head 1.2; access; symbols; locks mys:1.2; strict; comment @# @; 1.2 date 2000.; author mys; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author mys; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.2 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @# Copyright (C) 1999 - Martin Strauss - under terms of GPL ################################################################ # defaultcolors switch $tcl_platform(platform) unix { tk_setPalette\ activebackground "#ececec"\ activeforeground Black\ background "#d9d9d9"\ foreground Black\ selectcolor White\ disabledforeground "#a3a3a3"\ highlightbackground "#d9d9d9"\ highlightcolor Black } windows { tk_setPalette\ activebackground "#ececec"\ activeforeground Black\ background "#c0c0c0"\ foreground Black\ selectcolor White\ disabledforeground "#a3a3a3"\ highlightbackground "#d9d9d9"\ highlightcolor Black } ################################################################ # if colors make trouble set COLOR_list [list\ "-activebackground"\ "-activeforeground"\ "-background"\ "-disabledforeground"\ "-foreground"\ "-highlightbackground"\ "-highlightcolor"\ "-insertbackground"\ "-selectbackground"\ "-selectcolor"\ "-selectforeground"\ "-troughcolor"\ ] proc COLOR_LOOP {E} { global COLOR_list foreach i [$E configure] { if {[lsearch -exact $COLOR_list [lindex $i 0]] != -1} { $E configure [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 3] } } foreach i [winfo children $E] {COLOR_LOOP $i} } proc COLOR {E} { global COLOR_flag if $COLOR_flag { COLOR_LOOP $E } } @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d1 56 a56 56 # Copyright (C) 1999 - Martin Strauss - under terms of GPL ################################################################ # defaultcolors switch $tcl_platform(platform) unix { tk_setPalette\ activebackground "#ececec"\ activeforeground Black\ background "#d9d9d9"\ foreground Black\ selectcolor White\ disabledforeground "#a3a3a3"\ highlightbackground "#d9d9d9"\ highlightcolor Black } windows { tk_setPalette\ activebackground "#ececec"\ activeforeground Black\ background "#c0c0c0"\ foreground Black\ selectcolor White\ disabledforeground "#a3a3a3"\ highlightbackground "#d9d9d9"\ highlightcolor Black } ################################################################ # if colors make trouble set COLOR_list [list\ "-activebackground"\ "-activeforeground"\ "-background"\ "-disabledforeground"\ "-foreground"\ "-highlightbackground"\ "-highlightcolor"\ "-insertbackground"\ "-selectbackground"\ "-selectcolor"\ "-selectforeground"\ "-troughcolor"\ ] proc COLOR_LOOP {E} { global COLOR_list foreach i [$E configure] { if {[lsearch -exact $COLOR_list [lindex $i 0]] != -1} { $E configure [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 3] } } foreach i [winfo children $E] {COLOR_LOOP $i} } proc COLOR {E} { global COLOR_flag if $COLOR_flag { COLOR_LOOP $E } } @