Class::DBI - Simple Object Persistance

         package Film;
         use base qw(Class::DBI);

         # Tell Class::DBI a little about yourself.
         Film->columns('All', qw( Title Director Rating NumExplodingSheep ));
         Film->columns('Primary', 'Title');
         Film->set_db('Main', 'dbi:mysql', 'me', 'noneofyourgoddamnedbusiness');

         #-- Meanwhile, in a nearby piece of code! --#
         use Film;

         # Create a new film entry for Bad Taste.
         $btaste = Film->new({ Title       => 'Bad Taste',
                               Director    => 'Peter Jackson',
                               Rating      => 'R',
                               NumExplodingSheep   => 1

         # Retrieve the 'Gone With The Wind' entry from the database.
         my $gone = Film->retrieve('Gone With The Wind');

         # Shocking new footage found reveals bizarre Scarlet/sheep scene!

         # Grab the 'Bladerunner' entry.
         my $blrunner = Film->retrieve('Bladerunner');

         # Make a copy of 'Bladerunner' and create an entry of the director's
         # cut from it.
         my $blrunner_dc = $blrunner->copy("Bladerunner: Director's Cut");

         # Ishtar doesn't deserve an entry anymore.

         # Find all films which have a rating of PG.
         @films = Film->search('Rating', 'PG');

         # Find all films which were directed by Bob
         @films = Film->search_like('Director', 'Bob %');

       I hate SQL.  You hate SQL.  We all hate SQL.  Alas, we
       often find the need to make our objects persistant and
       like it or not an SQL database is usually the most
       flexible solution.

       This module is for setting up a reasonably efficient,
       reasonably simple, reasonably extendable persistant object
       with as little SQL and DBI knowledge as possible.

       Its uses a scheme to automatically set up accessors for
       each data field in your class.  These accessors control
       access to the underlying database.

       How to set it up

       Here's a fairly quick set of steps on how to make your
       class persistant.  More details about individual methods
       will follow.

       Set up a database.
           You must have an existing database set up, have
           installed and the necessary DBD:: driver module for
           that database.  See the DBI manpage and the
           documentation of your particular database for details.

       Set up a table for your objects to be stored in.
           Class::DBI works on a simple one class/one table
           model.  It is your responsibility to set up that
           table, automating the process would introduce too many
           complications (unless somebody wants to convince me

           Using our Film example, you might declare a table
           something like this:

             CREATE TABLE Movies (
                    Title      VARCHAR(255)    PRIMARY KEY,
                    Director   VARCHAR(80),
                    Rating     CHAR(5),    /* to fit at least 'NC-17' */
                    NumExplodingSheep      INTEGER

       Inherit from Class::DBI.
           It is prefered that you use to do this rather
           than appending directly to @ISA as your class may have
           to inherit some protected data fields from Class::DBI
           and this is important if you're using pseudohashes.

             package Film;
             use base qw(Class::DBI);

       Declare your columns.
           This can be done using columns().  The names of your
           fields should match the columns in your database, one
           to one.  Class::DBI (via Class::Accessor) will use
           this information to determine how to create accessors.

             Film->columns('All', qw( Title Director Rating NumExplodingSheep ));

           For more information about how you can more
           efficiently declare your columns, the section on Lazy
           Population of Columns

       Declare the name of your table
           Inform Class::DBI what table you will be storing your
           objects in.  This is the table you set up eariler.


       Declare which field is your primary key
           One of your fields must be a unique identifier for
           each object.  This will be the primary key in your
           database.  Class::DBI needs this piece of information
           in order to construct the proper SQL statements to
           access your stored objects.

             Film->columns('Primary', 'Title');

       Declare a database connection
           Class::DBI needs to know how to access the database.
           It does this through a DBI connection which you set
           up.  Set up is by calling the set_db() method and
           declaring a database connection named 'Main'.

             Film->set_db('Main', 'dbi:mysql', 'user', 'password');

           set_db() is inherited from Ima::DBI.  See that
           module's man page for details.

           XXX I should probably make this even simpler.
           set_db_main() or something.

           All set!  You can now use the constructors (new(),
           copy() and retrieve()) destructors (delete()) and all
           the accessors and other garbage provided by
           Class::DBI.  Make some new objects and muck around a
           bit.  Watch the table in your database as your object
           does its thing and see things being stored, changed
           and deleted.

       Is it not nifty?  Worship the module.


This is Class::DBI, a perl module.


To install this module, cd to the directory that contains this README
file and type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

To install this module into a specific directory, do:
   perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/name/of/the/directory
   ...the rest is the same...

Please also read the perlmodinstall man page, if available.


You need these other Perl modules...
        Carp::Assert                    0.06 or higher
        Class::Accessor                 0.10 or higher
        Class::Data::Inheritable        0.02 or higher
        Ima::DBI                        0.20 or higher
        Class::Fields                   0.08 or higher