% conv-utf8-lmc.tex % % Conversion from UTF-8 to LMC, % used before loading hyphenation patterns for 8-bit TeX engines. % % This file is part of hyph-utf8 package and autogenerated. % See http://tug.org/tex-hyphen % % Copyright 2008-2025 TeX Users Group. % You may freely use, modify and/or distribute this file. % (But consider adapting the scripts if you need modifications.) % \catcode"C4=\active \catcode"D0=\active \catcode"D1=\active \catcode"D2=\active \catcode"D3=\active % \def^^c4#1{% \ifx#1^^b1^^b4\else % ı - U+0131 - i \errmessage{Hyphenation pattern file corrupted or lmc encoding not supported!} \fi} \def^^d0#1{% \ifx#1^^b0^^61\else % а - U+0430 - cyra \ifx#1^^b1^^62\else % б - U+0431 - cyrb \ifx#1^^b2^^77\else % в - U+0432 - cyrv \ifx#1^^b3^^67\else % г - U+0433 - cyrg \ifx#1^^b4^^64\else % д - U+0434 - cyrd \ifx#1^^b5^^65\else % е - U+0435 - cyre \ifx#1^^b6^^6a\else % ж - U+0436 - cyrzh \ifx#1^^b7^^7a\else % з - U+0437 - cyrz \ifx#1^^b8^^69\else % и - U+0438 - cyri \ifx#1^^b9^^ef\else % й - U+0439 - cyrishrt \ifx#1^^ba^^6b\else % к - U+043A - cyrk \ifx#1^^bb^^6c\else % л - U+043B - cyrl \ifx#1^^bc^^6d\else % м - U+043C - cyrm \ifx#1^^bd^^6e\else % н - U+043D - cyrn \ifx#1^^be^^6f\else % о - U+043E - cyro \ifx#1^^bf^^70\else % п - U+043F - cyrp \errmessage{Hyphenation pattern file corrupted or lmc encoding not supported!} \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} \def^^d1#1{% \ifx#1^^80^^72\else % р - U+0440 - cyrr \ifx#1^^81^^73\else % с - U+0441 - cyrs \ifx#1^^82^^74\else % т - U+0442 - cyrt \ifx#1^^83^^75\else % у - U+0443 - cyru \ifx#1^^84^^66\else % ф - U+0444 - cyrf \ifx#1^^85^^78\else % х - U+0445 - cyrh \ifx#1^^86^^63\else % ц - U+0446 - cyrc \ifx#1^^87^^71\else % ч - U+0447 - cyrch \ifx#1^^88^^b2\else % ш - U+0448 - cyrsh \ifx#1^^89^^b0\else % щ - U+0449 - cyrshch \ifx#1^^8a^^b3\else % ъ - U+044A - cyrhrdsn \ifx#1^^8b^^79\else % ы - U+044B - cyrery \ifx#1^^8d^^e4\else % э - U+044D - cyrerev \ifx#1^^8e^^b5\else % ю - U+044E - cyryu \ifx#1^^8f^^b6\else % я - U+044F - cyrya \ifx#1^^91^^eb\else % ё - U+0451 - cyryo \errmessage{Hyphenation pattern file corrupted or lmc encoding not supported!} \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} \def^^d2#1{% \ifx#1^^af^^fc\else % ү - U+04AF - cyry \errmessage{Hyphenation pattern file corrupted or lmc encoding not supported!} \fi} \def^^d3#1{% \ifx#1^^a9^^f6\else % ө - U+04E9 - cyrotld \errmessage{Hyphenation pattern file corrupted or lmc encoding not supported!} \fi} % % ensure all the chars above have valid \lccode values % \lccode"61="61 % а - U+0430 - cyra \lccode"62="62 % б - U+0431 - cyrb \lccode"63="63 % ц - U+0446 - cyrc \lccode"64="64 % д - U+0434 - cyrd \lccode"65="65 % е - U+0435 - cyre \lccode"66="66 % ф - U+0444 - cyrf \lccode"67="67 % г - U+0433 - cyrg \lccode"69="69 % и - U+0438 - cyri \lccode"6A="6A % ж - U+0436 - cyrzh \lccode"6B="6B % к - U+043A - cyrk \lccode"6C="6C % л - U+043B - cyrl \lccode"6D="6D % м - U+043C - cyrm \lccode"6E="6E % н - U+043D - cyrn \lccode"6F="6F % о - U+043E - cyro \lccode"70="70 % п - U+043F - cyrp \lccode"71="71 % ч - U+0447 - cyrch \lccode"72="72 % р - U+0440 - cyrr \lccode"73="73 % с - U+0441 - cyrs \lccode"74="74 % т - U+0442 - cyrt \lccode"75="75 % у - U+0443 - cyru \lccode"77="77 % в - U+0432 - cyrv \lccode"78="78 % х - U+0445 - cyrh \lccode"79="79 % ы - U+044B - cyrery \lccode"7A="7A % з - U+0437 - cyrz \lccode"B0="B0 % щ - U+0449 - cyrshch \lccode"B2="B2 % ш - U+0448 - cyrsh \lccode"B3="B3 % ъ - U+044A - cyrhrdsn \lccode"B4="B4 % ı - U+0131 - i \lccode"B5="B5 % ю - U+044E - cyryu \lccode"B6="B6 % я - U+044F - cyrya \lccode"E4="E4 % э - U+044D - cyrerev \lccode"EB="EB % ё - U+0451 - cyryo \lccode"EF="EF % й - U+0439 - cyrishrt \lccode"F6="F6 % ө - U+04E9 - cyrotld \lccode"FC="FC % ү - U+04AF - cyry