# Recommended extern programms:
tcl 8.x
tk 8.x
# If you wanna use latex you should have latex ;-)
 with packets babel.sty amsmath.sty amsfonts.sty amscd.sty
              amssymb.sty grafics.sty graficx.sty
   (umlaut.sty for useage of ae oe ue, you will find an version
    of this file under ./etc/ , to make use of this version you have
    to place it in the path of latex [which one I don't know])
# for Windows NT or 95 or 97 MikTeX is a good joice

makeindex (belongs to latex2e distribution)
xdvi (unix) or Yap if you use MikTeX 
ghostview & ghostscript
tcltexed version 2.8 | 02. Nov 2006 | Martin Strauss
Copyright (C) 2000 - Martin Strauss -
Usage under the terms of Gnu General Public License.

The file bin/tcltexed.tcl should be executable   

You must edit the first part of the file tcltexed.tcl
 Control that the path to the tcl/tk interpreter "wish" is correkt 
 (first line of the file) (unix and linux only)

 If it does not find it's path by itself set the basepath variable on
 the path you used as base of your installation of this program.

 Control the path to the extern progams (latex, xdvi [any viewer for dvi]
 dvips, ghostview [any viewer for postscript format], makeindex) 

Further description for usage, etc., is implemented in Tcltexed self.
Changes since 2.7:
 thanx to Aaron Mueller it now works under tcl/tk 8.4