2022-06-22 v1.13

   1. Added small circled plus, times and star: \SmCircPlus, and \SmCircTimes.
      Renamed \CircPlus to \LgCircPlus, \CircTimes to \LgCircTimes, and
      \CircStar to \SmCircStar. Added \LgCircStar.

   2. Added circled relation operators: \CircLs, \CircLse, \CircEq,
      \CircSm, \CircGre, and \CircGr.

   3. Added circled arithmetic operators: \CircMinus, \CircPls, \CircPlusMinus,
      \CircMinusPlus, \CircAsterick, \CircDivide, \CircDivd, and \CircTimes.

   4. Added circled logical operators: \CircNd, \CircOr, \CircNt, \CircNand,
      \CircNor, \CircXor, \CircInvNt and \CircNgt.

   5. Added \Catenate as an alternate concatenation operator.

   6. Added \Divd as an alternate division operator.

   7. Add partial function symbols in five different lengths: \SParFunc,
      \ParFunc, \LParFunc, \XParFunc and \VParFunc.

   8. Added four new stretchy delimiters: \OpnDblCeil, \OpnDblFloor,
      \ClsDblCeil and \ClsDblFloor.

   9. Added support for some Refinement Calculus symbols: \ForComp, \End,
      and \Alt.

2022-05-25 v1.12

   1. Added 30 new arrows as additonal variants of existing arrows. Each MapTo,
      Func, and logical implication / equivalence now has 5 length variants
      instead of four.

   2. Tweaked the fixed width soft hyphen U+00AD to be identical to the hyphen
      U+002D to improve consistency. Normally U+00AD is normally not displayed,
      so this only makes a difference when it is forced to be displayed.

   3. Improved documentation for Logic Mono font.

   4. Corrected glyph names, NotOwned changed to NotOwns and SbNotXxx changed
      to NotSbXxx so that NotXxx is consistently the negated form of Xxx and
      so that \NotXxx is consistently the same as \not \Xxx.

   5. Added 4 glyphs for finite subsets: \StrctFntSbset, \NotStrctFntSbset,
      \FntSbset, and \NotFntSbSet.

   6. Added 8 wavy turnstiles: \TurnWavy, \TurnDWavy, \DTurnWavy, \DTurnDWavy,
      and their negations" \NotTurnWavy, \NotTurnDWavy, \NotDTurnWavy, and

   7. Added 20 new arrows: \DashArrowRight, \DashArrowLeft, \HookArrowRight,
      \HookArrowLeft, \FlatArrowRight, \FlatArrowLeft, \ForkArrowRight,
      \ForkArrowLeft, \HarpoonUpRight, \HarpoonUpLeft, \HarpoonDnRight,
      \HarpoonDnLeft, \ZigArrowRight, \ZigArrowLeft, \WavyArrowRight,
      \WavyArrowLeft, \LoopArrowRight, \LoopArrowLeft, \FishArrowRight,
      and \FishArrowLeft.

2021-11-12 v1.11

   1. Added \Choices as an upper case version of \Choice.

2021-07-28 v1.10

   1. Added \Dnd, \Dor, \Dnt, \DAsterisk, \DTimes, \DPlus, \DMinus -- dotted
      conjunction, disjunction, and negation, asterisk, times, plus and minus

   2. Renamed \Lxor to \Mnd (for use with linear logic).

   3. Added linear logic operators: \AAnd, \Aor, \Mnd, \Mor, \OfCrse, \WhyNot,
      \MulMap, \NotMulMap, \MulMapInv, \NotMulMapInv, \MulMapDual, \NotMulMapDual,
      \Coh, \InCoh, \SCoh, \SInCoh, \Perp, \SimPerp, \QuantAAnd and \QuantMor.
      Several of these have multiple uses in linear logic, in particular \Mor,
      \QuantMor, \Perp and \SimPerp.
      Possibly the names and descriptions of these could be improved. Suggestions,
      as always, are welcome. The names assigned here differ from those assigned
      in the cmll package by Emmanuel Beffara (Linear Logic symbols for Computer
      Modern). Their design is consistent with STIX2 rather than Computer Modern.

   4. Added \InvNt

   5. Triple turnstiles added: \TrpTurn, \NotTrpTurn, \DTrpTurn, \NotDTrpTurn.

   6. Added \Owns and \NotOwned.

2021-07-06 v1.09

   1. Corrected \Tild to point to non-monospace version of character.

   2. Added \Cpyrght for non-monospace version of character.

   3. Reverted change from /OpnTurn and /ClsTurn to /OpnForce and /ClsForce since the
      change is non-intuitive and the use as "force" does not appear to be widespread.

   4. Corrected outline for RplcEquvRight.

   5. Added \RplcAllBnd, \RplcAll, \RplcFree, \RplcEquv, \RplcAny, \RplcAnyRight, 
      and \RplcAnyLeft.

   6. \EmptyBunch renamed to \VoidBunch.

   7. The modal operator names were shifted around, with two new sets of modal operators

   8. Added Sheffer's stroke (\Shfr), logical nand (\Lnand) and logical nor (Lnor).

   9. Added zero width space (\NoSpace) as glyph, whereas \KntZZ is not an actual glyph.

  10. Exported \Lxor for logical XOR symbol.

  11. Added \Vmeet and \Vjoin, respectively as up and down hooked arrow.

  12. Added \NtExists, \HdnExists and \HdnForAll, \BnchNtExists, \BnchHdnExists and

  13. Added \SbNd, \SbOr, \SbNand, \SbNor, \SbXor, \SbLs, \SbNotLs, \SbLse, \SbNotLse,
      \SbGre, \SbNoteGre, \SbGr and \SbNotGr.

  14. The LogixProof and LogixSequent environments now use braces for justification
      references rather than brackets.

  15. Added \Cover.

  16. The \Defn symbol sidebearings tweaked to improve readability and the LogixDefn
      environment modified to provide alignment on the definition symbol, which is now
      incorporated into the environment. The LogixAxiom environment has been added to
      provide formatted axioms or postulates.

  17. The LogixTable environment was added to provide a consistent appearance for
      semantic maps and tableau.

  18. The LgcCohrnc and BncCohrnc symbols were renamed to LgcBistab and BncBistab.

  19. The mathtools package is now included automatically.

  20. The Blnk line option was added for the LogixProof and LogixSeqnt environment.

2021-01-17 v1.08

   1. The \OpnTurn and \ClsTurn symbols have been renamed to \OpenForce and \ClsForce,
      respectively, to match existing usage.

2020-09-18 v1.07

   1. The normal sans serif script was moved from the Latin-1 area to the Private Use Area
      removing the last overlap between Logix symbols and Unicode symbols.

   2. The remaining glpyhs in the Latin-1 area were not useful and were removed.

   3. Modified glyphs of the highly regarded BitStream Vera mono font have been incorporated.
      The modifications were make to make the glyphs more consistent with the STIX2 Math
      font. Thus the Logix font can be directly used as a monospace font.

   4. Some older applications may not display correctly when using the Logix font. So
      the monospace glpyhs are also entirely contained in a new Logix Mono font which
      does not contain any other symbols, making it a smaller, lightweight font.

2020-05-24 v1.06

   1. Four symbols were added


2020-05-23 v1.05

   1. Font loading was tweaked to accomodate a change in the luaotfload package
      which broke stretchy delimiters in LuaLaTeX.

   2. Three symbols were renamed.

         \Ng           --> \Ngt
         \DottedCircle --> \DottedCircl
         \Dts          --> \CDots

   3. Several existing symbols were exported:


   4. Two symbols were added


   5. A pair of stretchy delimiters were added


   6. A bold calligraphic script was added.

   7. Since many (most) Unicode fonts do not provide a systematic set of the basic
      geometric shapes in different sizes, 126 new geometric symbols are provided.
      Nine sizes (each) for circles, squares, diamonds, right triangle, left
      triangle, up triangle and down triangle for both white and black variants
      were added. Unlike the existing geometric symbols which are vertically
      centered at 0.25 em for use in logic, these are vertically centered at
      0.50 em for general use, with side bearings of 0.1 em.  The smallest shapes
      have basic dimension of 0.2 em, and each larger shape increases in size by
      0.1 em, up to 1.0 em. These symbols are name:

         \WhiteCircleA ... \WhiteCircleI
         \BlackCircleA ... \BlackCircleI
         \WhiteSquareA ... \WhiteSquareI
         \BlackSquareA ... \BlackSquareI
         \WhiteDiamondA ... \WhiteDiamondI
         \BlackDiamondA ... \BlackDiamondI
         \WhiteRightTriangleA ... \WhiteRightTriangleI
         \BlackRightTriangleA ... \BlackRightTriangleI
         \WhiteLeftTriangleA ... \WhiteLeftTriangleI
         \BlackLeftTriangleA ... \BlackLeftTriangleI
         \WhiteUpTriangleA ... \WhiteUpTriangleI
         \BlackUpTriangleA ... \BlackUpTriangleI
         \WhiteDownTriangleA ... \WhiteDownTriangleI
         \BlackDownTriangleA ... \BlackDownTriangleI

   8. The environments for logic proofs were slightly tweaked for improved readability.

2020-05-01 v1.04

   1. Two new Knot symbols were added, \KntHDASH and \KntVDASH.

   2. A few symbols were renamed to avoid conflict with standard Unicode names.

         \Comma   --> \Coma
         \Number  --> \Numbr
         \Percent --> \Percnt
         \Plus    --> \Pls

2020-03-07 v1.03

   1. Some macros were tweaked which were not expanding correctly in some circumstances.

   2. The "bold-style=ISO" option is now used for unicode-math. This causes \symbf to
      use italic bold, \mathbf remains non-italic. See the unicode-math package
      documentation for more information.

   3. LaTeX2e version 2020-02-02 patch level 5 is now required. Some updates prior to
      patch level 5 were causing errors.

2020-01-04 v1.02

   1. Version number corrected in logix.sty.

   2. Two new stretchy delimiters added.

   3. \DelimS variants added for automatic stretchy delimiter \Delim.

   4. Corresponding updates to README file, documentation and the logix.sty file.

   5. Changes made to match changes in other packages.

2019-07-07 v1.01

   1. Minor additions and corrections to README file, documentation and
      logix.sty comments.

   2. Corrected widths and macro names for several \Knt symbols.

   3. Added \KntlgX macros for changing the height of \Knt symbols.

   4. Added a dozen half width or height symbols to facilitate drawing knot bridges.

   5. Additional examples added to the documentation for using the \Knt symbols.

2019-07-01 v1.00

   Initial release.

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