:00:26.760 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "nmcli", "-g", "ethtool.coalesce-rx-frames", "c", "show", "testnic1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.015565", "end": "2022-08-03 12:13:16.154545", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:13:16.138980" } STDOUT: 128 TASK [Assert coalesce options set in profile] ********************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:89 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:17 +0000 (0:00:00.393) 0:00:27.153 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Get profile's coalescing options] **************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:95 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:17 +0000 (0:00:00.052) 0:00:27.205 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Assert coalesce options set in profile] ********************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:101 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:17 +0000 (0:00:00.038) 0:00:27.244 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [TEST: I can clear coalescing options] ************************************ task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:107 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:17 +0000 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:27.283 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: ################################################## TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:17 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:27.332 ****** included: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role are present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:17 +0000 (0:00:00.112) 0:00:27.444 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which services are running] **** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:9 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:17 +0000 (0:00:00.539) 0:00:27.984 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which packages are installed] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:14 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:19 +0000 (0:00:01.611) 0:00:29.596 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Print network provider] ************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:7 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:20 +0000 (0:00:01.195) 0:00:30.791 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: Using network provider: nm TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if using the `network_state` variable with the initscripts provider] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:11 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:20 +0000 (0:00:00.061) 0:00:30.853 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if the system version of the managed host is below 8] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:18 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:20 +0000 (0:00:00.050) 0:00:30.904 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install packages] ******************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:27 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:20 +0000 (0:00:00.050) 0:00:30.955 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install NetworkManager and nmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:35 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:20 +0000 (0:00:00.082) 0:00:31.037 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install python3-libnmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:45 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:20 +0000 (0:00:00.048) 0:00:31.085 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:56 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:21 +0000 (0:00:00.048) 0:00:31.134 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable and start NetworkManager] ***** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:69 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:21 +0000 (0:00:00.065) 0:00:31.199 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Enable and start wpa_supplicant] ***** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:80 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:21 +0000 (0:00:00.574) 0:00:31.773 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable network service] ************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:89 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:21 +0000 (0:00:00.064) 0:00:31.838 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Ensure initscripts network file dependency is present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:97 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:21 +0000 (0:00:00.048) 0:00:31.886 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Configure networking connection profiles] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:106 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:21 +0000 (0:00:00.048) 0:00:31.935 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "ip": { "auto6": false, "dhcp4": false }, "name": "testnic1", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true } STDERR: [003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a [004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a (is-modified) [005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': "nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)", 'success': None} TASK [ : Configure networking state] ********** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:118 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:22 +0000 (0:00:00.631) 0:00:32.566 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Show stderr messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:124 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:22 +0000 (0:00:00.050) 0:00:32.616 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result.stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a (is-modified)", "[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': \"nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)\", 'success': None}" ] } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:128 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:22 +0000 (0:00:00.058) 0:00:32.675 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result": { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "ip": { "auto6": false, "dhcp4": false }, "name": "testnic1", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true, "failed": false, "stderr": "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a\n[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a (is-modified)\n[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': \"nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)\", 'success': None}\n", "stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': update connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': up connection testnic1, 967632ba-2e45-49ec-a99f-b65f0c7d959a (is-modified)", "[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'testnic1': connection reapply failed: failure to reapply checkpoint: nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3): {'error': \"nm-device-error-quark: Can't reapply any changes to 'ethtool' setting (3)\", 'success': None}" ] } } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_state] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:133 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:22 +0000 (0:00:00.062) 0:00:32.737 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} TASK [ : Re-test connectivity] **************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:139 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:22 +0000 (0:00:00.049) 0:00:32.787 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } META: role_complete for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Get profile's coalescing options] **************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:122 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:23 +0000 (0:00:00.418) 0:00:33.206 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "nmcli", "-g", "ethtool.coalesce-rx-frames", "c", "show", "testnic1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.016597", "end": "2022-08-03 12:13:22.616433", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:13:22.599836" } TASK [ASSERT: The profile does reset coalescing options] *********************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:127 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:23 +0000 (0:00:00.414) 0:00:33.620 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Get profile's coalescing options] **************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:132 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:23 +0000 (0:00:00.064) 0:00:33.684 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ASSERT: The profile does reset coalescing options] *********************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:138 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:23 +0000 (0:00:00.042) 0:00:33.727 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:23 +0000 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:33.767 ****** included: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [ : Ensure ansible_facts used by role are present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:23 +0000 (0:00:00.069) 0:00:33.836 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which services are running] **** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:9 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:24 +0000 (0:00:00.574) 0:00:34.411 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Check which packages are installed] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:14 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:25 +0000 (0:00:01.689) 0:00:36.100 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Print network provider] ************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:7 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:27 +0000 (0:00:01.155) 0:00:37.256 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: Using network provider: nm TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if using the `network_state` variable with the initscripts provider] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:11 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:27 +0000 (0:00:00.088) 0:00:37.344 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Abort applying the network state configuration if the system version of the managed host is below 8] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:18 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:27 +0000 (0:00:00.080) 0:00:37.425 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install packages] ******************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:27 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:27 +0000 (0:00:00.045) 0:00:37.470 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install NetworkManager and nmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:35 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:27 +0000 (0:00:00.079) 0:00:37.550 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Install python3-libnmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:45 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:27 +0000 (0:00:00.043) 0:00:37.593 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:56 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:27 +0000 (0:00:00.047) 0:00:37.641 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable and start NetworkManager] ***** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:69 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:27 +0000 (0:00:00.058) 0:00:37.700 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Enable and start wpa_supplicant] ***** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:80 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:28 +0000 (0:00:00.542) 0:00:38.243 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Enable network service] ************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:89 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:28 +0000 (0:00:00.061) 0:00:38.304 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [ : Ensure initscripts network file dependency is present] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:97 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:28 +0000 (0:00:00.045) 0:00:38.350 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Configure networking connection profiles] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:106 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:28 +0000 (0:00:00.045) 0:00:38.395 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "name": "testnic1", "persistent_state": "absent" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true } STDERR: TASK [ : Configure networking state] ********** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:118 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:28 +0000 (0:00:00.549) 0:00:38.945 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [ : Show stderr messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:124 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:28 +0000 (0:00:00.045) 0:00:38.991 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result.stderr_lines": [ "" ] } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:128 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:28 +0000 (0:00:00.091) 0:00:39.082 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "__network_connections_result": { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n", "connections": [ { "name": "testnic1", "persistent_state": "absent" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true, "failed": false, "stderr": "\n", "stderr_lines": [ "" ] } } TASK [ : Show debug messages for the network_state] *** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:133 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:29 +0000 (0:00:00.056) 0:00:39.139 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} TASK [ : Re-test connectivity] **************** task path: /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:139 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:29 +0000 (0:00:00.045) 0:00:39.185 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } META: role_complete for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:154 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:29 +0000 (0:00:00.394) 0:00:39.579 ****** included: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Ensure state in ["present", "absent"]] *********************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:29 +0000 (0:00:00.067) 0:00:39.646 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Ensure type in ["dummy", "tap", "veth"]] ********************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:8 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:29 +0000 (0:00:00.040) 0:00:39.687 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:13 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:29 +0000 (0:00:00.050) 0:00:39.737 ****** included: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [include_tasks] *********************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:29 +0000 (0:00:00.066) 0:00:39.804 ****** included: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml for /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 TASK [Gather current interface info] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:3 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:29 +0000 (0:00:00.062) 0:00:39.867 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ls", "-1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.003531", "end": "2022-08-03 12:13:29.253421", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:13:29.249890" } STDOUT: bonding_masters eth0 lo peertestnic1 testnic1 TASK [Set current_interfaces] ************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:9 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:30 +0000 (0:00:00.389) 0:00:40.256 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "ansible_facts": { "current_interfaces": [ "bonding_masters", "eth0", "lo", "peertestnic1", "testnic1" ] }, "changed": false } TASK [Show current_interfaces] ************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:30 +0000 (0:00:00.143) 0:00:40.399 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => {} MSG: current_interfaces: ['bonding_masters', 'eth0', 'lo', 'peertestnic1', 'testnic1'] TASK [Install iproute] ********************************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:15 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:30 +0000 (0:00:00.050) 0:00:40.450 ****** ok: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [] } MSG: Nothing to do TASK [Create veth interface testnic1] ****************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:21 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:31 +0000 (0:00:01.486) 0:00:41.936 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=ip link add testnic1 type veth peer name peertestnic1) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "ip link add testnic1 type veth peer name peertestnic1", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=ip link set peertestnic1 up) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "ip link set peertestnic1 up", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => (item=ip link set testnic1 up) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "ip link set testnic1 up", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Set up veth as managed by NetworkManager] ******************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:28 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:31 +0000 (0:00:00.064) 0:00:42.001 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Delete veth interface testnic1] ****************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:35 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:31 +0000 (0:00:00.043) 0:00:42.044 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "ip", "link", "del", "testnic1", "type", "veth" ], "delta": "0:00:00.015633", "end": "2022-08-03 12:13:31.447196", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:13:31.431563" } TASK [Create dummy interface testnic1] ***************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:40 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:32 +0000 (0:00:00.404) 0:00:42.448 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Delete dummy interface testnic1] ***************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:44 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:32 +0000 (0:00:00.044) 0:00:42.493 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Create tap interface testnic1] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:49 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:32 +0000 (0:00:00.043) 0:00:42.536 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Delete tap interface testnic1] ******************************************* task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:53 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:32 +0000 (0:00:00.079) 0:00:42.615 ****** skipping: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } META: ran handlers META: ran handlers PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 : ok=91 changed=13 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=68 rescued=0 ignored=0 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:32 +0000 (0:00:00.064) 0:00:42.679 ****** =============================================================================== : Check which services are running ---- 1.71s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:9 Install NetworkManager -------------------------------------------------- 1.69s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:16 --------------- : Check which services are running ---- 1.69s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:9 : Check which services are running ---- 1.61s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:9 : Check which services are running ---- 1.59s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:9 Install iproute --------------------------------------------------------- 1.49s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:15 --- : Configure networking connection profiles --- 1.42s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:106 : Check which packages are installed --- 1.40s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:14 Install iproute --------------------------------------------------------- 1.37s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:15 --- : Enable and start NetworkManager ----- 1.35s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:69 Install ethtool (test dependency) --------------------------------------- 1.34s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:22 -------- set up internal repositories -------------------------------------------- 1.29s /cache/rhel-8_setup.yml:5 ----------------------------------------------------- : Check which packages are installed --- 1.27s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:14 : Check which packages are installed --- 1.20s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:14 : Check which packages are installed --- 1.16s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:14 Create veth interface testnic1 ------------------------------------------ 1.11s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:21 --- Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 1.05s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:5 ---------------- : Re-test connectivity ---------------- 0.95s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:139 Enable EPEL 8 ----------------------------------------------------------- 0.79s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tasks/enable_epel.yml:17 ----------------------- Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 0.78s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:3 --------- PLAYBOOK: _restore.yml ********************************************************* 1 plays in /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/_restore.yml PLAY [all] ********************************************************************* META: ran handlers TASK [Restore system files] **************************************************** task path: /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/_restore.yml:4 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:32 +0000 (0:00:00.043) 0:00:42.723 ****** changed: [/cache/rhel-8.qcow2] => { "changed": true, "cmd": "(cd /; tar -xf /tmp/network.backup.tar)", "delta": "0:00:00.006469", "end": "2022-08-03 12:13:32.102083", "rc": 0, "start": "2022-08-03 12:13:32.095614" } META: ran handlers META: ran handlers PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* /cache/rhel-8.qcow2 : ok=92 changed=14 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=68 rescued=0 ignored=0 Wednesday 03 August 2022 16:13:33 +0000 (0:00:00.399) 0:00:43.123 ****** =============================================================================== : Check which services are running ---- 1.71s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:9 Install NetworkManager -------------------------------------------------- 1.69s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:16 --------------- : Check which services are running ---- 1.69s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:9 : Check which services are running ---- 1.61s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:9 : Check which services are running ---- 1.59s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:9 Install iproute --------------------------------------------------------- 1.49s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:15 --- : Configure networking connection profiles --- 1.42s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:106 : Check which packages are installed --- 1.40s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:14 Install iproute --------------------------------------------------------- 1.37s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:15 --- : Enable and start NetworkManager ----- 1.35s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:69 Install ethtool (test dependency) --------------------------------------- 1.34s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:22 -------- set up internal repositories -------------------------------------------- 1.29s /cache/rhel-8_setup.yml:5 ----------------------------------------------------- : Check which packages are installed --- 1.27s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:14 : Check which packages are installed --- 1.20s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:14 : Check which packages are installed --- 1.16s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:14 Create veth interface testnic1 ------------------------------------------ 1.11s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:21 --- Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 1.05s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tests_ethtool_coalesce_nm.yml:5 ---------------- : Re-test connectivity ---------------- 0.95s /tmp/tmpcwsggv7g/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:139 Enable EPEL 8 ----------------------------------------------------------- 0.79s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/tasks/enable_epel.yml:17 ----------------------- Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 0.78s /tmp/tmpzotb0bdj/tests/network/playbooks/tests_ethtool_coalesce.yml:3 ---------