
	\Huge sourcecodepro\\
	\Large Adobe's Source Code Pro typeface for \LaTeX
\author{Silke Hofstra, \href{mailto:tex@slxh.nl}{tex@slxh.nl}}
\date{Documentation for sourcecodepro v2.7.\\ \today}

This package provides the Source Code Pro font in an easy to use way. For \hologo{XeLaTeX} and \hologo{LuaLaTeX} users the original OpenType fonts from \href{https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro}{GitHub} are used. The entire font family is included.

This package is also available on \href{https://github.com/silkeh/latex-sourcecodepro}{GitHub}.

The package has the following options:
	\item \textbf{oldstyle, osf}:  use old style numbers.
	\item \textbf{lining, nf, lf}: use lining numbers.
	\item \textbf{black}:          \texttt{\textbackslash bfseries} is black.
	\item \textbf{semibold}:       \texttt{\textbackslash bfseries} is semibold.
	\item \textbf{bold}:           \texttt{\textbackslash bfseries} is bold.
	\item \textbf{light}:          \texttt{\textbackslash mdseries} is light.
	\item \textbf{extralight}:     \texttt{\textbackslash mdseries} is extra light.
	\item \textbf{regular}:        \texttt{\textbackslash mdseries} is regular.
	\item \textbf{scale, scaled}:  Change the scaling with a factor. For example:  \texttt{scale=.5}
	\item \textbf{ligatures}:      Change the ligatures used. For example: \texttt{ligatures=TeX}
	\item \textbf{default}:        Source Code Pro is set as the default font family and as the monotype family.
	\item \textbf{nottdefault}:    Source Code Pro is not set as monospaced family.
	\item \textbf{type1, t1}:      Override automatic detection and use the Type 1 fonts.
	\item \textbf{opentype, otf}:  Override automatic detection and use OpenType fonts.
The following options are enabled by default: lining, proportional, bold and regular.

Commands for all weights are also provided for \hologo{XeTeX} and \hologo{LuaTeX} users.
	\item \texttt{\bfseries \textbackslash sourcecodepro}
		-- the regular and bold weights.
	\item \texttt{\bfseries \textbackslash sourcecodeprolight}
		-- the light and semibold weights.
	\item \texttt{\bfseries \textbackslash sourcecodeproextreme}
		-- the extra light and black weights.

Adobe's Source Code Pro typeface is available under the \href{http://scripts.sil.org/OFL}{SIL Open Font License 1.1}.\\
All \LaTeX\ code is available under the \href{http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/}{\LaTeX\ project public license} v1.3 or later.

Simple specimen can be found on page \pageref{sec:specimen}. Full specimen can be \href{http://adobe-fonts.github.io/source-code-pro/}{acquired from Adobe}. Please note that at the moment Source Code Pro doesn’t have small-caps.

The OpenType fonts have many features, including old style numerals (\texttt{\oldstylenums{1 6 9}})
and stylistic alternatives (\texttt{{\addfontfeature{Style=Alternate}a g}}).

A complete list of available font features is available on page \pageref{sec:otfinfo}. More information on how to use font features can be found in the \href{http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/fontspec/fontspec.pdf}{fontspec documentation}.

The following Type1 font families are included:
	\item SourceCodePro-TLF
	\item SourceCodePro-TOsF
With series ‘el’, ‘l’, ‘m’, ‘mb’, ‘sb’, ‘b’, ‘k’ and shapes ‘n’ and ‘i’.

\section{Version history}
	\item Make the ligatures for the OpenType fonts configurable with the \texttt{ligatures} option.
	\item Update the fonts to Roman v2.030 and Italic v1.050.
	\item Generate fonts without f-ligatures.

	\item Modified the \texttt{\textbackslash liningnums} to accomodate for the missing \texttt{lnum} feature.

	\item Updated the fonts to 2.010R-ro/1.030R-it.

	\item Added the italic fonts (\emph{beta} v1.002).
	\item Added the fixed medium font (v1.020).
	\item Implemented the medium font.

	\item Fixed errors in weight implementation.

	\item Weights are now handled with the \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/mweights}{mweights} package.
	\item Fixed scaling.

	\item Added \texttt{nottdefault} option.
	\item Fixed issue in which font was set as default sans-serif family instead of the default monospaced family.

	\item Merged all \texttt{.sty} files into \texttt{sourcecodepro.sty}.
	\item \texttt{default} option now sets the default font family to \texttt{Source Code Pro}, not \texttt{\textbackslash sfdefault}.
	\item \texttt{type1}, \texttt{t1}, \texttt{opentype} and \texttt{otf} option added to override automatic detection.
	\item Added \texttt{OT1} to \texttt{fontspec} options.
	\item Updated fonts to 1.017.

	\item Removed \texttt{proportional} and \texttt{tabular} options.
	\item Changed the order of \texttt{T1} and \texttt{LY1}.
	\item Changed \texttt{lining}/\texttt{nf} behaviour.
	\item Redefined \texttt{\textbackslash oldstylenums}.

\section{Known issues}
Issues can be reported \href{https://github.com/silkeh/latex-sourcecodepro/issues}{on GitHub}.


At the moment Source Code Pro doesn’t have italics or small-caps.
This table can also be found in \file{sourcecodepro-otf-specimen}.

This table can also be found in \file{sourcecodepro-type1-specimen}.

\section{Opentype features}

The following font features are avalable in the font:

	\begin{tabular}{>{\ttfamily}l l}
		case & Case-Sensitive Forms \\
		ccmp & Glyph Composition/Decomposition \\
		cv01 & Character Variants 1 - simple a \\
		cv02 & Character Variants 2 - simple g \\
		cv04 & Character Variants 4 - serifed i \\
		cv06 & Character Variants 6 - Sami \symbol{"014A} \\
		cv07 & Character Variants 7 - cursive \symbol{"03B2} \\
		cv08 & Character Variants 8 - cursive \symbol{"03B8} \\
		cv09 & Character Variants 9 - cursive \symbol{"03C6} \\
		cv10 & Character Variants 10 - Serbian \symbol{"0431} \\
		cv11 & Character Variants 11 - Cyrillic breve [\symbol{"02D8}] \\
		cv12 & Character Variants 12 - slashed zero [0] \\
		cv14 & Character Variants 14 - typographic hyphen [-] \\
		cv15 & Character Variants 15 - typographic asterisk [*] \\
		cv16 & Character Variants 16 - slashed dollar sign [\$]\\
		cv17 & Character Variants 17 - alternate numeral one [1] \\
		dnom & Denominators \\
		frac & Fractions \\
		mark & Mark Positioning \\
		mkmk & Mark to Mark Positioning \\
		numr & Numerators \\
		onum & Oldstyle Figures \\
		ordn & Ordinals \\
		salt & Stylistic Alternates \\
		sinf & Scientific Inferiors \\
		size & Optical Size \\
		ss01 & Stylistic Set 1 - typographic alternates [-,*] \\
		ss02 & Stylistic Set 2 - simple a, cursive \symbol{"03B2} \\
		ss03 & Stylistic Set 3 - simple g, cursive \symbol{"03B8}, Serbian \symbol{"0431} \\
		ss04 & Stylistic Set 4 - serifed i \\
		ss05 & Stylistic Set 5 - Sami \symbol{"014A}, cursive \symbol{"03C6} \\
		ss06 & Stylistic Set 6 - slashed dollar sign [\$] \\
		ss07 & Stylistic Set 7 - alternate numeral one [1] \\
		subs & Subscript \\
		sups & Superscript \\
		zero & Slashed Zero
