--- TEXT FILES ---
MANIFEST       this list of files
README         tells a little about the system
UPDATES        changes to collection since first posting
jtexsamp.tex   an include file to pmjintro.tex
license        what rights do you have to use this software
pmC.tex        macro file for Poor Man's Chinese
pmCs.tex         same, but for simplified characters
pmJ.tex        macro file for Poor Man's Japanese
pmcintro.tex   draft guide and sample file for pmC
pmfont.c       source code for fontmaker
pmjintro.tex   draft guide and sample file for pmJ
pmsintro.tex   draft guide and sample file for pmCs
poorman.mf     macro file for METAFONT and pmfont
to_sjis.c      source code for converter to Shift-JIS
MakeFont       sample script (batch) file for running METAFONT
dir a:
--- BINARY FILES  all are font files: input for pmfont ---
cclib.24       simplified chinese characters
jis24          japanese characters
cclibf.24      traditional chinese characters
               (cclibf.24 is scaled up from 16x16
                the world needs a good public domain 24x24 traditional
                chinese font)
----- BINARY FILE For Hewlett Packard users . . .
      in particular for MSDOS to overcome fonts/per/page limitations:
dvixx050.zip    zip-type archive with source and MSDOS executable