Version 0.4 -- 2014-09

  Functional changes
     * In move listings, some moves were shown as capturing that were not,
       some were shown as plain moves, while there were capturing.
     * Starting point marker at i4 was missing at all board displays.
     * Listings were aligned rather poorly, slightly better now.
     * A new language "leibwaechter" derived from "german" but with "L"/"l" for advisors

    Compile bugs-0-3.tex against xq 0.3 to see these bugs in action.

  Documentation and packaging
     * Improvements to xqexample.tex
     * Addition of bugs-0-3.tex demonstrating bugs fixed with 0.4
     * Makefile added (that was used during development)
     * ChangeLog started

  Changes done by:
     * Wolfgang Reher <>
     * Sebastian Pipping <>

Version 0.3 -- 2006-09

  Latest release by Stephan Weinhold