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About this document

This document is a R notebook, dynamically created from the numbers extracted on the project. It lists all datasets published for the project, providing basic numbers, figures and a quick summary, and serves as a test case to make sure that all the required data is present and roughly consistent with requirements. All plots and tables are computed from the actual data as provided in the downloads.

To re-execute the document, simply start a R session, load rmarkdown and render the page with the project ID as a parameter:

render("datasets_report.Rmarkdown", params = list(project_id = "tools.cdt"), output_format="html_document")

This website uses the blogdown R package, which provides a different output_format for the hugo framework.

This report was generated on 2021-04-25.


All data is retrieved from Alambic, an open-source framework for development data extraction and processing.

This project’s analysis page can be found on the Alambic instance for the Eclipse forge, at

Downloads are composed of gzip’d CSV and JSON files. CSV files always have a header to name the fields, which makes it easy to import in analysis software like R:

data <- read.csv(file='myfile.csv', header=T)

List of datasets generated for the project:

  • Git
    • Git Commits (CSV) – Full list of commits with id, message, time, author, committer, and added, deleted and modifed lines.
    • Git Commits Evol (CSV) – Evolution of number of commits and authors by day.
    • Git Log (TXT) – the raw export of git log.
  • Bugzilla
  • Eclipse Forums
    • Forums Posts (CSV) – list of all forum posts for this project.
    • Forums threads (CSV) – list of all forum threads for this project.
  • Jenkins CI
  • Eclipse PMI
    • PMI Checks (CSV) – list of all checks applied to the Project Management Infrastructure entries for the project.
  • ScanCode


Git commits

Download: git_commits_evol.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_git_commits_evol, header=T)

File is git_commits_evol.csv, and has 3 columns for 5300 entries.

data$commits_sum <- cumsum(data$commits)
data.xts <- xts(x = data[,c('commits_sum', 'commits', 'authors')],[,c('date')]), format="%Y-%m-%d"))

time.min <- index(data.xts[1,])
time.max <- index(data.xts[nrow(data.xts)])
all.dates <- seq(time.min, time.max, by="days")
empty <- xts( = all.dates) <- merge(empty, data.xts, all=T)[ == T] <- 0

p <-dygraph([,c('commits')],
        main = paste('Daily commits for ', project_id, sep=''),
        width = 800, height = 250 ) %>%
Daily commits for tools.cdt

Git log

Download: git_log.txt.gz

File is git_log.txt, and full log has 249105 lines.


Bugzilla issues

Download: bugzilla_issues.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_bz_issues, header=T)

File is bugzilla_issues.csv, and has 17 columns for 22057 issues.

Bugzilla open issues

Download: bugzilla_issues_open.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_bz_issues_open, header=T)

File is bugzilla_issues_open.csv, and has 17 columns for 4833 issues (all open).

Bugzilla evolution

Download: bugzilla_evol.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_bz_evol, header=T)

File is bugzilla_evol.csv, and has 3 columns for 5382 weeks.

Let’s try to plot the monthly number of submissions for the project:

Monthly issues submissions for tools.cdt


Download: bugzilla_versions.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_bz_versions, header=T)

File is bugzilla_versions.csv, and has 2 columns for 79 weeks.


Download: bugzilla_components.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_bz_components, header=T)

File is bugzilla_components.csv, and has 2 columns for 30 weeks.

data.sorted <- data[order(data$Bugs, decreasing = T),]

g <- gvisColumnChart(data.sorted, options=list(title='List of product components', legend="{position: 'none'}", width="automatic", height="300px"))

Eclipse Forums

Forums posts

Download: eclipse_forums_posts.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_forums_posts, header=T)

File is eclipse_forums_posts.csv, and has 6 columns for 39972 posts. The evolution of posts

data$ <- as.POSIXct(data$created_date, origin="1970-01-01")
posts.xts <- xts(data, = data$

time.min <- index(posts.xts[1,])
time.max <- index(posts.xts[nrow(posts.xts)])
all.dates <- seq(time.min, time.max, by="weeks")
empty <- xts( = all.dates) <- merge(empty, posts.xts$id, all=T)[ == T] <- 0

posts.weekly <- apply.weekly(, FUN = nrow)
names(posts.weekly) <- c("posts")

p <- dygraph(
  data = posts.weekly[-1,],
  main = paste('Weekly forum posts for ', project_id, sep=''),
  width = 800, height = 250 ) %>%
  dyAxis("x", drawGrid = FALSE) %>%
  dySeries("posts", label = "Weekly posts") %>%
  dyOptions(stepPlot = TRUE) %>%
Weekly forum posts for tools.cdt

The list of the 10 last active posts on the forums:

data$ <- as.POSIXct(data$created_date, origin="1970-01-01")
posts.table <- head(data[,c('id', 'subject', '', 'author_id')], 10)
posts.table$subject <- paste('<a href="', posts.table$html_url, '">', posts.table$subject, '</a>', sep='')
posts.table$ <- as.character(posts.table$
names(posts.table) <- c('ID', 'Subject', 'Post date', 'Post author')

    xtable(head(posts.table, 10),
        caption = paste('10 most recent posts on', project_id, 'forum.', sep=" "),
        digits=0, align="lllll"), type="html",
    html.table.attributes='class="table table-striped"',
    sanitize.text.function=function(x) { x }
10 most recent posts on tools.cdt forum.
ID Subject Post date Post author
1840788 Re: C++ Formatter puts all code on a single line 2021-04-23 16:47:12 231980
1840742 Can’t resolve includes after IDE restarts. 2021-04-23 08:35:13 232044
1840728 Re: Missing AVR Project Property Container 2021-04-22 21:36:09 232038
1840727 Missing AVR Project Property Container 2021-04-22 21:33:15 232038
1840721 Missing AVR Project Property Container \[RESOLVED\] 2021-04-22 11:59:29 232038
1840668 assembly ide 2021-04-21 16:48:47 232032
1840622 Re: cannot create projects “No project types available” 2021-04-20 19:55:30 231948
1840616 Re: Headless build on 2021-03 building multiple times 2021-04-20 17:36:10 40383
1840615 Headless build on 2021-03 building multiple times 2021-04-20 17:01:15 40383
1840584 Debugger problems with MacOS Catalina 2021-04-19 21:53:50 232013

Forums threads

Download: eclipse_forums_threads.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_forums_threads, header=T)

File is eclipse_forums_threads.csv, and has 8 columns for 14321 threads. A wordcloud with the main words used in threads is presented below.

The list of the 10 last active threads on the forums:

data$ <- as.POSIXct(data$last_post_date, origin="1970-01-01")
threads.table <- head(data[,c('id', 'subject', '', 'last_post_id', 'replies', 'views')], 10)
threads.table$subject <- paste('<a href="', threads.table$html_url, '">', threads.table$subject, '</a>', sep='')
threads.table$ <- as.character(threads.table$
names(threads.table) <- c('ID', 'Subject', 'Last post date', 'Last post author', 'Replies', 'Views')

        caption = paste('10 last active threads on', project_id, 'forum.', sep=" "),
        digits=0, align="lllllll"), type="html",
    html.table.attributes='class="table table-striped"',
    sanitize.text.function=function(x) { x }
10 last active threads on tools.cdt forum.
ID Subject Last post date Last post author Replies Views
1107772 Can’t resolve includes after IDE restarts. 2021-04-23 08:35:13 1840742 0 374
1107765 Missing AVR Project Property Container 2021-04-22 21:33:15 1840727 0 768
1107763 Missing AVR Project Property Container \[RESOLVED\] 2021-04-22 21:36:09 1840728 1 353
1107752 assembly ide 2021-04-21 16:48:47 1840668 0 784
1107737 Headless build on 2021-03 building multiple times 2021-04-20 17:36:10 1840616 1 56
1107726 Debugger problems with MacOS Catalina 2021-04-19 21:53:50 1840584 0 1004
1107725 CDT debug memory renderings under Dark theme 2021-04-19 17:02:27 1840578 0 1034
1107719 Headless Build; docker and references 2021-04-19 10:44:30 1840558 0 1096
1107716 How to use a Linked folder (path) variable in Build variables? 2021-04-18 21:03:21 1840547 0 1098
1107713 Console has different output in debug and normal run mode 2021-04-18 16:24:51 1840541 0 1156



Download: jenkins_builds.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_jenkins_builds, header=T)

File is jenkins_builds.csv, and has 7 columns for 499 commits.

ID Name Time Result
40 cdt-10.0 \#40 1.615226e+12 SUCCESS
15 cdt-10.0 \#15 1.602260e+12 SUCCESS
2 cdt-10.0 \#2 1.599514e+12 SUCCESS
2 cdt-10.0-standalone-debugger \#2 1.599755e+12 SUCCESS
13 cdt-10.1 \#13 1.615223e+12 SUCCESS
1 cdt-10.1 \#1 1.607399e+12 SUCCESS
1 cdt-10.1-standalone-debugger \#1 1.607697e+12 SUCCESS
18 cdt-10.2 \#18 1.619227e+12 SUCCESS
17 cdt-10.2 \#17 1.619217e+12 SUCCESS
16 cdt-10.2 \#16 1.618731e+12 SUCCESS


Download: jenkins_jobs.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_jenkins_jobs, header=T)

File is jenkins_jobs.csv, and has 15 columns for 40 commits.

Name Colour Last build time Health report
cdt-10.0 disabled 1.615226e+12 100
cdt-10.0-standalone-debugger disabled 1.599755e+12 100
cdt-10.1 disabled 1.615223e+12 100
cdt-10.1-standalone-debugger disabled 1.607697e+12 100
cdt-10.2 blue 1.619227e+12 100
cdt-10.2-java16 yellow 1.618109e+12 50
cdt-9.10 disabled 1.579422e+12 100
cdt-9.10-standalone-debugger disabled 1.576165e+12 100
cdt-9.11 blue 1.619226e+12 100
cdt-9.11-standalone-debugger notbuilt 0.000000e+00 0


PMI Checks

Download: eclipse_pmi_checks.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_pmi_checks, header=T)

File is eclipse_pmi_checks.csv, and has 3 columns for 17 commits.

checks.table <- head(data[,c('Description', 'Value', 'Results')], 10)

        caption = paste('Extract of the 10 first PMI checks for ', 
                        project_id, '.', sep=" "),
        digits=0, align="llll"), type="html",
    html.table.attributes='class="table table-striped"',
    sanitize.text.function=function(x) { x }
Extract of the 10 first PMI checks for tools.cdt .
Description Value Results
Checks if the URL can be fetched using a simple get query.\_bug.cgi?product=CDT OK: Create URL could be successfully fetched.
Checks if the URL can be fetched using a simple get query. OK: Query URL could be successfully fetched.
Sends a get request to the given CI URL and looks at the headers in the response (200 404..). Also checks if the URL is really a Hudson instance (through a call to its API). Failed: could not get CI URL \[\].
Checks if the Dev ML URL can be fetched using a simple get query. OK: Dev ML URL could be successfully fetched.
Checks if the URL can be fetched using a simple get query. OK: Documentation URL could be successfully fetched.
Checks if the URL can be fetched using a simple get query. OK: Download URL could be successfully fetched.
Checks if the Forums URL can be fetched using a simple get query. OK. Forum \[\] correctly defined.\\OK: Forum \[\] URL could be successfully fetched.
Checks if the URL can be fetched using a simple get query. OK: Documentation URL could be successfully fetched.
Checks if the Mailing lists URL can be fetched using a simple get query. Failed: no mailing list defined.
Checks if the URL can be fetched using a simple get query. OK: Plan URL could be successfully fetched.



Download: scancode_authors.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_sc_authors, header=T)

File is scancode_authors.csv, and has 2 columns for 94 commits.

Author Count
unknown 15832
Martin Weber 89
Doug Schaefer 66
Christian W. Damus 45
Emanuel Graf IFS 38
Emanuel Graf 15
Mirko Stocker 15
Guido Zgraggen IFS 14
Bryan Wilkinson 12
Mike Kucera 12

data.sorted <- data[order(data$count, decreasing = T),]

p <- gvisPieChart(data.sorted,
              options = list(
                title=paste("Authors for project ", project_id, " ", sep=""),
                sliceVisibilityThreshold=0, height=280,
                pieHole= 0.4))

print(p, 'chart')


Download: scancode_copyrights.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_sc_copyrights, header=T)

File is scancode_copyrights.csv, and has 2 columns for 183 commits.

Copyrights Count
unknown 5990
Copyright (c) QNX Software Systems and others 2144
Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 1962
Copyright (c) Wind River Systems, Inc. and others 1122
Copyright (c) Intel Corporation and others 746
Copyright (c) Wind River Systems and others 561
Copyright (c) Ericsson and others 497
Copyright (c) Institute for Software, HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil, University of applied sciences and others 268
Copyright (c) Google, Inc and others 237
Copyright (c) Red Hat, Inc. 161

data.sorted <- data[order(data$count, decreasing = T),]

p <- gvisPieChart(data.sorted,
              options = list(
                title=paste("Copyrights for project ", project_id, " ", sep=""),
                sliceVisibilityThreshold=0, height=280,
                pieHole= 0.4))

print(p, 'chart')


Download: scancode_holders.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_sc_holders, header=T)

File is scancode_holders.csv, and has 2 columns for 176 commits.

Holders Count
unknown 6149
QNX Software Systems and others 2144
IBM Corporation and others 1962
Wind River Systems, Inc. and others 1123
Intel Corporation and others 746
Wind River Systems and others 561
Ericsson and others 497
Institute for Software, HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil, University of applied sciences and others 268
Google, Inc and others 237
Red Hat, Inc. 188

data.sorted <- data[order(data$count, decreasing = T),]

p <- gvisPieChart(data.sorted,
              options = list(
                title=paste("Holders for project ", project_id, " ", sep=""),
                sliceVisibilityThreshold=0, height=280,
                pieHole= 0.4))

print(p, 'chart')


Download: scancode_licences.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_sc_licences, header=T)

File is scancode_licences.csv, and has 2 columns for 22 commits.

Licence Count
epl-2.0 10468
epl-2.0 OR apache-2.0 10201
unknown 5830
epl-1.0 223
unknown-license-reference 45
unknown-spdx 18
apache-2.0 13
cpl-1.0 12
eclipse-sua-2017 12
mpl-1.1 12

p <- gvisPieChart(data,
              options = list(
                title=paste("Licences for project ", project_id, " ", sep=""),
                sliceVisibilityThreshold=0, height=280,
                pieHole= 0.4))

print(p, 'chart')

Programming Languages

Download: scancode_programming_languages.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_sc_pl, header=T)

File is scancode_licences.csv, and has 2 columns for 19 commits.

Programming Language Count
Java 9342
unknown 5558
HTML 889
C++ 172
C 147
Objective-C 68
JavaScript 30
Bash 20
CSS 14

p <- gvisPieChart(data,
              options = list(
                title=paste("Programming languages for project ", project_id, " ", sep=""),
                sliceVisibilityThreshold=0, height=280,
                pieHole= 0.4))

print(p, 'chart')

Special files

Download: scancode_special_files.csv.gz

data <- read.csv(file=file_sc_sf, header=T)

File is scancode_special_files.csv, and has 2 columns for 286 commits.

Holders Type
pom.xml manifest readme
build/pom.xml manifest
build/org.eclipse.cdt.autotools.core/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF manifest
build/ manifest
build/ legal
build/ manifest
build/org.eclipse.cdt.autotools.tests/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF manifest
build/org.eclipse.cdt.autotools.ui/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF manifest
build/org.eclipse.cdt.autotools.ui/templates/projecttemplates/AutotoolsSharedLibraryProject/COPYING legal