Path:!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail From: (Norman Walsh) Newsgroups: comp.fonts,comp.answers,news.answers Subject: comp.fonts FAQ: General Info (5/6) Supersedes: <> Followup-To: poster Date: 14 Aug 1996 10:34:33 -0400 Organization: O'Reilly and Associates, Inc. Lines: 1398 Sender: Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu Distribution: world Expires: 27 Sep 1996 14:34:08 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <> Reply-To: (Norman Walsh) NNTP-Posting-Host: Summary: This posting answers frequently asked questions about fonts. It addresses both general font questions and questions that are specific to a particular platform. X-Web-Homepage: Xref: comp.fonts:48302 comp.answers:20516 news.answers:79237 Archive-name: fonts-faq/part5 Version: 2.1.5 Subject: 1.30. Pronounciation of Font Names Below each of the following font names, a suggested English pronounciation is given. This information was collected from a (relatively) long discussion on comp.fonts. If you disagree, or have other suggestions, please let me know. Arnold Boecklin =============== "Ar" as in car, "nold" as in "old" with an "n" on the front. "Boeck" is tricker. The "oe" is actually an umlaut "o" in German, and the closest sound to most English speakers is an "er". So try "Berklin" if you want to come close to the original. Otherwise, just say "Boklin", with a long o, like in "boat". Benguiat ======== Ben-Gat. This according to an ITC brochure. Courier ======= I would pronounce Courier not like Jim Courier, but the French way: Ku-rie, where "Ku" is pronounced like "coo", only short, and "rie" is pronounced "ree-eh". Didot ===== Stressed at the last syllable. "Dee-DOOH" (not nasal). Fette Fraktur ============= "Fet" as in "get" with a "te" that rhymes with "way". "Frak" rhymes with "mock", and "tur" with "tour". Fenice ====== Feh-nee'-chey Garamond ======== "Gara-": Use a french "r" instead of an english one. Both "a"s are pronounced like the "u" in the word "up". "-mond": the last syllable is stressed, and you don't pronounce the "n" and "d", but the whole "ond" is a nasal "o". Hold your nose closed and say "Ooh", then you get the right sound. The "ant" in "Avant-Garde" is very similar to this sound, it is a nasal situated between "a" and "o". Helvetica ========= Hell-veh'-ti-ka Koch Roman ========== Pronounced like scottish `Loch', but with K instead of L. LaTeX ===== Lamport lists lah'-tech, lah-tech', lay'-tech and lay'-tecks as valid on p.4. Last I talked to him he'd settled into lay'-tech which has always been my pronunciation as well. Somewhere, I heard that LL does explicitly rule out L.A.-tech, but he's from northern California which explains a lot. Mos Eisley ========== moss eyes-lee Novarese ======== No-vahr-ay'-zay Palatino ======== pa-la-TEEN-oh Peignot ======= There's some contention here, suggested pronouncations: pay-nyoh' "P" like "P" in `Post", "ei" like "a" in "fan", "gn" like "n" in "noon" plus "y" in "yes", "ot" - long, closed "o" (I don't know English examples), stressed. "P" like "P" in `Post", "ei" like "a" in "many", "gn" like "n" in "noon" plus "y" in "yes", "ot" - long, closed "o" (I don't know English examples), stressed. Sabon ===== Sah-bon' TeX === Rhymes with Blech, (as in "Blech, that tasted awfull!") Veljovic ======== Vel'-yo-vitch Zapf ==== Like "tsapf". The "a" is pronounced like a short version of the well known tongue-depresser vowel "aaahhh". Perhaps a better English analogy would be the "o" in "hop" or "hops". Subject: 1.31. What is it? This section identifies common names for several glyphs. The "@" Character ================= The "at" sign or "commercial at" sign. In the past, it has also meant "each" or "each at". Consider the following example supplied by Clive Burton: Unit Extended Qnty Unit Item Price Price 12 reams bond paper @ 5.50 66.00 Here' "@" means each at or simply each. PostScript calls this the "at" sign. The "#" Character ================= This mark has several common names: 'hash', 'hatch', 'pound sign', and 'octothorp' among them. The name "pound sign" is an Americanism that causes some confusion in countries that use the pound for currency. It was also noted that the # is a medieval abbreviation for Latin "numerus" - it is a cursive 'n' with a horizontal slash through it, much modified and abstracted. One possible derivation of the name "octothorp" was provided by Charles Bigelow: ... old English "thorp" meant 'hamlet' or 'village' (I'm not sure of the difference, except maybe hamlet is smaller, as its apparent diminutive suffix would suggest), and is derived from a much older Indo-European word *treb- for 'dwelling', which turns out to mean 'beam' or 'timber' in Latin "trabs", winding up as "trave" in Anglo-Latin, like "architrave" - the beam resting on a column, or "trab-" as in "trabecula" - a small supporting beam or bar. As Voltaire said, etymology is a science in which the vowels count for nothing and the consonants for very little. So, maybe "octothorp" means "8-beams", which makes a kind of sense if we take the 8 projections to be the thorps, or trabs or traves. Though it's only a "quadrathorp" if we think that the beams connect. Another explanation has it that the octothorp is a "thorp" surrounded by eight cultivated fields. Both of these etymologies received some skepticism amongst the readers who commented on comp.fonts. PostScript calls this the "numbersign". Subject: 1.32. Equivalent Font Names Morgan S. Brilliant, Jon Pastor, and Frank F. Smith have each contributed to the following list of equivalent font names. The following table shows trade/common names and the equivalent names used by other vendors. The vendor or trademark holder's name is shown in parenthesis following each typeface name. Aachen Bold (Letraset) Aardvark (Corel) Activa (Bitstream, Inc.) Kuenstler 480 Ad Lib Adelaide (Corel) Adsans (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Humanist 970 Akzidenz Grotesk (H. Berthold AG) Gothic 725 Albertus (Monotype Corporation plc) Flareserif 821 Aldine 401 (Monotype Corporation plc) Bembo Aldine 721 (Monotype Corporation plc) Plantin Algerian (S. Blake) Algiers (Corel) Allegro Alto (Corel) Amelia (VGC) Amy (Corel) Americana (ATF) Amherst (Corel) Antique Olive (Fonderie Olive) Incised 901 Arnold Bocklin Arabia (Corel) Arquitectura (IC) Architecture (Corel) Avant Garde (ITC) Avalon (Corel) Badloc (IC) Bedrock (Corel) Balloon (ATF) Bassoon (Corel) Bamboo (ATF) Bard (Corel) Bauhaus (ITC) Bahamas (Corel) Bauhaus Heavy (ITC) BahamasHeavy (Corel) Bauhaus Light (ITC) BahamasLight (Corel) BeeBopp (IC) Beehive (Corel) Bembo (Monotype Corporation plc) Aldine 401 Benguit (ITC) Bangkok (Corel) Bernhard Tango (VGC) BallroomTango (Corel) Bisque (VGC) Brisk (Corel) Bitstream Arrust Black BT (Bitstream) Bitstream Arrus Black BT (WordPerfect) Block (H. Berthold AG) Gothic 821 Bodoni Campanile (Ludlow Industries (UK) Ltd.) Modern 735 Bodoni Poster Bodnoff (Corel) Book Jacket (VGC) Brochure (Corel) Bookman (ITC) Brooklyn (Corel) Broadway (ATF) Bravo (Corel) Broadway Engraved (ATF) BravoEngraved (Corel) Brody (ATF) Briquet (Corel) Brush 445 (H. Berthold AG) Palette Brush 738 Bison Brush Script (ATF) Banff (Corel) Busorama (ITC) Bosanova (Corel) Buster (Letraset) Busker (Corel) Cable (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Geometric 231 Calligraphic 421 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Codex Calligraphic 810 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Diotima Carolus Roman Carleton (Corel) Carta (Adobe) GeographicSymbols (Corel) Cartoon Cancun (Corel) Cascade (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Freehand 471 Cascade Script (Adobe) Castanet (Corel) Casino (IC) Carino (Corel) Caslon (ATF) Casablanca (Corel) Caslon Antique (ATF) CasablancaAntique (Corel) Caslon Open Face CasperOpenFace (Corel) Caslon Openfacce (Bitstream) Caslon Openface (WordPerfect) Centaur (Monotype Corporation plc) Venetian 301 Century Old Style CenturionOld (Corel) Champagne (IC) Campaign (Corel) Charlemagne (Adobe) Charlesworth (Corel) Choc (Letraset) Chalk (Corel) Choc (Fonderie Olive) Staccato 555 City (H. Berthold AG) Square Slabserif 711 Codex (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Calligraphic 421 Comic Book (IC) Cosmic (Corel) Comic Book Two (IC) CosmicTwo (Corel) Cooper Black Cupertino (Corel) CopperPlate Gothic (VGC) CopperPot (Corel) Coronet (Ludlow Industries (UK) Ltd.) Ribbon 131 Cottonwood (Adobe) Cottage (Corel) Croissant (Letraset) Crescent (Corel) Decorative 035 (Tetterode Nederland (Lettergieterij Amsterdam)) Profil Delphin Dauphin (Corel) Diotima (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Calligraphic 810 Dom Casual DawnCastle (Corel) Dutch 801 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Times Roman Dutch 801 (Montype Corporation plc) Times Roman Electra (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Transitional 521 Elektrik (VGC) Eklektic (Corel) Englische Screibschrift (H. Berthold AG) English 157 English 157 (H. Berthold AG) Englische Screibschrift Enviro (Letraset) Envision (Corel) Eras (ITC) Erie (Corel) Eras Black (ITC) ErieBlack (Corel) Eras Contour (ITC) ErieContour (Corel) Eras Light (ITC) ErieLight (Corel) Estro (ATF) Expo (Corel) Eurostile (Adobe) Euromode (Corel) Eurostile (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Square 721 Exotic 350 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Peignot Fairfield (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Transitional 551 Fette Fraktur (ITC) Frankenstein (Corel) Firenze (ITC) Florence (Corel) Flareserif 821 (Monotype Corporation plc) Albertus Formal Script 421 (Bitstream, Inc.) Mermaid Formal Script 421 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Ondine Franfurt (TFCo) FrankHighlight (Corel) Frankfurt (TFCo) FrankHighlight (Corel) Franklin Gothic (ITC) FrankfurtGothhic (Corel) Franklin Gothic Heav (ITC) FrankfurtGothicHeavy (Corel) Freehand 471 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Cascade Freehand 521 (Ludlow Industries (UK) Ltd.) Mandate Freehand 575 Jefferson Freehand 591 Bingham Script Freestyle Script (Letraset) Freeport (Corel) Fritz Quadrata (ITC) France (Corel) Frutiger (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Humanist 777 Futura 2 (FTNSA) Fujiyama2 (Corel) Futura Black (Bauer) FujiyamaBlack (Corel) Futura Cnd Extra Bol (FTNSA) FujiyamaExtraBold (Corel) Futura Cnd Extra Bold (FTNSA) FujiyamaExtraBold (Corel) Futura Cnd Light (FTNSA) FujiyamaLight (Corel) Futura Condensed (FTNSA) Fujiyama (Corel) Gallia Galleria (Corel) Garamond (ITC) Gatineau (Corel) Garamond, American Garamond No. 3 Garamond, Classic (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Sabon Garamond, Elegant (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Granjon Garamond, Italian (Officine Simoncini s.p.a.) Simoncini Garamond Garamond, Original (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Stempel Garamond Geometric 231 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Cable Geometric 415 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Metro Geometric 706 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Neuzeit Grotesk Geometric SlabSerif 703 Light (Bitstream) GeometricSlabSerif703Light (WordPerfect) Geometric Slabserif 703 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Memphis Geometric Slabserif 712 (Monotype Corporation plc) Rockwell Geometric Slabserif 712 (Bitstream, Inc.) Slate Gill Sans (Monotype Corporation plc) Humanist 521 Gill Sans Ultra Bold (Monotype) GillbertUltraBold (Corel) Glasnost (C&G) Czar (Corel) Glyphic Series (VGC) Glacier (Corel) Gold Rush (ATF) GoldMine (Corel) Gothic 725 (H. Berthold AG) Akzidenz Grotesk Gothic 821 (H. Berthold AG) Block Goudy Old Style GoldenOldStyle (Corel) Granjon (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Garamond, Elegant Graphik (IC) Griffon (Corel) Graphik Shadow (IC) GriffonShadow (Corel) Hairpin (VGC) Harpoon (Corel) Hammersmith (Bitstream, Inc.) Humanist 521 Hanseatic (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Swiss 924 Harlow (Letraset) Hollow (Corel) Hebrew (Letraset) Alefbet (Corel) Helv. Cnd. Black (Linotype) SwitzerlandCondBlack (Corel) Helv. Cond. Light (Linotype) SwitzerlandCondLight (Corel) Helvetica Arial (Microsoft) Helvetica (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Swiss 721 Helvetica (Linotype) Switzerland (Corel) Helvetica Black (Linotype) SwitzerlandBlack (Corel) Helvetica Condensed (Linotype) SwitzerlandCond (Corel) Helvetica Inserat (Linotype) SwitzerlandInserat (Corel) Helvetica Light (Linotype) SwitzerlandLight (Corel) Helvetica Narrow (Linotype) SwitzerlandNarrow (Corel) Hobo HomewardBound (Corel) Honda (ITC) Heidelberg (Corel) Humanist 521 (Monotype Corporation plc) Gill Sans Humanist 521 (Bitstream, Inc.) Hammersmith Humanist 777 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Frutiger Humanist 970 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Adsans Incised 901 (Fonderie Olive) Antique Olive Incised 901 (Bitstream, Inc.) Provence Industrial 736 (Societea Nebiolo) Torino Informal 011 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Neuland Ionic No. 5 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) News 701 Ironwood (Adobe) Ireland (Corel) Juniper (Adobe) Jupiter (Corel) Kabel Bold KabanaBold (Corel) Kabel Book (ITC) KabanaBook (Corel) Kaufmann (Kingsley/ATF) Koala (Corel) Korinna (ITC) Korinthia (Corel) Kuenstler 480 (Bitstream, Inc.) Activa Kuenstler 480 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Trump Medieval Kunstler Script (Linotype) Kastler (Corel) L.C.D. (Letraset) LiquidCrystal (Corel) Lapidary 333 (Monotype Corporation plc) Perpetua Letter Gothic Monospaced (Corel) Linoscript (Linotype) Linus (Corel) Linotext (Linotype) Lincoln (Corel) Lithos (Adobe) Lithograph (Corel) Lithos Light (Adobe) LithographLight (Corel) Machine (ITC) Motor (Corel) Mandate (Ludlow Industries (UK) Ltd.) Freehand 521 Melior (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Zapf Elliptical 711 Memphis (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Geometric Slabserif 703 Mermaid (Bitstream, Inc.) Formal Script 421 Mermaid (Bitstream) Merlin (Corel) Metro (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Geometric 415 Micr (IC) Keypunch (Corel) Mistral (M.Olive) Mystical (Corel) Mistral (Fonderie Olive) Staccato 222 Modern 735 (Ludlow Industries (UK) Ltd.) Bodoni Campanile Monospace 821 Helvetica Monospaced Neuland (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Informal 011 Neuland Newfoundland (Corel) Neuzeit Grotesk (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Geometric 706 New Baskerville (ITC) Nebraska (Corel) New Century Schoolbo NewBrunswick (Corel) New Century Schoolbook NewBrunswick (Corel) New Yorker (IC) NewOrder (Corel) New Yorker Engraved (IC) NewOrderEngraved News 701 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Ionic No. 5 Nuptial Script Nuance (Corel) Ondine (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Formal Script 421 Optima (Linotype) Ottawa (Corel) Optima (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Zapf Humanist 601 P.T.Barnum (Bitstream) BigTop (Corel) Paintbrush (IC) Palette (Corel) Palatino (Linotype) PalmSprings (Corel) Palatino (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Zapf Calligraphic Palette (H. Berthold AG) Brush 445 Paper Clip (VGC) Pipeline (Corel) Parisian (Kingsley/ATF) Paragon (Corel) Park Avenue (ATF) Paradise (Corel) Peignot (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Exotic 350 Peignot (Linotype) Penguin (Corel) Peignot Light (Linotype) PenguinLight (Corel) Pepita (Monotype) Pepper (Corel) Perpetua (Monotype Corporation plc) Lapidary 333 Plantin (Monotype Corporation plc) Aldine 721 Plaza (Letraset) Playwright (Corel) Ponderosa (Adobe) Posse (Corel) Post Antiqua (H.Berthold AG) ProseAntique (Corel) Poster Bodoni Bodoni-WP (WordPerfect) Present Script (Linotype) President (Corel) Princetown (TFCo) Indiana (Corel) Princetown (TFCo) IndianaSolid (Corel) Profil (Tetterode Nederland (Lettergieterij Amsterdam)) Decorative 035 Provence (Bitstream, Inc.) Incised 901 Pump Triline (Letraset) PowerLine (Corel) Quicksilver (D.Morris) Quantum (Corel) Revival 565 Berling Revue (Letraset) Renfrew (Corel) Ribbon 131 (Ludlow Industries (UK) Ltd.) Coronet Rockwell (Monotype Corporation plc) Geometric Slabserif 712 Sabon (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Garamond, Classic Simoncini Garamond (Officine Simoncini s.p.a.) Garamond, Italian Slate (Bitstream, Inc.) Geometric Slabserif 712 Slogun (ZSoft) Shogun (Corel) Sonata (Adobe) MusicalSymbols (Corel) Souvenir (ITC) Southern (Corel) Square 721 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Eurostile Square Slabserif 711 (H. Berthold AG) City Squire (M.Neugebauer) Scribe (Corel) Staccato 222 (Fonderie Olive) Mistral Staccato 555 (Fonderie Olive) Choc Stempel Garamond (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Garamond, Original Stencil Stamp (Corel) Stop (Nebiolo) Scott (Corel) Surf Style (ITC) Surreal (Corel) Swiss 721 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Helvetica Swiss 911 Helvetica Compressed Swiss 921 Helvetica Inserat Swiss 924 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Hanseatic Symbol (ITC) GreekMathSYmbols (Corel) Symbol (ITC) GreekMathSymbols (Corel) Tekton (Adobe) Technical (Corel) Thor (VGC) Viking (Corel) Thunderbird ThunderBay (Corel) Tiffany (ITC) Timpani (Corel) Tiffany Heavy (ITC) TimpaniHeavy (Corel) Time (Linotype) Toronto (Corel) Times Roman (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Dutch 801 Times Roman (Monotype Corporation plc) Dutch 801 Torino (Societea Nebiolo) Industrial 736 Traffic (T.Hultgren) Trafalgar (Corel) Transitional 521 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Electra Transitional 551 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Fairfield Trump Medieval (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Kuenstler 480 Umbra (Kingsley/ATF) Umbrella (Corel) Univers (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Zurich Univers Black (Linotype) USABlack (Corel) Univers Light (Linotype) USALight (Corel) University Roman (Letraset) Unicorn (Corel) Uptight (ITC) Uptown (Corel) VAG Rounded Vogue (Corel) Venetian 301 (Monotype Corporation plc) Centaur Vivaldi (VGC) Vivienne (Corel) Zapf Calligraphic (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Palatino Zapf Chancery (ITC) ZurichCalligraphic (Corel) Zapf Dingbats (ITC) Dixieland (Corel) Zapf Elliptical 711 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Melior Zapf Humanist 601 (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Optima Zurich (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Univers Zurich (Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries) Univers Some fonts are published by several vendors using the same name. This table shows the typeface name and the vendors that supply it. Generally this means that one vendor licensed the face from another. Augsburger Initials The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft Baskerville Old Face URW, Microsoft Bell MT Monotype, Microsoft Bell MT Bold Monotype, Microsoft Bell MT Italic Monotype, Microsoft Bernhard Modern BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Bernhard Modern Bold BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Bernhard Modern Bold Italic BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Bernhard Modern Italic BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Bitstream Arrus BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Bitstream Arrus BT Bold Bitstream, WordPerfect Bitstream Arrus BT Bold Italic Bitstream, WordPerfect Bitstream Arrus BT Italic Bitstream, WordPerfect BitstreamArrus Black BT Italic Bitstream, WordPerfect Blackletter 686 BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Braggadocio Monotype, Microsoft BriemScript Gunnlaugur SE Briem, Microsoft Britannic Bold URW, Microsoft Brush 738 BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Castellar Monotype, Microsoft Centaur Monotype, Microsoft CommonBullets Corel, Corel Contemporary Brush Filmotype, Microsoft Contemporary Brush B Filmotype, Microsoft Desdemona The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft Eckmann URW, Microsoft Edda The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft Elephant Carter & Cone Type Inc., Microsoft Elephant Italic Carter & Cone Type Inc., Microsoft Engravers' Gothic BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Eurostile URW, Microsoft Eurostile Bold URW, Microsoft Futura Bold URW, Microsoft Futura Medium URW, Microsoft Futura Oblique URW, Microsoft GeometricSlabSerifLight Italic Bitstream, WordPerfect Gill Sans Ultra Bold Monotype, Microsoft Gradl The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft Harrington The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft Humanist 521 Condensed BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Humanist 521 Condensed Bold BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Humanist 521 Light BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Humanist 521 Light Italic BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Impact Monotype, Microsoft Keystroke Corel, Corel Kids Corel, Corel Memorandum ITC, Corel Mistral URW, Microsoft New Caledonia Linotype-Hell AG, Microsoft New Caledonia Bold Linotype-Hell AG, Microsoft New Caledonia Italic Linotype-Hell AG, Microsoft Old English Text MT Monotype, Microsoft Onyx Monotype, Microsoft Onyx BT Bitstream, WordPerfect OzHandicraft BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Parade Filmotype, Microsoft Peignot Medium URW, Microsoft Playbill URW, Microsoft Ransom The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft Ransom Bold The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft Ransom Bold Italic The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft Ransom Italic The Font Bureau, Inc., Microsoft Ribbon 131 BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Shelley Volante BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Stencil URW, Microsoft Stop URW, Microsoft Swiss 721 Black Extended BT Bitstream, WordPerfect Wide Latin URW, Microsoft Wingdings 2 Bigelow & Holmes, Inc., Microsoft Wingdings 3 Bigelow & Holmes, Inc., Microsoft The following table summarizes typeface names for which no equivalent name is known. The vendor is listed for each font. Many of these fonts are builtin to the HP LaserJet line of printers. AdineKirnberg shareware Albertus Extra Bold Hewlett-Packard Albertus Medium Hewlett-Packard American-Uncial-Normal shareware Antique Olive Hewlett-Packard Antique Olive Bold Hewlett-Packard Antique Olive Italic Hewlett-Packard Broadway-WP WordPerfect BroadwayEngraved-WP WordPerfect CG Omega Hewlett-Packard CG Omega Bold Hewlett-Packard CG Omega Bold Italic Hewlett-Packard CG Omega Italic Hewlett-Packard CG Times Hewlett-Packard CG Times Bold Hewlett-Packard CG Times Bold Italic Hewlett-Packard CG Times Italic Hewlett-Packard Century-WP WordPerfect Clarendon Condensed Hewlett-Packard CommercialScript-WP WordPerfect CooperBlack WordPerfect Coronet Italic Hewlett-Packard Eurostile-WP WordPerfect Garamond Antiqua Hewlett-Packard Garamond Halbfett Hewlett-Packard Garamond Kursiv Hewlett-Packard Garamond Kursiv Halbfett Hewlett-Packard Hobo-WP WordPerfect Letter Gothic Hewlett-Packard Letter Gothic Bold Hewlett-Packard Letter Gothic Italic Hewlett-Packard Marigold Hewlett-Packard MurrayHill-WP WordPerfect OldEnglish-WP WordPerfect OldTown-WP WordPerfect Stencil-WP WordPerfect Symbol Microsoft Times New Roman Microsoft Univers Hewlett-Packard Univers Italic Hewlett-Packard Univers Bold Hewlett-Packard Univers Bold Italic Hewlett-Packard Univers Condensed Hewlett-Packard Univers Condensed Bold Hewlett-Packard Univers Condensed Bold Italic Hewlett-Packard Univers Condensed Italic Hewlett-Packard Wingdings Microsoft