# Harano Aji Fonts ver. 20231009-2


Harano Aji Fonts (Harano Aji Mincho and Harano Aji Gothic)
are fonts obtained by replacing Adobe-Identity-0 (AI0) CIDs
of Source Han fonts (Source Han Serif and Source Han Sans)
with Adobe-Japan1 (AJ1) CIDs.

There are 14 fonts, 7 weights each for Mincho and Gothic.

* Harano Aji Mincho (based on Source Han Serif)
    + HaranoAjiMincho-ExtraLight
    + HaranoAjiMincho-Light
    + HaranoAjiMincho-Regular
    + HaranoAjiMincho-Medium
    + HaranoAjiMincho-SemiBold
    + HaranoAjiMincho-Bold
    + HaranoAjiMincho-Heavy
* Harano Aji Gothic (based on Source Han Sans)
    + HaranoAjiGothic-ExtraLight
    + HaranoAjiGothic-Light
    + HaranoAjiGothic-Normal
    + HaranoAjiGothic-Regular
    + HaranoAjiGothic-Medium
    + HaranoAjiGothic-Bold
    + HaranoAjiGothic-Heavy

# Packages

There are 2 packages.

* haranoaji package
    + HaranoAjiMincho-Light
    + HaranoAjiMincho-Regular
    + HaranoAjiMincho-Bold
    + HaranoAjiGothic-Regular
    + HaranoAjiGothic-Medium
    + HaranoAjiGothic-Bold
    + HaranoAjiGothic-Heavy
* haranoaji-extra package
    + HaranoAjiMincho-ExtraLight
    + HaranoAjiMincho-Medium
    + HaranoAjiMincho-SemiBold
    + HaranoAjiMincho-Heavy
    + HaranoAjiGothic-ExtraLight
    + HaranoAjiGothic-Light
    + HaranoAjiGothic-Normal

haranoaji package contains the major 7 fonts used in the preset settings
in the following packages.
haranoaji-extra package contains the remaining 7 fonts.

* The packages
    + https://www.ctan.org/pkg/ptex-fontmaps
    + https://www.ctan.org/pkg/luatexja
    + https://www.ctan.org/pkg/zxjafont
    + https://www.ctan.org/pkg/pxchfon

# Examples

## LuaLaTeX

luatexja package ver. 20191117.0 or above is required.

### Single weight





### Multi weight





## XeLaTeX

zxjafont package ver. 0.6 or above is required.

### Single weight





### Multi weight



\section{\sffamily\mdseries 吾輩は\textbf{猫}である}



Copyright (C) 2019-2023
Masamichi Hosoda, with Reserved Font Name 'Harano Aji'.

Copyright 2014-2021 Adobe (http://www.adobe.com/),
with Reserved Font Name 'Source'.

Copyright 2017-2023 Adobe (http://www.adobe.com/),
with Reserved Font Name 'Source'.

Source is a trademark of Adobe in the United States and/or other countries.

This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.