head 1.2; access; symbols; locks mys:1.2; strict; comment @# @; 1.2 date 2000.; author mys; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author mys; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.2 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @# Copyright (C) 1999 - Martin Strauss - under terms of GPL ##################################################### # show help # ok ! proc Help {NAME} { global T HLP global hlppath hlptxt hlpfile if [info exists HLP($NAME)] { # Liste vorhandener Hilfen set ii 0 foreach i $HLP($NAME) { if [string match "$T(language)*" $i] { incr ii lappend liste $i "$T(language) $ii" } } foreach i $HLP($NAME) { if ![string match "$T(language)*" $i] { incr ii lappend liste $i "[lindex [split $i "/"] 0] $ii" } } HLP_open $NAME [lindex $liste 0] [lindex $liste 1] if [winfo exists .whelp] { .whelp.f2.mb.m delete 0 end foreach {i t} $liste { .whelp.f2.mb.m add command -label $t -command "HLP_open $NAME $i {$t}" } .whelp.f2.e delete 0 end .whelp.f2.e insert 0 $NAME } } HLP_gif $NAME } ############################################### # help from inside a text # ok ! proc HelpTo {NAME} { global T HLP set flag 1 set key [$NAME get insert insert+1c] if ![string compare $key "\\"] then { set strt insert+1c } else { set strt insert } set ID [array startsearch HLP] while {[array anymore HLP $ID]} { set elm [array nextelement HLP $ID] set velm [$NAME get $strt insert+[expr [string length $elm] + 1]c] if ![string compare $elm $velm] then { Help $elm set flag 0 } } array donesearch HLP $ID if $flag then { Help $T(Helpto-Help) } } ########################## ########################## proc HLP_load {} { global hlppath HLP if [file exists $hlppath/index] { set f [open $hlppath/index r] set L [read $f] close $f array set HLP $L } {set HLP(ERROR) ERROR} } proc HLP_open {NAME FILE Text} { global T hlppath hlptxt hlpfile if ![winfo exists .whelp] {set hlpfile ""} if {[string compare $FILE $hlpfile] != 0} { if [file exists "$hlppath/$FILE"] then { set f [open "$hlppath/$FILE" r] HLP_plainwindow .whelp.f2.mb configure -text $Text .whelp.f.l configure -state normal .whelp.f.l delete 1.0 end .whelp.f.l insert 1.0 [read $f] .whelp.f.l configure -state disabled close $f set hlpfile $FILE set pos [.whelp.f.l search "::" 1.0 end] while {$pos!=""} { .whelp.f.l tag add invisible $pos "$pos lineend" set pos [.whelp.f.l search "::" "$pos+1c" end] } set ksp "::" set ksp [.whelp.f.l search -- $ksp$NAME$ksp pos] if {$ksp != ""} then { .whelp.f.l mark set pos $ksp .whelp.f.l see pos } focus .whelp } { if [winfo exists .whelp] then { .whelp.f.l configure -state normal .whelp.f.l delete 1.0 end eval ".whelp.f.l insert 1.0 \"$T(whelp-no-source)\"" .whelp.f.l configure -state disabled } } } } proc HLP_plainwindow {} { global T if ![winfo exists .whelp] then { toplevel .whelp wm title .whelp $T(whelp-titel) frame .whelp.f scrollbar .whelp.f.vscroll -relief sunken -command {.whelp.f.l yview} text .whelp.f.l -yscroll {.whelp.f.vscroll set} pack .whelp.f.vscroll -side right -fill y pack .whelp.f.l -expand yes -fill both frame .whelp.f2 menubutton .whelp.f2.mb -menu .whelp.f2.mb.m menu .whelp.f2.mb.m button .whelp.f2.butup -text up -command { .whelp.f.l tag remove show 1.0 end set ksp [.whelp.f.l search -backwards -- [.whelp.f2.e get] pos] if {$ksp != ""} then { .whelp.f.l mark set pos $ksp .whelp.f.l see pos .whelp.f.l tag add show pos "pos wordend" } } button .whelp.f2.butdown -text down -command { .whelp.f.l tag remove show 1.0 end set ksp [.whelp.f.l search -- [.whelp.f2.e get] pos+1c] if {$ksp != ""} then { .whelp.f.l mark set pos $ksp .whelp.f.l see pos .whelp.f.l tag add show pos "pos wordend" } } entry .whelp.f2.e button .whelp.f2.butQ -text $T(quit) -command { destroy .whelp } pack .whelp.f -expand yes -fill y pack .whelp.f2.mb .whelp.f2.butup .whelp.f2.butdown .whelp.f2.e .whelp.f2.butQ -side left pack .whelp.f2 COLOR .whelp .whelp.f.l tag add invisible 1.0 1.0 .whelp.f.l tag add show 1.0 1.0 .whelp.f.l tag configure invisible -foreground [.whelp.f.l cget -bg] .whelp.f.l tag configure show -foreground Red .whelp.f.l tag raise invisible .whelp.f.l mark set pos 1.0 } } proc HLP_gif Name { global gifpath I_txt if [info exists I_txt($Name)] { if [file exists "$gifpath/$I_txt($Name).gif"] then { if ![winfo exists .whelpgif] then { toplevel .whelpgif button .whelpgif.butQ -image [Bild $Name] -command { destroy .whelpgif } pack .whelpgif.butQ COLOR .whelpgif } else { .whelpgif.butQ configure -image [Bild $Name] focus .whelpgif } } { if [winfo exists .whelpgif] then { .whelpgif.butQ configure -image MasterBildSlaveOff } } } { if [winfo exists .whelpgif] then { .whelpgif.butQ configure -image MasterBildSlaveOff } } }@ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d1 184 a184 184 # Copyright (C) 1999 - Martin Strauss - under terms of GPL ##################################################### # show help # ok ! proc Help {NAME} { global T HLP global hlppath hlptxt hlpfile if [info exists HLP($NAME)] { # Liste vorhandener Hilfen set ii 0 foreach i $HLP($NAME) { if [string match "$T(language)*" $i] { incr ii lappend liste $i "$T(language) $ii" } } foreach i $HLP($NAME) { if ![string match "$T(language)*" $i] { incr ii lappend liste $i "[lindex [split $i "/"] 0] $ii" } } HLP_open $NAME [lindex $liste 0] [lindex $liste 1] if [winfo exists .whelp] { .whelp.f2.mb.m delete 0 end foreach {i t} $liste { .whelp.f2.mb.m add command -label $t -command "HLP_open $NAME $i {$t}" } .whelp.f2.e delete 0 end .whelp.f2.e insert 0 $NAME } } HLP_gif $NAME } ############################################### # help from inside a text # ok ! proc HelpTo {NAME} { global T HLP set flag 1 set key [$NAME get insert insert+1c] if ![string compare $key "\\"] then { set strt insert+1c } else { set strt insert } set ID [array startsearch HLP] while {[array anymore HLP $ID]} { set elm [array nextelement HLP $ID] set velm [$NAME get $strt insert+[expr [string length $elm] + 1]c] if ![string compare $elm $velm] then { Help $elm set flag 0 } } array donesearch HLP $ID if $flag then { Help $T(Helpto-Help) } } ########################## ########################## proc HLP_load {} { global hlppath HLP if [file exists $hlppath/index] { set f [open $hlppath/index r] set L [read $f] close $f array set HLP $L } {set HLP(ERROR) ERROR} } proc HLP_open {NAME FILE Text} { global T hlppath hlptxt hlpfile if ![winfo exists .whelp] {set hlpfile ""} if {[string compare $FILE $hlpfile] != 0} { if [file exists "$hlppath/$FILE"] then { set f [open "$hlppath/$FILE" r] HLP_plainwindow .whelp.f2.mb configure -text $Text .whelp.f.l configure -state normal .whelp.f.l delete 1.0 end .whelp.f.l insert 1.0 [read $f] .whelp.f.l configure -state disabled close $f set hlpfile $FILE set pos [.whelp.f.l search "::" 1.0 end] while {$pos!=""} { .whelp.f.l tag add invisible $pos "$pos lineend" set pos [.whelp.f.l search "::" "$pos+1c" end] } set ksp "::" set ksp [.whelp.f.l search -- $ksp$NAME$ksp pos] if {$ksp != ""} then { .whelp.f.l mark set pos $ksp .whelp.f.l see pos } focus .whelp } { if [winfo exists .whelp] then { .whelp.f.l configure -state normal .whelp.f.l delete 1.0 end eval ".whelp.f.l insert 1.0 \"$T(whelp-no-source)\"" .whelp.f.l configure -state disabled } } } } proc HLP_plainwindow {} { global T if ![winfo exists .whelp] then { toplevel .whelp wm title .whelp $T(whelp-titel) frame .whelp.f scrollbar .whelp.f.vscroll -relief sunken -command {.whelp.f.l yview} text .whelp.f.l -yscroll {.whelp.f.vscroll set} pack .whelp.f.vscroll -side right -fill y pack .whelp.f.l -expand yes -fill both frame .whelp.f2 menubutton .whelp.f2.mb -menu .whelp.f2.mb.m menu .whelp.f2.mb.m button .whelp.f2.butup -text up -command { .whelp.f.l tag remove show 1.0 end set ksp [.whelp.f.l search -backwards -- [.whelp.f2.e get] pos] if {$ksp != ""} then { .whelp.f.l mark set pos $ksp .whelp.f.l see pos .whelp.f.l tag add show pos "pos wordend" } } button .whelp.f2.butdown -text down -command { .whelp.f.l tag remove show 1.0 end set ksp [.whelp.f.l search -- [.whelp.f2.e get] pos+1c] if {$ksp != ""} then { .whelp.f.l mark set pos $ksp .whelp.f.l see pos .whelp.f.l tag add show pos "pos wordend" } } entry .whelp.f2.e button .whelp.f2.butQ -text $T(quit) -command { destroy .whelp } pack .whelp.f -expand yes -fill y pack .whelp.f2.mb .whelp.f2.butup .whelp.f2.butdown .whelp.f2.e .whelp.f2.butQ -side left pack .whelp.f2 COLOR .whelp .whelp.f.l tag add invisible 1.0 1.0 .whelp.f.l tag add show 1.0 1.0 .whelp.f.l tag configure invisible -foreground [.whelp.f.l cget -bg] .whelp.f.l tag configure show -foreground Red .whelp.f.l tag raise invisible .whelp.f.l mark set pos 1.0 } } proc HLP_gif Name { global gifpath I_txt if [info exists I_txt($Name)] { if [file exists "$gifpath/$I_txt($Name).gif"] then { if ![winfo exists .whelpgif] then { toplevel .whelpgif button .whelpgif.butQ -image [Bild $Name] -command { destroy .whelpgif } pack .whelpgif.butQ COLOR .whelpgif } else { .whelpgif.butQ configure -image [Bild $Name] focus .whelpgif } } { if [winfo exists .whelpgif] then { .whelpgif.butQ configure -image MasterBildSlaveOff } } } { if [winfo exists .whelpgif] then { .whelpgif.butQ configure -image MasterBildSlaveOff } } @