Need a mapping for symbol font if writer writing output format without
symbol font capability.  E.g., for troff, alpha -> \(*a.

On error in destination readers - could read until closing "}" instead
of panicing.  (Assuming that no state push is done inside dest readers.)
The program could continue this way.

rtf version 0 files may have font tables in which the font entries don't
have braces around them.

The reader enforces very few syntactic constraints.  For example, it
does not enforce:
\ertf\fIn\fR must follow first open brace.
Charset control symbol must follow \ertf\fIn\fR.
Default found (\edeff\fIn\fR), if given, must precede font table.
Font table, stylesheet, color table, summary information group, document
formatting properties must precede all document content text.
Font table should precede stylesheet.

The troff writer does not ignore groups which specify foreground or
background colors.
The RTF specification says "if the file is translated by software that
does not display color," the group should be ignored.
Aside from the fact that very little software displays color, it seems
unnecessary to throw out color text instead of simply writing it out

Border symbols are found in the specification both under picture and
paragraph descriptions.  The reader treats them as paragraph attributes.

Some footnote control symbols (\eftnsep, \eftnsepc, \eftncn) are listed
in the specification as document formatting attributes.  Since they begin
a group, the reader treats them as destinations.

\epgnstart and \elinestart are listed under section and documnent formatting
properties.  The reader treats them as document properties.

The less complete specification has the wrong names for the section break

Foreground and background color symbols \ecf and \ebf are listed under the
color table description.  The reader treats them as character formatting