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Martin Strauss - under terms of GPL # english version set LISTE [list \ language "eng"\ wsearch-titel Search\ wsearch-Help Search\ wsearch-case-sensitive "case sensitive"\ wsearch-top Search\ wsearch-down down\ wsearch-up up\ wsearch-replace replace\ wsearch-all all\ whelp-titel Help\ whelp-no-source "No Source \$hlppath/\$FILE.txt"\ Helpto-Help ""\ wlatex-titel LaTeX\ wlatex-Help Help\ wTcltexed-titel Manual\ wTcltexed-Help Help\ wTcltexed-manual {Tcltexed tcltexed_hlp\ Editor editor_hlp\ Editor-keymap editort_hlp\ Readme readme_hlp\ Copyright copyright_hlp\ Gnu-Puplic-License gpl_hlp}\ wmsg-titel Message\ wmyown-titel "My Own"\ wmyown-Help "My"\ wcurser-titel "Goto"\ wcurser-goto "Goto"\ wcurser-gotocurser "Goto Curser Position"\ BHTERROR1 "Error within sourcefile\nLaTeX-command all ready in use :\nSourcefile"\ BHTERROR2 "\nName "\ BHTERROR3 "\nCommand "\ EDITORQUIT "Save changes ?"\ EDITOR-latex latex\ EDITOR-xdvi xdvi\ EDITOR-dvips dvips\ EDITOR-ghostview ghostview\ EDITOR-ZS L.C\ EDITOR-Syntax Syntax\ pop_menu-Undo Undo\ pop_menu-Cut Cut\ pop_menu-Copy Copy\ pop_menu-Paste Paste\ pop_menu-Clear Clear\ pop_menu-Spell Spell\ pop_menu-Block Block\ pop_menu-plus "+ %"\ pop_menu-minus "- %"\ pop_menu-more "..."\ MW-File File\ MW-Edit Edit\ MW-Options Options\ MW-Help Help\ MW-New New...\ MW-Load Open...\ MW-Append Append...\ MW-Save Save\ MW-SaveAs "Save As..."\ MW-Quit Quit\ MW-Clear Clear\ MW-Clear-msg "Delete everything ?"\ MW-Spelling "Spelling"\ MW-Spell "add word"\ MW-Search Search\ MW-MyOwn "My Own"\ MW-Tcltexed "Tcltexed Manual"\ MW-LaTeX "LaTeX Commands"\ MW-AutoKlammerZu AutoBrackets\ MW-Syntax Syntax\ MW-Packages "Packages/etc"\ MW-language language\ MW-size "font size"\ MW-english english\ MW-german german\ MW-language-msg "Now save the options\nand restart tcltexed\nto have an effect !"\ MW-SaveOptions "Save Options"\ LB-breakline "break lines"\ LB-all "all in file"\ LB-section "all in section"\ LB-line "all in line"\ LB-unall "undo all in file"\ LB-unsection "undo all in section"\ LB-unline "undo all in line"\ ALLQUIT1 "Save changes before leaving ?"\ ALLQUIT2 "Save everything ?"\ ALLQUIT3 "Save this file ?\n"\ Save Save\ SaveAs SaveAs\ more more\ cancel Cancel\ quit Quit\ Quit Quit\ spell-1 "Add\n\""\ spell-2 "\"\nto list of known words"\ spell-3 "Correct yourself"\ ] array set T $LISTE # (w* Fenster mit Namen *) # w*-Help -> Suchbegriff bei Hilfe # w*-titel -> Fenstertitel @