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\TUBhead 16, 1, March 1995<

\subsecnn Addresses\\3-4<
\subsec W{\l}odek~Bzyl\\Euro{\TeX}94 Contest Answers\\4-4<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Christina~Thiele \and Michel~Goossens\\Opening words\\5-7<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\8-8<
\subsecc {MetaPost} goes public<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Michael~Jaegermann\\Making {\tt MakeTeXPK} safer for
	{Unix} installations\\9-12<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Hyphenation exception log\\12-17<
%	last appeared in 16 #1, 13 #4

\sec Philology<
\subsec Claudio~Beccari\\Configuring {\TeX} or {\LaTeX} for typesetting
	in several languages\\18-30<
\subsec Claudio~Beccari, Radu~Oprea \and Elena Tulei\\How to make a
	foreign language pattern file: {Romanian}\\30-41<
\subsec Christina~Thiele\\{\TeX} and {Linguistics}\\42-44<

\sec Font Forum<
\subsec Alan~Hoenig\\Introducing {\MP}\\45-45<
\subsec Yannis~Haralambous\\Some {\MF} techniques\\46-53<
\subsec Petr~Ol\v{s}\'ak\\The program {\tt a2ac}\Dash {Font} handling on the
	{\PS} level\\54-59<
\subsec Basil~Malyshev\\Problems of the conversion of
           {\MF} fonts to {\PS} {Type}~1\\60-68<
\subsec Basil~Malyshev \and Michel~Goossens\\Partial font embedding utilities
	for {\PS} {Type}-1 fonts\\69-77<
\subsec Alan~Jeffrey\\Tight setting with {\TeX}\\78-80<

\sec \LaTeX<
\subsec Shinsaku~Fujita\\{\XYMTeX} for drawing chemical structural

\sec News \&\\Announcements<
\subsecnn Calendar\\89-90<
\subsec Mimi~Burbank\\Production notes\\90-91<
\subsecnn Coming next issue\\91-91<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn Institutional members\\92-92<

\sec Forms<
\subsecnn {TUG} membership application\\93-93<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\94-94<




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\TUBhead 16, 2, June 1995<

\subsecnn Addresses\\99-100<


\subsec Michel~Goossens\\Opening words\\101-101<
\subsec Malcolm~Clark\\Introduction\\101-102<


\subsec Michel~Goossens \and Janne~Saarela\\
	A practical introduction to {\SGML}\\103-145<
\subsec Peter~Flynn\\{\HTML} \& {\TeX}: {Making} them sweat\\146-150<
\subsec Geeti~Granger\\The inside story of life at {Wiley} with {\SGML},
	{\LaTeX} and {Acrobat}\\151-154<
\subsec Mark~D.~Doyle\\The {Los Alamos} e-print archives:
	{Hyper\TeX} in action\\154-159<
\subsec Otfried~Schwarzkopf\\The {Hyperlatex} story\\159-162<
\subsec Yannis~Haralambous \and Sebastian~Rahtz\\
	{\LaTeX}, hypertext and {\PDF}, {\it or} the entry of {\TeX}
	into the world of hypertext\\162-173<
\subsec Michel~Goossens \and Janne~Saarela\\
	{\TeX} to {\HTML} and back\\174-214<

\sec News \&\\Announcements<
\subsecnn Calendar\\215-216<

\subsec Mimi~Burbank \and Barbara~Beeton\\Production notes\\100-100<

\sec TUG Business<
\subsecnn Institutional members\\217-217<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\218-218<
\subsecnn Index of advertisers\\218-218<

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%% and, just to be sure, restore default page format




\def\postissno{1995 Annual Meeting Proceedings}
\TUBhead 16, 3, September 1995<

\subsec Robin~Fairbairns\\Production notes\\222-222<

\sec Opening Address<

\subsec Michel~Goossens\\President's words\\223-226<

\sec Fonts<
\subsec Ji\v{r}\'{\i}~Zlatu\v{s}ka\\When {\MF} does it alone\\227-232<
\subsec Richard J.~Kinch\\{MetaFog}: converting {\MF} shapes
        to contours\\233-243<
\subsec Alan~Hoenig\\The {Poetica} family: fancy fonts with
        {\TeX} and {\LaTeX}\\244-252<
\subsec Michel~Goossens, Sebastian~Rahtz \and Robin~Fairbairns\\
        Using {Adobe} {Type}~1 {Multiple} {Master} fonts
        with {\TeX}\\253-258<
\subsec Jeremy~Gibbons\\Dotted and dashed lines in {\MF}\\259-264<
\subsec Sergey~Lesenko\\Printing {\TeX} documents with partial
        {Type}~1 fonts\\265-268<

\sec {\LaTeX}<
\subsec Matthew~Swift\\Modularity in {\LaTeX}\\269-275<
\subsec Dennis~Kletzing\\A multienumerate package\\276-279<

\sec Hyphenation<
\subsec Petr~Sojka \and Pavel~\v{S}eve\v{c}ek\\Hyphenation
        in {\TeX} --- {Quo} {Vadis}?\\280-289<
\subsec Petr~Sojka\\Notes on compound word hyphenation in {\TeX}\\290-296<

\sec Literate programming<
\subsec W{\l}odek~Bzyl\\Literate {Plain} source is available!\\297-299<
\subsec Bart~Childs, Deborah~Dunn \and William~Lively\\Teaching
        {CS}/1 courses in~a~literate manner\\300-309<

\sec Methods<
\subsec T.V.~Raman\\An audio view
        of {(\La)\TeX} documents --- part {II}\\310-314<
\subsec Sebastian~Rahtz\\Another look at
        {\LaTeX} to {\SGML} conversion\\315-324<
\subsec Robin Fairbairns\\Omega --- {Why} bother with {Unicode}?\\325-328<
\subsec Gabriel~Valiente~Feruglio\\Modern {Catalan}
        typographical conventions\\329-338<

\sec News \&\\Announcements<
\subsecnn {TUG}'96 Announcement\\339-339<
\subsecnn Calendar\\340-341<

\sec TUG Business<

\subsecnn {TUG}'95\Dash {List} of attendees\\341-343<
\subsecnn Institutional members\\344-344<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\345-345<






\TUBhead 16, 4, December 1995<

\subsecnn Addresses\\351-352<

\sec General Delivery<
\subsec Michel~Goossens\\Writing the future is reading the past\\353-354<
\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\355-357<
\subsecc A day at a small press book fair;
        {Sources} of information on printing and book~arts on the {Web};
        {A} {\TeX} {Users} {Group} for {Spanish} speakers;
        {A} brief comment on the merger of {\TUB} and {\TTN}<
\subsec Peter~Flynn\\Upcoming {TTN} merger into {\TUB}\\357-357<

\sec Software \& Tools<
\subsec Filip~Machi, Jerrold~E.~Marsden and Wendy~G.~McKay\\
        {Introduction} to {Fas\TeX}: {A} system of keyboard shortcuts
        for the fast keying of~{\TeX}\\358-363<

\sec Philology<
\subsec Olga~Lapko \and Irina~Makhovaya\\The style
        {\tt russianb} for {Babel}: {Problems} and solutions\\364-372<
\subsec Andrey~Slepukhin\\A package for {Church}-{Slavonic}

\sec Fonts<
\subsec J\"org~Knappen\\Release 1.2 of the {{\ssf dc}}-fonts:
        {Improvements} to the {European} letters and
        first~release of text companion symbols\\381-387<

\sec Graphics<
\subsec  Bogus{\l}aw~Jackowski\\{A} {\MF}--{\acro{EPS}} interface\\388-395<

\sec Technical\\Working Group\\Reports<
\subsec Tomas~G.~Rokicki\\A proposed standard for specials\\395-401<
\subsec {TUG} {Working} {Group} on~a~{\TeX} {Directory} {Structure}\\
        {A} directory structure for {\TeX} files ({Version} 0.999)\\401-413<

\sec Hints \& Tricks<
\subsec Sebastian~Rahtz\\Whatever is wrong with my {\LaTeX} file?\\413-416<

\sec Macros<
\subsec Jonathan~Fine\\New perspectives on {\TeX} macros\\416-418<

\sec {\LaTeX}<
\subsec Yannis~Haralambous, John~Plaice \and Johannes~Braams\\Never
        again active characters! {$\Omega$}-{Babel}\\418-427<

\sec News \&\\Announcements<
\subsecnn Calendar\\428<
\subsecnn Call for papers: {TUG}\,'96\\429-431<
\subsecnn {TUG}\,'97\Dash {Soliciting} bids for host site\\427-427<
\subsec Michel~Goossens\\Euro{\TeX}\,'95, {Papendal}, {The} {Netherlands},

\sec Late-Breaking\\News<
\subsec Michel~Goossens\\Production notes on the {Russian} papers\\379-379<
\subsec Mimi~Burbank \and Michel~Goossens\\Production notes\\440-440<
\subsecnn Future issues\\440-440<

\sec {TUG} Business<
\subsecnn 1996 {\TeX} {Users} {Group} election\\441-441<
\subsecnn 1996 {TUG} election\Dash nomination form\\441-441<
\subsecnn Institutional members\\442-442<

\sec Advertisements<
\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\443-443<
\subsecnn Index of advertisers\\443-443<

