#!/usr/bin/env texlua -- Description: Install TeX packages and their dependencies -- Copyright: 2023-2024 (c) Jianrui Lyu <tolvjr@163.com> -- Repository: https://github.com/lvjr/texfindpkg -- License: GNU General Public License v3.0 local tfp = tfp or {} tfp.version = "2024A" tfp.date = "2024-11-22" local building = tfp.building local tfpresult = "" ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Some variables and functions} ------------------------------------------------------------ local lfs = require("lfs") local insert = table.insert local remove = table.remove local concat = table.concat local gmatch = string.gmatch local match = string.match local find = string.find local gsub = string.gsub local sub = string.sub local rep = string.rep local lookup = kpse.lookup kpse.set_program_name("kpsewhich") require(lookup("lualibs.lua")) local json = utilities.json -- for json.tostring and json.tolua local gzip = gzip -- for gzip.compress and gzip.decompress local function tfpPrint(msg) msg = "[tfp] " .. msg if building then tfpresult = tfpresult .. msg .. "\n" else print(msg) end end local function tfpRealPrint(msg) if not building then print("[tfp] " .. msg) end end local showdbg = false local function dbgPrint(msg) if showdbg then print("[debug] " .. msg) end end local function valueExists(tab, val) for _, v in ipairs(tab) do if v == val then return true end end return false end local function getFiles(path, pattern) local files = { } for entry in lfs.dir(path) do if match(entry, pattern) then insert(files, entry) end end return files end local function fileRead(input) local f = io.open(input, "rb") local text if f then -- file exists and is readable text = f:read("*all") f:close() --print(#text) return text end -- return nil if file doesn't exists or isn't readable end local function fileWrite(text, output) -- using "wb" keeps unix eol characters f = io.open(output, "wb") f:write(text) f:close() end local function testDistribution() -- texlive returns "texmf-dist/web2c/updmap.cfg" -- miktex returns nil although there is "texmfs/install/miktex/config/updmap.cfg" local d = lookup("updmap.cfg") if d then return "texlive" else return "miktex" end end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Handle TeX Live package database} ------------------------------------------------------------ local tlpkgtext local tlinspkgtext local function tlReadPackageDB() local tlroot = kpse.var_value("TEXMFROOT") if tlroot then tlroot = tlroot .. "/tlpkg" else tfpPrint("error in finding texmf root!") end local list = getFiles(tlroot, "^texlive%.tlpdb%.main") if #list > 0 then tlpkgtext = fileRead(tlroot .. "/" .. list[1]) if not tlpkgtext then tfpPrint("error in reading texlive.tlpdb.main file!") end else -- no texlive.tlpdb.main file in a fresh TeX live tfpPrint("error in finding texlive package database!") tfpPrint("please run 'tlmgr update --self' first.") end tlinspkgtext = fileRead(tlroot .. "/texlive.tlpdb") if not tlinspkgtext then tfpPrint("error in reading texlive.tlpdb file!") end end local tlfiletopkg = {} local tlpkgtofile = {} local tlinspkgdata = {} local function tlExtractFiles(name, desc) -- ignore binary packages -- also ignore latex-dev packages if find(name, "%.") or find(name, "^latex%-[%a]-%-dev") then --print(name) return end -- ignore package files in doc folder desc = match(desc, "\nrunfiles .+") or "" local flist = {} for base, ext in gmatch(desc, "/([%a%d%-%.]+)%.([%a%d]+)\n") do if ext == "sty" or ext == "cls" or ext == "tex" or ext == "ltx" then dbgPrint(name, base .. "." .. ext) tlfiletopkg[base .. "." .. ext] = name insert(flist, base .. "." .. ext) end end tlpkgtofile[name]= flist end local function tlExtractPackages(name, desc) tlinspkgdata[name] = true end local function tlParsePackageDB(tlpkgtext) gsub(tlpkgtext, "name (.-)\n(.-)\n\n", tlExtractFiles) return tlfiletopkg end local function tlParseTwoPackageDB() gsub(tlpkgtext, "name (.-)\n(.-)\n\n", tlExtractFiles) -- texlive.tlpdb might use different eol characters gsub(tlinspkgtext, "name (.-)\r?\n(.-)\r?\n\r?\n", tlExtractPackages) end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Handle MiKTeX package database} ------------------------------------------------------------ local mtpkgtext local mtinspkgtext local function mtReadPackageDB() local mtvar = kpse.var_value("TEXMFDIST") if mtvar then mtpkgtext = fileRead(mtvar .. "/miktex/config/package-manifests.ini") if not mtpkgtext then tfpPrint("error in reading package-manifests.ini file!") end mtinspkgtext = fileRead(mtvar .. "/miktex/config/packages.ini") if not mtinspkgtext then tfpPrint("error in reading packages.ini file!") end else tfpPrint("error in finding texmf root!") end end local mtfiletopkg = {} local mtpkgtofile = {} local mtinspkgdata = {} local function mtExtractFiles(name, desc) -- ignore package files in source or doc folders -- also ignore latex-dev packages if find(name, "_") or find(name, "^latex%-[%a]-%-dev") then --print(name) return end local flist = {} for base, ext in gmatch(desc, "/([%a%d%-%.]+)%.([%a%d]+)\r?\n") do if ext == "sty" or ext == "cls" or ext == "tex" or ext == "ltx" then dbgPrint(name, base .. "." .. ext) mtfiletopkg[base .. "." .. ext] = name insert(flist, base .. "." .. ext) end end mtpkgtofile[name]= flist end local function mtExtractPackages(name, desc) mtinspkgdata[name] = true end local function mtParsePackageDB(mtpkgtext) -- package-manifests.ini might use different eol characters gsub(mtpkgtext, "%[(.-)%]\r?\n(.-)\r?\n\r?\n", mtExtractFiles) return mtfiletopkg end local function mtParseTwoPackageDB() -- package-manifests.ini and packages.ini might use different eol characters gsub(mtpkgtext, "%[(.-)%]\r?\n(.-)\r?\n\r?\n", mtExtractFiles) gsub(mtinspkgtext, "%[(.-)%]\r?\n(.-)\r?\n\r?\n", mtExtractPackages) end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Install packages in current TeX distribution} ------------------------------------------------------------ local dist -- name of current tex distribution local totaldeplist = {} -- list of all depending packages local totalinslist = {} -- list of all missing packages local filecount = 0 -- total number of files found local function initPackageDB() dist = testDistribution() tfpPrint("you are using " .. dist) if dist == "texlive" then tlReadPackageDB() tlParseTwoPackageDB() else mtReadPackageDB() mtParseTwoPackageDB() end end local function findPackageFromFile(fname) if dist == "texlive" then return tlfiletopkg[fname] else return mtfiletopkg[fname] end end local function findFilesInPackage(pkg) if dist == "texlive" then return tlpkgtofile[pkg] else return mtpkgtofile[pkg] end end local function checkInsPakage(pkg) if dist == "texlive" then return tlinspkgdata[pkg] else return mtinspkgdata[pkg] end end local function tfpExecute(c) if not building then if os.type == "windows" then os.execute(c) else os.execute('sudo env "PATH=$PATH" ' .. c) end end end local function installSomePackages(list) if not list then return end if dist == "texlive" then local pkgs = concat(list, " ") if #list > 1 then tfpRealPrint("installing texlive packages: " .. pkgs) else tfpRealPrint("installing texlive package: " .. pkgs) end tfpExecute("tlmgr install " .. pkgs) else -- miktex fails if one of the packages is already installed -- so we install miktex packages one by one for _, p in ipairs(list) do tfpRealPrint("installing miktex package: " .. p) tfpExecute("miktex packages install " .. p) end end end local function updateTotalInsList(inslist) if #totalinslist == 0 then totalinslist = inslist else for _, pkg in ipairs(inslist) do if not valueExists(totalinslist, pkg) then insert(totalinslist, pkg) end end end end local function listSomePackages(list) if not list then return {} end if #list > 0 then filecount = filecount + 1 end table.sort(list) local pkgs = concat(list, " ") if #list == 1 then tfpPrint(dist .. " package needed: " .. pkgs) else tfpPrint(dist .. " packages needed: " .. pkgs) end local inslist = {} for _, p in ipairs(list) do if not checkInsPakage(p) then insert(inslist, p) end end if #inslist == 0 then if #list == 1 then tfpRealPrint("this package is already installed") else tfpRealPrint("these packages are already installed") end else table.sort(inslist) local pkgs = concat(inslist, " ") if #inslist == 1 then tfpRealPrint(dist .. " package not yet installed: " .. pkgs) else tfpRealPrint(dist .. " packages not yet installed: " .. pkgs) end end updateTotalInsList(inslist) end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Find dependencies of package files} ------------------------------------------------------------ local tfptext = "" -- the json text local tfpdata = {} -- the lua object local fnlist = {} -- file name list local pkglist = {} -- package name list local function initDependencyDB() local ziptext = fileRead(lookup("texfindpkg.json.gz")) tfptext = gzip.decompress(ziptext) if tfptext then --print(tfptext) tfpdata = json.tolua(tfptext) else tfpPrint("error in reading texfindpkg.json.gz!") end end local function printDependency(fname, level) local msg = fname local pkg = findPackageFromFile(fname) if pkg then msg = msg .. " (from " .. pkg .. ")" if not valueExists(pkglist, pkg) then insert(pkglist, pkg) end if not valueExists(totaldeplist, pkg) then insert(totaldeplist, pkg) end else msg = msg .. " (not found)" end if level == 0 then tfpPrint(msg) else tfpPrint(rep(" ", level - 1) .. "|- " .. msg) end end local function findDependencies(fname, level) --print(fname) if valueExists(fnlist, fname) then return end local item = tfpdata[fname] if not item then -- no dependency info for fname printDependency(fname, level) return end -- finding dependencies for fname printDependency(fname, level) insert(fnlist, fname) local deps = item.deps if deps then for _, dname in ipairs(deps) do findDependencies(dname, level + 1) end end end local function queryByFileName(fname) fnlist, pkglist = {}, {} -- reset the list if not find(fname, "%.") then fname = fname .. ".sty" end tfpPrint("building dependency tree for " .. fname .. ":") tfpPrint(rep("-", 24)) findDependencies(fname, 0) tfpPrint(rep("-", 24)) if #fnlist == 0 then tfpPrint("could not find any package with file " .. fname) return end if #pkglist == 0 then tfpPrint("error in finding package in " .. dist) return end listSomePackages(pkglist) end local function queryByPackageName(pname) local list = findFilesInPackage(pname) if list == nil then tfpPrint(dist .. " package " .. pname .. " doesn't exist") return end if #list > 0 then tfpPrint("finding package files in " .. dist .. " package " .. pname) for _, fname in ipairs(list) do tfpPrint(rep("=", 48)) tfpPrint("found package file " .. fname .. " in " .. dist .. " package " .. pname) queryByFileName(fname) end else tfpPrint("could not find any package file in " .. dist .. " package " .. pname) listSomePackages({pname}) if not valueExists(totaldeplist, pname) then insert(totaldeplist, pname) end end end local function getFileNameFromCmdEnvName(cmdenv, name) --print(name) local flist = {} for line in gmatch(tfptext, "(.-)\n[,}]") do if find(line, '"' .. name .. '"') then --print(line) local fname, fspec = match(line, '"(.-)":(.+)') --print(fname, fspec) local item = json.tolua(fspec) if item[cmdenv] and valueExists(item[cmdenv], name) then insert(flist, fname) end end end return flist end local function queryByCommandName(cname) --print(cname) local flist = getFileNameFromCmdEnvName("cmds", cname) if #flist > 0 then for _, fname in ipairs(flist) do tfpPrint(rep("=", 48)) tfpPrint("found package file " .. fname .. " with command \\" .. cname) queryByFileName(fname) end else tfpPrint("could not find any package with command \\" .. cname) end end local function queryByEnvironmentName(ename) --print(ename) local flist = getFileNameFromCmdEnvName("envs", ename) if #flist > 0 then for _, fname in ipairs(flist) do tfpPrint(rep("=", 48)) tfpPrint("found package file " .. fname .. " with environment {" .. ename .. "}") queryByFileName(fname) end else tfpPrint("could not find any package with environment {" .. ename .. "}") end end local function queryOne(t, name) if t == "cmd" then queryByCommandName(name) elseif t == "env" then queryByEnvironmentName(name) elseif t == "file" then tfpPrint(rep("=", 48)) queryByFileName(name) else -- t == "pkg" tfpPrint(rep("=", 48)) queryByPackageName(name) end end local outfile = nil local function query(namelist) for _, v in ipairs(namelist) do queryOne(v[1], v[2]) end if filecount > 1 then tfpRealPrint(rep("=", 48)) table.sort(totaldeplist) local pkgs = concat(totaldeplist, " ") if #totaldeplist == 0 then --tfpRealPrint("no packages needed are found") elseif #totaldeplist == 1 then tfpRealPrint(dist .. " package needed in total: " .. pkgs) else tfpRealPrint(dist .. " packages needed in total: " .. pkgs) end tfpRealPrint(rep("=", 48)) table.sort(totalinslist) local pkgs = concat(totalinslist, " ") if #totalinslist == 0 then tfpRealPrint("you don't need to install any packages") elseif #totalinslist == 1 then tfpRealPrint(dist .. " package not yet installed in total: " .. pkgs) else tfpRealPrint(dist .. " packages not yet installed in total: " .. pkgs) end if outfile then --print(outfile) pkgs = concat(totaldeplist, "\n") fileWrite(pkgs, outfile) end end end local function install(namelist) query(namelist) if #totalinslist > 0 then installSomePackages(totalinslist) end end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Parse query or install arguments} ------------------------------------------------------------ local function parseName(name) local h = sub(name, 1, 1) if h == "\\" then local b = sub(name, 2) return({"cmd", b}) elseif h == "{" then if sub(name, -1) == "}" then local b = sub(name, 2, -2) return({"env", b}) else error("invalid name '" .. name .. "'") end elseif find(name, "%.") then return({"file", name}) else return({"pkg", name}) end end local function readArgsInFile(list, inname) local intext = fileRead(inname) if not intext then tfpPrint("error in reading input file " .. inname) return list end tfpPrint("reading input file " .. inname) for line in gmatch(intext, "%s*(.-)%s*\r?\n") do line = match(line, "(.-)%s*#") or line --print("|" .. line .. "|") if line ~= "" then insert(list, line) end end return list end local function readArgList(arglist) local reallist = {} local isinput = false local isoutput = false for _, v in ipairs(arglist) do if isinput then reallist = readArgsInFile(reallist, v) isinput = false elseif isoutput then outfile = v isoutput = false elseif v == "-i" then isinput = true elseif v == "-o" then isoutput = true else insert(reallist, v) end end return reallist end local function parseArgList(arglist) local reallist = readArgList(arglist) local namelist = {} local nametype = nil for _, v in ipairs(reallist) do if v == "-c" then nametype = "cmd" elseif v == "-e" then nametype = "env" elseif v == "-f" then nametype = "file" elseif v == "-p" then nametype = "pkg" else if nametype then insert(namelist, {nametype, v}) else insert(namelist, parseName(v)) end end end if #namelist == 0 then error("missing the name of file/cmd/env!") else return namelist end end local function doQuery(arglist) local namelist = parseArgList(arglist) initPackageDB() initDependencyDB() query(namelist) end local function doInstall(arglist) local namelist = parseArgList(arglist) initPackageDB() initDependencyDB() install(namelist) end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Print help or version text} ------------------------------------------------------------ local helptext = [[ usage: texfindpkg <action> [<options>] [<name>] valid actions are: install Install some package and its dependencies query Query dependencies for some package help Print this message and exit version Print version information and exit valid options are: -c Query or install by command name -e Query or install by environment name -f Query or install by file name -p Query or install by package name -i Read arguments line by line from a file -o Write total dependent list to a file please report bug at https://github.com/lvjr/texfindpkg ]] local function help() print(helptext) end local function version() print("TeXFindPkg Version " .. tfp.version .. " (" .. tfp.date .. ")\n") end ------------------------------------------------------------ --> \section{Respond to user input} ------------------------------------------------------------ local function tfpMain(tfparg) tfpresult = "" if tfparg[1] == nil then return help() end local action = remove(tfparg, 1) action = match(action, "^%-*(.*)$") -- remove leading dashes --print(action) if action == "query" then doQuery(tfparg) elseif action == "install" then doInstall(tfparg) elseif action == "help" then help() elseif action == "version" then version() else tfpPrint("unknown action '" .. action .. "'") help() end return tfpresult end local function main() tfpMain(arg) end if building then tfp.tfpMain = tfpMain tfp.showdbg = showdbg tfp.dbgPrint = dbgPrint tfp.tfpPrint = tfpPrint tfp.fileRead = fileRead tfp.fileWrite = fileWrite tfp.getFiles = getFiles tfp.valueExists = valueExists tfp.json = json tfp.gzip = gzip tfp.tlParsePackageDB = tlParsePackageDB tfp.mtParsePackageDB = mtParsePackageDB return tfp else main() end