# PROJECT MusixTeX PreProcessor # FILE README # Welcome to mpp's good news / bad news bulletin. See INSTALL for installation instructions, FAQ for general purpose info. MPP development has been discontinued in favour of its successor LilyPond. LilyPond uses an ascii script language that is very similar to mpp input. LilyPond's output, however, is plain TeX. You may find LilyPond at ../lilypond or alternatively, download from ftp://pcnov095.win.tue.nl/pub/lilypond/ (Europe) ftp://alpha.gnu.ai.mit.edu/gnu/ (US) The website also contains the complete documentation http://www.stack.nl/~hanwen/lilypond/index.html Have Fun, Janneke and Wendy Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jan@digicash.com> | LilyPond - The GNU music typesetter Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@stack.nl> | http://www.stack.nl/~hanwen/lilypond/