\documentclass[twoside]{whatsnote} \usepackage[mono = false]{libertine} \usepackage{verbatim,framed,hologo} \providecommand\cls{\textsf} \providecommand\pkg{\textsf} \providecommand\url{\texttt} \providecommand\env{\texttt} \DeclareRobustCommand\cs[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} \usepackage[os = mac]{menukeys} \coverset { title = The \pkg{WhatsNote} Class, subtitle = Version 3.0B, bioinfo = Mingyu Xia \url{}, color = MidnightBlue, head = universe/3, logo = cat/sixpointed stars, } \begin{document} \maketitle \chapter { Introduction \& Demo } \section{Cover configuration} \begin{framed} \begin{verbatim} \coverset { title = The \pkg{WhatsNote} Class, subtitle = Version 3.0A, bioinfo = Mingyu Xia \url{}, color = MidnightBlue, head = universe/3, logo = cat/sixpointed stars, } \end{verbatim} \end{framed} \section{Global Options} \subsection{Font} You can set \keys{\cmdmac~math-font} \keys{\cmdmac~main-font} \keys{\cmdmac~sans-font} \keys{\cmdmac~mono-font}. The \keys{\cmdmac~CJK-font} can be set via \hologo{XeLaTeX} compiler. \begin{framed} \begin{verbatim} math-font = STIX Two Math, main-font = { {Libertinus Serif} }, sans-font = { {Libertinus Sans} }, mono-font = { {Libertinus Mono} }, CJKmain-font = { {Zhuque Fangsong (technical preview)} [AutoFakeBold, AutoFakeSlant] }, CJKsans-font = { {LXGW WenKai} [BoldFont = *-Medium, AutoFakeSlant] }, CJKmono-font = { {LXGW WenKai Mono} [BoldFont = *-Medium, AutoFakeSlant] }, \end{verbatim} \end{framed} \scratch \begin{solution} \lipsum [ 2 ] \result {This is the answer}. \end{solution} \subsection{Hideanswer} The default Boolean value of the key \keys{\cmdmac~hideanswer} is true, environment \env{solution} and content in the macro \cs{result} will be hidden when enable this. \section{Left Text \& Right Figure} \begin{verbatim} \begin {textfig} [ ratio ] \textfigsplit \end {textfig} \end{verbatim} The keys in the environment \env{textfig} accepts a ratio that separate by a colon (\cmd:). \begin{textfig}[ 3:2 ] \begin{problem}[ text-fig layout] \lipsum [ 1 ] \begin{tasks}(4) \task A \task B \task C \task D \end{tasks} \end{problem} \textfigsplit \centering \includegraphics[ width = .9\linewidth ]{example-image} \end{textfig} \begin{remark} This is an amsthm environment surrounded by a mdframed box. \lipsum [ 2 ] \end{remark} \section{Other Preset amsthm environments} \env{theorem}, \env{lemma}, \env{corollary}, \env{proposition}, \env{conjecture}, \env{criterion}, \env{assertion}, \env{definition}, \env{condition}, \env{example}, \env{exercise}, \env{algorithm}, \env{question}, \env{axiom}, \env{property}, \env{assumption}, \env{hypothesis}, \env{note}, \env{notation}, \env{claim}, \env{summary}, \env{acknowledgment}, \env{case}, \env{conclusion}. \end{document}