# <- lines with that character are comments
#  Use this as a guide, you will almost certainly need to make changes
# you may very well need supervisor privileges to do all this
#         if your system has such things
# call METAFONT with approriate mode    $1 means: 1st parameter on command line
mf '\mode=nexthi;' '\scrollmode;' '\mag=1;' input $1
#  assuming all went well, move or copy tfm file to appropriate directory
mv $1.tfm /NextLibrary/Fonts/TeXFonts/tfm
#  make a pk file from the gf file   adjust resolution numbers as required
gftopk $1.400gf $1.400pk
#  move/copy the resulting pk file to the right directory on your system
mv $1.400pk /NextLibrary/Fonts/TeXFonts/pk
# remove any files which are no longer needed and return
rm $1.400gf
rm $1.log
rm $1.mf