T1Subset v. 1.0 About ===== T1Subset creates a subset of a PostScript Type 1 font. It is a header-only library as the complete functionalities are done in the header. Note that only the unused glyphs are removed; subsetting of subroutines is not currently supported, although this may change in a future version. In addition, only the following built-in encodings are currently supported: StandardEncoding, WinAnsiEncoding, and MacRomanEncoding. Other encodings may be supported in a future version. Compilation =========== Just include the header. See the test file for the usage. Copying ======= This program is released under the GNU General Public License version 3 or newer. See the COPYING file included with this distribution or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Copyright (C) 2020 Peter Frane Jr. Contact ======= Please send any inquries to pfranejr@hotmail.com