From watmath!ljdickey Mon Dec  7 09:27:43 EST 1992
Article: 2185 of comp.lang.apl
Newsgroups: comp.lang.apl
Path: watmath!ljdickey
From: (L.J. Dickey)
Subject: APLWEB and Literate Programming in APL
Message-ID: <>
Organization: University of Waterloo
Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1992 13:46:24 GMT

			Literate programming in APL
				and APLWEB

	A few years ago, Donald Knuth introduced WEB, a system for
	presenting source code and documentation in a single document.
	His scheme allows an author to give extended and copious notes
	about the intention of the code, along with the code itself, in
	a single document.

	Most readers will have heard about TeX, the most famous example
	of a successful product done this way, and I am sure that there
	must be other programming products done with WEB, but I can not
	name any others.  Now, from the University of Bielefeld comes
	APLWEB, a method for presenting APL code in a literate way.
	With APLWEB exposition and code may be blended into a single
	source document.  Two tools, TANGLE and WEAVE, are provided,
	which extract the APL executable code and produce TeX source,

	APLWEB is a means by which one may write an article or book,
	and include along with it, in one place, the APL source for the
	immediate execution lines and APL functions that accompany it.

	The developer of APLWEB is Dr. Christoph von Basum, e-mail
	<>, who has written his Ph.D.
	thesis about literate programming in APL.  He is the author
	of all the C-code and TeX-macros. The ccapl-font was designed
	by students at the University of Bielefeld.

	This work was communicated to us by Bernhard Strohmeier, whose
	e-mail address is <>.
	Mr. Strohmeier is a Ph.D. student at the University of
	Bielefeld, working under the supervision of Professor Peter
	Naeve and Dr. Peter Wolf.  Mr.  Strohmeier is using APLWEB as a
	tool to aid in the writing of his doctoral thesis about causal

	The first English language release of this work works with IBM
	APL2 and STSC APL and is now available by anonymous ftp at ( in the directory
	languages/apl/aplweb.  It is designed to run on IBM personal

	Lee Dickey

Prof. Leroy J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, U of Waterloo, Canada  N2L 3G1
   UUCP:          ljdickey@watmath.UUCP