Texetting is a package for the TeX and LaTeX typesetting pro-
gram. It can create a code of TeX or LaTeX which can be used
to merge in TeX or LaTeX document Moreover, it can produce a
VAXIMA work-sheet for both TeX and LaTeX.

Summary of the commands

LaTeX functions
Function 			Description
latex(exp[,"file.tex"]);               LaTeX main function 
latexinit("file.tex"[,style[,size]]);  LaTeX file initialization
latexautolabel();                      LaTeX autolabeling mode function
latexezwks("file.tex");                LaTeX easy worksheet recorder

TeX functions
Function 			Description
tex(exp[,"file.tex"]);          TeX main function 
texinit("file.tex");  		TeX file initialization  
texautolabel(integer);		TeX autolabeling mode setting function
texezwks("file.tex"); 		TeX easy worksheet recorder

The TeXetting functions for both TeX and LaTeX
Function 			Description
texdisplaytype();		display style mode setting function  
textexttype();			text style mode setting function  
texeval();			expression evaluation mode on function
texnoeval();			expression evaluation mode off function
texlabelleft();			left labeling mode setting function
texlabelright();		right labeling mode setting function
texworksheet();			worksheet mode setting function 
texdefault();			default resetting function
lessparen()			setting function to get less 
				parenthesises output 
parenback();			setting function to get more 
				parenthesises output
worksheet("file.tex"'[labels]); simple worksheet function

For more information, please type:
    "/user/vaxima/ksu/new/chokchai/tutorMe"	for Tutorial
    "/user/vaxima/ksu/new/chokchai/greekSymbol" for Greek symbols

You will get a print-out from the LaserJet in room 202.