ShLaTeX version 1.2b -- LaTeX compilation script for Linux.
Copyright (C) 2003  Mael Hilléreau (

Instructions :

Goto the sub-directory corresponding to the language you want to use and then
read the file called "README.TXT"...

Directory structure :           Description :
|-- GPL.TXT                     GNU General Public Licence
|-- README.TXT                  This file
|-- TODO.TXT                    Supposed future features of the program
|-- en                          English version of the script
|   |-- README.TXT
|   |-- ShLaTeX
|   |-- install
|   |-- man                     Manual in PDF and Linux 'man page' formats
|   |   |-- cman
|   |   |-- shlatex.1.bz2
|   |   `-- shlatex.pdf
|   |-- test                    A small test
|   |   |-- biblio.bib
|   |   |-- externe.tex
|   |   |-- test
|   |   `-- test.tex
|   `-- uninstall
|-- fr                          French version of the script
|   |-- README.TXT
|   |-- ShLaTeX
|   |-- install
|   |-- man                     French manual
|   |   |-- cman
|   |   |-- shlatex.1.bz2
|   |   `-- shlatex.pdf
|   |-- test                    A small test
|   |   |-- biblio.bib
|   |   |-- externe.tex
|   |   |-- test
|   |   `-- test.tex
|   `-- uninstall
|-- misc                        Misc stuff
|   `-- logo.jpg
`-- src                         C sources of the tex8to7 program
    `-- tex8to7.c