README for amstex-joy		                           2019/01/28

This distribution makes the full text of the most recent reprint of
the second edition of "The Joy of TeX" by Michael Spivak available
for the first time, as a pdf file: joyt2.pdf.  "Joy" is the user
documentation for AMS-TeX.  AMS-TeX is no longer supported by the AMS,
nor is it used by the AMS publishing program.

joyt2.pdf    - The Joy of TeX, second edition: A Gourmet guide to
               typesetting with the AMS-TeX macro package, by
               M. D. Spivak.  This is the final edition, printed with
               corrections by the American Mathematical Society in 2004.

The macro files comprising AMS-TeX can be found on CTAN at
The collection is also included in TeX Live.  It will be left on CTAN
to facilitate processing of legacy documents and as a historical
record of a pioneering TeX macro collection that played a key role in
popularizing TeX and revolutionizing mathematics publishing.

Any material in this guide may be reproduced or duplicated for
personal or educational use.
