% MACROS PSIZZL - macros for use with Psizzl
% begin rewrite of PLAIN macros
% end rewrite of PLAIN macros
%  unlock macro names with @ key
\def\unlock{\catcode`\@=\l@tter}% @ character can be used in macro names
%  lock up the macros
\def\lock{\catcode`\@=\@ther}% macros using this character are now locked
   \gdef\l@tMother{\let ^^M=\h@tMother}%
   \gdef\l@tMspace{\let ^^M=\space}%
{% \outer plaintex macros not to be recognized during a \write
   \gdef\l@tplain{% all \outer and all that use \ifmmode
   \kern-.08em\lower.0 ex\hbox{i}%
   \kern-.05em\lower.0 ex\hbox{z}%
   \kern-.17em\lower.5 ex\hbox{z}%
   \kern-.09em\lower.2 ex\hbox{l}%
   \CMS{CP SMSG GJMSINK PSIZZLLL \fmtversion\space\jobname}%
   \message{This is \fmtname, Version \fmtversion}%
% cute and otherwise desirable-to-have macros
\newif\iftemp % scratch if macro
\newcount\tempcount% scratch count register
\def\endp@ge{\par \vfill \eject}%
\def\endle@f{\endp@ge\ifodd\pageno\else\hrule height\z@\endp@ge\fi}%
\def\leaderfil{\leaders\hbox to 2em{\hss.\hss}\hfil}%
\def\centertitle#1{\par\noindent\hfil #1\hfil\par}% center text
\def\breaktitle{\hfil\par\noindent\hfil}% break text
\def\monthdayyear{% alternate date format
\def\fildec#1{\ifnum#1<10 0\fi\the#1}%
\def\thetime{% \thetime -> 09:36 e.g.: `This job was run at \thetime.'
% characters and things
% macro to assist in breaking paragraphs, use in place of \par, or
% blank line, terminating the paragraph in question.
\def\padline#1{\line{\ #1\ }}%
\def\thinhrule{\hrule height.4pt}%
\def\thinvrule{\vrule width .4pt}%
   \vbox to\z@{\offinterlineskip
      \kern-#2\hbox to\z@{\kern#1{#3}\hss}\vss
% macros for the \CMS command: \write 15
% macros to flag superseded commands
         Instead of \string#1, you should use \string#2. \go@on
      \errmessage{Psizzl: \string#1 has been superseded by \string#2}#2%
   Before you run this job again, please change your TeX source file.
   Do `CONSPIRE CHECK TEX' to see the new command syntax.
   This is just a warning: you may continue processing by giving a <CR>.
% following macros flag superseded commands
\def\sample#1{{\let\end\relax\input #1 \endpage}\listfile{#1}}%