;;;     (c) copyright of entire package 1991  kent state university      ;;;
;;;             Jan. 1991            pwang                               ;;;

0) This AKCL/MAXIMA enhancement package for converting MAXIMA expressions
   into TeX or LaTeX suitable for direction into papers or documents.
   To use this package you must already have the MAXIMA package
   maintained at Univ. Texas at Austin.  Contact Prof. Bill Schelter


   for info on MAXIMA.

1) Read all files on the distribution tape into your "maxima-main-dir" under
   the directory kent/McTex

2) Edit tex.lsp file, goto a line that contains 
(setq mctex-lib "/usr/local/maxima/kent/chokchai") .
   Then modify mctex-lib to the directory that contains the mctex package.

3) Load McTex into maxima by loading the file tex.lsp (or tex.o)
   into maxima.  The maxima command
   can be used.

4) This package is free for use by the computer science research community.
   Please send e-mail to pwang@mcs.kent.edu to register your name/institution
   if you obtain this package.

   Commercial use in any form is prohibited.

Paul S. Wang
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Kent State Univ.
Kent OH 44242